2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly

Page created by Edwin Gallagher
2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly
2021/22 MEDIA PACK
2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly

Gym Owner Monthly is a digital publication dedicated
specifically to gym owners and health & fitness managers
in the UK.

The publication is sent to a circulation of 11,707 gym
owners and operators with purchasing decision-making
authority - enabling you to directly target the key buyers
with your product or range of services.

Gym Owner Monthly gives its readers a comprehensive
mix of industry news, expert comment, relevant features,
case studies, new product launches, new technology and
behind-the-headline analysis.

Content is focused on the key topics and trends that every
ambitious gym owner or health & fitness professional
needs to know - all delivered in a bright, informative and
professional package.                                                                     TRENDS                                                                                              TRENDS

                                                                                       ISSUE 53 // OCTOBER 2020                                                                            ISSUE 53 // November 2020



                                                                                                                                      WE INTERVIEW

                                                                                                                                                                                          WE INTERVIEW

                                                                                                                                                     DIR, SPAIN’S LARGEST
                                                                                                                                                     GYM OPERATOR, PARTNERS                  WALTERS

                                                                                                                                                     WITH FISIKAL TO
                                                                                                                                                     COMPLETE DIGITAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                         OWNER OF
                                                                                                                                                     TRANSFORMATION                                                 STUDIO
                                                                                                                                                                                          “IF I CAN DO IT!
                                                                                                                                                         THE  INS AND OUTS
                                                                                                                                                          OF DIGITALISATION
                                                                                                                                                                                          SO CAN YOU"
                                                                                                                                                                                          BY ASIF ALI

                                                                                                                                                            EXPLAINED BY ERNST DE
                                                                                                                                                            NEEF, CEO AT FUNXTION         WHY HIIT TRAINING?
                                                                                                                                                                                          BY STACY WIG
                                                                                                                                                                 THE DOS AND
                                                                                                                                                           DON’TS OF PERSONAL             STRONG LIFE
                                                                                                                                                                 TRAINER LIABILITY        FITNESS
                                                                                                                                                                       INSURANCE          RETREATS

  Independent gyms             Leisure centres               Holiday resort gyms
                                                                                                                                                                                          SARAH DENNIS –
                                                                                                                                                                                          OUR STORY

                                                                                                                                                                                          THIS MONTH’S
                                                                                                                                                                                          INTERNATIONAL GYM
                                                                                                                                                                                          OF THE MONTH IS

  National gyms                School gyms                   Sport stadia gyms
                                                                                                                                                                                          A GYM FOR THE
                                                                                                                                                                                          WHOLE FAMILY


  Health clubs                 University/college gyms       Marketing managers
                                                                                                                                                                                          BEN  STAPLETON
                                                                                                                                                                                          OUR GYM OWNER
                                                                                                                                                                                          OF THE MONTH


  Hotel gyms                   Golf club gyms                Fitness professionals
                                                                                                                                                                                          SMALL GYMS IN THE
                                                                                                                                                                                          BY AMY DUTFIELD

                                                                                                                                                                          JUNE 2019   1                                                                             JUNE 2019   1
                                                                                     N E W S // R E V I E W S // T E C H N O L O G Y// T R E N D S // E Q U I P M E N T// I N S I G H T                  F I S I K A L // F U N X T I O N // E GY M // M AT R I X
2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly
2021 FEATURES                                                                                                  ALL FEATURES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE
 JANUARY:                                              MAY:                                                  SEPTEMBER:
 ■ Finance & Funding                                   ■ Lockers & Changing Room Designs                     ■ Flooring
 ■ Training & CPD                                      ■ Indoor Rowing                                       ■ Finance & Funding
 ■ Health & Safety                                     ■ Indoor Cycling                                      ■ Vibration Training
 ■ Nutrition                                           ■ Refurbishment                                       ■ Club Procurement
 ■ Hygiene                                             ■ Functional Training                                 ■ Indoor Cycling
 ■ Software Membership Management                      ■ HIIT                                                ■ Indoor Rowing
 ■ Direct Debit Solutions                              ■ Review FIBO                                         ■ Wellness & Coaching
 ■ Membership Payments                                 ■ Direct Debit Solutions                              ■ Training Courses
 ■ Disabled Access                                     ■ Membership Payments
 FEBRUARY:                                             JUNE:                                                 OCTOBER:
 ■ Weight Training                                     ■ Health & Safety                                     ■ Refurbished Equipment
 ■ Lockers & Changing Room Facilities                  ■ Software Technology                                 ■ Security & Lighting
 ■ Wearable Technology/Software                        ■ EMS Training                                        ■ Inductions
 ■ Training Courses                                    ■ Community Gyms                                      ■ Software
 ■ Product Innovation& Technology                      ■ Youth Training                                      ■ Functional Training
 ■ Wellness & Coaching                                 ■ Obstacle Races & Training                           ■ Product Innovation
 ■ Indoor Rowing                                       ■ Boutique Gyms                                       ■ Retention
 ■ Indoor Cycling                                      ■ Group Exercise                                      ■ Cryotherapy: Safety, what to expect, and benefits
 ■ Gym design                                          ■ Cryotherapy: Safety, what to expect, and benefits   ■ Direct Debit Solutions
 ■ Flooring                                                                                                  ■ Membership Payments
 ■ Cryotherapy: Safety, what to expect, and benefits
 MARCH:                                                JULY:                                                 NOVEMBER:
 ■ Supplements & Nutrition                             ■ Wearable Technology                                 ■ New Vs. Secondhand
 ■ Functional Fitness                                  ■ Body Scanning & Fitness Testing                     ■ Strength Training
 ■ Franchising                                         ■ Insurance & finance                                 ■ Weight Training
 ■ Boutique Gyms                                       ■ Yoga & Pilates                                      ■ Membership Training
 ■ Preview FIBO Cologne                                ■ Stretching                                          ■ Body Weight Training
 ■ Security                                            ■ Boutique Gyms                                       ■ Boutique Gyms
 ■ Social Media                                        ■ Service & Maintenance
 ■ Group Exercise                                      ■ Flooring
 APRIL:                                                AUGUST:                                               DECEMBER:
 ■ Retention                                           ■ Running                                             ■ Technology & Innovation
 ■ Finance & Leasing                                   ■ Gym Design                                          ■ Flooring
 ■ Strength Training                                   ■ Clothing                                            ■ Service & Maintenance
 ■ Group Exercise                                      ■ Virtual Training                                    ■ January Rush
 ■ Safe Guarding Employees & Members                   ■ Supplements & Nutrition                                                                    TO BOOK
 ■ Outdoor Fitness Equipment/Technology                ■ Group Exercise                                                                              YOUR
 ■ Show Reviews: FIBO                                  ■ Lockers & Changing Facilities
                                                       ■ Technology & Innovation                                                                  ADVERTISING,
                                                                                                                                                   +44 (0) 7858
REGULAR CONTENT                                                                                                                                      487357

News • Business Insight • Ask The Experts • Reviews • Trends • Interviews • Product News • PT’s Viewpoint •
Fit Kit • Gym Owner Of The Month • The Exclusive Interview • and so much more
2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly
Discounts are available for multiple bookings. We can also offer bespoke
                                                                                                         packages based on your specific requirements.

DISPLAY ADVERTISING                                                                                      Contact Paul: pw@gymownermonthly.co.uk | tel +44 (0) 7858 487357

  DPS                                       420mm wide x 297
                                                                                                         Half Page Vertical
  £2,295                              Type: 394mm wide x 265                                             £895
                                     Bleed: 426mm wide x 303                                                                                  87mm wide x 265

  Half Page DPS                                                                                          Quarter Page Vertical
                                           420mm wide x 148
  £1,475                             Type: 394mm wide x 132                                              £695
                                     Bleed: 426mm wide x 151                                                                                  87mm wide x 128

  Quarter Page DPS                                                                                       Quarter Page Horizontal
                                              420mm wide x 72
  £995                                 Type: 394mm wide x 66                                             £695
                                       Bleed: 426mm wide x 75                                                                                 185mm wide x 88

  Full Page                                                                                              1/3 Page Vertical
                                            210mm wide x 297
  £1,495                             Type: 185mm wide x 265                                              £395
                                     Bleed: 216mm wide x 303                                                                                  62mm wide x 265

                                                                                                         Quarter Page Horizontal
  Half Page Horizontal                                                                                   Directory Advertisement
                                              185mm wide x 128                                           £1295 (for 12 months)                185mm wide x 57

 Technical Requirements                                                                                                               INTEGRATE YOUR VIDEO CONTENT FOR FREE!
 	All PDFs must be created using Acrobat Distiller, not from the software used to create the artwork                                Bring your advertising messages ALIVE with video. Just
  Resolution should be 300dpi where bitmap images are included                                                                       supply us with the link and we’ll do the rest. It’s really
 	For full page artwork please include printer’s marks (crop marks) and set 3mm bleed when creat-                                   that simple.
    ing PDF file
 	For half page artwork or smaller please set paper size in print dialogue box to the same as the
    artwork dimensions (i.e. no white surround on PDF)

2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING                                                                     DON’T UNDERESTIMATE
                                                                                           THE POWER OF DIGITAL
To reinforce your brand offering for 6 or 12 months:                                       PUBLISHING!
Small - 6 issues                                                                 £450
Small - 12 issues                                                                £600

Large - 6 issues                                                                £900
Large - 12 issues                                                             £1,200

Compliment your marketing campaigns with website
advertising (site-wide for 12 months):

Header banner (468x69)                                                          £1495
Side button (200x105)                                                           £995

A-Z Suppliers Directory                                                         £1295
(Quarter Page Strip Ad for 12 months)

Sponsorship of the Gym Owner Monthly                                           £POA
                                                                                            Live links will drive buyers directly to your landing-page or website
‘new issue’ email
                                                                                            Easily integrate video content into your campaigns
                                                                                            Print is generally read once, our readers keep coming back for more
                                                                                            Social sharing - digital readers naturally share great content
Cancellations                                                                               Use tracking and analytics to measure performance
Terms and conditions available on request. Cancellation of any advertisement booked in
Gym Owner Monthly must be received in writing no later than six weeks prior to deadline.
Cancellations must be addressed to the Publisher.                                                                     ALL RATES ARE EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JANUARY 2021.
2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING                                                                     DON’T UNDERESTIMATE
                                                                                           THE POWER OF DIGITAL
To reinforce your brand offering for 6 or 12 months:                                       PUBLISHING!
Small - 6 issues                                                                 £450
Small - 12 issues                                                                £600

Large - 6 issues                                                                £900
Large - 12 issues                                                             £1,200

Compliment your marketing campaigns with website
advertising (site-wide for 12 months):

Header banner (468x69)                                                          £1495
Side button (200x105)                                                           £995

A-Z Suppliers Directory                                                         £1295
(Quarter Page Strip Ad for 12 months)

Sponsorship of the Gym Owner Monthly                                           £POA
                                                                                            Live links will drive buyers directly to your landing-page or website
‘new issue’ email
                                                                                            Easily integrate video content into your campaigns
                                                                                            Print is generally read once, our readers keep coming back for more
                                                                                            Social sharing - digital readers naturally share great content
Cancellations                                                                               Use tracking and analytics to measure performance
Terms and conditions available on request. Cancellation of any advertisement booked in
Gym Owner Monthly must be received in writing no later than six weeks prior to deadline.
Cancellations must be addressed to the Publisher.                                                                     ALL RATES ARE EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JANUARY 2021.
2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly
Paul Wood                  Jane Grandena
Tel: +44 (0) 7858 487357   jg@gymownermonthly.co.uk
2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly 2021/22 MEDIA PACK www.gymownermonthly.co.uk - Gym Owner Monthly
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