ACTIVITIES BOOK - The Wave Project

Page created by Beverly Mcdaniel
ACTIVITIES BOOK - The Wave Project

       ISSUE 17
ACTIVITIES BOOK - The Wave Project                                          

Bug Hotel                                                                   Wordsearch
                                                                            This wordsearch is all about sports!
You will need:
                                                                            How many of these have you played or tried?
• Some thing from the recycling to make the hotel structure with –
  e.g. a milk or juice carton, a plastic bottle
• Scissors
• String
• Gardening gloves and a bag to collect twigs, leaves, stones etc


1. On your daily walk, keep an eye out and collect things that would
   make a great bug hotel – bugs like leaves, twigs, stones, moss and
   loads of other natural things. They like a big variety!
2. If you are using a milk/juice carton, cut away one of the sides so you
   have a three sided hotel with a roof
3. Put your collected items inside your hotel, any way you like! There is
   no right or wrong
4. Once your hotel is nice and full, find somewhere in your garden,
   balcony or window ledge to place it.
5. Don’t forget to go and check it after a few weeks to see who’s
   staying in your hotel, be careful though, you don’t want to scare
   anyone away!

                                                                             athletics		              football              rowing
                                                                             badminton		              gymnastics		          rugby
                                                                             ballet                   hockey		              surfing
                                                                             basketball		             ice skating           swimming
                                                                             cricket		                paddle boarding       tennis

        @WaveProject           Wave Project          waveprojectuk             @WaveProject           Wave Project        waveprojectuk
ACTIVITIES BOOK - The Wave Project

Did you know, the Marlin
fish is the fastest swimmer
existing in water, with a
super speed of

68 mph!
ACTIVITIES BOOK - The Wave Project                           

Colour in!
We have a selection of drawings to colour in, varying in
difficulty let’s see how colourful you can make them!

   @WaveProject           Wave Project          waveprojectuk   @WaveProject   Wave Project   waveprojectuk               

                                              Draw your own!

@WaveProject   Wave Project   waveprojectuk    @WaveProject   Wave Project   waveprojectuk                                         

                                                                              Join the dots!
Kinder Bueno Cookie Bars!
Gooey, Delicious Kinder Bueno Cookie Bars packed full with
Kinder Chocolate and Kinder Bueno pieces!

•   275 g Plain Flour                  •   1 Medium Egg
•   1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda          •   1 tsp Vanilla
•   1/2 tsp Salt                       •   250 g Kinder Chocolate (chopped)
•   1 tbsp Cornflour                   •   170-250 g Kinder Bueno Bars
•   115 g Unsalted Butter                  (chopped)
•   55 g Granulated Sugar
•   135 g Light Brown Sugar


1. Preheat your oven to 190C/170C fan, and line a 9x9inch square
   tin with parchment paper, and leave to the side for now.
2. Whisk together the Plain Flour, Bicarbonate of Soda, Salt and
   Cornflour together in a bowl and leave to the side for now.
3. Melt the Unsalted Butter till liquid, and add to a bowl. Add in the
   Light Brown Sugar and Granulated Sugar and whisk the mixture
   together for two minutes by an electric whisk, 3 minutes by hand.
4. Add in the Egg and Vanilla and whisk again till they’re combined
5. Add in the mixed together Dry Ingredients and mix until a really
   thick cookie dough is formed.
6. Add in the chopped Kinder Chocolate, and chopped Kinder
   Bueno, and fold through. Reserve some of the Kinder Chocolate
   for the top of the Cookie Bars.
7. Push the mixture into the 9x9inch Tin, and add on the last few bits
   of Kinder Goodness.
8. Bake the Cookie Bars in the oven for 17-22 minutes. I usually do
   19 minutes so they stay reasonably gooey.
9. Once baked, leave in the tin for 10 minutes to cool a bit, and then
   remove and cool fully on the wire rack. Enjoy!

    @WaveProject                Wave Project         waveprojectuk               @WaveProject   Wave Project   waveprojectuk                                    

Bottle cap fish!                                                 Sea-life facts
                                                                 Each week, we will be sharing some interesting facts about
You will need:                                                   some of the wonderful sea-life we have around the UK, this
                                                                 week, we’re talking about Minke Whales and Anemones!
• Different coloured paper – for the ocean, seaweed and fish
• Bottle caps                                                    Minke Whale
• Marker pens – different colours
• Glue                                                           • Minke whales are taller than a giraffe, and weigh as much as
• Scissors                                                         11 tonnes, which is almost as heavy as 2 elephants, 5 rhinos, 3
                                                                   hippos or four and a half giraffes!
Instructions:                                                    • The calls of dwarf minke whales are known as ‘star wars’ calls
                                                                   because they sound like ray guns
1. To make the fish you need a milk cap and a triangle shape
   cut from cardstock paper. Start by gluing the triangle down   Anemones
   on a blue sheet of paper. Squeeze some school glue onto
   one of your paper plates. Dip your bottle cap into the glue   • Anemones are very special creatures; they look like plants but
   to give it a generous amount all around the rim and then        they are actually lots of little animals living together in the
   glue the milk cap down overlapping the triangle to make the     tentacles, which make energy from sunlight, just like plants.
   fish shape.                                                   • They behave like animals though – they are predators, and they
2. Continue adding fish all over your paper. Finish them by        eat any passing creatures they can get their sticky tentacles on,
   drawing on your fish eye                                        including shrimp and little fish.
3. To make the scales on our fish, use different coloured pens   • There are many different species of anemone and you can find
   to draw the scales onto the caps                                quite a few in rockpools at your local beach.

4. Use different coloured paper to make an underwater            • The strawberry anemone looks just like a strawberry! Especially
   habitat, e.g. corals, seaweed                                   when it has caught it’s dinner and wants to eat, because it brings
                                                                   back in all of its tentacles and looks like a little round blob with
5. Get imaginative and see how many other creatures you can        no arms!
                                                                 • Anemones might look like they don’t move very far, but they can
                                                                   actually walk around when they want to find a new place to live,
                                                                   if where they are gets disturbed or it gets to hot or cold. They
                                                                   part of the animal that is attached to the rock is called its ‘foot’,
                                                                   and it can use this to move around and find a new home!

   @WaveProject           Wave Project          waveprojectuk          @WaveProject              Wave Project            waveprojectuk                                 

Matchstick puzzle                                                  Poetry Page
Can you solve this matchstick brain teaser?                        Whether its a few lines to filling this page and more, we’d love
                                                                   to see what poems you can all create! Be sure to tag us on
The challenge is to move only ONE match stick to make the          social media when they are done, we’d love to read them!
donkey face a different way, we will show you the answer later
in the activity book!

       @WaveProject           Wave Project         waveprojectuk     @WaveProject            Wave Project          waveprojectuk                                              

Mozzarella Sticks                                                              Quiz Time!
Serve these moreish mozzarella chips hot with your favourite dip. They         Time to test your knowledge with some sea-life questions!
make a great side dish or snack!                                               How many can you get?

                                                                           1    What is the fastest fish in the ocean?
• 400g block mozzarella (not in       • 2 tsp smoked paprika
  water)                              • 2 tsp dried oregano
• 50g flour                           • vegetable or sunflower oil for
• 2 eggs                                frying
• 150g breadcrumbs

                                      • dips , to serve
                                                                           2    How heavy can a minke whale get to?

1. Cut the mozzarella into ‘chips’. Tip the flour into a bowl
   and season well. Whisk the eggs in a second bowl and tip
   the breadcrumbs, paprika and oregano into a third. Coat
   the mozzarella sticks in the flour, then the egg, then the
   breadcrumbs. Transfer to a parchment-lined tray and freeze
                                                                           3    Are anemones plants or animals?

   for at least 2 hrs.
2. Heat enough oil to come 2-3cm up the side of a saucepan.
   When hot, drop in a test chip – it should sizzle straight away
   and brown within a minute or two. The secret is to cook
   them long enough to crisp up the outside without letting the
   mozzarella ooze out – it may take you a few practice chips to
                                                                           4    Why is a dwarf minke whales call known as a
                                                                                ‘star wars’ call?
   get it right. Cook the chips in batches and drain on kitchen
   paper. Serve hot with your favourite dip.

                                                                           5    Where might you be able to find anemones at
                                                                                your local beach?

         @WaveProject              Wave Project            waveprojectuk            @WaveProject          Wave Project        waveprojectuk                                           

Other useful resources...                                             Matchstick Puzzle
We’ve put together a few online resources that can help keep
you and your kids busy, including fitness, fun and education

• - An amazing selection of E-Books and
  ideas for reading activities.

• - A brilliant App that
  encourages early reading skills through games and fun activities.

• - English, maths and science activities for
  KS1 and 2 pupils.
• - Maths skills and reasoning
  activities aimed at challenging all pupils.
                                                                      Quiz answers
• - Lots of spelling      1   What is the fastest fish in the ocean?
  and grammar activities for KS1 and 2 pupils.

• - Lots of printable resources suitable for all
  ages. Free subscription for the next month.                         2   How heavy can a minke whale get to?
• - The
  National Maritime Museum has a range of virtual activities taking
  place during half term.                                                 Up to 11 tonnes
• - BBC Schools radio- a            3   Are anemones plants or animals?
  series of programmes covering music, dance, drama, songs etc.
• - Really lovely English and Maths
  resources for all ages including educational video clips and        4   Why is a dwarf minke whales call known as a ‘star wars’ call?
  printables. Free subscription for at least the next month.

• - Fun yoga activities for you to do with your
                                                                          Because they sound like ray guns
                                                                      5   Where might you be able to find anemones at your local beach?

• Newquay
  Zoo has produced some educational ‘Wild At Home’ resources              Rockpools
  containing crafts and environmentally-focussed activities.

      @WaveProject           Wave Project          waveprojectuk                @WaveProject           Wave Project         waveprojectuk
Registered charity in England and Wales, no. 1163421
           and in Scotland, no. SCO46500

      @WaveProject    Wave Project   waveprojectuk
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