General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish

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General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish

General Enrollment Information

 Tuition & Admission Policies
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish
OLGC Catholic Pre-Kindergarten
                             1151 William Street
                          Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Welcome to Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Pre-Kindergarten!
We appreciate that you have taken the opportunity to join with the OLGC School
community in the beginning stage of your child’s Catholic educational journey. Our
Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Pre-Kindergarten is fully licensed by the State of
Michigan Department of Human Services. Our classroom and play areas meet the
state licensing standards, while also meeting the educational needs of all four-year-old
students enrolled in our full-day program. We are happy and eager to familiarize you
with our Pre-Kindergarten curriculum, which will provide our young students with the
opportunity to be prepared and successful as they go through elementary school.

OLGC Pre-Kindergarten is a faith-based program focusing on the Image of God Pre-K
religious program to deepen the growing needs of each child in a developmentally
appropriate way. Our approach, with the assistance of this spiritual program, is to
educate all students according to their spiritual, intellectual, physical, social and
emotional needs by providing a balanced curriculum that encompasses a combination of
teacher-directed and child-directed involvement through our daily experiences

OLGC Pre-Kindergarten does not discriminate against students in admission or
participation in any school program or activities on the basis of race, ethnic origin,
sex, or handicap which is unrelated to the student’s ability to utilize and benefit from
the educational opportunities, programs, and facilities offered by our school.
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish
OLGC believes…
   • Pre-Kindergarten should be a learning environment where ALL children feel
     safe and are free to explore through resources and opportunities presented to
     them in a positive manner. Students will be introduced to readiness skills in fun
     and interesting ways.
   • Each child can practice problem-solving skills, readiness skills, responsibility,
     socialization, independence, courtesy and compassion for each other.
   • Parents are an essential connection in a child’s success, and we encourage
     communication to create a strong partnership between school and home.
   • By engaging in many open-ended activities, young students will be challenged to
     use methods of observation, discussion, and individual thought process to guide
     them in their learning.
   • Children will become lifelong learners when learning about their world through
     positive, nurturing and loving interactions in ALL learning situations.

The OLGC Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum is intended to expose students to our
fundamental Catholic teachings, language, math, motor skills, art, music, and technology
by focusing on these key areas.

   •   SPIRITUAL: To assist children in becoming aware of God and how He has
       created each of them in a truly special and unique way.
   •   SOCIAL: To help children feel comfortable in school, create trust in their new
       environment, make new friends and to feel that they are part of a group. It is a
       time to have children learn to interact with peers and adults appropriately in the
       classroom setting.
   •   INTELLECTUAL: To provide a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate
       for Pre-Kindergarten children with a focus on Catholic teachings, literacy, math,
       science and technology.
   •   EMOTIONAL: To help children feel a sense of pride and self-confidence,
       develop more independence and self-control and to encourage students to ask
       questions, solve problems, and use words to describe their thoughts,
       observations, and feelings in different situations.
   •   PHYSICAL: To assist children in increasing both large and small motor skills and
       feel confident about what they can do.
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish
The OLGC Pre-Kindergarten daily schedule includes active and quiet time in the
following ways:

   •   Circle and Group Time: Each day our students will participate in prayers,
       Pledge of Allegiance, calendar, songs and creative movement, show and tell,
       rhythmic reading, storytelling and group skills.

   •   Learning Center Time: A variety of activities will be continually presented to
       enhance the learning experience. Some activities include drawing and coloring,
       dramatic play, library corner, puzzles, blocks, board games, books, clay
       modeling, sensory table and painting.

   •   Prayer and Faith Time: Incorporating the Image of God program into the daily
       routine, will help children learn about different Bible stories, songs, praying
       together and learning about Jesus. This program is designed to involve students
       with lessons to develop a greater understanding of their faith as they worship.

   •   Project Time: Different projects to enhance the curriculum and skills being
       taught will be introduced each week depending on the particular theme.
       Students will work on learning the alphabet, learning numbers, and becoming
       more familiar with colors and shapes.

   •   Motor Skills: Time will be set aside for physical play using large motor skills
       each day. Physical education class is part of the weekly schedule.

   •   Snack Time: Time is set aside each day for students to learn about washing
       hands, saying prayers before meals, and sitting down to have snack in a large
       group setting.

   •   Rest Period: Time is set aside each day for students to have a rest/nap period
       before continuing on with the remainder of the day.
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish

   •   Begin to instill our Christian values with the support of the Image of God faith
       series and other religious materials to support the Catholic faith
   •   Acquire academic skills based on the State standards
   •   Encourage cooperation, choice making and consideration of others
   •   Develop problem-solving skills
   •   Nurture a sense of independence and responsibility
   •   Encourage and promote self-help skills
   •   Promote skills of observation, listening and questioning
   •   Inspire socialization, creativity, discovery, imagination, and exploration


Pre-Kindergarten for the 2017-2018 school year we will offer the following program:
FULL DAY with after school care availability (Latchkey is available until 6:00pm).
Snacks will not be provided for Pre-Kindergarten students. Please bring a healthy
snack each day.

Class size is limited to a maximum of 16 students during our full-day session. Students
will be admitted based on completion of registration guidelines and space availability.
OLGC Catholic School has the primary obligation to those children who are siblings of
students currently enrolled in other grades and to parishioners of OLGC: after that,
students will be admitted on a space availability, first-come, first-served basis.

If the program is full, families will be informed by the school office that they have
been placed on a waiting list. If this occurs a family has the following options:
   • Withdraw their registration, at which time their family name will be removed
      from the waitlist and their registration will be returned.
   • Remain on the waitlist; registration payment will be held until there is a possible
      opening or it may be returned upon request.
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish

All Pre-Kindergarten students must be escorted to and from the classroom by an
adult. Parents need to allow enough time to sign–in and sign-out in the daily
attendance log at the check in area. Parents will need to initial next to their child’s
name in the attendance log. Children are expected to hang up their own backpacks and
coats upon arrival to the classroom. A designated tagged area for Pre-Kindergarten
parking will be made available to all currently enrolled families.

Students will be dismissed promptly at the end of the session. The classroom
teacher/aide will call the student’s name and the parent will need to initial in the
attendance log next to their child’s name. These procedures are part of the
requirement for State of Michigan licensing. If someone other than the individuals
listed on the OLGC School Emergency Card is to pick up your child, the classroom
teacher and the school office must be notified ahead of time. PLEASE remind anyone
to bring his or her identification for verification. Students will only be dismissed to
an authorized person and/or parent.

Since our first priority at all times is the close supervision of our students, it is best
not to attempt to have a conference with the classroom teacher during arrival and
dismissal times. If there is a matter that needs immediate attention, please feel free
to provide a note or schedule a conference that will be convenient for all parties


For the safety of all children, OLGC Catholic School adheres to the following basic
   • Entrance to the Pre-Kindergarten areas will be kept locked throughout the
       school day. Parents will only be able to enter the school through the secured
       main entrance during the school hours.
   • No child will ever be left alone or unsupervised.
   • No child will be allowed to cause bodily harm to other children.
   • Staff members have immediate access to contact parents due to illness or an
   • Emergency procedures along with fire, emergency, and weather alert plans are
       posted by classroom exits.
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish
•   Safety drills (fire, tornado, & lockdown) are conducted, and a record of these is
       kept in the main school office. All exits are marked and smoke alarms are
       tested on a regular basis to ensure that they are in proper working order.
   •   Incident reports will be completed and a copy will be given to parent(s) on the
       day an accident occurs.

Pre-Kindergarten classes will have planned outings during the school year. Each field
trip is planned with an educational purpose. Parents will receive information with
details well in advance of the scheduled outing. Parents who are interested in driving
or chaperoning on any school related field trip must follow the guidelines for
volunteering for special activities and field trips in accordance with the Archdiocese
of Detroit stated below.


Volunteering is a terrific way to partner with and be involved in your child’s
educational Pre-Kindergarten experience. Parents are encouraged to participate in
special activities and projects, field trips, preparation of classroom materials, or in
other ways throughout the year. In accordance with the Archdiocese of Detroit
regulations, all employees and volunteers are subject to a criminal background check
and must complete the “Protecting God’s Children” Program. The OLGC School office
can provide forms and more details regarding volunteer requirements.

Listed below are some basic guidelines when volunteering in the Pre-Kindergarten at
   • Get permission from the teacher for day and time to volunteer with the
      understanding of following the classroom rules for the day.
   • Wash hands and wear food gloves when assisting with snacks or serving food.
   • Follow the lead of teacher/aide in the classroom.
   • Interact with children by sitting at their level, observing their work/play, and
      becoming an active participant when appropriate.
   • Refrain from discussions regarding behavior/performance of children in the
      room with other individuals outside the classroom setting.
   • Refrain from engaging in discussing specific issues with the teacher/aides while
      volunteering. Continual supervision is imperative.
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish

At OLGC Catholic School the health and well-being of our students is a top priority.
In order to prevent the spread of germs and disease, parents are asked to adhere to
the following policies: (See the OLGC Parent Handbook for additional information.)
   • We encourage parents to take their child to the bathroom PRIOR to entering
      the classroom each day.
   • If a child has any symptoms of a contagious disease, they should be kept home
      from school. These signs include: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, swollen glands, sore
      throat, cough and/or respiratory symptoms, eye/nasal discharge that is not
      clear, itching or any type of rash.
   • Students who have had a fever or stomach problem must be free of these
      symptoms for a full 24 hours before returning to school.
   • If a child has been taking prescribed antibiotics, he or she must have completed
      a 24-hour cycle of medication before returning to the classroom.
   • PLEASE report ALL communicable diseases (i.e., chickenpox, measles, mumps,
      roseola, scarlet fever, pink eye, strep throat, head lice, impetigo, etc.) to the
      school office and classroom teacher as soon as possible. If there is indication
      of a communicable disease, the student will be sent home immediately. A
      general confidence notice will be sent home to all parents with information on
      the specific case. A student with a communicable disease may not attend
      school until he/she is fully recovered.


Our State of Michigan license only permits students who are fully toilet trained. We
assume all children are toilet trained when enrolled. We do understand that accidents
occur and will assist when needed. However, if there is continual repeated evidence
that a child is NOT FULLY POTTY TRAINED, OLGC Pre-Kindergarten administration
reserves the right to withdraw the student (please refer to our Refund/Withdrawal
Policy included within this document).
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish

Uniforms are not required for Pre-Kindergarten students. Comfortable and washable
clothing with elastic pants and easy snaps are recommended for children in the
classroom. BELTS and TIGHTS are not permitted, as they are often times restrictive
for students in the restroom. Since clothing can get dirty or damaged, a change of
clothes including extra shirt, pants, socks, and underwear labeled in a LARGE
GALLON-sized Ziploc bag should be kept in your child’s backpack AT ALL TIMES in
case of accidents, paints spills, food spills, etc.

Each year parents receive a school calendar that reflects scheduled breaks and
holidays. The Pre-Kindergarten will follow the OLGC Catholic School closing decisions.
Watch local channels for school closing updates. Families will also receive a phone
message from the school office if school has been closed for any reason. We follow
the Plymouth/Canton Public School closing guidelines.

Our school may close for circumstances other than weather as deemed necessary by
the parish office or the Archdiocese of Detroit.

OLGC Pre-Kindergarten classes will begin after Labor Day. Prior to the beginning of
school, parents will receive scheduling information regarding a parent/student “Meet
and Greet” session in late August, school supply list, daily drop off and pick up
instructions, and other important details parents will need to know prior to the start
of class.

Regular parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled at least once a year or as
needed to share information regarding a child’s experience and progress in our Pre-
Kindergarten program. Parents wanting to discuss a child’s progress or any other
General Enrollment Information Tuition & Admission Policies - Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 - OLGC Parish
subject matter should not attempt to have discussions during class hours. The
classroom teacher will provide a school email address for parents to use at any time to
schedule an appointment or to ask questions. Emails will be answered at the teacher’s
earliest convenience.

OLGC Catholic School and Pre-Kindergarten occasionally engage in various
correspondences with our families, students, parish, faculty, and other members of
the community regarding activities and educational happenings within our school
community. We maintain our website on the internet, create publications for our
OLGC Parish bulletin and school newsletter and publish articles in community
newsletters as well as other technological productions as a form of up-to-date
communication. Parents must sign the Archdiocese of Detroit Authorization to Use
Student Images Policy section located in the 2017/2018 Registration Form or
Handbook whether they “DO” or “DO NOT” give their authorization according to the
following terms and provisions:

   •   Parents authorize OLGC Catholic School to use, display, adapt, copy, modify and
       post any such images, now or in the future, as the school deems appropriate, in
   •   Parents understand and agree that there will be no compensation of any kind
       provided the parents or students to the school, or by any third party, for the
       images for this authorization and rights granted to the school by the parents.
   •   Parents may cancel their authorization at any time by signing a non-release
       form and delivering it to the school at 1151 William Street, Plymouth, MI
       48170. In addition, parents may, at any time, direct the school in writing at this
       same address to remove any particular image from its website. Within a
       reasonable time after such direction, the school will remove the images of the
       students from its website and delete them from further publications.
   •   The school will not be liable to the parents and/or the students, regardless of
       the form of action or theory of recovery, for any direct, indirect, incidental,
       consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages in connection with, or in
       any way related to, the authorization of the school’s use of the images of the
       students authorized on the registration form.
   •   Parents understand that by signing the registration form they have made this
       authorization based solely on their judgment and not on any representations or
       promises from the school. The Image Use Policy referenced above constitutes
       the entire agreement with respect to the school’s use of the images. This
       policy may be amended or supplemented upon written communication from the
       school to the parents.
                     2017/2018 SCHOOL YEAR

   •   Be at least four years of age by SEPTEMBER 1st of the same year.
   •   Be FULLY potty-trained (NO pull-ups).
   •   Provide a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate at the time of registration.
   •   Submit an Immunization & Health Form certified by a health care organization
       or a physician by the designated deadline and the Statement of Good Health
   •   Submit the signed Parent Notification of the Licensing Notebook Form from
       the State of Michigan.
   •   Enrollment will be considered to be complete when all information, forms, and
       required payment(s) have been received by the designated deadlines.


All children must comply with the State of Michigan required immunization and health
laws prior to admission. A Health Appraisal Form must be completed and certified by
a health care organization or a physician on or before the first day of school. Should
a parent or parents of a student choose not to have their child immunized, a waiver
must be signed by the parents and kept on file in the OLGC school office. For current
requirements, parents may visit the State of Michigan website at


Medications: Due to State of Michigan, Archdiocese of Detroit, and OLGC policies,
along with insurance regulations, we have the following regulations regarding
   • Parents may administer any medicine to their own child (ren) at school.
   • School personnel may not administer any medication, prescription, or over-the-
      counter medicine, without signed physician forms and written directions from
      the parent(s) and the child’s doctor. ALL prescription medication must be in its
      original container(s). Physician forms are available in the school office. These
forms must contain the drug name, dose, time, method of administration, and
       duration (length of time for the medication to be dispensed) and must be on file
       in the school office.

Inhalers and epi-pens at school: In accordance with Public Act 10 of 2000 (AOD
Policy 5010), students may use metered dose asthma inhalers or epinephrine auto-
injectors (epi-pens) or epinephrine inhalers provided written approval to use these
devices from the licensed physician and parents is received by the OLGC School
Principal, along with a written emergency care plan. The principal will notify the
student’s classroom teacher.

For all medical considerations, parents must complete a Comprehensive Health
Information Form.

The following required forms must be submitted to the school office at the time of
registration. (Please contact the school office @ 734-453-3053 regarding the
registration process and financial matters.)


   •   Pre-Kindergarten 2017-2018 Registration Form
   •   Registration fee payment
   •   Copy of birth certificate
   •   Completed and signed State of Michigan Parent Notification of the Licensing
       Notebook form
   •   Completed and signed Statement of Good Health form
   •   Copy of Baptismal Certificate
Forms/Information to be submitted on the first Day of School or by
communicated dates

   • Child Information Sheet *
   • Criminal Background Check Form (needed prior to volunteering in the classroom)
   • T-shirt form*
   • Immunization and Health Appraisal Form
   • Completed Comprehensive Health Information Form
   • Copy of custody papers, if applicable
*Indicates forms handed out by classroom teacher

After the OLGC School office has received all required paperwork and your
registration has been accepted, a statement will be mailed to the home address and
will reflect terms and dates based upon the payment option selected at the time of a
family registration.


At OLGC we understand the sacrifices made by each family to ensure a quality
Catholic education for your children. The tuition rates are based upon what it takes
to provide each student in our program with the best possible educational opportunity
at an affordable cost. Because tuition alone does not completely cover the cost of
educating our students each year, OLGC Parish contributes a significant amount to
offset the school’s budget.

Please refer to the tuition payment plan provided in the school registration packet.

Since tuition and fees reflect purchases and hiring policies that have already been put
into place, refunds will only be given in accordance with the following criteria:

   •   Applications are due by February 10, 2017 for the 2017/2018 school year for NEW
       families to our school AND February 16, 2017 for CURRENT school families.
   •   Siblings of currently enrolled students are given first priority. Children of parish
       members receive first consideration for admission. Children of other Catholic parishes
       are considered next. Non-Catholic children may be admitted when there is space
       available, but only if their parents agree to their children's participation in the
       integrated religious education program offered by the school.
   •   To qualify for in parish tuition, a family must be registered at OLGC. They must
       participate in weekly attendance at mass (barring the obvious), and participate in
       parish activities and fundraising. The measurement for weekly attendance will be the
       use of offertory envelopes.
   •   Tenure in the parish, as determined by parent date of registration in the parish, shall
       determine admission priority.
   •   Applicants accepted for admission will be notified by April.
   •   A new list for each grade level will be made every year based on parent date of
       registration in the parish with all applications received by February 16th of that year.
   •   No refunds, credit, or reduction will be given due to absences, vacations, snow days,
       illness, holidays, etc.
   •   No refunds will be given for any portion of a month’s tuition. If a child attends during
       any portion of a given month, payment for the full month is owed.
   •   If a student leaves the school, only prepaid tuition (not fees) will be refunded based on
       unused months remaining.
   •   If a family withdraws from school and has previously negotiated special financial
       terms, tuition owed will be calculated.
   •   If a student is asked to leave for any reason(s) as described in the OLGC School
       Handbook, no refunds will be given for any fees.
   •   The school office reserves the right to amend the refund policy for families who
       experience extenuating circumstances resulting in withdrawal (i.e., hardship, health,
Our Lady of Good Counsel
                                       Catholic Parish School

                                       REGISTRATION APPLICATION

This application does not assure final enrollment, but provides information upon which a decision
will be based. If you are offered a class position, and choose not to accept, your application will
become inactive. You must reapply to be considered for future years.

Student Legal Name _________________________________________________________________________________________
                    Last                                    First                            Middle

Address _______________________________________ City______________________________ State ______ Zip ___________

Telephone_____________________ Gender _____ Date of Birth _____________ Birthplace _______________________

FOR STATE REPORTS: (Please circle one)

American Indian         Caucasian Hispanic African-American Asian Multi-Racial Pacific Islander

Does the applicant speak or understand a language other than American English? _____Yes _____ No If Yes, which?

Was the student baptized Catholic? ___Yes ___ No If Yes, Church of Baptism ______________________ City ______________________

Is the student potty/toilet trained? ____Yes ____No (The child must be potty/toilet trained prior to beginning pre school)


Father Step-Father Guardian Deceased                         Mother Step-Mother Guardian Deceased

Catholic _____ Yes _____ No                                  Catholic _____ Yes _____ No

Name _________________________________________               Name ______________________________________________

Home address _______________________________                 Home address ____________________________________

City/State/Zip _______________________________               City/State/Zip ____________________________________

Home Phone _____________ Cell ______________                 Home Phone _______________ Cell __________________

Email address _______________________________                Email address _____________________________________

Employer ____________________________________                Employer __________________________________________

Job Title ________________ Phone _____________               Job Title ______________ Phone _____________________
School Student is now attending: ______________________________________________________________

 in the City of ___________________________________________, State ______ Zip ____________________

 Are you registered at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish? ______ Yes ______ No

 If No, the name of the parish you are registered, and the date you registered:

 Parish: ________________________________________________ Date Registered: ___________

 Parents are: (Please circle one)

 Residing together Divorced Separated Deceased: ___Mother ___Father

 Student resides with: _____________________________________________________________________________________

 Legal Custody:

 Father Mother Step-father Step-Mother Guardian ________________________________

 Are there any special custody circumstances which the school should be made aware of? Please


 A copy of custody clause in divorce cases or guardianship must be on file in the school office. Both
 parents must be agreeable to the student attending OLGC Parish School.

 Indicate All Persons that Should Receive Mail:

 Father    Mother      Step-Father     Step-Mother       Guardian ____________________________________

Student Background                                                                                   Yes          No
Do you currently owe any outstanding balance at the applicant’s current school?
Is the applicant ineligible to return to any previously attended school?
Has the student ever had any disciplinary difficulty in school? If Yes, please explain:

                                              ADMISSION POLICY
Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Parish School is committed to quality education within a
Christian environment. Consistent with this commitment, the OLGC Parish School Advisory
Committee has established an admissions policy which fosters family involvement in the parish.

OLGC Parish School does not discriminate against students in admission or participation in any
school program or activity on the basis of race, ethnic origin, sex, or handicap which is unrelated to
the student's ability to utilize and benefit from the educational opportunities, programs and
facilities offered by the school.

Siblings of currently enrolled students are given first priority. Children of parish members receive
first consideration for admission. Children of other Catholic parishes are considered next. Non-
Catholic children may be admitted when there is space available, but only if their parents agree to
their children's participation in the integrated religious education program offered by the school.

All students are expected to participate in all instructional programs offered by the school. Parents
are expected to support and cooperate with all educational and administrative policies of the
school. Parents who do not abide by school policies or instructional programs and/or who are
disruptive in their actions to such may be asked to withdraw their children from the school.

At OLGC we strive to help our students be successful both spiritually and academically. In order to
ensure OLGC is the proper environment, each new student will be admitted to our program on a
probationary basis for one semester. If there is a consistent concern regarding poor behavior, poor
attitude, or inattention to academics during this probationary time, the student may be asked to

Admission requirements:
•For preschool the child must be 4 by September 1st. (State Law)
•All children entering preschool must be potty/toilet trained.
•To qualify for in parish tuition, a family must be registered at OLGC, they must participate in
 weekly attendance at Mass (barring the obvious), and participate in parish activities and
 fundraising. The measurement for weekly attendance will be the offertory envelopes.
•Tenure in the parish, as determined by parent date of registration in the parish, shall determine
 admission priority.
•To be eligible for the school year in August, the application must be received before the preceding
 February 10th.
•Applicants accepted for admission will be notified by April, at which time a formal registration fee
 is required.
 •Acceptance to Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish School in preschool is granted only after receiving
 and evaluating all prior school and academically relevant records. This includes but is not limited
 to prior report cards; CA-60 files; medical and or psychological reports and evaluations; and
 accommodation or IEP service plans. Admission is also based on completion and review of our
 school’s grade level assessment test.

Students who were not recommended for promotion in their previous school will not be accepted
to the next grade at O.L.G.C. Students requiring special support services will be considered on an
individual basis and must be able to perform in a regular classroom. Their status will be reviewed
annually by the Principal. We reserve the right to deny admission to any child whose needs we do
not have the resources and ability to meet, or whose parents are motivated by concerns not
consistent with the goals of the school or the policies of the Archdiocese of Detroit. If this is
determined, parents may be requested to place the child in a school elsewhere.
All students shall comply with State of Michigan required Immunization and Health laws prior to

Since it is the prime objective of OLGC to keep families together, children on the waiting list will be
given top priority if it should occur that a sibling be accepted in a given year.

It is important to emphasize that tuition alone does not cover the cost of educating your
child/children for a school year. Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) Parish contributes a substantial
subsidy to each student to help offset the cost of his/her education. Accordingly, families are
expected to demonstrate active participation in the parish and provide financial support. To qualify
for in-parish tuition, a family must be registered at OLGC Parish, must participate in weekly
attendance at mass (barring the obvious), and participate in parish activities and fundraising. The
measurement for weekly attendance will be the offertory envelopes.

I certify that I am seeking enrollment for my child at OLGC Parish School and that he/she has not
been expelled from his/her previous school or district. I understand that any false, misleading or
omitted information will be considered grounds for removal and dismissal from school. I also agree
to notify the school if any of the above information changes prior to attending OLGC Parish School.

I have read and will comply with the current Admission Policies.

_______________________________________    _______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature                                  Date

_______________________________________    _______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature                                  Date

                                                               For Office Use Only
                                                        Date Received:
                                                        Parish Reg. Date:
You can also read