AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions

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AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
                                                        FOR REGIONAL

{Baku-Surakhani} {Ruse} {Bruxelles-Capitale} {Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft} {Wallonie} {Bosna
Podrinje} {Brcko Distrikt} {Republika Srpska} {Sarajevo} {Zapadna Hercegovina} {Zenica-Doboj} {Olo-
mouc} {Budva} {Union of Cyprus Municipalities} {Nordjylland} {Syddanmark} {Baden-Württemberg}
{Dytiki Makedonia} {Kentriki} {Makedonia} {Stereá Elláda} {Andalucía} {Catalunya} {Comunitat
Valenciana} {Región de Murcia} {Alsace} {Aquitaine} {Champagne-Ardenne} {Corse} {Franche-Comté}
{Guadeloupe} {Guyane} {Ile-de-France} {Languedoc-Roussillon} {Limousin} {Martinique} {Poitou-
Charentes} {Rhône-Alpes} {Lori} {Tavuš} {Brodsko-posavska zupanija} {Dubrovacko-Neretvanska
zupanija} {Grada-Zagreba} {Istarska zupanija} {Karlovacka zupanija} {Koprivnicko-Krizevacka zupanija}
{Krapinsko-zagorska zupanija} {Licko-senjska zupanija} {Medimurska zupanija} {Osjecko-Baranjska
zupanija} {Primorsko-Goranska zupanija} {Sibensko-Kninska zupanija} {Sisacko-moslavacka zupanija}
{Splitsko Dalmatinska zupanija} {Varazdinska zupanija} {Zadarska zupanija} {Zagrebacka zupanija}
{Donegal} {Abruzzo} {Friuli Venezia Giulia} {Molise} {Sardegna} {Trentino-Alto Adige} {Valle d’Aosta}
{Bács-Kiskun} {Baranya} {Békés} {Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén} {Csongrád} {Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok}
{Somogy} {Tolna} {Soroca} {Flevoland} {Gelderland} {Noord-Brabant} {Hedmark} {Nordland}
{Oppland} {Østfold} {Telemark} {Vestfold} {Burgenland} {Niederösterreich} {Oberösterreich} {Tirol}
{Vorarlberg} {Wien} {Woj. Dolnośląskie} {Açores} {Madeira} {Pelagonija} {Alba} {Arad} {Argeş}
{Bacău} {Bihor} {Bistrita-Năsăud} {Braşov} {Călăraşi} {Caraş-Severin} {Cluj} {Covasna} {Dâmbovita}
{Dolj} {Galati} {Gorj} {Harghita} {Hunedoara} {Iaşi} {Ilfov} {Maramureş} {Mehedinti} {Mureş} {Neamt}
{Olt} {Prahova} {Sălaj} {Satu Mare} {Sibiu} {Timiş} {Tulcea} {Vaslui} {Vrancea} {Mordovija} {Tatarstan}
{Adjara} {Guria} {Basel-Landschaft} {Basel-Stadt} {Bern} {Fribourg} {Genève} {Jura} {Luzern}
{Neuchâtel} {Nidwalden} {Obwalden} {Schwyz} {St. Gallen} {Thurgau} {Ticino} {Uri} {Vaud} {Zürich}
{Zug} {Berat} {Dibër} {Durrës} {Elbasan} {Fier} {Gjirokastër} {Kukës} {Lezhë} {Shkodër} {Tiranë}
{Vlorë} {Vojvodina} {Etelä-Pohjanmaa} {Keski-Pohjanmaa} {Keski-Suomi} {Pohjois-Karjala} {Pohjois-
Pohjanmaa} {Satakunta} {Dalarna} {Gävleborg} {Jämtland} {Jönköping} {Kronoberg} {Norrbotten}
{Örebro} {Östsam/Östergötland} {Sörmland} {Uppsala} {Värmland} {Västerbotten} {Västernorrland}
{Västra Götaland} {Bursa} {Denizli} {Edirne} {Gaziantep} {Istanbul} {Kahramanmaras} {Kayseri}
{Kirsehir} {Kocaeli} {Konya} {Rize} {Sakarya} {Samsun} {Sanliurfa} {Trabzon} {Usak} {Dnipropetrovsk}
{Donets’k} {Ivano-Frankivs’k} {Kirovohrad} {Kyjiv} {Odessa} {Vinnytsia} {Zaporiz’ka} {Hampshire}

                                                                ACTIVITY REPORT 2014 }
AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
Dr. Hande Özsan Bozatli
                                       President of the Assembly
                                            of European Regions    }

       Promoting peace and diversity
       No doubt, 2014 has been a symbolic year –             diversity have been key topics of our activities
       a year of remembrance: we commemorated                this year. Europe is diverse, in its opinions
       World War I that changed Europe dramatically          and its decision making, and it is and must
       at the beginning of the last century, we              be more than a mere bureaucracy based in
       celebrated the end of European dictatorships          Brussels.
       as well as the fall of the Berlin wall, a symbol      2014 has also confirmed that Europe is not
       of the end of the Cold War. While these have          acting in an isolated environment, but in a
       been significant milestones for peace, we             global setting, that influences and shapes our
       have also experienced this year that peace is         decision and policy making. It has therefore
       fragile and that violent conflicts are not limited    been important for me to develop relations with
       to other continents. This shows, that one of the      our Eastern partners, with our counterparts
       main missions of the Assembly of European             from Northern-Africa, and in the US. Our
       Regions (AER), to promote a multicultural,            Russian and Ukrainian members were also
       multiethnic and multilingual Europe, is as            able to count on our support, because if there
       relevant today as it was 30 years ago. I am           is a way for these two countries to exchange
       therefore also proud to see that culture and          constructively it is at regional level, in AER.

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AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
Table of contents
                                            Executive Board                 >04

                                            Top 2014 achievements           >05

                                            Committee 1                     >06

                                            Johannes Hahn                   >07

                                            Committee 2                     >08

                                            Equal Opportunities             >09

                                            Committee 3                     >10

                                            Figures to be highlighted       >11

                                            Academic and Training Centre    >12
                                            & Institutional Affairs

                                            AER programmes tailored         >13
                                            for member regions

                                            Regional Expertise              >14

                                            European projects               >15

                                            Thematic and Private Partners   >16

                                            European Regions TV Series      >17

                                            AER Events                      >18

                                            Our Partners                    >20
    Director of Publication: Mathieu Mori
    Editor: António Buscardini
    Assistant Editors: AER staff.
    Photos: AER
    Agency + Printing: Bprim
    © All rights reserved
                                                                             03 }
AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
                                                                                                                                            AER President
                                                                                                                                        Hande ÖZSAN BOZATLI
                                                                                                                                          Region: Istanbul (TR)

                                                           Vice-President                     Vice-President                Vice-President                     Vice-President
                                                      for Equal Opportunities            for Institutional Affairs             Treasurer                  Jean-Claude GAYSSOT
                                                         Monica CARLSSON                        Roy PERRY                Magnus BERNTSSON              Region: Languedoc Roussillon (F)
                                                        Region: Norrbotten (S)            Region: Hampshire (UK)       Region: Västra Götaland (S)

                                                         Economy                       Social Policy         Culture, Education, Youth and      Youth Regional Network            Host Region
                                               and Regional Development (1)       and Public Health (2)      International cooperation (3)             President               André REICHARDT
                                                      Marian VASILE              Karsten Uno PETERSEN                 Sonja STEEN                    Mario ŽULIČEK              Region: Alsace (F)
                                                     Region: Timis (RO)          Region: Syddanmark (DK)          Region: Nordland (N)            Region: Varazdin (HR)

       Contributing to cohesive economic development                                   Developing innovative and citizen oriented
       The questions of economic recovery, economic cohesion                           governance on regional and European level:
       on Europe’s whole territory, job creation and ensuring                          2014 has been a challenge to governance, be it on local,
       competitiveness have yet again dominated the agenda of                          regional, national and European level. Anti-European
       policy makers on European, national and regional levels.                        movements have gained in importance and challenged
       While national governments struggle to various degrees                          main-stream policy making. While new decision makers
       with bail-out, reforms and employment schemes, regions                          have been elected into the European parliament for the next
       take their own initiatives and explore how public authorities                   5 years and while the EU top jobs have been distributed and
       can support business creation and stimulate the innovation                      the new priorities of the European Commission have been
       and internationalisation of SMEs. The European Business                         spelled out, AER has produced its own political declaration
       Summit where AER was recognised as the regional partner,                        to the new decision makers.
       promoting the voice of regions proved that regions are key-
       players in the European economic governance discussions.                        Territorial governance at regional level is also facing
       Regions are also at the heart of innovative employment                          challenges from which spurs a discussion on efficient
       initiatives – promoting (social-) entrepreneurship as key tool                  regional governance that preserves the need for
       to counter unemployment and face the new conditions of                          identification. To discuss the most relevant model of how
       the labour market.                                                              to link regional identities and governance systems is key
                                                                                       to AER. Promoting a Europe where local and regional
       Facing new societal changes                                                     identities and governance systems have a place will remain
       Our societies are changing rapidly, be it due to migration,                     a top priority for AER in 2015.
       the growing urbanisation or the demographic change. Our
       politicians and regional governments have to find solutions                     Facing challenges together
       to issues that have never been faced by them before. While                      - assembled in unity and diversity
       some regions have to deal with an increasing elderly                            As regional governments and policy makers, we are aware
       population, others suffer depopulation, while others still                      of the challenges and we joined forces to find common
       look for ways to provide jobs and relevant social services                      solutions. ”If you go alone you might go faster, if you go
       to the existing and increasing population. Although each                        together you will go further. I look forward to a united path
       region is sharing its own bit of challenge all our regions                      in 2015, where we will undoubtedly face new challenges,
       need to deal with a considerable amount of change in                            however, I am confident that by facing them together we
       managing these different populations. Social inclusion of                       hold all the cards to succeed.” stated AER President.
       all parts of society has therefore been a key concept AER
       promoted this year in all its activities.                                       Tackling AER internal challenges
                                                                                       The Executive Board (EB) fully played its role of political
       Managing equal and sustainable use                                              impetus for the organization throughout the year. The
       and distribution of resources                                                   political events and developments gave leeway for EB
       In addition to societal changes, we are also facing                             members to discuss various sensitive issues, from the conflict
       challenges resulting from climate change and the limited                        in the Ukraine, the referenda in Scotland and Catalonia,
       availability of resources. Scarce and unequal distribution                      the European elections and fear of the rise of eurosceptics.
       of resources can in turn have a dangerous impact on the                         The different governing bodies meetings were source of
       stability of our societies. Just when at the end of 2014                        lively debates and exchanges bringing out the diversity of
       global government leaders prepared Lima and the next                            viewpoints of AER members.
       COP21 negotiations, regions have much to contribute                             In the midst of a highly eventful, political and result-filled
       as well. Together with its partner R20, AER supported the                       year, the Executive Board also tackled the underlying
       strong regional involvement in global climate change                            difficulties facing the organization.
       discussions and forced international organisations to                           Like many AER member regions, AER was confronted in
       include a multi-level governance approach while regions                         2014 with a particularly difficult financial situation. Painful
       already do their fair share in climate change adaptation                        but essential measures was had to be put in place in order to
       and mitigation. Energy issues as well as the sustainable                        ensure the sustainability of our organization. The Executive
       use of waste are other key questions our regions have                           Board members are following very closely the situation and
       dealt with this year.                                                           are implementing the necessary changes.

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AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
Top 2014

                                                                     1. Promoting and monitoring cohesion
                                                                          policy and European funding
                                                                          • Successful completion of AER
                                                                          Funding Cycle providing info on
                                                                          new EU programmes informing
                                                                          200 regional representatives.
AER Executive Board meeting in Ankara (TR)                                • Developing and circulating
16 December 2014
                                                                          questionnaire on Cohesion policy
                                                                          and regionalism, using data for
The General Assembly (GA) in Wroclaw was a key milestone                  policy development and advocacy
as members adopted a strategy to better define AER’s main
mission which is in fact a way of going back to basics,                   in 2015.
remembering AER’s core ”raison d’être”. The EB took it upon

                                                                     2. Developing the regional dimension
itself to ensure that the strategy does not remain on the shelf
but is translated into reality. Three documents put this strategy
into effect: the planning cycle, the member relations strategy
and the communications strategy. Their objective is to progress
towards a new way of working and of dealing with information
                                                                          across Europe and beyond
and activities, building on the tools already available. They             • Lobbying for Black Sea strategy and
reflect progressive change, not for the sake of change, but to
face future challenges and to keep AER relevant and to bring
                                                                          promoting regional Europe in European
out more added value for its members.                                     Neighbourhood policy.
• The planning cycle will help to better apply the principles             • Successful Black Sea conference.
that govern the statutory bodies; who is responsible for what,

                                                                     3. Promoting
what are the roles, simplifying the decision-making process.
• The member relations strategy underlines the obvious,
that members come first. We need to understand the needs,                          smart and sustainable
manage expectations and focus on member retention. A                    growth to foster job creation.
successful network is one that thrives on active members
rather than only on many members.                                         Assisting 200 regions in promoting their
• The communications strategy will aim at creating a                      regional job creation strategies.
communication system that is an integral part of the decision-
making process, ensuring that the actors receive the correct
information at the right time.

Finally, the human relations (HR) strategy will be drafted in 2015
                                                                     4. Advocating  a healthier, fairer and
                                                                        more inclusive Europe
to formalize existing HR practices, to adapt and to develop
new HR tools and to provide an overall strategic approach

                                                                     5. Building further territorial cohesion
to people's management that will serve the organizational
interest and objectives of AER.

                                                                     6. Strengthening AER to face the new
                                                                          challenges of the regions in wider
                                                                          • Tackling AER’s financial challenges.
                                                                          • Restructuring secretariat in order to
                                                                          face future challenges.
                                                                          • Re-positioning AER as the key territorial
                                                                          player in Europe and beyond.

                                                                                                                  05 }
AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
       and Regional
       (Committee 1)
       “Regions are spaces where
       universities and talents,
       entrepreneurial spirit, attractive
       lifestyle and innovative funding
       schemes can come together.
       Today, with the focus shifting
       from the crisis to recovery,
       regions are more than ever
       catalysts for innovation,
       growth and competitiveness.”

                                                                               Marian-Constantin Vasile
                                                                               Regional Councillor, Timis (RO)
                                                                               President of Committee for Economy
                                                                               and Regional Development (1)

       Building on the achievements of the previous year, in 2014    recognised Värmland (SE)’s engagement towards
       the AER Committee for Economy and Regional Development        sustainable solutions ; while the Canton of Fribourg’s IDeal
       continued to strive towards the goals set by its members      Index provided the opportunity for new regions to measure
       and Presidium:                                                their growth beyond the GDP, taking inclusion, wellbeing
                                                                     and sustainability into account.
       Economy and Innovation
       In the framework of the Working Group on Investment,          Rural development
       Business and SMEs, AER members debated how to unleash         In the 28 EU countries alone, 56% of the population lives in
       Europe’s added value in the economic world and its            rural areas, which represent 91% of the European territory.
       capacity to innovate:                                         However, the current economic crisis has shifted the EU’s
       • Firstly, via the Edirne Declaration, AER members made       focus towards competitiveness, urban areas and innovation.
       a strong commitment to support entrepreneurship:              Other targets, primarily rural areas, are being left out when
       Entrepreneurs generate 4 million new jobs every year          in reality they are brimming with potential. To counteract
       in Europe and regions play a key role in promoting            this trend and bring rural areas back in the game, AER
       economically sound ideas to be turned into business           argues for further focus on the rural-urban links.
       ventures.                                                     Bringing this issue to the attention of the European
       • Secondly, in order to stimulate and create a competitive    institutions has been one of the Working Group on Rural
       business ecosystem capable of accelerating regional           Development’s objectives. In a joint initiative with the
       growth, AER focused on SME support and cooperation            European Countryside Movement (ECM), the AER hosted
       between the public and private stakeholders. AER became       a Press Conference to address future Members of the
       the regional partner of the European Business Summit and      European Parliament, highlighting that the consideration of
       brought together EU Commissioner Hahn and a delegation        these territories as poles of development and innovation is
       of a hundred regional representatives, civil servants and     the key to well-balanced territorial development. Moreover,
       businesses.                                                   after the last European elections, AER joined ECM’s efforts
       • Thirdly, at the AER Investing in SMEs session held at the   to lobby for the creation of a Parliamentary Intergroup on
       European Parliament, regions exchanged information and        Rural and Remote areas, an initiative that was successful in
       good practice on funding opportunities for SMEs, the Small    December 2014.
       Business Act regional implementation plan, as well as on      The second objective of the group focused on the sharing
       the Green Action Plan for SMEs.                               and transfer of good practices. Rural development was
                                                                     elected as the topic for the 2013 and 2014 edition of the
       In 2014, AER highlighted the need for an inclusive, smart     AER RUR@CT programme. Moreover, building on the
       and sustainable perspective on economic development:          good practices from the regions, the working group met to
       On the one hand, the AER Regional Innovation Award,           develop EU project proposals.

{ 06
AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
Energy and Climate Change
While regional and local authorities are acknowledged as being
responsible for 70% of climate mitigation and 90% of adaptation
measures, it is not a time for regions to be complacent: much
remains to be done in order to achieve the green economic
transition, one of the central elements of Europe’s future growth.
At the Heads of States Conference organised by the United
Nations in New-York (USA) last September, Ban Ki-moon
announced the objective of reaching a legally binding and
universal agreement on climate by the Paris 2015 United
Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21). Aware of the
high ambitions for this agreement, AER has engaged with the
R20 and the Climate Group in the ‘Road to Paris’, a series of
actions aiming to mobilise political will for a meaningful legal
agreement in Paris 2015, including participation in the World
Summit of Regions, the signature of the Paris Declaration,
and promoting the Compact of States and Regions to monitor
regional progress in Greenhouse gas (GHG) targets.
In parallel to this, the AER Working group on Energy and                    2014 has been a crucial year for the European
Climate Change also discussed the issue of energy security in
the context of the Ukraine crisis. In order to reduce external              Commission and for the regions as the Ope-
dependency of their territories, regions can continue to promote            rationnal programmes of the Cohesion Policy
clean renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency                  have been drafted and submitted. These pro-
(EE) measures. Along these lines, INTERREG IVC project                      grammes outline territorial investment plans
Regions4GreenGrowth issued useful recommendations on how                    for EU Structural and Investment Funds for the
regional authorities can boost financing for RES and EE. Finally,
the working group also participated in the 2014 edition of the              2014-2020 programming period. This year
EU Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels, where the discussion                has thus seen the newly established partnership
focused on how to effectively develop private public partnerships           agreements put into practice.
for sustainable development.
                                                                            To continuously improve the way this funding is
Transport and Regional airports
Ensuring the connectivity of all European regions, including                designed and programmed we need the input
urban, peripheral and sparsely populated areas, is one of AER's             of the regions as well as a continued capacity
top political priorities. This is explained not only by the fact that all   building processes in the territories enabling a
these areas contribute significantly to the EU's performance as a           smooth and efficient implementation of these
global player, but also by the idea that regional competitiveness           funds. For many years, the Assembly of Euro-
is intrinsically linked to connectivity.
For this reason, AER has followed the European Commission’s                 pean Regions plays an important role to facili-
(EC) revision of the guidelines on State aid to regional airports           tate this process thanks to its direct access to a
and airlines. The EC’s new guidelines aimed at promoting fair               variety of regions.
competition and efficiency in public financing, however their
application could lead to the closure of around 100 airports.               A colourful and diverse Europe is also a pre-
The AER 2013-2014 campaign resulted in the publication of a
revised set of guidelines in February 2014, with more flexibility           condition for democracy. Bringing together such
than originally foreseen, and striking a better balance between             a large diversity of regions from across Europe
growth and competition. While this was a success, further                   in one network and facilitating exchange and
revisions of the EC’s guidelines are expected for the coming                cooperation is a significant achievement. 2014
years. As such, the Working Group on Transport and Regional                 has shown that peace and stability can be very
Airports has continued to monitor and cooperate with Airports
Council International (ACI Europe) and SEO Aviation Economics.              fragile. Cooperation and dialogue between re-
                                                                            gions and their citizens is therefore even more
Beyond regional airports, the working group has also discussed              necessary, providing understanding of each
good practices with regards to other modes of transport, in                 other before conflicts become violent.
view of promoting better links between air and rail for example.
The group also met to debate on the new guidelines for the
implementation of the Trans-European Transport Network                      I am looking forward to continue to cooperate
(TEN-T), as a driving force for EU economies.                               with the Assembly of European Regions in my
                                                                            new position as European Commissioner for
                                                                            European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlarge-
                                                                            ment Negotiations.

                                                                                                                         Johannes Hahn
                                                                                                                    European Commissioner
                                                                               for European Neighbourhood Policy & Enlargement Negotiations
                                                                                                    Former Commissioner for Regional Policy

                                                                                                                                      07 }
AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
       Social Policy
       and Public
       (Committee 2)

                                                                                                                                             © John Randeris
       “To accelerate the deployment of integrated care systems and e-health solutions,
       it is vital to ensure regions all over Europe are involved in the process. The AER                  Karsten Uno-Petersen
       connects regional experiences and supports regional stakeholders from across the                    Regional Councillor,
       wider Europe to engage in interregional cooperation, in order to take                               Syddanmark (DK)
       advantage from each other’s ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences.”                        President of Committee for
                                                                                                           Social Policy and Public Health

       Innovation in the public sector                                     SmartCare, which gathers 40 partners across Europe. AER
       The paradox with health and technology is that on one               utilises this project, to build capacities in regions for the
       hand the sector is considered to lag years behind in terms          deployment of integrated care systems and raise awareness
       of technology uptake compared to other sectors and on the           of the potential of the silver economy. This is also why we
       other hand health is driving innovation in the public sector        organised a political debate on the engagement of regions
       because of its technology intensive nature.                         at European level for demographic change policies, a
                                                                           seminar, workshops and several study visits on the theme
       Think of e-health for instance: why is it that a huge               “E-health: Independence and Inclusion in the 21st century”
       interregional network such as AER, which is well known for          in Donegal (IE). This event gathered over 100 participants
       its work on subsidiarity, has now been working for almost           and was highly successful, with satisfaction rates close to
       a decade on e-health? The main answer to this lies in the           100%. In order to raise the voice of regions at European level
       organisational revolution stirred by e-health. E-health is all      and share its particular insights on the topic, AER answered
       about patients empowerment, dialogue between health and             the consultation of the European Commission on mobile
       social professionals, collaboration between IT companies            health (m-health), and co-organised a session at the AAL
       and service providers, public-private partnerships,                 Forum in Bucharest on the alignment of e-health policies,
       innovation and competitiveness. On all these complex                projects and other regional and interregional initiatives with
       matters regional decision makers value the possibility to           the CORAL network and the regions of Noord-Brabant (NL)
       share experiences, and have a framework for ongoing and             and Covasna (RO).
       systematic mutual learning. Getting evaluation by peers
       through projects or peer reviews for instance is a real asset       The inclusion of people with disabilities remained a priority
       in order to be able to set up better services and improve           in 2014. A Training Academy on the implementation of
       existing ones.                                                      fundamental rights was organised by the AER Academic
                                                                           Centre on the basis of the online toolkit of the European
       In 2014 the AER Committee on Social Policy and Public               Agency for Fundamental Rights as well as a study visit to the
       Health therefore pursued its efforts to support the                 Donegal Centre for Independent Living (DCIL). Committee
       development of a user-based approach to healthcare.                 2 Vice-President Urban Blomberg (Jönköping-SE) presented
       One of the main highlights undoubtedly was the ALEC                 AER achievements in recent years at the EASPD conference
       2014 high-level conference we organised with the region             “Planning Inclusive communities” and we also initiated
       of Norrbotten (SE) on the co-creating and empowered                 cooperation with the ZERO project, a Vienna-based NGO,
       patient in Kiruna (SE) in February. The event featured top          which specialises on improving the lives of people with
       speakers like the President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves,        disabilities worldwide.
       Paul Timmers Director in DG CONNECT, Professor George
       Crooks from the Scottish Centre for Telehealth & Telecare           Social entrepreneurship
       (UK), and many other renowned e-health experts.                     Because economic participation for all is key for inclusive
                                                                           and sustainable development, Committee 2 prolonged
       Another major aspect of our work on innovation in                   the work carried out on social inclusion by specifically
       the public sector is our participation in the Engaged               addressing the topic of social entrepreneurship. The
       network. AER in particular utilises this ICT-PSP project to         AER conference “Daring to succeed, Entrepreneurship
       develop new tools for social innovation and bring added             for better growth (smart, sustainable and inclusive)”
       value to its members via purpose-driven networking.                 in Edirne with Committee 1 led to the adoption of the
       The year 2014 also saw the implementation of the first              Edirne position on entrepreneurship. Building on the work
       Training Academies of the AER Leadership Programme, a               carried out across committees this tool for lobbying is also
       Committee 2 initiative to support regional decision makers          a reference for further activities. An information session
       fight resistance to change in the field of e-health, which is       on funding for social entrepreneurship was organised by
       now being mainstreamed across AER thematic activities by            the AER Regional Expertise Centre and we are currently
       the AER Academic Centre.                                            preparing a series of events to be held in Autumn 2015
                                                                           on this topic.
       ICT tools for inclusive societies                                   Finally we believe that developing good cooperation with
       Adapting our regions’ services to an ageing society has             other partners will help us to be better at what we do, this
       never been as urgent as now. If we want to build competitive        is why we cooperated with the AAL2business initiative, co-
       and inclusive societies it is urgent to tap into the potential of   organised an information session with COCIR and HOPE
       ICT tools. Committee 2 therefore intensified its engagement         at the Open Days, invited the EESC at our plenary and
       for integrated care systems, which bring together health            closely collaborated with thematic networks, the industry,
       and social care services into a common ICT infrastructure to        and patients’ organisations via our participation in the
       ensure continuity and consistency of care. This was enabled         advisory boards of United4health, HEPCOM and Health
       in particular via our participation in the ICT-PSP project          Equity 2020.

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AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
{             Equal
              “In 2014, the Swedish Government has
              published a white paper that highlights abuses
              and rights violations of Roma in the 1900s.
              It highlights the mapping of Roma, sterilisation
              and taking custody of children, entry ban and
              regulated immigration and, finally, access of
              Roma to housing, education and work.
              I welcome this openness from the Swedish
              government, and call upon others to follow.
              The white paper clearly shows that the Roma
              were looked upon as undesirable.”

                                                                          Monica Carlsson
                                                                          Regional Councillor, Norrbotten (SE)
                                                                          Vice-President for Equal Opportunities.

With its own vice presidency in place since 2013, equal          The second half of the year was focused on finding regional
opportunities (EO) made the most of 2014 and put the             solutions to a European issue: the rise of discrimination
issue back at the heart of AER activities.                       against Roma. This topic was first raised at the AER summer
Regular meetings between members of the AER group                Academy in Novi Sad (RS) in August and the framework of
for Equal Opportunities, constituted of representatives          the plenary meetings of Committees 1 and 3, which took
nominated by each Committee as well as the Youth Regional        place in Gelderland (NL) in November, was the perfect
Network, allowed for essential discussions and reflection on     occasion for AER Equal Opportunities to actively act on this
how to help member regions across wider Europe integrate         subject matter. Experts and AER members concerned with
equal opportunities into their policy actions and daily lives.   this policy area, gathered to ask real questions and find
Guided by AER Vice president for Equal opportunities,            concrete answers to the Roma problem in Europe, thanks
Monica Carlsson from Norrbotten (SE), the Equal                  to the conference held on “Roma inclusion: breaking the
Opportunities group decided to focus on two main topics,         exclusion cycle”. This event launched a debate on what
crucial for regions in every aspect of their daily work:         regions should do in order to find common solutions, which
mainstreaming Gender Equality and fostering woman                resulted in the compilation of regional recommendations
entrepreneurship as well as the fighting against minority        for Roma inclusion in wider Europe.
discrimination and the promotion of Roma inclusion.
From January to August, equality between men and women           Following this debate, a call for input was sent to
was at the forefront of our Equal Opportunities’ activities.     all AER members to complete and amend the AER
With the help and quality expertise of the European Institute    Recommendations, as well as to reinforce their importance
for Gender Equality (EIGE), based in Vilnius (LT), member        through examples of regional best practices. The AER
regions rediscovered the importance of considering equal         Bureau, which took place in Ankara in December 2014,
treatment of genders in every aspect of their work, as it        adopted these recommendations. AER member regions are
affects all citizens, regardless of their age, nationality or    now ready to spread the news and help break the exclusion
social background. Moreover, fruitful discussions were held      cycle across their territories.
on the necessity of encouraging women entrepreneurship           Discover more on the outcomes of EO activities and read
in today’s regional and European economy, as they are key        the AER recommendations for Roma inclusion on the AER
actors to fostering growth.                                      website.

                                                                                                                                09 }
AER PARTNER FOR REGIONAL GROWTH - Assembly of European Regions
       Culture, Education,
       Youth and International
       (Committee 3)
       “At times of crisis culture is usually the first sector to loose
       funding and priority. Yet it is also a factor of economic
       growth and thus the cultural and creative sector finds
       increasing supporters among policy makers. Regions
       have a key role to play as it is in their territories that
       cultural productions are developed and are consumed.”

                                                                                              Sonja Steen - President, Nordland (NO)
                                                                                              President of Committee for Culture, Education,
                                                                                              Youth and International Cooperation.

       AER’s Committee on Culture, Education, Youth and                    Coordination of other policies is need such as youth or
       International Cooperation has had an exciting year with             social policies. They must also be adapted to the given
       many activities and concrete outputs. The main focus                local, regional or national conditions.
       was put on multiculturalism and multilingualism as well
       as its economic impact and contribution to regional                 Measures should focus on:
       development, school drop-out, youth participation and               1. Prevention of early school leaving (best practices and
       Eastern partnership.                                                methods to identify students in risk zone and their needs)
                                                                           2. Intervention measures (best practices on measures and
       Culture for economic growth                                         collaboration between different actors like school, labour
       At times of crisis culture is usually the first sector to loose     market, social actors, parents, etc)
       funding and priority. Yet it is also a factor of economic growth    3. Compensation measures (best practices of offering
       and thus the cultural and creative sector finds increasing          "second chance" learning opportunities for young adults to
       supporters among policy makers. Regions have a key role             reenter education and training and about reengage them)
       to play as it is in their territories that cultural productions
       are developed and are consumed. The conference was                  The committee 3 working group on school drop-out divided
       organised in the framework of Committee 3’s Spring plenary          its action into these three parts and started working on
       session in Novi Sad (Vojvodina-RS) therefore focused on             prevention measures and dedicated the first three meetings
       the topic Culture for all, including two workshops, one on          to the collection of activities, best practice and projects that
       “Culture through education” and the other one on “Culture           are existing in the regions. The results were presented and
       for the whole society”. This conference was only a foretaste        discussed and were fed into a “toolkit of best practice”. The
       of the 2014 edition of the Summer Academy.                          next step is working on intervention measures before working
                                                                           on compensation measures.
       School drop-out                                                     With the aim to support the work of the AER working group and
       Furthermore, Committee 3 strengthened the links with AEBR,          to achieve a greater impact through operational work of an EU-
       the Association of European Border regions by contributing to       funded project, Västernorrland (SE) proposed to develop an EU
       their Task Force on Culture by presenting each other’s activities   project partnership with the regions of Catalunya (ES), Østfold
       at different AER and AEBR meeting and establishing contacts         (NO), Tulcea (RO), Hampshire (UK) and AER and successfully
       with partners and discussing school drop-out cooperation            submitted a project proposal under the Programme Erasmus+.
       and project opportunities.
       Early school drop-out has been identified as one of the key         As for the working group, the aim of the project is multi-fold:
       challenges by the EU in the current Europe 2020 strategy. It is a   • developing a toolbox of successful methodologies and
       growing severe problem in Europe which has long-term effects        practices to combat dropouts;
       both on economic growth, the societal developments and on           • developing a permanent network of actors and
       individuals. The future of Europe depends on young people's         stakeholders as well as the working methods in each region
       success both in the worklife and in the society. Dropping-out is    to fight with dropout;
       a major obstacle in both respects. Since early school leaving       • contributing to future policy developments in the regions
       is a complex problem in the society, it cannot be solved by         through shared knowledge and experiences of the partners;
       education providers alone. There is a need for effective cross-     • increasing knowledge of the target groups to handle
       sectoral cooperation with different stakeholders.                   dropouts and create long-term effects.

{ 10
                                                                         to be highlighted

                                                                         More than
                                                                         1000        press
                                                                         clippings from
                                                                         36 countries
                                               AER Political Report on

                   ”Youth participation in democratic life at regional
             level” under the leadership of Lilla Merabet (Alsace-FR)

                                                                                     on Facebook

Beyond its own activities to combat school dropout, AER
strengthened its links with FREREF, the European University
                                                                         followers on Twitter
of Regions and Territories for Lifelong Learning, especially by

                                                                                     14 newsletters
contributing to their annual European University on the topic
“Implementing Lifelong Learning in Territories: A New Youth

Toolbox on youth participation

                                                                         26 press releases
In the field of youth, Committee 3 under the leadership of
Lilla Merabet (Alsace-FR) worked on the finalisation of the
political report on “Youth participation in democratic life at
regional level”. The report was adopted at the AER General
Assembly and sent to all AER members and stakeholders in

Europe and beyond. Based on this work, and on the good

practice gathered from the 2014 MYFER edition, we now plan
to work on a toolkit that should help those regions who wish to

                                                                                    in 21 countries
establish a youth council or youth parliament.

Engagement on the eastern partnership
Following the establishment of a Working Group on Eastern

                                                                         2 political reports
Partnership, messages of support were addressed to the
Ukrainian regions and stakeholders on various occasions and
AER supported in particular ALDA's call for partners for the
opening of a new local democracy agency in Ukraine.

                                                                                             More than
                                                                                        50   interviews

                                                                                                     11 }
{      Academic
       and Training Centre
       Institutional Affairs
       “The economic crisis has had a negative impact on public
       funding, many Regions are suffering from budget cuts. It
       is therefore crucial to provide our Regions with relevant
                                                                                                       Roy Perry
       capacity-training tools to help them face this challenge
                                                                                                       Leader of Hampshire (UK)
       and take up their role as key actors of Europe’s sustainable                                    Vice-President for Institutional
       development.”                                                                                   Affairs.
       “The AER looks forward to maintaining and developing the
       good links it enjoyed with the previous Commission and
       especially with DG Regio and the new EU Commissioner
       Corina Creţu and with the European Parliament.”

       Observatory on Regionalism
       AER launched its Academic and Training Centre in February        As per previous years, standard thematic Training Academies
       2014 in Zadar (HR). Acting as a one-stop-shop on regionalism     were organised, for instance in Brussels on 19 September,
       and providing regional representatives with capacity-building    which introduced regions’ representatives to the toolkit on
       services, the Centre contributes to AER’s main mission to        Fundamental Rights developed by the Fundamental Rights
       promote regional interests in Europe and beyond.                 Agency; one in Bucharest on 2 October, on funding sources
                                                                        available to develop interregional projects among Black
       One of the first achievements of the Centre was to set up        Sea countries; and one annual session on lobbying, held
       a scientific committee to begin the AER Study “The place         in Brussels.
       of Regions – A state of play of subsidiarity and multilevel
       governance in Europe”, which will be completed in 2015.          A new type of Training Academy was also launched this
       Almost 30 experts have agreed to contribute. Alongside           year, around Leadership. It is based on the recognition
       this report, these experts regularly provide AER with articles   that regional authorities often face leadership capacity
       on regionalism-related issues which are published under          problems when they want to introduce changes and
       a new specific section of the monthly newsletter.                improve their performance. AER was allowed to make use
       Recognised for its expertise, AER has often been invited to      of the Leadership toolkit of the Council of Europe, which
       take part in conferences on regionalism. We were present         provides regional or local leaders with key tools to assess
       at the round table on the future of regions (28 May), and        their performance and improve it. The sessions in April in
       at the Annual Polish Forum on self-governance (2-3 June,         Edirne (TR) allowed participants to understand the toolkit,
       Kolobrezeg (PL)). Furthermore, we organised a seminar            and how to use it to improve their policies in two specific
       on regionalisation on 27 November in Montpellier (FR) .          fields, namely e-health and support to entrepreneurship.
                                                                        A third session followed in Eindhoven (NL), at the end
       The expertise gathered by virtue of the Centre has also          of October 2014, where the decision was taken to hold
       allowed AER to strengthen its lobbying position as the           region-based training sessions on Leadership throughout
       main political voice of the regions in Europe. We have           2015.
       participated in debates regarding territorial reforms in
       France, Croatia, and Albania, sharing our expertise with         Good governance and interregional
       the relevant stakeholders.                                       cooperation in the Black Sea area
       AER has continued to take advantage of its observer status       During 2014, we ran an intensive lobbying campaign
       at the Council of Europe to promote our views for stronger       to influence the content of the new Black Sea CBC
       regions. The agreement signed in March with the Congress         programme. AER ensured that good governance and
       has enabled us to reinforce cooperation with the Council         capacity-building were considered as horizontal issues,
       of Europe.                                                       allowing regions to receive funding for such activities in
                                                                        their projects.
       Enhancing capacity building in the Regions
       Good governance and capacity-building are crucial elements       The organisation of the 5th AER Black Sea Regions Summit
       for regions if they want to be recognised as key political       (Bucharest, 2-3 October) was the high point of this lobbying
       actors, not only by national authorities but also by citizens.   campaign. This high-level event, which gathered about 100
       Through tailor-made sessions, the Academic and Training          participants, demonstrated the status of AER as the main
       Centre offers the right platform to AER member regions to        platform for dialogue in the Black Sea area. It was also
       learn from each other and improve their performance. This        an occasion to celebrate efficient cooperation with the Go-
       year, two types of Training Academies were run.                  governance institute.

{ 12
Youth Regional Network
                                          AER Programmes tailored
                                               for member regions
The Youth Regional Network (YRN) is AER’s mirror network
for young people. The purpose is to engage and connect
the young generation to provide them with a platform to
develop active citizenship behaviour and decision making.
                                                                 Summer Academy
                                                                 Whereas the YRN and the Eurodyssey programme operate
                                                                 throughout the year, AER’s Summer Academy is our annual
                                                                 training event. The concept evolved in 1996 and was
                                                                 designed as a tool to facilitate the exchange of experience and
The YRN allows young people from the regions to get              information. The Summer Academy has since developped
involved in international political youth work and to raise      into an annual forum for exchange of experience in the
their voice on issues of their specific concerns.                area of regional development in Europe. Gathering over
As unemployment is a key concern for young people, the           140 young people, officials and politicians from 37 regions,
YRN focused its work on a potential and creative way             this Year’s Summer Academy took place in Vojvodina
out of unemployment: social entrepreneurship. The YRN            (RS) in the city of Novi Sad. During one week participants
engaged with that topic from various angles, discussing          explored the topic “multi-cultural, multi-lingual-multiethnic
issues for minorities in Europe, as well as intergenerational    regions – regional diversity for economic growth”. There
approaches to fostering youth employment. The main               could be no better place for such a topic than the region of
event on this topic was the YRN plenary that took place          Vojvodina where's official working languages are in use and
in the region of Jönköping (SE) in June this year. Youth         which comprises over 26 nationalities. Representing a mini-
participation in the political life has been another important   Europe, participants had the opportunity to learn how such
topic. YRN contributed actively to the political report on       a topic can be practiced, governed and lived.
youth participation in democratic life led by the region of
Building bridges between cultures, ages and social classes
has been another key topic for the YRN activities in 2014.
Istanbul, representing the bridge between Europe and Asia,
was the host of the YRN Autumn plenary. At this meeting
YRN elected Mario Žulicek from Varazdin (HR) as new YRN
President, following Beat Rohner’s 2012-2014 mandates.
AER’s youth activities are regularly featured in our general
activities and feed into the general policy making.              Rur@ct
Furthermore we promote the regions that specifically             Exchange does not only take place in the form of conferences
involve young people in their activities and every two years     and trainings, but also in the context of exchange in policy
awards the Most Youth Friendly European Region (MYFER).          making and policy development. AER’s Rur@ct programme
This year, MYFER has been awarded to Østfold (NO) and            features and implements the exchange of good policy
the special price went to the Irish region of Donegal (IE).      making practices in the regions. It aims at creating a specific
We also support the European Youth Capital scheme                framework for the policy exchange allowing for a detailed
organised by the European Youth Forum. AER congratulates         analysis of situations from which policy exchange comes
the recently selected winner for the 2017 edition, which is      from and to where it should be applied to. The exchange
Varna (BG).                                                      of policy practices becomes relevant only when it can be
                                                                 applied a the specific situations. In 2014 the Rur@ct
Eurodyssey                                                       programme featured amongst others the transfer of a good
Fostering employment and upgrading skills are the                practice from Wallonie (BE) to Languedoc-Roussillon (FR).
purpose of AER’s youth mobility and employment scheme,           Focusing on social innovation support actions.
Eurodyssey. At times when youth unemployment is one of the       The project has structured the regional territory in order to
biggest challenges in many parts of Europe, the upgrading        assist the enterprises' growth. The creation of a business
and matching of skills, information about employment             centre, a co-working space and a resource centre has
and learning possibilities as well as the support of public      improved the social and economic networking. The region
sector is key in facing this challenge. AER’s Eurodyssey         has finally reached a great social innovation capacity.
programme is an answer to the challenges facing young            The project accommodates, advises, and supports 30 to
people. In 2014 the programme stepped up its efforts             50 new social economy start-ups with huge potential to
to engage regions in facilitating work placements and            accelerate their development and implementation in the
exchanging of internship experiences. In particular it looked    region. At the same time, it manages a resource centre and
at the European Social Fund and its possibilities to engage      ensures the availability of all resources (support expertise,
in youth employment and youth mobility engagement as             financing, lifelong learning) for these start-ups. Finally,
well as the role of private sector engagement in fighting        it manages a business and co-working centre to foster
youth unemployment. These topics were discussed in depth         pooling, sharing, cooperation and sparking new ideas. The
at the annual Eurodyssey event hosted this October by the        participatory methodology involves future uses in the setting
region of Valencia (ES).                                         up of an infrastructure and services that are aimed at them.

                                                                                                                                   13 }
{      Regional

       Regional expertise is at the heart of ours activities.            This year marks the end of the SMART Europe INTERREG
       Whereas all of AER’s services and activities focus on policy      IVC project, which culminated in the production of concrete
       development, know-how exchanges, the regional expertise           recommendations and 13 action plans to boost innovation
       centre facilitates these processes in a transversal manner,       based jobs in the region.
       provides information on European funding in order to create       SmartCare is a vast ICT-PSP project for the deployment of
       opportunities for regions to get involved in projects that help   integrated care systems in European regions. The role of
       their regional development. Furthermore, AER partnered            AER is to support regions, which are not yet implementing
       up with regions in different European projects to provide         these systems, to start working on the same material
       expertise and dissemination power. Using regional expertise       as pilots and to benefit from their ongoing feedback in
       and formulating it into policy documents is part of AER’s         order to anticipate obstacles in a pragmatic way. This is
       political reports. Promotion of regional expertise and best       done through workshops, virtual meetings and potentially
       practices is at also the heart of AER’s award scheme.             Training Academies on Leadership. AER member regions
                                                                         are encouraged to join the preparatory work, engage in
       European Funding Information Cycle                                targeted networking with other regions and stakeholders
       2014 marked the start of a new 7-year European funding            and pave the way for future implementation of integrated
       cycle finishing in 2020. European programmes have                 care systems.
       changed their names, adopted a new structure and focused          Engaged is a large scale lab for innovation, which brings
       on new priorities. Knowing the content and novelties of           together public and private stakeholders in the field of
       these programmes is key if regions want to make the best          health and social services, the industry, researchers, NGOs
       of European programmes. We therefore provided several             and public authorities to share experiences and learn from
       information sessions on European funding programmes               each other on active and healthy ageing and the silver
       highlighting in particular the relevance, opportunities and       economy. The network encourages the implementation of
       possibilities for regional authorities to benefit from these      mutual learning strategies as a tool for genuine innovation
       programmes. Amongst others, AER featured EU’s education           across all sectors of society.
       programme Erasmus+, the EU programme for SME support
       COSME and the Ambient Assisted Living programme for               Promoting good practices and visibility -
       active ageing. Furthermore, we organised an info day on the       AER Awards
       topic of social entrepreneurship featuring EU programmes          Another way of promoting the exchange of good regional
       that can support these activities. AER furthermore facilitated    policy making and facilitating the transfer of know-how
       input to the EU consultation on the follow-up programme           is AER’s Award, providing visibility to regions that have
       of Interreg IVC which was finally launched as INTEREG             developed and implemented particular successful policies
       EUROPE at the beginning of December 2014.                         and practices in specifically selected areas. This year again,
                                                                         we featured and promoted regions that place particular focus
       Project development and delivery                                  on innovation through its AER Regional Innovation Award
       In addition to provision and dissemination of information on      (RIA). The winner of the 2013-2014 edition is Värmland
       European funding opportunities, AER also actively engaged         (SE), it was recognised for a solid tradition in choosing
       in European project development and project result                the best environmentally-friendly products in buildings, as
       dissemination as well as partner search. AER participated this    has been exemplified by the latest project of building one
       year in the following European co-funded projects dealing         of its hospitals in Karlstadt with innovative and sustainable
       with innovative job creation - Smart Europe, sustainable          materials. Next to innovation, AER also actively engages
       territorial development - Region4GG, innovative tools for         in the promotion of youth policies. In 2014, its traditional
       integrative care systems - Smart care, policy exchange on         award of the Most-youth-friendly European region focussed
       active and healthy ageing -Engaged, tackling early school         in 2014 on youth participation on regional democratic life.
       leaving –Jet-CD.                                                  The winner of the 2014 MYFER Award is Østfold (NO) with

{ 14
European projects

                                                                 The Smart Europe INTERREG IVC project is a
                                                                 consortium of 13 partners representing 11 EU
                                                                 regions, aiming to boost employment in the
                                                                 innovation sector through the development of
                                                                 smart and targeted regional policies, as well
                                                                 as increased support to the key economic
                                                                 anchors generating jobs in the region.

                                                                 The Regions4GreenGrowth INTERREG IVC
                                                                 project is an initiative of 13 EU regions with high
                                                                 sustainable energy ambitions that are committed
                                                                 to identifying, exchanging and transferring
its ”Youth County Council” Project. The MYFER special prize      effective regional policy instruments and
was given to the region of Donegal (IE) for their ”Sparks        mechanisms to improve access to finance for
Mental Health Roadshow” Project demonstrating successful         sustainable energy projects and speed up
inclusion policies on regional level for young people.           investments.

Policy development and shaping - AER
Political reports and surveys
Next to best practice exchange and interregional cooperation
facilitated by European projects and other instruments,
AER used its direct and unique access to Europe’s regions        SmartCare, a project co-funded under the
by gathering their experiences and formulating them into         Competitiveness and Innovation Framework
policies relevant for regional as well as European level         Programme (CIP), aims to define and pilot
policy making. In 2014, in particular, two topics have been      services for an open information and commu-
particularly followed: the participation of young people in      nication technologies (ICT) platform enabling
regional decision making process and the role of regional        the delivery of integrated health and social care
public broadcasters in regional, national and European           to older European citizens, thus contribu- ting
contexts. The first topic was promoted by the region of
                                                                 to the development of more efficient and eco-
Alsace, This region is active in the engagement of young
                                                                 nomical regional care systems.
people in their regional council decision making. The
so-called Merabet report has described this process in more
detail and brought in the experience of several other regions.
Fair and equal access to education as well as the increased
role of social media and modern technologies in the policy
making are elements that have been specifically highlighted
                                                                 AER is a partner of ENGAGED, a wide Euro-
as key observations. We also engaged in the development of
                                                                 pean network for mutual learning and support
the report on public regional broadcasting highlighting the
                                                                 to the further deployment of innovative solutions
current developments in this sector (public budget cuts, new
                                                                 for active and healthy ageing. The network is
                                                                 supported by the CIP, it aims to build a growing
technologies, competition from American content providers,
                                                                 coalition of stakeholders, raise awareness and
new consumer behaviour) and developing solutions and in
                                                                 disseminate information about age-friendly
order to continue to provide unbiased and relevant local and     environments, promote transferability and
regional news by the public broadcasters. AER also uses its      support regions to implement new models and
privileged access to regions to ask them about their opinions    services.
on the new Cohesion policy programming. The results of its
consultation on the role of regions and the implementation
of the partnership principle in EU’s cohesion policy will be
synthesized in a report at the beginning of next year.
                                                                 Joint Efforts to Combat Dropout (JET-CD) is a pro-
                                                                 ject co-financed by the European Commission’s
                                                                 programe Erasmus+ strategic Partnerships. The
                                                                 project will highlight the need of regional stra-
                                                                 tegies based on a broad partnership for cross-
                                                                 sectoral collaboration in each region and even
                                                                 to develop a common methodology for collabo-
                                                                 ration to be implemented in the regions.
                                                                                                               15 }
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