2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...

2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...
2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...


1.    Introduction
2.    Pirelli’s key people in 2019
3.    Formula 1 regulations for 2019 in brief
4.    Meet the 2019 Formula 1 compounds
6.    How will the Formula 1 tyre regulations work?
7.    The 2019 Formula 1 circuits and their tyre characteristics
10.   The life of a competition tyre
11.   The barcode: each tyre’s ‘passport’
12.   Formula 2 and Formula 3
13.   GT and other competitions
14.   Rally
15.   Formula 4 and other regional series
16.   From racetrack to road
17.   Race Tyre System: Pirelli’s unique database
18.   Pirelli and motorsport marketing
19.   The evolution of Pirelli’s technology
21.   How motorsport benefits Pirelli’s road car tyres
22.   Pirelli Collezione
23.   Pirelli media contacts and social media
2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...

       ince Pirelli began as sole   out a specific test programme     only three colours at every        is supporting the careers of
       tyre supplier to Formula     during 2019 as we prepare for     race; with white being hard,       young drivers. Not only do we
       1’s latest era from 2011,    2020. The following year, 2021,   yellow being medium and red        supply the FIA Formula 2 and
the tyre range has been             will herald the introduction of   being soft. This should make       newly-created FIA Formula
renewed for every season;           18-inch tyres for Formula 1 –     the sport a little easier to       3 championships alongside
either with new compounds,          after decades of 13-inch tyres.   follow for the casual fan, while   F1, but we also equip the new
new constructions, or both.                                           retaining enough technical         Formula Regional European
The 2019 season is no               Even though that’s two years      detail for those who want to       Championship F3 cars and
exception, with a fresh range       away, we’ll be starting work      track the finer points of          various Formula 4 series.
of five slick compounds, as         on this right now, although       tyre strategy.                     From the grass roots to the
well as a revised wet tyre and      the exact technical regulations                                      pinnacle of motorsport, Pirelli
intermediate tyre.                  from 2021 onwards are not         But there’s much more to           is a constant presence.
                                    yet completely defined. Last      Pirelli in motorsport than
It’s not just the tyres that        year, a renewal of our current    F1 alone. This year, we’re
have changed for 2019, as           F1 contract was announced,        increasing our presence in GT
there have been some new            which means that Pirelli will     racing, the form of motorsport
technical rules too, which          be F1’s global tyre partner       closest to premium and
have been designed to make          until at least 2023.              prestige cars that come
it easier to overtake and                                             equipped with Pirelli tyres in
help the show. The effect of        With Pirelli being the            over 50% of cases throughout
these changes on lap times          market leader for ultra high      the world. This expansion has
remains to be seen, which has       performance road cars, as well    happened in the emerging
been one of the challenges          as a brand synonymous with        Asian market in particular,
associated with developing          style, luxury and technology,     underlining Pirelli’s status as
the latest range of tyres.          Formula 1 is the perfect fit      the premier supplier to GT3
                                    for us, which is why we’re        series throughout the world,
Our 2019 tyre compounds             delighted to be associated        as well as the growing
were informed by a series           with the sport for many years     GT4 category.
of test days involving every        into the future. We’re also
team throughout the 2018            slimming down the options to      As always, a cornerstone of
season, and we’ll be carrying       just five slick compounds and     Pirelli’s motorsport philosophy

2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...

       he 55 or so people           returning to Italy in 2012, he       while also managing Pirelli’s      Stefano Bizzi                      analysis methods for the               development department of
       who form the Pirelli F1      worked in the Moto Business          return to single-seater racing     Head of Motorsport Research        company. More recently, he             Pirelli’s consumer division,
       race team are only the       Unit as Controller and later         in GP3. In 2011 Mario became       and Development                    has been responsible for finite        working with future
forefront of the hundreds of        became Chief Operating               Pirelli’s racing manager,                                             element model development              compounds for cars, SUVs,
people who work on Pirelli’s        Officer of Pirelli’s Industrial      in charge of day-to-day                                               for Formula 1 tyres as well as         vans and motorbikes, as well
Formula 1 campaign, many            Design project. After following      operations on the track for                                           development of wind tunnel             as motorsport.
of whose efforts behind the         the New Pirelli Industrial           Formula 1 as well as all other                                        tyres: vital tools for teams to
scenes go unnoticed by the          initiative, in 2016, he took on      motorsport activities.                                                work with as they refine their         Roberto Boccafogli
general public. At Pirelli’s        the role of Chief Commercial                                                                               cars. Massimo heads up the F1          Head of F1 Marketing and
HQ in Milan, Italy, there are       Officer of the Business              Marco Marioni                      Stefano comes to motorsport        Modelling department, which            Media Relations
hundreds of people working          Unit Prestige, consolidating         Motorsport Chief                   from Pirelli’s renowned            brings together all the different
not only in the research and        relations with some of the           Technical Officer                  prestige division, where he was    areas and technologies involved
development department, but         most important international                                            responsible for creating tyres     in modelling Formula 1 tyres,
also on motorsport marketing,       car manufacturers.                                                      for some of the world’s most       providing accurate performance
communication and activation.                                                                               famous car manufacturers,          analysis that can also be
                                    Mario Isola                                                             the majority of which choose       used for F1 simulators and
Giovanni Tronchetti Provera         Head of F1 and Car Racing                                               Pirelli to equip their flagship    generating data for the future.        Roberto re-joined Pirelli
Head of Motorsport and                                                                                      models. This experience of                                                in 2014, having previously
Prestige                                                                 Marco, who studied engineering     cutting-edge research and          Francesco Romani                       worked for the company’s
                                                                         in Milan, has been with Pirelli    development is now at the          Compound Development                   press office within both
                                                                         since 1986 in a variety of roles   disposal of Pirelli’s motorsport   Manager                                motorsport and product
                                                                         all over the world. Starting his   department as Stefano joins                                               communications areas. He’s
                                                                         career in logistics, he became     for the 2019 season, with                                                 a passionate enthusiast and
                                    Mario, born in Milan, started        business manager and               the mission of improving the                                              published author: having
                                    his career in motorsport as a        manufacturing director, before     current Formula 1 product and                                             been a journalist since 1981,
Giovanni joined Pirelli in 2008     test driver for Pirelli’s road car   heading up Pirelli’s supply        also developing tyres for the                                             he started following Formula 1
but takes on a new motorsport       tyres, and the sensitivity of        chain and quality divisions.       brand-new regulations that will                                           in 1986 and since then he has
role this season, reinforcing the   his touch meant that he was          This gave him a 360-degree         make their debut in 2021.          Francesco also joined Pirelli          covered about 300 grands
strong links between Pirelli’s      soon drafted into the R&D            vision of the company’s                                               in 2000, and he has worked             prix for both the written press
prestige road car products and      division, designing road car         processes, to the highest          Massimo Donatellis                 in motorsport since 2003.              and television. Roberto is
competition. His experience         tyres before heading over to         standards. He brought these        Head of Motorsport                 Francesco co-ordinates                 also responsible for Formula
in the company began in the         motorsport. He was initially         skills to motorsport by taking     Modelling, Formula 1               Formula 1 materials production         1 activation, making the most
United Kingdom, following the       involved in designing tyres for      responsibility for all technical                                      and development work carried           of Pirelli’s presence in Formula
process of engineering and the      GT cars and then moved onto          activities regarding Pirelli’s                                        out by Pirelli’s research facilities   1 to the wider world. These
industrialisation of the product.   managing Pirelli’s sportscar         motorsport programmes, from                                           worldwide. He is also                  include activities such as the
In 2010, he moved to Russia,        campaigns in the FIA GT              Formula 1 to production-based                                         responsible for product                F1 Pirelli Hot Laps programme,
where he acquired experience        Championship. From 2006              categories. Away from the                                             analysis both off the track and        where lucky guests are driven
with production facilities and      he moved over to rallying,           track, Marco enjoys classic                                           on it, using a mobile laboratory       around the F1 circuits in
deepened his knowledge of           overseeing Pirelli’s tenure          cars: like most people who         Since joining Pirelli in 2000,     that is taken to every race.           supercars by a racing
the manufacturing world and         of the exclusive tyre supply         work in Pirelli, he lives his      Massimo has directed the           Since 2016, Francesco has              driver, during the actual
industrial processes. After         contract from 2008-2010              passion on a day to day basis.     development of new structural      also led the compound                  race weekend.                      2
2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...

       he actual tyre rules    similar to last year’s,          Here’s a quick summary of       one set after the first 40
       themselves don’t        involving all the teams. As      the sporting regulations        minutes of FP1, one set at
       change from 2018        was the case in 2018, Pirelli    relating to tyres in 2019:      the end of FP1, two sets
to 2019, but cornering and     will again be able to test                                       at the end of FP2 and two
lap speeds will be affected    with current cars. However,      oP
                                                                  irelli will still provide    sets at the end of FP3.
by the new aerodynamic         the tyres have a somewhat         three different                This leaves them with
regulations – with simpler     different look to them, with      compounds of slick             seven sets available for
wings and barge boards         only five compounds and           tyre for teams to use          qualifying and the race
– as well as an increased      three colours used during         at each race weekend.          (which must include the
fuel allowance.                2019 (white for hard, yellow      The number of slick sets       mandatory sets).
                               for medium and red for            provided for each car
During the course of the       soft). As a result, there will    during a weekend will         oT
                                                                                                 eams must communicate
2019 season, Pirelli will      be new graphics as well,          remain at 13.                  their compound choices
continue to test for 2020 in   making tyre choice and                                           to the FIA eight weeks in
a private testing programme.   strategy easier to follow.       oP
                                                                  irelli will select two       advance of each European
                                                                 sets that must remain          race and 14 weeks before
                                                                 available for the race,        the start of each flyaway
                                                                 while a set of the softest     race. Decisions will be kept
                                                                 compound will also be          secret until two weeks
                                                                 put aside for the final        before a race.
                                                                 part of qualifying. Teams
                                                                 can make up their 10          This year, the Formula 1
                                                                 remaining sets from           calendar features 21 races
                                                                 the three compounds           all over the world, starting
                                                                 available at each race.       in Melbourne, Australia, on
                                                                                               March 17. The final round
                                                                  he choices teams make       of the series takes place in
                                                                 can be different for each     Abu Dhabi on December
                                                                 of its cars.                  1 – making 2019 one of the
                                                                                               longest Formula 1 seasons
                                                                  rivers must continue to     in recent history.Dhabi on
                                                                 use at least two different    December 1 – making 2019
                                                                 compounds during a            one of the longest
                                                                 dry race.                     Formula 1 seasons in
                                                                                               recent history.
                                                                  s usual teams will
                                                                 continue to hand back
                                                                 tyres to Pirelli over the
                                                                 course of the weekend:                                        3
2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...

               Dry weather compounds
               Size: 305/670-13 (front), 405/670-13 (rear)

               Each compound doesn’t have a permanent allocated colour this year: instead they are numbered C1 to C5, with C1 being the hardest
               and C5 being the softest. The characteristics of the tyres have also changed slightly, designed to increase resistance to overheating
               and provide greater consistency over the course of a stint.

               C1                            C2                          C3                         C4                         C5
               C1 stands for Compound        C2 means Compound           This tyre is equivalent    This is closest to the     The softest 2019
               1, and it’s the hardest       2, effectively last         to the soft that was       2018 ultrasoft and it      compound is
               tyre in the 2019 Pirelli      year’s medium tyre. A       nominated in all but       works well on tight and    the heir to the
               range, sitting just below     versatile compound,         four of the races last     twisty circuits. It has    universally-popular
               the 2018 hard in terms        but sitting at the harder   year. It strikes a very    a rapid warm-up and        hypersoft: the fastest
               of compounding. It’s          part of the spectrum,       good balance between       huge peak performance,     compound that Pirelli
               designed for circuits that    it comes into its own       performance and            but the other side of      has ever made. This tyre
               put the highest energy        on circuits that tend       durability, with the       this is its relatively     is suitable for all circuits
               loadings through the          towards high speeds,        accent on performance.     limited overall life.      that demand high
               tyres, which will typically   temperatures, and           It’s a very adaptable      However, the improved      levels of mechanical
               feature fast corners,         energy loadings. This       tyre that can be used as   consistency of this        grip, but the trade-off
               abrasive surfaces, or high    tyre has demonstrated       the softest compound       year’s compounds           for this extra speed
               ambient temperatures.         an ample working range      at a high-severity track   should mean that the       and adhesion is a
               The compound takes            and adaptability to         as well as the hardest     softer rubber is capable   considerably shorter
               longer to warm up             a wide variety of           compound at a              of more versatile use.     lifespan than the other
               but offers maximum            different circuits.         low-severity track                                    tyres in the range.
               durability and provides                                   or street circuit.                                    Getting the most out
               low degradation.                                                                                                of it will be a key to
                                                                                                                               race strategy.

2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...

               Wet weather compounds

               The wet and intermediate tyres have been redesigned this year with new tread patterns and structures. This makes them more efficient
               and also more versatile. As a result, there are no longer two specifications of wet and intermediate tyre in 2019: instead just one wet
               tyre and one intermediate tyre to suit all circuits and conditions. Unlike the slick tyres, the colours are unchanged this year, and they
               continue to be branded Cinturato, in homage to a name that has been synonymous with safety and control since the 1950s.

               Intermediate (green)        Wet (blue)
               The intermediates are       The full wet tyres are
               the most versatile of       the most effective
               the rain tyres. They        solution for heavy
               can be used on a wet        rain. These tyres can
               track with no standing      evacuate 85 litres of
               water, as well as a         water per second per
               drying surface. This tyre   tyre at 300kph. There’s
               evacuates 30 litres of      a new profile designed
               water per second per        to increase resistance
               tyre at 300kph. There’s     to aquaplaning, which
               a new compound that         will give the tyre more
               is designed to expand       grip in heavy rain. The
               the working range,          diameter of the full wet
               guaranteeing a proper       tyre is 10mm wider than
               crossover both with the     the slick tyre.
               slicks and the full wets.

               Size: 305/675-13 (front),   Size: 305/680-13 (front),
               405/675-13 (rear).          405/680-13 (rear).

2019 PIRELLI MOTORSPORT MEDIA GUIDE - researchracing ...

      he tyre markings are          markings to tell the five          There is no specific ‘qualifying
      all-new for this year, but    compounds apart.                   tyre’, but as it is the softest
      how about everything                                             of the trio of compounds
else? Here’s everything you         Is the total number of sets        available then it is frequently
wanted to know about tyres…         of tyres available over a          used in Q3. And of course, all
but never dared to ask.             weekend still the same?            three nominated compounds
                                    Yes, this hasn’t changed. There    are intended to be viable
                                    are still 13 sets of dry-weather   options for the race. The
Why just three colours for          tyres available over a weekend     drivers who don’t get
this year?                          per driver. Of the 13 sets, two    through to Q3 can keep the
It’s just to make it easier         are chosen by Pirelli to remain    mandatory Q3 set and use it
for casual fans to follow,          available for the race, which      in the race.
while maintaining a level           could be either the same or
of technical detail for the         differing compounds. However,      Does the stipulation that
hardcore devotees. Some             there is only a requirement to     drivers have to start races on      Does the ‘mandatory race tyre    supplied with the options a        stint. They will also have five
people found the seven              use one of those obligatory        their Q2 tyres still apply?         specification’ mean it’s not     week earlier.                      kilograms more fuel in 2019,
different colours of slicks         sets. A set of the softest         Yes, the regulations state:         really a free tyre choice?                                          which should lead to less
and wide range of names             compound available is also set     “at the start of the race each      There is a free choice because   In short, how will tyre strategy   fuel-saving.
last year a bit confusing,          aside for Q3. Those who don’t      car that qualified for Q3           while Pirelli is selecting two   in an average 2019 grand prix
so this streamlines the             get through to Q3 carry them       must be fitted with the tyres       sets of tyres to be made         be different to tyre strategy in   Do the 2019 tyres feature the
whole process.                      over into the race. Of the 10      with which the driver set his       available for each race, there   an average 2018 grand prix?        thinner gauge tread seen at
                                    remaining sets, teams/drivers      fastest time during Q2.”            are still another 10 available   It’s hard to know exactly          three races last year?
Why those colours – white,          choose what they would                                                 for a team and driver to go as   because the cars will be           Yes, as this was proven to
yellow and red?                     like from the three                Can all three nominated tyre        aggressive or as conservative    a bit different, with less         help reduce overheating.
Three reasons. Firstly, these are   available compounds.               compounds be used in a race?        as they wish.                    downforce. This has been
iconic Pirelli colours. Secondly,                                      Yes – and we’ve seen this                                            designed to help promote           When are the new 18-inch
tests have shown that they will     Will teams still have to hand      happen quite a few times.           Do the early deadlines mean      overtaking and make it             tyres being introduced and
stand out best on television        back one of their sets after 40                                        drivers are committing to tyre   easier for the cars to follow      when will they be tested?
and, finally, they represent a      minutes of first practice?         Do the same rules apply             strategies months ahead of       each other. Generally, the         The 18-inch tyres will be
logical sequence: the warmer        Yes. The teams have to hand        for the minimum use of a            a race?                          teams will probably still          introduced for the 2021
the colour, the softer              back one set after 40 minutes      compound in each race?              Effectively, yes, because        aim for one-stop strategies        season, along with new
the compound.                       of the first free practice         The rules simply state “each        teams must inform the            whenever possible as this          technical regulations. Work
                                    session (FP1), but they get to     driver must use at least two        FIA eight weeks before           tends to be the most               on designing these tyres has
What about for testing when         choose which one.                  different specifications of         the start of a European          risk-free tactic in a race.        already started, with on-track
all five compounds are present:                                        dry-weather tyres during the        event, and 14 weeks before       The nominations have been          testing beginning next year.
how do you tell them apart?         Is the ‘mandatory Q3               race.” So even if it’s one lap on   a non-European race, the         designed to be a bit more
We’ve got a system where            tyre’ effectively a tyre for       a set of softs and 50 or more       quantities of the three          conservative this year, which
we’ll use all three colours         qualifying and can it be used      laps on a set of mediums,           compounds they wish to use       should mean that the drivers
but with different sidewall         in the race too?                   that’s still within the rules.      at that event, after being       can push harder within a                                             6
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Australian Grand Prix             to a strong qualifying and       Azerbaijan Grand Prix            traditionally one of the most     Canadian Grand Prix               Located in Le Castellet, near
(17 March)                        race pace. The grand prix        (28 April)                       challenging circuits of the       (9 June)                          Marseille in southeast France,
                                  starts in the late afternoon,                                     season for tyres, which is                                          Circuit Paul Ricard returned
                                  so temperatures fall as the                                       particularly hard work for the                                      to the calendar last year,
                                  race goes on, affecting                                           left-hand tyres, especially in                                      featuring a long straight and
                                  tyre behaviour. The race is                                       Turn 3. Resurfacing last year                                       a wide variety of technical
                                  followed by the first                                             had a big impact on the track                                       corners. Paul Ricard also
The Australian Grand Prix is a    in-season test.                                                   characteristics, reducing                                           marked the start of Formula
race loved by teams and fans                                       Baku is the fastest street       wear and degradation. The         The iconic Circuit Gilles         1’s first-ever triple header in
alike. The atmosphere is great,   Chinese Grand Prix               circuit on the calendar,         second in-season test takes       Villeneuve is a semi-             2018, but much to the relief
the weather is usually warm,      (14 April)                       running through the centre       place following this race.        permanent track,                  of most of the teams, this has
and the track is close to the                                      of the Azerbaijani capital,                                        infrequently used during          now been removed for 2019.
vibrant city of Melbourne.                                         with some tight 90-degree        Monaco Grand Prix                 the year, which means             Like Barcelona, a new surface
With the Australian circuit                                        corners as well as a few         (26 May)                          that at the beginning of          was laid last year, but some
being a semi-permanent                                             straights. The track was                                           the weekend the track is          areas of the track have been
facility, there is a high level                                    designed by renowned                                               very ‘green’ and slippery.        resurfaced again for 2019.
of track evolution as the                                          circuit architect Hermann                                          However, there is plenty
weekend goes on.                  The Shanghai International       Tilke and incorporates a                                           of track evolution as more        Austrian Grand Prix
                                  Circuit has hosted some          number of unique features                                          rubber gets laid down             (30 June)
Bahrain Grand Prix                thrilling and unpredictable      such as an extremely narrow                                        throughout the weekend.
(31 March)                        races in the past and a          uphill section, and a straight   Monaco is probably the most       This track puts a lot of
                                  wide variety of pit stop         that runs the length of the      famous race of the season,        longitudinal stress through
                                  strategies can work at this      seaside promenade.               taking place on a street          the tyres and is very
                                  track. Although ambient                                           circuit in the Principality. It   demanding in terms of
                                  temperatures can be              Spanish Grand Prix               is also the slowest and least     braking and traction. The
                                  quite low and the surface        (12 May)                         abrasive circuit of the year.     surface provides little grip,     Austria re-joined the calendar
                                  is relatively smooth, tyre                                        Tyre wear is low: mechanical      which can lead to the cars        in 2014, having been absent
                                  degradation is sometimes                                          grip and high levels of low-      sliding more. The rear tyres      since 2003. As the Red Bull
Bahrain is very tough on          high due to the unique                                            speed downforce are very          are particularly stressed at      Ring in its latest incarnation,
rear tyres in particular with     track layout. Overall, it is a                                    important here. Overtaking        this track, due to the traction   it now features two main
a high level of traction and      demanding circuit for the                                         is nearly impossible, putting     required out of the low and       straights and mostly sharp
grip required for a good          tyres: especially the front-     Barcelona is extremely well      the emphasis on qualifying.       medium speed corners.             corners. As a result, average
lap time. As it is located        left. The heavy braking that     known to all the drivers         With limited run-off areas        This year, a new paddock          speeds are generally low,
in the desert, it is quite        is a characteristic of this      and teams because of             and a high risk of incidents      complex is planned.               meaning that the cars have
common to have sand               track tends to put more          the many tests that have         the safety car has often                                            to rely on mechanical grip
on the track, which can           strain on the front tyres than   been held there, including       influenced the race outcome       French Grand Prix                 from the tyres more than
lower the grip levels, in         the rears. Some graining         both pre-season tests            at this track in the past.        (23 June)                         aerodynamic downforce.
particular at the start of        is also possible as the          this year. The circuit itself                                                                        Because most of the corners
a session. This is a track        tyres cool down on the           has several medium to                                                                                are right-handers, the tyres
where tyre management is          long straights.                  high speed corners that                                                                              on the left of the car do
important, with rear traction                                      test every aspect of a                                                                               the majority of the work.
in particular being the key                                        tyre’s performance. It is                                                                            However, the pair of corners 7
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that actually take the most      Hockenheim is characterised       to getting the most out of       Italian Grand Prix               run under powerful spotlights,     compounds in the range are
energy out of the tyres are      by slow to medium speed           the compound. Overtaking         (8 September)                    with 23 corners. The circuit       usually nominated.
the two left-handers.            corners connected by fast         is traditionally difficult at                                     itself is low-grip and slippery;
                                 straights. Traction and           this track, so drivers have an                                    evolving considerably              Japanese Grand Prix
British Grand Prix               braking are therefore key,        opportunity to use strategy                                       as more rubber gets laid           (13 October)
(14 July)                        with lots of acceleration and     to gain track position.                                           down. Average speeds are
                                 deceleration. Looking after                                                                         contained, so degradation is
                                 the rear tyres is important,      Belgian Grand Prix                                                not usually an issue provided
                                 even though a very smooth         (1 September)                    The Italian Grand Prix is        that wheelspin – which can
                                 surface helps to limit                                             Pirelli’s home grand prix, as    lead to overheating and
                                 degradation. There are some                                        Monza is just half an hour       blistering – is controlled
                                 fast corners too: in particular                                    from company headquarters        out of the slower corners.         Suzuka is a little less
Silverstone is another           Turn 5, a protracted left-                                         in Milan. There is always a      The softest compounds are          aggressive on the tyres than
challenging track for the        hander that forms the                                              special atmosphere thanks        usually well suited for this       in the past, but the circuit
tyres, with the new surface      longest high-speed section                                         to so many passionate fans,      race, and the fact that the        is still a difficult one for the
laid last year not meeting       on the circuit and where the      Spa-Francorchamps is the         most of which support            high temperatures tend to fall     rubber because of the track
with universal acclaim:          most energy goes through          longest and one of the most      just one team: Ferrari. The      as the race goes on can put        layout. It contains a wide
some drivers described           the tyres.                        iconic circuits on the Formula   track is characterised by        an interesting spin on strategy.   variety of fast and flowing
it as extremely bumpy.                                             1 calendar, characterised by     very high speeds and heavy                                          corners that place high lateral
Here, aerodynamics play a        Hungarian Grand Prix              extreme demands. It is the       braking, putting a lot of        Russian Grand Prix                 loads on the tyre but there
more important role than         (4 August)                        track that puts the highest      energy through the tyres,        (29 September)                     are also some heavy braking
mechanical grip, due to a                                          peak vertical load on the        so the cars run the lowest                                          areas and tighter corners.
high average speed. The                                            tyres during the season, for     downforce levels of the year.                                       The first half of the lap is
circuit takes in a variety of                                      example, in the famous Eau       There are also a number of                                          essentially a non-stop series
very high-speed corners                                            Rouge to Raidillon section.      high kerbs, which mean that                                         of corners, which put plenty
with some slower and more                                          The undulating surface at        the tyres have to constantly                                        of heat through the tyres with
complex sections. There                                            Spa also means that the tyres    absorb heavy structural                                             no significant straights where
is always a risk of rain in                                        work hard as part of the car’s   impacts. Overall, this track     Sochi is a medium-speed            they can cool down.
Silverstone but when dry,        Hungary is a twisty track         suspension, placing heavy        puts some of the highest         circuit with a variety of
temperatures can be quite        and the slowest permanent         demands on the structure.        speeds through the tyres         different corners, including       Mexican Grand Prix
high, meaning that a versatile   circuit of the year, which        On top of this, the weather      that they will face all year.    one left-hander that has           (27 October)
compound choice is required      does not make it any easier       can be very changeable.                                           been inspired by the long
for this track.                  on the tyres. This means          Because the track is so long,    Singapore Grand Prix             triple apex Turn 8 at Istanbul
                                 that much more heat is put        it is not unusual for it to be   (22 September)                   Park. In total there are 12
German Grand Prix                through the tyres than on         raining on one part of the                                        right and six left-hand
(28 July)                        a fast and flowing layout         circuit but dry in another.                                       corners, with a 650-metre
                                 because the tyres are moving      Strategy can make a key                                           straight between the first
                                 around more: particularly         difference here.                                                  and second turns. There has        Mexico swaps places with
                                 when it is hot, which is often                                                                      been little track evolution        the United States Grand Prix
                                 the case here. Therefore,                                                                           over the years and the             this year, the only shake-up in
                                 balancing the demands of                                           Singapore is the season’s only   surface is low-severity, as a      the order of races compared
                                 speed and durability is key                                        race held completely at night,   result of which the softest        to 2018.The highlights of       8

the Autodromo Hermanos            changes of direction that are    host the season end and
Rodriguez in Mexico City          another key characteristic of    possibly even the
include a very long pit           the 5.513-kilometre Circuit      title-decider. The track
straight and a huge stadium       of the Americas. Weather is      surface is generally smooth,
section in the last part of the   often a factor, with hurricane   so degradation is low. The
lap, converted from a former      season in Texas.                 circuit provides a variety
baseball ground, which                                             of speeds and corners, so
also hosts a unique podium        Brazilian Grand Prix             the tyres have to withstand
ceremony. At an altitude of       (17 November)                    a wide range of different
2200 metres, the rarefied                                          demands, but none of them
air could produce some of                                          are particularly severe. As
the highest top speeds of                                          the race starts late in the
the year. As well as low drag,                                     afternoon and continues
there’s not much downforce                                         into dusk, ambient and track
generated. Mechanical grip                                         temperatures tend to fall
from the tyres is key, so         Brazil is Pirelli’s biggest      as the race goes on,
softer compounds are              single-country market            which alters the usual
often nominated.                  outside Italy, so this grand     strategy calculations.
                                  prix is always very busy for
United States Grand Prix          us. The track is one of the
(3 November)                      shortest but also one of the
                                  most challenging of the year.
                                  There are some big elevation
                                  changes and it can be
                                  bumpy, which makes it hard
                                  for the tyres to find traction
Now coming a week                 and increases the physical
after Mexico, the United          demands on the drivers. The
States Grand Prix has             track was resurfaced quite
already established itself        recently, which had an effect
as a favourite of teams           on wear and degradation.
and spectators. The track
contains a variety of             Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
elevations, plus some slow        (1 December)
and technical sections
alternating with very fast
parts. It’s a good test of
a tyre’s all-round ability,
with traction demands
out of slow corners just as
important as lateral grip         As has been the case in
through the high-speed            recent years, Abu Dhabi will                                    9

  n Milan, the home of           all the stresses to which the    and a geometric check. A
  Pirelli, around 150 research   tyres are subjected. Once        random sample of tyres is
  engineers work exclusively     various laboratory tests have    additionally taken from
on Formula 1 – and many          been concluded, the tyres        each batch to check
more in other areas of           then get to experience a         structural integrity via a
motorsport. The starting         real circuit. The tyres that     destructive test.
points are the physics           have successfully made it
and chemistry labs, where        through the track tests are      The tyre is then ready for
new compounds and                then eligible to form part of    dispatch to a race or test.
structures are tested. There     the final selection offered to   These exacting principles,
are about 100 elements           teams for racing.                used in Formula 1, are the
in each tyre and 18                                               same for other types of
structural components.           Once the tyre is assembled       competition tyre, seen in a
                                 at the factory, the barcode      wide variety of races and
At the motorsport factory        – which acts as the tyre’s       rallies all over the world.
in Romania (with a back-up       ‘passport’ – is affixed to the
factory in Turkey), physical     tyre. This contains all the
prototypes are built on          relevant data about the tyre
the basis of the virtual         and allows its usage to be
model, with the compounds        tracked from production
produced at Pirelli’s Settimo    to race.
Torinese plant in Italy. This
is when the theory gets          The next step, the
turned into practice: the        vulcanisation period during
compounds and structure          which the tyre is ‘cooked’,
are tailor-made, and all the     determines the definitive
components are finally           characteristics of the
put together.                    compound and structure. It
                                 also seals in the barcode.
The first physical tests
take place at Pirelli’s          Finally, there is quality
experimental test centre in      control, which takes in a
Milan, where sophisticated       visual check, weight check
machines simulate every          and an x-ray scan of the tyre.
race condition and measure       There is also shearography

       irelli will once more    in the United Kingdom.              database that every engineer
       bring around 1800        Once they arrive there, an          works off allows the engineer
       tyres to each grand      FIA official receives a list of     to see only information
prix in 2019. They are          barcodes, which relate to the       relating specifically to his or
allocated to the teams          tyres that will be taken to         her team over the weekend,
randomly with the help of a     the next grand prix. The FIA        so that individual strategies
barcode; a process carried      then allocates barcodes –           are not compromised.
out by the FIA, the sport’s     and therefore tyres – to each       Development data is
governing body.                 individual team at random.          overseen by Pirelli’s senior
                                                                    engineers, who monitor all
The tyres are manufactured      Pirelli itself is not involved in   the information in order to
at Pirelli’s state of the       this process at all, meaning        assist the research team in
art motorsport facilities       that the Italian firm cannot        charge of shaping the next
in Romania. During the          influence which tyres are           generation of tyres.
production process,             allocated to which teams –
each tyre is allocated a        although a rigorous quality
barcode provided by the         control process ensures
FIA. This barcode is the        that all the tyres leaving the
tyre’s ‘passport’, which        factory are entirely identical.
is embedded firmly into
the structure during the        Once at the circuit, the tyres
vulcanisation process and       are then allocated to the
cannot be swapped. The          teams in strict compliance
code contains all the details   with the list that has been
of each tyre, making it         previously prepared by the
traceable throughout the        FIA. The barcodes allow
race weekend with Pirelli’s     both the FIA and Pirelli to
RTS (Racing Tyre System)        ensure that the right teams,
software, which can read        according to the regulations,
and update all the data.        are using the correct tyres.

For European events, the        Each team is allocated a
tyres are then transported      Pirelli engineer, who works
to Pirelli’s logistics and      exclusively with that team
distribution hub at Didcot      for all of the year, but the

Formula 2                        weekend, each car has five         their 13-inch size, while        in the future. The Formula 2
                                 sets of slick tyres available.     tyre regulations are also        tyres are produced at Pirelli’s

       irelli has been the       These comprise three sets          unchanged compared to            cutting-edge competition
       exclusive tyre supplier   of the harder of the two           2018. The tyres are built        tyre factory in Slatina,
       to the FIA Formula 2      nominated compounds                with a different philosophy      Romania. Tyre research
Championship (previously         and two sets of the softer         to those in Formula 1 and        and development is carried
known as GP2) since 2011         compound. Three sets of            are designed to make sure        out by specialists based
– the same year that the         wet-weather tyres are also         that the emphasis is always      at Pirelli’s headquarters in
Italian firm returned to         available for each car             on high performance              Milan, while the company’s
Formula 1. In 2017, GP2          if required.                       with a high level of             motorsport logistics facility
became Formula 2.                                                   deliberate degradation.          is located in Didcot, United        made specifically for it.          support of GP3 extended
                                 Teams and drivers can use                                           Kingdom. A dedicated team           There will be three different      beyond just providing tyres,
At each Formula 2 round,         their tyre allocations as they     Pirelli’s Formula 2 tyres are    looks after the Formula 2 and       compounds of P Zero slick          and the same will be true in
Pirelli supplies two different   wish, but each car must use        designed to be extremely         Formula 3 tyres, separate to        tyre for Formula 3 – hard,         Formula 3. The Italian firm
slick compounds from its         both compounds of slick            versatile, adapting well to      the Formula 1 team, but using       medium and soft – with one         will continue to offer an
range, which is made up of a     tyre during the feature race       a variety of different track     many of the lessons learned         to be nominated for use at         incentive of 200,000 Euros
total of four slick compounds    (unless it is declared a wet       temperatures, top speeds         from the top category.              each race weekend. There           to this year’s Formula 3
with new colours for this        race), just as is the case in      and downforce levels, as well                                        is also a single wet weather       champion if they graduate to
year: P Zero White (hard),       Formula 1 races. There is one      as a wide range of lateral and   Formula 3                           tyre. At each race weekend,        Formula 2 in 2020.
P Zero Yellow (medium),          mandatory pit-stop during          longitudinal loadings. They                                          every driver receives four

P Zero Red (soft) and P          this race when the teams           are also adapted for use                 irelli will be the          sets of slick tyres and two        Pirelli has also been
Zero Purple (supersoft). In      must change tyres. Pit-stops       without tyre blankets, which             exclusive tyre supplier     sets of wet weather tyres.         appointed as official tyre
addition, there is also a        in the sprint race are optional.   have always been prohibited              for the new FIA             Sometimes, one of the slick        supplier to the Formula
wet-weather tyre, which          The Formula 2 tyres remain         in the series – and look set     Formula 3 Championship.             sets will be a ‘carryover’ set     Regional European
has blue markings. At a race     the same this year, including      to be a feature of Formula 1     This takes the place of GP3,        from the previous round.           Championship. This new
                                                                                                     which was supplied solely by        A key consideration in the         series bridges the gap
                                                                                                     Pirelli for its duration from       design of the new Formula 3        between Formula 4 – at
                                                                                                     2010 until 2018. In fact, Pirelli   car was to help create more        the grass roots level of
                                                                                                     entered GP3 one year before         exciting races.                    motorsport – and the FIA
                                                                                                     Formula 1. The new Formula                                             Formula 3 Championship,
                                                                                                     3 championship has a                The same is true of the tyres,     providing a natural route
                                                                                                     brand-new car, revealed in          which feature an element           into grand prix weekends,
                                                                                                     Abu Dhabi last year, which          of deliberate degradation,         as well as providing an
                                                                                                     combines features of the            similar to Formula 2. The          organic ladder of talent that
                                                                                                     old GP3 car with those of a         tyres are also designed            stretches all the way to
                                                                                                     traditional F3 car, including       to adapt well to a wide            the top.
                                                                                                     increased aerodynamics.             variety of different track
                                                                                                     Pirelli has been closely            temperatures, top speeds
                                                                                                     involved in the car’s               and downforce levels, as well
                                                                                                     development process and             as a wide range of lateral and
                                                                                                     has designed a range of tyres       longitudinal loadings. Pirelli’s                                   12

        irelli is active in       endurance and sprint races.      enabling promising talents
        more than 220 car         But there are a number of        to come to the attention of
        championships over        different classes within         manufacturers and progress
all five continents. These        it depending on the              their careers.
diverse programmes range          driver’s category.
from open competition –                                            Pirelli also continues to
with up to 20 manufacturers       The sprint races will also       support the Intercontinental
represented – to important        now form part of the             GT Challenge powered by
single-make trophies              new Blancpain GT World           Pirelli, another SRO initiative
featuring the world’s top         Challenge, together with         which this year expands to
marques such as the Ferrari       the recently-established         cover five events: one on
Challenge, Audi R8 LMS            series in Asia and the North     each continent. This takes
Cup and Lamborghini               American championship that       in the Spa 24 Hours as well
Super Trofeo.                     was formerly known as the        as the Bathurst 12 Hours
                                  Pirelli World Challenge, which   and events at Laguna Seca,        Germany, Italian GT                Italy for the first time with   supplies stock car series, the
GT racing makes up a large        now also comes under the         Suzuka and – new for this         Championship, Australian           the creation of the Ferrari     biggest of which is Stock Car
proportion of Pirelli’s racing    Blancpain banner.                year – Kyalami in                 GT championship and Super          Challenge UK.                   Brasil, which has featured
activities and provides the                                        South Africa.                     Taikyu in Japan.                                                   several former F1 drivers
company with its biggest          The partnership with                                                                                  The product supplied            including Rubens Barrichello.
single event of the year: the     SRO in the United States         Pirelli has additionally          The manufacturers                  by Pirelli for GT racing is     The championship has a
Spa 24 Hours in Belgium,          becomes even closer with         equipped the FIA GT World         represented in GT racing           the P Zero slick, in DHD2       huge following throughout
the jewel in the crown of the     the establishment of the         Cup in Macau and the FIA          include some of the world’s        specification for the top       South America, making it
Blancpain GT Series. Pirelli      new Pirelli GT4 America          GT Nations Cup, which had         top marques, such as               championships. This is          a key motorsport activity
supplies more than 13,000         series. Using cars closer to     its first edition in Bahrain      Bentley, Ferrari, Lamborghini,     mostly used as a hard           for Pirelli. In North America
tyres, all for GT3, to 65         showroom-specification, the      at the end of 2018 and            McLaren, Mercedes                  compound and is extremely       Pirelli supports the Trans Am
competitors over the whole        GT4 category has grown           this year moves to Pirelli’s      and Porsche. With both             versatile despite the           Series, and it’s not exactly a
event. If you thought that        rapidly over recent seasons,     home territory in Italy, at       performance and durability         diverse requirements of all     GT championship, but Pirelli
the Formula 1 operation was       with Pirelli also equipping      the Vallelunga circuit near       key to success in GT racing,       the different circuits, race    even supplies truck racing in
big, you should see what          the SRO-promoted GT4             Rome. At national level,          these competitions are a           distances, manufacturers        South America: undoubtedly
happens in GT…                    European Series. The             the company’s supply              perfect fit for the Italian tyre   and vehicle architectures       the biggest competition
                                  GT4 class represents an          agreements include the            manufacturer.                      involved. For wet conditions,   vehicles that the Italian
The main GT championships         important part of Pirelli’s      British GT Championship,                                             there is also a grooved tyre    manufacturer equips…
that Pirelli is involved in are   focus on young drivers,          ADAC GT Masters in                The Ferrari Challenge and          with a tread specifically
those promoted by SRO,                                                                               Lamborghini Super Trofeo,          designed to evacuate
starting with the Blancpain                                                                          exclusively equipped by            water in the most efficient
GT Series. This uses GT3                                                                             Pirelli, host championships        way possible. Some of the
and GT4 cars: similar to                                                                             on three different continents      world’s best-known driving
the supercars seen on the                                                                            (America, Europe and Asia)         aces have used Pirelli’s GT
road, for which Pirelli also                                                                         bringing truly global visibility   racing products with plenty
supplies original equipment.                                                                         to all the brands involved.        of success, including Alex
In Europe, the successful                                                                            This year Ferrari organises        Zanardi, who has competed
Blancpain formula continues                                                                          a one-make series in a             in the Blancpain GT series                                       13
in 2019 featuring a mix of                                                                           specific country other than        with Pirelli. Pirelli also

      irelli has a proud
      history of success
      in rallying, which
remains firmly rooted in
the company’s DNA. Pirelli
was present in the World
Rally Championship when it
began in 1973 and has since
claimed 25 titles. Last year,
the Italian firm returned to
the WRC, with a particular
focus on helping to develop
the next generation of
driving talent by exclusively
supplying the Junior World
Rally Championship.

Junior World Rally
Championship drivers
compete in identical cars.
For this year, a brand-new
turbocharged version            demands, including for the        The JWRC champion                  Pirelli exclusively supplies    which is growing in
of the Ford Fiesta R2T          tyres. As well as equipping       receives a Ford Fiesta R5 to       the ERC3 Junior category        popularity. Following on
makes its debut, developed      the Junior series, Pirelli also   use in WRC2 the following          (formerly Under 27) for R2      from its success with Italian
by M-Sport Poland and           makes tyres for the WRC2          year, together with a Pirelli      machinery, while the ERC1       champion Simone Faggioli,
equipped once more with         championship: just one rung       tyre package. The 2018             Junior category for R5          Pirelli has developed tyres
Pirelli tyres.                  below the headlining World        champion Emil Bergkvist            cars features open              specifically suitable for
                                Rally Car class.                  will compete with Pirelli’s        tyre competition.               the varying conditions of
This year’s JWRC will be                                          support in this year’s                                             hillclimb competition. These
fought over five full events    Pirelli supplies Sottozero Ice    WRC2 championship.                 Historic rallying is another    set a new record at the epic
within the WRC: Sweden,         studded tyres for snow, P                                            important part of Pirelli’s     Pikes Peak hillclimb last year,
Corsica, Sardinia, Finland      Zero tyres for asphalt and        Pirelli’s commitment to            programme, with success         with Faggioli setting a new
and Wales. Covering snow,       Scorpion tyres for gravel.        supporting young rallying          in many classes of the FIA      best for a petrol-powered
asphalt and gravel, each of     The P Zero and Scorpion           talent is also evident             European Historic Rally         car. Other Pirelli rally stars
these events features vastly    tyres are supplied in two         in the European Rally              Championship. Pirelli’s key     include Valtteri Bottas, who
different characteristics and   different compounds on            Championship. The Italian          product for historic rallying   competed on the Arctic
                                each event, giving the            company dominated the              is the P7 Corsa Classic,        Rally at the start of 2019,
                                drivers similar strategic         series again in 2018, winning      with the GM family of tyres     and the VR46 team – which
                                options to those that are         the title in every class. It has   for gravel. An additional       competes on the Monza
                                competing in the                  now claimed the outright           form of closed-road             Rally each year with a very
                                highest class.                    ERC title four years in a row.     competition is hillclimbing,    famous motorbike rider…           14

        ot only does            Championship will use the
        Pirelli compete         same Tatuus car and Alfa
        at the pinnacle         Romeo-derived Autotecnica
of motorsport under its         engine as the Asian series,
exclusive tyre supply           which is also seen in the
agreement with the              new Formula W series,
FIA Formula 1 World             aimed at women. The
Championship, it also           Formula Regional European
supports young drivers          championship is promoted
starting out in the sport,      by WSK – a well-known
making it the perfect fit for   karting promoter – and the
junior single-seater series     Automobile Club d’Italia,
such as regional Formula 3      as is the case for the Italian
and Formula 4 worldwide.        Formula 4 series, already
                                supplied by Pirelli. Another
The Formula Regional            privately-promoted national
European Championship           Formula 3 championship
has been created as the         is supplied by Pirelli in the
FIA’s regional Formula 3        United Kingdom.
series for Europe. The move
follows similar series that     Formula 4, at the entry
were launched last year in      level, is a feeder category
America (also supplied by       created by world
Pirelli) and Asia.              motorsport’s governing
                                body, the FIA, which is
The recently-created            run all over the world.
Formula Regional European       Different engine, chassis        and tyre manufacturers          up through the ranks. Pirelli     Formula 1 as well as Formula     careers of future champions.
                                                                 can be involved, with Pirelli   is currently in agreement to      2 and Formula 3.                 In fact, some of the very
                                                                 among the first to sign up:     supply a number of different                                       first laps ever driven by the
                                                                 in line with the company’s      Formula 4 championships all       Formula 4 cars put out           champions of tomorrow
                                                                 philosophy of promoting         over the world.                   around 185 horsepower, with      might have already taken
                                                                 young driving talent.                                             a race weekend typically         place on Pirelli tyres. Pirelli
                                                                                                 The new Formula 4 tyres           consisting of a 20-minute        is proud to supply Fernando
                                                                 The idea behind the             have been developed               qualifying session and three     Alonso’s karting school,
                                                                 championship is to provide      specifically for junior           20-minute races. Italy was       which teaches children to
                                                                 an affordable bridge            single-seater racing by           the pioneering nation in         drive not long after they
                                                                 between karting and             Pirelli engineers in Milan        introducing Formula 4, with      can walk…
                                                                 single-seaters, in order to     and incorporate learning          Pirelli involved from the very
                                                                 bring more young drivers        from Pirelli’s participation in   beginning to help boost the                                        15

      echnology, safety,          automotive market is the
      ecology and a sporting      result of a strategy based
      philosophy is what          on the ‘perfect fit’. This
unites the Pirelli P Zero tyres   means that every tyre is
seen on the race track with       individually created for each
those driven by ordinary          car, designed and produced
motorists on the road.            using dedicated technologies,
                                  processes and materials.
Both racing cars and
road-going sports cars are        By tailoring these
guaranteed performance            elements according to the
and reliability thanks to the     requirements of each car
P Zero range of Ultra High        manufacturer’s engineers
Performance tyres. Pirelli        at the design phase, Pirelli
is a world leader in the          is able to develop tyres
automotive industry and has       specifically conceived for
an exclusive relationship with    different models. To denote
an ample variety of racing        this, the tyres carry special
series worldwide, including       markings on the sidewall to
Formula 1. This experience        symbolise the fact that they
filters straight down to road     have been tailor-made
car tyres.                        by Pirelli.

Pirelli is the absolute world     In line with this client-centred
leader in the prestige and        philosophy, Pirelli has added
premium segment, claiming         another important element
more than 50% of the market.      to its prestige offering by
Luxury cars and sports            opening four branches of P         concept of a tyre dealership.    Other links with the world          in motorsport. These are
cars are the two of the           Zero World, in Los Angeles,        Both in Formula 1 and on         of motorsport include the           just a few examples of how
fastest-growing sectors           Munich, Monaco and most            the road, Pirelli is all about   Pirelli Color Edition and Pirelli   competition benefits every
in today’s global                 recently – at the start of this    unprecedented levels of          Connesso. The Color Edition         tyre in Pirelli’s range: from
automotive market.                year – Dubai. These are the        performance. Last year,          offers everyday drivers the         the track-derived P Zero, to
                                  first of a series of innovative    the Italian firm smashed         chance to personalise their         the eco-friendly P1.
Pirelli’s leadership in the       tyre boutiques aimed at            the production car lap           cars with coloured tyre
very upper echelons of the        drivers of prestige and            record for the Nurburgring       sidewalls, similar to those
                                  luxury cars. This exclusive        Nordschleife, after a Pirelli-   seen in Formula 1. Connesso,
                                  network, which will act as         equipped Lamborghini             meanwhile, equips each
                                  an ambassador for the Pirelli      Aventador SVJ lapped the         tyre into a highly-advanced
                                  brand in cities with a high        20.8-kilometre circuit in        sensor, able to deliver data in
                                  number of prestige cars,           6m44.97s, courtesy of Italian    real time via an app: a bit like
                                  radically redefines the whole      GT3 driver Marco Mapelli.        the telemetry feeds seen                                            16

        irelli has developed                                                                                                                                        set-up and other telemetry
        a new integrated                                                                                                                                            recorded by the teams and
        computer system to                                                                                                                                          sent to the central server.
collect data during tests                                                                                                                                           The accumulated data is
and races. The Racing                                                                                                                                               always available for Pirelli’s
Tyre System (RTS) is the                                                                                                                                            development engineers to
only one of its kind and                                                                                                                                            consult in real time from the
unprecedented in Formula 1,                                                                                                                                         track. The latest evolutions
thanks to its comprehensive                                                                                                                                         on the RTS enable tyre
functionality that keeps                                                                                                                                            analysis over a single sector
Pirelli’s engineers constantly                                                                                                                                      and split times, in order to
in touch with the cars,                                                                                                                                             provide a complete picture
the teams and Formula                                                                                                                                               of the performance of a tyre
One Management (FOM)                                                                                                                                                during each phase of the lap.
personnel. It’s also being                                                                                                                                          This also makes it possible
rolled out across the GT                                                                                                                                            to compile and send final
racing programme as well.                                                                                                                                           reports to each team in
                                                                                                                                                                    real time, as well as to
This unique platform,                                                                                                                                               Pirelli’s Research and
designed by Pirelli’s                                                                                                                                               Development division.
Information Technology
division in Milan, allows                                                                                                                                           This data will also be used
engineers to monitor the                                                                                                                                            to provide tyre information
performance, wear and                                                                                                                                               that can be publicly
evolution of each tyre                                                                                                                                              screened on television,
when it is out on track. In                                                                                                                                         enhancing the enjoyment
particular, Pirelli’s RTS tracks                                                                                                                                    and understanding of the
details of the electronic                                                                                                                                           race for fans. Recently,
‘passport’ (which is a unique                                                                                                                                       the Formula 1 promoter
barcode label cooked into          The bespoke system links        one of the tyres during         on a wheel, the RTS collects    the car sends telemetry          has made extensive use
the tyre at production) that       the cars, the computer          each test session and race.     all the information about       data used that can be used       of Pirelli’s data to provide
belongs to each tyre and           screens of the Formula 1        The central server also         the fitting phase and tyre      to help calculate wear and       more on-screen graphics
updates it in real time, from      teams’ engineers’ and a         stores information about        pressure when the tyre          degradation, which is all        about tyre usage, both on
construction to recycling.         tablet carried by each of       the production process          is first fitted to the rim.     recorded on the tablets          television and via the F1 app.
                                   Pirelli’s tyre engineers to     and quality control of every    Other information stored        of the Pirelli engineers. To
                                   both a local server and         tyre, certifying its identity   includes the weight needed      maintain confidentiality, each
                                   a central server based in       and providing relevant data     for balancing the tyre, as      engineer can only see data
                                   Pirelli’s Milan headquarters.   about its characteristics.      well as the dimensions and      relating to his or her own
                                   This server is updated with     Once the tyre has reached       weight of the tyre when first   assigned team. This data
                                   information about every         the circuit and is mounted      fitted. When out on track,      is correlated with the car                                        17

         arketing is all about       are open to everyone. Pirelli     via a social media vote.           renowned for its food – and
         making the most of          also instituted a Pole Position   Fan festivals have also            the company creating a
         Pirelli’s presence in       prize last year that continues    become a regular part of           recipe book and even a
motorsport: an investment            into 2019, where the poleman      the Formula 1 landscape,           cookery competition. Art is
not only in technology but           is given a specially-engraved     with demonstrations taking         another interest, with tyres
also in the company’s image          tyre. In Japan, the fans          part across major cities in        having been used to create
as being synonymous with                                               the world, including Milan         a painting before, and yet
style, performance, and a                                              – where Pirelli was able to        another artwork auctioned
top-end lifestyle.                                                     celebrate the company’s            in aid of Sir Jackie Stewart’s
                                                                       home grand prix.                   Race Against Dementia
Consequently, a number of                                                                                 charity. Drama is another
different activities have been                                         With more and unprecedented        aspect, with the winner’s
put into place to ensure that                                          tyre data and predicted            trophy for the United
everyone knows about what                                              strategies being given away        States Grand Prix being          will be two more grands prix
Pirelli does in motorsport                                             to media and fans, there has       spectacularly parachuted         with Pirelli as title sponsor.
– and better still, can                                                never been more information        in before the start.
experience it for themselves                                           flowing from Formula 1’s                                            Pirelli is all about passion,
to some extent.                                                        tyre supplier to the wider         As well as being a tyre          expertise, and pioneering:
                                                                       world, taking in activities that   supplier, Pirelli is also a      bringing a kaleidoscope of
One of the most dynamic                                                reach far beyond the making        championship sponsor, with       colours and fresh thinking
ways that this happens is            are well-known for their          of tyres. These include              the grands prix in France      to what a tyre supplier’s
via the F1 Pirelli Hot Laps          elaborate costumes, so a          gastronomy – with Pirelli’s          and the United States          role should be all about. As
programme. New for 2018,             competition was held where        carbon black motorhome               being backed by the Italian    always, we’d love to hear
this allowed some lucky              the best-dressed fan would                                             tyre firm. This year, there    your thoughts and ideas.
people to be driven round            get the chance to hand over
the tracks in a supercar by          this award. And even when it
a racing driver during the           comes to naming tyres, the
weekend of selected grands           fans were able to
prix. The drivers were of the        get involved
calibre of Lewis Hamilton and
Max Verstappen, to name
just two examples, and the
supercars were supplied by
AMG-Mercedes, Aston Martin
and McLaren, all running on
P Zero tyres.

The experience was second
to none. But while not
everyone is lucky enough
to enjoy a hot lap, there are
other Pirelli fan initiatives that                                                                                                                                          18
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