2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park

Page created by Franklin Nguyen
2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
MARCH 29 - 31


                      USEF B Regional 1
                         Jumper 1

photo by Deb Dawson
2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
                                  Class 99.    THE   BROOKSIDE TRIBUTE TO
                                                     DISNEYLAND DERBY
                                  Fences 2’0” Entry Fee: $75
                                  Riders may show as many horses as they wish in this class. To be shown
                                  over a single round course of at least 9 fences at 2’0” in height. The
                                  course will consist of both hunter classic and handy hunter
                                  style lines, turns and jumps & will include an option
                                    fence worth 2 bonus points. Must have jumped
                                      in at least one class prior during this
                                        show. This is a non-pro class open to
                                          junior and amateur riders who have
                                            jumped classes no higher than
                                              2’6” (Large Pony 2’9” classes are
                                                an exception to this).

                                                     1st - Receive 2 tickets to Disneyland and $100 travel

                                                         2nd - Will receive 2 tickets to Disneyland

                                                             3rd - Will receive 1 ticket to Disneyland

                                                                4th-8th - Will receive special Disney themed prizes.

                    Class 199. $1,500         BROOKSIDE HUNTER DERBY 3’
                                               Fences 3’ Entry Fee: $100
 Must have entered and shown in at least one other class during this show to be eligible. Class will consist of two rounds.
 Top 12 riders in the 1st hunter classic style round will return for a second handy round. Both rounds may include an optional
fence (or fences) at a maximum height of 3’0” which will be worth 1 bonus point ea. Ribbons and prize money through 8th.
                                               Must have at least 10 entries to run. .
                                              (30%, 20%14%, 10%, 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%)

                                  Class 299. $500 JUMPER CLASSIC
                                  Fences 3’3” 1.00m Table II sec 2a Entry Fee $60
      Open to riders who have entered and show in at least two other classes this show. Five riders to fill the class.
                         Ribbons through 8th. Prize money paid to 5th (30%,25%,20%,15%, 10%)
2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
                                                     Melissa Kalember - California
                                                     Lindsay Costigan - California

     $5000                                           COURSE DESIGNER
   Brookside                                                   John Manning

                                                       USEF STEWARD
3' Hunter Derby                                                Alice Calhoun

                                                           SHOW STAFF
     series                                            Peggy Fackrell, Show Manager
                                                       Nancy Gannon, Show Secretary
                                                         Lauren Wasserman, Office
            Incentive:                                  Bill Madden, Facility Manager

         $2500 Award to                                Mr. Art Fingerle, Paradise EMT
                                                          Mr. Derek Stanley, Farrier
Highest Pointed Junior or Amateur                   Mr. Marco Alfaro, Starter/Announcer
                                                   Mr. Anderson Burney, Starter/Announcer
 Points will be given 1st-7th (10,8,6,4,2,1,.5)     Ms. Megan Quinn, Starter/Announcer
 Winner will be awarded at the fall finale.           Dr. David Runk, DVM, Veterinarian
                                                         on grounds during show 530-902-0750

                                                   ENTRIES CLOSE
                                                  MARCH 20, 2019
                                                         Mail to: Nancy Gannon
                                                    P.O Box 2890 - Fair Oaks, CA 95628.
                                                     Email: ndgannon@comcast.net

                                                      For further information call:
                                                      Nancy Gannon (916) 813-6214
                                                         Brookside Facility Office
                                                           Feed / Bedding / RV
                                                             (916) 682 -1403
2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
HUNTER                                          3’6”- 112. $50 Green O/F
                                                                                                      MODIFIED JR/AM HUNTERS
   DIVISIONS                                       113. $50 Green O/F Handy
                                                   114. Green U/S
                                                                                                      Fences 3’3”. Open to horses and ponies. No
                                                                                                      cross entry restrictions. Not to be jogged.
                                                                                                      Entry Fee $25/ea
                                                                                                      148, 149. Mod Jr/Am O/F
                                                   3’9”- 115. $50 Green O/F
2’ OPEN HUNTERS                                    116. $50 Green O/F Handy                           150. Mod Jr/Am U/S
Open to horses and ponies. No cross entry          117. Green U/S
restrictions, not to be jogged. Entry Fee $25/ea
1, 2. Open Hunter O/F                                                                                 MODIFIED CHILDREN’S HUNTERS
3. 2’ Open Hunter U/S
                                                   3’3” PERFORMANCE HUNTERS                           Fences 2’9”. Open to horses and ponies. No
                                                   No cross entry restrictions. Horse must be         cross entry restrictions. Not to be jogged.
                                                   jogged. Entry Fee $30/ea                           Entry Fee $25/ea
2’3” OPEN HUNTERS                                  121. $50 Perf. Hunters O/F                         154, 155. Mod Child O/F
Open to horses and ponies. No cross entry                                                             156. Mod Child U/S
restrictions, not to be jogged. Entry Fee $25/ea
                                                   122. $50 Perf. Hun. Handy O/F
7, 8. Open Hunter O/F                              123. Perf. Hunters U/S
9. 2’3” Open Hunter U/S                                                                               MODIFIED ADULT HUNTERS
                                                   3’6” PERFORMANCE HUNTERS                           Fences 2’9”. Open to horses and ponies. No
                                                   No cross entry restrictions. Horses must be        cross entry restriction. Not to be jogged. Entry
LOW OPEN HUNTERS                                   jogged. Entry Fee $30/ea                           Fee $25/ea
Fences 2’6”. Open to horses and ponies. Not
to be jogged. No cross entry restrictions. Entry   127. $50 Perf. Hunters O/F                         157, 158. Mod Adult O/F
Fee $25/ea                                         128. $50 Perf. Hun. Handy O/F                      159. Mod Adult U/S
13, 14. Low Open O/F                               129. Perf. Hunters U/S
15. Low Open U/S                                                                                      CHILDREN’S HUNTERS
                                                   3’3” JUNIOR HUNTERS                                17 & UNDER
2’6” LOW CHILD/ADULT HUNTERS                       17 & UNDER                                         Fences 3’. Not to be jogged. Division will be
Open to horses and ponies ridden by a junior or    Fences 3’3”. Horses must have a current            split if entries warrant. Open to horses and
adult amateur rider. Entry fee $25/ea              USEF measurement card. Horses must jog for         ponies. No cross entry into Junior Hunters.
16, 17. O/F                                        ribbons. Entry Fee $30/ea                          Riders may not cross enter into any classes
18. U/S                                            130. $50 Jr Hunter Over Fences                     with fences 3’6” or higher except Children’s
                                                                                                      Jumpers & Medal Classes. Entry Fee $25/ea
                                                   131. $50 Jr Hunter O/F Handy
JUST FOR FUN 2’9” HUNTERS                          132. Jr Hunter Under Saddle                        163, 164. Children’s Hun. O/F
Open to horses and ponies. No cross entry                                                             165. Children’s Hunters U/S
restrictions. Not to be jogged. Entry Fee $25/ea
                                                   3’6” JUNIOR HUNTERS
19, 20. Just For Fun Hunters O/F                                                                      ADULT AM HUNTERS
                                                   17 & UNDER
21. Just For Fun Hunters U/S                       Fences 3’6”. Horses must have a current            18 & OVER
                                                   USEF measurement card. Horses must jog for         Fences 3’. Not to be jogged. Division will be
2’9” OPEN HUNTER                                   ribbons. Entry Fee $30/ea                          split if entries warrant. Open to horses and
Open to horses and ponies. No cross entry          133. $50 Jr Hunter Over Fences                     ponies. No cross entry into A/O Hunters.
restrictions. Not to be jogged. Entry Fee $25/ea
                                                   134. $50 Jr Hunter O/F Handy                       Riders may not cross enter into any class with
100, 101. 2’9 Open O/F                             135. Jr Hunter Under Saddle                        fences 3’6” or higher that offer prize money.
102. 2’9 Open U/S                                                                                     Entry Fee $25/ea
                                                   3’3” A/O HUNTERS                                   166, 167. Adult Amateur O/F
3’ OPEN HUNTER                                                                                        168. Adult Amateur U/S
Open to horses and ponies. No cross entry          18 & OVER
restrictions. Not to be jogged. Entry Fee $25/ea   Fences 3’3”. Horses must jog for ribbons.
103, 104. 3’ Open O/F                              Entry Fee $30/ea                                   PRE CHILD HUNTERS
105. 3’ Open U/S                                   139. $50 A/O Hunter O/F                            Fences 2’6”. Not to be jogged. Riders may not
                                                   140. $50 A/O Hunter O/F Handy                      show in any classes higher than 3’. Entry Fee
                                                   141. A/O Hunter U/S                                $25/ea
GREEN HUNTERS                                                                                         59, 60. Pre Child Hunter O/F
A green hunter is a horse of any age in                                                               61. Pre Child Hunter U/S
his first or second year of showing at             3’6” A/O HUNTERS
USEF recognized shows. Horses must                 18 & OVER
jog for ribbons.. Entry Fee $30/ea
3’0”- 106. Green O/F
                                                   Fences 3’6”. May not cross enter into Adult
                                                   Amateurs. Must jog for ribbons. Entry Fee $30/ea
                                                                                                      PRE ADULT HUNTERS
107. Green O/F Handy                                                                                  Fences 2’6”. Not to be jogged. Riders may not show
108. Green U/S                                     142. $50 Low A/O Hun. O/F                          in any classes higher than 3’. Entry Fee $25/ea
3’3”- 109. Green O/F                               143. $50 Low A/O Hun. O/F Handy                    62, 63. Pre Adult Hunter O/F
110. Green O/F Handy                               144. Low A/O Hunter U/S                            64. Pre Adult Hunter U/S
111. Green U/S

2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
CHILD’S PONY HUNTERS                               ENGLISH PLEASURE                                  408, 419. 2’6” Warm-Up
Sm & Med 2’ - Lg. 2’6” NorCal & SAHJA
                                                   HUNTER SEAT                                       409. Just For Fun Hnt. 2’9” Warm-Up
division, may cross enter Pony Hunters. Not                                                          417. 2’0”/2’6” Warm-Up
a USEF recognized division. Not to be jogged.      To be judged at the walk, trot and canter
Riders may not cross enter into any classes        both directions of the arena. Manners and         418. 2’3”/2’6”/2’9” Pony Warm-Up
where fences exceed 3’3” (except Children’s        suitability as a pleasure mount are paramount.    424. Warm Up X-Rails Hunter
Jumpers) Entry Fee $25/ea                          Transitions from one gait to another should
                                                   be smooth and effortless. Horses must be
50, 51. Child Pony Hunters O/F                     obedient with prompt transitions. Horses must
52. Child Pony Hunters U/S                         stand quietly and back readily in the line-up.
                                                                                                     WARM UP EQUITATION
                                                   Classes count towards USEF Horse of the Year      421. 2’9” Warm Up
                                                   Awards. Entry Fee $25/ea                          422. 3’ Warm Up
PONY WORKING HUNTERS                               501. Pleasure Open                                423. 2’ Warm Up
Small 2’3”- Medium 2’6”- Large 2’9” All ponies     502. Pleasure 17 &Under                           425. X-Rail Warm Up
must have a current USEF measurement card,
which must be presented at the horse show          503. Pleasure 18 &Over
office before number will be released. Small-      504. Pleasure Mares
not exceeding 12.2h, Medium- exceeding 12.2h       505. Pleasure Geldings                            PONY HUNTER BREEDING
but not exceeding 13.2h, Large- exceeding                                                            Entry Fee $25/ea
13.2h but not exceeding 14.2h. If entries                                                            80. Yearling
warrant division will be split by respective       WARM UP HUNTERS                                   81. 2 Year Old
heights. Must jog for ribbons. Entry Fee $30       Entry Fee $25/ea. Does not count for any points
                                                   towards USEF, NorCal PCHA or otherwise.           82. 3 Year Old
53. $50 Pony Working Hun. O/F                      Also does not count towards Show Champion         83. Best Young Pony
54. $50 Pony Work. Hun. O/F Handy                  or Reserve Champion.
55. Pony Working Hunter U/S                        400, 410. 2’9” Warm-Up Hunters                    HUNTER BREEDING
                                                   401, 411. 3’0” Warm-Up Hunters                    Entry Fee $25/ea
                                                   403, 413, 420. 3’3” Warm-Up                       84. Yearling
                                                   404, 414, 415. 3’6” Warm-Up                       85. 2 Year Old
                                                   405. 3’9” Warm-Up                                 86. 3 Year Old
                                                   406, 416. 2’0”Warm-Up                             87. Best Young Horse
                                                   407. 2’3” Warm-Up

WALK TROT 8 & UNDER                                SHORT STIRRUP HUNTERS/                            MINI STIRRUP DIVISION
Entry Fee $15/each. May not enter in any                                                             Open to junior/ amateur riders who have never
canter classes except Cross Rail Hunters at        EQ 11 & UNDER                                     shown 2’ or above (i.e. short or long stirrup). To be
this show.                                         Fences 2’. Not to be jogged. Riders may not       shown over a cross rail course of 18”, trotting to be
31. Walk Trot 8 & U U/S                            cross enter classes with fences over 2’9”.        allowed. Points accrue to a horse or pony and rider
35. Walk Trot 8 & U Equitation                     Entry Fee $25/ea                                  team. Entry Fee: $20
36. Walk Trot 8 & U Pleasure                       41, 42. Short Stirrup Hunter O/F                  25, 26. Mini Stirrup Hunters X-Rails
                                                   43. Short Stirrup Hunter U/S                      27. Mini Stirrup Hunter U/S
WALK TROT OPEN                                     356. Short Stirrup Eq O/F                         383. Mini Stirrup Equitation X-Rails
Entry Fee $20/ea. Open to junior and amateur       358. Short Stirrup Eq Flat                        384. Mini Stirrup Equitation X-Rails
riders. May not enter in any canter classes
except Cross Rail Hunters at this show.            LONG STIRRUP HUNTERS/
32. Walk Trot Open Pleasure
33. Walk Trot Open Equitation                      EQ 12 & OVER
                                                   Fences 2’. Not to be jogged. Riders may not
34. Walk-Trot Open Obstacle                        cross enter classes with fences over 2’9”.
                                                   Entry Fee $25/ea
CROSS RAIL HUNTERS                                 44, 45.. Long Stirrup Hunter O/F
Entry Fee $20/ea. Ribbons to 8th. Open to junior
                                                   46. Long Stirrup Hunter U/S
and amateur riders. Riders may not show in
any classes higher than 2’0” at this show.         359. Long Stirrup Eq O/F
38, 39. Cross Rail Hunters 1’6”                    361. Long Stirrup Eq Flat
40. Cross Rail Hunters U/S

2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
EQUITATION                   LOW ADULT EQUITATION           18 & OVER EQ. OVER
  DIVISIONS                    Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 2’9”
                               372. Low Adult Eq O/F
                                                              Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 3’
                               373. Low Adult Eq O/F          381. 18 & Over Eq O/F
PRE CHILD EQUITATION           371. Low Adult Eq Flat         382. 18 & Over Eq O/F
Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 2’6”
353. Pre Child Eq O/F                                         380. 18 & Over Eq Flat
354. Pre Child Eq O/F          14 & UNDER EQUITATION
355. Pre Child Eq Flat         OVER FENCES                    PONY EQ OVER FENCES
                               Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 3’     Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 2’3”/2’6”/3’
                               375. 14 & Under Eq O/F
PRE ADULT EQUITATION           376. 14 & Under Eq O/F
                                                              365. Pony Eq O/F
Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 2’6”                                  366. Pony Eq O/F
350. Pre Adult Eq O/F          374. 14 & Under Eq Flat        367. Pony Eq Flat
351. Pre Adult Eq O/F
352. Pre Adult Eq Flat         15-17 EQ. OVER FENCES
                               Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 3’
                               378. 15-17 Eq O/F              CHILD’S PONY EQUITATION
LOW CHILD’S EQUITATION         379. 15-17 Eq O/F              Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 2’/2’6”
Entry Fee $25/ea-Fences 2’9”                                  362. Child Pony Eq O/F
                               377. 15-17 Eq Flat
369. Low Child Eq O/F                                         363. Child Pony Eq O/F
370. Low Child Eq O/F                                         364. Child Pony Eq Flat
368. Low Child Eq Flat

2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
JUMPER                                 .75M JUMPERS                                    1.20M JUMPERS
DIVISIONS                              Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 2’5”/.75m
                                       207. Table 2.2b ARG
                                                                                       Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’11”
                                                                                       246. Table 2.2b
                                       208. Table 2.2c ARG                             247. Table 2.2c
LOW PONY JUMPERS                       209. Table 2, 2.1                               248. Table 2, 2.1
Entry fee $30/ea Fences 2’5”/.75m
210. Table 2.2b Arg.                   .90M JUMPERS                                    MOD JR/AM JUMPERS
211. Table 2.2c Arg.                   Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 2’11”                   Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’11”/1.20m
212. Table 2, 2.1                      219. Table 2.2b                                 249. Table 2.2b
                                       220. Table 2.2c                                 250. Table 2.2c
                                       221. Table 2, 2.1                               251. $100 Table 2, 2.1
Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 2’3”/.70m
                                       .95M JUMPERS                                    CHILDREN’S JUMPERS
201. Table 2.2b Arg.                                                                   Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’7”/1.10m
202. Table 2.2c Arg.                   Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’1”
                                                                                       237. Table 2.2b
203. Table 2, 2.1                      222. Table 2.2b
                                                                                       238. Table 2.2c
                                       223. Table 2.2c
                                                                                       239. $100 Table 2, 2.1
                                       224. Table 2, 2.1
Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 2’5”/.75m
                                       1.05M JUMPERS                                   A/A JUMPERS
204. Table 2.2b Arg.                                                                   Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’7”/1.10m
                                       Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’5”
205. Table 2.2c Arg.                                                                   240. Table 2.2b
                                       231. Table 2.2b
206. Table 2, 2.1                                                                      241. Table 2.2c
                                       232. Table 2.2c
                                                                                       242. $100 Table 2, 2.1
                                       233. Table 2, 2.1
TRAINING JUMPERS                                                                       LOW CHILD/ADULT
Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 2’7”/.80m      1.10M JUMPERS                                   JUMPERS
213. Table 2.2b                        Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’7”
                                                                                       Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’3”/1.0m
214. Table 2.2c                        234. Table 2.2b
                                                                                       228. Table 2.2b
215. Table 2, 2.1                      235. Table 2.2c
                                                                                       229. Table 2.2c
                                       236. Table 2, 2.1
                                                                                       230. $100 Table 2, 2.1
Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 2’9”/.85m
                                       Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’9”
                                                                                       HIGH TRAINING JUMPERS
216. Table 2.2b                                                                        Entry Fee $30/ea Fences 3’3”/1.00m
                                       243. Table 2.2b
217. Table 2.2c                                                                        225. Table 2.2b
                                       244. Table 2.2c
218. Table 2, 2.1                                                                      226. Table 2.2c
                                       245. Table 2, 2.1
                                                                                       227. Table 2, 2.1

                                    Low Child/Adult Jumpers         Short/Long Stirrup:             Pony Hunters: 50-52
                                         228, 229, 230           41-46 & 356, 358, 359 & 361
                                                                                                    Jr. Equitation 17 & U
                                     Kindergarten Jumper                  Mini Stirrup:                   374-379
                                         216, 217, 218                   25-27 & 383-384
                                                                                                Amateur Equitation 18 & O:
                                       Training Jumpers                 Pleasure: 501-505               380-382
                                          225, 226, 227          Walk Trot 8 & U: 31, 35, 36      Modified/Performance
            POINTED                 AA Hunters: 166, 167, 168         Low Child Adult: 16-18        Hunters: 121-123
            CLASSES                   Children’s Hunters:        Low Open Hunters: 13-15
                                         163, 164, 165

2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
     CLASSES &                                                           be considered in accordance with USEF Equitation rules. Additional work-offs after
                                                                         the initial round will be at the Judge’s discretion, and any number of riders may be
     SPECS                                                               asked to test. At least 3 riders must enter & show in the class. First & second place
                                                                         winners will be qualified for the finals.
 Entry Fee $30/ea
                                                                         HORSE & HOUND JR/AMATEUR MEDAL: Open to Jr. & Amateur riders who
 300. Cloverleaf Equit.                                      3’          have not competed in a 3’6” Medal Finals in the previous 3 years and who are not
 305. SAHJA Mini                                           2’6           showing 3’6” or higher at this show. To be shown over a hunter or jumper course of
                                                                         3’ fences, with 2 tests included. 3 riders fill to fill for points. Points will be awarded
 306. SAHJA Child Adult                                      3’          7-5-4-3-2-1. If only 4 finish the course points will be 5-3-2-1, and If only 3 finish points
 307. USEF Pony                                   2’3/2’6/2’9            will be 4-2-1. No points if fewer than 3 riders complete the course. Classes with 15
                                                                         or more entries will be pointed 10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2. 5 points qualifies for the Finals in
 308. NorCal Pony                                 2’3/2’6/2’9
                                                                         October. The Horse & Hound Medal will be presented to the winner of a qualifying
 309. NorCal                                                 3’          class with 5 or more entries. Previous winners of the Horse & Hound Jr/Amateur
 310. NorCal Jr                                            3’6           Medal Finals are no longer eligible to complete.

 311. NorCal Sr                                            3’6           HORSE & HOUND PONY MEDAL: To be shown over a hunter course of fences
 312. Horse & Hound Jr/Am                                    3’          (small/medium to jump 2’, large to jump 2’6”) with 2 tests included. Points & qualifying
                                                                         the same as Horse & Hound Jr/Amateur Medal. Riders may not show 3’6” or higher
 313. Hudson & Co. Jr/Am                                   3’3           at this show. Previous winners of the Horse & Hound Pony Medal Finals are no
 316. Horse & Hound Pony                                2’/2’6           longer eligible to compete.

 317. PCHA Horsemanship14&U                                3’3           JRW MEDAL JR/AM: To be shown over a course of hunter and jumper type
 318. PCHA Horsemanship 35&O                               3’3           fences approximately 3’3” in height with flat work incorporated into the course. No
                                                                         work off is required; but further testing is at the judge’s discretion. (USEF tests 1 -
 319. SAHJA Pony                                           2’3
                                                                         19) Points awarded to top eight riders; 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Riders will receive double
 320. Almaden Jr/Am                                        2’9           points in classes with 15 or more riders. Six points required to qualify a rider for the
                                                                         Medal Finals. Winner may continue to compete throughout the year. Five riders must
 321. PCHA Horsemanship 18-35                              3’3
                                                                         complete the course. Winner of the final to receive a Saddle.
 322. PCHA Jr/Am Horsemanship                              2’9
                                                                         NORCAL JUNIOR & SENIOR: Open to junior/amateur members of NorCal.
                                                                         Trainers of contestants must also be members. To be shown over a course of
ALMADEN FARMS JR/AM: To be shown over a minimum of 8                     not less than 8 fences 3’6” in height. Either hunter or jumper type fences may be
fences 2’9” in height, with two changes of lead after the first fence,   used. The course must include at least 2 changes of direction, and a combination
and MAY include one combination which must include an oxer.              containing an oxer. No triple combinations, water jumps or livrpools are allowed.
Two or more tests will be incorporated in the original course. No        Two or more tests of the top 4 riders will be required (Tests 1-19). Any exhibitor failing
work-off is required. Five contestants must complete the course.         to return for the work-off will automatically be placed last of those called back. Five
Points awarded 10, 6, 4, 2, 1, 1/2.                                      or more riders must complete the course for the medal to be awarded, and points
                                                                         will count 7-5-4-3-2-1. Seven points qualifies a rider for the Finals, but winners may
CLOVERLEAF EQUITATION CLASSIC: Class is open to Junior &                 continue to compete in the class throughout the year. If fewer than 5 riders complete
Amateur riders not showing in any classes over 3’7” in height. To        the course, no medal will be awarded but points will be awarded as follows: 4 riders-
be judged over a Jumper course of not less than 9 fences at 3’ feet      5-3-2-1, 3 riders- 4-2-1, fewer than 3 complete- no points will be given.
in height. To be judged on hands, seat, guidance & control of the
horse on a Jumper type of ride. There will not be a time allowed;        NORCAL 3 FT JR./AM. MEDAL: May be offered in the Hunter or Jumper ring.
a tone will be used to signal the rider to start the course. Any         Open to all juniors and amateurs who are members of Norcal who have not shown
Jumper type bit or equipment is allowed. Jumping penalties will          in any classes higher than 3’3” in the qualifying year. Trainers of contestants must
                                                                         also be members. Same specifications as the junior and senior medals, with the

2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
exception that fences shall be 3-ft. Work-off of the top 4 riders is mandatory.    will be part of the original course. Competitors will not be asked to mount,
Points awarded the same as for junior and senior medals, 7 points needed           dismount or jump without stirrups. Riders will not be asked to change
to qualify for the finals. Winners may continue to compete in the class            horses. Conventional equipment recommended. Unconventional equipment
throughout the year. Any NorCal Medal class with more than 20 contestants          penalized at judge’s discretion. Riders may qualify Qualified riders may
willl be pointed through 8th place as follows: 10-8-7-6-5-4-3-2. Riders must       continue to compete in the qualifying classes until the Final. Three (3)
complete the course for points to count.                                           riders must complete the course for the class to count. If there are less
                                                                                   than three (3) entries in either PCHA Adult Horsemanship 35 & Over or
NORCAL PONY MEDAL CLASS: The NorCal Pony Medal Class is open                       PCHA Horsemanship 14 & Under, the classes may be combined. When
to current junior members of NorCal Hunter/Jumper Association. Trainers            these classes are combined, they must be run under Adult Horsemanship
of contestants must also be members of NorCal. No junior over 12 years may         specs, i.e., USEF tests 1-18 will be part of the original course, except that a
compete on a small pony, and no junior over 14 years may compete on a              combined class, riders must not be asked to mount, dismount, jump without
medium pony. Riders in this class may NOT enter a NorCal Junior Medal              stirrups or change horses.
at the same show. Suitability of pony to rider will be emphasized – stallions
are not permitted. One rider per pony. Hunter-type fences will be used and         PCHA HORSEMANSHIP 35/OVER: This class is open to riders 35 years
fence heights will be according to USEF specifications for small, medium,          of age and over (horseshow age) who are current PCHA members. Same
and large ponies. The course, of not less than six hunter-type fences with at      as 14 & under.
least one change of direction, is to incorporate at least two tests (USEF 1-9).
No work-off is required. Three (3) points qualifies a pony rider for the Finals.   PCHA JR/AM HORSEMANSHIP 2’9”: This class is open to Junior and
Two riders must complete the course in order to fill the class. If fewer than 2    Amateur riders who are current PCHA members as well as their trainer.
riders complete the course, no points will be awarded. If fewer than 5 riders      Riders may not jump fences 3’3” or higher during the current show year.
complete the course, no medal will be awarded.                                     Riders who have won a medal class with fences 3’3” or higher in the last
                                                                                   10 years will not be eligible. Exceptions: 1. A rider may show in regular age
PCHA HORSEMANSHIP 14/U: This class is open to riders 14&u (horse                   break equitation where fences are 3’3”. 2. A rider may show in Jumper
show age) who are current PCHA members as well as their trainer. The               Classes where fences do not exceed .95m (3’1”). B. This class is to be held
class is to be held over a class of at least 8 fences which are not to exceed      over a course of at least 8 fences which are not to exceed 2’9” with 2 tests
3’3” in height. One combination and at least 2 changes of direction must be        from the USEF Rule Book (tests 1-9) included on course. C. Points to be
included in the course. Two (2) or more tests USEF 1-18 (see exceptions)           awarded to the top 5 competitors. 3 must complete the course for the class
will be part of the original course. Competitors will not be asked to mount,       to count. Twelve (12) points qualifies a rider for the Finals. Qualified riders
dismount or jump without stirrups. Riders will not be asked to change              may continue to show in qualifying classes until the Finals.
horses. Conventional equipment recommended. Unconventional equipment
penalized at judge’s discretion. Riders may qualify Qualified riders may           SAHJA MINI MEDAL: A Hunt Seat medal open to any junior or adult
continue to compete in the qualifying classes until the Final. Three (3)           amateur rider who has not won a 3’6” rated medal class or any medal finals,
riders must complete the course for the class to count. If there are less          except the SAHJA Pony Medal. Riders to be judged over a course of fences
than three (3) entries in either PCHA Adult Horsemanship 35 & Over or              2’6” in height, with at least two Federation tests (1-9) incorporated into the
PCHA Horsemanship 14 & Under, the classes may be combined. When                    course. Jumper type equipment is not allowed. There is no work-off.
these classes are combined, they must be run under Adult Horsemanship
                                                                                   SAHJA CHILD/ADULT MEDAL: A Hunt Seat medal open to any junior or
specs, i.e., USEF tests 1-18 will be part of the original course, except that a
                                                                                   adult amateur rider who has not won a 3’6” rated medal finals. Riders to be
combined class, riders must not be asked to mount, dismount, jump without
                                                                                   judged over a course of fences 3’0” in height. Jumper type equipment is not
stirrups or change horses.
                                                                                   allowed. At least the top four riders will return for a flat work-off.
PCHA HORSEMANSHIP 18-35: This class is open to riders 18-35 (horse
                                                                                   SAHJA PONY MEDAL: A Hunt Seat medal open to junior riders showing
show age) who are current PCHA members as well as their trainer. The
                                                                                   ponies (14.2 hands and under). The SAHJA Pony Medal shall be judged over
class is to be held over a class of at least 8 fences which are not to exceed
                                                                                   a course of fences 2’3” in height, with two Federation tests (1-9) incorporated
3’3” in height. One combination and at least 2 changes of direction must be
                                                                                   into the course. Jumper type equipment is not allowed. Any additional work-
included in the course. Two (2) or more tests USEF 1-18 (see exceptions)
                                                                                   off shall be at the judge’s discretion.

2019 MARCH 29 - Brookside Equestrian Park
    (aka Welcome)
      Horse Show
        March 29 - 31                  Just B @

          Three Days!!
                                     Where friends are made for a lifetime

                                                              Brookside                 Brookside
                                                              Premier I                 Premier II
                                                                 April 3 - 7              April 10 - 14
                                                                U S E F, P C H A ,        U S E F, P C H A ,
                                                               NORC AL R AT ED        NORC AL, SAHJA R AT ED

                                                                   $10,000 Hunter Derby Each Week
                                                                Tribute to Disneyland Derby Each Week
                                                                     $$ Jumper Stakes Classes $$

     Let’s Show Beach Party                      Almaden Farms 41st                   Brookside Back
                 June 5 - 9                       Anniversary Show                       to School
                                                                                         Sept 21 & Sept 22
            NORC AL, SAHJA R AT ED                        July 10 - 14                      SA H JA A PPROV E D
                                                  USEF REGIONAL 1 B JUMPER 2,
featuring the Brookside Jumper Challenge           PCH A , NORC AL, SAHJA R AT ED
    and The Running of the Flamingos
                                                    5 day show featuring the             Let’s Show
                                                     Almaden Medal Finals               Fall Festival
                                                        7,500 Hunter Derby                     Oct 3 - 6
         Brookside Splash                                                               USEF REGIONAL 1 B
                June 20 - 23                   Brookside Summer Show
                                                                                                JUMPER 2
                                                                                     P CH A , NO RC A L , SA H JA R AT E D
    4 day show featuring SAHJA Medal Finals
                                                July 19 - 21 * S A H J A R A T E D         featuring the
                                                                                      Cloverleaf Medal Finals

                                               Wine Country Classic                       Fall Finale
                                                       Aug 16 - Aug 19                       Oct 10 - 13
                                                                                           U S E F A PPROV E D
                                                  USEF REGIONAL 1 B JUMPER 2
                                                  PCH A , NORC AL, SAHJA R AT ED         featuring NorCal
                                               Celebrate the 25 year anniversary!        Equitation Classic

          $$      New for 2019 - Brookside Hunter Derby Series                                          $$
          At the Fall Finale show, the highest scoring Derby Horse of the year will receive a $5,000 bonus.
                          Special Award presented to Highest Scoring Derby Amateur Rider.

TENTATIVE SCHEDULE                                                                                              Bold = Opportunity

                    -HUNTER 1-                                   -HUNTER 2-                                  -JUMPER RING-
400. Warm-Up Hunters 2’9”             2’9”   406. Open Warm-Up                        2’   201. .70m Beginning 2.2b Arg                       2’3”
100. 2’9” Open Hunters                2’9”   1. Open 2’ Hunters                       2’   204. .75m Pre-Training 2.2b Arg                    2’5”
101. 2’9” Open Hunters                2’9”   2. Open 2’ Hunters                       2’   207. .75m Jumpers 2.2b Arg                         2’5”
102. 2’9” Open Hunters U/S                   3. Open Hunters U/S                           210. .75m Low Pony Jumpers 2.2b Arg                2’5”
401. Warm-Up Hunters 3’                 3’   407. Open 2’3” Warm-Up                 2’3”   213. .80m Training Jumpers 2.2b                    2’7”
103. 3’0” Open Hunters                  3’   7. Open 2’3” Hunters                   2’3”   216. .85m Kindergarten Jumpers 2.2b                2’9”
104. 3’0” Open Hunters                  3’   8. Open 2’3” Hunters                   2’3”   219. .90m Jumpers 2.2b                            2’11”
106. 3’0” Green Hunters                 3’   9. Open 2’3” Hunters U/S                      222. .95m Jumpers 2.2b                             3’1”
107. 3’0” Green Hunters Handy           3’   408. Low Open Warm-Up                  2’6”   225. High Training Jumpers 2.2b                    3’3”
105. 3’0” Open Hunters U/S                   13. Low Open Hunters                   2’6”   228. 1.00m Low Child/Adult Jumpers 2.2b            3’3”
108. 3’0” Green Hunters U/S                  14. Low Open Hunters                   2’6”   231. 1.05m Jumpers 2.2b                            3’5”
403. Open 3’3” Warm Up                       16. Low Child/Adult Hunters            2’6”   234. 1.10m Jumpers 2.2b                            3’7”
109. 3’3” Green Hunters               3’3”   17. Low Child/Adult Hunters            2’6”   237. Childrens Jumpers 1.10m 2.2b                  3’7”
110. 3’3” Green Hunters Handy         3’3”   15. Low Open Hunters U/S                      240. Adult Amateur Jumpers 1.10m 2.2b              3’7”
121. 3’3” Performance Hunters         3’3”   18. Low Child/Adult Hunters U/S               243. 1.15m Jumpers 2.2b                            3’9”
122. 3’3” Performance Hunters Handy   3’3”   409. Just For Fun Hunters Warm-Up             246. 1.20 Jumpers 2.2b                            3’11”
111. 3’3” Green Hunters U/S                  19. Just For Fun Hunters               2’9”   249. Mod Jr/Am Jumpers 2.2b                       3’11”
123. 3’3” Performance Hunters U/S            20. Just For Fun Hunters               2’9”
404. Open 3’6” Warm Up                       21. Just For Fun Hunters U/S
112. 3’6” Green Hunters               3’6”   25. Mini Stirrup Hunters Cross Rails
113. 3’6” Green Hunters Handy         3’6”   26. Mini Stirrup Hunters Cross Rails
127. Performance Hunters              3’6”   27. Mini Stirrup Hunter U/S
128. Performance Hunters Handy        3’6”   501. Open Pleasure Flat
114, 3’6” Green Hunters U/S                  502. Pleasure 17&U Flat
129. 3’6” Performance Hunters U/S            503. Pleasure 18&O Flat
405. Open 3’9” Warm Up                       504. Pleasure Mares Flat
115. 3’9” Green Hunters               3’9”   505. Pleasure Geldings Flat
116. 3’9” Green Hunters Handy         3’9”
117. 3’9” Green Hunters U/S
199. $1500 Brookside Derby              3’

                     -HUNTER 1-                               -HUNTER 1, cont’d-                           -HUNTER 2, cont’d-
368. Low Child Equitation Flat               135. Junior Hunters U/S                       358. Short Stirrup Equitation Flat
371. Low Adult Equitation Flat               144. A/O Hunters U/S                          361. Long Stirrup Equitation Flat
421. Equitation Warm-Up                      PONY HUNTER BREEDING                          362. Children Pony Equitation                 2’0”/2’6”
369. Low Child Equitation             2’9”   80. Yearling                                  363. Chidren Pony Equitation                  2’0”/2’6”
370. Low Child Equitation             2’9”   81. 2 Year Old                                316. Horse & Hound Pony                       2’0”/2’6”
372. Low Adult Equitation             2’9”   82. 3 Year Old                                364. Children Pony Equitation Flat
373. Low Adult Equitation             2’9”   83. Best Young Pony                           319. SAHJA Pony Medal                               2’3”
320. Almaden Jr/Am Medal              2’9”   HUNTER BREEDING                               365. Pony Equitation                      2’3”/2’6”/2’9”
374. Equitation 14&U Flat                    84. Yearling                                  366. Pony Equitation                      2’3”/2’6”/2’9”
377. Equitation 15-17 Flat                   85. 2 Year Old                                307. USEF Pony Medal                      2’3”/2’6”/2’9”
380. Equitation 18&O Flat                    86. 3 Year Old                                308. NorCal Pony Medal                    2’3”/2’6”/2’9”
422. 3’ Equitation Warm-Up            3’0”   87. Best Young Horse                          367. Pony Equitation Flat
375. Equitation 14&U                    3’                        -HUNTER 2-                                  -JUMPER RING-
376. Equitation 14&U                    3’   350. Pre-Adult Equitation              2’6”   202. .70m Beginning 2.2c Arg                       2’3”
378. Equitation 15-17                 3’0”   351. Pre-Adult Equitation              2’6”   205. .75m Pre-Training 2.2c Arg                    2’5”
379. Equitation 15-17                 3’0”                                                 208. .75m Jumpers 2.2c Arg                         2’5”
                                             353. Pre-Child Equitation              2’6”
                                                                                           211. .75m Low Pony Jumpers 2.2c Arg                2’5”
381. Equitation 18&O                  3’0”   354. Pre-Child Equitation              2’6”
                                                                                           214. .80m Training Jumpers 2.2c                    2’7”
382. Equitation 18&O                  3’0”   423. 2’ Equitation Warm-Up
                                                                                           217. .85m Kindergarten Jumpers 2.2c                2’9”
306. SAHJA Child/AA Medal             3’0”   352. Pre-Adult Equitation Flat                220. .90m Jumpers 2.2c                            2’11”
413. Open 3’3” Warm Up                       355. Pre-Child Equitation Flat                300. Cloverleaf Jr/Am                                3’
139. A/O Hunters                      3’3”   31. Walk-Trot 8 & Under U/S                   223. .95m Jumpers 2.2c                             3’1”
140. A/O Hunters Handy                3’3”   32. Walk-Trot Pleasure Open Flat              226. High Training Jumpers 2.2c                    3’3”
130. Junior Hunters                   3’3”   33. Walk-Trot Equitation Open Flat            229. 1.00m Low Ch/Ad Jumpers 2.2c                  3’3”
131. Junior Hunters Handy             3’3”   34. Walk-Trot Open Obstacle                   232. 1.05m Jumpers 2.2c                            3’5”
141. A/O Hunters U/S                         425. X-Rail Equitation Warm-Up                235. 1.10m Jumpers 2.2c                            3’7”
132. Junior Hunters U/S                      383. Mini Stirrup Eq X-Rails                  238. Childrens Jumpers 1.10m 2.2c                  3’7”
414. Open 3’6” Warm Up                       384. Mini Stirrup Eq X-Rails                  241. Adult Amateur Jumpers 1.10m 2.2c              3’7”
133. Junior Hunters                   3’6”   356. Short Stirrup Equitation          2’0”   244. 1.15m Jumpers 2.2c                            3’9”
134. Junior Hunters Handy             3’6”   359. Long Stirrup Equitation           2’0”   247. 1.20m Jumpers 2.2c                           3’11”
142. A/O Hunters                      3’6”                                                 250. Mod Jr/Am Jumpers 1.20m 2.2c                 3’11”
143. A/O Hunters Handy                3’6”                                                 299. $500 1.00m Jumper Classic                     3’3”

                    -HUNTER 1-                               -HUNTER 2-                                      -JUMPER RING-
154. Modified Child Hunters       2’9”   99. Disneyland Derby                      2’0”    203. .70m Beginning Jumpers 2.1          2’3”
155. Modified Child Hunters       2’9”   35. Walk Trot 8 & U Equitation                    206. .75m Pre-Training Jumpers 2.1       2’5”
                                         36. Walk Trot 8 & U Pleasure                      209. .75m Jumpers 2.1                    2’5”
157. Modified Adult Hunters       2’9”
                                         424. Warm-Up X-Rail Hunters                       212. .75m Low Pony Jumpers 2.1           2’5”
158. Modified Adult Hunters       2’9”   38. X-Rail Hunters                         18”    215. .80m Training Jumpers 2.1           2’7”
156. Modified Child Hunters U/S          39. X-Rail Hunters                         18”    218. .85m Kindergarten Jumpers 2.1       2’9”
159. Modified Adult Hunters U/S          40. X-Rail Hunters U/S                            221. .90m Jumpers 2.1                   2’11”
322. PCHA Horsemanship Jr/Am      2’9”   416. Open Warm-Up                         2’0”
                                                                                           224. .95m Jumpers 2.1                    3’1”
                                         41. Short Stirrup Hunters                 2’0”
163. Childrens Hunters            3’0”                                                     227. High Training Jumpers 2.1           3’3”
                                         42. Short Stirrup Hunters                 2’0”
164. Childrens Hunters            3’0”   44. Long Stirrup Hunters                  2’0”    230. $100 1.00m Low Child Jumpers 2.1    3’3”
166. A/A Hunters                  3’0”   45. Long Stirrup Hunters                  2’0”    233. 1.05m Jumpers 2.1                   3’5”
167. A/A Hunters                  3’0”   43. Short Stirrup Hunters U/S                     236. 1.10m Jumpers 2.1                   3’7”
                                         46. Long Stirrup Hunters U/S                      239. $100 Childrens Jumpers 1.10m 2.1    3’7”
165. Childrens Hunters U/S
                                         417. Open Warm-Up                    2’0”/2’6”    242. $100 A/A Jumpers 1.10 2.1           3’7”
168. A/A Hunters U/S
                                         50. Child Pony Hunters               2’0”/2’6”    245. 1.15m Jumpers 2.1                   3’9”
309. NorCal 3’0” Medal            3’0”   51. Child Pony Hunters               2’0”/2’6”    248. 1.20m Jumpers 2.1                  3’11”
312. Horse & Hound Jr/Am          3’0”   52. Child Pony Hunters U/S                        251. $100 Mod Jr/Am Jumpers 1.20m 2.1   3’11”
420. 3’3” Open Warm Up                   418. Open Pony Warm-Up           2’3”/2’6”/2’9”
148. Mod Jr/Am Hunters            3’3”   53. Pony Working Hunters         2’3”/2’6”/2’9”
                                         54. Pony Working Hunters Handy   2’3”/2’6”/2’9”
149. Mod Jr/Am Hunters            3’3”
                                         55. Pony Working Hunters U/S
150. Mod Jr/Am Hunters U/S               305. SAHJA Mini Medal                     2’6”
313. JRW Jr/Am                    3’3”   419. Open Warm-Up                         2’6”
317. PCHA 14&U                    3’3”   59. Pre-Child Hunters                     2’6”
321. PCHA 18-35                   3’3”   60. Pre-Child Hunters                     2’6”
                                         62. Pre-Adult Hunters                     2’6”
318. PCHA 35&O                    3’3”
                                         63. Pre-Adult Hunters                     2’6”
310. NorCal Junior Medal          3’6”   61. Pre-Child Hunters U/S
311. NorCal Senior Medal          3’6”   64. Pre-Adult Hunters U/S

                              This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing.
REE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following:
REE that the “Federation” and Brookside Equestrian Show Park/Brookside Warm-Up (“Competition”) as used herein includes
 see and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers
ration affiliates.
REE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee,
gent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the
 ion involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma,
 ering, or death. (“Harm”).
REE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any
me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results, directly or
 , from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition.
REE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation
REE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them
 with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while
mpetition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and, if applicable, EV114, and I under-
  I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do
WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent
 ld’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the
 half I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition.
REE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and
  to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW,
REE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions
ize List. If I am\signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the
 dity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. BOD 1/23/11 Effective 12/1/11

pplicable USEF Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank.
 berships, as well as Pony measurement card if applicable.

_______________________                                                   Prize money checks payable to:
ture(MUST BE 18 or OVER TO SIGN)

_______________________________                                  Print name:               ______________________________

                                                                 Street:         ___________________________________

_______________________                                          City:       _____________________________________
 ure(MUST BE 18 or OVER TO SIGN)

___________________________                                      State/Zip: _________________________

                                                                 Phone #:              ________________________________

                                                                 Social Security:                ___________________________

                                                                                     check box if payee is different than owner

Brookside Warm-Up

      March 29 – 31, 2017 - Elk Grove, CA
      Entries Close March 20, 2019
     Horse Name                                                            Age         Color        Sex           Height

     Trainer                                           Address

     Home #                                 Cell #                                    Fax #
     (    )                                 (      )                                  (     )

     USE F#                                 PCHA#                                     NorCal#

     Owner                                             Address

     Home #                                 USEF#                                     NorCal #
     (    )

     Rider A                                           Address

     Home #                                 USEF#                          NorCal #                       PCHA#
     (    )

     Rider B                                           Address

     Home #                                 USEF#                          NorCal #                       PCHA#
     (    )

     Classes for Rider A

     Classes for Rider B

         Entries must be postmarked                              USEF FEES:                                            M
              by March 20, 2019                                                                                        o
       All exhibitors must have their current mem-               o USEF Horse                     $8 __$8
        bership cards with them or a copy thereof,
           or send a copy of their card with their               o USEF Drug                          $15
                                                                                                 $15 ____
        entry. OFFICE MUST SEE PONY or HORSE                                                                           o
       MEASUREMENT CARDS. Back of entry must                     o USEF Show Pass                $45 ____
         be signed by owner, rider and trainer. No
       Entry Number will be given without complete                                                                     o
                                                                 o USHJA Show Pass               $30 ____
        signatures and an open check. Make checks
                         payable to:                             o USHJA Fee                      $2 __$2
                  BROOKSIDE WARM-UP
           and mail with entries to: Nancy Gannon
               Nancy Gannon - P.O Box 2890
                    Fair Oaks, CA 95628
                                                                 Total Enclosed                             Check #
          Questions? Call (916) 813 6214 Please note:
             No fax or email entries accepted

Please Stable with (Trainer)

  Height         USEF/USHJA Registration Number REQUIRED               1st yr   2nd yr           Pony    S       M   L

                            City/St                              ZIP

                 Barn Name


                            City/St                              ZIP

                  PCHA#                              E-Mail

                            City/St                              ZIP                     Date of Birth
                                                                                                   /         /

                          CPHA#                       E-Mail

                            City/St                              ZIP                     Date of Birth

                                                                                                   /         /

                          CPHA#                       E-Mail

        MISCELLANEOUS FEES:                                    DEPOSIT FEES:
        o PCHA $3, NorCal $3,                                                                              $30
                                                               o Nominating Fee                        $30 ____
                CA Drug $5                      $11
        o Grounds Fee                 $30/Day ____             o Horse Stall                       $145 ____
           For horses not using a stall

        o Late Fee                        $25 ____
                                                               o Tack Stalls                       $145 ____

                  FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
eck #

FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENT                                                               FEDERA
           Federation Entry Agreement By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing
        this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider,                     I AGREE in con
                                                                                                                  I AGREE that th
        Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives,
                                                                                                              the Licensee and Co
        employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States          and Federation affili
        Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of (Competition). I agree              I AGREE that I c
        to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept           owner, agent, coach
        as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and           Competition involve
                                                                                                              pain, suffering, or de
        agree to release and hold harmless the competition, the Federation, their officials, directors            I AGREE to hol
        and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter           Harm to me or my h
        and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also      indirectly, from the n
        agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/             I AGREE to exp
                                                                                                              or the Competition.
        or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable - casts, broadcasts,              I AGREE to inde
        internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course              harmless with respec
        of the competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the competition, sport, or the           at the Competition. I
        Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be             stand that I am entitl
        used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive          so while WARNING
                                                                                                              to the child’s particip
        and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation,              child’s behalf I repre
        invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and applica-            I AGREE that if
        tion of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action            treatment to the Fede
        instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4.                           I AGREE to be b
                                                                                                              of this Prize List. If
                                                                                                              same validity, force a

                   BY SIGNING BELOW, I further AGREE to be bound by all applicab
                                        Please send copies of USEF, NorCal, PCHA membership

     X:______________________________________                                          X:_____________________
                    Rider A signature(MUST BE 18 or OVER TO SIGN)                                          Trainer signature(MUST

     Rider A Print Name: ___________________________________                           Trainer Print Name: ____________

     Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________

                     Rider B signature(MUST BE 18 or OVER TO SIGN)
                                                                                                           Coach signature(MUST B
     Rider B Print Name: ___________________________________
                                                                                       Coach Print Name:_____________
     Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________
                                                                                       USEF #:_________ PCHA______

                                                                                       Street:    _____________________

                     Owner signature(MUST BE 18 or OVER TO SIGN)                       City/State/Zip: _______________

     Owner Print Name:_________________________________
                                                                                       Phone:     _____________________

Got Coffee?
Make sure to come by the Sugar Shack!
Open @ 7am on Show Days
                      Gourmet Teas
                      Iced Teas
                      Hot Cocoa
                      Italian Soda
              Donuts, Muffins and Cinnamon Rolls
                          and more!
     Any drink can be ICED!!
          “You can’t buy Happiness,
  but you can buy Coffee from Happy People
            and that’s pretty close!”

Brookside 2.0 Coming Spring of 2020

       OUR DUST
        As we make improvements to
          •   All Show/Warm Up Rings
          •   Brookside Café
          •   RV Park
          •   And Much More...

RULES & GENERAL                                                                    1. Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and
 INFORMATION                                                                          specifications of the current USEF rule book will be conducted
                                                                                      and judged in accordance therewith.

                                                                               2. Life, senior active and junior active members shall be
     eligible to participate in all classes at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions at the Preliminary Level or above and Combined
     Driving Competitions at the Advanced Level, Dressage, Reining and Vaulting Competitions and Endurance Rides. A nonmember may
     participate as a handler, rider, driver, owner, lessee, agent, coach or trainer at Regular Competitions, Eventing Competitions, Dressage
     Competitions, Reining Competitions and Combined Driving Competitions upon payment of a $45 Show Pass fee. Participants in the
     following classes are exempted from the Requirements of this rule: 1) leadline; 2) exhibitions; 3) games and races; 4) classes for 4-H members;
     5) walk trot (exception: Friesian performance FR222) and academy classes (academy classes are classes limited to horses used regularly in a
     lesson program); 6) USDF introductory level tests, pas de deux and quadrille classes; 7) NRHA Endorsed Reining Competitions. 8) Opportunity
     classes, 9) citizens of other nations who have proof, in English, of current membership in good standing of their own National Federation, 10)
     USEA beginner novice division; and 11) assistant handlers in Dressage Sport Horse Breeding classes.

3.      MANAGEMENT: The Horse Show Management reserves                         9.      SCHOOLING: Schooling will be allowed in all arenas;
        the right to interpret all questions and conditions in regard                  Thursday March 28th from approx 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. And at
        to, or arising out of, or incident to the show without claims for              the end of each show day with time permitting.
        damages or recourse of any kind. All questions not covered
        in these Rules and Regulations shall be decided by the horse           10. ENTRY BLANKS: Care should be taken to enter each horse
        show management; its decision to be final.                                     in its proper division or class. Exhibitors are responsible
                                                                                       for their errors and those of their agents in making out
4.      RESPONSIBILITY: The Horse Show Management reserves                             entry blanks. In all cases the description on the entry blank
        the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancel any                    must fully identify the horse. The word “entry” shall not be
        entries, disqualify any riders or exhibitors, prohibit exhibition of           accepted. A. Be properly signed, and in the case of a minor,
        entries, and cancel award prizes, without claim for damages;                   be signed by a parent or guardian. B. Be made on an entry
        to change any course, to cancel or combine any unfilled                        blank provided by the show. C. Show the correct mailing
        classes, or to reschedule classes as competition warrants.                     address of the owner. D. Social Security number must be
                                                                                       included on entry blank. E. Include copy of USEF membership
5.      CONDITION OF ENTRY: Every horse entered in competition                         card or pay $45 show pass fee for each owner. lessee, agent,
        will be under control of the Horse Show Management, but                        trainer and rider. G. Include copy of USHJA membership
        Management will , in no case, be responsible for any loss or                   card or pay $30 show pass fee for each owner, lessee,
        damage that may occur and it shall be the condition of entry                   agent, trainer and rider. I. Include all additional membership
        that each exhibitor shall hold the Horse Show, it’s directors                  numbers and birth dates of junior and amateur riders. Please
        and employees and Brookside Equestrian Park harmless for                       attach photocopy of USEF amateur card. J. Please attach
        any loss or accident to his/her horse(s) or equipment which                    photocopy of USEF pony measurement card for any ponies
        may occur from sickness, fire or otherwise. All owners and                     entered in the Pony Hunters, Children’s Pony Hunters & Pony
        exhibitors will be held accountable for any damages incurred                   Jumpers division. See rule 31. K. Please attach photocopy of
        by them, their agents or employees, to the stalls, buildings                   USEF measurement card for any junior hunter entered in the
        and other properties on the show grounds and shall be billed                   junior hunter division. See rule 31.
                                                                               11. REFUNDS: All refund requests must be submitted in writing.
6.      STALL REQUEST: Trainers will be responsible for payment                        Before closing date of entries, full refunds will be given. After
        of all stalls requested. An open check is required to hold stalls.             closing date, with veterinarian or doctors certificate, refunds
        Stalls reserved but not included with entries will be charged to               will be given less $50 office charge, and less fees held prior
        the open check. A $25 late charge will be assessed on all entry                to notification at the horse show office, whether exhibited in
        blanks postmarked after the close of entries.                                  or not.

7.      NOMINATING FEE: The nominating fee will not be                         12. RETURNED CHECKS: Checks returned by the bank for
        deducted from the entry fees.                                                  any reason are regarded as a most serious offense and will
                                                                                       be handled in the following procedure. $25 OR 10% OF THE
8.      ADD/SCRATCH POLICY: We kindly request that all adds                            AMOUNT OF THE CHECK WILL BE ASSESSED FOR EACH
        and scratches are completed in the office by 3pm each day.                     RETURNED CHECK!! Accounts will be given ten days to

be paid in full with cash, or cash equivalent or they will be             vehicle in violation of this rule are solely responsible for
     turned into USEF and PCHA for further disciplinary action.                any damages, claims, losses or actions resulting from that
                                                                               operation. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions
13. UNPAID CHARGES: If the show management or show                             against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/ or trainer(s) who are
     official (i.e. farrier, veterinarian, feed supplier, photographer,        responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties
     food concessionaire, etc.) must bill an exhibitor for unpaid              may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/
     charges, a $25 billing fee will be added to the amount due.               or trainer(s) from the competitiongrounds for the remainder
                                                                               of the competition and charges being filed against any of the
14. PRIZES/PRIZE MONEY: Awards to 1st place in all classes,                    above individuals in accordance with Chapter 6. Wheelchairs
     ribbons 1st-8th in Hunter Divisions, 1st-6th in Jumper Divisions.         and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with
     In money classes prize money will be paid through 5th place               disabilities are exempt from this rule.
     (30%,25%,20%,15%,10%) unless otherwise stated in class
     specs. Prize money will be payable to Payee listed on the entry      19. STABLING: Stalls and tack rooms will be available for
     blank and mailed within 30 days. No prize money will be paid              $145 each. No bedding included. Stalls are of portable
     unless owners Social Security number is listed on entry blank.            construction. 10’x10’ with doors. Stalls will not be available
     In all classes with add-back, prize money is computed from                prior to 8am Wed, March 27th, unless specific arrangements
     the number of horses that actually show. Horses entered but               are made with the Show Management.
     not showing will forfeit their add-back money to Management,
     unless they scratch before the class. PRIZE MONEY WON BY             20. FEED AND BEDDING: All orders must be made through the
     FOREIGN EXHIBITORS: Foreign exhibitors are advised that                   Horse Show office (916) 682-1403.
     the U.S. Internal Revenue Service requires sporting events to
     withhold 30% of prize money won in the United States. Foreign        21. MEDICAL WASTE: Needles must be placed in the proper
     exhibitors should apply for a U.S. Social Security number and             receptacles. Anyone found in violation shall be subject
     will be asked to complete form W-8 prior to the Brookside                 to a fine or other penalties deemed necessary by show
     Warm-Up issuing prize money won. All checks must be                       management.
     cashed within 90 days or will become void.
                                                                          22. NUMBERS: Management will provide a number card for
15. ADD-BACK: In classes with add-back, prize money is                         each competitor which shall be worn on the rider’s back
     computed from the number of horses that actually show.                    clearly visible to the judge at all times when in competition.
                                                                               Riders wearing the wrong number or no number at all may be
16. PARKING: Horse trailers will be parked in designated areas.                eliminated from the class by the judge.
     Autos will also be parked in designated areas. There will be
     no autos allowed in the barn area and aisles.                        23. COURSES: Courses may consist of any combination of the
                                                                               following: Brush, Gate, Oxers, Panels, Post & Rails, Banks,
17. RVs: Trailer parking spaces/onsite rentals must be booked                  Ditches, Coups & Liverpools. The horse show management
     directly through Brookside Show Park at 916-682-1403. 15                  reserves the right to adjust fence heights or spreads in
     amp service. RV fee is $125 for the duration of this event -              jumper classes as competition warrants.
     payable on your horse show entry.
                                                                          24. POLING: Not allowed in California.
     rentals are available at Brookside and reserved through              25. HARD HATS AND ATTIRE: GR801.2 It is compulsory for all
     the office at 916 682 1403. Minors who do not have a valid                persons at Federation licensed hunter, jumper or hunter/jumper
     driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized                 competitions, when mounted anywhere on the competition
     vehicle in the state in which they reside will not be permitted           grounds, to wear properly fastened protective headgear
     to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind, including, but not            which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society for Testing
     limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility            and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) standards for
     vehicles, on the competition grounds of licensed competitions.            equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. It must be properly fitted
     Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the                 with harness secured. It is compulsory for riders in Paso Fino
     above described motorized vehicles as long as they are                    classes, both open and breed restricted including Hunter Hack,
     accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. The                where jumping is required and when jumping anywhere on
     parent(s), legal guardian(s), or individual who signs the entry           the competition grounds to wear properly fastened protective
     blank as a parent or guardian of a minor operating a motorized            headgear which meets or exceeds ASTM (American Society

for Testing and Materials)/SEI (Safety Equipment Institute)             NUMBER WILL BE RELEASED.
     standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. It must be
     properly fitted with harness secured. A Show Committee must        28. POSTED ORDER: The trainer, exhibitor or other
     bar riders without protective headgear from entering the ring           representative must tell the paddock steward of possible
     for classes in which protective headgear is required and may            ring conflicts so that arrangements can be made to
     bar any entry or person from entering the ring if not suitably          accommodate the rider as well as the time schedule. All
     presented to appear before an audience. All exhibitors are              management decisions will be final Order of go will be
     required to wear shoes or boots with a riding heel whenever             drawn according to USEF Rule JP111.2.
     mounted on horseback on the grounds.
                                                                        29. SCHOOLING SUPERVISION: Please be advised that paddock
26. DOGS: Dogs are not permitted to be loose on competition                  stewards are schooling supervisors and have absolute authority
     grounds and must be held on a leash or otherwise restrained.            to scratch riders who do not follow USEF schooling rules. They
     Individuals must not lead dogs on a leash while mount- ed.              can scratch riders without going through the USEF Steward or the
     Dog owners are solely responsible for any damages, claims,              Horse Show Manager.
     losses or actions resulting from their dogs’ behaviors. Dog
     owners failing to comply with this rule will be issued a Yellow    30. ARENAS: Warm-up rings and all arenas are sand footing.
     warning card may be subject to penalty under Chapters 6                 Grand Prix arena 310’x240’. Main Hunter Ring 275’x150’.
     and 7. BOD 1/12/14 Effective 12/1/14.                                   Hunter Ring II 240’x130’.

27. MEASURING OF ENTRIES: Time of measuring will be                     31. GROUNDS FEE: Per day per horse not using a stall - $30.00
     posted in the Horse Show Office. ALL HUNTER AND JUMPER
     PONIES AND JUNIOR HUNTERS MUST HAVE A COPY OF OR                   32. NON SHOWING HORSES: For any horse on the rounds
     THEIR ORIGINAL MEASUREMENT CARDS PRESENTED TO                           and not officially entered, owner, or trainer of said horse
     ONE OF THE SHOW SECRETARIES OR BE MEASURED IF                           must complete a “Not to Show” form, sign a release at the
     THE CARD IS NOT AVAILABLE, BEFORE THE EXHIBITORS’                       horse show office, and pay a $50 fee.

                               PRE-ORDER YOUR FEED AND BEDDING
                                       FOR THE SHOW

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