Advocate - Planned Parenthood

Page created by Arthur Simon
Advocate - Planned Parenthood
             Advocate          Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts
                                                                                                               winter 2021

PPAF Reduces Barriers to Abortion Care
Just days before the end of
last year’s legislative session,
Planned Parenthood League of
Massachusetts’ political arm, the
Planned Parenthood Advocacy
Fund of Massachusetts (PPAF),
successfully helped secure the
passage of key provisions of the
ROE Act into law, expanding
equitable access to abortion care
in our state. Over the past two
years, PPAF led a broad coalition
of social justice groups, health
                                        Right: PPAF supporters at a press conference
advocacy organizations, and             denouncing the nomination of Amy Coney
grassroots activists to pass the ROE    Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court in September.
Act and dismantle discriminatory
and medically unnecessary barriers      burdensome restrictions on young
to abortion care. The dynamic           people’s access to care. In addition,
campaign paid off.                      people can now obtain abortion
		 When the coalition mobilized         care later in pregnancy in cases of a
supporters in response to the           fatal fetal diagnosis — without having
confirmation of Justice Amy Coney       to travel across the country.
Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court,      		 The road to safe, legal abortion
the Massachusetts House of              care for all has never been smooth,
Representatives and Senate were         and this process was no different.                reproductive health care, PPAF is
further motivated to take action        Governor Baker attempted to                       prioritizing intersectional legislation
locally, incorporating key provisions   weaken the legislation, and then                  that supports the wellbeing of
of the ROE Act into the state’s         vetoed it altogether when the                     patients and addresses systemic
annual budget.                          Legislature rejected his proposed                 discrimination their communities
		 While the provisions do not          anti-abortion changes. PPAF, ROE                  face, in service to our commitment
exactly match the ROE Act, they         Act Coalition partners, lawmakers,                to health equity. Says Tricia Wajda,
do reduce barriers to care for a        and the public swiftly responded,                 PPAF’s vice president of external
significant number of people.           and in a matter of days the House                 affairs, “It is more important than
Among their many reforms, the           and Senate voted to override the                  ever that our legislative agenda
provisions allow young people           Governor’s veto and enact the bill                center all of the needs of our
aged 16 and 17 to make their own        into law.                                         patients – from their reproductive
decisions about abortion care           		 As the Commonwealth began                      rights, to their ability to lead healthy
without having to go before a           a new year with reformed abortion                 and secure lives. That is how we
judge, and allow remote hearings        laws, PPAF turned quickly to its                  achieve true reproductive freedom
for those under 16. With this           agenda for the 2021-2022 legislative              for all.”
reform, Massachusetts has become        session. In addition to improving
the first state to legislatively ease   equitable access to sexual and
Advocate - Planned Parenthood
ceo’s corner
                                           Dear Friends,                      advance health equity (page 3). And we will advocate
                                           I welcomed this new year           in coalition for reforms, like the ROE Act, that support
                                           with renewed optimism and          these goals of access and equity (page 1).
                                           purpose and felt a great weight         We know that equity work begins at home. PPLM
                                           lifted in November, when the       is striving every day to become a truly anti-racist
                                           American people elected a          organization. Toward this end, we’ve integrated goals for
                                           new administration — one that      internal diversity, equity, and inclusion into our strategic
                                           trusts doctors and scientists      plan (page 3), and have implemented initiatives through
Russ Mezikofsky

                                           and values our reproductive        our Equity Action Plan to make real and lasting change.
                                           freedom. While we celebrate        Because of your steadfast support, we’ve met
                                           this victory, we also recognize    the demands of the past year and intensified our
                                           the challenges we still face:      commitment to PPLM’s mission. Thank you for your
                  a U.S. Supreme Court considering the fate of the            generosity during the difficult days of 2020, and thank
                  Affordable Care Act and poised to gut Roe v. Wade,          you for standing with PPLM. Here’s to a new year
                  inequitable access to health care due to discriminatory     of continued progress toward equitable access to
                  barriers, a global pandemic, ongoing anti-democratic        sexual and reproductive health care for everyone in
                  white supremacist violence, and deep divisions within       Massachusetts — no matter what.
                  our country.
                      Even here in Massachusetts, systemic racism causes
                  harm and has dire consequences for many. PPLM is
                  determined to expand access to essential care across
                                                                                                         Jennifer Childs-Roshak, MD
                  the state (page 2), break down barriers and stigma, and
                                                                                                         President and CEO

                  advocate spotlight: Patients Speak Out
                  for Abortion Access
                  The Planned Parenthood Advocacy       to travel across the country to                  TAKE ACTION FOR
                  Fund’s (PPAF’s) Speakers Bureau       access safe, legal abortion — a                   EQUITABLE
                  trains volunteer patient advocates    journey marked by desperation                  ABORTION ACCESS
                                                                                                        IN MASSACHUSETTS
                  to publicly share their experiences   and grief.                                          #ROEACT
                  with sexual and reproductive          		 Called to activism after her
                  health care to break the silence      experience, Kate joined PPAF’s
                  and stigma that can surround such     Speakers Bureau. She began
                  care. Sharing stories combats         telling the very personal story of
                  isolation and fear and encourages     “being kicked out of Massachu-
                  understanding, which lays the         setts in my crisis” to reporters,
                  groundwork for meaningful             supporters, activists, and other
                  advocacy and change.                  audiences. Most recently, Kate has      reform the law, and now patients
                  		 Kate C., a volunteer speaker,      been advocating for the ROE Act         can access abortion in Massachu-
                  believes whole-heartedly in the       and allowing abortion after 24          setts when faced with a tragic
                  power of storytelling. “In 2012,      weeks in cases of fatal fetal           diagnosis (page 1). Kate feels
                  I was happily expecting the birth     diagnosis. Testifying before a state    empowered to do more; she
                  of my second daughter. But at         legislative committee, she said: “It    believes in storytelling as an agent
                  35 weeks, I received a disastrous     doesn’t have to be this way in          of change. Bolstered by a powerful
                  prenatal diagnosis.” Because of       Massachusetts. Please vote to care      sense of purpose, she affirms,
                  Massachusetts’ medically              for our own here at home.”              “Every step in the right direction is
                  unnecessary restrictions, Kate had    		 Storytellers like Kate helped        worth taking.”

         • WINTER 2021
Advocate - Planned Parenthood
program spotlight
Disrupting Disparities, Advancing Equity:
PPLM Builds Equity From the Ground Up
On October 28, PPLM’s annual President’s Society            Adriana Ojeda is the manager
Conference virtually brought together more than             of PPLM’s Worcester-based Sexual
50 philanthropic leaders from across Massachusetts.         Health Ambassadorship Program
In her opening remarks, Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak,         (SHAP). Latino/a/x and Hispanic youth
PPLM president and CEO, reaffirmed PPLM’s commit-           in Worcester face extreme health
ment to advance equitable access to sexual and              disparities. Adriana described PPLM’s
reproductive health care, free from structural barriers,    creation and launch of SHAP, a staff-
stigma, and the ravages of systemic racism.                 supported collective of volunteer
		 Four PPLM staff members leading this work under          Latino/a/x and Hispanic leaders, caregivers, parents,
the umbrella of PPLM’s strategic plan, Disrupting           and organizers. These volunteers build community
Disparities, Advancing Equity, spoke about their work to    and raise awareness about sexual and reproductive
improve equity across the organization and within local     health issues and how to access care in a wide range of
communities.                                                community settings. “The SHAP model has potential to
                                                            reduce health disparities not only in Worcester, but in
Brenda Hernandez, PPLM vice                                 communities statewide.”
president of equity and engagement,
is a lawyer experienced in fostering                                           Shanique Spalding, manager
institutional diversity and inclusion.                                          of mobilization and BIPOC (Black,
Brenda described PPLM’s objective to                                            Indigenous and Other People of
become a more just, equitable, and                                              Color) organizing in Springfield,
inclusive organization that accurately                                          works with community partners in
represents its patients and respects its                                        western Massachusetts to improve
staff. To achieve this goal, PPLM is building an internal                       health equity and outcomes,
“culture of belonging” that includes all voices and                             especially among young people.
ensures that PPLM’s workforce and leadership reflect        Shanique described the program’s local activities, which
the communities they serve. “Equity must underpin           include online workshops about contraception, events
everything we do — it is the responsibility of everyone     featuring Black-owned businesses, and presentations
in the organization.”                                       to college students about state legislation to improve
                                                            health care access and advance reproductive justice.
                    Liz Higgins, CNP and director           “I take a personal approach to this work. I ask myself:
                   of clinical services, described how      ‘What would I have needed as a young person growing
                   telehealth has reduced health            up in this region?’”
                   inequities and expanded access
                   to care for patients otherwise
                                                            “We’ve been able to embark on this
                   constrained by lack of transportation
                   and childcare, by disabilities, by        important journey and approach our
                   stigma, and by being at high risk         work differently and more holistically
for COVID-19. Patients share that they appreciate            because of you. You have encouraged,
their expanded options: in-person appointments as
needed, confidential video conference appointments,          trusted, and empowered us to meet
and telephone appointments for those who lack                this moment. Thank you.”
video access. “At PPLM, we strive to provide safe and        – Dr. Jennifer Childs-Roshak, PPLM president and CEO
equitable care to our patients, whatever their location
or circumstances.”

                                                                            • WINTER 2021
Advocate - Planned Parenthood
familiar faces & virtual spaces

                                           Celebration of Choices
                                           We hope you will join us this spring for a virtual
                                           Celebration of Choices, the annual gala in support
                                           of the Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of
                                           Massachusetts. Details to come!

                           Top: Members of the Young Friends of PPLM at a virtual mixer in November.
                           Middle: PPAF supporters at a virtual phone bank for the ROE Act this fall.
                           Left: U.S. Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and PPAF President Dr. Jennifer Childs-
                           Roshak at a press conference denouncing the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett
                           to the U.S. Supreme Court in September.

                                                                  The FY20 PPLM Annual
                                                                  Report is available online!
                                                                  We invite you to learn
                                                                  more about the work your
                                                                  investment in PPLM
                                                                  made possible by visiting

   Please support PPLM today by visiting
              or emailing
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