49th Annual 'Competition & Learning Conference' Prospectus 23rd 25th March 2018 - Page !1 - Scottish Association of Writers

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49th Annual 'Competition & Learning Conference' Prospectus 23rd 25th March 2018 - Page !1 - Scottish Association of Writers
49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018

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49th Annual 'Competition & Learning Conference' Prospectus 23rd 25th March 2018 - Page !1 - Scottish Association of Writers
49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018
Dear Fellow Writers,
      Welcome to the Prospectus for the 49th Annual Competition and Learning Conference to be held
once again in Cumbernauld’s Westerwood Hotel and Conference Centre.
      After several years absence, we are pleased to welcome Simon Brett as the Key Speaker, many will
remember his wit and enthusiasm. He will also judge the Constable Novel entries.
      There are 4 ‘OPEN’ Competitions available this year, the General Article; the Pitlochry Novel (Young
Adult); Janetta Bowie and the Barbara Hammond, which we hope all writers will aspire to enter, whether
you can attend conference or not.
      The Conference should be a must-go-to experience and the Council work very hard to make its allure
irresistible. New this year the Unpublished Writers Bursary team are offering 2 places (subject to
      A couple of things to note, the TC Farries is being offered for a novel targeting the age range 7-12
and the Largs Shield for Drama is intended to be for a 3-5 minute sketch.
      Several new Clubs are joining us for the first time this year and we are immensely proud of this
growth, it proves just how attractive the Association offer has become.
      Please support your Association by considering participating in the Competitions and in coming to
what promises to be an excellent gathering of like-minded writers.
      Remember to look at our Website www.sawriters.org.uk where you will find valuable club and
individual resources and information about our many activities.
      Also if you haven’t yet joined the SAW 100 Club please consider doing so.
                       All the very best and may success ink your pen.
Marc R Sherland - President (on behalf of Council)

                                *OPEN COMPETITIONS*
  Open means all SAW members are eligible to enter, whether attending Conference or not
                                 1. Livingstone Open Shield
               awarded this year for a GENERAL ARTICLE - ALASTAIR WALKER
                        The OSCAR Trophy(including Humorous Articles)
                   minimum 1,000 >=< maximum 1,500 words. - Entry Fee £5
                      Adjudicator - Dawn Geddes (www.dawngeddes.co.uk)

                                      2. Pitlochry Quaich
   First 10,000 (min) to 15,000 (max) words of novel, plus synopsis, max 2 pages - £10 entry fee
                       Adjudicator - Claire McFall - (www.clairemcfall.co.uk)

                                   3. Janetta Bowie Chalice
awarded for a NON-FICTION BOOK. First 10,000 minimum >=< 15,000 words of a Book of non
                              fiction, plus synopsis, max 2 pages.
            Adjudicator - Seonaid Francis (www.thunderpoint.co.uk/) - £10 entry fee.

                               4. Barbara Hammond Trophy
                  AWARDED FOR A SELF PUBLISHED BOOK (Details Below)

 Closing date for Open Competitions : Saturday 18th November 2017. Please send manuscripts to:-
           Janice Johnston - West Montgarswood Farm, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 6HJ
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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018

BOOK LENGTH COMPETITIONS The following competitions can only be entered by
members attending the conference weekend in March 2018 (unless housebound)

CLOSING DATE : Saturday 18th November 2017. £10 per entry, including Self Published.
All manuscripts and fees to Janice Johnston - West Montgarswood Farm, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 6HJ

5. CONSTABLE Silver Stag awarded for a GENERAL NOVEL - First 10,000 minimum >=< 15,000
maximum words of a General novel (Any Genre except Young Adult & Children’s), plus synopsis, max 2
pages. Adjudicator - Simon Brett - (www.simonbrett.com) £10 entry fee

6. T.C. FARRIES - Crystal Thistle award - First 7,000 words of a Children’s novel aimed at 7 to 12 year
olds, plus synopsis, max 2 pages.
Adjudicator - Lari Don (www.laridon.co.uk) - £10 entry fee

                                            4. THE BARBARA HAMMOND TROPHY AWARDED
                                            FOR A SELF PUBLISHED BOOK
                                            Self-published book in any genre. Fiction or non-fiction.
                                            There are no restrictions on length or date of publication. See
                                            further details below. £10 entry fee
                                            Adjudicator - Jeremy Thompson - (www.troubador.co.uk)
                                             Many self-published authors are outstripping the sales of
                                             novels published traditionally!
                                             • Open to ALL members - including those previously published
                                             (traditional or self-published)
                                             • Book should not have been previously published in any other
                                             • If in ebook format - members submit a word or mobi file, with
                                             a copy of the cover and blurb, and a note of the web addresses
                                             from which the book can be bought.
• A print book can also be submitted in published form (not a manuscript).
• A copy of your marketing plan is encouraged, but not essential
• Entries to be judged on every aspect - the book itself, quality of editing and cover
• One Entry Per Person
• Email Directly to : Jeremy Thompson (jeremy_thomson@troubador.co.uk) Postal entries as for all other
                                    An opportunity not to be missed!
NOTE : Competition fees are non refundable. All Fees must be sent at time of submission to the
Competition Secretary : Janice Johnston - West Montgarswood Farm, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 6HJ

(Sherland/Walker) Unpublished Writer’s Bursary ~ The organisers of this fund will be offering 2 bursary places
for the forthcoming Conference. Clubs wishing to put up a potential candidate must be registered with the
organisers and have paid the registration fee, please see details below.

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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018

CLOSING DATE for these Competitions Saturday 20th January 2018. Entry Fee £5 Manuscript and fees
to Janice Johnston - West Montgarswood Farm, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 6HJ.
7. The JOHN SEVERN Silver Inkwell Trophy awarded for a GENERAL SHORT STORY (All types of
story are included in this category) - minimum 2,000 >=< maximum 2,500 words.
Adjudicator - Catherine Simpson - (www.catherine-simpson.co.uk/index.html)
8. The DOROTHY DUNBAR Rose Bowl awarded for a POEM - Maximum 40 lines.
Adjudicator - John Glenday (www.johnglenday.com)
9. MAY MARSHALL Silver Book Trophy awarded for a Book Review 350 >=< 500 words. Adjudicator
- Word Factory (Note : Review a book of your choice, but you must give full details, including the ISBN.)
Maximum 500 words
10. MARGARET McCONNELL Trophy awarded for a Woman’s Short Story - minimum 1,500 >=<
maximum 2,000 words. (Aimed at a woman’s magazine.)
Adjudicator - Shirley E Blair - People’s Friend
11. UNDER 7s Trophy - Maximum 750 words. A Story aimed at children aged under 7.
Adjudicator - Elizabeth McKay
12. HELENSBURGH SHIELD awarded for DRAMA - A one act stage play. (Max 5 characters)
About 45 minutes long. Adjudicator - Liz Hare - (http://www.citadelartsgroup.co.uk)
13. The LARGS SHIELD Award for a 3-5 minute sketch (intended to be humorous). The Sketch
competition winners will be informed in advance. The first three placed will perform on Friday evening.
Adjudicator - Eastwood Writers
14. THE SAW COUNCIL Trophy awarded for FLASH FICTION Trophy Maximum 250 words
Adjudicators - SAW Council.

CLOSING DATE for receipt of entries : Manuscripts must be in the hands of the Competition
Secretary by midnight of the closing date, which will be Saturday 20th January 2018 .
Send entries and fees to Janice Johnston - West Montgarswood Farm, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 6HJ

15. POETRY WALL Entrants post their poem on the boards provided for this Competition using the
velcro fasteners provided. Conference attendees will choose the winner. FREE TO ENTER {no

                   16. DRAGON’S PEN Send an idea for a book length project (any genre), as a
                       synopsis 500 words max. plus a pitch. Top 7 entries will enter the Dragon’s
                        Pen for the tournament at Conference, where the overall winner will be
                       determined. £10 entry fee
                       The Panel will give immediate feedback after each person has made their
                     The Panel will then deliberate in private, returning to deliver their results.
                        The Winner will receive a 1st place certificate.
                        This is an opportunity like no other.

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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018
   Conditions :
1. No published work may be entered, but previously unrealised projects may be submitted.
           2. There are no restrictions on who may enter this competition. Previously published authors
              may enter.

               Practical Help : Entrants wanting to get an idea how this operates in practice can look at
               this link -
                Clubs are invited to try this idea out as a workshop prior to the Conference.

A. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY FOR GENERAL COMPETITIONS Please read carefully as we have to
disqualify entries that do not conform to these rules.
1. ELIGIBILITY : Entries are accepted from members of Writers’ Clubs/Groups/Circles/Workshops
affiliated to the Scottish Association of Writers, attending the Weekend Conference and from permanently
housebound or disabled members who are unable to attend.
i Previously published/broadcast/e-published work in any form, is not admissible.
ii Any manuscript previously discussed with an adjudicator will be disqualified.
3. SPECIAL CRITERIA : The following conditions apply to first prize winners re-entering competitions:
i Other Competitions - the winner having won twice is ineligible in that category for two years.
4. SUBMISSION OF ENTRIES : The same entry may not be submitted to more than one category.
5. MULTIPLE ENTRIES : Multiple entries are allowed in all categories.

B. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS For entry to Book Length Manuscript Competitions.
i Members who have already published/broadcast/e-published full length novels in a particular genre are
not eligible for entry to that category of Scottish Association of Writers competition. You may still enter the
other novel categories while you remain unpublished in those.
ii In all Book length categories, having won once, the winner is ineligible for two years and if entering
thereafter, must still be unpublished in that genre.
2. AWARD : The winner will hold the trophy for the category won, for one year and it must be returned in
good condition before or at the subsequent Conference.
3. PUBLICATION : Winning entries are not guaranteed publication.


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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018
1. SECURITY : Keep copies of all your entries and a note of Noms de plume used, as entries are passed to
adjudicators in alphabetical order by Noms de plume. Remembering your Noms de plume will be of great
assistance when manuscripts are returned.

2. SAW MEMBERS WHO ARE ADJUDICATORS for this conference are not eligible to enter
competitions. However adjudicators for the Book Review, Flash Fiction and the 5 min Sketch, are eligible to
enter all competitions except the one they are adjudicating. Note : To avoid accusations of bias, this rule
applies to the full panel of adjudicators. There is however, no restriction on who may enter the Self Published
Book and the Dragon’s Pen event.
3. PRESENTATION : Entries must be typewritten, double-spaced on one side only of A4 paper and set
out as for submission to an editor. The number of words must be stated on the cover sheet.
4. ADJUDICATION : Adjudicators will not enter into correspondence with entrants either before or after
delivery of their summation.
5. COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS : Please ensure you collect your manuscript at the conference or
arrange for someone to do so on your behalf. However manuscripts from permanently disabled or
housebound members will be collected at Conference and posted back by The Competition Secretary.
6. MANUSCRIPTS : The Association cannot be held responsible for manuscripts mislaid, lost, or which
fail to be presented at the conference.

1. TITLE PAGE : Centre your text and use size 24 font. On the title page of your manuscript
   show :
                                Competition category :
                                Title of entry :
                                Nom de plume : (ONE word, please)
                                Number of words : (lines for poetry)
Your nom de plume should be changed from previous years and a different nom de plume is required for
each entry.
Ensure that pages are numbered. Include title of entry as a Footer on each subsequent page. If you have
any questions mail: competition@sawriters.org.uk or phone Janice on 01290 550360
2. INSERT FORM : Please fully complete an insert form for every submission, (Slips are provided in the
Prospectus). There is no need to place the insert form in a sealed envelope. Attach the insert form to your
entry with a paper clip.
3. FEE RATE : Each entry must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. (i.e. Book length entries £10 All
other main categories £5 each) (Note : Competition fees are non refundable)
4. FEE : Attach the fee to the entry with a paper clip. A personal cheque will not invalidate your entry but
any other identification on the entry could lead to disqualification. One cheque may be used for multiple
entries, except fees for scholarship and novel entries, which should be sent separately. Make Cheques or
Postal Orders payable to “Scottish Association of Writers”. (NOTE : Do not send cash!) Payment by
BACS : Sort Code: 82-20-00 - Ref : Com18 - Account No : 50401535 - Scottish Association of Writers
5. PACKING : Take particular care in the packing of manuscripts (especially multiple entries and novels)
to ensure they are protected and that they reach the competition secretary safely. Write ‘SAW
Competition’ on the packing. FOR ALL COMPETITIONS (including Book length manuscripts) Send
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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018
entries, and fees to Janice Johnston - West Montgarswood Farm, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 6HJ
6. CLOSING DATE : For receipt of entries : Manuscripts must be in the hands of the Competition
Secretary by midnight of the closing date.
These dates are final and no late entries will be accepted, however early submissions are welcomed :
            Novel length entries ~ Saturday 18th November 2017
               General & Special categories ~ Saturday 20th January 2018
7. CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT : Entrants wishing confirmation that their entries have been
received should send a stamped addressed postcard, listing the titles of all entries in that package, which
the competition secretary will tick to indicate receipt and return. If more than one package is posted,
postcards should be enclosed, listing the contents of each package.
8. POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS : Postal rates depend on size and weight! Use an A4 envelope and
ensure adequate postage is attached. (Note : A4 envelopes require a ‘Large Letter Stamp) Weigh the
envelope at a post office, where you can obtain (free of charge) a certificate of posting. Please ensure
sufficient postage is used. Do not send by recorded delivery as Janice may not be in to sign for it.
9. PLEASE NOTE : Proof of posting, does not mean proof of delivery.

Note : We will be offering a variety of excellent Workshops from industry specialists, featuring
many of the Adjudicators and the Keynote Speaker.
Note : Workshop sign-up sheets will be available at conference and pre-sign up for Day Delegates.
Workshops must not to be over-subscribed and limits may have to be enforced.

Conference Raffle - Friday ~ Saturday - Tickets will be on sale from Friday till Saturday
lunchtime and on Sunday the table will be unburdened of its prizes when the booty is carted off.
Clubs and individuals have been generous, year in and out, to make this staple of our programme a
great success, from bottles of wine, to hot water bottles, pretty perfumes to Parker pens. Each Club
is encouraged to pool resources to contribute a major, rather than lots of minor prizes.
Conference Shop - Friday ~ Sunday morning - This starts on Friday selling SAW badged
merchandise and on Saturday and Sunday becomes a fully fledged bookshop. Fill in the form in the
Prospectus to ensure your book is on sale in the shop.
Poetry Wall - Friday ~ Saturday - The place to post your poems for the Attendees to make their
choice known.
Quixotic Quiz - Friday ~ Put up your Club Team or form a society of friendly geniuses and try to
out fox the foxy Duchess Felicity Knowal your Quizmaster.
The Reading of the Firsts - The 1st place winners will get a chance to read through and practice
reading their manuscripts before presenting them either in their own voice or the voice of a
SAW Gala Dinner with Awards - Saturday evening - This will be a streamlined event with awards
being made to the 1st placed winners of competitions and rounded off with an excellent Keynote
Drama Night - Saturday evening post the Gala Dinner - A chance to see the 3-5 minute sketches
executed with verve and vim.

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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018
Talent Night & Poetry Penthouse - Saturday evening post the Gala Dinner - Whether it’s poetry
that floats your boat, a song that you want to soar to the rafters or an act of gymnastic/elastic
genius, this event will be your platform. 5 minute slots, strictly enforced.
Readings of Placed Entries - Saturday ~ Sunday Dotted throughout the programme on Saturday
and Sunday there will be opportunities to hear some of the placed entries being read by the authors
themselves or by a person chosen by them.

Speed Meet - Industry Experts - An opportunity to quiz industry leaders about their organisations
and how to engage them.
Developing the Writers’ Club Programme - A chance to consider ideas to discuss and consider
developments to further your Club Programme. Nothing prescriptive but anything out of the box.
Applying for Grant Aid for your Club - A look at a couple of successful grant applications and
fundraising in general.
Evaluating the Conference Experience - Led by a Council member this session will add to the
written evaluation by giving voice to your comments.
Exhibition & Display - to improve engagement Clubs should present their best face to prospective
Members and to Societies and Organisations. Explaining the work of the Club, celebrating
successes both individually and collectively and marketing skills.
Freedom Table - On Sunday at the close of the Conference we will populate a table with freebies
for individuals and clubs to lift from, either for free or for a donation.

NOTES ON HOTEL BOOKING - You will receive a unique Number, along with your Attendee
receipt/acknowledgement from the SAW Secretary. Use this number when booking your accommodation
with the hotel. Please book early as places soon fill up.
Room charges are per person. To secure your accommodation, telephone the Hotel (Tel : 01236 860 741),
lodge a credit/debit card number. The hotel will take 50% of your full cost at that time. Balance of
accommodation must be paid direct to hotel upon check in.
Rates :
        Single occupancy rate = £244.00
        Twin/Double Occupancy Room = £215.00 per person sharing a twin/double room
        (Note : Sharing : Please ensure you confirm sharing with each other prior to booking)
        Day Attendee - One Day £35
        Day Attendee - Two Days £70
        Dinner for Day Delegates : A £22 supplement is payable to the Hotel.
(Note : Day Attendees - full payment must be made at time of booking. Attendees should arrive in good
time for the start of the Conference Programme)
(Note : Day Attendees must arrange Hotel fees, including Dinner directly with the hotel)
Special Needs : Please notify the Hotel of any special access issues, accommodation needs, or dietary
Extra Night : A special rate is offered by the Hotel to Attendees wishing to stay an extra evening before or
after the Conference. £84 per person B&B for single occupancy. £47 per person for two people sharing a
double room.
(Note : Westerwood offer a standard selection of dietary choices, but can provide a speciality diet if required)

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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018
(Must be completed by Everyone attending) Registration opens 1st October. Attendees submitting
competition entries should ensure their conference registration arrives no later than the last closing date
for competitions.
Declaration : I will attend the Scottish Association of Writers’ Conference at Westerwood Hotel, Friday
23rd ~ 25th March 2018. I attach payment details of the non-refundable Conference fee of £40.00.
I am attending the full Conference/I will be a day delegate (delete as appropriate)
This is my first Conference – Yes/No (Circle as appropriate)

Name________________________ Tel/Mobile No__________________
Address______________________ Email _________________

                                         Post Code ___________

Writers’ Group/Club (must be affiliated to the Scottish Association of Writers)

1. _________________________ 2. _________________________

BACS payment : Account Name : ‘Scottish Association of Writers’
Ref : ConReg        Sort Code : 82-20-00     Account Number : 50401535
Paying by Cheque/postal order - payable to: “Scottish Association of Writers”
Post Registration Form to Treasurer, Jacklin Murray, 62/8 Oakshaw Street West, Paisley, Renfrewshire,
Note: You will receive an acknowledgement by email

HOW TO GET TO : Westerwood Hotel and Conference Centre G68 0EW.
By Road - from the south and Glasgow - Join M74; go onto
M73; follow signs for Stirling; join M80
follow signs to Stirling; leave at junction 6, signposted
‘Cumbernauld and Castlecary’; at roundabout take the first
exit; at next roundabout take the right hand turn into St
Andrews Drive.
By Road - from Edinburgh - Follow signs for M9; Join
motorway; follow signs for Glasgow until you reach Glasgow/
Carlisle exit on the M876; join M80 towards Glasgow; take
junction 6 signposted ‘Cumbernauld and Castlecary’, keep in
right-hand lane; at traffic lights go right; at roundabout take
second exit; at next roundabout take right hand exit to St Andrew's Drive.
Note : There are good parking facilities at the location.
By Rail - Nearest train stations : Croy train station - 5 miles - bus and taxis run to Westerwood.
WEBSITE INFORMATION : www.sawriters.org.uk
On the SAW Website you will find many resources of use to Clubs and to individual members.
These include: Ideas for Club Fundraising; Conference Savings Club (setup information and guidance)
      Guidance on Charitable Status; A Standard (adaptable) Constitution
      A standard Cover Sheet for Competition entries; Public Lending Right information
      Research before writing advice; Copyright advice

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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018

BOOK SHOP                Lynne Carson will run the Book Shop on behalf of the Scottish Association of Writers.
Should you wish your titles on sale, please complete this form and return, before Saturday 20th January 2018
Phone Lynne : 0150 - 587 2638 / 0784 - 622 8372 email : lynnecarson32@gmail.com
    Please cut out and return to :         Name of Author    ___________________________
          Lynne Carson -                   Contact details : ___________________________
          32 Corlic Way,                                     ___________________________
           Kilmacolm,                                        Post Code_______________
            PA13 4JD                      Email : ________________     Tel:________________

Prolific authors : if all your titles are available please tick here
Please Note : we can sell out-of-print or self-published books (supplied by the author) for the agreed
percentage of 15%.
Important : Please indicate selling price for each book.

  Title                                Publisher                              ISBN            Rec. Price

CLUB ANTHOLOGIES are the responsibility of individual clubs, who should manage their sales.

MERCHANDISE The Association has sourced goods, branded with our logo for your
purchase, to raise funds for our core activities. Be ahead of the pack and place your order.

SAW Branded Tote Bags £5                                SAW branded pens £1:20

SAW Lapel Badge £1:50

Cheques should be made out to ‘SAW’ on the back please write ‘Shop’. Post order form to : Jacklin
Murray, 62/8 Oakshaw Street West, Paisley, Renfrewshire, PA1 2DE

   Name_____________________                Shop Order Form
  Address ___________________                    Item                             Colour Quantity Price

           Post Code___________
 Email : ______________________
                                                  Please add £0.90 postage to your order Total Price
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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018

Nom de plume                                      Name

Unique Title of entry                                      Category
Address                                           Tel No


                        Post Code                Email

Name of Writing Group

Are you unable to attend Conference through Illness, Disability or being Housebound? YES

Nom de plume                                      Name

Unique Title of entry                                      Category
Address                                           Tel No


                        Post Code                Email

Name of Writing Group

Are you unable to attend Conference through Illness, Disability or being Housebound? YES

Nom de plume                                      Name

Unique Title of entry                                      Category
Address                                           Tel No


                        Post Code                Email

Name of Writing Group

Are you unable to attend Conference through Illness, Disability or being Housebound? YES

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49th Annual ‘Competition & Learning Conference’ Prospectus 23rd ~ 25th March 2018

Please Join the SAW                             S AW 1 0 0 C l u b
     100 Club                                    Application
                                                           Payment instruction
  SAW 100 Club is an easy way               Return to : the Treasurer, Jacklin Murray, 62/8 Oakshaw
                                                       Street West, Paisley, Renfrewshire, PA1 2DE
   of showing support for the
 Scottish Association of Writers
                                            Name                          Address

   It costs £1 per month, (£12
 payable annually), you can buy                                                  Post Code
  as many numbers as you like               Signed                                      Dated    /       /
                                            Writing Club: _____________________________________
  Half of the 100 Club Income is            I enclose a cheque for £_____ (£1 per month per draw) made
  paid out monthly as prizes to             payable to the Scottish Association of Writers.
          lucky winners                     Payment by BACS : Sort Code: 82-20-00 - Ref : SAW-100 -
                                            Account No : 50401535 - Scottish Association of Writers
   Remaining cash is used for
    various worthwhile SAW                  Please return to your Bank payment by Standing Order
            Projects                        I                     Address

  More Members means Bigger                                                      Post Code
          Prizes!                           Instruction to bank of :
                                            Bank address :
       Simply fill in the form
                                            Account No                           Sort Code           -       -

                                            On the 1st day of……… 20…. and thereafter annually, please
                                            remit to the account of the ‘Scottish Association of
                                            Writers’ (Account - 50401535 Sort Code 82-20-00) held by the
                                            Clydesdale Bank, 30 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G1 2Hl, the sum
                                            of £12. This order will subsist until cancelled by me in writing.

(Sherland/Walker) Unpublished Writer’s Bursary ~ There will be two Bursary places offered this year.
Clubs entering a candidate for one of the two bursary places, must pay an annual registration fee of £15 to the
fund, to allow the fund to continue from year to year.
Writing Clubs are asked to submit up to two names per club of people deemed eligible. Eligible candidates
should be persons who are unpublished (i.e. do not have a contract or publishing agreement and have not
published their own independent publication and made a profit)
The names of candidates submitted by a registered writing club, will be put into a pot and drawn by lot at a
public event (Notice will be given). The draw will take place by 31st October 2017.
The bursary will cover the hotel cost of the 2018 SAW Conference and £25 towards travel, but will not cover
the SAW registration fee.
Candidates should intend to enter one or more SAW competitions as offered above.
Registration fee of £15 should be made out to the ‘Word Factory’ and posted by Tuesday 31st October 2017 to
Jen Butler, 16 Norval Place, Rosyth, Fife, KY11 2RJ
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You can also read