PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates

PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates

A joint initiative by:
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates
Background info:
 Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!
Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! is a joint citizen science     identify microplastic in rivers and their estuaries and
campaign by the German Federal Ministry of Education        contribute to a better understanding of environmental
and Research (BMBF) in collaboration with the Portu­        problems. The Plastic Pirates campaign was first de­
guese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Edu­       veloped in 2016 in Germany by the Kiel Science Factory
cation and the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science     and partners with support from the BMBF for the Sci­
and Sport. The campaign is taking place in all three        ence Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans and, since 2018,
countries from 2020 to 2021 as part of the trio presi­      will be continued within the framework of the research
dency of the EU Council. The goals of the campaign          focus ‘Plastics in the Environment’.
are to strengthen scientific collaboration in Europe,
promote the level of dedication among citizen scien­        You can find information about the Plastic Pirates at
tists and to raise awareness and consciousness for the .
environment. The joint project of the three countries
demonstrates how citizens in Europe can work to­
gether to achieve common goals. In the years 2020 and
2021, pupils, teachers and scientists will collaborate to
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates
United for researching the rivers
of europe and against plastic waste
                                                                           Hallo, zdravo, olá, hello!

                                                                           A whale washed up on a beach with a stomach packed with
                                                                           plastic litter and a beach full of plastic bags and cans – you
                                                                           have all seen the terrible pictures. Most of this waste comes
                                                                           from rivers. And many rivers flow through more than just one
                                                                           country. What is thrown away in one city one day might appear
                                                                           in another the next. Let us join our efforts to tackle this pro­
                                                                           blem together!

                                                                           This is why we are launching Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!
                                                                           In the coming 18 months, you, as citizen scientists, have the
                                                                           chance to get to the root of this problem. We are calling on
                                                                           pupils from Germany, Portugal and Slovenia to join this ini­
                                                                           tiative, as our three countries will hold the trio presidency of
                                                                           the Council of the EU during this time. We want to send out a
                                                                           clear message of our support for environmental protection,
                                                                           citizen science and active cooperation in European education.

Anja Karliczek           Manuel Heitor           Simona                    Of course, we are also committed to ensuring that our fellow
                                                                           European neighbours can join us in investigating this urgent
                                                 Kustec Lipicer            challenge in the future.

                                                                           As a Plastic Pirate, you will gather information on plastic
                                                                           litter from our rivers. On this basis, scientists from our three
                                                                           countries will analyse the data. By taking part in this campaign,
                                                                           pupils can contribute towards important scientific research
Member of the German     Portugal                Slovenia                  while still at school. In the end, we will know more about the
Bundestag                Minister for Science,   Minister for Education,   state of our rivers and the scale of plastic pollution. Thank you
Federal Minister of      Technology and Higher   Science and Sport         for playing such a vital role and for your important contribution
Education and Research   Education                                         to the conservation of our planet.
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates

Usage rights                               The project booklet
All content of the project booklet
pertaining to the Plastic Pirates – Go     Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!
Europe! project is protected by copy­
right. This applies both to the printed
version of the project booklet and the     This project booklet aims to give young       This project booklet helps young people       The project booklet is suitable for use in a
data made available for download
at The project      people aged between 10 and 16 hands-on        find their feet during the excursion and      group of between six and 30 young people,
booklet is provided free of charge and     experience of the issues related to seas      serves as a scientific guide to data          whether a school class, a work group or a
may only be used in non-commercial         and the ocean, particularly the problem of    collection.                                   club. Including preparation and follow-up
contexts, including the reproduction,
saving, printing and editing of the        plastic waste in seas and flowing water­      The tone of the booklet is aimed at the       work, the project takes about three days,
project booklet.                           ways. The key questions for the Plastic       young people themselves. It has been          or six to eight teaching hours, to complete –
                                           Pirates are as follows: How bad is plastic    designed in such a way that they can          plus approx. two hours for sampling. As
Changes may only be made insofar
as they are unavoidable in terms of        waste pollution in flowing waterways          complete the various steps of the project     different amounts of time can be allocated
achieving the purpose of use, such         and seas in Europe? What kinds of             independently. Help them in your role as      to the individual stages, the project book­
as the abridging of text passages.
                                           plastic are particularly common in the        an educator.                                  let is also well suited to integration within
The meaning must be retained in its
original form. Changes to the meaning      environment and what impact does this                                                       a project week.
are only permissible when it can be        have on our seas and our ocean?
established that the original state­
ment has neither been changed nor
distorted, nor altered, nor obfuscated.
This also applies in respect of indirect
impairment of the content by using
it in a context other than the context

                                            What teachers and group leaders
originally intended.

Whether wholly or in part or in any

                                           Need to know
other form, elements may only be
reproduced – whether electronically
or in writing – for purposes other
than those stated above with the prior
express written permission of the
German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research. The project booklet          A torn plastic bag on the riverbank or        Citizen science projects give people inter­   The research data collected by many
has been designed in such a way that
                                           a yoghurt cup floating in the water are       ested in science an opportunity to play a     groups throughout Europe will, during the
it can be used as a master copy by
teachers and group leaders. Additional     symptoms of serious interference with         hands-on role in the research process.        course of the project, be used to create a
information, useful links and the pro­     the highly complex system of seas, the        The Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!              scientifically sound, digital online map. In
ject booklet as a PDF file are available
                                           ocean and flowing waterways. The Plastic      campaign is one such example,                 a second step, this data will be evaluated
                                           Pirates – Go Europe! project focuses on       contributing to research into the spread      by research partners in Germany, Portu­
                                           this plastic waste problem and our future     of both macroplastic and microplastic in      gal and Slovenia, and then published. The
                                           handling of it, but aims to familiarise the   and around European rivers.                   Plastic Pirates team will keep you up to
                                           young people with the general topic of the                                                  date about the scientific analyses:
                                           ocean and water cycles in the process.        This booklet provides a step-by-step
                                           They will learn what it means to work         guide to conducting the project (including
                                           scientifically – and try their hand at it.    preparation and follow-up work).
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates

The teaching materials and work­
sheets for the Plastic Pirates –
Go Europe! youth campaign
                                              For YOUNG PEOPLE
                                              This booklet puts you in control. You decide which      an important building block for scientific study and
Alongside this project booklet, teachers      river you want to investigate for plastic waste. You    ensures that your data are reliable and usable when
and group leaders at clubs/associations       take the samples. You measure, collect and enter        you have finished.
can also access supporting teaching ma­       the data gathered into our map at
terials and worksheets on the topic of seas   en/results/map. In other words, you don’t just ‘play’   You will use a range of methods to understand the
and the ocean. These materials are suitable   at being scientists – you are a scientist!              pollution by waste in and around the river and to
for educational work in both curricular                                                               record your findings. The booklet contains specific
and extracurricular settings. They contain    This booklet will tell you exactly how it works and     instructions for each method. Split into groups.
exercises for young people, are structured    what you need to know. It will guide you through        Different groups will tackle different aspects of
in a modular way and can be ordered           the project over the next few pages. Each step is       the study.
free of charge at
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates
4                                                                                                               PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

                                                                                            N       Terms such as Atlantic Ocean and
                                                                                                    Pacific Ocean are still used and are not
                                                                                                    wrong, but marine researchers talk
                                                                                                    about a global ocean that connects the
                                                                                                    various sea and ocean basins with the
                                                                                                    marginal seas. For this reason, the

The beauty of                                                                                       plural term ‘oceans’ is avoided.

    the Ocean
Seawater makes up nearly two-thirds of the earth’s sur-
face, which is why earth is a blue planet when seen from
space. The seas and the ocean are the largest connected                                         S
habitat on our planet. They are important and precious –
and more than half of the world’s population live in coastal

The ocean gives us pleasure in the form of swimming and surfing, days at the beach
and cruises. It is our food source, we use it as a shipping route and we search for new
natural sources on the seabed. People who do not live on the coast are also con­
nected to the ocean via rivers.

At the same time, the seas and the ocean are also under threat, for example due to
pollution caused by plastic waste. By taking part in the Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!
project, you can help protect the world’s seas and the creatures that live there. With
the studies that you will carry out on rivers, you will help scientists to find out where
the plastic waste is entering the seas and the ocean and where the waste comes from.

On the following pages, you will find out about aquatic ecosystems and their
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates

The deep sea

Even today, the deep sea largely remains
a mystery.
Scientists know more about the surface of the moon than they
do about large sections of the underwater regions of the world.
That’s because planets and moons can be charted using tele­
scopes and satellites. Back down on earth, however, the ocean
itself blocks our view of the seabed. In order to penetrate the
depths of the ocean and transmit data and photos from the
seabed, it is necessary to send various measuring instru­
ments and robots on complex missions. Frequently, scientists
discover new species in the deep sea or are able to photograph
creatures that no one has ever seen before.

Large swathes of the seabed are made up of wide plains covered
in sediment. Only very few creatures live here, as they are
reliant on food that trickles down from above. When a whale
dies and its corpse sinks to the bottom of the sea, it provides an
abundance of food for all kinds of deep-sea dwellers. Although
nearly no humans have seen the deep sea with their own eyes,
our plastic waste has made its way into the deepest parts of
the ocean (the Mariana Trench).
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates
6                                                              PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

                  The polar regions

                  The Arctic and Antarctic are amongst the coldest,
                  windiest, darkest and stormiest regions on the

                  The Arctic is an enormous area that makes up about five per
                  cent of the earth and four per cent of the world’s seas and
                  ocean. It is a large water basin that is partially covered in ice in
                  winter and summer and surrounded by continents.

                  The Antarctic, on the other hand, is a giant land mass, Ant­
                  arctica, 98 per cent of which is covered by a layer of ice that is
                  more than four kilometres thick in places. The lowest tem­
                  perature ever recorded was –89.2° Celsius and was measured
                  at the Vostok Station in the Antarctic. This is the world’s pole

Why don’t polar
                  of cold. However, because of climate change, the highest
                  tempera­ture to date of 20.7° Celsius was recorded in the

bears eat
                  Antarctic in February 2020.

                  During the short polar summer, the sun doesn’t set and its
                  strong rays, combined with the large quantities of nutrients
                  found in the cold waters, give rise to huge plankton blooms
                  (i.e. massive numbers of plant and animal plankton). As a
                  result, many species migrate to the polar regions to reproduce
                  or feed, such as the large fin whales and humpback whales.
                  The Antarctic, which in winter is twice as large as the United
                  States due to the formation of sea ice, is also home to krill, a
                  small shrimp-like creature that emits light. It is found in large
                  swarms and is regarded as one of the most adapted animals
                  on earth. Krill are eaten by penguins, seals and whales.
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates

The coral reef
Coral reefs delight us with their vibrant colours and the diversity of
their wildlife.

Warm tropical waters are home to coral reefs of gigantic proportions. All reefs
combined, including cold-water reefs, cover about 300,000 square kilometres of the
global continental shelf. The largest coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef, which is
located off the north-east coast of Australia. It is home to more than 350 coral species
and has been placed under special protection by the United Nations.

Coral reefs are formed from the skeletons of stony corals and are an ideal habitat for
many species of fish. Alongside the coral reefs found in tropical waters, the depths of
the ocean also harbour cold-water corals, also known as deep-sea corals.
These have been found in all the world’s seas at depths of up to 3,800 metres
and more.
PROJECT BOOKLET FOR YOUNG PEOPLE - A joint initiative by: Plastic Pirates
8                                                                                                                   PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

         R iv e r s –
where the sea starts
Rivers connect all of Europe – from small streams through to major rivers.
One of Europe’s longest rivers is the Danube, which flows through a total of
ten countries. The Danube stretches 2,850 kilometres from its source to the
mouth of the river, where it flows into the Black Sea.
Rivers offer habitat and food for a wide variety of flora and fauna but are also often struggling with environ­
mental problems: one example of a typical European species found near rivers is the kingfisher. This little
brightly coloured bird eats small fish, grabbing them by diving into the river from its vantage point on the
banks. Although the European population of the kingfisher is stable, the species is experiencing habitat loss
due to the straightening of river paths, for example.

A freshwater fish that is typically found in Slovenia is the marble trout, which can be identified thanks to
its impressive marbled pattern. Although it grows quickly, the species is threatened due to overfishing and
interbreeding with non-native species. Many bodies of water in Portugal are home to the European otter, but
this species too is threatened by changes to its habitat, the exploitation of resources, hunting and pollution of
the waters where it makes its home. It will likely disappear from many of its waters if nothing is done to pro­
tect its habitat. In Germany, thanks to many protective measures, beavers are returning to more and more
regions and building their lodges on the riverside.

Research conducted on waste pollution in rivers has already shown that large quantities of waste are carried
via rivers into seas and the ocean, where they pose a danger to marine wildlife. There are still many ques­
tions about where exactly the majority of waste enters the rivers, who is responsible and what impact it has
on the river ecosystem. Over the next few weeks, precisely these questions will be researched by you – and,
in doing so, you will contribute to solving the waste problem!

                                                               Insert your photo or
                                                               drawing here!
Your local river
Now it’s over to you. Over the next few hours and
days, your local river will become your classroom.
But before you start doing field work and taking sam­
ples from your river, take a look at the river network
as a whole.

1.    raw the course of your local river onto the map
     of your country.

2.   Is there a river of similar length in one of the other
      countries? Draw it in the corresponding map.

3.    esearch your river and enter the answers to the
     following questions on the map:

     •   Where is the river’s source?
     •   Where is its mouth?
     •   Where does it flow into?
     •   Which cities or towns does it pass on its way to
         the mouth?

4.    ate the condition of your river. Is it heavily used
     or more natural?
     Has there been any river restoration work (i.e.
     work done to restore the river to its natural

5.   Do you see your river as clean or dirty?

                                                                                      Maps not to scale
10                                                                                                                               PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

Sadly, we humans don’t always look after our rivers and seas properly, leading to
many different types of pollution.

The use of too much         Noise pollution, from        Pollution caused           Household and indus­   Pollution caused by
fertiliser in agricul­      ship turbines and            by organic pollu­          trial waste            oil from shipping
ture and therefore          offshore industry            tants and harmful                                 and the petroleum
excess fertiliser in                                     substances such as                                industry
water run-off                                            pesticides

Some of the waste that we humans produce is transported into
seas and the ocean via rivers. This means that the amount of
waste in the ocean increases each year. Long-lasting plastic
waste that degrades very slowly is a particularly serious threat to
marine wildlife and the entire ecosystem.

But how does the waste enter the sea in the first place and how
long does it take for plastic bags or fishing lines to degrade? And,
of course, how does the issue affect us and how can we help to
improve the situation?
Become a researcher and study the plastic waste found in rivers
and seas!

Macroplastic refers to all pieces of plas­    Floating macroplastic is dangerous for       are full of plastic. On the other hand,         They end up dying in these fishing nets
tic that are larger than five millimetres.    marine wildlife. On the one hand, it can     animals such as turtles, seals and              or from other pieces of plastic waste.
These include fishing nets, lids of water     easily be mistaken for food and swal­        whales can become entangled in
bottles, cigarette lighters and flip-flops.   lowed. As it cannot be digested, the ani­    torn-off nets, known as ‘ghost nets’, no
                                              mals starve to death as their stomachs       longer being able to swim.

Microplastic is smaller than five milli­      Many microplastic particles are caused       This microplastic is referred to as             Due to chemical properties, harmful or­
metres. Scientists now split small            by car tyres wearing down on the roads.      ‘primary microplastic’. Like macroplas­         ganic substances can attach themselves
plastic particles into different categor­     These particles then make it to the          tic, microplastic can also be confused          to these tiny particles. If they are then
ies based on size – for example larger        ocean via sewers and rivers. Micro­          with food by animals, resulting in it           mistaken for prey and eaten by plank­
microplastic (one to five millimetres),       plastic generated by the fragmentation       entering their bodies and thus becoming         ton-eaters or other animals, they enter
smaller microplastic (one micrometre          of larger objects is called ‘secondary       part of the food web. To date, only little      the food chain.
to one millimetre) and nanoplastic            microplastic’. Small plastic pellets prod­   research has been conducted into how
(smaller than one micrometre), which is       uced by industrial companies for the         dangerous micro­plastic can be for ani­
even smaller than bacteria. Micro­plastic     manufacture of larger plastic objects        mals and humans. Although microplas­
is formed, for example, when larger           or as additives for other products also      tic is much smaller than macroplastic,
plastic particles in the ocean are broken     make their way into the environment, for     it can also pose a significant risk to
down into ever smaller parts by the           example in transport accidents.              marine wildlife.
sun’s rays, the salt content in the water
and the movement of waves.

                                                                                                                         !    Info
                                                                                                                                In this project, you will be investigating
                                                                                                                                microplastic particles that are larger
                                                                                                                                than one millimetre, which is why the
                                                                                                                                booklet refers to ‘larger microplastic’.
12                                                                                                                                                              PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

Working like
When you think of scientists, you might have                           Researchers don’t just work in laboratories all day. For some,
                                                                       their laboratory is even outdoors: at the beach, at a lake, in the
an image in your mind of old men in white                              forest or at a dune. Scientists also attend specialist confer­
coats with crazy hair. The reality is very                             ences, supervise students, produce charts and communicate
                                                                       with colleagues – all as much a part of their day-to-day tasks
different.                                                             as performing experiments and gathering data. It’s a highly
                                                                       exciting and diverse profession. See for yourself ...

Now that you have learned so much            In the next few hours, you should                 On the hunt for waste                        River sampling – let’s go!
about our ocean and our rivers and have      therefore work through the Five steps
gained important knowledge about the         of any scientific experiment:                     It is now time to plan the sampling pro­     Samples are taken from European rivers
problem of waste, it’s time to research                                                        cedure. We want to gain an insight into      using a particular scientific method.
the issue more closely. It’s time for a        Step 1: F
                                                         ormulate a research question.       the waste by and in the river and record
scientific study.                             Step 2: M   ake hypotheses (before start­     it using a variety of methods. Split into    As it is not possible to take samples of
You should be clear about three things:                 ing their experiments, scien­          groups – with each group concentrating       all rivers from source to mouth, we will
• This is a scientific study in which you              tists make predictions about           on one aspect of the issue of waste.         use random sampling. This will give us
   are gathering important research                     what they expect the results to                                                     a large body of data about the preva­
   data on waste. These data will be                    be; these predictions are then         Look at the illustration on the next page    lence of plastic by and in European
   published afterwards.                                checked).                              and read through the research ques­          rivers.
• The study will be carried out by many      Step 3: Plan the research method.              tions for each group (page 16 onwards).
   young people in various countries           Step 4: Carry out the experiment and           Split into groups, with each group se­       The same method will be used at all
   in Europe, so it is important that                   gather data.                           lecting an aspect of the study that they     sampling sites, enabling us to compare
   everyone sticks to exactly the same        Step 5: Evaluate and compare your              will examine in more detail.                 the data at a later stage. This is only
   method.                                              results.                                                                            possible, of course, if everyone sticks to
• In this project, you are the                                                                                                             the predefined method.

                        An ove rvi ew of
Research methods

                                                                                                      Read through the research questions for your
                                                                 Grou p C                             group and write them down in your own words.
                                                                 Floating waste
                                                                 (page 20)


                                                                                                        Research questions:


  Group B
  Variety of waste on the                                                                               2.
  (page 18)

                                           Extra group
                                           Larger microplastic
                                           on the riverbank                                             3.
                                           (page 26)

                                                                                  Gr ou p D
                                                                                  Team of reporters
                                                                                  (page 24)
                            Group A
                            Waste on the
                            (page 16)
14                                                                                                                                                  PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

 Preparing to                                                                        The sample site

                                                                                     Look for a suitable spot at which to        You will soon realise that every river

 take samples
                                                                                     take your samples. When you have            and every riverbank are different. First
                                                                                     decided, think about the following          of all, you will need to find a suitable
                                                                                     questions:                                  spot by your chosen river where you can
                                                                                                                                 look for different types of waste. Please
                                                                                     •H  ow long and wide is the river?         remember that safety always comes
To enable you to compare your results       Now read your sampling method care­         Does its appearance change over its      first when doing field work.
online with other groups at a later         fully on the worksheet and fill in the      course?

stage, it is important that all groups in   boxes. Start assigning the first tasks   • W hat does the riverbank look like?
all locations apply the same method.        to members of your group.                   Think about soil composition, eleva­
                                                                                        tions and hollows, and vegetation.
                                                                                        Does the riverbank look the same         Look out for both yourselves as
                                                                                        everywhere or are there big differ­      well as the environment:
                                                                                        ences?                                   adhere to rules in protected areas
My group                                                                             • How is the area close to the riverbank   and respect the breeding periods
                                                                                        used by humans? How is the river         of birds.
                 do the                     Name
I would like to                                                             Job
following  jo b:
                                                                                                                                   se Google Earth, for example, for
                                                                                                                                  remote exploration of your river and
                                                                                                                                  find a suitable site together with
                                                                                                 Materials list                   the other members of your group.
                                                                                                                                  Think about what specifically your
                                                                                                                                  group needs (e.g. access to the
                                                                                                                                  river, vantage point, plenty of space,
                                                                                                                                  particular ground). Please consider
                                                                                                                                  the available riverbanks, which could
                                                                                                                                  vary for certain rivers due to tides, for
   Write down the most important aspects of your method in bullet point form:                                                     example.

                                                                                                                                     Take a screenshot of your sampling
                                                                                                                                     site using Google Earth, print it out and
                                                                                                                                     stick it in this box. Describe your sam-
                                                                                                                                     pling site (meadows, fields, streets,
                                                                                                                                     urban area, etc.).

Requirements for our group’s sampling site:                           The pilot phase

                                                                      A scientific study also includes a pilot      Search for your material together and
  Notes                                                               phase. This is a trial run of the sampling    run through your sampling procedure.
                                                                      procedure that helps you prepare for          To do this, look for a large open space
                                                                      any problems that may occur during the        (e.g. school playground, empty car
                                                                      actual sampling. Don’t forget that your       park), draw your section of the river in
                                                                      data forms part of a real scientific study.   chalk and see where you could take your

                                                                                                                                Do you have problems or questio
                                                                      Were there any problems? How did you deal with them?      Feel free to get in touch with us:
                                                                      What problems do you expect to encounter when taking
                                                                      samples from the river and how might you solve them?
Find out the coordinates of your chosen site in decimal degrees and
enter them here:
                                                                                      Problem                                    Solution
Latitude                 .

Longitude                .

Example: Brussels/Senne: 50.89853, 4.40344

                                                                      Exploring the riverbank!

                                                                      If possible (and allowed), explore the surroundings of your chosen site before taking
                                                                      samples. Take photos so that you can show the other groups what it looks like there.
                                                                      Imagine how you will apply your method at the site, taking into account the materials
                                                                      required and the various tasks that need to be completed. Can you identify any further
                                                                      obstacles? Complete the list above.
16                                                                                                                                                                  PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

                                                M et ho d
 Group A
                                                                                               3.    ow mark out your first transect.
                                                                                                    N                                             5.    ow search for waste in the first
                                                                                                    This is an artificial line that runs               circle and place it on a white cloth
                                           1.    o sample, you need a bit of space
                                                T                                                   from the edge of the foreshore to                  next to the circle. Only collect
                                                on the riverbank. Look for an easily                the riverbank crown, so through all                waste – no natural objects such as
    waste on the riverbank                      accessible spot measuring approxi­                  three zones. It is important that you              wood or plant remnants. Only collect
                                                mately 50 metres along the river                    place your transect at random – and                waste that is at least as large as a
                                                and 20 metres from the river.                       not because you see somewhere                      cigarette butt (two to three centi­
                                                                                                    with a lot or very little waste.                   metres) and that is actually located
Recommended group size of four
                                           2.    I dentify three different riverbank                                                                  within the circle, even if other
to six                                            zones:                                       4.    ow determine a sampling point in
                                                                                                    N                                                  waste is very close by.
                                                Z one A: Foreshore. This zone is in                each of the three riverbank zones (A,
                                                   regular (daily) contact with the river           B, C): at your sampling point, place          6.    n a sheet of paper, write down the
                                                   and roughly five metres wide. Here,              a stick in the ground and tie a piece              transect number, the sampling point
                                                   you can often see the most recent                of string measuring 1.5 metres in                  (e.g. ‘1A’ means transect 1, foreshore
                                                   high-water mark.                                 length around the bottom. Run the                  sampling point) and the name of
                                                  Z one B: Backshore. This zone is in              string along the ground to trace out               your school or club/organisation.
                                                   irregular contact with the river and             a circle. Use small stones to mark                 Place this sheet of paper next to your
                                                   encompasses the next ten metres of               the circle. Now trace out the second               cloth and take a photo of the sheet
                                                   the riverbank.                                   and third circles in zones B and C.                of paper and the waste spread out
                                                Z one C: Riverbank crown. This zone                The distance between the circles                   on the cloth (see photo on page 17).
                                                 is not in contact with the river and               should always be more or less the                  Make sure that the individual pieces
    Rese arch                                    starts about 15 metres from the                    same. Use the illustration overleaf                of waste are easily visible, that they

    Q u es t i o n s
                                                 river.                                             to help you.                                       do not overlap and that there are no
                                                                                                                                                       other objects on the piece of cloth.
                                                                                               R e q u ir e d                                          Check whether the waste with the
                                                                                                                                                       sheet of paper can be identified.

   1.    ow much waste can be found
                                                                                                     Mater ials                                        Take a photo of each sampling

                                           Ai m s
        on the riverbank?                                                                            -- A straight stick, approx. 50 cm long          point, even if no waste was found

                                                  of                                                                                                   (photo of the sheet of paper with

                                           sa mp lin g
         hat material is the waste
        W                                                                                            -- Piece of string, 1.5 m long                    an empty cloth). Otherwise, your
        made of? Does it float or sink?                                                                                                                results cannot be included in the
                                                                                                     -- Pebbles or similar objects to                 scientific study.
   3.    ow likely is it that the waste
        H                                  -- Identify the different riverbank zones (using            mark out a circle
        found on the riverbank will          the method described)
        enter the river? Where on the                                                                -- Camera or smartphone
        riverbank is the waste found?      -- Determine sampling points where you can
                                             look for waste on the riverbank                         -- Paper and a thick felt-tip pen          -- 9 bags (for gathering the waste if this is
                                                                                                                                                  to be counted later at the school/in the
                                           -- Sort the waste by material                            -- A white cloth                             group’s room)

                                                                                                     -- Tape measure                            -- Work gloves

                                                  !                                                                                                                  !
 7.                                                                               pieces of waste are
       ount out the items of waste and
      C                                                      Make sure that the                  lap .
                                                                                  y do not ov er
      sort them by the various materials.                    visible and that the
      Enter your data in the results table
      on page 28.
                                                                      E x a mpl e ph                                              A transect is an im
                                                                                                                                                      aginary line
                                                                                                                                                      or more
 8.    epeat the procedure in the two
      R                                                                                                                           that connects two
      remaining circles and then mark out                                                                                         sampling  po int s.
      a second and third transect. This
                                                                                                                                                      ere data
      repetition is important to generate                                                                                         Sampling points wh
                                                                                                                                                       ter mined
      reliable data. Please ensure that                                                                                           are collected are de
      your circles are roughly level with                                                                                         along this line.
      those of the first transect. Provided
      there is enough available space,
      the distance between the transects
      should be at least 20 metres.                                                                                       Transects
                                                                                                                                                        Re sult s
 T ip                                                                                                                                                    Log
 If you find a particularly large amount of waste, you                                                                                                   Complete the
 can pack it into bags after the last circle and count it                                                                                                table on page 28!
 at school or in your group’s room. Please ensure that
 each bag is labelled with the number of the transect
 and sampling point (e.g. ‘1A’) to avoid mixing up
 waste from different sampling points.
                                                                                                                             1        1A                  1B                 1C

 Calculating the area
 of the circle
                                                                                                                             2             2A                   2B                2C
In order to work out how much waste
there is in one square metre of your
river­­­­bank, we first of all need to know the
area of the circle (A). Use the following                                                                       3A           3       3A                    3B                     3C
formula:                                                                                                        X
π: Pi = approx. 3.14                                    r                                                                                          Riverbank           Riverbank
                                              2      ×
r: Radius of the circle (= 1.5 m)                                                                                                                   zone B              zone C
                                                                                                                     Riverbank zone A                Backshore           Riverbank
                                                                                                                      Foreshore                                          crown
18                                                                                                                                                                PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

                                                 M et ho d
 Group B                                    1.    irst, find a place to set up a
                                                 ‘waste-sorting station’. It should be
                                                                                                in order to prevent waste already
                                                                                                accounted for from mixing with the
                                                                                                other waste (page 19). If you should
                                                                                                find a lot of waste that doesn’t fit into
                                                                                                                                                     Sandy or dirty pieces of waste
                                                                                                                                                     should be thoroughly shaken out.
                                                                                                                                                     Once your bucket is full, take it to
                                                                                                                                                     the sorting station, where the sort­
    Variety of waste on the                      at least 50 metres away from Group             a category, you can supplement the                   ing experts will help you separate
    riverbank                                    A and not be exposed to wind. This             categories with one of your own (see                 the waste into the proper categor­
                                                 is where you will sort, count and              ‘Results’, page 28).                                 ies. Make your way back to the
                                                 document the waste you find. Split                                                                  sorting station after an hour at the
Recommended group size of                        yourselves up: at least two partic­      2.     he other participants take buckets
                                                                                                T                                                    latest, or as soon as you are unable
                                                 ipants are responsible for sorting             and look for waste. Be careful not to                to find any more waste.
six to eight                                     and documentation. More people are             search in the area of Group A (they
                                                 needed if a lot of waste is found. The         need an area of approx. 50 metres               4.    ow measure how much of the
                                                 sorters should familiarise them­               on the riverbank)! In the process,                   riverbank you covered. Use the
                                                 selves with the waste categories               do not venture more than 20 metres                   measuring tape or the string
                                                 (page 28) and set up the station:              from the river. Before getting                       to do so. If you walked quite a
                                                 write the categories on a piece of             started, mark this 20-metre point                    distance, you can also measure
                                                 adhesive tape and stick it to the can­         and then walk next to each other                     50 or 100 metres of string and
                                                 vas. Position buckets for the pieces           along the river. Doing so will allow                 then simply use the string to
                                                 of waste which could easily fly away           you to maintain approximately the                    measure the distance. Make a
                                                 (plastic packaging and plastic bags)           same distance from one another.                      note of this value in the data table
                                                                                                                                                     on page 28.
                                                                                          3.     ollect all of the waste you find.

    Rese arch                                                                                   Be careful if you encounter sharp

                                                                                                objects and hygiene items – always

    Q u es t i o n s                                                                            use work gloves to pick up these
                                                                                                                                                               Collect and document all waste (not

   1.    hich category of waste is most
        W                                   Ai m s  Of                                                                                                         only single-use plastic) in order to

                                                                                           R e q u ir e d
                                                                                                                                                               generate reliable data about all of
                                             Sa mp lin g                                                                                                       the waste.

   2.    hich single-use plastic items
        were found most often? What is
                                            -- Set up the waste-sorting station                     Mater ials
        the ratio of single-use plastic     -- Categorise the pieces of waste along           -- Buckets, bags or other containers for                 -- Tape measure
        waste to other waste?                 the riverbank                                      collecting and sorting the waste (the more
                                                                                                 the better)                                             -- Camera or smartphone
   3.    hich (political) measures would
        W                                   -- Calculate the proportion of single-
        lead to less plastic waste on the     use plastic                                      -- Canvas, approx. 5 m by 2 m                             -- Waste bags for removing the waste
                                                                                               -- Fabric adhesive tape and thick felt-tip pen            -- Work gloves

                                                                                               -- String, at least 10 m long, the longer the            -- Scale, ideally a luggage scale
                                                                                                 better (for measuring the area)
Wa st e-so rt in g stat io n

5.    ount up the first pile of waste (see image
                                                                                                                                  Fast-food packaging
                                                                                 Plastic bottles
     below) and write down the result in the data                                                                                                                    Plastic cutlery
                                                           Plastic bags                                   Plastic lids
     table. If no waste was found in a particular
     category, enter a zero in the table. Now spread
     the waste out so that nothing overlaps. Take
     a photo of the waste together with the cat­
     egory name and then check the quality of the                                                                          Wet wipes,
     photo. Take several photos if too much waste                                                                           tampons,          Polystyrene (‘styrofoam’)
     in one particular category is found.                      Plastic food                                              sanitary towels
                                                                packaging                 Plastic cotton buds                                                               Small pieces of plastic
6.    ollow this procedure for all of the waste

7.    ow weigh the plastic waste you found. Then
     weigh all of the waste together, including          Other plastic objects         Beverage cans                                         Aluminium foil          Other metal objects
     plastic waste, and enter the results in the
                                                                                                                Metal bottle caps
     table (page 28). You can use a waste bag for
     weighing purposes. Once finished, dispose
     of the waste properly.

8.    alculate the total number of all types of
                                                              Glass bottles                                                                      Cigarette butts
     waste and what percentage each category                                        Glass pieces          Other glass objects
     represents. Use the formula below to calcu­
     late the proportion of single-use plastic.
     Record your results on page 28 and discuss
     which measures would be effective to reduce                                                                Balloons                                                  Local waste
     the waste in each category (e.g. prohibition                                                                                          Other waste
                                                                   Textiles                   Rubber
     of single-use plastic).

                            =                          How are pieces of waste counted?
       % single-use plastic                            In general, the waste is counted as it is found. Waste items that are only loosely connected or that are
     Total number of sin                               found inside other containers are counted individually. For example, a plastic bag that contains other                Re sult s
               plastic                  × 100          waste must be emptied and each piece must be recorded separately (be careful and wear gloves).
                                                       Pieces of waste which are firmly connected (e.g. a glass bottle with the lid screwed on) or tightly
                           ste items
     Total number of wa                                wrapped objects (e.g. fishing nets) are counted as one piece of waste. The larger object determines
                           e plastic)                                                                                                                                         Complete the
      (including single-us                             the waste category.                                                                                                    table on page 28!

                                Plastic bag with straw and disposable coffee cup =                                               Glass bottle with a screwed-on metal
                                category ‘plastic bag’ 1×, category ‘plastic cutlery                                                lid = category ‘glass bottle’ 1×
                                 and plates’ 1×, category ‘takeaway packaging’ 1×
20                                                                                                                                                        PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

Group C                                                                                         M et ho d                                     Me asurin g the flo w spe ed
                                                                                                Cas tin g the                            3.    ow measure the flow speed of the
                                                                                                sampling net                                  river right next to the location where

                                               A net
   Floating waste                                                                                                                             the net has been cast: to do so, use
                                                                                                                                              the measuring tape to measure off
                                                                                           1.    ind a suitable spot for casting your
                                                                                                F                                             20 metres on the riverbank along as
Recommended group size of four                 for sampling                                     sampling net. This could be a jetty,          straight a stretch as possible. Mark
to six                                         larger Microplastic                              a small bridge or an accessible spot          a starting point at zero metres and a
                                                                                                on the riverbank.                             finishing point at 20 metres.
                Your group will deal with      If you wish to take part in sampling of
                two different types of         larger microplastics, you will need a       2.    ast your net, with the opening
                                                                                                C                                        4.    ow lay or toss one of the sticks at
                waste: larger floating waste   special net, which you can borrow free of        facing the opposite direction to the          the level of the starting point and
                and larger microplastic.       charge from our website plastic-pirates.         river’s current. Stabilise the net so         the approximate location of the
                                               eu/en/material/sampling-net. Remember            that the river water can flow                 net and start the stopwatch. Stop
                                               to send your net back once you have taken        through the opening. Note down the            the stopwatch as soon as the stick
                                               your samples – also free of charge, of           current time. The net should be in            passes the finishing point. Record
                                               course.                                          the river for 60 minutes. You can tie         the time in seconds in the results
                                                                                                the net to a bridge railing or a              table on page 29.
                                                                                                bollard. Once the net is attached,
Rese arch                                                                                       please take a photo of it floating in    5.    epeat the measurement with the

Q u es t i o n s
                                                                                                the river. This information will be           two remaining sticks and complete
                                                                                                helpful later to interpret the data.          the table.
                                                                                                                                              Calculate the average and use the
                                                                                                                                              following formula to calculate the

   1.    ow many large items of waste float
        H                                      Ai m s  of                                  R e q u ir e d
                                                                                                                                              flow speed of your river.

        along the river towards the sea?
        Is the majority of what you see         sa mp lin g                                     Mater ials
        floating natural (e.g. leaves and                                                                                                In m/s =
        branches) or rather floating waste?    -- Sample with the net                      -- Sampling net                                Distance travelled in
                                                                                                                                                  m (= 20)
   2.    ow large are the floating items of
        H                                      -- Observe floating waste                   -- String/rope (to cast the net)
        waste and what materials are they                                                                                                Average value of measure-
        made of?                               -- Count and classify large floating        -- Stopwatch/smartphone                            ments in s
                                                 waste and larger microplastic                                                                                   In km/h =
   3.    ow much larger microplastic
        H                                                                                   -- Tape measure or string, 20 m long
        is floating in the river towards
                                                                                                                                                                             Flow velocity
        the sea?                                                                            -- Three sticks of similar size (may be                                       in m/s × 3,600
                                                                                                found at the sampling site)

Obs ervati on of Flo ating Wa ste
                                                                                                                                          Calculation of larger
                                                                                              Width of the river                          microplastic per 1,000 litres
6.    ow start observing floating items.
     N                                           8.    s soon as the period has elapsed,
     Look for a vantage point from which              write down the time in the results      Use Google Earth, for example, to           of river water
     you can observe the floating waste.              table. Retrieve the net after 60 min­   measure the width of the river at the       You need the following data to calculate
     If possible, stay close to your net so           utes and make a note of the end time    point from which you made your obser­       the number of larger microplastic frag­
     that you can monitor it. Now estimate            when you do this.                       vations. Enter the value in the results     ments per cubic metre of river water:
     the entire width of the river and the                                                    table on page 29.
     width which you can overlook.               9.    eal the net so that it doesn’t come
                                                      S                                                                                   -- Flow speed in m/s.
     Objects in the water (buoys, rocks)              open again. Take it to your school or
     can be helpful in doing so. On a                 group room to dry. The next page                                                    -- A rea of the net opening; measure the
     bridge, you can also determine the               continues with the analysis of the                                                    internal opening of your sampling net
     GPS coordinates and use those to                 microplastic.                                                                         in metres!
     determine the width of the river.                                                                                                      Side a = … m, side b = … m
     Enter both values on page 29.                                                                                                          Don’t forget that not all of the net is
                                                                                                                                            submerged in the water. Normally,
7.    ow keep a lookout for floating
     N                                                                                                                                      about 9 to 11 cm of the net is sub­
     waste. As soon as you see an object,                                                                                                   merged. Therefore, use a value of
     try to take a photo of it. Make the other                                                                                              0.09 m for b. Calculate the surface
     members of your group aware of it                                                                                                      area of the opening in m2: a × b = ... m2 .
     and, together, attempt to identify the
     object and to find out what material                                                                                                 -- Length of time for which the net was
     it is made out of. Waste that is stuck                                                                                                 cast, in seconds.
     and not drifting is not counted. Make
     a note of your observations in the list
     on page 29. Keep a watch for floating                                                                                                Enter your values in the following
     waste for at least 30 minutes.                                                                                                       formula:

                                                                                                                                          fragments per m

                                                                                                                 of  larger mi croplastic
                                                                                                                                             ents in the net
                                                                                                        m ber of la rg er microplastic fragm
                                                                                                                         of  th e net × Length of time (in
                                                                                                                   Area                                    was cast
                                                                                               Flow speed of the ×          g in m
                                                                                                                                   2    for which the net
                                                                                                                    op enin
                                                                                                  river in m/s
22                                                                                                           PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

       A n a lys is o f                       Larger MICROPLASTIC FILAMENTS
     th e la rg er mi cr op la st ic          OF VARIOUS COLOURS

                                       1 cm
                                                                           I n fo !
                                                                            larger Microplastic
                                                                    It isn’t always easy to tell small plastic fragments
 Larger microplastic                                                apart from stones, shards of glass and mussel shells.
 fragments                                                          Take a look at and compare the photos. What are the
                                                                    differences between the four groups? Pay special

 OF VARIOUS                                                         attention to the differences between white pellets,
                                                                    white fragments and pebbles.


                                                                                     !   Pl ea se no te
                                                                                            Be aware that you can only retrieve
                                                                                            plastic pieces larger than one milli-
                                                                                            metre, i. e. larger microplastic (see
                                                                                            page 11 for the size definitions of

            Dry the                                                 Pl ace co nt en ts                                  S o r t a nd Note
              Sampling net                                                 o n a tr ay                                       them do w n

                                                                                                                                                                     Re sult s
                                                     >                                                 >                                                              Log
                                                                                                                                                                      Complete the table
                                                                                                                                                                      on page 29!

        As soon as the net (and its contents) are   Look for larger microplastic using a       Then pack the entire contents of the net     Your teacher/group leader will return
        dry, open it and empty the entire con­      dissecting microscope or a magnifying      (larger microplastic and other objects)      this bag to us along with your net so
        tents onto a tray. Ensure that you have     glass and sort the plastic pieces into     into a tightly sealable bag and label this   that your results can be confirmed.
        really removed all materials; otherwise,    fragments and pellets. Make a note         bag with the name of your school or          Note: Please send the sample even if
        small pieces could remain in the net.       of the results in the table on page 29.    organisation and your group name.            you did not find any larger microplastic.
                                                    Please see the opposite page for details
                                                    on how to recognise larger

R e q u ir e d
            Mater ials
-- Tray                                      w id th
-- Dissecting microscope                      of the ri ve r
  or magnifying glass

-- Sealable bag (to send off the
                                                                                                            Direc tio n of fl ow
24                                                                                                                                                         PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

                                                 M et ho d
 Group D                                    1.    earch for possible sources of
                                                 waste in the surrounding area
                                                                                             3.    alk to the other groups and inter­
                                                                                                  view them. What methods have
                                                                                                  they used and what did they aim to
                                                                                                  research? Were there any major
                                                                                                                                          6.    on’t forget to make a note of the
                                                                                                                                               date of today’s sampling on results
                                                                                                                                               page 29. Also record the coordin­
                                                                                                                                               ates of your sampling location (you
   Team of reporters                             and take photographic evidence.                  problems? What was their motivation          can use Google Maps, for example,
                                                 Consider the following sources of                like when taking samples? Com­               to do so, or you can ask your teacher
                                                 waste: overflowing bins by the river,            plete the results table on page 29.          for help).
Recommended group size of                        overflowing bins near the river, bulk
four to six                                      waste, scrapyards, diverted waste           4.    sk the other groups what waste
                                                                                                  A                                       Article about the
                                                 water, gratings, fishing equipment,              they have found so far and think        sampling process
                                                 very light plastic objects (which                about where it might have come
                                                 could be transported by wind).                   from. Take photographic evidence.       Take a look at your photos and write a
                                                 Could a larger one-time event be                                                         short article about your sampling pro­
                                                 responsible for the waste (e.g. a           5.    ow take a photo of all participants
                                                                                                  N                                       cedure for your school website. It may
                                                 storm or a festival)?                            (using a self-timer if available) and   include the following:
                                                                                                  write the name of your school/
                                            2.    s a group, discuss whether there
                                                 A                                                organisation and the river on the       - - The jobs done by each group
                                                 have been any severe weather                     photo. If you agree, this photo will
                                                 conditions in recent weeks. If yes,              be shown together with your group       - - How much waste was found by each
                                                 mark the corresponding data fields               name on the map of Europe at              group, and what kind
                                                 on page 29.                            
        Rese arch                                                                                 for everyone who is interested.         - - Whether any larger microplastic was

        Q u es t i o n

                                                                                                                                          - - The suspected source of the waste

   1.   How successful was sampling?                                                                                                     - - How you liked the work and the pro­

   2.    hat are the possible sources of
        W                                   Ai m s  of                                       R e q u ir e d                                 ject

        waste near the river? Where does
        the waste come from? Who might
                                             sa mp lin g                                               Mater ials                         - - How river waste can harm plants,
                                                                                                                                            animals and humans
        be responsible?                                                                      -- Camera or smartphone
                                            -- Document the sampling with photos                                                         - - What we can all do to avoid waste in
   3.    ow could we possibly handle the
        H                                     or a short video                               -- A notepad and pen                          rivers and seas

        waste problem?
                                            -- Seek out and identify sources of                                                          Publish a few of your photos or a short
                                              waste and estimate the effects of              Info                                         video.
                                              the weather
                                                                                               Did you see any animals or plants that
                                                                                               were affected by the waste? Feel free to
                                            -- Gather photographic evidence                    send us photos!

                                                                                                                      Stick evidence photos here
What kind of waste is left behind and by whom? Take a look                                                            and identify the suspected
at the table and think about further evidence that may shed                                                           source of waste
some light on the source of the waste.

  Source of waste                        Evidence

  Residents                              Overflowing bins, household waste

                                                                                                                                                                             er e.
                                                                                                                                                                ph   oto h
                                         ‘Party waste’ (barbecue equipment, empty beer
                                                                                                                                                      d   en ce
  Riverside visitors
                                         bottles)                                                                                        a   n ev i
                                                                                                                                  Stic k

  Fly tippers                            Junk

  Industry                               Microplastic pellets

                                         Larger plastic films for covering fields, plastic
                                         coverings for greenhouses

                                         Items that are used on board ships: canisters,                                                               Stick an evidence photo here.
                                         waterproof clothing

                                         Nets, fishing lines, salt packs, polystyrene/styro-
                                         foam boxes, other fishing equipment

                                                                                                      k an
                                                                                                             e v id
                                                                                                                      en ce
                                                                                                                              p h ot
                                                                                                                                    o he
                                                                                                                                           r e.
26                                                                                                                                                                 PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

                                                  M et ho d
                                                                                             4.    o to the first square. Remove all
                                                                                                  G                                          6.    ake a close look at the contents of
                                                                                                  larger natural objects (e.g. stones,            the tray. Sort larger microplastic
                                             1.   I dentify the high-water mark (the             algae, plants, wood). Use a spade               into one corner, count the plastic

                                                   point at which wet and dry sand                to dig about two centimetres into               fragments and pellets and complete
                                                   meet). If you cannot find this line,           the sand within (!) the square and              the results table on page 29. Page
                                                   take samples within the first metre            deposit it on a tray.                           22 (Group C) describes how you can
                                                   of the riverbank.                                                                              recognise larger microplastic.
Larger Microplastic                                                                          5.    ilter the sand on the tray with the
on the riverbank                             2.    ay out a 20-metre-long piece of
                                                  L                                               sampling sieve. Place everything           7.    s soon as you have counted all the
                                                  string along this line and mark out             left behind in the sieve onto another           larger microplastic pieces and
                                                  three points parallel to the river –            tray. If the sand is damp, do not filter        entered them into the table on page
Optional, if there is a sandy                     at the start, middle and end of the             it on the beach, but pour it into a             29, label a bag (name of your school/
beach                                             length of string.                               bag. Label the bag with the sam­                organisation, sampling point number
                                                                                                  pling point number (1, 2, 3), close it          [1, 2, 3]). Pour the entire contents of
                                             3.    easure out a 50 centimetre by
                                                  M                                               securely and take it with you back to           the tray into the bag, including sand
                                                  50 centimetre square at each of                 your school/group room. Here, leave             (not only the larger microplastic).
                                                  these points and mark it out in                 your sand to dry in appropriately               Seal the bag.
                                                  the sand.                                       labelled trays and filter it once it is
                                                                                                  dry. Place everything left behind in       8.    epeat the procedure with the sec­
                                                                                                  the sieve onto another tray.                    ond and third samples. Note: Please
                                                                                                                                                  do not mix the samples; instead,
                                                                                                                                                  pour them into separate labelled

     Rese arch                                                                               R e q u ir e d                                  Calculating the sampling

     Q u es t i o n s                        Ai m s of                                                   Mater ials                          area
                                              sa mp lin g                                    -- Sampling sieve, mesh width: 1 mm;
                                                                                                                                             - - Work out the size of your
                                                                                                                                               sampling squares in m2:
1.    ow much larger microplastic can
     H                                                                                            find instructions at plastic-pirates.        side a in m × side b in m = ... m2
     be found on sandy sections of the       -- Determine the high-water mark and                eu/en/material/download
     riverbank (river beaches)?                trace a transect along the sandy beach                                                        - - Calculate the number of pieces of
                                                                                             -- Piece of string, 20 m long                   larger microplastic for 1 m2 of each
2.    ompare the larger microplastic
     C                                       -- Separate larger microplastic and sand                                                         sampling point: number of larger
     you found on the riverbank with           by filtering                                  -- Small spade or tub to dig out the             microplastic fragments / area of the
     the plastic shown on page 22 and                                                             sand                                         sampling point in m2
     categorise it.                          -- Identify and classify larger microplastic
                                                                                             -- Three sealable bags to hold the            - - Calculate the average of the three
3.    oes the larger microplastic look
     D                                                                                            samples                                      sampling points to determine how
     similar to the food of a bird species                                                                                                     much larger microplastic per m2 of
     common in the area?                                                                     -- Trays                                         river beach you found
                                                                                               Pl ace co nt en ts            S or t and
                                                      S a m p li n g         SIEV E
                                                                                                      o n a tr ay              No te do w n
                                                      p o in t
A sfori esamvplieng larger microplastic
    at the riv er bea ch
                                                                       >                   >                        >
  If you wish to take part in sampling of larger
  microplastic, you will need a sampling
  sieve, which you can construct yourselves.
  You will find instructions on the website                                                              Number of pieces of larger micro­                                                                plastic per m2 of each sampling
                                                                                                           Number of larger microplastic
                                                                                                              fragments found at each
                                                                                                                   sampling point

                                                                                                            Size of sampling point in m2

                          Sa mp lin g po in t 1                 Sa mp lin g po in t 2           Sa mp lin g po in t 3

                 0.5 m                             10 m                                 10 m
                             0.5 m
28                                                                                                                                                                       PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

                                                                                                                                                     Varie ty of wast e on
                                                                                                                                Group B              the river bank


                                                                                         Pl ea se no te                            Plastic bags
                                                                                                                                   Plastic bottles for drinks

  How polluted                                                                             If you find a lot of waste which
                                                                                           cannot be put into a category,
                                                                                                                                   Plastic lids of drink bottles
                                                                                                                                   Takeaway and fast-food packaging, including disposable

      is ou r riv er ?
                                                                                           but which is important for your
                                                                                                                                   coffee cups and their lids
                                                                                           sampling location or for current        Plastic cutlery and plastic plates (also plastic coffee
                                                                                           events, describe it and count it in     stirrers and plastic straws)
  Once you have entered your results, ask the other groups to                              the field labelled ‘Local waste’.       Plastic packaging for sweets, biscuits, crisps, etc.
  complete the tables. You will then have an insight into your                             This could be, for example, salt        Cotton buds with plastic sticks (‘Q-tips’)
  river and the types of waste present there.                                              packs for fishing, stacks of old        Wet wipes, tampons and sanitary towels
                                                                                           newspapers, batteries or face
                                                                                                                                   Polystyrene (‘styrofoam’)
                                                                                           masks and disposable gloves that
                                                                                                                                   Total number of single-use plastic
                                                                                           have accumulated due to the cor­
                                                                                                                                   Small pieces of plastic less than 2.5 cm
                                                                                           onavirus pandemic.
                                                                                                                                   Other unidentifiable plastic objects
Group A                                                                                                                            Metal
   Wast e on the river bank                                                                                                        Metal beverage cans
                              Transect 1                     Transect 2                      Transect 3
                                                                                                                                   Bottle caps
                    Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling Sampling                               Aluminium foil
                      point    point    point    point    point    point    point    point    point  Total
                                                                                                                                   Other unidentifiable metal objects
                        A       B         C        A       B         C        A       B         C
Paper                                                                                                                              Glass bottles for drinks
Cigarette butts                                                                                                                    Glass pieces
                                                                                                                                   Other unidentifiable glass objects
Plastic                                                                                                                            Other waste
                                                                                                                                   Cigarette butts
Glass                                                                                                                              Textiles (clothing, shoes, textile remnants)
                                                                                                                                   Rubber (car tyres, rubber bands)
Food leftovers
Other waste                                                                                                                        Other unidentifiable waste
                                                                                                                                   Local waste:
                                                                                                                                   Total number (including single-use plastic)
Per m²
                                                                                                                                   of single-use      Length of river-       Weight of     Weight of all waste
Waste per m²                                                                                                                           plastic        bank searched        plastic waste    including plastic
in each riverside
                                                                                                                                              %                    m                 kg                kg
zone:                Foreshore (average of A + A + A) Backshore (average of B + B + B) Riverbank crown (average of C + C + C)
   Group C                 Float ing wast e                                        Floating items

                                                                                                                                                    Obser ved
                                                                               Start time           End time                                        width in m:
                                                                                                                     Time in minutes
              Flow speed

                   Run       Time in seconds
                                                                           List of floating waste (ite                                         River width in m:
       1st stick                                                                                       m and material , e.g. ‘bo
                                                                           (plastic), bag (paper), str                           ttle
       2nd stick                                              km/h                                     ing (other)’)

       3rd stick

           Larger microplastic                                                                                                                                                   Extra group
                                                                                                                                                                      La rg er mi cr op la
   Start time            End time           Time in minutes                                                                                                                                                  st ic on th e ri ve rb
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      an k

                                                                                                                                              L arger mic                                                    Sampling
                                                                                                                                             Pellets                                                     1           2         3             Total
                           Pellets         Fragments          Total
 Number of fragments
 caught                                                                                                                                     Total

 Number per 1,000 l                                                    Total number of floati                                               Per m ²
                                                                                                ng waste
 of water

Group D                  Team of repor ters                                     Sampling point coordinates:

                                                                                                                                                                                      Lots of problems
                                                                                                                                                                      Some problems
Sources of waste                                            Evidence


                                                                                Sampling date:                                    Problems

                                                                                                                                                       No problems
Riverside visitors
                                                                                                                                                                                                               The biggest problems
Fly tippers                                                                       Weather over the last                           Group A

                                                                                  seven days
Industry                                                                                                                          Group B
                                                                                   Heavy rain, flooding
Agriculture                                                                                                                       Group C
                                                                                   Storm, strong winds
Shipping                                                                                                                          Extra group
                                                                                   Heat, dry ness
30                                                                                                              PLASTIC PIRATES – GO EUROPE!

     Yo u r D ata
     Once you have evaluated your findings, you            Your data are online –
     should upload the key data, as well as your           what happens now?
     photos, to the following website:             You’ve done your part – and it’s now time for
     Think about a name for your group, which              others to get to work. It all lies in the hands of
     you will use when uploading your results so           the research partners in Germany, Portugal
     that other project groups can compare their           and Slovenia, who will scientifically evaluate
     findings with yours.                                  the data submitted by all project groups. As this
                                                           is such a large-scale study, it will take a bit of
     To do so, go to the website and fill in the fields.   time to make everything absolutely water­
     Ideally, you will nominate one person to enter        tight in line with scientific standards.
     all the data. The researchers in Germany,             We will keep you up to date via
     Portugal and Slovenia also need your original         social media about the scientific
     results to scientifically evaluate and interpret      evaluation:
     your data. Please therefore also upload a scan
     or photo of the completed results pages (28
     and 29). Enter your data two weeks after the          You can find results from previous
     end of the campaign period at the latest.             counting periods here:

                                                                                  Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!

 Your Group name                                                                                                 Group C
                                                                                                                 • Flow speed of your river:

                                                                                                                 • Floating waste:             items of waste were observed
Date of Sampling                                               Sampling Site
                                                                                                                 • Larger microplastic:             ieces of larger microplastic
 (DD)      .   (MM) .          (YYYY)                                                                                                              per 1,000 l of river water

Name of the River                                                                                                Extra Group
                                                                                                                 •           pieces of larger microplastic per m² of river beach

Coordinates Of your chosen site
Latitude                             .
                                                                                                                 Number of Participants

Longitude                            .

                                                                                                                 Images of findings And original data
                                                                                                                 • Photos of waste collected at the sampling points (Group A)
 Your Group photo
                                                                                                                 • Photos of the waste from the various waste categories (Group B)
                                                                                                                 • Photo of the sampling net in the river and photos of floating waste,
                                                                                                                    if available (Group C)
 Group A                                                                                                         • A photo/scan of pages 28 and 29 with all data collected
• Waste on the riverbank:                                pieces of waste per m²                                  The data upload will take approximately 20 minutes. You will receive email
                                                                                                                 confirmation once the upload is successfully completed. This email will con-
                                                                                                                 tain a confirmation link that you need to click on to release the data.
 Group B                                                                                                         Feel free to get in touch with us should you have any technical difficulties or
• Number of pieces of waste made of single-use plastic:                                                          questions:

• Total number (including single-use plastic):

• Weight of all waste in kg:
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