A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry

Page created by Willie Vasquez
A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
A Glance at
Spring/Summer 2019
A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                Programs ....................................................... 24
                                                                              Bainsville, ON............................................ 24
Williamstown, ON ......................................2
                                                                                 Facilities......................................................... 24
   Facilities ........................................................... 2
                                                                              Green Valley, ON ...................................... 24
   Other Resources ............................................. 3
                                                                                 Facilities......................................................... 24
   Programs ......................................................... 4
                                                                                 Programs ....................................................... 24
           Char-Lan Minor Soccer ....................... 4
           Ball Hockey ........................................... 5          St. Raphael’s , ON ..................................... 25

           Nerf Gun Mania ................................... 7               Places of Worship ..................................... 26
           Counsellors in Training (C.I.T.) ............ 7                    Natural Areas and Open Spaces............... 28
           Pickleball ............................................... 9       Dining in South Glengarry ........................ 33
   Williamstown Horticultural Society ........... 10                          Rental Costs .............................................. 35
   Special Events/Workshops ........................ 12                       Policies ...................................................... 36
Martintown, ON ........................................13                     Maps ......................................................... 40
   Facilities ......................................................... 13               South Glengarry Peanut Line .......... 40
   Other Resources ........................................... 13                        Summerstown Trails ........................... 41
   Programs ....................................................... 13                   Great Lakes Waterfront Trail ......... 42
   Martintown & District
   Horticultural Society .................................... 15
   Martintown & District
   Goodtimers Association .............................. 16
       Programs ................................................... 16
Lancaster, ON .................................................. 19
   Facilities ......................................................... 19
   Other Resources ........................................... 19
   Programs (Lan-Char Centre)...................... 20
Glen Walter, ON ............................................. 22
   Facilities ......................................................... 23     Cooper’s Marsh- Photo by Raisin River Conservation
   South Glengarry Minor Soccer ................. 23
North Lancaster, ON ..................................22                              Cover photo taken by Sam Dexter
   Facilities ......................................................... 22

A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
WILLIAMSTOWN,                            PARK
ONTARIO                                  19715 County Rd 17, Williamstown
                                         ON K0C2J0
For more information about these
facilities, please call the Recreation     • Park Building: Available for
Department at 613-347-2411/email:            rent for private events. Includes
cmacdonell@southglengarry.com                restrooms, tables, chairs & small
                                             kitchenette with fridge (no oven
                                             or microwave).
FACILITIES                                 • Please note: During the months
                                             of July & August, the park
CHAR-LAN RECREATION                          building is unavailable to the
                                             public as it is used for Township
CENTRE                                       of South Glengarry’s Camp
                                             SpArts. For more information
                                             about this program, please
                                             refer to page 6.
                                           • Multipurpose Pad: Used as a
                                             rink in the winter, and hosts
                                             different games/activities
                                             during the summer months.
                                           • Splash Pad: Changerooms &
                                             washrooms available.
19740 John St, Williamstown ON
   • Community Hall (Upstairs):
     Available for rent for private
     events. Licensed facility with
     full kitchen, restrooms, tables,
     chairs, Wi-Fi, and audio system.
   • Arena Floor Surface: Available
     from May 1st to mid-August.
     Ideal for ball hockey, lacrosse,
     and roller derby.
   • 2 tennis courts indoors on floor
     surface and 4 pickle ball courts.

A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
OTHER RESOURCES                       S, D & G LIBRARY –
                                      WILLIAMSTOWN BRANCH
NOR’WESTERS AND LOYALIST              Address: 19641 County Rd 19,
MUSEUM                                Williamstown ON K0C 2J0
Address: 19651 County Rd 17, P.O.     Contact Information:
Box 69, Williamstown ON K0C 2J0       Email: williamstownlib@sdglibrary.ca
Contact Information: 613-347-3547/    Phone: 613-347-3397
                                      Visiting Hours:
Visiting Hours: May 20th to
September 2nd 3019                    Monday - 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Monday to Wednesday -                 Wednesday - 10:00am to 2:00pm
10:00am to 5:00pm                     Thursday - 3:00pm to 7:00pm
                                      Saturday- 9:00am to 2:00pm
Spring/Summer 2019 Events: Please
visit their website.

                                      SIR JOHN JOHNSON MANOR
                                      Address: P.O. Box 25, Williamstown
                                      ON K0C2J0
                                      Contact: 613-347-2356
THE GLENGARRY CELTIC                  Visiting Hours:
MUSIC HALL OF FAME                    Monday - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Address: 19687 William St,            Tuesday to Saturday - 9:00am to
Williamstown ON K0C2J0                4:30pm (Summer Hours)
Contact Information: 613-347-9996     Sunday- Closed
/email: glengarryceltic@gmail.com
Visiting Hours: June 24th to August
12th 2019
Tuesday to Sunday - 10:00am to

A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
PROGRAMS                                   Fees (per participant)
                                           Early Bird Fee (until February 15th
                                           2019): $35.00
                                           Regular Registration Fee (Febuary
ASSOCIATION                                16th until March 15th 2019):
                                           Late Fee (March 16th until April 19th
                                           Regular Registration Fee of $40.00
                                           plus an additional $35.00
                                              Registration closes on April 20th,
Char-Lan Minor Soccer Association          Registration is open to the public and
offers a recreational level of soccer to   can be done online on the Township of
children born in the years 2007-2015.      South Glengarry website. Registration
All participants must register in the      forms can also be picked up and then
appropriate division.                      either mailed to or dropped off at:
Required equipment: soccer socks, shin           Char-Lan Recreation Centre
pads, and cleats. Jerseys & shorts are          19740 John St. P.O. Box 156
provided.                                        Williamstown, ON K0C2J0
Location: All games take place in
Williamstown at either Williamstown
Public School or Char-Lan District High
School. The field location depends on
Ages: U4 (born 2015) to U12 (born
Date & Time: Season runs from May
23rd to July 25th 2019
Games take place on Thursday
evenings and are one hour long. They
begin at either 6:00pm or 7:00pm.

                                             Both photos were taken by Sam Dexter Photogra

A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
BALL HOCKEY                               Required Equipment:
                                          - Hockey gloves
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre-
Arena Floor                               - Shin pads
Ages: 4-11                                - Running shoes
Date & Time: May 8th to June 19th         - Hockey stick
                                          - Helmet with cage
All games take place on Wednesday
                                          - Track pants or shorts
                                          - Optional: Jock & neck guard
Game start at different times depend
on age:                                      *Jerseys will be provided*
Ages 4-5: 5:30 to 6pm
Ages 6-8: 6pm to 7pm                      REGISTER ONLINE:
Ages 9-11: 7pm to 8pm                     www.southglengarry.com
Registration Fee: $40.00                  IN-PERSON:
LATE FEE of $20 is applied after          Char-Lan Recreation Centre
April 15th 2019.                          19470 John Street
GOALIES PLAY FOR FREE!!                   Williamstown ONK0C 2J0
This sport does not require heavy         PHONE:
equipment to play. If your child is new   Call the Recreation Department at
to the sport, there are instructions      613-347-2411
available to help teach them
positioning, how to hold their stick,     We are always looking for
shooting and other techniques to          volunteers to coach for this program.
better understand the game. This is a     Please contact the Recreation
recreational program and it is non-       Department at 613-347-2411 if you
competitive.                              are interested!

A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
CAMP SPARTS 2019                                    2019 Themes
                                                    Week 1: Disney Week
                                                    Week 2: Survivor Experience
                                                    Week 3: Colour Craze
                                                    Week 4: Happy Holidays
                                                    Week 5: Amazing Race Adventure
Location: Paul Rozon Park                           Week 6: Country Western Hoedown
Ages: 6 to 12                                       Week 7: Wild Card Mania
Date & Time: July 2nd to August 16th
Fees (per participant):
$125 per week ($100 for 4-day
$32 for an individual day
The Township of South Glengarry
Recreation Department is proud to
offer a summer camp program for
children in our community.                            Tie-dye during Camp SpArts 2018: Colour Craze
Camp SpArts runs Monday to Friday                         Week. Photo by Sam Dexter Photography
from 8am to 5pm and each week is a
different theme with a variety of fun-              REGISTER ONLINE:
filled activities, which keep                       www.southglengarry.com
participants interested and active.
                                                    Char-Lan Recreation Centre
                                                    19470 John Street
                                                    Williamstown, Ontario K0C 2J0
                                                    Call the Recreation Department at
                                                    613-347-2411 ex.22
                                                    Individual day registration is limited.
                                                    Registration is on a first-come, first-
Campers from Camp SpArts 2018. Photo taken by Sam   serve basis.
               Dexter Photography

A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
NERF GUN MANIA                           COUNSELLOR IN TRAINING –
                                         (C.I.T.) PROGRAM
                                         Location: Paul Rozon Park
                                         Date & Time: May 14th to June 18th
                                         Tuesday- 4:00 to 5:30 pm
                                         Ages: 13+
                                         Fee: $45.00

       Photo by Sam Dexter Photography
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre-
Arena Floor Surface
Ages: 6 to 11
Date & Time: May 13th to June 24th
Ages 6 to 8 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Ages 9 to 11- 6:30pm to 7:30pm           Looking to volunteer with various
Fee: $5 drop-in (no registration         community groups? The purpose of our
required)                                C.I.T. program is to provide
                                         participants the opportunity to
Come join in on our Nerf Gun Mania!
                                         develop effective leadership skills.
Participants are to bring their own
Nerf gun (one per person) and            The skills for leading children can be
eyewear (mandatory). Blue pellets will   used in any paid part-time, full-time,
be provided.                             or volunteer work they chose to do
                                         throughout their lives.
                                         REGISTER ONLINE:
                                         Char-Lan Recreation Centre
                                         19470 John Street
                                         Williamstown, Ontario K0C 2J0
  Photo by Sam Dexter Photography        Call the Recreation Department at
                                         613-347-2411 ex.22
A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
PLAY N' LEARN                                There is a toy lending service
                                                       Toy allows
                                          available which  Lendingparents and
Location: Char-Lan
Recreation Centre –                      caregivers with children newborn - 6
Tartan Hall & Paul                       years to borrow toys/equipment out
Rozon Park (Splash Pad)                   of the Ontario Early Years Centre.
                                         For more information, please call the
Ages: Newborn to 6 years of age          G.I.A.G. at 613-551-0199 or 613-
with their caregivers                            930-9211 ext. 231.
Date & Time: April 1st – August 31st,
                                         MARTIAL ARTS
Tuesday- 9:00am to12:00pm
This is a time available for parents     Location: Char-Lan Recreation
and caregivers with children 0 - 6        Centre - Tartan Hall
years. This program is provided by       Date & Time: September 7th 2018 to
the Glengarry Inter- Agency Group        June 21st 2019
(G.I.A.G.). Come and see what a
natural environment looks like while     Monday & Friday- 6:30pm to 8:30pm
you and your child explore your          Ages: 7+
creativity with art, music and lots of   Ken Sei Kai Academy of Martial Arts
fun! The G.I.A.G. staff members are      offers lessons in Karate, Judo, Ju-Jitsu,
always there to help with any topics     Kyusho Jitsu and Grappling.
or questions you might have including
temper tantrums, potty training, and     Contact Information: Sensei Dan
getting your child ready for school.     Desjardins at 613-551-1400
Contact Information: Please visit
www.giag.ca or call 613-551-0199/
613-930-9211 ext. 231 for more
information on this program.

A Glance at Recreation - Spring/Summer 2019 - South Glengarry
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre-        Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre-
Tartan Hall                                  Arena Floor
Date & Time: September 19th 2018 to          Date & Time: May 9th to August 15th
May 15th 2019                                2019
Wednesday - 4:15pmto 6:30pm                  Monday and Thursday - 9:30am to
Contact Information: Deborah                 11:30am
Wheeler at 613- 938-3196                     Pickle ball is a combination of tennis,
This program offers Scottish highland        badminton, and ping pong. It is a
dance and step classes. Annual dance         great exercise and it’s easy to learn
recital takes place at Aultsville Hall in    for all ages! Come see what the
Cornwall in May.                             excitement is all about!
                                             Contact Information: Township of
BALANCE FOR LIFE                             South Glengarry Recreation
                                             Department at 613-347-2411
Location: Char-Lan Recreation
Centre- Tartan Hall
Balance for Life is a group exercise
class for older adults. It is a great
way to build strength and balance.
This program also includes education
sessions to help participants develop
confidence in identifying risks for falls,
and how to prevent them.                     INDOOR WALKING
All classes are led by a certified           PROGRAM
instructor. The Township of South
Glengarry is working in partnership          Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre-
with the Seaway Valley Community             Arena Floor
Heath Centre (SVCHC) to offer this           Date & Time: May 1st to June 26th
program.                                     2019
Contact Information: For more                Tuesday and Wednesday - 8:30am to
information, please contact SVCHC            11:30am
directly at 613-930-4892. You must           The Township of South Glengarry is
be registered to participate in this         offering residents an indoor space to
program.                                     walk and exercise during the cool,
                                             damp and unpredictable spring

weather. No registration or fee              Contact Information: Please call the
required.                                    Recreation Department at 613-347-
Contact Information: Township of             2411
South Glengarry Recreation
Department at 613-347-2411

                                             WILLIAMSTOWN “GREEN
Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre
                                             THUMB” HORTICULTURAL
– Tartan Hall
Date & Time: January-June 2019
                                             Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre-
Tuesday - 6:15pm to 7:15pm
                                             Tartan Hall
Thursday - 9:00am to 10:00am
                                             Date & Time: Last Monday of the
Friday - 9:00am to 10:00am                   month at 7:00pm
Essentrics is a fun exercise class to help   The Williamstown “Green Thumb”
build flexibility, mobility, strength and    Horticultural Society is dedicated to
range of motion.                             providing education and
                                             beautification through horticultural to
Contact Information: Heather Hughes          our local community.
at heatherhughes.renew@gmail.com
                                             The horticultural society is always
                                             welcoming new members. Anyone
BADMINTON                                    interested in joining can attend an
Location: Char-Lan District High             upcoming meeting.
School- Gymnasium                            Spring Meeting Dates: February 25th,
Date & Time: January to June 2019            March 25th, April 29th
Wednesday - 7:00pm to 9:30pm                 Contact Information: Esther Bryan at
Fee: Free                                    613-347-2381

This is a drop-in program designed for
teenagers, adults and seniors. Each
participant is expected to bring their
own racquet and shuttlecocks.

                                                                           10 | P a g e
ANNUAL RAISIN RIVER                      Location: Glengarry Celtic Music Hall
FOOT RACE                                of Fame
Date & Time: August 2019                 Date & Time: Every Tuesday in July
                                         from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Both races (5K & 11k) take place
                                         FREE Admission. All are welcome!
along a scenic, flat country road that   Bring your instruments and join in. Light
runs from the Sir John Johnson Manor     refreshments served.
House along the south side of the        Contact Information: Glengarry Celtic
Raisin river.                            Hall of Fame at 613-347-9996 /
Contact Information: Please contact      email: glengarryceltic@gmail.com
Sheila or Wendell Lafave at 613-
347-3206 or email                        QUILT OF BELONGING
                                         Location: Glengarry Music Hall of
                                         Date & Time: Visits throughout the
Location: Glengarry Celtic Music Hall
                                         year by appointment only
of Fame
                                         The Quilt of Belonging is a 120-foot-
Date & Time: October 2018 to June
2019                                     long collaborative textile art project,
                                         that displays a richly hued portrait of
Age: All ages are welcome
                                         the human family. Its 263 blocks
David MacPhee offers violin and          portray the rich cultural legacies of all
piano lessons on weeknights at the
                                         the First Peoples in Canada and every
Glengarry Celtic Music Hall of Fame.
                                         nation of the world at the dawn of the
Contact Information:
                                         new Millennium. Since 1999, the
David MacPhee at 613-528-4892 or         project has been headquartered in the
                                         former township offices in
                                         Contact Information: Esther Bryan at

                                                                       11 | P a g e
FOOT CARE                                  P.A. DAY PROGRAM:
Location: Glengarry Celtic Music Hall      SUMMER FUN DAY
of Fame by appointment only                Location: Char-Lan Recreation Centre-
Carefor's Foot Care services are           Tartan Hall
specifically designed to help people       Date & Time: Friday. May 31st 2019
at every stage of life improve both
                                           12:30pm to 3:00pm
mobility and wellness. A variety of
foot care services are offered, which      Ages: 8-12
are essential for people of all walks      Fee: $20
of life including: people with diabetes,   If your child is looking for something to
heart and circulatory problems, older      do on the P.A. day, sign them up for
adults, those who are active, and          our Summer Fun Day! Participants will
anyone with tired and sore feet.           be baking some yummy treats, and
Contact Information: Please call           doing fun activities with their peers!
Carefor at 613-347-1175                    There are limited spaces available-
                                           maximum of 15 participants.
                                           Contact Information: Erica-Rose at
                                           613-347-2411 ex.22 for more

Location: Glengarry Celtic Music Hall
of Fame in Williamstown
Date & Time: TBD for 2019 season
Thursday: 10:00am to12:00pm
Everyone has a story to tell and this
program gives you the opportunity to
write it down, allowing you to share
family history with future generations.
Contact Information: Helen Sloan at
                                                                         12 | P a g e
MARTINTOWN,                             OTHER RESOURCES

ONTARIO                                 MARTINTOWN GRIST MILL
                                        Address: 18544 Dundas St,
FACILITIES                              Martintown ON K0C 1S0
For more information about these        Contact Information: 613-528-4094/
facilities, please call 613-347-2411    martintownmill@gmail.com
or email:                               Please check their website for 2019
cmacdonell@southglengarry.com           event information:
Address: 4850 County Rd 20,
Martintown ON K0C 1S0
• Community Hall: kitchen, restrooms,
  tables, chairs, Wi-Fi & audio
  system. Available to rent for         PROGRAMS
  private events.
• Seniors Room: a space dedicated
  to the Martintown and District        YOGA
  Goodtimers Association.               Location: Martintown Community
• Kenneth Barton Senior Park: Green     Centre
  space directly behind the
  community centre. This is an open     Date & Time: January 7th to April 22nd
  area that runs out to the Raisin      2019
  River.                                Monday - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
                                        Contact Information: For more
MARTINTOWN COMMUNITY                    information or to reserve your spot,
PARK                                    please contact Marilyn at
Address: 5116 Nine Mile Road,
Martintown ON K0C 1S0
  • Baseball Diamond, Tennis Court,
      Basketball Court, Skateboard
      Ramps and Play Structure

                                                                    13 | P a g e
BOOT CAMP                                MACCULLOCH DANCE
Location: Martintown Community           CLASSES
Centre                                   Location: Martintown Community
Date & Time: January 10th to April       Centre
25th 2019                                Date & Time: September 11th 2018 to
Thursday- 7pm to 8pm                     May 14th 2019
Join us now and transform your body      Tuesday - 4:15pm to 9:00pm
from head to toe with this fun filled    This program offers highland dance
workout!                                 and step classes. Annual dance recital
                                         takes place at Aultsville Hall in
Contact Information: For more            Cornwall in May 2019.
information or reserve your spot         Contact Information: Deborah
contact Marilyn at 613-932-9168 or       Wheeler at 613-938-3196
email marilynparisien@live.com

Location: Martintown Community
Date & Time: January 7th to April 22nd
Monday - 6pm to 7pm                      CONGREGATED DINING 55+
Tone, Define, and Sculpt- Get the        Location: Martintown Community
results your body wants and transform    Centre
your body from head to toe with this     Date & Time: Every 3rd Wednesday
motivating body toning workout! No       starting at 12:00pm
cardio-just toning.
                                         This group is run by the Carefor
Contact Information: For more            Outreach program of S, D & G.
information or to reserve your spot
contact Marilyn at 613-932- 9168 or      Contact Information: Please call
email marilynparisien@live.com           Carefor (Lan-Char Centre) 613-347-
                                         1175 for more information and/or to
                                         reserve a table.

                                                                      14 | P a g e
BINGO                                    MARTINTOWN &DISTRICT
Dates: March 21st, April 18th, May       HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY
16th, June 30th 2019
                                         Location: Martintown Community
Time: Thursday- 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Stop in to enjoy a fun evening of
                                         Fee: Annual memberships are $15.00
BINGO. You may even be a lucky
winner!                                  Date & Time: Meetings are held the
                                         first Wednesday of the month at
Contact: Jean Pilon at
                                         7:00PM (there are no meetings in July
                                         and December)
                                         Upcoming Meeting Dates: February
                                         11th, March 6th, April 3rd, May 1st
                                         The Martintown and District
                                         Horticultural Society is a community-
FOOT CARE CLINIC                         based organization that was
Location: Martintown Community           established in 1965 for people who
Centre                                   enjoy gardening.
Date & Time: By appointment only,        Guests are welcome to attend monthly
please call 613-347-1175.                meetings, which are full of wonderful
                                         gardening information and
Carefor's foot care services are
                                         outstanding speakers. We always
specifically designed to help people
                                         save time for members to share tips
at every stage of life improve both
                                         over refreshments at the end of each
mobility and wellness. There are a
variety of foot care services are
offered. These services essential for    Contact Information: Ginny Blair at
people of all walks of life including:   ginnyblair@gmail.com
people with diabetes, heart and
circulatory problems, older adults,
those who are active, and anyone with
tired and sore feet. Your feet are the
hardest working part of your body, so
don't take them for granted! Take
care of your feet by attending regular
foot checkups, which can be extremely
important in the early diagnosis of
many illnesses.

                                                                     15 | P a g e
GOODTIMERS                              Date & Time: Friday - 9:00am to
                                        This unique program is designed so
The Martintown & District Goodtimers    that participants get a great exercise
Association are an active community     while moving to music.
group of adults 55+. The members put    Contact: Mary Moore at 613-528-
on a variety of activities and events   1728
throughout the year. Become a
member of this dynamic group!
Fee: annual membership fee is $5.00
per person.
Contact Information: For more
information, please contact President
Hanz Schulz by email:
                                        YOGA FOR 55+
                                        Date & Time: Tuesday - 9:00am to
                                        For those not as limber as they once
                                        were, this program is geared towards
                                        people 55+.
                                        Contact: Mary Moore at 613-528-
Here is a list of programs available    1728
at the Martintown Community
Centre, thanks to the Martintown &
District Goodtimers Association.

Date & Time: Monday & Wednesday-
9:00am to 10:00am
A weekly exercise class with low
impact but high value exercises.
Contact: Allyson Barclay at 613-528-

                                                                     16 | P a g e
SHUFFLEBOARD 55+                           DUPLICATE BRIDGE 55+
Date & Time: Thursday - 9:00am to          Location: Senior’s Room
12:00pm.                                   Date & Time: Tuesday - 12:30pm to
A low energy, but challenging game
of trying to score while “thwarting,” or   This program is geared towards more
                                           experienced players, who want to
“destroying,” your opposition team.        take their Bridge game to the next
Contact: Wayne McNaughton at               level.
613-528-4261                               Contact: Judy Bradacs at 613-528-

                                           RUG HOOKING 55+

Date & Time: Monday and Friday-
2:30pm to 4:00pm
Come check out this fun program! Held      Location: Senior’s Room
indoors at the Martintown Community        Date & Time: Alternating
Centre. All equipment is provided.
                                           Thursday - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Contact Information: Murray Moore at
613-528-1728                               & Saturday - 9:00am to 1:00pm
                                           One of the oldest crafts, rug hooking is
PARTY BRIDGE 55+                           both an art, and a craft, where rugs
                                           are made by pulling loops of yarn or
Location: Senior’s Room                    fabric through a stiff woven base such
Date & Time:                               as burlap, linen or rug warp. This guild
Monday - 1:00pm to 4:00pm                  is extremely active, and welcomes new
This program is for people who enjoy a
friendly game of Bridge.                   Contact: Jane Desjardins at 613-932-
Contact: Pat Weldon at 613-347-

                                                                        17 | P a g e
BOOK CLUB 55+                             ARTIST’S HANGOUT
Location: Senior’s Room                   Location: Senior’s Room
Date & Time: Every 4th Wednesday          Date & Time: Thursday Afternoons
starting at 1:30pm                        from 1:30p to 5:00pm
Come join an insightful and intelligent   This program offers community
conversation about various authors        members a place to share experiences
and books.                                with fellow artists and work on
                                          projects in the visual arts.
Contact Information: Del Roulston at
613-931-2678                              Contact Information: Margret
                                          Szlachcinska at 528-4701

LINE DANCING                              BOCCE BALL
Date & Time: Thursday - 1:00pm to         Location: Off-site
2:00pm                                    Date & Time: Thursday Afternoon
New to the Martintown Community           from 1:30pm to 5:00pm
Centre, this exciting program provides    Bocce is a game that dates back to
residents in the community an             Roman times. It is an outdoor game
opportunity to get together and           that challenges participants and keeps
dance!                                    them mentally and physically active.
Contact Information: Jennifer Monk        The Martintown & District Goodtimers
at 613-528-0128                           Association organizes Bocce games
                                          during the summer months at the Glen
                                          Falloch courts.
                                          Contact Information: Art Buckland at

                                                                      18 | P a g e
LANCASTER,                                OTHER RESOURCES

ONTARIO                                   THE ROYAL CANADIAN
FACILITIES                                Address: 119 Military Rd, Lancaster
For more information about these          ON
facilities, please call 613-347-2411 or   Contact Information: 613-347-3286
email: cmacdonell@southglengarry.com      or visit www.lancasterlegion.com

Address: 119 Military Rd, Lancaster
  • Baseball diamond, gazebo,
     playground structure, volleyball
     pit, soccer field & skateboard
     ramp                                 S, D & G LIBRARY-
  • Restrooms available inside the        LANCASTER BRANCH
     Legion                               Address: 195
                                          Military Rd,
                                          Lancaster ON
                                          Information: 613-347-2311 / email:
                                          You can visit the library website for a
                                          full list of programs offered at
TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH                         www.sdglibrary.ca
Address: PO Box 220, 6 Oak St,
Lancaster ON                              Monday – 9:00am to 2:00pm
Contact Information: 613-347-1166         Tuesday to Thursday – 10:00am to
Fax: 613-347-3411
                                          Friday – 12:00pm to 5:00pm
Hours: 9:00am to
4:00pm                                    Saturday – 10:00am to 2:00pm

                                                                        19 | P a g e
THE LAN-CHAR CENTRE                           For more information about the
                                              following programs, please contact
Address: 20 Victoria St, Lancaster            the Lan-Char Centre.
Contact Information: 613-347-1175             EUCHRE
Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00am-
4:00pm                                        Date & Time: Tuesday -
                                              1:00pm to 3:00pm
This facility is home to the Glengarry
Outreach Seniors' Services which              This program is offered
offers a variety of weekly activities. A      by Glengarry Outreach
list of their programs follows.               Seniors’ Services.

PROGRAMS                                      BRIDGE
(LAN-CHAR CENTRE)                             Date & Time: Monday - 1:00pm to
                                              3:00 pm
GLENGARRY INTER-AGENCY                        Bridge is played with four people
                                              sitting at a card table using a
GROUP - DAY AWAY                              standard deck of 52 cards (no jokers).
PROGRAM                                       If you have four friends that like to
                                              play bridge, come join in this fun
Date & Time: Tuesday -10:00am to              program!
This day program promotes a sense of          MEALS ON WHEELS
accomplishment, body awareness and
positive self-esteem. The program             Date & Time: Every Tuesday and
structure is flexible and activities are      Friday
tailored to the client's functional ability   The Meals on Wheels program ensures
and interests. There is an assessment         that clients receive a delicious warm
process for new clients.                      meal at lunch time delivered right to
Contact Information: For more                 their home. The program also functions
information, please contact Monica            as a method of checking-up on clients
Ahrens at 613-525-4802.                       to ensure their safety.

                                                                          20 | P a g e
THERA-BAND                                  CONGREGATED DINING 55+
Date & Time: Tuesday and Thursday -         Date & Time: Every 3rd Wednesday
9:00am to 10:00am                           starting at 12:00pm
Thera-Band bands and tubing                 This group is run by the Carefor
rehabilitate injuries, improve functional   Outreach program of S, D &G.
ability, improve athletic performance,      Contact: Please call the Lan-Char
and aid in the treatment of many            Centre at 613-347-1175 to reserve a
chronic diseases.                           table.

Date & Time: Tuesday & Thursday -
3:10pm to 4:00pm
Low intensity seniors exercise class that   WELLNESS CLINIC
is run by Family Physio. This class is      Date & Time: Second & last Monday
focused on helping strengthen joints        of every month - 11:00am to 1:00pm.
and muscles.
                                            Carefor Health & Wellness clinics
YOGA 55+                                    provide blood pressure checks,
                                            medication reviews as well as glucose
Date & Time: Friday - 9:00am to             and cholesterol monitoring. In addition
10:00am                                     to these services, basic education is
This program focuses on improving the       often provided by the staff nurse, and
body, mind, and spirit of its               referrals to family physician can also
participants. Sessions are adaptable        be made.
to aid those with limited mobility or
recovering from injury or illness.          FOOT CARE
COFFEE CLUB                                 Date & Time: By
                                            appointment only,
Date & Time:                                please call 613-
Monday - 1:00pm                             347-1175.
to 3:00 pm                                  Carefor's foot care services are
Come join for a cup of coffee and           specifically designed to help people
make a friend!                              at every stage of life improve both
                                            mobility and wellness.

                                                                         21 | P a g e
NORTH LANCASTER,                        BOUGEZ, SOYEZ EN
For more information about this
facility, please call 613-347-2411 or   Emplacement: la salle de Club
email:                                  Optimist de North Lancaster (4837 2nd
                                        Line Rd)
                                        Date et l’heure: du 28 Mars au 30
                                        mai 2019
                                        Jeudi – 13h30 à 14h30
AND OPTIMIST PARK                       Description du programme: Groupe
                                        d’exercices pour les 55+ pour:
                                            • rester actifs
                                            • améliorer votre force et votre
                                            • adopter des comportements
                                            • pour prévenir les chutes
                                            • socialiser
Address: 4837 Second Line Rd, North
                                        Programme est offert par Centre de
Lancaster, Ontario                      santé communautaire de l’Estrie
   • This Township-owned hall is              Réservez votre place: nous
     operated by the North               recherchons 10 personnes motives à
     Lancaster Optimist Club.
                                        Informations de contact : Tania
   • This facility is ideal for small
                                        Sveistrup au 613 937-3132 #234 ou
     gatherings in a quiet country      t.sveistrup@cscestrie.on.ca
Rental Contact Information: Norm
Vailliancourt at 613- 347-3137

                                                                   22 | P a g e
• restrooms
                                            • gazebo
ONTARIO                                     • picnic tables
                                            • access to electricity
For more information about this
facility, please call 613-347-2411 or


                                         These amenities make Glen Walter
                                         Regional Park perfect for family
                                         picnics and gatherings, as well as
                                         recreational games or tournaments.
                                         The gazebo, fields and courts are
                                         available for private rentals.
                                         Please contact the Township of
                                         South Glengarry Recreation
                                         Department at 613-347-2411 for
Address: 6626 Wine Crescent, Glen        more information about this
Walter, Ontario                          wonderful resource!
This beautiful park has many amenities
   • soccer fields
   • baseball diamonds
   • tennis courts
   • pickle ball courts
   • beach volleyball
   • playground structure

                                                                      23 | P a g e
GLEN WALTER MINOR                          Required Equipment: soccer socks,
                                           shin pads, cleats. Jerseys & shorts
SOCCER                                     provided.
                                            **Team photos will take place on
                                               Monday, June 10th 2019 **
                                           Registration is open to the public and
                                           can be done online on the Township of
                                           South Glengarry website.
                                           Registration forms can also be picked
                                           up and then either mailed to or
                                           dropped off at:
Location: Glen Walter Regional Park             Char-Lan Recreation Centre
Date & Time: May 27th – July 29th              19740 John St. P.O. Box 156
2019                                            Williamstown, ON K0C2J0
Games run Monday nights from
                                              We are always looking for
Ages: Born 2009-2015
                                              volunteer coaches for this
Fees (per participant)                       program. Please contact the
Regular season fee: $45.00                  Recreation Department at 613-
Late fee (in effect on April 15th 2019):    347-2411 if you are interested!
Regular fee of $45.00 plus an
additional $17.50
   Registration closes on April 30th
Glen Walter Minor Soccer offers a
recreational level of soccer to children
to 2009-2015. All participants will be
placed in the applicable divisions.
Soccer runs every Monday evening,
and all games are played on the
fields located at the Glen Walter
Regional Park. Games are one hour

                                                                        24 | P a g e

FACILITIES                                  LANCASTER PARK OUTDOOR
For more information about this facility,   RESORT
please call 613-347-2411 or email:          Address: 20716 South Service Rd,
cmacdonell@southglengarry.com               Lancaster ON K0C 1N0
                                            Contact Information: 613-347-3452/
JACK DANAHER HALL &                         info@lancasterpark.ca
PARK                                        With just over 48 acres on the mighty
Address: 21491 MacCuaig Drive,              St. Lawrence River, near the village of
Bainsville ON K0C 1N0                       Lancaster, ON this campground offers
Park Rental Contact: Bainsville             an ideal base for exploration of the
Recreation Association/ 613-347-            many exciting natural and man-made
3556                                        treasures in Eastern Ontario and
   • The Hall has a capacity of 100         Western Quebec.
      with a small kitchen area, multi-     There are a variety of different
      purpose room, two washrooms           campsites, amenities and activities
      and a kitchenette                     available. Whether visitors are
   • There is a multi-purpose pad           wanting to ‘rough it’ in the backwoods
      that can be used for a variety        dry camping areas or looking to have
      of activities such as lacrosse,       all the comforts of a spacious,
      ball hockey, and basketball           riverfront site with electrical and
   • There is also a children’s play        water, there is something for
      structure                             everyone.
                                            Spring/Summer 2019 Events: Please
                                            visit their website at

                                                                         25 | P a g e
GREEN VALLEY,                            GLENGARRY ENCORE
                                         EDUCATION CENTRE: WRITE
                                         IT NOW! WIN PROGRAM
FACILITIES                               Location: Green Valley Community
                                         Date & Time: Every Thursday from
                                         10:00am to12:00pm
                                         Everyone has a story to tell and this
                                         program gives you the opportunity to
                                         write it down, allowing you to share
                                         family history with future generations.
                                         Contact Information: Ron Lajoie at
GREEN VALLEY COMMUNITY                   613-525-3481
Address: 4159 MacKinnon Street,           The Glengarry Encore Education
Green Valley, Ontario                     Centre is a non-profit organization
Rental Contact Information: Alain         that started in 2006 by residents of
Borris at 613-525-1838                    Glengarry interested in sharing
                                          their knowledge, time, and joy in
   • The Green Valley Community
                                          learning with others.
       Centre is equipped with a full
                                          Although based in North Glengarry
       kitchen, restrooms, tables &
                                          inAlexandria, they offer a variety of
                                          programming throughout Glengarry
   • The hall is available to rent for    County. Several programs take place
       private events                     at the Green Valley Community
   • Capacity is 150 persons              Centre. For more information about
   • Play structure                       the organization and the programs
   • Picnic tables                        they offer, please refer to their
                                          website at www.glengarryencore.com

                                                                       26 | P a g e
                                           Location: St. Raphael’s
                                           The Bishop's House was the
These impressive ruins were once one       headquarters of Rev. Alexander
of the earliest Roman Catholic churches    Macdonell, a heralded military
in Canada until a fire consumed it in      chaplain, who came to St. Raphael's in
1970. Rev. Alexander McDonell built        1804 and became Bishop of Upper
the church which he envisioned as          Canada (Ontario's first bishop). A
being a centrepiece of a great             major figure in Ontario’s early history,
metropolis.                                the bishop was declared a “National
Efforts continue today to raise funds to   Historic Person of Canada” in 1924.
stabilize the masonry work on the          This house functioned as the
outer walls.                               organizational centre for Roman
Contact Information: For more              Catholics in Ontario until the 1830s. It
information about the ruins, please        housed the College of Iona - Ontario's
contact the Friends of the Ruins at        first college which was moved to
info@saintraphaelsruins.com                Kingston in 1836.
                                           In 2016, the Bishop's House was
                                           acquired by the Glengarry Fencibles
                                           Trust, a not-for-profit organization
                                           and registered charity. The Trust hopes
                                           to make the Bishop's House a centre
                                           for the arts, offering educational and
                                           cultural activities. The historical
                                           building will remain an important
                                           landmark, and will continue to
                                           recognize the lives and public service
                                           of Canadian pioneers. Its heritage
                                           garden (1826) is now being
                                           revitalized for community and national

                                                                        27 | P a g e
St. Andrew's
PLACES OF WORSHIP                        Denomination: Presbyterian
                                         Location: Lancaster ON
Andrew's United                          Contact Information: 613-931-9977/
Denomination: United                     Vestry: 613-347-2206
Location: Martintown ON                  St. Raphael’s
Contact Information: 613-347-2063        Denomination: Catholic
St. Andrew's United Church               Location: St. Raphael’s ON
Denomination: United                     Contact Information: 613-347-2247
Location: Dalhousie Mills ON             Association Bouddhique Thuyen-ton
St. Margaret of Scotland                 Denomination: Buddhist
Denomination: Catholic                   Location: Summerstown ON
Location: Glen Nevis ON                  Contact Information: 613-931-1518
Contact Information: 613-347-3345        Salem
St. Joseph Catholic Church               Denomination: United
Denomination: Catholic                   Location: Summerstown ON
Location: Lancaster ON                   Contact Information: 613-525-2990
Contact Information: 613-347-2027/       Al-Rashid Islamic Institute
stjoseph@bell.net                        Denomination: Muslim
This Parish offers home visits for the   Location: Summerstown ON
sick and elderly who are unable to       Contact Information: 613-931-2895
come to church.
                                         St. Mary's
                                         Denomination: Catholic
Denomination: Catholic
                                         Location: Williamstown ON
Location: Martintown ON
                                         Contact Information: 613-347-3511
Contact Information: 613-527-2058
                                         St. Andrew's
St. John the Evangelist
                                         Denomination: United
Denomination: Anglican
                                         Location: Williamstown ON
Location: Lancaster ON
                                         Contact Information: 613-347-2063
Contact Information: 613-347-3804

                                                                  28 | P a g e

For more information about these
spaces please call either the
Recreation Department at 613-347-
2411, or the Township Office at 613-
347-1166. You can also refer to our        Location: Lancaster ON
website at www.southglengarry.com.         This park is on the shores of Lake St.
                                           Francis. Closed to the public in 1990,
                                           this premier 235-acre park was
                                           cleaned up and reopened in 2005
                                           through a partnership between the
                                           Raisin River Conservation Authority,
                                           the Township of South Glengarry and
                                           many other organizations.
                                           The public beach (unsupervised) and
There is a total of fourteen natural       picnic area are available to residents
areas that represent an inventory well     and visitors alike.
in excess of 1000 acres within the
                                           Contact Information: To reserve
Township of South Glengarry. A few
                                           camping lots, please contact The Raisin
of these areas are maintained by the
                                           Region Conservation Authority at 613-
municipality, but the large majority
are owned and operated by other
agencies. All are accessible to South
Glengarry residents and visitors for       CHARLOTTENBURGH
passive recreational uses.                 MANAGED FOREST
                                           Location: Martintown ON
                                           Owned by the Township, this 50-acre
 Location: Lancaster Heights ON            site has been reforested and features
This is a 5.22-acre Township-owned         trails and other mountain biking
park located in Lancaster Heights.         amenities for riders of all levels.
Bordered by Beauchamps Drive,              Participants must use these trails at
Lakeside Drive and Parkhill Circle, this   their own risk.
park features a pond with two small
islands, a footbridge and a picnic

                                                                        29 | P a g e
COOPER MARSH                              THE GLENGARRY CAIRN
CONSERVATION AREA AND                     Location: Lancaster ON
VISITORS CENTRE                           This popular tourist destination is
                                          located on an island south of
                                          Lancaster. The cairn was erected to
                                          commemorate Sir John Colborne. The
                                          plaque reads:
                                                “This cairn was erected under the
                                                  supervision of Lieut-Col. Lewis
Location: Lancaster ON                      Carmichael of the Imperial Army, then
This park is operated by the Raisin          stationed in this district on particular
River Conservation Authority. This             service, by the Highland Militia of
wetland is part of the larger (650              Glengarry which had aided in the
acre) Charlottenburgh Marsh. Cooper         suppression of the Canadian Rebellion
Marsh is linked to the St. Lawrence            of 1837-38, to commemorate the
Recreational Path and features a           services of that distinguished soldier Sir
modern Visitor’s Centre, boardwalks,         John Colborne, who was declared by
7 kilometres of trails, a viewing tower      the historian Napier to have been, 'A
and a picnic/ BBQ area with a shelter.    man of singular talent for war' and who
Bilingual educational programs, day            commanded her majesty's forces in
camps and interactive workshops are         Canada at that critical period. He had
available throughout the year through     previously served with conspicuous merit
the St. Lawrence River Institute of           throughout the Peninsular War and
Environmental Sciences.                   elsewhere and had greatly distinguished
                                           himself at Waterloo when in command
Contact Information: Please contact           of the 52nd regiment. He was Lieut.
the RRCA at 613-938-3611 or visit               Governor of Upper Canada from
their website at www.rrca.on.ca               November 1828 to January 1836,
                                           Governor General of Canada in 1839,
                                            and afterwards became Field Marshall
                                                Lord Seaton G.C.B. The cairn was
                                               repaired and this tablet erected in

                                                                          30 | P a g e
GLENGARRY PARK                             Contact Information: Please contact
                                           the RRCA at 613-938-3611 or visit
Location: Lancaster ON                     their website at www.rrca.on.ca
This full-service campground is
operated by the St. Lawrence Parks         KENNETH BARTON SENIOR
Commission from mid-May to mid-            PARK
September each year. In addition to
its 182 campsites, the park offers
access to a popular public beach,
picnic/BBQ area, and boat launch.
Contact Information: The campground
can be reached at 1-800-437-2233

 Location: Glen Walter ON                  Location: Martintown ON
Operated by the Raisin River               This little park is located on County Rd
Conservation Authority, Gray’s Creek       20, behind the Martintown Community
is a 106-acre natural site featuring a     Center, along the Raisin River.
110-slip marina on the St. Lawrence
River. Other amenities include 5           LIBRARY PARK
kilometres of groomed trails open
                                           Location: Lancaster ON
year-round, a picnic/ BBQ area with
a shelter, outdoor volleyball court, and   This small park is located behind the
personal watercraft rentals. Water         library in Lancaster, at the corner of
and public washrooms are available         Duncan Rd and Military Rd. The site is
at the marina and administrative           owned by the Township.
offices. The site is linked to a paved
multi-use path which connects to the St.
Lawrence Recreational Path. Group
reservations are accepted for picnics
or other recreational events.

                                                                         31 | P a g e
Location: Throughout the Township of
South Glengarry
One of South Glengarry’s most
popular outdoor spaces.
                                          Location: Summerstown ON
The path begins in Lancaster and
stretches west over 75 kilometers-       These trails are operated by
along or near the shoreline of the St.   the Friends of Summerstown Trails. The
Lawrence River- ending at Morrisburg     trails provide year-round activity for
ON. Within the boundaries of South       South Glengarry residents and visitors.
Glengarry (between Lancaster and         Currently, there are approximately 20
Gray’s Creek Conservation Area) the      kilometers of groomed cross-county ski
St. Lawrence Recreational Path is a 21   trails (classic and skating) and 9
kilometer “designated” paved             kilometers of snowshoe trails for winter
shoulder along County Road 2. West       use. These trails range from beginners
of Gray’s Creek through Cornwall and     to intermediate. These trails can also
beyond, it is a paved, multi-use path    be used in summer for walking, hiking,
than runs along the shore of the St.     and biking.
Lawrence. A future expansion of the      Trail maps are made available at the
path is planned east of Lancaster,       parking lot during the winter season.
possibly alongside the South Service     As an established non-profit
Road, to the Québec border. The          community organization, FOTST is an
United Counties of Stormont, Dundas &    effective liaison between green users
Glengarry owns the section of the        of the forest and the governmental
path in South Glengarry and the          agencies responsible for its
Township has been a partner in its       maintenance and upkeep. Please refer
development.                             to the map on page 41.
Contact Information: Please contact      Contact Information: Visit the FOTST
Cornwall Tourism at 613-933-0074 or      website at www.summerstowntrails.com
info@cornwalltourism.com                 or email summerstowntrails@gmail.com

                                                                      32 | P a g e
THE PEANUT LINE                            Location: Throughout the Township of
                                          South Glengarry
Location: Throughout the Township of
                                          The Township of South Glengarry has
South Glengarry
                                          over 45kms of cyclable waterfront
The Peanut Line is a multipurpose trail   trails that are part of the Great
that extends from the eastern to          Waterfront Trail Association (GWTA).
western border of the Township of         The GWTA's goal is:
South Glengarry. Please note that not
                                             • To make sure people have
all activities are permitted on all            access to the water; and that
sections of the trail and users must           the water is worth getting to.
defer to signage posted. A map of the
                                             • Expand and enhance the Lake
Peanut Line is available on page 40.           Ontario Waterfront Trail and
                                               Greenway as part of a larger
                                               strategy to regenerate the
                                               waterfront; and
                                             • Promote the Waterfront Trail
                                                and Greenway as a way to
                                                achieve a healthy environment
                                                and lifestyle.
                                          Please refer to page 42 & 43 for a
                                          map of the trail in South Glengarry.
                                          Contact Information: Visit the GWTA
THE PINES PARK                            website at www.waterfrontrail.org
Location: Lancaster ON
This former Ministry of Transportation
rest stop has been recently upgraded      WOMEN’S INSTITUTE PARK
by the Township of South Glengarry
and is used as a roadside stop by         Location: Bainsville ON
travelers.                                This is a small park along 3rd Line
                                          Road owned by the Ministry of
WATERFRONT TRAIL                          Transportation. The park features
                                          picnic tables, and commemorative

                                                                       33 | P a g e
Contact Information: 613-347-2642
                                         Papa's Perfect Pizza
GLENGARRY                                Address: 4153 County Rd 34,
                                         Green Valley ON
Blue Anchor Dining Lounge                Contact Information: 613-525-5551
Address: 18396 County Rd 2,
Cornwall ON                              Sheep's Head Bistro
Contact Information: 613-931-1720        Address: 18299 County Rd 2,
                                         Cornwall ON
Bordeau's                                Contact Information: 935-8855
Address: 229 Military Rd, Lancaster ON
Contact Information: 613-347-7255        Sweet Tooth Bakery
                                         Address: 191 Military Rd, Lancaster ON
Dairy Queen                              Contact Information: 613-347-9808
Address: 2327 Old Hwy 2,
Lancaster ON                             The South Glengarry
Contact Information: 613-347-7404        Address: 174 Military Rd, Lancaster ON
                                         Contact Information: 613-347-2929
Address: 19274 Coutny Rd 2,              Subway
Cornwall ON                              Address: 20381 County Rd 2,
Contact Information: 613-931-1919        Lancaster ON
                                         Contact Information: 613-347-9900
Denny's Restaurant Inc.
Address: 20382 Old Hwy 2,                Tim Hortons
Lancaster ON                             Address: 20345 Cannon St,
Contact Information: 613-347-3680        Lancaster ON
                                         Contact Information: 613-347-9826
The Grand Hotel
Address: 18526 Dundas St,                The Trading Post
Martintown ON                            Address: 18550 Dundas St,
Contact Information: 613-528-0111        Martintown ON
                                         Contact Information: 613-528-0808
Jack's Pub
Address: 19700 John St,                  The Village Diner
Williamstown ON                          Address: 18540 County Rd 18,
Contact Information: 613-347-3475        Martintown, ON
                                         Contact Information: 613-528-1856
Lancaster Pizzeria
Address: 181 Military Rd, Lancaster ON   Ye Olde Bridge Café
Contact Information: 613-347-3644        Address: 19688 John St,
                                         Williamstown ON
Loretta's Chip Wagon                     Contact Information: 613-347-2770
Address: 167 Military Rd, Lancaster ON

                                                                       34 | P a g e
Paul Rozon Memorial Park
                                       Rental Fee: $50.00 per day + HST
                                       Key Deposit: $20.00 – refundable
WILLIAMSTOWN, ON                       (no HST)
Char-Lan Recreation Centre- Tartan     Amenities: Heated, Restrooms,
                                       Kitchenette (no stove or oven).
Un-licensed Events: $125.00 + HST
                                       Building Capacity: 30 people
Licensed Events: $175.00 + HST
                                       Reservation Required: 10-day notice
Program Rate: $15.00 per hour +
                                       MARTINTOWN, ON
Deposit: $100.00 refundable (no
HST)                                   Martintown Community Centre
Amenities: Full Kitchen, Restrooms,    Un-licensed Events: $100.00 +HST
Tables & Chairs, Wi-Fi, Audio System   Licensed Events: $150.00 +HST
& Bar                                  Program Rate: $15.00 per hour +HST
Capacity: 350 people – *160 people     Deposit: $125.00- Refundable (no
seated*                                HST)
Reservation Required: 10-day notice    Amenities: Kitchen, Restrooms, Tables
                                       and Chairs, Wi-Fi, Audio System
Char-Lan Recreation Centre- Indoor     Capacity: 100-150
Floor Surface                          Reservation Required: 10-day notice

Prime Time Hours $55.00 per hour
plus HST
Deposit: Not Required
Amenities: Change rooms, Wi-Fi,
Vending machines
On-Ice Capacity: 160 people
Reservation Required
                                                 Martintown Grist Mill

                                                                         35 | P a g e
The person making the reservations and listed as the customer on the permit receipt
is the Renter and:
   • Must be 18 years or older
   • The renter is the responsible party and contact person for the facility
   • The renter will be present during the entire rental
   • The renter is the only person that can request modifications to the reservation,
     no later than 14 or more days prior to the rental date
   • The renter will abide by and agrees to all policies and procedures listed in
     the Facility Rental Information Guide
   • Ensure facility is clean and left in the order in which it was found
   • The renter ensures all minors have adequate supervision during the entire
   • The renter is responsible from making sure all attendees and guests are
     respectful of the facility, its property and follow all rental guidelines and
   • The renter arranges for deliveries and set up to occur during the time the
     facility is rented. Recreation and maintenance staff are not responsible for
     storing or overseeing the renter’s supplies or items and are prohibited from
     accepting or signing for deliveries
   • The renter provides their own items needed for the function or activity such
     as: coffee, cutlery, plates/bowls, table cloths, decorations, serving utensils,
     napkins, and cleaning supplies such as wash cloths, dish soap, paper towels

                            Cooper’s Marsh Conservation Area
                                                                            36 | P a g e
All facility reservation cancellations must be received in writing or by e-mail from
the customer listed on the permit. PLEASE NOTE: Cancellations should be received 7
days prior to your scheduled event. The permit holder will be issued a refund.
Please note that refunds could take up to 10 business days to process. Refunds will
be issued via cheque or refunded back onto credit card used for purchase.

Facilities can be reserved starting on the first business day of the new calendar
year. Fees and policies are reviewed and are subject to change as per the
direction of the Council of the Township of South Glengarry.
•       Recreation Office               5 days per week             9am to 4pm
•       Char-Lan Arena Hall              7 days per week            7am to 1am
•       Char-Lan Arena Floor Surface 7 days per week                7am to 12am
•       Martintown Community Centre 7 days per week                 7am to 12am
•       ALL Parks & Park Buildings       7 days per week            7am to 10pm

Facility Pre-Tour
You are welcome to tour a facility and view the amenities during non-program
hours. Simply contact the Recreation Department and we will set up a time that
works with your schedule for you to view the facilities that we offer. If you wish to
view a facility that we do not have rental authority over, you will need to contact
the appropriate organization and book a tour with them.

Consecutive Rentals
Facilities are available for rent on a first come first serve basis and can be rented
on consecutive or multiple days depending on their availability. Multiple and/or
consecutive rentals are still charged all fees associated with that facility.

                                                                             37 | P a g e
The damage deposit is refundable approximately 10 business days after the
facility rental, providing the below conditions are met. If they are not met, an
appropriate fee will be deducted from the damage deposit. If the cost of cleaning
and/or repair of the facility exceed the amount of the damage deposit, the
responsible party listed on the permit receipt will be billed for the additional costs.
•       The room/facility (including outside) are left in a clean and orderly manner
•       Rental use does not exceed the scheduled time as stated on permit receipt
•       All equipment is accounted for and present in its correct location and is clean
        and undamaged

The costumer listed on the receipt permit agrees information given during the
reservation process is correct and accurate. The renter agrees to exercise care and
safety in use of the facility and property and agrees to hold harmless the Township
of South Glengarry and employees from all liability and medical expenses resulting
from the use of the facility, grounds and/or property. The renter agrees they have
read and understood the requirements for renting a Township of South Glengarry
facility and agrees to abide by the rules and policies outlined in the entire Facility
Rental Information Guide. The renter further agrees to pay in advance any fees
associated with the rental request and that cancellations must be received in writing
by the Township no later than 7 days prior to the date(s) or the renter forfeits all
rental fees. The renter agrees to and will enforce all rental attendees to abide by
all policies including alcohol policy, as stated in the Facility Rental Information
    •      Animal Policy – Animals are not permitted in Township facilities, unless it is
           necessary for individuals who have a licensed service dog.
    •      Smoking Policy – The Township of South Glengarry facilities are smoke
           free and tobacco free. If you wish to smoke you must be outside 6 metres
           away from the facility and use the receptacles provided for proper
    •      Flammable Materials Policy – The Township of South Glengarry Fire
           Departments regulates the use of flammable materials, flaming food,
           candles, votives and tea lights are not permitted at any of the facilities.

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Fireworks are prohibited and cannot be used at any of our facilities. Fuel
    canisters for warming foods are allowed. Self-contained BBQ’s can be
    used at facilities that feature outdoor patio areas. Please coordinate with
    Township staff for the appropriate placement of barbeques.
•   Decoration Policy – The use of staples, nails, tacks or duct tape are
    prohibited when affixing decorations to the walls/floors. The use of
    teacher’s putty and/or painters’ tape is acceptable. All putty and tape
    must be removed at the conclusion of the rental.
    -       Hanging Decorations from light fixtures is prohibited
    -       Push pins may only be used to attach decorations to bulletin boards
    -       Fog/smoke machines, dry rice, confetti are not permitted
    -       Decorations may not block or cover any emergency exit or exit sign
    -       Fire extinguishers shall not, at any time, be covered by decorations
•   Food & Beverages Policy – Food & beverages are welcome at Township
    facilities. Renters are to clean all spills or stains from food or beverages.
    Availability of kitchen facilities vary for each facility.
•   Discarding Grease Policy – Never dispose of grease down a drain or on
    Township property. Place cooled grease in a non-recyclable container
    and discard with regular garbage.

                Boardwalk at Cooper’s Marsh Conservation Area

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