
                                                  & CLASSES
                                                  ARE BACK!

11405 W Deno Rd. Airway Heights, WA 99001 | (509)244-4845 | airwayheightsparksandrec.org
Airway Heights Parks & Recreation is excited to finally offer a summer full of
  programs, activities, and events for our community. We offer these programs
with hope and optimism, but ask for understanding that all items in this guide are
 "SUBJECT TO CHANGE". We will do our best to ensure that all opportunities
    provided are safe to offer above all else in the interest of public health.

Our Mission
 Create Community & Quality of Life Through People, Parks, & Programs

IN THIS ISSUE                                          DEPARTMENT STAFF
 LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR                      2                   JC Kennedy
                                                             Parks & Recreation Director
 GENERAL INFO & POLICIES                       4
 PARKS & REC NEWS                              6                Andy Gardner
   COMMUNITY CLEAN UP DAYS                     7       Parks & Recreation Deputy Director

 RECREATION CENTER INFORMATION                10                 Glen Horton
   MEMBERSHIP RATES                           10         Recreation Programs Supervisor
   REC CENTER AMENITIES                       11                    Glenn Pike
 AQUATICS PROGRAMS                            12     Parks & Facility Maintenance Supervisor
   SWIM LESSONS                               14                   Shawn Bro
   WATER EXERCISE                             17              Maintenance Technician
 FITNESS PROGRAMS                             18                Scott Spillman
    GROUP FITNESS CLASSES                     18              Maintenance Technician
    PERSONAL TRAINING                         20
                                                               Geoff Langley
 RECREATION PROGRAMS                                    Parks Maintenance Coordinator
   YOUTH PROGRAMS                             22
                                                                 Nemo Janke
   TEEN PROGRAMS                              26     Guest Services & Operations Supervisor
   ADULT PROGRAMS                             28
   55 & BETTER PROGRAMS                       30                  Jared Nichols
                                                                 Fitness Supervisor
 PARKS                                        32
                                                               Sarah Jane Amick
 COMMUNITY EVENTS                             33                Aquatics Supervisor
                                                                 Tre Howland
   SUMMER MOONLIGHT MOVIES                    BC               Aquatics Coordinator

   11405 W Deno Rd            airwayheightsparksandrec.org              @ah_parksandrec
   Spokane, WA 99224

   (509) 244-4845             parksandrec@cawh.org                      /ahparksandrec
OPEN. SAFE. RESPONSIBLE.                                                 LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR
We are open, and responsibly resuming programs and services              The past year has transformed nearly every aspect of our
to our community. Our priority is the health and well-being of our       world. Our family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors
members, participants, and staff. Airway Heights Parks & Recreation      have had their lives changed in critical ways that promise
will continue to work closely with State and local officials and         to have long-lasting effects. Living through a global
follow all current guidelines to slow the spread of COVID-19. The        pandemic has driven dramatic shifts in our jobs, social
reopening of our Recreation Center, classes, and programs will           interactions, eating habits, childcare, and even our
occur in phases and requires appropriate planning for each phase.        collective sense of time. Virtually no one has been left
Airway Heights Parks & Recreation will use best practices and            untouched after 12 months of such dramatic disruption. A
policies to safely resume full operations to best serve our community.   generous dose of empathy and understanding of that truth
                                                                         will make us all stronger as we rebuild and remake our
NEW OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES & POLICIES:                                   community in the year ahead.
MASKS ARE REQUIRED                                                       COVID-19 abruptly upended our lives last year, it
  Face coverings are required in the facility and during all program     separated us, almost completely, from our routines
  participation. Exception: Masks are not required while in the          and the events that usually root our lives in time-work,
  water for an aquatics reservation. Hot tub requires masks be worn.     school, dates, social outings, sports events, ceremonies,
DO NOT ENTER THE BUILDING OR ATTEND A                                    community events, and travel. All the things we plan for
PROGRAM IF YOU FEEL SICK                                                 and look forward, to. Life tends to be a blur without these
  Stay home if you are exhibiting the following symptoms:                anchors. In February we were able to finally re-open
  - Fever ≥101.4°                    - Chills                            the doors of the Recreation Center. Since then we have
  - Loss of taste and/or smell - Persistent cough                        been busy reflecting, rethinking, rebuilding, an,,d most
  - Sore throat                      - Difficulty breathing              of all working on how we can best reconnect with all of
                                                                         you and once again have something to plan and look
LIMITED FACILITY ACCESS                                                  forward to. We have scheduled programs that we can
  In an effort to meet current Healthy Washington Phasing                run within the guidelines mandated by the Washington
  guidelines as well as sanitize appropriately, all members and          State Department of Health keeping the health and safety
  guests must adhere to capacity and time limit restrictions.            of our members and staff at the forefront of our planning
  Certain areas of our facility, as well as services, or programs, may   efforts.
  be closed or have modified access.
  Aquatics access requires a reservation.                                We are excited to finally welcome back summer! The lost
LIMITED PROGRAMS                                                         summer of 2020 put a stop so many things, we missed
  Many of our regularly scheduled programs, activities, lessons,         our regular programs, our fun traditions, and, most of all,
  and classes may be unable to take place, or may be heavily             our community members that we are driven to serve. We
  modified. Visit our website for updates and cancellations.             hope to help the community find renewed pleasure in
                                                                         little things that build a reintroduced sense of community
SOCIAL DISTANCING                                                        that is fostered by a sense of understanding, empathy,
  Respect other people’s space and health by staying at least a 6'       and compassion for each other. The programs we are
  apart. Avoid personal contact and groups of more than 5 people.        working on will provide the opportunity for participants
LIMITED OCCUPANCY & PROGRAM CAPACITY                                     to have some fun, smile, and be positive. It is challenging
  Building occupancy may be limited in multiple areas of the             operating under the cur,rent restrictions that we are
  building and will adjust according to Washington State Phasing         forced to adhere to, but things will get better. We are all
  procedures. Many programs and classes will also have limited           experiencing fatigue and frustration. We are resilient and
  capacity in order to keep maintain appropriate social distancing.      together we will come back AH Strong-er!
EQUIPMENT SANITIZING                                                     Thank you for your continued support,
  Help maintain a clean and healthy facility by wiping down all
  equipment before and after each use with provided disinfectant
  and towels.
  To safeguard your health and the health of those around, PLEASE
                                                                         J.C. Kennedy
  do you part and:                                                       Parks & Recreation Director
  WEAR YOUR MASK and appropriately cover up when sneezing
  or coughing.
  WASH & SANITIZE YOUR HANDS regularly, especially after
  touching your face.
Thank you for your cooperation. We are excited to welcome
everyone back and look forward to seeing you soon!

                     We are updating our 6 year Master Plan and need your help to guide us into making
                     decisions that meet the current and future needs of the rresidents of our wonderful city.
                     The Parks & Recreation Master Plan is the road map that guides staff to help meet the
                     needs of current and future residents by positioning the City to build on the community’s
                     unique parks and recreation assets, as well as identify new opportunities for everyone
                     of all ages. The citizen-driven six-year plan establishes a clear direction for the Parks &
                     Recreation Department staff, Park Advisory Board, and elected officials in their efforts to
                     enhance the community’s parks and recreation programs, services, and facilities.
                     The success of this process is built upon proper planning and preparation to seize
                     opportunities. The data we collect helps prioritize the needs of the community and
                     prepare us to take the right actions for the right reasons at the right time. It will also
                     ensure continuity of direction as elected officials change and help us be more efficient
                     with limited resources and funding.
                     Public participation is a fundamental part of this effort. This plan is driven by input and
                     guidance received from the community, which begins with the Master Plan Survey. This
                     survey will gather important information regarding current parks and recreation related
                     services and opportunities offered, as well as identify services that our residents value
                     and would like to see in the future.
                     The survey, while anonymous, does ask participants to provide their address to assure
                     that we are receiving data from across the community and to verify that only one survey
                     per household is included in the data. If left blank, your information may not be included
                     in the data.
                          DEADLINE TO TAKE THE SURVEY AND
                      SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS IS FRIDAY JUNE 25TH.
                     Once data collection from survey responses is complete, public meetings will
                     be held over the course of the summer to share the results of survey and gather
                     final input. Meeting dates are not yet scheduled. Dates will be posted online at
                     airwayheightparksandrec.org and on the Parks & Recreation Facebook page.

                                                            SCAN THE CODE
                                                            TO TAKE THE
                                                            SURVEY > > > >
                                                            Survey also available
Creating Community & Quality of Life                        online at:
Through People, Parks, and Programs.                        ah-pr.org/masterplan/

                                                 airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845                      
 REGISTRATION                                                          REFUNDS & CREDITS
 Ways to register:                                                     In the event a participant cannot participate in his or her
 1. Register for programs and activities online at:                    registered program due to unforeseen circumstances, Airway
    airwayheightsparksandrec.org *User account required                Heights Parks & Recreation will work to provide refunds for
                                                                       program fees under the following policy:
 2. Visit the Parks & Recreation Department at the Airway
    Heights Recreation Center at:                                      1. Full refunds or department credit will be given for all classes
    11405 West Deno Road Airway Heights, WA 99224                           canceled by AHPR.
 3. Call the Parks & Recreation Office at: (509) 244-4845              2. Refunds will be granted for program fees paid if requested
                                                                            before the registration deadline date (or at least 5 business
 • Be sure to provide the best and most current information                 days before start of program if no registration deadline).
    when registering to ensure that you receive all necessary
    information for programs, activities, events, and facilities.      3. Refunds will either be transferred back to the purchasing
                                                                            credit/debit card, or issued via check for cash and check
 • Preregistration is required for most programs unless                     payments. Check refunds will be issued from the City of
    otherwise stated.                                                       Airway Heights within 30 days of the Request. Checks will
 • All fees are due at the time of registration unless otherwise            not be issued for refunds $10 or less (account credit will be
    noted. We do not “hold” a space for you without full                    applied).
    payment and registration.                                          4. Refunds credited to AHPR user accounts will be good for one
 • Space is limited in many programs and events. It is best                 calendar year from issue date, for full credit given.
    if you register at least two weeks in advance of any               5. Credits or refunds will not be issued for missed classes,
    registration deadline or start date.                                    programs, or events.
 • All programs have a minimum and maximum enrollment.                 6. Refunds or credits will not be issued for "change of mind" if
    Programs maybe canceled if minimums are not met.                        after the registration deadline or within 3 business days of
 • All participants in AHPR programs, events, and activities                program start.
    must complete all required forms, waivers, and agreements          7. To request a refund, contact Guest Services at
    prior to participation.                                                 (509) 244-4845.
 • Images (photographs, video recordings, etc.) taken of               8. Refunds will not be issued from an account credit.
    all participants engaged in AHPR programs, events, and
    activities may be used for promotional purposes on the             9. Refunds will not be issued for programs costing $10 or less
    AHPR website, social media pages, and printed materials                 (unless canceled by AHPR).
                                                                       10. AHPR will not accept returns or refunds on merchandise or
 CANCELLATIONS                                                              items purchased for programs.
                        CA NC EL ED                                    11. Certain fees relating to rentals and memberships have their
                                           tion by registering early        own refund policies. Contact Guest Services directly to
    Avoid the disappointment of a cancella                                  inquire about a specific policy.
          and encouraging others to join and   get registered.
                                    es and    lea gues are most
     Programs, classes, activiti                    istration.
                                                                       12. AHPR reserves the right to observe each refund on case by
                              d  due  to low    reg
        commonly cancele                                                    case basis. Exceptions in certain instances may apply.
                                                                       ACTIVITY GUIDE UPDATES & ERRORS
 Sometimes things don’t go as planned and, for that reason,
 AHPR reserves the right to cancel, combine, move, or change           AHPR strives to produce the most accurate seasonal Activity
 any program, event, or activity. In such cases, every effort will     Guide possible, but sometimes errors are made and things
 be made to notify all participants of cancellations or changes to     change after the guide is printed. Every effort will be made to
 programs. Department initiated cancellations will be refunded or      notify participants and members of the changes, and correct and
 credited to your Parks & Recreation account.                          upload all changes to the AHPR website. Be sure to check the
                                                                       website and your email regularly for updates.
 Programs may be canceled in the event of inclement weather or         *Airway Heights Parks & Recreation uses images and graphics
 power outages. We encourage you to call (509) 244-4845 for            provided and approved for use by freepik.com.
 program status regarding weather.
 NOTE: All outdoor activities are to be canceled if thunder or         ADVERTISING
 lightning are present.                                                Advertising opportunities in Airway Heights Parks & Recreation's
                                                                       seasonal Activity Guide as well as inside the Recreation Center
 RECREATION TRENDS                                                     are available in a variety sizes and formats.
 Is there something you’d like to see us try? Share your ideas or      Contact (509) 309-2262 for more information.
 suggestions for new programs, activities, or events with us by
 emailing parksandrec@cawh.org. We want to hear from you!

In accordance with applicable Federal and State Law, Airway                    VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES
Heights Parks & Recreation does not discriminate against any
                                                                         PARK ADVISORY BOARD
person on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national
origin, age, marital status, or disability. This policy applies to the   The Park Board advises and assists Parks & Recreation staff in the
operation, conduct, or administration of community programs for          park and facility planning and development process, as well as
youth, adults, and seniors. Sponsoring organizations requesting          supports and promotes Parks & Recreation programs, activities
the use of Airway Heights Parks & Recreation facilities are              and events. Parks Board members must be:
required to comply with this policy.                                     • A resident of Airway Heights for at least one year
                                                                         • Currently registered to vote
The City of Airway Heights Parks & Recreation will not sell or           • Serve three year terms.
willingly share any information received through the registration
                                                                         Park Board meetings are held the first Thursday following the
process, to any third party. Information collected during the
                                                                         first City Council meeting of the month at the Airway Heights
registration process may be given to program instructors or
                                                                         Recreation Center at 5:30pm.
coaches for use in case of emergency. They may also be
used to provide program or department updates, and facility              Current Board Members:
notifications. The City is, however, required to adhere to               President - Jacob Powers, Secretary - Shannon LaCambra,
the Washington Sate Public Records Act, Revised Code of                  Steven Titus, Mary Beth Ochoa, Davin Perry
Washington 42.56. The City may on occasion use information
to notify you of activities/circumstances the City feels may be
important to you and your family or that you opt into.                   SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION
                                                                         The Senior Advisory Commission works with the Parks &
                             Sh h Pa bal

                                                                         Recreation Department to plan and organize activities, trips,
                                str nd

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                                la lle
                                nd all
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                                                                         classes, and presentations for active adults 55 and over by
                             Pa oom

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                             Re rou

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                             Sp Vo
                             Sa etb
                             Ba Fiel

                             BB er


                                                                         utilizing their particular insight on the issues and trends of interest




SUNSET PARK                                                              to the senior population in the Community. The overall goal of the
                              9    X    X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X
924 S Lawson St                                                          commission is to enrich and enhance the health and quality of life
SHORTY COMBS PARK                                                        for seniors in the community.
                              3    X    X       X   X
12524 W 18th Ave
                                                                         Commission meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month,
CLEVELAND PARK                2    X        X                            at 2:00pm, at the Airway Heights Recreation Center.
335 S Campbell StSt
                                                                         All Commissions positions are currently OPEN.
TRADITION PARK                1    X        X
*12700-12800 W 4th Ave

LANDRETH                                                                 YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION
                              7             X
*13500 W 13th Ave
                                                                         The Youth Advisory Commission (YAC) is open to middle school
REC COMPLEX                   10        X       X   X           X        and high school students and works to help plan activities, trips,
11405 W Deno Rd
                                                                         and events for teens in Airway Heights. The YAC also works with
* Indicates approximate address location                                 teens to help build up college and job resumes, gain community
                                                                         service hours, and improve leadership skills.
Park map is available online at: ahparksandrec.org/parks/
                                                                         Contact the Recreation Supervisor Glen Horton for the next
                                                                         scheduled meeting.
Memorial Day - Labor Day: Tue-Sun 1:00PM to 7:00PM
                                                                         All Commissions positions are currently open.
                                                                         Airway Heights Parks & Recreation offers a variety of volunteer
$35-$300 (Depending on size of group)                                    opportunities such as:
VOLLEYBALL COURT DAILY USE:                                              • Youth sports coach • Community class instructors
$15.00                                                                   • Special event        • Fulfilling high school graduation hours
$30 (for use on City property with park rental)                              Board/Commission and Volunteer Applications are
                                                                            available online at airwayheightsparksandrec.org or
                                                                                  at the Airway Heights Recreation Center.
$35 (Monday–Friday) / $50 (Saturday & Sunday)
NO FIELD PREP: $10 (All week)/ Lights: $10/hour                           Completion of application does not guarantee placement
Call (509) 244-4845 for rentals and availability.                               into an open board or volunteer position.
Payment is due upon receipt of application.

                                                                              airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845                         
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic closed many programs
                                                                        My Rec Story
and amenities offered by the Parks & Recreation Department              CHERIE CHRISTENSON
including Sunset Park's most popular summer time attraction,
the Splash Pad. Unfortunately, as a result of the ongoing public        The Airway Heights
health situation, and guidelines set forth by state and local health    Recreation Center has had
officials, the Splash Pad will remain closed until further notice.      an enormous impact on my
Airway Heights Parks & Recreation will be closely monitoring            life, and my family’s. I have
changes to guidance, and be prepared to open these amenities            been overweight most of
as soon as restrictions are lifted.                                     my life and, growing up in Airway Heights, the lack
                                                                        of access to health and fitness opportunities made
                                                                        losing weight difficult. Since joining, my husband and
                                                                        I started training with Jared and Zechariah, and, with
                                                                        their coaching and encouragement, we are well on our
                                                                        way to living a healthier, happier life. Even our kids are
                                                                        excited about taking part in getting healthy. My oldest
                                                                        joins us for workouts on the Fitness Floor, and loves the
                                                                        way working out makes her feel. My youngest enjoys
                                                                        playing and swimming in the pool. We own a family
                                                                        operated farm in Reardan, Christenson Family Farms,
                                                                        and getting healthy and in shape will make daily work
                                                                        on the farm less strenuous.

      OPEN                                                                   SHARE YOUR REC STORY OR
                                                                          SPOTLIGHT A COMMUNITY MEMBER
    MEMORIAL DAY                                                       MY REC STORY: Share your story (or someone you know) of
                                                                       how participation and access to recreational opportunities here
            through                                                    in Airway Heights has improved quality of life, health, and social
                    LABOR DAY                                          experience. Stories can come from youth participating in sports
                                                                       for the first time, seniors joining a program and making new
                                                                       friends, or how hitting the gym has given you new confidence.
    PENDING PUBLIC HEALTH RESTRICTIONS                                 COMMUNITY MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Do you know a
                                                                       community member doing great things to represent, improve,
                                                                       and serve Airway Heights? Nominate them to be recognized
                                                                       as the Community Member Spotlight in the next Activity Guide.
                                                                       Nominees can any be kids, adults, seniors, businesses, etc.
                                                                       To share a My Rec Story or nominate a person or business to
                                                                       be spotlighted email parksandrec@cawh.org using "My Rec
                                                                       Story" or "Community Member Spotlight" in the subject line.
                                                                       Please be sure to provide the person’s name, contact info, and
                                                                       a brief description of the reason for your submission.

      Tuesday - Sunday                                                    Airway Heights Parks & Recreation is looking for friendly
      1:00pm -7:00pm                                                        and motivated individuals to join our amazing team.
                                                                               PART TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN:
        *Closed Mondays*                                                 Aquatics             Recreation       Guest Services
    Splash Pad will operate on                                           Fitness              Parks            Maintenance
    Memorial Day & Labor Day                                            Visit the Rec Center Front Desk to inquire about open
                                                                        positions or check online at ah-pr.org/employment/


The City of Airway Heights and Waste Management want                  ACCEPTED ITEMS - YES!
to help Airway Heights residents clean up their properties by         • HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE
providing several opportunities to dispose of unwanted junk,             All garbage must be bagged.
trash, home project leftovers, and yard waste this Spring,
Summer, and Fall.                                                     • CLEAN GREEN No stumps
                                                                         Grass, leaves, plant trimmings, branches (no larger than
Different from past years of dumping at the park, this event is          3" in diameter, and 6' long), wood chips, and unflocked/
offered as part of the residential collection contract between           undecorated Christmas trees.
WM and the City of Airway Heights. Residents that subscribe to
regular collection services will receive a Post Card Voucher in the   • LARGE APPLIANCES Limit 3 items
mail allowing 2 free trips per pass to :                                 Stoves, washers, dryers, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators,
                                                                         air conditioners, and water heaters.
          Spokane Waste to Energy Facility
          2900 S Geiger Blvd, Spokane, WA 99224                       • MISCELLANEOUS
                                                                         Lawn mowers Must be free of fuel and oil
IMPORTANT!                                                               Small appliances, non-reusable household junk.
Post Card Voucher must be presented at time of disposal.                 Tires Limit 4
Participants must come prepared to unload their own items, and           Paint Must be solidified first
observe load size limits of two standard pickup bed loads. No         NOT ACCEPTED - NO!
trailers or moving trucks.                                            • HAZARDOUS WASTE
SECURE YOUR LOAD! The Waste to Energy Facility will assess            • AUTOMOTIVE WASTE
a fee to citizens who bring in unsecured loads of trash or yard          All automotive fluids, car batteries, running gears, and
waste. WM reserve the right to refuse items that are not listed, or      automotive body parts.
items that are contaminated or too large/heavy to safely handle.
                                                                      • PRODUCTS CONTAINING MERCURY
                                                                         Thermometers, thermostats, fluorescent bulbs and tubes,
                                                                         mercury added batteries, and switches.
                                                                      • MISCELLANEOUS
                                                                         Commercially generated waste, biological waste,
                                                                         medications, radioactive waste, tires, asbestos, sharps/
                                                                         medical waste, and animal carcasses.

                                                                         airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845                 
RECREATION CENTER                                                      W DENO RD AIRWAY HEIGHTS, WA 

                                                                                                                HOURS OF OPERATION

                                                                                                                  7:00AM  8:00PM

                                                                                                                SATURDAY & SUNDAY
                                                                                                                  10:00AM  6:00PM



 The Airway Heights Recreation Center offers various membership rates* for Airway Heights residents and non-residents living
 outside the City limits. The resident rate is extended to active duty military and employees of Airway Heights businesses within the
 incorporated limits of the City of Airway Heights. Proof of residency, active military status, or employment within city limits is required
 at the time of registration to qualify for the Resident Rate.
    CATEGORY            DAILY               10 VISIT                  SEMIANNUAL                  ANNUAL                    MONTHLY

                                   RES           NONRES        RES         NONRES      RES          NONRES       RES          NONRES

    YOUTH            $5.00         $40.00        $45.00         $132.00     $160.00      $264.00      $319.00       $24.00       $29.00

    ADULT            $7.00         $56.00        $63.00         $198.00     $248.00      $396.00      $495.00       $36.00       $45.00

    SENIOR (62+)     $6.00         $48.00        $54.00         $154.00     $193.00      $308.00      $385.00       $28.00       $35.00

    FAMILY*          N/A           N/A           N/A            $336.00     $418.00      $671.00      $836.00       $61.00       $76.00

 Airway Heights Sales Tax is applied at time of transaction.
 *Family Memberships are defined as one or two adults living in the same household and up to three dependents listed on either
 adult’s tax return. Additional dependents may be added to a family membership at $12.00 per additional dependent.

                                                                           MEMBERSHIP INSURANCE FITNESS PROGRAMS
                                                                           The Airway Heights Recreation Center accepts Silver & Fit, Active
AGES        AQUATICS CENTER:                                               & Fit, and Renew Active participants! These programs allow
0-6         (or under 48") Must have direct in supervision in the water    qualifying individuals to receive a no-cost membership covered
            by a member 14 y/o or older                                    under your insurance plan. If you are interested in finding out if
7-9         Must have an adult with them in the Aquatic Center             you are eligible, contact your insurance provider, or visit the Rec
10-11       Must have an adult somewhere in the facility                   Center and check with Guest Services.
            FITNESS FLOOR:
0-10        Not allowed on the Fitness Floor
11-13       Must have direct supervision by a member 16 y/o or
            older and completed the Youth Fitness Orientation
14-17       Must have completed the Youth Fitness Orientation
0-2         Not allowed in the Gymnasium
3-7         Must have direct supervision by a 16 y/o or older
8-11        Must have an adult somewhere in the facility
            LOBBY & LOUNGE:                                                    Facial covers are required at
0-6         Must have direct supervision by a parent or guardian               all times while in the facility.
7-11        Must have an adult somewhere in the facility

RECREATION CENTER AMENITIES                                        GYMNASIUM
                                                                   The Gymnasium is where play and purpose come together! This
CERTAIN AREAS OF THE FACILITY, AND SERVICES, MAY BE CLOSED,        large multi-purpose space serves as home to open gym sports,
HAVE LIMITED CAPACITY, OR RESTRICTIONS. PLEASE CHECK WITH          youth activities, fitness classes, and special events.
AQUATIC CENTER *REQUIRES RESERVATION*                              • Six basketball hoops (4 adjustable from 8’–10’)
                                                                   • One full basketball court or two short-courts
                                                                   • Main court and half gym adjustable volleyball nets
                                                                       Be sure to check the Gymnasium Schedule for open
                                                                                availability or for fun new programs.
                                                                          Gym schedule is subject to frequent changes.
                                                                   COMMUNITY LOBBY & LOUNGE

The Aquatic Center offers a variety of ways for all family
members to enjoy the water from lap swimming to lazy river
floating, water sports, and relaxing.
• 6 Lane Lap Pool           • Children's Spray n' Play
• Spa (Hot Tub)             • Sauna
• Leisure/Warm Water • Lazy River with Vortex                      The Lobby and Lounge are the heart of our building. This inviting
   Therapy Pool                and Whirlpool                       space serves as our community living room and a place for
                                                                   people to relax in front of the fireplace, enjoy a cup of coffee
FITNESS FLOOR                                                      with friends, read, watch TV, connect to Wi-Fi, or play pool, ping
                                                                   pong, and foosball.

                                                                           *CURRENTLY CLOSED: 5/1/21*
                                                                    CHILD WATCH CATERPILLAR ROOM
                                                                    Unfortunately, our special place for our littlest members is
                                                                    currently closed until further notice. Please check with Front
                                                                    Desk staff for updated information on the reopening of this
                                                                    wonderful service to our members.
                                                                    When Child Watch Re-Opens:
                                                                    Members can drop off children ages 18 months to 7 years old
                                                                    with our wonderful child watch staff. Kids will enjoy various
                                                                    games and activities in a safe and fun environment while
                                                                    parents use the facility for up to 90 minutes per day.
The Fitness Floor has something for all fitness levels. Covering    *Non-Members & Guests can access Child Watch for up to
8,200sqft, this space has a wide-open layout while separating       90 minutes with purchase of a youth day pass.
weights, cardio, and selectorize equipment.
FEATURES:                                                           CHILD WATCH HOURS:
• 50+ Cardio Machines           •Fully Equipped Weight Room         MONDAY  FRIDAY: 8:00AM-11:00AM / 4:00-7:00PM
• 20+ Strength Machines         •Cross Training & Turf Area         SATURDAY  SUNDAY: 10:00AM-1:00PM
• Group Fitness Studio

                                                                       airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845                  
 The Airway Heights Recreation Center has a number of room               CODE OF CONDUCT
 rental opportunities to accommodate everything from birthday           In order to make Airway Heights Parks & Recreation programs
 parties, business meetings, large family gatherings, and more!         and facilities places where individuals feel welcome,
 Ask about our Non-Profit and Public Meeting discounts!                 comfortable, and safe, we ask that the following
                                                                        Code of Conduct be adhered to:
 BANQUET ROOM                                                           • Be safe, for the benefit of yourself and everyone else
                          The Banquet Room is a dividable space         • Dress appropriately for a public place
                          perfect for receptions, banquets, parties,
                                                                        • Follow all posted rules and directions described by staff
                          presentations, or trainings, with fully
                          equipped multi-media options and              • Pick up after yourself
                          outdoor patio. Room(s) are booked             • Respect the confidentiality of patrons and employees
                          in 1 to 4 hour blocks. Table and
                          chair arrangements can be setup to            • Respect other persons, equipment, supplies, and facilities
                          accommodate many different event types.       • Be a good role model for others, especially the youth
                          Banquet Room rates vary based on half         • Park in authorized areas
                          and full room rental and size of group.
                          Occupancies vary by room setup.
                                                                        REFRAIN FROM THE FOLLOWING
                          Kitchen only available with rental of Room
                                                                        • All forms of harassment
                          A or Full Room A & B.
                                                                        • Inappropriate/unauthorized use of equipment
 MEETING ROOM                                                           • Bringing animals (with the exception of service animals) into
                           The Meeting Room is an ideal setting for        the building, or leaving them unattended outside
                           hosting a business or group meeting, or      • Bringing bicycles into the building
                           classroom style learning environment.
                           The Meeting Room is equipped with a          • Creating a nuisance because of offensive personal hygiene
                           multi-media television, white board, sink,   • Defacing property (structures, land, or equipment)
                           and refrigerator.
                                                                        • Disruptive or disorderly behavior
         Rental Time              Rate                Deposit           • Using profanity, teasing, or ridiculing others
 1-2 Hours                       $50.00                $50.00           • Offensive physical contact or harm to self or others
 Additional hour                 $25.00               -- -- --
                                                                        • Eating or drinking in non-designated areas
                                                                        • Improper use of restrooms
                                                                        • Leaving young children unsupervised
                                                                        • Playing audio devices without using headphones
     Due to room size and capacity limits the Rec Center Party
     Rooms currently remain unavailable for birthday party rentals.     • Riding skateboards, skates, or scooters inside the building,
                                                                           or leaving them unattended
     When Party Rooms Re-Open:
                                                                        • Sleeping or loitering
     • Party size will be limited and list of all attendees must be
        provided prior to reservation date.                             • Smoking, vaping, and tobacco use
     • All rentals must be made on provided days and times              • Using or being under the influence of any intoxicating
        coinciding with Rec Time Swim Sessions.                            substance
     • Rental will include aquatic reservations for swimmers.           • Solicitation, petitioning, or canvassing other than in the
                                                                           public right-of-way (street sidewalks)
     Pool Party Package (includes Pool usage for all Guests)
                                                                        • Spitting
     • Half Room: $100 - Party capacity TBD.
                                                                        • Violation of any federal, state, or local statute or ordinance
     • Full Room: $200 - Party capacity TBD.
         * Damage Deposit: $50/Room                                      Airway Heights Parks & Recreation staff reserve
     -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --               the right to ban or trespass any individual(s) that
     Party Rooms may be available for rental for small meetings.         knowingly violate the Code of Conduct.


CARES works to promote the Airway Heights Parks & Recreation
Department's mission of creating community and quality of life for all
residents by supporting the development of quality recreational facilities,
and programs for youth and adults in the greater Airway Heights area.
Through enhanced community outreach, partnerships, and contributions,
CARES collaborates and connects those that share in the mission of
improving our community through people, parks, and programs.
As a federally recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit, CARES has developed
various charitable opportunities for individuals and business to contribute
to parks and recreation projects, programs, and scholarships.

      YOUTH                                 PROGRAM                                 PROJECT
   SCHOLARSHIP                              CHAMPION                                PARTNER
 The CARES Youth Scholarship           Recreation programs offer             Through community input, and
 Fund provides youth in                community members of all ages         consistent parks, facility, and
 our community access to               the opportunity to engage in          program evaluation, the Parks
 recreational programs                 healthy physical and social           & Recreation Department
 for families who may not              activity. These programs serve        manages an ongoing list
 otherwise be able to afford           to enrich the lives of participants   of priority projects that
 them. These scholarships              through exposure to new               require funding outside of the
 provide youth exposure to             hobbies, sports, and pursuits of      department's annual operating
 positive experiences and active       general interests.                    budget. These projects are
 lifestyles. By participating in       Becoming a Program Champion           fantastic opportunities for
 recreational programs, children       brings added levels of                individuals and businesses to
 are provided the opportunity to       enjoyment and benefits to             get involved in the community
 gain and refine life skills and to    program participants directly.        and improve already existing
 develop positive personal and         By giving to programs the             facility amenities, or develop all
 social assets.                        contribution is directly passed       new recreational opportunities
 Through generous contributions        to program participants               for community use. All Project
 to the Youth Scholarship              through increased program             Champions will receive much
 Fund, Airway Heights Parks            supplies, incentives, as well         deserved recognition to making
 & Recreation is able to               as fee reductions, making             these projects a reality and
 connect youth and families to         our programs more equitable           improving the quality of life for
 recreational opportunities that       for a greater portion of the          residents of the greater West
 make a difference in their lives.     community.                            Plains community.

               To learn more about CARES, how to get involved, or
              to donate, visit airwayheightsparksandrec.org/cares/

 AQUATICS ACCESS & POLICIES                                             • Spa/hot tub is available to users fulfilling lap or leisure
                                                                          pool reservations. Spa use is limited to 15 minutes.
 The Recreation Center is open for swimmers of all levels and             Washington State Department of Health mandates masks
 interests under capacity and reservation limitations.                    must be worn while in the spa.
 Members and guests can access all available areas by making            • Lifeguards will notify all swimmers at the end each session,
 reservations within the provided session times either for the lap or     and instruct and direct the exiting of the pool area.
 leisure pool.                                                          • Noodles will be available upon request and are for fitness
 • Arrive for your reserved swim session as ready to swim as              training use only. Other flotation devices are not permitted,
      possible.                                                           this will help with social distancing restrictions we are
 • Due to capacity limits, each person must check in with guest           required to enforce.
      services and must be accounted for within a reservation.          • Pool users and family groups are required to adhere to
 • Lap lanes are limited to1 person per lane, or 2 people from            social distancing guidelines while in the water.
      the same household.
                                                                        YOUTH ACCESS
 • Lockers rooms and family changing rooms are available for
                                                                        • Children ages 6 & under and/or below 48” must be
      swim reservations. On-deck cubbies, as well as lockers in the
                                                                           accompanied by a parent or guardian at least 14 years
      family changing hallway, are also available.
                                                                           old that is within arms-reach at all times while in the water.
 • Showers are required before entering the water.                         Parent/Guardian to Child Ratio = 1 Parent/Guardian 2
 • Masks are required at all times while in the facility including         Children maximum.
      in the locker rooms and while on the pool deck. Swimmers          • Youth ages 7 to 9 years old must have a parent or
      must wear their masks out on to the deck and may place               guardian on the pool deck.
      their masks onto designated stations before entering the
                                                                        • Youth ages 10 & 11 year olds must have a parent or
                                                                           guardian in the facility.

Reservations are required to access to the Airway Heights           Aquatics reservations can be made online by following the
Recreation Center Aquatics Facility.                                these easy steps:
Aquatics programs such as Water Exercise and swim                   * Note: An Airway Heights Parks & Recreation Account is
lessons will be taking place during reservation times, and          required to make a reservation. If you are a current or past
                                                                    member you already have an account and may just need to
will count toward occupancy limits.                                 reset your password.
Fitness/Quiet Hours are reserved for members utilizing the          Step 1: Select "Reservations" below the AH Parks & Rec logo
aquatics areas for fitness and exercise only. Youth under the age   Step 2: Select "Reserve Facility"
of 14 are not permitted in the water during these session times.
                                                                    Step 3: Select the "Reservation Group" drop down menu and
REC HOURS                                                           select the reservation group for the area and day of the week
Rec Hours allows members and guests of all ages to utilize most     you wish to attend. If it is within a weekday, click the Mon-Fri
areas in the aquatic center for recreational swimming.              option, or Sat-Sun for weekends.
Please note: Amenities such as the sauna, as well as lazy river     Leisure pool includes warm water therapy area and lazy river.
flow, vortex, whirlpool, and kids Spray n' Play (including zero
depth area) may not be available.                                   Step 4: At “Reservation Date” input the year, month, day for
                                                                    your reservation, then click “Check Availability”.
                                                                    Leave the "Time Range" blank. Times are set in Step 6. Putting
                    MONDAY - FRIDAY                                 in a time here can put you outside of an allowed time range.
                      FITNESS HOURS                                 Step 5: Follow all prompt questions and agreements for
                                                                    Aquatics Reservations. Prompts are in reference to appropriate
                      7:15AM  8:15AM                               facility use and are required.
                                                                    • Aquatics facility youth access policies must be adhered to.
                     8:30AM – 9:30AM
                                                                    • Reservations for any individuals under the age of 14 or
                    9:45AM – 10:45AM                                     groups with users under 14 must be made within the "Rec
                    11:00AM – 12:00PM                                    Hours" sessions. Failure to choose within these times may
                                                                         result in a forfeiture of the reservation.
                         REC HOURS                                  • Reservations for the Aquatics Facility must be within the
                                                                         provided reservation time sessions. Failure to choose within
                     12:15PM – 1:15PM                                    these times may result in a forfeiture of the reservation.
                     1:30PM – 2:30PM                                • Self certify that you or no member of your group have been
                                                                         exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, and have not been
                     2:45PM – 3:45PM                                     identified as a close contact or been asked to self-isolate or
                     4:00PM – 5:00PM                                     quarantine by a doctor or public health official.
                      5:15PM – 6:15PM                               • Follow all facility guidelines regarding equipment cleaning,
                     6:30PM – 7:30PM                                     personal hygiene, facility use, and social distancing
                                                                    • Adhere to facility mask wearing policy. This includes in
                 SATURDAY & SUNDAY                                       locker rooms, out to pool deck, and while sitting in the hot
                                                                         tub. Mask may be taken off before entering the pools.
                      FITNESS HOURS
                                                                    Step 6: Scroll down to the
                                                                    bottom of the page and check
                    10:15AM – 11:15AM                               one of the session times provided
                    11:30AM – 12:30PM                               for your reservation. Input
                                                                    total number of guests (Lap
                         REC HOURS                                  reservations have a 2 person per
                                                                    reservation max, and leisure pool
                                                                    have a 6 person max). Bookings
                     12:45PM – 1:45PM                               cannot be made more than 3
                      2:00PM – 3:00PM                               day(s) in advance.
                      3:15PM – 4:15PM                               Step 7                                SCAN HERE TO START
                                                                    Select "Reserve"                       YOUR RESERVATION
                      4:30PM – 5:30PM

                                                                      airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845                   
 SWIM LESSONS                                                          6 TO 12 YEARS OLD:
                                                                       THE BENEFITS ARE ENDLESS
                                                                       LEVEL 1: GET WET!
                                                                       Jumping in with confidence and happy to get our faces wet!
                                                                       Swimmers travel on their front and back for 15 feet with
                                                                       assistance and use training aids with ease while making new
                                                                       swim buddies.
                                                                       LEVEL 2: BUILD CONFIDENCE!
                                                                       Working on recovery positions and swimming up to 30 feet.
                                                                       Improving our treading water techniques and progressing in the
                                                                       front and back crawl without assistance.
                                                                       LEVEL 3: BE BRAVE!
                                                                       Swimming 25 meters of front crawl with side breathers.
 LEARN TO SWIM                                                         Independently swimming 10 meters of backstroke and
 The Airway Heights Parks & Recreation swim lesson program             comfortably recovering from change of position in and under the
 promotes health and wellness, water safety, and allows                water while easing in to breaststroke.
 individuals of all ages and skill levels to find their place in the
 water and build from there.                                           LEVEL 4: GO FURTHER!
 Lessons are taught by our trained instructors, in a fun, safe         Swimming 50 meters of front crawl and confident with 5 meters
 learning environment, following the nationally recognized             of butterfly, ace backstroke, and recover with breaststroke.
 American Red Cross Learn-To-Swim program with an updated              Remember that most swimming parties without parents require a
 addition of the USA Swimming Foundation’s Make a Splash               50 meter swim test!
 Initiative. Lessons are approximately 25-minutes and run in 2 to
 8 week sessions. Lesson fees are based on the number of lessons       LEVEL 5: GET YOUR SKILLS ON!
 per session.                                                          Refining strokes through drills. Swimming 75 meters front crawl
                                                                       and nailing 25 meters of breaststroke. Preparing for aquatic
 6 MONTHS TO 3 YEARS OLD:                                              adventures like canoeing, kayaking, and open water swimming.
 SAFE AQUA BONDING                                                     LEVEL 6: BE AWESOME!
                                                                       Swimming 100 meters using 3 different strokes. Diving from a
 PARENT & CHILD                                                        standing position and swimming 25 meters of butterfly. Develop
 Build baby, toddler, and parent confidence while learning about       life saving skills!
 water safety and basic swimming principles through songs and
 games. Allows for bonding time between parent and child.              PRIVATE SWIMMING LESSONS (AGES 3 +)
 3 TO 5 YEARS OLD:                                                     A FOCUSED WAY TO LEARN
                                                                       (Semi Private if same household only)
                                                                       Swimmers with all abilities and who are at least 3 years old
 TINY TOTS 1                                                           or more will benefit from one-on-one. These 25 minute classes
 The start of an aquatic adventure without the parent. Swimmers        can be tailored to the student's exact swimming needs; which
 build confidence by learning to blow bubbles, float, and use arm      can range from timid or first time swimmers to those interested in
 and leg movements with assistance.                                    fitness swimming.
                                                                       This is a waitlist program based on instructor and space
 TINY TOTS 2                                                           availblilty. You may only enroll in this program for up to 3
 Build on the aquatic adventure encouraging individual                 consecutive swim sessions and then will go to back to the waitlist.
 confidence. Swimmers will work on breath control and being
 comfortable while completely submerged.                               ADULT SWIMMING LESSONS                           (AGES 13 +)
 TINY TOTS 3                                                           IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO LEARN
 The next step to ensure the swimmer moves confidently and             Adult swim lessons will better your swimming experience
 safely by themselves in the water. Key points include working         covering the basics of swimming, water safety, as well as how
 on distance, turning over, practicing recovery positions, and         to create your own lap swim program to achieve your personal
 introduction to swim gear.                                            goals. Class length is approx. 50 minutes.

SUMMER SWIM LESSON SCHEDULE                                                                    Help us have safe and
CC - INDICATES COMBO CLASS Class Levels are occasionally combined due to low                   successful swim lessons:
enrollment in specific levels or pool space availability.                                      • ONLY ONE PARENT OR
                                                                                                 GUARDIAN PER LESSON
    SESSION              LESSON LEVEL                   DAY                   TIME             • COME READY AND ON
 INFORMATION                                                                                     TIME (NO MORE THAN 5
                                                    MON/WED                  3:00PM              MINUTES EARLY)
   SESSION 1             PARENT & CHILD
                                                         SAT                10:15PM            • SHOWER BEFORE AND
   MON / WED                                                                                     AFTER YOUR LESSON IN
                                            3 TO 5 YEARS OLD                                     LOCKER ROOMS OR ON
DATES: 6/7 - 6/30                                   MON/WED                  3:30PM              THE POOL DECK
REG OPENS: 5/15        TINY TOT 1/2 CC               MONTHU                9:00AM             • LIMIT PERSONAL
COST: $36+ Tax                                                                                   BELONGINGS & STORE
                                                         SAT                12:00PM              THEM IN DESIGNATED
  MON  THURS                                       MON/WED                  4:30PM              AREAS AND CUBBIES

DATES: 6/21 - 7/1      TINY TOT 2/3 CC               MONTHU                11:00AM            • AFTER CLASS, PLEASE EXIT
                                                                                                 THE WATER IMMEDIATELY
REG OPENS: 6/7                                           SAT                11:30AM              AND CLEAR POOL AREA AS
COST: $36+ Tax                             6 TO 12 YEARS OLD                                     QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.
                                                    MON/WED                  4:00PM
                                                                                                    Be A DUCK!
                              LEVEL 1                MONTHU                8:30AM
DATES: 6/12 - 8/21
                                                         SAT           10:45 | 11:30AM
                                                    MON/WED                  5:00PM
COST: $45+ Tax
                          LEVEL 2/3 CC               MONTHU                9:45AM
   SESSION 2                                             SAT                10:45AM
   MON / WED              LEVEL 3/4 CC                   SAT                12:00PM
DATES: 7/7 - 7/28             LEVEL 4               MON/WED                  4:30PM
REG OPENS: 6/21           LEVEL 4/5 CC               MONTHU                11:00AM
COST: $31.50+ Tax                                   MON/WED                  5:30PM
                          LEVEL 5/6 CC
  MON  THURS                                            SAT                10:15AM
                                     PRIVATE/SEMIPRIVATE LESSON
DATES: 7/12 - 7/22                        3 YEARS AND UP
REG OPENS: 6/28            ALL LEVELS                TUE/THU                 3:00PM            Airway Heights Parks & Recreation
COST: $36+ Tax                                                                                 Aquatics is collecting names of
                                             ADULT LESSONS:
                                         13 YEARS OLD AND UP                                   swimmers interested in joining a
   SESSION 3                                                                                   new recreational youth swim team
                           ALL LEVELS               MON/WED                  6:00PM            The Ducks.
   MON / WED
                                                                                               The AH Ducks ST strives to provide
DATES: 8/2 - 8/25     SWIM TESTING AND REGISTRATION                                            a fun aquatic atmosphere that
REG OPENS: 7/19       It is important to register at the safest swimming level. This can       exposes kids to the great sport of
                      sometimes be difficult to assess based on lesson description. The AH     swimming in a non-threatening
COST: $36+ Tax                                                                                 environment where they can make
                      Aquatics team can help! Schedule a brief swim test and receive a
                      recommendation for what level to get registered for.                     new friends and develop swimming
  MON  THURS                                                                                  skills, and a balance between
                      Once you know your level, you can register online or at the guest        stroke work and conditioning.
DATES: 8/9 - 8/19     services counter. Please refer to the swim lesson schedule for session
REG OPENS: 7/26       registration dates. Classes may be combined, canceled, or wait-          Contact Aquatics staff at
                      listed due to low enrollment. Please contact the Aquatic Center staff    (509)703-7826 for more
COST: $36+ Tax        at (509) 703-7826 for more swim lesson information.                      information.

                                                                      airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845                  

 The Junior Lifeguard Program is designed to teach young
 participants the water safety skills used by lifeguards everyday
 as well as develop the mental and physical conditioning
 needed to feel confident in and around the water. Jr Lifeguard
 participants will:
 • Learn and practice In-Water rescue techniques using real
      Lifeguarding equipment.
 • Learn basic First Aid skills including introduction to CPR and
      use of an AED with manikins.
 • Shadow a Lifeguard on stand and as a co-instructor during
      a swimming lesson.
 PREREQUISITE: Must pass Level 4 Swim Lesson.
 DATES: Saturdays           TIME: 10:15AM – 12:15PM
                                                                    American Red Cross Lifeguarding course provides the
 AGES: 8-15                 COST: $50 (w/ Jr. Guard T-Shirt)        knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to
                                       $35 (No shirt)               aquatic emergencies. Course participants will receive training
                                                                    in American Red Cross Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR/AED.
                                                                    Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be
                                                                    issued a Professional Rescuer certificate valid for 2 years.
                                                                    Participants must be able to successfully demonstrate the
                                                                    following prerequisite swimming Skills. This evaluation is
                                                                    completed on the first day and includes the following skills:
                                                                    • Swim 200m continuously demonstrating breath control
                                                                    • 2–minute tread using legs only
                                                                    • Retrieve a 10lbs brick from 9ft of water and swim the brick
                                                                         20 meters within 1 minute.
                                                                     COST: $270
                                                                     OPEN TO AGES: 15+
                                                                     REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 5/19
                                                                     COURSE DATES & TIMES:
                                                                      Fri 5/21  2:00PM-8:00PM
                                                                      Sat 5/22 8:00AM-5:00PM
                                                                      Sun 5/23  9:00AM-3:00PM
                                                                       Participants must attend all 3 days of training totaling
                                                                     approximately 20 hours and may be required to complete
                                                                            online course work prior to the start of class.

Sports Related Injury         Back/Neck Pain
                                                                         Post Operative Orthopedic         Osteoporosis
                                                                              Joint Replacement        Work Related Injuries
                                                                          Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions        TMJ Disorders
                                                                        Vestibular/ Gait and Balance   Joint Pain & Stiffness
Water Exercise class are included in membership or day pass
entry. These classes are designed to enable ages 14 and up to
participate at their own pace and skill level. The shallow water
classes can be done with or without equipment and do not
require the ability to swim or placing the head under water.
The deep water class is not currently being offered.
• Water has twelve times the resistance of air
• Build strength by moving water
• Reduce impact on joints by 90%
• No swimming skills ARE required
• Improve mood and decrease anxiety
• Burn calories in a comfortable and safe environment

The Shallow Water Class focuses on cardiovascular endurance
and strength while using the water's unique support to ease the
strain on muscles and joints. This is a fantastic opportunity to
enjoy the pool, workout in a social environment, and improve on
individual health and wellness
DAYS: Monday/Wednesday/Friday TIME: 9:45AM-10:30AM
Utilizing the Aquatics Center's Lazy River, Rivercise uses the
assistive and resistive properties of the river's current to focus on
core and body strength, balance, and posture. Walking forward,
backward, and lateral along with lunges, squats, and stationary
exercises will be used to advance these objectives.
DAYS: Sunday                             TIME: 10:15AM-11:10AM          Airway Heights - Fairways Plaza - Cheney
     * Water Exercise Schedule is subject to change.                           Spokane - Nine Mile Falls
   Contact Aquatics Office for updated days and times.
                                                                        airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845            
          Unless otherwise noted, all fitness programs, classes and activities require
          Rec Center membership, pre-registration, and masks be worn at all times.

 GROUP FITNESS CLASSES                                                   YOUTH FITNESS
 * Starting June 1st *                                                   YOUTH FITNESS ORIENTATION
 Join these fun and inviting classes lead by our team                    The Youth Fitness Orientation (YFO) is required of all members
 professionally certified Group Fitness Instructors and trainers.        ages of 11 to 17 wanting to access the Fitness Floor. The YFO
 Group Fitness Class capacities are limited, and if necessary, may       introduces young members to the Rec Center Fitness Floor
 move to gymnasium or outdoors.                                          teaching them gym etiquette and protocol, proper machine and
 BODY TUNE                                                               equipment use, Fitness Floor Rules, and of course, safety.
 Get a full body workout, that feels more like a party!                  Youth 11 to 13 years old must be accompanied by an adult on
 Build Strength, tone, and increase cardio, with a full range of         the Fitness Floor at all times.
 easy to follow dance moves.                                             DAY: Wednesdays                     TIME: 5:30PM-6:30PM
 DAYS: Tuesday/Thursday                TIME: 6:30PM-7:20PM
                                                                         55+ FITNESS
 A class for all levels that focuses on building stability, endurance,
                                                                         B.A.S.E.  BALANCE, ACTIVE, STRENGTH, EXERCISE
 and mindfulness through the foundations of alignment.                   BASE *Formerly SAIL* focuses on reducing the risk of falling by
 DAYS: Tuesday/Thursday                 TIME: 5:30PM-6:20PM              improving balance and a stability while building strength through
                                                                         activity and exercise. BASE also incorporates Bal-A-Vis-X
 INDOOR CYCLE                                                            rhythmic balance, auditory, and vision exercises for the brain and
 Take a ride inside and improve your cardio endurance while              body, helping those dealing with injuries/illness, and the elderly
 matching the revolutions of your feet to the beat of the music.         struggling through the twin lenses of balance and rhythm.
 DAYS: Monday/Friday                 TIME: 5:30PM-6:20PM                 DAYS: Monday/Wednesday/Friday TIME: 8:30AM-9:30AM

 POWER HOUR                                                              SILVER & STRONG
 Expand your fitness bandwidth in the explosive new H.I.I.T.             Designed to take a step up in intensity from the BASE program,
 (High Intensity, Interval Training) class. Power Hour will light your   this class helps active older adults transition to the fitness floor,
 muscles and metabolism on fire with bursts of strength training         through increased movement and strength exercises helping
 and scorching cardio to burn calories.                                  participants achieve their full fitness potential.
 DAYS: Monday/Wednesday                 TIME: 6:30PM-7:20PM              DAYS: Tuesday/Thursday                  TIME: 10:00AM-10:50AM

UNDERSTANDING                                      Join this special “Understanding Vascular Health” 4-part series with Greg
                                                       Lang of the Pulse Heart Institute: Development of the Primary Prevention
                                                       Program for Vascular Disease. Greg, who carries multiple Health degrees
   VASCULAR HEALTH                                     and Personal Training certifications, will discuss pathways to increased
                                                       longevity and improved health with a better understanding of cholesterol,
                                                       exercise, sleep, and nutrition.
                                                       Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
                                                       Part 1 - Vascular Health
                                                       DATE: June 8th   TIME: 5:30PM                   REGISTER BY: May 31st
                                                       Part 2 - Exercise
                                                       DATE: August 3rd TIME: 5:30PM                       REGISTER BY: July 31st
                                                       Part 3 - Sleep
                                                       DATE: July 6th         TIME: 5:30PM                 REGISTER BY: June 30th
                                                       Part 4 - Nutrition
                                                       DATE: Sept. 7th    TIME: 5:30PM                     REGISTER BY: Aug 31st
     Learn and understand the connection
    between longevity and improved health              Pre-registration is required. Attendance to this presentation series
     through sleep, exercise, and nutrition.           requires membership or purchase of a facility Day Pass.

                                                                                                             great rates
                                                                                                             right around
                                                                                                             the corner.

                                                                     Tammy Rigsby, Agent
                                                                     10258 W Sunset Hwy, Ste 2
                                                                                                             I’m your one-stop shop for
                                                                     Spokane, WA 99224                       the service you deserve at a
                                                                     Bus: 509-835-5433 Fax: 509-624-1660
                                                                     www.tammyinsuresme.com                  price you want. Call me for
                                                                                                             surprisingly great rates and
                                                                                                             Good Neighbor service right
                                                                                                             in your neighborhood.
FIGHT BACK against Parkinson's Disease with Rock Steady!
The Rock Steady program gives people with Parkinson's Disease                                                Like a good neighbor,
(PD) hope by improving their quality of life through a non-                                                  State Farm is there.®
contact, boxing-based fitness curriculum. By joining Rock Steady,                                            Individual premiums will vary by customer. All applicants
                                                                                                             subject to State Farm underwriting requirements.
one with PD will slow the progression of the disease by improving

tremors, postural instability, shuffling gait, and much more. Join
this program and take your mental and physical fitness to a level
you perhaps never thought possible while creating a community           State Farm
                                                                        Bloomington, IL
that together can deliver a blow to Parkinson’s.
DAYS: Fridays         TIME: 1:30PM-3:00PM

                                                                        airwayheightsparksandrec.org | (509)244-4845                                                     
                                                                        MEET THE TRAINERS
                                                                        As the newest addition to the
                                                                        PT team, Shelby brings a fresh
                                                                        perspective, influenced by her
                                                                        own fitness journey and success.
                                                                        Her mission as a personal
                                                                        trainer is to help beginners lose
                                                                        weight, gain strength, and find
                                                                        happiness through fitness.
                                                                        Zechariah encourages all of
                                                                        his clients to embrace the gym
                                                                        as their playground and have
                                                                        fun with exercise and fitness.
                                                                        His work with EWU Athletics
                                                                        allows him to train using cutting
                                                                        edge techniques to improve
                                                                        endurance, strength, and power.

                                                                        Managing the Fitness Floor is
                                                                        great, but training clients and
                                                                        teaching groups is his passion.
                                                                        With 20 years in the fitness
                                                                        industry, Jared loves training
                                                                        beginners to older adults,
                                                                        helping them to develop strength
                                                                        and confidence within.

 The Airway Heights Recreation Center Personal Training
 Program offers one on one instruction with one of our certified
 Personal Trainers. Trainers work to develop a path that is specific,
 achievable, and relevant to YOU.                                             BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS
 Personal Training includes:
 • Personalized programs based on your fitness goals, likes
                                                                                   GO BEYOND THE SCALE
     and dislikes, skills, and abilities.                                 What does your weight really mean?
 • Structured sessions to maximize time in the gym.                       In less than one minute, learn accurate data about your body
                                                                          to create a healthier you.
 • Monthly InBody analysis to track physical progress

                                                                          DISCOVER YOUR
                                                                          • Accurate body fat percentage.
        PERSONAL TRAINING PACKAGES                                        • Accurate muscle mass.
                          4 Sessions    6 Sessions    12 Sessions         • Muscle imbalances.
                                                                          • Calories burned at rest.
 1/2 Hour Session          $109.00       $149.00       $269.00
                                                                          • Current hydration level.                 Scan
 1 Hour Session            $189.00       $259.00       $479.00            USE YOUR DATA TO YOUR BENEFIT
                                                                          • True numbers for measurable goal setting.
                                                                          • Motivation towards desired results.
      $99 FIRST TIMER PT SPECIAL!                                         • Track your progress to understand how exercise, diet
 See if Personal Training is right for you.                                    and hydration changes your body composition.
     Three 1 hour sessions or six 30 minute. Limited 1 per person.                SEE YOUR RESULTS TODAY!
         Schedule a FREE Fitness Assessment to learn more.                          Purchase scans at Front or Fitness Desk.

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