- Melbourne International Jazz

CONTINUE READING - Melbourne International Jazz - Melbourne International Jazz
02                                                                                                                                                      Welcome messages                                                                                03

                                                                 Like the great cities of New York,                  Leon Kempler                       Ted Baillieu                        Louise Asher                     Robert Doyle
                                                                                                                     OAM                                MLA                                 MLA
                                                                 London and Paris that are remembered                Chairman                           Premier and                         Minister for Tourism             Lord Mayor
                                                                 for their music, architecture and culture,                                             Minister for the Arts               and Major Events                 City of Melbourne

                                                                 Melbourne has also become an                        I invite you to become drawn       Jazz legend Louis Armstrong         Now in its 14th year, the        The City of Melbourne is
                                                                 international destination, particularly             into the captivating world of      once said “What we play is life”.   Melbourne International Jazz     very pleased to host the
                                                                                                                     jazz this June.                    Music echoes the richness,          Festival is an eagerly-awaited   world's modern masters of
                                                                 for jazz musicians.                                                                    complexity, diversity and joy       part of Victoria’s major         jazz. Our city is renowned
                                                                                                                     The Festival has a long history    of life – and the Melbourne         events calendar.                 as Australia's premier music
                                                                 Melbourne’s rich pool of home grown                 of social inclusion as a           International Jazz Festival                                          destination, with discerning
                                                                 talent, more than ever, is attracting               central tenet of its program       celebrates it with gusto.           The rich 2012 program            audiences sharing a passion
                                                                                                                     and this year is no exception.                                         brings jazz into the heart of    for fine music.
                                                                 collaborative peers from all over the world.        With its wide range of free        With more than 300 musicians        Melbourne, with unforgettable
                                                                                                                     events, activities for children    and 100 events, the 2012            performances in Melbourne’s      There is much to look
                                                                 The 2012 Melbourne International Jazz               and young people, free             Festival will bring our city to     iconic venues, including         forward to in the 2012
Michael Tortoni                                                  Festival will inspire all to celebrate life         masterclasses and events           life. Featuring international       Federation Square, the           Festival from the headline
                                                                                                                     specifically for under-18s,        legends and local heroes;           Melbourne Recital Centre,        events with piano royalty
Artistic Director                                                as it should be – immersed in music!                this year’s Festival will create   masterclasses and jam               Melbourne Town Hall and          McCoy Tyner and
                                                                                                                     memorable experiences for a        sessions; an under-18s              St Kilda’s Palais Theatre.       captivating chanteuse
                                                                                                                     new generation of musicians        dance party and a big jazz                                           Dee Dee Bridgewater at

How to book                                                      Melbourne Recital Centre
                                                                 Bookings through venue – 03 9699 3333
                                                                                                                     and find a common voice
                                                                                                                     throughout the wider
                                                                                                                                                        adventure for kids; the Festival
                                                                                                                                                        caters to jazz aficionados and
                                                                                                                                                        newcomers alike.
                                                                                                                                                                                            You can also search for
                                                                                                                                                                                            the hidden voice of the city
                                                                                                                                                                                            with Evening Soundwalks,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the Melbourne Town Hall,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to interactive jazz-themed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             workshops for children
Book online at                                                   Melbourne Town Hall, The Forum,
                                                                 The Palais, Comedy Theatre
                                                                                                                                                                                            delve into the minds of jazz’s   and families at ArtPlay.
                                                                                                                     I would like to thank the          American jazz superstar             modern masters during free                                                Bookings through Ticketmaster – 1300 136 166
                                                                                                                     Board members; Jane Good,          McCoy Tyner, Japanese               masterclasses, or enjoy          In the tradition of Melbourne’s
                                                                 Bennetts Lane Jazz Club                             Lynley Marshall, David             piano virtuoso Hiromi and           film screenings, artist talks,   major arts festivals, there’s
                                                                 Bookings through venue – 03 9663 2856               Valmorbida, Michael Tortoni,       free jazz heroes The Fringe         family concerts, children’s      a broad range of free
                                                                                                                     Rob Glaesemann and                 are among the international         workshops and late night         entertainment, starting
                                                                 The Hi-Fi
                                                                                                                     my Vice Chairman, John             guests who will share the           art parties.                     with Opening Weekend
                                                                 Bookings through venue – 1300 THEHIFI (843 4434)
                                                                                                                     Stanhope, for their dedication     stage with Australia’s own                                           Celebration Concerts at
                                                                 Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI)       and commitment to this             outstanding talent.                 Thirteen Australian premieres,   Federation Square, and daily
                                                                 Bookings through ACMI – 03 8663 2583                year’s festival.                                                       eight Festival exclusives,       lunchtime concerts, Evening
                                                                                                                                                        And you’re invited to express       and artists from the United      Soundwalks and the late-night
Ticket prices include GST where applicable.                      ArtPlay, Birrarung Marr
                                                                                                                     We greatly value the support       your own voice at ‘With One         States, France, Germany,         art party, The Cave.
Transaction fees may apply.                                      Bookings through venue – 03 9664 7900
                                                                                                                     of our sponsors, stakeholders      Voice’ - the Festival’s free,       Norway, Ethiopia and Japan
                                                                 The Cave at Kelvin Club                             and the community and              interactive family concert at       will give everyone the chance    I invite you to immerse
                                                                 Subscribe at for priority entry   thank General Manager              Federation Square celebrating       to enjoy a wide-ranging,         yourself in music during
This program is accurate at the time of printing. Please check
                                                                                                                     Jennifer Kerr and the Festival     the music of different cultures.    world-class program.             the 2012 Melbourne
our website for latest program and             The Wheeler Centre
                                                                                                                     team - including our 200           It’s the stuff of life.                                              International Jazz Festival.
ticketing information.                                           Pre-book at
                                                                                                                     volunteers - for their energy                                          I look forward to welcoming
                                                                                                                     and enthusiasm in delivering       The Victorian Government is         you in June for a truly
                                                                                                                     another acclaimed festival.        proud to support the 2012           international celebration
                                                                                                                                                        Festival. Enjoy!                    of jazz. - Melbourne International Jazz
04                              Opening Gala                                                                                                                         Opening Events                                                                                  05

                                Australian Premiere and Festival Exclusive                                                                                           Free Opening
The Way You Look Tonight                                                                                                                                             Weekend Events
                                An evening of great jazz standards                                                                Celebrating the National Year of Reading, in 2012 The Light in Winter and
                                Featuring                                                                                         Melbourne International Jazz Festival present free events inspired by the role
                                Katie Noonan ¯ AUS / Vince Jones ¯ AUS / Kristin Berardi ¯ AUS                                    that the human voice plays in bringing words to life.

Date                           “ Katie Noonan’s singing is like a samurai sword                                                 With One Voice
Friday 1 June at 8pm
Doors from 7:30pm                  through silk.”                                                                                 Date                               Calling “shower Sinatras” and spotlight-dwelling soloists of all ages for an unforgettable free
Venue                           The Mercury                                                                                       Saturday 2 June 2 – 3pm            event that will unite Melbourne in song!
The Palais Theatre, St Kilda
Price                          “ Vince Jones is living proof that independence is not                                          Federation Square                  From Africa to Asia to Australia, the human voice lies at the very heart of every culture’s musical
A reserve: $69 / $61 conc                                                                                                         – Main Stage                       tradition. Led by Gillian Howell and with an array of special guests including Katie Noonan
B reserve: $59 / $49 conc           about genres... with a voice as cool as a long G&T.”                                                                             and SKIN Choir, you can learn to scat like Ella, try out the urban songlines of the Aboriginal
                                                                                                                                  For wet weather contingency,
                                Beat Magazine                                                                                     visit            and Torres Strait Islander people, experiment with East Asian sounds and discover your
                                                                                                                                                                     unique voice during a mass music-making celebration that everyone can be a part of.
Katie Noonan
— voice
Vince Jones                                                                                                                       Qatar Airways Opening Celebration Concert
— voice, trumpet
Kristin Berardi                                                                                                                   Date                               Experience a taste of what the 2012 Melbourne International Jazz Festival has in store with
— voice                                                                                                                           Saturday 2 June 3 – 5pm            a free open-air concert at Federation Square. Perfect for music lovers, seasoned punters,
Zac Hurren                                                                                                                        Venue                              families, friends and first-time concertgoers, this unmissable celebration of jazz will have
— saxophone                                                                                                                       Federation Square                  everyone dancing into the twilight - rain, hail or shine!
                                                                                                                                  – Main Stage
Vince Jones Band:                                                                                                                                                    The top-secret lineup of artists from Australia and around the world will be announced in May
                                                                                                                                  For wet weather contingency,
Matt McMahon                                                                                                                      visit            – subscribe to our e-newsletter at for details.
— piano, music director
Ben Waples                                                                                                                        Proudly presented in association with
— bass                          Join us for the 2012 Festival’s   Vaughan, this timeless          trumpeter renowned for his      Qatar Airways, The Light in Winter, Federation Square,
Simon Barker                    Opening Night Gala,               repertoire is brought to life   captivating and charming        and Australian Red Cross
— drums                         featuring an all-star lineup in   by the crème of Australian      live performances.
                                the glamorous surrounds of        jazz vocal talent.
                                St Kilda’s Palais Theatre.                                        Add in the soulful,
Proudly supported by                                              Moving with ease between        sophisticated sound of
Telstra, The Palais and         Inspired by the popular           the ARIA-award winning jazz     guest vocalist Kristin          ArtPlay Jazz For Kids: LifeBoat
774 ABC Melbourne               ABC release of the same           trio Elixir to performances     Berardi and 2009 National
                                name, The Way You Look            with the Australian Chamber     Jazz Award winner,              Date                               Enter kids’ wonderland, ArtPlay at Birrarung Marr, for interactive explorations into the enchanting
                                Tonight features songs that       Orchestra and rock outfit       saxophonist Zac Hurren,         Saturday 2 June 2pm & 3pm          world of sound.
                                defined an era. Penned by         George, Katie Noonan is one     for an enchanting evening       Sunday 3 June 2pm & 3pm
                                legends of yesteryear such        of Australia’s most versatile   that celebrates the beginning   Venue                              The LifeBoat crew – Sue Arnold and David Wells – lead children (and parents) on an exciting
                                as George Gershwin, Cole          and beloved singers.            of ten days of remarkable       ArtPlay at Birrarung Marr          adventure to discover the many surprising ways that music can be created using voice,
                                Porter and Irving Berlin, and                                     jazz throughout Melbourne.      Proudly presented in               improvisation, movement and dance.
                                made famous by the likes of       She takes to the stage with                                     association with ArtPlay
                                Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald,     the Vince Jones Band, led                                                                          FREE! Bookings are still required. Suitable for children 3 to 7 years old. All children must
                                Frank Sinatra and Sarah           by the legendary vocalist and                                                                      be accompanied by an adult. Families welcome! - Melbourne International Jazz
06                       Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                                                                                                                  07

                         Australian Premiere and Festival Exclusive

McCoy Tyner Trio                                                                               ¯ USA
                                                                                                                                                          “ Tyner is one of the most brilliant pianists and
                                                                                                                                                            commanding leaders in modern music.”
                         Chris Potter ¯ USA / José James ¯ USA                                                                                             DownBeat

                         A Contemporary Exploration of
                                                                                                                                                          “ [Potter is]… easily the most compelling
                         John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman                                                                                                     saxophonist of his generation.”
                                                                                                                                                           Detroit Free Press

                                                                                                                                                          “James has the coiled power of a great singer
                                                                                                                                                           and the tenderness at the heart of Coltrane’s
                                                                                                                                                           music. Quite superb.”
                                                                                                                                                           Jazzwise Magazine

                         McCoy Tyner is jazz               This unique project, which       A deeply soulful singer with    Date
                         piano royalty;                    has already been hailed          a strong affinity for jazz,     Sunday 3 June at 8pm
                         an overpowering                   as a triumph at the London,      vocalist José James has         Venue
                         presence whose music              Shanghai, San Francisco          embraced with his trademark     Melbourne Town Hall
                         has helped shape the              and Frankfurt Jazz Festivals,    élan the formidable challenge   Price
                         evolution of jazz since           sees Tyner revisit the classic   of honouring Hartman,           A reserve: $119 / $111 conc
                         the early 1960s.                  1963 album John Coltrane         who passed away in 1983.        B reserve: $99 / $91 conc
                                                                                                                            C reserve: $79 / $71 conc
                                                           and Johnny Hartman,
                         Since his epochal five-year       a session that paired            This is certain to be an
                         tenure in John Coltrane’s         Coltrane with the highly         evening that will live on in    McCoy Tyner Trio:
                         “classic” quartet, Tyner has      underappreciated crooner         jazz history.
                                                                                                                            McCoy Tyner
                         hardly stood still, absorbing     and became an instant classic.                                   — piano
Proudly supported by     a global array of influences
                                                                                                                            Gerald Cannon
Macquarie and ABC Jazz   from Brazil, West Africa and      Joining Tyner’s trio for                                         — bass
                         the Caribbean into his ringing,   the event is Chris Potter,
                                                                                                                            Francisco Mela
                         spiritually charged sound,        an artist well-equipped to
                                                                                                                            — drums
                         and writing more than a dozen     step into Trane’s oversized
                         bona-fide jazz standards.         shoes; in 2008, the readers                                      Chris Potter
                                                           of DownBeat magazine voted                                       — saxophone
                                                           him second only to tenor sax                                     José James
                                                           colossus Sonny Rollins.                                          — voice - Melbourne International Jazz
08                            Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                                                                  Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                         09

                              Australian Premiere and Festival Exclusive                                                                                           Australian Premiere and Festival Exclusive

Hiromi: The Trio Project                                                                                ¯ JAPAN / USA
                                                                                                                                  Terence Blanchard                                                                  ¯ USA

                              Featuring                                                                                                                           “ Blanchard is one of jazz’s best trumpeters.”
                              Anthony Jackson ¯            USA
                                                                 / Simon Philips ¯           USA
                                                                                                                                                                   The Philadelphia Daily News

                              Opening Act                                                                                                                          Opening Act
                              Hurst/Oehlers/Beck ¯ USA / AUS                                                                                                       Rob Burke & Tony Gould Quartet ¯ AUS

Date                                                       “ Extravagantly dynamic...                                           Date                            “ Abundant talent. His writing is superb and heartfelt,
Saturday 2 June at 7:30pm                                                                                                         Thursday 7 June at 7:30pm
                                                               A forceful presence on any stage...”                                                                   his playing perfect…”
Venue                                                                                                                             Venue
Melbourne Recital Centre                                       The New York Times                                                 Melbourne Recital Centre         The Wall Street Journal
Price                                                                                                                             Price
A reserve: $69 / $61 conc                                  “ One of jazz piano’s most brazenly                                 A reserve: $79 / $71 conc        Film score master and one        New Orleans jazz scene with      When the Levees Broke.
B reserve: $59 / $49 conc                                                                                                         B reserve: $69 / $59 conc        of the most preeminent           his hard bop style warmed        He also created his own
                                                                virtuosic players.”                                                                                trumpeters of the post-Miles     with African elements.           impassioned, award-winning
                                                               JazzTimes                                                          In conversation:
                                                                                                                                                                   Davis era – five-time Grammy                                      requiem for Katrina, A Tale
Hiromi                                                                                                                            Terence Blanchard on Artistry    Award winner Terence             But it is Blanchard’s            of God’s Will.
— piano                                                                                                                           - see page 24                    Blanchard – makes his            cinematic abilities that have
Anthony Jackson                                                Dazzlingly talented keyboardist-composer Hiromi dominates                                           Australian debut with his        made him recognisable the        While equally at home in the
— contrabass guitar                                            the next wave of jazz superstars, possessing musicianship                                           incendiary quintet.              world over, with over 50         recording studio or lecture
                                                                                                                                  ACMI Jazz on Film:
Simon Philips                                                  beyond her years and an electrifying stage presence.               Introduction and Q&A with
                                                                                                                                                                                                    movie scores to his name         hall, it is as a live performer
— drums                                                                                                                           Terence Blanchard                Emerging during the 1980s        – including repeat               that Blanchard truly shines.
                                                               Her ability to blend jazz, progressive rock and classical styles   - see page 21                    with the Lionel Hampton          collaborations with filmmaker    This is a rare opportunity to
Hurst/Oehlers/Beck:                                            has captured the attention of audiences worldwide. Few artists                                      Orchestra and Art Blakey         Spike Lee for the likes of       see an artist of revolutionary
Robert Hurst                                                   can boast a gig with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra at                                            & The Jazz Messengers,           Malcolm X, Jungle Fever,         stature in a Festival exclusive
— bass                                                         age 14, a personal invitation to play with Chick Corea at 17,                                       Blanchard developed as           Clockers and the unflinching     performance that will be
Jamie Oehlers                                                  and a mentorship with Ahmad Jamal at the Berklee College                                            an influencer on the modern      Hurricane Katrina documentary,   nothing short of phenomenal.
— saxophone                                                    of Music before launching their professional career.
Dave Beck
— drums                                                        Making her Australian debut hot on the heels of lauded
                                                               appearances at the Umbria, San Sebastian, Newport and              Proudly supported by
Proudly supported by                                           Monterey Jazz Festivals, Hiromi takes to the stage with two        Monash University,
Yamaha Music Australia,                                                                                                           the United States Consulate
                                                               equally formidable players, bassist Anthony Jackson
the Japan Foundation and                                                                                                          and PBS 106.7FM
                                                               (Paul Simon, The O’Jays, Steely Dan, Chick Corea) and
PBS 106.7FM
                                                               drummer Simon Philips (Toto, The Who, Judas Priest,
                                                               David Gilmour, Jack Bruce).

                                                               The trio’s acclaimed 2011 release, Voice, reflects Hiromi’s
                                                               journey towards a voice of her own. “That’s the beautiful
                                                               thing about music without words,” she says. “It’s just a matter
                                                               of using your imagination, finding your own voice within the
                                                               music, and travelling with it wherever it takes you”.

Opening act supported by                                                                                                          Opening act supported by         Terence Blanchard — trumpet / Brice Winston — tenor saxophone / Fabian Almazan — piano
Melbourne Jazz Co-operative                                                                                                       Melbourne Jazz Co-operative      Joshua Crumbly — bass / Kendrick Scott — drums

                                                                                                                                                                   Rob Burke & Tony Gould Quartet:
                                                                                                                                                                   Rob Burke — saxophone / Tony Gould — piano / Nick Haywood — bass / Tony Floyd — drums - Melbourne International Jazz
10                           Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                                                                   Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                     11

                             Festival Exclusive                                                                                                                    Festival Exclusive

Dee Dee Bridgewater Sings                                                                                         ¯ USA
                                                                                                                                Hiromi: Solo                                         ¯ JAPAN / USA

                            “ The audience adores her.”                                                                         Eli Degibri Quartet                                                          ¯ ISRAEL

                             The Guardian
                                                                                                                                                                   Double Bill

                                                                                                                                Date                              “ [Hiromi] is at her most exciting and uninhibited
                                                                                                                                Monday 4 June at 7:30pm
                                                                                                                                                                      when heard solo.”
                                                                                                                                Melbourne Recital Centre           Jazz About Town
                                                                                                                                A reserve: $69 / $61 conc         “ [Degibri's] playing sweeps you up and is drenched
                                                                                                                                B reserve: $59 / $49 conc
                                                                                                                                                                      in emotion...”
                                                                                                                                — piano                                                    This special double bill brings together two rapidly-rising
                                                                                                                                                                                           stars from opposite sides of the globe, each charting new
                                                                                                                                Eli Degibri Quartet:
                                                                                                                                                                                           directions in jazz.
Date                        “ Erotic torque…pioneering every phrase…when she hit                                              Eli Degibri
Sunday 10 June at 8pm                                                                                                           — saxophone
                                                                                                                                                                                           With her vast repertoire of styles, lightning-fast technique and
                                the first note, it seemed you could hear the last note in it.                                   Gadi Lehavi                                                the irrepressible joy she brings to each performance, pianist
                                                                                                                                — piano                                                    and composer Hiromi is a must-see. Always challenging herself
Melbourne Town Hall             And in every note you could almost hear the rest of jazz.”
Price                                                                                                                           Simon Starr                                                to adventurous conceptual ideas and musical explorations, she
                             Hollywood Reporter                                                                                 — bass                                                     has distilled the legacy of jazz piano, from stride to free, into her
A reserve: $99 / $91 conc
B reserve: $89 / $81 conc                                                                                                       Aviv Cohen                                                 style, and pushed the frontiers of the form.
C reserve: $69 / $61 conc    One of the great              Her charismatic and powerful      For this exclusive Australian      — drums
                             entertainers of her           presence on both the concert      appearance, Bridgewater                                                                       Israeli-born saxophonist, composer and bandleader Eli Degibri
Dee Dee Bridgewater          generation, jazz diva         platform and theatre stage        will use her trademark                                                                        matches Hiromi with his high-energy, superbly crafted live
— voice                      Dee Dee Bridgewater           has seen collaborations           searing vocals and scat                                                                       performances.
Craig Handy                  takes to the stage for        with jazz icons such as           interpretations to reinvent jazz
— saxophone                  her long-awaited              Sonny Rollins, Dizzy Gillespie,   classics, bringing the 2012                                                                   After full scholarships to Berklee College of Music and the
Edsel Gomez                  Melbourne debut.              Dexter Gordon and Roland          Melbourne International Jazz       Proudly supported by                                       Thelonious Monk Institute, Degibri launched an impressive
                                                                                                                                Yamaha Music Australia,
— piano                                                    Kirk; and led to three            Festival to an unforgettable       the Japan Foundation, the State
                                                                                                                                                                                           professional career as a member of the Herbie Hancock
Michael Bowie                Equally applauded for her     Grammy Awards, Broadway’s         close.                             of Israel and PBS 106.7FM                                  Sextet and Al Foster Quartet, all the while shaping his own
— bass                       heartfelt tributes to past    coveted Tony Award (Best                                                                                                        compositional voice – which has an appeal far beyond the
Johnathan Blake              legends, as well as her       Featured Actress in a Musical                                                                                                   traditional jazz audience – on the New York jazz club scene.
— drums                      exploration of new musical    for The Wiz), France’s top                                                                                                      Still in his mid-30s, Degibri was recently announced as the
                             horizons, Bridgewater has     honour of a Victoire de la                                                                                                      successor to Avishai Cohen as Artistic Director of the Red
Proudly supported by         been renowned throughout      Musique, and a nomination                                                                                                       Sea Jazz Festival.
The Age and ABC Jazz         her sparkling four-decade     for the West End’s Laurence
                             career as a torchbearer       Olivier Award (Best Actress                                                                                                     He makes his Australian debut with a quartet of musicians
                             for female vocalists in the   in a Musical for Lady Day).                                                                                                     from the vanguard of the burgeoning Israeli jazz scene,
                             tradition of Billie Holiday                                                                                                                                   including Melbourne-born Simon Starr and the 16-year old
                             and Sarah Vaughan.                                                                                                                                            prodigy Gadi Lehavi. - Melbourne International Jazz
12                           Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                                                                 Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                       13

                             Australian Premiere                                                                                                                 Australian Premiere

Chris Potter & the Jazzgroove                                                                                                                                    Future Now
Mothership Orchestra                                                                  ¯ USA / AUS                                                                Featuring

                                                                                                                                                                 Robert Glasper Experiment ¯ USA / José James ¯ USA
                            “ Big band jazz at its best.”                                         Opening Act                                                  Taylor McFerrin ¯ USA
                             Australian Stage                                                       Kristin Berardi ¯ AUS

Date                         When jazz legend Michael           powerful and alluring new           Jazz Ensemble of the Year”,
Saturday 2 June at 8:30pm    Brecker was asked how it           direction in large-ensemble         individually the Mothership’s
Doors from 8pm               felt to be the world’s best        jazz. In 2012, he brings that       members have dominated
Venue                        sax player, he replied,            same creative force to a            Australia’s top prizes over
The Forum                    “Ask Chris Potter”.                world-first collaboration           the last decade, including
Price                                                           with Sydney’s Jazzgroove            the National Jazz Awards,
$55 / $48 conc               An exceptional soloist,            Mothership Orchestra,               the Freedman Fellowship,
                             accomplished composer              showcasing Potter’s striking        and the Australian Jazz Artist    Date                       The revolutionary collaboration, Future Now,    Drawing on his passion for music and creative
                             and formidable bandleader,         compositions alongside              of the Year (Bell Awards).        Friday 8 June at 9pm       is an Australian premiere event that smashes    writing, José James delivers an inspiring
                             Chris Potter has performed         specially-commissioned                                                Doors from 8:15pm          stylistic boundaries to reshape the future      electro-soul, modern jazz sound with his
                             and recorded with many of          Australian works.                   Winner of the 2006 Montreux       Venue                      directions of jazz.                             signature sexy baritone voice.
                             jazz’s leading lights, including                                       Jazz Festival’s International     The Forum
                             Dave Holland, John Scofield,       The 17-piece powerhouse             Vocal Competition, Kristin        Price                      Vocalist José James, MC Taylor McFerrin         The Robert Glasper Experiment’s recent
                             Herbie Hancock, the Mingus         ensemble comprises many             Berardi opens with works          $62 / $55 conc             and pianist Robert Glasper boldly challenge     Blue Note/EMI release, Black Radio –
                             Big Band and Paul Motian           of Australia’s finest young         from her latest CD, Kristin                                  preconceptions of musical expression,           featuring a jaw-dropping roll-call of special
                             among many others.                 improvisers, exploring styles       Berardi meets the JMO,                                       taking hip-hop, R&B, soul and post-modern       guests including Erykah Badu, Mos Def,
                                                                from free jazz to heavy-duty        weaving her “evocative                                       jazz to never-before-seen places.               Lupe Fiasco and Meshell Ndegeocello –
                             His recent collaboration with      swing to create a modern            and finely crafted vocals”                                                                                   has captivated the music world, blending
                             the Danish Radio Big Band –        big-band sound steeped              (Sunday Herald Sun) with                                     Taylor McFerrin’s incredible vocal and          hip-hop, funk, neo-soul and gospel sounds
                             captured on the 2011 release       in tradition. Three-time            the vivid sounds of Australia’s                              beatboxing abilities are ingeniously enhanced   while remaining deeply rooted in jazz.
                             Transatlantic – created a          nominees for “Australian            leading jazz orchestra.                                      with Fender Rhodes, synthesizers, samples
                                                                                                                                                                 and more, meshing together to transform         Future Now represents the voice of the rising
                                                                                                                                                                 his deep ’60s soul roots into his vision of     generation in a live performance experience
                                                                                                                                                                 future hip-hop.                                 that saw queues stretching around the block
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for its New York premiere.

Proudly supported            Chris Potter — saxophone                                                                                 Proudly supported by
by Central Equity and                                                                                                                 Sands Print Group,
                             Jazzgroove Mothership Orchestra:                                                                         Liquorice Studio and RRR
ABC Classic FM
                             Kristin Berardi — voice / David Theak – Artistic Director — soprano, alto saxophone & clarinet
                             Murray Jackson, Richard Maegraith — saxophone, flute & clarinet / Matt Keegan — saxophone, clarinet                                 Taylor McFerrin — voice, electronics
                             James Loughnan — baritone saxophone, bass clarinet / Darryl Carthew, Phil Slater, Andy Fiddes,
                                                                                                                                                                 José James — voice / Takuya Kuroda — trumpet / Kris Bowers — piano, Fender Rhodes
                             Simon Ferenci — trumpets & flugelhorns / Jeremy Borthwick, Dave Panichi, Danny Carmichael
                                                                                                                                                                 Ben Williams — bass / Richard Spaven — drums
                             — trombones / Justin Kearin — bass trombone / Carl Morgan — guitar / Hugh Barrett — piano
                             Brendan Clarke — contrabass / Jamie Cameron — drums & cymbals                                                                       Robert Glasper Experiment:
                                                                                                                                                                 Robert Glasper — piano, Fender Rhodes / Casey Benjamin — saxophone, vocoder
                                                                                                                                                                 Derrick Hodge — bass / Mark Colenberg — drums - Melbourne International Jazz
14                          Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                                  Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                         15

                            Australian Premiere                                                                                  Australian Premiere and Festival Exclusive

ALBARE iTD                                         ¯ AUS / USA / Germany / Argentina
                                                                                                  “For Ella” featuring
                                                                                                   Patti Austin                                  ¯ USA

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Opening Act
                                                                                                                                 A tribute to Ella Fitzgerald                                      Aluka ¯ AUS

Date                        Guitarist and composer ALBARE – Albert Dadon – brings his              Date                          Few performers have the credentials to pull off a fitting and genuinely thrilling tribute to
Tuesday 5 June at 7:30pm    latest project to the Melbourne International Jazz Festival with an    Saturday 9 June               “America’s first lady of song” – Ella Fitzgerald – but Grammy Award-winning Patti Austin
                            international collaboration of the kind rarely heard in Australia.     at 1:30pm and 7:30pm          possesses the heritage, experience and voice to do so.
Melbourne Recital Centre                                                                           Venue
Price                       Making its Australian debut at the 2012 Festival, International        Melbourne Recital Centre      Debuting at New York’s famed Apollo Theater at the tender age of four, with the encouragement
A reserve: $69 / $61 conc   Travel Diary (iTD) features a dazzling new sextet including:           Price                         of her godparents Dinah Washington and Quincy Jones, Austin grew up witnessing legendary
B reserve: $59 / $49 conc                                                                          A reserve: $79 / $71 conc     performers like Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan and Judy Garland, who were instrumental in
                            Three-time Grammy Award-winner Antonio Sanchez, “one                   B reserve: $69 / $59 conc     shaping her inimitable vocal style.
                            of the standout jazz drummers on the contemporary scene”
ALBARE                      (New York Times);                                                      Patti Austin
— guitar                                                                                           — voice
Antonio Sanchez             Albare’s long-term collaborator, Evri Evripedou, whose inventive       Michael Ricchiuti
— drums                     and electrifying use of six and seven string basses and a variety      — piano
Evri Evripedou              of electronic effects takes bass playing to the extreme;               Evan Gregor
— bass                                                                                             — bass
George Garzone              Grammy Award-winning saxophonist George Garzone,                       Ross Glen Pederson
— saxophone                 whose warm, expansive tone and daring improvisations                   — drums
Hendrik Meurkens            make him a truly compelling performer;
— harmonica                                                                                        Aluka:

Leo Genovese                German born Hendrik Meurkens, easily the most important                Sally Mortenson
— piano                     jazz harmonica player since Toots Thieleman, renowned for              — voice
                            his groundbreaking combination of South American and                   Annabelle Tunley
                            traditional influences; and                                            — voice
                                                                                                   Rachael Head
                            Argentinian-born avante-garde pianist Leo Genovese,                    — voice
                            hailed as a “flat-out, fantastic player” by All About Jazz.
                                                                                                   Proudly supported by
                            ALBARE’S sixth CD is an international release through the              The Langham, Melbourne
                            legendary German Jazz label, Enja. In this new album, the title        and 774 ABC Melbourne
                            track, Long Way, is a tribute to the human spirit of adventure.
                            This will translate to a stage performance that is sure to test the                                  Her illustrious, almost 60-year career includes collaborations with artists as diverse as
                            limits of musical horizons to the delight of Melbourne’s public.                                     Randy Brecker, George Benson, Luther Vandross, Johnny Mathis and Michael Jackson.
Proudly supported by
                                                                                                                                 Her chart-topping 1982 duet with James Ingram, Baby, Come to Me went gold and saw
Brand Partners and                                                                                                               her become a household name.
ABC Classic FM
                                                                                                                                 In 2002, Austin released For Ella and commenced her decade-long love affair with performing
                                                                                                   Opening act supported by      the songs of Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Fats Waller and others as sung by Ella Fitzgerald,
                                                                                                   Melbourne Jazz Co-operative   even mirroring Ella’s famous scatting talents. Expect to hear timeless hits such as Too Close
                                                                                                                                 For Comfort, You’ll Have To Swing It (Mr Paganini) and How High the Moon in a tribute show
                                                                                                                                 that is like no other. - Melbourne International Jazz
16                        Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                                                 Qatar Airways Modern Masters Series                                                         17

                                                                                                                                              Australia Premiere and Festival Exclusive

Dr Lonnie Smith Trio                                                      ¯ USA
                                                                                                                 Renaud Garcia-Fons
                                                                                                                 Arcoluz Trio                                      ¯ France

                                                                                                                                              Opening Act
                                                                                                                                              Luke Howard & Janos Bruneel ¯ AUS / BELGIUM

                                                                                                                 Date                        “ [Garcia-Fons] is a phenomenon on his instrument...”
                                                                                                                 Friday 8 June at 7:30pm
                                                                                                                                              The Birmingham Post
                                                                                                                 Melbourne Recital Centre
                                                                                                                 A reserve: $69 / $61 conc
                                                                                                                 B reserve: $59 / $49 conc

                                                                                                                 Arcoluz Trio:
                                                                                                                 Renaud Garcia-Fons
                                                                                                                 — double bass
                                                                                                                 Kiko Ruiz
                                                                                                                 — guitar
                                                                                                                 Pascal Rollando
“ Dr Lonnie Smith is a phenomenal              King of the 425-pound funk      sampling of music types           — percussion
                                               Beast – the Hammond B3          has contributed to his broad
  B3 burner who can light up a room            organ – ‘The Turbanator’        appeal over many years,           Opening Act:
  with visceral intensity or lay down          brings to the stage over five   as well as his position at the    Luke Howard
                                               decades of self-schooled        razor’s edge of cool. Having      — piano
 some of the nastiest funk ever                playing, more than 70 album     never learned to read music,      Janos Bruneel
  played on an organ.”                         appearances and an              he relies on instinct and a       — bass
                                               irrepressible energy that       natural inclination for staying
                                               keeps him fresh and winning     ‘in the moment’ to make new                                    From the moment “the Paganini of Bass” – French/Spanish bass wunderkind Renaud
                                               industry awards well into a     discoveries with an audience                                   Garcia-Fons – first held a double bass in his hands at age 16, the future of the instrument
                                               new millennium.                 as witness.                                                    was destined to change.

Date                      Dr Lonnie Smith      Think of virtually any jazz     For this long-awaited return                                   Garcia-Fons quickly rose above the technical restraints of traditional double bass playing to
Thursday 7 June           — Hammond organ      star you care to mention and    to Australia, he is joined by                                  develop a transcendent, lyrical form of expression – an amalgam of double bass, cello, violin,
at 8pm and 11pm                                Dr Lonnie Smith has played      long-term collaborators                                        guitar, lute and oud sounds. His advancement of the instrument’s possibilities is reminiscent
                          Jonathan Kreisberg
Friday 8 June             — guitar             with them – from George         Jamire Williams and                                            of other musical pioneers like Astor Piazzolla, Jimi Hendrix and Paco de Lucia.
at 8pm and 11pm                                Benson to John Abercrombie,     Jonathan Kreisberg in
                          Jamire Williams
Venue                     — drums              Ron Carter to Joe Lovano,       a series of up-close and          Proudly supported by
                                                                                                                                              His drive for new ideas and talent to translate them into compositions has seen him draw
Bennetts Lane Jazz Club                        and Dizzy Gillespie to Etta     personal gigs at Bennetts         Mövenpick and                from a breadth of musical influence that essentially knows no bounds – including classical,
Price                                          James.                          Lane. In true Smith style, no     ABC Classic FM               jazz and flamenco, as well as the music of Persia, India, the Mediterranean, South America
$48 / $38 conc                                                                 performance will be the same.                                  and many other forms from around the globe.
                                               Making the DownBeat
                                               Annual Critics Poll in 2009,    Expect a burn-up                                               Renaud Garcia-Fons comes to the Festival with his critically celebrated trio for an Australian
Proudly supported by                           ’10 and ’11, Smith’s enthused   funk-infused odyssey into a                                    premiere performance that promises to bridge musical genres in the unique Garcia-Fons
Toyota and PBS 106.7FM                         interpretation of an eclectic   deeper realm of jazz groove.                                   way – an exhilarating and truly surprising performance adventure. - Melbourne International Jazz
18                            Jazz Up Close                                                                                                                                                          Jazz Up Close                                                19

                                                                Festival Exclusive                                            Samuel Yirga Quartet                                                   Tarbaby featuring
The Fringe                                   ¯ USA

                                                                Opening Act
                                                                                                                              ¯ Ethiopia

                                                                                                                              Opening Act
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Oliver Lake ¯ USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Opening Act
                                                                Jordan Murray’s North East Collective ¯ AUS                   Black Jesus Experience ¯ AUS                                           Paul Williamson Quartet ¯ AUS

Wednesday 6 June at 8pm
Comedy Theatre
$49 / $39 conc

George Garzone
— saxophone
John Lockwood                                                                                                                 Piano prodigy Samuel Yirga is one of the brightest talents to          Acclaimed as a “daring, genre-defying ride by an uncannily
— bass                                                                                                                        emerge on the Ethiojazz scene in the last decade.                      flexible crew of likeminded musical renegades...” (Jazz Times),
Bob Gullotti                                                                                                                                                                                         the boundary-breaking new sonic project, Tarbaby, makes its
                                                                                                                              Auditioning for Addis Ababa’s Yared School of Music at the
— drums                                                                                                                                                                                              Australian debut with the explosively unpredictable innovator,
                                                                                                                              age of 16 by tapping out rhythms on the top of the piano with
                                                                                                                                                                                                     saxophonist Oliver Lake.
Jordan Murray’s                                                                                                               a coin, Yirga’s innate talent was immediately apparent.
North East Collective:                                                                                                                                                                               Pianist Orrin Evans has performed with the likes of Roy
                                                                                                                              His ability to merge traditional Ethiopian rhythms, deeply-felt
Jordan Murray                                                                                                                                                                                        Hargrove, Pharoah Sanders, Mos Def, Ravi Coltrane and
                                                                                                                              classical piano undertones and homages to the likes of Keith
— trombone                                                                                                                                                                                           the Mingus Big Band; bassist Eric Revis cut his teeth with
                                                                                                                              Jarrett and Herbie Hancock, has won him a cult following in Addis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the legendary vocalist Betty Carter in the mid-1990s and is in
Tim Wilson                                                                                                                    Yirga is now taking his unique voice to the world stage, with recent
— saxophone                                                                                                                                                                                          constant demand as a sideman and bandleader; and drummer
                                                                                                                              appearances at WOMAD and London’s Southbank Centre.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nasheet Waits is a long-standing member of venerable
Geoff Hughes
— guitar                                                                                                                      In this debut Australian performance Yirga is joined by leading        group Jason Moran and the Bandwagon, which earned rave
                                                                                                                              musicians of the rising Ethiopian generation, alternating              reviews at the 2011 Melbourne International Jazz Festival.
Frank DiSario                 Living treasure of the Boston jazz scene and influential proponent of the free jazz movement,
                                                                                                                              between deeply impassioned solo piano and infectiously
— bass                        The Fringe celebrates a staggering 40 years on the world circuit with the groups first                                                                                 Together this incendiary lineup will explore new musical horizons
                                                                                                                              engaging ensemble playing.
Ronny Ferella                 Melbourne performance.                                                                                                                                                 in a free-form, no-holds-barred gig ranging between “stormy
— drums                                                                                                                       Black Jesus Experience open with their cross-continental blend of      sonic serenades and wondrous music that follows wide arcs
                              Renowned for championing the 1950s and ’60s radical mainstream, in particular that of           traditional Ethiopian song with jazz, funk, afro-beat and hip hop.     of evolution...” (All About Jazz).
                              John Coltrane and Sonny Rollins, The Fringe’s ‘chordless’ approach produces genuinely
                              inspired improvisations, never to be repeated, injecting each show with a soaring element       Samuel Yirga — piano / Feleke Woldemariam — saxophone                  Oliver Lake — alto saxophone
                              of the unexpected.                                                                              Yoseph Hailemariam Bekele — bass guitar                                with Tarbaby: Orrin Evans — piano / Eric Revis — bass
                                                                                                                              Nathaniel Zewde — drums                                                Nasheet Waits — drums
                              A performance by The Fringe is an epic narrative, offering “dramatic sweep, ebb and flow,       Black Jesus Experience:                                                Paul Williamson Quartet:
                              whispers, asides, fantastic digressions, high-tension oratory, character development,           Enushu Taye — voice / Mr Monk — MC, voice                              Paul Williamson — trumpet / Marc Hannaford — piano
Proudly supported by
                              tender caresses, and a couple of jokes… when a performance ends, you feel you have been         Peter Harper — alto saxophone / Ian Dixon — trumpet, flugelhorn        Frank DiSario — bass / Antony Floyd — drums
Monash University and                                                                                                         Cassawarrior — bass, voice / Pat Kearney — drums
ABC Classic FM                transported from where you were to where you are, and you sense the distance that you           Zhonu Nui Moon aka Future Roots — percussion
                              have traversed” (Fuse Music).                                                                   Hue Blanes — keyboards
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Date                              Venue
                              The trio’s combined biographies list a veritable roll-call of collaborations, including         Date                               Venue                               Saturday 9 June at 8pm            Comedy Theatre
                              Freddie Hubbard, Gil Evans, Danilo Pérez, Johnny Hartman, Mose Allison, as well as              Thursday 7 June at 8pm             Comedy Theatre                      Price
                              popular musicians like Tom Jones, Gladys Knight and Aretha Franklin, and even Aerosmith         Price                                                                  $49 / $39 conc
                              and New Kids On The Block.                                                                      $49 / $39 conc
Opening act supported by                                                                                                                                                                             Proudly supported by              Opening act supported by
Melbourne Jazz Co-operative                                                                                                   Presented in association with TarraWarra Estate and PBS 106.7 FM       Monash University                 Melbourne Jazz Co-operative
                              Ready yourself for a journey into jazz’s unexplored frontiers.
20                         Jazz Up Close                                                                                                                          Masterclasses               ACMI Jazz On Film                                       21

                                                                                                                               Enter the minds of the world’s
Another Place Some Other Time ¯ AUS                                                                                            greatest jazz masters. Don’t                                   Masterclasses
                                                                                                                               miss these free sessions in
             – music from the films of                                                                                        which the Festival’s headline       Sunday 3 June at 1pm       George Garzone ¯ USA — saxophone
                                                                                                                               artists discuss their technique,                               Bennetts Lane
                the Coen Brothers                                                                                              compositions, improvisations
                                                                                                                                                                   Monday 4 June at 4pm       Antonio Sanchez ¯ USA — drums
                                                                                                                               and inspirations.
                                                                                                                                                                                              The Wheeler Centre
                                                                                                                               Please note: Capacity is limited
Date                                                       “ [Chindamo] is an artist at the keyboard.”                         at both venues. Pre-bookings at     Wednesday 6 June at 4pm    Renaud Garcia-Fons ¯ FRA — double bass
Friday 8 June at 8pm                                        Ausjazz                                                            The Wheeler Centre are highly                                  The Wheeler Centre
Venue                                                                                                                          recommended.
                                                                                                                                                                   Thursday 7 June at 4pm     Dr Lonnie Smith ¯ USA — Hammond organ
Comedy Theatre                                              One of the world’s great jazz pianists, Melbourne’s own
                                                                                                                                                                                              Bennetts Lane
Price                                                       Joe Chindamo, turns his ear for reappropriating works
$39 / $29 conc                                              and making them wholly his own to the soundtracks of                                                   Friday 8 June at 4pm       Patti Austin ¯ USA — voice
                                                            genre-shaping American filmmakers, the Coen Brothers.                                                                             The Wheeler Centre
                                                                                                                                                                   Saturday 9 June at 1pm     Robert Glasper ¯ USA — piano
                                                            This special Festival event brings Chindamo’s acclaimed            Proudly supported by Monash
                                                                                                                               University, the United States                                  The Wheeler Centre
                                                            recording, Another Place Some Other Time – named on
                                                                                                                               Consulate, The Wheeler Centre
                                                            the Sunday Herald Sun’s Top 10 for 2010 list and hailed by
                                                                                                                               and Bennetts Lane Jazz Club
                                                            Ausjazz as “one of the must-have albums of the year” – into
                                                            a breathtaking live performance format.

                                                            Themes from films including O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Fargo,
                                                            Raising Arizona and Miller’s Crossing are reinterpreted by
Presented in association                                    Chindamo and an ensemble of outstanding Australian musicians.
with PBS 106.7 FM
                                                            Joe Chindamo — piano / Nigel Maclean — violin
                                                            Zoe Black — violin / Alex Pertout — percussion
                                                            Phil Rex — bass / Danny Farrugia — drums

Jazz in                    Three Lanes ¯ AUS                The Doug de Vries Trio           Fish Boast of Fishing ¯ AUS
                                                            present Baden Powell and                                           ACMI Jazz On Film
The Salon                                                   the Afro-Sambas ¯ AUS
                                                                                                                               Venue                              Schedule
                                                                                                                               Australian Centre for              Sunday 3 June at 6:15pm
Date                       Melbourne-based jazz pianist     This program pays homage         The poetry of e.e. cummings       the Moving Image (ACMI)            25th Hour
Friday 1 June at 6pm       and composer Andrea Keller       to one of Brazil’s most          is the springboard for a daring   Federation Square
Three Lanes                                                                                                                                                       Monday 4 June at 6.30pm
                           leads an exciting new            celebrated guitarists, Baden     and spontaneous fusion of
                                                                                                                               Price                              Cadillac Records
Saturday 2 June at 6pm     collaboration with two of her    Powell, and his development      musical ideas. Combining
The Doug de Vries Trio                                                                                                         $15 / $12 conc                     Intro & Q&A with
                           most celebrated, intriguing      of the Afro-Samba style.         improvisation, electronics and                                                                   In 2012, ACMI Jazz on Film     screening of his works,
present Baden Powell and                                                                                                       $11 acmi members                   Terence Blanchard
                           and broad-minded colleagues,     Baden Powell’s virtuosity        composition, and featuring                                                                       showcases two masters of       including an exclusive Q&A
the Afro-Sambas
                           Genevieve Lacey (recorders)      finds its match with             some of Australia’s foremost                                         Tuesday 5 June at 7pm       their craft who have found     facilitated by Paul Harris
Saturday 9 June at 6pm     and Joe Talia (revox B77,        Melbourne’s own Doug de          musical experimenters, Fish                                          Summer of Sam               their muse within the rich     (Filmbuff’s Forecast, St Kilda
Fish Boast of Fishing
                           electronics, percussion).        Vries, one of Australia’s        Boast of Fishing will surprise                                                                   genre of jazz.                 Film Festival).
Venue                                                                                                                                                             Friday 8 June at 7pm
                                                            foremost guitarists and          and beguile with its blend of     Presented in association
The Salon, Melbourne                                                                                                           with the Australian Centre for     Sweet and Lowdown
                           The trio combines acoustic,      leading exponents of Brazilian   jazz, classical contemporary                                                                     The unmistakable style of      In another Australian first,
Recital Centre                                                                                                                 the Moving Image
                           electronic, prepared,            guitar repertoire. Doug is       and minimalism.                                                      Saturday 9 June at 7pm      Golden Globe-nominated         ACMI presents the premiere
Price                      improvised and composed          joined by Frank DiSario                                                                               Bullets over Broadway       composer and trumpeter         season of Woody Allen:
                                                                                             Peter Knight — trumpet, laptop    Woody Allen: A documentary
$35 / $25 conc
                           elements, allowing the           on bass and Alastair Kerr        Erik Griswold — prepared piano    courtesy of Transmission Films                                 Terence Blanchard can be       A documentary, celebrating
Presented by the           unique and distinctive           on drums and percussion          Vanessa Tomlinson —                                                  Friday 1 – Sunday 17 June   heard on more than 50 film     the work of the great
                           contribution of each musician    for a tour through Brazil’s      percussion                                                           Woody Allen:                scores.                        American auteur whose
Melbourne Recital Centre
                                                                                             Aviva Endean —
                           to be given voice.               gorgeous musical landscape.                                                                           A documentary                                              films are suffused with the
                                                                                             contra bass clarinet
                                                                                             Frank DiSario — bass                                                 Check     His first Australian tour      language of jazz.
                                                                                             Joe Talia — drums, electronics                                       for session times           is commemorated with a
22                                    Bennetts Lane                                                                                                                                   Bennetts Lane                                                                                          23

Club Sessions
01         03      Friday

Bernie McGann Quartet -

                                                                        Luca Ciarla Quartet - ITALY
                                                                                                                                                   06                 Wednesday

                                                                                                                                                   Renaud Garcia-Fons: Solo - FRANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         10                 Sunday

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Evans/Swanton/Hall - AUS
A 75th Birthday Celebration - AUS                                       The Luca Ciarla Quartet blends contemporary jazz and ethnic                Renaud Garcia-Fons (double bass) weaves his masterful blend           ARIA Award-winning saxophonist and composer Sandy Evans
What better way for one of Australia’s most awarded and original        music to create an irresistible Mediterranean sound with a gypsy           of jazz, flamenco, world, Middle Eastern and classical styles. Hear   (Australian Art Orchestra, Ten Part Invention, Sandy Evans Trio,
jazz artists to celebrate his 75th birthday than by kick-starting the   touch. After appearances in countless music festivals in more than         for yourself why Garcia-Fons is hailed as the “Paganini of bass”      Clarion Fracture Zone) is joined by Toby Hall (Alistair Spence Trio,
2012 Festival’s Club Sessions. Join Bernie McGann (saxophone)           30 countries, they bring their unique style to Melbourne.                  as he creates extraordinary sounds and complex conversations          Sussurro) and three-time winner of Best Bassist in the Australian
and acclaimed Melbourne musicians Paul Grabowsky (piano),               Luca Ciarla — violin / Vince Abbracciante — accordion                      beyond the usual limitations of solo performance.                     Jazz and Blues Awards, Lloyd Swanton (The Necks, The catholics,
Phil Rex (bass) and Dave Beck (drums) for a very special                Nicola di Camillo — bass / Francesco Savoretti — percussion                                                                                      Bernie McGann Trio) for a special Festival closing night collaboration.
Festival event.                                                         Presented in association with the Italian Institute of Culture             2 sets from 8pm                    Price $40 / $35 conc               Sandy Evans — saxophone / Lloyd Swanton — bass
                                                                        and Melbourne Jazz Co-operative                                                                                                                  Toby Hall — drums, percussion
2 sets from 8pm                       Price $28 / $23 conc                                                                                                                                                               Presented in association with Melbourne Jazz Co-operative
                                                                        2 sets from 8pm                      Price $25 / $20 conc

Jamie Oehlers Quartet - AUS                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday              2 sets from 8pm                       Price $28 / $23 conc
featuring Robert Hurst - USA                                                                                                                                                                       – Friday

Robert Hurst has performed and recorded with Wynton and                                                                                                                                            June

Branford Marsalis, Harry Connick Jr, Diana Krall, Charles Lloyd
and Robert Glasper, and made the 2011 DownBeat Critic’s                                      June                                                  Dr Lonnie Smith Trio                - USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Every Night
Poll Top Bassists list. He teams up with multi-award winning                                                                                       See page 16.                                                                                                      June
Australian saxophonist Jamie Oehlers for a scintillating
trans-continental collaboration.
                                                                        Allan Browne Sextet - AUS                                                  2 sets from 8pm & 11pm Price $48 / $38 conc
Robert Hurst — bass / Jamie Oehlers — saxophone                         Conjuror                                                                                                                                         Late Night Jam
Tal Cohen — piano / Jacob Evans — drums                                 Australian Premiere
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         with the Nick Martyn Trio - AUS

                                                                                                                                                   09                  Saturday
2 sets from 11pm                      Price $25 / $20 conc              Ever the raconteur, Allan Browne’s sets at Bennett's Lane on a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unpredictable, unrepeatable and spontaneous collaborations
                                                                        Monday often feature word play. This time it's official, with Browne’s                         June                                              take place into the early hours of the morning, led by the Nick
                                                                        poetry - written in response to legendary jazz figures he has worked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Martyn Trio. So bring your horn, your bass or your voice and
                                                                        with – inspiring the sextet's trademark joyful grooves. Browne will also

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         join Festival-goers and artists – emerging and established,
                     Saturday                                           be celebrating the launch of Conjuror – a collection of his jazz poetry,   Motif - NORWAY                                                        international and Australian – to meet, listen, play and discover
                     June                                               published by extempore, and a CD of related new material released          Australian Premiere                                                   each night of the 2012 Festival.
                                                                        by Jazzhead. Don’t miss this marriage of poetry and jazz.
                                                                                                                                                   Playing freewheeling acoustic jazz with a hybrid of Afro-American     Nick Martyn Trio:
                                                                        Allan Browne — drums / Eugene Ball — trumpet
                                                                                                                                                   rhythm heritage and lyrical European influences, Norwegian            Simon Mavin — piano / Paul Bender — bass
Murphy’s Law              - AUS                                         Phillip Noy — saxophone / Geoff Hughes — guitar
                                                                                                                                                   outfit Motif comprises some of the premier musicians on the           Nick Martyn — drums
Australian Premiere                                                     Marc Hannaford — piano / Nick Haywood — bass
                                                                                                                                                   Scandinavian scene, specialising in “a shape-shifting, cheerily
“A wildly successful integration of classical, jazz and electronica”    2 sets from 8pm                      Price $23 / $20 conc                  virtuosic strain of avant-garde jazz, weighing song form against      11pm til late                        Price $15 / $10 conc
(Sunday Herald Sun), Murphy’s Law premieres Big Creatures                                                                                          pure texture” (New York Times).
& Little Creatures: The Modular Suite. Created for the 2012                                                                                        Atle Nymo — saxophones, bass clarinet / Eivind Lønning —
Festival by Tamara Murphy – winner of the inaugural PBS                                                                                            trumpet / Haavard Wiik — piano / Ole Morten Vaagan — bass

Young Elder of Jazz Commission – The Modular Suite is an                                                                                           Haakon Mjaaset Johansen — drums
organic live performance experience showcasing each musical
                                                                                             June                                                  2 sets from 8pm                    Price $30 / $25 conc
voice to create an elegant and compelling soundscape.
Jordan Murray — trombone / Nashua Lee — guitar / Tamara
Murphy — bass / Joe Talia, Daniel Farrugia — drums, percussion                                                                                     Robert Glasper Experiment - USA
                                                                        Hiromi: Club Session - JAPAN / USA
Presented in association with PBS 106.7 FM                                                                                                         This genre-defying ensemble distils jazz, hip-hop, R&B and rock
PBS Young Elder of Jazz Commission supported by Mark Newman             Hiromi’s “remarkable virtuosity, constant creativity, and utter joy        into a singularly unique voice. “We can go anywhere, literally
of K2 Asset Management                                                  at playing” (Jazz Around Town) are showcased in an intimate                anywhere, we want to go. We all have musical ADD and we love
                                                                        club show. She will be joined by jazz-rock drumming legend                 it,” says Glasper. Presenting new collaborative originals and
1 set from 8pm                        Price $25 / $20 conc              Simon Philips and the great Anthony Jackson (bass) after her               surprising cover songs, don’t miss the Experiment in their first
                                                                        opening solo set.                                                          Australian tour.
Eli Degibri Quartet               - ISRAEL
                                                                        Presented in association with Yamaha Music Australia                       Robert Glasper — piano, Fender Rhodes
Australian Premiere                                                     and Melbourne Jazz Co-operative                                            Casey Benjamin — saxophone, vocoder / Derrick Hodge — bass
A composer, improviser and performer at the vanguard of the                                                                                        Mark Colenburg — drums
international jazz scene, Eli Degibri has been hailed by the New York
                                                                        2 sets from 8pm                      Price $48 / $38 conc
Times as “a very modern improviser, super artful; his creations are                                                                                2 sets from 11pm                   Price $48 / $38 conc
spiky and fractured but immaculately sculptured... Don’t miss him.”
Eli Degibri — saxophone / Gadi Lehavi — piano
Simon Starr — bass / Aviv Cohen — drums
Presented in association with the State of Israel

2 sets from 11pm                      Price $30 / $25 conc                                                                                                                            MELBOURNE
24                                                                                                                                                                                                    Jazz Futures                                               25
                                  Free Events
                                                                                                                                   Monash University                                                  under-18s SHOW
                                  The Cave                                                                                         Jazz Futures                                                       Saskwatch ¯ AUS
Dates                                                             Three evenings, three directions, three smashing late-night                                                                         Opening Act
Saturday 2, Friday 8 and                                          parties which break down the walls of inhibition.                                                                                   The Cactus Channel ¯ AUS
Saturday 9 June
10pm – 3am                                                        In the surrounds of Melbourne’s best kept secret, the Kelvin
Venue                                                             Club, you are invited to feast on a cornucopia of interweaving
Kelvin Club                                                       images and sounds, where the lines between space, performer
Subscribe at
                                                                  and spectator constantly shift.                                                 Hear underground orchestras play tribute to the roots and
for priority entry
                                                                  new budding leaves of jazz, from the heady days of big band
                                                                  swing through to Afro-Futurism; wander through the words of
Supported by the City of                                          hip-talking beatniks, bathe in champagne fountains and dance
Melbourne’s Late Night
Programming initiative
                                                                  in the cinémathèque or watch the sparks fly in a galvanization
                                                                  of cutting edge producers with jazz heavyweights.

                                                                  Enter The Cave.

                                                                                                                                   During the 2012 Festival, students from Monash University          Get ready for a double dose of electrifying funk as Triple J
                                  Evening Soundwalks                                                                               Jazz and Popular Studies are provided with the inimitable          Unearthed acts Saskwatch and The Cactus Channel blend
                                                                                                                                   opportunity to rehearse and perform with leading international     the hypnotic sounds of soul, jazz and R&B in a Festival-first,
Dates                             Evening Soundwalks return after their hugely popular debut at the 2011 Festival. This year,      artists. The inspiring Jazz Futures series sees Australia’s next   under-18s exclusive gig.
Saturday 2, Sunday 3, Friday 8,   join celebrated landscape architect and acoustic ecologist Anthony Magen and The Australian      generation of jazz musicians take to the stage with School of
Sunday 10 June at 6pm;                                                                                                             Music staff members Rob Burke, Paul Williamson and Jordan          R&B/soul explosion Saskwatch are in hot demand, having
                                  Forum for Acoustic Ecology to search for Melbourne’s hidden voice amongst its streets,
Saturday 9 June at 9pm            laneways and secret spaces, revealing a different pathway through the CBD each time.             Murray for a celebration of excellence in jazz education.          recently played Golden Plains, Falls and Melbourne Festivals
Meet at Federation Square                                                                                                                                                                             and opening for The Bamboos. Straight from Princes Hill
                                  With the simple rule of ‘no communication’, just listening and walking, you’ll soon become
                                                                                                                                   Terence Blanchard, known for his sophisticated film scores         High School, ten-piece hard funk/groove orchestra
Saturday (early Sunday morning)
                                  attuned to the subtle soundscape of the city and gain a new perspective on the acoustic
                                                                                                                                   (notably Spike Lee films), holds impeccable educational            The Cactus Channel are also making huge waves on
2 June at 1am                     environment that surrounds us.
                                                                                                                                   credentials including directorships at the Henri Mancini           the Melbourne live music scene with appearances at the
Meet at Bennetts Lane Jazz Club   Please note this is a walking tour – sensible shoes are recommended.                             Institute and Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz.                   St Kilda and Falls Festivals, demonstrating musical talent
                                  Spaces are limited – arrive 10 minutes early to register your place.                                                                                                beyond their years.
                                                                                                                                   Stalwarts on the Boston free jazz scene, The Fringe
                                                                                                                                   members, George Garzone, John Lockwood and Bob Gullotti            Showcasing two of Melbourne’s hottest funk outfits, this is
                                  In Conversation:                                                                                 are renowned as educators as well as practitioners, on faculty     set to be an unforgettable, larger-than-life performance.
                                                                                                                                   at Berklee College of Music, New York University and the
                                  Terence Blanchard on Artistry                                                                    New England Conservatory.
Dates                                                             Join one of the most influential jazz musicians and film score   Tarbaby - Orrin Evans, Eric Revis and Nasheet Waits – are          Nkechi Anele — voice / Liam McGorry — trumpet, tambourine
Sunday 3 June at 3:30pm                                           masters of our time for an intimate one-off artist talk.         ‘cutting edge’ musicians who are in demand as clinicians at        Nic Ryan-Glenie — trumpet / Sam Boon, Will Morrissey —
                                                                                                                                   conservatories and universities around the world.                  saxophones / Rob Muinos — guitar / Olaf Scott — keyboard, organ
Venue                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tom Pettit — bass guitar / Ed Crocker — drums
                                                                  With more than 29 albums and 5 Grammy Awards to his
The Langham, Melbourne
                                                                  name, Terence Blanchard has helped to shape the contours of      Dates
                                                                                                                                   Wednesday 6 June at 6pm — with Terence Blanchard Quintet           The Cactus Channel:
                                                                  modern jazz composition and performance on and off screen.                                                                          Lena Douglas, Daniel Sutton — trumpets / Campbell Wheeler,
                                                                                                                                   Thursday 7 June at 6pm — with The Fringe
                                                                                                                                   Friday 8 June at 6pm — with Tarbaby                                Lauren Mullarvey, Kate Charlwood — saxophones / Callum Riley
                                                                  He will provide a fascinating insight into the development       Venue                              Price                           — organ, tambourine / David Thor, Lewis Coleman — guitars
                                                                  of his own voice as a composer and the techniques used to        The Salon,                         $30 / $25 conc                  Henry Jenkins — fender bass / Hudson Whitlock — drums
Supported by                                                      overcome a multitude of creative challenges. Discussing his      Melbourne Recital Centre
The Langham, Melbourne                                            experience in both the film and live music scene the                                                                                Date                             Venue
                                                                  audience can expect nothing less than a compelling, honest       Proudly supported by Monash University                             Sunday 10 June at 3pm            The Hi-Fi
                                                                  and highly inspiring exchange of ideas led by this master of                                                                        Price                            Age Restriction
                                                                  the art form.                                                                                                                       $25                              Ages 14 – 17 only
26                               Family Concerts

Play School’s Big Jazz Adventure
Date                                                         Children’s television icon Play School returns to the Festival
Sunday 10 June                                               for an adventure of the big jazz kind.
at 10am and 11:30am
Duration                                                     Big Ted, Little Ted, Jemima, Humpty and a whole host of
40 minutes                                                   well-known Australian faces have brought the magic that is
Venue                                                        Play School to generations of Australian children.
Melbourne Town Hall
Price                                                        During the 2012 Melbourne International Jazz Festival, hosts
$20                                                          Teo Gebert and Rachael Coopes will use stories, games,
                                                             music and songs to introduce children (and parents!) to the
Presented in association                                     wonders of jazz.
with 774 ABC Melbourne
and ABC Children’s TV                                        Featuring some of Australia’s finest jazz musicians, each concert
                                                             will showcase the instruments and their sounds in an accessible
                                                             and fun way.
                                 Teo Gebert and              All children must be accompanied by an adult.
                                 Rachael Coopes              Suitable for children 2 to 5 years old.

Free Lunchtime Concerts                                      Hue Blanes Trio
                                                             Pianist and vocalist Hue Blanes (The Melodics, Illy), drummer
at Federation Square                                         Nick Martyn (Whitesploitation) and bassist Jules Pascoe                     Monash University School
                                                             (Harry Angus Band, Conglomerate) debut new works from                       of Music-Conservatorium
Celebrate the spirit of jazz!    Dates                       their forthcoming album.                                                    The Monash University Jazz and
Trad jazz, swing, world          Sunday 3 – Sunday 10 June                                                                               Popular Studies Program is the
                                 12 – 1pm daily              Monash University                                                           premier jazz course in Australia.
music, big band, indigenous
                                                             The World Music Orchestra (directed by Sam Evans)                           We attract the highest calibre of
music and more will put a        Venue
                                 Federation Square           reflects Melbourne’s cultural diversity, combining instruments              teaching staff and offer a variety
spring in your step and a
                                 - Main Stage                from around the world. The Big Band (directed by Jordan                     of performance, composition
smile on your face in the                                                                                                                and research opportunities. Our
                                                             Murray) is an 18-piece ensemble that explores the rich
depths of winter.                Schedule                                                                                                international study tours to Italy
                                                             stage and big band repertoire. The World Music Ensemble                     and New York provide unique
                                 Sunday 3 June
                                                             embraces a cross section of musical influences from various                 opportunities for students to
                                 Hue Blanes Trio
                                                             cultures in the true spirit of contemporary Australian society.             perform, learn and be mentored
                                 Monday 4 June                                                                                           from seminal musicians such
                                 WAAPA Jazz Ensemble         WAAPA Jazz Ensemble                                                         as Joe Lovano, John Taylor,
                                                             WA’s finest tertiary jazz students brighten your lunchtime with             John Scofield, and Kenny Werner.
                                 Tuesday 5 June                                                                                          Each year students also get an
                                 Monash University           engaging original and well-known standards, directed by                     opportunity to perform and/or
                                 World Music Orchestra       Jamie Oehlers.                                                              record with visiting at the
                                                                                                                                         School of Music with artists              Undergraduate study options*
                                 Wednesday 6 June            Yil Lull Ensemble                                                           such as Hermeto Pascoal, John
                                 Monash University
                                                             The indigenous ensemble (from the VCA Contemporary Music                    Abercrombie, George Garzone,              Bachelor of Music
                                 Big Band                                                                                                Jim Black, Aaron Goldberg and
                                                             Performance Department, University of Melbourne) explores                                                             Double degrees with Arts,
                                 Thursday 7 June                                                                                         Vince Jones.
                                                             the fascinating intersection between indigenous songlines                                                             Commerce, Education, Laws or
                                 Monash University                                                                                       As part of the course, students
                                                             and new directions in jazz, directed by Kutcha Edwards.                                                               Performing Arts
                                 World Music Ensemble                                                                                    also perform locally at well-
Presented in association with    Friday 8 June               Melbourne Youth Jazz Orchestra                                              known venues such as Australia’s
Qatar Airways and The Light in                                                                                                           premier jazz club, Bennett’s Lane,        Postgraduate study options*
                                 Yil Lull Ensemble           With a sophisticated sound and energy to burn, outstanding
Winter, Federation Square                                                                                                                and The Melbourne International
                                 Saturday 9 June             young jazz musicians from across Victoria breathe fresh life                Jazz Festival. These learning             Honours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Apply to Monash University
                                 Melbourne Youth             into the classic big band sound, directed by Eugene Ball.                   experiences are underpinned               Graduate Diploma                     online or by phone:
                                 Jazz Orchestra                                                                                          by a focus on developing strong
                                                             Michael Griffin Quartet                                                                                               Masters                              T: +61 3 9905 3231
                                                                                                                                         fundamentals so students are well
                                 Sunday 10 June                                                                                          equipped to develop their individual      PhD                        
                                                             Michael Griffin (saxophone), Daniel Gassin (piano),
                                 Michael Griffin Quartet                                                                                 musical voice and prepare them
                                                             Leigh Barker (bass) and Craig Simon (drums) employ                                                                    *Areas of specialisation include
                                                                                                                                         for a professional career in the          jazz performance, jazz composition
                                                             a great swinging groove for jazz that everyone can dig.                     globalized music world.                   and musicology

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