Annotating Student Talk in Text-based Classroom Discussions

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Annotating Student Talk in Text-based Classroom Discussions

                Luca Lugini, Diane Litman, Amanda Godley, Christopher Olshefski
                                      University of Pittsburgh
                                       Pittsburgh, PA 15260

                         Abstract                                    Additionally, studies of student-centered dis-
                                                                  cussions rarely use the same coding schemes,
      Classroom discussions in English Language                   making it difficult to generalize across studies
      Arts have a positive effect on students’ read-              (Elizabeth et al., 2012; Soter et al., 2008). This
      ing, writing, and reasoning skills. Although                limitation is partly due to the time-intensive work
      prior work has largely focused on teacher
                                                                  required to analyze discourse data through quali-
      talk and student-teacher interactions, we fo-
      cus on three theoretically-motivated aspects                tative methods such as ethnography and discourse
      of high-quality student talk: argumentation,                analysis. Thus, qualitative case studies have gen-
      specificity, and knowledge domain. We intro-                erated compelling theories about the specific fea-
      duce an annotation scheme, then show that the               tures of student talk that lead to high-quality dis-
      scheme can be used to produce reliable annota-              cussions, but few findings can be generalized and
      tions and that the annotations are predictive of            leveraged to influence instructional improvements
      discussion quality. We also highlight opportu-
                                                                  across ELA classrooms.
      nities provided by our scheme for educational
      and natural language processing research.                      As a first step towards developing an automated
                                                                  system for detecting the features of student talk
1     Introduction                                                that lead to high quality discussions, we propose
                                                                  a new annotation scheme for student talk during
Current research, theory, and policy surround-                    ELA “text-based” discussions - that is, discussions
ing K-12 instruction in the United States high-                   that center on a text or piece of literature (e.g.,
light the role of student-centered disciplinary dis-              book, play, or speech). The annotation scheme
cussions (i.e. discussions related to a specific                  was developed to capture three aspects of class-
academic discipline or school subject such as                     room talk that are theorized in the literature as im-
physics or English Language Arts) in instruc-                     portant to discussion quality and learning oppor-
tional quality and student learning opportunities                 tunities: argumentation (the process of systemat-
(Danielson, 2011; Grossman et al., 2014). Such                    ically reasoning in support of an idea), specificity
student-centered discussions – often called “dia-                 (the quality of belonging or relating uniquely to
logic” or “inquiry-based” – are widely viewed as                  a particular subject), and knowledge domain (area
the most effective instructional approach for dis-                of expertise represented in the content of the talk).
ciplinary understanding, problem-solving, and lit-                We demonstrate the reliability and validity of our
eracy (Elizabeth et al., 2012; Engle and Conant,                  scheme via an annotation study of five transcripts
2002; Murphy et al., 2009). In English Language                   of classroom discussion.
Arts (ELA) classrooms, student-centered discus-
sions about literature have a positive impact on                  2   Related Work
the development of students’ reasoning, writing,
and reading skills (Applebee et al., 2003; Reznit-                One discourse feature used to assess the quality
skaya and Gregory, 2013). However, most stud-                     of discussions is students’ argument moves: their
ies have focused on the role of teachers and their                claims about the text, their sharing of textual evi-
talk (Bloome et al., 2005; Elizabeth et al., 2012;                dence for claims, and their warranting or reason-
Michaels et al., 2008) rather than on the aspects of              ing to support the claims (Reznitskaya et al., 2009;
student talk that contribute to discussion quality.               Toulmin, 1958). Many researchers view student

    Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pages 110–116
                   New Orleans, Louisiana, June 5, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
reasoning as of primary importance, particularly              3       Annotation Scheme
when the reasoning is elaborated and highly infer-
ential (Kim, 2014). In Natural Language Process-              Our annotation scheme1 uses argument moves as
ing (NLP), most educationally-oriented argumen-               the unit of analysis. We define an argument
tation research has focused on corpora of student             move as an utterance, or part of an utterance, that
persuasive essays (Ghosh et al., 2016; Klebanov               contains an argumentative discourse unit (ADU)
et al., 2016; Persing and Ng, 2016; Wachsmuth                 (Peldszus and Stede, 2013). Like Peldszus and
et al., 2016; Stab and Gurevych, 2017; Nguyen                 Stede (2015), in this paper we use transcripts al-
and Litman, 2018). We instead focus on multi-                 ready segmented into argument moves and focus
party spoken discussion transcripts from class-               on the steps following segmentation, i.e., label-
rooms. A second key difference consists in the                ing argumentation, specificity, and knowledge do-
inclusion of the warrant label in our scheme, as it           main. Table 1 shows a section of a transcribed
is important to understand how students explicitly            classroom discussion along with labels assigned
use reasoning to connect evidence to claims.                  by a human annotator following segmentation.

   Educational studies suggest that discussion                3.1       Argumentation
quality is also influenced by the specificity of stu-
                                                              The argumentation scheme is based on (Lee, 2006)
dent talk (Chisholm and Godley, 2011; Sohmer
                                                              and consists of a simplified set of labels derived
et al., 2009). Chisholm and Godley found that
                                                              from Toulmin’s (1958) model: (i) Claim: an ar-
as specificity increased, the quality of students’
                                                              guable statement that presents a particular inter-
claims and reasoning also increased. Previous
                                                              pretation of a text or topic. (ii) Evidence: facts,
NLP research has studied specificity in the con-
                                                              documentation, text reference, or testimony used
text of professionally written newspaper articles
                                                              to support or justify a claim. (iii) Warrant: rea-
(Li and Nenkova, 2015; Li et al., 2016; Louis and
                                                              sons explaining how a specific evidence instance
Nenkova, 2011, 2012). While the annotation in-
                                                              supports a specific claim. Our scheme specifies
structions used in these studies work well for gen-
                                                              that warrants must come after claim and evidence,
eral purpose corpora, specificity in text-based dis-
                                                              since by definition warrants cannot exist without
cussions also needs to capture particular relations
between discussions and texts. Furthermore, since
                                                                 The first three moves in Table 1 show a natural
the concept of a sentence is not clearly defined in
                                                              expression of an argument: a student first claims
speech, we annotate argumentative discourse units
                                                              that Willy’s wife is only trying to protect him, then
rather than sentences (see Section 3).
                                                              provides a reference as evidence by mentioning
   The knowledge domain of student talk may also              something she said to her kids at the end of the
matter, that is, whether the talk focuses on dis-             book, and finally explains how not caring about
ciplinary knowledge or lived experiences. Some                her kids ties the evidence to the initial claim. The
research suggests that disciplinary learning oppor-           second group shows the same argument progres-
tunities are maximized when students draw on ev-              sion, with evidence given as a direct quote.
idence and reasoning that are commonly accepted
in the discipline (Resnick and Schantz, 2015), al-            3.2       Specificity
though some studies suggest that evidence or rea-             Specificity annotations are based on (Chisholm
soning from lived experiences increases discus-               and Godley, 2011) and have the goal of captur-
sion quality (Beach and Myers, 2001). Previ-                  ing text-related characteristics expressed in stu-
ous related work in NLP analyzed evidence type                dent talk. Specificity labels are directly related to
for argumentative tweets (Addawood and Bashir,                four distinct elements for an argument move: (1)
2016). Although the categories of evidence type               it is specific to one (or a few) character or scene;
are different, their definition of evidence type is           (2) it makes significant qualifications or elabora-
in line with our definition of knowledge domain.              tions; (3) it uses content-specific vocabulary (e.g.
However, our research is distinct from this re-               quotes from the text); (4) it provides a chain of
search in its application domain (i.e. social me-             reasons. Our annotation scheme for specificity in-
dia vs. education) and in analyzing knowledge do-             cludes three labels along a linear scale: (i) Low:
main for all argumentative components, not only
those containing claims.                                          1
                                                                      The coding manual is in the supplemental material.

Move      Stu   Argument Move                                        Argument       Specificity      Domain
  23       S1    She’s like really just protecting Willy from           claim         medium        disciplinary
   24      S1    Like at the end of the book remember how               evidence      medium        disciplinary
                 she was telling the kids to leave and never
                 come back.
   25      S1    Like she’s not even caring about them, she’s           warrant       medium        disciplinary
                 caring about Willy.

   41      S2    It’s like she’s concerned with him trying to            claim          high        disciplinary
                 [inaudible] and he’s concerned with trying
                 to make her happy, you know? So he feels
                 like he’s failing when he’s not making her
                 happy like
   42      S2    ”Let’s bring your mother some good news”               evidence        high        disciplinary
   43      S2    but she knew that, there wasn’t any good                warrant        high        disciplinary
                 news, so she wanted to act happy so he
                 wouldn’t be in pain.

   55      S3    Some people they just ask for a job is just            evidence         low        experiential
                 like, some money.

Table 1: Examples of argument moves and their respective annotations from a discussion of the book Death of a
Salesman. As shown by the argument move numbers, boxes for students S1, S2, and S3 indicate separate, non
contiguous excerpts of the discussion.

statement that does not contain any of these ele-            edge gathered from a text (either the one under
ments. (ii) Medium: statement that accomplishes              discussion or others), such as a quote or a descrip-
one of these elements. (iii) High: statement that            tion of a character/event. (ii) Experiential: the
clearly accomplishes at least two specificity ele-           statement is drawn from human experience, such
ments. Even though we do not explicitly use la-              as what the speaker has experienced or thinks that
bels for the four specificity elements, we found             other humans have experienced.
that explicitly breaking down specificity into mul-             In Table 1 the first six argument moves are
tiple components helped increase reliability when            labeled as disciplinary, since the moves reflect
training annotators.                                         knowledge from the text currently being dis-
    The first three argument moves in Table 1 all            cussed. The last move, however, draws from a stu-
contain the first element, as they refer to select           dent’s experience or perceived knowledge about
characters in the book. However, no content-                 the real world.
specific vocabulary, clear chain of reasoning, or
significant qualifications are provided; therefore           4   Reliability and Validity Analyses
all three moves are labeled as medium specificity.           We carried out a reliability study for the proposed
The fourth move, however, accomplishes the first             scheme using two pairs of expert annotators, P1
and fourth specificity elements, and is labeled as           and P2. The annotators were trained by coding one
high specificity. The fifth move is also labeled             transcript at a time and discussing disagreements.
high specificity since it is specific to one char-           Five text-based discussions were used for testing
acter/scene, and provides a direct quote from the            reliability after training: pair P1 annotated discus-
text. The last move is labeled as low specificity as         sions of The Bluest Eye, Death of a Salesman,
it reflects an overgeneralization about all humans.          and Macbeth, while pair P2 annotated two sepa-
                                                             rate discussions of Ain’t I a Woman. 250 argument
3.3     Knowledge Domain
                                                             moves (discussed by over 40 students and consist-
The possible labels for knowledge domain are: (i)            ing of over 8200 words) were annotated. Inter-
Disciplinary: the statement is grounded in knowl-            rater reliability was assessed using Cohen’s kappa:

Argumen-                                                  pared to low-med and med-high. This is also re-
                               Specificity       Domain
  Moves         tation                                                  flected in the quadratic-weighted kappa as low-
                               (qwkappa)         (kappa)
               (kappa)                                                  high disagreements will carry a larger penalty (un-
    169         0.729              0.874           0.980                weighted kappa is 0.797). The main reasons for
    81          0.725              0.930             1                  disagreements over specificity labels come from
                                                                        two of the four specificity elements discussed in
  Table 2: Inter-rater reliability for pairs P1 and P2.
                                                                        Section 3.2: whether an argument move is related
 Argumentation           evidence       warrant        claim            to one character or scene, and whether it provides
                                                                        a chain of reasons. With respect to the first of these
        evidence             25            5             0
                                                                        two elements we observed disagreements in argu-
        warrant              6            92             12
                                                                        ment moves containing pronouns with an ambigu-
            claim            0             2             27
                                                                        ous reference. Of particular note is the pronoun it.
 Specificity                low         medium         high             If we consider the argument move “I mean even
              low            59            5             3              if you know you have a hatred towards a standard
        medium               5            25             2              or whatever, you still don’t kill it”, the pronoun it
             high            1             6             63             clearly refers to something within the move (i.e.
 Knowledge                discipl-      experi-                         the standard) that the student themselves men-
 Domain                   inary         ential                          tioned. In contrast, for argument moves such as “It
    disciplinary            138            1                            did happen” it might not be clear to what previous
    experiential             0            30                            move the pronoun refers, therefore creating con-
                                                                        fusion on whether this specificity element is ac-
Table 3: Confusion matrices for argumentation, speci-
                                                                        complished. Regarding specificity element (4) we
ficity, and knowledge domain, for annotator pair P1.
                                                                        found that it was easier to determine the presence
                                                                        of a chain of reasons when discourse connectives
unweighted for argumentation and knowledge do-                          (e.g. because, therefore) were present in the ar-
main, but quadratic-weighted for specificity given                      gument move. The absence of explicit discourse
its ordered labels.                                                     connectives in an argument move might drive an-
   Table 2 shows that kappa for argumentation                           notators to disagree on the presence/absence of a
ranges from 0.61 − 0.8, which generally indicates                       chain of reasons, which is likely to result in a dif-
substantial agreement (McHugh, 2012). Kappa                             ferent specificity label. Additionally, annotators
values for specificity and knowledge domain are                         found that shorter turns at talk proved harder to an-
in the 0.81 − 1 range which generally indicates al-                     notate for specificity. Finally, as we can see from
most perfect agreement (McHugh, 2012). These                            the third section in the table, knowledge domain
results show that our proposed annotation scheme                        has the lowest disagreements with only one.
can be used to produce reliable annotations of                             We also (Godley and Olshefski, 2017) explored
classroom discussion with respect to argumenta-                         the validity of our coding scheme by comparing
tion, specificity, and knowledge domain.                                our annotations of student talk to English Ed-
   Table 3 shows confusion matrices2 for annota-                        ucation experts’ evaluations (quadratic-weighted
tor pair P1 (we observed similar trends for P2).                        kappa of 0.544) of the discussion’s quality. Us-
The argumentation section of the table shows that                       ing stepwise regressions, we found that the best
the largest number of disagreements happens be-                         model of discussion quality (R-squared of 0.432)
tween the claim and warrant labels. One reason                          included all three of our coding dimensions: argu-
may be related to the constraint we impose on war-                      mentation, specificity, and knowledge domain.
rants - they require the existence of a claim and
evidence. If a student tries to provide a warrant                       5   Opportunities and Challenges
for a claim that happened much earlier in the dis-
cussion, the annotators might interpret the warrant                     Our annotation scheme introduces opportunities
as new claim. The specificity section shows rel-                        for the educational community to conduct futher
atively few low-high label disagreements as com-                        research on the relationship between features of
                                                                        student talk, student learning, and discussion qual-
    The class distributions for argumentation and specificity
labels vary significantly across transcripts, as can be seen in         ity. Although Chisholm and Godley (2011) and we
(Lugini and Litman, 2017) and (Godley and Olshefski, 2017).             found relations between our coding constructs and

discussion quality, these were small-scale studies             resulting in negative kappa in some cases. Using
based on manual annotations. Once automated                    our scheme to create a corpus of classroom dis-
classifiers are developed, such relations between              cussion data manually annotated for argumenta-
talk and learning can be examined at scale. Also,              tion, specificity, and knowledge domain will sup-
automatic labeling via a standard coding scheme                port the development of more robust NLP predic-
can support the generalization of findings across              tion systems.
studies, and potentially lead to automated tools for
teachers and students.                                         6   Conclusions
                                                               In this work we proposed a new annotation scheme
   The proposed annotation scheme also intro-
                                                               for three theoretically-motivated features of stu-
duces NLP opportunities and challenges. Exist-
                                                               dent talk in classroom discussion: argumentation,
ing systems for classifying specificity and argu-
                                                               specificity, and knowledge domain. We demon-
mentation have largely been designed to analyze
                                                               strated usage of the scheme by presenting an an-
written text rather than spoken discussions. This
                                                               notated excerpt of a classroom discussion. We
is (at least in part) due to a lack of publicly avail-
                                                               demonstrated that the scheme can be annotated
able corpora and schemes for annotating argumen-
                                                               with high reliability and reported on scheme va-
tation and specificity in spoken discussions. The
                                                               lidity. Finally, we discussed some possible ap-
development of an annotation scheme explicitly
                                                               plications and challenges posed by the proposed
designed for this problem is the first step towards
                                                               annotation scheme for both the educational and
collecting and annotating corpora that can be used
                                                               NLP communities. We plan to extend our anno-
by the NLP community to advance the field in
                                                               tation scheme to label information about collabo-
this particular area. Furthermore, in text-based
                                                               rative relations between different argument moves,
discussions, NLP methods need to tightly couple
                                                               and release a corpus annotated with the extended
the discussion with contextual information (i.e.,
the text under discussion). For example, an argu-
ment move from one of the discussions mentioned                Acknowledgements
in Section 4 stated “She’s saying like free like, I
don’t have to be, I don’t have to be this salesman’s           We want to thank Haoran Zhang, Tazin Afrin,
wife anymore, your know? I don’t have to play                  and Annika Swallen for their contribution, and all
this role anymore.” The use of the term salesman               the anonymous reviewers for their helpful sugges-
shows the presence of specificity element (3) (see             tions.
Section 3.2) because the text under discussion is                 This work was supported by the Learning Re-
indeed Death of a Salesman. If the students were               search and Development Center at the University
discussing another text, the mention of the term               of Pittsburgh.
salesman would not indicate one of the specificity
elements, therefore lowering the specificity rating.
Thus, using existing systems is unlikely to yield
good performance. In fact, we previously (Lug-                 Aseel Addawood and Masooda Bashir. 2016. ”what is
                                                                 your evidence?” a study of controversial topics on
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                                                                 social media. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop
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                                                                 and Adam Gamoran. 2003. Discussion-based ap-
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