Page created by Yvonne Warren

                        CHINA - SPECIAL EDITION

Doing business with China’s
largest trading partner

Chinese companies
choose Luxembourg
as their business hub
in Europe
Your questions
answered by our

                                     Finding your way
                                       around Europe
                                 Protecting your cargo
                                supply chain in Europe
                              Maintaining the integrity
                               of life science products

Opening up a €1 billion a day market
to Chinese businesses
Wallenborn Group has grown                     provide best practice in terms of dealing      staff ensure our Chinese customers are
substantially in the last 2-3 years and this   with different customs regulations and         able to develop their European networks
is partly due to our strong focus on the       understanding the most efficient way to        smoothly and effectively.
China market and our unique ability in         do business. This is what Wallenborn Group
                                                                                              The advantages of Luxembourg
helping Chinese customers to grow their        offers.
businesses in Europe quickly, securely,                                                       Exhibiting in Shanghai at Air Cargo China/
                                               Chinese team in Europe
profitably and in compliance with the                                                         Transport Logistics China provides us with
different regulatory requirements of EC        For example, our commitment to quality,        the perfect opportunity to meet with our
countries.                                     high service levels and advanced security      Chinese customers, partners and friends, to
                                               services ensures that highly valuable and      offer information and advice on growing
The European Union and China are two of
                                               vulnerable shipments from China can be         business in Europe, and to present our
the biggest traders in the world. China is
                                               transported from major gateways in Europe      latest product benefits. We are proud to be
now the EU’s 2nd trading partner behind
                                               to all corners of the continent safely and     exhibiting alongside Henan Civil Aviation
the United States and the EU is China’s
biggest trading partner. At Wallenborn,
we are using our transport and logistics
expertise, network of locations, and market    ‘Europe offers vast new business potential for Chinese
and regulatory knowledge to help Chinese       companies but it is a market in which international customers
companies to enter the European market         grow faster if they are supported by local expertise.’
Potential for growth
                                               cost efficiently. In anticipation of further   & Investment Co. (HNCA) and Zhengzhou
We have invested in technology, the
                                               Chinese involvement in the life sciences       Airport (CGO) and Zhengzhou Airport
development of new services for high value
                                               supply chain, we have also introduced          Economic Zone (ZAEZ), and with our
cargo, life science products and air cargo
                                               certified services to transport temperature    friends from Cargolux, Luxair Cargo and
to ensure we offer a range of solutions to
                                               sensitive drugs, medicines and vaccines in     Luxembourg Airport. We look forward to
customers that not only meet their current
                                               optimum conditions and under complete          meeting with current and new customers
requirements but also provide the potential
                                               control.                                       to promote the advantages of Luxembourg
for growth. In the last year we have
                                                                                              as a business bridge between China and
extended our office locations in Europe to     Our focus on helping Chinese businesses
                                                                                              the Single European Market.
include Barcelona (BCN) and Milan (MXP)        to grow in Europe includes the flexibility
and we have extended our coverage with         to adapt our products and services to
new Wallenborn offices in the United Arab      the requirements specific to the Chinese
Emirates. In this same period, we have         market. We employ a team of Chinese staff
added a further 80 new Scania Euro 6 trucks    at the major gateways from China to Europe
to our transport fleet to support our annual   (AMS, FRA, LUX) who are accessible to all
growth of over 40%.                            of our customers in China to offer advice
Europe offers vast new business potential      on the best routes and schedules, tracking
for Chinese companies but it is a market in    shipments, provide updates, as well as                                 FRANTZ
which international customers grow faster      liaison with customers and consignees in                               WALLENBORN
if they are supported by local expertise to    Europe. Every day, Wallenborn’s Chinese                                Group President
Wallenborn                               Luxembourg

facts & figures

trailers in the fleet
Including 80 reefer / 25 aero
 engine trailers / 450 mega

 10 12
 countries         offices


 €10 million
fleet investment figure 2014

shipments in 2013
                                         Chinese companies choose
                                         Luxembourg as their preferred
                                         ‘business hub’ in Europe
Over 2 million
 tonnes carried in 2013                  Over 60% of overseas                            Its specific goals include:
                                         direct investment

                                                                                         • T o organise, promote and support
                                         from China to Europe                               China-Luxembourg-related trade
                                                                                            initiatives to capture long-term
                                         is channelled through                              opportunities with a focus on areas
                                         Luxembourg.                                        of mutual interest to accelerate
                                                                                            these opportunities;
 airport destinations                    By 2020, China is expected to have taken
                                                                                         • T o build a knowledge base for
   served in Europe                      over from the U.S. as the world’s top
                                                                                            members containing useful
                                         economy, and Chinese companies are
                                                                                            information in respect of economic
                                         increasingly looking towards Luxembourg
                                                                                            missions and contact persons

                                         as their preferred business hub in Europe.
                                                                                         • T o provide members with assistance
                                         Helping Chinese businesses to appreciate           in contacting official bodies in
 in 35 countries in Europe               the advantages of Luxembourg is ChinaLux           Luxembourg, China and other
    and the Middle East                  – the China-Luxembourg Chamber                     countries, as well as international
                                         of Commerce, which was founded in                  or national organisations in respect
                                         2013 with the Chinese Ambassador to                of Chinese inbound and outbound
                                         Luxembourg as its Honorary President.              activities.
                                         The overall goal of ChinaLux is to create and   For more information go to:
                                         maintain a platform that promotes bilateral
                                         trade between Luxembourg and China.

  Doing business in Europe
                                                                                                 Built Up Pallets (BUP) and Direct Delivery
                                                                                                 Services (DDS). Having efficient road
                                                                                                 transport operations also means we can
                                                                                                 offer tailor-made services to our customers.”
                                                                                                 Europe and the U.S. are China Southern
                                                                                                  Cargo’s most important international
                                                                                                   markets and are both served with
                                                                                                    maindeck cargo capacity. The balanced
                                                                                                     international trade flow between
                                                                                                      China-Europe-China makes the EU a
                                                                                                        particularly attractive cargo market.
                                                                                                         Today, the airline’s gateways in
                                                                                                          Europe are Amsterdam, Frankfurt,
                                                                                                           London, Paris and Vienna, and
                                                                                                             its continued network growth
                                                                                                               is based on the high level of
                                                                                                                 customer trust it has gained
                                                                                                                  in the European market.
                                                                                                                    Air China Cargo is also a
                                                                                                                    major user of Wallenborn’s
                                                                                                                    Road Feeder Services in
                                                                                                                   Europe to connect with
                                                                                                                 its freighter and passenger
                                                                                                             flights serving 10 cities on the
                                                                                                 continent. Europe generates some 52% of
                                                                                                 the airline’s total tonnage and as Mr Ray
                                                                                                 Lo, the airline’s Vice President – Service &
                                                                                                 Operations, says “Our European trucking
                                                                                                 network is definitely very important
                                                                                                 to us, especially the inbound trucks.
China Southern Airlines landed in Europe in 1996 with its first                                  Customers like to have choices to suit their
passenger flight to Amsterdam and one of its first decisions
was to partner with Wallenborn to maximise its cargo revenue
opportunities by offering customers a fast and reliable transport                                Mr. Zhang Dezhi, Vice President of
network covering the European market.                                                            China Southern Cargo, said: ‘The
                                                                                                 most important requirements for
                Mr. Zhang Dezhi, Vice             customers are to have efficient, secure        China-based customers are to have
                President of China Southern       and cost effective Road Feeder Services        efficient, secure and cost effective
                Cargo, says choosing the          (RFS). These have played a vital role in our
                                                                                                 Road Feeder Services (RFS).
                right partners to work with in    development in the European market
                Europe is essential if airlines   because we rely on each other to deliver.      These have played a vital role in
are to realise the full potential of the market   Without RFS, we could neither reach            our development in the European
and its 500 million consumers. “The most          multiple destinations throughout Europe        market.’
important requirements for China-based            nor provide value-added services such as

                                                                                                 own requirements, for instance standby
                                                                                                 cargo with a cheaper rate for less urgent
                                                                                                 shipments or the ability to arrange a direct
                                                                                                 delivery service or an exclusive truck for
                                                                                                 urgent cargoes.”
                                                                                                 Both airlines recognise the challenges that
                                                                                                 can arise from doing business in Europe.
                                                                                                 “We have to be fully aware of the language
                                                                                                 problem and communication gap between
                                                                                                 Chinese customers and their counterparts
China Southern Airlines
                                                                                                 in Europe. Therefore, they rely strongly on
                                                                                                 airlines to take good care of their cargo
with organised crime gangs targeting high
                                                                                                value products being moved by road across
Air China Cargo
                                                                                                Europe. As a long-term member of the
                                                                                                Transported Asset Protection Association
                                                                                                (TAPA) in the Europe, Middle East and Africa
                                                                                                region, Wallenborn’s own high security
                                                                                                services are underpinned by the supply
                                                                                                chain’s most respected security standards.
                                                                                                He also highlights the importance of
                                                                                                operational and communication alignment
                                                                                                between ground handling agents and RFS
                                                                                                operators to facilitate the most efficient
                                                                                                air-truck transfers and to deal with any
                                                                                                irregularities that occur in the shipping
Jason Breakwell, Manager, Key Accounts & Development at Wallenborn,                             process.
added: ‘We have to be fully aware of the language problem and communication                     “Being one of the major RFS players in the
gap between Chinese customers and their counterparts in Europe.’                                European market, Wallenborn is a reputable
                                                                                                trucking company that has the experience,
                                                                                                expertise and strength to support China
             whatever the shipment status       policy, more efficient transfer speed, safer    Southern as the airline grows stronger,”
             is and to address any customs      cargo transportation and a more timely and      Zhang Dezhi said confidently.
             problems. This is especially       more transparent cargo-tracking service.”
                                                                                                Bian Zuhua of Yangtze River Airlines agrees.
             true for small and medium-
                                                China Southern Cargo’s Mr Zhang Dezhi,          He said: “Nowadays, customers not only
             sized forwarders in China
                                                Vice President Cargo adds:“With the             want a broader range of airline coverage
when they are sending cargo to Europe,”
                                                growing buying power of the global              but also more timely transshipment,
Ray Lo says.
                                                forwarders, customers are becoming more         higher transportation safety, more
Air China Cargo, he adds, is working hard       and more demanding. They require large          personalised products and services, and
to help customers in China understand the       network coverage, tailor-made service, time
potential of the market in Europe and the       definite delivery, cost effective pricing and
choices available to them.                      transparent information. China Southern         ‘Europe has become the most
               Mr Bian Zuhua, CEO of            Cargo is trying our best to be                  stable market.’
               Yangtze River Airlines,          on track with these customer dynamics to
               says Europe has been             reach their expectations.”
                                                                                                higher quality cargo-tracking services.
               an important market for          He says airlines also need a resilient Road     Road feeder Services in Europe play a
               the airline ever since it        Feeder Services and transport partner in        significant role within the range of airline
commenced operations in 2002, alongside         Europe given the high rates of cargo crime,     coverage, diversified service of DDX/BUP
China’s domestic market and intra-Asia                                                          and more transparent cargo-tracking
and transpacific routes. “Europe has                                                            service. We appointed Wallenborn as one
become the most stable market and has                                                           of our important strategic partners in
the highest transportation capacity in          Yangtze River Airlines                          Europe when we started our PVG-AMS
inter-state transportation, which occupies                                                      route in 2013. As one of the well-known
an important position in the company’s                                                          RFS companies in Europe, Wallenborn has
strategic development. Nowadays, on the                                                         shown its powerful transfer ability and
basis of our services to AMS, HHN and LUX,                                                      trusted service quality to us, which makes
Yangtze River Express can cover Europe,                                                         us believe that we can satisfy our customers
supported by qualified truck companies as                                                       better with the help of Wallenborn. We
well as a variety of charter flights. Yangtze                                                   hope we can both further develop our
River Express has the ability to satisfy the                                                    market competitiveness and make more
main needs of customers: large airline                                                          strategic progress through our
network coverage, more segmented pricing                                                        cooperation.”

      1                                            €1bn                                         €148bn
                     China is
                     number one
                     supplier of                    China and the EU are trading                     EU exports to
                     goods                           more than €1 billion a day                      China in 2013

    €280bn Imported goods from China to Europe in 2013


                            Members of Wallenborn
                         Group’s management team
                          answer some of the most-
                   frequently-asked questions about
                           doing business in Europe
Which are the most                            on the map in this magazine. There are
                                              no customs borders between these 28
                                                                                             mountain range is a physical barrier
                                                                                             that adds time to journeys from and to
popular destinations                          countries so once shipments have been          central and northern Europe. Fortunately,
for Chinese cargo?                            registered at the airport of arrival and
                                              Wallenborn has checked air waybills and
                                                                                             Wallenborn has good distribution
                                                                                             networks linking BCN and MXP with the
                    Jason Breakwell,          commercial invoices, it issues a truck         other airports in Spain and Italy.
                    Manager, Key              manifest and customs document that will
                                                                                             Mustapha Hamlat, Branch Manager,
                    Accounts &                ensure a smooth transfer to destination
                                                                                             France: One other consideration is that
                    Development: It           either at another airport or by DDS
                                                                                             cargo facilities and many secondary
                    depends on the            directly to consignees in all 28 countries.
                                                                                             airports are closed at weekends so if your
                    commodities, for          Wallenborn also takes care of simplified
                                                                                             shipments arrive in Europe on Thursday,
                    example electronics       procedures to non-EU countries such as
                                                                                             Friday or Saturday, the earliest we may be
tend to go to EDCs and RDCs in Germany,       Norway and Switzerland.
                                                                                             able to deliver is on a Monday morning.
the Netherlands and the U.K.; apparels
distribution is clustered in north western    Can you tell me more                           Sometimes customers ask us to arrange
                                                                                             special weekend DDS to ensure their
Germany and southern Denmark,
northern France, northern Italy and
                                              about DDS?                                     customer orders are fulfilled.

northern Spain. Of course, we can ensure      Robin de Block, Branch Manager, The                               Andrew Brown, U.K.
customers are able to offer deliveries for    Netherlands: Wallenborn offers Direct                             Branch Manager:
any cargoes to any point in Europe.           Delivery Service from all European                                Europe is not
                                              gateway airports to any end user such as                          one Continental
Which are the best                            a distributor, fulfillment centre or factory                      landmass. There are
                                                                                                                large populations
air gateways to the                           in Europe that is able to receive air cargo
                                              under customs bonded conditions. We                               especially in Finland,
primary distribution                          have DDS agreements in place with our          Norway, Sweden and the U.K that are
                                                                                             separated by sea from mainland Europe.
centres of Europe?                            airline customers to ensure rates can
                                              be simply calculated and we organise           Fortunately, we have a very good
Jason Breakwell, Manager, Key                 delivery slots with the consignees to          choice of bridges, ferries and tunnels
Accounts & Development: AMS is                minimise transfer times. DDS is not only       that minimise travel delays and our
the best gateway for northern Europe          quicker, it cuts costs as it avoids handling   teams know exactly which choices to
especially the Netherlands, Scandinavia       at destination airports and less handling      make. Please remember when shipping
and the U.K. as it has multiple RFS           means less chance of damage. European          to or via these countries that another
connections to these regions and is           customers really value the convenience         mode such as ship or train may be
served by a good choice of flights            of DDS and we have seen a threefold            used so we need some extra time to
from China. CPH is a good option for          increase in demand for this service since      check dangerous goods certificates.
Scandinavia and northern Germany.             2012. Whenever possible, we transfer           Incidentally, Wallenborn accepts all types
FRA and LUX are both centrally located        DDS shipments on BUPs ((Built Up               of hazardous materials except classes 1
and within 12 driving hours driving           Pallets) to further reduce transfer times.     (explosives) and 7 (radioactive). If you’re
of approximately 70% of European                                                             not sure, please contact us before
economic activity. These are the best         Are there any                                  you ship.
gateways for the Benelux, France and
Germany and they also have good
                                              restrictions in Europe
                                              that I need to be
                                                                                               We’ve got
connections to countries in central and
southern Europe. BCN, LHR, MXP and            aware of?
VIE are increasingly taking a larger share
of Chinese cargo to Europe and these                             Peter Nygaard,
gateways offer the shortest transfer                             Branch Manager,
times to Spain, the U.K., Italy and central
European destinations respectively
such as BTS, BUD and PRG. Wallenborn
                                                                 Scandinavia: You need
                                                                 to consider that Europe
                                                                 is a large continent
provides scheduled RFS from all these                            and although the              Wallenborn has offices
gateways and many others.                                        majority of shipments         at all the main air cargo
                                              are delivered to the central region,
Are there any customs                         distances and therefore transfer times to
                                                                                               gateways to Europe and our
restrictions to consider                      the edges of Europe can be longer than           teams of experts including
                                              you might expect. For example, in my             Chinese customer service
when sending cargo to                         region, I have major airports such as GOT,
                                                                                               staff are ready to help you
Europe by RFS?                                (famous for Volvo, HEL (Nokia) and OSL
                                              (fresh salmon) which are two-to-three            find the quickest, easiest
                   Laurent Jossa, Branch      days away from the central European air          and most cost effective
                   Manager, Germany:          gateways of AMS, FRA and LUX.
                                                                                               routes from China to the its
                   28 countries are
                                              Mihai Popovici , Branch Manager,                 largest trading partner, the
                   now members of the
                                              Italy: Southern Europe is also not so
                   European Union (EU)
                                              well connected to the rest of Europe.
                                                                                               European Union.
                   single market as shown
                                              You have to consider that the Alps

                                                                                                    security transport
                                                                                                    services are a
                                                                                                    critical enabler of
                                                                                                    trade between China
                                                                                                    and Europe and are
                                                                                                    monitored 24/7

How to protect your business reputation and avoid
becoming a victim of cargo crime in Europe
According to a study by the European         the protection of HVTT (Highly Vulnerable       flexibility and cost. All Wallenborn security
Parliament, organised theft of               Theft Targeted) cargo has brought with it a     transport operations are constantly
commercial vehicles and their loads          client base of some of the world’s leading      monitored by its ‘24/7 Control Tower’ team
in Europe costs businesses €8.2              brand companies.                                and systems to provide peace of mind to
billion a year. Cargo crime is on the                                                        customers around the globe.
increase and becoming more violent.          Wallenborn is a member of TAPA EMEA and
For manufacturers and their logistics        its security services are certified according   Wallenborn’s security transport services
service providers moving high value,         to TAPA’s best-in-class Trucking Security       are a critical enabler of trade between
high risk products into Europe,              Requirements (TSR) security standards.          China and Europe and support all types of
operating a resilient supply chain and       It has also installed and implemented           assignments including regular shipment
adopting best practices to prevent           products, applications and processes            flows, new product launches and peak
cargo theft is critical to protect their     that protect goods in transit and provide       season injections. Products handled
business reputations.                        customers with solutions that balance risk,     include games consols, PCs, smartphones
                                                                                             and tablet computers as well as other
As one of the world’s leading
                                                                                             high value consumer goods, luxury
manufacturers of high-tech products and
                                                                                             items such as jewellery, high fashion and
other high value goods, China is already
being impacted regularly by cargo crime
in Europe. In 2013 alone, data produced
by the Transported Asset Protection
Association (TAPA) for the EMEA region                                                         SERVICE
shows 1,145 crimes were recorded with an
average loss value of €235,000. The top 10                                                     FEATURES
cargo crimes in Europe last year involved                                                      •   Security awareness training
losses of €55 million.                                                                         •   Hard-bodied high security trucks
In the first three months of 2014, cargo                                                       •   Contingency planning
crimes were reported in 19 countries in                                                        •   Pre-defined routes and secure
the EMEA region with the biggest single                                                            parking
loss being the theft of €5-6 million of                                                        •   Escort vehicles
smartphones in Paris close to Charles de                                                       •   Security locks and seals
Gaulle airport.                                                                                •   Satellite tracking technology
                                                                                               •   Alert messaging, alarm systems
Fortunately for its customers, Wallenborn                                                          and vehicle immobilisation
is one of the leading providers of secure                                                      •   24/7monitoring & geo-fencing
transport in Europe and its reputation for

China Cargo Airlines contracts with Wallenborn
to reach over 100 destinations across Europe
China Cargo Airlines has awarded an          Mr Taojun, Chief Marketing Officer of China     for such an important contract and
exclusive contract to Wallenborn to          Cargo Airlines, said: “Frankfurt is Europe’s    look forward to supporting the airline’s
manage Road Feeder Services from             largest air cargo gateway and it is very        continued growth in Europe by meeting its
Frankfurt (FRA) to over 100 European         important in helping companies in China         customers’ expectations.”
                                             and Europe to conduct trade together.           A joint venture between China Eastern
Wallenborn is the largest RFS service        Working with Wallenborn is a natural            Airlines and China Ocean Shipping, China
provider in Germany with the highest         choice given its network, modern and            Cargo Airlines operates 12 freighters
number of frequencies and the most           efficient fleet, and its expertise in working   including six Boeing 777s and also utilises
comprehensive scheduled network. In          with Chinese airlines and customers.”           the China Eastern Airlines’ route structure.
addition to airport-to-airport trucking,                                                     Its main hub is at Shanghai Pudong Airport
China Cargo Airlines has contracted          Jason Breakwell, Manager, Key Accounts &
                                                                                             and it also flies from seven other cities in
Wallenborn to provide customs services       Development at Wallenborn, added: “We
                                                                                             China to Asia, Europe and North America.
at FRA, supervision of cargo handling and    are honoured that China’s number one
direct deliveries to important consignees.   all-cargo airline has chosen Wallenborn

                                                                                                                   SHANGHAI F1

    Sabrina Alves,
    Event Logistics Manager
    for Wallenborn Event Logistics

                                             Wallenborn supports Lotus F1 Team
                                             Since 2011, Wallenborn Event Logistics has been the official partner of the Lotus F1 Team
                                             for logistics involving its Motorhome, Race Base and Paddock Club Suite. In addition, the
                                             Wallenborn team also offers catering, hospitality, maintenance and security services.

                                             Wallenborn Event Logistics was created          premium event logistics management with
                                             in 2010 by Frantz Wallenborn and is             creative solutions and a ‘360° approach’.
                                             based in Luxembourg. It is a young and
                                                                                             Sabrina Alves, Event Logistics Manager for
                                             dynamic offshoot of the Wallenborn parent
                                                                                             Wallenborn Event Logistics
                                             company and provides international

Maintaining the integrity of temperature-
controlled life science products
Moving life science                                 has combined its monitoring and

products is a big
                                                    intervention technologies with the latest
                                                    temperature management techniques.
responsibility and                                  This means it is able to remotely track and
                                                    control container temperatures and provide
it is controlled by                                 full and ‘real-time’ data access to customers.            •    new fleet of temperature-
                                                                                                                  controlled trailers
a strict regulatory                                 “China is already Europe’s fourth largest
                                                    trading partner in the pharmaceutical                     •    rivers trained in accordance with
environment.                                        sector and we expect a huge increase                          GDP guidelines
                                                    in this trade in the short-term. We have
The latest ‘Guidelines for Good Distribution        developed a cold chain solution that gives                •    4/7 temperature monitoring,
Practice of Medical Products for Human              Chinese companies quick and easy access                       recording and read-outs
Use (GDP)’ came into force in March 2013            from and to the European healthcare                       •   Pre-excursion alarms
to ensure control of the supply chain and,          market in compliance with strict regulatory
consequently, maintain the quality and              requirements,” said Jason Breakwell,                      •   Dual temperature vehicles
integrity of medicinal products.                    Manager, Key Accounts & Development.
Wallenborn was one of the first transport
companies to achieve GDP certification
and has used this prestigious and rare
accreditation as a platform to develop
specialised services for the life sciences
              sector. Its procedures and
                 practices have fully
                  embraced GDP, notably
                   the integration of
                   quality management,
                   operations, personnel
                   training and control,
                            and continuous

                             Ram Menon, Special Products and GDP Project Manager has successfully led the GDP certification process for Wallenborn, which
                              is the first GDP (Good Distribution Practice) certified trucking company in Luxembourg

  Singapore Airlines extends Nordic region RFS
  contract to summer 2016
  Singapore Airlines has extended its           including Amsterdam, Brussels and
                                                                                             NETWORK GROWTH
  Road Feeder Service contract with             Copenhagen. Singapore Airlines has a
  Wallenborn in the Nordic region until
  the end of the summer 2016.
                                                strong market share in the Nordics with
                                                excellent connections from and to the
                                                                                             AirBridgeCargo adds
  The agreement covers all regional             Asia Pacific region, as well as a range of   Leipzig to fast-
  routes from and to Singapore Airlines’        premium products including Perishables,      growing European
  gateways of Copenhagen and Oslo and           Pharmaceutical, Coldchain and Swiftrider.
  utilises Wallenborn’s extensive scheduled      Frantz Wallenborn, Group President: “We
  network covering Denmark, Finland,                                                         AirBridgeCargo Airlines’ latest step in
                                                are very proud to be a strategic partner
  Norway and Sweden.                                                                         its international development is the
                                                for Singapore Airlines, a truly five-star
                                                                                             launch of B747 freighter services from
  An important element of the new               airline that shares our core values of
                                                                                             and to Leipzig/Halle airport in Ger-
  contract is Wallenborn’s ability to provide   investment in innovation and quality.”
                                                                                             many. The new online service is part of
  short notice capacity at freighter hubs                                                    the global network offered by ABC that
                                                                                             already serves a growing number of
                                                                                             strategic cities in Europe.
                                                                                             Wallenborn is ABC’s partner for
                                                                                             provision of Road Feeder Services
                                                                                             in Europe. Since its first flight from
                                                                                             Moscow to Shanghai in April 2004,
                                                                                             AirBridgeCargo, a subsidiary of Russia’s
                                                                                             Volga-Dnepr Group, has continually
                                                                                             extended its network, which currently
                                                                                             includes B747F services to five online
                                                                                             gateways in China; Beijing, Chengdu,
                                                                                             Hong Kong, Shanghai and Zhengzhou.
Wallenborn moves to
dnata City in the UK                               ‘Real time’                               With one of the youngest fleet in the
                                                                                             aviation industry, including five of the
Wallenborn has moved its London office             smartpads speed up                        latest Boeing 747-8Fs, AirBridgeCargo’s
to the new £100 million dnata City at              truck handling                            scheduled cargo services are a key
                                                                                             part of Volga-Dnepr Group’s ‘cargo
Heathrow Airport, the world’s busiest
international airport and Europe’s third           Wallenborn has invested in new            supermarket’ service offering which
largest cargo hub.                                 ‘real time’ smartpads for its staff       includes scheduled and air charter
                                                   working in the Luxembourg Cargo           flights using B747F, An-124-100, IL-
dnata City is a complex of new warehouse           Centre to expedite the processing         76TD-90VD, B737F and An-12 aircraft
units and offices that provides a base for         of trucks by handling agent,              as well as engineering and logistics
some of the world’s leading international          LuxairCargo.                              services.
                                                   LuxairCargo sends live data and its       Frantz Wallenborn and Alexey Isaikin,
As part of its investment dnata has                loading programme information             President of Volga-Dnepr Group
embraced a cultural change in processing           to the Wallenborn team, who can
customer vehicles by using the latest              immediately reply by ‘one click’
vehicle reception technology and a                 to confirm a trailer is ready at the
handheld warehouse workflow bar code               handling centre’s ramp. The system
management system. The processes                   replaces telephone communications
encourage advanced air waybill                     and improves information flows
information from freight forwarders                and accuracy by providing regular
to support the fast-growing paperless              status updates. The technology also
environment and promote new industry               measures service levels.
initiatives such as e-AWB and e-CSD.

                                                                                                 GAS chooses
                                                                                                 to ‘go the
                                                                                                 extra mile’
                                                                                                 When Global Airlift Solutions
                                                                                                 (GAS), the air cargo charter
                                                                                                 specialists, need a partner to ‘go
                                                                                                 the extra mile’ for them in Europe,
                                                                                                 they choose Wallenborn as their
Wallenborn online at                           in Dubai in 2013 with a strategy to provide
                                               the product portfolio and quality standards       One of the latest examples of
Sharjah International                          Wallenborn is recognised for in Europe.           the partnership between the

Airport                                        Our intention is to progressively develop a
                                               network of offices and services across the
                                                                                                 two companies involved the
                                                                                                 transportation of 40 tons of cargo,
                                               Middle East. Sharjah is one of the region’s       including a 10x10ft container and a
Europe’s leading Road Feeder Services
                                               fastest growing cargo airports and its            shipment of dangerous goods. This
provider has opened a second office in
                                               management team recognises that reliable          cargo needed to be moved within
the U.A.E. with the addition of Sharjah
                                               RFS is a critical requirement of the airport’s    a tight deadline and gave the GAS
to its network. This latest expansion in
                                               customers.”                                       team only 72 hours from pick-up in
the region comes just eight months after
                                                                                                 the United States to final delivery in
Wallenborn opened in Dubai.                    Shashi Panicker, Head of cargo at Sharjah         Mauretania.
Launching in Sharjah is in response to fast-   Aviation Service, said: “Sharjah is the perfect
                                               choice for Wallenborn’s latest location in the    The cargo travelled from the U.S.
growing demand for Wallenborn’s air cargo
                                               UAE. It is a highly efficient and respected       into a main European hub on a
trucking services from airlines, forwarders
                                               cargo airport that is well connected to all       commercial flight. To expedite the
and integrators across the U.A.E.
                                               major international destinations. The airport     shipment , the load was broken
Frantz Wallenborn, Group President, said:      is also only 15 kilometres away from Dubai.”      down close to the aircraft before
“We opened our first Middle Eastern office                                                       being loaded into the waiting
                                                                                                 Wallenborn trucks. Using a team of
                                                                                                 drivers, the trucks drove non-stop
                                                                                                 to another European freight hub to
                                                                                                 connect the freight ontime with a
                                                                                                 dedicated charter flight organised by
                                                                                                 GAS for the last leg of the journey to
                                                                                                 As the GAS team explained: “We
                                                                                                 need to work with reliable partners
                                                                                                 like Wallenborn to ensure that every
                                                                                                 part of the supply chain involved in
                                                                                                 moving cargo like this delivers the
                                                                                                 high quality of service we need.”
                                                                                                 GAS provides customised air charter
                                                                                                 and critical care solutions for global

  Latest ‘green energy’ initiative powers high                                                   logistics and forwarding companies
                                                                                                 and has offices in the U.S. (Houston),
  security logistics warehouse in Luxembourg                                                     Europe (Aberdeen, Frankfurt,
                                                                                                 Luxembourg and Zurich), the Middle
  Wallenborn has an active                     vehicles compliant with the European              East (Dubai) and Asia (Hong-Kong).
  sustainability programme that works          Union’s Euro 6 emissions standards and
  to protect the environment and               the remaining 70% meeting the Euro 5
  achieve cost efficiencies to improve its     category requirements.
  operational competitiveness.
                                               In one of its latest initiatives, Wallenborn
  Big progress has already been achieved       was the subject of Luxembourg’s first
  in reducing the company’s carbon             ‘megawatt’ solar installation with
  footprint as a result of Wallenborn’s        new rooftop solar panels to generate
  ongoing investment in its truck fleet.       the energy supply of its high security
  The Group now operates the greenest          logistics warehouse at its Luxembourg
  transport fleet in Europe with 30% of        headquarters.

                                                                                 +31 20 811 5404
Pit Wallenborn, Fleet Manager                                                    Barcelona
                                                                                 +34 933 700 921

  80 new trucks                                                                  Billund
  and 85 trailers                                                      
                                                                                 +42 7650 4711
  added to
  Wallenborn’s                                                                   Copenhagen
  fleet in Europe                                                                +45 3246 1212
  Wallenborn’s latest fleet     Reefer FNA trailer
  investment programme                                                 
  has seen 80 new Euro                                                           +971 4 283 4044
  6 trucks and 85 new
  trailers – 25 of which are                                                     Frankfurt
  GDP compliant reefer                                                 
                                                                                 +49 6969 79060
  trailers - enter service
  across its European                                                            London
                                                                                 +44 1784 425 042
  Pit Wallenborn, Fleet
  Manager, said: “We have       Tautliner
  selected Scania for their                                            
  low Co2 emissions and fuel                                                     +352 263 411
  consumption vehicles and
  because of their European                                                      Milan
  network and maintenance                                              
  service base located next                                                      +39 0274 863 155
  to our headquarters in
  Luxembourg. Talson trailers                                                    Paris
  were chosen due to their                                             
  strong reputation and brand                                                    +33 1 70 76 02 75
  in the transport market.”
                                Box trailer                                      Sharjah
                                                                                  +971 4 283 4044

                                                                                 + 46 7663 4994

                                                                       For general information, please

                                                                       For price requests, please contact
Tautliner                       Ready to enter service across Europe

Population of theEU
                                  Within 6 hours / 6 小时内
                                                           Within 12 hours / 12 小时内 Within 24 hours / 24 小时内
                                          BLL                       ARN                      HEL
                                          MMX                       GOT                      RIX

  5.05亿                                                             HAJ
     欧盟人口                                                           OSL

                                  Within 6 hours / 6 小时内   Within 12 hours / 12 小时内 Within 24 hours / 24 小时内
                                          CGN                       BRE                      BTS
  Tourists visit the EU
                                          DUS                       HAJ                      BUD
      every year.
                                          FMO                       HAM
                                          LUX                        LEJ

   5.35亿                                  MST
                                          STR                       TXL
   盟的游客人数                                                           ZRH

                                  Within 6 hours / 6 小时内   Within 12 hours / 12 小时内 Within 24 hours / 24 小时内
  Chinese visitors                        BRU                       AMS                      BCN
  are welcomed in                         CDG                       BRE                      MAD
 Europe every year.
                                          CGN                       HAJ                      MXP
                                          DUS                       HAM

   347 万                                  FRA
每年访问欧洲的                                   MST                       MUC
 中国游客人数                                                             ZRH

Within 6 hours / 6 小时内    Within 12 hours / 12 小时内 Within 24 hours / 24 小时内
        BRU                        BOD                       BCN
         LIL                       LHR                       MAD
        LUX                        LYS                       ZAZ
        NTE                        MLH

Within 6 hours / 6 小时内    Within 12 hours / 12 小时内    Within 24 hours
        TRN                        BLQ                      LUX
        VCE                        FCO                     NAP
                                   PSA                      VIE
Within 6 hours / 6 小时内   Within 12 hours / 12 小时内
        BRE                       BLL
        BRU                       CPH
        CGN                       FRA
        DUS                       HAJ
        EIN                       HAM
         LIL                      LHR
        MST                       LUX
        RTM                       STR

 TOP 10                     十大被最多
 Most visited               欧洲国家
 European countries
 by international
                            1.   法国
                            2.   西班牙
 1.    France
                            3.   意大利
 2.    Spain
 3.    Italy                4.   土耳其
 4.    Turkey               5.   德国
 5.    Germany              6.   英国
 6.    UK
                            7.   俄国
 7.    Russia
 8.    Austria              8.   奥地利
 9.    Ukraine              9.   乌克兰
 10.   Greece               10. 希腊

    The European Union
 consists of 28 Member States

       28 个国家

        NUMBER 1
  The EU is the world’s biggest exporter
         and importer of goods

Within 6 hours / 6 小时内   Within 12 hours / 12 小时内
        BHX                       AMS
        EMA                       CDG
        MAN                       BRU
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