2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...

2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
Northern Lincolnshire
             and Goole
        NHS Foundation Trust

2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
2   Together
    we care, we respect, we deliver
2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
Table of Contents
     Executive Summary                                6
     Existing travel plans
     Aims & objectives
     Monitoring & review
1    Introduction                                     7
     Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Foundation Trust
     Site locations
     What is a travel plan?
     Existing travel plan (2015)
     Policy review
     Delivering a travel plan
2    Site audits                                      9
     On site infrastructure summary
     Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby
     Scunthorpe General Hospital
     Goole & District Hospital
3    Key contacts                                     19
     Additional Travel Plan Champions
4    Staff travel survey (comparison 2015-2018)       20
     Survey results
     Analysis of survey results
5    Visitor travel survey (comparison 2015-2018)     21
     Survey results
     Analysis of survey results

6    Aims & objectives                                22

7    Targets                                          22
8    Travel plan measures                             22
     2015 Action Plan completed actions
     Action Plan 2018-2021
9    Communications strategy                          26

10   Monitoring & review                              27

11   Funding for implementation                       27

12   Modeshift STARSfor                               27

13   Next steps                                       27

2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
List of tables
    Table 2.1       Bus services operating from Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital                9
    Table 2.2       Rail services operating from Grimsby Town rail station                       10
    Table 2.3       Bus services operating from Scunthorpe General Hospital                      12
    Table 2.4       Rail services operating from Scunthorpe rail station                         13
    Table 2.5       Bus services operating from Goole & District Hospital                        15
    Table 2.6       Rail services operating from Goole rail station                              15
    Table 3.1       Key Contacts                                                                 17
    Table 4.1       Staff survey results                                                         18
    Table 5.1       Visitor survey results                                                       19
    Table 7.1       Targets                                                                      20

    List of figures
    Figure 1.1      Location plan of the three NLAG hospitals managed by NLAG                    5
    Figure 2.1      Grimsby & Cleethorpes Bus Map                                                9
    Figure 2.2      4km/8km isochrones from Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Grimsby           10
    Figure 2.3      Site plan for Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital showing car park locations   11
    Figure 2.4      Scunthorpe bus map                                                           12
    Figure 2.5      4km/8km isochrones from Scunthorpe General Hospital                          13
    Figure 2.6      Site plan for Scunthorpe General Hospital showing car park locations         14
    Figure 2.7      4km isochrones from Goole & District Hospital                                16
    Figure 2.8      Site plan for Goole & District Hospital showing car park locations           16
    Figure 4.1      Staff survey journey times                                                   18
    Figure 5.1      Visitor Survey ‘reason for visiting’ results                                 19
    Figure 5.2      Visitor Survey ‘frequency of visit’ results                                  19

4          Together
                we care, we respect, we deliver
2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
Foreword from Jug Johal,
Director of Estates & Facilities Services
Our Trust is committed to the continuous development of strategies to reduce our impact on the
environment, supporting the reduction of carbon emissions for England. Within our hospitals and
communities, our activities providing healthcare has an impact on our sustainable development agenda
and plans.
Travel forms a major part of our strategies and we recognise this area as a key function in supporting our responsibilities.
Through investment into our Travel plan, promoting the plans into operational delivery, we promote the positive impact
this plan can have on our patients, staff, visitors and wider communities. Improving air quality, managing traffic levels,
engaging with and promoting better public transport initiatives, we aim to demonstrate and support healthy, sustainable
travel modes using our plan to address our “movement strategy”.
The impact on our staff, patients and visitors through sustainable travel cannot be underestimated, and as Director of
Estates & Facilities Services, I pledge to ensure the delivery of healthcare in our community will incorporate our travel plan
objectives, integrated as a standing item within our service model, plans and strategy.
Some of these plans will include:
•   Reduce car usage and in particular single car occupancy journeys
•   To increase the use of public transport, walking, cycling and car sharing by staff (including outpatients, visitors and
    DPOW residential development) commuting to and from work and on business travel
•   Contribute towards reducing carbon emissions
•   Encourage more sustainable and healthier forms of travel among staff, outpatients and visitors
•   Improving staff morale and productivity
•   Encourage good urban design principles that open up the permeability of the site to the more sustainable means of
    walking, cycling and public transport, reducing pressure on the highway network at peak times
•   To raise awareness of sustainable travel options and benefits to employees, outpatients and visitors
•   To reduce the number of single occupancy private car users while carrying out work duties
•   To set an example of good practice to other organisations in the Borough
•   The aims & objectives will be achieved whilst ensuring that NLAG continues to deliver social, economic and
    environmental objectives.

    Jug Johal
    Director of Estates & Facilities Services

2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
Executive Summary
The following Business Travel Plan has been
developed by ENGIE in partnership with Northern
Lincolnshire & Goole Foundation Trust (NLAG) for
their three sites; Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital in
Grimsby, Scunthorpe General Hospital and Goole &
District Hospital.

Existing Travel Patterns                  •   In addition to this Travel Plan,       Measures
                                              NLAG have also developed
Surveys relating to staff and visitor/                                               Section 8 of this plan identifies a
                                              a Sustainable Development
outpatient travel were carried out                                                   selection of potential sustainable
                                              Management Plan (SDMP)
in October 2018. Analysis of these                                                   travel measures and interventions
                                              which demonstrates how NLAG
surveys for all three sites shows that:                                              that could be delivered through this
                                              understands and commits to
                                                                                     NLAG Travel Plan. The Travel Plan
•   73% of staff who completed the            their responsibilities in regards
                                                                                     co-ordinator will be responsible
    survey and 20% of the visitor/            to wider sustainability issues.
                                                                                     identifying which measures are to be
    outpatients are travelling to the         The SDMP is supported by
                                                                                     taken forward and for the delivery of
    sites via single occupant in a car.       a Sustainability Action Plan
                                                                                     the Action Plan in association with
                                              which is based on the ten
•   The staff survey received less                                                   the relevant Local Authorities and
                                              areas identified in the NHS’s
    than a 50% response rate                                                         other partners where appropriate
                                              Carbon Reduction Strategy.
    therefore may have an effect
                                              Sustainability objectives have
    on the mode share data as the
    data may not be considered
                                              been developed that will help          Monitoring & Review
                                              steer NLAG towards further
    representative.                                                                  This Travel Plan presents the first
                                              sustainable development.
•   Issues regarding parking were             National and local targets             formal opportunity to review the
    identified in both surveys,               provide benchmarks for                 Northern Lincolnshire and Goole
    whereby both staff and visitors/          measuring and monitoring               NHS Foundation Trust - Travel Plan
    outpatients felt there are a lack         success. The SDMP links to other       2015. The 2018 plan includes a
    of parking facilities for both            key strategies including NLAG’s        Monitoring & Review strategy
    standard and disabled bays                Strategic Direction, NLAG’s            recognising that the implementation
    especially during the afternoon           Estates Strategy and NLAG              of a Travel Plan is an ongoing process
                                              Travel Plan and recognises that        and one that should be considered
                                              sustainability is the responsibility   whenever any changes are being
Aims & Objectives                             of the whole organisation.             proposed to patient services or on
                                              Embedding sustainability within        site infrastructure.
•   NLAG recognises its
    responsibilities to contribute            the organisation is a key business
    to a greener environment and              tool to ensure effective service
    is committed to sustainable               delivery and best value. Further
    transport. NLAG aims to                   information regarding the
    implement measures to help                SDMP can be found at https://
    reduce the need for staff to bring        www.nlg.nhs.uk/content/
    their car to work and promote             uploads/2016/05/DCM119.pdf
    awareness of the benefits of
    sustainable travel methods.

6            Together
                we care, we respect, we deliver
2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
1. Introduction
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Foundation Trust
Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital (NLAG) was established as a combined hospital and
community trust on 1 April 2001 and achieved foundation status on 1 May 2007. It was formed by the
merge of North East Lincolnshire NHS Trust and Scunthorpe & Goole Hospitals NHS Trust. NLAG operates
all NHS hospitals in Scunthorpe, Grimsby and Goole.
The running of three hospitals,          Figure 1.1
separated by considerable distances,     Location plan of the three NLAG hospitals managed by NLAG
poses a significant service delivery
challenge when travelling between
sites, but also allows NLAG to
serve a diverse population. NLAG
provides acute hospital services and
community services to a population
of more than 350,000 people across
North & North East Lincolnshire
and East Riding of Yorkshire as well
as providing a range of healthcare
services delivered outside the
hospital.                                                                                     © OpenStreetMap contributors

Site Locations                           What is a Travel Plan?
NLAG is responsible for the following    The Department for Transport (DfT) defines a travel plan as ‘a package of
three hospital sites:                    measures tailored to the needs of individual sites and aimed at promoting
                                         greener, cleaner travel choices and reducing reliance on the car (www.dft.gov.
•   Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital,
                                         uk). It is a tool used by businesses and organisations to address transport and
    Grimsby (DPoW), Scartho Rd,
                                         travel issues faced by their staff on their journey to and from work, as well as
    Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire,
                                         transport during working hours, accessibility and parking. Through a mixture of
    DN33 2BA
                                         information, advice, IT, communications, technology, incentives and demand
•   Scunthorpe General Hospital          management, they encourage and make it easier for staff and visitors to reach
    (SGH), Cliff Gardens, Scunthorpe,    the site while reducing the need to use their private car.
    North Lincolnshire DN15 7BH
                                         A travel plan is a strategy that develops over time and changes in response
•   Goole & District Hospital (GDH),     to different circumstances. It should include a set of objectives, mechanisms,
    Woodland Ave, Goole, East            initiatives and targets that can be implemented to reduce the impact of travel
    Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 6RX        and transport on the environment. The benefits of implementing a travel plan
NLAG are also responsible for a total    also include reduced congestion and increased road safety as well as economic,
of 77 community sites within North       social and health benefits.
Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire
and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
All sites operate 24 hours a day, 7
days per week, with staff working
various shift patterns. Due to staff
specialisms and resourcing there is a
requirement for some staff to work
across more than one site in NLAG’s

2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
Existing Travel Plan                          permeability of the sites to           it is acknowledged that patient &
                                              the more sustainable means             visitor travel also plays a significant
(2015)                                        of walking, cycling and public         role in how each of the three sites
NLAG has had a travel plan in place           transport                              operates. It also considers relevant
in various forms for the last ten years                                              national and local policies using
                                          •   Reduce pressure on the highway
and has in that time delivered a range                                               guidance from the Department for
                                              network at peak times
of travel and transport initiatives                                                  Transport (DFT), National Planning
including the introduction of:            •   Raise awareness of sustainable         Policy Framework (NPPF), North
                                              travel options and benefits to         East Lincolnshire’s Travel Planning
•   new secure cycle parking                  employees, outpatients and             Guidance and both Local Plans and
•   a staff bus that runs between             visitors                               Local Transport Plans from the three
    DPOW and SGH                          •   Reduce the number of single            Local Authorities that NLAG operates
                                              occupancy private car users            across. Further policy information
•   electric vehicles and charge
                                              while carrying out work duties         can be found at:
    points for pool cars
                                          •   Set an example of good practice        DfT’s National Planning Policy
•   regular travel information days
                                              to other organisations.                Framework:
    for staff
                                          These aims & objectives were to be         https://www.gov.uk/guidance/
•   participation in national
                                          achieved whilst ensuring that NLAG         national-planning-policy-framework
    and local sustainable travel
    awareness events and initiatives      continues to deliver social, economic      North East Lincolnshire Councils
                                          and environmental objectives.              Travel Planning Guidance:
•   reduced cost public transport
    tickets                               Since these aims and objectives were       https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/wp-
                                          set NLAG have carried out several          content/uploads/2015/11/Travel-
•   cycle to work scheme                  actions in efforts to meet the aims        Plan-Guidance.pdf
These and other measures have led         and objectives. This has included
                                                                                     North Lincolnshire Council’s
to NLAG being recognised by major         annual travel information days, cycle
                                                                                     Local Plan: http://www.planning.
sustainable travel, environmental         maintenance and repair sessions for
and fleet management                      staff, installation of cycling/ walking/
organisations as an example of good       public transport infrastructure
practice in this field.                   onsite and reviewing staff transport,
                                          introducing a staff shuttle bus and        North East Lincolnshire Council’s
The current travel plan was
                                          park and ride systems. NLAG have           Local Plan:
developed by ENGIE in partnership
                                          also successfully installed Electric
with NLAG in September 2015                                                          https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/wp-
                                          Vehicle charging points at all
and set out a series of aims and                                                     content/uploads/2018/05/20180518-
                                          three sites also purchasing electric
objectives:                                                                          AdoptedLocalPlan2018-WEB.pdf
                                          company vehicles for business
•   Reduce car usage and in               use. Taking these actions into             North Lincolnshire’s Local Transport
    particular single car occupancy       consideration it is clear that NLAG        Plan:
    journeys                              are making considerable efforts            https://www.northlincs.gov.uk/
                                          to meet the aims and objectives            transport-and-streets/roads-
•   Increase the use of public
                                          outlined in their original plan, the       highways-and-pavements/
    transport, walking, cycling and
                                          survey data collected to some extent       highway-documents/local-transport-
    car sharing by staff (including
                                          supports also reflects their efforts       plan-2011-2026/
    outpatients, visitors and DPOW
                                          which can be seen in section 7.
    residential development)                                                         North East Lincolnshire Council’s
                                          having now installed the appropriate
    commuting to and from work                                                       Local Transport Plan:
                                          travel and transport infrastructure,
    and on business travel
                                          NLAG should now work towards               https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/wp-
•   Contribute towards reduce             promoting the usage of the                 content/uploads/2016/03/2011-
    carbon emissions;                     infrastructure to ensure future data       LTP3-TransportStrategy-Part1.
•   Encourage more sustainable and        reflects this.                             compressed.pdf
    healthier forms of travel among                                                  East Riding of Yorkshire’s Local
    staff, outpatients and visitors;      Policy Review                              Transport Plan:
•   Improve staff morale and              The plan has been drafted in               https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/
    productivity                          line with the Modeshift STARSfor           council/plans-and-policies/other-
                                          methodology and focuses on staff           plans-and-policies-information/
•   Encourage good urban design
                                          and business related travel although       transport/local-transport-plan
    principles that open up the

8            Together
               we care, we respect, we deliver
2019-22 TRAVEL PLAN - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS ...
Developing a Travel                      •   Undertake a site audit of all three   By undertaking the process in this
                                             hospital sites to identify on-site    methodical way it helps to ensure
Plan                                         infrastructure and where there        that the final travel plan both
In line with the Modeshift STARSfor          are any gaps in provision             accurately reflects current travel
methodology this travel plan has                                                   habits and provides a realistic and
                                         •   Carry out staff and visitor surveys
been developed through the                                                         actionable plan for how NLAG can
                                             to gauge current travel patterns
following stages:                                                                  go about meeting its commitments
                                         •   Develop and agree a sustainable       to increasing sustainable travel and
•   Identify the aims and objectives         travel action plan                    reducing its impact on the built and
    of the Travel Plan with a senior
                                         •   Set SMART targets and agree a         natural environment.
    member of staff from NLAG
                                             monitoring strategy

2. Site audits
The initial step in developing a travel plan is to undertake a site audit              reasonable cycle commute to
of each location. This helps to identify what infrastructure there is                  work although some journeys
on site that supports sustainable travel and where there may be any                    of up to 5 miles (8km) or further
gaps in provision that may prevent such efforts.                                       may be likely.

The guidelines below have been               many utility cycle journeys are       •   Walking - PPG13 ‘A Guide to
applied for each site assessment:            over short distances under                Better Practice’ (2001) stated that
                                             three miles (4.8km), although             people are prepared to walk up
•   Public transport - As per DfT
                                             for commuter journeys, a trip             to 1.2 miles (2 km) and although
    Inclusive Mobility and CIHT
                                             distance of up to five miles (8km)        this guidance has recently been
    ‘Acceptable Walking Distance’
                                             is not uncommon’. PPG13 “A                superseded by the National
    recommendations, bus stop and
                                             Guide to Better Practice” (2001)          Planning Policy Framework
    bus services should be within
                                             identifies that people were               (NPPF), it is considered that this
    400m of each hospital site.
                                             prepared to cycle up to 8km (5            information is still appropriate
•   Cycling - The Department for             miles) to access employment.              within the context of this Travel
    Transport’s (DfT) report LTN             The DfT in their Transport                Plan.
    2/08 ‘Cycle Infrastructure Design’       Statistics on Cycling in Great        It is acknowledge that parts of the
    (October 2008) states that ‘in           Britain state that the average        guidance identified above have
    common with other modes,                 length of a cycle journey is          now been superseded by newer
                                             3.84km (2.4 miles). It is therefore   documents, however it is felt that
                                             considered that a distance of         for the purposes of this travel plan
                                             2.5 miles (4km) represents a          they represent a reasonable set of
                                                                                   measures against which each site
                                                                                   can be evaluated.

On site infrastructure summary
The project team visited each of NLAG’s sites during October 2018 to undertake a review of on-site facilities the table
below summarises each of these visits and contains information relating to all three sites.

 Element                              Detail                                DPoW           SGH          GDH
 Cycle parking                        Number of spaces                         60           39           34
                                      Number of spaces                        979          418           262
 Car parking
                                      Number of disabled spaces               134           30           10
 Staff/visitor catering facilities    Yes/No                                   Yes          Yes          Yes

 Local shops nearby                   Yes/No                                   Yes          Yes          Yes

 Parking area restrictions            Local controlled parking zone            No           No           No

 Access problems                      Yes/No                                   Yes          Yes          Yes

 Congestion problems                  Yes/No                                   Yes          Yes          Yes

 Delivery problems                    Yes/No                                   No           No           Yes

 Pedestrian routes                    Yes/No                                   Yes          Yes          Yes

 Cycle access and routes              Yes/No                                   Yes          Yes          Yes

 Nearby bus services                  Yes/No                                   Yes          Yes          Yes

 Nearby rail services                 Yes/No                                   No           Yes          Yes

Diana, Princess of Wales, Grimsby
Location & overview
Diana Princess of Wales is located on Scartho Road, approximately 2 miles to the south of Grimsby
town centre and the main railway station in a mainly residential part of the town.
There are over 3,200 staff based at DPOW. The site is open 24/7 with the main visiting hours being between
13:00hrs and 20:00hrs daily. The site experiences a high frequency of visitors outside of these hours whether this
is scheduled appointments or walk-in / emergency cases.

10            Together
                 we care, we respect, we deliver
Public Transport
DPOW benefits from a bus stop within the hospital grounds with several local bus services providing access to the hospital
from significant parts of the Borough. The table below identifies the Stagecoach bus services that serve the hospital site.
Table 2.1 Bus services operating to and from Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital
                                               Frequency                                Frequency
 Bus service
                                               (Mon-Sat)                                (Sun)
 8 (North Sea Lane-Grimsby Town Centre)        07:10-22:54 (up to every 30 minutes)     No service
 8 Grimsby Town Centre-North Sea Lane          07:00-23:11 (up to every 30 minutes)     No Service
 9/9S / 10 (North Sea Lane – Waltham)          05:51-23:21 (up to every 15 minutes)     09:35-18:25 (up to every 30
                                                                                        minutes- then every hour until
 9/9S / 10 (Waltham-North Sea Lane)            06:10-23:41 (up to every 15 minutes)     08:35-19:11 (up to every 30
                                                                                        minutes-then every hour until
 51 (Grimsby – Louth)                          07:50-18:25 (hourly- except 15.50        No service
                                               there is no service)
 51 (Louth - Grimsby)                          08:55-20:40 (up to every hour except     No service
                                               for 17:22 there is no service)
Figure 2.1 Grimsby & Cleethorpes Bus Map (source: Stagecoach Bus)

As mentioned previously, NLAG contract a staff minibus to transport staff between sites during the working day, this
provides an hourly service between DPOW and SGH.
The nearest railway station is located in Grimsby town centre, approximately 2 miles to the north of the hospital site.
Table 2.2 Rail services operating from Grimsby Town rail station
 Route                                            Frequency                           Operator
 Cleethorpes – Manchester Airport                 Hourly                              TransPennine Express
 Cleethorpes – Barton-upon-Humber                 Every 2 hours                       Northern Rail
 Grimsby – Lincoln                                Every 2 hours                       East Midlands Trains

Figure 2.2 below shows the location of
the hospital site along with 4km and
8km isochrones based on the DfT’s
recommended cycling distance (shown
as the crow flies). The map demonstrates
that most of the towns of Grimsby and
Cleethorpes lie within the smaller 4km
isochrone with the remainder of the main
urban area and several outlying villages
all falling within the larger 8km zone.
This suggests that cycling may a suitable
method of transport option for staff who
work at the hospital and live within much
of North East Lincolnshire although it is
acknowledged that distance is only one
factor that determines an individual’s
travel choice and further exploration of
the reasons why staff choose to or not to           Figure 2.2 4km/8km isochrones from Diana, Princess of
cycle to work would be identified in the            Wales Hospital, Grimsby         © OpenStreetMap contributors
Recent improvements on the hospital site           There is an extensive network of footways within the hospital grounds.
including an extension, new lockers, repair        Way finding signage for pedestrians is considered to be adequate
stand and tyre pump in the secure staff            however some improvement to onsite routes may be appropriate
cycle shelter that was originally installed        particularly for people in wheelchairs or those with other mobility
in approximately 2012 as part of NLAG’S            impairments due to some narrow footways and locations that lack
2012 travel plan. They have also installed         appropriate dropped crossing provision.
new off road cycle paths around the site
                                                   Following the site visit to the site and surrounding area it can be
also help to address some of the obstacles
                                                   concluded that on the whole there are no major issues identified
to staff cycling to work.
                                                   that would prevent short local walking trips being made. Recent
                                                   amendments to the junction of Scartho Road & Forsythia Drive have
Walking                                            included a new pedestrian crossing making it easier for people to access
                                                   the site on foot.
DPOW is located just off Scartho Road,
Grimsby and, as such is already served by          Overall, walking to work is unlikely to be say not attractive for those who
a network of pedestrian footways, some             have to travel a long distance but would be attractive to those nearby
of which along Scartho Road are shared             due to the long distances involved. Although when combined with
with cyclists.                                     public transport walking may provide a viable alternative to private car
                                                   usage to access the hospital site.

12           Together
               we care, we respect, we deliver
Car Parking
In total the site has 432 visitors parking spaces (including 32 disabled bays) and 541 parking spaces for
staff, which includes 24 pool cars/vans available for staff use and has recently moved to provide electric
vehicles (and associated charge points) as part of this fleet, see figure 2.3. The site’s main access is off
Scartho Road although there is another minor entrance at the rear of the site off Second Avenue.
Figure 2.3 Site plan for Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital showing car park locations

Car Share                                  ring the local contact centre before     no fixed route or timetable and
                                           they want to travel and book their       is able to react to the transport
For many staff, particularly those
                                           ride. The service then schedules         requirements of the users.
working regular office hours or the
                                           routes to be as efficient as possible,
same shifts, car sharing provides a
                                           collecting people in the same
                                                                                    Wheels to Work
suitable option. NLAG have set up                                                   The Wheels to Work scheme is run
                                           area with similar travel requests.
their own internal car sharing facility,                                            by Humber and Wolds Rural Action.
                                           The service is door to door for the
this enables internal staff to car share                                            The scheme is offered to residents
                                           passengers and a companion and
to and from work and for business                                                   of North East Lincolnshire who have
                                           allows access for wheelchair users
trips through an online database.                                                   transport difficulties in accessing
                                           also. Dial a Ride can be used for
                                           any purpose, whether users are           work, training and education.
                                                                                    The Wheels to Work scheme may
Community Transport                        visiting friends and relatives, have
                                           an appointment at the doctors or         provide a potential transport
Community Transport Services such          hospital.                                solution for hospital staff who do
as Phone n Ride, Wheels to Work and                                                 not have access to other transport
Dial a Ride offer transport solutions      Phone n Ride                             options.
for people who have difficulties           Phone n Ride is demand responsive
accessing conventional forms of            bus service can be used by anybody
public transport in the North East         in North East Lincolnshire and
Lincolnshire.                              provides an option for those who
                                           have no access to conventional
Dial a Ride
                                           public transport. Unlike traditional
Dial a Ride provides accessible            bus services, Phone ‘n’ Ride has
transport for people who find it
difficult to use public transport due
to illness or disability. Passengers

Scunthorpe General Hospital
Location & overview
SGH is located on Cliff Gardens, approximately 1 mile to the west of Scunthorpe town centre and the main railway station
in a mainly residential part of the town.
There are over 250 staff based at SGH. The site is open 24/7 with the main visiting hours being between 13:00hrs
and 20:00hrs daily. The site experiences a high frequency of visitors outside of these hours whether this is scheduled
appointments or walk-in / emergency cases.

Public Transport
Table 2.3 Bus services operating from Scunthorpe General Hospital
                                            Frequency                                Frequency
 Bus service
                                            (Mon-St)                                 (Sun)
 9 (Scunthorpe-Hospital Park & Ride)        07:00-18:58 (Up to every 20 minutes)     08:45-15:03 (Up to every 2 hours)

 90 (Scunthorpe – Tesco – Gunness –         07:20-17:53 (Up to every 2 hours)        07:20-18:03 (Up to every 3 hours)
 Ealand – Crowle)

 4 (Scunthorpe – Ashby – Lakeside –         20:00 (Once per day)                     19:50 (Once per day)
 Broughton – Brigg [with extensions to
 Foxhills Ind Est & Scawby]. )

 1/1a (Hospital-Westcliffe-Ashby-           (1) 07:15-18:59 (Up to every 15          (1a) 09:00-00:02 (Up to every
 Frodingham)                                minutes)                                 hour)
                                            (1a) 18:40-00:47 (Up to every hour)
 7/8 (Dewsbury Avenue-Crosby-               08:55-18:42 (Up to every hour)           No service
 Skippingdale Retail Park)

Figure 2.4
Scunthorpe Bus Map
(source: Stagecoach Bus)

14          Together
               we care, we respect, we deliver
Table 2.4 Rail services operating from Scunthorpe rail station
 Route                                                  Frequency            Operator
 Cleethorpes-Scunthorpe-Manchester Airport              Hourly               First TransPennine Express
 Sheffield-Scunthorpe-Lincoln                           Hourly               Northern Rail

Figure 2.5 below shows the location of the hospital site along with 4km and 8km isochrones based on the DfT’s
recommended cycling distance (shown as the crow flies). The map demonstrates that most of the town of Scunthorpe lies
within the smaller 4km isochrone with the remainder of the main urban area and several outlying villages all falling within
the larger 8km zone.
This suggests that cycling may a viable transport option for staff who work at the hospital and live within much of North
Lincolnshire although it is acknowledged that distance is only one factor that determines an individual’s travel choice and
further exploration of the reasons why staff choose to or not to cycle to work would be needed.
Recent improvements have been
made to the cycle shelter installed
                                            Figure 2.5 4km/8km isochrones from Scunthorpe General Hospital
in 2012, including repair stands and
bike pumps. They have also recently
installed locker facilities within these

SGH is located just off Cliff Gardens,
and, as such is already served by
the urban network of pedestrian
footways some of which are shared
with cyclists.
There is an extensive network
of footways within the hospital
grounds. Way finding signage
for pedestrians was considered
to be adequate however some
improvement to onsite routes may
be appropriate particularly for
people in wheelchairs or those with                                                          © OpenStreetMap contributors
other mobility impairments due to          Overall, walking to work is unlikely
some narrow footways and locations         to be attractive for many staff or
that lack appropriate dropped              visitors due to the long distances
crossing provision.                        involved. Although when combined
Following the visit to the site            with public transport walking may
and surrounding area it can be             provide a viable alternative to private
concluded that on the whole there          car usage to access the hospital site.
are no major issues identified that
would prevent short local walking
trips being made. It was noted that
the site is located approximately
0.2 miles from the A18 major
road, which although this road is
served by appropriate pedestrian
crossing provision, is not very well
lit therefore may be a deterrent to
people walking to the site.
Car Parking
In total the site has car parking spaces for 269 visitors vehicles (including 19 specific disabled bays) and 149 parking spaces
for staff which includes 24 pool cars/vans available for staff use and has recently moved to provide electric vehicles (and
associated charge points) as part of this fleet, see figure 2.6. The site’s main access is off Church Lane although there are
two other minor entrances one to the East of the main entrance on Church Lane, and one at the North of the site on Cliff
Figure 2.6 Site plan for Scunthorpe General Hospital showing car park locations

Car Share                                   CallConnect
For many staff, particularly those          CallConnect is a public bus service
working regular office hours or the         that operates in response to pre-
same shifts, car sharing provides a         booked requests. CallConnect is
suitable option. NLAG have set up           available for anyone within North
their own internal car sharing facility,    Lincolnshire, however, can also be
this enables internal staff to car share    used to interconnect with other
to and from work and for business           areas served by CallConnect such
trips through an online database.           as Lincolnshire and Stamford,
Community Transport                         Peterborough and Nene and
Community Transport Services such           Welland for staff/visitors/outpatients
as, CallConnect, Wheels to Work and         travelling from further afield.
Stamford Community Transport
offer transport solutions for people
who have difficulties accessing
conventional forms of public
transport in the North Lincolnshire.

16           Together
                we care, we respect, we deliver
Goole & District Hospital
Location & overview
The hospital site is located on Woodland Avenue, approximately 1 mile to the North of Goole town centre and the main
railway station in a mainly residential area within the town.
There are over 435 staff based on site although it is unclear due to the variety of roles and shift patterns how many of
these staff are full or part time. The site is open 24/7 with the main visiting hours being between 13:00hrs and 20:00hrs
daily. The site experiences a high frequency of visitors outside of these hours whether this is scheduled appointments or
walk-in / emergency cases.

Public Transport
Table 2.5 Bus services operating from Goole & District Hospital
                                                Frequency                                Frequency
 Bus service
                                                (Mon-Sat)                                (Sun)
 115/X55 (Hull City Centre- Goole)              07:25-14:08 (Up to every 2 Hours)        No service

 G3 Goole Circular(Goole Interchange-           08:40-16.10 (Up to Every Hour)
 Worker Services                                06:30,07:30,16:15,17:15,18:15            No Service

 G4 (Goole Morning Circular)                    06:30-08:29 (Mon-Fri)                    No Service
 G5 (Goole Afternoon Circular)                  16:15-18:23 (Mon-Fri)                    No Service

Table 2.6 Rail services operating from Goole rail station
 Route                                          Frequency                                Operator
 Goole, Hull to Doncaster and Sheffield         Every 30 minutes                         Northern Rail
 Goole-Leeds                                    Limited (Up to every 3 hours- Every      Northern Rail
                                                hour at peak times)

Figure 2.7 overleaf shows the location of the hospital site along with 4km isochrones based on the DfT’s recommended
cycling distance (shown as the crow flies). The map demonstrates that most of the town of Goole lies within the 4km
isochrone also covering nearby towns of Howden, Hook and Kilpin also the wider more rural areas. This suggests
that cycling may a viable transport option for staff who work at the hospital and live within much of Goole and the
surrounding areas although it is acknowledged that distance is only one factor that determines an individual’s travel
choice and further exploration of the reasons why staff choose to or not to cycle to work would be needed. It was noted
during the site audit (October 2018) that the road surfacing entering the hospital grounds was
poor therefore may be a deterrent to cyclists. It was also highlighted that vehicles that are not
emergency vehicles were travelling into the site at high speed which again may deter cycling.

Figure 2.7 4km ischrone from
Goole & District Hospital

GDH is located just off Woodland
Avenue, and, as such is already
served by the urban network of
pedestrian footways some of which
are shared with cyclists. There is a
small network of footways within
the hospital grounds. Way finding
signage for pedestrians was
considered to be adequate, however
some improvement to onsite routes
may be appropriate particularly for
people in wheelchairs or those with
other mobility impairments due to                                                           © OpenStreetMap contributors

some narrow footways, condition
of road surfacing and locations that      Car Parking                             Car Share
lack appropriate dropped crossing
provision.                                In total the site has car parking       For many staff, particularly those
                                          space for 173 visitors vehicles         working regular office hours or the
Following the visit to the site           (including 8 specific disabled bays     same shifts, car sharing provides a
and surrounding area it can be            and 6 additional parking bays at        suitable option. NLAG have set up
concluded that on the whole there         the Neuro Rehabilitation Centre)        their own internal car sharing facility,
are no major issues identified that       and 89 parking spaces for staff         this enables internal staff to car share
would prevent short local walking         which includes bays for 2 pool          to and from work and for business
trips being made.                         cars available for staff use and has    trips through an online database.
Overall, walking to work is unlikely      recently installed an electric charge
to be attractive for many staff or        point, see figure 2.8. The sites main
visitors who are travelling the longer    access is off Woodland Avenue and
distance journeys however for staff       operates a one way system.
making shorter journeys this may be
a more attractive option. Although
if longer journeys were combined
with public transport, walking may
provide a viable alternative to private
car usage to access the hospital site.
                             Figure 2.8 Site plan for Goole & District Hospital showing car park locations

18           Together
               we care, we respect, we deliver
Community Transport
Community Transport Services such as MediBus and Goole GoFar offer transport solutions for people who have difficulties
accessing conventional forms of public transport in the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Goole GoFar
Goole GoFar Provide accessible transport for the people of Goole and the surrounding villages who are in need of such a
service. It is a minibus service that is fully accessible to passengers with disabilities including wheelchair users. They also
provide an accessible community car. Their vehicles are available for hire to voluntary and community groups in Goole and
the surrounding areas. They also have a specific MediBus for a pre-booked door-to-door service to Goole and Scunthorpe
MediBus Services Provide residents of the East Riding of Yorkshire with transport from their front door to local hospitals,
doctor’s surgeries, clinics and dentists. This is a pre-booked system that can be used by anyone travelling for medical
purposes within the East Riding of Yorkshire. There is also a separate Medibus that runs specifically for shopping services to
a wide variety of shopping locations within the East Riding of Yorkshire.

3. Key Contacts
The following individuals have been identified to make up a Travel Plan steering group to oversee the delivery of the travel
plan. In most instances responsibility for the implementation of the plan will be with the Travel Plan Co-ordinator who in
conjunction with senior managers at NLAG, Transport Officers from the relevant Local Authority and other partners will
deliver the plan and monitor the outcomes.
Table 3.1 Key Contacts
 Name          Role                    Organisation            Position                 Contact details
               Travel Plan co-                                 Logistics & Waste        sallyyates@nhs.net
 Sally Yates                           NLAG
               ordinator                                       Manager                  07775 110448
 Nicole                                                        Business Travel          Nicole.Swaby@nelincs.gov.uk
               Travel Plan author      ENGIE
 Swaby                                                         Planning Officer         01472 324930
 Lani                                                                                   Lani.Lamming@nelincs.gov.uk
               Travel Plan author      ENGIE                   Transport Assistant
 Lamming                                                                                01472 324930
 Keith         Senior level of                                 Head of Facilities
                                       NLAG                                             keithfowler@nhs.net
 Fowler        contact                                         Services

Additional Travel Plan Champions
Currently there are no additional travel plan champions established at each site. It is anticipated that each site
will in time have a specific Travel Plan Champion who will work with the Travel Plan Co-ordinator and Travel
Plan Steering Group in order to develop further policies and deliver specific site interventions with the aim of
encouraging and enabling more staff to choose sustainable travel modes.

4. Staff Travel Survey
The project team carried out a travel survey with staff from all three NLAG sites using Modeshift’s STARSfor online
application during September & October 2018.
The table below shows current (2018) travel to work mode along with the 2015 baseline data which was collected for the
last NLAG Travel Plan.

Survey results
Table 4.1 Staff survey results
    Normal mode of travel to                 2015 NLAG Travel Plan                      2018 NLAG
    work                                           baseline                          Travel Plan result
                                                                                       Combined all
                                          DPoW            SGH            GDH
    Car (alone as driver)                   76%            70%            86%               73%
    Cycle/walk                              12%            14%            14%               10%
    Public transport / Car share            10%            13%            0%                10%
    Other                                   2%              3%            0%                7%

Analysis of survey                               Figure 4.1 Staff survey journey times

The graph shown above displays
the journey times that it takes staff
members to travel from their home
address to their place of work. It
is highlighted that although the
majority of staff members journeys
are less than 20 minutes, 73% of
staff still travel via single occupancy
vehicle. This also highlights that at
least 17% of staff may easily be able            •   Some staff state in the survey               travel are guaranteed a space
to cycle or walk to work.                            they would like to see an                    on the service. In addition it was
In addition to these results the                     increase in electric vehicle                 suggested that off-peak trips
surveys also identified the following                charging points to enable them               were underutilised and could be
specific requests/actions needed:                    to use smarter travel options                reduced in frequency.
                                                     for travelling to and from and
•     Staff at SGH identified that the                                                      •     Staff would like to see the cross
                                                     between sites.
      park and ride is inconvenient as it                                                         site shuttle expanded to Goole as
      is causing them to drive past the          •   During peak times in the                     well as Scunthorpe and Grimsby.
      hospital site to the car park only             mornings and afternoons, it
      to then ride back to the site via              was noted that the staff shuttle
      public transport increasing their              bus is often full. Therefore staff
      daily journey times and using                  would like to see a larger bus
      extra fuel.                                    to enable all staff who need to

20               Together
                  we care, we respect, we deliver
5. Visitors Travel Survey
Whilst this travel plan mainly focuses on policies and practices that influence staff travel behaviours it is acknowledged
that visitors and patients account for more trips each day than staff trips. This section provides an overview of the results of
the visitor travel survey carried out to support the production of this travel plan in September and October 2018. STARSfor
methodology has been used to collect the results presented below.

Survey results
Table 5.1 Visitor survey results
                                                  2015 NLAG Travel Plan                 2018 NLAG Travel Plan result
    Normal mode of travel to work
                                                    DPoW            SGH        GDH             Combined all sites
    Car (alone as driver)                                42%        26%         48%                      20%
    Cycle/walk                                           9%         2%          5%                       7%
    Public transport / Car share                         41%        62%         38%                      71%
    Other                                                8%         10%         9%                       2%

Analysis of survey results
The graphs opposite identify that out of the                   Figure 5.1 Visitor Survey ‘reason for visiting’ results
105 visitors who completed the survey only 43
people were patients the remaining 62 visitors
were either visiting the site or were bringing
family members to the hospital for support.
The second graph shows that out of the same
surveys that 33 of visitors visited the site more
than 6 times in the last month. Based on the
data from 105 visitors shown above the average
visitor travels to the site 3 times per month.
In addition to the figures shown in the table                  Figure 5.2 Visitor survey ‘frequency of visit’ results
above analysis of the surveys also identified the
•     Scunthorpe hospital would benefit from
      better signage as visitors/outpatients
      identified that they currently find it difficult
      to navigate around the site.
•     It was highlighted that at the Goole site,
      speeding seems to be an issue when
      entering the hospital grounds as there are
      no speed bumps or clear speed limits onsite.
•     It was stressed by visitors that there seems
      to be a limited amount of disability parking
      bays at both Scunthorpe and Goole.
•     Visitors requested in the comments
      section that both Goole and Scunthorpe
      could demonstrate better bus timetable
      information on site.
•     Staff are parking on the surrounding
      residential streets near to all three sites
      causing issues for residents living nearby.

6. Aims & Objectives
The following aims and objectives have been set to aid the commitment to sustainability and with the
intention to gain accreditation through Modeshift’s STARSfor within the next 12 months.
These aims and objectives support NLAG’s wider environmental, sustainability and social goals and build upon those
established in the previous NLAG Travel Plan (2015).

Objective A:         Encourage and raise awareness of more sustainable and healthier forms of travel among staff, outpatients
                     and visitors
Objective B:         Reduce car usage and in particular single car occupancy journeys
Objective C:         To increase the use of public transport, walking, cycling and car sharing by staff commuting to and from work

Objective D:         Reduce carbon and other transport related emissions
Objective E:         Improving staff morale and productivity
Objective F:         Reducing pressure on the highway network at peak times
Objective G:         To set an example of good practice to other organisations in the health sector

These objectives were agreed and approved with Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Foundation Trust management in May
2019 and will now be taken forward as the basis for the action plan and related targets outlined later.

7. Targets
SMART targets have been developed for the Travel Plan. These target indicators are Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic and Time constrained. The targets are based on data collected both in the staff travel
survey and by comparing modal shift at similar organisations with travel plans in an attempt to ensure
realistic targets have been set.
As it is considered good practice to maintain an up to date travel plan and undertake regular reviews of progress the
following targets are set for 2021 when it is anticipated that the travel plan will be reviewed again. All targets will be
measured by staff responses to a staff travel survey to be carried out annually. Interim targets have not been set, however
if the results of interim travel surveys identify that targets have already been reached then the Travel Plan Co-ordinator
may decide to stretch the target to a more ambitious figure.
Table 7.1 Targets
                                                                          2015     2018 2018                     On         2021
Target                                 Measure
                                                                         baseline target result                track?      target

1: Decrease in single occupancy        Number of staff driving to
                                                                             77%          73%         73%                    68%
vehicle use by staff                   work by themselves

2: Increase in numbers of staff        Number of staff walking or
                                                                             17%          19%         10%                    13%
walking or cycling to work.            cycling
3: Increase the percentage of staff
                                       Number of staff car sharing
regularly car sharing or using                                               9%           17%         10%                    12%
                                       or using public transport
public transport to work.

8. Travel Plan measures
The action plan is the key part of the travel plan and sets out the actions and interventions which are to
be delivered over the lifetime of the plan. The following action plan has been developed following a
review of the existing NLAG Travel Plan (2015) and analysis of the staff travel surveys and has been agreed
with the NLAG Travel Plan Co-ordinator (TPC) and Senior Management in December 2018.
The current action plan taken from the NLAG Travel Plan (2015) has been used at the basis for this revised plan noting
where actions have been complete or remain outstanding from the previous plan.
Implementation of this action plan will help NLAG work towards meeting the aim and objectives of the Travel Plan as set
out in Section 6

22             Together
               we care, we respect, we deliver
Action Plan 2015                             & Measures. Action complete –          •   Standardise all on site directional
                                             Review of Travel Plan carried out          signage (including maps & speed
Actions                                      – Autumn 2018                              signs etc) across all three sites.
Since the launch of the previous         •   Review visiting hours and start            Action complete- 2018.
NLAG Travel Plan the following               of clinic sessions to spread the       •   Ensure DPOW meets minimum
actions identified in the plan have          traffic impact. Action complete            footpath widths and gaps
been (at least partially complete):          – Visiting hours reviewed and              for wheelchairs. Action
•   Lobby for a new pedestrian               extended to 13:00-20:00 –                  complete-2018.
    crossing at Scartho Road                 Summer 2017                            •   Deliver Real Time Bus
    & Forsythia Drive junction,          •   Information on Walking Routes.             Information across all three
    complete as part of junction             Action complete- information               sites & attractive printed bus
    upgrade – Summer 2018                    provided on website and on                 timetables. Action complete
•   Review the position of Scartho           sitemaps located on each site              2017.
    Road Traffic Lights to ensure        •   Storage lockers. Action                In addition a number of other
    minimum 1.2m clearance,                  complete- lockers installed            actions have been identified that
    complete as part of junction             inside secure staff cycle shelters.    following further investigation
    upgrade – Summer 2018                •   Regular cyclist’s breakfasts &         have proved to be not feasible or
•   Provide secure cycle parking for         residents (where applicable).          deliverable due to lack of funding
    staff, visitors, outpatients and         Action complete- carried out on        or health and safety requirements
    local residents. Action complete,        a monthly basis.                       that have been set by NLAG. These
    staff cycle shelter installed at                                                include:
                                         •   Pool bikes/ partnership with
    SGH and GDH (2012), staff cycle          cycle hub. Action complete-            •   Replace bus stop waiting
    shelter extended at DPoW –               booked through online booking              facilities with super stops
    Winter 2017                              system                                 •   Remove barriers that prevent
•   Hold regular Dr Bike staff events.   •   Interest free season ticket loan/          minimum 1.2 minimum
    Action partially complete, regular       taster tickets for staff. Action           clearance e.g. DPOW Child
    Dr Bike events held at DPoW in           complete- SmartCommute ticket              Development centre
    association with Grimsby Cycle           (discounted bus ticket deducted        •   Review Nunsthorpe DPoW site
    Hub.                                     from salary) Not complete for              entrance – consider removing
•   Provide public transport                 Goole.                                     fencing & clutter to improve
    information to staff and visitors    •   Transport information stall for            accessibility
    to the sites. Action partially           staff and visitors. Action partially   •   Replace all public cycle parking
    complete, regular Bus It events          completed- Staff have travel               and provide one dedicated cycle
    held at DPoW in association with         information boards in staff areas          / motor cycle storage unit at each
    Stagecoach and NELC/ENGIE.               and also travel information is             site with CCTV/ Security.
•   NLAG to join TravelLincs.com.            provided on the staff intranet.        Finally, the 2015 plan also contain
    Action complete - NLAG have              Travel information stall yet to be     a number of actions that remain
    invested in their own car-share          set up for visitors.                   outstanding, following consultation
    scheme for staff including the       •   Increase the use of Smart              with the Travel Plan Co-ordinator it
    provision of a guaranteed ride           working practices (i.e. tele, video    has been decided to review these
    home scheme.                             and web conferencing). Action          actions and where appropriate carry
•   Managing the allocation of               complete- 2015                         them forward to the new action plan
    essential car user permits and       •   Investigate cycle mileage              identified below.
    on-site parking spaces. Action           allowance. Action complete-
    complete – Trust management              staff paid £0.20 per mile
    undertook parking review and
                                         •   Produce “How to access” guides
    implemented outcome of review
                                             for each site. Action complete-
    – Summer 2016
                                             available on website and also
•   Implement a central booking              site maps available on site.
    system to book pool bikes,
                                         •   Ensure DPOW meets minimum
    pool vehicles, teleconferencing
                                             footpath widths and gaps for
    etc. Action complete – On-
                                             wheelchairs. Action complete-
    line central booking system
                                             2018 as part of junction
    implemented – Summer 2016
                                             improvement works.
•   Review & republish Travel Plan

Action Plan 2018/2021
Action                                              Responsible Costs               Due by           Measure                    Link with other                    Site
                                                    person                                                                      strategies
Information on walking routes                       NLAG Travel Plan   None         November 2020 Number of staff walking as NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
                                                    co-ordinator                                  part of their journey to and
                                                                                                                               NLAG operational Plan / NLAG SDP
                                                                                                  from work
Promotion of Walk to Work Week                      NLAG Travel Plan   Low          Annually      Number of participants       NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Deliver pedestrian friendly site walking            NLAG Travel Plan   High         November 2021 Annual survey results         NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             SGH
environments ensuring end of walking routes are     co-ordinator
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
safe for pedestrians.
Regular walkers breakfast for staff &residents      NLAG Travel Plan   Low          November 2021 Number of participants        NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
(where applicable)                                  co-ordinator
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Promotion of/sign-up to the Department for          NLAG Travel Plan   Subject to Annually           Number of Sign-ups.        NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
Transport’s Cycle to Work Scheme                    co-ordinator       number of
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Promotion/participation of cycle to work day/       NLAG Travel Plan   Low          Annually         Number of participants     NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
week                                                co-ordinator
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Cycling maps available to staff/visitors            NLAG Travel Plan   Low          November 2019 Number of staff/visitors      NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                    co-ordinator                                  cycling to each site
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Installation of showering/changing facilities for   NLAG Travel Plan   Subject to November 2021 Number of staff cycling/        NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
staff across remaining sites                        co-ordinator       planning                   walking to work
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Installation of Storage lockers across remaining    NLAG Travel Plan   Medium       November 2021 Number of staff cycling       NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               SGH,
sites                                               co-ordinator                                  to work                                                          GDH
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Host cycle maintenance/training/ Doctor Bike        NLAG Travel Plan   Medium       November 2019 Number of participants        NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             SGH
events across remaining sites.                      co-ordinator                                                                                                 ,GDH
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Public Transport
Make public transport information available        NLAG Travel Plan    Low          November 2021 Number of staff/visitors      NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
through appropriate channels to staff and visitors co-ordinator                                   travelling via public
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
to each site.                                                                                     transport
Improve bus stop waiting facilities at all sites   NLAG Travel Plan    High         November 2021 Number of staff/visitors      NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
                                                   co-ordinator                                   travelling via public
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Ensure that all sites benefit from RTI screens      NLAG Travel Plan   Medium       November 2021 Number of bus passengers      NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               GDH
displaying bus time information.                    co-ordinator
                                                                                                                            NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Promotion of SmartCommute ticket                    NLAG Travel Plan   Low          November 2019 Number of sign-ups to the NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                    co-ordinator                                  scheme.
                                                                                                                            NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Review and refresh timetable for current staff      NLAG Travel Plan   Low          November 2020 Number of staff using     NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             SGH,
shuttle bus.                                        co-ordinator                                  service.                                                   DPOW
                                                                                                                            NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Smarter Driving/Car Share
Promote and participate in car free day             NLAG Travel Plan   Low          Annually         Number of participants     NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
                                                                                                                                NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Investigate the provision of car sharing spaces     NLAG Travel Plan   Low          November 2021 Number of staff/visitors      NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                    co-ordinator                                  travelling via car sharing.
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Review Car parking charges for people car           NLAG Travel Plan   Medium       November 2021 Number of staff parking in NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
sharing and allocated car share bays at all three   co-ordinator                                  owned/funded car parks
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP

24               Together
                    we care, we respect, we deliver
Action                                              Responsible Costs           Due by           Measure                     Link with other                    Site
                                                    person                                                                   strategies
Smarter working
Increase the use of Smart working practices (i.e.   NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2021 Annual Business mileage        NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
tele, video and web conferencing)                   co-ordinator                              expenditure
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Increase the use of flexible/ home working/hot      NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2020 Number of staff utilising      NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
desking (work smart)                                co-ordinator                              flexible/home working
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Policies and Procedures
Create/review a travel policy for staff/visitors    NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2021 Evidence of updated policy NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3                   All
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Nominate Sustainable Travel Plan Champions          NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2020 Contact details of             NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                    co-ordinator                              champions
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Travel Plan welcome pack for new staff & new        NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2021 Evidence of travel             NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
residents                                           co-ordinator                              information pack.
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Promotion, Communication and Events
Promotion of the travel plan in appropriate         NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November         Evidence of promotion in    NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
newsletters and publications                        co-ordinator                2019/20          the listed publications
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Review “how to find us” guides for each site        NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2021 Evidence of guides and         NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                    co-ordinator                              where they are located
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Provide staff with personalised travel planning     NLAG Travel Plan   Medium   November 2021 Evidence of PTP and            NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
information                                         co-ordinator                              staff satisfaction with
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Annual staff travel survey, annual commuter         NLAG Travel Plan   Low      Annually      All travel plan measures       NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               All
challenge, active travel campaigns and annual       co-ordinator                              & targets
travel plan review
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Review & republish Travel Plan & Measures           NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2021 All travel plan measures       NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                    co-ordinator                              & targets
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Keep records of participation levels in sustainable NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2020 All travel plan measures       NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
travel schemes and incentives                       co-ordinator                              & targets
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Monitor usage of car parks                          NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2020 Proportion of car parks        NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                    co-ordinator                              occupied
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Monitor number of car sharers                       NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2020 Number of car sharers          NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Monitor the number of bicycles parked on site       NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2020 Number of cyclists             NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Establish a Travel Plan steering Group; and         NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2019 All travel plan measures       NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
Working Groups (e.g. parking, cycle user group)     co-ordinator                              & targets
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Additional infrastructure improvements
Review on site crossing points to ensure standard NLAG Travel Plan     High     November 2021 All Travel Plan Measures &     NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               SGH
design Ensuring a continuous route of tactile     co-ordinator                                targets
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
crossings across all three sites
Review Goole on site road surfaces                NLAG Travel Plan     High     November 2021 All Travel Plan Measures &     NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3               GDH
                                                  co-ordinator                                targets
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP
Reduce impact of on street parking in               NLAG Travel Plan   Low      November 2021 Monitoring of residential      NELC, NLC, ERY LTP 3             All
surrounding site neighbourhoods                     co-ordinator                              streets in surrounding area.
                                                                                                                             NLAG Operational Plan / NLAG SDP

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