Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense

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Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense
Aerospace and defense

Airbus Group Innovations
Realizing technological excellence and breakthroughs in aircraft composite
design using Siemens PLM Software technology


Business challenges
Reduce fuel consumption and
Increase structural efficiency
and reliability
Minimize aircraft weight

Keys to success
Utilize the full potential of
Identify delamination and
damage in composite
                                  Image courtesy of Airbus.
Use nonlinear analysis to
determine adequate safety
margins                           Airbus Group Innovations                       structural components made of composites.
                                  leverages the value of composites              Compared to metals, composites exhibit
                                                                                 very specific failure modes. In order to pro-
                                  with LMS Samtech Samcef                        vide safe designs that fully exploit the
                                                                                 potential of these new materials, aircraft
Improved ability to design        Maintaining a leadership position
                                                                                 stress engineers need to identify possible
composite parts right the first   Today the main challenge for aircraft man-     delamination as well as damages that may
time                              ufacturers is reducing fuel consumption        appear inside the plies of the layered com-
Facilitated the engineering       and emissions. The best way to accomplish      posite structures.
and analysis of complex           that is by increasing the structural effi-
composite structures              ciency and reliability of aircraft and using   Additionally, the nonlinear geometric
Used improved understanding       new, lighter composite materials to mini-      effects of thin-walled composite structures
of composites to increase lead    mize weight.                                   are complex to analyze and cannot be
over competitors                                                                 ignored. Advanced expertise in nonlinear
                                  Within this framework, engineers need to       analysis is required to obtain accurate
Enhanced ability to perform
                                  maintain control of the design by predict-     results so that realistic safety margins can
composite damage analysis
                                  ing all types of potential defects in the      be determined.

Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense
Results of experimental testing.

                                       Strain along blade axis
                                                                          Increasing loading

Results of simulation with LMS Samtech Samcef.

Correlation between LMS Samtech Samcef and test results showing damage on a helicopter blade. Images
courtesy of Airbus Group Innovations.

Airbus Group Innovations (formerly EADS                and Airbus Helicopters on its composite
Innovation Works) is the corporate                     analysis research, which requires an inno-
research and technology department of                  vative and advanced concept for design
Airbus Group. Its primary mission is to                and deployment in new aircraft programs.
develop technological excellence and
breakthroughs to support industrial inno-              Virtual testing is an essential tool to
vations within its divisions: Airbus, Airbus           decrease the number of physical tests on
Defence and Space (formerly Cassidian                  composite components and to support air-
and Astrium) and Airbus Helicopters (for-              craft certification, and Siemens PLM
merly Eurocopter).                                     Software plays a vital role in this process
                                                       for Airbus Group Innovations by providing
Its secondary objective is to share compe-             LMS Samtech Samcef™ software, a finite
tencies between these commercial entities              element analysis (FEA) package dedicated
to help Airbus Group maintain its leader-              to mechanical and structural virtual proto-
ship position in an increasingly competi-              typing. LMS Samcef is used in numerous
tive global environment. Airbus Group                  industrial fields for everything from basic
Innovations primarily works with Airbus                to advanced projects.
Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense
Indeed, during the past 20 years, the LMS      simulation is used to incorporating engi-      “The LMS Samtech develop-
 Samtech software development team has          neers from the French university Ecole          ment team is the corner-
 built a strong relationship with Airbus        Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS               stone of these partnerships,
 Group Innovations, especially in the area      Cachan), especially from its Laboratoire de     contributing to the dissemi-
 of composite technologies.                     Mécanique et Technologie (LMT Cachan),”         nation of these new material
                                                says Didier Guedra-Desgeorges, vice presi-      laws thanks to the imple-
 Providing a foundation                         dent and head of the Technical                  mentation of these
 With more than 35 years of experience          Capabilities Center Structure Engineering,      advanced concepts into its
 working with leaders in the aerospace          Production & Aeromechanics at Airbus            LMS Samcef solver.”
 industry, Airbus Group Innovations experts     Group Innovations. ”The very high level of
                                                                                               Didier Guedra-Desgeorges
 perform research and assist aircraft origi-    the research programs and the number of
                                                                                               Vice President and Head of the
 nal equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with        new composite material laws and models
                                                                                               Technical Capabilities Center
 the implementation of dedicated structural     for composite structure damage devel-
                                                                                               Structure Engineering,
 analysis technology and optimization sce-      oped by LMT Cachan explains the strong
                                                                                               Production & Aeromechanics
 narios as well as solid predictive solutions   relationship between us.”
                                                                                               Airbus Group Innovations
 for composites. Airbus Group Innovations
 improves its knowledge by enabling the         Guedra-Desgeorges adds, “Laboratoire de
 simulation of composite material damages       Mécanique et d’Acoustique, Aix-Marseille
 so it can analyze large composite thin-        University (LMA Marseille), another French
 walled structures. For full-fledged pro-       university laboratory working in the same
 grams, efficiency improvement projects         field, is also a research partner of Airbus
 include developing dedicated and               Group Innovations. The LMS Samtech
 improved models, which take into account       development team is the cornerstone of
 modeling possible failures in the compos-      these partnerships, contributing to the dis-
 ite structure.                                 semination of these new material laws
                                                thanks to the implementation of these
 “The Airbus Group Innovations team dedi-       advanced concepts into its LMS Samcef
 cated to advanced composite analysis and       solver.”

“The successful implementation
 of these laws in the nonlinear
 LMS Samcef finite element
 solver was completed with the
 support of the Siemens PLM
 Software team.”
Serge Maison Le-Poec
Head of Structure Analysis
Airbus Group Innovations
Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense
Building block approach including the composite structure and virtual and experimental material testing.

“Thanks to the implementa-         Gaining a deeper understanding                            element solver was completed with the
 tion into LMS Samcef of           Given the growing competitive pressure, it                support of the Siemens PLM Software
 advanced composite mate-          is important that the Airbus Group reacts                 team,” says Serge Maison Le-Poec, head of
 rial laws developed in collab-    extremely quickly to the needs of the mar-                Structure Analysis at Airbus Group
 oration with LMT Cachan           ket by designing products right the first                 Innovations. “Even if openness is available
 and LMA Marseille, Airbus         time and by using new methodologies for                   via material user routines, a native imple-
 Group gained much deeper          integrating advanced modeling of                          mentation in commercial software pro-
 physical insights, thus           composites.                                               vides a more reliable solution.”
 extending the gap with its
 competitors by positioning        “Thanks to the implementation into LMS                    He notes, “Advanced numerical regulariza-
 itself as the first and leading   Samcef of advanced composite material                     tion techniques have been set up in order
 research department able to       laws developed in collaboration with LMT                  to preserve good convergence properties
 offer such advanced               Cachan and LMA Marseille, Airbus Group                    of such highly nonlinear analyses, includ-
 expertise.”                       gained much deeper physical insights, thus                ing strong discontinuities. The fact that
                                   extending the gap with its competitors by                 LMS Samcef software provides a robust,
Didier Guedra-Desgeorges
                                   positioning itself as the first and leading               state-of-the-art technology environment in
Vice President and Head of the
                                   research department able to offer such                    an industrial context is strategic for us.”
Technical Capabilities Center
                                   advanced expertise,” says
Structure Engineering,
                                   Guedra-Desgeorges.                                        This new functionality has been success-
Production & Aeromechanics
                                                                                             fully tested by Airbus Helicopters for the
Airbus Group Innovations
                                   The formulation of the selected model has                 prediction of the nonlinear structural
                                   been extensively validated against experi-                behavior of a composite blade, including a
                                   mental results. It allows for taking into                 transverse crack. The precise correlation
                                   account the different kinds of failure                    between the simulation and the physical
                                   modes and damages of composite materi-                    test results confirm that it is possible to
                                   als, as well as the interdependencies of                  analyze complex scenarios on composite
                                   these phenomena.                                          structures. Thanks to the demonstration of
                                                                                             its methods and models reliability and the
                                   “The successful implementation of these                   extension of the spectrum of analyses to
                                   laws in the nonlinear LMS Samcef finite                   real-life complex behaviors on composite
Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense
Solutions/Services                 structures, Airbus Group Innovations has                        the deployment of massive parallel com-
LMS Samtech Samcef                 positioned itself as a leader when applying                     puting based on the LMS Samcef nonlinear           for existing and new industrial programs.                       solver in order to run large scale models
samtech                                                                                            for composite damage analysis.
                                   Realizing clear benefits
                                   The trend is to use simulation of composite                     “Further validations are running with
Customer’s primary business        components in parallel or as a complement                       Airbus within the European MAAXIMUS
Airbus Group is a global leader    to physical testing. Within the full aircraft                   project,” says Maison-Le-Poec. “Airbus
in aerospace, defense and re-      design process, the use of simulation tools                     Group and LMS Samtech software experts
lated services. In 2013, the       is now virtually essential in order to satisfy                  are also partners in several research and
Group – comprising Airbus,         the requirements of the certification                           development (R&D) projects on composite
Airbus Defence and Space and       authorities, while saving time and money.                       damage analysis.”
Airbus Helicopters – generat-      The accurate analysis models for compos-
ed revenues of € 59.3 billion      ites provide a better understanding of the                      “Airbus Group Innovations is clearly recogni-
and employed a workforce of        physics of failure. With the knowledge of                       zed for having set a high standard for engin-
around 144,000 people.             what the effects of a failure are on the                        eering service activities to provide tailor-               composite structure, better designs can be                      made solutions,” says Guedra-Desgeorges.
                                   proposed with more precise safety margins.                      “The fast adoption of its methods by the
                                                                                                   aviation industry will improve the industrial
Customer location                  This provides significant benefits to aircraft                  design process. Since composite material
Suresnes                           OEMs. The definition of more accurate                           behavior and life duration are different
France                             safety margins by the stress department of                      from the traditional metallic material frac-
                                   aircraft OEMs enables lighter weight com-                       ture mechanics phenomena, current air-
                                   posite structures and a reduction in costs.                     worthiness methodologies are being
                                   Together with the support and expertise of                      adapted to take into account virtual testing
                                   the LMS Samtech development team,                               of specific failure effects on aircraft com-
                                   Airbus Group Innovations is working on                          posite structures.”

                                  “The fact that LMS Samcef
                                   software provides a robust,
                                   state-of-the-art technology
                                   environment in an industrial
                                   context is strategic for us.”
                                   Serge Maison Le-Poec
                                   Head of Structure Analysis
                                   Airbus Group Innovations

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Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense Airbus Group Innovations - Aerospace and defense
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