2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon

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2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
Delivering for a
sustainable future
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
No reliance on this document                      general informational purposes only without        “forecast”, “estimate”, “goals’, “aims”, “target”
This document was prepared by Aurizon             taking into account the recipient’s investment     and other similar expressions are intended
Holdings Limited (ACN 146 335 622)                objectives, financial circumstances, taxation      to identify forward-looking statements.
(referred to as “Aurizon” which includes its      position or particular needs. Each recipient       Indications of, and guidance or outlook on,
related bodies corporate (including Aurizon       to whom this document is made available            future states of affairs are also forward-
Operations Limited)). Whilst Aurizon has          must make its own independent assessment           looking statements. The forward-looking
endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of the         of Aurizon after making such investigations        statements are not based on historical facts,
information contained in this document            and taking such advice as it deems necessary.      but rather on current beliefs, assumptions,
at the date of publication, it may contain        If the recipient is in any doubts about any of     expectations, estimates and projections of
information that has not been independently       the information contained in this document,        Aurizon. These statements are not guarantees
verified. Aurizon makes no representation or      the recipient should obtain independent            or predictions of future performance, and
warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or      professional advice.                               involve both known and unknown risks,
reliability of any of the information contained                                                      uncertainties and other factors, many of
in this document. Aurizon owes you no duty,       Scenario analysis and ESG targets                  which are beyond Aurizon’s control. As a
whether in contract or tort or under statute      This document also contains scenario               result, actual results or developments may
or otherwise, with respect to or in connection    analysis of long-term coal scenarios and           differ materially from those expressed in
with this document, or any part thereof,          ESG targets. The scenario analysis that            the forward-looking statements contained
including any implied representations or          informs this document was undertaken by            in this document. Aurizon cautions against
otherwise that may arise from this document.      Aurizon, supported by an expert third party.       reliance on any forward-looking statements
Any reliance is entirely at your own risk.        The analysis is based on the information           or guidance. Except as required by applicable
                                                  available at the date of this document and/        regulations or by law, Aurizon is not under
Document is a summary only                        or the date of Aurizon’s planning processes        any obligation to update these forward-
This document contains information in a           or scenario analysis processes. There are          looking statements (or scenario analysis) to
summary form only and does not purport to         inherent limitations with scenario analysis        reflect events or circumstances that arise
be complete and is qualified in its entirety      and it is difficult to predict which, if any, of   after publication. Past performance is not an
by, and should be read in conjunction with,       the scenarios might eventuate. Scenarios           indication of future performance.
all of the information which Aurizon files        are neither predictions nor forecasts and
with the Australian Securities Exchange. Any      do not constitute definitive outcomes for          No liability
information or opinions expressed in this         Aurizon. We do not assign probabilities and        To the maximum extent permitted by law
document are subject to change without            future performance may be outside of the           in each relevant jurisdiction, Aurizon and
notice. Aurizon is not under any obligation       ranges presented. Scenario analysis and            its directors, officers, employees, agents,
to update or keep current the information         the outcomes of those scenarios rely on            contractors, advisers and any other person
contained within this document. Information       assumptions that may or may not be, or prove       associated with the preparation of this
contained in this document may have changed       to be, correct and may or may not eventuate,       document, each expressly disclaims any
since its date of publication.                    and scenarios may be impacted by additional        liability, including without limitation any
                                                  factors to the assumptions disclosed.              liability arising from fault or negligence, for
No investment advice                                                                                 any errors or misstatements in, or omissions
This document is not intended to be, and          Statements about the future                        from, this document or any direct, indirect or
should not be considered to be, investment        This document contains “forward-looking            consequential loss howsoever arising from
advice by Aurizon nor a recommendation to         statements”. The words “expect”, “anticipate”,     the use or reliance upon the whole or any
invest in Aurizon. The information provided       “likely”, “intend”, “should”, “could”, “may”,      part of this document or otherwise arising in
in this document has been prepared for            “predict”, “plan”, “propose”, “will”, “believe”,   connection with it.

                                                                                                     We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians
                                                                                                     of this land and pay our respects to the elders
                                                                                                     past, present and future for they hold the
                                                                                                     memories, the traditions, the culture and
                                                                                                     hopes of Aboriginal Australia. We must always
                                                                                                     remember that under the ballast, sleepers, rail
                                                                                                     systems and office buildings where Aurizon
                                                                                                     does business, the land was and always will be
                                                                                                     traditional Aboriginal land.

 Aurizon staff at Hexham NSW with local indigenous artist John Robinson and his family
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon

03   Managing Director and CEO message

04   About Aurizon

10   How we operate

20   Governance and risk

28   Safety and health

34   Future of commodities hauled

48   Climate change

54   Environment

58   People

62   Community

64   Tax at Aurizon

68   Sustainability metrics

72   Statement of limited assurance

76   Glossary
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon

                                         of our employees work
                                                                          of our workforce is Aboriginal
                                         across regional locations        or Torres Strait Islander, up
                                         in Australia                     from 6.2% in FY2020

                                         23%                              8%

                                         of our workforce is              improvement in Lost
                                         female, up from 22%              Time Injury Frequency
                                         in FY2020                        Rate (LTIFR)
      PERFORMANCE – FY2021

                                         and Action Plan launched
                                                                          increase in our Total
                                         including a net-zero             Recordable Injury
                                         operational emissions            Frequency Rate (TRIFR)
                                         target by 2050                   against FY2020

                                         supported through
                                                                          decrease in greenhouse
                                         our Community                    gas emissions intensity
                                         Giving Fund                      against FY2020

                                         spent with suppliers
                                                                          adverse performance in
                                                                          Rail Process Safety
                                                                          against FY2020

2                                                                               Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
FUTURE OF COMMODITIES              CLIMATE CHANGE            ENVIRONMENT               PEOPLE          COMMUNITY              TAX

MANAGING                                                                                 Rate, Lost Time Injury Frequency
                                                                                         Rate and Rail Process Safety. We
DIRECTOR                                                                                 remain focused on continuing to

                                                                                         drive improvements to our safety
                                                                                         performance, with investments in new

                                                                                         technology, processes and leadership
                                                                                         capability together with enhancing
                                                                                         safety culture. One such initiative is
On behalf of Aurizon, I am                                                               TrainGuard, which you can read about
                                                                                         in this report.
pleased to share our eighth
Sustainability Report.                                                                   As well as delivering products and
                                                                                         commodities, we also recognise that
                                                                                         as a business it is important that we
                                                                                         contribute to the communities in
                                                                                         which our employees live and work.
                                           ANDREW HARDING, MANAGING                      Through our Community Giving Fund
                                           DIRECTOR AND CEO                              we provide cash grants to eligible
                                                                                         community organisations with
                                                                                         projects focused on community safety,
                                                                                         environment, education or health
As Australia’s largest rail freight        supply chains that serve our nation.          and wellbeing. This year, 46 groups
operator, we are committed to              Rail is already the safest and most           benefited, bringing the total number of
being open and transparent on the          environmentally friendly mode of land         local charities we have supported over
environmental, social and governance       freight transport. Technology advances        the past 10 years to more than 450.
(ESG) aspects of our business, with        will consolidate these advantages and
disclosures on how we operate and          unlock further productivity, safety and       During the year, we also extended our
manage risks.                              environmental benefits for customers          reach into the community with two new
                                           and the community.                            partnerships. The first is a three-year
In May 2021, Aurizon maintained                                                          partnership with Orange Sky Australia,
a ‘Leading’ rating for the seventh         At the Aurizon Investor Day in                which offers free laundry and shower
consecutive year by the Australian         June 2021, we presented various               services for people experiencing
Council of Superannuation Investors        scenarios on how we will continue             homelessness. Aurizon also became
for Corporate Sustainability Reporting     to deliver sustained value for our            the new Principal Partner of the
in Australia. We also participate in the   customers and investors. Aurizon has          Queensland Firebirds who compete in
FTSE4 Good Index Series, MSCI and          a unique place in critical supply chains      the national Super Netball competition.
Sustainalytics ESG Ratings, and this       across the nation, and our involvement
will be our fifth year reporting against   in improving these supply chains will         In our communities and along our
the Task Force on Climate-related          support long-term demand for key              supply chains, we are committed
Financial Disclosures.                     commodities in global export markets.         to responsible environmental
                                           The key takeaway is that we have              management. We do this by
We recognise that ESG is a matter of       an adaptable business with our Coal           employing proactive and evidence-
importance as the world works to slow      and Network businesses, providing a           based management measures covering
climate change and transition to more      resilient base to support the growth          key environmental issues, such as
renewable energy sources. In October       ambitions of our Bulk business.               biodiversity and land management,
2020, we published our Climate                                                           waste management and resource use,
Strategy and Action Plan, outlining our    Our Bulk business provides integrated         and minimising emissions. You can
commitment and a clear plan to reduce      supply chain services, including rail and     read more about our measures in
our carbon footprint, with a target of     road transportation, port services and        this report.
net-zero operational emissions (Scope      material handling for a range of mining,
1 & 2) by 2050. This includes a 10%        metal, industrial and agricultural            With the rapidly changing COVID-19
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions      customers in Queensland, New South            situation in Australia, Aurizon has
intensity target between 2020 and          Wales and Western Australia. It is            maintained constant vigilance across
2030. We also have committed to a          well positioned in markets serving            our national footprint to protect the
$50 million investment over 10 years,      the global uptake of electric vehicles,       health of our employees, together with
in low-carbon technologies for our         telecommunications and renewable              the customers we serve in our freight
fleet and the use of more renewable        energy infrastructure that is driving         supply chains. As an essential service,
energy for our electrified rail network.   demand for Australian resources,              we have been fortunate to continue
Work has started on a project to           such as cobalt, copper, lithium and           operating throughout COVID-19. We
develop battery-powered heavy-             nickel. With these markets expected           understand the responsibility that
haul locomotives, and Aurizon is           to grow strongly, Aurizon will continue       comes with continued operation, and
also assessing the longer-term             to identify growth opportunities and          the important role we play in delivering
opportunity for hydrogen-powered           expand further across supply chains,          freight across Australia.
freight movements.                         including port and terminal services.
                                                                                         I am proud of the outstanding efforts
As we move to a lower carbon future        In FY2021, our safety performance             of our employees as we continue on
for Australia, rail can play a key role    results were mixed across the metrics         the journey of building a stronger and
in the decarbonisation of transport        of Total Recordable Injury Frequency          more sustainable business.

Delivering a sustainable future                                                                                                   3
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
ABOUT AURIZON                   HOW WE OPERATE                     GOVERNANCE AND RISK                   SAFETY AND HEALTH

ABOUT                                                                                What we deliver
                                                                                     As shown in figure 1, our operations
AURIZON                                                                              primarily span Queensland (QLD),
                                                                                     New South Wales (NSW), and Western
                                                                                     Australia (WA). Our biggest economic
Aurizon (ASX: AZJ) is Australia’s                                                    footprint is in regional Queensland,
largest rail-based transport business.                                               where our employees support our
                                                                                     coal haulage business, deliver bulk
                                                                                     commodities, and ensure that the
Our purpose is to grow regional Australia by delivering bulk commodities to          CQCN is running safely and efficiently.
the world. In FY2021, we transported more than 250 million tonnes of Australian      Our key operational areas are broken
commodities, connecting miners, primary producers, and industry with                 into three business units: Coal, Bulk
international and domestic markets.                                                  and Network.

We provide customers with integrated freight and logistics solutions across an       Coal
extensive national rail, road and port network that traverses Australia. We have     Our Coal business provides a critical
a fleet of around 600 locomotives and 12,500 wagons. We also own and operate         service to Australia’s $39 billion1 export
one of the world’s largest coal rail networks, the Central Queensland Coal Network   coal industry, the nation’s second
(CQCN), a critical piece of infrastructure supporting approximately 90% of           largest source of export revenue in
Australian metallurgical coal export volume.                                         FY2021. We haul around half of


4                                                                                             Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
FUTURE OF COMMODITIES               CLIMATE CHANGE          ENVIRONMENT               PEOPLE            COMMUNITY                  TAX

Australia’s export coal volume. As a       west regions of the state. In December       Our Bulk business
supply chain partner for our customers,    2020, the Bulk business in NSW               includes haulage
we transported 202 million tonnes of       expanded its supply chain capability
                                                                                        of a range of bulk
coal in FY2021.                            through the acquisition of ConPorts, a
                                           stevedoring, bulk storage, and handling      commodities, such as
Coal hauled is split approximately         business. The acquisition includes long-     iron ore, bauxite, alumina,
evenly between metallurgical coal          term leases at the Port of Newcastle         base metals, grain,
and thermal coal, with demand linked       with ship-loading facilities adjacent
to Asian steel production and energy       to rail lines. ConPorts has now been
                                                                                        livestock and fertiliser-
generation, respectively. Through this     integrated into the APS business. To         related products.
business, we employ more than 2,000        support WA’s strong export industry,
people, with a large majority of these     we continue to deliver our customers’
employees living and working in            products to the ports of Geraldton,
regional communities in QLD                Esperance, Fremantle, Kwinana,
and NSW.                                   Bunbury, and Albany.

We connect mines in the Newlands,          Network
Goonyella, Blackwater, Moura and           We operate and manage the CQCN
West Moreton systems in QLD, and           under a 99-year lease arrangement
the Hunter Valley and Illawarra coal       with the QLD Government. The CQCN
systems in NSW, with domestic              connects over 40 mines to five export
customers and coal export terminals.       terminals, as well as to domestic
We are the only rail operator with         customers (see figure 2).
services to all six coal export ports                                                    A loaded bauxite train in Western Australia
on Australia’s east coast.                 The CQCN is a critical part of the
                                           global supply chain, with around
Bulk                                       half of all global seaborne export
Our Bulk business includes haulage         metallurgical coal travelling across
of a range of bulk commodities, such       the network. This 2,670-kilometre
as iron ore, bauxite, alumina, base        multi-user track network comprises
metals, grain, livestock and fertiliser-   four major coal systems: Newlands,
related products. During FY2021, our       Goonyella, Blackwater, and Moura.
Bulk business delivered 51 million         The Goonyella Abbot Point Expansion
tonnes of commodities. The business        (GAPE) is the connecting system
also provides supply chain services to     link for the Newlands and Goonyella
customers, including ballast cleaning,     systems. Around 70% of volume hauled
hook-and-pull, and port services.          across the network is considered
                                           metallurgical coal (remaining 30%
In QLD, we service the North West          is thermal coal), with demand linked
Minerals Province from Mount Isa to        to Asian steel production. Access to
the Port of Townsville, including bulk     our rail network is managed under a
storage and handling services as part      process approved by the competition
of Aurizon Port Services (APS). We         regulator, the Queensland Competition         Loading of a cattle train in Townsville
also service the central and south-        Authority (QCA).

                                                                                                           Coal Export Terminal

Delivering a sustainable future                                                                                                        5
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
ABOUT AURIZON                         HOW WE OPERATE                       GOVERNANCE AND RISK                  SAFETY AND HEALTH

                                                 FIGURE 3 AURIZON’S REVENUE (FY2021)2
Together, our Coal and Bulk haulage
businesses are referred to as ‘above rail’,
while our Network business is referred
to as ‘below rail’. As shown in figure
3, approximately two-thirds of our
above rail revenue relates to coal, with
our Bulk business contributing to the
remaining one-third.

                                                               Group                             Above Rail revenue
                                                               Revenue                           commodity type split

                                                                     59% Above Rail                34% Metallurgical coal
                                                                     41% Network                   34% Thermal coal
                                                                                                   32% Bulk

FIGURE 4 AURIZON’S STRATEGY IN ACTION FRAMEWORK                                            Our strategy
                                                                                           Our Strategy in Action framework
                                                                                           provides a strategic guide for our
      Purpose                                                                              business in our pursuit of both short-
                                                                                           and long-term value creation (see
      Growing regional Australia by delivering bulk
      commodities to the world.                                                            figure 4).

                                                                                           Central to our strategy are our Strategic
                                                                                           Levers, which help us prioritise key
      Vision                                                                               drivers of value, and execute on these
                                                                                           priorities throughout the organisation.
      The first choice for bulk commodity
      transport solutions.
                                                                                           Our strategic priorities are periodically
                                                                                           reviewed by management and Board,
                                                                                           and are adjusted to reflect our view of the
      Values                                                                               current and future external environment
                                                                                           and our organisational goals.

                                                                                           We are currently focused on the
                                                                                           following priorities:
      Safety          People           Integrity      Customer          Excellence
      We know         We seek          We have the    We strive to      We set and         Optimise: Progressing major
      safe, we        diverse          courage to     be the first      achieve            transformation efforts
      choose safe.    perspectives.    do the right   choice for        ambitious          We are continuing to progress
                                       thing.         customers.        goals.             major transformation efforts across
                                                                                           our business, and are investing in
                                                                                           operational technology programs,
                                                                                           such as Condition Monitoring
      Strategic Levers
                                                                                           and TrainGuard, to support the
                                                                                           optimisation of our cost base and
                                                                                           improve our competitiveness. Our
                                                                                           focus on continual improvement has
                                                                                           contributed to Bulk improving from
      Optimise                    Excel                     Extend                         a loss-making business in FY2017, to
      Our existing                to create                 to grow our
                                                                                           providing a $112 million Earnings Before
      core business               competitive               business and deliver
                                  advantage                 long-term growth
                                                                                           Interest and Tax (EBIT) in FY2021. In
                                                                                           addition, the capital-intensive nature
                                                                                           of our operations makes improving
                                                                                           our Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)

6                                                                                                    Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
FUTURE OF COMMODITIES              CLIMATE CHANGE                ENVIRONMENT                    PEOPLE                 COMMUNITY                      TAX

a priority to ensure sustainable and        We are seeking to proactively
efficient returns. Project Precision is     optimise capital and fleet deployment
an example of how we are delivering
                                            to support Bulk growth and maximise
on this focus by improving asset
utilisation across above and below          enterprise value.
rail. In FY2021, we have delivered
turnaround time improvements across
all our CQCN corridors, enabling greater
asset utilisation and productivity to be
captured in our above rail operations and
improving outcomes for our customers.
                                              AURIZON INVESTOR DAY
Excel: Optimising capital proactively
We are seeking to proactively optimise        In June 2021, we held an Investor Day in Newcastle, NSW, detailing our
capital and fleet deployment to               strategy to continue to deliver sustained value for investors and customers.
support Bulk growth and to maximise           The modelled cash flow scenarios indicated resilience across the business
enterprise value. With more than              over the 20-year period, and identified the opportunity for the Bulk business
40% of our fleet readily interoperable        to target new markets and expand across supply chains, including port and
between Coal and Bulk, we have the            terminal services.
opportunity to best optimise the
deployment of our rollingstock assets         The Investor Day presentation, in addition to the transcript and webcast, is
across the enterprise. Our ability to         available on the Aurizon website.
cascade fleet gives us a high degree of
flexibility to respond to shifting market
dynamics, and supports our focus on
capital productivity and cash flow.
We are committed to maintaining long-
term, stable cash flows. This will be
enabled by the stable and high-yielding         Resilient coal and                Growing bulk business              Evolving mix reduces
                                                network business                  with new markets                   thermal coal exposure
nature of our core business operations
and our ability to flex our cost                Safety, cost,                     Our aspiration to                  Targeted bulk growth
                                                productivity and                  achieve 20-25% market              would result in revenue
base and fleet according to market
                                                capital focus supports            share in 10 years within           from thermal coal falling
conditions. As outlined at our Investor         Bulk Growth.                      an approximately                   to less than 20% of
Day in June 2021, our modelled long-                                              $1.25bn market profit              Above Rail portfolio
term cash flows can be resilient under                                            pool would imply                   before 2030.
multiple coal outlook scenarios by                                                $250m-$300m EBIT^.
flexing operating expenditure, capital
                                              ^Market share opportunities assume Aurizon secures a portion of an available range of organic and
expenditure and growth levers.                  inorganic growth. There are no guarantees that Aurizon will secure any or all growth opportunities.

Extend: Growing our Bulk business
While Coal and Network form
our solid cash flow core, the Bulk
business provides potential for
growth outside coal markets. While
we have traditionally focused on bulk
rail markets across Australia, there
is an opportunity to capture further
growth by expanding our services
into adjacent production-to-port
value chain segments. By expanding
the scope of what we do, we have
increased our addressable market
and continue to seek compelling end-
to-end, multimodal solutions for our
customers, thereby creating greater
efficiencies, and reducing supply chain
costs for all participants.

Delivering a sustainable future                                                                                                                         7
2021 Sustainability Report - Delivering for a sustainable future - Aurizon
ABOUT AURIZON                            HOW WE OPERATE                               GOVERNANCE AND RISK                                SAFETY AND HEALTH

                                                        FIGURE 5 SHAREHOLDER RETURNS (CUMULATIVE)
How Aurizon creates value
We create tangible and sustainable
value for our primary stakeholders
– including investors, customers,                                                                                                            $5.0b
employees, and the community
(see figure 5).
                                                                        Buy-back                                                             $4.0b

Our value creation record over the                                      Dividends Paid
past five years, measured by dividends                                                                                                       $3.0b
and share buy-backs, has been
significant and provides a platform for
the future (see figure 6). These efforts                                                                                                     $2.0b
have resulted in a stable cash flow
that has delivered over $4 billion in                                                                                                        $1.0b
distributions to our shareholders over
the past six years through dividends
and buy-backs.                                                                                                                  $0.0b
                                                                     1H16 2H16 1H17 2H17 1H18 2H18 1H19 2H19 1H20 2H20 1H21 2H21


    Stakeholder               Description                                                    Value Created in FY2021

    Investors                 Our integrated business model provides a                       —$
                                                                                               529 million has been returned to investors
                              defensive stream of earnings from our regulated                 through dividends
                              track infrastructure (the CQCN), while our rail
                                                                                               300 million buy-back completed, increasing
                              haulage business is largely leveraged to Australia’s
                                                                                              shareholders’ effective interest by approximately 4%
                              bulk commodity exports.

    Customers                 We deploy our significant asset base, capital                  —2
                                                                                               53 million tonnes of bulk commodities
                              investments and industry-leading expertise to                   transported at an estimated value of over
                              provide reliable, safe and efficient bulk transport             $30 billion for our customers
                              solutions for our customers.

    Employees                 We provide stable employment and rewarding                     — More than 4,800 people employed
                              career development in a safe and high-performing
                                                                                             — $ 836 million in wages and benefits paid
                              work environment, as well as the opportunity to
                              contribute to the economic prosperity of Australia.            — N o JobKeeper payments received

    Community                 Our key role in bulk supply chains enables                     —A
                                                                                               pproximately 80% of our employees reside in
                              economic prosperity and growth for all                          regional areas
                              Australians. We help sustain regional communities
                                                                                             — $351 million in taxes collected and paid3
                              by providing employment and economic benefits
                              in areas where we operate.                                     — $ 1.2 billion spent with suppliers

1 Australian Bureau of Statistics.
2 	Group revenue pie chart: Above Rail excludes Coal track access revenue. Above Rail revenue pie chart: Track access revenue for both Coal and Bulk excluded.
    Revenue allocation for Coal based on estimated volume split.
3 	E xcludes PAYG income taxes.

8                                                                                                                           Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report

Delivering a sustainable future                                                         9
ABOUT AURIZON                    HOW WE OPERATE                    GOVERNANCE AND RISK                           SAFETY AND HEALTH

Our business model supports
sustainable business practices and
enables us to operate efficiently
and effectively.

We have worked hard to build a stronger, more sustainable business in recent
years, and are committed to being open and transparent on the environmental,
social and governance (ESG) aspects of our business. We aim to continuously
improve and ultimately create value for the benefit of our employees,
customers, communities, and investors.

Our approach
to sustainability                           United Nations Sustainable Development Goals7
Our approach to reporting                   In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for
We keep stakeholders informed of            Sustainable Development, which includes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
our corporate governance and financial      The 17 goals and related targets act to address significant ESG issues across the globe.
performance via announcements to the        We began mapping our operations against the SDGs in our 2018 Sustainability Report.
Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)        Acknowledging that our business contributes to some SDGs more than others, we
and our website. Investors can access       continue to focus on the five goals that are most aligned to our business, our values,
copies of announcements to the ASX,         and our operational environment.
notices of meetings, annual reports,
policies, investor presentations,
webcasts, and transcripts of those             GOAL 3
presentations on our website. In               Good health
addition to the above disclosures,             and well-being
we take a direct approach to reporting
environmental, social and governance        We continue to develop and adopt safe practices, enabling us to build a resilient
(ESG) disclosures to our stakeholders       operation, an adaptive workforce, and agile systems of work to deliver safer
with the publication of our annual          outcomes. We will continue to make sure we are well placed to work with our people,
Sustainability Report. This report          our customers, and the communities in which we operate, providing safe and reliable
is prepared with reference to the           rail operations now and into the future. In FY2021, we continued to embed our
Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI)         updated enterprise safety strategy to focus and prioritise improvements to our safety
standards to provide investors with         systems and culture, and to achieve our safety goal of protecting ourselves, each
comparable information relating to ESG      other, and the communities in which we operate. We also continued to focus on the
performance. Our approach considers         mental health of our employees during the year. As outlined in our Safety and health
the GRI’s principles for defining report    chapter, we provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services to our employees,
content that covers stakeholder             and have trained over 150 Mental Health First Aiders who have formed the foundation
inclusiveness, sustainability context,      of our Peer Support Network.
materiality, and completeness.

We recognise that our climate change          GOAL 5
disclosures are one of the key interests      Gender equality
to stakeholders. Since 2017, we have
aligned our climate-related disclosures
to the Task Force on Climate-related        We continue to increase the diversity of our workforce, recognising diversity is a lever
Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as             for better business performance and growing our business sustainably. As outlined in
recommended by the Financial                our People chapter, our female workforce representation has increased from 22% in
Stability Board. This framework             FY2020 to 23% in FY2021 achieving our target.
enables consistent climate-related
financial risk disclosures for use by       This year on International Women’s Day, we launched a three-year Gender Balance
companies in providing information to       Action Plan that outlines initiatives aimed at creating gender balance through higher
investors, lenders, insurers, and other     female participation in our workforce. We remain focused on closing the gender pay
stakeholders. Our response to climate-      gap, through initiatives such as mentoring programs, facilitating career pathways into
related risks is outlined within the        larger or more senior roles, annual analysis to monitor pay equity, and a data-driven
Governance and risk chapter of              approach to talent, succession, and remuneration decision-making. These initiatives
this report.                                are guided by our Gender Balance Reference Group, led by the Group Executive of our
                                            Coal business.
During FY2021, we published our
first Climate Strategy and Action
Plan (CSAP). The strategy builds on

10                                                                                                   Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COMMODITIES                    CLIMATE CHANGE                  ENVIRONMENT            PEOPLE          COMMUNITY               TAX

                                                                                                  our existing work in reducing our
                                                                                                  carbon footprint, as detailed in our
      GOAL 8                                                                                      Sustainability Report each year since
      Decent work and                                                                             2014. We recognise that we all have
      economic growth                                                                             a responsibility to act on climate
                                                                                                  change – government, business, and
    Our operational footprint spans QLD, NSW, and WA, with the majority of our                    the general community – so we can
    staff living and working in regional centres across these three states. Strong and            achieve an effective transition to a low-
    economically stable communities are the backbone of a healthy regional Australia,             carbon future. As Australia’s largest
    and we are committed to continuing to develop strong local relationships with                 rail freight operator, we can have a
    local businesses and suppliers across our regional footprint. We continue to invest           significant and positive influence on
    in and develop regional facilities with a focus on development of safe workplaces,            the decarbonisation of Australian rail
    operational equipment, and capabilities that allow our people to do their job in the          freight supply chains, as supported by
    safest and most efficient way. See our Community chapter for more information.                our new target of net-zero operational
                                                                                                  emissions by 2050. Progress on our
    In FY2021, we have spent approximately $1.2 billion with suppliers from across our            emissions reduction efforts is outlined
    operations. This figure, however, does not consider the further economic benefits             in our Climate change chapter. The
    of our workforce living and working in regional communities. Our Coal business                greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data
    also provides a critical service to Australia’s $39 billion 8 export coal industry, the       (scope 1, 2 and 3) provided in this
    nation’s second largest source of export revenue in FY2021.                                   chapter has also been independently
                                                                                                  assured, and a statement of limited
                                                                                                  assurance is included in this report.
      GOAL 9
      Industry, innovation
                                                                                                  A lower-carbon future must go hand-
      and infrastructure
                                                                                                  in-hand with business sustainability,
                                                                                                  customer service and economic
    As a capital-intensive business, we aim to ensure our assets and infrastructure               development. We are a crucial part
    are high-quality, reliable, sustainable, and resilient. Our CSAP is underpinned by            of the supply chains for Australia’s
    a range of targeted initiatives and investments to build supply chain resilience,             agricultural, industrial and resource
    decarbonise our operations, and contribute to a low-carbon freight transport                  sectors. This is also consistent with the
    sector in Australia. As outlined in our Climate change chapter, during 2021 our               Future of commodities hauled chapter
    Fleet Decarbonisation team made significant progress in establishing forums for               in this report, which recognises that
    collaboration with key peers, manufacturers and research organisations focused                while the move to renewable energy
    on the development, trialling, and implementation of low-carbon technologies for              sources continues, we expect demand
    Australia’s heavy haul freight sector.                                                        for high-energy lower-emission
                                                                                                  Australian coal to be sustained for
    We see collaboration and partnerships as the key to achieving step-change                     many years to come.
    emissions reductions through technology investment and innovative energy
    pathways. We also continue to improve our operations through the development of               There are also strong opportunities
    other innovative technologies. As shown in the Our future with technology section             for our Bulk business in the
    of this report, key projects such as TrainHealth and TrainGuard, as well as the               transition to a low-carbon future,
    integration of virtual reality technologies into our training processes, demonstrate          supported by growing demand for
    how we are using technology to better assist our operations, our people and our               inputs to renewables and batteries,
    safety capabilities.                                                                          infrastructure development and global
                                                                                                  food consumption.

      GOAL 13                                                                                     External participation
      Climate action                                                                              and recognition
                                                                                                  With a focus on direct disclosures
                                                                                                  to stakeholders, we take a selective
    As Australia’s largest rail freight operator, we recognise our role and responsibility in     approach to participation in external
    helping to reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We accept the scientific             initiatives. With an estimated 600
    consensus on climate change, and support the objective of finding a pathway to                ESG ratings globally4, we consider
    limit global warming to less than 2°C, aligned to the Paris Agreement9. We also               each opportunity for participation,
    acknowledge the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Special                    with a view to actively participate only
    Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels10.               where such initiatives significantly add
    We have already made progress towards reducing our operational GHG emissions,                 value for our stakeholders. As at June
    with a 20% reduction in our locomotive carbon footprint (GHG emissions intensity)             2021, we actively participate in the
    since 2010. During FY2021, we published our CSAP, announcing our commitment to                FTSE4Good Index Series, MSCI, and
    a target of net-zero operational emissions by 2050.                                           Sustainalytics ESG Ratings5.

    Supporting this goal, we have also set an emissions intensity reduction target of             In May 2021, we received a ‘Leading’
    10% by 203011, and will invest $50 million over 10 years through our Future Fleet             rating for the seventh consecutive
    Fund, targeting low-carbon technologies across our operational fleet. We continue             year by the Australian Council of
    to advocate for the significant role that rail contributes in the transition to a low-        Superannuation Investors (ACSI)
    carbon economy. See our Climate change chapter for more detail.                               for corporate sustainability reporting
                                                                                                  in Australia 6.

Delivering a sustainable future                                                                                                            11
ABOUT AURIZON                     HOW WE OPERATE                   GOVERNANCE AND RISK                      SAFETY AND HEALTH

Material priorities and                     announcements, investor days, and          We recognise
relevant stakeholders                       site visits. We also attend regional       that fostering trust
As part of our business-as-usual            and industry-specific conferences
                                                                                       with our people is
processes, we engage directly with          to facilitate effective two-way
our key stakeholders (see figure 7).        communication with investors and           a key enabler of a
Our approach to stakeholder                 other financial markets participants.      safety and high-
engagement involves both formal             Access to senior executive and             performance culture.
and informal mechanisms that are            operational management is provided to
tailored to our audience and the            investors and analysts at these events,
engagement outcomes being sought.           with separate one-on-one or group
The following outlines a few of the         meetings offered, whenever possible.
primary methods of engagement
with our key stakeholders.                  Briefings, including our Annual
                                            General Meeting (AGM), are also
Employees                                   webcast live so they can be viewed
We recognise that fostering trust           by all shareholders, thereby ensuring
with our people is a key enabler of a       investors receive information at the
safety and high-performance culture.        same time. Shareholders who are
During the year, we have progressed         unable to attend our AGM can vote
a range of initiatives focused on           directly using electronic means. The
fostering trust and engagement with         presentation material provided at
our workforce. Employee surveys             these events is sent to the ASX before
and leader-led communication play a         commencement and subsequently
key role in supporting and informing        posted on our website, including the
current and future safety and culture       webcast and transcript, if applicable.
initiatives. Refer to our People chapter
for more information.                       We also continue to work with our
                                            financiers to ensure that we plan for
Customers                                   the long-term funding needs of our
We recognise the importance of              business and that we manage our
clear and transparent communications        funding sources, and maturities. As
with our customers. We treat the            our financiers become progressively
relationships with our customers with       more engaged with the concept of
the utmost importance, and proactively      sustainability, we look to support
look for ways to improve their              their request for environmental, social
experience. Through a continuous            and governance data, in particular
feedback loop, we seek to work with         through disclosure within our annual       FIGURE 7 KEY STAKEHOLDERS
our customers to deliver the best           Sustainability Report.
service possible. This is achieved                                                      Key stakeholders
through internal reviews, combined          Understanding our material impacts
with external feedback and discussions      is necessary to develop our strategy        Employees
through scheduled meetings, customer        and operate sustainably. Addressing
forums, and ongoing customer                these impacts is also key in continuing     Customers
relationship management.                    to create sustainable value for our
                                            stakeholders. We strive to ensure           Communities

Communities                                 that our Sustainability Report reflects
We consider ourselves to be part of the     significant economic, environmental,
local communities where we operate.         and social priorities that may influence
                                                                                        Financiers and insurers
Engaging with our communities is an         strategic decision-making and business
integral component of operating each        performance. As such, we continuously       Industry analysts
of our businesses. We consider our          assess the material issues that affect
communities when making business            our business, our stakeholders, and our     Traditional owners and custodians
decisions and taking actions.               operating environment. Report content
                                            has been informed by our material           Rail network providers
We directly engage with our                 priorities, as outlined in Table 1.
community groups through listening                                                      Suppliers
and responding to feedback, involving
our employees in local community                                                        Non-government organisations
activities (e.g. helping a local Landcare
association to plant saplings) and                                                      Governments
encouraging the local community
in Central Queensland to report any                                                     Regulators
safety issues relating to the operation
of the CQCN.
                                                                                        Joint venture partners
Investors and financiers
We conduct regular market briefings,                                                    Industry groups
including half year and full year results

12                                                                                               Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COMMODITIES                   CLIMATE CHANGE                ENVIRONMENT                PEOPLE            COMMUNITY              TAX


  Material Priority       Description                                                                               Chapter

                          How the structure of our business supports sustainable business practices and
                          enables us to operate efficiently and effectively.
                                                                                                                    About Aurizon
  Business model          How we continuously improve through technology advancements, where possible,
                                                                                                                    How we operate
                          to reduce resource use, increase productivity, and ultimately create value for the
                          benefit of our employees, customers, communities, and investors.

                          How we ensure that we are the first choice for our customers’ bulk commodity
                          transport solutions by delivering innovative, efficient, and reliable services to help

  Customers               our customers compete in global commodity markets.                                        How we operate

                          How we aim to maintain collaborative engagement with our customers to provide
                          competitive solutions.

                          How we continue to manage our operations and deliver value through regulatory             How we operate
                          processes, and advocate for policy improvements in areas such as energy and
  and policy                                                                                                        Governance and risk
                          emissions policies, and rail versus road access pricing.

                          How we operate with integrity and conduct business ethically through our governance
                          structure and Code of Conduct.
  Business integrity                                                                                                How we operate
                          How we remain transparent in our interactions with internal and external stakeholders.
  and transparency                                                                                                  Governance and risk
                          How we promote transparency and sustainable procurement practices with our direct
                          suppliers across our supply chain.

                          How our Board provides oversight and strategic direction to sustainability through
  Sustainable             our clear governance structure.
  governance and                                                                                                    Governance and risk
  risk management         How we manage risk within our strategic framework, including identification and
                          mitigation of contemporary and emerging risks, and low-likelihood, high-impact risks.

                          How we manage the climate-related risks to our business in alignment with the
                          Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
  Managing climate                                                                                                  Governance and risk
                          (TCFD) recommendations.
  change impacts                                                                                                    Climate change
                          How we plan to decarbonise our operations in line with our target of net-zero
                          operational emissions by 2050, through supporting commitments and action.

                          How we manage the safety, health and mental wellbeing of our employees,
                          contractors and communities through promoting safety culture, avoiding workplace
  Safety, health,
                          fatalities and injuries, promoting mental health and wellbeing initiatives, and           Safety and health
  and wellbeing
                          ensuring public safety, recognising the key role that our safety performance plays in
                          building and maintaining trust with our stakeholders.

                          How we continually monitor and evaluate the demand for and supply of Australian
  Portfolio resilience
                          commodities and key market drivers to test the resilience of our business under           Future of
  and growth
                          divergent and plausible long-term scenarios, which in turn are used to inform             commodities hauled
                          strategic planning.

                          How we effectively manage our environmental performance by maintaining air
                          quality, avoiding or offsetting impacts on native biodiversity, and minimising noise,     Environment
                          waste to landfill, and water use through our operations.

                          How we promote a diverse and inclusive workforce across all management levels,
                          strengthen organisational capability and talent acquisition and retention, and career     People
                          mentoring, and invest in knowledge transfer from longstanding employees.

                          How we focus on growing regional Australia through our economic contributions and
                          local procurement, and our role in long-term community investment.
                          How we manage our impacts on the communities in which we operate through                  Community
                          prioritising community employment opportunities and transparent and collaborative
                          community engagement.

Delivering a sustainable future                                                                                                            13
ABOUT AURIZON                     HOW WE OPERATE                     GOVERNANCE AND RISK                      SAFETY AND HEALTH

Our customers                                Capital (ROIC) and preserve cash            Our Bulk business has been
We strive to be the first choice for         flows for the Coal business while           successfully turned around, with the
our customers’ bulk commodity                safely delivering excellent service         next phase of growth underway. Our
transport solutions through the              for our customers. During FY2021,           customers’ needs drive our broader
delivery of efficient, reliable, and         we had the following updates for our        focus on Bulk logistics (not just rail),
flexible services, while always              Coal business:                              to offer an integrated service with
maintaining our focus on safety.                                                         production-to-port capability.
                                               	Glencore: Existing agreement as
Our ability to design, build and operate          primary hauler for Queensland          Our goal includes a focus on growth
rail infrastructure enables us to                 mines extended for Newlands,           markets, strategic partnerships, and
effectively manage our customers’                 Goonyella (excluding Hail Creek)       better operational performance.
supply chains and interfaces between              and Blackwater mines
port and mine. We provide technological                                                  Contract updates from our
innovation and significant haulage             	Anglo American: Goonyella – new        Bulk business during the financial
experience for our customers each day             agreement across various mines;        year include:
to support the delivery of commodities.           Blackwater – new agreement
                                                  for German Creek mine; Moura –          	Co-operative Bulk Handling
Above rail portfolio                              extension of Dawson mine.                  Group (CBH): Ten-year grain
Our Coal business continues to                                                               haulage contract
invest in and develop initiatives that       Our above rail contracts are long-term,
give our customers greater insight           particularly in our Coal business, with      	South32 Worsley: Three-year
into their ordering, rail planning and       48% of the portfolio having a remaining         contract extension for alumina
daily activities. Project Precision seeks    contract life of 7 or more years (see           and associated inputs
to increase capacity and improve asset       figure 8). The long-term nature of our
productivity in the CQCN, as well as         contracts provides greater certainty         	Mineral Resources: Expansion
optimising maintenance practices             for our future revenue streams, as well         of services (beyond Esperance)
to improve asset availability and            as greater commercial and operational           with additional iron ore services
reliability. With a strong contract book,    certainty for all stakeholders across the       into Kwinana.
we aim to improve Return on Invested         supply chains in which we operate.


     During FY2021, our Bulk business again signalled its
     growth ambitions with the acquisition of ConPorts,
     a stevedoring, bulk storage and handling business at
     the Port of Newcastle, NSW. Now a part of Aurizon
     Port Services (APS), the business currently provides
     services for export of about 500,000 tonnes of mineral
     concentrates annually. It includes a direct interface
     between rail and sea transport with a dedicated private
     rail siding where wagons can be unloaded adjacent to
     the shipping berth.

     This is now the second business under the banner
     of APS. In March 2020, we acquired Townsville Bulk
     Handling and Storage, a bulk transport, handling, and
     stevedoring services business, with facilities at the Port
     of Townsville. These acquisitions aim to extend supply
     chain services beyond our core rail capability and to
     pursue growth opportunities in bulk haulage markets in
     Australia. We have been clear on our intent to profitably
     grow the Bulk business, through organic growth as
     well as strategic acquisitions. We have built a strong
     foundation in Aurizon Bulk, with rollingstock assets and
     facilities in strategic parts of regional Australia.

     The growth outlook for bulk commodity markets in
     these areas remains strong, supported by the demands
     of the modern economy and a general increase in
     living standards throughout the world. The Future of
     commodities hauled chapter outlines the continued
     growth opportunities for the key commodities that
     we haul for both our Coal and Bulk customers.

14                                                                                                Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COMMODITIES             CLIMATE CHANGE            ENVIRONMENT             PEOPLE          COMMUNITY              TAX

                                                                 FIGURE 8 ABOVE RAIL COAL CONTRACT PORTFOLIO EXPIRY
                                                                 PROFILE (AS AT 30 JUNE 2021)12

                                     48% 7+ years
                                     46% 3 to 7 years
                                     6%   0 to 3 years

In partnership with                       Our future with technology                  inform the health of the locomotive,
Croomo, we were this                      We are continuously improving our           enhance asset reliability and
                                          operations by developing innovative         maintenance decisions for the fleet, in
year awarded four
                                          technologies for the benefit of             addition to providing greater visibility
platinum awards by the                    employees, customers, and shareholders.     on driver variability and supporting
international LearnX                      We deliver these prioritised technology     business decisions for on-time running.
2020 award program                        investments in conjunction with people,
                                          process, and data change.                   With installation completed for 99% of
for our virtual reality                                                               the CQCN Siemens electric locomotive
(VR) technology work.                     Application                                 fleet in FY2021, installation across
                                          modernisations (AppsMod)                    the CQCN diesel fleet is scheduled to
                                          AppsMod is a multi-year program to          commence in FY2022.
                                          decommission more than 10 legacy
                                          systems and replace them with three         TrainGuard
                                          platforms that can be used on               TrainGuard is a platform that
                                          multiple devices.                           uses European Train Control
                                                                                      System (ETCS) technology to
                                          The delivery of the first platform,         support driver decision-making,
                                          Vista, for Mainline Operations has          particularly in relation to speed
                                          enabled situational awareness of train      control and signal enforcement.
                                          services when they are operating
                                          between yards. We have already seen         TrainGuard will support safer and
                                          improvements to our employees’ ability      more efficient train operations with
                                          to make informed decisions and do           fewer rail process safety issues and
                                          their work more effectively.                better train handling. Operational
                                                                                      demonstration of TrainGuard has been
                                          AppsMod continues to focus on               completed and preparations continue
                                          improving use of assets while reducing      for the deployment on the Blackwater
                                          operational losses. Introduction of         mainline (Callemondah to Bluff).
                                          new functionality will continue as we
                                          streamline and standardise business         Recognition awards for
                                          processes. We will enrich our customer      our virtual reality technology
                                          experiences with real-time data and         In partnership with Croomo,
                                          information. The remaining functions        we were this year awarded four
                                          will be released incrementally over the     platinum awards by the international
                                          coming years.                               LearnX 2020 award program for
                                                                                      our virtual reality technology work.
                                          TrainHealth and TrainGuard                  Virtual reality training solutions via
                                          We continue to work on strategic            next-generation training technologies
                                          technology investments designed to          is an example of how we are using
                                          improve the safety and productivity         technology to better assist our people
                                          of our rollingstock and people.             and safety capabilities.

                                          TrainHealth                                 This training tool enables training in a
                                          TrainHealth provides Aurizon with           safe, simulated environment, reducing
                                          capability to monitor performance           the reliance on operational resources
                                          of locomotives and train handling/          needed for the practical components
                                          utilisation in real-time.                   of the training.

                                          This initiative enables access to real-
                                          time asset data that is being used to

Delivering a sustainable future                                                                                              15
ABOUT AURIZON                     HOW WE OPERATE                     GOVERNANCE AND RISK                       SAFETY AND HEALTH

                                                                                          community. Inclusion at Aurizon
                                                                                          goes beyond what we do internally
                                                                                          as an organisation.

                                                                                          Our operations primarily span
                                                                                          QLD, NSW and WA. Given the
                                                                                          regional nature of our business,
                                                                                          we recognise the importance of
                                                                                          contributing as partners in the
                                                                                          communities where we operate.
                                                                                          In FY2021, we spent an estimated
                                                                                          $1.2 billion with suppliers. See
                                                                                          our Community chapter for
                                                                                          more information.

                                                                                          Increasing our spending with
                                                                                          Indigenous businesses is one way
                                                                                          that we can create greater social
                                                                                          value impact and support for the
                                                                                          communities in which we operate.

                                                                                          As a part of our commitment within
                                                                                          our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP),
                                                                                          we have committed to increase our
                                                                                          procurement spend with Aboriginal
                                                                                          and Torres Strait Islander-owned
                                                                                          businesses to improve economic
                                                                                          outcomes for those organisations
                                                                                          and Indigenous Australians.

                                                                                          In FY2021, we had an overall spend
                                                                                          of $6.7 million, an increase of $1.3 million
                                                                                          from FY2020 and a $2.6 million rise
                                                                                          from FY2019.

                                                                                          Maintaining a membership with
                                                                                          Supply Nation, which gives us access
                                                                                          to Australia’s leading database of
Our suppliers                               we recognise the importance of                verified Indigenous businesses, is key to
Our suppliers play a critical role          responsible procurement, not only             allowing us to achieve this commitment.
in creating value and enabling a            for our business, but for our customers’
sustainable future for our employees,       operations as well.
customers, communities, and investors.
As such, we want to engage with like-       We commit to supporting and
minded businesses.                          respecting the protection of
                                            internationally proclaimed human
Working sustainably with                    rights, as set out in the Universal
our suppliers                               Declaration of Human Rights13 and
We understand the importance of             The Ten Principles of the United
managing ESG considerations with            Nations Global Compact14. In October
our suppliers. Our Supplier Code of         2020, Aurizon published its first
Conduct outlines our commitment to          Modern Slavery Statement, which
five key principles: Safety; Business       addresses the Company’s obligations
Integrity; Labour and Human Rights;         contained in the Modern Slavery Act
Communities; and Environment.               2018 (Cth). A copy of this statement
                                            can be found on our website.
The code is available in the supplier
portal on our website. Furthermore, in      Local procurement
FY2021 the Supplier Code of Conduct         Our supplier relationships extend from
was communicated to all existing            local operators through to international
suppliers, and we are actively working      suppliers. This gives us the flexibility to
with our priority suppliers to gain their   match supplier solutions to the specific
agreement to the code.                      needs of operational requirements or
                                            a project.
Modern slavery and
human rights                                Through local procurement, we can
Given that our business forms a key         generate employment opportunities
part of our customers’ supply chains,       and provide economic benefits to the

16                                                                                                  Aurizon 2021 Sustainability Report
FUTURE OF COMMODITIES              CLIMATE CHANGE           ENVIRONMENT               PEOPLE          COMMUNITY                 TAX

Regulation and policy                     These include:                                Energy policy
The policies and regulations of                                                         We are one of the largest energy
governments and regulatory bodies           	a 10-year undertaking term               consumers in QLD, and operate the
have significant impacts on the current        (2017-2027)                              only electrified heavy haul rail network
and future development, operation,                                                      in Australia. Reliable and affordable
and efficiency of transport supply          	an independent capacity review and       electricity is important for our business
chains. We engage directly with                mechanisms to remedy any deficits        and our customers.
policy development processes that
are relevant to our businesses and          	an improved return that better           We have consistently advocated for
the industries in which we operate.            reflects the risks of owning and         the benefits of electric traction, and
We also participate in the policy              operating the CQCN                       have made substantial investments
and regulatory work of a number of                                                      to improve the electric infrastructure
industry associations (as outlined in      	 e
                                               nhanced reporting and engagement        across the CQCN.
our Governance and risk chapter).             on maintenance and renewals budgets
                                                                                        However, the realised efficiency
Embedding the                               	operating cost efficiencies retained     and environmental benefits of
UT5 customer agreement                         by our business                          electric traction over the medium to
Aurizon Network’s Access Undertaking                                                    long term are dependent on clear and
establishes the framework for access        	rebate mechanisms to                     effective policies from the federal and
to the CQCN rail infrastructure. In            incentivise performance.                 state governments.
December 2019, Aurizon Network
received final approval from the          While embedding the Revised UT5               Policy actions taken by governments
Queensland Competition Authority          Access Undertaking, we aim to achieve         that are aimed at reducing the price of
(QCA) for its Revised Access              stronger customer relationships and           electricity and improving the reliability
Undertaking (UT5).                        better outcomes for all stakeholders of       of supply are welcome. Lowering
                                          the CQCN. These improved outcomes             electricity costs reduces the risk of
As a result of the landmark agreement     include a stronger linking of future          the replacement of electric traction
reached with coal customers, we           investment to performance and allowing        locomotives by diesel locomotives.
now have a regulatory model that          the CQCN to continue to be an efficient
delivers long-term investment             export supply chain while meeting             At the same time, a clear and
certainty and promotes productivity       future capacity requirements. The Initial     consistent long-term emissions
and performance in the QLD coal           Capacity Assessment by the Independent        reduction policy is also very important.
supply chain. UT5 delivered significant   Expert has been delayed from the              Transport infrastructure and rail supply
regulatory reform and a range             original target date in June 2021.            chain assets are underpinned by
of material benefits for both our         We will continue to provide updates           investments that have timeframes of up
customers and Network business.           as we progress against the agreement.         to 30 years. We prepared a submission
                                                                                        and have engaged with the Australian
                                                                                        Government on the development of
                                                                                        its Investment Technology Roadmap,
                                                                                        which was released October 2020.

                                                                                        The Technology Roadmap
                                                                                        recognises the importance of
                                                                                        better enabling industry to make
                                                                                        longer term investments in the
                                                                                        development and introduction of
                                                                                        new energy technologies that offer
                                                                                        emissions reduction, reliability, and
                                                                                        efficiency benefits.

                                                                                        It is also important that current
                                                                                        and short-term emissions reduction
                                                                                        policies, including the Safeguard
                                                                                        Mechanism15 and the Climate Solutions
                                                                                        Fund16, recognise the substantial
                                                                                        benefits of electric traction, and are
                                                                                        flexible and responsive in allowing
                                                                                        access to emissions reduction
                                                                                        incentive arrangements for freight
                                                                                        operators that use electric traction.

                                                                                        We continue to contribute to
                                                                                        consultation processes, and to
                                                                                        engage directly with the federal
                                                                                        and state governments on the
                                                                                        need for further policy changes,
                                                                                        including improvements to the
                                                                                        Safeguard Mechanism.

Delivering a sustainable future                                                                                                  17
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