2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

Page created by Russell Holmes
2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship
2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

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industry, World Tea News, is the premier source for in-depth understanding of
the industry. World Tea News is dedicated to connecting businesses to valuable
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The newly rebranded Global Tea Championship™ is an independent competition,
judged by tea professionals, to distinguish the highest quality & best tasting teas
commercially available. All entrants receive feedback from seasoned tea professionals
and the chance to win. Find out how your teas match up to rest of the tea industry.

Enter your teas today at TeaChampionship.com!
2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

About GTC.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4

Meet the 2017 Judges.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5

Fall Hot Loose Leaf Competition. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7

Iced Tea Competition .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10

Spring Hot Loose Leaf Tea Competition .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14

Packaged Single Serve Competition .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19

People's Choice Awards.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23

Judging Methodology & Scoring .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 24

Overview and Quick Links. .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 25

2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

The Global Tea Championship™ is an independent
competition, judged by tea professionals, to distinguish
the highest quality and best tasting teas commercially available.

The Global Tea Championship consists of five competitions: Fall
Hot Loose Leaf, Spring Hot Loose Leaf, Iced Commercial, Iced Small
Batch and Packaged Single Serve. Each competition consists of its own
categories and judging panel and takes place in the following months:





Winners of the Tea Championship are announced after each respective evaluation,
personally and in the press release. Winning companies receive a formal announce-
ment letter that includes the tea’s rating and ranking as well as a print-ready seal that
can be used for all promotional materials and packaging.

In 2017, our Championship formerly known as the North American Tea Championship
rebranded to the Global Tea Championship. To better serve the rapid growth of the
tea industry and invite tea manufacturers from all around the globe to enter their teas
throughout the year, the GTC revamped and refreshed every aspect of its competitions
from new category additions to category descriptions to judging requirements and
rules and regulations. Our goal at the Global Tea Championship is not only to provide
a trusted, valuable source for tea manufacturers to receive qualified feedback on their
teas, but also give every company with notable teas the opportunity to be recognized
as the best in the industry.

We’re proud to present the 2018 Global Tea Championship Buyer’s Guide!
Use this listing of the 2017 Global Tea Championship medal success winners to guide
your 2018 tea and know that you are purchasing industry - expert tried and verified
teas. Thank you for your support and we hope you find this guide helpful as you
navigate your purchases in the upcoming year.

2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

Judges for this competition are selected based on their reputation, their
professionalism and their extensive experience cupping teas (minimum of
5 years of cupping teas for purchase, quality control, development, etc.).

                     Kelly Amoroso                                                                     Richard Enticott
                     Allegro Coffee Company                                                            Being Tea
                     COMPETITIONS: FALL HOT,                                                           COMPETITIONS: FALL HOT,
                     PACKAGED SINGLE SERVE                                                             PACKAGED SINGLE SERVE
                      Kelly Amoroso is the tea buyer at Allegro Coffee                                  Richard has worked in the tea industry for over 25
                      Company (a div. of Whole Foods Market) and                                        years. After a 5 year apprenticeship as a trainee tea
                      has over 23 years of experience in the tea and                                    taster with Tetley in England tasting thousands of
coffee industry. Her background has primarily been in quality control,         teas each week, Richard held senior roles in buying and blending covering
sensory and physical evaluation of raw materials and finished goods for        all major tea producing Origins. In 1999 he joined Finlays USA in New Jersey
coffee and tea. Originally hired as Quality Control Manager in 2011, she       as Director of Tea Trading selling bulk tea and decaffeinated tea to national
became the tea buyer for Allegro in 2012 and continues to source, blend,       brands and private label packing companies throughout North America.
and manage inventory for Allegro Tea products.                                 Thereafter, he joined Martin Bauer Inc. in 2003 as President & CEO (N.A.)
                                                                               with responsibility for a portfolio of ingredients covering tea, herbs, botanical
                                                                               powders and extracts for the dietary supplement industry. In 2015, Richard
                     John Cullicott
                                                                               relocated his family to Boulder, Colorado and is presently owner of Meridian
                     Walters Bay
                                                                               Trading Company, providing botanical ingredients to clients worldwide.
                     COMPETITIONS: ICED
                       John has over 16 years of experience in the tea
                                                                                                       Suzette Hammond
                       industry. As the President and COO of Walters
                                                                                                       Being Tea
                       Bay, he is part of the Walters Bay team that
                                                                                                       COMPETITIONS: FALL HOT,
                       pioneered the grower-direct business model
                                                                                                       PACKAGED SINGLE SERVE
which focuses on sustainability, traceability, and transparency. His
operational experience covers the full supply chain from tea nurseries                                With more than 13 years of experience in retail
and tea gardens to tea processing factories and packaging. John was                                   and wholesale, Suzette Hammond is known as one
also part of the development team that created category winners at                                    of the most passionate, engaged and creative
the North American Tea Championship for 12 years in a row. He has              educators in the global tea industry. Suzette is the founder of Being Tea -
attended and been a featured speaker at international conferences              an independent consultancy for interactive training, customized workshops,
and trade shows on tea and helped develop some of the first STI                program development, sourcing and hands-on tea mentorship. She
courses on tea growing and processing.                                         works with clients across the US, Europe and the Middle East, including
                                                                               importers, wholesalers, retailers, fine restaurants, coffee roasters, culinary
                                                                               / beverage management and industry trade groups. Suzette is also the
                                                                               Education Director for Tea Journey Magazine, serves on the Advisory
                                                                               Board and guest teaches for World Tea Academy, teaches regularly at
                                                                               World Tea Expo and other trade events.

2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

                       Lydia Kung
                       VeriLeaf Fine Teas
                       COMPETITIONS: SPRING HOT
                       An avowed foodie who thinks teas get short shrift
                       even as culinary expectations rise in our craft-fixated
                       food culture, Lydia is delighted to play the role
                       of tea advocate. Surely, some of the attention to
growing regions and techniques in food, wine, and coffee can be trans-
ferred to a more judicious appreciation of fine teas. As an importer, Lydia
has occasion to sample teas daily, ranging from low-end, high-volume
products to captivating teas that virtually demand sipping again and again.
She especially enjoys any occasion to taste with a group, since shared
comments help build a tea lexicon and give articulation to nuances.
Although no longer working in ethnography, all that this subject encom-
passes remains a passion, and tea falls easily into this field. Despite its
long tradition, tea continually turns up new finds and surprises. Tea can
                                                                                                             Scott Svihula
still confound, and Lydia considers this as one of tea’s greatest pleasures.
                                                                                                             Hula Consulting
                                                                                                             COMPETITIONS: FALL HOT, SPRING HOT,
                                                                                                             PACKAGED SINGLE SERVE, ICED
                       Rob McCaleb
                                                                                                              Scott Svihula has carved out a niche as an
                       Herb Research Foundation and of Natural
                       Healthcare Inc                                                                         expert in the specialty coffee and tea industry.
                                                                                                              His discerning palate has garnered him many
                       COMPETITIONS: SPRING HOT
                                                                                     industry awards and achievements. He further fortifies his multi-faceted skill
                        Rob McCaleb is the founder and president of the              set encompassing strategic planning, product development, operations,
                        Herb Research Foundation and of Natural Healthcare           marketing, quality assurance, regulatory compliance, training, sales and
                        Inc, providing advisory services for natural products        field-to-cup production management. He brings exceptional business
development, labeling, marketing and promotion. He is an Ethnobotanist,              acumen focused on enhancing sales and revenue growth within regional
trained in Cellular Biology and Botany, specializing in modern use of                and nationally leading brands supported by impactful advertising, con-
botanicals and tea products. He is author of The Encyclopedia of Popular             tinuous research, and a talent for identifying and capitalizing on emerging
Herbs. Rob was Research Director for Celestial Seasonings; developing                industry trends. Scott recently started his own tea and coffee consulting
new teas, quality systems and working overseas to improve ingredients at             business, Hula Consulting™, to offer a unique one stop service approach
the source. He headed the Technical Committee of the American Herbal                 offering everything a company needs to grow, whether they are a startup
Products Association, and was one of only two botanical scientists on                or have been in business for decades. His customized consulting approach
the presidentially-appointed Commission on Dietary Supplement Labels,                allows companies to capitalize on his skills and knowledge to target specific
which helped Congress and the FDA implement DSHEA. He has crafted                    growth areas.
hundreds of labels and marketing messages for dozens of companies.
McCaleb has helped micro, small and medium scale enterprises to succeed
and thrive in the natural products marketplace including development                                        Royce Van Twest
                                                                                                            QTrade Teas & Herbs
of natural product businesses in Africa, Asia, Central and South America,
Eastern Europe and Russia. Rob helps companies in formulating, labeling                                     COMPETITIONS: ICED
and marketing natural and organic foods, especially tea products, dietary                                   VP of QTrade Teas & Herbs: Royce has 50 years of
supplements, and personal care products. He has helped to develop                                           experience in all segments of the tea industry from
and market many of America’s top herbal and tea products both in the                                        growing and manufacturing tea to managing plan-
natural foods sector and the mass market.                                                                   tations, marketing, creating custom formulations
                                                                                     and providing value addition services. He began his career in Sri Lanka
                                                                                     (Ceylon) in 1966 with the Mackwoods Company. In 1976, Royce joined
                                                                                     the State Plantation Corporation and subsequently managed some of the
                                                                                     island’s best known and largest tea plantations. In the 1990’s Royce joined
                                                                                     the Glasgow, Scotland based British firm, the James Finlay Company, as
                                                                                     the General Manager of their Hapugastenne Plantation Company, which
                                                                                     comprised 22 plantations located in the Uva and Sabaragamuwa districts
                                                                                     of the island. Royce immigrated to the United States in 2003 and applied
                                                                                     his long experience in the tea industry to the new and fledging field of
                                                                                     value added teas and custom formulations. He has since become a specialist
                                                                                     in the field and has authored some of the most popular and best-selling
                                                                                     blends in today’s market. In 2002, the National Institute of Plantation
                                                                                     Management in Sri Lanka elected Royce as a Fellow of the National Institute
                                                                                     of Plantation Management for his contribution to the industry.

2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

Categories evaluated include Signature Famous Teas as well as general          FALL HOT LOOSE LEAF CATEGORIES
categories that enable lesser known teas to be highlighted and
                                                                               TEA                        TYPE     COUNTRY CATEGORY
distinguished in the marketplace. Each category has its own defini-
tion. All submissions must meet the respective category definition.            Unique Tea Open Class      ANY      ANY     Signature

Signature teas are single origin teas that that represent a specific tea       Assam                      Black    India   Signature
type or standard. General teas are every tea outside of the Signature          Black Tea (Machine, CTC)   Black    Any     General
description such as less common teas, open class, blends, flavors, etc.        Black Tea (Orthodox)       Black    Any     General
                                                                               Blended Black              Black    Any     General
                                                                               Breakfast Blend            Black    Any     Signature
Teas were steeped in traditional professional cupping sets which
hold about 5.5oz (162ml) of water. Each tea was prepared using                 Chai (Masala Chai)         Black    Any     Signature
3g of tea, unless otherwise noted below. Time and temperature                  Darjeeling (2nd)           Black    India   Signature
were controlled based on the grid below.                                       Darjeeling (Autumnal)      Black    India   Signature
                                                                               Earl Grey Black            Black    Any     Signature
TEA                                 TIME            TEMPERATURE                Flavored Black             Black    Any     General
White Tea (leaf & buds)             4 minutes       205°F+ (96°C+)             Decaf                      Black    Any     General
White Tea (buds only)               3 minutes       205°F+ (96°C+)             Flavored Decaf             Black    Any     General
Pan Fired Green Tea                 3 minutes       185°F (85°C)               Blended Decaf              Black    Any     General
Steamed Green Tea                   2 minutes       185°F (85°C)               Keemun                     Black    China   Signature
Steamed + Pan Fired Green Tea       3 minutes       185°F (85°C)               Lapsang Souchong           Black    China   Signature
Jasmine Green, Pearls               4 minutes       185°F (85°C)               Yunnan                     Black    China   Signature
Yellow Tea                          3 minutes       185°F (85°C)               Gunpowder                  Green    China   Signature
Green Oolong Tea                    3 minutes       195°F (90°C)               Hojicha                    Green    Japan   Signature
Dark Oolong Tea                     4 minutes       195°F (90°C)               Jasmine Green (Open Leaf) Green     Any     Signature
Black Tea                           5 minutes       205°F+ (96°C+)             Jasmine Green (Pearl)      Green    Any     Signature
Machine Processed Black Tea - 2g    5 minutes       205°F+ (96°C+)             Kukicha                    Green    Japan   Signature
Darjeeling                          4 minutes       195°F (90°C)               Moroccan Mint              Green    Any     Signature
Pu-erh/Dark Tea                     5 minutes       205°F+ (96°C+)             Blended Oolong             Oolong Any       General
Rooibos                             5 minutes       205°F+ (96°C+)             Flavored Oolong            Oolong Any       General
Herbal / Tisane                     5 minutes       205°F+ (96°C+)             Ginseng Oolong             Oolong China     Signature
                                                                               Blended Pu-erh/Dark        Pu-erh   Any     General
                                                                               Dark Tea                   Pu-erh   Any     General
                                                                               Flavored Pu-erh/Dark       Pu-erh   Any     General
                                                                               Pu-erh Tea                 Pu-erh   China   General

                                                                                VIEW DETAILED ICED TEA CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS
2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

Competition Medal Winners
Date: February 25 & 26, 2017 | Judging Location: Boulder, Colorado
Judges: Scott Svihula, Suzette Hammond, Richard Enticott, Kelly Amoroso
GREEN                                            Garden to Cup Organics                         Sipping Streams Tea
HOJICHA                                          Moroccan Mint                           2017   Company Ginseng                              2017
Sugimoto America                                 604-787-9898 | Canada                 BRONZE   Oolong                                     SILVER
                                                                                68.8   MEDAL
                                                                                                                                     71    MEDAL

SA Hoji Cha                                      greglui0014@gmail.com                          907-457-1660 | United States
425-558-5552 |
              United States            SILVER   gardentocup.com                                sippingstreams@gmail.com
                                 73.4   MEDAL
sugimotousa.com                                  KUKICHA
                                                 Teaja Organics                                 Teaja Organics
TeaSource                                        Kukicha                                 2017
                                                                                                Ginseng Oolong                               2017
Hojicha                                          604-558-3252 | Canada                 SILVER   604-558-3252 | Canada                      BRONZE
                                          2017                                  70     MEDAL
                                                                                                                                    70.8   MEDAL

651-788-9971 | United States            BRONZE   rajteja@teaja.com                              rajteja@teaja.com
wholesale@teasource.com          66.5   MEDAL
                                                 teaja.com                                      teaja.com
                                                 OOLONG                                         PU-ERH
JASMINE GREEN OPEN LEAF                          BLENDED OOLONG                                 BLENDED PU-ERH/DARK
Garden to Cup Organics                           Garden to Cup Organics                         Tea Sip
Moonlight Jasmine                         2017
                                                 Osmanthus Oolong                        2017
                                                                                                Black Walnut Brownie                         2017
604-787-9898 | Canada                   SILVER   604-787-9898 | Canada                 SILVER   United States                              GOLD
                                 74.5   MEDAL
                                                                                74.1   MEDAL                                        80     MEDAL
greglui0014@gmail.com                            greglui0014@gmail.com                          jessica.boyd@teasip.com
gardentocup.com                                  gardentocup.com                                teasip.com

Teaja Organics                                   Teaja Organics                                 Carytown Teas
Starlight Jasmine                         2017
                                                 Lemongrass Mint Oolong                  2017
                                                                                                Blood Orange Pu erh                          2017
604-558-3252 | Canada                   BRONZE   604-558-3252 | Canada                 GOLD     917-213-6941 | United States               BRONZE
                                 71     MEDAL
                                                                                80     MEDAL
                                                                                                                                    62.6   MEDAL
rajteja@teaja.com                                rajteja@teaja.com                              patricia@carytownteas.com
teaja.com                                        teaja.com                                      carytownteas.com

JASMINE GREEN PEARL                              FLAVORED OOLONG                                DARK TEA
Teaja Organics                                   CITIZENTEA.COM                                 Garden to Cup Organics
Jasmine Pearls Private Reserve            2017   Creamy Nut Oolong                       2017   Lu’an Private Reserve                        2017
604-558-3252 | Canada                   GOLD     416-312-5243 | Canada                 GOLD     604-787-9898 | Canada                      SILVER
                                 80     MEDAL
                                                                                80     MEDAL
                                                                                                                                     70    MEDAL
rajteja@teaja.com                                tiana@citizentea.com                           greglui0014@gmail.com
teaja.com                                        citizentea.com                                 gardentocup.com

Garden to Cup Organics                           TEAZEN                                         FLAVORED PU-ERH/DARK
Jasmine Pearls Private Reserve                   Angelic Aroma                           2017   Teaja Organics
604-787-9898 | Canada                   SILVER   South Korea                           SILVER   Tangerine Basil Pu’erh
                                 71     MEDAL                                   72     MEDAL                                                 2017
greglui0014@gmail.com                            mkt@teazen.co.kr                               604-558-3252 | Canada                      GOLD

                                                 teazen.co.kr                                   rajteja@teaja.com                   80     MEDAL
Royal Tea NY                                     La Crème Coffee & Tea
Jasmine Pearls                            2017
                                                 Pumpkin Spice Oolong Tea                2017
                                                                                                Dethlefsen & Balk, Inc.
908-561-6733 | United States            BRONZE   214-352-8090 | United States          BRONZE   Pu Erh Pistachio                             2017
                                 64.3   MEDAL
                                                                                71     MEDAL
ravi@royalteany.com                              sam@lacremecoffeeandtea.com                    630-851-8549 | United States               SILVER
                                                                                                                                     70    MEDAL
royalteany.com                                   lacremecoffeeandtea.com                        benjamin@dethlefsen-balk.us
MOROCCAN MINT                                    GINSENG OOLONG
Tea Forte                                        Garden to Cup Organics                         La Crème Coffee & Tea
Moroccan Mint                             2017
                                                 Ginseng Oolong Supreme                         Diet Blend Tea                               2017
800-721-1149 | United States            SILVER   604-787-9898 | Canada                 GOLD     214-352-8090 | United States               BRONZE
                                 71.5   MEDAL
                                                                                80     MEDAL                                        64.8   MEDAL
kleblanc@teaforte.com                            greglui0014@gmail.com                          sam@lacremecoffeeandtea.com
teaforte.com                                     gardentocup.com                                lacremecoffeeandtea.com
2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

FALL HOT LOOSE LEAF Competition Medal Winners
PU-ERH                                              BLENDED BLACK                                     FLAVORED BLACK
International Tea Importers                         Agricola Himalaya                                 Churchill’s Fine Teas
Puerh                                        2017
                                                    High Grown Colombian                       2017
                                                                                                      Lemon Drops Black Tea                        2017
562-566-3944 | United States               SILVER   Cacao Kisses                             SILVER   513-421-1455 | United States               GOLD
                                    70     MEDAL
                                                                                        79   MEDAL
                                                                                                                                          82     MEDAL
desiree@teavendor.com                               572-641-0717 | Columbia                           kern.kg@gmail.com
teavendor.com                                       santiago.gonzales@agricolahimalaya.com            churchillsteas.com
Garden to Cup Organics                                                                                Garden to Cup Organics
Pu’erh 1998 Private Reserve                         De Koffieliefhebber                               Citron Mint Black
                                             2017                                                                                                  2017
604-787-9898 | Canada                      BRONZE   Crispy Chocolate                           2017
                                                                                                      604-787-9898 | Canada                      SILVER

greglui0014@gmail.com               64.8   MEDAL
                                                    32497974437 | Belgium                    BRONZE   greglui0014@gmail.com                81    MEDAL

                                                                                      68.3   MEDAL
gardentocup.com                                     stijn@dekoffieliefhebber.be                       gardentocup.com
BLACK                                                                                                 Tea Sip
BLACK TEA (MACHINE CUT)                             BREAKFAST BLEND                                   Lemon Lime                                   2017
Amarawati Tea Company Ltd.                          Lumbini Tea Factory (Pvt) Ltd.                    United States                              BRONZE
                                                                                                                                           80    MEDAL

Halmari Gold CTC                                    Lumbini Breakfast Tea (FBOPF)                     jessica.boyd@teasip.com
                                             2017                                              2017
9830170546 | India                         SILVER   94 415676465 | Sri Lanka                 GOLD     teasip.com
                                    70     MEDAL
                                                    marketing@lumbinitea.com           80    MEDAL
amarawati.com                                       lumbinitea.com                                    KEEMUN
                                                                                                      Garden to Cup Organics
Compania Ecuatoriana del Te, C.A.                   Tapestry Tea Company                              Imperial Keemun Private Reserve              2017
Black CTC 2017                                      Irish Breakfast                                   604-787-9898 | Canada                      SILVER
                                             2017                                              2017                                        72    MEDAL
593-2-389-5691 | Ecuador                   BRONZE   602-663-4210 | United States             SILVER   greglui0014@gmail.com
                                    63.6   MEDAL
                                                    Jack.Chisum@TapestryTea.com        70    MEDAL
tedelecuador.com                                    tapestrytea.com
                                                                                                      MeiMei Fine Teas, LLC
ASSAM                                               Garden to Cup Organics                            Imperial Gongfu Black Tea                    2017
Florapharm Tea USA LP                               Quatrain Breakfast                                571-338-8789 | United States               BRONZE
                                                                                               2017                                       67.2   MEDAL

Assam GTGFOP1 Halmari (cl)                          604-787-9898 | Canada                    BRONZE   victoria@meimeitea.com
                                             2017                                     65.5   MEDAL

912-877-7717 | United States               GOLD     greglui0014@gmail.com                             meimeitea.com
                                    80     MEDAL
florapharmteausa.com                                                                                  Mark T. Wendell Tea Company
                                                    CHAI (MARSALA CHAI)                               HU-KWA                                       2017
Dinjoye Tea Estate                                  Tea Sip                                           978-635-9200 | United States               BRONZE
                                                                                                                                           69    MEDAL
Assam Golden Tips                                   Masala Chai                                       hejohnson1@marktwendell.com
                                             2017                                              2017
43862315239 | India                        SILVER   United States                            GOLD     marktwendell.com
                                    72.1   MEDAL
                                                    jessica.boyd@teasip.com            80    MEDAL
manaorganics-usa.com                                teasip.com                                        YUNNAN
                                                                                                      Garden to Cup Organics
Chota Tingrai Tea Estate                            Teaja Organics                                    Yunnan Golden Tip                            2017
Chota Tingrai Assam Whole                           Mumbai Chai                                       604-787-9898 | Canada                      SILVER
                                                    604-558-3252 | Canada
                                                                                                      greglui0014@gmail.com                71    MEDAL
Leaf Black Tea (TGFOP1)                    BRONZE                                            BRONZE
                                    71     MEDAL
                                                    rajteja@teaja.com                 64.1   MEDAL
9492144374 | United States
avantikaj@mana-organics.com                         teaja.com
manaorganics-usa.com                                                                                  Teaja Organics
                                                    DARJEELING AUTUMNAL                               Yunnan Golden Monkey
BLACK TEA (ORTHODOX)                                Teaja Organics                                    604-558-3252 | Canada                      BRONZE

                                                    Darjeeling Autumn                                 rajteja@teaja.com                   65.7   MEDAL
Lumbini Tea Factory (Pvt) Ltd.                                                                 2017
Lumbini Sinharaja Wiry Tips                         604-558-3252 | Canada                    BRONZE   teaja.com
                                             2017                                     65.4   MEDAL

(FBOPF Extra Special)                      GOLD     rajteja@teaja.com
                                    80     MEDAL
94 415676465 | Sri Lanka
lumbinitea.com                                      EARL GREY BLACK
                                                    Garden to Cup Organics
Florapharm Tea USA LP                               Majestic Earl Grey
NOP Organic Nepal Hand                              604-787-9898 | Canada                    SILVER
                                                    greglui0014@gmail.com              71    MEDAL
Rolled Floral Guranse                      SILVER
                                    77.1   MEDAL
912-877-7717 | United States
florapharmteausa.com                                Whispering Pines Tea Company
                                                    Earl Gold Reserve                          2017
Teaja Organics                                      United States                            BRONZE
                                                                                   70.1      MEDAL

Wuyishan Golden Tips                                brenden@whisperingpinestea.com
604-558-3252 | Canada                      BRONZE   whisperingpinestea.com
                                    72     MEDAL
2018 BUYER'S GUIDE - Global Tea Championship

ICED TEA TYPES                                                               INSTANT POWDER
                                                                             This overall category is defined as soluble powder packaged as
                                                                             instant mix, cold brew, spray dried, or freeze dried where the
READY TO DRINK (RTD)                                                         soluble powder will dissolve with the addition of room temperature
                                                                             water by stirring or shaking. This category is for iced tea marketed
This overall category is defined as a single strength pre-bottled
                                                                             beverages ONLY. Product will be mixed with room temperature
or packaged liquid drink that requires no further brewing or prepa-
                                                                             water, stirred or shaken and judged over ice. Submissions must
ration. Submissions must be a minimum of 6 bottles (packages) in
                                                                             be a full unopened case(s) from stock product.
full case quantities.
                                                                             INSTANT CONCENTRATE
COMMERCIAL FRESH BREWED                                                      This overall category is defined as a liquid concentrate of any ratio
This overall category is defined as dry tea in either open brew
                                                                             that requires the addition of water to make a single strength,
fraction packs or filter packs that is brewed on commercial iced
                                                                             drinkable tea. This product must be packaged in a bottle or other
tea equipment and sold in cases to foodservice customers.
                                                                             liquid packaging (not Bag-in-Box) with a minimum size of a 32oz
Tea is brewed at either 1.5 gallon (192oz, 5,678ml) or 3.0 gallon
                                                                             (946ml) and a maximum of 128oz (3,785ml). This category is for
(384oz, 11,356ml) sizes on Wilbur Curtis equipment. Packs must
                                                                             iced tea marketed beverages ONLY. Submissions to this category
be a minimum of 1oz (28g) and a maximum of 4oz (113g). Case
                                                                             are hand blended per submission’s ratio to create a half gallon
counts must be a minimum of 20 count. This includes any bulk
                                                                             (64oz, 1,892ml) finished single strength, drinkable volume with room
loose, home brew, pitcher brewed or cold brewed products.
                                                                             temperature water and then judged over ice. Submissions must be
Commercial fresh brewed categories were on Wilbur Curtis equip-
                                                                             a full unopened case from stock product.
ment. Each entry submits a calibration form to ensure proper
calibration and brewing of your submission. If none is provided              Categories evaluated include Ready-to-Drink, Foodservice and
default settings are used. Submissions must be a full unopened               Instant iced teas. Each category has its own type as displayed below.
case from stock product.

This overall category is defined as a liquid concentrate of any ratio
that requires the addition of water to make a single strength, drink-
able tea. This product is packaged in a traditional bag-in-box with
either a QCD or Scholle connection. Submissions to this category
are blended by Wilbur Curtis professionals according to submis-
sion’s ratio to create a 1 gallon (128oz, 3,785ml) finished single
strength, drinkable volume with room temperature water and then
judged over ice. Submissions must be a full BIB unopened case
from stock product.



TEA                    TYPE      COUNTRY CATEGORY
Flavored Black         Black     Any     RTD
Sweetened Black        Black     Any     RTD
Black Straight         Black     Any     RTD
Flavored Green         Green     Any     RTD
Sweetened Green        Green     Any     RTD
Green Straight         Green     Any     RTD
Flavored Matcha        Green     Any     RTD
Sweetened Matcha       Green     Any     RTD
Matcha Straight        Green     Any     RTD
Flavored Oolong        Oolong    Any     RTD
Sweetened Oolong       Oolong    Any     RTD
Oolong Straight        Oolong    Any     RTD
                                                                TEA                 TYPE      COUNTRY CATEGORY
Flavored White         White     Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored White      White     Any     Comm Fresh Brew
Sweetened White        White     Any     RTD
                                                                White Straight      White     Any     Comm Fresh Brew
White Straight         White     Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored Pu-erh     Pu-erh    Any     Comm Fresh Brew
Flavored Pu-erh        Pu-erh    Any     RTD
                                                                Pu-erh Straight     Pu-erh    Any     Comm Fresh Brew
Sweetened Pu-erh       Pu-erh    Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored Herbal     Herbal    Any     Comm Fresh Brew
Pu-erh Straight        Pu-erh    Any     RTD
                                                                Herbal Straight     Herbal    Any     Comm Fresh Brew
Flavored Herbal        Herbal    Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored Rooibos    Rooibos   Any     Comm Fresh Brew
Sweetened Herbal       Herbal    Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored Black      Black     Any     Instant Powder
Herbal Straight        Herbal    Any     RTD
                                                                Sweetened Black     Black     Any     Instant Powder
Flavored Rooibos       Rooibos   Any     RTD
                                                                Black Straight      Black     Any     Instant Powder
Sweetened Rooibos      Rooibos   Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored Green      Green     Any     Instant Powder
Rooibos Straight       Rooibos   Any     RTD
                                                                Sweetened Green     Green     Any     Instant Powder
Flavored Kombucha      Kombucha Any      RTD
                                                                Green Straight      Green     Any     Instant Powder
Kombucha Straight      Kombucha Any      RTD
                                                                Flavored Matcha     Green     Any     Instant Powder
Sweetneed Kombucha     Kombucha Any      RTD
                                                                Sweetened Matcha    Green     Any     Instant Powder
Flavored Carbonated    Any       Any     RTD
                                                                Matcha Straight     Green     Any     Instant Powder
Carbonated Straight    Any       Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored Herbal     Herbal    Any     Instant Powder
Sweetneed Carbonated   Any       Any     RTD
                                                                Sweetened Herbal    Herbal    Any     Instant Powder
Flavored Cold Brew     Any       Any     RTD
                                                                Herbal Straight     Herbal    Any     Instant Powder
Cold Brew Straight     Any       Any     RTD
                                                                Flavored Rooibos    Rooibos   Any     Instant Powder
Sweetened Cold Brew    Any       Any     RTD
                                                                Sweetened Rooibos   Rooibos   Any     Instant Powder
Flavored Black         Black     Any     BIB
                                                                Rooibos Straight    Rooibos   Any     Instant Powder
Sweetened Black        Black     Any     BIB
                                                                Flavored Black      Black     Any     Instant Concentrate
Black Straight         Black     Any     BIB
                                                                Sweetened Black     Black     Any     Instant Concentrate
Flavored Green         Green     Any     BIB
                                                                Black Straight      Black     Any     Instant Concentrate
Sweetened Green        Green     Any     BIB
                                                                Flavored Green      Green     Any     Instant Concentrate
Green Straight         Green     Any     BIB
                                                                Sweetened Green     Green     Any     Instant Concentrate
Flavored Herbal        Herbal    Any     BIB
                                                                Green Straight      Green     Any     Instant Concentrate
Sweetened Herbal       Herbal    Any     BIB
                                                                Flavored Herbal     Herbal    Any     Instant Concentrate
Herbal Straight        Herbal    Any     BIB
                                                                Sweetened Herbal    Herbal    Any     Instant Concentrate
Flavored Black         Black     Any     Comm Fresh Brew
                                                                Herbal Straight     Herbal    Any     Instant Concentrate
Black Straight         Black     Any     Comm Fresh Brew
                                                                Flavored Rooibos    Rooibos   Any     Instant Concentrate
Flavored Green         Green     Any     Comm Fresh Brew
                                                                Sweetened Rooibos   Rooibos   Any     Instant Concentrate
Green Straight         Green     Any     Comm Fresh Brew
                                                                Rooibos Straight    Rooibos   Any     Instant Concentrate
Flavored Oolong        Oolong    Any     Comm Fresh Brew
Oolong Straight        Oolong    Any     Comm Fresh Brew         VIEW DETAILED ICED TEA CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS


ICED TEA Competition
Medal Winners
Date: May 11 & 12, 2017 | Judging Location: Montbello, CA
Judges: Royce Van Twest, Scott Svihula, John Cullicutt
COMMERCIAL FRESH BREWED                       China Mist                                     Teakina LLC
BLACK STRAIGHT                                Hibiscus Raspberry Frenzy               2017   Teakina Traditional Black Tea                2017
S & D Coffee & Tea                            Herbal Iced Tea                       SILVER   310-910-3575 | United States               BRONZE
                                                                               70   MEDAL
                                                                                                                                   65   MEDAL

Premium Blend                                 480-998-8807 | United States                   hazar@teakina.com
704-782-3121 | United States         SILVER   kiley@chinamist.com                            teakina.com
                                70   MEDAL
sndcoffee.com                                                                                FLAVORED BLACK
                                              FLAVORED HERBAL                                Try My T, LLC
Farmer Brothers                               Shangri La Tea Co.                             Try My T Gourmet Iced Tea                    2017
Classic Black Tea                             Raspberry Cooler                               323-855-0966 | United States               BRONZE
                                                                                      2017                                         62   MEDAL

682-549-6621 | United States                  562-9429828 | United States           BRONZE   mcconnect@aol.com
                                                                               69   MEDAL

                                              kanny.gordon@shangrilaco.com                   trymyt.com
farmerbros.com                                shangrilaco.com
                                                                                             FLAVORED GREEN
FLAVORED BLACK                                FLAVORED WHITE                                 Templar Food Products
TeaSource                                     China Mist                                     Peach Zen Matcha                             2017
Minnestoa N’Ice                               Orange Blossom Ginger                          Green Tea #2117                            SILVER
                                       2017                                           2017                                         70   MEDAL

651-788-9971 | United States         SILVER   Iced White Tea                        SILVER   908-665-9511 | United States
                                72   MEDAL                                     70   MEDAL

kbiggins@farmerbros.com                       480-998-8807 | United States                   susan@icedtea.com
farmerbros.com                                kiley@chinamist.com                            icedtea.com
Shangri La Tea Co.                                                                           FLAVORED OOLONG
Tropical Passion                              GREEN STRAIGHT                                 Templar Food Products
562-9429828 | United States          BRONZE   S & D Coffee & Tea                             Ginger Starkrimson Pear                      2017
                                65   MEDAL
                                              Mangrove Bay Green                             Oolong Tea #2300
kanny.gordon@shangrilaco.com                                                          2017                                              SILVER

                                              704-782-3121 | United States                   908-665-9511 | United States          70   MEDAL
shangrilaco.com                                                                62
                                              everettp@sndcoffee.com                         susan@icedtea.com
FLAVORED GREEN                                sndcoffee.com                                  icedtea.com
Royal Cup Coffee & Tea
Green Mint Iced Tea                    2017
                                              BAG IN BOX                                     FLAVORED ROOIBOS
205-789-8475 | United States         SILVER   SWEETENED BLACK                                Templar Food Product
                                70   MEDAL
                                                                                             Pineapple Mango Afrian
mmalone@royalcupcoffee.com                    Argo Tea                                                                                    2017
royalcupcoffee.com                            Carolina Honey Sweetened Black                 Mountain Tea #1410                         BRONZE
                                                                                      2017                                         62   MEDAL
                                              312-756-7733 | United States          SILVER   908-665-9511 | United States
                                                                               70   MEDAL
Mighty Leaf Tea                               holliston.thomas@argotea.com
Caribbean Isle Green Iced Tea                 argotea.com                                    icedtea.com
415-491-2650 | United States         BRONZE
                                62   MEDAL
                                                                                             Rooibee Red Tea
apattee@mightyleaf.com                        SWEETENED HERBAL
mightyleaf.com                                Argo Tea                                       Rooibee Red Tea Summer Peach                 2017
                                              Hibiscus                                       502-741-6035 | United States               BRONZE
                                                                                      2017                                         60   MEDAL

FLAVORED HERBAL                               312-756-7733 | United States          SILVER   morgan@rooibeeredtea.com
                                                                               70   MEDAL
Mighty Leaf Tea                               holliston.thomas@argotea.com
Mighty Leaf Tea w/Red Berry            2017   argotea.com
415-491-2650 | United States         GOLD                                                    FLAVORED WHITE
                                80   MEDAL
                                                                                             Templar Food Products
apattee@mightyleaf.com                        READY TO DRINK
mightyleaf.com                                BLACK STRAIGHT                                 Lotus Blossom White Tea                      2017
                                              Crystal Geyser Water Co.                       w/Organic Coconut Water #2300              GOLD
                                                                                                                                   80   MEDAL

                                              Tejava                                         908-665-9511 | United States
                                              415-616-9590 | United States
                                              lornao@crystalgeyser.com         80   MEDAL


GREEN STRAIGHT                               SWEETENED GREEN                              LIQUID CONCENTRATE
ITO EN                                       New Age Beverage Corp                        BLACK STRAIGHT
Ocha Kyoto Uji Matcha                 2017   Xing Blueberry Green Tea              2017   Farmer Brothers
718-250-4000 | United States        BRONZE   949-333-9677 | United States        BRONZE
                                                                                          Black Unsweetened Tea
                               65   MEDAL
                                                                            64   MEDAL
rtison@itoen.com                             jbarrow@newagebev.us                         682-549-6621 | United States              SILVER

itoen.com                                    newagebev.us                                                                      70   MEDAL
HERBAL STRAIGHT                              SWEETENED HERBAL
SAHPAT Teas                                  Karkade Tea Inc.                             SWEETENED BLACK
Ginger + Turmeric +                   2017   Karkade Tea                           2017   Farmer Brothers
Hibiscus Herbal Tea                 BRONZE
                                             315-720-7974 |United States         GOLD
                                                                                          Farmer Bros.
                               65   MEDAL
                                                                            80   MEDAL
240-449-9335 | United States                 sales@karkadetea.com                         Black Sweetened Tea                       BRONZE
nipika.borah@gmail.com                       karkadetea.com                               682-549-6621 | United States         63   MEDAL

sahpat.com                                                                                kbiggins@farmerbros.com
                                             Teavana                                      farmerbros.com
SWEETENED BLACK                              Passion Tango Craft Iced Tea
New Age Beverage Corp                        212-299-8975 | United States        BRONZE

Marley Mellow Mood,                          nirmala.singh@zengroup.com     60   MEDAL

Peach Raspberry Black Tea           SILVER   teavana.com
                               70   MEDAL
949-333-9677 | United States
jbarrow@newagebev.us                         Wnutritional
newagebev.us                                 Luminus Tea Hibiscus                  2017
                                             5.5114E+11 | South America          SILVER
                                                                            70   MEDAL
Milo’s Tea Company                           daniel@wnutri.com.br
Milo’s Famous Sweet Tea                      wnutri.com.br
205-424-4284 | United States        BRONZE

ccrews@drinkmilos.com          61   MEDAL



Categories evaluated include Signature Famous Teas as well as                    TEA                         TYPE     COUNTRY CATEGORY
general categories that enable lesser known teas to be highlighted
                                                                                 Chamomile                   Herbal   Any     Signature
and distinguished in the marketplace. Each category has its own
definition. All submissions must meet the respective category definition.        Detox Blend                 Herbal   Any     General
                                                                                 Flavored Herbal             Herbal   Any     General
SPRING HOT LOOSE LEAF CATEGORIES                                                 Hibiscus                    Herbal   Any     Signature
TEA                           TYPE      COUNTRY CATEGORY                         Mint Tea                    Herbal   Any     Signature
USA Grown Tea                  Any       USA          General                    Sleep/Relax Blend           Herbal   Any     General
African Black (Machine)        Black     African   General                       Aged/Baked Oolong           Oolong Any       General
                                         Countries                               Oriental Beauty             Oolong Taiwan    Signature
African Black (Orthodox)       Black     African   General                       (Formosa Silver Tip)
                                         Countries                               Pouchong                    Oolong Taiwan    Signature
Ceylon (Open)                  Any       Sri Lanka    General                    Dark Oolong                 Oolong Any       General
Ceylon Low Grown               Black     Sri Lanka    Signature                  Dong Ding (Tung Ting)       Oolong Taiwan    Signature
Ceylon Mid Grown               Black     Sri Lanka    Signature                  Green Oolong                Oolong Any       General
Ceylon High Grown              Black     Sri Lanka    Signature                  Milk Oolong                 Oolong Taiwan    Signature
Darjeeling (1st)               Black     India        Signature                  Ti Kuan Yin (Jade)          Oolong China     Signature
Golden Monkey                  Black     China        Signature                  Ti Kuan Yin (Traditional)   Oolong China     Signature
Blended Green                  Green     Any          General                    Blended Rooibos             Rooibos Any      General
Dragonwell                     Green     China        Signature                  Flavored Rooibos            Rooibos Any      General
Flavored Green                 Green     Any          General                    Bai Mu Dan                  White    China   Signature
Genmaicha                      Green     Japan        Signature                  Blended White Tea           White    Any     General
Genmaimatcha                   Green     Japan        Signature                  Flavored White Tea          White    Any     General
Gyokuro                        Green     Japan        Signature                  Silver Needles              White    China   Signature
Matcha Blend - Powders         Green     Japan        Signature                  White Tea                   White    Any     General
Matcha Blend - Botanicals      Green     Japan        Signature                  Yellow Straight             Yellow   China   Signature
Matcha Straight                Green     Japan        Signature                  Flavored Rooibos            Rooibos Any      Instant
Pan Fired Green                Green     Any          General
                                                                                 Sweetened Rooibos           Rooibos Any      Instant
Sencha                         Green     Japan        Signature
Steamed Green                  Green     Any          General
                                                                                 Rooibos Straight            Rooibos Any      Instant
Steamed + Pan Fired Green Green          Any          General                                                                 Concentrate
Blended Herbal                 Herbal    Any          General
Caffeinated Herbal Blend       Herbal    Any          General                     VIEW DETAILED ICED TEA CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS
Caffeinated Herbal Straight Herbal       Any          General


Competition Medal Winners
Date: September 16 & 17, 2017 | Judging Location: Boulder, Colorado
Judges: Scott Svihula, Rob McCaleb, Lydia Kung
USA GROWN TEA                                       Garden to Cup Organics
ANY                                                 Ceylon Special                           2017
                                                                                                      BLENDED HERBAL
Onomea Tea Co.                                      Canada                                 BRONZE     HERBAL

Ono Black Tea                                       greglui@gardentocup.com                           SerendipiTea
USA                                        GOLD     gardentocup.com                                   Golden Milk Mix
                                    86     MEDAL
                                                                                                      USA                           JUDGE’S
onotea.com                                          CEYLON MID GROWN                                  Linda@serendipitea.com        CHOICE
                                                    BLACK                                             serendipitea.com
The Great Mississippi                               Garden to Cup Organics
Tea Company                                         Ceylon Supreme
                                             2017                                            2017
Mississippi Queen
                                                                                           MEDAL    GOLDEN MONKEY
USA                                                 greglui@gardentocup.com                         BLACK
coaster_25@hotmail.com                              gardentocup.com                                 Garden to Cup Organics
greatmsteacompnay.com                                                                               Monkey Private Reserve                     2017
                                                    Walters Bay                                     Canada                                   SILVER

AFRICAN BLACK (ORTHODOX)                            Walters Bay BPS                                 greglui@gardentocup.com           77.8   MEDAL

BLACK                                               USA                                    BRONZE   gardentocup.com
                                                    john@waltersbay.com             69     MEDAL
Newby Teas
African Pride Heritage Collection                   waltersbay.com                                  La Teteria
England                                    BRONZE                                                   Jin Jun Mei Honey
emilys@newbyteas.com                 69    MEDAL
                                                    CEYLON HIGH GROWN
                                                                                                    Chile                                    BRONZE

newbyteas.com                                       BLACK                                           lateteria@lateteria.cl            76.2   MEDAL

                                                    Teaja Organic                                   lateteria.cl
CEYLON (OPEN)                                       Ceylon Reserve                           2017
ANY                                                 Canada
                                                                                           MEDAL    BLENDED GREEN
Lumbini Tea Exports (Pvt) Ltd.                      rteja@teaja.com                                 GREEN
Lumbini tea Valley Singharaja                       teaja.com                                       The Tea Spot
WiryTips                                   GOLD                                                     Sweet Magnolia Green
                                    81.7   MEDAL
                                                    Garden to Cup Organics                                                                     2017
Sri Lanka                                                                                           USA                                      GOLD

sales@lumbiniteavalley.com                          Ceylon Supreme XE                                                                  80    MEDAL

                                                                                             2017   maria@theteaspot.com
lumbiniteavalley.com                                Canada                                 SILVER   theteaspot.com
                                                    greglui@gardentocup.com         71.3   MEDAL

Walters Bay                                         gardentocup.com                                 Garden to Cup Organics
Walters Bay FF-1                           SILVER                                                   Osmanthus Green
USA                                 70.3   MEDAL
                                                    DARJEELING (1ST)                                                                           2017
                                                                                                    Canada                                   SILVER

john@waltersbay.com                                 BLACK                                           greglui@gardentocup.com          71.3    MEDAL

waltersbay.com                                      Garden to Cup Organics                          gardentocup.com
                                                    Imperial Darjeeling Reserve
CEYLON LOW GROWN                                    Canada                                 SILVER   Teaja Organic
                                                    greglui@gardentocup.com         71.8   MEDAL
                                                                                                    Rose Garden Green Tea
BLACK                                                                                                                                          2017
Lumbini Tea Exports (Pvt) Ltd.                      gardentocup.com                                 Canada                                   BRONZE

                                                                                                    rteja@teaja.com                    65    MEDAL
Lumbini tea Valley Tipsy Eve                 2017
Sri Lanka                                  GOLD     Glenburn Tea Direct                             teaja.com
                                    83.7   MEDAL
                                                    Glenburn Darjeeling 1st Flush
sales@lumbiniteavalley.com                                                                   2017
lumbiniteavalley.com                                USA
                                                                                           MEDAL    DRAGONWELL
                                                    shalini@glenburnteadirect.com                   GREEN
TeaSource                                           glenburnteadirect.com                           Teaja Organic
Lumbini Estate FBOPF                         2017
                                                                                                    Dragonwell Private Reserve
USA                                        SILVER                                                   Canada                                   SILVER

wholesale@teasource.com             77     MEDAL
                                                                                                                                     71.2    MEDAL
teasource.com                                                                                       teaja.com


SPRING HOT LOOSE LEAF Competition Medal Winners
FLAVORED GREEN                                MATCHA BLEND LEAVES                               Teaja Organic
GREEN                                         GREEN                                             Kyoto Sencha Private Reserve                2017
Florapharm Tea USA                            Shohokuenchaten Co.                               Canada                                    BRONZE
                                                                                                                                     69   MEDAL

Rose of the Orient                            Matcha Genmaicha                                  rteja@teaja.com
                                       2017                                              2017
USA                                  GOLD     Japan                                    SILVER   teaja.com
                              80     MEDAL
                                                                                77.8   MEDAL
j.stoessel@florapharm.de                      sugimoto@ujicha.com
florapharm.de                                 ujicha.com                                        STEAMED GREEN
Kai Organic Tea                               MATCHA STRAIGHT                                   Sugimoto America
Maqui Berry Green                      2017   GREEN                                             SA Organic Kabuse Cha                       2017
USA                                  SILVER
                                              Garden to Cup Organics                            USA                                       GOLD
                              70     MEDAL                                                                                          80    MEDAL
andrew@kaitea.com                             Ceremonial Matcha Private Reserve                 kyohei@sugimotousa.com
kaitea.com                                    Canada                                   GOLD     sugimotousa.copm
                                                                                84.5   MEDAL
Garden to Cup Organics                        gardentocup.com                                   The Tea House
Hawaiian Sunset                                                                                 Tamaryoku Cha                               2017
Canada                               BRONZE   Shohokuenchaten Co.                               USA                                       SILVER
                              65     MEDAL                                                                                           74   MEDAL
greglui@gardentocup.com                       Uji Matcha Unjonotomo                             ddrteaman@aol.com
gardentocup.com                               Japan                                    SILVER   theteahouse.com
                                                                                82.7   MEDAL
GENMAICHA                                     ujicha.com                                        Japanese Green Tea Inc.
GREEN                                                                                           Issaku                                      2017
Mighty Leaf                                   Teaja Organic                                     USA                                       BRONZE
                                                                                                                                     69   MEDAL
Genmaicha                              2017   Ceremonial Matcha Private Reserve                 Info@JapaneseGreenTeaIn.com
USA                                  SILVER   Canada                                   BRONZE   japanesegreenteain.com
                              79     MEDAL
                                                                                80.7   MEDAL
apattee@mightyleaf.com                        rteja@teaja.com
mightyleaf.com                                teaja.com                                         BLENDED HERBAL
GYOKURO                                       PAN FIRED GREEN                                   Florapharm Tea USA
GREEN                                         GREEN                                             Star Whisper                                2017
Shohokuenchaten Co.                           Florapharm Tea USA                                USA                                       SILVER

                                                                                                j.stoessel@florapharm.de             70   MEDAL
Uji Gyokuro                            2017
                                              Organic Japan Tamaryokucha                 2017
Japan                                GOLD     Gokase                                   GOLD     florapharm.de
                              81.8   MEDAL
                                                                                81.5   MEDAL
sugimoto@ujicha.com                           USA
ujicha.com                                    j.stoessel@florapharm.de                          Garden to Cup Organics
                                              florapharm.de                                     Lavender Raspberry Honeybush                2017
Teaja Organic                                                                                   Canada                                    BRONZE
                                                                                                                                     69   MEDAL

Gyokuro Private Reserve                       Xingguo Yi Xiang Yuan                             greglui@gardentocup.com
Canada                               SILVER   Industry Tea Co.                                  gardentocup.com
                              75     MEDAL                                               2017
rteja@teaja.com                               Fang Tai Mei White Jade                  SILVER

teaja.com                                     China                             77.3   MEDAL

Garden to Cup Organics                        hktdc.com
Gyokuro Private Reserve
Canada                               BRONZE   Garden to Cup Organics
greglui@gardentocup.com       68     MEDAL
                                              Bi Lo Chun Private Reserve                 2017
gardentocup.com                               Canada                                   BRONZE
                                                                                 69    MEDAL
MATCHA BLEND POWDER                           gardentocup.com
PANATEA                                       SENCHA
“GLOW” Instant Matcha Latte            2017   GREEN
USA                                  GOLD
                                              Florapharm Tea USA
                              80     MEDAL
dm@panateamatcha.com                          Organic Japan Sencha Nishi                 2017
panateamatcha.com                             USA                                      GOLD
                                                                                80     MEDAL
Healing Butterfly                             florapharm.de
Earl Grey Matcha                       2017
USA                                  SILVER
                                              First Leaves
                              70     MEDAL
sales@libertybrandsusa.com                    Sencha Fine Loose Leaf Green Tea
libertybrandsusa.com                          USA                                      SILVER

                                              harakawa@firstleaves.com         77.8    MEDAL

Numi Organic Tea                              firstleaves.com
Citrus Matcha                          2017
USA                                  BRONZE
                              68.8   MEDAL

SPRING HOT LOOSE LEAF Competition Medal Winners
CAFFEINATED HERBAL BLEND                         FLAVORED HERBAL                               AGED/BAKED OOLONG
HERBAL                                           HERBAL                                        OOLONG
Garden to Cup Organics                           Teaja Organic                                 Garden to Cup Organics
Lemon Ginger Yerba Mate                   2017
                                                 Lime Raspberry Honeybush               2017
                                                                                               Anxi Coal Fired Iron Goddess                 2017
Canada                                  GOLD     Canada                               GOLD     Canada                                     SILVER
                                 80.2   MEDAL
                                                                               80     MEDAL
                                                                                                                                  72.8    MEDAL
greglui@gardentocup.com                          rteja@teaja.com                               greglui@gardentocup.com
gardentocup.com                                  teaja.com                                     gardentocup.com

Teaja Organic                                    Pluck Tea                                     BAI HAO/ORIENTAL BEAUTY
Strawberry Hibiscus Yerba Mate            2017
                                                 Verbana Blues                                 OOLONG
Canada                                  SILVER   Canada                               SILVER
                                                                                               Mighty Leaf
rteja@teaja.com                  79.2   MEDAL
                                                 info@plucktea.com             70     MEDAL

                                                                                               Golden Dragon Oolong
teaja.com                                        plucktea.com                                  USA

                                                                                               apattee@mightyleaf.com             75.8    MEDAL

CAFFEINATED HERBAL STRAIGHT                      Kai Organic Tea                               mightyleaf.com
HERBAL                                           Hibiscus Berry                         2017
Teaja Organic                                    USA
                                                                                      MEDAL    BAO ZHONG
Teaja with Green Yerba Mate                      andrew@kaitea.com
                                          2017                                                 OOLONG
Canada                                           kaitea.com
                                                                                               Ace Tea
rteja@teaja.com                  73.3   MEDAL
                                                                                               Jack of Clubs
teaja.com                                        HIBISCUS                                      USA

                                                 HERBAL                                                                             79    MEDAL
JUMANDIPRO US LLC                                Garden to Cup Organics
Waykana Green Guayusa                            Hibiscus
                                          2017                                          2017   DARK OOLONG
USA                                     BRONZE   Canada                               GOLD
                                  69    MEDAL
                                                                               82.7   MEDAL    OOLONG
sales@waykana.com                                greglui@gardentocup.com
waykana.com                                      gardentocup.com
                                                                                               Shui Mi Xiang
                                                                                               (Fragrant Honey Oolong)                    GOLD
CHAMOMILE                                        Teaja Organic
                                                                                               USA                                 80     MEDAL

HERBAL                                           Hibiscus                               2017   wholesale@teasource.com
Teaja Organic                                    Canada                               SILVER
                                                                               75     MEDAL    teasource.com
Egyptian Chamomile                               rteja@teaja.com
Canada                                           teaja.com
                                        MEDAL                                                  Chazhou Chaoan
rteja@teaja.com                                                                                Lan Hua Xiang Honey
teaja.com                                        MINT TEA                                      Orchid Fragrance
                                                 HERBAL                                                                             77    MEDAL
Garden to Cup Organics                           Garden to Cup Organics                        57440718@qq.com
Nile River Valley Chamomile                      West Coast Mint                        2017
Canada                                  SILVER   Canada                               SILVER
                                                                                               MeiMei Fine Teas
                                 71.8   MEDAL                                  75.2   MEDAL
greglui@gardentocup.com                          greglui@gardentocup.com                       Floral Shui Xian 2016                        2017
gardentocup.com                                  gardentocup.com                               Wuyi Rock Oolong                           BRONZE

                                                                                               USA                                 75.5   MEDAL

DETOX BLEND                                      Teaja Organic                                 victoria@meimeitea.com
HERBAL                                           P & S Mint                             2017   meimeitea.com
Teaja Organic                                    Canada                               BRONZE

                                                 rteja@teaja.com                69    MEDAL
Detox                                                                                          GREEN OOLONG
Canada                                           teaja.com
rteja@teaja.com                  80     MEDAL
teaja.com                                        SLEEP/RELAX BLEND                             Nonpareil Taiwan DaYuLing                    2017
                                                 HERBAL                                        High Mountain Cha Want                     SILVER
Florapharm Tea USA                               Tapestrty Tea                                                                    75.5    MEDAL
Herbs for Women Natural                   2017
                                                 Dream Tea                              2017   angel@teavivre.com
USA                                     SILVER   USA                                  GOLD
                                 73     MEDAL                                  80     MEDAL
j.stoessel@florapharm.de                         jack.chisum@tapestrytea.com
florapharm.de                                    tapestrytea.com
                                                                                               MILK OOLONG
The Tea Spot                                     Teaja Organic
                                                                                               Teaja Organic
Turmeric Tonic                                   Zenology
                                          2017                                          2017   Milk Oolong Private Reserve                  2017
USA                                     BRONZE   Canada                               SILVER
                                  69    MEDAL
                                                                               70     MEDAL    Canada                                     SILVER
maria@theteaspot.com                             rteja@teaja.com                                                                    79    MEDAL
theteaspot.com                                   teaja.com
                                                 Caribbean Cure Ltd.
                                                 Camomile Serenitea                     2017
                                                 Spain                                BRONZE
                                                                               64.2   MEDAL

SPRING HOT LOOSE LEAF Competition Medal Winners
Garden to Cup Organics                        BAI MU DAN                                        SILVER NEEDLES
Milk Oolong Private Reserve            2017   WHITE                                             WHITE
Canada                               BRONZE
                                              Eastsign Foods (Quzhou) Co. Ltd.                  Teaja Organic
                              76.7   MEDAL
greglui@gardentocup.com                       Eastsign Whte Tea                                 Bai hao Yin Zhen
                                                                                       2017                                               2017
gardentocup.com                               Canada                                BRONZE      Canada                                  BRONZE
                                                                               67.2 MEDAL                                         60    MEDAL
                                              lynn@eastsign.com                                 rteja@teaja.com
TI KUAN YIN (JADE)                            eastsign.com                                      teaja.com
Teaja Organic                                 BLENDED WHITE TEA                                 WHITE TEA
Ti Kuan Yin Jade                              WHITE                                             WHITE
Canada                               SILVER   Garden to Cup Organics                            Guranse Tea Estate
rteja@teaja.com               77.7   MEDAL
                                              Lemon White Tea                                   Guranse Tips
                                                                                         2017                                             2017
teaja.com                                     Canada                                   GOLD     Nepal                                   SILVER

                                              greglui@gardentocup.com             80   MEDAL
                                                                                                pradeep@guransetea.com.np       76.5    MEDAL

Garden to Cup Organics                        gardentocup.com                                   guransetea.com.np
Ti Kuan Yin Jade Ltd.
Canada                               BRONZE   3 Teas                                            Antu Valley Tea
greglui@gardentocup.com       69     MEDAL
                                              Organic Lavender White                     2017
                                                                                                White Tea                                 2017
gardentocup.com                               USA                                      BRONZE   Nepal                                   BRONZE
                                                                                  66   MEDAL
                                                                                                                                 69.8   MEDAL
                                              terricictastingtea@gmail.com                      antuvalleytea@gmail.com
OOLONG                                        FLAVORED WHITE TEA                                YELLOW TEA
Teaja Organic                                 WHITE                                             YELLOW
Ti Kuan Yin Traditional                       Teaja Organic                                     Garden to Cup Organics
Canada                               SILVER   White Ginger Peach                         2017   Jun Shan Yinzhen                          2017
rteja@teaja.com               75.2   MEDAL
                                              Canada                                   BRONZE
                                                                                                Canada                                  BRONZE
                                                                                  65   MEDAL
                                                                                                                                  69    MEDAL
teaja.com                                     rteja@teaja.com                                   greglui@gardentocup.com
                                              teaja.com                                         gardentocup.com
Garden to Cup Organics
Ti Kuan Yin Traditional
Canada                               BRONZE

greglui@gardentocup.com       68.7   MEDAL


Garden to Cup Organics
Lemon Osmanthus Rooibos                2017
Canada                               SILVER
                              78.8   MEDAL

Chico Chai
Golden Tumeric                         2017
USA                                  BRONZE

sarah@chicochaitea.com        69     MEDAL


Mighty Leaf
Coco Chai
USA                                  GOLD

apattee@mightyleaf.com        80     MEDAL


Cocoa Loco Nut
USA                                  SILVER

linda@serendipiTea.com        79     MEDAL


Florapharm Tea USA
Tropical Sunrise
USA                                  BRONZE

j.stoessel@florapharm.de      69     MEDAL


PACKAGED SINGLE                                                                   PACKAGED SINGLE SERVE CATEGORIES
                                                                                  All submissions must meet the respective category definitions.

SERVE TEA TYPES                                                                   Each category is evaluated in-line with its delivery method:
                                                                                  single cup, bagged and instant.

SINGLE CUP                                                                        TEA                     TYPE            COUNTRY CATEGORY
This overall category is defined as tea that is packaged to be brewed             Black (Single Origin)   Black            Any         Single Cup
through a Keurig® K-Cup® machine. Entries are brewed in a K-Cup®                  Black Blended           Black            Any         Single Cup
compatible machine.                                                               Black Flavored          Black            Any         Single Cup
BAGGED                                                                            Breakfast               Black            Any         Single Cup
This overall category is defined as dry whole or broken tea leaves                Green Blended           Green            Any         Single Cup
that are sold in any type of filter bag material. Examples include                Green Flavored          Green            Any         Single Cup
but are not limited to: paper tea bags, tea bags of other filter material,        Green Pan Fired         Green            Any         Single Cup
pyramid bags of any material, circle/disc bags, etc. These bags may
                                                                                  Green Steamed           Green            Any         Single Cup
or may not have a string and/or tag. This category is for hot tea
marketed beverages ONLY. Product must be packaged at a minimum                    Herbal                  Herbal           Any         Single Cup
of a 10 count and a maximum of 100 count. Product is steeped                      Herbal Blended          Herbal           Any         Single Cup
per the time and temperature guidelines found in the hot tea                      Herbal Flavored         Herbal           Any         Single Cup
section above using 1 bag per tasting bowl. Submissions must be                   Functional Tea          Any              Any         Single Cup
full unopened box from stock product.                                             Dark Oolong             Oolong           Any         Single Cup
INSTANT POWDER                                                                    Green Oolong            Oolong           Any         Single Cup
This overall category is defined as soluble powder packaged as                    Oolong Blended          Oolong           Any         Single Cup
instant mix, spray dried, or freeze dried where the soluble powder                Oolong Flavored         Oolong           Any         Single Cup
will dissolve with the addition of hot water by stirring. This category           Pu-erh/Dark Blended     Pu-erh/Dark      Any         Single Cup
is for hot tea marketed beverages ONLY. Product will be mixed with
                                                                                  Pu-erh/Dark Flavored    Pu-erh/Dark      Any         Single Cup
water temperature of 205°F+ (96°C+). Submissions must be a full
unopened case(s) from stock product.                                              Pu-erh/Dark Tea         Pu-erh/Dark      Any         Single Cup
                                                                                  Rooibos Blended         Rooibos          Any         Single Cup
                                                                                  Rooibos Flavored        Rooibos          Any         Single Cup
                                                                                  White Blended           White            Any         Single Cup
                                                                                  White Flavored          White            Any         Single Cup
                                                                                  White Tea               White            Any         Single Cup
                                                                                  Black (Single Origin)   Black            Any         Bagged
                                                                                  Black Blended           Black            Any         Bagged
                                                                                  Black Flavored          Black            Any         Bagged



TEA                     TYPE          COUNTRY CATEGORY        TEA                    TYPE          COUNTRY CATEGORY
Breakfast               Black         Any     Bagged          Green Blended          Green         Any     Instant
Green Blended           Green         Any     Bagged          Green Flavored         Green         Any     Instant
Green Flavored          Green         Any     Bagged          Green Pan Fired        Green         Any     Instant
Green Pan Fired         Green         Any     Bagged          Green Steamed          Green         Any     Instant
Green Steamed           Green         Any     Bagged          Matcha Blend           Green         Any     Instant
Herbal                  Herbal        Any     Bagged          Matcha Flavored        Green         Any     Instant
Herbal Blended          Herbal        Any     Bagged          Herbal                 Herbal        Any     Instant
Herbal Flavored         Herbal        Any     Bagged          Herbal Blended         Herbal        Any     Instant
Functional Tea          Any           Any     Bagged          Herbal Flavored        Herbal        Any     Instant
Dark Oolong             Oolong        Any     Bagged          Functional Tea         Any           Any     Instant
Green Oolong            Oolong        Any     Bagged          Dark Oolong            Oolong        Any     Instant
Oolong Blended          Oolong        Any     Bagged          Green Oolong           Oolong        Any     Instant
Oolong Flavored         Oolong        Any     Bagged          Oolong Blended         Oolong        Any     Instant
Pu-erh/Dark Blended     Pu-erh/Dark   Any     Bagged          Oolong Flavored        Oolong        Any     Instant
Pu-erh/Dark Flavored    Pu-erh/Dark   Any     Bagged          Pu-erh/Dark Blended    Pu-erh/Dark   Any     Instant
Pu-erh/Dark Tea         Pu-erh/Dark   Any     Bagged          Pu-erh/Dark Flavored   Pu-erh/Dark   Any     Instant
Rooibos Blended         Rooibos       Any     Bagged          Pu-erh/Dark Tea        Pu-erh/Dark   Any     Instant
Rooibos Flavored        Rooibos       Any     Bagged          Rooibos Blended        Rooibos       Any     Instant
White Blended           White         Any     Bagged          Rooibos Flavored       Rooibos       Any     Instant
White Flavored          White         Any     Bagged          White Blended          White         Any     Instant
White Tea               White         Any     Bagged          White Flavored         White         Any     Instant
Black (Single Origin)   Black         Any     Instant         White Tea              White         Any     Instant
Black Blended           Black         Any     Instant          VIEW DETAILED ICED TEA CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS
Black Flavored          Black         Any     Instant
Breakfast               Black         Any     Instant


Competition Medal Winners
Date: September 23 & 24, 2017 | Judging Location: Thornton, Colorado
Judges: Scott Svhiula, Suzette Hammond, Richard Enticott, Kelly Amoroso
BAGGED - WHITE TEA                                BAGGED - BLACK (SINGLE ORIGIN)                   CUP - HERBAL BLENDED/TISANE
(SINGLE ORIGIN)                                   Zealong Tea Estate                               Special Tea Company
Silk Road Teas                                    Zealong Black                                    Detox Supreme with                           2017
White Peony                                       64 (0)7 854-0988 | New Zealand          GOLD     BC30 Probiotic                             BRONZE
                                           2017                                    80     MEDAL                                        66.8   MEDAL

415-458-8624 | United States             BRONZE
                                                  info@zealong.co.nz                               407-601-4944 | United States
nedh@silkroadteas.com             66.4   MEDAL
                                                  zealong.co.nz                                    sales@specialteacompany.com
silkroadteas.com                                                                                   specialteacompany.com
                                                  Glenburn Tea Direct
BAGGED - GREEN STEAMED                            Glenburn Darjeeling Tea                   2017   BAGGED - HERBAL BLENDED/TISANE
                                                  United States                                    Numi
(SINGLE ORIGIN)                                                                    70
                                                  shalini@glenburnrteadirect.com                   Turmeric Three Roots
Shohokuenchaten Co. Ltd.                                                                                                                        2017
                                                  glenburnteadirect.com                            888-404-6864 | United States               GOLD
Uji Gyokuro Tea Bag                        2017                                                                                        80     MEDAL

81-(0)774-32-8105 | Japan                GOLD                                                      lily@dadascope.com
                                  90     MEDAL
                                                  Newby Teas                                       numitea.com
                                                  Darjeeling 25 Count Tea Bags
ujicha.com                                                                                  2017
                                                  United Kingdom                          BRONZE
                                                                                                   Twigs Naturals
                                                                                   62.1   MEDAL
                                                  gwen@newbyteas.com                               Caribbean Christmas Tea
ITO EN (North America) Inc.                                                                                                                     2017
                                                  newbyteas.com                                    Trinidad & Tobago                          SILVER
Ito En Matcha Green Traditional                                                                                                         70    MEDAL

718-250-4000 | United States
rtison@itoen.com                  70     MEDAL
                                                  BAGGED - BREAKFAST                               twigsnaturals.com
itoen.com                                         Mighty Leaf Tea
                                                  Organic Emperor's Breakfast               2017
                                                                                                   Farmer Brothers
Newby Teas                                        877-698-5323 | United States            BRONZE   Artisan Collection Organic
                                                                                   67     MEDAL                                                 2017
Green Sencha 25 Count Tea Bags                    apattee@mightyleaf.com                           Chamomile Lavender Mint                    BRONZE
                                           2017                                                                                        61.8   MEDAL

517-999-0590 | United Kingdom            BRONZE   mightyleaf.com                                   Herbal Tea Sachet
                                  60.5   MEDAL
                                                                                                   United States
newbyteas.com                                     BAGGED - PU-ERH/DARK TEA                         kiley@chinamist.com
                                                  (SINGLE ORIGIN)                                  farmerbros.com
BAGGED - GREEN PAN FIRED                          Mighty Leaf Tea
(SINGLE ORIGIN)                                   Organic Vintage Pu'er                     2017
                                                                                                   BAGGED - HERBAL/TISANE
Zealong Tea Estate                                877-698-5323 | United States            SILVER   (SINGLE ORIGIN)
                                                                                   70     MEDAL

Zealong Green                                     apattee@mightyleaf.com                           Twigs Naturals
64 (0)7 854-0988 | New Zealand           SILVER
                                                  mightyleaf.com                                   Mint Tea                                     2017
                                  74.3   MEDAL
                                                                                                   Trinidad & Tobago
info@zealong.co.nz                                                                                                                     61.9

zealong.co.nz                                     BAGGED - GREEN BLENDED                           sales@twigsnaturals.com
                                                  ITO EN (North America) Inc.                      twigsnaturals.com
Shangri La Tea Co. Inc.                           Ito En Matcha Green Ginger                2017
Organic English Breakfast                         718-250-4000 | United States
                                                                                          MEDAL    BAGGED - WHITE FLAVORED
562-942-9828 | United States             BRONZE   rtison@itoen.com                                 Big T NYC
kanny.gordon@shangrilaco.com      66     MEDAL
                                                  itoen.com                                        Tell-Tale Glow                               2017
shangrilaco.com                                                                                    347-916-4311 | United States               BRONZE
                                                                                                                                       63.3   MEDAL
                                                  BAGGED - BLACK BLENDED                           theresa@bigntyc.com
BAGGED - GREEN OOLONG                             Farmer Brothers                                  bigtnyc.com
(SINGLE ORIGIN)                                   Artisan Collection Chai Spice
Zealong Tea Estate                                Black Tea Sachet                          2017
                                                                                          BRONZE   BAGGED - GREEN FLAVORED
                                                  800-735-2878 | United States     64     MEDAL
                                                                                                   Mighty Leaf Tea
Zealong Oolong
64 (0)7 854-0988 | New Zealand
                                                  kiley@chinamist.com                              Organic Royal Passion Fruit Green            2017
info@zealong.co.nz                80     MEDAL    farmerbros.com                                   877-698-5323 | United States               SILVER
                                                                                                                                        70    MEDAL

zealong.co.nz                                                                                      apattee@mightyleaf.com


Newby Teas                                         BAGGED - ROOIBOS FLAVORED                      BAGGED - HERBAL/
Oriental Sencha 25 Count Tea Bags         2017     Mighty Leaf Tea                                TISANE FLAVORED
517-999-0590 | United Kingdom          BRONZE
                                                   Organic Blood Orange Rooibos                   Two Leaves and a Bud Tea
                                  68.4 MEDAL                                               2017
gwen@newbyteas.com                                 877-698-5323 | United States          SILVER   Company
newbyteas.com                                      apattee@mightyleaf.com         70     MEDAL                                                 2017
                                                                                                  Organic Detox Herbal Tea                   SILVER

                                                   mightyleaf.com                                                                      70    MEDAL
                                                                                                  for Recovery
BAGGED - BLACK FLAVORED                                                                           970-927-9911 | United States
Two Leaves and a Bud Tea                           Walters Bay                                    jessica@twoleavestea.com
Company                                     2017
                                                   Vanilla Rooibos                                twoleavestea.com
Organic Earl Grey Black Tea               SILVER   512-306-0935 | United States          BRONZE
                                     70   MEDAL
                                                                                  62.3   MEDAL
970-927-9911 | United States                       shannae@waltersbay.com                         Celestial Seasonings
jessica@twoleavestea.com                           waltersbay.com                                 Sangria Zinger
twoleavestea.com                                                                                  303-530-5300 | United States

                                                                                                  gina.osburn@hain.com               66.62   MEDAL

Mighty Leaf Tea                                                                                   hain.com
Earl Grey Crème
877-698-5323 | United States              BRONZE

apattee@mightyleaf.com               62   MEDAL



Every year at World Tea Expo, companies with Medal Winning teas
from each of the Global Tea Championship competitions are invited to
participate in the Winner’s Tasting Circle where 3,500+ attendees are
encouraged to taste the GTC’s exceptional teas. At the Winner’s Tasting                 PEOPLE’S
Circle, attendees vote for their favorite teas within multiple categories,               CHOICE
thus these teas earn a People’s Choice Award.
We’re proud to present the People’s Choice Award Winners chosen at World Tea Expo 2017.

Best Ready To Drink                                     Best Hot Dark/pu-erh Tea
Try My T                                                Dethlefsen & Balk, Inc.
Try My T                                                Pu Erh Pistachio
325-855-0966 | United States                            630-851-8549 | United States
mcconnect@aol.com                                       benjamin@dethlefsen-balk.us
trymyt.com                                              dethlefsen-balk.us

Best Hot Black Tea                                      Best Hot Herbal Tea
Lumbini Tea Factory (PVT) Ltd.                          World Flavorz Spice & Tea Co.
Sinharaja Wiry Tips (FBOPF Extra Special)               Lavender Peach
94 415676465 | Sri Lanka                                818-671-0221 | United States
marketing@lumbinitea.com                                Kai@worldflavorz.com
lumbiniteausa.com                                       worldflavorz.com

Best Hot Green Tea                                      Best Foodservice Iced Tea
Sugimoto America                                        Teasource Llc
SA Hoji Cha                                             Minnesota N’Ice Tea
425-558-5552| United States                             877-768-7233 | United States
kyohei@sugimotousa.com                                  wholesale@teasource.com
sugimotousa.com                                         teasource.com

Best Hot White Tea
Glenburn Tea Direct
Darjeeling Silver Needle
855-242-4925 | United States

Best Single Serve Hot Tea
Zealong Tea Estate
Zealong Black
64 7 854 0988 | New Zealand

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