2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...

Page created by Catherine Farmer
2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...
City of Milwaukee
                                     Department of
                                      Public Works
Qualification Submittal to Provide
Master Contract
Engineering and Related
Services                                    Submitted to:

                                            Mr. Jeffrey Polenske, P.E.
                                            Commissioner of Public Works
                                            841 North Broadway, Room 501
                                            Milwaukee, WI 53202

                                            October 30, 2020
2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...
A. Activity Qualifications Checklist
                                  ATTACHMENT #1
                                  Request for Qualifications
                2021-2022 Master Contract for Engineering and Related Services

                                       City of Milwaukee
                                   Department of Public Works

                     Activity Qualifications Checklist
 NOTE: Prospective consultants are directed to check all boxes that apply to the activities for
 which your firm wants to submit qualifications. Prospective consultants can submit
 qualifications for as many activities as they desire.

 NOTE: If prospective consultants want to apply for consideration as a “Full Service” consulting
 firm, they must check all 5 boxes related to the activities under “GENERAL CIVIL Part A” and
 submit qualifications for each activity.

 Name of Consulting Firm: Michael Baker International, Inc.


        1.      Transportation and Parking Analysis and Design
        2.      Traffic Signal Analysis and Design
 X      3.      Roadway Engineering
        4.      Sewer Design
        5.      Storm Water Management, Planning, Design and Analysis


        6.      Survey
        7.      Transportation and Mobility Planning
        8.      CADD and GIS
        9.      SCADA


 X      10.     Structure Analysis and Design
        11.     Architectural Services
        12.     Mechanical Engineering Services
2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...

     13.   City Park Reconstruction and A/E Services


     14.   Street Lighting Design
     15.   Underground Communications and Duct System Design


     16.   Water Distribution Systems
     17.   Water Plant Facilities


X    18.   Construction Management
     19.   Public Involvement


     20.   Environmental Analysis / Material Management


     21.   Historical / Archaeological Analysis and Consultation


     22.   Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Planning, Analysis, Program
           Delivery and Facilities Design


     23.   Real Estate Appraisal, Negotiation and Relocation


     24.   Geotechnical Analysis and Design
2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...
October 30, 2020

Mr. Jeffrey Polenske, P.E.
Commissioner of Public Works
841 North Broadway, Room 501
Milwaukee, WI 53202

RE: Qualification Submittal to Provide Master Contract Engineering and Related Services

Dear Mr. Polenske and Evaluation Committee:

Michael Baker International, Inc. (Michael Baker) is
pleased to submit this statement of qualifications
package for the 2021-2022 Master Engineering and          B. Firm Identification
Related Services Consultant selection for the City of
Milwaukee (the City). We have provided planning          Name and        Michael Baker International, Inc.
and design services on diverse street, bridge, and       Address         250 E. Wisconsin Avenue #1725
infrastructure projects for numerous local clients                       Milwaukee, WI 53202
including the City, Milwaukee County, and the            License         Yes, we are licensed to operate in
Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT).                         the State of Wisconsin.
Our seasoned team brings extensive knowledge
and experience in local, state, and national             Authorized      Sue Barker, PE - Office Executive
transportation projects which translate to efficient     Negotiator      P: 608-821-8712
delivery of diverse tasks under a Master Engineering                     E: Susan.Barker@mbakerintl.com
contract.                                                Milwaukee       Yes, we have a full-time project
                                                         Office          office in Milwaukee located only
A few areas of expertise that will benefit the City of                   three blocks from the City’s office.
Milwaukee include:
                                                     Small          No, Michael Baker is not certified
9 Erik Hendrickson and Jason Sadowski have           Business       under the City of Milwaukee Office
  recently successfully delivered construction                      of Small Business Development
  management services for the Plankinton                            program.
  Avenue Bridge rehabilitation project.
                                                     Areas of       Roadway Engineering
9 Sue Barker has delivered over 10 design
                                                     Expertise      Structural Engineering
  projects through the Southeast Region Local
                                                                    Construction Management
  Program and fully understands the WisDOT,
  Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and
  Local Program processes, preferences, and
9 Chad Schroeder and Nolan Wagner have reviewed over 100 local program projects through a Local Program
  Management Consultant Role. Our expertise and local knowledge will allow the City to have as much or as
  little oversight on the projects as desired.

We appreciate this opportunity to submit our capabilities and experience, and we look forward to working
with the City of Milwaukee. If you have questions about this qualifications package or require additional
information, please contact Lindsay Kaufmann at 414-751-9984 or LKaufmann@mbakerintl.com.

Michael Baker International, Inc.

Sue Barker, PE
Vice President and Authorized Contract Negotiator
2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...
C. Firm Background and Qualifications
Michael Baker Background: Michael Baker was
founded in 1940 and currently employs more than 3,000
employees who specialize in engineering design, planning,             FULL- SERVICE FIRM
architecture, environmental, construction, program                           our WI team has provided:
management, and full life cycle support services as well as
information technology and communications solutions.               150 miles of                   1,800+
                                                                   roadway improve-               bridges inspected
With 18 team members located in Wisconsin, half of which           ments designed
in Milwaukee, we are positioned to provide a wide variety of

                                                                   350                            $50M
engineering services to the City, including:
•   Comprehensive understanding of local planning,                 rehabilitations                construction
    design, bidding, and construction policies and                 and replacements               projects managed
    procedures                                                     designed                       and inspected
•   Extensive urban roadway design experience
•   Strong history of structure inspection, rehabilitation,

    and replacement services
    Proactive construction management services for the                        ENR Rankings
    City of Milwaukee and WisDOT
•   Proven knowledge of the WisDOT process, including
    thorough knowledge of the Local Program process and
                                                                   Construction            #5                #14
                                                                   Management              Bridges           Highways
    FHWA requirements
•   Comprehensive Quality Assurance program to ensure
    we are providing the City with unmatched quality

Michael Baker’s objective is to provide outstanding services
                                                                    LOCAL & RESPONSIVE
through coordination with the City, local agencies, and
stakeholders. Our familiarity with utility coordination,            6 transportation engineers
maintaining access for residents and businesses during              7 structural engineers
construction activities, and experience with WisDOT
Local Program procedures for roadway design will ensure             4 construction managers
successful tasks and help maintain schedule requirements.           1 designer/CADD technician
Proven Project Management: The City benefits from the               Together they have
peace of mind that comes with knowing that the Roadway,             provided services to many
Structures, and Construction activities being managed by            Wisconsin public sector
Lindsay Kaufmann, PE, Jason Sadowski, PE, and Mike Dean,            clients including City of
PE respectively. They each bring at least 15 years of wide-         Milwaukee, Milwaukee
ranging experience. As a former City of Milwaukee resident          County, and WisDOT.
for five years, Lindsay is equipped with the knowledge of
the City’s needs, goals, and ultimate vision to implement
long-lasting roadway improvements. The City will receive       that are dedicated to serving Wisconsin. Our office is located
high-quality structures work and a smooth coordination         three blocks of the City Engineer’s office. This ensures
process when working with Jason, having worked with            prompt responsiveness. Many of our staff work and reside
many of the City staff successfully in the past. Mike’s        in the Milwaukee area and, as such, have a vested interest in
proven track record of reducing costs, advancing schedules     the infrastructure of our local neighborhoods.
and improving efficiency on construction projects will save
the City time and cost.                                        Superior Project Delivery: The City benefits from
                                                               partnering with a team that takes pride in its ability to
Unrivaled Experience: The City benefits from selecting a       provide exceptional value through employing practical
consultant that has been shaping America’s communities         design philosophies, implementing sustainable solutions,
for more than 80 years, providing comprehensive services       and reducing road construction times. Michael Baker
ranging from preliminary engineering studies to final design   helped the City work through many of the construction
and construction. Michael Baker has nationally recognized      issues associated with the Plankinton Avenue Bascule
bridge, roadway, and construction management practices         Bridge Rehabilitation to deliver a successful project.
MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. // 2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering                                           PAGE 2
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C. Firm Background and Qualifications
Michael Baker is submitting qualifications as full service        c.   Forensic investigation of structural failures and
consultant for Roadway, Structure Analysis and Design, and             adverse behavior of structural elements
Construction Management.                                          d.   Retrofit and structural upgrade design of structures
                                                                  e.   Inspection and rating of structures
General Civil Part A
3. Roadway Engineering                                            Project Management
                                                                  18. Construction Management
Our roadway engineering team has the knowledge and
available capacity to perform the local infrastructure tasks      Similar to the work we have performed for you on the
in accordance with City of Milwaukee, WisDOT, and FHWA            recent Plankinton Avenue Bridge rehabilitation project
standards:                                                        pictured below, our team has the experience to provide
                                                                  construction management staff to lead, or assist City staff,
• Resurfacing, Rehabilitation, and New Construction Projects      in construction contract management and coordination
• Designs, Analysis                                               and the delivery of City and/or Federal and State Aid
• Plans, Specifications, and Estimates                            infrastructure improvement projects. Projects include both
• Design Reports                                                  bridge and roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction.
• Environmental Documentation and Permitting                      Including:
• Streets
• Alleys                                                          • Conducting pre-construction, project, public
• Bicycle Facilities (on-street and off-street)                     information, and weekly progress meetings
• Pedestrian Facilities, including proficiency in accessible      • Producing agendas and minutes for all construction
  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) pedestrian design           meetings
• Traffic Calming Treatments                                      • Inspections of all work
                                                                  • Tracking / measuring / verifying all project pay quantities
                                                                  • Project documentation, including daily inspection
                                                                    reports, progress payments, project close-out, etc.
                                                                  • Process submittals between the contractor and City
                                                                    (shop drawings, RFIs, etc.)
                                                                  • Review construction changes and proposed change
                                                                  • Coordination between private utilities, public utilities,
                                                                    and all City Departments
                                                                  • Coordination of all required project material testing
                                                                  • Conduct final inspections with City staff
                                                                  • Develop and verify completion of project punch list
                                                                  • Review or develop as-built drawing

Structural/Building Facilities
10. Structure Analysis and Design

Our structure design team has the expertise to deliver
the following activities for you, in accordance with City of
Milwaukee, WisDOT, and/or FHWA standards.
a.   Analysis, design, plan preparation, specifications, and/
     or cost estimates for new, or the rehabilitation of, fixed
     and moveable span bridges, retaining wall or other
b.   Analysis, design, and/or peer review of specialty and
     signature bridges

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2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...
           ACTIVITY 3:   ACTIVITY 3: Roadway Engineering
2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering and Related Services - FTP ...
C. Firm Experience
The City of Milwaukee can achieve improved connectivity for all modes of transportation in
choosing Michael Baker’s team with roadway, bicycle and pedestrian expertise, which has
been successful in similar size cities across the country.

Good Hope Road Box Culvert Replacement
                                                                             Client Reference
Milwaukee, WI (ongoing)                                                      Andrea Weddle-Henning
                                                                             Director, Transportation Services
Our team is familiar with the challenges of urban projects. This Local       Milwaukee County
Program project includes the replacement of an existing box culvert          P: 414-257-5934
and the associated approach pavement along Good Hope Road (CTH               E: andrea.weddle-henning@
PP) in the City of Milwaukee. Good Hope Road carries a high volume of        milwaukeecountywi.gov
traffic and there is minimal room for staging, making a primary focus of
the project traffic control, staging, maintaining safety, and minimizing
impacts in the urban environment.

Traffic control design must account for
vehicular traffic, public transit, local
businesses, and pedestrians on the Oak
Leaf Trail. There are numerous utilities
below and adjacent to Good Hope Road
which may be impacted by the project.
Michael Baker is working together with
Milwaukee County to address and minimize
the utility impacts. One end of the existing
culvert is outside the County right-of-way,
and the design will modify the structure
geometry to eliminate the need for any
permanent easements.

The box culvert is incorporated into
both City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee
County storm sewer systems, which
creates challenges for construction, water
diversion, and hydraulic analysis. We are
proposing a precast box culvert for this
project, which will help mitigate impacts to
traffic as well as risks associated with high
flow events by drastically shortening the
construction duration.

                                                                              ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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C. Firm Experience
Van Horn Road and Allen Road
                                                                                       Client Contact
Improvements                                                                           Ron Agacinski, PE
Woodhaven, MI (ongoing)                                                                Director, Engineering Division
                                                                                       Wayne County Department of Public
Michael Baker performed engineering and design services for the
                                                                                       P: 313-224-7775
rehabilitation and reconstruction of Van Horn and Allen Roads,
                                                                                       E: ragacini@waynecounty.com
located in a suburb of Detroit. This project included the design of four
miles of urban arterial roadways, traffic signals, railroad crossings,
                                                                                       Michael Baker’s Role
ITS elements, and a new bridge through wetlands and a flood plain.
                                                                                       • Street rehabilitation and
Michael Baker performed a number of roadway fixes, such as widening
and rehabilitation, joint repair, and overlay, milling, and resurfacing.
                                                                                       • Pedestrian accommodations
Intersections and sidewalk ramps were also designed to meet current
                                                                                       • Permitting
standards. It also provided drainage improvements, water quality and
                                                                                       • Roadway widening designs
wetland designs, public engagement, traffic control, and intensive
                                                                                       • Bridge design
environmental permitting.
                                                                                       • Water quality improvements
                                                                                       • Intersection upgrades
Michael Baker also developed a maintenance of traffic plan accounting
                                                                                       • Signalization
for the multi-year construction schedule and other construction projects
                                                                                       • Utility coordination
in the surrounding area to ensure the project could be built without
                                                                                       • Drainage design
negatively impacting the mobility of the community. Michael Baker
prepared a categorical exclusion environmental document including
coordination with SHPO and coordinating improvements in a constrained
environment. The team held a series of public involvement meetings to gain
input and inform the public of improvements in the community.

Throughout the project,
Michael Baker performed
substantial water quality
improvements. For the
roadway’s storm sewer
system, it provided
detention analysis to meet
county requirements and
culvert sizing analysis using
HydroCAD. Michael Baker
proactively coordinated
with CN Railroad regarding
work at the two railroad
crossings and design the
ITS connection to the CN
Railroad signals.

                                By working collaboratively with other organizations and fostering transparency with the public,
                                Michael Baker established trust among everyone involved and helped build a positive perception
                                of the project.

                                                                                         ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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C. Firm Experience
Brookline Boulevard Reconstruction
                                                                                         Client Contact
Pittsburgh, PA (2015)                                                                    Pat Hassett
                                                                                         Assistant Director, Department of
Michael Baker provided engineering services for improvements to 2,500                    Public Works
feet of Brookline Boulevard, a major urban arterial with a thriving business             City of Pittsburgh
district. Nine side streets intersect Brookline Boulevard within the project             P: 412-255-2883
limits. The north side of Brookline Boulevard is lined with residential                  E: pat.hassett@pittsburghpa.gov
homes and the south side is lined with commercial businesses. The existing
pavement width of Brookline Boulevard was 65 feet from curb to curb,                     Michael Baker’s Role
including parallel parking on the residential side and 45-degree angled                  • Urban roadway reconstruction
parking with a backup lane on the business side.                                         • ADA compliance
                                                                                         • Traffic calming
The purpose of this project was to reconstruct the aging street, sidewalks,              • Project management
and underground infrastructure, and to restore the ambiance of a grand                   • Environmental site assessment
boulevard by making the street comfortable and friendly, while improving                 • Environmental clearance
both traffic flow and pedestrian movements through this highly used area.                  document
FHWA standards were used as Federal funds supported the project.                         • Roadway design
                                                                                         • Traffic design
The improvements include:                                                                • Vault design
•   Geometric improvements to the intersection of Brookline Boulevard and                • Right-of-way plan preparation
    Pioneer Avenue                                                                       • Final plans, specifications, and
•   New concrete curbs and sidewalks on both the residential and business                  estimates
    sides                                                                                • Construction services
•   Intersection improvements, including curb bump-outs for traffic calming
•   New Americans with Disabilities Act
    (ADA)-compliant curb ramps
•   New traffic signals and street lighting
•   Pavement rehabilitation/
    reconstruction and drainage
•   New signing and pavement markings
•   New pay stations for street parking
•   Upgrade or abandonment of existing
    sidewalk vaults
•   New landscaping and street furniture
•   Conversion of parking on side street
    from angled to parallel.

Michael Baker prepared an environmental
document; provided preliminary and final
design, developed roadway, traffic control
and construction staging plans, signing
and pavement marking, vault closure,
and right-of-way plats; developed the           Design challenges included retaining a diagonal parking scheme to serve the business
final bid package, including the final plans,   side of the boulevard; sequencing the construction and associated traffic control to
specifications, construction cost estimate,     minimize the effects on parking; keeping the businesses along the boulevard open
and construction schedule; and provided         during construction; designing ADA-compliant curb ramps; and identifying, inspecting,
services during construction.                   and developing details for upgrade or abandonment of the vaults underneath the
                                                sidewalk on the business side.

                                                                                           ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. // 2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering                                          PAGE 6
C. Firm Experience
Towpath Trail Extension, Stages 3 and 4
                                                                                       Client Contact
Cleveland, OH (2020)                                                                   Jessica French
                                                                                       Land Deputy/Senior Project
More than 2.5 million people, athletes, visitors, and commuters use                    Manager
the 101-mile Towpath Trail annually. The majority of the Towpath Trail                 Cuyahoga County
mileage that extends through four counties has been completed as an                    P: 216-348-3840
off-road, shared-use path on independent alignment, with some of the                   E: jnfrench@cuyahogacounty.us
most challenging mileage through Cleveland’s industrial valley remaining
as the final gap to connect to Downtown Cleveland.                                     Michael Baker’s Role
                                                                                       • Bicycle facilities – on-street and
The Towpath Trail Stage 3 Extension represents two of these final, critical              off-street
miles of the trail. In addition to the design, Michael Baker tested and                • Environmental documentation
restored contaminated, post-industrial soil, implemented slope stability               • FHWA standards
measures and grading, designed a trail overlook, pedestrian bridge, and                • Trail design
trailhead, and constructed a unique, sustainable stormwater management                 • Right-of-way acquisition
system which reduced impacts to the City’s Combined Sewer Overflow                     • Stormwater management
system.                                                                                • Green space development
                                                                                       • Wetlands and ecological
This project received positive feedback from the City and the public. The                evaluations
City viewed the extension of the trail and its connectors as an innovative             • Stakeholder coordination
way to improve connections to the nearby rejuvenated Clark Fields                      • Public involvement
(a 30-acre park serving as the recreation epicenter of Tremont), local
businesses, and places of employment. Michael Baker worked with the
City to ensure the trail and greenbelt design dovetailed
with the City’s ongoing improvements to Clark Fields,
relocating the existing park’s roadway access to create a
unified entrance to the trail and park.

Stage 4 included a 1.5-mile connection to complete the
northern extension of the path and addressed a number
of important issues to integrate the shared-use path
into existing street rights-of-way while accommodating
residential, commercial, and industrial areas of the City.
The preferred alternative consisted of a combination
of off-road trail segments, replacement of existing
street segments with shared-use path, and separated
trail facilities adjacent to city streets within existing
rights-of-way. Michael Baker provided planning through
development and evaluation of preliminary alternatives,
cost estimates, and engineering design.

Since the project received funding from numerous
streams, including federal transportation funds, state
grants and local agency grants, many stakeholders and
agencies were involved at the outset, with additional
stakeholders added throughout the project. Michael
Baker led working-group meetings to make sure all
stakeholders’ funding requirements were satisfied and   During the bid phase, Michael Baker included more desired elements
conducted public outreach to build consensus within the into the lean budget by creating accurate, cost-effective estimates for
community.                                              bidding and organizing the project elements into add-alternates that
                                                              ensured the most scope could be constructed for the project budget.

                                                                                         ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. // 2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering                                        PAGE 7
C. Firm Experience
East 152nd Street Rehabilitation
Cleveland, OH (2018)                                                           Client Contact
                                                                              Angela Sanchez, PE
                                                                              Consulting Engineer, Division of
Michael Baker provided design services for the rehabilitation of 1.6 miles    Engineering and Construction
of East 152nd Street from Woodworth Avenue north to Waterloo Road.            City of Cleveland
                                                                              P: 216-664-3654
The project included rehabilitation and/or repair of existing pavement,       E: asanchez@city.cleveland.oh.us
curbs, sidewalk, curb ramps, drainage improvements, pavement
markings, signing, traffic signal replacement, removal and upgrades,          Michael Baker’s Role
waterline replacement, and maintenance of traffic.                            •   Street rehabilitation
                                                                              •   Drainage
Michael Baker performed a field review of the existing conditions to          •   ADA compliance
evaluate pavement conditions, tie in points, drainage facilities, curb        •   Roadway and pavement design
reveal, sidewalk condition, utility location, signalization equipment,        •   Existing conditions review
lane use, ADA accessibility and various other existing conditions. Michael    •   Field survey and geotechnical
Baker also supervised a field survey and supplemental geotechnical                supervision
investigation and performed interim quantity calculations and                 •   Quantity and cost estimates
conceptual cost estimating to evaluate the approximate cost of the            •   Right-of-way supervision
proposed design prior to proceeding with final design.                        •   Traffic engineering
                                                                              •   Maintenance of traffic plans
Michael Baker developed roadway plans that included typical sections          •   Signing and striping plans
and details; pavement section and necessary repair/rehabilitation; curb       •   Traffic signal warrant analysis
reveal, including variable cross slope, and pavement elevation tables.            and design
Additionally, Michael Baker; supervised right-of-way easement, legal            • Public involvement
description, and acquisition services; and coordinated with overhead
and underground utilities to avoid conflicts and organize relocations
of project-impacted utilities. As part of the design efforts, Michael Baker
also identified potential safety improvements, developed preliminary and
detailed maintenance of traffic plans, and prepared signing and pavement
marking plans.

Traffic engineering
services included
collection of traffic
volumes to evaluate
existing traffic signals
and perform signal
warrant analyses on nine
signalized intersections
within the project
limits. Signals found
to be unwarranted
based on traffic
volumes underwent
removal analysis.
Other intersections
were upgraded to meet
current standards,
and one new traffic
signal installation was

                                                                               ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. // 2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering                              PAGE 8
D. Project Manager
The City of Milwaukee will receive clear communication and accurate
documentation from Lindsay Kaufmann, PE, who has managed
multiple roadway projects such as the Marquette Interchange
Rehabilitation project where the design was successfully delivered on
an extremely accelerated schedule.

With her comprehensive experience with roadway
rehabilitation and reconstruction projects, Lindsay
Kaufmann will lead our team as the Project Manager            Name           Lindsay Kaufmann, PE
for the roadway engineering activity. Lindsay’s project
management style emphasizes open communication                Phone
and strong organizational skills. Lindsay’s experience                       414-751-9984
includes roadway design, grading, drainage, traffic
control, public involvement, utility coordination, and
construction documentation.                                   Email
She recently served as Project Manager and
Roadway Design Lead for the Marquette Interchange             Office
                                                                             Milwaukee, WI
Rehabilitation project, which involved complex                Location
construction staging requiring close coordination with
WisDOT design and construction staff. Although the scale      Software       AutoCAD Civil 3D
of the project was different than most city projects, the     Proficiency    Autodesk Infraworks
project management skills demanded by that project                           Autodesk Land Desktop
are similar to those that will be required for successful                    Bentley InRoads
delivery of projects under this Master Contract.                             Bentley MicroStation
                                                                             Bentley OpenRoads Designer
                                                                             MicroSoft Office

                                                              As the Transportation Department
                                                              Lead in our Milwaukee Office, Lindsay
                                                              understands the City of Milwaukee and
                                                              WisDOT standards. Her extensive design
                                                              experience, proactive communication
                                                              style, and organization allows the team to
                                                              address potential issues early which often
                                                              results in more consistent design and lower
                                                              construction costs.

As a former City of Milwaukee resident for five years,
Lindsay’s local knowledge of the City played a key role
                                                             Lindsay has been easy to work with and was
                                                             flexible when WisDOT threw curveballs.

in the success of the environmental document for the                     Joe Gallamore, Project Manager
Lakefront Gateway project. She navigated challenging         WisDOT Marquette Interchange Reconstruction
4(f) issues with parkland along the lakefront resulting in
a signed document and kudos from FHWA.

                                                                               ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. // 2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering                              PAGE 9
D. Project Manager

Good Hope Road Box Culvert Replacement                                                Client Reference
Milwaukee, WI (ongoing)                                                               Andrea Weddle-Henning
                                                                                      Director, Transportation Services
                                                                                      Milwaukee County
Our team is familiar with the challenges of urban projects. This Local                P: 414-257-5934
Program project includes the replacement of an existing box culvert                   E: andrea.weddle-henning@
and the associated approach pavement along Good Hope Road (CTH                        milwaukeecountywi.gov
PP) in the City of Milwaukee. Good Hope Road carries a high volume of
traffic and there is minimal room for staging, making a primary focus of
the project traffic control, staging, maintaining safety, and minimizing
impacts in the urban environment.

Traffic control design must account for vehicular traffic, public transit, local
businesses, and pedestrians on the Oak Leaf Trail. There are numerous
utilities below and adjacent to Good Hope Road which may be impacted
by the project. Michael Baker is working together with Milwaukee County
to address and minimize the utility impacts. One end of the existing culvert
is outside the County right-of-way, and the design will modify the structure
geometry to eliminate the need for any permanent easements.

The box culvert is incorporated into both City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee
County storm sewer systems, which creates challenges for construction,
water diversion, and hydraulic analysis. We are proposing a precast box
culvert for this project, which will help mitigate impacts to traffic as well as risks associated with high flow events by
drastically shortening the construction duration.

Lindsay is the project engineer responsible for leading the roadway design, traffic control development, and development
of the environmental document along with providing QA/QC reviews.

South 76th Street Rehabilitation
                                                                                      Client Reference
Franklin, WI (ongoing)                                                                Andrea Weddle-Henning
                                                                                      Director, Transportation Services
This project highlights Michael Baker’s proficiency in delivering roadway             Milwaukee County
approach work for bridge rehabilitation projects including handling the               P: 414-257-5934
required coordination, traffic control and stage construction. This Local             E: andrea.weddle-henning@
Program project includes the rehabilitation of two bridges carrying South             milwaukeecountywi.gov
76th Street (CTH U) over Loomis Road (STH 36). The project is being designed
under two project ID’s and will be let as a single construction project.

The project includes median modifications to increase the bridge clear
width and add turning lane capacity. Key considerations to the project are
the stage construction details and traffic control required to maintain two
lanes in each direction on this high-volume roadway. Staging for painting
operations over Loomis road are being coordinated with WisDOT. Design
work on this project is ongoing.

Lindsay is the project engineer responsible for leading the roadway design,
traffic control development, and development of the environmental
document along with providing QA/QC reviews.
                                                                                         ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. // 2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering                                       PAGE 10
D. Project Manager
Lakefront Gateway
                                                                              Client Reference
Milwaukee, WI (2015)                                                          Brian Roper, PE
                                                                              Consultant Services and Project
The Lakefront Gateway project improved connectivity between                   Management Section Chief
Downtown Milwaukee and the southern suburbs while supporting                  WisDOT
economic development along the lakefront. It included the realignment         P: 608-267-9390
of the IH 794 and Lincoln Memorial Drive Ramps and the extension of           E: brian.roper@dot.wi.gov
Lincoln Memorial Drive between the Lakefront and the Third Ward.

Michael Baker was responsible for the environmental report and noise
analysis. This was a particularly challenging document as the existing
corridor footprint included several parcels of land along Lincoln Memorial
Drive that are owned by Milwaukee County Parks. The Michael Baker team
provided Section 4(f) guidance and recommended that Section 4(f) was not
applicable in this situation given that the primary role of publicly-owned
parkland within project area was for public transportation.

Lindsay was responsible for the completion of the environmental report. The
environmental report included TIGER Grant funding; multi-modal and transit
considerations; a finding of De Minimus impact on Parks and Recreation
areas; preparation of the screening worksheets to determine the need to
conduct a detailed indirect effects; and coordination with the Bureau of
Aeronautics, Department of Natural Resources, Marine Historical Society, US
Army Corps of Engineers, US Coast Guard, and Native American tribes.

ADA Ramp Improvements
                                                                              Client Reference
Cook County, IL (2019)                                                        Amruta Mate
                                                                              Project Manager and ADA
Michael Baker provided preliminary engineering services outlining             Coordinator
improvements needed to upgrade ADA sidewalk ramp access at locations          Illinois Department of
in northern Cook County, IL. This work included planning, analysis, and       Transportation
program delivery tasks for multiple communities’ pedestrian transportation    P: 847-705-4330
system, including 1,758 intersections and approximately 4,835 curb ramps      E: amruta.mate@illinois.gov
that required investigation, design, and estimation of construction costs.

Our team, under Lindsay’s guidance for about 30 intersections, provided
an assessment of existing conditions at each ramp, categorization of
improvements, proposed ADA ramp design, plan sheet development, and
detailed cost breakdown. The work related to analyzing each curb ramp
provided designers with a high level of proficiency with working with ADA
accessibility requirements as well as public rights-of-way accessibility
guidelines. The work was accomplished within tight right-of-way limits,
similar to many intersections in the City of Milwaukee.

                                                                               ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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D. Project Manager
San Miguel Drive Street Improvements
City of Newport, CA (2010)                                                        Client Reference
                                                                                  City of Newport Beach, CA
                                                                                  P: 949-644-3111
Michael Baker prepared final PS&E for the street widening of San Miguel
Drive from 500 feet west of Avocado Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard
within the City of Newport Beach, CA. Final PS&E improvements included
curb and gutter, median, sidewalk, grading, landscaping, storm drain
catch basins, storm sewer, traffic signal modifications, traffic signal timing,
and stage construction. Landscaping coordination with the proposed City
Hall on-site landscape architects and the Irvine Company was required to
ensure that the project’s community sensitive design elements would blend
with the surrounding areas. Additionally, a temporary driveway access for
the proposed City Hall site was designed at the intersection of Avocado
Avenue and Farallon Drive. Michael Baker provided construction support
which included: field design changes, utility relocation coordination,
change order and request-for-information requests, shop drawing reviews,
site visits and coordination with the City of Newport Beach, Construction
Manager, and the Contractor.

Lindsay’s role as lead project engineer involved coordinating all of the design aspects of the project including the
horizontal & vertical layout, proposed storm sewer improvements, stage construction, signal designs, and pavement
markings. Additionally, she was in charge of coordination with the City, the Irvine Company and the City Hall on-site
landscape architects. Lindsay’s strong project management skills ensured all deliverables were high quality and
submitted on time. This project demonstrates Lindsay’s successful project management as well as public involvement
skills and ability to work in a multi-disciplinary environment.

Moody Street Roadway and
                                                                                  Client Reference
Storm Drain Improvements                                                          Kamran Dadbeh
Cypress, CA (2006)                                                                Assistant City Engineer
                                                                                  City of Cypress
                                                                                  P: 714-229-6756
By providing conceptual design, preliminary engineering, final plans,
                                                                                  E: kdadbeh@ci.cypress.ca.us
specifications and estimates, and construction support for street
rehabilitation and storm drain improvements, Michael Baker assisted the
City of Cypress in achieving their stormwater goals for Moody Street from
Lincoln Avenue to Grace Avenue within the City of Cypress.

After receiving approval from the City, residents, and stakeholders,
Michael Baker prepared final design plans. Final roadway and storm drain
improvements included curb and gutter, full-width street overlay, parkway
grading, residential property drainage, and storm drain catch basins and
storm drain pipe reconstruction.

Michael Baker successfully overcame drainage challenges by engaging the
community through public involvement initiatives, including having open,
one-on- one conversations with affected residents to ensure their concerns
were heard and met.

The project was adjacent to a school which put some restrictions on the construction schedule and required a detailed
evaluation of the traffic control plan.
                                                                                    ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL, INC. // 2021-2022 Master Contract Engineering                                      PAGE 12
E. Firm’s Key Staff Members
The City of Milwaukee can achieve more value for your investment dollars from Michael Baker
team member’s Local Program Management Consultant (LPMC) experience in project scoping,
design reports, and roadway design.

Key Staff Members:
• Chad Schroeder, PE                                                                               planners,

                                                                          3               18
                                                                                                   engineers, and
• Sue Barker, PE                                                                                   engineers-
• Nolan Wagner, EIT                                                                                in-training for
                                                                blocks from our                    additional support
Our roadway team is well versed in everything from                office to City
meeting FHWA requirements to Complete Streets and local         staff for efficient
roadway design details. This team was assembled for
                                                                  coordination                     combined years of
their versatility, comprehensive understanding of roadway                                          experience by key
                                                                                                   staff members
elements, and ability to deliver high quality solutions in a
timely manner.

Name                   Chad Schroeder, PE
Phone Number           715-482-0244                                                      9 Local program
Email Address          chad.schroeder@mbakerintl.com                                       consultant for over
Office Location        Madison, WI                                                         100 local projects
Software               Bentley MicroStation, AASHTO
Proficiencies          Trns•port Estimator, MicroSoft
                       Office, PhotoShop

Chad has designed and managed over 60 WisDOT design contracts (highways, bridges, local roads improvements) and
lead over 14 WisDOT construction projects (aviation, highway, bridge, pedestrian improvement, local utility).

He has led design and construction oversight teams for consulting firms since 2011 and has provided unparalleled lead
and support services for WisDOT and local projects ranging from pavement repair/replacements and asphalt overlays, to
complex urban reconstructions, roundabouts, and multi-span bridge replacements. Having both design and construction
experience attributes to quick identification of issues which leads to accurate, biddable plan sets. Chad also served
as constructability/QC reviewer for all WisDOT NW Region Local Program design projects (100+ projects) through the
management consultant role from 2016-2018.

Chad served as the consultant design project manager for the local program Phillip Street Reconstruction in the City of
Rhinelander on a fast-track design schedule. It included widening of existing roadway, addition of pedestrian facilities,
sanitary sewer and watermain reconstruction. Project also included storm sewer redesign to eliminate existing pumping
station and convert system to standard gravity-based system.

Chad served as the consultant design project manager for the CTH J local program reconstruction project in Minocqua/
Woodruff, Wisconsin. It included conversion of a rural two-lane roadway to urban roadway with pedestrian and bicycle
accommodations, curb and gutter, new storm sewer system and asphaltic pavement.

Chad served as the consultant design project manager for the STH 113/Water & Ash Street Reconstruction in the City
of Baraboo. The roadway was reconstruction as part of a jurisdictional transfer, and included concrete pavement
replacement, storm sewer, intersection redesign, and traffic signal design.
                                                                                      ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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E. Firm’s Key Staff Members
Name                Sue Barker, PE
                                                                                         9 Delivered over
Phone Number        608-821-8712                                                           10 projects in
Email Address       susan.barker@mbakerintl.com
                                                                                           accordance with
                                                                                           WisDOT and FHWA
Office Location     Madison, WI                                                            local program
Software            AutoCAD Civil 3D, Bentley
Proficiencies       MicroStation, MicroSoft Office,
                    Transoft AutoTurn

Sue has strong experience in planning, design, and construction of transportation facilities. Her areas of emphasis include
project management, rural and urban roadway design, and public involvement. She has a comprehensive understanding
of the WisDOT facilities development process and has successfully managed local funded urban roadway design projects
as well federally funded projects.

For five years, Sue was responsible for providing Consultant Municipal Engineer functions for several communities without
full-time engineering staff. She designed annual street and alley improvement programs, served as the roadway lead on
reconstruction and rehabilitation projects, and delivered dozens of local program design projects through the WisDOT
process. She is highly experienced in developing plans, specifications, design reports, permitting, and environmental
documentation. Sue has extensive experience with the elements required for successful city of Milwaukee roadway
engineering projects including on-street and off-street bicycle facilities and ADA compliance for pedestrian facilities.

 Name               Nolan Wagner, EIT
                                                                                         9 City of Milwaukee
 Phone Number 414-615-3929                                                                 resident
 Email Address      nolan.wagner@mbakerintl.com                                          9 Reviewed over
                                                                                           20 projects from
 Office Location Milwaukee, WI                                                             preliminary design
                                                                                           through PS&E
 Software           Civil3D, MicroSoft Office,
 Proficiencies      Transoft AutoTurn
As a city of Milwaukee resident, Nolan brings practical, local knowledge of the city to his work. Nolan will perform roadway
design on work order projects and lead the plan production efforts. He is an experienced Civil 3D user with proficiency in
multiple aspects of design including modeling existing and proposed conditions, developing alignments and surfaces,
traffic control, pavement rehabilitation, and developing quantities.

Nolan assisted with the City of Wauwatosa repaving program and 2015 sidewalk program. He is knowledgeable in WisDOT
procedures and has assisted with preparation of environmental documents, DSRs, cost estimates, and utility coordination.
In his work at a previous firm that served as a Local Program Management Consultant, he performed plan and document
reviews for over 20 projects from preliminary design through PS&E, including cost estimates, environmental documents,
pavement design reports, TMPs, DSRs, as well as 30 percent, 60 percent, pre-PS&E and PS&E plan reviews.

Nolan’s construction inspection experience includes inspection of mill and resurfacing projects which gives him valuable
insight into the considerations required for a constructible and cost-effective design. It also includes construction
inspection of several green alley and bike station projects in the City of Wauwatosa.

                                                                                     ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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E. Representative Projects of Staff Members
STH 13 Pavement Rehabilitation                                                    Client Reference
Park Falls, WI (2019)                                                             Jesse Jefferson
                                                                                  Project Manager
This project design included a mill and overlay along STH 13 in Price County
                                                                                  P: 715-365-5714
and is comprised of 0.25 mile of an urban section with various pavement
                                                                                  E: jesse.jefferson@dot.wi.gov
widths and three miles of a rural section. Within the urban section, there were
four intersections that required updates to the existing curb ramps to ensure
                                                                                  Participating Key Staff
compliance with ADA standards. In total, 10 curb ramps of various types
                                                                                  Nolan Wagner, Design Engineer
needed to be replaced. There was also culvert work that was required for this
                                                                                  (while with a previous firm)
design, including removals and replacements of pipes and end walls.

Nolan Wagner completed the environmental documentation and the Design
Study Report. He also coordinated with utilities in the area to create relevant
linework for underground utility locations throughout the project. Nolan
developed corridor modeling of the urban intersections, which included
developing curb ramp details according to WisDOT’s recent workflow.
Additionally, he developed alignments and edge lines for plan preparation
and developed cross sections displaying the corridor and existing surfaces.
Nolan worked closely with other members of the team to keep the estimate
documentation updated through the 60 % stage and helped produced the
miscellaneous quantities sheet for the plans.

NW Region Local Program
                                                                                  Client Reference
Management Consultant (LPMC)                                                      Jeffrey Olson
Eau Claire, WI (2017)                                                             Project Manager
                                                                                  P: 715-395-3032
While at a previous firm, Chad Schroeder and Nolan Wagner provided
                                                                                  E: Jeffrey.Olson@dot.wi.gov
design oversight and review services for the firm’s LPMC contract with
WisDOT’s NW Region. Chad assisted in this capacity with consultant
                                                                                  Participating Key Staff
contract scope and language review, project report review (PDR,
                                                                                  Chad Schroeder, LPMC Reviewer
Environmental Documents, DSR, Exception to Standards, etc.) plan
                                                                                  (while with a previous firm)
milestone reviews, and PS&E submittal reviews.
                                                                                  Nolan Wagner, LPMC Reviewer
                                                                                  (while with a previous firm)
Nolan performed plan and document reviews for over 20 projects from
preliminary design through PS&E, including cost estimates, environmental
documents, pavement design reports, TMPs, DSRs, as well as 30 percent,
60 percent, pre-PS&E, and PS&E plan reviews.

Chad was one of two people within the firm that was certified by WisDOT to provide review and approval of environmental
documents, having completed all required training through WisDOT and the National Highway Institute. Chad also
coordinated with the firm’s construction oversight subconsultant on constructability issues and design/construction.

                                                                                   ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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E. Representative Projects of Staff Members
WisDOT NW Region Scoping Assistance
Eau Claire, WI (2018)                                                             Client Reference
                                                                                  Adam Sarauer
                                                                                  Project Manager
Under a master services design contract work order, Chad Schroeder                WisDOT NW Region
led and managed efforts which provided assistance to the Northwest                P: 715-833-5367
region for preparing scoping packages for upcoming regional design                E: Adam.sarauer@dot.wi.gov
improvement projects. Twelve projects were scoped through this
work order and under direction of the NW Region Scoping Engineer,                 Participating Key Staff
appropriate WisDOT forms and estimates were completed.                            Chad Schroeder, Project Manager
                                                                                  and Lead Scoping Engineer
Efforts included performing site visits of the projects, investigating crash      (while with a previous firm)
patterns, performing cursory environmental surveys, evaluating existing
geometric deficiencies, determining deficiency priorities, providing
a general scope of services of work required to meet WisDOT’s goals,
providing a construction cost estimate, and follow-up meetings as needed.
Projects consisted of structure replacements, overlays, pavement rehabilitations, and HSIP improvements. This type of
scoping level development could assist the City in accurate cost estimates for future projects.

Annual Street and Alley
Improvement Program                                                               City of Lake Geneva
Lake Geneva, WI (2012)
                                                                                  Participating Key Staff
                                                                                  Sue Barker, Design Engineer (while
Lake Geneva’s annual street improvement programs generally consisted
                                                                                  with a previous firm)
of five to 15 streets and two alleys in various locations throughout the city.
Street improvements included base patching, curb and gutter repair or
replacement, milling and resurfacing asphalt pavement, sidewalk repair,
and pavement marking. Alley improvements consisted of utility replacements and removing and replacing base course
and asphalt pavement.

Sue Barker provided design services for the street maintenance program for five years. Activities included: coordinating
field survey effort; site review of pavement condition and layout of base patching, sidewalk repair, and curb and gutter
repair locations; review of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations; evaluation of traffic calming treatments, curb
ramp design; drainage and storm sewer design and utility coordination for alleys; developing alternate bid options; and
preparation of plans, specifications, and cost estimates. She also attended bid openings, reviewed bids, and prepared
recommendations for award.

Storm water design for alleys was particularly challenging due to the constrained environment, limited change in
elevation, adjacent paved parking areas and garage entrances and foundations. An inverted crown typical section often
provided a cost effective solution without impacts to adjacent properties.

                                                                                    ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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E. Representative Projects of Staff Members
39th Avenue Reconstruction                                                        Client Reference
Pleasant Prairie, WI (2015)                                                       Matt Fineour
                                                                                  Village Engineer
Michael Baker provided pavement type evaluation, street lighting plan             Village of Pleasant Prairie
coordination, and public involvement services for the reconstruction of           P: 262-925-6778
39th Avenue from State Trunk Highway (STH) 165 to 97th Street.                    E: mfineour@plprairiewi.com

The project was financed with 80% federal funding and 20% local                   Participating Key Staff
funding and was administered through WisDOT’s Southeast Region Local              Sue Barker, Public Involvement
Program. The roadway was reconstructed as a two-lane divided urban
roadway with the addition of concrete curb and gutter, raised median,
storm sewer drainage facilities, bike lanes, parallel parking lanes, decorative
street lighting, and multi-use path with a grass terrace. Sanitary sewer and
water main improvements were also included. Stormwater management
facilities were part of the project as well as incorporation of sustainable
design elements wherever practical. The intersection of 39th Avenue and
Springbrook Road was reconstructed as a roundabout.

As a subconsultant, Michael Baker led the public involvement efforts for
the project. Two Public Involvement Meetings were held to familiarize
the public with the purpose and need for the project, present preliminary
concepts to the public and solicit input on options to be considered for the
project and potential impacts to natural, cultural and social characteristics
of the project.

Michael Baker provided an overview of upcoming activities and explained
the next steps of the process, including additional public outreach and
input opportunities. A public and local official database was developed and
utilized for meeting mailings. The database included property owners located
within ½ mile of the project area, as well as agency representatives and local
officials. An open house style format was provided. During this time, meeting
attendees could view the exhibits of the various concepts and ask questions
and make comments to the project team members in attendance.

For street lighting, Michael Baker provided
photometric drawings for the lighting,
plan drafting, and review of specifications
for conformance with state standards.
The street lighting design was developed
to include appropriate light levels and
fixture placement to improve pedestrian
and motorist safety while helping to
define a distinct village center character
for the 39th Avenue corridor. The project
included installation of pedestrian-scaled
street lighting at roughly 80-foot intervals
throughout the corridor. Fixtures were
strategically located to maximize pedestrian
visibility at crossings and improve safety at
bike path and at the roundabout.

                                                                                   ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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E. Representative Projects of Staff Members
Lakefront West Corridor
                                                                                      Client Contact
Cleveland, OH (2019)                                                                  Natalie Conley, PE
                                                                                      Project Manager
Michael Baker developed detailed design plans for the Lakefront West                  Ohio DOT, District 12
Mainline Safety Improvements project, which includes the conversion                   P: 216-581-2100
of the West Shoreway, a six-lane controlled access highway, to a more                 E: natalie.conley@dot.ohio.gov
pedestrian friendly six-lane boulevard.
                                                                                        Participating Key Staff
One of the major challenges of the project involved balancing different                 Lindsay Kaufmann, Roadway
transportation modes that used the corridor. The western side of the                    Engineer
corridor is in the metropolitan part of the city next to the beach, with a lot
of recreation. It then transitions to residential and then industrial to the
downtown. The corridor’s eastern side is industrial with salt mining and
other trucks hauling heavy loads. Trucks, heavy industry, local traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians all had to be accommodated.
To overcome this challenge, all modes needed consideration at each access point. Where more trucks and heavy industry
were prevalent, more robust pedestrian safety components were added. In other locations that focused more on residents
and local access, ADA-compliant pedestrian and bike facilities took a more prominent role. Continuous access along the
corridor for pedestrians and bikes was provided through the multi-use path. On-road locations connect the surrounding
neighborhoods to the lakefront and Edgewater Park and for people traveling from neighboring communities to downtown.

Fifteen intersections were reconfigured, five signalized intersections were upgraded, and two miles of the West Shoreway
pavement was widened and rehabilitated to accommodate a new landscaped median between the eastbound and
westbound lanes. Best management practices, such as bioretention cells, bioswales, and dry detention basins, were used
to treat 100% of all surface run-off on the western portion of the project.

Michael Baker designed the boulevard, including pavement rehabilitation, drainage, structure rehabilitation and
replacement, retaining walls, a multi-use path, signing, utility relocation and coordination, landscaping, and
enhancements within the corridor. Michael Baker also developed a street lighting plan, including luminaries, poles,
and decorative/landscape lighting for the proposed pedestrian environments. Additionally, Michael Baker conducted a
geotechnical investigation, prepared pavement recommendations, landscaping, construction plans, cost estimation, and
provided construction services.

This award-winning project fulfilled a long-range plan of       Michael Baker designed a new roundabout for the project, which
developing the lakefront to encourage development and           was phased to be constructed while maintaining existing traffic.
maximize opportunities that exist with the natural lakefront

                                                                                        ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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E. Representative Projects of Staff Members
I-39 Overpass Structures Improvements
                                                                             Client Contact
Design                                                                       Kurt Johnson
Dane County, WI (2017)                                                       Title
                                                                             P: 608-246-5356
Michael Baker provided engineering and environmental services for
                                                                             E: kurt.johnson@dot.wi.gov
pavement replacement, storm sewer, and bicycle accommodations
along STH 19 near the IH 39 interchange.
                                                                             Participating Key Staff
                                                                             Sue Barker, Project Manager
The improvements included realigning the eastbound I-39 entrance
                                                                             Lindsay Kaufmann, Design Quality
ramp with the exit ramp at the STH 19 interchange and create a
signalized intersection on the west end of the interchange. The work
included improving roadway geometrics and addition of traffic signals
at the western intersection. A Synchro analysis was
conducted for the new traffic signals, coordinated
with adjacent ITS application, installed a vehicle
pre-emption device, and traffic interconnect was
included to connect to adjacent traffic signals.
Michael Baker developed 30-percent, 60-percent,
and final roadway plans, specifications and
estimates. Storm sewer plans included storm sewer
design to connect the existing system to new outlet
as well as a new box culvert.

Regarding traffic control and construction staging,
Michael Baker completed a lane closure analysis
and a transportation management plan to reflect
construction staging concepts. Additionally,
the project includes surveys necessary for the
preparation of plats and acquisition of right-of -way and property
subsurface investigations to evaluate foundation requirements and
determine quantities and qualities of materials needed for the project.

Sue was responsible for developing and maintaining project schedule,
coordinating with railroad, regulatory agencies, and utility companies.

Lindsay was responsible for the design of the concrete pavement
replacement and storm sewer.

                                                                              ACTIVITY 3: ROADWAY ENGINEERING
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