Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...

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Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
                    Learning Guide

Nurture your
professional growth.

        Enhance your career.

Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
CLAS offers excellent Professional Learning and PLU programs
                  to address individual needs for recertification requirements. The
                                                                                       New Principals Institute
                  icons in this year’s brochure indicate an activity can be used for       September 17-18, 2019  Marriott Legends  Prattville
                  credit toward a specific PLU. For more information on PLUs and       New to the principal’s position? Connect with colleagues for this two-
                  CLAS offerings, please visit the Professional Learning section of    day event designed specifically for first and second year principals.
                                                         With an experienced mentor to help guide the conversation, delve into
                                                                                       the challenges and responsibilities of your new role. Tentative topics
                  Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one

                                                                                       include, but are not limited to: They Never Told Me That In Principal’s
                  PLU number.                                                          School; Wisdom From the State Superintendent; Legal Issues New
                                                                                       Principals Want to Know; Navigating Uncertain Waters: The Role of the
                                                                                       Principal and CSFO in Finance Matters; Confessions of a First Year

                           Standard I:                                                 Principal; Admin’s Guide to Preventing Special Education Litigation;
                           Planning for Continuous Improvement                         Developing Collaborative Partnerships, and Navigating Crisis Situa-
                                                                                       tions: The Principal’s Role. Gain top-notch resources to make your job
                                                                                       easier and develop your capacity as a school leader.
                           Standard II:
                           Teaching and Learning                                            PLUACLD651         PLUACLD656

                           Standard III:
                           Human Resources Development

                           Standard IV:                                                AASSP/AAMSP Fall Conference
                           Diversity                                                                           “Elevate!”
                                                                                       November 10-13, 2019  Perdido Beach Resort  Orange Beach

                           Standard V:                                                 Elevate your leadership with the Alabama Association of Secondary &
                                                                                       Middle School Principals at the 2019 Fall Conference and improve the
                           Community & Stakeholder Relationships                       way in which you lead, handle challenges, and accomplish goals. Join
                                                                                       experienced and knowledgeable speakers in tentative quality sessions:
                                                                                       Mental Health - Students and Staff; Public Schools That Work; Safe-
                           Standard VI:                                                ty and Security; Utilizing Technology in the Administrative Role; Pub-
                           Technology                                                  lic Perception & Perspective; Legal Issues; ALSDE Updates; Diffusing
                                                                                       Disruptive Parents; Student Achievement; Banner School and Blue
                                                                                       Ribbon School Presentations; Utilizing Social Media; Dealing with Dif-
                           Standard VII:                                               ficult Staff; Mentoring; ESL Assistance in Parent/Community Commu-
                                                                                       nication. Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen your mind and elevate
                           Management of the Learning Organization                     your leadership skills, no matter the level at which you lead.

                           Standard VIII:                                                   PLUACLD651

Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
AAESA Fall Instructional Leadership                                            Aspiring Administrators Conference
              Conference                                                                                          January 25, 2020  Auburn
                                 “Engaging Our Voices”                                                          February 25, 2020  Tuscaloosa
               November 17-20, 2019  Perdido Beach Resort  Orange Beach                    Ready to move to the next level? This conference, led by faculty and staff
              Gather with fellow administrators and the Alabama Association of Elemen-       from the University of Alabama and Auburn University, strives to provide
              tary School Administrators (AAESA) to learn, collaborate, and grow as a        aspiring administrators with an awareness of the unique characteristics
              community of school leaders. Gain insight from experienced and knowl-          and comprehensive dimensions of the principalship. Program content fol-
              edgeable presenters that allows for increased understanding with con-          lows NAESP's 21st Century Principalship...Getting the Job Done Right.
              tent that enhances student achievement. Tentative topics include Mental        Hear from practicing instructional leaders as they share realistic views of

              Health Issues with Students and Staff; How to Work with Challenging Staff      daily tasks and responsibilities of administrators. Conference content in-
              Members and Students; Using Evaluations and Walkthroughs, Instruc-             cludes Top 10 Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job; Interviewing Tips;
              tional Conversations; Leading Change; ALSDE Updates; Support Struc-            Resumes & Cover Letters; Mock Interviews; Discipline of Students and
              tures for Initiative Implementation; Utilizing Technology in the Administra-   Adults; Effective Communication; Social Media Pros and Pitfalls; Politics
              tive Role; Innovations in Education; Community Partnerships; Mentoring;        and Pressure: Understanding the Community.
              Utilizing Social Media to Enhance Communication; Student Led Confer-
              ences; Documentation; Banner School and Blue Ribbon School Presen-
              tations. This conference will help motivate you to be positively invested as
              you gain valuable skills to lead your school and district.

                    PLUACLD651                            PLUACLD656

                                                                                             AASCD Winter Conference
                                                                                                  January 27-28, 2020  The Colonnade  Birmingham
                                                                                             Join education leaders from around the state for the Alabama Association
              Secretaries Conference                                                         of Supervision and Curriculum Development (AASCD) Winter Conference.
                                                                                             The two-day conference will explore effective practices designed to trans-
                  December 3-4, 2019  Hyatt Regency (Wynfrey Hotel)                        form teaching and learning in school districts throughout the state. Make
                                      Birmingham                                             connections and take home tools and strategies to understand and imple-
              Join school secretaries and bookkeepers from around our state for the          ment effective practices in classrooms, schools, and districts. Join AAS-
              27th Annual Secretaries Conference. Gain unique tools to use in the Goo-       CD and improve your skills as you participate in this powerful professional
              gle Camp pre-conference session with beginner, intermediate, and ad-           learning opportunity.
              vanced opportunities and acquire in-depth knowledge of how Google tools                                 PLUACLD653
              can enhance your daily workflow. Keynote and breakout speakers provide               PLUACLD651                                     PLUACLD656
                                                                                                                      PLUACLD-TBD (AASCD)
              motivational and inspirational messages aimed specifically for your import-
              ant support role. Connect with colleagues and enjoy profound professional
              learning in a relaxed setting.
                                                                                             Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one
                                                                                             PLU number.

Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
Assistant Principals Conference                                              Law Conference
                             January 29-30, 2020  Huntsville                                        March 4, 2020  Marriott Legends  Prattville
                   February 11-12, 2020  The Grand Hotel  Point Clear                    Navigate the challenging legal issues most commonly faced by school and
                   February 26-27, 2020  Marriott Legends  Prattville                    district administrators at the annual CLAS Law Conference. Hear from re-
              Take advantage of this highly-focused two-day training designed to sup-      spected authorities in the field of education law and gain insight into time-
              port the daily work and challenges of the assistant principal. Participate   ly topics to reduce litigation. Tentative topics include but are not limited
              in engaging discussions from varied perspectives at this event fash-         to Guidelines for Implementing the Students First Act; Live, Laugh, Love
              ioned for the novice and veteran AP. Held in three locations through-        Special Education: Legal Perspectives from Both Sides; Practitioners’
              out the state, sessions will cover finance, school safety, attendance,       Guide to Legal Issues in Education: A Panel Discussion; Compliance; At-
              learning management system, principal panel, instructional leadership,       tendance Matters and It Counts Also; The Alphabet Soup: A Summary

              and legal updates. Gain insightful information from inspirational and        of Key Education Laws; Ethical Issues in Education. Don’t miss the phe-
              knowledgeable speakers needed to successfully perform your job.              nomenal opportunity to stay on the legal cutting edge both personally and

                    PLUACLD651         PLUACLD656                                                PLUACLD656
                                                                                                 PLUACLD765 (ACTA)                           PLUACLD766
                                                                                                 PLUACLD-TBD (AASPA)
                                                                                                 PLUACLD-TBD (ALA-CASE)

              Culture Training
                 Day 1 - February 6, 2020  ASU Acadome  Montgomery
                                                                                           CLAS Summer Convention
                    Day 2 - March 3, 2020  Shelby County Instructional                      June 14-17, 2020  Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa
                                Service Center  Alabaster                                                  and MPAC  Montgomery

              Though often invisible to the eye, a school's culture influences every-      Join colleagues across Alabama at the 49th annual Summer Convention.
              thing that takes place under its roof. How a school builds its culture is    This extraordinary three-day event features content to inspire and guide
              incumbent on the school leadership, school relationships with faculty,       leaders in their quest to improve school and district performance. Expand
              families and community partners, and the essential practice of making        your professional growth with strategies to take your career, school and
              the school welcoming for all – a place of belonging and trust for every      students to the next level. You will not want to miss Alabama’s largest pro-
              student and family. Attend this specialized, highly-interactive two-day      fessional learning gathering for school and district administrators.
              training and learn to build a positive school culture that is critical to
              student achievement. Gain strategies for pinpointing the type of culture           PLUACLD651
              you have, the type you want, and the actions needed to bridge the two.
                                                                                                 PLUACLD656, PLUACLD-TBD (ACTA),
                    PLUACLD761                                                                   PLUACLD-TBD (ALA-CASE), PLUACLD-TBD (AASPA),
                                                                                                 PLUACLD-TBD (AAPASS), PLUACLD-TBD (AASCD)

                                                                                           Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one
                                                                                           PLU number.
Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
CLAS offers ACLD approved online PLUs. Each consists of re-                    All Lunch & Learn Webinars are FREE to CLAS members.
              quired webcasts, implementation, and evaluation components.                    If your schedule doesn’t allow for participation at the as-
              These PLUs are accessible at any time from any location with in-               signed time, the webinars are recorded and available un-
              ternet access. Once all requirements are met, participants will earn           der the Professional Learning tab of the CLAS website,
              one PLU.                                                             
                                                                                                         Lunch & Learns held 11:00 am - 11:45 am
                     ONLINE PLUs EXPIRE MARCH 1, 2021
                                                                                                     ARI: The Alabama Reading Initiative Restored to

                                                                                                                                                                LUNCH & LEARN
                        CLAS: Helping Schools and Districts Craft Your                        Sept   Fidelity: What Does that Mean?
                        Narrative (PLUACLD690)                                                 5     Karen Porter

                        Through participation in this module, gain a deep understand-
                        ing of how to effectively create a brand for your school or dis-
                        trict. Participants in this online offering will develop knowledge
                                                                                              Oct     Key Strategies for Implementing a New SIS
                        for crafting a school or district brand that resonates with all        3      Tony Thacker
                        stakeholders and provides effective communication strategies
                        for engaging diverse stakeholders. Advance your knowledge of
                        reflective practices and strategic ideas designed to enhance,                 The ACAP Summative Assessment: Get Ready
                        improve, and sustain communication practices. Acquire a bet-          Jan
                                                                                                      for Spring Testing
                        ter understanding of marketing plans to remain on track with           9
                        important initiatives and learn to weave all parts of your school             Kathy Padgett
                        or district’s narrative to have a positive impact on the overall
                        health of students, teachers, and stakeholders.
                                                                                                      2019 Alabama Course of Study: Mathematics: How
                                                                                                      Do LEA's Prepare for Full Implementation
                        CLAS: Emerging Technology for Education Leaders                               Catherine Jones and Sandy Ledwell
                                                                                                      Self-Directed Learning: Balancing Student Choice
                        With the increasingly complex demands on school admin-                Mar
                        istrators, it is important for educational leaders to under-                  and Curriculum Goals
                                                                                               5                                                   PLUACLD764
                        stand how to use technology to increase efficiency and                        Pike Road City Schools
                        productivity as well as model the correct use of instruc-
                        tional technology. In this online PLU, participants will learn
                                                                                                      Educator Code of Ethics and Professional
                        the “why” and “how” to implement effective technology                  Apr
                        use in schools. Expand your knowledge and skills by cre-                      Responsibilities
                        ating and implementing these tools: EdPuzzle, Blogging,                 9                                                  PLUACLD766
                                                                                                      Corey Martin
                        Google Forms and Sheets, Screencast, Remind, Flipgrid,
                        Today’s Meet, Twitter, and Voxer. Propel your leadership
                        capacity through technology with this phenomenal online
                                                                                              May     Crucial Conversations
                                                                                               7      Kathy Murphy

Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
CLAS offers system subscriptions for the Leadership Institute            Operationalizing Growth Mindset
                        series to school systems. If your system is a paid subscrib-
                                                                                                 Presenter: Anthony Colannino

                                                                                                                                                                           LEADERSHIP INSTITUTES
                        er, any school system employee can attend at no charge.
                        Non-system subscribers and non-members may attend for a                  Join this highly engaging and interactive institute with Anthony Col-
                        fee. Attendees may earn credit toward a PLU or receive a cer-            annino and engage in a message of hope and optimism focused on
                        tificate toward clock hours.                                             creating a district and school culture where growth mindset thrives.
                                                                                                 Draw explicit connections between building this type of culture and
                                  Standard II: Teaching and Learning                             attracting and retaining effective, happy teachers and staff. Anthony
                                  PLUACLD652, PLUACLD653, PLUACLD762                             will challenge you to evaluate personal experiences and mindsets
                                                                                                 while examining how they relate to your daily practice.
                                                                                                               9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sign-in at 8:30 am)
                                  Standard IV: Diversity
                                                                                                 October 15, 2019                                               Mobile
                                                                                                 October 16, 2019                                             Prattville
                                                                                                 October 17, 2019                                             Florence
                                  Standard V: Community & Stakeholder Relationships
                                  PLUACLD764 (November or March Only)

                        Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one
                        PLU number.

                        Hope Institute: Partners for Creating a                                  Social Media: Balancing Safety
                        Culture of Character                                                     and Reality
                        Presenters: Jodi Newton and Elizabeth Huntley                            Presenters: Leslie Wheeler and Kristi Bush
                        At the core of the nation’s most pressing social problems is the ab-     Social media is an interactive outlet for students, one in which they
                        sence of good character. Schools must learn to develop a strong          are both consumer and creator. Take part in this comprehensive
                        moral environment or culture in which student character is shaped.       look at the current social media landscape - current apps students
                        The Hope Institute partners with school leaders to cultivate charac-     are using, behavior causing children to reach for social media, and
                        ter development by providing school leadership teams with ongoing        effects of constant screen time. The institute will review sex offender
                        professional learning experiences. This institute will discuss the in-   and cyberbullying laws and model appropriate and inappropriate de-
                        spiring rationale for character education and provide practical ways     vice contact with students. Numerous tools and sites will be present-
                        for leaders to assess a school’s current work and guide future prog-     ed to empower schools when working with students.
                        ress in character development.                                                         9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sign-in at 8:30 am)
                                      9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sign-in at 8:30 am)
                                                                                                 November 5, 2019                                               Mobile
                        September 10, 2019                                            Mobile     November 6, 2019                                              Auburn
                        September 11, 2019                                          Prattville   November 7, 2019                                          Jacksonville
                        September 12, 2019                                       Birmingham

Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
Structuring for Success: Positive and                                    Linking the Social and Academic Child in
                        Proactive Classroom Management                                           the Classroom

                                                                                                                                                                          LEADERSHIP INSTITUTES
                        Presenter: Andrea Hanford                                                Presenters: Joy Winchester and Dallas Rabig
                        You will not want to miss this engaging, collaborative session de-       School personnel are well trained to meet the academic needs of
                        signed to help teachers and instructional leaders plan and imple-        students; however, if their social-emotional well-being is not met
                        ment effective classroom management practices which are proac-           then no substantial learning takes place. Children can access low-
                        tive, positive and instructional. Join Andrea Hanford as she presents    er order cognitive functions such as rote memorization and basic
                        content based upon years of reliable and consistent findings regard-     recall, but for higher order thinking skills to occur they must feel
                        ing how effective teachers manage student behavior and enhance           connected and safe. Attend this training and gain tools to support
                        student motivation. Leave with strategies for building positive, com-    social-emotional learning for your students and move learning from
                        passionate classrooms that engage learners and reduce disruptive         shallow and perfunctory to deep and thorough.
                                                                                                               9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sign-in at 8:30 am)
                                      9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sign-in at 8:30 am)
                                                                                                 March 10, 2020                                                Mobile
                        January 14, 2020                                             Mobile      March 11, 2020                                              Prattville
                        January 15, 2020                                           Prattville    March 12, 2020                                           Birmingham
                        January 16, 2020                                         Tuscaloosa

                        Recent Court Decisions: Special Education                                Creatively Speaking: Fostering Creativity
                        Legal Update                                                             in the Classroom
                                                                                                 Presenter: James Wells
                        Presenter: Julie Weatherly
                                                                                                 How can schools increase creative capacity and improve culture
                        All education professionals, whether teacher, administrator, para-       and climate? Arts integration is a powerful strategy to impact stu-
                        professional, or other stakeholder, play a vital role in boosting stu-   dent learning, increase family engagement and cultivate a collab-
                        dent achievement, but face a myriad of legal requirements in getting     orative school culture. When school teams work collaboratively to
                        it done. Attend this training with a nationally known special educa-     integrate content and creative approaches, it weaves a common
                        tion attorney and examine the most recent education court cases          thread across the curriculum to reach diverse learners and make
                        impacting students and schools across our state and nation. Learn        global connections with families. Participate in this institute to en-
                        how to avoid litigation as you strive to meet the needs of students      gage in essential questions, collaborative discussion and reflection
                        with very diverse ability levels and differing physical, social, and     that will culminate in making your thoughts visible through a hands-
                        emotional needs.                                                         on activity.
                                      9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sign-in at 8:30 am)                                  9:00 am - 12:30 pm (Sign-in at 8:30 am)
                        February 18, 2020                                             Mobile     April 14, 2020                                                Mobile
                        February 19. 2020                                           Prattville   April 15, 2020                                              Prattville
                        February 20, 2020                                          Huntsville    April 16, 2020                                             Huntsville
Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
Standard I: PLUACLD651                          Standard II: PLUACLD652                      Standard II: PLUACLD762                                 Standard V: PLUACLD764
                   CLAS: Empowering Administrators to                CLAS: Preparing Aspiring Leaders            CLAS: Supporting Administrators to                         CLAS: Improving Stakeholder
                    Plan for Continuous Improvement                         for Administration                     Advance Teaching and Learning                                    Engagement
                 Phase I: Content and Knowledge                                (Complete ALL activities)      Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                 (Attend two activities)                         Phase I: Content and Knowledge               (Attend two activities)                                Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                  ����� Summer CLAS Convention                    ����� Aspiring Administrators                ����� Summer CLAS Convention                           ����� Participate in one Lunch & Learn Webinar
                  ����� AAESA Fall Instructional Leadership             Conference                             ����� AAESA Fall Instructional Leadership                    (March 5, 2020 or May 7, 2020)
                        Conference                                ����� One Leadership Institute                     Conference                                       ����� Attend one Stakeholder Leadership Institute
                  ����� AASSP/AAMSP Fall Conference                                                            ����� AASSP/AAMSP Fall Conference                            (November 5,6,7, 2019 or March 10,11,12,
                 ______ AASCD Winter Conference                  Phase II: Implementation                      ����� One Leadership Institute                               2020)
                  ����� Assistant Principals Conference
                                                                  ����� Online Reflective Summary
                 ______ New Principals Institute                                                              Phase II: Implementation (Complete one)                Phase II: Implementation (Required)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          PLU CHECKLISTS
                                                                 Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                                                                    ______ Submit Webinar Summary of Lunch & Learn
                 Phase II: Implementation (Required)              ����� Complete training surveys             _____ Submit Reflective Summary                        ______ Submit Plan of Action
                                                                  ����� Complete online PLU Evaluation form   _____ Submit Plan of Action
                  ����� Submit Reflective Summary
                                                                                                              _____ Submit 25 hour CLAS Implementation Log           Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                 Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                              Expires May 1, 2021                                                                   (Complete both)
                 (Complete both)
                                                                                                              Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                        ����� Complete surveys following content area
                                                                                                              (Complete one)
                                                                       Standard II: PLUACLD653                                                                              activities
                  ����� Complete training surveys
                                                                 CLAS: Enhancing Collaboration Among          _____ Participate in one AAESA/AASSP/AAMSP              ����� Complete online PLU Evaluation form
                  ����� Complete online PLU Evaluation Form
                                                                                                                    District Meeting by May 1, 2020. Complete
                               Expires May 1, 2021                       Retired Administrators                     PLU Evaluation form at the district meeting                    Expires May 1, 2022
                                                                 Phase I: Content and Knowledge                     and submit to or
                                                                 (Attend two activities)                  
                       Standard I: PLUACLD761                                                                 _____ Complete online PLU Evaluation form                     Standard VII: PLUACLD656
                                                                  ����� Summer CLAS Convention
                    CLAS: Equipping Leaders to Create             ����� AAESA Fall Instructional Leadership
                                                                                                                                                                            CLAS: Advancing Leaders for
                            Positive Cultures                           Conference
                                                                                                                            Expires May 1, 2022                                Effective Mangement
                               (Complete ALL activities)          ����� AASSP/AAMSP Fall Conference                                                                  Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                                                                 ______ AASCD Winter Conference                     Standard IV: PLUACLD655                          (Attend two activities)
                 Phase I: Content and Knowledge                   ����� One Leadership Institute                 CLAS: Targeted Learning to Address                   ����� Summer CLAS Convention
                  ����� Attend Culture Change: Lead the Way
                        (2 Day Training: February 6 & March 3,
                                                                                                                   Diversity in Schools & Districts                   ����� AAESA Fall Instructional Leadership
                                                                 Phase II: Implementation (Complete both)                                                                   Conference
                                                                                                                            (Complete ALL activities)                 ����� AASSP/AAMSP Fall Conference
                                                                  ����� Submit Journal Article Activity                                                              ______ AASCD Winter Conference
                 Phase II: Implementation                         ����� Submit Reflective Summary             Phase I: Content and Knowledge                          ����� New Principals Institute
                  ����� Submit a Plan of Action                  Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                                                                     ����� Assistant Principals Conference
                                                                                                               ����� Two Leadership Institutes
                 Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                (Complete both)                               ����� Read 2 journal articles relating to diversity   (AND Complete one of the following)
                                                                  ����� Complete training surveys
                  ����� Complete training surveys                                                             Phase II: Implementation                                ����� Law Conference
                                                                 ______ Complete online PLU Evaluation form
                  ����� Complete online PLU Evaluation form                                                                                                           ����� Law Conference Webcast
                                                                                                               ����� Submit Journal Article Activity
                                                                               Expires May 1, 2021             ����� Submit Reflective Summary                       Phase II: Implementation (required)
                               Expires May 1, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                      ����� Submit 25 hour CLAS Implementation Log
                                                                                                              Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                                                                                                               ����� Complete training surveys
                                                                                                                                                                     Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                                                                                                                                                                     (Complete both)
                                                                                                               ����� Complete online PLU Evaluation form
                                                                                                                                                                      ����� Complete training surveys
                                                                                                                            Expires May 1, 2021                      ______ Complete online PLU Evaluation form
                                                                                                                                                                                 Expires March 1, 2021

                 Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one                                    Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one
                 PLU number.                                                                                  PLU number.

Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
Standard VIII: PLUACLD766                         Online PLU Offerings                                                             Cohort PLU Offerings
                    CLAS: Developing Ethical Leaders                PLU Participants must complete all online                              PLU Participants must be a member of the specific cohort and
                             (Complete ALL activities)                  activities in order to earn a PLU.                                        complete all activities in order to earn a PLU.

                 Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                  ����� April 2020 Lunch & Learn Webinar or
                                                                       Standard V: PLUACLD690                                  Standard III: PLUACLD754                         Standard III: PLUACLD763
                        Webinar recording
                                                                    CLAS: Helping Schools and Districts                      CLAS: Partnerships to Improve                 CLAS: Supporting Instructional Leaders
                  ����� 2020 CLAS Law Conference or 2020 Law               Craft Your Narrative                               Pre-K-3 Principal Leadership
                        Conference Webcast                                TOTAL ONLINE PLU                                         2019-2020 Cohort                                  (2019-2020 CIL Cohort
                 Phase II: Implementation                                     (Complete ALL activities)                       NAESP™ Pre-K-3 Leadership                                Participants Only)
                                                                                                                                       Academy                                          (Complete ALL activities)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PLU CHECKLISTS
                  ����� Submit Webinar Summary of Lunch & Learn   Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                 ______ Submit Reflective Summary                                                                                   (Complete ALL activities)             Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                                                                  _____ View online webcasts
                                                                                                                       Phase I: Content and Knowledge                      ����� Participate in all face-to-face sessions
                 Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                 Phase II: Implementation
                                                                                                                        ����� Participate in all face-to-face sessions
                                                                   ����� Submit 30 hour CLAS Implementation log         ����� Successfully complete online coursework     Phase II: Implementation
                  ����� Complete training surveys
                  ����� Complete online PLU Evaluation form                                                            Phase II: Implementation                            ����� Implement knowledge gained from content
                                                                  Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                                                                               areas
                             Expires May 1, 2020                  ______ Complete online PLU Evaluation form
                                                                                                                        ����� Implement knowledge gained from each
                                                                                                                                                                          ______ Report findings, advancements, areas of
                                                                                                                              content session                                    concern to cohort/group in Benchmark
                                                                                                                       ______ Design and implement a Capstone Project            Sessions
                                                                              Expires May 1, 2021                      Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                   Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                                                                                                                        ����� Complete in-person session evaluations       ����� Complete surveys following content areas
                                                                        Standard VI: PLUACLD691                        ______ Complete final program evaluation           ______ Complete PLU Evaluation
                                                                                                                       ______ Complete PLU Evaluation                      ����� Complete Final Program Evaluation
                                                                       CLAS: Emerging Technology for
                                                                             Education Leaders                                     Expires April 9, 2020                                Expires May 7, 2020
                                                                           TOTAL ONLINE PLU
                                                                               (Complete ALL activities)
                                                                  Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                                                                  _____ View online webcasts
                                                                  Phase II: Implementation
                                                                   ����� Implement required activities from webcasts
                                                                   ����� Submit CLAS Implementation Form

                                                                  Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                                                                  ______ Complete online PLU Evaluation form

                                                                               Expires May 1, 2021

                 Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one                                             Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one
                 PLU number.                                                                                           PLU number.

Nurture your professional growth. Enhance your career - Council for Leaders in Alabama ...
Affiliate PLU Offerings                                   Standard VII: PLUACLDTBD                                Standard VII: PLUACLD765
                                                                                CLAS & ALA-CASE 2019-2020                                CLAS & ACTA 2019-2020
                        PLU Participants must complete all                        (Must be a member of ALA-CASE)
                         activities in order to earn a PLU.
                                                                                                                                Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                                                                         Phase I: Content and Knowledge                         (Attend one)
                                                                         (Attend both)                                          ______ Fall CTE Administrators Meeting (Oct. 2019)
                         Standard VII: PLUACLD727                                                                                ����� Winter CTE Administrators Meeting (Jan.
                            CLAS & AASPA 2019                             ����� ALA-CASE 2019 Legal Conference
                                                                                (October 6-9, 2019)                                     2020)
                                                                          ����� ALA-CASE 2019 Spring Outreach                   (Attend one)
                 Phase I: Content and Knowledge                                 Conference                                       ����� 2019 CLAS Convention
                                                                                (February 23-25, 2020)                           ����� 2020 CLAS Law Conference or 2020 Law
                  ����� AASPA Conference (January 30-February 1,

                                                                                                                                                                                            PLU CHECKLISTS
                        2019)                                            (Attend one)
                                                                          ����� 2020 CLAS Law Conference (March 4, 2020)        (Required Activity)
                 (AND one of the following)
                                                                                 or view 2020 Law Conference Webcast            ______ ACTA Spring Conference (April 2020)
                  ����� 2019 Summer CLAS Convention                      ______ Leadership Institute (Jan. or Feb. 2020)
                        (June 9-12, 2019)
                                                                         Phase II: Implementation                               Phase II: Implementation (required)
                  ����� 2019 CLAS Law Conference or 2019 Law
                                                                                                                                 ����� Submit 25 hour CLAS Implementation Log
                        Conference Webcast                                ����� Submit 30 hour CLAS Implementation Log to              to
                                                                                ALA-CASE PLU Managers by last name:
                 Phase II: Implementation (required)                            A-I submit to Gayle Jones: gaylejones@          Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                                                                                                            ����� Evaluation Session at the 2020 ACTA Spring
                  ����� Submit 30 hour CLAS Implementation Log                                                                         Conference
                                                                                J-Z submit to Lynn Sharp:
                                             Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                                   Expires April 30, 2020
                                                                          ����� Participate in 1 District Coordinator’s
                 Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection                               Meeting by April 1, 2020. Sign in sheet and
                 (Complete one)                                                 PLU Evaluation forms submitted to ALA-
                  ����� Round Table Evaluation/Reflection Session               CASE PLU Managers
                        at 2019 CLAS Convention
                  ����� Online PLU Evaluation form                                       PENDING APPROVAL
                          Expires September 1, 2019
                                                                                Standard VII: PLUACLDTBD
                                                                                 CLAS & AASCD 2019-2020
                         Standard VII: PLUACLD755
                            CLAS & AAPASS 2019
                                                                         Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                                                                         (Attend two activities)
                 Phase I: Content and Knowledge
                                                                          ����� Summer CLAS Convention
                 (Attend both)
                                                                         ______ AASCD Winter Conference
                  ����� AAPASS Conference (March 13-15, 2019)
                                                                          ����� AASCD Curriculum & Instruction Bootcamp
                 ______ 2019 CLAS Summer Convention

                 (AND one of the following)                              Phase II: Implementation (Required)
                  ����� 2 District AAPASS meetings during 2019            ����� Submit Plan of Action
                 ______ Attend 2 state or district meetings related to
                        your current job responsibilities; required
                                                                         Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                        state meetings do not count.
                                                                         (Complete all)
                 ______ Read 2 research based journal articles &          ����� Complete surveys following Phase I activities
                        submit a 2 page article review to kevin.         ______ Online PLU Evaluation form

                 Phase II: Implementation (required)                                  PENDING APPROVAL
                  ����� Submit 25 hour CLAS Implementation Log
                 Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection
                 (Complete one)
                  ����� Attend Round Table Evaluation/Reflection
                        Session at 2019 CLAS Summer Convention
                 ______ Complete Online PLU Evaluation form
                          Expires December 31, 2019
                                                                                                                                Note: Approved PLU activities may only be assigned to one
                                                                                                                                PLU number.

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                (800) 239-3616 or (334) 265-3610             PAID
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                Fax: (334) 265-3611                      Permit No. 275

Visit the Professional Learning section of
           for more information and to register online.
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