2021 Village on the Greens

2021 Village on the Greens
          Village on the Greens • 508 44th Avenue East • Bradenton, Florida • 755-8909
Editor: Debra Bernardo • email address: hockeymum47@gmail.com             Disclaimer: The inclusion of advertising contained in this newsletter
Published monthly by On Trac Publishing,                                  supports the publication costs but does not constitute an endorsement
P.O. Box 985, Bradenton, FL 34206 (941) 723-5003                          by the Village on the Greens Board of Directors, Management or Staff.

                Manager’s Report                                                          President’s Post
                      Submitted by Laurie Murphy
                                                                                              Submitted by Jerry Heinen
   I hope everyone is finding our new phone
                                                                             Hello, everyone, I hope that all of you have had a wonderful
message communications helpful. You will receive                      a
                                                                          Christmas and New Year and all your celebrations are now past
phone call from the staff alerting you with a mes-
                                                                          and are great memories!
sage with any important information regarding
                                                                             By the time many of you are reading this, we are even past
the park. The phone call will always come from the
                                                                          the annual February meeting and the board is taking on a new
941-755-8909 phone number. If you have caller ID,
it will say Village on the Greens. We will still be posting information
                                                                             We are happy to have as a new member to our board, “Susan
on our Facebook page, Village on the Greens information page,
                                                                          McCormack”! Congratulations Susan and welcome! We look
which is a great way to stay informed. When you ask to join the
                                                                          forward to working with you and your input! Susan is married
page, it will ask for your lot number, please answer this so we can
                                                                          to her husband Rick and lives on 11th Street in R 14. She is a
keep the page private for residents only. If you need any assistance
                                                                          retired banker and her husband is a retired truck driver. They
in joining this page, please contact the office.
                                                                          moved into the Park in October and decided to get involved,
   Unfortunately, this last month we had quite a few emergency
                                                                          so we welcome her to the Board. She and Rick moved from
water shut-offs. Here is an IMPORTANT recommendation for you
                                                                          Michigan and having grown up on a farm and her love for
regarding your hot water heater. It would be best to add a check
                                                                          animals she is now working part time for C horses on Manatee.
valve on your water heater to prevent back flow from happening
                                                                             With the retiring of the mortgage by June or so the board
when the water is turned off in the park. If you do not have a check
                                                                          is looking at upgrading our infrastructure, water, sewer and
valve it will burn out the hot water heater’s elements. PLEASE have
                                                                          electric. We have experienced a problem with the electric in
a check valve installed.
                                                                          several areas and are trying to get professional help in decid-
   Please remember there are no visitors allowed at our pool at this
                                                                          ing what is the best way moving forward. The water is also a
time. We have gotten reports that there are many visitors using the
                                                                          problem that needs to be addressed, as you also are aware of.
pool. If this continues. there will be no choice but to close the pool
                                                                          This too should have professional help in advising us on the
and we DO NOT want to do that; so PLEASE abide by the rules.
                                                                          best way to move forward.
   I appreciate everyone’s patience with the FPL issues we are ex-
                                                                             Also, I would like to thank Rita Knierim for all the work she
periencing in the park. Unfortunately, we have no control of their
                                                                          and her committee did in setting up the various committees
schedule and have to be patient. We are working to correct the
                                                                          in the park. When you look at the opportunities to serve and
ground cable issues but again it’s on FPL’s scheduled time. FPL has
                                                                          would like to volunteer, please give Rita a call!
had to deal with four hurricanes this season so they are very tied
                                                                             As you can see, there is a lot going on in the Park and the
up. Let’s be grateful we didn’t get hit with any of those hurricanes.
                                                                          Board is trying to stay on top of the current problems, as well
   Please remember to call the office if you have extra garbage/
                                                                          as looking into the future. On that note, please don’t forget
debris for Tuesday’s pick up. We have been monitoring this with
                                                                          what I said last month about “Loving your neighbor” and see if
J&S and there are still many residents not alerting the office. J&S
                                                                          you have an opportunity to giving someone a helping hand!!
needs to know what size trucks to bring in for that pickup so we
                                                                          Together let’s make this the best Park in the area!
need to comply and give them notice in advance. Thank you for
                                                                                                  Until next month, respectfully submitted,
your cooperation in advance.
                                                                                                                               Jerry Heinen
   Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day and remember to
stay safe!

                            Happy Valentine’s Day
2021 Village on the Greens
Manatee County                                             For those that are with the love of your life
           Sheriff’s Office                                               for one more year, have a very
                    941-747-3011                                              Happy Anniversary.
                Call this number for all
               non-emergency problems:
           Call 911 for any emergency.
      If you see something that doesn’t look                           For those of you that were lucky enough
     like it should, do not hesitate to call the
         Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.
                                                                      to be born during the month of February,
              They can’t help us unless                                     have a very Happy Birthday.
              we try to help ourselves.

                  Bulletin Board
  Please put your sale items on a 3 x 5 inch card with the date on        Chatter Deadline/Updates
the bottom. Unless you change the date when the month is over,                     Submitted by Debra Bernardo, Editor
your card will be removed. Also, photos of items should be small        The deadline for the March 2021 Chatter is February 10,
enough to fit on the same 3 x 5 inch card.                           2021. If you want to put something new in the Chatter, you
                                                                     must clear it with the office first. Then email me with the copy
                         NOTICE                                      adding your phone number including area code and name.
  All maintenance requests MUST be made through the front            Email me at hockeymum47@gmail.com or call my cell at
office or park manager. All other employees are NOT authorized       705-759-3309.
to take individual requests.                                            Remember, if you want to start a new club, you need to
                                                                     first attend the Activity Board meeting which is the first
                                                                     Thursday of the month to get approval.

Page 2 - Village on the Greens Chatter - February 2021
2021 Village on the Greens
“Shout Out…”                                                                  Chatter Changes
                     Submitted by Penny Manor                                                            February, 2021
  The holidays are a special time of the year, but can also be a                                      NEW RESIDENTS
very challenging time to those of us in our community who are              Charlie and Cornelia Jansen . . . . . . M-17 . . . . . . . . .  11th Avenue
not able to get out.                                                       Dale and Dianna Kennedy . . . . . . . . RD-6 . . . . . . . . .  Ranchero Drive
  We’d like to send a special “Shout Out” to Claudia Morman. Clau-         Jeffrey Kohlmann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-16  . . . . . . . . .  1st Avenue
dia delivered 15 gift boxes of nutritious food to special residents of
our Village on the Greens. Thank you, Claudia, for going “above and                                     DELETED RESIDENTS
beyond” to help those in need! Also, there were so many residents          Russ Jansen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-17 . . . . . . . . .  11th Avenue
who stepped out and brought holiday cheer to their neighbors.              Robert Canales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RD-6 . . . . . . . . .  Ranchero Drive
Whether it was bringing meals, special holiday treats, a little gift, or   Marjorie Stahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-16  . . . . . . . . .  1st Avenue
a note of cheer to their neighbors, you have not gone unnoticed.
The kindness you extended to your neighbors was greatly appre-                                       Activity Board
ciated. Let’s continue to extend a little kindness to our wonderful                            Submitted by Louise Lovejoy
members of Village on the Greens all throughout the year.                    Happy to see all of you. As most of you all know we are still in
  If you know someone who you’d like to recognize, just let us             lockdown. However we are having some activities; the pool and
know. Happy New Year everyone!                                             shuffle board are open, we also have bucketball, which is every
                                                 Your Happy Helpers,       Tuesday. We have had two craft sales. We are looking forward to
                        MiMi Sackett, Penny Manor, and Bob Manor           getting more outside activities. We encourage anyone that has a
                                                                           game or any activity we can do outside, please let us know. Our
  If you or someone in our Village has something nice to share             activity board is open for your thoughts or opinions; our meetings
that has happened in the last month, send it to the Editor of The          are the first Thursday of every month. Hopeful, we will have more
Chatter so a shout out to them can go in our next publication. And,        outside activities, watch for signs at both gates. Have a great
don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. Pictures are welcome.               month, remember be safe and wear your masks.

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2021 Village on the Greens
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2021 Village on the Greens
Bucketball                                           Greens Of Manatee Golf News
                  Submitted by Cheryl Scheloske                                                 Submitted by Tom Ladd
  Bucketball is back with COVID restrictions for the safety of all.        As we get into the busy season at the golf course, our first
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 11:00 am – Lot D-30.                       concern is the safety of our employees and all of our customers.
  Questions, call Cheryl - 814-651-5147 or see me at lot E- 9           I hope all of you are safe and healthy and getting out as much as
                                                                        possible with this darn Virus still hanging on. Come on over and
                                                                        take advantage of some fresh air and great golf at the same time.
                                                                           2021…. This is the year that we have been telling you about
                                                                        for the last two years. Our bank loan comes due in August and we
                                                                        will find out if they will renew our loan or not?? You can still help
               Shuffleboard Club                                        by purchasing a Preferred Membership or making a donation to
                      Submitted by Dan Webster                          reduce our loan principle and in turn firming up our asset to debt
                              Welcome back, everyone. I hope every-     ratio. All with the same goal, to get our loan renewed and keep
                           one is in good health and in good spirits.   the green space here for the future.
                           I also hope that soon we will have the          A few stragglers are still arriving in the Village and of course some
                           virus behind us so all activities get back   of them are golfers so business is picking up a little. It’s that time of
                           to normal.                                   year when you should call ahead for tee times if possible. We will
                              Until then, we will be content to have    have two scrambles a month (usually the 2nd and 4th Saturday)
fun shuffling in a responsible manner. Don’t forget, shuffle is open    thru spring for your golfing pleasure. The Village Leagues are up
to everyone. It’s a great way to meet people and make new friends.      and running so come join the fun. The golf course is open for you
Shuffle is Monday through Friday at 1:00 to approximately 3:00          to come and enjoy some sunshine, fresh air and some of the best
and Sunday at 2:00 until approximately 4:00.                            food around, but you don’t have to be a golfer to come in and
   Our annual meeting will be Monday, February 15th on the shuf-        enjoy some great food and real southern hospitality.
fleboard court at approximately 3:30.                                      With State restrictions in place, the GOM Board of Directors will
                                                                        continue to have Board meetings each month and our president,
                                                                        Terry, will send out a report from that meeting. The annual meeting
                                                                        has been cancelled for February and all Directors have agreed to
                                                                        serve for another year.
                                                                           We remind everyone that comes to the course to follow the rules on
                                                                        social distancing and the other rules that are in place to keep us safe.

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2021 Village on the Greens
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2021 Village on the Greens
February Rule Reminder                                                         Chatter Chuckles…
                   Submitted by Laurie M urphy                                                    BROTHER XING
 Rule #11. Each resident is required to keep his lot and driveway         I’m driving with this guy, and he runs right
 neat and orderly at all times. No fences or concrete dividers         through a Stop sign. So I say, “Hey, that was a Stop
 of any type will be allowed. No open storage is allowed on            sign.” And he says, “I drive like my brother!”
 the patio or property. All plants, trees, shrubs, and walkways           A few blocks later, he plows right through a red light. I say, “You
 placed on your property cannot be removed without specific            just ran a red light.” And he says, “I drive like my brother!”
 approval of the Park Management. All tree plantings and all tree         So now we’re coming up on a green light, and he slows down.
 removals require special approval of the Park management due          I’m confused, so I say, “It’s green; why are you slowing down?”
 to underground location of utilities. Tree Maintenance: The Park         He says, “My brother might be coming.”
 does not trim citrus trees unless they are a danger. The Park does
 remove dead or diseased citrus trees. The Park does maintain
 Oak and Queen and Cabbage PALM TREES; the Park determines
 when trimming is required. A “messy” tree or a tree with poor
 fruit does not constitute a reason for removal. Lawns may be
 replaced with shells, wood chips, or stones. These replacements
 must be submitted in writing to the office for approval. Size,
 location, and placement of outdoor satellite dishes and or an-
 tennas require the prior written approval of the Park Manager                                                Mobile Home Heating
                                                                                                                & Cooling Units
      Un-Potluck Chicken Dinner

                    Submitted by Kathy Caswell
                           The February Fried Chicken Dinner will          10yr.
                          be Wednesday, February 24th at 5 pm.            Warranty                                                      Installed
                          Tickets are $5 and available at N-19 or
                                                                          I am so pleased that I called this company to replace my old AC unit! The
                          by calling 518-570-1371. We are happy           owner, Lori, could not have been any kinder and very informative with the
                          to deliver tickets to your home. Menu is        different products that they carry and install. She explained all the costs to
choice of white or dark meat dinner, with potato salad and coleslaw.      me and also sent me a proposal to review. I was pleasantly surprised that
                                                                          it didn’t have the sting that I thought it would have and the cost was very
Meals can be picked up in front of the clubhouse at 5:00. You may         reasonable. I also want to give a shout out to Craig and Jacob who showed
bring a chair to enjoy your meal there with others, or can take it        up for the job propmtly and were very knowledgeable and super polite and
home to eat. We thank everyone for your support last month.               friendly. I will definetely tell family and friends or anyone looking for a new
                                                                          A/C, service or maintenance to call Integrity AC! Sure glad I did!
                                                                                                                                          - Sue Trethewey

               Mini Boat Regatta
                   Submitted by Richard Bradley                                   Integrity AC, LLC
             We are in the planning stage of preparing for a Mini
           Boat Regatta to be run on the North Pond early in Feb-
ruary. Anyone interested in participating get your vessels ready to
sail. Everyone is welcome to come watch the fun. Watch the Park                           1202 Gary Ave. Suite #101, Ellenton, FL 34222
notice boards for final details. Further information – call Richard
Bradley at 315-694-0102.

                                                                       February 2021 - Village on the Greens Chatter - Page 7
2021 Village on the Greens
From The Stacks
                                           Submitted by Linda Twait, Librarian

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2021 Village on the Greens
FEBRUARY 2021 Events
                                                               Sunday              Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday                  Thursday        Friday         Saturday
                                                                                       1                      2                      3                        4                              6

                                                                             1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   9 am Activity Board            1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    11 am - Bucketball     1 pm Shuffleboard        1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard

                                                                  7                    8                      9                     10                        11                            13

                                                         CHATTER DEADLINE    1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   1 pm Shuffleboard              1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard                          11 am - Bucketball     1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard

                                                                  14                  15                      16                    17                        18                            20

                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard   1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   1 pm Shuffleboard              1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                             3:30 pm Shuffleboard   Cleaning
                                                                             meeting                11 am - Bucketball     1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard

                                                                  21                  22                      23                    24                        25                            37

                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard   1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   1 pm Shuffleboard              1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    Cleaning               1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    11 am - Bucketball     5 pm Chicken Dinner
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard


                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard

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February Sudoku
                      3 Puzzle
     Sudoku Puzzle #E910XU 7 8
     Presented by Puzzle Baron
    Sudoku Puzzle #E910XU                                               7          8                     34           9       1         7           85
    Presented by Puzzle Baron
    Rated: Medium
                                                                       75         8                      4          9        1                      5
    Rated: Medium
                                                                       5           1           6          8                              2
                                                                        9         14          6          81                             2
                                                                       9          45           8         19                                                      7
                                                                                  57          8          9                                                      7
                                                                                  7            9                                         6           4
                                                                                              91                      4       8         69          4            2
                                                                                              1                     4        8          9                       2
                          Copyright © Puzzle Baron January 13, 2021 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!

                         Copyright © Puzzle Baron January 13, 2021 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!

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                                                                                     February 2021 - Village on the Greens Chatter - Page 11
Page 12 - Village on the Greens Chatter - February 2021
Crossword #GX63K95T
1       February Crossword Puzzle
         2        3        4                5        6        7         8        9              10    11     12    13
                                                                                                                         1. Apple computer
                                                                                                                         2. Crescent City moniker
14                                          15                                                  16

    Crossword #GX63K95T
                                                                                                                         3. Food units, for short
                                                                                                                            Letters before ://www
17                                    18                                                        19
    1        2        3        4                5        6        7         8        9           10    11     12    13   5.1.Have
                                                                                                                              Apple____ to the ground
20                                                                                        21                             6.2.AM time
                                                                                                                              Crescent City moniker
    14                                          15                                               16                      7.3.Int'l lawyers
                                                                                                                              Food    units,grp.
                                                                                                                                            for short
                                      22                      23        24       25
                                                                                                                                       before ://www
    17                                 18                                                        19
26       27       28       29                        30                                               31     32    33    9.5.Epoch
                                                                                                                              Have ____ to the ground
    20                                                                                     21                            10.  Kaytime
                                                                                                                          6. AM   Thompson brat
34                                                   35                                               36                 11. Conjugation
                                                                                                                          7. Int'l         target
                                                                                                                                   lawyers grp.
                                       22                         23        24       25
                                                                                                                         12. Verge engagement
                                                                                                                          8. Band's
37                                          38                                   39       40    41
                                                                                                                         13. "Jane ____" (Jane's Addiction ditty)
                                                                                                                          9. Epoch
    26       27       28       29                        30                                            31     32    33
42                                          43       44       45        46                47                             18.
                                                                                                                          10.To a great
                                                                                                                              Kay       degreebrat
    34                                                   35                                            36                21.
                                                                                                                              Conjugation target
48                         49         50                                                  51                             23.
                                                                                                                              Verge woman's org.
    37                                          38                                   39    40    41
                                                                                                                              "Janeresolution (abbr.)Addiction ditty)
                                                                                                                                     ____" (Jane's
                           52                                                    53
    42                                          43       44       45        46             47
                                                                                                                         25. City in Poland
                                                                                                                          18. To a great degree
54       55       56                                                    57                      58    59     60    61    26.
                                                                                                                          21.Huxtable  mom
    48                         49      50                                                  51                            27.
                                                                                                                              National phase
                                                                                                                                        woman's org.
62                                          63       64       65
                                                                                                                          24."Avant"'s opposite
                                                                                                                              Print resolution (abbr.)
                               52                                                    53
                                                                                                                         29. Dead   ____ Scrolls
                                                                                                                          25. City in Poland
66                                          67                                                  68
    54       55       56                                                    57                   58    59     60    61   31.
                                                                                                                          26."The Roadmom
                                                                                                                              Huxtable   to Wealth" author Suze
69                                          70                                                  71                       32.
                                                                                                                              Prepupal phase
    62                                          63       64       65                                                     33.
                                                                                                                         38. Process   flour
                                                                                                                          29. Dead ____ Scrolls
 66                                             67                     48. Bob Marley's movement
                                                                                                                                    Road to Wealth" author Suze
1. Creep                                                               51. Longtime "center square" Paul
    69                                          70                                               71                      41.
                                                                                                                          32."Pie-___" (Ralph's horse on "The
5. Early computer name                                                 52. Napolean's downfall
                                                                                                                          33. Privately financed film
10. Holiday lead-ins                                                   54. Margaret Mead topic
                                                                                                                          38.South Korean
                                                                                                                              Process  flour Pres. Kim ___ Jung
14. Castle protection                                                  57.
                                                                            Bob Marley's movement
                                                                       62.                                                40.Go
15. 'It's ___ deal'
 1. Creep                                                               51.Freshwater game fish
                                                                            Longtime "center square" Paul
                                                                                                                          41.Car issue (Ralph's horse on "The
16. Mother
 5. Early    of Helenname
           computer   of Troy                                          63.
                                                                        52.Bulk up
                                                                            Napolean's downfall
                                                                                                                         49. Rinky-dink
 10.InHoliday lead-ins                                                 66.
                                                                        54.Mine, in Marseilles
                                                                            Margaret Mead topic
                                                                                                                          44.Battery type
                                                                                                                              South Korean Pres. Kim ___ Jung
 14.Wild  party
      Castle protection                                                67.
                                                                        57.Come   apart
                                                                                                                         53. Hog  dialogue
                                                                                                                          45. Go astray
 15.Asia's  ___deal'
     'It's ___  Sea                                                    68.
                                                                        62.Didi of "Grease"
                                                                            Freshwater  game fish
                                                                                                                          46.Wound   covering
                                                                                                                              Car issue
21. Ridicules
 16. Mother of Helen of Troy                                           69.
                                                                            Bulk up
                                                                                                                          49.Alas kin
     In    pans                                                        70.
                                                                                                                          50.Subatomic   particle
                                                                                                                              Battery type
     Wild party                                                        71.
                                                                            Comeof Hollywood
                                                                                                                          53.Series enders, for short
                                                                                                                              Hog dialogue
 20.Elba denizen
     Asia's      of 1814-15
            ___ Sea                                                     68. Didi of "Grease"
                                                                                                                              WoundI get it!"
34. Coat flap
 21. Ridicules                                                          69. Bowed
                                                                                                                              Alas kin group, for short
     Frying pans                                                        70. Signs of collusion
                                                                                                                          56.Feminine ending
                                                                                                                              Subatomic  particle
 26.Harry Potter's friend Weasley
     Conflict                                                           71. Ione of Hollywood
                                                                                                                          58.Compass   point betw.
                                                                                                                              Series enders,       S and SSW
                                                                                                                                             for short
 30.Orderly displays
     Elba denizen  of 1814-15
                                                                                                                                    I get it!"
39. Sped
 34. Coat flap
                                                                                                                          60.Animated  chihuahua
                                                                                                                              Millennials' group, for short
 35."___ Got a Secret"
                                                                                                                          61. Feminine ending
 36.Logical beginning?
     Harry Potter's friend Weasley
                                                                                                                          63. Compass point betw. S and SSW
     Orderly displays
                                                                                                                          64. Cycle start
 39. Sped                                                                       (solution on page 16)
                                                                                                                          65. Animated chihuahua
 42. "___ Got a Secret"
 43. Logical beginning?
 47. Muscat-eer?

                                    Copyright © Puzzle Baron January 13, 2021 - Go to www.Printable-Puzzles.com for Hints and Solutions!

                                                                                                           February 2021 - Village on the Greens Chatter - Page 13
Page 14 - Village on the Greens Chatter - February 2021
Puzzle on page 13

                                      February 15

                    February 2021 - Village on the Greens Chatter - Page 15
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FEBRUARY 2021 Events
                                                               Sunday              Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday                  Thursday        Friday         Saturday
                                                                                       1                      2                      3                        4                              6

                                                                             1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   9 am Activity Board            1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    11 am - Bucketball     1 pm Shuffleboard        1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard

                                                                  7                    8                      9                     10                        11                            13

                                                         CHATTER DEADLINE    1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   1 pm Shuffleboard              1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard                          11 am - Bucketball     1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard

                                                                  14                  15                      16                    17                        18                            20

                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard   1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   1 pm Shuffleboard              1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                             3:30 pm Shuffleboard   Cleaning
February 2021 - Village on the Greens Chatter - Page 9

                                                                             meeting                11 am - Bucketball     1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard

                                                                  21                  22                      23                    24                        25                            37

                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard   1 pm Shuffleboard      9 am Shuffleboard      9 – 11 am Library Cart   1 pm Shuffleboard              1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    Cleaning               1 pm Shuffleboard
                                                                                                    11 am - Bucketball     5 pm Chicken Dinner
                                                                                                    1 pm - Shuffleboard


                                                         2 pm Shuffleboard
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