CALL FOR EXPRESSIOn OF INTEREST - Shelter Design for the Protection of Mosaics at an Archaeological Site in Cyprus

Page created by Billy Bishop
CALL FOR EXPRESSIOn OF INTEREST - Shelter Design for the Protection of Mosaics at an Archaeological Site in Cyprus
Shelter Design for the
Protection of Mosaics at an
Archaeological Site in Cyprus

CALL FOR              7 November 2019

CALL FOR EXPRESSIOn OF INTEREST - Shelter Design for the Protection of Mosaics at an Archaeological Site in Cyprus
THE PROJECT                                                                 the future design will have to respect, and respond to, the
                                                                                unique natural and cultural setting of the site.
    The Getty Conservation Institute1 invites Expressions of
    Interest from architects and architectural practices, indi-                 The first area of focus will be approximately 900 square
    vidually or in collaboration, interested in working with the                meters in size and contains two important mosaics as well
    Getty and the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus2 in the                   as remains of a Roman bath complex and low masonry
    role of design architect(s) for a new shelter concept at the                rubble walls. A second area is under consideration for
    World Heritage Site of Nea Paphos.                                          sheltering in this phase, which may range in size from
                                                                                approximately 350 to 1800 square meters, and includes
    Building on Getty’s collaborative MOSAIKON initiative3,                     several mosaic pavements and masonry walls. It is import-
    the goal of this project is to design a shelter that well                   ant to note that this/these shelter(s) is/are intended to
    protects highly significant mosaic pavements, as well as                    serve as an initial prototype for a much larger area of the
    provides opportunities for visitor appreciation of ancient                  site with mosaics. If determined that the design achieves
    mosaic floors at a renowned archaeological site. Steadily                   the project’s objectives, there may be opportunity to adapt
    growing in popularity, the project site is visited by hun-                  the design to these areas of the site.
    dreds of thousands of people each year. This needs to be
    balanced with the primary objective of the shelter, which                   The proposed shelter design should demonstrate concep-
    is to protect the floor mosaics from environmental and                      tual and design excellence and innovative, yet practical,
    other risks that negatively impact its condition and lead to                responses to the conditions, as well as consideration of the
    deterioration and loss over time.                                           long-term maintenance needs of the structure. A group of
                                                                                international experts recently collaborated to develop per-
    The future shelter will be required to function in a mar-                   formance and design criteria for sheltering fragile mosaic
    itime context with fluctuating climatic conditions. This                    floors in challenging environments. These criteria will
    environmental context intensifies the physical vulnera-                     inform the development of this shelter concept.
    bility of the cultural resources. The form and aesthetics of

                                                                                PROJECT PROGRAM
  The Getty Conservation Institute       The Department of Antiquities of
                                                                                & SCOPE OF WORK
1                                      2

works internationally to advance       Cyprus is responsible for the control,
conservation practice in the visual    management, protection, preserva-
arts—broadly interpreted to include    tion, research, and promotion of the
                                                                                This is a multiple-stage process:
objects, collections, architecture,    archaeological heritage of Cyprus.
and sites. The Institute serves the    3
                                         A partnership of the Getty Conser-     Stage One
conservation community through         vation Institute, the Getty Founda-      Stage One is an open call for Expressions of Interest from
scientific research, education and     tion, ICCROM, and the Internation-
                                                                                qualified candidates. Based on a set of criteria detailed
training, field projects, and the      al Committee for the Conservation
dissemination of information. In all   of Mosaics, the MOSAIKON                 below, the Expressions of Interests will be evaluated by the
its endeavors, the Getty creates and   initiative addresses conservation and    Selection Committee. A narrowed-down list of architects
delivers knowledge that contributes    management of archaeological mo-
to the conservation of the world’s     saics in the Mediterranean region.       or architectural practices will be selected to proceed to
cultural heritage.                                                              the next stage.
CALL FOR EXPRESSIOn OF INTEREST - Shelter Design for the Protection of Mosaics at an Archaeological Site in Cyprus
Stage Two                                                  RESPONSIBILITIES
During Stage Two, phone interviews may be conducted
                                                           The designer selected in Stage Three will be respon-
in order to reach a shortlist of up-to five architects
                                                           sible for all aspects of the shelter design project, from
or architectural practices, who will then be invited to
                                                           the design development of the initial winning design
develop a schematic design concept at Stage Three.
                                                           concept and preparation of construction documents
Stage Three                                                (technical documents), including drawings and specifi-
At the start of Stage Three, Getty will provide a full     cations, to the bidding and construction administration
design brief, including recently prepared CAD draw-        phases. The site shelter design project shall include, but
ings, site plans, and environmental monitoring data, as    is not limited to, the following:
well as more detailed information about the site. Stage
                                                           • Providing progress updates to the Shelter Project
Three will also provide a contract and $12000 USD to
                                                             Coordinators at key phases of design development
each shortlisted team to develop a schematic design
                                                             and adhering to project deadlines;
concept according to the established criteria. In addi-
                                                           • Presenting design development drawings to Getty
tion to this lump sum, Getty will also provide travel
                                                             and site authority, describing how the shelter design
expenses for up to two persons from each design team
                                                             integrates criteria and site attributes, and reflects
to visit the site during this Stage Three to inform the
                                                             relevant multi-disciplinary input;
design proposal. Should the designers wish to increase
                                                           • Submitting construction documents (technical
the budget beyond this amount, that decision will be at
                                                             design), (including drawings and specifications), to
their discretion and they will assume responsibility for
                                                             Getty and site authority, with suitable detailing for
any additional fiscal sum exceeding the contribution.
                                                             the construction of the shelter design;
Stage Three will conclude with a presentation of the       • Reviewing and responding to requests for clarifica-
shelter design concept and all required documenta-           tion and information during the bidding phase;
tion. Getty representatives will be the Shelter Project    • Providing construction administration;
Coordinators. In partnership with the Department of        • Collaborating with the Shelter Project Coordinators
Antiquities of Cyprus, any official events (announce-        on communication functions and event(s);
ments, inauguration, etc.) and their communication         • Signing an agreement to undertake the role of
and media relations will be managed by Getty.                designer and complete the project requirements,
                                                             including the design concept deliverables;
One architect or architectural practice and associated
                                                           • Preparing a maintenance manual as part of project
design concept will be selected to proceed to Stage
                                                             handover and close out.
Four (Design Development and Construction Draw-
ings) and Stage Five (Bidding and Construction
EVALUATION OF                                                 • Demonstrated capacity of the applicant to complete
EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST                                         projects of this nature in a responsible, expedient and
                                                                professional manner;
It is required that Expressions of Interest be limited        • Experience working successfully with multiple stake-
to a single Adobe PDF document, with a maximum                  holders in a global setting;
of fifteen, 8.5 by 11 inch or size A4 pages, exclud-          • Team members’ collective competence and experience.
ing any cover sheets. Submissions must be submitted
by email and received by midnight PST on January 20,
2020 to Getty Senior Project Coordinator Micaela Shea
                                                              SELECTION PROCESS
at                                           A Selection Committee convened for this purpose will
                                                              undertake adjudication. The Selection Committee will be
The Expression of Interest must be submitted in English
                                                              comprised of members who represent Getty, the Depart-
and include the following information:
                                                              ment of Antiquities of Cyprus, and external experts in
• Name and contact information for the person(s), firm        the field.
  or organization making the submission
                                                              The selection committee will review the Expressions of
• Identified project leader and principal point of contact
                                                              Interest against the above-listed evaluation criteria. All
• Description of the lead personnel’s capability and
                                                              submissions will be notified if they have been selected or
  ­capacity for carrying out such a project including CVs
                                                              not to progress to Stage Two interviews.
   / ­Biographies / Resumes for key team members
• Descriptions and illustrations of three relevant
   previous projects ideally demonstrating design for a       ELIGIBILITY
   historical or archaeological context. At least two of      Candidates submitting an Expression of Interest must be
   the three submitted projects should be built ­projects     an incorporated organization, institution or registered
    while one can be a competition entry. All three sub-      business. These include, but are not limited to, archaeo-
    mitted ­projects should have been completed in the        logical, architectural and/or engineering firms.
  past decade by the proposed architect and/or team
  members. Relevant projects may include experiences
  solving similar problems in different contexts, exam-       OVERALL PROJECT SCHEDULE
  ples of collaborative partnerships and/or of working        (subject to modification)
  successfully with multiple stakeholders
• Any experience working on World Heritage, cultural          20 January 2020            Deadline for Expressions of Interest
   ­heritage and/or archaeological sites
                                                              Winter/Spring 2020	Stage Two phone interviews and
• A brief (maximum 1,500 words) description of the                                commencement of Stage Three
    approach to designing for a historic or archaeological
                                                              May 2020	Site visit for shortlisted candidates
                                                                        for Stage Three
• Any potential or known conflict of interest.
                                                              15 September 2020	Submission of Conceptual
Additional information including promotional or                                  Schematic Design Proposals
marketing documents should not be included and will           October 2020               Estimation of costs
not be reviewed. No additional materials other than
                                                              November 2020	Presentation of Schematic Design
what is outlined above will be considered in assessing
                                                                             Proposals on site
                                                              December 2020	            Selection and notification of winning
The following criteria will be used to evaluate all Expres-                              Architect/Architectural Firm
sions of Interest:
                                                              2021	Start of Design Development,
• Architectural interest;                                           Construction (Technical)
                                                                    Documents, Bidding, and
• Proposed approach and understanding of designing
                                                                    Construction Administration
  for historic or archaeological contexts;
• Ability to work toward specific criteria in the design of
  the shelter concept;
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