APRIL 2018 - UPDATE The following organisations need Volunteers For further 'Volunteer Opportunities' please visit our - Cavan Volunteer ...

Page created by Herman Jordan
APRIL 2018 - UPDATE The following organisations need Volunteers For further 'Volunteer Opportunities' please visit our - Cavan Volunteer ...

           The following organisations need Volunteers
    For further ‘Volunteer Opportunities’ please visit our


PLEASE NOTE: When using our website www.volunteercavan.ie , if you wish to see ALL the
                             Volunteer opportunities available in County Cavan then
                                  enter ‘Cavan’ in County or Town section and click ‘Search’.
                                  Do not use “Cause” or “Activity” if you want to see all
                                  opportunities for Co Cavan.

Clink on the link at the end of each Volunteer opportunity below (or if you are having
difficulty opening it, highlight the link and right click to open hyperlink) to view further
information about the opportunity or to apply for the volunteer opportunity.

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                                 Email:
APRIL 2018 - UPDATE The following organisations need Volunteers For further 'Volunteer Opportunities' please visit our - Cavan Volunteer ...
Please also see, noted below:
   1. Tips on how to acknowledge and motivate your Volunteers; and
   2. 10 Great reasons to Volunteer.

Club Support worker – Youth Work Ireland Cavan Monaghan
The youth club, Creative Space Cootehill, facilitates weekly drama and creative arts lessons for
young people between the ages of 12-18 years. The club is based at The Fridge Youth Café
premises in Cootehill. This is a safe, warm and friendly place where young people can meet new
people, make friends and learn about the performing arts. The club runs 1.5 hours for one
evening (Thursday) each week. The volunteer will support a qualified arts tutor to help deliver
weekly sessions. The tutor will deliver the sessions and the volunteer will support both the tutor
and young people. https://bit.ly/2n62s9Q

Bounce Back - Youth Cafe Volunteer
Volunteers required (alongside a team of Volunteer Youth Leaders), to facilitate the Youth Café
for a group of 10-13 year old. This will include aiding the Youth worker to co-ordinate the Youth
Cafe from organising refreshments, to preparing appropriate resources, activities and games.
You will be expected to have the ability to contribute ideas, activities and games based on the
identified needs and requests of the young people. Effective communication and a wiliness to
aid and empower the young people that are a part of Bounce Backs Youth Cafe's.
You will be aided and supported in this role by a dedicated Youth Worker from Bounce Back
Youth Service. Training and supervision are provided. http://bit.ly/2F5gZKp

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                             Email:
APRIL 2018 - UPDATE The following organisations need Volunteers For further 'Volunteer Opportunities' please visit our - Cavan Volunteer ...
Animal Fostering - Animals in Cavan AID
Dog and cat foster carers needed in the Cavan area. Can you offer a kind and safe foster home
for a dog or cat? All vet and food bills will be covered by the organisation. The dog or cat will be
placed with you until ready for adoption into his or her forever home. http://bit.ly/2F7ZtFj

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                               Email:
APRIL 2018 - UPDATE The following organisations need Volunteers For further 'Volunteer Opportunities' please visit our - Cavan Volunteer ...
Failte Isteach Programme

New volunteers required for ongoing
Failté Isteach programme in
Ballyjamesduff. Fáilte Isteach is a
community project involving
volunteers welcoming migrants
through conversational English

We are looking for volunteers to
give two hours each week to help
others in the community learn
conversational English. The only
criteria for tutoring is that you speak
English and are patient and friendly.
Training will be provided

The project provides the necessary
language skills to new migrants in a
student-centred, welcoming and
inclusive manner while involving
older volunteers and recognising
their skills, expertise and
contribution to the community.

The workshops run in conjunction
with the school term dates.
Workshops run once a week
(morning) for two hours: in The
Bridge Street Centre, Cavan town on
Wednesdays from 10.00-12.00; in
Cavan County Museum, Ballyjamesduff on Thursdays from 10.00-12.00.

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                               Email:
Please apply for this opportunity through the Volunteering Information Service Website by
clinking on the following link: http://bit.ly/2tzzULM

Bounce Back - Youth Cafe Volunteer
Volunteers required (alongside a team of Volunteer Youth Leaders), to facilitate the Youth Café
for a group of 10-13 year old. This will include aiding the Youth worker to co-ordinate the Youth
Cafe from organising refreshments, to preparing appropriate resources, activities and games.
You will be expected to have the ability to contribute ideas, activities and games based on the
identified needs and requests of the young people. Effective communication and a wiliness to
aid and empower the young people that are a part of Bounce Backs Youth Cafe's.
You will be aided and supported in this role by a dedicated Youth Worker from Bounce Back
Youth Service. Training and supervision are provided. http://bit.ly/2F5gZKp

Animal Fostering - Animals in Cavan AID
Dog and cat foster carers needed in the Cavan area. Can you offer a kind and safe foster home
for a dog or cat? All vet and food bills will be covered by the organisation. The dog or cat will be
placed with you until ready for adoption into his or her forever home. http://bit.ly/2F7ZtFj

Volunteer Fundraiser - Homecare Angels Cavan
Responsible for: motivating and facilitating supporters to maximise the funds they raise;
inspiring new supporters to raise money, while maintaining and developing relationships with
existing supporters; organising traditional activities, such as sponsored outdoor events and
house-to-house collections of donated goods and money; developing new and imaginative
fundraising activities, many of which involve organising events; raising awareness of the charity
and its work at local and national levels, e.g. by giving talks to groups or seeking photo

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                               Email:
opportunities with the media; developing and coordinating web-based fundraising, online
auctions and merchandise sales. Click link for further information: http://bit.ly/2n5FBLA

Focus Family Resource Centre, Killeshandra
The loft Youth Cafe based in Focus Family Resource Centre, urgently require volunteers
for our Tuesday Night Club for 12 -14 year olds. The club runs from 7pm to 8.30pm every
Tuesday during term time and we could really do with some fresh input and support.

Focus Family Resource Centre – Killeshandra
Charity Shop Assistant Focus Family Resource Centre in Killeshandra is seeking prospective
volunteers to help out with their Charity Shop. Volunteers will get the opportunity to gain
experience working in a charity shop, spend time with people and help a valuable local
organisation. http://bit.ly/2f06ahq

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                           Email:
Foroige - Killygarry
                                         Volunteers are required to work with leaders in
                                         Foroige to plan and co-ordinate and attend weekly
                                         club meetings. Other duties include providing
                                         support to the Foroige club members to encourage
                                         and facilitate them in conducting their club meeting.

                                                           FOROIGE - CAVAN
                                         Volunteers required to assist with ‘Youth Club’. They
                                         will be required to get to get to
know each member, build respectful relationships and create a good and safe atmosphere
where the members can get involved and have fun. http://bit.ly/2qZA1uu and

CUAN require a ‘Welcome & Information Provider’ volunteer to welcome and direct clients
towards appropriate information and supports. Hours: 3 weekly (flexible)
http://bit.ly/2fa4dTq and; PR and Social Media Manager required to promote CUAN profile
within the Community. http://bit.ly/2wvdGax


   a) Volunteer Bus Drivers & Bus Escorts required to collect Service Users from homes
       and bring to day centre, also dropping home. Bus escorts to accompany drivers on

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                           Email:
collections and drop offs. Need to be able to commit to weekly schedule. All training
       provided. http://bit.ly/2tKSRvd
   b) Volunteer ‘Hairdresser and Manicurist’ needed on the following proposed days
       Mondays and Tuesdays 11.30am and 12.30am or 2pm and 3pm. Must have
       experience in hairdressing and manicuring and must enjoy meeting and working
       with people. Contact the Cavan VIS on 086 038 7236 http://bit.ly/2f0NjD5

Volunteer - Club Support Leader for a new creative arts youth club. The youth club, Creative
Space Cootehill, facilitates weekly drama and creative arts lessons for young people between
the ages of 12-18 years. The club will be based at The Fridge Youth Café premises in Cootehill.
This is a safe, warm and friendly place where young people can meet new people, make friends
and learn about the performing arts. The club runs 1.5 hours for one evening (Thursday) each
Each volunteer will receive Induction Training, Child Protection and Awareness Training
(Certified for 2 years) and ongoing support and supervision from a staff member. All volunteers
must be 18+ years of age and will be required to complete Garda Vetting.

                         Get Ready, Get Steady, Go!
         Have you taken time out to look after family or raise children? ✓

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                            Email:
Would you like to meet new people and boost your confidence? ✓
                         Are you thinking about returning to work? ✓
If so then a new programme from Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board could be for
you. Get Ready, Get Steady, Go is open to women who are out of the workforce but are not on
jobseekers' payments. You can take part if you are on no payment, or on a payment such as
Carer's Allowance, Disability Allowance or One-Parent Family Payment.
Classes will run two mornings a week in your local community. The programme will cover
Personal Development and Health & Wellbeing. You will be able to develop a Personal Plan for
your future.
For more information contact Ceinwen on 087 196 7888 or email ceinwenfergus@cmetb.ie.
The Irish Government and the European Social Fund (ESF) as part of the programme support
this project for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.

                               10 Great Reasons to Volunteer
    1. Help Save Resources Volunteering helps not-for-profits save on time, cost and labour
       allowing more resources to be channelled into meeting the urgent needs of the people
       who use their services.

    2. Learn Something New As a volunteer you will have a unique opportunity to experience
       first-hand how work in the community & voluntary sector is conducted i.e. what
       structures, policies and attitudes inform the work of people and services responding to
       community needs.

    3. Raise Awareness of the Work You Do Volunteering is an opportunity to raise awareness
       of your company and the important work that you do. It allows you to connect ‘across
       sectors’ and see how your professional work is of value to the wider community
    4. Inspire Others Your energy and enthusiasm will inspire team-mates, community
       workers and service-users. For example, volunteers who work with disadvantaged
       youths often act as positive role models inspiring young people to strive for their
       personal best.
 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                            Email:
5. Discover Hidden Talents Volunteering gives you access to new experiences, approaches
       and ways of interacting with others. You may discover a new passion or develop a
       longterm interest in a worthy cause.

    6. Increase your Personal Health Volunteering is good for you. Experts report that when
       you focus on someone other than yourself, it interrupts tension producing patterns and
       increases physical and mental health. Company volunteers report feelings of improved
       wellbeing and self-esteem.

    7. Build New Relationships Volunteers have a valuable opportunity to meet and form
       relationships with community workers, service-users and the people whose lives are
       being benefitted by volunteerism.

    8. Strengthen Existing Relationships Working as part of a team on a project outside your
       ordinary work routine allows you to connect in a new, fun way with your colleagues.
       Volunteer experiences build camaraderie and form meaningful and memorable

    9. Have Fun Volunteering is a relaxed, non-pressurised and creative alternative to an
       ordinary work day!

Make a Difference: Volunteering impacts on the community in a way that changes lives for the
better. Your contribution will improve the lives of both individuals and the wider community

Motivating and Thanking Volunteers
People volunteer for a multitude of reasons: to give something back to their community; to
gain or improve skills; to meet new people; because they are interested in an issue or cause; or
because they have some free time on their hands. Acknowledging the work that volunteers do
with your organisation ensures they will stay motivated and continue to work on your behalf.
Here are some suggestions on how to motivate and thank volunteers:
Ways to Motivate Volunteers…….
 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                           Email:
•   Give praise and positive feedback on completed tasks or on a job well done.
    •   Vary duties where possible and appropriate.
    •   Respond to requests for help or assistance as quickly as possible.
    •   Resolve problems swiftly and efficiently in a proactive manner.
    •   Ensure volunteers are not overloaded or take on too much.
    •   Support and supervise all with others.
    •   Discuss progression volunteers.
    •   Set goals together and share the outcomes / options
    •   Involve volunteers in staff meetings and events and add them to staff mailing lists.
    •   Include volunteers in the planning process for projects and programmes associated with
    •   their role.
    •   Demonstrate how their role has impacted your organisation.
    •   Provide opportunities more about the organisation through work shadowing,
        attendance at meetings, conferences, training etc.

Ways to Recognise Volunteers……..
    •   Say Thank you – Thank your volunteers regularly
    •   Send them personal notes on special occasions (birthdays, holidays, for a job well done

    •   Remind them how important their efforts are to your organisation.
    •   Recognise effort and service by awarding small gifts that commemorate longevity. This
        can be a formal or informal prize giving.

    •   Give volunteers an ‘identity’. Give them an official role title, have special volunteer
        T shirts or name badges made.

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                               Email:
•    Social events. Plan events to say ‘thank you’ and show your appreciation. It can be
         anything from going out for a drink, a themed event, a film or lunch. Use your

    •    Establish a volunteer ‘Hall of Fame’. Elect someone as the volunteer of the week,
         month, or year. Build a gallery of honoured volunteers.

    •    Additional training or personal development send dedicated volunteers to relevant
         training to build on their knowledge and develop their skills in relation to the work they
         do for your organisation.

    •    Professional events. Invite long-term volunteers to meetings, events or conferences
         that relate to their role.

    •    Publicise volunteer efforts: Ask your local paper to write an article about one of your
         volunteers who has an interesting background, reason for volunteering, or other
         newsworthy characteristics.

    •    Promote volunteers’ work in your communications. Be sure that your newsletters,
         annual reports and other communications recognise the importance and extent of the
         work your volunteers do throughout the year.

        “When the story of these times gets written, we want it to say that we did all we could,
                     and it was more than anyone could have imagined.” - Bono

PLEASE NOTE: All Volunteer opportunities need to be applied for through the

Thank You for your continued support…

 Contact: 087 097 6402                                                               Email:
Contact: 087 097 6402       Email:
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