As recommended by - Altmore Infant School

Page created by Sergio Moran
As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
EYFS Maths and Phonics Home Learning Pack – Guidance for Parents/Carers
The activities in this pack should be completed with support from an adult. Included in this pack are:

Practical Maths (pages 3-4)
• These do not need to be printed and are intended to offer ideas for furthering children’s work.
Printable Maths (pages 5-8)
• These maths activities cover number (counting), time (sequencing) and patterns. These can be printed and used as cut outs or worksheets.
• These activities are best completed with an adult but some children may be able to access them independently (with supervision for any
  work with scissors).

Phonics Ideas (page 9)
• These do not need to be printed and are intended to offer ideas for furthering children’s work.
Useful Information (pages 10-11)
• Included in this section are all the sounds and high frequency words children would be learning at school. These can be worked on by trying
  to form the letters, finding words with the sounds in them or by playing phonics games on

For other Resources and Ideas:
• Go to for video tutorials to support maths as well as interactive games your child can play
• Access resources for all areas of EYFS learning including activities just like the ones in this pack for just £4.83 for a full month on

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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Practical Maths

             Roll a dice.                                       Roll a dice.                              Roll two dice.

          Find the
       number that is                                                                                       What is the
         one more.                                           Show one less.                                   total?
 Children roll a dice and count the                     Children roll a dice and count the         Children roll two dice and count
 spots. Then identify the number                        spots. Then identify the number that       the spots to find the total.
 that is one more and go on a                           is one less. Encourage children to         Encourage children to write the
 ‘number hunt’ for that number. For                     show one less in different ways.           number sentence.
 example, number 6 on a clock.                          Write it, draw it, find it and show it.

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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Practical Maths

         Put the cards                                         What is the                                 Play number
           in order.                                            answer?                                     bond pairs.
 Lay out playing cards 1 to 10.                         Children to pick two cards. For            Lay out playing cards 1 to 10 (the
 Children to put the card in order                      addition, count the total number           Joker card could be used as 0).
 from smallest to largest. Children                     of objects. For subtraction, discuss       Play a number bond pairs game.
 to count the number of objects on                      taking away the smallest number            After each turn, count the total of
 the card, to see what comes next.                      from the largest.                          the two cards. Does it equal 10?

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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Maths – Number – Counting Activity
                                                                                                           Object How many?

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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Maths – Time – Sequencing Events

            Put these
            images in

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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Maths – Time – Sequencing Events

            Put these
            images in

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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Maths – Patterns – Complete the patterns and make your own


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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Phonics Ideas

               Say the                                  Make a letter                                Write some of
             sounds in 5                                sound collage.                                 your key
              different                                                                                 words.

Ask your child to find five objects.                Using a toy catalogue, encourage            Say a word and ask your child to
Sound them out, encouraging your                    your child to cut out anything they         mark make it in flour. Can they read
child to identify all sounds in the                 can find with a ‘b’ sound. Change           the word back to you?
word, e.g. c-ar in car and s-o-ck in                the sound and see what else they
sock.                                               can find.

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As recommended by - Altmore Infant School
Useful Information – Phonics
Here is a list of letter sounds and ‘high frequency’ words your child may be working on at school.

•       Letter Sounds
                        Phase 2                             Phase 3                        Phase 4                         Phase 5

         s a t p i n m d g o c                 j v w x y z qu ch sh             This phase puts previous         ay oy wh ou ir ph ie ue
         k e u r h b f l                       th ng ai ee igh oa oo            learnt sounds together, e.g.     ew ea aw oe au a-e e-e
                                                                                clip, pram, brick, milk, bank,
                                               oo ar or ur ow oi ear            tent.
                                                                                                                 i-e o-e u-e
         ck ff ll ss                           air ure er
                                                                                                                 These are different ways to
         These four sounds come at             Sounds such as ‘sh’ may          Challenging words include
                                                                                                                 write/spell the same sounds
         the end of words, e.g. sock,          come at the beginning of         stump, tramp and grasp.
                                                                                                                 previously introduced. Some
         pack, tell, fill, miss.               words, e.g. shock, or at the     See if your child can hear,
                                                                                                                 children, but not all, will be
                                               end, e.g. fish. Sounds such      and maybe write, all 5
                                                                                                                 working at this level.
                                               as ‘ai’ are often in the         sounds!
                                               middle of words, e.g. rain.

•       Words your child may be able to read using their letter knowledge (use these for the suggested activities)
                        Phase 2                             Phase 3                        Phase 4                         Phase 5

         sat tap pin nap man dog               jog van web box six yum          flat trap plum swim grin         hay boy whip cloud girl
         mop cot kit rat rub hop               zip quick chop ship bath         pond jump hint tent band         phone pie glue few sea
         bin pick huff tell fuss               path ring pain feet light                                         claw toe sauce cake eve
                                               soap boot hook farm corn                                          pile note tune
                                               hurt cow boil hear fair
                                               pure letter

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Useful Information – Phonics
• Tricky words
These words are taught in school as ‘tricky’, they cannot be sounded out and need to be learned on sight.

                    Phase 2                             Phase 3                        Phase 4                         Phase 5

     I into of the no go                   he she we me be was              said have like so do            Mr Mrs oh their people
                                           you they all are my              some come were there            looked called asked
                                           her                              little one when out             would should could

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