Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria 2014

Page created by Gary Estrada
Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria 2014
Advisory list of rare or
threatened plants in Victoria -
Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria 2014
Cover image: Tall Astelia, Powelltown area (courtesy of Elizabeth James)

© The State of Victoria Department of Environment and Primary Industries 2014

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Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria 2014

Purpose of the DEPI advisory lists
The Advisory Lists are maintained by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries and are based on technical
information and advice obtained from a range of experts. They are reviewed periodically. The information in these lists
may be of use in a range of planning processes, such as the preparation of National Park Management Plans, local
government planning schemes, regional catchment strategies and in setting priorities for actions to conserve biodiversity.
Together with the range of programs and other resources available, lists of this type serve to increase community
awareness of threatened species and may encourage community members to become involved in activities to protect
threatened species, thereby reducing the risk of their conservation status worsening.

Relationship to statutory lists
This advisory list is not the same as the statutory list of threatened species and communities established under the
Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 (FFG Act). However, some of the species in this advisory list are also
listed as threatened under the FFG Act. The FFG Act Threatened List only includes items that have been nominated,
assessed by the Scientific Advisory Committee and approved for listing by the Minister for Environment and Climate
Change and the Minister for Agriculture and Food Security.
There are also species on this list that are listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Act 1999. This information is included in the tables. Readers who are interested in learning more about
this Act should contact the Commonwealth Department of the Environment.
Although there are no direct legal requirements that flow from inclusion of a species in this advisory list, taxa assessed
as rare, vulnerable or endangered in this list are considered through native vegetation planning permit approval and
offset processes under Victoria’s Native Vegetation Regulations.

Composition of the list and assessment of taxa
The Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria - 2014 updates the publication in 2005 of the Advisory List of
Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria – 2005 (DSE 2005).
This list includes a comprehensive list of rare or threatened bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) and a small selection of
lichens and fungi. The inclusion of a preliminary list of only nine lichens and fungi is indicative of the poorly known or
data deficient conservation status of the vast majority of taxa in these groups for which a definitive list of rare or
threatened species must await further taxonomic investigation and the collation of reliable distribution data.
The list refers to plants considered rare or threatened in Victoria only: their status elsewhere in Australia or beyond is not
considered in assigning Victorian conservation status. Taxa are eligible for inclusion in the list if:
• they are recognised as taxonomically valid by the National Herbarium of Victoria, and
• they currently occur, or occurred, naturally in Victoria, and
• they are, or are highly likely to be, rare or threatened in Victoria.

Special cases – infraspecific taxa and hybrids
Where a species is subdivided into two or more infraspecific taxa (subspecies, varieties or forms) all of which are also
included in the list, then the species-level taxon itself is not included. Such species are listed in Appendix 1. Logically,
these species could also be considered rare or threatened but they are excluded to avoid confusion and potential double-
counting. Where an EPBC Act or FFG Act status applies only at the species level, this status is shown in parentheses
for the infraspecific taxa.
Taxa which are generally recognised as naturally-occurring hybrids are included in this list only when they are formally
recognised by the National Herbarium of Victoria. In general, such taxa are eligible for inclusion in these lists only when
it is established that they are distinctive, stable and self-sustaining and supported by a published taxonomic description.

Other DEPI advisory lists
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries has also published the Advisory List of Threatened Vertebrate
Fauna in Victoria – 2013 and the Advisory List of Threatened Invertebrate Fauna in Victoria – 2013. These lists are
available from the DEPI web site at The Department of Environment and Primary Industries

                                       Advisory List of Rare Or Threatened Plants In Victoria - 2014
also periodically publishes a list of Victorian plants, both native and naturalised, based on data in the Victorian
Biodiversity Atlas (VBA).

Arrangement of the list
The list is divided into three sections representing three broad subdivisions of the plant and fungal kingdoms: vascular
plants, mosses and liverworts, and fungi and lichens. Nationally threatened taxa of terrestrial, freshwater or marine
algae which are known to occur in Victoria (Scott et al. 1997) are not included in this list on account of the very
rudimentary knowledge of the distribution and conservation status of algae at the present time.
Botanical Name
The list is arranged alphabetically by botanical name. The taxonomy and botanical nomenclature used in the list is
based on A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria (Walsh & Stajsic 2007) and subsequent advice from the National
Herbarium of Victoria. It is current as of October 2011.
Common Name
The common names listed are generally those provided in authoritative publications, including the Flora of Victoria
(Walsh & Entwisle 1994, 1996, 1999), A Handbook to Plants in Victoria (Willis 1970, 1973) and other national, state and
regional floras.
Conservation Status in Australia
National conservation status is based on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
list of taxa considered threatened in Australia. In some instances the botanical and/or the common names of plants may
have changed since the taxon was first listed under the EPBC Act. In such instances the EPBC Act status has been
applied to the circumscription intended at the time of listing under the Act. This information is accurate as at August
2014. For further information regarding the EPBC Act and, in particular, for the most up-to-date listings under the Act,
refer to the following website: The categories are as follows:

 Code      Category
  EX       Extinct: A taxon is extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual of the taxon has died.
  CR       Critically Endangered: A taxon is critically endangered when it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction
           in the wild in the immediate future.
  EN       Endangered: A taxon is endangered when it is not critically endangered but is facing a very high risk of
           extinction in the wild in the near future.
  VU       Vulnerable: A taxon is vulnerable when it is not critically endangered or endangered but is facing a high risk
           of extinction in the wild in the medium-term future.

Conservation Status in Victoria
 Code      Category
   x       Presumed Extinct in Victoria: not recorded from Victoria during the past 50 years despite field searches
           specifically for the plant, or, alternatively, intensive field searches (since 1950) at all previously known sites
           have failed to record the plant.
   e       Endangered in Victoria: at risk of disappearing from the wild state if present land use and other causal factors
           continue to operate.
   v       Vulnerable in Victoria: not presently endangered but likely to become so soon due to continued depletion;
           occurring mainly on sites likely to experience changes in land-use which would threaten the survival of the
           plant in the wild; or, taxa whose total population is so small that the likelihood of recovery from disturbance,
           including localised natural events such as drought, fire or landslip, is doubtful.
   r       Rare in Victoria: rare but not considered otherwise threatened - there are relatively few known populations or
           the taxon is restricted to a relatively small area.
   k       Poorly Known in Victoria: poorly known and suspected, but not definitely known, to belong to one of the above
           categories (x, e, v or r) within Victoria. At present, accurate distribution information is inadequate.

Status under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
This column provides information on the listing status under the provisions of Part 3 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee
Act 1988. A taxon may be listed as threatened if it has been nominated, assessed by the Scientific Advisory Committee
and approved by the Minister for Environment. Any person may make a nomination for listing. This information is
accurate as at August 2014. For the most up-to-date listings under the Act, refer to the following web site:

                                        Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Code       Category
   D        Delisted as threatened

    I       Rejected for listing as threatened; taxon invalid

   L        Listed as threatened

   N        Nominated for listing as threatened

   X        Rejected for listing as threatened; taxon ineligible

Category                                         Vascular plants                 Mosses and Liverworts       Fungi and Lichens
Presumed extinct in Victoria                               41                                     2                     0
Endangered in Victoria                                    350                                    16                     3
Vulnerable in Victoria                                    498                                    18                     2
Rare in Victoria                                          822                                    32                     4
Poorly Known in Victoria                                  232                                    86                     0

Total                                                     1943                                  154                     9

Further Information
For further information, contact the DEPI Customer Service Centre on 13 6186 or visit the DEPI website: Further information about nationally threatened species can be obtained from the Commonwealth
Department of the Environment website:

DSE (2005) Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in Victoria - 2005. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria, East
Melbourne, Victoria.

IUCN (2001) IUCN Red List Categories: Version 3.1. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland &
Cambridge, UK.

Scott, G.A.M., Entwisle, T.J., May, T.W. & Stevens, G.N. (1997) A Conservation Overview of Australian Non-marine Lichens,
Bryophytes, Algae and Fungi. Environment Australia, Canberra.

Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (Eds.) (1994) Flora of Victoria. Volume 2 Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons. Inkata
Press, Melbourne.

Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (Eds.) (1996) Flora of Victoria. Volume 3 Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae. Inkata Press,

Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (Eds.) (1999) Flora of Victoria. Volume 4 Dicotyledons Cornaceae to Asteraceae. Inkata Press, Melbourne.

Walsh, N.G. & Stajsic, V. (2007) A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria. Eighth Edition. Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.

Willis, J.H. (1970) A Handbook to Plants in Victoria. Volume 1 Ferns, Conifers and Monocotyledons. Melbourne University Press,

Willis, J.H. (1973) A Handbook to Plants in Victoria. Volume 2 Dicotyledons. Melbourne University Press, Carlton.

                                          Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                            Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Vascular Plants
Abrotanella nivigena                                      Snow-wort                                              v

Abutilon fraseri subsp. diplotrichum                      Dwarf Lantern-flower                                   e     (L)

Abutilon fraseri subsp. fraseri                           Dwarf Lantern-flower                                   e     (L)

Abutilon malvifolium                                      Mallow-leaf Lantern-flower                             e      L

Abutilon otocarpum                                        Desert Lantern                                         v

Abutilon oxycarpum var. subsagittatum                     Flannel Weed                                           e      L

Acacia alpina                                             Alpine Wattle                                          r

Acacia amoena                                             Boomerang Wattle                                       r

Acacia ancistrophylla var. lissophylla                    Dwarf Myall                                            v

Acacia argyrophylla                                       Silver Mulga                                           x

Acacia aspera subsp. parviceps                            Rough Wattle                                           r

Acacia ausfeldii                                          Ausfeld's Wattle                                       v      X

Acacia binervia                                           Coast Myall                                            e      L

Acacia boormanii                                          Snowy River Wattle                                     r

Acacia caerulescens                                       Limestone Blue Wattle                           VU     v      L

Acacia colletioides                                       Wait-a-while                                           r

Acacia cupularis                                          Cup Wattle                                             r

Acacia dallachiana                                        Catkin Wattle                                          r

Acacia daviesii                                           Timbertop Wattle                                       v      L

Acacia dawsonii                                           Poverty Wattle                                         v

Acacia dealbata subsp. subalpina                          Monaro Silver-wattle                                   k

Acacia deanei subsp. deanei                               Deane's Wattle                                         e      L

Acacia deanei subsp. paucijuga                            Deane's Wattle                                         r

Acacia decora                                             Western Silver Wattle                                  v

Acacia doratoxylon                                        Currawang                                              r

Acacia enterocarpa                                        Jumping-jack Wattle                             EN     e      L

Acacia euthycarpa subsp. oblanceolata                     Wedderburn Wattle                                      v

Acacia exudans                                            Casterton Wattle                                       v

Acacia farinosa                                           Mealy Wattle                                           k

Acacia flexifolia                                         Bent-leaf Wattle                                       r

Acacia glandulicarpa                                      Hairy-pod Wattle                                VU     v      L

Acacia havilandiorum                                      Needle Wattle                                          e      L

Acacia howittii                                           Sticky Wattle                                          r

Acacia infecunda                                          Famine Wattle                                          v

Acacia irrorata subsp. irrorata                           Green Wattle                                           v

Acacia kybeanensis                                        Kybean Wattle                                          r

Acacia lanigera var. gracilipes                           Woolly Wattle                                          r

Acacia lanigera var. lanigera                             Woolly Wattle                                          r

Acacia leprosa s.s.                                       Cinnamon Wattle                                        k

Acacia leprosa var. graveolens                            Common Cinnamon-wattle                                 k

Acacia leprosa var. uninervia                             Large-leaf Cinnamon-wattle                             r

                                         Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Acacia lineata                                              Streaked Wattle                                        r

Acacia loderi                                               Nealie                                                 v      N

Acacia lucasii                                              Woolly-bear Wattle                                     v

Acacia maidenii                                             Maiden's Wattle                                        e      L

Acacia melvillei                                            Yarran                                                 v      N

Acacia nano-dealbata                                        Dwarf Silver Wattle                                    r

Acacia nanopravissima                                       Little Kooka Wattle                                    v

Acacia notabilis                                            Mallee Golden Wattle                                   v

Acacia omalophylla                                          Yarran Wattle                                          e      L

Acacia oswaldii                                             Umbrella Wattle                                        v      N

Acacia pendula                                              Weeping Myall                                          e      L

Acacia penninervis var. penninervis                         Hickory Wattle                                         r

Acacia phasmoides                                           Phantom Wattle                                  VU     v      L

Acacia phlebophylla                                         Buffalo Sallow-wattle                                  r      L

Acacia rostriformis                                         Bacchus Marsh Wattle                                   v

Acacia rupicola                                             Rock Wattle                                            r

Acacia simmonsiana                                          Desert Manna Wattle                                    r

Acacia sp. aff. rigens (Gerang Gerung)                      Smooth Nealie                                          v

Acacia sporadica                                            Pale Hickory-wattle                                    v

Acacia stictophylla                                         Dandenong Wattle                                       r

Acacia subporosa                                            Bower Wattle                                           r

Acacia subtilinervis                                        Net-veined Wattle                                      v

Acacia tabula                                               Wombargo Wattle                                        v

Acacia trineura                                             Three-nerve Wattle                                     v

Acacia triptera                                             Spur-wing Wattle                                       r

Acacia uncifolia                                            Coast Wirilda                                          r

Acacia verniciflua (1-nerved variant)                       Seymour Wattle                                         v

Acacia verniciflua (large bracteole variant)                Tooborac Wattle                                        v

Acacia verniciflua (Warby Range variant)                    Warby Wattle                                           v

Acacia verticillata subsp. ruscifolia                       Broad-leaf Prickly Moses                               r

Acacia victoriae subsp. victoriae                           Bramble Wattle                                         r

Acacia williamsonii                                         Whirrakee Wattle                                       r      X

Acacia X grayana                                            Wimmera Wattle                                         r

Acianthus collinus                                          Hooded Mosquito-orchid                                 v      L

Aciphylla glacialis                                         Snow Aciphyll                                          r

Aciphylla simplicifolia                                     Mountain Aciphyll                                      r

Acronychia oblongifolia                                     Yellow-wood                                            r      L

Acrothamnus montanus                                        Snow Beard-heath                                       r

Acrotriche cordata                                          Coast Ground-berry                                     r

Acrotriche depressa                                         Wiry Ground-berry                                      e

Acrotriche leucocarpa                                       Tall Acrotriche                                        r

Actinotus bellidioides                                      Tiny Flannel-flower                                    x

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Actinotus forsythii                                         Ridge Flannel-flower                                   v      L

Adiantum capillus-veneris                                   Venus-hair Fern                                        e      L

Adiantum diaphanum                                          Filmy Maidenhair                                       e      L

Adiantum formosum                                           Black Stem                                             v

Adiantum hispidulum var. hispidulum                         Rough Maidenhair                                       r

Adiantum hispidulum var. hypoglaucum                        Rough Maidenhair                                       k

Adriana quadripartita                                       Coast Bitter-bush                                      v

Adriana tomentosa var. tomentosa                            Eastern Bitter-bush                                    r

Agrostis australiensis                                      Tiny Bent                                              r

Agrostis bettyae                                            Forest Bent                                            k

Agrostis muelleriana                                        Mueller's Bent                                         r

Agrostis propinqua                                          Mountain Bent                                          k

Agrostis thompsoniae                                        Alpine Bent                                            k

Alchemilla sp. 1                                            Lady's Mantle                                          r

Alectryon subcinereus                                       Native Quince                                          e      L

Allocasuarina grampiana                                     Grampians Sheoak                                       r

Allocasuarina luehmannii                                    Buloke                                                 e      L

Allocasuarina mackliniana subsp. hirtilinea                 Western Sheoak                                         r

Allocasuarina mackliniana subsp. mackliniana                Western Sheoak                                         k

Allocasuarina media                                         Prom Sheoak                                            k

Allocasuarina nana                                          Stunted Sheoak                                         r

Almaleea capitata                                           Slender Parrot-pea                                     v      L

Almaleea paludosa                                           Marsh Bush-pea                                         r

Alternanthera nodiflora                                     Common Joyweed                                         k

Alternanthera sp. 1 (Plains)                                Plains Joyweed                                         k

Amaranthus grandiflorus                                     Large-flower Amaranth                                  v

Amaranthus macrocarpus var. macrocarpus                     Dwarf Amaranth                                         v

Ammannia multiflora                                         Jerry-jerry                                            v

Ammobium alatum                                             Winged Everlasting                                     r

Amphibolis antarctica                                       Sea Nymph                                              k

Amphibromus pithogastrus                                    Plump Swamp Wallaby-grass                              e      L

Amphibromus sinuatus                                        Wavy Swamp Wallaby-grass                               v

Amyema linophylla subsp. orientale                          Buloke Mistletoe                                       v

Amyema pendula subsp. longifolia                            Drooping Mistletoe                                     r

Androcalva rossii                                           Blackfellow's Hemp                                     v

Androcalva tatei                                            Trailing Commersonia                                   e

Angianthus brachypappus                                     Spreading Angianthus                                   v

Angophora floribunda                                        Rough-barked Apple                                     r

Anthosachne multiflora subsp. multiflora                    Short-awned Wheat-grass                                k

Aphanopetalum resinosum                                     Gum Vine                                               v

Apium insulare                                              Island Celery                                          v

Arabidella nasturtium                                       Yellow Cress                                           k

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                               Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Argentipallium dealbatum                                     Silver Everlasting                                     r

Argyrotegium mackayi                                         Silver Cudweed                                         r

Argyrotegium nitidulum                                       Shining Cudweed                                 VU     r

Argyrotegium poliochlorum                                    Grey-green Cudweed                                     r

Aristida calycina var. calycina                              Dark Wire-grass                                        r

Aristida holathera var. holathera                            Tall Kerosene Grass                                    v

Aristida jerichoensis var. subspinulifera                    Jericho Wire-grass                                     e      L

Aristida obscura                                             Rough-seed Wire-grass                                  e      L

Aristida personata                                           Purple Wire-grass                                      e      L

Arthropodium sp. 1 (robust glaucous)                         Tall Vanilla-lily                                      r

Arthropodium sp. 2 (greenish flowers)                        Greenish-flower Vanilla-lily                           k

Asperula ambleia                                             Stiff Woodruff                                         e      L

Asperula charophyton                                         Elongate Woodruff                                      k

Asperula gemella                                             Twin-leaf Bedstraw                                     r

Asperula minima                                              Mossy Woodruff                                         r

Asperula wimmerana                                           Wimmera Woodruff                                       r

Asplenium aethiopicum                                        Shredded Spleenwort                                    v

Asplenium appendiculatum subsp. appendiculatum               Ground Spleenwort                                      r

Asplenium hookerianum                                        Maidenhair Spleenwort                           VU     e      L

Asplenium obtusatum subsp. northlandicum                     Shore Spleenwort                                       v

Asplenium polyodon                                           Sickle Spleenwort                                      x

Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens                    Common Spleenwort                                      r

Asplenium trichomanes subsp. trichomanes                     Common Spleenwort                                      r

Astelia australiana                                          Tall Astelia                                    VU     v      L

Astelia psychrocharis                                        Kosciusko Pineapple-grass                              e

Asterolasia asteriscophora subsp. albiflora                  White Star-bush                                        e      L

Asterolasia phebalioides                                     Downy Star-Bush                                 VU     v      L

Astrotricha asperifolia subsp. 2                             Bogong Star-hair                                       r

Astrotricha ledifolia s.s.                                   Common Star-hair                                       r

Astrotricha linearis subsp. 1                                Narrow-leaf Star-hair                                  r

Astrotricha linearis subsp. 2                                Narrow-leaf Star-hair                                  r

Astrotricha parvifolia subsp. 1                              Small-leaf Star-hair                                   v

Astrotricha parvifolia subsp. 2                              Small-leaf Star-hair                                   v

Astrotricha sp. 1 subsp. 1                                   Grampians Star-hair                                    r

Astrotricha sp. 1 subsp. 2                                   Greater Grampians Star-hair                            v

Astrotricha sp. 2                                            Long-leaf Star-hair                                    v

Astrotricha sp. 3                                            Wingan Star-hair                                       v

Astrotricha sp. 4                                            Thick-leaf Star-hair                                   r

Astrotricha sp. 5                                            Wallagaraugh Star-hair                                 v

Atriplex acutibractea subsp. acutibractea                    Pointed Saltbush                                       v      L

Atriplex acutibractea subsp. karoniensis                     Pointed Saltbush                                       r

Atriplex angulata                                            Angular Saltbush                                       e      L

                                            Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                             Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Atriplex billardierei                                      Glistening Saltbush                                    x      L

Atriplex holocarpa                                         Pop Saltbush                                           v      L

Atriplex limbata                                           Spreading Saltbush                                     v      L

Atriplex lindleyi subsp. conduplicata                      Baldoo                                                 r

Atriplex lindleyi subsp. lindleyi                          Flat-top Saltbush                                      k

Atriplex nummularia subsp. omissa                          Dwarf Old-man Saltbush                                 r

Atriplex paludosa subsp. paludosa                          Marsh Saltbush                                         r

Atriplex papillata                                         Coral Saltbush                                         r

Atriplex pseudocampanulata                                 Mealy Saltbush                                         r

Atriplex rhagodioides                                      Silver Saltbush                                        v      L

Atriplex spinibractea                                      Spiny-fruit Saltbush                                   e

Atriplex spongiosa                                         Small Pop Saltbush                                     e

Atriplex turbinata                                         Paddle Saltbush                                        e

Atriplex vesicaria subsp. macrocystidia                    Bladder Saltbush                                       k

Atriplex vesicaria subsp. minor                            Bladder Saltbush                                       k

Australina pusilla subsp. pusilla                          Small Shade-nettle                                     r

Australopyrum retrofractum                                 Comb Wheat-grass                                       r

Australopyrum velutinum                                    Mountain Wheat-grass                                   r

Austrobryonia micrantha                                    Mallee Cucumber                                        r

Austrostipa breviglumis                                    Cane Spear-grass                                       r

Austrostipa exilis                                         Heath Spear-grass                                      r

Austrostipa hemipogon                                      Half-bearded Spear-grass                               r

Austrostipa macalpinei                                     Annual Spear-grass                                     r

Austrostipa mundula                                        Neat Spear-grass                                       r

Austrostipa nivicola                                       Alpine Spear-grass                                     r

Austrostipa nullanulla                                     Club Spear-grass                                       v

Austrostipa pilata                                         Prickly Spear-grass                                    v

Austrostipa puberula                                       Fine-hairy Spear-grass                                 r

Austrostipa rudis subsp. australis                         Veined Spear-grass                                     r

Austrostipa tenuifolia                                     Long-awn Spear-grass                                   v

Austrostipa trichophylla                                   Spear-grass                                            r

Austrostipa tuckeri                                        Tucker's Spear-grass                                   x

Austrostipa verticillata                                   Bamboo Spear-grass                                     k

Avicennia marina subsp. australasica                       Grey Mangrove                                          r

Baeckea latifolia                                          Subalpine Baeckea                                      r

Baeckea linifolia                                          Swamp Baeckea                                          r

Ballantinia antipoda                                       Southern Shepherd's Purse                       EN     e      L

Banksia canei                                              Mountain Banksia                                       r

Banksia croajingolensis                                    Gippsland Banksia                                      e

Banksia saxicola                                           Rock Banksia                                           r

Barbarea grayi                                             Native Wintercress                                     v

Bauera sessiliflora                                        Grampians Bauera                                       r

                                          Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                             Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Baumea laxa                                                Lax Twig-sedge                                         r

Baumea planifolia                                          Rough Twig-sedge                                       k

Bergia ammannioides                                        Jerry Water-fire                                       v

Bergia trimera                                             Small Water-fire                                       v

Bertya cunninghamii subsp. pubiramula                      Sticky Bertya                                          r

Bertya findlayi                                            Mountain Bertya                                        v

Bertya grampiana                                           Grampians Bertya                                       v

Bertya tasmanica subsp. vestita (fine-haired variant)      Mitchell Bertya (fine-haired variant)                  k

Bertya tasmanica subsp. vestita (glabrous ovary
                                                           Mitchell Bertya (glabrous ovary variant)               k

Berula erecta                                              Water Parsnip                                          k

Beyeria lanceolata                                         Pinkwood                                               r

Beyeria lasiocarpa                                         Wallaby-bush                                           r

Billardiera scandens s.s.                                  Velvet Apple-berry                                     r

Blechnum vulcanicum                                        Mountain Water-fern                                    v

Boerhavia coccinea                                         Scarlet Spiderling                                     r

Bolboschoenus fluviatilis                                  Tall Club-sedge                                        k

Boronia algida                                             Alpine Boronia                                         r

Boronia anemonifolia subsp. aurifodina                     Goldfield Boronia                                      r

Boronia anemonifolia subsp. variabilis                     Coast Boronia                                          v

Boronia citrata                                            Lemon Boronia                                          v      X

Boronia filifolia                                          Slender Boronia                                        v

Boronia galbraithiae                                       Aniseed Boronia                                 VU     v      L

Boronia latipinna                                          Grampians Boronia                                      r

Boronia ledifolia                                          Showy Boronia                                          v

Boronia nana var. pubescens                                Dwarf Boronia                                          r

Boronia pilosa subsp. parvidaemonis                        Desert Boronia                                         v

Boronia pilosa subsp. torquata                             Hairy Boronia                                          r

Borya mirabilis                                            Grampians Pincushion-lily                       EN     e      L

Bossiaea bracteosa                                         Mountain Leafless Bossiaea                             r

Bossiaea cordigera                                         Wiry Bossiaea                                          r

Bossiaea ensata                                            Sword Bossiaea                                         r

Bossiaea heterophylla                                      Variable Bossiaea                                      r

Bossiaea riparia                                           River Leafless Bossiaea                                r

Bossiaea rosmarinifolia                                    Grampians Bossiaea                                     r

Bossiaea vombata                                           Wombat Bossiaea                                        e

Bossiaea walkeri                                           Cactus Bossiaea                                        e

Botrychium australe                                        Austral Moonwort                                       v      L

Botrychium lunaria                                         Honesty                                                v

Brachyloma depressum                                       Spreading Brachyloma                                   r

Brachyscome aff. gracilis (Kings Billabong)                Billabong Daisy                                        v      L

Brachyscome chrysoglossa                                   Yellow-tongue Daisy                                    v      L

Brachyscome cuneifolia                                     Wedge-leaf Daisy                                       k

                                          Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                            Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Brachyscome exilis                                        Finger-leaved Daisy                                    r

Brachyscome gracilis                                      Dookie Daisy                                           v      L

Brachyscome melanocarpa                                   Black-fruit Daisy                                      e

Brachyscome muelleroides                                  Mueller Daisy                                   VU     e      L

Brachyscome obovata                                       Baw Baw Daisy                                          r

Brachyscome petrophila                                    Rock Daisy                                             r

Brachyscome ptychocarpa                                   Tiny Daisy                                             r

Brachyscome radicans                                      Marsh Daisy                                            r

Brachyscome readeri                                       Reader's Daisy                                         r

Brachyscome riparia                                       Snowy River Daisy                                      r

Brachyscome salkiniae                                     Elegant Daisy                                          r

Brachyscome sp. 1                                         Peat Daisy                                             v

Brachyscome sp. 2                                         Howitt Daisy                                           v

Brachyscome sp. 3                                         Mountain Daisy                                         v      L

Brachyscome sp. aff. readeri                              Riverina Daisy                                         v

Brachyscome tadgellii                                     Tadgell's Daisy                                        r

Brachyscome trachycarpa                                   Inland Daisy                                           v

Brachyscome willisii                                      Narrow-wing Daisy                                      r

Brasenia schreberi                                        Water Shield                                           v      L

Bromus arenarius                                          Sand Brome                                             r

Brunoniella pumilio                                       Dwarf Brunoniella                                      e      L

Bulbine crassa                                            Coast Lily                                             r

Burnettia cuneata                                         Lizard Orchid                                          r

Caesia parviflora var. minor                              Pale Grass-lily                                        k

Caesia parviflora var. vittata                            Pale Grass-lily                                        k

Caladenia aestiva                                         Mountain Summer Spider-orchid                          r

Caladenia aff. catenata (South Gippsland)                 Variable Finger-orchid                                 r

Caladenia aff. oenochila (St Andrews)                     St Andrews Spider-orchid                               e

Caladenia aff. venusta (Tallageira)                       Tallageira Spider-orchid                               v

Caladenia aff. vulgaris (Aireys Inlet)                    Plain Pink-fingers                                     k

Caladenia alata                                           Fairy Orchid                                           k

Caladenia amoena                                          Charming Spider-orchid                          EN     e      L

Caladenia ampla                                           Dainty Spider-orchid                                   e

Caladenia ancylosa                                        Genoa Spider-orchid                                    v      L

Caladenia audasii                                         McIvor Spider-orchid                            EN     e      L

Caladenia aurantiaca                                      Orange-tip Finger-orchid                               r

Caladenia australis                                       Southern Spider-orchid                                 k

Caladenia bicalliata subsp. bicalliata                    Limestone Ridge Spider-orchid                          e

Caladenia brachyscapa                                     Short Spider-orchid                             EX     x      L

Caladenia calcicola                                       Limestone Spider-orchid                         VU     e      L

Caladenia carnea var. subulata                            Striped Pink-fingers                            EN     x      L

Caladenia clavescens                                      Castlemaine Spider-orchid                              v      L

                                         Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                                Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Caladenia cleistantha                                         Closed Finger-orchid                                   k      X

Caladenia concolor                                            Crimson Spider-orchid                           VU     e      L

Caladenia cremna                                              Whitfield Spider-orchid                         CR     e      L

Caladenia cretacea                                            Stuart Mill Spider-orchid                              e      L

Caladenia cruciformis                                         Red-cross Spider-orchid                                e      L

Caladenia dilatata s.s.                                       Green-comb Spider-orchid                               k

Caladenia douglasiorum                                        Douglas' Spider-orchid                                 e      L

Caladenia flavovirens                                         Summer Spider-orchid                                   r

Caladenia formosa                                             Elegant Spider-orchid                           VU     v      L

Caladenia fragrantissima                                      Scented Spider-orchid                                  e      L

Caladenia fulva                                               Tawny Spider-orchid                             EN     e      L

Caladenia grampiana                                           Grampians Spider-orchid                                v      L

Caladenia hastata                                             Mellblom's Spider-orchid                        EN     e      L

Caladenia hildae                                              Honey Hood-orchid                                      r

Caladenia insularis                                           French Island Spider-orchid                     VU     v      L

Caladenia leptochila                                          Narrow-lip Spider-orchid                               k

Caladenia lowanensis                                          Wimmera Spider-orchid                           EN     e      L

Caladenia magnifica                                           Magnificent Spider-orchid                              x      L

Caladenia maritima                                            Angahook Pink-fingers                                  e      L

Caladenia mentiens                                            Cryptic Pink-fingers                                   k

Caladenia oenochila                                           Wine-lipped Spider-orchid                              v

Caladenia oreophila                                           Monaro Spider-orchid                                   v      L

Caladenia orientalis                                          Eastern Spider-orchid                           EN     e      L

Caladenia ornata                                              Ornate Pink-fingers                             VU     v      L

Caladenia osmera                                              Pungent Spider-orchid                                  v      L

Caladenia patersonii s.s.                                     Cream Spider-orchid                                    e

Caladenia peisleyi                                            Heath Spider-orchid                                    v      L

Caladenia pilotensis                                          Mount Pilot Spider-orchid                              e      L

Caladenia prolata                                             Fertile Finger-orchid                                  k

Caladenia pumila                                              Dwarf Spider-orchid                             CR     e      L

Caladenia reticulata s.s.                                     Veined Spider-orchid                                   v

Caladenia robinsonii                                          Frankston Spider-orchid                         EN     e      L

Caladenia rosella                                             Little Pink Spider-orchid                       EN     e      L

Caladenia sp. aff. colorata (Lower Glenelg River)             Colourful Spider-orchid                         EN     e      L

Caladenia sp. aff. concolor (Midlands)                        Midlands Spider-orchid                                 v

Caladenia sp. aff. fragrantissima (Central Victoria)          Bendigo Spider-orchid                                  e      L

Caladenia sp. aff. fragrantissima (Inverleigh)                Inverleigh Spider-orchid                               e

Caladenia sp. aff. iridescens (Chapple Vale)                  Golden Hood-orchid                                     k

Caladenia sp. aff. rosella (Violet Town)                      Violet Town Spider-orchid                              e      L

Caladenia sp. aff. venusta (Kilsyth South)                    Kilsyth South Spider-orchid                     CR     e      L

Caladenia stricta                                             Upright Spider-orchid                                  v

Caladenia tensa                                               Rigid Spider-orchid                             EN     v

                                             Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                            Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Caladenia tessellata                                      Thick-lip Spider-orchid                         VU     v

Caladenia thysanochila                                    Fringed Spider-orchid                           EN     x      L

Caladenia toxochila                                       Bow-lip Spider-orchid                                  v      L

Caladenia valida                                          Robust Spider-orchid                                   e      L

Caladenia venusta                                         Large White Spider-orchid                              r      X

Caladenia versicolor                                      Candy Spider-orchid                             VU     e      L

Caladenia villosissima                                    Hairy Spider-orchid                                    k

Caladenia vulgaris                                        Slender Pink-fingers                                   r

Caladenia X variabilis                                    Variable Spider-orchid                                 e

Caladenia xanthochila                                     Yellow-lip Spider-orchid                        EN     e      L

Calandrinia corrigioloides                                Strap Purslane                                         r

Calandrinia volubilis                                     Twining Purslane                                       r

Callistemon brachyandrus                                  Prickly Bottlebrush                                    r

Callistemon forresterae                                   Forrester's Bottlebrush                         VU     v

Callistemon genofluvialis                                 Genoa River Bottlebrush                                v

Callistemon kenmorrisonii                                 Betka Bottlebrush                               VU     v      L

Callistemon nyallingensis                                 Boggy Creek Bottlebrush                                v      L

Callistemon subulatus                                     Dwarf Bottlebrush                                      r

Callistemon wimmerensis                                   Wimmera Bottlebrush                             CR     e      L

Callitriche brachycarpa                                   Short Water-starwort                                   v      L

Callitriche palustris var. palustris                      Swamp Water-starwort                                   k

Callitriche umbonata                                      Winged Water-starwort                                  r      X

Calochilus herbaceus                                      Leafless Beard-orchid                                  k

Calochilus imberbis                                       Naked Beard-orchid                                     r

Calochilus richiae                                        Bald-tip Beard-orchid                           EN     e      L

Calochilus sp. aff. campestris (Moondarra)                Moondarra Beard-orchid                                 e

Calochilus therophilus                                    Slender Beard-orchid                                   k

Calorophus elongatus                                      Long Rope-rush                                         v

Calostemma luteum                                         Yellow Garland-lily                                    v

Calostemma purpureum s.s.                                 Garland Lily                                           r

Calotis cuneifolia                                        Blue Burr-daisy                                        r

Calotis cymbacantha                                       Burr-daisy                                             r

Calotis lappulacea                                        Yellow Burr-daisy                                      r

Calotis pubescens                                         Mountain Burr-daisy                                    e      L

Calystegia soldanella                                     Sea Bindweed                                           v

Cardamine astoniae                                        Spreading Bitter-cress                                 v

Cardamine franklinensis                                   Franklin Bitter-cress                                  e      L

Cardamine gunnii s.s.                                     Tuberous Bitter-cress                                  x      L

Cardamine lilacina s.s.                                   Lilac Bitter-cress                                     v

Cardamine lineariloba                                     Western Bitter-cress                                   v

Cardamine microthrix                                      Eastern Bitter-cress                                   v

Cardamine moirensis                                       Riverina Bitter-cress                                  r

                                         Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Cardamine papillata                                         Forest Bitter-cress                                    v

Cardamine paucijuga s.s. (forest form)                      Annual Bitter-cress                                    v

Cardamine paucijuga s.s. (type form)                        Annual Bitter-cress                                    e

Cardamine tenuifolia (large-flower form)                    Slender Bitter-cress                                   e

Cardamine tenuifolia (small-flower form)                    Slender Bitter-cress                                   k

Cardamine tryssa                                            Dainty Bitter-cress                                    e      L

Carex aff. bichenoviana (Volcanic Lakes)                    Tufted Curly Sedge                                     r

Carex aff. tereticaulis (Lake Omeo)                         Lake Omeo Sedge                                        v

Carex alsophila                                             Forest Sedge                                           r

Carex archeri                                               Archer's Sedge                                         v

Carex blakei                                                Alpine Sedge                                           r

Carex canescens                                             Short Sedge                                            r

Carex capillacea                                            Hair Sedge                                             r      X

Carex cephalotes                                            Wire-head Sedge                                        v      L

Carex chlorantha                                            Green-top Sedge                                        k

Carex echinata                                              Star Sedge                                             v

Carex gunniana var. brevior                                 Swamp Sedge                                            r

Carex hypandra                                              Alpine Fen-sedge                                       v

Carex jackiana                                              Carpet Sedge                                           r

Carex paupera                                               Dwarf Sedge                                     VU     v      L

Carex raleighii                                             Raleigh Sedge                                          r      X

Carex tasmanica                                             Curly Sedge                                     VU     v      L

Carpha alpina                                               Small Flower-rush                                      r

Carpha nivicola                                             Broad-leaf Flower-rush                                 r

Carpobrotus aff. rossii (N.W. Victoria)                     Mallee Pigface                                         r

Carpobrotus glaucescens                                     Bluish Pigface                                         r

Cassinia diminuta                                           Dwarf Cassinia                                         r

Cassinia maritima                                           Coast Cassinia                                         r

Cassinia monticola                                          Mountain Cassinia                                      r

Cassinia nivalis                                            Ochre Cassinia                                         r

Cassinia ozothamnoides                                      Cottony Cassinia                                       v

Cassinia rugata                                             Wrinkled Cassinia                               VU     v      L

Cassinia scabrida                                           Rough Cassinia                                         r

Cassinia tegulata                                           Avenue Cassinia                                 CR     e

Cassinia venusta                                            Elegant Cassinia                                       r

Casuarina obesa                                             Swamp Sheoak                                           e      L

Celmisia costiniana                                         Carpet Snow-daisy                                      r

Celmisia latifolia                                          Victorian Snow-daisy                                   r

Celmisia sericophylla                                       Silky Snow-daisy                                       v      L

Celmisia tomentella                                         Silver Snow-daisy                                      r

Centipeda crateriformis subsp. compacta                     Compact Sneezeweed                                     r

Centipeda crateriformis subsp. crateriformis                Lagoon Sneezeweed                                      e

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                            Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Centipeda nidiformis                                      Cotton Sneezeweed                                      r

Centipeda pleiocephala                                    Tall Sneezeweed                                        e

Centipeda thespidioides s.s.                              Desert Sneezeweed                                      r

Cephalomanes caudatum                                     Jungle Bristle-fern                                    r

Ceratogyne obionoides                                     Wingwort                                               r

Ceratophyllum demersum                                    Hornwort                                               k

Chaerophyllum argentum                                    Silver Caraway                                         r      X

Chaerophyllum brevipes                                    Branched Caraway                                       v

Chaerophyllum pulvinificum                                Cushion Caraway                                        e

Cheilanthes lasiophylla                                   Woolly Cloak-fern                                      e

Cheiranthera alternifolia                                 Clustered Finger-flower                                x

Chenopodium carinatum                                     Keeled Goosefoot                                       v

Chenopodium desertorum subsp. desertorum                  Frosted Goosefoot                                      r

Chenopodium desertorum subsp. rectum                      Frosted Goosefoot                                      v

Chenopodium desertorum subsp. virosum                     Frosted Goosefoot                                      k

Chenopodium erosum                                        Papery Goosefoot                                       v

Chiloglottis aff. valida (Alpine)                         Alpine Bird-orchid                                     k

Chiloglottis jeanesii                                     Mountain Bird-orchid                                   r

Chiloglottis seminuda                                     Bare-tip Wasp-orchid                                   k      L

Chiloglottis trilabra                                     Tall Wasp-orchid                                       k

Chiloglottis X pescottiana                                Bronze Bird-orchid                                     r

Chloris ventricosa                                        Plump Windmill Grass                                   v

Choretrum glomeratum var. chrysanthum                     Golden Sour-bush                                       r

Choretrum glomeratum var. glomeratum                      Common Sour-bush                                       r

Choretrum spicatum subsp. continentale                    Spiked Sour-bush                                       r

Chorizandra australis                                     Southern Bristle-sedge                                 k

Chorizandra sphaerocephala                                Roundhead Bristle-sedge                                v      L

Christella dentata                                        Binung                                                 e      L

Cladium procerum                                          Leafy Twig-sedge                                       r

Colobanthus affinis                                       Alpine Colobanth                                       r

Colobanthus apetalus var. apetalus                        Coast Colobanth                                        r

Colobanthus curtisiae                                     Snowy Colobanth                                 VU     v

Comesperma polygaloides                                   Small Milkwort                                         v      L

Comesperma scoparium                                      Broom Milkwort                                         r

Commelina cyanea                                          Scurvy Weed                                            e

Commersonia breviseta                                     Hairy Kerrawang                                        e

Commersonia dasyphylla                                    Kerrawang                                              e      L

Commersonia prostrata                                     Dwarf Kerrawang                                 EN     e      L

Conospermum taxifolium                                    Variable Smoke-bush                                    v

Convolvulus angustissimus subsp. omnigracilis             Slender Bindweed                                       k

Convolvulus clementii                                     Desert Bindweed                                        v

Convolvulus crispifolius                                  Silver Bindweed                                        r

                                         Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                             Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Convolvulus graminetinus                                   Grassland Bindweed                                     e

Convolvulus microsepalus                                   Small-flower Bindweed                                  x

Convolvulus recurvatus subsp. recurvatus                   Recurved Bindweed                                      r

Coopernookia barbata                                       Purple Coopernookia                                    r

Coprosma moorei                                            Turquoise Coprosma                                     r

Coprosma nivalis                                           Snow Coprosma                                          r

Coprosma perpusilla subsp. perpusilla                      Creeping Coprosma                                      r

Coprosma pumila                                            Dwarf Coprosma                                         e

                                                           Shining Coprosma x Snow Coprosma
Coprosma X tadgellii
                                                           hybrid                                                 r

Coronidium adenophorum                                     Branched Everlasting                                   v

Coronidium gunnianum                                       Pale Swamp Everlasting                                 v

Coronidium waddelliae                                      Snowy Everlasting                                      r

Correa aemula                                              Hairy Correa                                           r

Correa alba var. pannosa                                   Velvet White Correa                                    r

Correa backhouseana var. backhouseana                      Coast Correa                                           v

Correa lawrenceana var. cordifolia                         Pink Mountain-correa                                   v

Correa lawrenceana var. genoensis                          Genoa River Correa                              EN     e      L

Correa lawrenceana var. grampiana                          Grampians Mountain-correa                              r

Correa lawrenceana var. latrobeana (montane red)           Red Mountain-correa                                    r

Correa reflexa var. angustifolia                           Grampians Correa                                       r

Correa reflexa var. lobata                                 Powelltown Correa                                      r

Corunastylis arrecta                                       Erect Midge-orchid                                     r

Corunastylis ciliata                                       Fringed Midge-orchid                                   k

Corunastylis densa                                         Dense Midge-orchid                                     v

Corunastylis nuda                                          Tiny Midge-orchid                                      r

Corunastylis nudiscapa                                     Brownish Midge-orchid                                  e      L

Corunastylis pumila                                        Green Midge-orchid                                     r      X

Corunastylis sp. aff. morrisii (Pyrete Ranges)             Purple-beard Midge-orchid                              v

Corybas aconitiflorus                                      Spurred Helmet-orchid                                  r

Corybas despectans                                         Coast Helmet-orchid                                    v      L

Corybas fimbriatus                                         Fringed Helmet-orchid                                  r

Corybas fordhamii                                          Swamp Pelican-orchid                                   r

Corybas grumulus                                           Mountain Helmet-orchid                                 r

Corybas hispidus                                           Bristly Helmet-orchid                                  r

Corybas sp. aff. diemenicus (Coastal)                      Late Helmet-orchid                                     e      L

Corybas sp. aff. diemenicus (Wilsons Promontory)           Dark Helmet-orchid                                     k

Corybas X miscellus                                        Veined x Slaty Helmet-orchid hybrid                    r

Corymbia gummifera                                         Red Bloodwood                                          r

Corymbia maculata                                          Spotted Gum                                            v

Corynotheca licrota                                        Sand Lily                                              r

Craspedia adenophora                                       Sticky Billy-buttons                                   r

Craspedia alba                                             White Billy-buttons                                    v

                                          Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                         Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Craspedia aurantia                                     Orange Billy-buttons                                   r

Craspedia canens                                       Grey Billy-buttons                                     e      L

Craspedia crocata                                      Crimson Billy-buttons                                  r

Craspedia haplorrhiza                                  Plains Billy-buttons                                   k      N

Craspedia jamesii                                      Green Billy-buttons                                    r

Craspedia lamicola                                     Bog Billy-buttons                                      v

Craspedia maxgrayi s.s.                                Woolly Billy-buttons                                   v

Craspedia sp. 1                                        Mountain Forest Billy-buttons                          r

Craspedia sp. 2                                        Derrinallum Billy-buttons                              e

Cratystylis conocephala                                Blue-bush Daisy                                        e

Crinum flaccidum                                       Darling Lily                                           v      L

Crowea exalata subsp. revoluta                         Whipstick Crowea                                       v

Cryptandra ericoides                                   Heathy Cryptandra                                      v

Cryptandra myriantha                                   Western Cryptandra                                     e

Cryptandra speciosa subsp. speciosa                    Mountain Cryptandra                                    v

Cryptostylis erecta                                    Bonnet Orchid                                          e      L

Cryptostylis hunteriana                                Leafless Tongue-orchid                          VU     e      L

Cullen australasicum                                   Native Scurf-pea                                       e      L

Cullen cinereum                                        Hoary Scurf-pea                                        e      L

Cullen discolor                                        Grey Scurf-pea                                         e      L

Cullen pallidum                                        Woolly Scurf-pea                                       e      L

Cullen parvum                                          Small Scurf-pea                                        e      L

Cullen patens                                          Spreading Scurf-pea                                    e      L

Cullen tenax                                           Tough Scurf-pea                                        e      L

Cuscuta australis                                      Australian Dodder                                      k

Cyanthillium cinereum                                  Ironweed                                               k

Cyathea cunninghamii                                   Slender Tree-fern                                      v      L

Cyathea leichhardtiana                                 Prickly Tree-fern                                      v      L

Cyathea X marcescens                                   Skirted Tree-fern                                      v

Cyathochaeta diandra                                   Sheath Sedge                                           r

Cyclosorus interruptus                                 Swamp Shield-fern                                      e

Cymbonotus lawsonianus                                 Bear's-ear                                             r

Cymbopogon obtectus                                    Silky-heads                                            e

Cynodon dactylon var. pulchellus                       Native Couch                                           k

Cyperus bifax                                          Downs Nutgrass                                         v

Cyperus concinnus                                      Trim Flat-sedge                                        v

Cyperus flaccidus                                      Lax Flat-sedge                                         v

Cyperus flavidus                                       Yellow Flat-sedge                                      v

Cyperus fulvus                                         Sticky Sedge                                           v

Cyperus gracilis                                       Slender Flat-sedge                                     e      L

Cyperus nervulosus                                     Annual Flat-sedge                                      e      L

Cyperus polystachyos                                   Bunchy Flat-sedge                                      k

                                      Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                            Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Cyperus pygmaeus                                          Dwarf Flat-sedge                                       v

Cyperus rigidellus                                        Curly Flat-sedge                                       e      L

Cyperus squarrosus                                        Bearded Flat-sedge                                     v

Cyperus subulatus                                         Pointed Flat-sedge                                     v

Cyperus vaginatus                                         Stiff Flat-sedge                                       x

Cyperus victoriensis                                      Yelka                                                  k

Cyphanthera albicans subsp. albicans                      Hoary Ray-flower                                       r

Cyphanthera anthocercidea                                 Large-leaf Ray-flower                                  r

Cystopteris tasmanica                                     Brittle Bladder-fern                                   r

Dactyloctenium radulans                                   Finger Grass                                           r

Dampiera fusca                                            Kydra Dampiera                                         e

Dampiera galbraithiana                                    Licola Dampiera                                        v      L

Dampiera purpurea                                         Mountain Dampiera                                      r

Darwinia camptostylis                                     Clustered Darwinia                                     r

Darwinia micropetala                                      Small Darwinia                                         v

Davallia solida var. pyxidata                             Hare's-foot Fern                                       v

Daviesia genistifolia s.s.                                Broom Bitter-pea                                       r

Daviesia laevis                                           Grampians Bitter-pea                            VU     v      L

Daviesia mimosoides subsp. acris                          Blunt-leaf Bitter-pea                                  r

Daviesia pectinata                                        Thorny Bitter-pea                                      r

Daviesia wyattiana                                        Long-leaf Bitter-pea                                   v

Dendrophthoe vitellina                                    Long-flower Mistletoe                                  r

Deparia petersenii subsp. congrua                         Japanese Lady-fern                                     v

Derwentia nivea                                           Milfoil Speedwell                                      r

Deschampsia cespitosa                                     Tufted Hair-grass                                      r

Desmodium brachypodum                                     Large Tick-trefoil                                     v

Desmodium varians                                         Slender Tick-trefoil                                   k

Deyeuxia affinis                                          Allied Bent-grass                                      e      L

Deyeuxia boormanii                                        Fine Bent-grass                                        v

Deyeuxia breviglumis                                      Alpine Bent-grass                                      r

Deyeuxia carinata                                         Keeled Bent-grass                                      r

Deyeuxia crassiuscula                                     Thick Bent-grass                                       r

Deyeuxia decipiens                                        Devious Bent-grass                                     v

Deyeuxia imbricata                                        Bent-grass                                             v

Deyeuxia mesathera                                        Swamp Bent-grass                                       r

Deyeuxia pungens                                          Narrow-leaf Bent-grass                          VU     v      L

Deyeuxia quadriseta (slender flaccid variant)             Slender Reed Bent-grass                                r

Deyeuxia ramosa                                           Climbing Bent-grass                                    v

Deyeuxia talariata                                        Skirted Bent-grass                                     v

Dianella amoena                                           Matted Flax-lily                                EN     e      L

Dianella callicarpa                                       Swamp Flax-lily                                        r

Dianella porracea                                         Riverine Flax-lily                                     v

                                         Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                               Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Dianella sp. aff. longifolia (Benambra)                      Arching Flax-lily                                      v

Dianella sp. aff. longifolia (Montrose)                      Flax Lily                                              k

Dianella sp. aff. longifolia (Riverina)                      Pale Flax-lily                                         v

Dianella sp. aff. revoluta (Cobberas)                        Snow-gum Flax-lily                                     k

Dianella sp. aff. revoluta (Crib Point)                      Slender Flax-lily                                      e

Dianella sp. aff. revoluta (Genoa)                           Eastern Flax-lily                                      r

Dianella sp. aff. revoluta (Minjah)                          Basalt Flax-lily                                       e

Dianella sp. aff. tasmanica (Snowy River)                    Rock Flax-lily                                         r

Dianella tarda                                               Late-flower Flax-lily                                  v

Dichelachne montana                                          Mountain Plume-grass                                   r

Dichelachne parva                                            Zig-zag Plume-grass                                    r

Dichelachne robusta                                          Tall Plume-grass                                       v

Dichondra sp. 1                                              Silky Kidney-weed                                      r

Digitaria ammophila                                          Silky Umbrella-grass                                   v

Digitaria brownii                                            Cotton Panic-grass                                     k

Digitaria diffusa                                            Open Summer-grass                                      e

Digitaria divaricatissima var. divaricatissima               Umbrella Grass                                         v

Dillwynia oreodoxa                                           Grampians Parrot-pea                                   r

Dillwynia prostrata                                          Matted Parrot-pea                                      v

Dillwynia sieberi                                            Sieber's Parrot-pea                                    r

Dillwynia sp. aff. cinerascens (Pine Mountain)               Lesser Grey Parrot-pea                                 k

Dillwynia uncinata                                           Silky Parrot-pea                                       r

Diplaspis nivis                                              Snow Pennywort                                         r

Dipodium campanulatum                                        Bell-flower Hyacinth-orchid                            e      L

Dipodium hamiltonianum                                       Yellow Hyacinth-orchid                                 e      L

Dipodium pardalinum                                          Spotted Hyacinth-orchid                                r

Dipodium variegatum                                          Blotched Hyacinth-orchid                               r

Discaria nitida                                              Shining Anchor Plant                                   e      L

Discaria pubescens                                           Australian Anchor Plant                                r      L

Dissocarpus biflorus var. biflorus                           Twin-flower Saltbush                                   r

Diuris aff. pardina (Western Goldfields)                     Short-tail Leopard-orchid                              k

Diuris basaltica                                             Small Golden Moths                              EN     e      L

Diuris behrii                                                Golden Cowslips                                        v

Diuris daltonii                                              Western Purple Diuris                                  v      L

Diuris dendrobioides                                         Wedge Diuris                                           e      L

Diuris fragrantissima                                        Sunshine Diuris                                 EN     e      L

Diuris gregaria                                              Clumping Golden Moths                                  e      L

Diuris ochroma                                               Pale Golden Moths                               VU     e      L

Diuris palustris                                             Swamp Diuris                                           v      L

Diuris protena                                               Northern Golden Moths                                  e      L

Diuris punctata                                              Purple Diuris                                          v      L

Diuris semilunulata                                          Late Leopard Orchid                                    k

                                            Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                                Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Diuris sp. aff. dendrobioides (Bairnsdale)                    Blotched Diuris                                        e

Diuris subalpina                                              Small Snake-orchid                                     e

Diuris tricolor                                               Painted Diuris                                         e      L

Diuris X fastidiosa                                           Proud Diuris                                           e

Diuris X palachila                                            Broad-lip Diuris                                       r

Dockrillia striolata subsp. striolata                         Streaked Rock-orchid                                   r

Dodonaea boroniifolia                                         Hairy Hop-bush                                         r

Dodonaea heteromorpha                                         Maple-fruited Hop-bush                                 x

Dodonaea hexandra                                             Horned Hop-bush                                        v

Dodonaea procumbens                                           Trailing Hop-bush                               VU     v

Dodonaea rhombifolia                                          Broad-leaf Hop-bush                                    r

Dodonaea truncatiales                                         Angular Hop-bush                                       v

Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustifolia                          Giant Hop-bush                                         r

Drabastrum alpestre                                           Mountain Cress                                         v      L

Drosera angustifolia                                          Flycatcher                                             v

Drosera arcturi                                               Alpine Sundew                                          r

Dryopoa dives subsp. B                                        Grampians Mountain-grass                               v

Duma horrida subsp. horrida                                   Spiny Lignum                                           r

Dysphania simulans                                            Spiked Pigweed                                         e      L

Echinopogon caespitosus var. caespitosus                      Bushy Hedgehog-grass                                   e

Einadia nutans subsp. linifolia                               Climbing Saltbush                                      k

Elachanthus glaber                                            Smooth Elachanth                                       r

Elachanthus pusillus                                          Small Elachanth                                        r

Eleocharis macbarronii                                        Grey Spike-sedge                                       k

Eleocharis obicis                                             Striate Spike-sedge                             VU     v

Eleocharis pallens                                            Pale Spike-sedge                                       k

Eleocharis plana                                              Flat Spike-sedge                                       v

Elytrophorus spicatus                                         Spike Grass                                            k

Enneapogon gracilis                                           Slender Bottle-washers                                 v

Entolasia stricta                                             Upright Panic                                          k

Epacris celata                                                Cryptic Heath                                          r

Epacris glacialis                                             Reddish Bog-heath                                      r

Epacris impressa var. grandiflora                             Grampians Heath                                        r

Epacris microphylla var. microphylla                          Coast Coral Heath                                      v

Epacris microphylla var. rhombifolia                          Mountain Coral Heath                                   r

Epacris petrophila                                            Snow Heath                                             r

Epaltes cunninghamii                                          Tall Nut-heads                                         v

Epilobium brunnescens subsp. beaugleholei                     Bog Willow-herb                                 VU     e      L

Epilobium curtisiae                                           Bald-seeded Willow-herb                                r

Epilobium sarmentaceum                                        Mountain Willow-herb                                   r

Epilobium tasmanicum                                          Snow Willow-herb                                       v

Epilobium willisii                                            Carpet Willow-herb                                     x      L

                                             Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Eragrostis alveiformis                                      Granite Love-grass                                     k

Eragrostis australasica                                     Cane Grass                                             v

Eragrostis exigua                                           Slender Love-grass                                     e

Eragrostis falcata                                          Sickle Love-grass                                      k

Eragrostis lacunaria                                        Purple Love-grass                                      v

Eragrostis leptocarpa                                       Drooping Love-grass                                    k

Eragrostis leptostachya                                     Paddock Love-grass                                     k

Eragrostis pergracilis                                      Small Love-grass                                       k

Eragrostis setifolia                                        Bristly Love-grass                                     v

Eragrostis trachycarpa                                      Rough-grain Love-grass                                 r      D

Eremophila bignoniiflora                                    Bignonia Emu-bush                                      v      L

Eremophila crassifolia                                      Thick-leaf Emu-bush                                    r

Eremophila debilis                                          Winter Apple                                           e

Eremophila divaricata subsp. divaricata                     Spreading Emu-bush                                     r

Eremophila gibbifolia                                       Coccid Emu-bush                                        r

Eremophila maculata subsp. maculata                         Spotted Emu-bush                                       r      N

Eremophila oppositifolia subsp. oppositifolia               Twin-leaf Emu-bush                                     r

Eremophila polyclada                                        Twiggy Emu-bush                                        v

Eremophila scoparia                                         Silvery Emu-bush                                       r

Eremophila sturtii                                          Narrow-leaf Emu-bush                                   e      L

Erigeron conyzoides                                         Daisy Fleabane                                         v

Erigeron nitidus                                            Sticky Fleabane                                        r

Erigeron tasmanicus                                         Tasmanian Fleabane                                     v

Eriocaulon australasicum                                    Southern Pipewort                               EN     e      L

Eriocaulon scariosum                                        Common Pipewort                                        r

Eriochlamys behrii s.s.                                     Woolly Mantle                                          r

Eriochlamys squamata                                        Scaly Mantle                                           v

Eriochloa crebra                                            Tall Cup-grass                                         k

Eryngium paludosum                                          Long Eryngium                                          v

Eucalyptus aff. aromaphloia (Major Mitchell Plateau)        Mountain Scentbark                                     r

Eucalyptus aff. camaldulensis (Torrumbarry)                 Torrumbarry Red-gum                                    e

Eucalyptus aff. camphora (Upper Yarra)                      Upper Yarra Swamp-gum                                  e

Eucalyptus aff. cinerea (Beechworth)                        Beechworth Silver Stringybark                          v

Eucalyptus aff. cyanophylla (Antwerp)                       Antwerp Mallee                                         k

Eucalyptus aff. goniocalyx (Dandenong Ranges)               Tremont Bundy                                          v

Eucalyptus aff. ignorabilis (Lerderderg)                    Lerderderg Scentbark                                   e

Eucalyptus aff. phenax (Jeparit)                            Jeparit Mallee                                         k

Eucalyptus aff. porosa (Quambatook)                         Quambatook Mallee-box                                  e

Eucalyptus aff. rubida (Moroka)                             Moroka Candlebark                                      r

Eucalyptus aff. serraensis (Mt William)                     Mt William Stringybark                                 k

Eucalyptus agglomerata                                      Blue-leaf Stringybark                                  r

Eucalyptus aggregata                                        Black Gum                                              e      L

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Eucalyptus alaticaulis                                      Grampians Grey-gum                                     r

Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. alligatrix                     Silver Stringybark                                     r

Eucalyptus alligatrix subsp. limaensis                      Lima Stringybark                                EN     e      L

Eucalyptus arenicola                                        Gippsland Lakes Peppermint                             r

Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. deddickensis                    Deddick Blue-box                                       e

Eucalyptus baueriana subsp. thalassina                      Werribee Blue-box                                      e

Eucalyptus blakelyi var. irrorata                           White-budded Red-gum                                   e

Eucalyptus bosistoana                                       Coast Grey-box                                         r

Eucalyptus brookeriana                                      Brooker's Gum                                          r

Eucalyptus cadens                                           Warby Range Swamp-gum                           VU     v      L

Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. calycogona                     Red Mallee                                             e

Eucalyptus carolaniae                                       Mount Martha Bundy                                     e

Eucalyptus conferta                                         Fryers Range Scentbark                                 e

Eucalyptus crenulata                                        Buxton Gum                                      EN     e      L

Eucalyptus cyanophylla                                      Blue-leaf Mallee                                       r

Eucalyptus denticulata                                      Errinundra Shining Gum                                 r

Eucalyptus diversifolia subsp. megacarpa                    Coast Gum                                              v

Eucalyptus elaeophloia                                      Olive Mallee                                           v

Eucalyptus falciformis                                      Western Peppermint                                     r

Eucalyptus fasciculosa                                      Pink Gum                                               v

Eucalyptus filiformis                                       Mt Jeffcott Mallee-box                                 e

Eucalyptus forresterae                                      Brumby Sallee                                          e

Eucalyptus fraxinoides                                      White Ash                                              v

Eucalyptus froggattii                                       Kamarooka Mallee                                       r      L

Eucalyptus fulgens                                          Green Scentbark                                        r

Eucalyptus glaucescens                                      Tingaringy Gum                                         r

Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus                         Southern Blue-gum                                      r

Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii                         Maiden's Gum                                           r

Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. laxa                           Gum-barked Bundy                                       v

Eucalyptus goniocalyx subsp. viridissima                    Rock Bundy                                             r

Eucalyptus hawkeri                                          Arapiles Peppermint-box                                v

Eucalyptus ignorabilis s.s.                                 Grey Scentbark                                         r

Eucalyptus intertexta                                       Gum-barked Coolibah                                    k

Eucalyptus kitsoniana                                       Bog Gum                                                r

Eucalyptus kybeanensis                                      Mallee Ash                                             r

Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. bellarinensis                  Bellarine Yellow-gum                                   e      L

Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. connata                        Melbourne Yellow-gum                                   v      X

Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. megalocarpa                    Large-fruit Yellow-gum                                 e      L

Eucalyptus litoralis                                        Otway Grey-gum                                         v      X

Eucalyptus mackintii                                        Gippsland Stringybark                                  r

Eucalyptus macmahonii                                       Scaly-cap Mallee                                       v

Eucalyptus mitchelliana                                     Buffalo Sallee                                         r      X

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Eucalyptus molyneuxii                                       Little Desert Peppermint                               e      L

Eucalyptus neglecta                                         Omeo Gum                                               r

Eucalyptus ornans                                           Avon Peppermint                                        e

Eucalyptus ovata subsp. grandiflora                         West-coast Swamp-gum                                   r

Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. acerina                        Baw Baw Sally                                          r

Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. debeuzevillei                  Jounama Sallee                                         r

Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. hedraia                        Bogong Sally                                           r

Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. parvifructa                    Grampians Sally                                        r

Eucalyptus perriniana                                       Spinning Gum                                           r

Eucalyptus phenax                                           Green-leaf Mallee                                      r

Eucalyptus polyanthemos subsp. longior                      Forest Red-box                                         r

Eucalyptus polybractea                                      Blue Mallee                                            r

Eucalyptus pyrenea                                          Pyrenees Gum                                           r

Eucalyptus sabulosa                                         Wimmera Scentbark                                      r

Eucalyptus saxatilis                                        Rock Mallee                                            v

Eucalyptus serraensis                                       Grampians Stringybark                                  r

Eucalyptus sideroxylon subsp. sideroxylon                   Mugga                                                  r

Eucalyptus silvestris                                       Woodland Box                                           v

Eucalyptus sp. aff. blakelyi (Strathbogie & Warby
Ranges)                                                     Warby Range Red-gum                                    k

Eucalyptus sp. aff. dumosa (Nhill)                          Satin Mallee                                           e

Eucalyptus sp. aff. globoidea (East Gippsland)              Nadgee Stringybark                                     r

Eucalyptus sp. aff. odorata (Tarranginnie)                  Broad-leaf Mallee-box                                  e

Eucalyptus splendens                                        Apple Jack                                             e

Eucalyptus strzeleckii                                      Strzelecki Gum                                  VU     v      L

Eucalyptus tricarpa subsp. decora                           Bealiba Ironbark                                       v

Eucalyptus verrucata                                        Mt Abrupt Stringybark                                  r

Eucalyptus victoriana                                       Victoria Range Stringybark                             r

Eucalyptus viminalis subsp. siliceana                       Wimmera Manna-gum                                      k

Eucalyptus walshii                                          Little Desert Mallee-box                               e

Eucalyptus willisii s.s.                                    Promontory Peppermint                                  r

Eucalyptus wimmerensis                                      Wimmera Mallee-box                                     r

Eucalyptus X blackburniana                                  Ironbark Box                                           r

                                                            Red Stringybark x Yellow Stringybark
Eucalyptus X brevirostris                                   hybrid                                                 r

Eucalyptus X oxypoma                                        Deniliquin Box                                         r

Eucalyptus X paradoxa                                       Metung Red-gum                                         r

Eucalyptus X studleyensis                                   Studley Park Gum                                       e

Eucalyptus X williamsonii                                   Mallacoota Gum                                         r

Eucalyptus yarraensis                                       Yarra Gum                                              r      X

Euchiton traversii                                          Mat Cudweed                                            r

Euchiton umbricola                                          Cliff Cudweed                                          r

Eucryphia moorei                                            Eastern Leatherwood                                    v

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Euphorbia planiticola                                       Plains Spurge                                          e      L

Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila                       Desert Spurge                                          e      L

Euphrasia caudata                                           Tailed Eyebright                                       r

Euphrasia collina subsp. 1                                  Purple Eyebright                                       v

Euphrasia collina subsp. diversicolor                       Purple Eyebright                                       v

Euphrasia collina subsp. muelleri                           Purple Eyebright                                EN     e      L

Euphrasia collina subsp. speciosa                           Purple Eyebright                                       x

Euphrasia collina subsp. tetragona                          Purple Eyebright                                       r

Euphrasia collina subsp. trichocalycina                     Purple Eyebright                                       r

Euphrasia crassiuscula subsp. crassiuscula                  Thick Eyebright                                        r

Euphrasia crassiuscula subsp. eglandulosa                   Thick Eyebright                                        r

Euphrasia crassiuscula subsp. glandulifera                  Thick Eyebright                                 VU     v      L

Euphrasia eichleri                                          Bogong Eyebright                                VU     v      L

Euphrasia gibbsiae subsp. subglabrifolia                    Broad Eyebright                                        r

Euphrasia lasianthera                                       Hairy Eyebright                                        r

Euphrasia scabra                                            Rough Eyebright                                        e      L

Eupomatia laurina                                           Bolwarra                                               r

Euryomyrtus ramosissima subsp. prostrata                    Nodding Baeckea                                        r

Ewartia nubigena                                            Silver Ewartia                                         r

Exocarpos syrticola                                         Coast Ballart                                          r

Ficus coronata                                              Sandpaper Fig                                          v      L

Fimbristylis aestivalis                                     Summer Fringe-sedge                                    k

Fimbristylis dichotoma                                      Common Fringe-sedge                                    v

Fimbristylis velata                                         Veiled Fringe-sedge                                    r

Frankenia crispa                                            Hoary Sea-heath                                        r

Frankenia foliosa                                           Leafy Sea-heath                                        r

Frankenia serpyllifolia                                     Bristly Sea-heath                                      r

Frankenia sessilis                                          Small-leaf Sea-heath                                   r

Gahnia ancistrophylla                                       Donkey Saw-sedge                                       v

Gahnia deusta                                               Heathy Saw-sedge                                       e

Gahnia grandis                                              Brickmaker's Sedge                                     v

Gahnia microstachya                                         Slender Saw-sedge                                      r

Gahnia subaequiglumis                                       Bog Saw-sedge                                          v

Galium bulliformis                                          Desert Bedstraw                                        k

Galium compactum                                            Compact Bedstraw                                       r

Galium curvihirtum                                          Tight Bedstraw                                         r

Gastrodia vescula                                           Small Potato-orchid                                    k

Gaultheria hispida                                          Snow-berry                                             e      L

Geijera parviflora                                          Wilga                                                  e      L

Gentianella bawbawensis                                     Baw Baw Snow-gentian                                   k

Gentianella cunninghamii subsp. cunninghamii                Cunningham's Snow-gentian                              k

Gentianella cunninghamii subsp. major                       Tall Snow-gentian                                      k

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                               Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Gentianella gunniana                                         Gunn's Forest-gentian                                  x

Gentianella muelleriana subsp. willisiana                    Mt Buller Snow-gentian                                 r

Gentianella polysperes                                       Early Forest-gentian                                   r

Geranium aff. sp. 3                                          Rosella Crane's-bill                                   k

Geranium brevicaule                                          Alpine Crane's-bill                                    r

Geranium neglectum                                           Swamp Crane's-bill                                     r

Geranium potentilloides var. 1                               Soft Crane's-bill                                      k

Geranium potentilloides var. abditum                         Soft Crane's-bill                                      r

Geranium solanderi var. solanderi s.s.                       Austral Crane's-bill                                   v

Geranium sp. 1                                               Large-flower Crane's-bill                              e      L

Geranium sp. 3                                               Pale-flower Crane's-bill                               r

Geranium sp. 6                                               Delicate Crane's-bill                                  v

Geranium sp. 7                                               Alpine Swamp Crane's-bill                              k

Geranium sp. aff. retrorsum (Nillumbik)                      Valley Crane's-bill                                    k

Gingidia harveyana                                           Slender Gingidia                                       v

Gleichenia rupestris                                         Rock Coral-fern                                        v

Glossocardia bidens                                          Cobbler's Tack                                         v

Glossodia minor                                              Small Wax-lip Orchid                                   r

Glossostigma cleistanthum                                    Small-flower Mud-mat                                   r

Glossostigma diandrum                                        Spoon-leaf Mud-mat                                     v

Glossostigma drummondii                                      Desert Mud-mat                                         k

Glycine canescens                                            Silky Glycine                                          e      L

Glycine latrobeana                                           Clover Glycine                                  VU     v      L

Gnephosis drummondii                                         Slender Cup-flower                                     r

Gnephosis tenuissima                                         Dwarf Cup-flower                                       r

Gompholobium glabratum                                       Dainty Wedge-pea                                       r

Gompholobium inconspicuum                                    Creeping Wedge-pea                                     r

Gonocarpus mezianus                                          Hairy Raspwort                                         r

Gonocarpus micranthus subsp. ramosissimus                    Branching Raspwort                                     k

Gonocarpus serpyllifolius                                    Flat Raspwort                                          v

Goodenia bellidifolia subsp. bellidifolia                    Daisy Goodenia                                         r

Goodenia benthamiana                                         Small-leaf Goodenia                                    r

Goodenia havilandii                                          Hill Goodenia                                          e

Goodenia heterophylla subsp. heterophylla                    Variable Goodenia                                      r

Goodenia lineata                                             Grampians Goodenia                                     r

Goodenia lunata                                              Stiff Goodenia                                         v

Goodenia macbarronii                                         Narrow Goodenia                                        v      L

Goodenia macmillanii                                         Pinnate Goodenia                                       v

Goodenia stelligera                                          Spiked Goodenia                                        r

Goodia medicaginea                                           Western Golden-tip                                     r

Goodia pubescens                                             Silky Golden-tip                                       r

Gratiola nana                                                Matted Brooklime                                       r

                                            Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
Botanical Name                                              Common Name                                    EPBC   DEPI   FFG
Gratiola pedunculata                                        Stalked Brooklime                                      k

Gratiola pumilo                                             Dwarf Brooklime                                        r

Grevillea aff. oxyantha (Mt Burrowa)                        Burrowa Grevillea                                      v

Grevillea alpivaga                                          Buffalo Grevillea                                      r

Grevillea angustiloba subsp. angustiloba                    Narrow-lobe Grevillea                                  e

Grevillea angustiloba subsp. wirregaensis                   Wirrega Grevillea                                      e

Grevillea barklyana                                         Gully Grevillea                                        v      L

Grevillea bedggoodiana                                      Enfield Grevillea                               VU     v      N

Grevillea brevifolia                                        Cobberas Grevillea                                     r

Grevillea callichlaena                                      Benambra Grevillea                                     e

Grevillea celata                                            Colquhoun Grevillea                             VU     v      L

Grevillea chrysophaea                                       Golden Grevillea                                       r

Grevillea confertifolia                                     Grampians Grevillea                                    r

Grevillea dimorpha                                          Flame Grevillea                                        r

Grevillea dryophylla                                        Goldfields Grevillea                                   r

Grevillea floripendula                                      Ben Major Grevillea                             VU     v      L

Grevillea gariwerdensis                                     Gariwerd Grevillea                                     k

Grevillea infecunda                                         Anglesea Grevillea                              VU     v      L

Grevillea jephcottii                                        Green Grevillea                                        r

Grevillea micrantha                                         Small-flower Grevillea                                 r

Grevillea microstegia                                       Mount Cassell Grevillea                                r      L

Grevillea miqueliana subsp. cincta                          Selma Saddle Grevillea                                 e

Grevillea miqueliana subsp. miqueliana                      Oval-leaf Grevillea                                    v

Grevillea miqueliana subsp. moroka                          Moroka Grevillea                                       v

Grevillea monslacana                                        Lake Mountain Grevillea                                r

Grevillea montis-cole subsp. brevistyla                     Langi Ghiran Grevillea                          VU     v      L

Grevillea montis-cole subsp. montis-cole                    Mount Cole Grevillea                                   r

Grevillea neurophylla subsp. fluviatilis                    Granite Grevillea                                      r

Grevillea neurophylla subsp. neurophylla                    Granite Grevillea                                      r

Grevillea obtecta                                           Fryerstown Grevillea                                   r      N

Grevillea pachylostyla                                      Buchan River Grevillea                                 r

Grevillea parvula                                           Genoa Grevillea                                        v

Grevillea patulifolia                                       Swamp Grevillea                                        r

Grevillea polybractea                                       Crimson Grevillea                                      r

Grevillea polychroma                                        Tullach Ard Grevillea                                  v

Grevillea ramosissima subsp. hypargyrea                     Fan Grevillea                                          r

Grevillea repens                                            Creeping Grevillea                                     r

Grevillea rosmarinifolia subsp. glabella                    Smooth Grevillea                                       r

Grevillea rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia              Rosemary Grevillea                                     r

Grevillea steiglitziana                                     Brisbane Range Grevillea                               r

Grevillea victoriae subsp. nivalis                          Kosciuszko Grevillea                                   e

Grevillea victoriae subsp. victoriae                        Royal Grevillea                                        r

                                           Advisory list of rare or threatened plants in Victoria - 2014
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