2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...

Page created by Jimmy Perry
2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
International Disaster Emergency Service
         2020-2021 Gift Catalog
2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
Life Changing Gifts
     I have received three gifts in my lifetime that greatly impacted me. The first gift was when I
    was twelve years old. I saw a bike at the local Western Auto Store. I showed it to my dad and
     asked if it could be my Christmas present. He didn’t think so, but I kept asking. My attitude
    was one more of entitlement than humility, but that Christmas I received my new bike. I rode
    that bike everywhere. It was my main vehicle for transportation until I turned 16 and got my
        driver’s license. I came to realize that my parents sacrificed to give me this gift of love.

       The second gift was many years later. On February 3, 1999, I received a gift that met my
      greatest physical need at the time. I had been in the final stage of renal failure caused by
    polycystic kidney disease, and taking hemodialysis treatments three times a week for nearly
      two years. Then a minister friend named Gale Janofski donated one of his kidneys to me.
    This gift restored my physical health and changed my life greatly. It allowed me the freedom
      to represent IDES around the world for 20 years-- visiting, preaching, and assisting our
        missionary partners until last year when my transplanted kidney failed me in Jordan.
                    I have returned to dialysis three times a week, but I am grateful
                           for the experiences I have had traveling for IDES.

     The other occasion goes back to when I was ten years old. My preacher, Jack Martin, came to
      my house and explained to me the precious gift that God had purchased for me on Calvary’s
    cross. The following Sunday, May 29, 1966, I walked to the front of the Bethel Church of Christ
     in Bethel, Ohio. I made the good confession of faith and was immersed into Christ. I received
        the forgiveness of my sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the hope of eternal life. Every
       Sunday, when the communion trays are passed I thank God for the cleansing power of the
                        blood of Jesus that gives me life and covers all of my sins.

             Would you like to give a gift that could truly change someone’s life forever?

    This newsletter has been formatted like a gift catalog, so that you and your family may choose
    a gift worth remembering. Some of these gifts will meet a great physical need for someone. All
     of these gifts will be distributed by Christians, who will faithfully explain how a person may
                receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

                         Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
        It is my prayer that you will be blessed as you decide today to give a life changing gift.

                                                             Rick Jett

                                                I.D.E.S. Executive Director
2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
How it Works!

     1           Pick your gift (or portion of a gift) from
                        IDES’ Five Focus Areas.

    2           Pay online at ides.org/giftcatalog, or mail
                your check and the form on the last pag to:
                                PO BOX 379
                            Noblesville, IN 46061

    3             100% of your donation will be used to
                provide these gifts to families worldwide.

355 Park 32 W. Drive 		    ides.org		      ides@ides.org
Noblesville, IN 46062                                         3
2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
    IDES’ core focus is Evangelism. Every year we look for opportunities to share the
      love of God with people all over the world. Every project we do is focused on
    sharing the Good News with those we serve. The gifts below are just a few of the
    ways you can spread the love of Christ to those who are hurting. Motorbikes are
                  used to assist evangelists as they travel to distant and
                           remote villages to share the Gospel.

                                                             E4 Motorbikes

E1 Bible/New Testament                       $20/$10
E3 Song Book                                    $5
E4 Motorbike                                  $1000
E6 Athletic Outreach Equipment                 $15
E7 Leadership Training/Teaching Materials      $50

4                                                         E1 Bible/New Testament
2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
Disaster Response
       We have been very active in our Disaster Response this past year, from
        hurricane relief in the Bahamas, tornado clean-up in Tennessee, shed
         deployment to Michigan, windstorm damage assistance in Iowa and
     hurricane relief in the United States. Disaster Response is consistently our
   largest project category, and can oftentimes be unpredictable. However, there
      are still ways we can prepare before a disaster strikes. The gifts below are
    items frequently requested by our mission partners all over the world to help
                             the victims of these disasters.

D1 Blanket/Bedding                                $10
D2 Tools                                          $25
D6 Water Purification Kit                         $60
D7 Care Kit                                       $10
D9 Refugee Care Package (or a portion for $25)   $100
D10 Generator                                    $500
D11 Tin Sheeting                                  $10
D12 Tarp/Roof Patch Items                         $50

                                                        D10 Generator

D12 Tarp/Roof Patch Items

                                                                          D7 Care Kit

2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
Hunger Relief
      Hunger is an ever present challenge facing many parts of our world. IDES
    works in many ways to help make this urgent need by providing GAP Meals,
    staple foods, and food preparation supplies. For many of those in need, the GAP
    Meals or other food items they receive from IDES is the only food they have
    for that day. Hunger can be a result of a disaster, poverty, or simply a lack of
    resources. Whatever the cause, through our generous donors, IDES has been
    able to faithfully provide nutritious meals for those suffering from hunger.

                                                         H1 Cooking Pot

     G2 Bag of GAP Meals (6 Servings)

    H1 Cooking Pot                               $15
    H2 Beans (220lbs)                            $85
    H3 Corn/Cornmeal (220lbs)                    $75
    H4 Rice (100lbs)                             $40
    H5 Family/Single Portion of Staple Foods   $25/$5
    H8 Cooking Stove                             $25
    G1 Box of GAP Meals (288 Servings)           $72
    G2 Bag of GAP Meals (6 Servings)            $1.50                     H4 Rice (100lbs)
2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
Community Development
IDES offers long-term help and hope to those in need all over the world. One
of the ways we can do that is through our Community Development projects.
                                                  These projects are designed
                                                  to offer people a hand-up,
                                                  not just a hand-out. These
                                                  gifts offer people a chance
                                                  to provide for their families
                                                  and create sustainable ways
                                                  of living.

 Dv10 Sewing Machine

 Dv1 Seeds                                        $2
 Dv2 Shoes                                       $20
 Dv3 Fruit Tree                                  $10
 Dv4 Chicken                                      $8
 Dv6 Cow/Water Buffalo (or a portion for $60)   $600
 Dv7 Goat                                        $60
 Dv8 School Supplies and Uniforms                $15
                                                                                               Dv7 Goat

                                                  COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEMS:
                                                  Dv10 Sewing Machine                                   $150
                                                  Dv11 Fishing Boat & Net (or a portion for $56)        $560
                                                  Dv13 Baby Chick                                         $1
                                                  Dv15 Clean Water Well (or a portion for $25, $250)   $2500
                                                  Dv20 Pig                                               $50
                                                  Dv21 Bicycle                                          $100
Dv4 Chicken

2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
Medical Care
    IDES has been very active
    in providing help for those
    suffering from the COVID-19
    Pandemic. We have been able
    to supply medical equipment
    and protective gear to people
    throughout the world. Medical
    Care is not just a one-time
    need, but rather a recurring
    one. The gifts below allow us to
    offer assistance to those who
    do not readily have access to                                              M9 Medical Supplies
    the crucial medical care they so
    desperately need.
                       MEDICAL CARE ITEMS:
                       M1 Cleft Lip/Palate Surgery                      $300
                       M2 Eyeglasses                                     $30
                       M3 Medications (antimalarial, antibiotic, HIV)    $25
                       M5 Medical Kit                                    $50
                       M6 Medicines for a Clinic for 1 Month            $400
                       M7 Mosquito Net                                   $15
                       M8 Birthing and Infant Care Supplies              $35
                       M9 Medical Supplies (i.e. COVID-19)              $100

    M1 Cleft Lip/Palate Surgery                                                      M5 Medical Kit

2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...

                  IDES MEDIA
Did you know that IDES has a

to keep up-to-date with what
IDES is doing globally through
our YouTube channel!


THE LOST RELICS will be available for
FREE download in Spring 2021.

EMAIL: media@ides.org for                 COMING
information on how to receive this
engaging VBS, teaching kids about       SPRING 2021
IDES and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

      ICOM 2021
  Check out our virtual
 exhibit booth at ICOM!
 November 20th-21st                        DON’T FORGET
                                           DECEMBER 1ST
2020-2021 Gift Catalog - International Disaster Emergency Service - International Disaster Emergency ...
Honors & Memorials                                                    Dates Received
                                                                      June 16 through September 21, 2020
 In Honor of…                             Margaret Cameron                    Virginia Perdue
 Carl Bridges                                      Claudia Boldon                      Jack Perdue
          Don, Jovelyn, Branson &         Deborah Campbell                    Delbert & Carleen Pickett
          Jelly Bridges                            Thomas & Geneta Head                Debra Pickett
 Paul & Sue Carson                                 Shirley Thornton           Kenneth Pressey
          Kenneth & Meredith Kimmerle     Brannon Carpenter                   Chris Rhodes
 Cindy Dafforn Charlier                            Ronald & Susan Carpenter            Carroll, Jr. & Wanda Rhodes
          Jon & Laurel Gillespie          Marjorie Chatelain                  Francisco Javier Rosario
 Braylee Churchill                                 Bruce & Susan Graver                Veruschka Figueroa
          Susan Lewellen                  Joseph F. Ciochon                   Hursel Rose
 Glen Geisendorfer                                 Ruthann Ciochon                     Audrey Rose
          Martinsburg COC, WV             Carol & Junior Evans                Bud & Betty Roush
 Laurel Gillespie                                  Gary & Lynn Williams                Jim & Andrea Bush
          Carl & Kathy Wennlund           Cathy Evans                         Bill Sears
 Bill & Shirley Gray                               Frank & Connie Klobucar             Jane Sears
          Dennis & Mary Reid              Richard A. Evanson                  David & Jewell Shelton
 Rod Hawkins                                       Betty Lou Evanson                   Joyce Stock
          Bruce & Ronda Hawkins           Tom Felix                           Jim Snapp
 Meme Jenkins                                      Pamela Felix                        Linda Snapp
          Jon & Laurel Gillespie          Dan Hogan                           Robley Soileau
 Rick & Nancy Jett                                 Dr. Richard & Joan Hogan            Dennis & Barbara Dobbs
          David & Lorie Walton            Wayne & Rosemary Hohman             Bill Spicer
 Sara Laws                                         Gordon & Rebecca Cochran            Come Join Us SS Class,
          Logan Dailey                    Jack Holycross                               Columbia, KY
 Stephen & Shelley Lowe                            Shirley Thornton           Clifford Stock
          Gerald & Vicki Lowe             Mary Jacobs                         Deborah Stock
 Ronnie & Marlene McKinney                         Dale Jacobs                         Joyce Stock
          Del & Anita Crabtree            Preacher Gene Jarrett               Donald P. Thornton
 Darwin & Lisa Reis                                Loy & Barbara Harris                Bruce Chelf
          Mike & Nina Roberts             Billy Jenkins                                Mary Daniel
 Pat Snyder                                        Gloria Moore                        Thomas & Geneta Head
          Brad & Carolyn Neal             Joyce Jones                                  John & Arvilla Hollandsworth
 Joel Underwood                                    Thomas & Virginia Luce              Alberta Kenworthy
          Jonathan & Kathleen Underwood            Don & Jean McKinnis                 Robert & Phyllis Lenburg
 Don Waldrop                                       Oxford COC, IN                      Larry & Beth McIntyre
          Rebecca Barrett                 John Leinbaugh                               Larry & Roberta McMillan
                                                   Sandra Leinbaugh                    Gordon & Jeanette Mehaffey
 In Memory of…                            Manual Livesay                               Martha Orr
 All those who have died of                        Allen & Sharon Peterson             David & June Tompkins
 COVID-19 around the world                Betty Manuel                                 Sister Joanne Vander-Heyden
         Gail & Mary McPherson                     Come Join Us SS Class,     Milton Tillerson
 Robert & Arlene Anderson                          Columbia, KY                        Michael & Cynthia Schoonover
         Harold & Linda Gott              Gene Marvin                         Leah Murphy Turner
 Pat Avery                                         Jacqueline Marvin                   Robert Turner
         James Avery                      Marcile McBride                     Jim Ungethuem
 Douglas Neal Baird                                Bruce & Susan Graver                Rick & Nancy Jett
         Kevin & Ruth Black               Charles John Miller                 James M. Warfield
 Joyce Baumgardner                                 Barbara Miller                      Robert & Nancy Schartz
         Rick & Nancy Jett                Herbert & Lucy Moeller              Von & Mary Waymire
 Joyce & Henry Baumgardner                         Mark & Cynthia Smith                Phyllis Jarrett
         Marvin & Elaine Schultz          Dwain L. Mouser                     Seth Wemple
 Jack Bland                                        Judy Mouser                         Debra Pickett
         Cornerstone CC, Jackson, MI      Ivan C. Odor                        Eddie Jean Wilson
 Clifton Burton                                    Doris Odor                          Dennis & Mary Reid
         Rick & Nancy Jett                Kaytryn Parrish                     Jewell Yost
                                                   Charles & Jane Stewart              Jerry & Laura Yost

    Order Form                            DISASTER RESPONSE ITEMS:
                                          D1 Blanket/Bedding                                         $10
                                          D2 Tools                                                   $25
  Mail this form to IDES, or complete     D6 Water Purification Kit                                  $60
your order and pay online at www.ides.    D7 Care Kit                                                $10
                                          D9 Refugee Care Package (or a portion for $25)            $100
 Please make all checks payable to IDES   D10 Generator                                             $500
    and mail with your order form to:     D11 Tin Sheeting                                           $10
                                          D12 Tarp                                                   $50
             PO Box 379                   HUNGER RELIEF ITEMS:
         Noblesville, IN 46061            H1 Cooking Pot                                             $15
                                          H2 Beans (220lbs)                                          $85
                                          H3 Corn/Cornmeal (220lbs)                                  $75
 Request Complimentary Promotional
             Materials                    H4 Rice (100lbs)                                           $40
                                          H5 Family/Single Portion of Staple Foods                 $25/$5
   Please check your items of interest.   H8 Cooking Stove                                           $25
                                          G1 Box of GAP Meals (288 Servings)                         $72
     GAP Food Packing Info                G2 Bag of GAP Meals (6 Servings)                          $1.50
     VBS 2021 Materials
     IDES Brochure                        COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEMS:
     Safe Worship Information             Dv1 Seeds                                                  $2
     Prepare to Respond Information       Dv2 Shoes                                                  $20
     SonFish Banks ___ # Needed           Dv3 Fruit Tree                                             $10
     Harvest of Talents Info              Dv4 Chicken                                                $8
     Please add me to your E-News List    Dv6 Cow/Water Buffalo (or a portion for $60)              $600
                                          Dv7 Goat                                                   $60
                                          Dv8 School Supplies and Uniforms                           $15
        Email Address (print clearly)     Dv10 Sewing Machine                                       $150
                                          Dv11 Fishing Boat & Net (or a portion for $56)            $560
        Catalog Funds Policy              Dv13 Baby Chick                                            $1
                                          Dv15 Clean Water Well (or a portion for $25, $250)       $2500
The items for purchase in this catalog    Dv20 Pig                                                   $50
are representative of projects IDES has   Dv21 Bicycle                                              $100
funded in the past and will fund in the
future. Actual costs of items will vary   MEDICAL CARE ITEMS:
       from country to country.           M1 Cleft Lip/Palate Surgery                               $300
                                          M2 Eyeglasses                                              $30
You may give a partial amount which       M3 Medications (antimalarial, antibiotic, HIV)             $25
will be applied to the project/item you   M5 Medical Kit                                             $50
                 select.                  M6 Medicines for a Clinic for 1 Month                     $400
                                          M7 Mosquito Net                                            $15
 If you would like to give your gift in   M8 Birthing and Infant Care Supplies                       $35
 memory of, or in honor of someone,       M9 Medical Supplies (i.e. COVID-19)                       $100
  please print his/her/their name(s)
                below:                    EVANGELISM ITEMS:
                                          E1 Bible/New Testament                                   $20/$10
In Memory of                              E3 Song Book                                                $5
In Honor of                               E4 Motorbike                                              $1000
                                          E6 Athletic Outreach Equipment                             $15
Cards for those you honor are available   E7 Leadership Training/Teaching Materials                  $50
upon request (Order by Dec 1, 2020 to
   receive cards before Christmas.)       OTHER:
                                          Undesignated Gift                                    $
      Please send me          cards.
Non-Profit Org.
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                                            Indianapolis, IN
                                             Permit #9555

International Disaster Emergency Service
PO Box 379
Noblesville, IN 46061-0379
Temporary Return Service Requested
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