An Adaptive MP3 Player: Reducing Power Consumption and Increasing Application Performance

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Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002

                                         An Adaptive MP3 Player: Reducing Power Consumption and
                                                    Increasing Application Performance

                                                                              Thomas Kunz and Salim Omar
                                                                            Systems and Computer Engineering
                                                                                    Carleton University
                                                                                 Ottawa, Canada K1S 5B6

                                                     Abstract                                      One group of approaches concentrates on mobile
                                                                                                   applications that adapt to the scarce and varying wireless
                      Cellular and wireless communication, portable                                link bandwidth by filtering and compressing the data
                   computers, and satellite services promise to make it                            stream between a client application on a portable device
                   possible for mobile users to have access to information                         and a server executing on a stationary host [1-6]. Data
                   anywhere and anytime. However, mobile computing is                              compression in a client-server application is done at one
                   characterized by many constraints. Any feasible approach                        of two places. One approach [2,5] enhances the server to
                   to mobile computing must strike a balance between                               generate a data stream that is suited for the currently
                   competing issues. This balance cannot be static as the                          available bandwidth. Other proposals [1,4,6] extend the
                   environment of mobile computing changes; it must react,                         client-server structure to a client-proxy-server structure,
                   or in other words, the clients must be adaptive.                                where a proxy executes in the wireless access network,
                      We propose an approach for adaptive mobile                                   close to the mobile unit. This proxy filters and compresses
                   applications based on mobile code and report on our                             the data stream originating from the server to suit the
                   experience in the context of one resource-intense                               current wireless bandwidth. This filtering and
                   application, an MP3 player. The results show that both                          compression is transparent to the application-layer
                   increased application performance and reductions in                             protocol (such as HTTP), but not to the underlying
                   power consumption are possible under certain conditions                         transport protocol (such as TCP). In fact, almost all
                   by shipping the resource-intensive decoding to the less                         systems follow a "split-TCP" approach, where data is
                   constraint access network.                                                      downloaded completely to the proxy, transcoded there,
                                                                                                   and then forwarded to a mobile host.
                                                                                                      A second set of approaches provides general solutions
                   1. Introduction                                                                 that do not change the TCP semantics [7, 8]. However,
                                                                                                   they usually focus on improving TCP throughput, i.e.,
                      Mobile computing is characterized by many                                    they treat IP packets as opaque. While this addresses
                   constraints: small, slow, battery-powered portable devices,                     issues such as high link error rates and spurious
                   variable and low-bandwidth communication links. These                           disconnections, it does not address the low bandwidth
                   constraints are not artifacts of current technology, but are                    offered by most wireless technologies.
                   intrinsic to mobility. Together, they complicate the design                        We propose a third, complementary approach,
                   of mobile information systems and require rethinking                            focusing not on the data stream but on the computational
                   traditional approaches to information access and                                effort required at the client side. Mobile applications,
                   application design. Mobility intensifies the tension                            especially ones that do intensive computation and
                   between autonomy and interdependency that is                                    communication (such as next-generation multi-medial
                   characteristic of all distributed systems. Finding                              PCS and UMTS applications), can be divided
                   approaches to reduce power consumption and to improve                           dynamically between the wired network and the mobile
                   application performance is a vital and interesting problem                      device according to the mobile environment and to the
                   to be investigated. Many approaches have been developed                         availability of the resources on the mobile device, the
                   to address this problem. They range from hardware to                            wireless link, and the wired network. The access network
                   software level approaches.                                                      supports the mobile application by providing proxy
                      Designing applications that adapt to the challenges                          servers that can execute parts of the application code.
                   posed by the wireless environment is a hot research area.

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                      With this approach, more windows of adaptability to                          memory capacity and computational power than laptops,
                   the mobile environment are possible. In addition, it allows                     that have more computation power, memory, more
                   the applications to have dynamic access to faster                               storage capacity; however; their battery lifetime is shorter
                   machines through faster servers. This will increase the                         if we consider typical use of these devices. Designing,
                   performance of applications and reduce the power                                implementing and deploying applications that work well
                   consumption on mobile devices since offloading                                  across all these devices has to address and overcome a
                   computation to the proxies in the wired network will                            number of obstacles. The major challenges can be
                   reduce the CPU cycles and memory needed to achieve                              categorized as follows:
                   certain tasks at mobile devices.                                                   • Mobility Management and Scalability.
                      In our work, a mobile application is developed by                               • Wireless Communication.
                   composing objects containing functionalities. We call the                          • Portability.
                   composition of objects the object graph. A mobile                                  Mobile users establish a connection from potentially
                   application can have two object graphs. One resides at the                      many different locations. Wireless connection enables
                   mobile device, and the other resides at the proxy server.                       virtual unrestricted mobility and connectivity from any
                   These graphs change according to the mobile                                     location within the area of radio coverage. Mobility is a
                   environment and the resources of both devices, similar to                       new important component in system design. It affects to a
                   [5,9]. The basic idea here is that the object graph will be                     certain extent the network level data management as well
                   reconfigured as needed to adapt to the current execution                        as the application level. Mobility of clients results in
                   environment, either at startup or whenever there is a                           constantly changing topology of the system, calling for
                   change in the environment.                                                      mobility of resources. Location management deals with
                      This paper demonstrates the feasibility of this idea by                      mobile clients while configuration management refers to
                   reporting on our experience with a resource-intensive                           mobility of resources. In a mobile environment, the
                   mobile application: an MP3 player. Our implementation                           location of the user can be considered as a variable whose
                   uses the concept of mobile code to potentially ship the                         value changes with every move from one location to
                   computationally intensive decoding phase from a                                 another. Hence, location becomes a frequently changing
                   resource-constrained portable device to faster machines in                      piece of information. While an important problem, the
                   the fixed infrastructure. The results show that both                            research reported in this paper does not directly address
                   increased application performance and reductions in                             this issue. Some of the issues due to mobility in the
                   power consumption are possible under certain conditions                         context of our work are discussed in [10].
                   by shipping the resource-intensive decoding to the less                            Mobile computers require wireless network access,
                   constraint access network.                                                      although sometimes they may physically attach to the
                      The paper is organized as follows. The next section                          network for a better or a cheaper connection when they
                   reviews the challenges in mobile computing and Section 3                        remain stationary. Wireless communications is much
                   highlights the most frequently employed strategies to deal                      more difficult to achieve than wired one because the
                   with these limitations. Section 4 outlines the architecture                     surrounding environment interacts with the signal,
                   of our MP3 player. Section 5 describes a toolkit we                             blocking signal paths and introducing noise and echoes
                   developed to support application adaptivity, based on Java.                     [11]. Wireless connections are of lower quality than wired
                   The performance improvements and power reductions                               ones because of these reasons. Lower bandwidths, higher
                   achievable under certain environment conditions are the                         error rates, and more frequent spurious disconnection are
                   topic of Section 6, our findings are summarized and future                      factors that reduce the quality of wireless
                   work highlighted in Section 7.                                                  communications. These factors can in turn increase
                                                                                                   communication       latency   due     to    retransmission,
                   2. Mobile Computing Challenges                                                  retransmission timeout delays, error control protocol
                                                                                                   processing, and short disconnection. Wireless connection
                      The rapidly expanding technology of cellular                                 can be lost or degraded also by mobility. Users may step
                   communication and wireless communication, portable                              out of the coverage of network transceivers or enter areas
                   computers, and satellite services promises to make it                           of high interference. Unlike the typical wired networks,
                   possible for mobile users to have access to information                         the number of devices in a cell varies dynamically, and a
                   anywhere and anytime. Users on a daily basis are using                          large concentration of mobile users may overload network
                   portable devices frequently. These types of devices can be                      capacity as well.
                   classified primarily by their size, computational power,                           Mobile application designs need to be more concerned
                   memory capacity, and power and battery lifetime. For                            about the bandwidth consumption and constraints than the
                   example, Personal Digital Assistant devices (PDAs) are                          fixed computers. Wireless communications deliver lower
                   small portable computers run on AA batteries. They may                          bandwidth than wired networks. Wireless links often
                   be without disk and have more constraints in terms of                           deliver bandwidths of 10s of kbps, compared to the 10s to

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                   100s of Mbps of typical wired media. Mobile computing                              The relative resource shortage of mobile elements as
                   designs also strive to cope with a much greater variation                       well as their lower trust and robustness argue for reliance
                   in network bandwidth than the tradition one. Bandwidth                          on static servers. The need to cope with unreliable and
                   can shift one to six orders of magnitude between being                          low-performance networks, as well as the need to be
                   plugged in versus using wireless access. Fluctuating                            sensitive to power consumption argues for self-reliance.
                   traffic load seldom causes this much variation in available                     Any feasible approach to mobile computing must strike a
                   bandwidth in fixed networks.                                                    balance between these competing issues. This balance
                      An application can approach this change in bandwidth                         cannot be static as the environment of mobile computing
                   in one of the following ways.                                                   changes; it must react, or in other words, the clients must
                   1. It assumes high bandwidth connections and operates                           be adaptive.
                        only while plugged in.
                   2. It assumes low bandwidth connections and does not                            3. Related Work
                        take advantage of existing higher bandwidth.
                   3. It adapts to currently available resources, providing                           Application adaptation is a very active research area.
                        the user with a variable level of quality of service.                      There are basically two approaches to adaptation:
                      In our work, we aim to allow applications to exploit                         application-aware, exemplified by Odyssey; and
                   high bandwidth when available while reacting                                    application-transparent, as in the Coda File System.
                   appropriately (and preferably transparent to the user)                             In Odyssey [13], a monitor is established to monitor
                   when available bandwidths change drastically.                                   resources such as CPU cycles; bandwidth and battery
                      Finally, device portability brings with it its own set of                    power, and to interact with each application to best
                   challenges. Desktop computer are not expected to be                             exploit these resources. For example, when high
                   carried by their users. Their design can consequently                           bandwidth connectivity is lost due to a radio shadow,
                   focus on maximum performance with few limitations with                          Odyssey detects the change and notifies the interested
                   regard to space, power, and cabling and heat dissipation.                       applications. Video application, for example, may
                   The design of portable devices, on the other hand, strives                      respond by skipping frames, displaying fewer frames per
                   for properties such as size, weight, durability and long                        minute, while a Web page client will display degraded
                   battery life. Any specialized hardware to offload from the                      versions of large images. This approach towards
                   CPU tasks such as data compression or encryption should                         adaptation is characterized as application-aware
                   justify its consumption of power and in size and weight.                        adaptation. The essence of this model is a collaboration
                      Batteries are the largest single source of weight in a                       effort between the system and the individual applications.
                   portable computer. While reducing battery weight is                             The system monitors the resources levels, notifies
                   important, too small a battery can undermine portability,                       applications of relevant changes, and enforces resource
                   requiring the user to charge more frequently. Minimizing                        allocation decisions. Each application independently
                   power consumption can improve portability by reducing                           decides how best to adapt when notified.
                   battery weight and prolonging the life of a battery. Power                         Coda [14] is an application-transparent adaptive
                   can be saved not only by design, but also by efficient use                      support system. Coda provides clients, particularly mobile
                   of operations. Power management software can power                              ones, with highly available access to files. Coda presents
                   down some individual hardware components when they                              a single, global namespace to clients organized in
                   are in idle mode, for example, spinning down the internal                       volumes, which are sub-trees of the namespace.
                   disk or turning off screen lighting. Applications can                           Applications running on Coda clients use the standard
                   conserve power by reducing computation, communication                           UNIX file system interface. Desktop applications can
                   and memory. Since cellular telephone transmission                               continue to run on mobile clients without modification.
                   typically requires about ten times as much power as                             The client cache manager, Venus, is solely responsible for
                   reception, trading for more receiving can also save power                       coping with the consequences of mobility. Coda deals
                   [12].                                                                           with the best and worst possible network conditions, and
                      In conclusion, mobile computing is characterized by                          it adapts to conditions between these end points. Coda
                   the previous constraints and challenges. These constraints                      users can operate clients over Ethernet or other wired
                   are not a product of current technology, but they are                           networks, 2 Mb/s radio links, and over modems as slow as
                   related naturally to mobility. Together, they complicate                        9600 baud. As network bandwidth decreases, the
                   the design of mobile information systems and require                            importance of reordering or delaying network traffic to
                   rethinking traditional approaches to information access                         preserve the illusion of strong connectivity increases. To
                   and application design. Mobility intensifies the tension                        preserve the strongly connected illusion, Venus endeavors
                   between autonomy and interdependency that is                                    to satisfy most demand cache misses as soon as possible,
                   characteristic of all distributed systems.                                      and delays other traffic as necessary. These decisions are
                                                                                                   made at as high level in the system as possible. How to

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Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002

                   reschedule network traffic is revisited as available                            Platform independence was the primary basis for
                   network quality changes. Adaptive decisions are made in                         choosing Java as the base for Sumatra. In the design of
                   three key areas; cache coherence, reintegration, and                            Sumatra, the Java language was not altered. All added
                   demand cache fetches.                                                           functionality was provided by extending the Java class
                      As these examples demonstrate, mobile applications                           library and by modifying the Java interpreter without
                   need to be capable of responding to time-varying                                affecting the virtual machine interface. Policy decisions
                   wireless-QoS and mobile-QoS conditions. Wireless                                concerning when, where and what to move are left to the
                   transport and adaptation management systems should                              application. The high degree of application control allows
                   therefore be capable of transporting and manipulating                           programmers to easily explore different policy
                   content in response to changing mobile network quality of                       alternatives for resource monitoring and for adapting to
                   service conditions. Mobile signaling should be capable of                       variations in resources. An execution engine is the
                   establishing suitable network support for adaptive mobile                       abstraction of a location in a distributed environment. It
                   services. Medium access controllers must be capable of                          corresponds to an interpreter executing on a host. Sumatra
                   sharing the wireless link capacity among mobile devices                         allows object groups to be moved between execution
                   supporting adaptive quality of service assurances when                          engines. When an object group is moved, all local
                   possible. In the following sub-sections, we will explore                        references to objects in the group (stack references and
                   the major tools and middleware that support adaptive                            references from other objects) are converted into proxy
                   mobile applications.                                                            references, which record the new location of the object.
                      The goal of Comma [15] was to create an architecture                         Some objects, such as I/O objects, are tightly bound to
                   and an application programmer interface (API) for                               local resources and cannot be moved. References to such
                   adaptive applications. The API provides a simple and                            objects are reset and must be reinitialized at the new site.
                   powerful way for application developers to access the                           The class template for an object (and the associated
                   information required to easily incorporate adaptive                             bytecode) can be downloaded into an execution engine on
                   behavior into their application. It provides easy-to-use                        application request.
                   methods to access this information, a wide variety of                              Sumatra provides a resource-monitoring interface,
                   operators and ranges available to provide the application                       which can be used by applications to register monitoring
                   the information it needs when it needs it, a small library to                   requests and to determine current values of specific
                   link with to minimize the overhead placed on the client                         resources. When an application makes a monitoring
                   and to minimize the amount of data that needs to be                             request, Sumatra forwards the request to the local
                   transferred between the clients and the servers.                                resource monitor. If the monitor does not support the
                      The Rover toolkit [5] offers applications a distributed-                     requested operation, an exception is delivered to the
                   object system based on the client-server architecture.                          application.
                   Clients are Rover applications that typically run on                               Mobiware [1] provides a set of open programmable
                   mobile hosts, but could run on stationary hosts as well.                        CORBA interfaces and objects that abstract and represent
                   Servers, which may be replicated, typically run on                              network devices and resources, providing a toolkit for
                   stationary hosts and hold the long-term state of the                            programmable signaling, adaptation management and
                   system. Communication between clients is limited to                             wireless transport services. Mobiware provides a
                   peer-to-peer interactions within a mobile host (using the                       foundation for open programmable mobile networking
                   local object cache for sharing) and mobile host-server                          that is suited toward managing the evolving service
                   interactions; there is no support for remote peer-to-peer or                    demands of adaptive mobile applications and dealing with
                   mobile host-mobile host interactions. The Rover toolkit                         the inherent complexity of delivering scalable audio,
                   provides mobile communication support based on two                              video, and real-time services to mobile devices.
                   ideas: re-locatable dynamic objects (RDOs) and queued                               Built on an adaptive quality of service API, Mobiware
                   remote procedure call (QRPC). A re-locatable dynamic                            consists of a set of controllers that interact with transport,
                   object is an object with a well-defined interface that can                      network and medium-access controller distributed objects
                   be dynamically loaded into a client computer from a                             that maintain application-specific adaptive quality of
                   server computer, or vice versa, to reduce client/server                         service needs. This API is specifically designed to
                   communication requirements. Queued remote procedure                             quantitatively address the wireless-QoS and mobile-QoS
                   call is a communication mechanism that permits                                  needs of adaptive mobile applications. Mobile
                   applications to continue to make non-blocking remote                            applications use this API at the transport layer specifying
                   procedure calls even when a host is disconnected;                               a utility function that maps the range of observed quality
                   requests and responses are exchanged upon network                               to bandwidth. The observed quality index refers to the
                   reconnection.                                                                   level of satisfaction perceived by an application at any
                      Sumatra [16] is an extension of the Java programming                         moment. The adaptation policy captures the adaptive
                   environment that supports adaptive mobile programs.                             nature of mobile applications in terms of a set of

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                   adaptation policies. These policies allow the application                            for the specific task. In other words, we try first to use
                   to control how it moves along its utility curve as resource                          available remote resources to achieve the same task;
                   availability varies.                                                                 otherwise, as last resort, we let the application do the
                       In summary, the adaptation parameters focused on                                 adaptation.
                   most often are the network states and the mobile device
                   computation power: bandwidth, the network latency, and                               4. MP3 Player
                   CPU cycles. In the reviewed adaptation approaches, it is
                   up to the application to the decide how to react to changes                             We implemented an MP3 player in Java to
                   to the environment. The reaction could be filtering data,                            demonstrate the feasibility of our general approach. This
                   reducing the size of data, entirely changing the content of                          application requires a powerful CPU to decode the sound
                   the data, or limiting the computation of specific tasks if                           due to the complexity of its encoder/decoder algorithm,
                   necessary. This argues for exporting the network state as                            which makes it an ideal candidate to demonstrate the need
                   well as available resources of the mobile device to the                              for fast static hosts, i.e. proxy servers, to support the
                   mobile applications to be designed to be adaptive.                                   relative resource-constrained mobile devices.
                       On the other hand, the automation of adaptation to the                              CPU time and edge costs (cost of method calls and the
                   resources was not explored. There are a lot of similarities                          data volume being transferred between nodes) have been
                   between our work and the work in Sumatra. Both Sumatra                               deduced from the call graph that is provided by a toolkit
                   and our work use extended Java Virtual Machines for                                  called JProbe [17]. This toolkit is basically an
                   portability and the ease of use of the language especially                           instrumented JVM that monitors application objects and
                   for implementing object mobility toolkits. The main                                  the method calls between objects. Tables 1 and 2 contain
                   difference between our toolkit and the Sumatra toolkit is                            profiling information regarding nodes and edges in the
                   that Sumatra entirely leaves the adaptation policy under                             object graph of the MP3 decoder. This profiling
                   the control of applications. The applications are fully                              information was measured on a 350 MHz Pentium II PC.
                   responsible for moving objects between the mobile device                                The central object in the implementation is
                   and the proxy server or reducing the computation of tasks.                           LayerIII_Decoder, which controls the decode process. As
                   In other words the reaction to changes in the environment                            can be deduced from Tables 1 and 2, computationally
                   is left to the application.                                                          heavy objects (such as LayerIII_Decoder, Bit_Reserve,
                       In our work, adaptation to the change in the resources                           SynthesisFilter, and temporaire) are not necessarily
                   and environment is partially left to the toolkit. We try to                          invoking each other frequently or pass lots of data to each
                   automate some adaptation policies transparently to                                   other. On the other hand, some lightweight objects
                   applications. For example, instead of reducing the                                   interact frequently with such CPU-intensive objects.
                   computation power for a specific task, first we try to                               Clustering computationally expensive objects for the
                   move and execute the task remotely at powerful machines                              purpose of migrating them to a faster server therefore has
                   to reduce the CPU cycle at the mobile device, which in                               to take the degree of interaction with other objects into
                   turn may result in reducing the power consumption at the                             consideration.
                   mobile device too. If this adaptation policy costs more,
                   then we signal the application to reduce the computation

                          Table 1: Selected objects: Size (in bytes) and average CPU time in milliseconds for decoding 1 MP3 frame

                                            Object Name             Object Size        Instances   Code Size   Calls/Frame   Avg. CPU Time/Instance
                                               Table43                   28                1        107344         620              0.00794
                                             Bit_Reserve              16666                1         1430         3355              0.50058
                                                 SBI                    223                6         2905           97              0.01926
                                              gr_info_s                 376                4         5195         7184              0.06222
                                             temporaire2                376                2         1409         1687              0.00445
                                             Temporaire                 593                2         1819           52              0.22175
                                                Header                 765                 1         9245           11              0.00267
                                           III_side_info_t             959                 1         2022           35              0.16715
                                              Ibitstream               1972                1         5301          449              0.29177
                                             huffcodetab               2526               35        45493          693              0.11331
                                           SynthesisFilter             4414                2        18724         4824              0.44725
                                          LayerIII_Decoder            25114                1        47146          160              1.07052

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                                                                   Table 2: Selected edge weights of the object graph

                                                                                         Number of       Avg. number of       DataIN    DataOut         Total
                           Calling Object                    Called Object
                                                                                         calls/Frame   calls/instance/frame    /call     /call        /instance
                         LayerIII_Decoder                         SBI                          97               16.2            44        44             2231
                         LayerIII_Decoder                      gr_info_s                     7192              1798             42        42           240932
                         LayerIII_Decoder                    temporaire2                      429              214.5            50        46            31317
                         LayerIII_Decoder                     temporaire                       48                24             42        42             3216
                         LayerIII_Decoder                  III_side_info_t                     10                10             43        42             1350
                         LayerIII_Decoder                   Huffcodetab                       692               19.8            52        48          2965.714
                         LayerIII_Decoder                  SynthesisFilter                    144                72             42        40             9504
                         LayerIII_Decoder                    Bit_Reserve                      587               587             43        43            79832
                          SynthesisFilter                       Obuffer                        1                  1            580         0             630
                           huffcodetab                       Bit_Reserve                     2768              79.09            42        44          10755.6
                         LayerIII_Decoder                     Ibitstream                       1                  1              0       417             467
                         LayerIII_Decoder                       Table43                       619               619             44        44            85422
                             javalayer                    LayerIII_Decoder                     1                  1             64        40             154
                         LayerIII_Decoder                       Header                        14                 14             40        44            1876

                    5. Mobile Code Toolkit                                                             •    Dynamic object mobility.
                                                                                                          The toolkit has a set of APIs, which provide the
                   The central concept of our framework is the proxy server                            required functionality for moving objects dynamically.
                   host. A proxy server is an intermediate device that                                 One instance of the toolkit executes on both the portable
                   communicates with servers in the Internet using standard                            device and the proxy. There is not much difference
                   Internet protocols. The mobile device and the proxy                                 between the structure of the toolkit at the mobile side and
                   server may communicate through protocols suitable for                               the proxy side, except that the object migration decision is
                   wireless connections, such as I-TCP [18] or standard                                taken at the proxy side since the decision process
                   TCP. A typical proxy server can be used for the                                     consumes CPU cycles, which would consume power as
                   following:                                                                          well. The toolkit contains the following major modules:
                   • A proxy server can work as a filter receiving data                                • Mobile/Proxy Device State and Information:
                        from the Internet and compress received data                                        monitors and delivers the state of the mobile or proxy
                        according to the need of the mobile device. For                                     device as events to the Object Server. Changes in the
                        example, color video streams are converted from                                     bandwidth or changes in the power status are
                        gray color to back-and-white color, the quality of                                  examples of the events that this unit exports.
                        audio streams can be altered from stereo to mono, or                           • Code Storage: storage of the validated classes files
                        the replay sampling frequency can be reduced to                                     (bytecode) at the mobile device. At the request of the
                        minimize the size of data over the wireless                                         proxy device, the code will be transferred to the
                        connection.                                                                         proxy.
                   • An application can use the resources of the proxy                                 • Object References and Profiling (Object Graph):
                        server to increase the performance and decrease the                                 contains the representation of the application’s
                        power consumption by executing selected objects on                                  objects along with the profiling information about
                        the proxy server. For example, offloading a heavy                                   these objects. These information will be send to the
                        computation objects such as decoders to a proxy                                     proxy sever to be analyzed and the proxy server will
                        server may reduce the CPU cycles on the mobile                                      decide which object must be shipped to its side
                        device, the focus of our work reported here.                                        according to the mobile environment.
                      In our approach, a mobile application is a composition                           • Object Server: main core of the toolkit. It runs a
                   of objects encapsulating functionalities. We call the                                    thread that listens continuously to all the commands
                   composition of objects the object graph. A mobile                                        from a remote object server. Commands can be
                   application can have two object graphs. One resides at the                               related to moving objects or related to the remote
                   mobile device, and the other resides at the proxy server.                                invocation of a method on a remote objects.
                   These graphs change according to the mobile                                         • Remote Method Invocation Protocol: marshal and un-
                   environment and the resources of both devices. Our                                       marshal a method’s parameters
                   toolkit is based on Java, and provides the following                                • Dynamic Decision: analyzes the profiling information
                   support:                                                                                 of application’s objects. It resides only at the proxy
                   • Support for information delivery to the application.                                   server. Having decided which objects need to be
                   • Support to allow an application to react suitably.

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                         executed at the proxy server, it will issue a command                     Kb/sec, so it does not become a bottleneck. The previous
                         to the remote object server to download the objects.                      experiments were repeated with a Windows CE PDA and
                   • Communication Control Layer: simulates wireless                               a laptop as client devices. The PDA runs on a RISC
                         links in terms of the low bandwidth. We chunk the                         processor of 75 MHz and the laptop runs on a Pentium
                         data streams being sent through the communication                         processor of 133 MHz. The proxy server runs on a 350
                         layer into pre-determined sizes based on the                              MHz Pentium II PC. The performance of Java
                         empirical tests. We introduce a controllable amount                       applications depends primarily on the performance of the
                         of delay between data chunks which allows us                              JVM. Both laptop and the proxy server run relatively high
                         control the throughput dynamically at run time for                        performance JVMs. The JVM on the PDA, on the other
                         testing purposes.                                                         hand, is very slow, so the relative CPU speed degrades
                      As mentioned earlier, a mobile computing application                         considerably. We measured the relative CPU speed
                   needs to be aware of resource availability and changes in                       between the PDA, laptop and the proxy and found it to be
                   the mobile environment. Thus special abstractions must                          1:116 and 1:4, respectively. Therefore, while varying
                   be provided in order to deliver these changes to an                             bandwidth, the relative CPU speeds are fixed to 1:2 and
                   application. We model all changes as events, which are                          1:116 for a PDA as a client, and 1:4 for a laptop as client.
                   delivered to objects. Interested objects in an application                          In the following section, Local Performance and
                   must define an event handler through which the events,                          Remote Performance factors are based on decoding 38
                   such as change in the power state and link bandwidth, can                       MP3 coded audio frames, with the assumption that output
                   be handled. Since Java does not support pointer notion,                         is mono, with sampling rate of 11025 Hz, and 16 bits per
                   using Java Reflection classes and Interfaces facilitates                        sample. To predict the achievable performance by
                   this.                                                                           executing a set of objects, clustered by GGP, either
                      Both the state and computation of an application may                         remotely or locally, a number of equations were derived,
                   be partitioned between the mobile device and the proxy                          discussed in detail in [22]. We use these predictions to
                   server. The degree of partitioning ranges from just                             explore whether any gains in performance and reductions
                   executing the user graphic interface to executing the                           in power consumption can be achieved by offloading any
                   entire application on the mobile device. We propose to                          of the clusters derived by our clustering algorithm to the
                   use a Greedy Graph Partitioning (GGP) algorithm [19] to                         proxy server. The following tables list the best and worst
                   identify closely coupled objects. The decision to move                          results for each scenario for different maximal cluster
                   such a group of objects can be deferred to run-time,                            sizes (the maximal cluster size is 56, which groups all
                   depending on environment factors such as relative CPU                           objects realizing the MP3 decoder into a single cluster).
                   speeds and link bandwidth.                                                      These tables only provide a select few datapoints,
                                                                                                   demonstrating our major findings. In the following tables,
                   6. Results                                                                      we use these acronyms:
                                                                                                   • BW (Bandwidth)
                      We executed the MP3 player under various emulated                            • RCPUS (Relative CPU Speeds) is the relative CPU
                   environment conditions and observed application                                      speed between the mobile device and the proxy
                   performance and power consumption on the mobile                                      server.
                   device. In these experiments, we did not change any of                          • CS (cluster/page size) is the input into the GGP,
                   the relevant parameters after the application started.                               limiting the maximum number of objects in a cluster.
                   Based on the observed environment, our runtime system                                Due to the structure of our application, with many
                   instantiates some objects on the proxy server, others are                            objects interacting with the central Layer III decoder
                   created on the mobile device. We studied in particular the                           object, the GGP algorithm effectively created one
                   following three parameters:                                                          cluster with maximum size for all values of CS,
                      • Available Bandwidth.                                                            leaving other objects in a cluster of their own.
                      • Relative CPU speeds (Mobile CPU: Proxy CPU).                               • PS (Partition Size) is the number of objects in a
                      • Cluster size or page size of the simple GGP.                                    specific cluster/partition.
                      To observer the importance of the first parameter, the                       • RTIP (Response Time Improvement Percentage) is
                   bandwidth available, we choose certain low and high                                  the relative improvement in response time if a
                   bandwidths. We choose 19.2 Kb/sec to represent CDPD                                  specific partition was executed remotely, compared
                   [20], a typical wide-area cellular data service. For high                            to a complete local execution on the mobile device.
                   bandwidths we choose 1000 Kb/sec to represent the                               • PCIP          (Power        Consumption        Improvement
                   bandwidth that can be obtained from Wireless Ethernet                                Percentage) is the percentage of the power
                   cards such as WaveLan [21].                                                          consumption reduction in the mobile device.
                      To observe the importance of the second parameter,                           • LPerf (Local Performance) and RPerf (Remote
                   the relative CPU speeds, we fixed the bandwidth to 1000                              Performance) are player performance index value

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                       when decoding either locally or remotely. To play an                          Table 7: Response Time and Power Consumption
                       MP3 file without any buffering, a value of 100 would                             for a Laptop, BW = 19.2kb/s, RCPUS = 4.
                       be required.
                   The MAX and MIN rows in each table describe the best                              CS            PS    RTIP      PCIP        LPerf   RPerf
                   and worst performance for each possible cluster size. For                         1     MIN     1     -242935   -250704     11.73    0.01
                   example, for a cluster size of 1, each object is individually                           MAX     1       -255      -263      11.73    3.30
                   migrated to the proxy, the application performance is                                   MIN     20     -69255    -71469     11.73    0.02
                   measured, and the best and worst cases are reported here.
                                                                                                           MAX     1      -255.3     -263      11.73    3.30
                                                                                                     30    MIN     30     -43884    -45288     11.73    0.03
                        Table 3: Response Time and Power Consumption
                                                                                                           MAX     1       -255      -263      11.73    3.30
                           for a PDA, BW = 19.2kb/s, RCPUS = 2.
                                                                                                     56    MAX     56      -732      -755      11.73    1.41
                       CS                 PS      RTIP         PCIP          LPerf       RPerf
                       1         MIN      1       -51598       -63769         2.49       0.00005     Table 8: Response Time and Power Consumption
                                 MAX      1        -53.35       -65.34        2.49         1.63         for a Laptop, BW = 1000kb/s, RCPUS = 4.
                       20        MIN      20      -14695       -18151         2.49         0.02
                                 MAX      1        -53.35       -65.34        2.49         1.63     CS           PS     RTIP       PCIP        LPerf   RPerf
                       30        MIN      30       -9300       -11479         2.49         0.03     1     MIN    1      -31278.9   -39487.92   78.71    0.25
                                 MAX      1        -53.35       -65.34        2.49         1.63           MAX    1        -31.40     -39.61    78.71   59.90
                       56        MAX      56      -116.80      -117.54        2.49         1.15
                                                                                                    20    MIN    20      -8892.4   -11225.47   78.71    0.88
                      Table 4: Response Time and Power Consumption                                        MAX    1        -31.41     -39.61    78.71   59.90
                         for a PDA, BW = 19.2kb/s, RCPUS = 116.                                     30    MIN    30     -5614.90    -7087.49   78.71    1.38
                                                                                                          MAX    1        -31.41     -39.61    78.71   59.90
                        CS                 PS      RTIP         PCIP         LPerf       RPerf      56    MAX    56       -28.93     -34.73    78.71   61.05
                        1        MIN       1       -51592       -63769        2.49        0.01
                                 MAX       1       -52.45        -65.34       2.49        1.63
                        20       MIN       20      -14678       -18151        2.49        0.02
                                                                                                      These results demonstrate that available bandwidth is
                                 MAX       1       -52.45        -65.34       2.49        1.63     an important factor. Tables 3 and 4 show that if the
                        30       MIN       30       -9277       -11479        2.49        0.03     bandwidth is the bottleneck in the system, neither
                                 MAX       1       -52.45        -65.34       2.49        1.63     reduction in power consumption nor increases in MP3
                        56       MAX       56      -76.72       -117.54       2.49        1.41     player performance can happen, no matter what the
                                                                                                   relative CPU speed is. However, if the bandwidth is not
                      Table 5: Response Time and Power Consumption                                 the bottleneck, then the relative CPU speed becomes a
                          for a PDA, BW = 1000kb/s, RCPUS = 2.                                     decisive factor in increasing the performance and
                                                                                                   decreasing the power consumption at the mobile device.
                            CS               PS      RTIP       PCIP       LPerf       RPerf       Tables 5 and 6 show that it is possible to save power and
                            1     MIN        1       -1202      -1563       3.04        0.23       increase performance of the MP3 player if the entire
                                  MAX        1       -0.15       0.58       3.04        3.04       decoder will be executed remotely (cluster size 56) and
                            20    MIN        20       -324       -408       3.04        0.72       the PDA only works as sound player.
                                  MAX        1       -0.15       0.58       3.04        3.04          The decrease in the power consumption happens when
                            30    MIN        30       -190       -228       3.04        1.05       the available bandwidth is high. This is because the lower
                                  MAX        1       -0.15       0.58       3.04        3.04       the bandwidth, the longer it takes to transmit data, which
                            56    MAX        56      46.09      94.62       3.04        5.64       in turn, cause more power consumption. Table 5 and
                                                                                                   Table 6 show that with high bandwidths, regardless of the
                      Table 6: Response Time and Power Consumption                                 relative CPU speed, there is a considerable gain in power
                         for a PDA, BW = 1000kb/s, RCPUS = 116.                                    consumption.
                                                                                                      The computation power of the mobile device is an
                            CS               PS      RTIP       PCIP       LPerf       RPerf       important factor as well. Tables 7 and 8 show that local
                            1     MIN        1       -1195      -1563       3.04        0.23       efficiency of the player is always higher than remote
                                  MAX        1        0.95       0.58       3.04        3.07       efficiency even though the available bandwidth in Table 8
                            20    MIN        20       -304       -408       3.04        0.75       is sufficient to handle the decoded sound and the
                                  MAX        1        0.95       0.58       3.04        3.07       computational power is quit high at the proxy server. This
                            30    MIN        30       -162       -228       3.04        1.16       argues for the use of many powerful proxies to support a
                                  MAX        1        0.95       0.58       3.04        3.07
                                                                                                   huge user population, rather than one centralized proxy
                            56    MAX        56      95.02      94.62       3.04       61.05
                                                                                                   server [23].

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                      These results also show that it is not always beneficial                     host according to the mobile device and fixed host’s
                   to start shipping code to gain performance and/or decrease                      available resources and wireless network state. To support
                   power consumption. The benefits depend on the graph                             our approach, we designed and developed a mobile object
                   topology, the data traffic volume between objects, but                          toolkit, based on Java. With this toolkit we combine
                   also the characteristics of the portable device. Tables 5                       JVMs on both the proxy server and the mobile device as
                   and 6 show that there is a considerable decrease in power                       one virtual machine from the application point of view to
                   consumption as well as an increase in the performance of                        dynamically split applications object between JVMs.
                   the MP3 player when executing on a Windows CE PDA;                              Through prediction models based on the available
                   however, Tables 7 and 8 show that it is not worth                               bandwidth and the relative CPU speeds to estimate power
                   shipping the MP3 decoder remotely for a laptop.                                 consumption costs and performance costs metrics, we
                      Tables 3 to 8 are based upon empirically derived                             determine which of the clusters should be moved to
                   equations and our own mobile code toolket. To verify our                        improve one or both of the metrics. The results showed
                   results for other toolkits, we implemented a version of our                     that it is possible to simultaneously improve both metrics
                   MP3 player in Voyager [24], offloading the decoder                              by dynamically shipping the entire MP3 decoder to the
                   objects from a laptop to the proxy server (Objectspace                          proxy server in the case of a slow portable device.
                   does not provide a Voyager server for Windows CE                                   Although Java as is our primary developing language
                   PDAs). We measured the efficiency of the player, and                            for applications as well as for implementing our toolkit,
                   compared the results with the estimated values in Table 8.                      Java Virtual Machines are in early stages of development,
                   The player decodes 38 frames (approximately one second                          particularly those for the WindowsCE platform. They
                   to play) and converts the stereo output to mono of                              need to be extended to export the mobile computing
                   sampling rate 11025 Hz with 16 bits per sample. Table 9                         environment variables, such as available bandwidth,
                   shows the chosen clusters and the partition numbers, the                        battery lifetime and power available at the mobile host as
                   local efficiency, and the remote efficiency when certain                        well as performance parameters such as CPU utilization.
                   clusters of objects are moved remotely to the proxy server                      These extensions require the use of native interfaces,
                   (using a bandwidth of 1 Mbps).                                                  which if not standardized, will prevent the mobile
                                                                                                   adaptive application from being portable.
                                      Table 9: Our toolkit vs. Voyager                                A number of issues need to be addressed in future
                                                                                                   work, some of which is currently under way. We are
                     Cluster                                                                       working on improving the mobile object toolkit to help
                                   LPerf                             RPerf
                     size                                                                          facilitate the implementation of the adaptive mobile
                                                         Our                               Our     application for PDAs in particular. The main
                                     Voyager                           Voyager                     improvement to our toolkit addresses the implementation
                                                       Toolkit                           Toolkit
                         1             76.24            78.71            61.89            59.90    of the RMI protocol, which is based on serialized object
                        30             76.24            78.71            2.35             1.37     commands between the object servers on both Java
                        56             76.24            78.71            65.40            61.05    Virtual Machines. Another improvement deals with proxy
                                                                                                   objects. To support location-transparent invocation of
                      The first and third scenario correspond to the best                          methods, each object is associated with one or more proxy
                   possible configuration in Table 8 (the MAX row for                              objects. These proxy objects are always local to an
                   cluster size 1 and the single entry for cluster size 56), the                   invoking object and either invoke the requested method
                   second scenario represents the worst possible                                   locally (if the associated object resides in the same JVM)
                   configuration (the MIN row) for cluster size 30. The                            or marshal parameters and contact the remote object
                   values in Table 9 are close to the values in Table 8. Thus,                     server to invoke the method remotely. Currently, we
                   we believe that our findings are equally applicable to                          manually write these proxy objects; however, we plan to
                   other mobile code toolkits, certainly as far as general                         develop tools to automate this process and integrate it
                   trends are concerned. Detailed performance gains and                            with the toolkit.
                   reductions in power consumptions will depend on the                                A second issue addresses the complete automation of
                   efficiency of the specific toolkit, however.                                    the dynamic application partitioning decision. Our results
                                                                                                   reported here indicate which parameters are important.
                   7. Conclusions and Future Work                                                  What we are currently lacking are ways to monitor live
                                                                                                   application executions to build object graphs with
                                                                                                   minimal overhead and an algorithm that takes the object
                      Finding approaches to reduce power consumption and
                                                                                                   graph and information about the execution environment to
                   to improve application performance is a vital and
                                                                                                   determine automatically which set of objects to migrate to
                   interesting problem to be investigated. We suggested a
                                                                                                   a proxy server. Once we have such runtime support, we
                   new approach in which an application’s objects will be
                                                                                                   can then also experiment with scenarios where the
                   split dynamically between the mobile device and fixed

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