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A tribute to baseball in the valley

              A guide to the 2021
             Cactus League season


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       Arizona Cactus League fans & tourists
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04 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021

Table of Contents
Cactus League overview.....06
Stadium snapshots..............08
Future stars..........................10
                                                                                   A tribute to baseball
                                                                                   We hope you enjoy this year’s special section featuring spring training across the Valley of the
Baseball team stats .................15                                            Sun. Please note, due to ever-changing schedules, we did not print a full listing of the spring
New rules in the game........22
Baseball card values...........26
                                                                                                  training game schedule this year. Thank you for supporting us.
Trivia questions....................29                                                                    This guide can also be found on YourValley.net.
Trivia answers......................30
Baseball movie cameos.......32

           Shop local
Save money with coupons
 throughout this edition.

                                                                                        People can see the champions in Glendale during spring training. In this Oct. 27, 2020, file photo, Los Angeles
                                                                                        Dodgers celebrate after defeating the Tampa Bay Rays 3-1 in in Game 6 to win baseball’s World Series in Arlington,
                                                                                        Texas. [AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez, File]

    2020 Record and Results
    Regular Season Record: 25-35
    Did not make playoffs

    Team Leaders
    Manager: Torey Lovullo
    General Manager Partner: Ken Kendrick
    Player Development Director: Josh Barfield
    Pro Scouting Coordinator: Jason Parks

    Ballpark                                                        Kole Calhoun
    Chase Field                                  48,519 capacity
    2020 Season Attendance                       No attendance in 2020

    Spring Training Ballpark
    Salt River Field at Talking Stick            11,000 capacity

    2020 Team Stats
    G       AB    R          H          2B     3B     HR     RBI
    60      1,997 269        482        101    12     58     255
    BB      SO      SB       CS         Avg.   OBP    SLG    OPS
    181     461     23       7          .241   .312   .391   .704

Team cards                                                                          Ballpark amenities                         Players on the move                          Players in movies
Your favorite teams by                                                              Things to know about each                  Rising stars is part of spring               Baseball legends make
the numbers; 15                                                                     spring stadium; 08                         training tradition; 10                       appearances; 32

  Contributing                                                      Philip Haldiman         Advertising          Advertising Design             Circulation             Contact Us                © Independent
                                                                    Matt Loeschman           Frank Dias              Erik Maurer               Terri Rodgers           17220 N. Boswell         Newsmedia, Inc., USA,
     Team                                                           Patrick O’Grady        Gregory Garcia           Debbie Myers                                      Blvd., Suite 101, Sun        Feb. 24, 2021
                                                                       Matt Roy            Cheryl Harden         Mona Lisa Navarrette           Publisher                City, AZ 85373
     Newsroom                                                        Richard Smith          Debbie Kelly             Chris Pitts              Charlene Bisson                                     A product of the
   Rusty Bradshaw                                                   Steve Stockmar       Kathleen Kotzbauer        Chris Williams                                                                Daily Independent
    Mark Carlisle                                                     Jason Stone          Kevin Mahoney                                                                 newszap.com
     Jeremy Carr                                                                           Juliann Segura
A SPRING TRADITION A tribute to baseball in the valley - 0 - YourValley.net
A SPRING TRADITION A tribute to baseball in the valley - 0 - YourValley.net
06 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021

  New spring training season could
bring unpredictability amid pandemic
By Philip Haldiman

            ne of the big takeaways of experi-
            encing professional sports during
                                                     SPRING TRAINING PANDEMIC PAINS
            a global pandemic is that change            Last year, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Major League Baseball
at a moment’s notice is always a possibility.         suspended spring training barely two weeks in, VÕÌ̈˜}ÊÌ iÊiVœ˜œ“ˆVʈ“«>VÌÊLÞÊ
   Such is the case for a new season of spring                         “ore than 50¯. Here is the effect in Arizona.
training in the Cactus League this year.
   At the end of January, leaders of all eight
Cactus League cities sent a letter to Major                                 ECONOMIC IMPACT
League Baseball requesting to delay spring
training due to the high rate of COVID-19                               $
cases in Maricopa County.                             2020:               363.6 million
   As of press time for this publication, the
league had not reacted to this request and            2018:               644.2 million
spring training in Arizona remains a go with
a full season planned.
   Opening day for the 15 teams in the Cac-
tus League is planned for Feb. 27 and sched-                      GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT
uled to run through March 30.
   There have been reports of lowering fan            2020:               213.7 million
capacity during games due to high virus met-
rics, but this had not been finalized by Ma-                            $
jor League Baseball by press time.
                                                      2018:               373 million
   Cactus League Executive Director Bridget
Binsbacher said public health will weigh heav-
ily in all spring training decisions this year.
   “We are hopeful that fans will be able to
attend spring training games in 2021 but
that will depend entirely on health guide-
lines. To be clear, the Cactus League Associ-
ation does not make that decision, but we
are in constant communication with stake-
holders to ensure that our 10 ballparks are
                                                                              Source: Arizona State University
prepared for any eventuality,” Ms. Binsbach-
er said. “We have been working closely with
state, county and municipal officials so that
                                                    This represented a dramatic decline from    fans in 2020, an average of 6,568 per game.
our members have the most up-to-date in-
                                                  the previous ASU survey, which recorded         Ms. Binsbacher said 12 of the 15 clubs saw
formation. The safety of the public is the No.
                                                  $644.2 million in economic impact, includ-    their largest crowds in what turned out to
1 concern of each of our facilities.”
                                                  ing $373 million in Gross Domestic Product,   be the final week of games.
   Last year in response to the COVID-19 pan-
                                                  over the full 2018 spring training season.      “Unfortunately, the shutdown came as
demic, MLB suspended spring training March
                                                    The study estimated that the 2020 sea-      we anticipated the annual influx of spring
13 leading to a more than 50% decrease in
                                                  son would have produced impact “on a par”     breakers to Arizona,” she said. “Just as spring
economic impact.
                                                  with the 2018 season, had it not been cut     training offers fresh hope to baseball fans ev-
   The 2020 season generated an estimat-
                                                  short due to the pandemic.                    ery year, we believe that the Cactus League
ed economic impact of $363.6 million, in-
                                                    At the time spring training was suspend-    will help lead the recovery of Arizona’s tour-
cluding a $213.7 million contribution to
                                                  ed, 139 of 237 scheduled Cactus League        ism industry.”
Arizona’s Gross Domestic Product, accord-
                                                  games had been played — 89 games were           Booster and volunteer organizations play a
ing to a study by the L. William Seidman Re-
                                                  suspended due to the pandemic and an-         big part in day-to-day operations and making
search Institute at Arizona State University’s
                                                  other nine were rained-out. Cactus League     spring training games run smoothly,
W.P. Carey School of Business.
                                                  games in Arizona drew a total of 912,956        Continue on Page 8
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A SPRING TRADITION A tribute to baseball in the valley - 0 - YourValley.net
08 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021
and the pandemic has pushed them to ad-             but she said, there will be less job areas     the season.
just as well.                                    to cover this season.                               “We will not be hosting a party for our
  Organizations like the Peoria Diamond Club        The Diamond Club’s mission is to raise mon-    PDC sponsors or the city dignitaries. Unfor-
in the West Valley and Scottsdale Charros in     ey to fund youth charities and organizations      tunately, we cannot have the ceremonies
the East Valley will decrease their boots on     in the West Valley.                               of years past, highlighting our winter grant
the ground during games this season.                Last year, it donated more than $18,000        cycle recipients and giving out their monies
  Diamond Club General Manager Rosalind          to 10 nonprofits, such as Special Olympics        on the field,” Ms. Shanley said. “Our focus
Shanley said the nonprofit organization will     of AZ, Arizona Burn Foundation and Des-           of the past in fundraising during the spring
provide 60-70 volunteers per game this year,     ert Valley Elementary School. The organi-         training season has had to shift to year-long
compared with a typical year, which would        zation’s total giving for the 2018-19 sea-        sponsorships that support our grant pro-
have about 150 volunteers a game.                son was $115,789 to 45 children’s charities.      gram. We will continue to serve this mis-
  Volunteers provide ushering, parking, tick-       Because of the pandemic they canceled          sion, despite the necessary spring training
et taking and some guest services at the         their biggest fundraiser of the year, a char-     season changes.”
Peoria Sports Complex,                           ity game that is typically the first game of

American Family
                                     Stadium Snapshots
                                     What’s in a name: For years, the     includes seating room for 3,000      Most Unique Concessions Item:
Fields of Phoenix                    stadium was known as Maryvale        on the lawn, plus 12 luxury suites   Fans of these Ohio-based teams
Home: Milwaukee Brewers              Baseball Park. In November 2017,     and a party deck.                    can get a taste of home with a
Address: 3805 N. 53rd Ave.,          the Phoenix City Council voted       Most Distinguishable Stadium         Cleveland Polish boy at the 1901
Phoenix                              in favor of a plan to renovate the   Feature: A 5-acre lake system        Charter Grille of wolf down a
Opened: 1998 with extensive          park. The plan keeps the Brewers     with a river that serves the dual    Cincinnati Skyline Coney at the
renovations in 2019                  at the American Family Fields of     purpose of irrigation for the        Queen City Grill
Tickets: 1-800-933-7890              Phoenix through at least the year    fields and beautiful landscaping.    Best Known Ballpark Amenity:
Features: Recessed playing field     2042.                                The lake is stocked with fish and    The free Kids Zone, which
and shaded concourse with                                                 supports numerous species of         includes baseball-themed
7,000 seats                                                               water fowl, including cranes and     inflatable activities, a kid-sized
Most Unique Concessions Item:                                             geese.                               Wiffle ball field and tons of grass
Following the renovations, larger                                         What’s new(-ish): Opened             to run and play on.
concession spaces are father                                              before spring training in 2020,      Most Distinguishable Stadium
off the concourse, allowing for                                           the Ballpark Boulevard extension     Feature: The statue of “The Ziz”
better crowd flow. They also have                                         gives fans another option to slide   in the Home Plate Plaza. The
one feature not found in the                                              right into and out of Camelback      fiberglass sculpture stands 60
former Maryvale Baseball Park:                                            Ranch. The boulevard has been        feet 6 inches, which represents
concession workers can actually                                           extended to meet 99th Avenue,        the distance between home
cook there instead of distributing                                        stretching from Camelback            plate and the pitcher’s mound.
food prepped in a commissary.                                             Road on the south to Maryland        Most Interesting Stadium
Condiment stations now feature       Camelback Ranch                      Avenue on the north. Ballpark        Tidbit: The name for the
Secret Stadium Sauce, imported       Home: Los Angeles Dodgers and        Boulevard previously dead-           concession stand behind the
from Miller Park.                    Chicago White Sox                    ended just beyond Camelback          center field wall — Hangar 46
Best Known Ballpark Amenity:         Address: 10710 W. Camelback          Ranch. Visitors now more             — ties in the ballpark’s airport
A family favorite, the lawn          Road, Glendale                       directly access Glendale’s Sports    backdrop as well as the year the
seating is intimate, sunny and       Opened: 2009                         and Entertainment District —         city was incorporated.
offers a great view of the game      Tickets: 623-302-5000, ext. 2.       including Westgate, Tanger
and place to spread out and          Features: More than 118,000          Outlets, Gila River Arena (Arizona
relax.                               square feet of major and minor       Coyotes) and State Farm Stadium
Most Distinguishable Stadium         league clubhouse space, 13 full      (Arizona Cardinals).
Feature: Extensive renovations       baseball fields and three half-
paid for by the Brewers and the      fields with a capacity of 13,000     Goodyear Ballpark
city of Phoenix were finished in     (10,000 permanent seats, space       Home: Cleveland Indians and
2019. Upgrades included a new        for 3,000 on the lawn).              Cincinnati Reds
entry plaza will behind home         Most Unique Concessions Item:        Address: 1933 S. Ballpark Way,
plate that feature the primary       If you’re feeling hungry, step up    Goodyear
ticket office and gates. The east    to the plate and try an 18-inch      Opened: 2009
side of the plaza area includes      slice of pizza at Double Play        Tickets: 623-882-3430                Hohokam Stadium
the lobby entrance to the new        Deli and Pizza on the concourse      Features: 8,000 stadium seats,       Home: Oakland A’s
clubhouse building. In addition,     behind home plate.                   1,500 lawn seats, six luxury         Address: 1235 N. Center St.,
an entry to the new retail store     Best Known Ballpark Amenity:         suites, terrace seating on the       Mesa
from outside of the home plate       The entire Sonoran Desert-           third level behind home plate        Opened: Stadium rebuilt in
gate allows fans access to the       inspired complex of Camelback        and 300 seats in the Right Field     1997, Continue on Page 24
store during non-game times.         Ranch covers 141 acres and           Pavilion.
A SPRING TRADITION A tribute to baseball in the valley - 0 - YourValley.net
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A SPRING TRADITION A tribute to baseball in the valley - 0 - YourValley.net
10 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021

                                                                                          By Mark Carlisle

                                                                                                                                        San Francisco Giants
                                                                                                                                   catcher Joey Bart walks
                                                                                                                                on the field prior to spring
                                                                                                                                       training workouts for
                                                                                                                                pitchers and catchers Feb.
                                                                                                                                      12, 2020, at Scottsdale
                                                                                                                                    Stadium. The prospects
                                                                                                                                    on display in the Cactus
                                                                                                                                League this year are high-
                                                                                                                                lighted by a crop of catch-
                                                                                                                                 ers that include six of the
                                                                                                                                 top 10 catching prospects
                                                                                                                                  in baseball, as ranked by
                                                                                                                                    MLB Pipeline. Bart is the
                                                                                                                                top-ranked catcher in that
                                                                                                                                     group, ranked as base-
                                                                                                                                  ball’s second-best catch-
                                                                                                                                   ing prospect. [AP Photo/
                                                                                                                                            Ross D. Franklin]

 Cactus League’s future stars are highlighted by catchers in 2021
            hile spring training is a great chance      If they didn’t get time with their major league     ging percentage (OPS) and reached Double-A
            to see today’s stars prepare for a new      club in 2020, many of these prospects are seeing    by the end of the year. Kelenic capped the sea-
            season, it’s also the first chance to see   the field for the first time in nearly 12 months.   son with a small appearance for the Peoria Ja-
the stars of tomorrow take the diamond in their         A minor league season is planned for 2021.          velinas in the Arizona Fall League, where he
big league uniform.                                                                                         hit three singles and walked once in 11 plate
   While these rising stars might not play in the                 WEST VALLEY                               appearances.
majors this year, many of them will be house-                   PEORIA SPORTS COMPLEX                          This will be Kelenic’s third spring training in
hold names in a few years’ time. The Cactus                        Seattle Mariners                         Peoria, though last year’s spring training was
League, where half of baseball’s 30 teams play             The Mariners do not have any of their top        cut short by COVID-19. In 2020, he went 6-for-
spring training, offers an early look at some of        prospects on their 40-man roster but are like-      26 with a homer, a double and seven strike-
the top prospects in the game. The catcher po-          ly to add some, as they invited three of their      outs during spring training. The 21-year-old
sition is the most prolific among Cactus League         top prospects as non-roster invitees last year.     shows good speed and a strong arm in cen-
prospects this year, with six of the game’s top            Maybe coming:                                    ter. He’s projected to make his major league
10 catching prospects — as ranked by MLB                                      Jarred Kelenic. OF            debut this year.
Pipeline — on display in the Valley this spring.                              Kelenic was MLB Pipe-                              Julio Rodriguez. OF
   At least 15 of baseball’s most highly touted                            line’s top outfield prospect                          Rodriguez joins Kelenic as
prospects will play in the Cactus League. That                             and ninth overall prospect                         baseball’s best duo of outfield
number could rise as only five of 15 Cactus                                in 2020. He was drafted by                         prospects. The 20-year-old
League teams have announced as of deadline                                 the Mets sixth overall out of                      Dominican Republic-product
which minor league players who aren’t on the                               high school in 2018 and trad-                      is ranked as baseball’s fourth-
40-man roster will be invited to spring train-          ed to the Mariners in a deal that sent Robinson                       best outfield prospect. He tore
ing this year.                                          Cano and Edwin Diaz to New York.                    up the minors at age 17 and 18, hitting .326 with
   Also important to note is that with the 2020            The left-handed center fielder has adjusted      a .390 on-base percentage and a .540 slugging
season affected by the coronavirus pandem-              to pros well, hitting 23 home runs and stealing     percentage in Single-A and high-A ball during
ic, there was no minor league season last year.         20 bases in 2019 with a .904 on-base plus slug-     2019. Continue on Page 12
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12 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021

  Rodriguez capped the 2019 season in the                                 Gore was deemed base-           Rangers in 2016, passing on a commitment to
Arizona Fall League in Peoria where, at 18, he                         ball’s top pitching prospect       play for Grand Canyon University after lead-
struggled with power but had a .397 average                            last year and is likely to re-     ing all Arizona high schoolers with 14 home
against mostly much older prospects.                                   peat that feat this year, as       runs his senior year. Huff spent his first two pro
  Rodriguez is coming back not just from the                           MLB Pipeline again named           seasons around town in the Arizona League.
missed minor league season but from a left wrist                       him the top left-handed pitch-       Huff showed a lot of power improvement in
fracture he suffered during summer camp. He                            er. (MLB Pipeline has not re-      2019 as he slugged .509 and hit 28 home runs
did get 18 games in at the Dominican Winter         leased its Top 100 overall prospects list for 2021    between Single-A and high-A ball. He played 10
League in early 2021 but struggled, hitting .196.   as of deadline, but has released some position-       games in the majors last year and made a splash
  Speed is not a feature of Rodriguez’s game,       al rankings, in which pitchers are divided be-        right away, hitting .355 with three homers.
but he moves well for his 6-foot-4 frame. He’s      tween right- and left-handers.)                         Huff ’s powerful swing has produced the best
played both center and right, but future Mar-          Gore is not on the 40-man roster but was           exit velocity off the bat in the Rangers’ farm sys-
iners’ lineups likely will feature Rodriguez in     invited to spring training last year. He is ex-       tem since slugger Joey Gallo. Like Gallo, Huff ’s
right with Kelenic in center. Rodriguez’s can-      pected to end up in the majors by the end of          aggressive swing produces a high strikeout rate
non of an arm will fit in well in right. Rodri-     the 2021 season.                                      — 30% — something Huff may need to im-
guez is expected to trail Kelenic by a year, de-       The 21-year-old made a mockery of high-A           prove against higher-level pitching.
buting in 2022.                                     ball in 2019, posting a 1.02 ERA and striking           Huff is baseball’s eighth-ranked catching pros-
  This is Rodriguez’s third spring training in      out 12.5 batters per nine innings. He struggled       pect. In addition to power at the plate he pro-
Peoria. He hit 4-for-7 in 2019 but just 2-for-      in five starts in Double-A, posting a 4.50 ERA        vides a strong arm and good framing skills be-
13 in 2020.                                         but still struck out 10.4 per nine.                   hind the plate. The six-foot-four catcher also
  Emerson Hancock. RHP                                 The left-hander was the 2017 Gatorade Na-          can play first base.
  Hancock is the ninth-ranked right-handed          tional Player of the Year his senior season in          This is Huff ’s third spring training in Surprise.
pitcher in 2021.                                    high school, when he put up laughable numbers:        He’s a combined 3 for 21 in the Cactus League.
  Logan Gilbert. RHP                                11-0, 0.19 ERA, 158 strikeouts and five walks                                Dane Dunning. RHP
  Hancock is the 10th-ranked right-handed           in 74 1/3 innings. Afterward, he was drafted                                 Dunning was the 98th over-
pitcher in 2021.                                    third overall by San Diego in 2017.                                       all prospect in 2020 and the
  Taylor Trammell. OF                                  All four of Gore’s pitches are above average,                          Rangers’ top pitching pros-
  Trammell was the 51st-ranked overall pros-        and he can throw each for a strike. His mid-                              pect. The 26-year-old made
pect in 2020, making him, Kelenic and Rodri-        90s fastball has late action that causes defensive                        seven starts in the majors for
guez the best trio of outfield prospects in base-   swings from batters. It’s complimented well by                            the White Sox last year, going
ball. He played spring training at Peoria Sports    a late-dropping low-80s change-up, though it’s        2-0 with a 3.97 ERA. He was acquired by the
Complex for the Padres last year before being       his least-used pitch. Gore’s big, mid-70s curve-      Rangers in an offseason trade that sent Lance
traded to Seattle last August.                      ball has suffered a bit as he’s dealt with blisters   Lynn to Chicago.
  George Kirby. RHP                                 but is still a good pitch. His mid-80s slider has       This will be Dunning’s third spring train-
  Kirby was the 95th-ranked overall prospect        become his go-to breaking ball. He was one of         ing in the Valley, the latter were at Camelback
in 2020. He was not invited to spring train-        the minor league’s best at producing swinging         Ranch with the White Sox.
ing last year.                                      strikes last year.                                      Dunning is expected to be in the Rangers’
                                                       Gore struggled in two short spring training        starting rotation this year.
             San Diego Padres                       outings last year. He allowed three earned runs         Not coming:
  Coming:                                           in 1 2/3 innings.                                       The Rangers have announced their non-ros-
                    Luis Campusano. C                  CJ Abrams. SS                                      ter invitees. They could add a few more play-
                    Campusano is MLB Pipe-             Abrams is the third-ranked shortstop pros-         ers by the start of spring, but it’s not likely the
                 line’s third-ranked catching       pect in 2021. He was not invited to spring train-     following players will be in the Cactus League
                 prospect in 2021 and the sec-      ing last year.                                        this year.
                 ond-best catching prospect            Robert Hassell. OF                                   Josh Jung. 3B
                 in the Cactus League. He was          Hassell was the 74th-ranked overall prospect         Jung is the fifth-ranked third baseman pros-
                 the first catcher off the board    in 2020. He was not invited to spring train-          pect in 2021.
during the 2017 draft, picked 39th overall by       ing last year.                                          Justin Foscue. 2B
San Diego.                                                                                                  Justin Foscue is the eighth-ranked second
   The 22-year-old hit well in high-A ball in                   SURPRISE STADIUM                          baseman prospect in 2021.
2019, with a .325 average and 15 home runs.                       Texas Rangers
He struggled in his limited time in Peoria for        Coming:                                                          Kansas City Royals
the Arizona Fall League, going 1-for-13 with                           Sam Huff. C                           Coming:
six strikeouts.                                                        The Rangers top prospect at           None of Kansas City’s top prospects are on the
   Campusano has had a cup of coffee in the                          spring training is a local prod-     40-man roster, but some may come to spring
majors, appearing in one regular season game                         uct: Phoenix native and Arca-        training as non-roster invitees. Their top pitch-
and going 1-for-3 with a home run. He also                           dia High School alumnus Sam          ing prospect played spring training in Surprise
had one plate appearance in the playoffs for                         Huff. The 23-year-old is sev-        last year.
the Padres, striking out. He’ll be fighting for                      enth-ranked catching pros-              Maybe coming:
a spot on the Opening Day roster this spring.       pect in baseball and the fourth-best catching            Daniel Lynch. LHP
   Maybe coming:                                    prospect in the Cactus League                            Lynch is the second-ranked left-handed
   MacKenzie Gore. LHP                                Huff was drafted in the seventh round by the        pitcher in 2021 behind San Diego’s Gore. He
2021 • Spring Training Guide • YourValley.net             13

                   pitched in spring training        fensive catcher but can get lackadaisical behind     ed fourth overall in 2018. Madrigal led Ore-
                   in Surprise last year, allow-     the plate and make errors. He’s agile and can        gon State to a College World Series title as a
                   ing one run and striking out      frame pitches well. He has good arm strength         junior in 2018.
                   three in 2 2/3 innings across     but struggles with accuracy. He’s thrown out            Madrigal is a great contact hitter but, at
                   two outings.                      just 23% of stealing baserunners.                    5-foot-7 doesn’t provide much power. In his
                     The 24-year-old pitched in        This is Ruiz’s fourth spring training at Cam-      first full pro season last year, he hit .311 and had
                   the Arizona Fall League in        elback Ranch. He had a great spring training         by far the lowest strikeout rate in the minors,
2019, where he posted a 3.86 ERA and struck          in 2018 (7-for-12) but was bad in 2019 (3-for-       playing in high-A, Double-A and Triple-A. He
out 19 batters in 14 innings across four starts      16) and 2020 (1-for-11).                             slugged just .414 and hit only four home runs.
for the Surprise Saguaros.                             Maybe coming:                                         Madrigal is the game’s second-ranked sec-
   Lynch was a breaking-ball first pitcher at the      Michael Busch. 2B                                  ond baseman prospect and could be a Gold
University of Virginia but has developed into          Busch is the fifth-ranked second baseman           Glove candidate at the position in the future.
more of a power pitcher in the pros after the        prospect in 2021. He was not invited to spring       He has good speed but his high baseball IQ
Royals asked him to throw more fastballs. Lynch      training last year.                                  helps him in the field and to steal bases — he
now regularly throws in the mid-90s and can            Kody Hoese. 3B                                     swiped 35 last year.
touch the upper-90s. He supplements the heat           Hoese is the eighth-ranked third baseman              Madrigal will be fighting for a roster spot
with a good slider, an improving change-up           prospect in 2021. He was not invited to spring       in spring training. He’s projected to debut this
and a decent curve. Lynch was drafted 34th           training last year.                                  season, but could join the club later in the year.
overall in 2018.                                       Josiah Gray. RHP                                      Maybe coming:
                     Asa Lacy. LHP                     Gray was the 62nd-ranked overall player in            Andrew Vaughn. 1B
                     Lacy is the third-ranked        2020. He was invited to spring training last year.      Vaughn is the top-ranked first baseman pros-
                   left-handed pitching pros-                                                             pect in 2021. He was invited to spring train-
                   pect in 2021, making him                       Chicago White Sox                       ing last year. At California, Vaughn was college
                   and Lynch the best duo of           Coming:                                            baseball’s best hitter from 2017 to 2019. He won
                   southpaw prospects in base-                             Michael Kopech. RHP            college baseball’s Gold Spikes MVP award as a
                   ball. This is the 21-year-old’s                         Kopech has long been near      sophomore in 2018. He was drafted third over-
first season in the pros after pitching the last                         the top of the prospect rank-    all in 2019, but his college success didn’t carry
three seasons for Texas A&M. Kansas City draft-                          ings but his early career has    over during his first year in the pros.
ed him fourth overall in the 2020 MLB Draft.                             been derailed by injury and         Garrett Crochet. LHP
   Lacy had a 2.07 college ERA and struck out                            the coronavirus.                    Crochet is the sixth-ranked left-handed pitch-
13.3 batter per nine innings.                                              The 24-year-old blew out       er in 2021. He was not invited to spring train-
   Bobby Witt Jr. SS                                 his elbow in his fourth major league start in        ing last year but pitched in five major league
   Witt is the second-ranked shortstop pros-         2018, missing the entire 2019 season recover-        games in the regular season.
pect in 2021. He was not invited to spring train-    ing from Tommy John surgery. He opted out
ing last year.                                       of the 2020 season over concerns about the                      GOODYEAR BALLPARK
                                                     coronavirus. MLB Pipeline ranked him as the                       Cleveland Indians
            CAMELBACK RANCH                          18th best overall prospect in 2020.                    Coming:
            Los Angeles Dodgers                         The Red Sox drafted Kopech 33rd overall in                               Nolan Jones. 3B
  Coming:                                            2014. He was traded to Chicago alongside in-                                Jones is the third-ranked
                     Keibert Ruiz. C                 field prospect Yoan Moncada, now Chicago’s                               third baseman prospect in
                     The 22-year-old Vene-           starting third baseman, in 2016 in the trade                             2021 and the top third base
                   zuelan Ruiz signed with           that sent Chris Sale to Boston.                                          prospect in the Cactus League.
                   the Dodgers at 16. The               Before his elbow injury, Kopech had a high-                              The 22-year-old original-
                   switch-hitting catcher was ris-   90s fastball that regularly broke 100 and topped                         ly was a hockey standout but
                   ing through the farm system       out at 105. Hitters also struggled with his high-    concussion issues led to him to focus on base-
                   alongside 26-year-old catcher     80s slider with diagonal break. He was also          ball. The slugger, who bats left and throws right,
Will Smith until Smith broke out in 2019 and         working on adding slower pitches — a curve-          hit 22 home runs in the minors during 2019.
became the Dodgers’ starting catcher in the          ball and changeup — into his arsenal.                He capped the season playing for the Mesa So-
bigs. Ruiz instead took a step back in Double-A         As long as Kopech can return to full health,      lar Sox in the Arizona Fall League, where he hit
play in 2019, though he hit well in nine games       he should have a spot in the starting rotation       only .200 but was named to the Fall Stars Game.
at Triple-A at the end of the year.                  waiting for him.                                        This is Jones’ fourth spring training. He strug-
   Ruiz made his MLB debut last year going              This will be Kopech’s fourth spring at Cam-       gled last year, hitting 1-for-12 with nine strike-
2-for-8 with a home run and three strikeouts         elback Ranch. He pitched poorly in his first         outs.
in two games. He did not make the Dodgers’           two spring trainings but pitched one scoreless                              Bobby Bradley. 1B
playoff roster. Ruiz got 10 games in back home       inning last year.                                                           Bradley is the sev-
in the Venezuelan Winter League in early 2021,                             Nick Madrigal. 2B                                  enth-ranked first baseman
hitting just .129.                                                         The White Sox also are the                         prospect in 2021.
   Ruiz has been better as a left-handed hitter,                         only team with four top-40                              The 24-year-old is playing
especially when it comes to power. Only two                              prospects, a group rounded                           in his seventh spring training,
of his 29 career homers are from the right side                          out by Nick Madrigal. Mad-                           coming to Goodyear every
of the plate.                                                            rigal is another star college    year since he was 18. He tore up Goodyear Ball-
   Ruiz has the athletic ability to be a good de-                        player the White Sox draft-      park last year, going 9-for-27Continue on Page 20
14 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021

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                          ARIZONA                                                                   LOS ANGELES
                          D’BACKS                                                                   ANGELS
2020 Record and Results                                                            2020 Record and Results
Regular Season Record: 25-35                                                       Regular Season Record: 26-34
Did not make playoffs                                                              Did not make playoffs

Team Leaders                                                                       Team Leaders
Manager: Torey Lovullo                                                             Manager: Joe Madden
General Manager Partner: Ken Kendrick                                              Owners: Arte and Carole Moreno
Player Development Director: Josh Barfield                                         General Manager: Perry Minasian
Pro Scouting Coordinator: Jason Parks                                              Chairman: Dennis Kuhl

Ballpark                                                        Kole Calhoun       Ballpark
Chase Field                                  48,519 capacity                       Angel Stadium of Anaheim        45,517 capacity
2020 Season Attendance                       No attendance in 2020                 2020 Season Attendance          No attendance in 2020
                                                                                                                                                Anthony Rendon
Spring Training Ballpark                                                           Spring Training Ballpark
Salt River Field at Talking Stick            11,000 capacity                       Diablo Stadium                  9,558 capacity

2020 Team Stats                                                                    2020 Team Stats
G       AB    R          H          2B     3B     HR     RBI                       G      AB    R         H       2B      3B      HR     RBI
60      1,997 269        482        101    12     58     255                       60     2,020 294       501     97      8       85     285
BB      SO      SB       CS         Avg.   OBP    SLG    OPS                       BB     SO      SB      CS      Avg.    OBP     SLG    OPS
181     461     23       7          .241   .312   .391   .704                      293    480     21      8       .248    .332    .430   .762

                         OAKLAND                                                                            MILWAUKEE
                         ATHLETICS                                                                          BREWERS
2020 Record and Results                                                            2020 Record and Results
Regular Season Record: 36-24                                                       Regular Season Record: 29-31
Post Season Record: 3-4, lost in divisional round                                  Post Season Record: 0-2, lost in wild card round

Team Leaders                                                                       Team Leaders
Manager: Bob Melvin                                                                Manager: Craig Counsell
Managing Partner: John Fisher                                                      Chairman and Principal Owner: Mark Attanasio
General Manager: David Forst                                                       Senior Vice President, General Manager: Matt Arnold
Scouting Director: Eric Kubota                                                     Vice President, Domestic Scouting: Tod Johnson

Ballpark                                                                           Ballpark
RingCentral Coliseum                 46,847 capacity                               Miller Park                     41,900 capacity
2020 Season Attendance               No attendance in 2020           Lou Trivino   2020 Season Attendance          No attendance in 2020
                                                                                                                                                   Tim Lopes
Spring Training Ballpark                                                           Spring Training Ballpark
Hohokam Stadium                      10,500 capacity                               American Family Fields          10,000 capacity

2020 Team Stats                                                                    2020 Team Stats
G       AB    R          H          2B     3B     HR     RBI                       G      AB    R         H       2B      3B      HR     RBI
60      1,908 274        430        91     11     71     264                       60     1,920 247       429     83      5       76     238
BB      SO      SB       CS         Avg.   OBP    SLG    OPS                       BB     SO      SB      CS      Avg.    OBP     SLG    OPS
238     524     26       3          .225   .322   .396   .718                      221    582     15      11      .223    .313    .389   .702
16 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021

                            CHICAGO                                                                       LOS ANGELES
                            CUBS                                                                         DODGERS
     2020 Record and Results                                                      2020 Record and Results
     Regular Season Record: 34-26                                                 Regular Season Record: 43-17
     Post Season Record: 0-2, lost in wild card round                             Post Season Record: 12-6, won World Series

     Team Leaders                                                                 Team Leaders
     Manager: David Ross                                                          Manager: Dave Roberts
     President, Baseball Operations: Jed Hoyer                                    President and CEO: Stan Kastan
     Baseball Operations Director: Greg Davey                                     Senior Vice President, Baseball Operations: Josh Byrnes
     Vice President, Player Development: Matt Dorey                               Vice President, Scouting: David Finley

     Ballpark                                                     Anthony Rizzo   Ballpark                                                          Justin Turner
     Wrigley Field                    41,649 capacity                             Dodger Stadium                   56,000 capacity
     2020 Season Attendance           No attendance in 2020                       2020 Season Attendance           No attendance in 2020

     Spring Training Ballpark                                                     Spring Training Ballpark
     Sloan Park                       15,000 capacity                             Camelback Ranch                  13,000 capacity

     2020 Team Stats                                                              2020 Team Stats
     G      AB    R         H       2B      3B      HR     RBI                    G      AB    R         H       2B      3B      HR     RBI
     60     1,918 265       422     82      8       74     248                    60     2,042 349       523     97      6       118    327
     BB     SO      SB      CS      Avg.    OBP     SLG    OPS                    BB     SO      SB      CS      Avg.    OBP     SLG    OPS
     229    568     24      10      .220    .318    .387   .705                   228    471     29      8       .256    .338    .483   .821

                             SAN FRANCISCO                                                                CLEVELAND
                            GIANTS                                                                       INDIANS
     2020 Record and Results                                                      2020 Record and Results
     Regular Season Record: 29-31                                                 Regular Season Record: 35-25
     Did not make playoffs                                                        Post Season Record: 0-2, lost in wild card round

     Team Leaders                                                                 Team Leaders
     Manager: Gabe Kapler                                                         Manager: Terry Francona
     President and CEO: Laurence Baer                                             Chairman and CEO: Paul J. Dolan
     President, Baseball Operations: Farhan Zaidi                                 President, Baseball Operations: Chris Antonetti
     Pro Scouting Director: Zach Minasian                                         Vice President, Player Development: James Harris
                                                                  Joey Bart
     Ballpark                                                                     Ballpark                                                     Triston McKenzie
     Oracle Park                     41,265 capacity                              Progressive Field                35,041 capacity
     2020 Season Attendance          No attendance in 2020                        2020 Season Attendance           No attendance in 2020

     Spring Training Ballpark                                                     Spring Training Ballpark
     Scottsdale Stadium              12,000 capacity                              Goodyear Ballpark                10,311 capacity

     2020 Team Stats                                                              2020 Team Stats
     G      AB    R         H       2B      3B      HR     RBI                    G      AB    R         H       2B      3B      HR     RBI
     60     2,019 299       532     107     14      81     290                    60     1,959 248       446     96      5       59     234
     BB     SO      SB      CS      Avg.    OBP     SLG    OPS                    BB     SO      SB      CS      Avg.    OBP     SLG    OPS
     195    499     19      8       .263    .335    .451   .785                   239    517     25      10      .228    .317    .372   .689
2021 • Spring Training Guide • YourValley.net                    17

                       SEATTLE                                                                            SAN DIEGO
                      MARINERS                                                                            PADRES
2020 Record and Results                                                           2020 Record and Results
Regular Season Record: 27-33                                                      Regular Season Record: 37-23
Did not make playoffs                                                             Post Season Record: 2-4, lost in divisional round

Team Leaders                                                                      Team Leaders
Manager: Scott Servais                                                            Manager: Jayce Tingler
Chairman, Managing Partnerr: John Stanton                                         Executive Vice President, General Manager: A.J. Preller
President and CEO: Kevin Mather                                                   Baseball Operations Director: Nick Ennis
Player Development Director: Andy McKay                                           Pro Scouting Director: Pete DeYoung
                                                                                                                                                  Jorge Ona
Ballpark                                                     Kendall Graveman     Ballpark
T-Mobile Park                  47,929 capacity                                    PetCo Park                     40,209 capacity
2020 Season Attendance         No attendance in 2020                              2020 Season Attendance         No attendance in 2020

Spring Training Ballpark                                                          Spring Training Ballpark
Peoria Sports Complex          12,339 capacity                                    Peoria Sports Complex          12,339 capacity

2020 Team Stats                                                                   2020 Team Stats
G      AB    R          H      2B     3B     HR        RBI                        G      AB    R          H       2B     3B      HR      RBI
60     1,929 254        435    88     5      60        244                        60     1,972 325        506     103    12      96      312
BB     SO      SB       CS     Avg.   OBP    SLG       OPS                        BB     SO      SB       CS      Avg.   OBP     SLG     OPS
207    545     50       16     .226   .309   .370      .678                       204    479     55       13      .257   .333    .466    .798

                        TEXAS                                                                                   CINCINNATI
                        RANGERS                                                                                 REDS
2020 Record and Results                                                           2020 Record and Results
Regular Season Record: 22-38                                                      Regular Season Record: 31-29
Did not make playoffs                                                             Post Season Record: 0-2, lost in wild card round

Team Leaders                                                                      Team Leaders
Manager: Chris Woodward                                                           Manager: David Bell
Co-chairman and Managing Partner: Ray C. Davis                                    CEO: Robert H. Castellini
President, Baseball Operations                                                    Vice President, General Manager: Nick Krall
and General Manager: Jon Daniels                                                  Pro Scouting Director: Rob Coughlin
Executive Vice President,
General Manager: Chris Young
                                                                 Leody Traveras   Ballpark                                                      Luis Castillo
                                                                                  Great American Ball Park         42,319 capacity
Ballpark                                                                          2020 Season Attendance           No attendance in 2020
Globe Life Park in Arlington    48,114 capacity
2020 Season Attendance          No attendance in 2020
                                                                                  Spring Training Ballpark
                                                                                  Goodyear Ballpark                10,311 capacity
Spring Training Ballpark
Surprise Stadium                10,500 capacity

2020 Team Stats                                                                   2020 Team Stats
G      AB    R          H      2B     3B     HR        RBI                        G      AB    R          H       2B     3B      HR      RBI
60     1,936 224        420    80     9      62        204                        60     1,842 243        390     276    3       90      237
BB     SO      SB       CS     Avg.   OBP    SLG       OPS                        BB     SO      SB       CS      Avg.   OBP     SLG     OPS
167    548     49       14     .217   .285   .364      .648                       239    534     29       9       .212   .312    .403    .715
18 YourValley.net • Spring Training Guide • 2021

                          COLORADO                                                                            KANSAS CITY
                          ROCKIES                                                                             ROYALS
     2020 Record and Results                                                              2020 Record and Results
     Regular Season Record: 26-34                                                         Regular Season Record: 26-34
     Did not make playoffs                                                                Did not make playoffs

     Team Leaders                                                                         Team Leaders
     Manager: Bud Black                                                                   Manager: Mike Matheny
     Owner, Chairman and CEO: Richard L. Monfort                                          Chairman and CEO: John Sherman
     Executive Vice President, General Manager: Jeff Bridich                              Senior Vice President, Baseball Operations/
     Vice President, Scouting: Bill Schmidt                            Ryan Castellani    General Manager: Dayton Moore
                                                                                          Pro Scouting Director: Michael Cifuentes
     Coors Field                                   50,398 capacity                        Ballpark
     2020 Season Attendance                        No attendance in 2020                  Kauffman Stadium               37,903 capacity
                                                                                          2020 Season Attendance:        No attendance in 2020          Kris Bubic
     Spring Training Ballpark
     Salt River Fields at Talking Stick            11,000 capacity                        Spring Training Ballpark
                                                                                          Surprise Stadium               10,500 capacity

     2020 Team Stats                                                                      2020 Team Stats
     G       AB    R          H           2B     3B     HR     RBI                        G       AB    R      H         2B     3B      HR       RBI
     60      2,057 276        528         84     16     63     264                        60      1,988 248    485       97     7       68       237
     BB      SO      SB       CS          Avg.   OBP    SLG    OPS                        BB      SO    SB     CS        Avg.   OBP     SLG      OPS
     161     543     42       9           .257   .311   .405   .716                       172     527   49     20        .244   .309    .402     .711

                                                                                                                                           Want To Make A
                              CHICAGO                                                                                                       Difference?
                              WHITE SOX                                                                                           • Become a Volunteer for
                                                                                                                                    2021 Spring Training
     2020 Record and Results
     Regular Season Record: 35-25                                                                                                 • Make a tax deductible
     Post Season Record: 1-2, lost in wild card round
                                                                                                                                    donation to help our
     Team Leaders                                                                                                                   local youth
     Manager: Tony La Russa
     Board Chairman: Jerry Reinsdorf
     Senior Vice President, General Manager: Rick Hahn
     Player Development Director: Chris Getz                                             The Peoria Diamond Club, 501(c)(3) is dedicated to supporting
     Ballpark                                                                                community programs that educate and enrich children's
     Guaranteed Rate Field                 40,615 capacity                                 lives, while enhancing their futures. Through partnerships,
     2020 Season Attendance                No attendance in 2020       Lucas Giolito
                                                                                         sponsorships, donations, and volunteer efforts, we raise funds
     Spring Training Ballpark                                                                       for local youth and charity organizations.
     Camelback Ranch                       18,000 capacity

                                                                                                Join Our Team and Help Our West Valley Kids!
                                                                                                                To learn more contact us:
     2020 Team Stats                                                                                          www.peoriadiamondclub.org
     G       AB    R          H           2B     3B     HR     RBI                                            info@peoriadiamondclub.org
     60      2,047 306        534         94     6      96     294
     BB      SO      SB       CS          Avg.   OBP    SLG    OPS
     179     571     20       8           .261   .326   .453   .779
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with three home runs, a double and seven RBIs.                   MARYVALE STADIUM                                  This will be Smith’s fourth spring training.
   Bradley debuted in the big leagues last year,                 Milwaukee Brewers                              He’s hit well at Salt River Fields, averaging .342
where he did not find the same success he did         The Brewers only have one top-100 ranked                  in 38 at-bats.
in spring, hitting .178 with just one homer in      prospect and he is not coming to spring training.              Maybe coming:
15 games. He was the designated hitter more           Not coming:                                                                      Seth Beer. 1B
often than he played first base.                      Garrett Mitchell. OF                                                             Beer is the fourth-ranked
   Bradley thrived in the Valley since he first       Mitchell was the 56th-ranked overall pros-                                    first baseman prospect in
arrived. He won the triple crown (highest av-       pect in 2020.                                                                   2021. He was invited to spring
erage and most home runs and RBIs) in the                                                                                           training last year.
rookie-level Arizona League at age 18.
   Triston McKenzie. RHP
                                                                 EAST VALLEY                                                           Beer was undrafted out of
                                                                  SALT RIVER FIELDS                                                 high school but was so im-
   McKenzie was the 97th-ranked overall pros-                   Arizona Diamondbacks                            pressive at Clemson, including winning Base-
pect in 2020. He was not invited to spring train-      Coming:                                                  ball America’s Freshman of the Year honors in
ing last year but pitched in eight regular sea-        Pavin Smith. 1B/OF                                       2016, he boosted his draft status to a first-round
son games in the majors last year. He posted a         Smith is the ninth-ranked first baseman pros-            pick out of college in 2018. Beer was drafted by
2-1 record with a 3.24 ERA and impressively         pect in 2021. The Diamondbacks drafted him                  the Astros but was one of four minor leaguers
struck out 42 batters in 33 1/3 innings.            seventh-overall in 2017 after he’d hit .342 with            sent to Arizona in the Zack Greinke trade.
   Maybe coming:                                    13 home runs as a junior at the University of                  Beer is a higher-rated first base prospect
   Aaron Bracho. 2B                                 Virginia.                                                   than Smith but it’s still unknown if he’ll come
   Cleveland has the bases covered with a top-10       The left-hander made slow but steady prog-               to spring training. He’s likely to, as he was in-
prospect at first, second and third base. Bracho    ress in the minors resulting in a 2019 season               vited last year. Like Smith, Beer can play both
is the sixth-ranked second baseman prospect.        where he hit .291 with 12 homers in Double-A.               first base and the corner outfield positions. Be-
He was not invited to spring training last year.    He made his major league debut in 2020, hitting             tween the minors and college, Beer has start-
   Tyler Freeman. SS                                .270 with one home run in 12 games.                         ed 109 games at first, 62 in left field and 10 in
   Freeman was the 92nd-ranked overall pros-           It will be interesting to see where Smith fits in        right field. With the crowded crop of first base
pect in 2020. He was not invited to spring train-   on the field in the D-backs’ future. He can play            and outfield prospects, which position Beer will
ing last year.                                      both first base and outfield, and the D-backs               end up playing is still up in the air.
                                                    have plenty more prospects coming at those                     The left-handed slugger was hitting quite
              Cincinnati Reds                       positions: Seth Beer is the fourth-ranked first             well in 2019, averaging a combined .309 with
  Coming:                                           baseman prospect in 2021 and like Smith, can                27 home runs between high-A and Double-A
                     Tyler Stephenson. C            also play outfield, and outfielders Kristian Rob-           ball, but then regressed after being traded to
                     Stephenson is the ninth-       inson, Alek Thomas and Corbin Carroll were                  the Diamondbacks, hitting just .204 with one
                   ranked catching prospect in      all Top 100 prospects in 2020. In the majors                homer in his final 24 games of the season in
                   baseball and the sixth-best      last year, Smith started five games at first base,          Double-A. Beer rebounded with a killer Ar-
                   catching prospect in the Cac-    two in left field, two in right field and two at            izona Fall League season with the Salt River
                   tus League.                      designated hitter. If the National League adds              Rafters, hitting .315.
                     The 24-year-old had his        a permanent DH, it could clear up the log jam                  This is the 24-year-old’s third spring training.
best minor league season in 2019, capping it        the D-backs have with five prospects for four               He played in the Grapefruit League in Flori-
by hitting .347 for the Glendale Desert Dogs        positions.                                                  da with the Astros in 2019 and in the Cactus
in the Arizona Fall League. He made his big                                                                     League with the D-backs last year, where he
league debut last year and hit well — a .294 av-                                                                went just 3-for-17.
erage and two homers in eight games.                                                                                                   Kristian Robinson. OF
  This is Stephenson’s fourth spring training,                                                                                         Robinson was the 39th-
and he’s done well in Goodyear, hitting .345                                                                                        ranked overall prospect in
and posting a .475 on-base percentage.                                                                                              2020. The 20-year-old from
  Stephenson is expected to split time behind                                                                                       the Bahamas showed con-
the plate in the majors this year with Tuck-                                                                                        tact, power and speed at age
er Barnhart.                                                                                                                        18 in high-A ball, hitting .319
  Not coming:                                                                                                   with nine home runs and 14 stolen bases in 44
  Nick Lodolo. LHP                                                                                              games. Robinson has the speed to play center
  Lodolo is the seventh-ranked left-handed                                                                      — his primary position in the minors — but
pitcher in 2021.                                                                                                scouts expect he may end up in right field, par-
  Jonathan India. 3B                                                                                            tially due to his strong arm and with an expec-
  India is the ninth-ranked third baseman pros-                                                                 tation that he’ll lose some speed as he fills out
pect in 2021.                                                                                                   his 6-foot-3 frame.
                                                    Diamondbacks’ Pavin Smith smiles after his home
  Hunter Greene. RHP                                run against the Colorado Rockies during a Sept. 25,            The right-hander was invited to spring train-
  Greene was the 47th-ranked overall pros-          2020 game at Chase Field in Phoenix. Smith, the ninth-      ing in Scottsdale last year but played in just one
pect in 2020.                                       ranked first baseman prospect, is the D-backs only top      game, going 0-for-2 with a strikeout.
  Austin Hendrik. OF                                prospect who will definitely be at spring training, as he      Alek Thomas. OF
  Hendrick was the 78th-ranked overall pros-        is on the 40-man roster. Five other top Snake prospects        Thomas was the 45th-ranked overall pros-
pect in 2020.                                       — three outfielders, a first baseman and a shortstop        pect in 2020. The 20-year-old left-hander was
                                                    — could also come to spring training as non-roster
                                                    invitees. [AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin]
                                                                                                                thriving in Single-A ball at age 19 in 2019, but
2021 • Spring Training Guide • YourValley.net           21

                    saw a dip in average, on-base        Zac Veen. OF                                        pect in 2020. Detmers was drafted 10th over-
                    percentage and slugging per-         Veen was the 49th-ranked overall prospect           all by the Angels in 2020.
                    centage after he was promot-       in 2020. He was drafted ninth-overall by the
                    ed to high-A.                      Rockies in the 2020 draft.                                            SLOAN PARK
                       The D-backs have invited                                                                              Chicago Cubs
                    Thomas to spring training                     SCOTTSDALE STADIUM                           Coming:
                    the last two years and he’s hit                San Francisco Giants                                           Miguel Amaya. C
                    2-for-7 with a home run. Cen-          Coming:                                                                Amaya is the eighth-ranked
ter field has also been Thomas’ main position              Joey Bart. C                                                        catcher prospect in 2021 and
in the minors. Scouts expect he will play either           Bart is the second-ranked catcher prospect                          the fifth-highest ranked catch-
center or left, both a fit for his above-average       in 2021 and will be the top catching prospect                           ing prospect in the Cactus
speed and below-average arm power.                     in the Cactus League.                                                   League.
                       Geraldo Perdomo. SS                 Bart was the second overall pick in the 2018                           The 21-year-old Panamani-
                       Perdomo was the 79th-           draft out of Georgia Tech. He’s since received        an has hit decently during his first four minor
                    ranked overall prospect in         an up-front bonus of $7,025,000, which is a re-       league seasons, though he’s mostly touted for
                    2020. He was invited to spring     cord for a position player.                           his defense. And while his bat is not the best,
                    training the last two years.           After six-time All-Star Buster Posey opted        he has a knack for drawing walks. This will be
                       Switch-hitting middle in-       out of the 2020 season, the Giants called up          Amaya’s fourth spring training. He hasn’t hit
                    fielder Geraldo Perdomo had        Bart, who struggled at the plate, hitting just        well in Mesa, averaging a combined .188 in
a down season in Single-A and High-A in 2019           .233 with no home runs in 33 games.                   spring training and posting a dismal .577 on-
but ended the season with a great showing in               Prior to his major league stint, Bart thrived     base plus slugging percentage (OPS) with the
the Arizona Fall League with the Salt River Raf-       in the Valley, hitting .389 in spring training last   Mesa Solar Sox in the 2019 Arizona Fall League.
ters, hitting .316 with a .417 on-base percentage.     year and .333 in with the Scottsdale Scorpions           Amaya has started 2021 with a bang in the
   The 21-year-old is the D-backs’ best defensive      in the Arizona Fall League in 2019 — he post-         Puerto Rican Winter League, where he exhibit-
prospect with skills that include a large range        ed an on-base plus slugging percentage (OPS)          ed his power and ability to get on base, posting
and good arm strength. Perdomo’s speed is a            north of 1.200 during each of those short sea-        a 1.161 OPS during 10-game season — more
plus on the bases, with 50 combined steals in          sons. This will Bart’s third spring training in       than double his OPS in the Arizona Fall League.
his last two seasons, but needs to improve at          Scottsdale.                                              The Cubs are set at catcher for now with two-
reading pitchers, as he’s been caught stealing             Bart, 24, has improved his defense since com-     time All-Star Willson Contreras, but Amaya
in about a third of his attempts.                      ing out of high school, going from some scouts        may see big league at-bats as soon as this season.
   Perdomo went 2-for-3 with a triple in 2019          doubting if he could be a big league catcher at          Brailyn Marquez. LHP
but went 0-for-6 last spring.                          all to now most thinking he could win a Gold             Marquez is the eighth-ranked left-handed
                       Corbin Carroll. OF              Glove at the position some day.                       pitching prospect in 2021.
                       Carroll was the 85th-               With Posey back with the team in 2021 and            Maybe coming:
                    ranked overall prospect in         the Giants signing free agent catcher Curt Casi-         Chase Strumpf. 2B
                    2020. The D-backs’ 2019            li, Bart isn’t expected to start the season in the       Strumpf is the seventh-overall ranked sec-
                    first-round pick (16th over-       majors, but will likely get called up for more        ond baseman prospect in 2021. Strumpf was
                    all) made a splash in his first    big league action at some point during the year.      not invited to spring training last year in his
                    pro season. At age 18, he hit                                                            first season out of college.
well in the rookie-level Arizona League and              Not coming:                                                              Brennan Davis. OF
then did even better after being promoted to             Marco Luciano. SS                                                        Davis was the 72nd-ranked
low-A ball, adding 38 points to his batting av-          Luciano is the fourth-ranked shortstop pros-                          overall prospect in 2020. He
erage and 131 points to his slugging percentage.       pect in 2021.                                                           was invited to spring training
   The 20-year-old is the fastest of the D-backs         Heliot Ramos. OF                                                      last year. Davis went to Chan-
outfield prospects and while Robinson and                Ramos was the 60th-ranked overall pros-                               dler Basha High School where
Thomas have both mainly played center field in         pect in 2020.                                                           he helped the Bears win a state
the minors, Carroll is likely to beat them out for       Hunter Bishop. OF                                                     6A basketball title while win-
the spot and be a terrific defensive center fielder.     Bishop was the 66th-ranked overall pros-            ning defensive player of the year honors. Af-
   The left-hander was invited to spring training      pect in 2020.                                         ter that, he focused on baseball and was draft-
last year, where he struck out in his only at-bat.       Seth Corry. LHP                                     ed by the Cubs in the second round in 2018.
                                                         Corry was the 94th-ranked overall prospect
              Colorado Rockies                         in 2020.                                                          HOHOKAM STADIUM
  None of the Rockies top prospects are on the                                                                            Oakland Athletics
40-man roster, but some may come to spring                      TEMPE DIABLO STADIUM                           Coming:
training as non-roster invitees.                                  Los Angeles Angels                                             A.J. Puk. LHP
  Maybe coming:                                          Coming:                                                                 Puk was the 53rd-ranked
                    Michael Toglia. 1B                   Brandon Marsh. OF                                                     overall prospect in 2020.
                    Tolgia is the sixth-ranked           Marsh was the 73rd-ranked overall pros-                               Mark Carlisle can be
                 first baseman prospect in             pect in 2020.                                                           reached at mcarlisle@
                                                                                                                               newszap.com or found on
                 2021. He was not invited to             Maybe coming:                                                         Twitter @mwcarlisle.
                 spring training last year in his        Reid Detmers. LHP
                 first season out of college.            Detmers was the 75th-ranked overall pros-
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