Page created by Helen Chambers
Annual Review

Chair Review                                   3
COO Review                                     4
Financial Review                               6
Working With Government To Keep Playing Safe   8
Launch Of The World Handicap System            9
Using Technology                               11
Performance Player Pathway                     13
Golf Club Membership Grows                     14
New Junior Golf Platform Drives The Future     16
Focusing On Our Members                        17
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   3

A Year Of Challenge
And Support

Welcome to the Scottish Golf 2020 Annual Review;
an unprecedented year in the history of our organisation.

We are in unprecedented, remarkable            income streams that will be reinvested      amalgamation has been driven by the
times. Since March 2020 we have all            to support the growth of the game           desire to build a strong, sustainable
been reminded how important the                across the country.                         legacy for the future of the game.
wonderful game of golf is in our lives.
We have learnt how much we, as                 In November, we implemented one of          I pay tribute to each of those directors,
individuals, appreciate the golfing            the largest changes to handicapping         15 in all, and I thank them for their
communities that we are part of, and           the game of golf has ever seen as we        courage and their unity of purpose.
how much the camaraderie offers us             embraced the new World Handicap             I have so enjoyed working with each of
personally through good times and bad.         System (WHS), which will help us            them individually and collectively as an
                                               achieve a number of our goals.              utterly committed and united team.
The past 12 months have been
challenging and for many harrowing.            The progress we have made as a sport        Finally, I would also like to pay special
To all our members and employees who           is a testament to the work of everyone      thanks to the team at Scottish Golf,
have lost someone dear through these           involved in our game. From club             for their hard work and commitment
times, we offer our deepest sympathies.        employees to committee volunteers,          throughout the past 6 years. I will
                                               you have all risen to the challenges and    always have very fond memories of
At a time when businesses worldwide            tackled them head-on, working day           the camaraderie that came, as it so
faced extraordinarily difficult                and night to ensure that our great game     often does, with the grit, determination
circumstances, I am extremely proud            was one of the first sports to resume       and endeavour of a great team of
of the speed at which the Scottish Golf        following the lockdown.                     exceptionally talented people, even in
team acted to reassess our financial                                                       the most challenging of circumstances.
position and reprioritise activity. The        Your commitment, passion and love           I leave Scottish Golf under the excellent
outcome of this review was being able          for the game is unrivalled and as an        stewardship of Karin Sharp and
to provide support to our affiliated           industry in Scotland, we have been          Iain Forsyth.
clubs both financially, by rebating 25%        able to benefit from the playing of golf
of our affiliation fees, and practically,      uninterrupted, since 29 May, throughout     It gives me great pleasure to know
through regular COVID-19 updates to            the easing of restrictions. For that,       that Scottish Golf will be in safe hands
provide advice and up to the minute            we are all truly grateful.                  as Martin Gilbert, one of Scotland’s
guidance based on the latest Government                                                    best-known business figures, is set
                                               Being the Chair of Scottish Golf has been   to become Chair at this year’s Annual
                                               an immense privilege. As your inaugural     General Meeting.
Throughout my time as Chair, we have           Board we accepted the mandate to
been working on a variety of long-term         transform the health of the game of         Martin has been a prominent supporter of
growth initiatives which support the           golf in Scotland.                           golf in Scotland for over 20 years, firstly
organisation’s vision of Making Golf                                                       through Aberdeen Asset Management and
                                               You may recall that the backdrop to this    latterly Aberdeen Standard Investments.
Scotland’s Game For Everyone and 2020
                                               was a game that had lost 5,000 members      This is a tremendous coup for golf in
was a big year of implementation as we
                                               a year for the preceding 10 years and the   Scotland and the entire game should be
saw a number of these plans come to life.
                                               impact that this had on club membership     delighted that Martin, whose passion
More golf clubs benefitted from early          income. This was exacerbated by             and support for the sport are very widely
adoption of our Venue Management               declining visitor income, fuelled mainly    known, has agreed to take on this role.
System (VMS), which offered clubs              by the downward pressure on pricing
                                               from the tee-booking systems model.
                                                                                           Eleanor Cannon
and their members a COVID-19-secure
platform to deliver their business with
                                               Addressing these challenges has not
integrated online tee-booking and mobile,
                                               been easy, and change has been tough,
contactless scoring. In time, this will also                                               Eleanor Cannon,
                                               but each of the Board members since
enable Scottish Golf to generate new                                                       Chair, Scottish Golf
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   4

2020: A Year
Unlike Any Other

2020 was a year that none of us could have imagined, but one
in which as an organisation I feel that we acted decisively to the
challenges of COVID-19 to support our affiliated clubs, while also
continuing our efforts to make golf Scotland’s Game For Everyone.

When the people of Scotland were             the position and worked for the benefit      stakeholders at Area, County and Club
asked on 23 March 2020 to restrict their     of our membership.                           level. I have been greatly encouraged
movement through a national lockdown,                                                     by the engagement through zoom calls
this saw dramatic changes to how we          With on-course events forced into a          with our key members and industry
operated as an organisation, with our        temporary pause, our attention turned to     colleagues, which provided regular and
staff asked to work remotely with            addressing the impact on our clubs and       constructive dialogue on a wide range
immediate effect.                            the communities in which they serve.         of topics.

As it became apparent that the national      We took an early decision on 9 April to      I am very proud with the way in which
lockdown and restrictions would be with      cancel all performance programmes            Scottish Golf has supported our members
us for a prolonged period, we opted to       and national events for the 2020 season      throughout the year both financially and
use the Government’s Coronavirus Job         and to channel the funds allocated to        practically, with a significantly increased
Retention Scheme with half of the staff      these activities to support our affiliated   level of communications to ensure all our
team being placed on furlough between        clubs through the pandemic. This was         affiliated clubs were best placed to get
the months of April and November.            considered a bold move by many at the        through the pandemic. A snapshot of
                                             time. However with restrictions being        these achievements are covered in the
Whilst this undoubtedly placed a strain      something we all had to learn to live with   following pages.
on those who remained working during         for the remainder of the year, this did

                                                                                          Karin Sharp
this period, including adapting to new       prove to be a wise decision.
responsibilities, the commitment shown
from all of the team was outstanding.        During 2020, we focussed on building
Despite the challenges these changes         stronger partnerships within the golf
created, I would like to thank each of the   industry and across the sporting sector      Karin Sharp,
team for the way in which they accepted      to ensure we cater to the needs of our       Chief Operating Officer, Scottish Golf
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020/21   xx

Making Golf Scotland’s
Game For Everyone
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   6

Financial Review

Income                                                        Expenditure
Total Income 2019-20                                          Total Expenditure 2019-20

£4,050,487                                                    £4,068,837
Surplus/(Loss)                                                Reserves
Total Surplus/(Loss) 2019-20                                  Total Reserves 2019-20

£(18,350)                                                     £1,191,336
Income Breakdown                                              Expenditure Breakdown

• Subscriptions contribution down from 61% to 44%             • Club Support increased from 44% to 57%
  due to the 25% affiliation rebate for 2019-20.                due to the R&A grant funding paid to clubs.
• Other Income contribution rose from 7% to 27% due           • Performance decreased from 21% to 10% due
  to the £685k grant from the R&A which was distributed to      to cancellation of remaining performance activity.
  clubs, and the money received through the furlough grant.

• Events income was 0% due to early cancellation
  of the full events schedule.
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   7

Financial Review

COVID-19 Emergency
Funding Support to Clubs

Total Financial Support                                           Funding Support Breakdown
issued to our affiliated clubs

Affiliation Fee Rebate
To support our affiliated clubs through the pandemic,
on 7 May, Scottish Golf led the way in the UK and
announced a 25% rebate on 2019/20 affiliation fees,
representing a grant of £580,145. This support was
immediately made available with the average processing
time between the application and the payment to clubs
being just two working days.

Scottish Golf would like to thank the 12 clubs of varying
sizes that opted to donate their affiliation fee rebate to the
Scottish Golf Club Relief Fund, enabling us to use those
funds to support other clubs.

In addition, we offered extended payment terms to all
golf clubs for payment of the annual affiliation invoice.
This proved popular and we have continued this service
into the current financial year.

R&A Club Relief Fund & COVID-19 Fixed Cost Grant
On 29 June, the R&A invested £685,000 to Scottish golf
clubs through Scottish Golf which consisted of two elements
– a £500 Fixed Cost grant and a Club Relief Fund.

A total of 354 clubs applied for and received the
£500 COVID-19 fixed cost grant totalling £173,340.

163 clubs were recipients of the Club Relief Fund receiving
a total of £512,560 allocated. In total 370 of our affiliated
clubs received funding from one or both of the R&A Club
Relief Fund.

The deadline for applications was 24 July and once
applications were approved, all grants were paid to the
clubs within an average of four working days from receipt
of bank details.

I would like to put on record my thanks to all the staff at
Scottish Golf that worked tirelessly to process all the funding
applications and payments in such a short space of time.
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   8

Working With Government
To Keep Playing Safe
The challenges posed by COVID-19            Scottish Government confidence in our
are complex and have impacted almost        ability to ensure golf could be played
every part of our day-to-day lives, from    safely. Despite the changes in national
health to the economy, to our mental and    and local restrictions, Scotland are in the
physical wellbeing. We know that our        enviable position of being the only UK
game spans all these areas in Scotland      nation that has continued to enjoy
and contributes significantly to both the   playing golf since 29 May 2020.
nation’s health and the economy.
                                            This collaboration also resulted in us
Throughout the year Scottish Golf           being able to issue timely updates to our
has been in constant contact with           COVID-19 guidelines for our affiliated
our partners at sportscotland and the       clubs as the Government updated their
Scottish Government on the return to        restrictions and advice, thus ensuring
golf and keeping it safe for everyone.      clubs could stay open and keep their
                                            members safe.
This collaborative approach gave

sportscotland, Active Scotland and the

                                                                    While it has undoubtedly been a difficult time
                                                                    for everyone connected with Scottish sport,
                                                                    Scottish Golf has shown a real resilience in
                                                                    responding to the challenges presented by the
                                                                    pandemic. Thanks to its strong leadership and
                                                                    close partnerships with sportscotland and the
                                                                    Scottish Government, Scottish Golf has been at
                                                                    the forefront of the return to sport programme,
                                                                    working tirelessly to represent its members.

                                                                    This approach has ensured that golf courses
                                                                    have remained open for much of the pandemic,
                                                                    helped in no small part by the patience and
                                                                    commitment of golfers and golf clubs across
                                                                    the country, who have played their part by
                                                                    continuing to adhere to the latest public
                                                                    health guidance. We still have some way to go
                                                                    before the pandemic is firmly behind us but by
                                                                    continuing to work collaboratively, Scottish Golf
                                                                    will ensure that its members continue to enjoy
                                                                    the sport they love.
                                                                    Stewart Harris,
                                                                    Chief Executive, sportscotland
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   9

Successful Launch Of The
World Handicap System

In addition to the other challenges of        Enquiries Responded To
2020, we also successfully launched
WHS, golf’s new handicapping system
which came into effect on 2 November          Social Media

2020 in the UK.

For a number of years leading up to this
date, Scottish Golf has worked tirelessly
to prepare for the transition, with course
rating activity delivered over a number
of years to ensure that all our affiliated
clubs had the appropriate ratings ready       Website

for WHS.

In early 2020 we switched the Central
Database of Handicaps to a new platform,
doing this before the main playing season
commenced to minimise disruption for
our member clubs.

A host of education support for golf clubs
then continued through the year, with         Hive WHS Section
seminars, webinars, resource material
sent to clubs, newsletters and other
channels all well utilised across the year.   Active Users

We are extremely proud that we were
ready for the launch and our system was
live at 4am on 2 November. Inevitably,
with a transition of such magnitude
between systems that had stored data in
differing formats, there were some data       Card Views

challenges, but we worked tirelessly to
ensure that club officials understood
the reasons and were given the tools
to correct data where necessary.

We are pleased to report that our WHS
system is fully functional and working
entirely as expected, with early volumes      Comments Since Launch (Aug 20)

showing 30,000 scores processed in
the first four weeks.
scores processed in the first
four weeks after WHS launch
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020/21   11

Using Technology

Scottish Golf started investing in          Communicating With Zoom
technology in October 2018 and
                                            As the pandemic progressed, we
since then has seen the gradual
                                            introduced Zoom Panel Call webinars
introduction of our Venue
                                            for golf clubs to hear direct from
Management System, Scottish Golf
                                            experts on COVID-19 Advice, WHS,
App and Hive learning platform.
                                            HR, Legal Advice, Social Marketing,
Through 2020, we also started using         Visitor Marketing, Retaining Members,
Zoom to interact with our affiliated        Kickstart Scheme, VMS and the Scottish
clubs, through webinars, meetings           Golf App. Over 192 clubs engaged with
and, of course, the hosting of our          the webinars with 2,154 attendees and
Annual General Meeting.                     over 13,000 views online post the event.
                                            Having proved so successful we
                                            intend to continue with this channel
                                            of communication in 2021.
Venue Management System
                                            In summary, our investment in technology
We have had a successful start to
                                            is paying dividends. It has enabled
the roll out of VMS with almost 400
                                            clubs to streamline their administration
clubs presented to and 237 clubs
                                            processes, improved club marketing
configured on the system at various
                                            communications via the App and allowed
stages of deployment.
                                            our membership to communicate with
VMS enables clubs to manage                 each other. Technology has enabled us
every aspect of their business from         to engage directly with all our audiences
memberships, tee sheets, door entry         and this will only continue in the future.
and online booking to handicaps,
                                            In any regular year the successful launch
competitions and live scoring based
                                            of a software platform for all golf clubs
around market leading software in
                                            in Scotland would have been a major
the cloud.
                                            highlight. To have done this in the face
VMS also provided the first digital         of a national health crisis and the launch
scorecard to offer contactless scoring      of a new handicapping system shows
and submission that fully complies          the efforts that have been made by the
with the rules of golf and handicapping.    Scottish Golf team behind the scenes.
Given the likelihood of a continuing
need for contactless operations,
this is a significant benefit.              Hive Learning – A New Home
                                            For Scottish Golf Education
Clubs already using VMS have expressed
their satisfaction with the system,         Hive, our new learning platform is the third
particularly with the integration between   element of our investment in technology.
membership subscription and other           Hive is our central education platform
office administration functions.            for all affiliated clubs to access Scottish
                                            Golf resources and to interact with other
We have also been commended for             clubs to share best practices. There are
managing the migration work and             currently over 500 club officials registered
providing 24/7 support, thus making         on Hive and since it was launched on
transfer from existing systems simple       10 August, there have been over 35,000
for the club administrators.                interactions, both peer to peer and with
                                            Scottish Golf staff. We will continue to
VMS allows the club to determine
                                            develop Hive to become the central
who sees information regarding their
                                            database for all our education and
competitions, which is of particular
                                            online support resources.
benefit when clubs wish to promote
open competitions to non-members.
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   12

Using Technology

Scottish Golf App

The customer facing front end of VMS is delivered principally
through the Scottish Golf App. This enables every club member
in Scotland to view their handicap, submit General Play scores
and get the latest news from Scottish Golf.

Our App is another success story with 148,000 registered
                                                                 registered users of the App to date
users out of a total of 190,000 golf club members in Scotland.
In the first four weeks after the WHS launch 6,000 General

Play scores were processed through the Scottish Golf App,
demonstrating an excellent early take up by golfers.

For clubs using VMS, the App also enables their members
to receive Club News, book tee times, enter competitions,
submit scores and book social events, all in a digital and       General Play scores processed in the
socially distanced way.                                          first four weeks after app launch
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   13

Player Pathway

We are delighted that Paul Lawrie
and Catriona Matthew agreed to join
our Performance Programme. With their            By working together and utilising all of the
help we are revising the operation of
our performance programme and player             golfing experience we have in this country, we
pathway so we can further develop                can help our talented young golfers achieve
and improve our elite players and
ensure resources are being allocated
most effectively.

In 2021 players in the top tier of our
performance programme will have
exclusive access to Paul and Catriona
who will help them prepare physically
                                                 their goals. However, it is equally important to
                                                 look to the longer term and ensure our best
                                                 golfers continue to get the support that they
                                                 need as the sport itself changes and develops.

                                                 Paul Lawrie
and mentally for competitive golf at the
highest level. Very few people know what
it is like standing over a three-foot putt
to win a major Championship – but that
experience and knowledge is part of
what Paul and Catriona will bring as
part of their role in our programme.             The game has given me so much over
                                                 the years and I hope that by sharing
                                                 my experience, and mentoring the next
                                                 generation, I can give something back.
                                                 Catriona Matthew
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   14

Golf Club Membership Grows

One of the positives to have emerged          This increase in club membership is
from the pandemic is that, for the first      great news for our affiliated clubs and
time since 2015, we have seen an              we urge all our clubs to engage fully to
increase in club membership. Our 568          ensure those members can be retained
affiliated clubs saw a 6.1% increase in       as we head into a prolonged period of
playing members (adults and juniors) of       economic uncertainty.
10,920, with total playing membership
of 190,777. There were seven clubs
reporting over 100% increase in
playing membership from 2019-20.

increase in playing
                                                increase in playing
members in affiliate clubs                      membership in seven clubs

Membership Breakdown

Playing Membership (Total)

Adult Membership (Total)

Adult Membership (Male)

Adult Membership (Female)

Junior Membership (Total)

Junior Membership (Male)

                                                                          2019 - 20
Junior Membership (Female)
                             2,619                                        2020 - 21
increase in total number of playing
memberships (adults and juniors)
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   16

New Junior Golf Platform
Drives The Future
During 2020 we developed a new platform       As part of the Junior Golf Platform,
which will be released in 2021. This new      we also have some new and exciting
Junior Golf Platform, available to all        junior events for clubs to get involved
affiliated clubs, will provide an extensive   with. These include the National Junior
range of programmes, events, resources        Skills Challenge and the Scottish
and opportunities from across junior          Junior Flag Championship, which will
golf in Scotland.                             be delivered in partnership with the
                                              Paul Lawrie Foundation, the Stephen
The platform will also host our new           Gallacher Foundation and the Junior
coaching programme, Learn to Golf.            Flag Challenge.
This will provide coaches and volunteers
with innovative tools and resources           We are also looking forward to rolling
to make planning their programmes             out the hugely popular GolfSixes
quicker, easier and more enjoyable.           Leagues in 2021.
Scottish Golf Annual Review 2020   17

Focusing On Our Members

Obviously, none of us know what 2021 holds
and at this time we are simply grateful that golf is
continuing to be played. We hope that the golfing
year ahead will be one more recognisable to us all
and we have planned for a full schedule of events
and a return of performance activity from the spring.

Subject to COVID-19 restrictions, we shall    So, to summarise, 2020 was an
review on a regular basis the likelihood of   incredibly tough year, but one in which
these events taking place and will ensure     we delivered significant improvements
that we keep all stakeholders appraised       in our focused services to our members.
of any changes or cancellations that          2021 will be about continuing to build on
we might require to make on a monthly         these improvements and to support our
basis to ensure we can comply with all        affiliated clubs no matter what happens.
government guidance.
                                              On behalf of everyone at Scottish Golf,
My commitment for 2021 is that Scottish       I would like to take this opportunity to
Golf will continue to do everything we        express our sincere gratitude to everyone
can to support our membership. We will        involved in our game. We have all faced
continue to develop our technology to         one of the most challenging years in our
ensure the maximum possible benefits          lives, but the spirit shown across our
that the new digital landscape has            wonderful game has been truly heartening
presented to us and we will continue          to see. It is this spirit and integrity that will
to provide COVID-19 advice for as             see our game continue to flourish in 2021
long as that is required.                     as we look to roll out several exciting new
                                              initiatives that will continue to progress
Education will also continue to be an         the game of golf in its spiritual home.
important part of our member services as
we develop Hive further and we will keep
the level of openness and communication
high through Zoom webinars and                Karin Sharp,
newsletters to all members.                   Chief Operating Officer, Scottish Golf

“         So, to summarise, 2020 was an incredibly tough
          year, but one in which we delivered significant
          improvements in our focused services to our
          members. 2021 will be about continuing to build
          on these improvements and to support our
          affiliated clubs no matter what happens.
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