16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 18, 2021 - 410 N. First St., Cary, IL 60013 847-516-2636 www.peterpaulchurchcary.org - Parishes Online

Page created by Lauren Lynch
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 18, 2021 - 410 N. First St., Cary, IL 60013 847-516-2636 www.peterpaulchurchcary.org - Parishes Online
July 18, 2021
           16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

410 N. First St., Cary, IL 60013 ⬨ 847-516-2636 ⬨ www.peterpaulchurchcary.org
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 18, 2021 - 410 N. First St., Cary, IL 60013 847-516-2636 www.peterpaulchurchcary.org - Parishes Online
From the Pastor’s Desk                                              Mass Intentions

                                                               Monday, July 19:
I hope this finds you all healthy and at peace! This week      6:30 am       DJ ♱ Sr. Mary Estelle
on the Midweek Update you can find information on the          8:00 am       DJ ♱ James Seigel
following:                                                     Tuesday, July 20: St. Apollinaris
                                                               6:30 am       DJ ♱ Kurt Brownell
                                                               8:00 am       TS ♱ Carmine Yorio
  ●     SAVE THE DATE!!! On Sunday, August 8th, we
                                                               Wednesday, July 21: St. Lawrence of Brindisi
        are hosting Cary-Grovinia at SSPP!                     6:30 am       TS ♱ The faithful departed of
                                                                                     SS. Peter & Paul Church
             ○   A community event - all are welcome
                                                               8:00 am       JT♱ Audrey Englehardt
             ○   Marcy Night and the Night Express Big         Thursday, July 22: St. Mary Magdalene
                                                               6:30 am       DJ ♱ Alison Regep
                 Band - a 50’s style Big Band - will provide
                                                               8:00 am       TS ♱ Cadence Rene Stopka
                 the entertainment for the evening             7:30 pm (Sp) DJ ♱ Manuel Chavez
                                                               Friday, July 23: St. Bridget
             ○   Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and
                                                               6:30 am       DJ ♱ Pat Harding
                 picnics (Ravinia Style!) and have dinner      8:00 am       TS ♱ Fr. Lawrence Malcolm
                                                               7:30 pm (Sp) DJ ♱ Angel Gonzaga
                 while you enjoy the music
                                                               Saturday, July 24: Blessed Virgin Mary
             ○   We have a couple of food trucks planned -     8:00 am       JT ♱ Tracey Zell
                                                               4:30 pm       TS ♱ Marian McNeely
                 Kona Ice (Shaved Ice & Ice Cream) and
                                                               7:30 pm (Sp.) DJ ♱ Baldomero Calderon
                 Fork ‘N Fry (french fries & poutine) are      Sunday, July 25:
                                                               17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                 planning to come. We are working on a
                                                               8:00 am       TS ♱ Lottie Boe
                 couple more! You can choose to buy from       9:30 am       TS ♱ Raymond Zielinski
                                                               11:00 am      JT ♱ Arlene Bedo
                 these food trucks instead of bringing your
                                                               1:30 pm (Sp) DJ ♱ For the People of SS. Peter &
                 own if you so desire                                                 Paul Catholic Church
                                                               5:00 pm       JT ♱ Bob Andrews
Click here to view the Midweek Update.                                   JT - Fr. Jeremy Trowbridge (Pastor)
                                                                                   TS - Fr. Tim Seigel
                                                                        DJ - Fr. Domingo Jamarillo (Hispanic)
Know of my prayers for you, your family and your
intentions!                                                    Please pray for the deceased:
                                                               Patricia Dudzik
                                                               Please pray for the newly Baptized:
Fr. Trowbridge                                                 Dahlia Ramirez          Camila Amairany Leon
                                                               Gael Silva

                                                                         Faithful Living, Grateful Giving
                                                                        Thank you for your Stewardship

                                                               The collection for the 1st 2 weeks in July : $39,275
                                                               Number of Contributions               529
                                                               Education/Scholarship Funds            $1265
                                                               2021-22 Present Week: $18,925         YTD: $39,275
                                                               2020-21 Present Week: $15,265         YTD: $34,416

                                                               The Tithe collected on 7/4/21 & 7/11/21 went to:
                                                               First Way Pregnancy Center & Madonna Renewal
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 18, 2021 - 410 N. First St., Cary, IL 60013 847-516-2636 www.peterpaulchurchcary.org - Parishes Online
Ministerio Hispano                                      SSPP Catholic School

             HORARIO DE MISAS
       Jueves, Viernes y Sábado - 7:30 pm
               Domingo - 1:30 pm
      Confesiones – Sábado 6:00 - 7:00 pm
      Adoración - Martes 7:00 pm-8:00 pm
          y Jueves de 6:15pm - 7:15pm

                                                   2021-2022 Registration Now Open
                                                   Interested in learning more about our school? Call the
     Calendario de la Semana
                                                   school office at 847-639-3941 to schedule your
                                                   personal tour.
18 Domingo        1:30 pm Misa en español
                                                   You will learn how we:

19 Lunes                                             1.    Successfully delivered in person 5 days/week
                                                     2.    Incorporate technology into our classrooms
20 Martes         7:00 - 9:00 pm Adoracion (E)       3.    Our curriculum exceeds national standards
                                                     4.    Our teachers work with each student to meet
21 Miércoles      7:00 - 9:00 pm Taller con                their academic needs.
                                                   You will also receive a tour of our facilities, including
                                                   our STEM labs.
22 Jueves         6:15 pm Adoracion (S)
                                                   Returning Families Referral Discount
                  7:30 pm Misa en español
                                                   Existing school families that refer a new family to our
23 Viernes        7:30 pm Misa en español          school will get a $500 discount. The new family mut
                                                   register for the 2021-2022 school year and attend for
                                                   one trimester for the existing family to receive the
24 Sábado         6:00 pm Confesiones en Español   discount.
                  7:30 pm Misa en español

25 Domingo        1:30 pm Misa en español                        RE & Youth Ministry

                                                    Registration is open! We are so excited to announce a
                                                    series of new & revised programs for our young
                                                    disciples this year:
      Exposición del Santísimo                         -     K-6th: Family Formation
      Sacramento y Adoración.                          -     7th-8th: EDGE Jr. High Ministry
                                                       -     9th: Confirmation prep
Todos los Jueves a las 6:15 pm en el templo
                parroquial                          Sign up your entire family at
                                                    https://bit.ly/SSPPFaithFormReg2021 or visit our
                                                    parish website for more details!

                                                    Have you heard about our new youth center “The
                                                    Cavern”? It’s a place on our campus dedicated to the
                                                    teens of our parish to hangout, play games, join small
                                                    groups, connect with each other and more. We’re so
                                                    excited about this space and anxious to open it up to
                                                    all our teens.
                                                    If you’re interested in helping stock The Cavern, check out
                                                    our Amazon Wishlist HERE . And follow us on
                                                    Instagram @the_cavernsspp
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 18, 2021 - 410 N. First St., Cary, IL 60013 847-516-2636 www.peterpaulchurchcary.org - Parishes Online
Ministry Schedules                                         Parish Calendar

July 24-25, 2021                                      Monday, July 19:
                                                      6:30 am: Church - Daily Mass
Lectors:                                              8:00 am: Church - Daily Mass
4:30 pm:      M. Carozza                              7:00 pm: Church - Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet
8:00 am:      M. Price
9:30 am:      P. Mohr                                 Tuesday, July 20:
11:00 am:     L. Smith                                6:30 am: Church - Daily Mass
5:00 pm:      L. Jordan                               8:00 am: Church - Daily Mass
                                                      7:00 pm: Church - Adoration
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion:                 7:30 pm: Church - Confession
4:30 pm:     S. Miller, A. Osten
8:00 am:     C. Blevins, J. Kotz                      Wednesday, July 21:
9:30 am:     S. Lasky, T. Milobowski                  6:30 am: Church - Daily Mass
11:00 am:    E. McAlpine, T. Stuckmann                8:00 am: Church - Daily Mass
5:00 pm:     R. Kunz, K. Sklena
                                                      Thursday, July 22:
Altar Servers:                                        6:10 am: Church - Confession
4:30 pm:       N. Pechotta                            6:30 am: Church - Daily Mass
8:00 am:       C. Kascher                             8:00 am: Church - Daily Mass
9:30 am:       E. Milobowski                          8:30 am: Church - Confession
11:00 am:      Volunteer Needed                       6:15 pm: Church - Adoration (Hispanic)
5:00 pm:       P. Olsen                               7:00 pm: The Cavern - Summit
                                                      7:30 pm: Church - Hispanic Mass
4:30 pm:      3 Volunteers Needed                     Friday, July 23:
8:00 am:      D. Green, 2 Volunteers Needed           6:30 am: Church - Daily Mass
9:30 am:      S. Davis, M. Mihalik, D. Perrin         8:00 am: Church - Daily Mass
11:00 am:     R. Dombrowski, M. English, M. Gardner   7:30 pm: Church - Hispanic Mass
5:00 pm:      D. Roig, B. Stone, Volunteer Needed
                                                      Saturday, July 24:
Mass Coordinators:                                    8:00 am: Church - Confession
4:30 pm:    M. Bojan                                  8:30 am: Church - Confession
8:00 am:    T. Abell                                  10:00 am: Church- Baptism
9:30 am:    Volunteer Needed                          12:00 pm: Church - Baptism
11:00 am:   J. Dombrowski                             2:00 pm: Church - Baptism
5:00 pm:    B. Buerer                                 3:15 pm: Church - Confession
                                                      4:30 pm: Church - Sunday Vigil Mass
Celebrant:                                            7:30 pm: Church - Hispanic Sunday Vigil Mass
4:30 pm:      T. Seigel
8:00 am:      T. Seigel                               Sunday, July 25:
9:30 am:      T. Seigel                               8:00 am: Church - Sunday Mass
11:00 am:     J. Trowbridge                           9:30 am: Church - Sunday Mass
1:30 pm (Sp): D. Jaramillo                            11:00 am: Church - Sunday Mass
5:00 pm:      J. Trowbridge                           12:15 pm: Church - Baptism
                                                      1:30 pm: Church - Hispanic Sunday Mass
                                                      2:30 pm: Church - Baptism
                                                      5:00 pm: Church - Sunday Mass
Parish Center                                                         Mass & Devotions Schedule
Phone: 847-516-2636 Fax: 847-639-3474
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm; Friday: 8:30am - Noon             Weekend:
                                                                      Saturday Vigil 4:30 pm (7:30 pm Spanish)
Pastoral Staff                                                        Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am,
Pastor: Rev. Jeremy Trowbridge, x328,                                 (1:30 pm Spanish), 5:00 pm
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Tim Seigel, x329                                6:30 am & 8:00 am Monday - Friday
tseigel@ssppcary.org                                                  (7:30 pm Thursday & Friday Spanish)
                                                                      8:00 am Saturday
Parochial Vicar of Hispanic Ministry: Rev. Domingo
Jaramillo, x334, djaramillo@rockforddiocese.org                       Holy Days:
                                                                      Consult the bulletin
Deacons: Michael Boyce, mboyce@ssppcary.org
         Mark Ennis, mennis@ssppcary.org                              Adoration:
         Howard Ganschow, hganschow@ssppcary.org                      7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Tuesday in English
         Juan M. Luna, jluna@ssppcary.org                             6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Thursday in Spanish
         Michael O’Connor, moconnor@ssppcary.org
         Don Siciliano, dsiciliano@ssppcary.org                       Rosary with Chaplet of Divine Mercy:
                                                                      7:00 pm Monday
Parish Center Staff
Clergy Admin. Asst.: Laura Nick, x319, lnick@ssppcary.org             Confessions:
Parish Accountant: Alma Landa, x335, finance@ssppcary.org             Tuesday: 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Hisp. Admin. Asst.: Olga Merez, x391,                                 Thursday: 6:10 am and 8:30 am
hispanicinfo@ssppcary.org                                             Saturday: 8:30 - 9:00 am and 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Public Relations: Allyson Svigelj, x327, pr@ssppcary.org              6:00 - 7:00 pm in Spanish

SS. Peter & Paul School                                               Sacrament Information
Office: 847-639-3041 Fax: 847-639-5329                                Baptisms
Principal: Mr. Nick Satterlee x280, nsatterlee@ssppcary.org           Infant Baptism is celebrated on Sunday at 12:30 and
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Carolyn Strong x207,                        4:00pm; only one family at a time. There is one
cstrong@ssppcary.org                                                  Preparation Session for every Baptism. Please call
Secretary: Susie Johnson x251, sjohnson@ssppcary.org                  Laura at the parish office.

Religious Education                                                   Marriages
Office: 847-639-0414    Fax: 847-639-5329                             Arrangements should be made at least 6 months but
K-6: Theresa Milobowski, x322, tmilobowski@ssppcary.org               no more than 18 months in advance. Please email Fr.
Edge Ministry - Grades 7-9:Lauren Stark, x325,                        Jeremy Trowbridge at:
lstark@ssppcary.org                                                   jtrowbridge@rockforddiocese.org
Summit - Grades 10-12: Jennifer Dombrowski, x332,
         jdombrowski@ssppcary.org                                     Confessions
                                                                      Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Adult Education                                                       Thursdays 6:10 am and 8:30 am
                                                                      Saturdays from 8:30 - 9:00 am and 3:15 - 4:15 pm
Coordinator: Jennifer Dombrowski, x332,
                                                                      Or by appointment - please call the parish office.
                                                                      Anointing of the Sick
Hispanic Ministry Office Hours                                        Please call the parish office and speak to one of the
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday - 8:30am - 3:00pm                          priests if a loved one is seriously ill, in the hospital or
Friday 8:30 am - Noon                                                 scheduled for any surgery.

St. Vincent de Paul Society                                           The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
847-516-2636 x399                                                     (RCIA)
                                                                      Persons interested in becoming Catholic or receiving
Addiction Support                                                     the Sacraments as an adult should contact Fr. Seigel at
People often choose to use alcohol or drugs to excess these days      the parish office.
only to discover they are powerless over their effects. Their lives
have become unmanageable and they need somewhere to turn.             Registering to become a Parishioner
Please know that you can call Fr. Tim Seigel at SS. Peter and Paul    Become part of the parish community and register at
Parish and he will be happy to assist in directing you to the best    SS. Peter & Paul. If you are uncertain if you are
course of action and provide helpful resources. The call will be      registered, or would like to register, call the parish
kept confidential. 847-516-2636 x329                                  office.
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