9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing

Page created by Lester Richardson
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
9 ways your charity can spam-
                proof its email marketing

Host: Charity Digital
Chris Hall, Marketing Manager                     Presented by: Charity Digital
General enquiries: office@charitydigital.org.uk   Elizabeth Carter, Ecomms Project Manager
Webinar enquiries: events@charitydigital.org.uk   Elizabeth.carter@charitydigital.org.uk
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
Digital Fundraising Day           Charity Digital Podcast
www.digitalfundraisingday.org.uk   www.charitydigitalnews.co.uk/
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing

•   What is spam and spam filters

•   9 reasons why some emails go into spam

•   Tips on what to do to help your emails not fall into spam
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
What is Spam?
Also known as junk email, is unsolicited bulk
messages sent through email
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
What is Spambot?
A spambot is a program designed to
collect, or harvest, e-mail addresses from
the Internet.

Build mailing lists.

Unsolicited e-mail.

Spambots are web crawlers.
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
Email Statistics
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
Email Spam Statistics Around the World
                                                        1. United States
                                                        2. China
                                                        3. Russia
                                                        4. Ukraine
                                                        5. Japan
                                                        6. United
                                                        7. India
                                                        8. Hong Kong
                                                        9. Turkey
                                            Propeller   10.Brazil
Spam email is responsible for nearly 50%.
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
If my emails are genuine why are
  some going into spam folders?
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
1   Spam Filters

     Gateway Filters

     Hosted Filters

     Desktop Filters
9 ways your charity can spam-proof its email marketing
2         Subscriber Engagement

    Webmail providers decide which emails make it to the inbox and look at:

Engagement levels                                    Recipient behaviour
You didn’t get permission to email
•   Positive opt-in, no pre-ticked boxes.
•   Consent requests separate.
•   Withdraw of consent.
•   Evidence of consent.
•   Permission practices & existing consents.
Your subscribers don’t remember/recognise you

• Complaints get recorded by the
  mailbox provider.
• Forgotten that they ever gave
  their permission!

                                   EMAIL THRESHOLD
An inactive email account or barely used
• Spam filtering algorithms - ratio of
  active to inactive accounts.
• High quantities of email addresses
  that are hardly used will activate
  the spam filters.
You have low engagement metrics:
• Opens
• Unique clicks
• Clicks to open
Your IP address has been used for spam
by someone else
Send your emails out using a reputable platform:

• Anti-DoS and DDoS technology
• Web login page and API enforces rate limiting
• All data is virus scanned
• Service constantly monitors customer contact
• Authentication and validation systems such as DKIM
  and DMARC
Your subject line looks misleading or

• Subject line and pre-header
•   No-nonsense title
•   Avoid white spaces and use of dates
•   'You' and 'your'
•   No exclamations marks and all caps
•   Split testing
•   Emojis
You don’t include an unsubscribe link or
one that is not visible enough

All emails sent through platforms require a
working unsubscribe link.
Spam trigger words in your subject title
and/or email content
 amazing                guarantee
 cancel at any time     order now
 click here             promise you
 congratulations        risk-free
 dear friend            special promotion
 free                   this is not spam
 great offer            winner
Your emails don’t follow the best HTML

•   Use a maximum content width of 600-800 pixels
•   Keep your HTML code as simple and clean
•   Keep your image-to-text ratio 50%-50%
•   Optimize for mobile
•   Compress your images
•   Don't use obscure, dark fonts
•   Use fonts that work across email server platforms:
    Arial, Verdana, Georgia and Times New Roman
There a few more things that you can do to
    avoid your emails going into spam

Check that all the links go to the right place and aren’t broken.

Avoid inserting full links in your email as these can flag up spam
Use a custom from address

•   Get better delivery rates
•   Engage your recipients for better open rates
Tell subscribers to whitelist your emails

The more people that whitelist your emails will
help to increase your sender reputation, and
your inbox delivery rates will be higher overall.
Preference centre

• Centralised portal to control what your
  subscribers receive and how often.
• An important factor is the relevance of
  an email to the email recipient.
Segment your list
• 39% of marketers who segmented their
  email lists experienced higher open rates

• 28% experienced lower unsubscribe rates

• 24% experienced better deliverability and
  greater revenue

Examine your email bounces

You'll be given a reason for a bounced email:
    o   Hard bounce
    o   Soft bounce
    o   ISP Complainer
    o   Mail blocker
Gmail Inbox

Gmail recommends that you verify each email address before subscribing
them to your list.

Don't put promotional content into a notification or transactional email.
This will prevent messages from being mis-categorised in the Gmail inbox.

                                                    Promotions to Primary.
Wrap up
• Email spam is still very much a problem in 2019.
•   Spam filters are a part of the email delivery process.
•   You cannot fully control how an email is being labelled.

       You can control factors that might lead emails to be flagged up as spam.
Question time!
Host: Charity Digital
Chris Hall, Marketing Manager                     Presented by: Charity Digital
General enquiries: office@charitydigital.org.uk   Elizabeth Carter, Ecomms Project Manager
Webinar enquiries: events@charitydigital.org.uk   Elizabeth.carter@charitydigital.org.uk
Coming up next:
Host: Charity Digital                             Digital Fundraising Day
Chris Hall, Marketing Manager                     Thursday 7th November
General enquiries: office@charitydigital.org.uk   Digitalfundraisingday.org.uk
Webinar enquiries: events@charitydigital.org.uk

Presented by: Charity Digital                     NCSC – How to get charity leaders
Elizabeth Carter, Ecomms Project Manager          to take cyber security seriously
Elizabeth.carter@charitydigital.org.uk            Thursday 14th November
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