Administrator's Message - NET

Page created by Christine Guerrero
Administrator's Message - NET
                                         Principal: S. Duchnycz, Vice-Principal: M. Manzano
                          390 Burnell St., Winnipeg MB, R3G 2A8 Phone: 204.775.2455, Fax: 204.783.9544
                                                  SAFE ARRIVAL: 1-855.278.4513

Administrator’s Message...
March brings warmer weather, fresh perspectives and change. Spring is near and we are looking forward to a new term up

Our Student-Led Conferences are right around the corner and we invite you to use Zoom or have a phone conversation with your
child(ren)’s teacher. Student-Led Conferences are virtual this year from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 18 and from
9:00 - noon on March 19. Our students are looking forward to celebrating their growth since September. This is also a great
opportunity to discuss your child(ren)’s student portfolio, ask questions and help set goals for the upcoming term. Please send
back your request for appointment times as soon as possible. You will receive confirmation of your time on the same day when
Report Cards go home. Report Cards are sent through School Messenger, where your child(ren)’s report card will be a PDF
format in an email. If you would like a paper copy of the Report Card, please let your teacher(s) know.

We will be launching a new website this month featuring all classrooms! Teachers have been working on their websites (Music is
already up and running) to incorporate learning goals, classroom expectations, student work, assignments, and additional re-
sources to help support students. Please look for it, as we will be publishing the sites by Student-Led conferences.

Pink Shirt Day this past month went well with student participation wearing pink! Inspired by an act of kindness in Nova Scotia,
two boys showed compassion for a fellow student for being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. The two boys wanted to spread an
anti-bullying message by purchasing 50 pink t-shirts and distributed it around the school for other students to wear, thus the pink
shirt day was born. 14 years later, Pink Shirt day is now a movement celebrated across the globe. While there are several
different ways to recognize Pink Days throughout the year; our School Division has adopted the International Day of Pink—held
annually. This year, on April 14, we will once again look especially at bullying-prevention, respect and kindness throughout the
division. Every day is PINK day and we always welcome students to wear their pink shirts anytime.

I Love to Read month looked a little different this year with guests reading to students virtually. We would like to extend a huge
thank you to The Honourable Janice C. Filmon, Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba. Our Grades 3 & 4 students enjoyed your time
reading to them, Your Honour.

We couldn’t have asked for a better weather for our Winter Fun Week. It was a huge success and much fun was had by all.
We enjoyed many activities like tug of war, snow soccer, tobogganing, and of course ‘snowball’ attack (similar to dodgeball).
Thanks to Ms. Thomson and all of her work to make this a great outdoor week.

Registrations for Nursery and new to Kindergarten students for September 2021 are now open. Applications are available on our
school website or you can call to pick one up from our school office. To be eligible, children must be 4 years old before
December 2021 for our Nursery Program, and 5 years old before December 2021 for our Kindergarten programming. We will do
our best to accommodate your choice of a.m. or p.m. Learn more about this on page 3 of our newsletter.

Grade 6 transitioning process will be underway with virtual visits and orientations happening soon. Although we do not have
specific details about when these orientations will take place, we are working closely with Junior High School staff to help make
this transition a smooth one. Please stay tuned for more information.

It is going to be a great learning month and we look forward to the change in season,
activities and of course Spring Break. One of the changes is Mrs. Manzano’s leave this year
(again). She will be leaving at the end of the month for her maternity leave. Mrs. Manzano
wants to thank the school community for their support throughout the years that she has
been Vice-Principal here at Greenway School. It has become her second home and she will
miss you all. Although we do not know who will be taking her place, we know the school is in
great hands with our dedicated school team.

Yours in education,
Mrs. Manzano and Mrs. Duchnycz
Administrator's Message - NET
M r         16

                                          Report Cards will be sent by
                                       School Messenger again this term

                                                 If you would like to add your email address to
                                                     our School Messenger list please call the
                                                             school at (204)775-2455

                                            M r          18, 19

                                               Student-Led Conferences are an effective way to help
                                               students become more aware of, involved in and
                                               responsible for their academic progress. They are one of
                                               the best tools for assessment for learning. As well, this is an
                                               opportunity for your child to celebrate with you his/her
                                               accomplishments and take responsibility for the learning

Here are some of the steps in the process:
- Your child will bring their Student Portfolio of work samples from differing subject areas days prior to your
conference for your viewing.
- Your child will tell you the criteria used for the work selected and discuss progress and goals.
- At your conference, you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s academic progress and growth,
ask questions and set goals with your child and teacher.

Student Led conferences helps:
- students develop ownership
- students build independence of their learning
- students take pride in their success
- students identify areas for improvement
- students share knowledge and skills learned

     Submit your appointment preference
                 by March 9
Administrator's Message - NET
Greenway School will be having a
           ‘Virtual Talent Show’ on
    FRIDAY, March 26.

All students are invited to
     submit a video to
   Ms. Thomson for the
       Talent Show.

   If you require more
 information or wish to
submit your talent video,
       please e-mail
     Ms. Thomson at

     The Due Date for Video Submissions
            is FRIDAY, March 12

   We are looking forward to another great
           Greenway Talent Show!
Administrator's Message - NET

                   Registrations for Nursery and NEW to Greenway Kindergarten Students are
                              now being accepted for the 2021- 2022 School Year.
                   Nursery students must be 4 years old before December 31, 2021 and
                   Kindergarten students must be 5 years old before December 31, 2021.
                                          Our Nursery Program is FREE
                                         to all students who are residents
                                         of the Winnipeg School Division.
                            Residency is based on where the legal guardian resides.
                                Please bring your child’s birth certificate, MB Medical Card
                                    and confirmation of your current address.
                           This could be a utility bill, rental agreement or tax statement.

         Online Registration is available for download in our Greenway School website:

                          Schedule an appointment to submit your registration
                            by calling Greenway School first at (204)775-2455

            LUNCH PROGRAM REGISTRATION—Ms. Stark (Lunch Program Director)

Lunch Program                                                                         Email:
Registration Process
The Greenway Lunch program is operated under the direction of the Parent Council. The Lunch Program operates on a
non-profit basis, however there is a charge to cover the cost of supervision and milk for each student.

Applications are available in the office and can be sent home by request. Parents who have children in this program are
asked to direct all questions and concerns directly to the Lunch Program Supervisors, not the school staff. If you require
further information, please contact the school and leave a message for the Director, Ms. Stark.
                                        NOW REGISTERING FOR 2021-2022
                                Registration application forms will be available online:

                             September’s fee should be included with the 2 page registration forms to confirm your spot.
                               Fees are: 1 child-$30.00, 2 children-$60.00, 3 children-$75.00, 4 children-$100.00 etc.

                                   Fees may be paid in cash or by cheque payable to Greenway Lunch Program.
                                                        Post-dated cheques are welcome.

              Please note that receipts for January to June 2021 will be issued in June. Thank you!
Administrator's Message - NET

   A number of parents drive their children to and from school.
        We request that you not drop your child off in the
         Staff Parking Lot located on Banning Street and
     the Bus Loading Zones located at the front of our school
                       on Burnell Street.

                                  Please use regular parking areas
                                           located on the
                                        surrounding streets.

                                               FAMILY ROOM NEWS

                 Community Support Worker—Lisa Scales             |      |   (204)775-2455

   View our NEW online website here: h ps://

Thursdays in March
                    10:00 am – 11:00 am
                    Online Numeracy Make & Take
                    Join us Thursday mornings for an Online Numeracy Make & Take! Similar to our Literacy Make & Take held
                    this past fall, we will be pu'ng together ac(vity packages that help support early numeracy. These packages
                    will be sent home prior to the Make & Take sessions, then parents and children will meet online with Lisa to
                    put the ac(vi(es together! If you are unable to a end online sessions but would s(ll like to par(cipate with
                    your children, please contact Lisa as we can modify the program to fit different schedules.

Tuesday, March 9
                   1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
                   Online Family Story Time
                   Did you know that once per month, Greenway School’s Family Room will be offering a guided online story
                   (me using the Winnipeg Public Library’s online system? We will be learning together and doing ac(vi(es such
                   as Book Flix, fun literacy games, and accessing a temporary library card for your family! A guest from the
                   Winnipeg Public Library will be in a endance to provide you with addi(onal informa(on as well as answer any
                   ques(ons you might have about accessing Winnipeg Public Library services for you and your family.

Tuesday, March 23
                    1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
                    Join us online over Zoom once per month to enjoy an a;ernoon of cra;ing and crea(ng. Projects will range
                    from upcycled household items to crea(ve art that you and your children can enjoy making together. Cra;
                    packages will be created in advance and can be picked up at school from Lisa. This month, we will be making
                    Spring Wreathes!

                                                 Tuesdays & Thursdays
                                 Lisa is available by phone, e-mail, or in person appointment
 While programming in the Family Room may look a li le bit different this year due to the pandemic, please note that resources
 and support is s(ll available! Should you need assistance with food security, accessing a computer, borrowing a book from our
      lending library, support seeking financial or employment assistance, please contact Lisa Scales at Greenway School.
Administrator's Message - NET
March 22-26
       Mon                 Tues      Wed                            Thurs                Fri
     M r      2           M r     23           M r    24           M r    25          M r     26

  Pajama Day            Sports Day           Wacky Day             Greenway         Formal Day
    Wear your PJs         Wear your           Wear wacky             Spirit          Dress in your
                         sports gear        clothing or make    Celebrate your        best outfit
                       (Winnipeg Jets is    your hair wacky     culture or wear
                       playing tonight)                         green or yellow

                                GRADE 7 VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE

                                                        GENERAL WOLFE SCHOOL

                                                               C      n        i M r

Gordon Bell High School Registration Information       General Wolfe School Registration Information
Administrator's Message - NET
MONDAY                    TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                      FRIDAY

1                 Day 1   2                Day 2    3              Day 3   4                  Day 4   5                    Day 5

                                                     World Wildlife Day

8                 Day 6   9               Day 1     10            Day 2    11                 Day 3   12                  Day 4


                                                                           18                 Day 2   19                   Day 3
15                Day 5   16               Day 6    17             Day 1
                                                                                                           NO SCHOOL
                                                                                STUDENT-LED                  STUDENT-LED
                                                                                CONFERENCES                  CONFERENCES

                                REPORT CARDS
                              EMAILED THROUGH
                              SCHOOL MESSENGER

22                Day 4   23               Day 5    24             Day 6   25                 Day 1   26                   Day 2

                                                                                                           Virtual Talent Show

                       SPIRIT WEEK                          (notes coming home soon)

29                        30                        31                     1                          2-

                                                  Back to School: Monday, April 05 (Day 3)
Administrator's Message - NET Administrator's Message - NET Administrator's Message - NET
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