2021 Cocurricular Handbook

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
2021 Cocurricular Handbook
2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Cocurricular at Immanuel

At Immanuel we place equal emphasis on each student’s academic, cultural, social, physical and pastoral development. We have
a broad range of cocurricular activities that are designed to inspire students, value their strengths and differences, and encourage
them to develop a spirit of service both to each other and to the wider community.

Activities cover four key areas: Cultural and Academic, Music, Sport and Outdoor Education.

Cultural and Academic

All activities are designed to enrich and extend student learning.

    Aoyama Gakuin Junior     Term 3 each year. Currently subject to Government Health Directions.
    High School – Sister     Students from ILC’s sister school in Tokyo – Aoyama Gakuin – stay with students for two weeks. Any
    School Visit             student can volunteer to host a Japanese exchange student.

    Art Club                 Terms 1 and 2
    Years 1–6                Thursday, 11.05am–11.35am, Primary School Art Room
                             Mr Peter Evans E: evansp@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                             Mrs Nicky Paora E: paoran@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Buranga Gifted and       Term 3
    Talented Camp            Alexandra Park Conference Centre
    Year 6                   Mrs Nicky Paora E: paroan@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                             A gifted and talented camp offered to Year 6 students by application. Camp experiences include
                             Mathematics, Science, Arts, Digital Technologies and more.
                             $ TBA

    Chess                    Terms 1 and 2
    Years 1–6                Tuesday, 11.05am, Bunya 2
                             Mrs Nikki Viner E: vinern@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Coding Club              Terms 2 and 4
    Years 3–6                Monday, 10.50am–11.35am, Paperbark 2
                             Mr Matt Doecke E: doeckem@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                             A club for students interested in computers, computer programming, making games, telling a
                             computer what to do and solving problems while working independently and in teams.

    Construction Club        Semester 2
    Years 1–3                Friday, 10.50am–11.35am, Bunya 1
                             Mrs Janette Osborne E: osbornej@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Debating (Primary)       Terms 2 and 3
                             Monday, 3.15pm–4.00pm, Wattle 3
                             Mrs Jenny Timmer E: timmerj@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Debating                 Terms 1 and 2: Qld Debating Union (QDU) Competition. Various venues on the Sunshine Coast,
    Years 7–12               Wednesday nights. Four debates over two terms.
                             Term 3: Sunshine Coast Debating Competition (Short Preparation), Years 7–12, held on four
                             Wednesday nights during the term. Meetings are held once per week at a designated lunch time and
                             some afternoons when required.
                             Mrs Victoria Archer E: archerv@immanuel.qld.edu.au

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Duke of Edinburgh’s       Wednesday 1.25pm–1.40pm, C17
    International Award       Cameron Roach E: roachc@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Years 9–12

    Eco Club (Primary)        Terms 1 and 4
    Years 1–3                 Monday, 11.05am–11.35am, PS Garden Beds
                              Mrs Susan Swift E: swifts@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                              For junior green thumbs keen to establish the Primary School gardens following the completion of
                              our new buildings.

    Years 4–6                 Terms 2 and 3
                              Thursday 10.50am–11.35am, Orchid 2
                              Ms Sarah Tongs E: tongss@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Eco Club (Secondary)      All Year
    Years 7–12                Tuesday, 1.20pm–1.45pm, KLT/Environmental Centre
                              Mr Rod Blom E: blomr@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                              A service club for students interested in all things environmental.

    Music and Dance Tour      Biennial end of Term 2. Currently subject to Government Directions Health
    Secondary students of     Ms Emily Bonar E: bonare@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Music and Dance           Ms Amy Sluggett E: sluggetta@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    German Tour               Every two years. Currently subject to Government Directions Health
    Years 7–12 students of    Göettingen, Berlin, Bavaria and other sites
    German                    $5000.00 approximately

    Get into God (GiG)        All Year. Commences on the Friday of Week 2 of each Term, finishing on the second last Friday of
    Years 4–6                 each Term.
                              Friday, 3.15pm–4.30pm, Immanuel Lutheran Church
                              Mr Vance Woodward E: woodwardv@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                              Mrs Gayla Mathews E: mathewsg@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                              E: youth@ichurch.net.au
                              A youth program for upper primary students to eat great food, learn about God and play some fun

    Immanuel Arts Festival    May
    P–12                      A. J. Jericho Stadium
                              External artists and Prep–Year 12 students can enter artwork and be in the running for a number of
                              Immanuel Arts Festival Committee E: artsfestival@immanuel.qld.edu.au; ilc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Interact (Youth Rotary)   All year
    Years 7–12                Thursday, 1.25pm–1.45pm, KTC
                              Ms Kirsten Zweck E: zweckk@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Japanese Tour             Every two years. Currently subject to Government Health Directions
    Years 7–12 students of    Tokyo, Hiroshima, Kyoto and other sites
    Japanese                  $3,500.00 approximately

    Karneval                  Term 1
    Prep–Year 6 students      Celebration of a traditional German festival in the lead up to Lent.
                              Ms Debra Carr E: carrd@immanuel.qld.edu.au

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
King Ludwig’s German      Term 3
    Restaurant                Ms Bettina Fricke E: frickeb@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Years 9–12 students of

    Lego Fun                  Semester 1
    Years 1–6                 Monday to Thursday 11.05am-11.35am, Myrtle (Upstairs, LED Department

    Lions Youth of the Year   Term 1
    Public Speaking           Mrs Sandy Minke E: minkes@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Year 12
    Mathematics Workshop      All year
    Years 7–12                Wednesday lunchtime Banksia
                              Thursday, 3.15pm–4.15pm, Banskia
                              Mr Garreth Cape E: capeg@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    MLTAQ German and          Last Sunday in August: Practise in Term 3. Currently subject to Government Health Directions
    Japanese Language         USC Sunshine Coast
    Speech                    Ms Bettina Fricke E: frickeb@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Competition               Ms Debra Carr E: carrd@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Years 4–12                Ms Alison Matsunaga: matsunagaa@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Sunshine Coast Schools Terms 1 and 2
    Mooting Competition    Ms Simone Benjamin E: benjamins@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Years 11 and 12
    students of Legal

    Opti Minds/Tournament     Terms 2 and 3
    of Minds                  Thursday, 10.50am–11.35am, Acacia 2
    Years 4–6                 Mrs Sarah Forrest E: forrests@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                              Mrs Tahnee Castles E: castlest@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Secondary School          Terms 2 and 3
                              Friday, Lillypilly 13, 1.10pm
                              Ms Sandy Page E: pages@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                              Mrs Lisa Allen E: allenl@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Problem Solvers           Terms 1 and 2
    Years 1–6                 Monday 10.50am–11.35am, Acacia 3
                              For students who like a challenge. Students ponder over puzzles and challenge their minds to solve
                              hands on problems.
                              Mrs Hannah Venz E: venzh@immanuel.qld.edu.au

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Reader’s Cup             Thursday 10.50am–11.35am Term 2
    Years 6–9                This is an activity for Year 6 students who enjoy reading, have a good memory and comprehension
                             skills, and work well in a team situation. A team of four, plus up to two reserves, read six books
                             commencing in March through to the competition here at Immanuel in May. Up to 25 teams from
                             schools across the Sunshine Coast compete to find a winner who will represent the region in the
                             state competition in September.
                             Mrs Kelly Dunham E: dunhamk@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Science Club (Primary)   To be confirmed
    Years 3–6                Monday, 3.15pm–3.45pm, Sheoak
                             Mr Greg Forrest E: forrestg@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Science Workshop         All Year
    Years 7–12               Monday, 3.20pm–4.20pm, Sheoak 1
                             *Secondary Science club by request
                             Mrs Wendy Cook E: cookw@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    SCIPHA Leadership Day    February
                             Mrs Jodie Hayat E: hayatj@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                             Year 6 student leaders engage in team building and leadership activities with student leaders from
                             other independent schools across the Sunshine Coast.

    Sensory Support          Semester 1
    Years 1–6                Tuesday, 11.05am, Jasmine 1
                             Create and build with Lego and meet new friends!
                             Mr Nathan Scoffin E: scoffinn@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Soularise Youth          All Year
    Years 7–12               Friday, Fortnightly, 6:00pm–8:30pm, Immanuel Lutheran Church
                             Radical Camp, April Holidays, Luther Heights
                             E: youth@ichurch.net.au
                             Friday night youth program to challenge and grow identity in Christ through small groups, games
                             and community.

    Sparkies                 Semester 1
    (Click Circuits)         Thursday, 10.50am–11.35am, Jasmine 1
    Years 4–6                Ms Tonia Schmidt E: schmidtt@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                             This club is for the Science–minded students who enjoy hands–on fun. The program develops basic
                             electricity and electronics skills and concepts. Using Snap Circuits, students will be challenged to
                             build over 100 exciting projects.

    Spiritual Retreat Days   Term 2, Worship Centre
    Year 9                   Mrs Gayla Mathews E: mathewsg@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Student Representative   All Year – run fortnightly in even weeks
    Council                  Wednesday, 1.05pm–1.35pm, Hibiscus
    Years 3–6                Mr Timothy French E: frencht@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Student Representative   All Year (commencing Week 7, Term 1)
    Council Years 7–12       Monday 1.10pm–1.50pm, Banksia
                             Mr Nick Cheyne E: cheynen@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Tech Team                All Year
    Years 7–12               Tuesday, 1.10pm–1.50pm, KS1
                             Mr Stefan Volejnik E: volejniks@immanuel.qld.edu.au

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Theodor–Heuss–          Term 4. Currently subject to Government Health Directions.
    Gymnasium Sister        Students from ILC’s sister school in Gottingen, Germany – Theodor–Heuss–Gymnasium – stay with
    School Visit – Home     ILC students for three months and join the Year 10 cohort. Any student can volunteer to host a
    Stay                    German exchange student. The students themselves are aged between 15 and 16 years.
                            Ms Bettina Fricke E: frickeb@immanuel.qld.edu.au

    Tipp Kick Club          Terms 1 and 2, Monday 11.05am–11.35am
    Years 4–6               Jasmine 3
                            Ms Debra Carr E: carrd@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                            Students learn how to play the table top German soccer game, Tipp–Kick. Tipp–Kick improves
                            coordination, builds skills and is about fun. Players are in teams of two and play in a competition.

    Voices on the Coast     1-5 March 2021
    Literature Festival     Online festival
    Years 4–12              Mrs Kelly Dunham E: dunhamk@immanuel.qld.edu.au; www.voicesonthecoast.com.au

    Waseda Primary School   August. Currently subject to Government Health Directions.
    Exchange                Mrs Jodie Hayat E: hayatj@immanuel.qld.edu.au
    Years 3–6 as Host       Students from Waseda Primary School (Tokyo) are hosted by ILC Primary School families.

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Cocurricular Music
Immanuel’s highly acclaimed Cocurricular Music program is one of the College’s key strengths. Our students are committed to
excellence and perform regularly at events across the Sunshine Coast. Students are also given the opportunity to tour as part of
our various ensembles. In recent years, there have been music tours to Melbourne, Sydney and regionally.

Lessons are available on campus for piano, singing, music theory, violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bass
clarinet, bassoon, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba,
acoustic guitar, electric guitar, electric bass, tuned percussion and untuned percussion.

Students may begin piano and singing lessons in Prep, violin/viola/cello lessons in Year 3 and all remaining instruments in Year
4. In exceptional circumstances, applications will be considered for students wishing to begin learning at a younger age. Lessons
are held in class time – in group or individual lessons – on a rotational timetable.

The Beginner String Program is open to all students in Years 3 and 4 who wish to play a string instrument (excluding guitar).
Expressions of interest are taken when the student is in Years 2 and 3 (Term Three) and lessons start when they are in Year 3 and
Year 4. Emphasis is placed on developing the correct technique and students are encouraged to join either Beginner String
Ensemble 1 or Beginner String Ensemble 2. Students also receive two years of free tuition and use of a College instrument (for a
fee of $80.00 per term). At the end of the program, students are encouraged to undertake group/individual lessons on their chosen

The Beginner Woodwind, Brass and Orchestral Percussion Program is open to all students in Year 4 who wish to play a woodwind,
brass or orchestral instrument (flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, French horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba or orchestral
percussion). Expressions of interest are taken when the student is in Year 3 (Term Three) and lessons start when they are in Year
4. Emphasis is placed on developing the correct technique and students join Immanuel’s Beginner Band and work towards
advancing to Concert Band. Students also receive one year of free tuition and use of a College instrument (for a fee of $80.00 per
term). At the end of the year, students are encouraged to undertake group/individual lessons on their chosen instrument.

College Ensembles

    Beginner      Tuesday 3.00pm–3.40pm
    Band          KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                  Mrs Emily Bonar – Ensemble Conductor
                  This developmental ensemble is open to all students who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument at
                  a beginner level. The ensemble is linked to the Beginner Woodwind, Brass and Orchestral Percussion
                  Program. Emphasis is placed on tone development, technique development and sight reading. Beginner Band
                  is frequently changing as students advance to Concert Band. This is a compulsory ensemble for students
                  learning as part of the Beginner Woodwind, Brass and Orchestral Percussion Program must attend Beginner

    Beginner      Wednesday 3.00pm–3.40pm
    String        KM8, Music and Drama Centre
    Ensemble      Mrs Julie-Anne O’Reilly - Ensemble Conductor
                  This developmental ensemble is open to all students who play a string instrument at a beginner level and is
                  linked to the Beginner String Program. Emphasis is placed on tone, technique development and sight
                  reading. This ensemble is open to new students for the entire academic year and changes frequently as
                  students advance to the Middle String Ensemble. This is a compulsory ensemble for students who are in their
                  first year of learning as part of the Beginner String Program.

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Brass Ensemble    Thursday 1.15pm–1.45pm
                      Drama Theatre, Music and Drama Centre
                      Mr Nelson Oakley - Ensemble Director
                      This ensemble is an invitation-only ensemble for students studying trumpet, French horn, trombone,
                      euphonium, baritone or tuba who are at an advanced level. Emphasis is placed on small ensemble
                      techniques including tone development, tuning and balance. Students must be of an advanced performance
                      standard. This ensemble represents Immanuel in public performances and competitions. Students must be
                      also attending either Concert Band or Symphonic Band (or both) to be eligible to be in Brass Ensemble.

    Choir             Friday 11.45am–12.15pm
    Prep              Wattle Classrooms
                      Ms Laura Jensen and Mr Hunter Brown
                      This ensemble is open to all students in Prep who wish to sing in a choir. Emphasis is placed on ensemble
                      etiquette, sight singing and rhythmic and melodic understanding. This ensemble is focused on developing
                      a love of music at a young age, in a fun and nurturing environment. This ensemble is open to new students
                      for the entire academic year.

    Choir Years 1–3   Friday 10.50am–11.35am
                      Primary School Hall
                      Mrs Marika Doman – Ensemble Director
                      Mr Hunter Brown – Accompanist
                      Mrs Leanne Auricht – Supervising Teacher
                      The Years 1–3 Choir is offered to all children in Years 1, 2 and 3 who love to sing! Children will engage in
                      vocal exercises and a range of pieces designed to encourage participation and enjoyment whilst improving
                      technique and building confidence in vocal performances.

    Choir Years 4–6   Tuesday 10.50am–11.35am
                      KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                      Mrs Marika Doman – Ensemble Director
                      Mr Hunter Brown – Accompanist
                      Mrs Tanya Everson – Supervising Teacher
                      This ensemble is open to all students in Years 4 to 6 who wish to sing in a choir. Emphasis is placed on
                      ensemble etiquette, sight singing and rhythmic and melodic understanding. This ensemble is focused on
                      developing a love of music at a young age, in a fun and nurturing environment. This ensemble is open to
                      new students for the entire academic year.

    College Chorale   Monday 3.30pm–4.30pm
                      Ken Thamm Lecture Theatre
                      Mrs Emily Newton – Ensemble Director
                      Mr Hunter Brown – Accompanist
                      This ensemble is open to all students in the Secondary School who wish to sing in a choir. Emphasis is
                      placed on ensemble etiquette, sight singing and rhythmic and melodic understanding. This ensemble is
                      open to new students for the entire academic year.

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Concert Band     Monday 7.30am–8.30am
                     KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                     Mrs Emily Bonar – Ensemble Conductor
                     This ensemble is for students in Years 4 to 7 with addition of some secondary students on beginner/second
                     instruments. The ensemble is open to all students who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument at
                     an intermediate or better level. Emphasis is placed on tone development, technique development and sight
                     reading. The ensemble regularly takes part in College performances and activities. Students are encouraged
                     to undertake group/individual lessons on their chosen instrument. Once they reach an advanced level of
                     tone and technique they will be invited to join Symphonic Band. Concert Band is considered the
                     prerequisite ensemble for students who wish to be considered for Junior Flute Ensemble, Intermediate Flute
                     Ensemble, Brass Ensemble or Jazz Ensemble. Students must be regularly attending Concert Band to be
                     eligible to also attend Junior Flute Ensemble, Intermediate Flute Ensemble, Brass Ensemble or Jazz

    Flute Ensemble   Wednesday 2.30pm–3.00pm
    1                KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                     Mrs Emily Bonar – Ensemble Director
                     This advanced ensemble is invitation–only and open to all students who play flute at an advanced level.
                     Emphasis is placed on continual tone development, technique development and advanced performance
                     standards are required. Students attending Senior Flute Ensemble must also be regularly attending
                     Symphonic Band.

    Flute Ensemble   Thursday 10.40am - 11.10am
    2                KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                     Mrs Emily Bonar – Ensemble Director
                     This intermediate ensemble is open to all students who play a flute at an intermediate level. Emphasis is
                     placed on tone, technique development and sight reading. This ensemble is open to new students for the
                     entirety of the academic year. This ensemble is invitation–only and students must be also regularly
                     attending either Concert Band or Symphonic Band

    Immanuel’s       Monday 4.30pm–5.30pm
    Vocal Ensemble   Ken Thamm Lecture Theatre
    1                Mrs Emily Newton – Ensemble Director
                     Mr Hunter Brown – Accompanist
                     This ensemble is open to advanced vocal students in the Secondary School who wish to be part of an
                     advanced vocal ensemble. This ensemble is an invitation–only ensemble and students must audition in
                     Term 1 to be considered for a place in the ensemble. Advanced vocal technique is a requirement for this
                     ensemble. Students in this ensemble must also be regularly attending College Chorale.

    Immanuel’s       Thursday 10.30am–11.am
    Vocal Ensemble   Ken Thamm Lecture Theatre
    2                Ms Laura Jensen – Ensemble Director
                     Mr Hunter Brown – Accompanist
                     This ensemble is open to intermediate students in the Secondary School who wish to be part of an
                     intermediate vocal ensemble. This ensemble is an invitation–only ensemble and students must audition in
                     Term 1 to be considered for a place in the ensemble. Intermediate vocal technique is required for this
                     ensemble. Students in this ensemble must be also be regularly attending College Chorale.

2021 Cocurricular Handbook
Middle String      Wednesday 7.30am–8.30am
    Ensemble           Drama Theatre, Music and Drama Centre
                       Mrs Julie-Anne O’Reilly - Ensemble Conductor
                       This ensemble is open to all students who play a string instrument − excluding guitar − at a youth level and
                       who are in their second year of learning or higher. This ensemble regularly takes part in College
                       performances and activities. Students are encouraged to undertake group/individual lessons on their
                       chosen instrument. When they reach an advanced level of tone and technique, they will be invited to join
                       the Vivace String Ensemble.

    Rock Band          Mr Simon Gardner, Mr Todd Sobey, Mr Stefan Volejnik – Ensemble Directors
    Mentoring          Mr Stefan Volejnik – Studio and Events Technician
    Program            Immanuel offers a number of avenues for students to become involved in contemporary music experiences.
                       These experiences are aimed at those who study voice, drums, electric guitar and electric bass at the
                       College. Students are asked to speak directly with the Cocurricular Music Coordinator if they wish to be
                       involved in one of Immanuel’s contemporary ensembles.

    Stage Band         Wednesday 7.30am–8.30am
                       KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                       Mr Sacha Gibbs-McPhee – Ensemble Conductor
                       This ensemble is an invitation–only ensemble. Students must also regularly attend Symphonic Band to be
                       eligible to hold a place in Stage Band. Emphasis is placed on tone and technique development and sight-
                       reading skills. Jazz theory and improvisation is included in the development of this ensemble. This
                       ensemble represents Immanuel in public performances and competitions.

    Symphonic Band Tuesday 7.30am–8.40am
                   KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                   Mrs Emily Bonar – Ensemble Conductor
                   This ensemble is an invitation–only ensemble for students studying woodwind, brass or percussion at the
                   College. This ensemble represents Immanuel in public performances and competitions. Advanced
                   performance techniques are required. Serious band literature is selected from a variety of periods in music
                   history. Students in this ensemble are encouraged to undertake individual lessons on their chosen
                   instrument. Students must be regularly attending Symphonic Band to be considered for Intermediate Flute
                   Ensemble, Senior Flute Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble or Stage Band.

    Vivace String      Tuesday 3.30pm–4.30pm
    Ensemble           KM8, Music and Drama Centre
                       Mrs Julie-Anne O’Reilly – Ensemble Conductor
                       This premier ensemble is an invitation–only ensemble for students studying a string instrument, excluding
                       guitar, at the College. This ensemble represents Immanuel in public performances and competitions.
                       Advanced performance techniques are required. Serious string ensemble repertoire is selected from a
                       variety of periods in music history. Students in this ensemble are encouraged to undertake individual
                       lessons on their instrument.

    Worship Band       Thursday, 1.10pm–1.50pm
                       Thursday, 2.30pm–3.20pm
                       Worship Centre
                       Mr Stefan Volejnik – Ensemble Director
                       This ensemble is for students studying vocal, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, electric bass, percussion and
                       piano at the College. Emphasis is placed on preparing and performing worship music for both College and
                       community events. This ensemble performs weekly. Students are encouraged to speak with Mr Stefan
                       Volejnik if they are interested in joining. This ensemble is open to new students for the entire academic

For further information on any of the above musical ensembles, please contact Immanuel’s Cocurricular Music Coordinator Mrs
Emily Bonar via E: bonare@immanuel.qld.edu.au


Participation in sport is an integral part of life at Immanuel. Sport unites students by providing shared opportunities for recreation,
physical fitness, developing friendships and instilling values such as working together for a common goal.

Students are encouraged to participate to the best of their ability and to display true sportsmanship. The social enjoyment and skill
development aspects are encouraged rather than the ‘win at all costs’ attitude. How you play the game is important at Immanuel.

Immanuel is a member of a number of sports associations that allows students to represent the College in a wide variety of local,
regional and state sporting competitions. The different activities and competitions are shown below.

 Australian Rules           Term 2
 Football (AFL)             Maroochydore Multi Sport Complex
 Years 7–12                 Queensland Schools Cup 7–9; Queensland Schools Cup 10–12 (male and female)
                            TBA (June)
                            Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Basketball                 Terms 3 and 4
 Years 7–12                 Games: Friday night at venues across the Sunshine Coast
                            $50.00 per player includes uniform
                            Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Cross Country              Commencing Week 3 of Term 1 to the end of Term 3
 Running                    Friday, 7.00am, Main Oval
                            Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                            Mrs Sandy Minke E: minkes@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Dance Company              Thursday, 11.05am-11.35am, Primary School Hall
 Years 1–3                  Mrs Kneipp E: kneippm@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Equestrian                 Show jumping competition. Immanuel enters teams in local school competitions dependent on
                            numbers and riding ability.
                            Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Gymnastics Club            Wednesday, 10.50am–11.35am, Primary School Hall
 Years 1–3                  Mr Michael Johnson E: johnsonm@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 ILC Soccer Club            Terms 2 to 3
 U6–U18 years of age        Venues across the Sunshine Coast
                            $160.00–$180.00 registration, approximately.
                            W: http://soccer.immanuel.qld.edu.au/

 ILC Sports Enthusiasts     All Year
 Years 1–6                  Paperbark 1
                            Students will be involved in participating and competing as an ILC team in a series of community
                            sporting events throughout the year. These will involve swimming and running and will include events
                            such as the Mooloolaba Mile (Ocean swim), Triathlon Pink, All Schools Triathlon Event, Schools
                            Aquathon Challenge (Run, Swim, Run), the QLD Schools Swimming Relay challenge and possibly
                            more. Students will have the opportunity to wear the ILC colours with pride as they have fun and
                            compete in community sporting events.
                            Mrs Kylie Johannessen E: johannessenk@immanuel.qld.edu.au

Netball               Terms 1 to 3
 5–18 years of age     Saturday morning, Fishermans Road, Maroochydore
                       $265.00–$310.00 registration
                       President: Kirsten Dick: ilcnetball@gmail.com

 Netball               Terms 1 to 2
 Years 7–12            Monday night, Fishermans Road, Maroochydore
                       Mrs Linda Cornell E: cornelll@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Netball – external    Vicki Wilson Cup (Years 7–9) (Years 10–12)
 competitions          Primary School Cup (Years 6–7)
 Years 6–9             Mrs Linda Cornell E: cornelll@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Rugby 7s              Term Four matches are played on a Wednesday afternoon/evening.
 SCISSA U13, U15,      Matches are played at a range of school venues, including Immanuel.
 Open                  Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Running Club          Terms 1 and 2
 Years 3–6             Tuesday 7.00am–8.00am, Main Oval
                       Mr Michael Johnson E: johnsonm@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 SCISSA Sports         All Year
 Years 4–6             Thursday, 2.00pm–3.00pm plus a full day Gala Day each term
                       Students in play a variety of team sports against students from other independent schools

 SCISSA Soccer         Terms 1 and 4
 Years 7–12            Wednesday afternoon competition, home and away fixtures
                       Term 1, Years 11–12 (Senior)
                       Term 4, Years 9–10 (Intermediate) and Years 7–8 (Junior)
                       Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 SCISSA Tennis         Term 2
 2 divisions A and B   Wednesday, 4.00pm–6.00pm, Home and away fixtures
                       Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 SCISSA Touch          Term 3, Wednesday afternoon competition
 Football              Home and away fixtures
 Years 7–12            Years 7–8 (Junior); Years 9–10 (Intermediate); Years 11–12 students (Senior)
                       Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 SCISSA Volleyball     Terms 1 and 2
 Years 7–12            Wednesday, 4.00pm–6.00pm
                       Home and away fixtures
                       Term 1 Years 7–8 (Junior); Years 9–10 (Intermediate); Term 2 Years 11–12 (Senior)
                       Mr Craig Harris E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

Touch Rugby Training     Thursday
 Years 4–6                11.05am–11.35am, Orchid 1, Main Oval
                          Mr Bryson Mahon E: mahonb@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                          Kicking in play, passing, running and side stepping all involved.

 Volleyball               Term 3
 Queensland Schools       Each year, Immanuel sends an Open Boys and Open Girls team to the Queensland Schools Cup in
 Cup                      Brisbane. Team selection and training commences in Term 2.
                          Mr Todd Sobey E: sobeyt@immanuel.qld.edu.au

 Water Polo               Term 3
 Years 4–6                Monday nights and additional training sessions
 Years 7–10               Mrs Kylie Johannessen E: johannessenk@immanuel.qld.edu.au
                          The ILC Water Polo Team plays in the Monday night schools Sunshine Coast water polo competition
                          hosted at Nambour, Kawana and Noosa pools. It is a fun opportunity for learning, competing and
                          improving water polo skills as part of a great team.

For further information concerning sporting opportunities in Prep to Year 6, please contact Primary School Physical Education
Teacher Mr Michael Johnson johnsonm@immanuel.qld.edu.au

For further information concerning sporting opportunities in Years 7 to 12, please contact Head of Sport Mr Craig Harris
E: harrisc@immanuel.qld.edu.au

Outdoor Education

Immanuel’s second campus at the Mount Binga Outdoor Education Centre was established in the early 1980s. For nearly 40 years,
Immanuel students have spent time at Mount Binga – which is located on the Blackbutt Range – learning the value of self–
reflection, leadership, self–sufficiency and how to face life’s challenges head on.

Mount Binga is an integral part of an Immanuel education with all Year 10 students undertaking a four–week course at Mount
Binga during Semester One. All students experience an accompanied hike early in the program as well as a student–planned hike
later in the course. Time is spent developing bush survival skills such as building shelters; map reading and compass work; and
developing knowledge of bush vegetation, food and water conservation as well as animal husbandary.

The Mt Binga program epitomises an Immanuel education. It has been developed in alignment with the College’s core values to
foster personal growth; spiritual awakening; resilient, healthy pursuits; community spirit; and living out a positive attitude. It
represents our commitment to provide students with the resources they need to become young people who make positive
contributions as citizens within and beyond the College community.

In addition to Mt Binga the College has a comprehensive program and the various camps and trips are outlined below.

Year 2 Camp – Day Camp
Year 3 Camp – Luther Heights, Coolum (1 night / 2 days)
Year 4 Camp – Recreation Centre, Currimundi (2 nights / 3 days)
Year 5 Camp – Mount Binga, Blackbutt (3 nights / 4 days)
Year 6 Camp – Canberra and Sydney (4 nights / 5 days)
Year 7 Camp – Mount Binga (3 nights / 4 days)
Year 8 Camp – Woodford (3 nights / 4 days)
Year 9 Camp – Kenilworth (4 nights / 5 days)
Year 10 Camp – Mount Binga (30 days)
Year 11 Moreton Island Camp – (4 nights / 5 days)
Year 11 and 12 Ski Trip – (non–compulsory)

A co-educational school owned and
126-142 Wises Road   T: 07 5477 3444                                        operated by
Buderim Q 4556       E: ilc@immanuel.qld.edu.au   www.immanuel.qld.edu.au   THE LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA
                                                                            QUEENSLAND DISTRICT
                                                                            CRICOS Provider: #01457C
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