École St. Stanislaus Re-Entry Plan 2020-2021 - Version 5

Page created by Micheal Lopez
École St. Stanislaus Re-Entry Plan 2020-2021 - Version 5
École St. Stanislaus
  Re-Entry Plan
      Version 5
COVID measures are not forever, they are for now...
                  kindness, respect and flexibility will get us through.

As we begin the 2020-2021 school year, we are so thankful for the wonderful staff
and families at St. Stanislaus, whose strength and kindness will make us all stronger
during these challenging times.

The following document details re-entry protocols that are specific to Ecole St.
Stanislaus. Please familiarize yourselves with the Re-Entry Handbook, as it contains
specific information regarding re-entry procedures.

A gentle reminder that flexibility is necessary on all our part. The guidelines below
are in order to help reduce traffic congestion and support the safe arrival of all

Planning the return to school
On July 21, 2020, the minister of education and Alberta’s chief medical officer of
health announced the provincial School Re-entry Plan for 2020-2021.

The provincial plan is designed around three operational scenarios during COVID-19
   • Scenario 1: In-school classes resume (near normal with health measures)
   • Scenario 2: In-school classes partially resume (with additional health
   • Scenario 3: At-home learning continues (in-school classes are

The province has decided that students will return to school September under
Scenario 1 of the provincial re-entry strategy.

Alberta’s chief medical officer of health and minister of education will continue to
monitor information around the COVID-19 pandemic as they decide how to best
keep students, staff and the broader community as safe as possible during the

This means that, at any point during the school year, the province could decide
whether schools across Alberta, schools in a particular region, or individual schools
and classrooms need to move from one scenario to another. This decision will
always be made by a medical officer of health in collaboration with education

To help families better understand the provincial school re-entry plan, Alberta
Education has developed the Parents’ Guide 2020-2021 School Year and Get the
Facts: Back to Class for 2020-2021.
This school re-entry strategy follows the COVID-19 Division Re-entry Strategy. It is
designed to give families a clear picture of what things will look like at our school under
Scenario 1 of the Province’s re-entry plan.

Our strategy is developed around three key themes – safety and risk mitigation, family
choice and continuity of learning – which work together to support a return to school in

Safety and Well-being
The safety and well-being of staff, students and families is the foundation of our
return to school. Protecting each other is the shared responsibility among all
members of the school community – we all have a critical role to play in following
the safety protocols set out by Dr Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of
health. These protocols are intended to mitigate or reduce the risk of contracting
COVID-19, but do not eliminate all risk. The provincial re-entry plan’s focus on safety
does not depend on one single strategy, but many strategies that work together to
support the safest environment possible within the complex dynamics of a school

These strategies include:
   • Cohorts
   • Screening for illness
   • Strict illness protocols
   • Handwashing and sanitizing
   • Cleaning standards
   • Physical distancing as much as possible
   • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
   • Face masks

In the provincial re-entry plan, a cohort is defined as a group of students and staff
who remain together.
    • The size of the cohort will depend on the size of the classroom and the
       number of students assigned to the teacher.
    • Cohorts decrease the number of close contacts staff and students will have in
       the school and will assist public health officials in their efforts to trace and
       contain COVID-19 outbreak, should there be one in the school community.
    • Your child’s “cohort” is their homeroom for the quarter term. These students
       stay together for Physical Education (in or outdoors), Music, recess, snack and
    • Cohort groups are assigned play areas. Play spaces have been enhanced
       with many more games or painting on the tarmac. Snacks and lunches will
       continue to occur in classrooms with monitoring & supervision by staff.
Screening for illness
Before coming to school each day, all staff and students must complete the
Government of Alberta’s COVID-19 information Screening Questionnaire to
determine whether they can attend or must stay home. The self-screening
questionnaire is available in multiple languages.

Families are expected to complete the self-screening questionnaire daily and follow
all Government of Alberta health instructions on the questionnaire. Students who
have any symptoms noted on the questionnaire cannot attend school.

Families are not required to submit the form to the school. It is a tool to assess their
child’s wellness before sending them to school.

Anyone else permitted in the school will also be required to complete the COVID-19
Screening Questionnaire before entering the building. People with symptoms of
COVID-19 or experiencing illness will not be allowed in the school. All schools will
have posters on their doors reminding people not to enter the building if they feel
sick, or if they have had close contact with someone who is ill or suspected of
having COVID-19

  Following provincial health protocols around illness is a key strategy to slow down or stop
  the spread of COVID-19. We must all do our part and stay home when we are sick.

Showing signs of illness while at school
If a student or staff member shows symptoms during the school day, they will need
to leave the school. When a student is sick, the student will continue to wear a mask
if they can do so safely. School staff who supervise the student will also wear a mask
and will:
     • Contact parents or guardians to pick up their child immediately
     • Follow health protocols around personal protective equipment (PPE) and
        cleaning and disinfecting the area
     • Bring the student to a private area away from others, if possible, or keep them
        at least two meters away from others
            o All schools have been provided thermometers, which will be a tool for
               when children are not feeling well and will enable schools to report
               health information to families.

Students with pre-existing conditions
Any student with pre-existing health conditions that cause symptoms of illness should
be tested for COVID-19 at least once before they return to school.

A negative test would help show that their symptoms are related to their pre-existing
condition, and not to an illness. This would establish what their baseline for being
healthy looks like. Families should notify the school about any pre-existing condition
and the symptoms it causes. As long as these symptoms remain the same, the
student can attend school.

If the symptoms change or worsen, the student will need to leave the school, follow
illness protocols and have another COVID-19 test to determine if the symptoms are
still related to the pre-existing medical condition. If the test is negative, the student
may return to school. Families can learn more about COVID-19 testing and book a
test online through Alberta Health Services.

If there is a case of COVID-19 at school
If health officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in a school community, Alberta Health
Services will take the following steps:
     • the zone medical officer of health will work with school authorities to quickly:
            o identify cases
            o identify contacts
            o create isolation measures when needed
            o provide follow-up recommendations
     • a COVID-19 case will not automatically lead to school closure – it could be
        that only the group of students and staff who came in close contact will be
        required to stay home for 14 days
     • parents will be notified if a case of COVID-19 is confirmed at school and
        public health officials will contact those who were in close contact with the
     • staff and students will be supported to learn or work at home if they are
        required to self-isolate.
     • all safety protocols are under the direction of the zone medical officer and
        Alberta Health Services – the school and school division will collaborate with
        the medical officer to provide a safe school community

Handwashing and Sanitizing
Everyone who enters the school will be required to use hand sanitizer or wash their
hands immediately. Students and staff will be required to wash and/or sanitize their
hands throughout the day, including:
   • every time they enter or exit the school
   • before they enter classrooms
   • before and after using shared equipment
   • before eating
Schools will provide hand sanitizer throughout the building to support these
requirements. It is also encouraged that families send their children to school with
personal hand sanitizer.
We will review with our students during our orientation week. Students will be taught proper
hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. Verbal reminders and posters will be visual
throughout the school.
    • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the following:
            o Inside exterior doors of the school
            o At the doorway to each classroom/instructional space
    • All students will be required to wash hands or use hand sanitizer when in the school or
    • Hand washing (not just sanitizer) will be required prior to any activities where students
       will be eating.

 Cleaning Standards
 The division has COVID-19 cleaning standards in place for all schools that align with
 the provincial directives around cleaning and disinfecting. The division has
 purchased the cleaning supplies for schools to ensure the products adhere to health
 standards and meet requirements to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. It also
 ensures that all schools have equitable access to these supplies. These increased
 cleaning and disinfecting measures include:
    • purchasing provincially recommended COVID-19 cleaning supplies
    • additional training for custodial staff
    • removing any soft furnishings and area rugs from classrooms and common
        areas that cannot be cleaned to provincial standards
    • frequently cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces such as water
        fountains and door handles
    • more frequent cleaning and disinfecting throughout the school, with specific
        attention to washrooms, high traffic areas and classrooms

 Physical Distancing
 Physical distancing is one component of the provincial COVID-19 plan. However, it is
 not always possible particularly in the school setting. As a school we will put controls
 in place to promote physical distancing throughout the building, entering and
 exiting of the school, where possible, including classrooms, hallways, washrooms and
 common areas. These controls may include:
     • removing excess furniture in classrooms to make more space to spread
         student desks and tables farther apart.
     • Removing and rearranging seating in common areas to prevent students
         from gathering
     • Staggering the times that classes start and end to prevent crowded hallways
     • Posting signs and using floor markers to control the flow of foot traffic and
         support physical distancing.
     • Plexiglass shields may be installed in the school office – we are looking at the
         efficacy of plexiglass shields, recognizing the challenges with proper cleaning
         and disinfecting
 In classrooms where physical distancing is challenging, the provincial government
 requires assigned seating plans. The province further indicates, when physical
 distancing isn’t possible, students will be seated in desks or at tables so that they are
not directly facing each other. This way, if a student coughs or sneezes, they are less
likely to cough or sneeze directly into the face of another student.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and masks
Not all forms of PPE are required for all staff, but additional PPE is important in the
following situations:
    • PPE will be part of the plans to support students with special needs who
        require complex medical supports
    • custodial staff will receive appropriate PPE to support their work cleaning and
    • all Division staff will be provided with reusable masks and offered a face
        shield, as part of the division’s strategy to support a safer return to school.
            o masks are still required for staff who are wearing face shields
Wearing masks at school
Masks are emerging as an important way to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19,
particularly when people are indoors, and physical distancing is a challenge.

All staff and students in Grades 4-12 will be required to wear a mask when physical
distancing at school and in the classroom is not possible, as one way to help reduce
the risk of spreading the virus. We are asking K-3 students who are physically,
psychologically or developmentally able to wear a mask, to do so.

Some important things to know about the use of masks are:
   • individuals who are physically, psychologically or developmentally unable to
      wear a mask, or any protected ground under the Alberta Human Rights Act,
      may be excused from this health protocol
   • families will work with the school principal to discuss this relative to their child
   • masks are required for staff who are wearing face shields
   • masks are an important item for students to have while at school
   • if someone forgets their mask, the school will ensure to provide a replacement
      for that day to any staff or student.
   • We ask that all students put their masks on before reaching the school
      property (including before using shared sidewalks/crosswalks).
   • Positive reinforcement and encouragement of mask use can be a great tool -
      we can build up our children to know that they are keeping each other “as
      safe as possible” by using our masks. Masks will be removed for lunch.
   • If/when masks are removed in class, students will sanitize their hands before
      and after touching the mask.
   • Changing of face masks is recommended between morning & afternoon,
   • Please review this video on how to properly wear a mask with your child(ren)
      prior to the first day of school.
   • *Video link about how to wear a mask – will be reviewed during orientation
What school will look like
We look forward to welcoming students and staff back into our classrooms.
However, it will be different in many ways as we work together to support the safety
and well-being of our students and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We want to help students, families and staff better understand how schools will
operate and what teaching and learning will look like in 2020 – 2021.

Arriving at School
All students will have an assigned door to use every time they enter and exit the
school. When students arrive at school they will:
     • go to the area outside their assigned door
     • follow physical distancing guidelines to stay at least two meters apart while
        they wait outside
     • follow physical distancing guidelines to line up when it is time to enter the
     • wait for staff to bring them into the school
School staff will be outside to remind students of these requirements, and to help
students line up and keep an appropriate distance from each other.
During extreme weather, such as severe cold or rain, a school plan will be in place
so students can enter the school early.

Adults in the School
Adults bringing students to school will be asked to stay in their vehicles or outside the
school, away from the crowded areas where the students are lining up – this is to
help maintain a safe physical distance between themselves and others.

   •   Adults must book an appointment with the school office to enter the school.
   •   Parents should make phone or online appointments if possible and meet in-
       school for exceptional circumstance. Upon entry, the visitor must wear a
       mask, hand-sanitize and then report directly to the general o0ffice to check in
       and sign the visitor log. From there, they will be directed to the person with
       whom they are meeting.
   •   A record (sign in) of all visitors who remain within the school from more than 15
       minutes must be kept, and which must include the first and last name of the
       visitor, the person with whom they are meeting, and the time of arrival and
   •   Parents of children with complex needs who require support to enter must
       contact the principal; a plan will be developed in collaboration that is safe
       for both students and staff.
Before and After School Information specific to St. Stanislaus

For the safe arrival of all students, the front of the school is ONLY for buses. The specific
zones designated for student drop-offs are as follows:
    • Kindergarten - Grade 2 students: Please use the small drop off zone in the front of
       church parking lot on the main street. Do not use the church parking lot for drop-off.
       To assist in a smoother drop-off process, please ensure that you and your child(ren)
       have watched the “Drop-Off Video Guidelines” prior to the first day of instruction.
       Parents are not to get out of their vehicles to assist their child as this creates a back
       log of traffic. If your child needs help, please use the drop off zone in the back of
    • Grade 3 - 6 students: Please use the drop off zone at the back of the school.

To help with traffic congestion and help ensure physical distancing, we will be
implementing a staggered morning drop-off schedule, which will begin at 8:10am. Please
use the designated drop off zones during these times.

Families A to L begin drop-off at 8:10am.
Families M to Z begin drop-off at 8:15am.
Bus arrival window is from 8:00am to 8:20am.

Outdoor Supervisors will do a sweep of the school property to ensure all students have
entered the building before entering the building at 8:30am.

The first bell is at 8:30am, classes begin at 8:35am.

   •   To support the learning of new COVID- 19 safety protocols, students will have an
       orientation day based on the following schedule
           o Sept 2: Division 1 (Grades 1-3)
           o Sept 3: Division 2 (Grades 4-6)
           o Sept 4: No school Division PD day.
   •   Before students leave for school each day, families need to support them taking the
       COVID-19 questionnaire.
   •   School doors will be locked at all times and students will be let in according to
       supervision times.
   •   All health protocols will be taught to students during first week of school.
Instructions for September 2-4, 2020 (First Week of School)
To help ensure adequate space to allow for physical distancing, all students are
directed to meet staff in the back field.
    • Students are to walk to their designated meeting area in the field (please refer to
       map) where they will be met by a teacher who will assist them to line up 6 feet
    • Supervisors will also assist the students in maintaining physical distancing as they
       enter the school
    • Supervisors will guide students to ensure a staggered entrance schedule for each
       door zone.
    • Each class will walk to their designated entrance and exit zone
    • Before students enter the school, they must put on their mask (for students grade
    • All students will sanitize their hands and proceed to their classroom.
    • Parents can follow the classes to the door but are not able to enter the school.

Staggered Entry - September 2-3, NO SCHOOL September 4

Please note that St. Stanislaus will be following a staggered entry approach for students.
The staggered entry schedule is as follows:

September 2 - Attendance of Division 1 students only (Grade 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A)
September 3 - Attendance of Division 2 students only (Grade 4A, 4/5A, 5A, 6A)
September 4 – NO SCHOOL for Kindergarten - Grade 6. This is a designated Edmonton
Catholic School division-wide Professional Development day regarding COVID19

Kindergarten staggered entry will take place on September 2.

 Traffic flow: Entrance and Exit of school
 Traffic flow into the school is divided into zones to allow students to enter and exit the
 school safely. Although several classes may be in the same zone, only one class will
 enter or exit the building at one time. All grade level teachers will be outside on
 supervision before and after school to greet and ensure student safety.

 Side Door Entrance (closest to Community League) – Grade 1A, 1B, 2A
 Back Door Entrance (closest to Community League) – 2B
 Back Door Entrance Opposite Side – 3A
 Side Door with Overhang – 4A, 4/5A
 Gym Door – 5A, 6A
 Front Doors - Kindergarten
Staggered Entry/Exit from school
Staff will work with students in routines of entrance and exit of school.
   • To help ensure enough time is dedicated to each class to enter the building
       safely, entrance times for each class will differ and will be staggered.
   • Students must stay distanced from each other as they come in.
   • We will assess the schedule as the school year progresses and as the winter
       months approach.

Entrance schedule is as follows
8:15am: Grade 1A, 2B, 4A, 5A will enter the school using their separate door zones
8:25am: Grade 1B, 3A, 4/5A, 6A will enter the school using their separate door zones
8:35am: Grade 2A will enter the school using their door zone

*Kindergarten will enter/exit the using the doors at the front of school at 8:25am

Recess exit and entry will also be staggered and play areas will be designated by
cohorts to ensure physical distancing.

End of Day Staggered Exit
Classes will use the same door zones to exit school
    • Students will leave in staggered manner maintaining physical distancing
    • One class will exit each door zone at a time
    • Please practice physical distancing from other families as you meet your
    • We understand that parents want to meet their child near the exit door but
       please ensure you respect the physical distancing measures.

3:10 p.m.: Grade 1A, 2B, 4/5A, 5A
3:20 p.m.: Grade 1B, 3A, 4A, 6A
3:25 p.m.: Grade – 2A
Supervision continues until 3:30pm.

Late Arrivals
Late arrival of students should be a rare occurrence.
    • All students are to enter the school building via the door zone they are
        assigned until 8:45am, where a supervisor will be waiting to let students in.
    • Should you be dropping your child off after 8:45am, please pull up to the
        front of the school, and call the front office to alert staff of their arrival.
    • Once parents have communicated the late arrival of the student to the
        office staff, the student will be directed to come into the school using the
        front doors so that staff may greet them and ensure hand sanitization.
AMA is preparing to in-service student patrollers, and we look forward to
implementing this program again later in the school year. At this time, we ask that
parents/guardians walk their children across the street using the marked crosswalk.

Lunch - Closed Campus
We are requesting that all families have students remain in school for lunch. This is to
reduce the number of students entering and leaving the school. With staggered
recess and lunch this makes it more difficult to coordinate.
   • Elementary students will remain in their cohorts to eat lunch.
   • Under scenario 1, schools may have supervisors monitor and they must
       adhere to all COVID-19 health protocols.
   • General expectations for all students
          o Students are to wash hands prior to eating not just sanitize
          o A hand washing schedule may be needed to alleviate over-crowding
          o Students are not allowed to share food
          o Students will be eating lunch in their homerooms
          o In the event a student forgets their lunch, parents will be notified
          o The school will not be able to support any food being brought into the

Transportation (Bussing) Information
Students that have scheduled bussing for the school year are reminded of the
    • Physical distancing is required on the bus and students must sit with family
       members only
    • Masks to be worn on the bus
    • Due to quarterly set up for schools if you choose to cancel your bussing
       throughout the year your child’s will remain on the running board.
    • Should you decide to cancel your child’s bussing due to the circumstances of
       COVID-19, the division has decided to keep your child’s name on the running
       board should you choose to move from remote learning to in-school
       throughout the year.
    • Families with special circumstances, such as locomotion difficulties, please
       call Mme Nella or Mme Pagacz to ensure supports are in place.

Recess and Playground Equipment
Students will remain in their assigned learning cohort for recess activities. There will be
staggered recess and lunch breaks to allow outside activities to occur and use of
the playground equipment.
   • Playground equipment is not permitted before or afterschool
   • Supervisors will be outside before and after school to ensure students arrive
       and depart from school safely
   • Recess and lunch recess will continue to be outside
   • Masks are not required during outside breaks unless social distancing cannot
       be maintained
•   A schedule will be created to assign a cohort of students to a specific area of
       the playground
   •   A bin of outdoor play equipment for each cohort of students will be available

Grade-Level Group
This term refers to any students with classrooms in the same hallway that use the
same washroom and exterior door for entrances & exits. Please remind your child
that although they may be in the same grade-level group as their peers, that we all
must keep our hands to ourselves and maintain distancing.

Assigned Seating in Classrooms
Students will follow assigned seating plans throughout the day in the classroom,
including while they are eating lunch. Assigned seating is a strategy to mitigate the
potential spread of COVID-19 throughout a cohort of students. It will also support
contract tracing should that be required.

Hallways and Washrooms
Hallways will be directional and marked for students to keep to the right. Common
areas are not for student use. We require students to be physically distanced so
there is no traffic backlog in the hallway, and everyone can walk from washroom to
classroom. Washrooms are assigned to grade levels, with occupancy indicated and
floor decals reminding students to stop and wait.

Water Fountains
Under provincial guidelines, water fountains can continue operating. In schools,
students will be encouraged to fill their water bottles from the fountain instead of
drinking from it directly.

Personal Belongings
Students will have their own personal supplies to use that are stored separately.
The school will provide recess equipment that can be easily sanitized, once it is time
to introduce it. Specific information regarding supplies:
    • Only learning-related items should come to school.
    • Students will drop off their shoes at a designated space by their entrance and
        bring their coat, backpack and lunch kit into their classroom to be placed
        under their desk.
    • Grades 2 - 4 will place outdoor shoes and coat only in their coat room to
        allow a quicker clearing of the area.
    • Once they have placed their shoes and coat, they will proceed to a hand
        sanitisation station. Backpacks with lunch kits will be kept at their chair.
    • If students have their own device, it is recommended they bring them to
    • All shared equipment (PE equipment, library books etc. will be sanitized
        and/or put in isolation for two days.
•   During the duration of a specific lesson or unit of study, required individual
       equipment will be assigned to a student and then sanitized and/or put in
       isolation for two days.

Teaching and Learning - French Immersion Instruction
Our division is currently putting together a Curriculum Pacing Guide, which will detail
the learning that will occur for each grade during each quarter-mester. This guide
will be shared as soon as it becomes available.

Family choice for instruction provides families to choose which method best suites
their family
To offer this choice, the school year is organized into four instructional quarters (two-
month periods of learning)
   • Quarter 1: September 3 to November 10
   • Quarter 2: November 16 to January 29
   • Quarter 3: February 1 to April 20
   • Quarter 4: April 21 to June 29

How this works:
Families indicate in mid-August if their child will return to school in person or if they will
choose online learning at home. This needs to be selected for each child in
household. Based on the numbers the schools will organize resources and staff to
support the choices that families make for that quarter. If you have questions or are
uncertain, please contact Mme Nella.

Three weeks before the start of each quarter, families will be asked to indicate their
choice the following quarter. Whether families choose in-person or online learning,
they remain enrolled in the school where they registered or pre-enrolled for 2020-
2021. If families move their child from online to in-person instruction, the student will
be in a learning group with a different teacher.

A closer look at in-person instruction under Scenario 1
Instruction will be half days with a.m. and p.m. of in- person instruction. Classrooms
will be cleaned and disinfected between morning and afternoon.
     • Students will enter/leave the school through the main doors
     • Student must be dropped off and picked up from the supervisor/teacher
     • AM start time 8:30 – dismissal 11:32
     • PM start time 12:18 – dismissal 3:20 p.m.
     • The classroom will be arranged for increased physical distancing
     • Students will travel to the gym/outside for PE/dance classes using established
        traffic flow and appropriate physical distancing
     • Learning materials will be kept separate for a.m./p.m. groups
•   There will be a deep clean and disinfecting of the classroom between a.m.
       and p.m. cohorts
   •   Children must WASH (not just sanitize) their hands immediately prior to and
       after eating

Elementary Homerooms
    • All student learning groups are separate cohorts and will remain together for
      learning, lunch and recess
    • Activities that bring two or more cohorts together in-person at one time are
      not permitted
    • When students are seated for learning they will not be sitting face to face
    • Music will take place in the classroom unless more space is required, and
      gym is available
    • Students will travel to the gym for PE/dance classes using established traffic
      flow and to maintain appropriate physical distancing
    • At the beginning of the year, each teacher will:
           o Establish efficient routines around coats and boots that promote
           o Identify how individual student supplies and learning materials will be
              stored (e.g. plastic containers, labelled cubbies etc.)
           o Establish classroom routines or protocols to support physical distancing
              while moving around the space, such as going to the garbage can.

Mme Danika will travel to each class to deliver a modified music program that
follows the provincial guidelines.

Physical Education
   • Physical education will continue to be taught in the gym or outside
   • As much as possible, PE classes will take place outside (please ensure your
      children are dressed appropriately)
   • When inside the gym, each cohort will be with the same teacher for each
   • There will be an emphasis on activities that promote physical distancing and
      limited sharing of equipment.
   • There will be NO extracurricular activities during the month of September,
      Further information will be provided in October around extracurricular

Personal Technology
Teach your child that the device, Chromebook, iPad, etc that you provide or that
they have access to at school is a tool for learning, communicating & connecting.
Use it as a learning tool but be sure to balance screen time by being active at
Family and School Communication
Families can stay in contact through email or over the phone. Should you require a
meeting in the school you must book an appointment. Families with an
appointment must abide by the Government of Alberta’s COVID-19 Information
Screening Questionnaire before going to the school.

COVID-19 Visitor Log
Division staff not regularly assigned to the school, authorized visitors and family
members attending the school must fill out the schools COVID-19 visitor log:
    • confirm they are not ill and do not have COVID-19
    • provide their name
    • indicate who they are meeting with
    • note the time they arrived at the school
    • note the time they left the school
    • provide a signature confirming the information is true and accurate.
    • any touched items will be disinfected
    • stay behind the plexiglass
    • must wear a mask while in the school
    • physically distance
    • not exceed the maximum number of people in an office or area

Student Teachers
Our division continues to support the placement of student teachers.
   • St. Stanislaus will be hosing student teachers during the school year.
   • Your child’s homeroom teacher will inform you in advance if a student
       teacher will be in the classroom.
   • The student teacher is expected to follow all the COVID-19 protocols outlined.

Re-Entry Videos
In order, to assist in a safe re-entry, we will have instructional videos for our students
that model safety protocols that will be in place. This is a wonderful way to set a
positive tone for the safety measures that will be expected of students. We will share
the videos throughout the year.

Hugs & Contact
We have all missed each other very much! Although we cannot give each other
real hugs, we can still give “air hugs”, “air high-fives” and show our kindness through
our eyes!

Remember - ASAP - As Safe As Possible!
You can also read