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Air Safety Through Investigation - Journal of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators - International Society of Air Safety ...
Air Safety Through Investigation               JANUARY-MARCH 2021
  Journal of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators

Do We Need an
Annex 13 for
Commercial Space
page 4

Flight Data
page 8

Why Did the
Helicopter Collide
with Trees?

page 14

Based Education:
Framework for
a More Efficient
and Safer Aviation
page 19

Analyzing Large
and Complex
Image Collections

page 24
CONTENTS                                                                     Air Safety Through Investigation
                                                                                                  Journal of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators

FEATURES                                                                                                       Volume 54, Number 1
                                                                                                              Publisher Frank Del Gandio
4 Do We Need an Annex 13 for Commercial Space Accidents?                                                   Editorial Advisor Richard B. Stone
By Joseph M. Sedor, Chief, Major Investigations, the NTSB—The author suggests that with                         Editor J. Gary DiNunno
the growth of global commercial and governmental space vehicle launches more mishaps                           Design Editor Jesica Ferry
may become inevitable and perhaps space flight safety professionals will require interna-                    Associate Editor Susan Fager
tionally recognized rules and procedures similar to Annex 13.
                                                                                                 ISASI Forum (ISSN 1088-8128) is published quar-
8 Video-Based Flight Data Reconstruction                                                         terly by the International Society of Air Safety
By Dr. Marcus Bauer, Managing Director, iwiation—The author observes that traditional            Investigators. Opinions expressed by authors do
safety investigation data may not always be available. He notes that video footage from wit-     not necessarily represent official ISASI position
nesses with their mobile phones or from security cameras is becoming more prevelent and          or policy.
can be effectively used to recontruct flight data, aircraft attitude, descent rate, and ground
                                                                                                 Editorial Offices: Park Center, 107 East Holly Ave-
                                                                                                 nue, Suite 11, Sterling, VA 20164-5405. Telephone
                                                                                                 703-430-9668. Fax 703-430-4970. E-mail address,
14 Why Did the Helicopter Collide with Trees?                                          ; for editor, jgdassociates@
By Koji Fukuda, Deputy Investigator for Aircraft Accidents, Japan Transport Safety      Internet website:
Board—The author describes a novel accident investigation approach using drone and               ISASI Forum is not responsible for unsolicited
video images, sound recordings, and reenacting the flight path with another helicopter of        manuscripts, photographs, or other materials.
the same type.                                                                                   Unsolicited materials will be returned only if
                                                                                                 submitted with a self-addressed, stamped enve-
19 Competency-Based Education: A Framework for a                                                 lope. ISASI Forum reserves the right to reject,
More Efficient and Safer Aviation Industry                                                       delete, summarize, or edit for space con-
By Dr. Flavio A.C. Mendonca, Ph.D., Assistant Professor; Dr. Julius Keller, Ph.D., Assistant     siderations any submitted article. To facilitate
Professor; and Dr. Brian Dillman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Aviation and Transporta-           editorial production processes, American Eng-
                                                                                                 lish spelling of words is used.
tion Technology, Purdue University—The authors examine how evidence-based training
can help identify, develop, and evaluate the pilot competency requirements to safely operate     Copyright © 2021—International Society of Air
in a commercial air transport environment.                                                       Safety Investigators, all rights reserved. Publica-
                                                                                                 tion in any form is prohibited without permis-
24 Analyzing Large and Complex Image Collections                                                 sion. ISASI Forum registered U.S. Patent and
By Floris Gisolf, Dutch Safety Board Investigator and Data Analyst for the Maritime De-          T.M. Office. Opinions expressed by authors do
partment; Zeno Geradts, Senior Forensic Scientist at the Netherlands Forensic Institute          not necessarily represent official ISASI position
of the Ministry of Security and Justice at the Forensic Digital Biometrics Traces Depart-        or policy. Permission to reprint is available upon
ment; and Marcel Worring, Computer Science Professor, University of Amsterdam—The                application to the editorial offices.
authors review the Dutch Safety Board’s Flight MH17 investigation and the considerable
                                                                                                 Publisher’s Editorial Profile: ISASI Forum is print-
amount of images that had to be sorted, catalogued, and saved or rejected. They consider
                                                                                                 ed in the United States and published for profes-
methods and proceudres that could have made the process more efficient and may be useful         sional air safety investigators who are members
in future investigations.                                                                        of the International Society of Air Safety Inves-
                                                                                                 tigators. Editorial content emphasizes accident
                                                                                                 investigation findings, investigative techniques
DEPARTMENTS                                                                                      and experiences, regulatory issues, industry ac-
                                                                                                 cident prevention developments, and ISASI and
2 Contents                                                                                       member involvement and information.
3 President’s View                                                                               Subscriptions: A subscription to members is pro-
28 News Roundup                                                                                  vided as a portion of dues. Rate for nonmem-
30 ISASI Information                                                                             bers (domestic and Canada) is US$28; Rate for
32 In Memoriam                                                                                   nonmember international is US$30. Rate for all
                                                                                                 libraries and schools is US$24. For subscription
                                                                                                 information, call 703-430-9668. Additional or

ABOUT THE COVER                                                                                  replacement ISASI Forum issues: Domestic and
                                                                                                 Canada US$4; international member US$4; do-
                                                                                                 mestic and Canada nonmember US$6; interna-
NASA announced on Dec. 9, 2020, that 18 astronauts were selected to train for                    tional nonmember US$8.
the Artemis missions designed to return humans to the lunar surface. As com-
mercial space missions are on the rise in the United States and other nations,
the question for ISASI: Do we need a space annex to provide international
space safety procedures and investigation authority similar to Annex 13 here on
Earth? (See page 4.) Fused photo of a super moon by Gary DiNunno.
                                                                                                                    INCORPORATED AUGUST 31, 1964

2 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum


   wish everyone a good and safe new year. As 2021 began,             runs in accordance with the aircraft maintenance manual.
   we’re still facing individual and air safety professional diffi-   “These are done to ensure the engines are still performing as
   culties throughout the world—both trying to stay healthy           expected and that the long-term storage hasn’t caused any det-
   during the pandemic and surviving the resulting economic           rimental effects to any of the systems that wouldn’t be obvious
turmoil that’s wrecked national economies and left many               just by looking at them,” said Smith. But Scott stressed that
people permanently unemployed or temporarily furloughed.              it will take a considerable amount of time to get everything
There’s hope now for a better future as vaccines and improved         flying again given the volume of maintenance work that needs
medical treatments move from their development stage to ini-          to be done and the number of engineers who’ve been laid off
tial distribution and eventually become widespread. Recovery          during the pandemic. “It’s going to take a lot of people and a
for global health and the revival of the aviation industry will       lot of time to get things going again,” Smith remarked. “And if
still require years of coordination, cooperation, and careful         you’e got less people, it’s going to take more time.”
observation.                                                             “With some of the newer aircraft, these tests need to be fol-
   In my last “President’s View” and in my video on ISASI’s           lowed in the exact order and to the exact second, otherwise it
website, I mentioned remaining vigilant about safety issues           can fail the test and set you back a few hours,” she observed.
as mothballed aircraft are returned to service. Last Decem-              “Once the maintenance work packs are cleared and certified,
ber, Kathy Scott, a CNN reporter, provided some interesting           the engineer can then sign the aircraft off as airworthy. They’re
interviews with a manager of a site in Alice Springs, Austral-        the final signature that says, ‘I'm happy that everything has
ia, where unused aircraft are stored, and a certified aircraft        been done correctly. I’m now releasing the aircraft to service.’
engineer and the commercial director of an aviation services          That final signature is what the captain will see to then sign
                                                                      the logbook for the aircraft,” noted Smith.
company. Scott observed that more than two-thirds of the
                                                                         Mike Cone, commercial director of eCube, an aviation
world’s commercial aircraft were grounded in 2020, and some
                                                                      services company, told Scott that engineers must religiously
31 percent are still in storage. The Asia Pacific Aircraft Storage
                                                                      follow procedure when reactivating an aircraft. Cone also
(APAS) facility still has twice its usual number of jets, now
                                                                      observed that only companies approved by national airwor-
about 150, and has increased its capacity to more than 200,
                                                                      thiness authorites can perform this maintenance. He said
said APAS managing director Tom Vincent, who expects de-
                                                                      no aircraft stored at eCube facitities in Spain and the United
mand to rise in 2021. Vincent observed that getting these air-
                                                                      Kingdom have returned to the flightline (at the time of this
craft back on the line requires an extensive program prescribed       CNN interview).
by the maintenance manual provided by each manufacturer                  Cone speculated that the
before a certificate of release to service can be signed.             “more marketable” aircraft such
   Scott also learned there are a myriad of usual problems that       as the Airbus A320 and the
must be resolved in these rehabilitation programs. There’s            B-737 will return to passenger
more than just removing engine protectors and tape covering           flight and that other aircraft
every hole, port, or probe, according to Licensed B1 aircraft         may undergo passenger to cargo
engineer Steph Smith. For example, bugs (wasps have a way of          conversions. Vincent suggested
nesting in hard-to-reach places), water, or debris can invade         that newer aircraft will leave his
aircraft systems. Smith estimated that getting a widebody             facility first as demand returns.
aircraft ready for flight takes about 100 staff-hours, and a nar-     Smith commented that the
rowbody aircraft takes about 40—depending on the size of the          “greener” more sustainable
aircraft and the length of storage time.                              aircraft types will survive this       Frank Del Gandio
   She commented that engineers have to do a series of engine         downturn.                              ISASI President
                                                                                                 January-March 2021 ISASI Forum • 3
Joseph M. Sedor

                                               DO WE NEED AN ANNEX
                                                13 FOR COMMERCIAL
                                                 SPACE ACCIDENTS?
                                               By Joseph M. Sedor, Chief, Major Investigations, the NTSB

  (Adapted with permission from the author’s
                                                       he growth of the U.S. commercial space industry has accelerated over the last
  technical paper Do We Need an Annex
  13 for Commercial Space Accident                     several years; FAA-licensed commercial launches have increased from four in
  Investigations? presented during ISASI               2010 to 33 in 2018. This increase was partly the result of policy changes after
  2019, Sept. 3–5, 2019, in The Hague, the             the retirement of the space shuttle that have required NASA to use commer-
  Netherlands. The theme for ISASI 2019        cial launch/reentry systems for International Space Station resupply and astronaut
  was “Future Safety: Has the Past Become      transfer. Therefore, commercial space launches and reentries will likely continue to
  Irrelevant?” The full presentation can be    increase, which will inevitably result in more mishaps.
  found on the ISASI website at www.isasi.        Over the last 25 years, the NTSB’s Office of Aviation Safety (OAS) has been devel-
  org in the Library tab under Technical       oping technical expertise and building relationships with stakeholders involved in
                                               this emerging mode of transportation to ensure that the NTSB and stakeholders are
                                               prepared to investigate any commercial space accident or incident. Although there
                                               are similarities between commercial space and aviation investigations, the industry
                                               structure, technologies, national security laws, and international treaties that govern
                                               space operations dictate that the investigations will be considerably different. Ulti-
                                               mately, these differences will also drive how states interact during an international
                                               accident or incident investigation.
                                                  The NTSB has been leading or supporting commercial space accident investiga-
                                               tions for more than 25 years and has conducted two major space vehicle investiga-
                                               tions. In 1993, the NTSB investigated the procedural anomaly that occurred during
                                               the launch of an Orbital Sciences Corporation Pegasus expendable launch vehicle.
                                               The investigation found safety issues related to command, control, and communica-
                                               tions responsibility; launch crew fatigue; launch interphone procedures; efficiency

4 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum
of launch constraints; and the lack of        Commercial Space Transportation                regulations, AST regulations refer to any
common launch documents. In its final         Department                                     person aboard a commercial space vehi-
report, the NTSB issued 17 safety recom-      The space industry has historically been       cle who is not a crewmember as a “space
mendations to the Department of Trans-        led by the government and military,            flight participant” and not a “passenger.”
portation, NASA, and Orbital Sciences.        so the commercial sector is relatively         In addition, these space flight partici-
   In 2014, the NTSB investigated the         young, especially when compared to             pants are required to acknowledge the
accident of the SpaceShipTwo reusa-           the aviation industry. The U.S. commer-        risks by signing an “informed consent”
ble suborbital spaceplane that broke          cial space industry officially launched        that identifies the risks or probable loss
up during a rocket-powered test flight,       in 1984 when the Commercial Space              during each phase of launch/reentry and
killing the copilot. The NTSB identified      Launch Act (Space Act) was signed into         the safety record of the launch/reentry
safety issues regarding the lack of human     law. The Space Act created the Office of       vehicle type (describing the launch/reen-
factors guidance for commercial space                                                        try failures, if any). The launch/reentry
                                              Commercial Space Transportation (AST)
operators, the efficacy and timing of the                                                    operator must also purchase a specific
                                              in the Department of Transportation,
preapplication consultation process, lim-                                                    amount of liability insurance, deter-
                                              and in 1995, AST was moved within
ited interactions during the experimen-                                                      mined by AST for each launch, to cover
                                              the FAA. The mission of the FAA AST is
tal permit evaluation process, deficien-                                                     any third-party loss (injury, death, prop-
                                              to ensure protection of the public and
cies in the evaluation of hazard analyses,                                                   erty damage, etc.), which can be up to
                                              property; protect national security and
and the need to improve the lessons                                                          $500,000,000. Since this liability amount
                                              foreign policy interests of the United
learned database. The NTSB issued a                                                          might be insufficient for an exceedingly
                                              States; and to encourage, facilitate,
total of 10 recommendations to the FAA’s                                                     “bad day,” the Space Act also requires
                                              and promote U.S. commercial space
Office of Commercial Space Transpor-                                                         the federal government to indemnify
                                              transportation. As part of its oversight
tation and the Commercial Spaceflight                                                        launch/reentry companies for claims
                                              responsibilities, the FAA AST issues
Federation.                                                                                  that exceed their required insurance
                                              licenses and experimental permits for
   In addition to these NTSB-led investi-                                                    coverage, which could be up to $3 billion
                                              commercial launches and reentries of
gations, NTSB investigators have assist-                                                     (in 2016 dollars).
                                              orbital and suborbital rockets. However,
ed in multiple spacecraft accident inves-     unlike the FAA’s aviation regulatory goal
tigations. Throughout the seven-month         of providing the safest system in the          NTSB Relationship with Commercial
Columbia space shuttle investigation in       world, the U.S. Congress has charged the       Space
2003, more than 40 NTSB investigators         AST to primarily focus on protection of        NTSB involvement with the commercial
assisted both the Columbia Accident           the public—and not “mission assured-           space industry is similar to the aviation
Investigation Board and NASA with bal-        ness.”                                         industry. The NTSB investigates any
listic analysis, debris recovery, wreckage       This is not to say that the U.S. Congress   launch/reentry accidents and certain
examination, and vehicle reconstruction.      does not want a safe commercial space          incidents, and that authority is derived
Several NTSB investigators also assisted      industry. The Space Act, which was most        from the NTSB’s general authority
NASA in 2004 with the investigation of        recently amended in 2015, states that the      under 49 Code of Federal Regulations
the Genesis sample-return capsule that        FAA AST should “encourage, facilitate,         (CFR) 1131(a)(1)(F), which states that
crashed into the Utah desert. NTSB            and promote the continuous improve-            the NTSB shall investigate “any other
investigators documented the accident         ment of the safety of launch vehicles          accident related to the transportation
scene, organized the wreckage recov-          designed to carry humans.” However,            of individuals or property when [the
ery, and examined the vehicle’s wiring        Congress also does not want to discour-        accident is] catastrophic.” Although this
harness for evidence of micrometeorite        age industry development since human           statement is not as clear as 49 CFR 1131
impact damage.                                space flight is still inherently risky. So     (a)(1)(A), which states that the NTSB
   More recently, NTSB investigators          the Space Act includes a provision for a       shall investigate all “aircraft accidents,”
have observed or taken part in several        “learning period,” which limits any regu-      the NTSB’s interpretation of this statute
operator-led mishap investigations, in-       lation “restricting or prohibiting design      is reasonable and is accepted by the
cluding the October 2014 Orbital Science      features or operating practices” unless        commercial space industry.
(ATK) Antares engine failure shortly          resulting from an accident that caused a          The process to clearly specify the
after liftoff; the June 2015 launch failure   serious injury or fatality to a person on      NTSB’s authority to investigate commer-
of the SpaceX CRS-7 mission; the Sep-         board, or from a serious incident that         cial space accidents has begun; however,
tember 2016 pad explosion of the SpaceX       almost caused a serious injury or fatality.    statutory changes are seldom fast. In
Falcon 9 with the Amos-6 communica-           This learning period, also known as the        addition to the NTSB statutory authority,
tions satellite; and the April 2019 SpaceX    human space flight regulation morato-          the NTSB also entered into a memoran-
Dragon explosion that occurred during         rium, is currently in effect until October     dum of agreement (MOA) with the FAA
a ground test. This “on-the-job training”     2023.                                          in 2000 to ensure both agencies under-
has provided NTSB investigators with             This is quite different from aviation       stand when the NTSB would initiate an
significant and critical experience in the    regulations that have developed over           investigation of a nonmanned commer-
commercial space industry, which has          the years to cover almost all aspects          cial launch accident. The MOA defines
helped the OAS to prepare to lead the in-     of an aircraft design and operational          an accident that the NTSB would inves-
vestigations of future commercial space       rules to ensure and improve the safety         tigate as a mishap when any portion of
accidents and incidents.                      of passengers and crew. Unlike aviation        a commercial space vehicle or payload

                                                                                                 January-March 2021 ISASI Forum • 5
impacts outside the impact limit lines; a       rather than just accidents and incidents.       vehicle and/or range is grounded until at
fatality or serious injury to a person not      The NTSB will likely issue its own defi-        least the initial causes are determined.
associated with the launch activities; or       nitions along these lines in the next few       Therefore, the OAS’s investigative pro-
damage greater than $25,000 to property         years.                                          cess will likely have to be accelerated,
not associated with the launch activities.         As indicated by these definitions,           although even targeting 8–12 months
This agreement was initiated during a           it is clear that it takes a more serious        for a final report may be too long. To ad-
time when human space flight and com-           mishap to constitute a commercial space         dress this issue, NTSB staff is evaluating
mercial reentry operations were not an-         accident; an event involving an aircraft        the possibility of modified procedures to
ticipated for many years; thus, although        is classified as an accident if there is sub-   release preliminary analytical findings
the MOA is still in effect, it is out of date   stantial damage to the aircraft of serious      (prior to the final report) to allow the
and does not address those operations.          injury to a person. Loss of the space           resumption of launches or reentries.
Work on updating this outdated MOA              vehicle alone does not automatically               Probably the most significant differ-
is ongoing. In addition to this MOA, the        necessitate an NTSB investigation. How-         ence between an aviation and space
NTSB has an MOA with the FAA and the            ever, now that the industry is moving           investigation will be in the transparency
U.S. Air Force that defines the relation-       toward human spaceflight, should a mis-         of the investigation. Normally, the NTSB
ship between all three agencies during          hap occur, the NTSB would investigate it        releases factual data through press con-
space investigations and describes the          if there is a fatality or serious injury.       ferences (while on scene), press releases
participation and information exchange             As previously discussed, the NTSB has        (post on scene), and then via the pub-
procedures.                                     been engaged with the space industry            lic docket, which contains all relevant
   Although NTSB regulations do not             for the last 25 years through our com-          factual information NTSB investigators
contain specific definitions related to         mercial space program within the OAS.           collected during the investigation. The
commercial space mishaps, 14 CFR 401.5          The program has matured along with              NTSB even has the authority to release
contains definitions for commercial             the industry to ensure that the NTSB is         confidential commercial information
space launch and reentry accidents or           prepared to investigate any future space        (proprietary data)—which is normally
incidents that assist the OAS in deter-         vehicle accident or incident. The goals of      protected—to support the conclusions,
mining whether to initiate an investi-          the NTSB’s commercial space program             safety recommendations, or the probable
gation. A launch accident is when there         are to develop the specialized investiga-       cause of an accident.
is a fatality or serious injury to a space      tive processes and procedures necessary            However, the space industry has
flight participant or crewmember; a             to investigate this emergent mode of            regulations (export control policies) in
fatality or serious injury to any person        transportation, build critical relation-        place to safeguard critical defense-re-
who is not associated with the flight;          ships with industry stakeholders, and           lated technologies in order to protect
impact of launch vehicle, its payload,          ensure that NTSB investigators have the         U.S. national security and foreign policy
or any component outside the impact             specialized knowledge necessary to lead         objectives: the International Traffic in
limit lines ( for expendable) or outside a      commercial space investigations.                Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export
designated landing site ( for reusable); or                                                     Administration Regulations (EAR). The
damage to third-party property greater                                                          NTSB is not exempt from these regula-
than $25,000. A reentry accident occurs         Aviation and Commercial Space
                                                                                                tions and cannot release data that is sub-
when the reentry vehicle, its payload, or       Industries Differ                               ject to ITAR or EAR, even if it is directly
any component impacts outside a des-            Although there are some similarities            related to the probable cause. Thus these
ignated reentry site; a fatality or serious     with aviation, there are distinct and           regulations would impact the NTSB’s
injury to a space flight participant or         unique aspects of commercial space              ability to release information on space
crewmember or a person not associated           investigations that necessitate they be         accidents.
with the reentry; or damage to third-par-       investigated as its own distinct mode              As a result, the OAS has developed an
ty property greater than $25,000.               of transportation. As with all modes of         internal procedure to work with the U.S.
   In addition, for those mishaps that do       transportation, the NTSB will use the           Department of State and Department
not rise to the level of an accident, the       party system to investigate commercial          of Commerce to review all factual data/
regulation also contains definitions for        space accidents/incidents. The overall          reports and the final report before public
launch and reentry incidents to better          structure will be similar to major avia-        release. This extensive review process
define what mishaps the NTSB would              tion investigations but will likely have        will inevitably delay the release of factual
likely investigate. A launch/reentry            fewer parties to the investigation since        information until the end of the inves-
incident is an unplanned event during           most of the rocket and vehicle compo-           tigation rather than being released as
the launch or reentry that would involve        nents will be produced by the launch            soon as possible (typically about six
a malfunction of a flight safety system or      operator. In addition, the OAS’s goal for       months into the investigation for major
safety-critical system or a failure of the      completion of major aviation accident           investigations). The ITAR/EAR review
license’s or permittee’s safety organiza-       reports is to issue a final report within       will also likely result in extensive redac-
tion, design, or operations. The FAA AST        12–18 months, which is acceptable in the        tions to the factual reports contained
has recently proposed to modify these           aviation industry since normal opera-           in the public docket. Even more signif-
definitions to more closely align with          tions generally continue throughout that        icantly, on a highly technical accident,
those used by the military and NASA by          timeframe. However, for every launch or         portions of the final report may also have
having four “classes” of mishap events          reentry accident to a space vehicle, the        to be redacted, and, in extreme cases,

6 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum
the NTSB may be required to hold the          to the unique aspects of     the state conducting the launch (any broad/universal
final board meeting in a closed session       the commercial space         safety findings would be released by the launching state).
in order to discuss data that is ITAR-/       industry (as discussed in
EAR-restricted. For an agency that            this paper). One of the
                                                                           In Conclusion
normally prides itself on openness and        more significant differ-
                                                                           Given the domestic and international regulatory
transparency, these restrictions on the       ences between space and
                                                                           environment, the national security laws, and the unique
release of data will be a challenge, and      aviation is that launch
                                                                           technical structure of the industry, I do not believe
an appropriate public/media education         operators are typically
                                                                           that—at this time—a formal “commercial space Annex
effort will be necessary to communicate       the manufacturer and
                                                                           13” is necessary. However, informal international
why the restrictions are essential.           operator of their vehicle,
                                                                           cooperation will be vital to ensuring that safety investi-
   Any commercial space orbital launch        unlike aviation where
                                                                           gators are prepared to meet the technical and organiza-
or reentry accident could become an           there are separate man-
“international” accident depending on                                      tional challenges of investigating commercial space
                                              ufacturers and separate
the trajectory of the launch/reentry.         operators around the         vehicle accidents. The existing Annex 13 aviation
Space operations are governed by an           world.                       accident investigation authorities and professional
international treaty entitled the “Treaty        Accordingly, using        organizations—such as ISASI—will serve as excellent
on Principles Governing the Activities        Annex 13 terminology,        resources in building these relationships. The collabora-
of States in the Exploration and Use of       the state that author-       tive efforts between state authorities will help the
Outer Space,” commonly referred to as         ized the launch would        investigative community refine the specific processes
the Outer Space Treaty. This treaty has       be the state of registry,    and procedures for investigating commercial space
driven much of the U.S. space regulation      design, manufacture,         accidents, discover or develop training opportunities,
structure. Although the treaty does not       and operator, and the        gain understanding of various regulatory structures, and
directly address accident investigation,      state where the vehicle      observe commercial space operations. At some point in
it does address the responsibilities of       or components impact-        the future, a more formal safety structure may be needed
each state in the event of a mishap. If       ed would be the state        as the commercial space industry grows and matures
a launch or reentry vehicle impacts in        of occurrence Although       (point-to-point service, etc.). However, until that time,
another state’s territory, that state has     the state of occurrence      the spirit of international cooperation, which has been
two responsibilities: render “all possible    would have a considera-      cultivated by Annex 13, will help ensure that the investi-
assistance” to any persons on board and       ble need to understand       gative community is prepared to assist this emerging
to “safely and promptly” return persons       the facts, conditions, and   mode of transportation to improve safety following any
and the vehicle or components.                circumstances of the ac-     commercial space mishap.
   Article VII of the Outer Space Treaty      cident, it would be nearly
declares that the state that authorized       impossible for the state
the launch or reentry is “internationally     of occurrence to conduct
liable” for damage caused by the vehicle      a thorough investigation
or components to any persons or proper-       of the mishap, since the
ty. This type of liability-focused language   expertise resides entirely
likely stemmed from the fact that when        with the launch opera-        Joseph M. Sedor, chief of major investigations for the NTSB,
the treaty was originally developed in        tor—especially since the      delivers his technical presentation during ISASI 2019.
1967 all the space operations were one-       operator would likely be
of-a-kind rockets operated by state gov-      prohibited by law (due
ernments. The Outer Space Treaty does         to export regulations) to
encourage international cooperation           transfer information.
multiple times throughout the treaty;            Likewise, the ITAR and
for example, Article X says that states       EAR national security
should afford an opportunity to other         regulations would also
states to observe launches and reentries.     make it difficult for the
Cooperation, of course, is essential for      state of occurrence to
conducting international investigations,      send observers to a state
but a state’s specific rights and respon-     of the operator-led inves-
sibilities also need to be defined for any    tigation. Furthermore,
future international investigative treaty.    if there are no distinct
   ICAO Annex 13 has provided the basic       operators of the accident
structure for international aviation          launch or reentry vehicle
investigations for more than 50 years, de-    in the state of occur-
tailing the cooperation necessary as well     rence, there would be no
as a state’s rights and responsibilities      safety reason for them to
during an investigation. However, the         conduct an investigation
standards and recommended practices           since any lessons learned
in Annex 13 are not directly applicable       would likely only affect

                                                                                                January-March 2021 ISASI Forum • 7
Video-Based Flight Data
By Dr. Marcus Bauer, Managing Director, iwiation
(Adapted with permission from the author’s technical paper Video-Based Flight Data
Reconstruction of the Amazon Prime Air B-767 Accident, Trinity Bay, U.S.A., 2019, submtted for
ISASI 2020 in Montréal, Qué., Canada. ISASI 2020 was postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19 re-
strictions. The full technical paper can be found on the ISASI website at in the Library
                                                                                                                     Dr. Marcus Bauer
tab under Technical Presentations.—Editor)

Introduction                                         recalculate a flight path and thus the flight
The sole objective of an investigation into          history without flight data recorder (FDR)
an aircraft accident or incident conducted           data or radar information. The physiology
under the provisions of Annex 13 shall be            and psychology of an eyewitness have
the prevention of accidents and incidents.           been evaluated; however, the method can
The purpose of this paper is to encour-
age an additional investigation means to
                                                     also process video information to approxi-
                                                     mate flight data.                                             “Flight
the existing procedures, practices, and
techniques that can be used in aircraft
                                                        The methodology has been applied al-
                                                     ready and successfully in several investiga-                  data that is
accident investigations.
   The investigation of air accidents is
                                                     tions, using video information in examples
                                                     such as                                                       reconstructed
based on available data and information
to determine the root cause. Flight record-
                                                        • AS350 Mid-Air Accident, La Rioja,
                                                          Argentina, BEA, 2015,                                    based
er data, radar data, and wreckage anal-
ysis can provide important information.
                                                       • EC145 Accident, Hautes-Pyrénées,
                                                         France, BEA-É, 2016, and
                                                                                                                   on video
However, in some air accidents, some if                • Gazelle Mid-Air Accident, Carcès,                         information is
not all of these sources of information
                                                         France, BEA-É, 2018.
may not be available to investigators. In
recent years, more and more video footage               The iwi method allows to approximate
is available, either from witnesses who              flight path as well as aircraft attitude and
recorded the accident with their mobile              ground speed. The accuracy of the recon-
phones or videos recorded by security                structed data is influenced by multiple
cameras. This information can be used to             technical factors.
reconstruct flight data, aircraft attitude,             In order to reconstruct the elevation,
descent rate, and ground speed.                      the following factors must be considered
                                                     and computed for the error calculation as
                                                     the observed value versus the true value of
Thesis                                               a measurement:
This paper represents the potential and
the implementation of using video infor-             Figure 1. Angular deviation in elevation depending on reference object, eyepoint (left), position of
mation to reconstruct the flight history             reference object (middle), and observed object location (right).
and the flight path in detail. The consist-
ency of the reconstructed information will
be explained as well as how it has been

The Methodology
In the frame of my doctoral thesis, the
reconstruction methodology iwi® was
developed in 2009, based on eyewitness
reports in the field of aircraft accident
investigation. The development has been
based on the overview of existing appli-
cations and the existing problematic to
8 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum
• Δd_xyGPS: Video location accuracy
    (latitude and longitude) in meters.
  • Δd_zGPS: Video location accuracy
    (altitude) in meters.
  • Δd_xyZPos: Location accuracy of
    reference objects (latitude and longi-
    tude) in meters.
  • Δd_zZPos: Location accuracy of refer-
    ence objects (altitude) in meters.
                                                Formula 1
  • Ratio of the recorded object resolu-
    tion in pixel and object size in meters.
   With reference to Figure 1, the formula
considers different errors. To place the
video informationin in 3-D, a reference
object (Obj) as well as the observer (O)
location are required. By knowing the
positions of “O” and “Obj,” the minima and
maxima altitude of the aircraft can be cal-     Formula 2
culated by the formula below. The default
error tunnel (grey cone) is the result of an
aproximated model, showing the possible
area where the altitude of the observed
object was located. The error tunnel
dimension is based on the known errors,
such as the camera’s position accuracy, as
well as the video resolution. Another influ-
encing factor of the default tunnel’s size is
the distance between the observer and the
reference point, as a small miss-position-
ing of the observer resulting in a variation
of the observed object’s height. As the var-
iation gets larger, the closer the reference
object is relative to the position (latitude/
longitue) to the observer.
   Formula 1 is used with its derivations to
calculate the elevation error based on the
reconstructed distance to the object.
   In azimuth, the following factors must       Figure 2. Geometry for calculating the error in azimuth, from witness/camera location via
                                                Obj. (reference object) to reconstructed aircraft location (R).
be considered for error calculation:
   • Video location accuracy (latitude and
     longitude) in meters.
  • Location accuracy of reference objects
    (latitude and longitude) in meters.
  • Ratio of the recorded object resolu-
    tion in pixel and object size in meters
   Figure 2 illustrates the formula for the
calculation of the observed object’s (R)
position in latitude and longitude. The ob-
server (O) requires (you are here) as well a
reference point (Obj), which indicates the
reference to the observed object’s position.
By knowing the exact position of “O” and
“Obj,” the exact position in longitude and
latitude can be provided by the formula
shown hereinafter.
   Formula 2 is used with its derivations to
calculate the azimuth error based on the        Figure 3. Aerial view of main debris field looking northwest.

                                                                                                    January-March 2021 ISASI Forum • 9
reconstructed distance to the object:

                                                                                       The Evaluation Case
                                                                                       On Feb. 23, 2019, the Amazon Prime Air cargo
                                                                                       aircraft that was operated by Atlas Air flew
                                                                                       from Miami, Florida, to Houston, Texas, and
                                                                                       during the arrival phase the Boeing 767-375BCF
                                                                                       entered a rapid descent from 6,200 feet and im-
                                                                                       pacted into a marshy bay area around 40 miles
                                                                                       away from Houston’s George Bush Interconti-
                                                                                       nental Airport (see Figure 3, page 9).
                                                                                         Two security cameras captured the last 5
                                                                                       seconds of the aircraft in a steep, generally
                                                                                       wings-level attitude until impact with the
                                                                                       swamp. For our own interest, the iwi® method-
                                                                                       ology was applied to validate the latest meth-
                                                                                       odology developments, reconstructing flight
Figure 4. Surveillance camera video.       Figure 5. Surveillance camera video.        path, aircraft attitude, and ground speed based
                                                                                       on the available video information. The results
                                                                                       were shared with the NTSB before the black box
                                                                                       could be recovered.

                                                                                       Flight Data Reconstruction and Data Com-
                                                                                       Two video recordings were available from two
                                                                                       different locations. They were used to create
                                                                                       panoramic images with aircraft positions and
                                                                                       video time stamps. The video distortion was
                                                                                       corrected using the dedicated lens correction
                                                                                       profile (see Figures 4 and 5).
                                                                                          The resolution of the video influences the
Figure 6. Camera location shown in Google Earth.                                       data reconstruction accuracy as well as the
                                                                                       precision of the time stamp information. Video
                                                                                       frames at every second were selected to ensure
                                                                                       maximum accuracy. The security camera re-
                                                                                       cording frequency was approximately one frame
                                                                                       per second.
                                                                                          The GPS location of both cameras was iden-
                                                                                       tified, as shown in Figure 6, using Google Street
                                                                                       View, as well as the location of reference objects
                                                                                       like buildings and trees, as shown in the video.
                                                                                       The location accuracy was defined with +/- 16
                                                                                       feet in latitude/longitude and altitude. The
Figure 7. Lines of sight of witness statement (left) and reconstructed location with   reference objects were used to place the image
error (right).                                                                         information within the 3-D environment. All
                                                                                       data collected was imported into the recon-
                                                                                       struction software called Immersive Witness
                                                                                       Analyzer, which sets all lines of sight consider-
                                                                                       ing reference objects. The software estimates
                                                                                       the reconstructed flight path considering
                                                                                       potential error information using the specified
                                                                                       and decribed formulas.
                                                                                          To estimate the aircraft’s attitude at different
                                                                                       locations along the flight path, a 3-D model of a
                                                                                       B-767 was placed and adjusted with respect to
                                                                                       the video image frame rate.
                                                                                          The left image in Figure 7 shows the lines
Figure 8. Single frame of video showing the B-767 behind trees (left) and with         of sight from the perspectives of two security
overlay of 3-D object (right).                                                         cameras. The intersection of both lines ap-
10 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum
proximates the position
                                                                                                                  of one position of the
                                                                                                                  observed object as shown
                                                                                                                  in the right image. In this
                                                                                                                  case, the B-767’s position
                                                                                                                  (intersection of both lines
                                                                                                                  of sight) was located,
                                                                                                                  considering the potential
                                                                                                                     The images in Figure 8
                                                                                                                  show one single frame of
Figure 9. Attitude error +/-10 degrees visualized (blue/cyan), heading (left), pitch (middle), roll (right).      the video. The left image
                                                                                                                  shows the outline of the
                                                                                                                  aircraft behind trees. To
                                                                                                                  determine the attitude of
                                                                                                                  the aicraft, a 3-D model
                                                                                                                  of a B-767 was placed in
                                                                                                                  the 3-D software applica-
                                                                                                                  tion at the reconstructed
                                                                                                                  position and the attitudes
                                                                                                                  of the aircraft such as
                                                                                                                  heading, pitch, and roll
                                                                                                                  were adjusted until the
                                                                                                                  objects fitted best to the
                                                                                                                  outline in the image. The
                                                                                                                  accuracy for attitude
                                                                                                                  reconstruction depends
                                                                                                                  on the resolution of the
                                                                                                                  frame. However the
                                                                                                                  potential error can be up
                                                                                                                  to +/- 10 degrees based on
                                                                                                                     To better explain the
                                                                                                                  reason for the experi-
                                                                                                                  enced size of the error in
                                                                                                                  attitude, Figure 9 shows
                                                                                                                  the visual differences.
                                                                                                                  The modified values for
                                                                                                                  +/-10 degrees are visu-
                                                                                                                  alized in blue and cyan
                                                                                                                  and overlayed. Based on
Figure 10. Illustration of the reconstructed flight path with error tunnel (white circles) that shows the
line of sight from the first observing camera (light blue) and second observing camera (dark blue).               the experience of several
                                                                                                                  reconstructions and video
                                                                                                                  data, a good fit could be
                                                                                                                  determined within the
                                                                                                                  maximum error of +/-10
                                                                                                                  degrees for all three axis.
                                                                                                                     The reconstructed flight
                                                                                                                  path was compared to the
                                                                                                                  original FDR data (shown
                                                                                                                  in Figure 12, page 12) that
                                                                                                                  was recovered from the
                                                                                                                  B-767 wreckage. Figure
                                                                                                                  11 shows in latitude and
                                                                                                                  longitude the flight path
                                                                                                                  that could be reconstruct-
                                                                                                                  ed in black. The original
                                                                                                                  flight path (grey) is close
                                                                                                                  to the reconstructed path
Figure 11. Reconstructed flight path (black), FDR flight path (grey), and error tunnel (blue).                    (black) and within the
                                                                                                       January-March 2021 ISASI Forum • 11
error tunnel (blue).
                                                                                                   To better compare the difference be-
                                                                                                tween both, the extrapolated flight path
                                                                                                from the video method and the recorded
                                                                                                flight path from the FDR, the distance
                                                                                                was calculated in feet and shown along
                                                                                                the time in Figure 13. The solid blue line
                                                                                                describes the difference in latitude and
                                                                                                longitude in feet between the reconstruct-
                                                                                                ed position and the recorded FDR data.
                                                                                                The graph with dotted blue line shows the
                                                                                                maximum possible distance, known as
Figure 12. Recovered black box (left) and ADS-B flight path data (right).                       error tunnel, based on the formulas. The
                                                                                                achieved accuracy of the reconstructed
                                                                                                flight path was in a range of between 50
                                                                                                and 150 feet, finally within the error tun-
                                                                                                nel (see Figure 13).
                                                                                                   Figure 14 shows the reconstructed
                                                                                                altitude (light blue) of the airplane and the
                                                                                                recorded FDR altitude data (light grey).
                                                                                                The reconstructed altitude is within the
                                                                                                error tunnel shown in dark grey, dotted
                                                                                                blue, with the exception of the beginning
                                                                                                from 0.0 to 0.25 seconds, when the aircraft
                                                                                                was shown only partially in the first frame.
                                                                                                This may have resulted in a larger error
Figure 13. Distance in feet between reconstructed and recorded FDR (blue) and error             in the early portion of the calculation.
tunnel (dotted blue).                                                                           Finally, the difference in calculated verses
                                                                                                FDR recorded altitude was between 32.7
                                                                                                and 171.9 feet.
                                                                                                   Since the video could be synchro-
                                                                                                nized with the time base, using the video
                                                                                                frame time stamps, a reconstruction of
                                                                                                the ground speed and descent rate was
                                                                                                   Based on the calculated decent rate
                                                                                                (black) in feet/minute, Figure 16 shows
                                                                                                that the aircraft reduced its descent rate
                                                                                                from -39.800 feet/minute to -15.000 feet/
                                                                                                minute. The recorded FDR data showed
                                                                                                that the B-767 reduced its decend rate
                                                                                                from -28.000 feet/minute to -18.240 feet/
                                                                                                minute within 2 seconds. The difference
                                                                                                between the reconstructed data and re-
Figure 14. Reconstructed altitude (light blue), FDR altitude (light grey), error tunnel (dark   corded FDR data showed in the beginning
grey, blue dotted), and difference (blue).
                                                                                                quite a large difference up to 10,000 feet/
                                                                                                minute. This was possibly due to the fact
                                                                                                that the aircraft was only partially visible
                                                                                                in the video and that the recording rate of
                                                                                                the security camera was a relatively low
                                                                                                one frame per second, as shown in Figure
                                                                                                   Since the video could be synchro-
                                                                                                nized with the time base, using the video
                                                                                                frame time stamps, a reconstruction of
                                                                                                the ground speed and descent rate was
                                                                                                   Based on the calculated decent rate
Figure 15. First frame of video showing aircaft only partially.                                 (black) in feet/minute, Figure 16 shows

12 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum
                                                                                                   data that is
                                                                                                   on video
Figure 16. Calculated vertical speed (black), recorded FDR vertical speed (light blue), and
                                                                                                   information is
difference value (blue).                                                                           applicable!”

                                                                                              that the aircraft reduced its descent rate
                                                                                              from -39.800 feet/minute to -15.000 feet/
                                                                                              minute. The recorded FDR data showed
                                                                                              that the B-767 reduced its decend rate
                                                                                              from -28.000 feet/minute to -18.240 feet/
                                                                                              minute within 2 seconds. The difference
                                                                                              between the reconstructed data and re-
                                                                                              corded FDR data showed in the beginning
                                                                                              quite a large difference up to 10,000 feet/
                                                                                              minute. This was possibly due to the fact
                                                                                              that the aircraft was only partially visible
                                                                                              in the video and that the recording rate of
                                                                                              the security camera was a relatively low
                                                                                              one frame per second, as shown in Figure
Figure 17. Calculated ground speed (black), FDR ground speed (light blue), and difference     15.
value (blue).                                                                                    Figures 18 and 19 show the reconstruct-
                                                                                              ed attitude data for heading (dotted lines),
                                                                                              roll (blue), and pitch (dotted lines). The
                                                                                              calculated data is shown as dotted lines.
                                                                                              The heading, pitch, and roll values fit
                                                                                              very well with an offset of less than +/- 10

                                                                                              The reconstruction of flight data based on
                                                                                              video information is capable, and the data
                                                                                              is applicable. The accuracy of the recon-
                                                                                              structed data depends on the location
Figure 18. Reconstructed heading attitude (dotted lines) and recorded FDR heading (full       accuracy of the video source position
line).                                                                                        and reference objects, as well as on the
                                                                                              frame rate of the video and its resolution.
                                                                                              Further, the attitude data could be recon-
                                                                                              structed very well within the experienced
                                                                                                 The more video sources that are aviala-
                                                                                              ble, the better the approximated positions
                                                                                              can be calculated and cross-checked.
                                                                                                 In parallel to the increase of digital data,
                                                                                              more and more video footage is available.
                                                                                              The capability of this method can support
                                                                                              to reconstruct data, based on video
                                                                                              information, but also the combination of
                                                                                              recorded data and video information can
Figure 19. Reconstructed pitch/roll data (dotted lines) and recorded FDR data (full lines).   provide additional important details.

                                                                                                 January-March 2021 ISASI Forum • 13
Why Did the Helicopter Collide
                                         With Trees?
                                         Investigating the Causes from
                                         Analysis of Images and Sounds

                                         By Koji Fukuda, Deputy Investigator for Aircraft Accidents,
                                         Japan Transport Safety Board

                                                   urrently, 75 helicopters are operated    Onsite Investigation
                                                   by 55 local governments in Japan         The three investigators went to the site the
                                                   for the purpose of firefighting and      next day. The accident site was on a snowy
                                                   disaster prevention. For similar         mountain, and the roads leading to the site
                                         purposes, there are other services such as         were not cleared. The large rescue vehicle
                                         emergency medical service (EMS), police, the       had reached near the site. Our rental car had
                                         Coast Guard, and the Self Defense Force. The       studless tires, so I thought it was fine, but it
                                         firefighting disaster prevention helicopters       was useless. I had to push the car many times
                                         are operated under guidelines made by each         on a road like an inclined ice rink that was
                                         local government independently. They are           hard to walk.
                                         single-pilot operations even though they are
                                         medium-sized helicopters of about 5 tons.          Lesson 1: Select a four-wheel-drive car on snowy
                                         The pilots are not required to have instrument     roads. Not enough with studless tires.
                                         flight licenses. And crews are not transferred
                                         among other local government teams. This
                                         case is an example of a firefighting and disas-
                                                                                            Drone Investigation
                                                                                            This JTSB accident investigation was the first
                                         ter prevention helicopter accident in which
                                                                                            time the agency used a drone to collect onsite
                                         all nine people were killed. The helicopter was
                                                                                            data. The drone was used not only to take
                                         not equipped with a recording device such as
                                                                                            photographs from above the crash site, but
                                         a black box, so the investigation required con-
                                                                                            also allowed the investigators to create one
                                         siderable effort to determine what occurred
                                                                                            fine 2-D image (Ortho Mosaic) or 3-D images
                                         and why it happened.
                                                                                            by analyzing the image data taken contin-
                                            There was a mysterious video taken on
                                                                                            uously and the data of the position and the
                                         the aircraft that seems to show that when
                                                                                            altitude of the drone.
                                         approaching trees, the helicopter collided
                                         with the trees without avoidance. To get a
                                                                                            Lesson 2: The effectiveness of the drone for
                                         real sense of the accident, investigators were
                                                                                            accident investigation is not just to obtain aerial
                                         required to conduct a drone investigation and
                                         to analyze the images and sounds recorded in
                                         the video in various novel ways.
                                                                                            Location Survey (Laser Range Finder and
                                         Summary of the Accident                            GPS Receiver)
(Adapted with permission from the        On Sunday, March 5, 2017, a mid-sized rescue       The position and height of the cut trees could
author’s technical paper Why Did         helicopter, a Bell 412, operated by the Nagano     be measured easily and clearly by using a
the Helicopter Collide with Trees?       Fire and Disaster Prevention Aviation Center       laser range finder (TruePulse 360, Laser
Approach the Causes from Analysis        took off from Matsumoto Airport to go to           Technology) and a GPS receiver (MMCX:
of Images and Sounds presented           rescue training and collided with trees and        Mobile Mapper CX, Magellan Navigation). As
during ISASI 2019, Sept. 3–5, 2019, in                                                      described in the report, these tools enabled
                                         crashed into the mountain’s slope while flying
The Hague, the Netherlands. The theme
                                         toward the training site near the summit           the investigators to see more details of the
for ISASI 2019 was “Future Safety:
Has the Past Become Irrelevant?”         at 13:33. There were nine persons on board         accident site than what was available from
The full presentation can be found on    the helicopter, including a captain and eight      the drone investigation.
the ISASI website at       others, and all of them suffered fatal injuries.
in the Library tab under Technical       The helicopter was destroyed, but there was        Lesson 3: Easy location survey with laser and
Presentations.—Editor)                   no outbreak of fire.                               GPS. (Of course, you need tools and training.)
14 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum
Image Analysis of Video Taken on the               with trees when the video recording stopped
Helicopter                                         with the impact of the helicopter crashing
Since the helicopter was not equipped with         into the ground.
a recording device such as a black box, it
was difficult to determine fact information.       Lesson 4: Analysis of flight tracks from video
However, the camera attached to the rescuer’s      taken on the helicopter.
helmet was taking a video of the situation
from the middle of flight until the accident.      Detailed Investigation of the Helicopter
The video shows that the weather at the time       From the scattering of debris from the acci-
did not interfere with the flight.                 dent site, it was estimated that the helicopter
   The helicopter gradually approached the         hit a tree and became uncontrollable and
mountain surface covered with trees at a           crashed. The investigation of the details of
constant attitude and speed and crashed into       the airframe was conducted in June when
trees. That the helicopter was flying normally     the snow melted and the debris was salvaged
and then, without an avoidance maneuver,           from the mountain, and no anomalies of the
collided with trees as it gradually approached     airframe and engine were found from the
is highly unusual. What happened? Nothing          debris.
happened. Why did the pilot fail to avoid? This
was a shocking question that I had to keep
asking until the end of the investigation.
                                                   Voice Analysis of Video Taken on the
   Estimating the position and altitude of the     Helicopter
helicopter over time by analyzing still images     An alarm sound and sounds indicating ab-
with the video stopped and then estimating         normality of the helicopter were not recorded
the flight path by linking the images was          until it collided with trees. A sheet recorded by
possible. We knew that the helicopter took         a mechanic sitting in the left seat was found,
off from the airport, headed northeast while       which revealed that the crew of the helicopter
climbing above the city, entered the airspace      had been performing engine performance
above the mountains, and turned right. It is       tests after takeoff.
highly probable that it headed toward Mt.             Furthermore, by combining and analyzing
Hachibuse in continuing roughly level flight       this one sheet and the in-flight video and
at a speed of about 100 knots. The helicopter’s    audio, the in-flight situation became clearer.
altitude above ground level (AGL) became           At first, I had no idea what the crewmem-
lower gradually, and the tree-covered moun-        bers were talking about, but it became clear
tainside was looming ahead. The helicopter         that they were checking the engine, and the
collided with trees while maintaining attitude     content of the conversation became more un-
and speed.                                         derstandable. Furthermore, by analyzing the
   The helicopter leveled off at about 1,740       engine noise, it was possible to estimate the
meters. It is somewhat likely that this was be-    throttle and engine N2 governor operation
cause the helicopter was trying to ensure the      status during engine check, which supported
safety altitude of 150 meters or higher from       the fact that an engine check was performed.
the destination, the helipad, with an elevation       An analysis of the audio recorded by the
of about 1,580 meters. It is highly probable       video camera found that a spectrum of ap-
that while maintaining the maximum safety          proximately 22 Hz was recorded at a constant
altitude, the helicopter took neither the avoid-   frequency from the beginning of the video
ance route at a constant altitude by directly      until 4.0 seconds before the audio recording
heading for the helipad nor the avoidance          stopped. Assuming that the sound was gener-
route by climbing. Instead, it continued to fly    ated by the MRB, this would be equivalent to
toward Mt. Hachibuse at a constant altitude        approximately 330 rpms. The 100% number of
after turning right. Its AGL became lower          MRB revolutions is 324 rpms.
while flying into and over the mountains              An audio spectrum of approximately 3,300
region, and the helicopter approached the          Hz and an audio spectrum of approximate-
ground. It is highly probable that the helicop-    ly 3,400 Hz were transmitted at a constant
ter flew into an uncontrollable condition as       frequency, respectively. However, immediately
it crashed its fuselage and main rotor blade       after the voice of “minus two,” in the former
(MRB) into trees over a distance of approxi-       case, the frequency increased by approximate-
mately 40 meters. It is highly probable that the   ly 200 Hz, while in the latter, the frequency
helicopter turned upside down and collided         decreased by approximately 200 Hz. Those
with an approximately 40-degree slope from         frequencies returned to original frequencies,
its nose. It is also highly probable that it was   and they were constantly transmitted again,           Koji Fukuda
four seconds later after the helicopter collided   immediately after the voice saying, “I return it.”
                                                                                                    January-March 2021 ISASI Forum • 15
It is highly probable that there were no           When the CP lever was moved up to the
                                abnormalities in the helicopter’s engines from        same position as at the time of climbing, and
                                the time of takeoff until transition to level         the right hand was extended to the ITT trim
                                flight. As the engine had been operating when         switch, almost the same composition as in
                                the helicopter crashed, it is highly probable         the image of video camera (-4 minutes and 5
                                that the MRB had been rotating at constant            seconds) was reproduced.
                                rpm until the helicopter collided with trees.
                                It is highly probable that the helicopter was         2) View from the cockpit
                                conducting engine data checks enroute from            The inspection was conducted after parking
                                takeoff. When the helicopter commenced                the same type of helicopter with a magnetic
                                turning right above the mountains, it is prob-        heading of 150 degrees, the same heading as
                                able that engine checks had been completed.           at the time of accident. It was conducted at
                                It is highly probable that the mechanic was           about 13:40 on April 10, 2018; however, the
                                conducting engine checks, concentrating on            pilot’s face was not exposed to direct sun-
                                the flight instruments, and hardly watched            shine. The pilot’s view was not blocked, and
                                outside. And it is somewhat likely that his           it was possible for him to recognize visually
                                attention was focused on addressing the en-           the obstacles lying ahead in keeping the
                                gine data check records even after the engine         piloting posture, when either only glancing at
                                checks were completed, but this could not be          the instruments without moving his head or
                                specified.                                            facing the instruments and looking at them.
                                   Since the engine check was finished 2 min-         However, when the body was bent forward
                                utes before the collision with trees, it was diffi-   and the head was lowered a little, the glare
                                cult to link the relationship with the collision.
                                                                                      shield blocked the forward view (the horizon).
                                                                                      Therefore, it seems that when the obstacles
                                Lesson 5: Analysis of human voices requires
                                                                                      lying ahead are approaching, the approaching
                                understanding what the person is doing.
                                                                                      obstacles may not be recognized visually. With
                                                                                      the posture of the mechanic mentioned above
                                Lesson 6: We can understand the situation of the
                                                                                      (1), the forward view was blocked because the
                                engine by analyzing the sound.
                                                                                      position of the head was lowered.
                                                                                         When looking at the pilot’s face with the
                                Captain’s Helmet Visor                                visor lowered, the opening state of eyes and
                                From the fact that the captain’s helmet visor         his facial expressions were not recognized.
                                had an impact mark near the center and ap-
                                proximately half of its right side was missing,       3) Different views with and without visor
                                although the visor cover was not broken, it           The different views with and without the visor
                                is probable that the visor received an impact         that is attached to the helmet was confirmed.
                                from the right side while in a lowered state.         Without the visor, the contrast between
                                From the fact that the captain’s visor was            outside and inside the helicopter was clear,
                                raised at the time of takeoff, it is probable that    and when looking outside, it seemed that the
                                the captain lowered his visor while in flight.        view was too bright. Immediately looking at
                                The captain’s right upper arm moved 1 minute          the instruments inside the helicopter, it was
                                and 30 seconds before the collision with trees.       not to say that anything could not be seen but
                                It is somewhat likely that it was because turn-       eyes seemed tired. With the visor lowered,
                                ing right at that time would have the helicop-        the outside view was clear and not too bright.
                                ter face the direction close to the sun, and the
                                                                                      Immediately looking at the instruments inside
                                captain lowered his helmet visor to ward off
                                                                                      the helicopter, it seemed a little dim, but the
                                the glare of the sun; however, this could not be
                                                                                      instrument indicators were readable.
                                   With the visor lowered, the outside view
                                                                                      Lesson 7: Verification will require new discover-
                                was clear and not too bright, and the instru-
                                                                                      ies or proofs of certainty.
                                ment indicators were readable. Therefore, it is
                                probable that the use of the visor had no effect
                                on flying the helicopter. However, with the           ELT
                                visor lowered, the opening state of eyes and          The helicopter was equipped with an emer-
                                the facial expressions were not recognized            gency locator transmitter (ELT) with switches
                                from outside.                                         (G switches) designed to automatically acti-
                                                                                      vate with impact from six directions. When an
                                                                                      examination was conducted by an agent of the
                                Verification by Same Type Helicopter                  manufacturer following the accident, it was
                                1) Position of the mechanic’s right hand              found that the ELT had not activated in this
16 • January-March 2021 ISASI Forum
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