1333 Sixth Street - City of Berkeley

Page created by Bernard Rice
1333 Sixth Street - City of Berkeley
Z                O                  N                  I             N                   G
                               A D J U S T M E N T S
                               B                     O                      A                       R                   D
                               S t a f f                                        R e p o r t
                                                                                             FOR BOARD ACTION
                                                                                                  APRIL 22, 2021

1333 Sixth Street
Use Permit #ZP2019-0191 to change the use of less than 25% of the gross
floor area within an existing 17,220 square-foot, one-story industrial
building from material recovery enterprise to auto repair and service,
located in a newly established new tenant space, thereby converting one
tenant space into two tenant spaces.

I.   Background
     A. Land Use Designations:
        • General Plan: M - Manufacturing
        • Zoning: MU-LI –Mixed-Use Light Industrial District

     B. Zoning Permits Required:
        • Use Permit to establish an automobile repair and service use, pursuant to Berkeley
          Municipal Code (BMC) Section 23E.80.030.
        • Administrative Use Permit to change the use of less than 20,000 square feet and
          less than 25% of the gross floor area used for material recovery enterprise to auto
          repair and service use, pursuant to BMC Section 23E.80.045.C.

     C. CEQA Recommendation: It is staff’s recommendation to ZAB that the project is
        Categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the CEQA
        Guidelines. The determination is made by ZAB.

     D. Parties Involved:
        • Applicant                       Carter Leung, Studio KDA, Berkeley
        • Property Owner                  Jonathan Yi, 2037 Durant Avenue, Berkeley

     1947 Center Street, Second Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704 Tel: 510.981.7410     TDD: 510.981.7474   Fax: 510.981.7420
                                              E-mail: zab@cityofberkeley.info
1333 Sixth Street - City of Berkeley
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APRIL 22, 2021                                                                                            Page 2 of 12

Figure 1: Vicinity Map






  MU-LI:        Mixed-Use Light Industrial District
  M:            Manufacturing District
  MU-R:         Mixed-Use Residential District
  R-1A:         Limited Two-Family Residential District

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               Figure 3: Site Plan

                                                Bus Yard, 1314 Seventh Street

                                                                                                                                             Seventh Street
Sixth Street

                                                                                            Camelia Street

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Figure 4: Floor Plan (Existing and Proposed)

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Table 1: Land Use Information
                                                                                 Zoning                General Plan
              Location                           Existing Use
                                                                                 District              Designation
                                      Material Recovery Enterprise 1
    Subject Property
                                      (MRE) (vacant)
                      North           BUSD Bus Depot
                                      Private Parking Lot (Picante                MU-LI               Manufacturing
    Surrounding                       Restaurant)
    Properties        East            Warehouse/Office
                                      Food Service Establishment
                                      (Picante Restaurant)

 Table 2: Special Characteristics
                                        Applies to
     Characteristic                                   Explanation
     Affordable Child Care Fee
     & Affordable Housing Fee                         The project does not include the creation of new commercial
     for qualifying non-                    No        space. Therefore, the project is not subject to the fees
     residential projects                             resolutions.
     (Per Resolutions 66,618-N.S. &

     Affordable Housing
     Mitigations for rental                           The project does not include dwelling units and therefore is not
     housing projects                                 subject to the City’s Affordable Housing Mitigation Fee.
     (Per BMC Section 22.20.065)

                                                      The project is not proposing alcohol sales or service with this
     Alcohol Sales/Service                  No

     Creeks                                           No creek or culvert, as defined by BMC Chapter 17.08,
     (Per BMC Section 17.08.045)                      exists on or within 30’ of the site.

     Density Bonus                                    The project is not proposing to utilize State Density Bonus
     (Per Gov’t Code Chapter 65915)                   regulations.

     Natural Gas Prohibition                          This project does not propose to construct a new building, and
     (Per BMC Section 12.80.020)                      therefore is not subject to the Natural Gas Prohibition.

     Historic Resources                               The project would not demolish or substantially change the
     (Per Gov’t Code §15064.5 or            No        existing building. Therefore, a Historic Resource Evaluation is not
     BMC Chapter 3.24)                                required.
     Housing Accountability Act             No
     (Govt. Code 65589.5(j))

  Material Recovery Enterprise: A business that diverts discarded materials from a number of waste streams
including but not limited to the Transfer Station, drop-off, pick-up and curbside collection. Such facilities must
clean, sort, repair and/or process these materials and offer them for reuse and/or recycling through wholesale
and/or retail sales, including bulk sales. The retail component of these facilities is limited to the sale of items
recovered from the waste stream. No new items may be offered for sale at these facilities. Material Recovery
Enterprises do not include flea markets, automobile wrecking establishments, manufacturer’s outlet stores
(factory second stores), consignment shops, second-hand stores, antique stores or any store which offers only
used furniture, clothing and/or household items.
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 Table 2: Special Characteristics
                                       Applies to
     Characteristic                                   Explanation
     Housing Crisis Act of 2019
     (SB330)                                          This project does not a housing development project. Therefore,
                                                      the provisions of SB330 and the HAA do not apply. Further, there
     Rent Controlled Units                            are no rent-controlled units on the property.
     (Per BMC Chapter 13.76)

     Residential Preferred
     Parking (RPP)                         No         The project does not propose to construct any dwelling units.
     (Per BMC Chapter 14.72)

     Seismic Hazards Mapping                          The site is located within an area susceptible to liquefaction as
     Act                                   No         shown on the State Seismic Hazard Zones map. However, the
     (Per State Hazards Mapping Act)                  project would not alter the existing building.

                                                      Although the project site is not located within the City’s
     Soil/Groundwater                                 Environmental Management Area, the site is not on the Cortese
                                           No         List (an annually updated list of hazardous materials sites).
                                                      Further, no ground-disturbing activities would occur as part of the
                                                      The site is on Sixth Street, between Gilman and Camelia Streets.
                                                      Gilman Street is serviced by AC Transit Line 12. Additionally, the
                                                      project site is located five blocks west of San Pablo Avenue, a
     Transit and Bicycle Access           Yes         transit corridor served by multiple AC Transit lines. In addition, the
                                                      site is located near a Bike Way and Bike Boulevard, which runs
                                                      east/west along Camelia and Gilman Streets, as well as on Fifth
                                                      and Eighth Streets (north/south).

Table 3: Project Chronology
    Date                        Action
    November 27, 2019           Application submitted
    December 20, 2019           Application deemed incomplete
    January 2020 –              Applicant revised proposed project to satisfy replacement of protected use
    October 2020                requirements in MU-LI district
    October 28, 2020            Revised application materials submitted
    November 18, 2020           Application deemed incomplete
    November 2020 –             Applicant worked with Traffic Engineer regarding parking requirements for auto
    March 2021                  repair and service use
    March 9, 2021               Revised application materials submitted
    March 11, 2021              Application deemed complete
    April 8, 2021               Public hearing notices mailed/posted
    April 22, 2021              ZAB Hearing

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Table 4: Development Standards
      MU-LI Standards                                          Existing              Proposed                 Permitted/Required
      BMC Sections 23E.80.070-.080
      Lot Area (sq. ft.)                                        18,000              No change                            n/a
      Gross Floor Area (sq. ft.)                                17,220              No change
          Tenant #1
                                                                17,220                 12,925                      12,915 min.1
          (Material Recovery Enterprise)
          Tenant #2
                                                                  n/a                   4,295                       4,305 max.1
          (Auto Repair and Service)
      FAR                                                         0.96              No change                         2.0 max.
                        Average                                  23’-0”             No change                         45’ max.
                        Maximum                                  23’-0”             No change                            n/a
                        Stories                                     1               No change                            n/a

                                                                   0’               No change                             0’
                        (Sixth Street)
      Building          Rear                                       0’               No change                             0’
                        Right Side                                 0’               No change                             0’
                        Left Side                                  14’              No change                             0’
      Lot Coverage (%)                                            95.6              No change                            n/a
      Usable Open Space (sq. ft.)                                  ---                    ---                            n/a

                        Automobile                                  0               No change                             02
                        Bicycle                                     0               No change                              0
        Per BMC Section 23E.80.045.C, The Zoning Officer may issue an Administrative Use Permit to change the use of less than 20,000
      square feet of floor area used for Material Recovery Enterprise, manufacturing, warehousing, or wholesale trade as long as the area
      converted is less than 25% of the space used for those purposes.
        Per BMC Section 23E.28.130.A, no change of use shall be required to meet the off-street parking requirements of either the district or
      the chapter unless the structures has been expanded to create new floor area, or in the MU-LI district, the use is changed to one with a
      higher numerical standard. The auto repair and service use has a lower parking standard than the previous use, therefore the new use
      shall not be required to meet the off-street parking requirements of the district and the chapter. Specifically, the existing MRE use
      requires 4 spaces (1 per 1,000 sf (4,295 sf x .0001 = 4)). The proposed auto repair and service use requires 3 spaces per City
      Transportation Engineering review.

II.       Project Setting
          A. Neighborhood/Area Description: The project site is located on Sixth Street in the
             Gilman neighborhood, five blocks west of San Pablo Avenue, between Gilman Street
             and Camelia Street. The neighborhood is mixed-use light industrial in character, with
             a mix of one- to two-story light industrial buildings containing auto repair and service
             and warehouse uses, and a few food service establishments in the vicinity. South of
             Camelia Street, the area transitions to a low-density residential neighborhood.

             The subject property is located approximately one half mile west of San Pablo, which
             is a transit corridor served by a number of local bus lines (AC Transit). Additionally,
             Eighth Street is a Bike Boulevard.

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      B. Site Conditions: The 18,000 square-foot project site is a rectangular lot with 144’-2”
         of frontage on Sixth Street. The site contains an existing 17,220 square-foot one-story
         light industrial building, constructed in 1959 as a factory, which covers virtually the
         entire lot, except for a 14-foot set back from the left (north) property line at the rear of
         the building (See Figure 2: Site Plan). It is of concrete and brick construction with
         several windows on the (west) primary façade where two roll up doors and three entry
         doors are located. The interior of the building contains several partition walls and is
         vacant. The building was most recently used for material recovery enterprise (MRE)
         per an AUP issued August 14, 1991 (AUP#B0804). The building is non-conforming to
         the minimum on-site parking requirement, which was allowed to remain non-
         conforming under AUP#0804.

III. Project Description
      A. Proposed Project: The project would demolish all existing interior partition walls and
         construct one new demising wall to create a new, second tenant space within the
         existing 17,220 square-foot building. The resulting two tenant spaces would be 4,295
         square feet (Tenant #1) and 12,925 square feet (Tenant #2) in size. The project would
         change the use of Tenant Space #1 from MRE to auto repair and service. The use of
         Tenant Space #2 would remain as existing (MRE). As shown on the Existing and
         Proposed Plans (See Figure 3: Floor Plan and Attachment 2, Sheet A101), the newly
         created tenant space for auto repair and service would include one workstation, two
         restrooms, and two offices for customer service-related activities. Employees would
         valet the vehicles into the workstation through an entry-only roll-up door on the south
         side of the building and exit through an exit-only roll-up door on the north side of the

           The auto repair and service business would operate between the hours of 8:00AM and
           5:00PM Monday – Thursday. It is anticipated that a total of 8 employees would be on-
           site at one time, and that two customers would be served at one time, with the busiest
           hour of operation being 9:00AM. The business anticipates that customers would be
           from within the vicinity of the site. As no parking is located on the site for customers or
           employees, a valet service would be provided for customers to drop off their vehicles
           for servicing.

           On the exterior of the building, the project would partially demolish one window and
           add one new door on the south end of the primary façade to create a separate,
           dedicated pedestrian access to Tenant Space #2. New paint, signage and an awning
           would be located along the primary façade; see Design Review summary under
           Section IV.B below.

IV. Community Discussion
      A. Neighbor/Community Concerns: Prior to submitting this application to the city, the
         applicant installed a project yellow poster at the project site. On April 8, 2021, public
         hearing notices were mailed to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the
         project site, and to interested neighborhood organizations; the City also posted notices
         within the neighborhood in three locations. Prior to the publication of this staff report,
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           the City received three emails regarding this application (See Attachment 3). These
           individuals expressed concerns regarding noise, storage of cars on the street, and
           odor coming from the auto repair and service business at 1348 Seventh Street.

      B. Design Review: Staff-level design review was conducted for the proposed sign and
         awning located on the primary façade. Design Review staff found the changes to be
         permissible, and compatible with the light industrial character of the area.

V. Issues and Analysis
      A. Findings for Use Permit in MU-LI District: BMC Section 23E.80.030.A allows the
         establishment of an auto repair and service use in the MU-LI District with approval of
         a Use Permit, subject to the Board making the finding of non-detriment, and the
         findings in BMC Section 23E.80.090. In order to approve any Use Permit in the District,
         the Board must find that the proposed use would be:

             1. Consistent with the purposes of the District;
                The project is consistent with the following purposes of the Mixed Use Light
                Industrial District (MU-LI):
                     • Encourage development of mixed use-light industrial area for a range of
                       compatible uses.
                     • Encourage development of an area where light manufacturers can operate
                       free from the economic, physical and social constraints caused by
                       incompatible uses.
                     • Encourage the creation and continuation of well paid jobs which do not
                       require advanced degrees.
                     • Provide for the continued availability of manufacturing and industrial
                       buildings for manufacturing uses, especially of larger spaces needed by
                       medium sized and larger light manufacturers.
                     • Support the development of businesses which contribute to the
                       maintenance and improvement of the environment.
                     • Maintain and improve the quality of the West Berkeley environment, while
                       allowing the lawful and reasonable operation of light industrial uses.

                        The project would establish an auto repair and service use in a portion of an
                        existing light industrial building, located in a neighborhood that has other
                        light industrial uses, including several auto repair and service businesses in
                        the vicinity. Further, the project would utilize a site within the MU-LI district
                        where the business may operate free from the economic, physical and social
                        constraints caused by incompatible uses found in other Berkeley non-
                        residential districts that do not allow auto repair and service. The project
                        would also encourage the creation or continuation of skilled auto repair and
                        service jobs, which do not require advanced degrees. Finally, the applicant
                        statement asserts that the business’ operations include reclamation of auto
                        parts when they are not available from local junkyards and tow companies,
                        which supports recycling and can in turn contribute to the maintenance and
                        improvement of the environment.

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             2. Compatible with the surrounding uses and buildings;
                 The project would be compatible with the surrounding uses and buildings, as the
                 proposed use is similar to the existing adjacent uses. As noted in Table 1, the
                 adjacent uses are a bus yard, parking lot and warehouse. While Picante
                 restaurant is located across Sixth Street, the restaurant is located between a
                 surface parking lot and a construction products manufacturing facility (Cemex
                 concrete plant). Other auto repair and service uses in the vicinity include
                 Hustead’s auto body directly adjacent to and south of the subject property and
                 Don’s Tire Service at the southwest corner of Gilman Street and Sixth Street. As
                 the proposed auto repair and service tenant space is relatively small in size
                 compared to surrounding uses, it would not disrupt operations of such uses.

             3. Consistent with the adopted West Berkeley Plan;
                 The project would be consistent with the West Berkeley Plan, as it would
                 contribute to the full range of land uses and economic activities envisioned in the

             4. Be unlikely, under reasonably foreseeable circumstances, to either induce a
                substantial change of use in buildings in the District from manufacturing,
                wholesale trade or warehousing uses;
                The project would change the use of up to 25%, or 4,295 square feet, of 17,220
                square feet of existing space most recently used for MRE to auto repair and
                service. As the project would result in a relatively small change in the amount of
                existing MRE space, and would maintain an industrial use within the building, the
                project would be unlikely to, under reasonably foreseeable circumstances, induce
                a substantial change of use in buildings in the MU-LI district from manufacturing,
                wholesale trade or warehousing uses.

             5. Be designed in such a manner to be supportive of the light industrial character of
                the district. Such physical compatibility shall include materials used; facade
                treatments; landscaping; lighting; type, size and placement of awnings, windows
                and signs; and all other externally visible aspects of the design of the building
                and site; and
                The proposed project is a change of use within an existing building. The
                proposed auto repair and service establishment would include new signage and
                an awning on the Sixth Street façade. Design Review staff has reviewed the
                changes and found them to be compatible with the light industrial character of the

             6. Be able to meet any applicable performance standards as described in Section
                The proposed project would not result in any changes to the building height or
                floor area ratio; the existing building meets the standards as described in BMC
                Section 23E.80.070.D.
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      B. Findings for Use Permits and Administrative Use Permits: Pursuant to BMC
         Section 23E.80.090.A, in order to approve any Use Permit in the district, the Board
         must make the non-detriment finding. As noted above, the proposed project is a
         change of use within an existing building; there would be no changes to shadow or
         views. In addition, the proposed light industrial use is in a light industrial zoning district,
         adjacent to other similar uses. The project is subject to the City’s standard conditions
         of approval regarding construction noise and air quality, waste diversion, toxics, and
         stormwater requirements, thereby ensuring the project would not be detrimental to the
         health, safety, peace, morals, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or
         working in the area or neighborhood of such proposed use or be detrimental or
         injurious to property and improvements of the adjacent properties, the surrounding
         area or neighborhood or to the general welfare of the City. Staff believes that this
         finding can be made.

      C. General Plan Consistency: The 2002 General Plan contains several policies
         applicable to the project, including the following:

           1. Policy LU-7 – Neighborhood Quality of Life, Action A: Require that new
              development be consistent with zoning standards and compatible with the scale,
              historic character, and surrounding uses in the area.
           2. Policy LU-13 - Basic Goods and Services, Action A: Locate commercial uses and
              community facilities throughout the city on transit corridors.
           3. Policy UD-24 – Area Character: Regulate new construction and alterations to
              ensure that they are truly compatible with and, where feasible, reinforce the
              desirable design characteristics of the particular area they are in.
           4. Policy UD-17-Design Elements: In relating a new design to the surrounding area,
              the factors to consider should include height, massing, materials, color, and
              detailing or ornament.

               Staff Analysis: The project would establish an auto repair and service use within a
               4,295 square-foot portion of an existing 17,220 square-foot light industrial building,
               in a neighborhood containing a mix of other light industrial uses, including other
               auto repair and service uses. The project site is located one-half block from transit
               routes on Gilman Street, and is five blocks from San Pablo Avenue, a transit
               corridor. Minor changes to the building envelope are proposed, namely the partial
               demolition of a window and addition of a new door to provide access to the newly
               created tenant space in the rear portion of the building. In addition, a new sign and
               awning would be installed on the primary façade. Design Review staff has reviewed
               the proposed sign and awning on the primary (Sixth Street) façade, and has found
               it to be permissible.

VII. Recommendation
      Because of the project’s consistency with the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan, and
      minimal impact on surrounding properties, staff recommends that the Zoning Adjustments
      Board APPROVE Use Permit ZP2019-0191, pursuant to BMC Section 23B.32.040 and
      subject to the attached Findings and Conditions (see Attachment 1).
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1. Findings and Conditions
2. Project Plans, dated March 9, 2021
3. Public Comments, received January 12, January 16, and February 18, 2020.
4. Notice of Public Hearing

Staff Planner: Ashley James, ajames@cityofberkeley.info, (510) 981-7458

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