Student Application 2019-2020 - Washington State University

Page created by Sheila Knight
Student Application

Program Information
The WSU ROAR (Responsibility, Opportunity, Advocacy, and Respect) is a two--year
inclusive and residential post-secondary education program for students with
intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The program will provide individualized
programs of study in academic skills, social skills, independent living skills, and
vocational training.

Participation in the WSU ROAR program will not only provide students to continue their
education and seek vocational skills beyond their high school career, but it also provides
them with a true college Cougar family experience

WSU ROAR Student Eligibility Information
Is an individual between 18 and 29 years of age;
Has moderate limitations in adaptive behavior and intellectual
functioning as expressed in social, practical, and conceptual adaptive
skills according to the American Association of Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD, 2011);
Is seeking greater independence through enhancing social,
communication, vocational and life skills in a post-secondary education
Is willing and able to live communally and independently with other WSU
ROAR students in campus housing (apartments) during the duration of
the program;
Has participated in a functional-based curriculum (K-12), received
services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), or
completed an alternate assessment portfolio; Has completed high
school with or without a typical high school diploma;
Is not able to enroll in a "traditional" college or university program, even
with accommodations;
Exhibits responsible and socially adaptive behavior without supervision;
Has sufficient emotional and independent ability to participate in all aspects
of the WSU ROAR Program;
Demonstrates the ability to accept personal responsibility for actions and
maintains respect for self and others;
Has no history of disruptive or aggressive behavior. Note: ROAR does not
have the
personnel necessary to manage behavioral issues.
Has the ability to independently self-administer and manage medication,
specialized dietary
and/or medical needs. Note: WSU ROAR personnel are not
available to manage/administer medication and takes no
responsibility for specialized diets or medical needs.

Demonstrates at least a 4th grade reading level or higher. Students with
     lower reading levels may be considered for conditional admission;
     Demonstrates basic mathematical understanding and the ability
     to use a calculator; Is able to communicate with others (with or
     without assistive technology)
     Can function independently and participate in semester-long workshops
     and seminars that last between 90 minutes and 2 hours;
     Can handle and adapt to change; is not overly stressed when things
     change; and Demonstrate the potential to successfully achieve
     personal and program goals within the context of the WSU ROAR
     Program’s context and setting.

Please Note: The WSU ROAR Program does not have the personnel to
supervise students with difficult and challenging behaviors or to dispense
medications. The WSU ROAR program provides access, equal opportunity
and reasonable accommodations in its services, programs, activities,
education, and employment for individuals with disabilities.

If you or your student meet the required criteria above, you/they are a great
candidate for the WSU ROAR program. Please click next to continue with the
application for admissions.

Note: The WSU ROAR Program is a certificate program (not an accredited
college degree program) and exiting students will receive a vocational
certification, NOT a degree from Washington State University.

Note 2: During the 2019-2020 academic year, only 6 students will be admitted to
the program. Starting the academic year 2020-2021, 10 students maximum per
cohort will be admitted to the program.

WSU ROAR Application Checklist

___Student application packet (including skills inventory)
___$25.00 non-refundable application fee payable to Washington State University
___Parent/Guardian Information to be completed by parent/guardian
___Release/Exchange Information Form
___High School Transcript
___Copy of student's IEP
___Educational Evaluation (ideally conducted within the past three years) such as:
      Woodcock Johnson III or Revised Test of Achievement Peabody Individual
       Achievement Test (PIAT)
       Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA)
___Current Psychological/Behavioral Evaluation (past 3 years)
___2 Letters of Recommendation
___Once the application has been reviewed, a personal interview with the student and
parent, family, guardian, or support person will be scheduled as determined by the
Admissions Committee.

Please submit all application materials that could not be uploaded and application fee
via mail:
P.O. BOX 642114
PULLMAN, WA 99164-2114

Statement of Accurate Information
I understand that withholding information requested in this application or giving false,
misleading, or incomplete information will make me ineligible for admission to, or continuation
in, Washington State University's ROAR program. I furthermore pledge to submit any future
changes, including those related to grades or discipline issues, to the WSU ROAR Program
office and understand that an offer of admission maybe rescinded based upon updated
information. I certify that the information given is correct and complete.

   I have read, I understand, and I agree to the above statement.

   Student Signature ________________________________________________

   Date ___________________________________________________________

Personal Information
First Name ____________________________________________________________

Middle Name ___________________________________________________________

Last Name ____________________________________________________________

Date of Birth ___________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ________________________________________________________


Email ________________________________________________________________

Cell Phone ____________________________________________________________

Other Phone ___________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian 1

Name ________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ________________________________________________________

Cell Phone Number _____________________________________________________

Other Phone Number ____________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian 2

Name ________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address (if different from Parent 1) ___________________________________


Cell Phone Number _____________________________________________________

Other Phone Number ____________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________________________

Educational Information

List all the schools that you have attended (starting from the most recent)

School 1 ____________________________________________________________

School 2 ____________________________________________________________

School 3 ____________________________________________________________

School 4 ____________________________________________________________

School 5 ____________________________________________________________

Which of the Following best describes the curriculum and educational setting you experienced
in high school? Check one.

   o   Fully included in general education curriculum in general education classes
   o   Partially included in general education curriculum with majority of classes in general
   o   Student spent half of their time in general education and half of their time in special
   o   Partially included in general education curriculum with the majority of classes in special
   o   Not included in general education curriculum or classes. Only in special education
       classes (e.g., life skills).
   o   Other, specify: ____________________________________________________

What, if any, type of statewide assessment did you take while in high school? Choose one.

   o   Regular with or without accommodations
   o   Alternate
   o   Waived
   o   None
   o   Other, Specify ____________________________________________________

Did you receive a general education high school diploma?
   o   Yes
   o   No
   o   I received one but the requirements for graduation were based on my IEP
   o   Other ___________________________________________________________

In a few words, please describe your academic strengths and weaknesses

In a few words, how do you think you learn best (For example: small groups, extra time)

What courses did you enjoy the most?

What courses did you enjoy the least?
Where you part of any organizations or clubs at your school? If so, which ones?

Employment & Volunteer History
        *Note: prior work experience is not a requirement for admission into the
                                 WSU ROAR program

Employment or Volunteer Work 1
Name of the Company/Employer ___________________________________________

Job Title ______________________________________________________________

Dates of Employment (Start-End) ___________________________________________

Hours per Week ________________________________________________________

Job duties _____________________________________________________________

Pay __________________________________________________________________

Employment or Volunteer Work 2
Name of the Company/Employer ___________________________________________

Job Title ______________________________________________________________

Dates of Employment (Start-End) ___________________________________________

Hours per Week ________________________________________________________

Job duties _____________________________________________________________

Pay __________________________________________________________________

Personal Support Inventory

Instructions: To be filled out by Parent/Family/Guardian/Support person. Please rate the
levels thoughtfully and honestly so that we can determine the best placement and level
of support for your student.

Please use the following scale to represent the level of functioning in each section:
   o   (3) Student is independent
   o   (2) Student requires some/moderate support
   o   (1) Student requires complete support
   o   N/A

Eating and Food Preparation

(1) Student     (2) Student
                     Requires        Requires      (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                     Complete     Some/Moderate   Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                    Support (1)     Support (2)
ingredients and
 equipment (1)           o              o                o                 o
 containers (2)          o              o                o                 o
 Follows recipe
       (3)               o              o                o                 o
Uses microwave
      (4)                o              o                o                 o
 Uses stovetop
      (5)                o              o                o                 o
 Uses oven (6)
                         o              o                o                 o
  Uses other
 appliances (7)          o              o                o                 o
Oral motor skill
(i.e., chewing)
        (8)              o              o                o                 o
Uses utensils (9)
                         o              o                o                 o
 Uses manners
     (10)                o              o                o                 o
 Sets table (11)
                         o              o                o                 o
   Puts away
 leftovers (12)          o              o                o                 o
Wipes off work
 surface (13)            o              o                o                 o
Washes dishes
(by hand) (14)           o              o                o                 o

Washes dishes
 dishwasher) (15)           o                 o                  o     o
 Uses adaptive
 equipment (16)             o                 o                  o     o

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.






Grooming and Dressing
                      (1) Student        (2) Student
                       Requires           Requires         (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                       Complete        Some/Moderate      Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                      Support (1)        Support (2)

  Brushes teeth
       (1)                  o                  o                 o                 o
  mouthwash (2)             o                  o                 o                 o
     hair (3)               o                  o                 o                 o
   Skin care (4)
                            o                  o                 o                 o
  eyeglasses (5)            o                  o                 o                 o
 Cleans hearing
 aides ear molds
       (6)                  o                  o                 o                 o
    clean (7)               o                  o                 o                 o
   Dresses and
  undresses self
       (8)                  o                  o                 o                 o
   clothing for
 season/weather             o                  o                 o                 o
  condition (9)

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.




Hygiene and Toileting
                         (1) Student      (2) Student
                          Requires         Requires         (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                          Complete      Some/Moderate      Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                         Support (1)      Support (2)

 Toileting needs (1)
                              o                   o                o                o
 Washes hands (2)
                              o                   o                o                o
 Bath/Showering (3)
                              o                   o                o                o
     hair (4)                 o                   o                o                o
 menstrual care (5)           o                   o                o                o
     Shaving (6)
                              o                   o                o                o
 Uses deodorant (7)
                              o                   o                o                o

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.






Sexuality, Health, Safety

(1) Student     (2) Student
                          Requires        Requires      (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                          Complete     Some/Moderate   Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                         Support (1)     Support (2)
  Awareness of
public and private
   activities (1)             o                 o             o                 o
  Closes door for
 bathing, toileting,
 dressing, etc. (2)           o                 o             o                 o
 Appropriate show
  of affection (3)            o                 o             o                 o
 Knowledge of
Consent (self and
other people) (4)             o                 o             o                 o
Appropriate control
of sexual needs (5)           o                 o             o                 o
  Awareness of
 bodily and sexual
   functions (6)              o                 o             o                 o
 Knowledge and
use of birth control
   methods (7)                o                 o             o                 o
   Knowledge of
   diseases (8)
                              o                 o             o                 o
 transmission (i.e.,
    covers mouth
 controls drooling,
                              o                 o             o                 o
  blows nose, etc.)
 Health concerns
specific to disability
  (i.e., skin care,
 range of motion,
position of weight)
                              o                 o             o                 o

  medication (i.e.,
 knows medication
 schedule, ability to
  swallow, related            o                   o               o    o
   concerns) (11)
   Cares for minor
 injury and/or illness
         (12)                 o                   o               o    o
    Awareness of
    Hazards and
    Procedures:               o                   o               o    o
    Poisons (13)
   Awareness of
    Hazards and
  Procedures: Fire            o                   o               o    o
   Awareness of
    Hazards and
    Procedures:               o                   o               o    o
   Accidents (15)

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.






Household Maintenance
                      (1) Student        (2) Student
                       Requires           Requires         (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                       Complete        Some/Moderate      Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                      Support (1)        Support (2)

  Makes bed (1)
                            o                 o                  o                 o
  Changes bed
   linens (2)               o                 o                  o                 o
    room (3)                o                 o                  o                 o
 Does laundry (4)
                            o                 o                  o                 o
      (5)                   o                 o                  o                 o
   bathroom (6)             o                 o                  o                 o
   Sweeps (7)
                            o                 o                  o                 o
   Cleans other
   parts of the
    house (8)               o                 o                  o                 o
  appliances (9)            o                 o                  o                 o

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.







(1) Student     (2) Student
                      Requires        Requires      (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                      Complete     Some/Moderate   Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                     Support (1)     Support (2)

Safely crossing
  streets (1)             o              o                o                 o
Identifies signs
       (2)                o              o                o                 o
   Arrives at
 destination (3)          o              o                o                 o
identification (4)        o              o                o                 o
Asks for help (5)
                          o              o                o                 o
Responsible for
possessions (6)           o              o                o                 o
 Uses caution
 with strangers
       (7)                o              o                o                 o
Reads maps (8)
                          o              o                o                 o
When riding a
bicycle: knows
safety rules (9)          o              o                o                 o
When riding a
bicycle: able to
 find way (10)            o              o                o                 o
 When riding a
 bicycle: locks
  bicycle (11)            o              o                o                 o
When riding a
 school or city
  appropriate             o              o                o                 o
behavior when
  on bus (12)

When riding a
  school or city
  with the bus
                   o    o   o   o
   driver (13)
 When riding a
 school or city
 bus: can find
appropriate bus    o    o   o   o
 When riding a
 school or city
 bus: can read
 bus map (15)
                   o    o   o   o
 When riding a
 school or city
bus: can make a
  transfer (16)
                   o    o   o   o
 When riding a
 school or city
bus: knows how
  to pay (17)
                   o    o   o   o
 When riding a
  school or city
 bus: show bus
    pass (18)
                   o    o   o   o
 When driving
  own vehicle:
knows laws (19)    o    o   o   o
 When driving
  own vehicle:
 uses seat belt
                   o    o   o   o
  When driving
  own vehicle:
 knows what to
do in emergency    o    o   o   o
  When driving
  own vehicle:
uses appropriate
    adaptive       o    o   o   o
 equipment (22)

When driving
   own vehicle:
    safe and
                            o                 o                  o     o
 techniques (23)

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.






Using Services and General Shopping

(1) Student     (2) Student
                          Requires        Requires      (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                          Complete     Some/Moderate   Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                         Support (1)     Support (2)

 appointments (1)             o                o              o                 o
   Uses banking
    services (2)              o                o              o                 o
with doctor, dentist,
      etc. (3)                o                o              o                 o
 Uses laundry/dry
   cleaner (4)                o                o              o                 o
Makes shopping list
       (5)                    o                o              o                 o
   Knows budget
   constraints (6)            o                o              o                 o
  Handles money
  exchanges (7)               o                o              o                 o
Pushes cart at store
       (8)                    o                o              o                 o
Uses store directory
        (9)                   o                o              o                 o
 Asks for help (10)
                              o                o              o                 o
  Follows list (11)
                              o                o              o                 o
Makes appropriate
  choices (12)                o                o              o                 o
    Does cost
  comparison (13)             o                o              o                 o
 Select appropriate
 store (e.g., grocery
store, clothing store,
pharmacy, etc.) (14)
                              o                o              o                 o

Selects items within
     budget (15)              o                   o                o   o
 Makes wise choices
       (16)                   o                   o                o   o
   At a restaurant:
  "Reads" menu (or
   alternative) (17)          o                   o                o   o
  At a restaurant:
 Communicates with
  waitperson (18)             o                   o                o   o
  At a restaurant:
 Uses manners (19)            o                   o                o   o
  At a restaurant:
 Locates restrooms
        (20)                  o                   o                o   o
   At a restaurant:
 Tallies bill (including
        tip) (21)             o                   o                o   o
   At a restaurant:
   Handles money
   exchange (22)              o                   o                o   o

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.






                      (1) Student     (2) Student
                       Requires        Requires      (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                       Complete     Some/Moderate   Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                      Support (1)     Support (2)

 Shows up on time
       (1)                 o              o                o                 o
  Gets to where
they are supposed
     to be (2)             o              o                o                 o
    Adapts to
changes in routine
      (3)                  o              o                o                 o
  Able to tell time
        (4)                o              o                o                 o
   Uses a time
    system (i.e.
calendar/daytimer)         o              o                o                 o
  Maps out plans
  (i.e., organizes
      time) (6)            o              o                o                 o
 Plans homework
     time (7)              o              o                o                 o
  Arranges study
     area (8)              o              o                o                 o
   Attends to
  homework (9)             o              o                o                 o
   Plans time for
 chores, meeting,
 leisure time (10)         o              o                o                 o
transportation (11)        o              o                o                 o

Social Skills

(1) Student     (2) Student
                     Requires        Requires      (3) Student is   Not Applicable
                     Complete     Some/Moderate   Independent (3)     (N/A) (4)
                    Support (1)     Support (2)

Phone etiquette
     (1)                 o              o                o                 o
Takes message
      (2)                o              o                o                 o
Dials phone (3)
                         o              o                o                 o
 Can use phone
in emergency (4)         o              o                o                 o
     Can use
assistive devices
 if necessary (5)        o              o                o                 o
   Can text
  message (6)            o              o                o                 o
  Can use the
internet or apps
   on a smart
   phone (7)
                         o              o                o                 o
 Introduces self
       (8)               o              o                o                 o
 instructions (9)        o              o                o                 o
Accepts criticism
                         o              o                o                 o
 Accepts no for
  answer (11)            o              o                o                 o
 Greets people
     (12)                o              o                o                 o
 Gets people
                         o              o                o                 o

Makes requests
      (14)                  o                 o                  o     o
       (15)                 o                 o                  o     o
  Gives negative
                            o                 o                  o     o
 Apologizes (17)
                            o                 o                  o     o
    Engages in
       (18)                 o                 o                  o     o
       (19)                 o                 o                  o     o
 Volunteers (20)
                            o                 o                  o     o
   Reports peer
                            o                 o                  o     o

(Required) Comments on any of these tasks and levels of functioning.






Personal Essay
This section is to be filled out by the student applicant. This is an opportunity to
demonstrate writing skills. Please write answers to each question in a Word file
and attach it to the application.

  1. What are your strengths?
  2. What are some of your favorite things to do in your free time (e.g., hobbies,
      volunteer, etc.)? Why do you want to attend WSU?
  3. Since part of the WSU ROAR program is to live on campus at apartments with
      other WSU ROAR students as roommates, what will be some thing you would tell
      them about yourself? Think about likes and dislikes and how you handle difficult
      or stressful situations, when living with others (e.g., siblings, family, guardians,
  4. What would you like to study or pursue as a career?
  5. Do you want to get a job after college? If so, what is your dream job?
  6. After college, where would you like to live? (with family, your own apartment, with
      roommates, group home, etc.)

Letters of Recommendation
Two letters of recommendation are required:
- Two (2) Professional letter (non-relative that knows the student professionally -
e.g., teacher, employer, etc.)
- Please submit directly to or mail it to our address:
P.O. BOX 642114
PULLMAN, WA 99164-2114

Letters of recommendation must include:
   o Name of the applicant (student)
   o Relationship to applicant
   o Length of Relationship (Years/Months)
   o Description of relationship with applicant
   o Description of why you feel the applicant will benefit from attending the WSU
      ROAR program at Washington State University
   o Using examples from your relationship with the applicant, describe their desire to
   o What do you think the applicant would like to study or pursue as a career? Why?
   o Since a large part of the WSU ROAR program is to live on campus at apartments
      with other WSU ROAR students as roommates, what will be something you could
      tell us about the applicant in relation to living with others? For example, likes and
      dislikes, or how the applicant handles difficult/stressful situations when living with
      others (e.g., siblings, family, guardians, roommates). Describe
      parent/family/guardian support of the student

Academic Transcript
Please attach the latest and official academic transcript to this application.

Academic Honesty Statement

    An essential policy of Washington State University is a commitment to maintaining an
   atmosphere of intellectual integrity and academic honesty. As a student of the university, I
   pledge that I will not knowingly give or receive any inappropriate assistance in academic
   work, thus affirming my own personal commitment to honor and integrity. As an example,
   parents or family members are not to complete student’s work.

By signing below, I agree and understand the Washington State University Academic Honesty

   Student Signature ________________________________________________

   Date ___________________________________________________________

WSU ROAR Program Release and Exchange of Information Form

Washington State University treats and regards all written documentation obtained to verify a
disability and plan for appropriate services as well as all documented serves and contracts with
the WSU ROAR program as confidential. However, it may be necessary for our staff to
exchange some information about you (the student) with third parties in order to provide
educational opportunities and experiences on and off campus. This exchange will occur only
with your written permission, as given in this document below, and with the understanding that
only information necessary for the purposes of accommodation and academic progress will be

   ▢           Name (1) ________________________________________________

   ▢         I give permission to exchange information about me with the offices/individuals
   checked below: (2)

   ▢        School District(s) (3)

   ▢        School Personnel (list schools) (4)

   ▢           Division of Rehabilitation Services (5)

   ▢           Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (6)

   ▢           Parents/Guardians (10)

   ▢           Other, specify (13) ________________________________________________

I agree, as part of the application process, to waive my right to access the student
recommendation form. Additionally, I hereby give permission for the WSU ROAR Program at
Washington State University the right to use my photograph and/or quotes and videotapes of
me for public relations and/or training purposes. I am aware that I am participating in a pilot

research program and that aggregate data (data about the entire group) from this program will
be collected and disseminated.

   Student Signature ________________________________________________

   Parent and/or Guardian Signature (if applicable) ________________________________

Thank you!
Thank you for applying to the WSU ROAR program. The Admissions Committee will
review applications and select students for admission. Please do not call about the
status of your application, as we will not be able to provide this information over the
phone or electronically. Admissions decisions will be sent via email, phone call, or
standard mail. The Admissions Committee will decide to offer or deny admission to the
program based on its best judgment and the best interest of the applicant based on the
eligibility criteria. Partial applications will not be considered.

You can also read