Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT

Page created by Joanne Johnson
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT
Reach the world of beauty professionals with
Creative Age publications

                                    MEDIA KIT
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT
             CALENDAR                                                      2018
       In every print issue! Trending looks, hot products (hair, nails, makeup and skin), men’s styles, extension know-how, stunning photo
                             collections, education highlights, business tutelage, industry news, and so much more.
       Every month on digital! New beauty trends, celeb get-the-looks, pro-beauty news, dynamic photo shoots, guest blogs, social media
                                                takeovers, product intel, and so much more.

   january                                         february                                      march
   + Bonus Distribution: ISSE, Long                                                              + Bonus Distribution: IBS New York
                                                   THE LOVE ISSUE
   Beach, CA
                                                   •Artists reveal the products they             THE SPRING TRENDS ISSUE
   THE INFLUENCER ISSUE                            love most                                     •20 in their Twenties: Profiles on top 20
   •Top digital influencers shaking up the         •Hairdressing legends reveal what             cutters in their twenties
   world of professional beauty                    made them first fall in love with the         •Hot beauty trends—from color to cut to
   •Artists identify the most influential/         pro-beauty industry                           nails and beyond—as seen on the spring/
   game-changing products                          Special Focus: Shampoo and                    summer runways
   Special Focus: Shine enhancers                  conditioner duos                              Special Focus: Color care products
   DIGITAL                                         DIGITAL                                       DIGITAL
   Influencer Confessionals: Videos                We Heart Valentine’s Day:                     What’s Trending Socially: Hair trends
   uploaded daily featuring pro-beauty’s           Romantic ’dos to whet stylists’               that are going viral
   biggest influencers                             creativity                                    What’s Trending Editorially: Editors
   Editor Confessionals: Video dish on the         Stylist Confessionals: Video love             choose their favorite trending styles from
   most innovative products in the business        letters from stylists to their clients        Instagram fans
   +Product Discovery: What’s trending in          +Product Discovery: What’s                    +Product Discovery: What’s trending in
   beauty goods                                    trending in beauty goods                      beauty goods
   Closing: 11-17-17                               Closing: 12-20-17                             Closing: 1-19-18
   Ad Material Due: 11-27-17                       Ad Material Due: 12-27-17                     Ad Material Due: 1-25-18

    april                                           may                                          june
    + Bonus Distribution: America’s Beauty                                                       + Bonus Distribution: Premiere Orlando
    Show, Chicago; Intercoiffure Spring             THE SPECIAL
                                                                                                 Beauty Show
    Atelier, FL                                     OCCASION ISSUE
                                                    •Get clients ready for their big day—        THE SUMMER ISSUE
    THE FESTIVAL ISSUE                              from weddings, proms and beyond—             •Achieve the hottest summer hairstyles
    •Prep clients for festival season with the      with must-have products                      with trending techniques and goods
    buzziest beauty styles and products to get      •Ace the perfect blow-out with the best      •Arm her with products that treat
    the looks                                       techniques and products                      summertime hair woes
    •Styling tools to create the coolest hairdos    Special Focus: Travel-size products          Special Focus: Humidity blockers
    Special Focus: Naturally derived products       + SUPPLEMENT: Hair restoration
    and green-minded initiatives                                                                 DIGITAL
                                                    (extensions, hair pieces and anti-
                                                                                                 Hot List: Video featuring must-have
    DIGITAL                                         thinning treaments)
                                                                                                 summer swag
    Conquer Coachella: Video featuring must-        DIGITAL                                      What’s Trending Now: Breezy looks for
    have festival fare                              Rise to the Occasion: How to handle          the season
    Instagram Takeover: Pro-beauty’s                clients with pre-celebration nerves          +Product Discovery: What’s trending in
    brightest stars take you behind the scenes      Fit for a Fete: Editors share top special    beauty goods
    at Coachella                                    occasion looks from Instagram fans           Closing: 4-20-18
    +Product Discovery: What’s trending in          +Product Discovery: What’s trending          Ad Material Due: 4-26-18
    beauty goods                                    in beauty goods
    Closing: 2-21-18                                Closing: 3-21-18
    Ad Material Due: 2-27-18                        Ad Material Due: 3-27-18

EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS DUE 6 WEEKS PRIOR TO AD CLOSE DATE.                                                                    CONTINUES >>

                                          CONTACT: Deborah Carver, Publisher                    Launchpad
                                                        7628 Densmore Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406-2042
                                          Phone: 800.442.5667x219                               Phone 818.782.7328, Fax 818.782.7450
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT
            CALENDAR                                                       2018
      In every print issue! Trending looks, hot products (hair, nails, makeup and skin), men’s styles, extension know-how, stunning photo
                            collections, education highlights, business tutelage, industry news, and so much more.
     Every month on digital! New beauty trends, celeb get-the-looks, pro-beauty news, dynamic photo shoots, guest blogs, social media
                                              takeovers, product intel, and so much more.

       july                                           august                                         september
       + Bonus Distribution: IBS Las                  + Bonus Distribution: Cosmoprof,               THE FALL TRENDS ISSUE
       Vegas Hair & Nail, Las Vegas                   Las Vegas                                      •Hot beauty trends as seen on the
       THE NATURAL ISSUE                              THE COLOR ISSUE                                fall/winter runways
       •Products geared for naturally                 •Latest and greatest color products,           •Top hair color trends as seen on
       curly strands                                  looks and techniques                           celebs
       •Bring out the best in any hair type           •Advice on how to ease clients into            Special Focus: Thermal
       with the perfect cut; plus, snipping           making major hair changes, and                 protectors
       tools that work wonders                        products that act as the perfect assist        DIGITAL
       Special Focus: Dry shampoos                    Special Focus: Thickening products             Live from the Runway:
                                                      (Hair Loss Awareness Month)                    InstaStories live from New York
       Curls Unfurled: Spotlight on                   DIGITAL                                        Fashion Week
       celebrity curls throughout the years           She’s a Rainbow: Influencers give the          Survival Guide: Influencers share
       A Cut Above: Video featuring                   skinny on their preferred shades               how to make it through New York
       fresh cutting techniques                       Before and After: The best color               Fashion Week
       +Product Discovery: What’s                     transformations                                +Product Discovery: What’s
       trending in beauty goods                       +Product Discovery: What’s trending            trending in beauty goods
       Closing: 5-16-18                               in beauty goods                                Closing: 7-20-18
       Ad Material Due: 5-22-18                       Closing: 6-19-18                               Ad Material Due: 7-26-18
                                                      Ad Material Due: 6-25-18

       october                                        november                                      december
       + Bonus Distribution: Intercoiffure
                                                      THE A-LIST ISSUE                              THE BEST ISSUE
       Fall Atelier, NY
                                                      •We spotlight the industry’s biggest          •Readers Choice Awards! The best
       THE PREVENTION ISSUE                           stylists to the stars                         products of 2018, as voted by our readers
       •Products and advice to help combat            •The coolest red carpet looks to              •We profile what’s next for pro-beauty
       the effects of aging                           replicate for her next holiday party, and     innovations in 2019, from on-the-verge
       •High-tech tools to give clients their         products that help nail the styles            products to innovative classes for pros
       best hair ever                                 Special Focus: Hair oils                      Special Focus: Top educators and
       Special Focus: Charitable initiatives                                                        classes
       DIGITAL                                        Hair’s Looking at You: Best red               DIGITAL
       Breast Cancer Awareness:                       carpet beauty looks through the years         Product Haul: Influencer dish on the
       Products that benefit the cause                I Feel Pretty: Celeb stylists’ go-tos for     Readers Choice Awards product picks,
       Piece Out: Top wigs and tips for               making them look and feel their best          and a contest to win it all
       choosing the perfect hair piece                for any occasion                              Youth of America: We round up the most
       +Product Discovery: What’s                     +Product Discovery: What’s trending           striking hair creations done by students
       trending in beauty goods                       in beauty goods                               +Product Discovery: What’s trending in
       Closing: 8-20-18                               Closing: 9-21-18                              beauty goods
       Ad Material Due: 8-24-18                       Ad Material Due: 9-27-18                      Closing: 10-19-18
                                                                                                    Ad Material Due: 10-25-18


                                        CONTACT: Deborah Carver, Publisher                        Launchpad
                                                          7628 Densmore Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406-2042
                                        Phone: 800.442.5667x219                                   Phone 818.782.7328, Fax 818.782.7450
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT
                                            Beauty Launchpad is read by beauty
                                            professionals in full-service salons, hair

Reader                                      salons, barber shops/men's salons, salon suites,
                                            chain salons, skincare salons, makeup studios,

                                            spas, lash and brow bars, on film and TV sets,
                                            backstage at fashion runways and at home.


    work at leading salons

   approve or recommend

   have hair cutting/styling

                                                       271,510                                    *
  have hair coloring services

 of subscribers have 7 or more                     Readers Each
      stylists in their salon
   saved an issue for future
  reference after reading an
    article in the magazine                 *Qualified Circulation: 71,450, Pass-along Readership Rate: 3.8
                                 Sources: Publisher’s Creative Systems & Beauty Launchpad Your Opinion Salon Trends Survey
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT

Social +

Unique visitors/month
Beauty Launchpad
Newsletter                               Twitter                                      YouTube

41,252                                   30,000                                       7,500
Beauty Launchpad
3rd party email list                     Pinterest                                     LinkedIn
41,139                                   42,000                                        2,702
                        Sources: Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Iconosquare & Real Magnet
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT
Creative Age brands reach
                                                   every niche of the professional
                                                   beauty industry
                                                                   The magazine for nail professionals!
                                                               Trends in natural nails, acrylics and gels.
                                                               Nail art and technical how-to’s, plus
                                                               new products and successful business
                                                               strategies for nail professionals.
                                                               Magazine subscribers: 61,505
                                                               Pass-along readership: 264,472
                                                               Enewsletter: 31,044
                                                               Social: 1,300,000
                                                               Web: 146,000/month

                                                                    Everything beauty for salons and
                                                               stylists! Trends, new products, and how-
                                                               to’s for hair, nails, makeup, skin care
                                                               and more.
                             Magazine                          Magazine subscribers: 71,450
    Lush lashes,
beautiful brows and color    subscribers: 25,000               Pass-along readership: 271,510
cosmetics! Trends and        Enewsletter: 25,977               Enewsletter: 40,781
new products for eye lash    Social: 11,000                    Social: 527,000
extensions, eye brows,       Web: 13,500/month                 Web: 75,000/month
makeup and more.

THE COLORIST                                                   DAYSPA
      The hair color                                                 The premier business resource
authority! How-to’s for                                         for spa and wellness professionals.
                             subscribers: 24,558                The latest in skin care, spa treatments,
stunning hair styles, hair   Pass-along
color formulas and new                                          wellness services and management
                             readership: 78,586                 strategies.
products for color-treated
                             Enewsletter: 13,892
hair.                                                           Magazine subscribers: 29,342
                             Social: 22,000
                             Web: 25,000/month                  Enewsletter: 32,613
                                                                Social: 51,000
MEDESTHETICS                                                    Web: 27,000/month

     Better business         Magazine
for medical aesthetics       subscribers: 21,476               BEAUTY STORE
practices. Trending
treatments, equipment
                             Enewsletter: 13,029               BUSINESS
                             Social: 9,000                          Providing solutions for better
and products, plus key
                             Web: 17,000/month                 retailing. Beauty Store Business reports
business management
and regulatory updates.                                        on hot products, savvy business moves
                                                               and important trends affecting both
                                                               brick-and-mortar and online retailers.
     The business of men’s   Magazine                          Magazine subscribers: 17,106
grooming. New products       subscribers: 74,000               Enewsletter: 19,447
for men’s grooming needs     Digital bonus:                    Social: 9,000
and the retailers who        35,000+ subscribers               Web: 15,500/month
sell them, plus profiles     of BARBinc
of successful stylists,      Enewsletter: 18,626
barbers and estheticians     Social: 2,500
who deliver men’s beauty
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT
Creative Age

         OVER              FACEBOOK

 2.5 million
      WEB TRAFFIC          TWITTER

1.2 million

Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT

Rising Star Billboard Banner
Dimensions: 970 x 250 pixels
Format: HTML5, animated GIF, JPG; frame rate
up to 24 FPS; maximum file load size is 60kb.
Skyscraper Banner
Dimensions: 300 x 600 pixels
                                                            Email files as an attachment to
                                                   Be sure to
                                                            include the linking URL in the email.
                                                            Due Dates: Creative Age must receive
                                                            materials 5 business days prior to campaign
Format: HTML5, animated GIF, JPG; frame rate                flight dates.
up to 24 FPS; maximum file load size is 40kb.
                                                            Third Party Email Advertising
Medium Box Banner                                           Dimensions: 550 pixels wide
Dimensions: 300 x 250 pixels                                Format: HTML5, JPG
Format: HTML5, animated GIF, JPG; frame rate                Delivery: Email files as an attachment to
up to 24 FPS; maximum file load size is 40kb.      Be sure
Rectangle Box Banner                                        to include the linking URL in the email and
Dimensions: 728 x 90 pixels                                 subject line.
Format: HTML5, animated GIF, JPG; frame rate
up to 24 FPS; maximum file load size is 40kb.               Social Submissions
Prestitial                                                  + T ext and images due 10 business days
Dimensions: 640 x 480 pixels                                    before posting. Referral URL must be
Format: JPG only                                                provided with artwork. Facebook images
                                                                should be 800 pixels; Instagram images
eNewsletter Sponsorship
                                                                should be square and at least 640 x 640
Medium Box and Leaderboard
                                                                pixels; Twitter posts can include 140
Dimensions: 300 x 250 pixels and 580 x 72 pixels
                                                                characters and an image.
Format: HTML5, animated GIF, JPG; frame rate
up to 24 FPS; maximum file load size is 40kb.               + Video for Instagram should not exceed 60
Landing page URL must be submitted at the                   + All images and copy are subject to editorial
same time as artwork.                                           approval to prevent spam messaging.

                                                            Video and YouTube Submissions
                                                            Format: MP4, MOV, MPEG4

                                       NOTE: No flash files accepted

     For sales or rate related questions, contact Deborah Carver, publisher,
      at 818.782.7328 ext.219 or email
    7628 Densmore Avenue • Van Nuys, CA 91406-2042 • 818.782.7328 • 800.442.5667 • Fax 818.782.7450
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT
PRINTING                                                    PROOFS
Web offset. SWOP standards apply.                           + All ad submissions must be accompanied by a proof.
                                                            + For four-color ads, provide color Fuji print, Rainbow or
BINDING                                                        equivalent according to SWOP standards, processed
Perfect bound.                                                 on publication-grade stock.
                                                            + Color rotation is black, cyan, magenta, yellow.
PDFS (PREFERRED FORMAT)                                     +Proper color reproduction is not guaranteed without
+Must be CMYK, 300 dpi with fonts embedded and                 acceptable color proof.
print optimized. PDFs sent in any format other than
stated are NOT ACCEPTABLE and will need to be               INSERTS
resubmitted in the correct format and will be subject       + Standard, multifold and die-cut inserts accepted.
to late charges.                                            +Contact production director at least three weeks prior to
                                                               space closing date in order to determine exact production
ACCEPTABLE PROGRAMS                                            specifications.
Macintosh-based programs only:                              +Inserts must meet all applicable postal, printer and
Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator.                        bindery requirements.

FTP GUIDELINES                                              APPLICABLE PRODUCTION CHARGES
Please use your Web browser to access our File              $40/hour with $40 minimum charge
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Enter user name launchpad and the password                                 Van Nuys, CA 91406-2042
66trUllima and click the Login button.                                       818.782.7328 ext.223
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             Publisher is not liable for reproduction quality on ad materials that do not meet specifications.
Creative Age publications - Reach the world of beauty professionals with - MEDIA KIT

            1 page (Bleed)                       1 page

                                                                               ½ page

     Bleed Size 8.125" x 11"       7" x 10"                           7" x 4.625"
     Trim Size 7.875" x 10.75"
     Live Area 7" x 10"

        ½ page                         ¹/³
       (Vertical)                     page
                                                                          ¼ page

     3.375" x 10"                  2.125" x 10"                       3.375" x 4.625"

            2-Page Spread (Non-Bleed)                                 2-Page Spread (Bleed)

15" x 10"                                                 Bleed Size 16" x 11"
                                                          Trim Size 15.75" x 10.75"
                                                          Live Area 15" x 10"
1   Advertisements are accepted upon the representation that the advertiser and
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  15% of gross to recognized agencies on space, color and position if total amount is paid in full within 30 days from invoice date; otherwise, no agency commission will be allowed.
  No commission can be taken on production charges or binding charges. All orders accepted for space subject to credit requirements. No cash discount.
  15% commission to recognized agencies. Payment is due 30 days from date of invoice. A late charge of 1.5% per month will be charged on unpaid amounts thereafter.
 RATES                                                    + Special Positions
                                                          All special positions are full-page,
                                                          four-color ads, and are based on a
                                                          per-insertion price. These positions
 Preferred Position Rates                                 are only available to position-specific,
 Position requirements will incur                         contracted 12-time advertisers
 an additional 10% charge above                           (unless otherwise indicated) on a
 and beyond your current size,                            first-come, first-available basis.
 color and frequency rate.                                + Other Color Changes
                                                          Fifth color rate add $800 for PMS
                                                          colors including Metallic and
                                                          Fluorescent colors to your current
                                                          size and frequency four-color rate.

                                  1X             3X              6X            12X

                Full Page       $4,005         $3,730         $3,620         $3,450

                1/2 Page        $2,450         $2,170         $2,010         $1,840

                1/3 Page        $2,260         $2,010         $1,840         $1,675

   1/4 Page Buzz Bin            $1,170         $1,055          $955           $890


                                                                    Deborah Carver
                                                                    800.442.5667, ext. 219

   7628 Densmore Avenue • Van Nuys, CA 91406-2042 • 818.782.7328 • 800.442.5667 • Fax 818.782.7450
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