Father Clark "Do Wonderful Things for God" Scholarship

Page created by Maurice Taylor
Mary, Seat of Wisdom – Council of Catholic Women

                                Father Clark
           “Do Wonderful Things for God”

This packet includes:

      Scholarship Overview
      Background on Father William Clark
      Eligibility requirements
      Approved scholarship submission formats
      Rules
      Judging process
      What the judges are looking for in the submission
           o Content
           o Presentation
           o Creativity
           o inspiration
      Submission Form to be completed and returned with student’s entry

All entries must be submitted to the Rectory, the REC office or the
            School Office by 4 p.m. on Monday April 25
Mary, Seat of Wisdom - Council of Catholic Women
          Father Clark "Do Wonderful Things for God" Scholarship

Who:    All 8th grade student parishioners are eligible to participate. There is no requirement that the
        student plan to attend a Catholic high school.

What: $500 Award presented to the student who writes an essay which best conveys an awareness of
      Father Clark’s legacy and indicates an awareness of how these qualities can be integrated into
      his/her life.

When: Entries (and Submission Forms) are due by 4:00 PM Monday April 25, 2016.

Where: Entries may be turned in to the Rectory, the REC Office, or the School Office.

Why:    This scholarship award is funded by Mary, Seat of Wisdom’s Council of Catholic Women to
        honor the memory of Father Bill Clark, second pastor of our parish. The purpose of the award is
        to provide an opportunity for students to explore the values promoted by Father Clark and to
        recognize and reward the student who best conveys how these qualities can be integrated into
        his or her life.

The information provided includes:
            Background information on Father Clark
                   o Biographical information
                   o Information about his mission looking for ways to engage people for Christ
            Detailed submission guidelines
                   o Media choices and stipulations
                   o YOUR NAME MAY NOT APPEAR ON (or in) THE ENTRY (just on the submission
            Starter questions that will help you develop your project
            Criteria which will be considered by the readers/judges
                   o Scholarship
                   o Creativity
                   o Inspiration
                   o Overall Content
               Specific questions for each of the four categories above which are to be considered by
               the readers/judges are included in the on-line information provided. It would
               behoove each applicant to carefully review the judging criteria.

               Entry Submission Form (Please complete the Submission Form attached. It MUST be
                turned in with your essay.)

QUESTIONS? Please contact Kathy Flanagan at 847-692-5585 or kathy.flanagan@allstate.com
Mary, Seat of Wisdom - Council of Catholic Women

       Father Clark "Do Wonderful Things for God" Scholarship

Who was Father William T. Clark?

Father Clark was ordained to the priesthood in 1937. He served in various pastoral and
educational positions throughout his early career. During his years of ministry, he
pioneered in many social action groups such as Young Christian Students, Young Christian
Workers, and the emerging Christian Family Movement (CFM). CFM was responsible for
opening up a new era of dialogue between clergy and the laity and developing a new
sensitivity to bringing the message of Jesus right into people's homes through small group
meetings. This scholarship opportunity is intended to reflect his pioneering spirit.

In 1968, Fr. Clark was named administrator at MSW. When Father Dowling passed away in
March 1968, Father Clark was named the second pastor of our parish. In his 13 years as
pastor of MSW, he fostered parishioner involvement by bringing many of his past
experiences with him. Those experiences included working with young married couples,
marriage preparation classes, and many of the new reforms emerging from the Second
Vatican Council. MSW was one of the first parishes to establish a parish council.

Fr. Clark retired in 1980 at the age of 70. He continued to live at the parish and assisted
in many parish ministries and often visited the classrooms of the school. He also devoted
much time to chaplain work at Lutheran General Hospital. In the late 1980s he was
diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, but was able to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of his
ordination in May of 1987. At that time, the former parish convent, which had been
renovated to meet changing parish needs, was named the Clark Ministry Center. He died in
October of 1995.

One of Fr. Clark's famous sayings, borrowed somewhat from Blessed Mother Teresa of
Calcutta, was "Do Wonderful Things for God." Fr. Clark's mind was always inquiring and
was always looking for ways to engage people for Christ. He was endeared to many and
many in the parish came to call him "Uncle Bill". He was also known for handing out Clark
Bars to the children.

This scholarship is established in his memory.
Who Can Apply for the Award and Scholarship?

This scholarship opportunity is open to all eighth grade students who attend the parish day
school, Religious Enrichment programs, or 8th grade parishioners who attend any other area
school. The award is not based on enrollment in a Catholic high school.

What is the Purpose of the Award?

       To create an opportunity for students to explore the values promoted by Father
       To sustain the legacy of Father Clark and his message of love, charity, kindness,
        humor, openness and involvement for all students
       To recognize and reward the student who best conveys how these qualities can be
        integrated into his/her life

In what form should my scholarship submission be presented?

There are no requirements as to what format you must choose to present your ideas.
Some things that you might consider as you organize your thoughts are:

       How has my involvement in the MSW parish prepared me to be a good Catholic?
       What does being a good Catholic mean?
       How do I see myself "doing wonderful things for God" in today's world?
       How have I been prepared by my parents, catechists, and our parish community to
        contribute to my church and my world?
       How do I see my fellow eighth graders being involved in our faith?

Last year CCW decided to widen this scholarship opportunity and invited students
to present their reflections on the questions above utilizing one of several
different media formats:
    in written form (essay, poem, (play) script, etc.), size 12 font, 1-3 pages in
    in a visual form (2-dimensional (flat) art rendered in a variety of media such
      as acrylic, oil, watercolor, pastel, pencil, charcoal, or mixed media (including
      collage)---maximum size 22” x 30”, OR
    in video form (power-point, film, video) ---- submitted on a disk with a
      running time of 5 to 8 minutes.
    in music (original composition submitted on a cd)
Submission Rules and Details

      Your name is NOT to appear on the essay, the artwork, the cd, or in the
       video/PowerPoint presentation.
      Submit only original work that has been created by you, the author/artist,
       as identified on the submission form; no part of your work can be copied or
       adapted from another source or be copyrighted.
      Fill out the application form. This is the ONLY place your name may appear.
      Have a parent/guardian sign the form
      Place the application form inside the envelope/box/package with your submission.
       Your work should be handed in to the rectory by 4 PM Monday, April 25, 2016.
      All entries will become the property of CCW.

Any entry received after the deadline established will be returned and will not be
eligible for submission.

Judging Process

The entries will be blinded and a number assigned to each. A panel of judges including
members of CCW and the parish staff will evaluate the submissions.

The presentation receiving the highest point total will be awarded the Father Clark
Scholarship. The winner will receive a check for $500 from CCW. (If students choose to
collaborate on a project, and their entry is selected, the $500 scholarship funds will be
divided equally among the participants.)This scholarship is funded from member dues and
fundraisers held by CCW during the year. A certificate commemorating this award will be
given to the student whose essay is selected and the work will be published either in the
Sunday Bulletin or the quarterly parish publication, Words of Wisdom.


Judges will evaluate the submission on the basis of scholarship/presentation, creativity,
inspiration and overall content. Four questions in each of these categories will be graded
by the judges, allowing for a maximum of eight points. Scores of zero, one, and two will be
given to each question. Zero indicates the area was not adequately addressed; one
indicates that it was addressed in a satisfactory manner; and a score of two indicates that
the area was addressed in an above average manner. The maximum possible score for the
essay is 32.

1. Has the student demonstrated a good command of the medium chosen (or the English
2. Has he or she communicated a central message well?
3. Does the submission feature good execution and technique? (For a video submission, is
there good narrative flow and scripting? For an essay, does the writing feature good
grammar and spelling?)
4. Does the submission demonstrate quality/balance between colors and design? (For a
video submission, is there good editing, continuity, and use of visual enhancements? Is
there an appropriate use of music or sound effects? For an essay, is the writing well-
organized and cohesive?)


1. Has the student’s submission piqued the viewer’s interest?
2. Does the submission offer fresh ideas for involvement of youth in the Church?
3. Are the ideas conveyed original or are traditional ideas presented in a new way?
4. Does the submission come alive?


1. Does the submission communicate well with the reader/viewer/judge?
2. Does the submission offer an example of Catholic leadership for other youth to
3. Do you feel a genuine sentiment is being conveyed?
4. Is the project theme: "Doing Wonderful Things for God" clearly presented to the

Overall Content

1. Does the submission offer a positive and constructive perspective on youth involvement
   in the church?
2. Does it include a realistic and possible course of action for the student to follow?
3. Does the submission reflect well on the Catholic instruction the student has received?
4. Does the submission inspire confidence in our youth to be leaders in the laity of the


QUESTIONS? Please contact Kathy Flanagan at 847-692-5585 or kathy.flanagan@allstate.com
2016 Father Clark Contest Submission Form



Name of high school you are entering in Fall 2016:

School you currently attend: ________________________________________

Do you understand this award is to be used for educational purposes only?_______

Do you agree to use the award for legitimate educational expenses?___________

Is this submittal the work of the student submitting this application? _________

By signing below, you are indicating that you understand the above questions and have
answered them honestly.

Signature of Student______________________________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian________________________________________

Please submit this application form in an envelope or package with your essay, poem,
or artwork. Submissions should be turned in to the rectory office (or the REC Office
or the School Office) by 4 PM on Monday, April 25, 2016 - Any submission received
after the date established will be returned and will not be eligible for submission

Please contact Kathy Flanagan at 847-692-5585 or kathy.flanagan@allstate.com
To be completed by award coordinator:

Date Essay Received: ________________            Essay Number:_________________
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