Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The ...

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RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa
                                                                          Vol. 6, No. 1 April 2020, Page 42-49

                                                                                            P-ISSN: 2406-9019
                                                                                            E-ISSN: 2443-0668
                                            Available Online at

 Amplification and Transposition in English Commands
and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to the
 Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix
                                      Ni Putu Diah Darmayanti
                              Udayana University, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
Received: 22/09/2019                     Revised: 27/04/2020                         Published: 28/04/2020
How to cite (in APA style):
Darmayanti, N, P, D. (2020). Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into
      Indonesian with Reference to the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix . 6(1), 42-49. doi:

Abstract—Every human has their own characteristics of languages and in order to understand one language to
another languages, then, translation was essential and fully needed. In order to avoid the awkward translation,
therefore the translator must use a technique in translating the texts. The research aimed at analyzing the equiv-
alence between the source language and its translations based on the translation techniques applied by transla-
tor. This research focused on the amplification and transposition techniques could be seen on the imperative
sentences especially command. The research was conducted by applying qualitative method. The research was
conducted by applying library research and observation methods. The collected data were analyzed using de-
scriptive qualitative method. The study applied two methods to present the analysis of data as follows informal
and formal method. Target of research did not involve participants however, this research focused on analyzing
data was English commands and its translation into Indonesian by using amplification and transposition found
in the novel. The result of research showed amplification and transposition were dominant used in translating
the English commands (SL) into Indonesian (TL). The translator applied amplification and transposition to
find equivalences when transferring the meaning from the source language (SL) into target language (TL).
Therefore, the overlapping translation could be minimized. Amplification had a role especially the addition of
information. The phenomena occurred when the detail information did not contain in the SL and the translator
must be sensitive by putting the necessary information in TL. Transposition created three parts of shift: struc-
ture, unit, and class of shift.

Keywords: Amplification, Command, Transposition.

                                                            into another language (Rahmatillah, 2013). (Nida,
I. INTRODUCTION                                             1975) stated that translation is the production
       Language was a communication media                   of a translation version, which is close and
used by human beings to convey their thought,               natural to be called as equivalent. Translation is
idea, and feelings in written or spoken. Every              currently described as a profession under pressure
human has their own characteristics of                      from automation, falling prices and globalized
languages and in order to understand one                    competition (Vieira, 2020). This activity is
language to another languages, then, translation            “producing in the receptor language the closest
was essential and fully needed. Translation has             natural equivalent of the message of the source
important rule in the scope of communication                language, first in terms of meaning and
globally. . Translation nowadays is noted as a kind         secondly in terms of style”. According to (Bell,
of skill of transferring messages from one language         1991) preferred to define translation in relation
                                                            to an attempt of finding equivalence.

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Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to
the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix

“Translation is the replacement of a                     with a description of its form or/and function,
representation of a text in one language by a            e.g., to translate the Italian panettoneas
representation of an equivalent meaningful text          traditional Italian cake eaten on New Y ear’s
in a second language. (Hatim & Munday, 2004)             Eve.
defined translation as a process of translating a               Discursive creation is to establish a
written text from source language to target              temporary equivalence that is totally
language.                                                unpredictable out of context, e.g., the Spanish
       Translation cannot be separated from the          translation of the film Rumble fish as La ley de
existence of language with its elements like             la calle. Established equivalent is to use a term
classification of language levels, language rule,        or expression recognized (by dictionaries or
and language phonology (Catford, 1965). In               language in use) as an equivalent in the TL,
the process of translating the messages from             e.g., to translate the English expression They
source language into target language was not             are as like as two peas as Se parecencomo dos
easy task. Every language had different                  gotas de agua in Spanish.
characteristics lied in grammar and culture. In                 Generalization is to use a more general
order to avoid the awkward translation due to            or neutral term, e.g., to translate the French
the different background of languages,                   guichet,fenêtreor devanture, as window in
therefore the translator must use a technique in         English. Linguistic amplification is to add
translating the texts. Technique is a particular         linguistic elements. e.g., to translate the
way of doing something especially one which              English expression Linguistic compression is to
you have to learn special skill (Hornby, 2010).          synthesize linguistic elements in the TT. This is
       The theory used was the main theory of            often used in simultaneous interpreting and in
(Molina & Albir, 2002) which divided the                 sub-titling, e.g., to translate the English
translation techniques into seventeen types as           question Yes, so
follows: amplification, borrowing, calque,                      Literal translation is to translate a word
compensation, description, discursive creation,          or an expression word for word, e.g., They are
establish equivalent, generalization, linguistic         as like as two peas as Se parecencomo dos
amplification, linguistic compression, literal           guisante, or, She is reading as Ella
translation,    modulation,      particularization,      estáleyendo. Modulation is to change the point
reduction, substitution, transposition and               of view, focus or cognitive category in relation
variation.                                               to the ST; it can be lexical or structural, e.g., to
       (Molina & Albir, 2002) stated that                translate as you are going to have a child,
amplification is to introduce details that are not       instead of, you are going to be a father.
formulated in the ST: information, explicative                  Particularization is to use a more precise
paraphrasing e.g., when translating from                 or concrete term, e.g., to translate window in
Arabic (to Spanish) to add the Muslim month              English as guichet in French. Reduction is to
of fasting to the noun Ramadan. Borrowing is             suppress a ST information item in the TT, e.g.,
to take a word or expression straight from               the month of fasting in opposition to Ramadan
another language. It can be pure (without any            when translating into Arabic.
change), e.g., to use the English word lobby in
a Spanish text, or it can be naturalized (to fit                Substitution (linguistic, paralinguistic) is
the spelling rules in the TL).                           to change linguistic elements for paralinguistic
                                                         elements (intonation, gestures) or vice versa,
       Calque is literal translation of a foreign        e.g., to translate the Arab gesture of putting
word or phrase; it can be lexical or                     your hand on your heart as Thank you.
structural,.This process, also known as loan
translation, which typically consists in the direct,            Variation is to change linguistic or
morpheme-for-morpheme translation of foreign             paralinguistic elements (intonation, gestures)
terms, is looked at in light of various linguistic and   that affect aspects of linguistic variation:
extralinguistic factors (Ali, 2005), e.g., the           changes of textual tone, style, social dialect,
English translation Normal School for the                geographical dialect, etc., e.g., to introduce or
French Écolenormale.                                     change dialectal indicators for characters when
                                                         translating for the theater, changes in tone
       Compensation is to introduce a ST                 when adapting novels for children, etc.
element of information or stylistic effect in
another place in the TT because it cannot be                    Meanwhile, transposition is to change a
reflected in the same place as in the ST.                grammatical category, e.g., He will soon be
Description is to replace a term or expression           back translated into Spanish as No tardará en
                                                         venir, changing the adverb soon for the verb

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Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to
the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix

tardar, The change of grammatical category                       The examples of commands could be
appeared a shift in translation. The                    found in various source of data was literature.
investigation on shift in translation primarily         (Wellek & Warren, 1956) the literature mirrors
deals with distinctive forms that represent             and expresses life that is even more ambiguous.
similar meaning in two involved languages. In           Novel was one of literally works chose in this
order to support the shift of translation then,         study. (Sumardjo, 1998) says that “novel is a
this study used the supporting theory of Catford        story with the prose form in long shape, this
(1965). He introduced shifts as departures from         long shape means the story including the
formal correspondence in the process of going           complex plot, many character and various
from the SL to the TL. (Catford, 1965) divided          setting”. The existence of novel as a means for
the major types of shift falls into level shift and     representing the life of human being contains in
category shift.                                         fiction. Novel had developed in Indonesian was
        Level shifts is a shift of level we mean        proven by appearing various genres. Then, the
that a SL item at one linguistic level has a TL         style of writing changed into flexible and it
translation equivalent at a different level.            attracted the social communities to read.
Category shift meant we referred to unbounded                  This study compared to the previous
and rank-bound translation: the first being             study lied in the scope of discussion which
approximately "normal" or "free" translation in         more specific. The most of translation studies
which SL-TL equivalences are set up at                  focused on identifying the types of translation
whatever rank is appropriate. There were four           techniques in general. However, this research
parts of category shifts as follows: structure          merely concerned on two types consists of
shift, class shift, and unit shift                      amplification and transposition. This study
        Structure shift can occur at all ranks in       tried to observe the role of amplification and
translation. Class shift is related to change of        transposition in translating command as one of
words classes or parts of speech in translation.        imperative function in the novel entitled Harry
While, unit shift is changes of rank that is,           Potter and The Order of Phoenix and its
departures from formal correspondence in                translation into Indonesian.
which the translation equivalent of a unit at one              The aims of the study was to analyze the
rank in the SL is a unit at a different rank in the     equivalences on the data was English
TL. The characteristics of unit shift could be          commands as the source language (SL) and its
seen from the change of forms as the unit of            translation into Indonesian commands (TL)
linguistics that is one unit shift to a different       based on the technique of translations applied
shift.                                                  by translator namely amplification and
        The translation techniques could be             transposition.
observed on sentence. It is a set of word
expressing a statement, a question or an order          II. METHODS
(Hornby, 2010). One of sentence type was                       The research was conducted by applying
imperative sentence. (Thomson, 1986) states             qualitative method. Target of research did not
that commands, requests, invitations, advice,           involve participants however, this research
and suggestions are expressed by the                    focused on analyzing English commands and
imperative. “As the imperatives are used, for           its translation into Indonesian commands by
example, to tell or ask people what to do, to           using two types of translations techniques as
make suggestions, to give advice or                     follows: amplification and transposition found
instructions, to encourage and offer, and to            in the novel. Therefore, library research and
express wishes for people’s welfare. (Hornby,           observation were methods of collecting data
1976), imperatives can be expressed in various          applied in this study.
ways, the verbs command, invite, request,
suggest, and give advice to the addressee                       According to (Semi, 1993) a study that
                                                        is undertaken in the library, where the
        This study choose one of imperative             researcher collected the data and information
sentence function was command as topic of               from the sources in the forms of books under
discussion. ” Command is order given to a               concern. Meanwhile, observation method is
person or animal (Hornby, 2010:286) The two             applied in such a way by observing carefully
techniques of translation stated above had the          the entire data source consists of source
role in translating command as imperative               language (SL) in English and its translation
sentence which involves two different                   into Indonesian as target language (TL).
languages especially English command as SL
into Indonesian command as TL.                                 The data to support this research was

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Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to
the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix

taken from directly from an English novel               Molina and Albir (2002) divided the translation
entitled Harry Potter and The order of                  techniques into seventeen types, however, this
Phoenix” as source language (SL) and its                study concerned on two types consists of
translation into Indonesian novel as target
language (TL). This novel was written by J.K.             SL                           TL
Rowling and translated by Monica Devi. It was
                                                          “Write to Sirius”.           “Tulis surat kepada
published by Gramedia Pustaka in 2004. The                You’ve got to tell him       Sirius.” Kau harus
reasons of choosing this novel and its                    what’s happened. He          memberitahu dia apa
translation into Indonesia because it contained           asked you to keep him        yang terjadi. Dia
many commands.                                            posted on everything         sudah menyuruhmu
                                                          that’s going on at Hog-      memberitahunya apa
       The technique of collecting data                   warts                        saja yang terjadi di
implemented by reading the novel and using                                             Hogwarts
note- taking.      First step was taking the
magazines then reading the novel to carefully           amplification and transposition techniques.
understand how the source language (SL) in              Then, transposition was proposed by theory of
English were being translated into Indonesian           (Molina & Albir, 2002) supported by theory of
translation in Target Language (TL). The                (Catford, 1965) about shift in translation. The
second step was underlining the data of SL              explanation of analysis were presented below:
which were translated into TL then taking note          Amplification
those data that had been found into a paper or
note book. The last step, the selected data were              TL The data above determined
classified based on the objects investigated was        amplification technique. It referred to addition
techniques of translation.                              of information in the target language (TL).
                                                        Based on the data, the translator added
       The collected data were analyzed using           information was things (surat or letter) which
descriptive qualitative method. In the analysis,        was not put in the source language (SL). She or
sequences steps were considered in accordance
to the problems formulated. The first step was              SL                      TL
putting the chosen data of each paragraph side
                                                            There was some-         Ada sesuatu di jalan
by side comparing the SL text and TL text to                thing in the alley-     setapak itu selain
make easier in doing process of analyzing. The              way apart from          mereka berdua, sesua-
second step was analyzing and classifying                   themselves, some-       tu yang menghembus-
those data according to the theory of translation           thing that was          kan napas panjang
                                                            drawing long,           parau, berkeretan.
techniques proposed by (Molina & Albir,                     hoarse, rattling        Harry disentak ketaku-
2002).                                                      breaths. Harry felt     tan saat gemetar dalam
       (Sudaryanto, 1993) stated that there are             a horrible jolt of      udara sedingin es. “
                                                            dread as he stood       Hentikan ! jangan
two methods of presenting data as follows:                  trembling in the        lakukan lagi
informal and formal methods. The formal is                  freezing air. “C-
method of presenting the data by using words.               cut it out! Stop
Meanwhile the informal refers to method of                  doing it!
presenting the data by using symbols, figures,
                                                        he did not translate the English command “
and tables (artificial languages). The study
                                                        write to sirius “ into Indonesian command
applied two methods to present the analysis of
                                                        “tulis surat itu ” however, the translator put the
data as follows informal and formal method.
                                                        word surat (TL) or letter in English after the
Formally, the selected data were presented in
                                                        verb (write) with the aim to give complete
the form of tables to clearly observe the
                                                        information contained in the story especially
English source language and its translation
                                                        for target readers.
equivalents side to side. Informally, the
analysis was presented in the form of                           The second data indicated technique of
descriptive words                                       translation was amplification. It could be seen on the
                                                        data doing it (SL) was translated into jangan
                                                        lakukan lagi! (TL). Translator added the information
III.RESULT AND DISCUSSION                               was negative command with the marker jangan.
       This section presented the results of            Based on KBBI (2005:218) jangan meant a word
discussion about techniques in translating              expressed prohibition. The translator did not
English commands (SL) into Indonesian                   translate literally stop doing that (SL) into berhenti
                                                        melakukan nya (TL).
commands (TL) with referent to the novel
entitled “Harry Potter and the Order of                          However, she or he put the word jangan. The
Phoenix and its translation into Indonesian.            story described the main character named Harry and

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Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to
the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix

 SL                        TL                            streamed from Snape’s mouth at once; the froth
 don’t forget to keep      Jangan lupa me-               was covering his lips, making him gag, choking
 your voices down in       melankan suara kal-           him
 the hall. Ginny, your     ian di aula bawah.                   TL : “Cuci mulutmu,” kata James
 hands are filthy,         Ginny, tanganmu               Dingin. Gelembung Sabun merah jambu
 what have you been        kotor sekali, ngapa-
 doing?                    in aja kau ?                  langsung mengalir dari mulu Snape; busanya
                                                         menutupi bibirnya, membuatnya tersedak,
his friend were in full of darkness. The friend of       mencekiknya
Harry let sound of fear out that bothered him. Then,            The first data appeared shift especially
his friend said “he will tell you to Dad about where
you are and what are you doing “which his
                                                         structure shift. It could be overtly seen on the
statements annoyed him. Therefore, the translator        SL data “ your mouth “ was being translated
decided to put the word jangan into target language      into TL data “ mulutmu”. Structure shift took
to emphasize the negative behavior of his friend and     place in the position of modifier and head in
forbid to perform it again.                              English and Indonesian were different. The
        The third data contained amplification           data above determined your as modifier was
technique. It was shown by the word “ hall “ (SL)        followed by the word mouth as head. However,
translated into “aula bawah” (TL). Based on the          the structure changed into different form in
definition of Molina and Albir that the amplification    Indonesian. The result of translation was “
was a technique of translation which add an                                SL            TL
information in target language (TL) however, it did
not be included in the source language (SL).                    Your               Tongkat mu
According to (Hornby, 2010) hall is a space or                  Wand
passage inside the entrance or front door of                    Modifier            Head   Mod-
building.                                                       Head               ifier
        The story described the characters had           mulutmu” consist of head on the word mulut
finished the meeting and went downstairs then,
continuing to have a dinner. It was supported by         and mu as a modifier.
sentence in the novel ““The meeting’s over, you                 SL : Do not leave your aunt and uncle’s
can come down and have dinner now, everyone’s            house. Do not do any more magic. Do not
dying to see you, Harry. And who’s left all those        surrender your wand.
Dungbombs outside the kitchen door?”.The addition
of the word “ bawah” referred to the sentence you               TL: Jangan tinggalkan rumah bibi dan
can came down and have a dinner in the novel.            pamanmu. Jangan lakukan sihir lagi. Jangan
Translator did not transfer the word “hall “ (SL)        serahkan tongkatmu
became “aula “ however, put the word “bawah”                    The SL data “ your wand “ was
after the word “aula” . It indicated that she or he
clearly explained the location of hall itself.
                                                         translated into “ tongkatmu” by translator
                                                         which indicated structure shift. The word “ you
Transposition                                            “ and “mu” were categorized into object
       (Molina & Albir, 2002) states that                pronoun however, they had the different
transposition is to change a grammatical
category. It created translation shift. In this           SL                       TL
research, the data indicated category of shift            “Don’t put it away,      “ Jangan simpan
was separated into three components namely                idiot boy!” she          tongkatmu, anak
structure shift, class shift and unit shift.              shrieked. “What if       idiot!” teriaknya. “
                                                          there are more of        Bagaimana kalau
Structure Shift
                                                          them around? Oh,         masih ada lagi ? oh,
      SL : “Wash out your mouth said James                I’m going to kill        akan kubunuh Mun-
coldly. “Scourgify!” Pink soap bubbles                    Mundungus Fletch-        dungus Fletcher!”
               SL                   TL
    Your                   Mulut    mu                   position in sentence. In English, the word “
    Mouth                                                your “ was put in front of noun, whereas, the
    Modifier               Head     Modifier             word “ mu “ was positioned behind the noun in
    Head                                                 Indonesian. Based on the data above, “ your
                                                         wand “ (SL) was made up by modifier
                                                         followed by a head. While, translator
                                                         transferred “ your wand” into “ tongkat mu”
                                                         which was formed by a head and modifier.

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Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to
the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix

Unit Shift                                              had various sensory functions such as sight,
       Unit shift could be observed on the word         smell, hearing and taste respectively.
it (SL) was translated into tongkatmu (TL) by                  The word mulut (TL) was a part of
translator. The unit shift occurred on the data         human body especially the face itself.
indicated the high to low unit. High unit was           Translator emphasized on specific component
indicated by the use of pronoun it which                with translating the word face (SL) into mulut
referred to inanimate object could be food,             (TL). It could be concluded that high to low
beverages, furniture and etc. Then, translator          unit was indicated by result of translation
translated the word it into tongkatmu which             which the TL less meaning component.
shown low unit.
                                                               The fifth data contained a shift occurred
       Based on the (KBBI, 2005) the word               on the category of unit shift. (Hornby, 2010)
tongkat meant a piece of fur, rattan, wood and          stated that the word piece (SL) is an amount of
others rather long as a handle when walking.            something that has been cut or separated from
                                                        the rest of it. Whereas, the word berita (TL) is
 SL                         TL                          story or information related to breaking news or
                                                        events according to KBBI.
 Don’t the boys             “Apakah anak-anak
 know that’s what           itu tidak tahu                     The word piece was translated into berita
 your mum calls             bagaimana ibumu             indicated general to specific object. The
 you?”                      memanggilmu ?”              meaning of piece was an amount of something
 “Shut your face.”          “ Tutup Mulutmu”            that has been cut transferred into story or
 “You don’t tell her        “ Kau tidak me-             information. The SL data mentioned the word
 to shut her face           nyuruhnya tutup             “piece” referred to the word “inch long” in
                            mulut.                      accordance to story in the novel.
       Then, she or he translated the general                  The story determined the sentences “Ron
things into specific things by choosing the             and Hermione bent closer to read it; the item
word tongkatmu. The translator did not transfer         was barely an inch long and placed right at the
the meaning on the word it into itu or barang           bottom of a column”. However, the SL did not
itu. However, translator decided to translate it        clear explain the kind of item, therefore the
became tongkatmu which indicated the addition
                                                          SL                       TL
of information about the kind of thing itself.
The aim of translator to give detail information          “Stop doing that!”       “Jangan lakukan itu
for target readers.                                       Hermione said            lagi !” Hermione
                                                          weakly to the twins,     berkata lemah kepa-
       The fourth data was transposition                  who were as vividly      da si kembar, yang
occurred on the unit shift especially high to             red-haired as Ron,       rambutnya sama
low. The word face (SL) indicated high unit.              though stockier and      merahny dengan
According to (Hornby, 2010) face is the front             slightly shorter.        Ron, meskipun
part of head between the forehead and the chin.                                    tubuh mereka lebih
Meanwhile, the word face (SL) was translated                                       gempal dan lebih
into mulut (TL). The word mulut meant                                              pendek
cavities or holes where teeth and tongue are for
humans or animals (KBBI, 2005) which                    translator transferred the meaning of “piece” by
indicated low unit.                                     choosing the word “ berita”.
       Based on the definition of Hornby (2015)                The data above indicated shift on unit
that face was the front part of head. It was part       shift from high to low. The word “ berita “ in
of human bodies included ears, brain, forehead,         the target language (TL) contained low unit
chicks, chin, eyes, nose, mouth. Each of parts          because of losing component. The word “piece
                                                        referred to various things meanwhile “berita “
 SL                         TL                          was one thing.
 “No,” said Harry,          “Bukan,” kata Harry.
 “look . . . this little    “lihat berita kecil ini”    Class Shift
 piece here . . .” Ron      Ron dan Hermione                    The sixth data indicated a category of shift
 and Hermione bent          membungkuk lebih            especially class of shift. In the command, there was
 closer to read it; the     dekat untuk mem-            a word “ stop “ translated into “ jangan “ by
 item was barely an         bacanya, berita itu         translator. (Hornby, 2010) defined the meaning of
 inch long and placed       panjangnya hanya 2          word “ stop” is to make something no longer move.
 right at the bottom of a   setengah centi dan
 column                     diletakkan di bagian
                                                        It was classified as verb class. Meanwhile the word
                            paling bawah kolom          “ jangan was marker of negative command which

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Amplification and Transposition in English Commands and Its Translations into Indonesian with Reference to
the Novel Entitled Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix

   SL                      TL                           language (TL). In English, the phrasal structure
   Go and wash             Cuci tangan dulu             was formed by modifier and followed by a
   them before din-        sebelum makan                head. On the contrary, Indonesian phrasal
   ner, Ginny gri-         malam . Ginny
   maced at the oth-       nyengir kepada               structure was made up by head and modifier.
   ers and followed        orang lain dan                      Unit shift occurred on the level of high to
   her mother out of       mengikuti ibunya             low unit which indicated the TL data less
   the room, leaving       keluar kamar,                component however, it created the specific
   Harry alone with        meninggalkan                 information for target readers. Class shift was
   Ron and Hermi-          Harry hanya ber-             found on the verb class changed into adverb
   one again               sama Ron dan
                           Hermione.                    and the pronoun became noun class of word.
                                                        The categories of shift happened due to the
meant a word expressed prohibition in accordance        influence of different linguistic factors between
with KBBI.                                              the source language and target languages.
        The word jangan had adverb class of word.              By applying the two types of translation
In some cases, the word “stop” was translated into      techniques consist of amplification and
“berhenti” for instance, stop poking me (SL)            transposition had indicated that translator avoid
became “berhenti menusukku”, stop laughing (SL)         in conducting translation literally. It had an
into “ berhenti tertawa”. However, the translator       impact on the result of translation were rigid
chose the word “jangan” to replace the word “ stop”     and difficult to be understood by the target
itself. It indicated that the translator had changed
the class of verb on the word “ stop “ into adverb on
the “jangan “ .
IV.CONCLUSION                                           Ali,    A.-S. (2005). Calquing: A Means of
       This study focused on two types of                       Terminological Enrichment. Turjuman, 14,
                                                                113–135.      Retrieved   from    https://
translation techniques were applied in the novel      
as follows amplification and transposition.                     publication/271074939_Calquing_A_Means
These two types of translation techniques were                  _of_Terminological_Enrichment
the most dominant used in translating the
English commands (SL) into Indonesian                   Bell & Roger. 1991. Translation and Translating,
commands (TL). The translator applied                         Theory and Practice. New York: Longman
amplification and transposition with the aim to         Budiono, M.A. 2005. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa
find the equivalences when transferring the                   Indonesia. Surabaya: Karya Agung
messages from the source language (SL) into
target language (TL). Therefore, the                    Catford, J. B. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of
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overlapping translation could be minimized. It                 Presss
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