Page created by Charles Perez
Welcome to our
beautiful institution!
 At the University of Cape Town (UCT),                Just as important is your physical health
 you are joining a vibrant community of            and mental well-being. University life can
 multicultural staff and students from across      be overwhelming, but there are many
 South Africa, Africa and the world. I want        people here to support you: in addition to
 you to feel that this is your home. Getting       trained counsellors at the Student Wellness
 started can be overwhelming, so the               Service (page 22 and 23), your faculty has
 First-Year Experience (pages 22 and 23) is        counselling staff available. The UCT Student
 designed to help you settle in and find your      Careline (0800 24 25 26 or SMS 31393 for        01   Welcome
 way around. Whatever programme you’ve             a callback) is available 24/7. Your fellow      02   SRC
 chosen to study, you are about to discover        students, your tutors, your lecturers and
 exciting new things about your world and          wardens all understand the kind of stress       04   Your UCT
 how you can help build the future.                university can bring, and we want to help.      06   Student card
    Our university is fully committed to              I expect you to work hard at your studies,
                                                                                                   08   Things to do
 transformation — not just in terms of the         but it is also important for you to grow
 people who come here, but how we think,           in other ways. Join one of UCT’s 100+           10   Getting around
 teach, learn and do research. We are              societies (pages 28 and 29), try one of our     11   Get connected
 developing African solutions to local and         almost 40 sports clubs (pages 28 and 29),
 global problems and graduating tomorrow’s         or give something back by getting involved
                                                                                                   12   The lingo
 leaders. We want to change our world for          with one of the many volunteer projects in      14   Faculties
 the better — and you are an important part        the local communities (pages 30 and 31).        16   UCT Libraries
 of that change.                                   And be sure to explore beautiful Cape Town
    UCT remains the top-rated university in        (pages 8 and 9)!                                18   Studying
 Africa and one of the top-rated universities         UCT is here to address the challenges we     20   Well-being
 in the world. Many of our researchers are         face as a university and a country. I believe
                                                                                                   22   Available services
 world leaders in their fields, so you will have   you are going to help make real change
 opportunities to be exposed to the latest         happen — so be ready to grow with us!           24   SGBV
 scholarly work and research discoveries.             Yours for a bright future!                   25   Campus safety
 Find a role model and learn from them!
    Your safety is important to us. Please                                                         26   Sustainability
 read the safety and security suggestions                                                          28   Societies
 (pages 24 and 25) and take note of where
                                                                                                   29   Sports
 the Campus Protection Services offices are.       Vice-Chancellor
                                                                                                   30   Social impact
                                                                                                   32   Essential contacts

Molo, hallo, lotjhani, hello, sawubona, dumela,       whatever the question, we’ve experienced it or
avuxeni, ndaa and a warm welcome from your            have had to find the answer before.
Students’ Representative Council (SRC) for               This year, we are hoping to have important
2019/2020.                                            conversations that result in sustainable
    We, the SRC, are the highest decision-            programmes and policies. We want whatever
making structure of student governance. We            we initiate to outlive our term. We want
represent you, your interests and well-being.         students to look back in years to come and
We do this through university committees,             say, “That was a problem we used to have at
policy-making and co-operative decision-              UCT”. That is what we will strive for, for you
making on campus.                                     and the university.
    The SRC is made up of 15 members who                 If you want to know more about our duties,
either represent other student organisations          functions, privileges and term of office, please
or are independent. This year’s SRC majority          read the SRC Constitution and election by-
party is the Economic Freedom Fighters                laws, approved by UCT Council (the governing
Student Command (EFFSC) of which I am                 body of the university) as institutional rules.
a member.                                                The SRC is a very important stakeholder
    On the opposite page, you have the full           within UCT; there is no decision that can be
names and portfolios of all the members that          taken without the student voice. This is why
make up this SRC. We want you to know                 we encourage you to engage with us so that
that we are here for you and that our door            we can ensure that when we speak, it is your
is always open. Where exactly to find that            voice that the university hears.
door is also available on the following page
and we urge you to make use of our services.          Your SRC President,
Believe us when we say, whatever the problem,         AKHA TUTU


                                                                                   Where to find
                                                                                   your SRC
                                                                                   Room 7.09
                                                                                   Department of Students Affairs
                                                                                   Steve Biko Students’ Union building
                                                                                   Upper Campus

SRC portfolio allocations and contact details

President                 Akha Tutu            EFFSC         021 650 3539     srcpresident@uct.ac.za

Vice President            Reatlegile Magano    EFFSC         021 650 5928     srcvp@uct.ac.za

Secretary-General         Asemahle Ntumntum    EFFSC         021 650 5928     srcsg@uct.ac.za

Deputy Secretary-         Siseko Kosani        EFFSC         021 650 5048     srcdsg@uct.ac.za

Treasurer General         Zinhle Hinana        EFFSC         021 650 5498     srctreasurer@uct.ac.za

Corporate Relations and   Declan Dyer          EFFSC         021 650 5498     srccorporaterelations@uct.ac.za
Fundraising Coordinator

International Students    Zinhle Geluk         Independent   021 650 5928     srcinternational@uct.ac.za

Labour and Student        Aseza Matikane       EFFSC         021 650 5119     srclabour@uct.ac.za
Services Coordinator

Postgraduate Academic     Jamie-lee Thomas     SASCO         021 650 5119     srcpgchair@uct.ac.za

Residences and Housing    Ntokozo Mahlangu     EFFSC         021 650 5000     srcresidences@uct.ac.za

Social Responsiveness     Sipho Zuma           SASCO         021 650 5928     srcsocialresp@uct.ac.za

Societies and Day         Asisipho Fente       EFFSC         021 650 5001     srcsocieties@uct.ac.za
Houses Coordinator

Sports and Recreation     Siphokazi Funda      SASCO         021 650 5001     srcsports@uct.ac.za

Student Advocacy          Aviwe Vilane         SASCO         021 650 5048     srcadvocacy@uct.ac.za

Undergraduate             Lance-Selae August   EFFSC         021 650 5000     srcugchair@uct.ac.za
Academics Coordinator

Your UCT                                                                  Students
                                                                            by faculty
 5 strategic goals                        40different
                                            sports                      (including the Graduate
1     creating a new and inclusive
                                          Sports facilities include
                                          a rowing club; astro turf
                                                                             School of Business)
                                                                                                6 722
                                          hockey fields; tennis
      establishing global partnerships    and squash courts; an                             Commerce
      with a distinctive African lens     indoor sports facility;
                                          and soccer, rugby and
      remaining a research-intensive      cricket facilities.               Graduate School of Business
      university                          The UCT Gym is on
                                                                                               4 839
                                          lower campus near
      harnessing innovation in teaching   Graça Machel Hall.                          Engineering & the
      and learning                                                                    Built Environment

5     achieving social impact through
      engaged scholarship                 100+ societies
                                                                                                5 021
                                                                                        Health Sciences

                                          to choose from                                        7 358
                                          Societies are run by                              Humanities
                                          students and reflect
                                                                                                1 286

                                          various interests,
      catered or self-                    including academic,                                      Law
      catering residences                 religious, cultural, social
                                          and political activities.                            3 095
6 702          21 947                                                                          Science
students live in         students live
UCT residences           off campus

* Figures for 2018

   123          countries represented
                on campus
                                                                       29 029 students enrolled in 2019
                                                                       15 539 female | 13 470 male | 18 transgender | 2 unspecified
   South Africa               Elsewhere in Africa
   23 664                     984                                      16 698 undergraduates | 11 095 postgraduates
                                                                       1 236 occasional students
   Southern African           Elsewhere in
                              the world
                              1 521
                                                                       5 630           new first-years were accepted
                                                                                       at UCT in 2019

   2 796                                                               Around 7 000 students graduate each year

                                                                                                          5 000+
                                                                                                          permanent staff
                                                                                                          3 700 professional,
                                                                                                          administrative support
                                                                                                          and service (PASS) staff.

                                                                                                          1 208 permanent
                                                                                                          academic staff members
                                                                                                          worked at UCT in 2018.

  are spoken
The largest South African
                             English 16 084 | isiXhosa 3 020 | isiZulu 1 777 | Afrikaans 1 170 | Shona 634 | Setswana 585
    language groups are:

   12 things that make UCT unique
   1 #1 in Africa: UCT is the highest-
     ranked African university
   according to Times Higher Education
                                               5  15% of SA’s NRF-rated
                                                  researchers: UCT has 541 National
                                               Research Foundation (NRF)-rated
                                                                                         9  Cape Flats: The UCT Graduate
                                                                                            School of Business’s MTN Solution
                                                                                         Space in Philippi Village means the
   and Quacquarelli Symonds world              researchers.                              university has a physical footprint on
   university rankings.                                                                  the flats.

   2   Oldest: Established in 1829, UCT
       is South Africa’s oldest university.
                                               6    44% women: 44% of the
                                                    academics at UCT are women.
                                                                                         10   d-school: The UCT Hasso
                                                                                              Plattner Institute of Design

   3  First black woman graduate: Anti-
      apartheid and civil rights leader,
                                               7  25 km2: The total area of UCT’s
                                                  campuses, including its satellite
                                               facilities in Gardens, Observatory,
                                                                                         Thinking is one of only three in
                                                                                         the world.

   Zalnunnissa (Cissie) Gool, graduated
   from UCT with an MA in 1932.
                                               Philippi and the Atlantic Seaboard.
                                                                                         11   Nobel laureates: UCT is alma
                                                                                              mater to five Nobel laureates.

   4  Centre for Higher Education
      Development: CHED partners
                                               8  53 349 linear metres (and
                                                  growing): The capacity of
                                               shelving at UCT Libraries, which uses     12    MOOCs: UCT now has
                                                                                               22 massive open online
   with all faculties to ensure students       the cutting-edge search tool, Primo,      courses, which have attracted
   don’t just gain access to UCT, but          to help you find the information          more than 230 000 people from
   also succeed.                               you need.                                 over 100 countries.

that student
Your UCT-issued student card is like power in your
pocket. With so much to do, places to go and things to
see, saving a bit goes a long way – and that’s what your
student card can do for you. Here are just a few places
where you can use your card to pay less and do more.


                                                                         The Baxter Theatre
On campus                                                                Many productions at UCT’s Baxter Theatre
With your student card, you have access to                               Centre offer student discounts. Call the
computer labs and a list of other on-campus                              bookings office to find out what’s showing
facilities; it also allows you use of the Jammie                         and have your student card ready when you
Shuttle — for mahala! It’s also your entrance                            buy tickets. The Baxter’s in-house restaurant
into the UCT Libraries, gives you access to                              also offers wholesome meals at reduced rates
your res (if you’re living on campus) and                                for students. 021 685 7880 / 0861 915 8000
enables you to book meals too.                                           (bookings) / www.baxter.co.za

Eat out                                                                  Let’s go shopping
Everyone loves a good pizza and burger, so                               Camping anyone?
visit Da Vinci’s on Kloof Street in the CBD and                          Cape Union Mart offers students a 5% discount.
get 10 percent off your meal, any day of the                             If you’re looking for camping and outdoor gear
week. Note: this is a sit-down deal only.                                or fancy yourself a Bear Grylls in the making,
https://davincis.co.za                                                   visit a store near you.

Know your country
Visit one (or all) of the Iziko Museums in the                           ‘You’ve got game’
Cape Town CBD to learn more about our                                    Game stores also offer student discounts.
country’s rich cultural and historical background                        The amount varies depending on the product
and get 50% off the entry fee. The South                                 purchased and the time of year. To qualify,
African National Art Gallery in the Company’s                            fill out an in-store form and take an ID photo,
Garden and The Slave Lodge in Wale Street are                            a copy of your ID and a copy of your UCT
just two museums on Iziko’s list.                                        registration form along.
www.iziko.org.za                                                         www.game.co.za/game-za/en/special-

Out and about
Botanical gardens                                                        iDiscounts
Spend the day at Kirstenbosch Gardens and                                Get reduced rates on products at iStores
enjoy the wonders of nature, or just take it easy                        nationwide. Discounts vary and they change
on the rolling lawns. Students pay only R40                              every season, so sign up to receive the iStore
(R35 less than adults) to enter.                                         newsletter to stay informed. And remember
www.sanbi.org/gardens/kirstenboch/visitor-                               that students also get 50% off Apple Music
information/information/                                                 subscriptions for up to four years!
Table Mountain
For a trip up Table Mountain in the cable car,
Table Mountain Aerial Cableway has slashed
                                                        “I wish I’d
                                                                         Need a workout?
rates for students. You’ll pay R180 for a return                         Campus gym
ticket, and if you want to hike up or down, you’ll    known that the     The UCT Gym is open all year from 06:00 to
pay just R100 one-way.                                Baxter Theatre     21:00 from Monday to Friday, and from 08:00
www.tablemountain.net/content/page/rates             was part of UCT     to 19:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Get fit for just
                                                     and offers really   R650 per year for a full membership, or R300
                                                                         annually for an off-peak membership.
Sea life
                                                     great discounts
Experience marine and sea life at the Two             to students on     In the zone
Oceans Aquarium. Students pay just R140 for               tickets.”      Yoga Zone in Gardens offers a special package
an entry ticket, so go fish!                             — JONO          for South African students. You can enjoy
www.aquarium.co.za/content/page/                                         a three months unlimited package for R1 950,
opening_hours_prices                                                     or R700 for one month of unlimited sessions.

What to do
We get that student budgets are almost always tight. So, to
help you enjoy your time in and around the city, we’ve put
together a list of affordable places to visit and things to do
that will help you to stretch the Randelas.

1On the prom
    Sea Point’s famous promenade gives you
ample opportunity for free fun. You can stroll,
                                                  2    All the way up in Bo-Kaap
                                                         Youngsta raps about it. Influencers love it.
                                                  Prince Harry and Meghan Markle had to pay it
jog, rollerblade, skateboard or cycle along the   a visit. Bo-Kaap is one of Cape Town’s oldest
11 km promenade. Or you can pack a picnic,        and most culturally rich neighbourhoods,
find a spot on the grass and take in the ocean    nestled on the slopes of Signal Hill. It’s home
breeze, try out the outdoor gym, kick a ball      to the first mosque in South Africa (the Auwal
around or befriend one of the many four-          Mosque), iconic colourful homes and killer
legged visitors.                                  koesisters. If you don’t know the difference
Cost: Free                                        between your koeksisters and your koesisters,
                                                  it’s time to find out!
                                                  Cost: Free (although koesisters will cost you
                                                  between R2 and R5 each)

                                                                         6   First Thursdays
                                                                               The first Thursday of every month is when
                                                                         Cape Town’s hottest spots open their doors
                                                                         for fun after sunset. Gather your besties and
                                                                         visit Cape Town’s trendiest dining spots and
                                                                         art galleries or check out one of the many
                                                                         cultural events showcasing the incredible
                                                                         talent the city has to offer. There’s no
                                                                         structured tour and no schedule to follow;
                                                                         it’s all up to you.
                                                                         Cost: Per venue, but trawl your social media
                                                                         feeds for the free shows

                                                                         7   Putt putt with
                                                                             a difference
                                                                         There’s putt putt and then there’s putt putt
                                                                         in a cave at the V&A Waterfront. It’s fun and
                                                                         everyone can join in.

3Beach around
                                                                         Cost: R25.00

    The Mother City is home to some of the
world’s most beautiful beaches. From Camps
Bay to Clifton and Muizenberg to Fish Hoek,                                  Rose picking
we’re spoilt for choice. Get a group of friends                               At Chart Farm in Wynberg (a stone’s
together and head on down to catch some                                  throw from upper campus) you get to pick
Vitamin Sea.                                                             your own bunch of blooming roses for less
Cost: Free                                                               than R10 a stem.
                                                                         Cost: R6 per stem

4    A walk in the park
     The Green Point Urban Park is the perfect
spot for a morning park run or for lazing                                9Second chances
                                                                             The Cape Town second-hand scene
around on a Sunday afternoon. What sets it                               is booming and it’s the perfect place to
apart from others like it is the sense of serenity                       purchase on the cheap. There are regular
you get in the middle of an urban area,                                  markets on weekends, a few monthly markets
surrounded by the Mother City’s unrivalled                               and ad hoc ones pop up at some of Cape
beauty.                                                                  Town’s favourite spots. Finding them is as easy
Cost: Free                                                               as searching “second-hand” on Facebook or
                                                                         checking the posters on campus. Who knows,
                                                                         you could also make some extra money selling

5Take a hike
                                                                         your own preloved goods.
                                                                         Cost: There’s usually an entrance fee of
     Since we’re almost entirely surrounded                              around R20
by mountains, there’s no shortage of options

when it comes to hiking trails. You can choose
from one of the many routes to the top of
Table Mountain, climb up Lion’s Head to enjoy                                     The real great Gatsby
the sunset over Camps Bay, or explore the
                                                       “I wish I knew             If you’re new to Cape Town, trying
trails around Constantia Nek and Rhodes                that there was    out the famed gatsby is a must; it’s part of the
Memorial. If you’re looking for something              absolutely no     fabric of the Mother City. You’ll find the best
a bit more chilled, hike the contour paths in         need to stay on    gatsby spots in Wynberg, Athlone and Grassy
Newlands Forest — there’s even a stream along          campus all of     Park, but there are gems across the city.
the way for those who want to dip in.                                    Get friends to chip in and enjoy sharing
Cost: Free
                                                     the time and not    a mouth-watering Cape Town fave.
                                                     explore the city.   Cost: Varies per gatsby and place
                                                      I missed out on
                                                          so much.”
                                                          — MELI


                                                                Campus is huge, and getting
                                                                around takes time, especially
                                                                if you need to get to one of
                                                                our satellite facilities. Here’s
                                                                how to get going …

                                                                     Jump into a Jammie
                                                                     The Jammie Shuttle buses are free for
                                                                     students and will transport you between
                                                                campuses and other parts of the city seven
                                                                days a week. Visit www.students.uct.ac.za
                                                                for up-to-date route maps and timetables.

    1                                                           7
         Stroll along                                                City hopping
         Strolling around campus is the easiest way                  The MyCiTi bus makes trekking around
         to get around — it’s convenient and saves time.             Cape Town convenient. It connects with
     But always walk in groups, especially after dark.          the Jammie Shuttle at the Gardens station in
                                                                Buitenkant Street and commutes to several areas

                                                                around Cape Town. Get your MyConnect card at
          Saddle up                                             MyCiTi station kiosks and participating retailers.
          Everyone needs a bit of exercise, so

          saddle up to get around. There are
     designated cycle lanes on campus and                            The bus for us
     a couple in and around the city too.                             Golden Arrow buses serve hundreds of city
                                                                      routes and are accessible from the Jammie

                                                                Shuttle stops in Claremont and Mowbray.
          Two-wheel drive                                       Visit www.gabs.co.za for timetables and rates.
           Yes, scooters and motorbikes are allowed,

           but get your black parking disc from
     traffic admin on upper campus first.                            Train ride
                                                                      Metrorail’s Southern Line stops at Mowbray,

                                                                      Observatory, Rosebank and Rondebosch
          Cabs on call                                          railway stations. Trains are not always on time, so
          Cape Town’s inundated with cab services on            visit www.metrorail.co.za for timetables and fares.
          call 24/7, so why not use a cab to get around?

     5                                                          10
                                                                        Gear up
          Taxi time                                                      First-years are not allowed to bring
           They’re cheap and operate on most major                       cars onto campus, but you can park
           routes in and out of the city. Signal the            at Rhodes Memorial if you have a parking disc,
     direction you’d like to take, and you’ll be in the         available from traffic admin on upper campus.
     taxi and on your way.


Information and Communication Technology Services (ICTS) keeps you
connected to all of UCT’s online services. Read on to find out how to
connect, how to find software and how to stay safe while you’re online.

The quick guide                                                        Be responsible
For a short guide on all you need to know about                        Don’t use the internet for anything illegal — especially
digital at UCT, take a look at the ICTS checklist:                     not streaming, sharing or downloading copyrighted
icts.uct.ac.za/digital-checklist.                                      content. Also, respect the email and internet usage policy
                                                                       in the IT Guide for Students: http://www.icts.uct.ac.za/
Connect to Wi-Fi                                                       publications_reports > Guide to ICT services (students).
Connect to eduroam, UCT’s Wi-Fi network, using your
username (studentnumber@wf.uct.ac.za) and your
UCT network password. After registration, go to
https://password.uct.ac.za to reset your password.                       How to get IT help on campus
                                                                         The IT Helpdesk. Get support by logging a call online
Sign in to your UCT email                                                (https://uct.service-now.com/ess), sending an email
Sign in to your email account via                                        to icts-helpdesk@uct.ac.za or calling 021 650 4500
www.icts.uct.ac.za/myuct. Remember to check it                           (during office hours).
regularly — this is where you’ll find all official university
communications.                                                          The ICTS front office. Get walk-in support in room 201
                                                                         of the Computer Science Building on upper campus.
Hook up your phone                                                       The office is open from 08:00 to 16:30 during the
Go to your app store (Android/iOS) and download the UCT                  week (but closes at 15:15 on Thursdays).
Mobile App to access timetables, library services, maps and
more. For support, email uctmobile@uct.ac.za.                            ICTS-on-Main Walk-in Centre. For those nearer to
                                                                         lower campus, It’s in room 1.10 of the ICTS building,
                                                                         located at 7 Main Road, Mowbray, and operates at the
Get to know Vula                                                         same times as the upper campus office.
Vula (https://vula.uct.ac.za) is UCT’s online environment
for teaching and learning, research and collaboration. It’s              Social media. ICTS provides basic support on
also where your lecturers will post a lot of your academic               Facebook (www.facebook.com/icts.uct) and Twitter
course content.                                                          (twitter.com/UCT_ICTS), but if they can’t help, they’ll
                                                                         escalate your issues to someone who can. They’re
Get free software                                                        online seven days a week from 07:00 to 22:00.
Before buying any software, first check what
site-licensed software is available for free at                          Student labs. Lab administrators and assistants are
https://ictsdownloads.uct.ac.za. Office365 is                            on hand to help you in any of the ICTS-managed labs
available via your myUCT account, and UCT has                            around campus.
signed up to use Google Apps.

Use strong
6 tips for staying cyber secure
                       Install an anti-
                       virus. Up-to-
                                          3   Back up, back
                                              up, back up!
                                                                4      Spread the word.
                                                                       If you know of a
                                                                                         5   Report it to
                                                                                             CSIRT. If you
                                                                                                                 Avoid identity
                                                                                                                 theft. Dispose
The longer and         date anti-virus        Make sure you            cyber security        experience any      of sensitive
more complex           applications           have a backup            threat or incident,   cyber security      paperwork safely,
your password          should be on all       (or two). You can        please inform         threat, please      enable SMS alerts
is, the better. A      your computers.        back up data to          everyone you          contact UCT’s       for your banking,
password should        Download McAfee        physical devices         know who might        Computer            and never
contain numbers,       for free from          or to the cloud          be affected.          Security Incident   share personal
symbols and            the ICTS website       (UCT offers                                    Response            information
upper- and             (www.icts.uct.         Google Drive and                               Team at             online.
lower-case             ac.za/anti-virus),     OneDrive).                                     csirt@uct.ac.za.
letters.               and find a good
                       anti-virus for your
                       mobile devices!

Have you
                                                                                                   If you haven’t
                                                                                                   already, you’re
                                                                                                   going to hear
                                                                                                   loads of new
                                                                                                   words and
                                                                                                   around campus.
                                                                                                   Here’s a cheat
                                                                                                   sheet to help you
                                                                                                   wrap your head
                                                                                                   around them.

Caf                                        Dean                                    First-class pass
The Cissie Gool Café next to Cissie Gool   The head of a faculty.                  When you get over 75% for academic
Plaza — great for cheap, good food.                                                work. An upper second is 70–74%,
                                           Early assessment                        a lower second is 60–69% and a third
Course                                     A formal check to see how you’re        is 50–59%. An S means you failed.
A unit of study that gets you credit       doing in your first weeks at varsity.
towards your degree.                                                               First lecture
                                           EDP                                     The day’s earliest lecture and where
CPS                                        Extended Degree Programmes              you’ll find yourself at 08:00 if you’re
Campus Protection Services take care       give you extra time and support to      a fresher.
of UCT’s safety and security.              complete your degree.
                                                                                   Food and Connect
Curriculum                                 Eduroam                                 Keep an eye out for these food
A combination of courses that make         The UCT network that provides free      vendors across campus. Yum!
up your degree programme.                  Wi-Fi on campus.
DP                                         Faculty                                 That’s you! A first-year.
Duly performed — if you get a DP for a     A group of academic departments.
course, you can write the exams.           UCT has six.                            Fresher’s Braai
                                                                                   A first-years-only party on the
                  Duly performed                                                   Green Mile during O-Week.
                  refused. This means
you can’t write exams.


FYE                                       O-Week                                  Student card
The First-Year Experience is there to     The orientation programme that gives    Your multi-purpose UCT ID card.
help you get through year one.            you time to get to know UCT and join    Keep it with you all the time.
                                          clubs and societies.
                                                                                  Student number
GREEN MILE                                Pass mark                               Once you’re registered, you’ll need this
UCT’s main rugby fields.                  Anything above 50%.                     number often. Remember it.

Hot seat                                                                          Sup
A weekly appointment with your tutor                                              Supplementary exam (for when the
to discuss your academic progress.        An online database for your academic    first one didn’t go so well).
                                          record, timetable, course marks and
ICTS                                      personal details.                       Transformation
Information and Communication                                                     The ongoing process of making UCT
Technology Services. They keep you        Pracs                                   inclusive and reflective of South
connected.                                Practicals help you put into practice   African demographics.
                                          what you’ve learned in theory.
The plaza                                                                                     Tutorials. Small group
The open area below Sarah Baartman        RAG                                                 meetings to discuss course
Hall where tons of events take place.     “Remember and Give” — the               material. A must if you want to
                                          fundraising arm of SHAWCO.              get a DP.
Jammie Shuttle
The blue buses that get you around        Res                                     Tutor
campus and town. It’s free for            Residence. The place you stay if        The person, usually a student,
students.                                 you’re living on campus.                who runs tuts.

Jammie steps                              SAX Appeal
The steps below Sarah Baartman Hall.      The RAG magazine sold at traffic
                                          lights to raise money for SHAWCO.       Vacation. Others call it ‘holiday’ or ‘leave’.
Jammie Thursdays
When cool things happen on the plaza                                              Varsity
during meridian on Thursdays.             SHAWCO                                  Where you find yourself right now, and
                                          The Students’ Health and Welfare        UCT’s student newspaper.
Lectures                                  Centres Organisation offers
45-minute lessons with 15 minutes in      community outreach programmes.          Vula
between to get to the next one.                                                   UCT’s official online learning system
                                          SRC                                     where you’ll find everything you need
LinkedIn Learning                         The Students’ Representative Council    to know about your courses, and more.
An online virtual training library that   is the highest decision-making
offers thousands of tutorials.            structure of student governance.        Year mark
                                                                                  Together with your exam results, this
Meridian                                                                          contributes to your final mark.
Lunch break — between 13:00 and
14:00 during the week.

North Stop
One of the main Jammie Shuttle stops
on upper campus. It’s north of the
South Stop.

The Office for Inclusivity & Change
ensures accessibility and inclusivity
for all.

Orientation Leader. The one who will
take you through stuff during O-Week.
Do you
know your
There are six faculties at UCT
– Commerce, Engineering
& the Built Environment,
Health Sciences, Humanities,
Law and Science – which
are supported in their
teaching and learning by the
Centre for Higher Education
Development (CHED).

   Commerce                                   Engineering &
   WHO? With approximately 6 700              the Built Environment
   students, Commerce offers several          WHO? With more than 5 000
   undergraduate specialisations,             students and staff, state-of the-art
   including accounting, actuarial science,   facilities and world-renowned teaching
   computer science, economics, finance,      staff, the faculty is home to architects,
   information systems, law, management       engineers, planners, quantity
   studies, marketing, organisational         surveyors, geomaticians, and property
   psychology, quantitative finance and       and construction managers.
   statistical sciences.                      WHAT?
   WHAT? Seven departments and                66 National Research Foundation-
   12 research groups                         rated staff members; 20 active
   WOW! Officially launched in                research groups covering African
   October 2019, UCT’s School of IT is a      urbanism, fuel cells, minerals,
   collaboration between the Department       biomedical engineering, robotics,
   of Information Systems in the Faculty      alternative energy; and more
   of Commerce and the Department of          WOW! Baleka — Africa’s first
   Computer Science in the Faculty of         two-legged robot developed in
   Science.                                   mechatronics. • Leading the way with
   WHERE? Leslie Commerce Building,           the development of Africa’s first 5G
   School of Economics and Linkoping          testbed. • Bio-bricks made from urine.
   House.                                     • Green solar-powered houses.
   021 650 4375                               WHERE? New Engineering Building,
   com-faculty@uct.ac.za                      Menzies Building and others
                                              021 650 2699


Health Sciences                              Law
WHO? The oldest medical school in            WHO? Made up of more than
Sub-Saharan Africa (established in           1 200 students (45% postgraduates)
1912), the faculty has more than             and 165 staff, the Faculty of Law was
3 000 staff, 2 100 undergraduates and        rated in the Top 100 Law Schools in the
2 600 postgraduates. It’s considered         world by the Quacquarelli Symonds
a centre of excellence in teaching,          World University Rankings 2019.
learning and research for health             WHAT?
professionals and scientists.                • The oldest and smallest Faculty at
WHAT?                                          UCT
• Addressing health challenges facing        • Home to world-class research units
  our society, particularly those              that provide the bridge between
  affecting Africa                             academic endeavour and social
• 13 academic departments with                 application
  106 divisions                              • Two community-serving law clinics,
WOW! The world’s first successful              one focused on refugee rights            Centre for Higher
human heart transplant in 1967. • The        WOW! The faculty has 25 international      Education Development
top-rated health sciences faculty on         agreements that support law students       (CHED)
the continent, and among the top             to pursue international exchanges, a       WHO? CHED is a faculty-like structure
100 globally. • The most National            dedicated Moot Court for practising        headed by an academic dean. It
Research Foundation A-rated                  mooting skills, a new Law and              works across faculties and aims to
researchers at UCT. • On average,            Technology hub focused on legal            continually improve access to and the
researchers in the faculty publish more      tech, a 24/7 library space and many        quality of higher education, promote
than four peer-reviewed articles every       facilities to support an excellent law     excellence through equity, develop
day. • Home to four out of the top 10        student experience.                        the curriculum in partnership with
inventors by patents granted at UCT.         WHERE? Wilfred and Jules Kramer            faculties, enhance the professionalism
WHERE? Health Sciences campus                Law Building                               of teaching staff, help students to
(adjacent to Groote Schuur Hospital)         021 650 3086                               make informed choices, provide
021 406 6328                                 law-studies@uct.ac.za                      opportunities to make the most of
aafhs@uct.ac.za                                                                         their university experience to be
                                                                                        employable, and enable systemic
                                             Science                                    improvement through the research-led
Humanities                                   WHO? The almost 3 000 students and         development of informed policies.
WHO? With over 7 000 students,               staff in the Science Faculty contribute    WHAT?
this faculty comprises 17 academic           to globally relevant research, including   • Academic Development Programme
departments, located in three main           African climate and development,             (ADP)
clusters: the Arts, the Social Sciences,     biodiversity, chemistry and biology        • Centre for Innovation in Learning
and the Performing and Creative Arts.        for health in Africa, marine biology,        and Teaching (CILT)
WHAT? The largest faculty at UCT             southern skies and the evolving            • Careers Service
with 15 research centres and institutes      universe, and human evolution.             • Centre for Educational Testing for
offering 30 academic majors as well          WHAT? 12 departments, including              Access and Placement (CETAP)
as the opportunity to choose from            archaeology, astronomy, biological         • Hasso Plattner School of Design
21 majors offered through other faculties.   sciences, chemistry, computer                Thinking (d-school).
WOW! The faculty is home to over             sciences, environmental and                WOW! CHED is supported by rigorous
80 National Research Foundation-             geographical sciences, geological          research in key areas, including
rated researchers and four SARhI             sciences, mathematics and applied          higher education, academic literacy,
Chairs. Many internationally renowned        mathematics, molecular and cell            curriculum development, work
artists and scholars, such as Pretty         biology, oceanography, physics and         readiness initiatives, educational
Yende, Akin Omotoso and JM Coetzee,          statistical sciences.                      technology, online and blended
graduated from the faculty.                  WOW! Two alumni have won Nobel             learning, assessment and diagnostic
WHERE? Upper Campus, Lower                   Prizes, the faculty has 27 international   testing, numeracy, the first-year
Campus, Hiddingh Campus                      leaders in their field and our lecturers   experience and multilingualism.
021 650 2717                                 regularly win the Distinguished            • The Distinguished Teacher Award
hum-ugrad@uct.ac.za                          Teacher Award. • Over a third of the       has been awarded to several CHED
                                             university’s annual PhD graduates hail     staff over the years, including Assoc
                                             from the Faculty of Science.               Prof Janice McMillan (2016), Tim Low
                                             WHERE? Several buildings on upper          (2011) and Carla Fourie (2009).
                                             campus, including PD Hahn and RW           WHERE? Huri oaxa (Hoerikwaggo)
                                             James                                      building
                                             021 650 2712                               021 650 2645
                                             sci-science@uct.ac.za                      ched@uct.ac.za

     need to
 know about
 UCT Libraries
 Occupying 17 000 m2 with 53 km of
 shelf space, UCT Libraries is one of the
 largest in the southern hemisphere.
 This is what you need to know.

UCT Libraries
UCT Libraries is the collective name for the
university’s main library and it’s seven branch
libraries. The main library, officially the Chancellor
Oppenheimer Library, can be found on upper

2                                       3
                                                                                                            UCT LIBRARIES

Services                                            Spaces
Structured in alignment with the                    There are many spaces in the libraries for

six UCT faculties, UCT Libraries                    students to meet, study and collaborate, including
offer customised services for                       the dedicated undergraduate Vincent Kolbe
undergraduates, postgraduates,                      Knowledge Commons, group study rooms
academics and staff.                                and 24/7 study areas – such as the Hlanganani

                                                                              UCT Libraries has 1.2 million+ physical

                                                                              volumes, 72 000+ e-journal titles, 28 500+
                                                                              print journal titles, 1 600 manuscript
                                                                              collections and 190 high-quality electronic

                                                UCT Libraries is a highly
                                                connected environment with
                                                around 450 PCs and Wi-Fi for

                                                your devices. You can register
                                                for on- and off-site access to all
                                                library resources.


                                                             Accessible from your phone, tablet, laptop or computer, the
                                                             UCT Libraries website (www.lib.uct.ac.za) is a portal to a
                                                             world of information and resources. Primo, the UCT Libraries’
                                                             search tool, allows you to easily find what you need, and you
                                                             can sign in for more functionality like reserving a book, saving
                “I wish somebody                             records and exporting citations.
                 had told me that
                the librarians are
                there for a reason
                   and they are a
                 useful resource.                             Borrowing and returns
                If I could go back                            Your student card is your library card, which allows you
                  to my first year,                           to borrow six items at a time for seven days. Staff at the
                                                              loans desk will issue books to you or you can use the self-
                 I’d definitely use

                                                              checkout machine (only in the main library). After-hours
                    them more.”                               hatches at the libraries mean you can return books even
                   — NOLUYOLO                                 when they’re closed.

                              Your learning partner
                              UCT Libraries staff are available to assist with all
                              your information and research needs. They also
                              provide orientation tours, library literacy and
                              customised research database workshops.

Your study
    With so much to read and remember,
    it’s natural to feel overwhelmed in the
    run-up to exams. Try absorbing these
    top studying tips from students who’ve
    been there, done that. They work!

Replicate the setting                                   Get the right nutrients
“Study at the same time of the day you’re               “So often people eat just a fruit ... or some
writing your exam. Apply the same amount                other carbohydrate by itself. But this can
of time pressure. Mark it strictly!”                    cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which
— Nicholas Petersen, actuarial science                  then ends up with the drop coming on the
honours                                                 other side of that. So pair an apple with
                                                        some nuts or peanut butter, for instance,
Environment is key                                      to ensure optimal studying energy levels.”
“I would suggest studying                               — Nicole Haird, dietetics honours
in the library and studying
at the lower section of                                 Snack and relax
the library, the quiet                                  “Snacks are so important. One of us is always
section.”                                               eating something or drinking something
— Lufuno Neluheni                                       while we are studying. But another essential
                                                        is finding a study buddy. We usually study
Find your study time                                    together, diving into the books for a few
“I find it better to study at night because that        hours and then stepping away to relax,
is when it is quiet and there’s no one                  talk and joke.”
to disturb me.”                                         — Lucia Anthony and Casey Fredericks
— Sibusiso Magagula, first-year accounting


                                               An Extended Degree Programme
                                               (EDP) gives you the option of taking
                                               more time and being offered support
                                               to help you complete your degree.
                                               To find out more, contact your faculty’s
  “I wish I’d known that the
  more questions I ask, the                    Education Development Unit.
 more it improves my own and
     my peers’ learning.”                      About EDP
                — PAVO                         It offers extra academic and social support to help you make the
                                               school-to-university transition and adjust to university life. The EDP
                                               also helps you to plan your curriculum over a longer period.

                                               The benefits
                                               You’re able to complete your degree with stronger transcripts and it
                                               improves your chances of getting into postgraduate studies.

                                               How it supports you
                                               Mentoring, more time in class and loads of interaction outside the
                                               classroom. The classes are smaller too!
Get enough sleep                               The effect on your curriculum and degree
“When I am not sleeping enough, it’s easier    Depending on the faculty, the alternative curriculum usually takes
for me to get overwhelmed. You need to         between six months and a year longer than the standard route. The
sleep to consolidate information and once      degree earned remains the same.
you learn that, you’re like, ‘I am not going
to compromise on my sleep.’ ”                  Is it right for you?
— Hannah Mather, third-year politics,          First-year students may be selected, advised or may choose to follow
philosophy and English literature              an EDP depending on the faculty. The admissions criteria vary. When
                                               students can enter the EDP also differs from faculty to faculty.

Music matters                                  For more info
“Music definitely helps me. It takes me        For more information, contact your faculty’s Education Development
out of a headspace where I am stressing.       Unit (see pages 14 to 15). You can also speak to someone at the First-
It takes me to a place where I can enjoy       Year Experience (see page 22).
myself and feel myself and know that
I’ve got this.”
— Zoe Robertson, third-year
anthropology, English and linguistics

“Meditation is important, and this might
sound clichéd, but prayer as well. It
keeps you focused and stops you from
— Femina Bompaka, first-year film
and media studies

Your time at university can be the best years of your life, but you’re
bound to feel overwhelmed every now and then. So we’ve put together
a few tips from the Student Wellness Service (SWS) to help you make
the most of your first year at UCT.

1Time management
    At university, you’ll rarely have someone
motivating you to attend classes or reminding
                                                    3   Exercise
                                                         Exercise is a non-negotiable part
                                                    of looking after yourself — mentally and
you to do homework. For many first-years,           physically. Whether you join a sports
this is the first time you’ll be creating your      team, sign up to the UCT Gym or take
own schedule — but help is at hand! The peer        laps around the rugby field, exercise is
counsellors at the SWS are there to assist with     a must for holistic well-being.
scheduling, study skills, mentoring and coping
with exam stress.

     It can be daunting figuring
out how to manage your own
                                                      “I wish I had known to trust more in
                                                        my abilities and worked to thrive,
                                                                 not just survive!
finances. Again, the SWS and its
undergraduate support group are                       — #phansiimpostersyndromephansi”
on hand to help you figure it all out.

                                               “I wish I reached

                                                out for help and            Manage negative
       NUTRITION                                   information              thoughts
       You need the right nutrition to         when I needed it.       This is often easier said than done, but don’t
  take care of your body, reduce stress,        I’ve always been       allow negative thoughts to snowball into
  help you focus, maintain your energy                                 something uncontrollable. Attend one of the
                                               independent and
  levels and keep your memory in tip-                                  SWS mental health workshops for managing
  top condition. Make the effort to eat
                                              that was a barrier       anxiety and stresses.
  healthily — and don’t forget to drink       to getting the help

                                                                       8Wellness toolkit
  water and keep hydrated!                       I needed at the
                                                  — SINAZO                  Take some time to create your very own

                                                                       wellness toolkit. Write a list of between five and
                                                                       10 things that make you happy. Make sure that
      A healthy adult should get around                                you do at least one of these activities every week.

  eight hours of good sleep a night to
  allow the body to rejuvenate and to
  keep stress levels in check. Improve your     WHERE                      Sexual/reproductive
  sleep by investing in ear plugs and a         TO FIND                    health
  sleeping mask and avoiding energising         THE SWS                Whatever your choice is, make sure it’s safe.
  drinks in the evening.                        SWS offices are        You can find out more about protection,
                                                available on all of    prevention and contraception from the SWS.

  6Drink responsibly
                                                UCT’s campuses,

                                                                      10Health professionals
                                                but the main clinic
       When it comes to drinking, many          is located in the
  people don’t know when enough is              Ivan Toms building            When in doubt, see a health professional.
  enough. If you’re struggling with alcohol     on lower campus        If you need help with accessing SWS services,
  (or any other substance) use, the SWS         (08:30–16:30           contact an SWS Mental Health Peer Educator
  has trained clinicians, peer counsellors      Monday to Friday),     or book online to see a peer counsellor.
  and support forums to help. And they’ll       with the most
  give you all the information you need to      popular office on
  live a healthy, responsible life.             upper campus          And please remember that you don’t have to do
                                                being in the UCC      any of this alone! There are many SWS support
                                                Steve Biko Building   groups available to help you on your way:
                                                (temporarily          • Substance/Chillers forum
                                                closed for            • Undergraduate support
The contact details                             renovations).         • Psychotherapy support
                                                                      • Khulumani Madoda forum (Men Let’s Talk)
Student Wellness Service                                              • Relationships support
• Medical consultations 021 650 1020
• Counselling 021 650 1017 (clinics and
  counselling service points)
• Online bookings www.dsa.uct.ac.za/
• UCT app www.icts.uct.ac.za/uctmobile
• Email sws@uct.ac.za

SADAG UCT Student Careline 0800 24 25 26
(free from a Telkom line) or SMS 31393 for
a callback

Crisis Intervention Service (Psychiatric
Night Nurse) 021 650 2222/3

Sexual Assault Hotline 072 393 7824

Disability Service 021 650 2427

ER 24 ambulance 021 650 2222/3

Supporting you
                            Are you struggling to cope with your academic programme
                              because you’re just not adjusting to university life? Or do
                            you have questions on resolving a dispute with one of your
                                peers? Here’s a list of student support services to make
                                                         your UCT experience stress free.

Academic concerns?                       Support for students                         Dr on call
Talk to someone at your faculty          with disabilities                            Make an appointment to see a doctor
office about the Extended Degree         UCT’s Disability Service is dedicated        or nurse at the Student Wellness
Programme (EDP) (see page 19),           to helping students and staff achieve        Service. Medication is available at
a more flexible degree programme         their full potential. The service includes   cost price; the service offers support
that allows you to take a bit more       improved access to facilities, extra         for chronic conditions like asthma,
time to complete your degree.            time for tests and exams, accessible         diabetes and tuberculosis; and they
                                         transport and providing South African        help with minor surgical procedures.
                                         Sign Language interpreters.
Struggling to adjust?                    UCT Disability Service                       If you’re on upper campus, there’s
It takes time for student to settle in   Level 4, John Day Building, upper            a clinic on level six of the Steve Biko
at university. At UCT, the First-Year    campus (access via lift or stairs)           Students’ Union building — you can
Experience offers a welcome and          021 650 2427                                 see a nurse on a walk-in basis for
supportive environment for freshers.       cedric.williams@uct.ac.za                  minor ailments between 08:30
The aim — promoting a holistic           www.staff.uct.ac.za/staff/support/           and 16:30.
approach to student development          disability-service                           Student Wellness Service
that responds to your academic,                                                       Ivan Toms Building, 28 Rhodes Ave,
social and material needs.                                                            Mowbray
The First-Year Experience                Anti-discrimination                          021 650 1020
Hoerikwaggo Building, upper campus       If you’re experiencing harassment or            sws@uct.ac.za
021 650 4072                             discrimination, you’re not alone. The        www.dsa.uct.ac.za/student-
   danny.fontaine@uct.ac.za              Office for Inclusivity & Change (OIC)        wellness/health-services/overview
www.ched.uct.ac.za/first-year-           offers a range of support services
experience-project                       to ensure that the university is
                                         accessible and inclusive to all.             Brush up on your
                                         Office for Inclusivity & Change              writing skills
Need career advice?                      The Cottage, Lovers’ Walk,                   Consultants at the UCT Writing
UCT’s Careers Service helps prepare      lower campus                                 Centre can help you improve the
you for a smooth transition to the       021 650 3530                                 quality of your academic writing.
world of work — it’s never too early     www.students.uct.ac.za/students/             They assist with referencing, help to
to start planning.                       discrimination-harassment                    guide your thinking and make sure
UCT Careers Service                                                                   that you present your academic
Level 1, Hoerikwaggo Building,                                                        argument effectively.
upper campus                             Resolving a dispute                          Writing Centre
021 650 2497                             The Office of the Ombud provides an          Level 6, Steve Biko Students’ Union
  careers.service@uct.ac.za              informal dispute resolution service to       building, upper campus
www.careers.uct.ac.za                    the university community. Operating          021 650 5021
                                         outside the usual university academic          writingcentre@uct.ac.za
                                         and administrative structures, it’s a        www.writingcentre.uct.ac.za
                                         neutral, independent, informal and
                                         confidential resource to facilitate fair
                                         and equitable resolutions.
                                         Office of the Ombud
                                         Lovers’ Walk Extension, lower campus
                                         021 650 3665                                         “I wish I knew about
                                           ombud@uct.ac.za                                [UCT] Careers Service earlier
                                         www.ombud.uct.ac.za                              on in my studies, so I’d know
                                                                                            if my field was lucrative
                                                                                               and in which ways.”
                                                                                                     — NOLUYOLO


Need funding?                            Need mental health support?            Sexual health assistance
The Student Financial Aid Office         The Student Wellness Service           HIV testing and counselling,
aims to help as many academically        provides mental health support and     medication for sexually transmitted
eligible and financially disadvantaged   can make referrals for specialised     infections, and basic contraceptives
students as possible.                    support and care. They also offer      are provided free of charge by the
Student Financial Aid Office             support for relationship issues.       Student Wellness Service.
Level 3, Kramer Law Building,            The South African Depression           Student Wellness Service
middle campus                            and Anxiety Group (SADAG) UCT          Ivan Toms Building, 28 Rhodes Ave,
021 650 3545                             Student Careline is your 24/7 source   Mowbray
  financialaid@uct.ac.za                 of help.                               021 650 1017/20
www.dsa.uct.ac.za/student-funding-       Student Wellness Service               www.dsa.uct.ac.za/student-
administration/financial-assistance/     Ivan Toms Building, 28 Rhodes Ave,     wellness/health-services/overview
financial-aid                            Mowbray
                                         021 650 1017
                                           sws@uct.ac.za                        Can’t find the answers
Questions on                             www.dsa.uct.ac.za/student-             you’re looking for?
accommodation?                           wellness/counseling-services/          The Student Orientation and
The Department of Student Affairs        overview                               Advocacy Service offers general
will answer all your questions about                                            information on all aspects of campus
residences and other student             SADAG UCT Student Careline             life, including advice and referrals to
housing options.                         0800 24 25 26 (free from a             other UCT services.
Department of Student Affairs            landline)                              Student Orientation and Advocacy
Masingene Building, middle campus        SMS 31393 (for a call-back)            Service
021 650 2977                                                                    Room 201, Level 2, Computer
  res@uct.ac.za                                                                 Science Building (Cissie Gool
www.dsa.uct.ac.za/how-residences-        Concerned about your                   Plaza), upper campus
are-organised                            safety?                                021 650 5082
                                         Campus Protection Services (CPS)          uctorientation@uct.ac.za
                                         is responsible for campus safety
Scouting for an internship or            and security 24/7, working from        Ask for help at the Department of
a part-time job?                         six service centres. They’ll respond   Student Affairs, which oversees
Careers Service can help you write       to any criminal activity or safety     all student services and activities,
a CV and cover letter for job and        concerns reported.                     including student orientation,
internship opportunities. It also        CPS 24-hour hotline: 080 650 2222      sport and recreation, student
offers advice about working locally      (toll-free) or 021 650 2222/3          accommodation, financial aid, and
and overseas and can even help you                                              the Student Wellness Service.
access part-time work and internships.
Careers Service                          Need sexual assault support?           Department of Student Affairs
Level 1, Hoerikwaggo Building,           Survivor Support in the Office         Masingene Building, middle campus
upper campus                             for Inclusivity & Change (OIC)         021 650 2128
021 650 2497                             provides advice and assistance in       nadierah.pienaar@uct.ac.za
  careers.service@uct.ac.za              case of sexual assault and rape.       www.dsa.uct.ac.za/about-dsa
www.careers.uct.ac.za                    The OIC works to ensure that all
                                         survivors of sexual violence receive
                                         compassionate care.
                                         Survivor Support (OIC)
                                         021 650 3530
                                         072 393 7824 (24-hour hotline)
                                         Rape Crisis
                                         021 447 9762

  Sexual and
  en d e r
 gviolence - b a s e d
         Sexual and gender-based violence
           (SGBV) affects all corners of our
            society, including our university.
        Our commitment to responding to
         SGBV starts with a zero-tolerance
             approach to all forms of sexual
        violence and/or sexual harassment.

       As a new member of the UCT community, you            021 650 3530 (office hours)
       are expected to be familiar with the Sexual          072 393 7824 (24/7 hotline).
       Harassment and Sexual Offences policy                The OIC offers survivors immediate
       (www.oic.uct.ac.za/reports-and-policies).            comprehensive care and support. They will
       If you would like someone to go through              assist with lodging complaints and with laying
       the policy with you, please attend training          a charge with the South African Police Service.
       in residence or on campus or book an
       appointment via director.oic@uct.ac.za.              The OIC has created an online portal
       Survivors of sexual violence and sexual              ReportingPage/ or via the UCT App:
       harassment are supported by UCT and                  www.icts.uct.ac.za/uctmobile) where
       are encouraged to report incidents so that           survivors and/or those close to them can
       assistance can be provided. If you or any UCT        report incidents of sexual assault or gender-
       student you know has experienced sexual              based violence. If you need assistance
       assault or gender-based violence, please             with reporting an incident using the online
       contact the Office for Inclusivity & Change          reporting tool, please contact the OIC on
       (OIC) for assistance:                                021 650 2767.


                                                  Stay safe
                                                  Here at UCT, we take the safety and security of
                                                  students and staff very seriously. Check out the info
                                                  below on staying safe both on and off campus.

                                                  Who is responsible for safety at UCT?
                                                  Campus Protection Services (CPS) is in charge of the safety and security
                                                  at UCT. Save the CPS 24-hour toll free number — 080 650 2222 — on
                                                  your phone now!

                                                  What do I do if I am criminally threatened?
                                                  If an armed person (or someone who claims to be armed) confronts you,
                                                  give up your property immediately, get out of danger and contact CPS.

                            “I wish I had         What safety precautions should I take on campus?
                           known that free         Use the Blue Walk Route — it has emergency phones and is monitored
                                                   by camera.
                            HIV testing is
                                                   Always keep your valuables out of sight, and never carry large sums
                           available across        of cash.
                           campus, like at         Lock doors and windows, even when leaving your room for a short time.
                          the Sports Centre        Save emergency numbers on your phone, and print a copy for
                           and the Student         your desk.
                                                   Get to know your neighbours and keep an eye out for one another.
                          Wellness Centre.”
                                                   Use the Jammie Shuttles — they operate 24/7 during term time.
                                — NIGEL

                                                  What’s the best way to protect my property?
                                                   Keep doors locked and windows closed when you’re not in.
                                                   Don’t leave backpacks or bags unsupervised.
                                                   Keep a record of serial numbers and a description of your valuables.
                                                   Never leave items in view inside a parked car.
                                                   Invest in a steering or gear lock for your car, and a bike lock for your

If you or any student needs immediate medical
assistance or advice following a rape and/or      How do I stay safe using
sexual assault, call, SMS or send a missed call   Ubers and taxis?
to the 24/7 standby number: 072 393 7824.          Request your ride inside a building.
                                                   Share rides whenever possible and
For telephonic counselling, please call            tell a friend where you are going.
Rape Crisis: 021 447 9762 or the SADAG             Don’t get into an empty taxi, and
UCT Student Careline: 0800 24 25 26                don’t sit in the back seat.
(or SMS 31393 for a callback).                     Only take taxis that are clearly
                                                   identified with official markings.
You can also receive individual support and        If a taxi goes off route, demand
referral information by visiting the OIC office    that the driver stop to let you out.
at the Ivan Toms Building on lower campus          Don’t display jewellery, cameras,
(28 Rhodes Avenue, Mowbray).                       cellphones and other valuables.
                                                   Keep your handbag shut and close to
More information is available on the               you, and keep your wallet out of sight.
OIC’s Survivor Support web page:


     gets the green                                             Sustainability is top of mind
                                                                for UCT. Find out how you can
                                                                make a difference to fulfilling
                                                                our commitment to becoming
                                                                a green campus.

                                                                  Green Campus Initiative (GCI)
                                                                  This student-led body is open to staff too and
                                                                  now boasts over 2 200 members. Its ultimate goal
                                                                  — building an environmentally friendly campus
                                                                  community. The GCI drives several initiatives on
                                                                  campus, including recycling, Ridelink carpooling
                                                                  and reducing carbon emissions.

                                                                  Slow the flow
     Recycling in colours                                         Water resources are under severe threat
     The colour-coded bin system has been in-place at UCT         globally and UCT’s mission is to reduce its water
     residences and on campus for about a decade and              consumption. You can help us achieve our goal by
     helps to keep accommodation and campus clean. The            reducing the amount of water you use on campus,
     two most important colours are:                              whether that means a two-minute shower or
     Green – recyclables: glass, paper, plastic, cardboard        reporting leaks to UCT’s Properties and Services
     and tin                                                      team (http://forms.uct.ac.za/#bas11).
     Yellow – non-recyclables: dirty food containers,
     cigarette butts, polystyrene, etc
                                                                  Food security
     Other colours that are used in operations/                   To address the issue of student hunger, the UCT
     administration are:                                          Food Security Programme provides lunch vouchers
     Blue – left-over food from the kitchens that is recycled     redeemable at UCT Food & Connect stores to
     into agri-protein                                            students in need from Monday to Friday during
     White – office paper                                         term and exam periods. Please contact
                                                                  edwina.brooks@uct.ac.za for more information.
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