Page created by Jimmy Logan
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                 PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

Welcome to the event that breathes
new life into our region by showcasing its unique design talent.
We are pleased to announce the 4th Asahikawa Design Week (ADW),
to be held in June, 2018.

*Entry to the fair is free, however, charges may be applied to certain events.

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                               PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

[     Date ] June 20 (Wed) – 24 (Sun), 2018
[ Venue ] Asahikawa Design Center (Nagayama 2-10, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 079-8412 Japan)
                Factories, shops, etc. of participating manufacturers in Asahikawa,
                Higashikawa, and Higashikagura
[ website ]

Organizers      Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative, Asahikawa City

Supporting      Japan Institute of Design Promotion, Japan Interior Industry Association,
Organizers      The Japan Interior Designer Association, Japan Interior Coordinator Association,
                The Japan Interior Planner Association, Asahikawa Design Association

Visitor History      [number of visitors]
    2015-2017        2015 5,700
                     2016 10,500
                     2017 1 9,500 ( IFDA cosponsored )

                                  Factories, shops, etc. of participating manufacturers

            Crystal hall                                                                        Kaimonokoen


          Near the town                                                                           Asahikawa

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                                           PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

The Asahikawa Furniture Exhibition,
where manufacturers compete through their originality.

Products from Last Year’s Competition

Gold leaf award                                       Finalist                                            Finalist
 Korento                                                 _TREES coat hanger                                 ARC chair

Mikko Halonen                                         Isao Egami                                          Hitoshi Makino

CONDE HOUSE                                           Taisetsu mokko                                      wakasa

This is the commercially produced version of the      This coat hanger explores disparity as a motif by   USCITA (exit in Italian) is a brand that introduces
recipient of IFDA2017’s highest honor, a piece        combining materials to evoke a thicket of trees.    an offbeat sense of charm into the everyday.
praised for its presentation of form, freshness and   Both size and function change depending on how      Hitoshi Makino, a Tokyo-based designer who
balance. This stackable chair features                this disparity is achieved. This piece was          previously worked in Italy, who joined forces with
sculpture-like shaping and a light, flowing design.   constructed with rivets that serve as hooks while   A s a h i k awa - b a s e d m a n u f a c t u re r WA K A S a a t
This piece will be unveiled as a 50th anniversary     also suppressing rotational force inherent in the   IFDA2017 to deliver this first model piece for the
commemorative model along with a side chair and       way the materials are combined.                     brand.

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                                           PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

New Products from Manufacturers

[BOURG]                                                                         [KA]
Patrick Norguet/Arflex                                                          Kengo Kuma/ Time & Style

This chic sofa was born of a collaboration with world-renown French             Product manufacture began with Architect Kengo Kuma upon the 2008
designer, Patrick Norguet. The arms and seatback cushions are affixed to        reconstruction of the Nezu Museum in Tokyo. This year, we are pleased to
the panel to ensure its beautiful presentation is preserved while also making   present a new lineup of products including FU, Ma and this event’s KA sofa.
the piece easy to maintain. At a wide 295 cm, the sofa has considerable         KA is characterized by its triangular construction full of sharp edges,
presence, even in large spaces.                                                 contrasted by it soft and comfortable feel.

[Kina floor]                                                                    [New chair series]
David Trubridge                                                                 Akihito Gyoten (Takumi Kohgei)/ Takumi Kohgei

This unique chair was on display at the IFDA 10th Anniversary Exhibition.       These three chair models were crafted from the image of combining
The piece is an evolution of IFDA2005 Silver Leaf Award-winner, Kinalight,      2-dimensional arcs to create 3-dimensional surfaces. The durable core
developed from a unique sea urchin motif to deliver an incredibly sturdy        materials used to make the triple-layer backrest support the body with
feel. Kina Flow will be made commercially available as a model                  comfortable flexibility. The dining room chair can also be stacked to save
commemorating the 50th anniversary of CONDE House.                              space.

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                                                                           PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

Further expanding the Hokkaido Wood Furniture Project
“Kokonoki no kagu Hokkaido project”

Asahikawa Furniture / Hokkaido Broadleaf Tree Use [Current as of December, 2017]
Responses taken from 14 manufacturers, making up 62% of the Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative’s total output.
*The outer circle indicates total usage. Dark colors in the center indicate Hokkaido broadleaf trees, and the grayed areas indicate lumber from other regions.
For example, in 2017, 491    of Nara trees were from Hokkaido.

       [2014]                                                                                                       [2017]

                                                                                   Oaks                                                                                                  Oaks

                                                                            755                                                                                     491

          Others         1205       1060        2249                                                                   Others       1351         1234   2591                381

                                                                169                                                                                                     231
                                                 145                                                                                                        117 113
                                                                      191                                                                                                     253
                                                            98                                                                                                     115
       Hokkaido                                                               Ashes                                 Hokkaido                                                          Ashes
       Lumber                                                                                                       Lumber
       26.9%                                           2
                                                                                                                    36.7%                                      2

Taisetsumokko            Taisetsumokko                                                                                                                  Woodwork                    Kohbo Miyaji
Nordlys 70 dresser /     Nordlys 70 console /    Taisetsumokko                CONDEHOUSE                 CONDEHOUSE             Takumi kohgei           rabi kids chair /           Reading chair /
birch                    birch                   Luont shelf / oak            TEN armchair / ash         Runtom chair / oak     YC2 / oak               cherry                      walnut

                                                 Ohkura                       Ohkura
Kohbo Miyaji             Takumi kohgei           chilt personal desk /        chilt hanger rack /        cosine                 cosine                  Interior Nasu               Mobeltoko
Eraberu chair / walnut   YC1 / oak               pine                         pine                       nest stool / cherry    dress rack / cherry     Limone / oak                KAKUstool / ash

                         Yamaoka                 Miyata industrial                Miyata industrial                             Katoh mokko
Mobeltoko                lumber industry         incorporated company             incorporated company   Early Times Alpha      Palette spoke sofa /
SORAHE / birch           Sally / maple           Jethro / oak                     Ash / ash              DC-4 chair /ash        oak

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                       PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

Asahikawa’s illustrious history in the
WorldSkills competition

Asahikawa WorldSkills Competitors and Rankings
Name                  Company’s name (at that time)       Result               Host country                      Held year

Yoshihiko Kuwabara    Yamagiwa furniture kogei co.,ltd.   2nd place            Madrid, Spain (16th)                  1967

Yukio Yoshida         Yamamuro mokko co.,ltd.             4th place            Brussel, Belgium (18th)               1969

Takeshi Daimon        Yamagiwa furniture kogei inc.       3rd place            Munich, West Germany         th       1973

Mineo Kanno           Yamagiwa furniture kogei inc.        th place            Utrecht, Netherland (23rd)            1977

Katsusada Fukushima   Yamagiwa furniture kogei inc.       No placement         A Coruna, Spain                       1982
                                                          (goodwill matches)

Mamoru Kobayashi      Takumi kohgei                       11th place           Sydney, Australia (29th)              1988

Katsuhito Inoue       Yamada kosakusyo co.,ltd.           14th place           St.Gallen, Swiss(34th)                1997

Ryozo Kimura          Interior Nasu co.,ltd.              18th place           Seoul, Korea (36th)                   2001

Takuma Shoji          Interior Hokusho Kobo inc.          18th place           Shizuoka, Japan (39th)                2007

Kazuki Nakamura       Mitsumasa inc.                      16th place           Calgary, Canada (40th)                2009

Seiya Takahashi       Katoh mokkou inc.                   15th place           London, U.K. (41st)                   2011

Kaori Hayashi         Conde House co.,ltd.                21st place           Leipzig, Germany (42nd)               2013

Shuhei Otani          Prestige Japan inc.                 19th place           Sao Paulo, Brazil      rd             2015

Kyohei Shimojo        Wakasa inc.                         Medallion for        Abu Dhabi,                            2017
                                                          Excellence           United Arab Emirates (44th)

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                                                     PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

Special installation by art collective

DAISY BALLOON (Balloon artist) Profile
DAISY BALLOON is a balloon unit of worldwide balloon artist Rie Hosokai and art director/graphic designer Takashi Kawada. Since forming in 2008, they have
produced many balloon art works based on the themes of “perception and quality.” Above all, the balloon dresses have fascinated many people through the
intricacy of detail that suggests architectural qualities. Their daily fieldwork consists of searching for philosophical themes and interacting with people and objects,
but their vision is constantly looking toward achieving essential harmony with their surroundings.

                         In these pieces, we wanted to create a single narrative from both the past and the present of Asahikawa as well as its relationship between
                         people and the forest. This story is divided into three chapters which are a metaphor that expresses the movement from the cultural climate
                         of Asahikawa to the symbiotic relationship between its people and forests, then concludes with the process from which the furniture of
                         Asahikawa is crafted. The snow, forests and people all symbolize Asahikawa, and they shine the brightest when linked together. We hope
                         that through our work you will be able to feel the light cast into the world by the furniture of Asahikawa.
                                                                                                                                                   by DAISY BALLOON

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                             PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

Mayumi Miyawaki, Architect
20th Anniversary Memorial Exhibition

Date and time / June 5 (Tue) – 24 (Sun) 10:00 - 18:00 *Monday : Closed
Venue / Chairs gallery (Kuraimu, Miyashita st, 11-chome, Asahikawa)

150th Anniversary of Diplomatic
Relations between Japan and Sweden
Exhibition of Swedish Grace

Date and time / April 10, 2018 (Tue) – March 31, 2019 (Sun) *Scheduled
Venue / Higashikawa cultural gallery, Hall2
         (1-1, 1cho-me, Kitamachi, Higashikawa, Kamikawa-gun)
Organizer / Higashikawa town
Supporters / Oda Collection Organization, Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative

JIA Hokkaido Architecture
Exhibition 2017, Asahikawa

Date and time / June 5 (Tue) – July 1 (Sun) 10:30 18:30 *Open everyday during the event
Venue / Teijiro Nakahara Asahikawa museum of Sculpture Station Gallery
        (East JR Asahikawa, 3-1, 8cho-me, Miyashita do-ri, Asahikawa)
Sponsored by the Japan Institute of Architects, Hokkaido Branch,
Teijiro Nakahara Asahikawa museum of Sculpture Station Gallery

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                                                      PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

Special Panel Discussion
Toshiyuki Kita’s “Design and the Future”

Date and time / June 20 (Wed) 16:00 - 17:30
Venue / Asahikawa Taisetsu Crystal Hall (7cho-me, 3jo, Kagura, Asahikawa)
Capacity / 500 people

Toshiyuki Kita (Designer) Profile
Began designing in Japan and Milano from 1969. Kita has designed many best-seller products from European and Japanese manufacturers world-wide. Many of his
works are selected for permanent collections in world famous museums such as The Museum of Modern Art in New York (MOMA), Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris),
etc. He has served as governmental advisor to Singapore, Thailand and China for their country’s revitalization of its design resource. He is also very active in
revitalizing and promoting local Japanese traditional crafts and industries as well. Producer of the international trade fair for home and lifestyle renovation “Living &
Design” and proponent of Japanese lifestyle renovation, the “RENOVETTA” project. Professor at The Osaka University of Arts. In 2015, his invitational exhibition
“Il Lusso Della Natura” was held at Chiesa San Domenico Church in ALBA. Multi-international awards include the 1990 “Delta de Oro (Gold Prize)” Award of Spain
and the ADI prize “carrier internazionale of Compasso d’Oro” of Italy in 2011. In 2016, He was invited to serve as ADI International Jury of Compasso d’Oro, Italy.
He was bestowed with the honorary title of “Commendatore” by the Italian republic, in 2017.
His recent publications include "Power of Design" (Nikkei Publishing Inc., 2007), "Local Industry + Design" (Gakugei Shuppan-Sha, 2009), "Venture for Design 1969 -
Why I Went to Italy to Design" (Gakugei Shuppan-Sha, 2012), and many more.

The 6th Domestic Wood Furniture Summit continuing from IFFT last year.

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative

Enjoy the newly updated Open Factory and Asahikawa Full Course!

Take the much-loved ADW shuttle taxi this year, too!

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                 PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

Join us for the ADW Party on the event’s opening night.

ADW Party
D a te a n d ti m e / J u n e 2 0 ( We d ) 1 8 : 0 0
Ve n u e / Ta i s e t s u C r ys t a l H a l l (
   National Highway 237

                                                                   1jo st.

                                                            Miyashita st.
                          To Sapporo

                                National Highway 237             To Biei

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
ASAHIKAWA DESIGN WEEK 20I8                                                                           PRESS RELEASE 2018.02.28

12 years of the Your Chair Project

D a te a n d ti m e / J u n e 2 0 ( We d ) – 24 (S u n)

Venue / A sahikawa D esign Center ( 1 -35 , 1 0 cho -me, 2jo, N agayama , A sahikawa)

Asahikawa Craft Design Association
members exhibition.

D a te a n d ti m e / J u n e 1 2 ( Tu e) – 24 (S u n)

Ve n u e / D e s i g n G a l l e r y ( Ku r a i m u , M i ya s h i t a s t , 1 1 - c h o m e , A s a h i k awa)

Don’t forget to check out all the related events
happening in the outskirts of Asahikawa!

Contact for inquiries regarding this release

MIRU DESIGN ( Shimada, Okui )
Fuji Heights 402 2-15-19 Minami-Aoyama Minato Tokyo 107-0062 Japan                                                                  TEL 03-6434-7589

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative ( Sugimoto,Takahashi )
Nagayama 2-10, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 079-8412 Japan

ADW Project Members
Naoyuki Watanabe (Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative Chairman), Yujiro Sasaki (Sasaki kogei), Noriyoshi Someya (Conde House),
Hiroetsu Aomori (Early times alpha), Hidehiko Hongo (Early times alpha), Tsutomu Nohara (Alflex Japan), Yohei Sekiguchi (Isamiya)
Kohei Yoshimura (Interior Hokusho kobo , Naoshi Kishida (F Drive Design , Tetsuya Fujita (Conde House), Masafumi Iwamitsu (Create Furniture)
Masanobu Hasegawa (Taisetsu Mokko), Kenji Nakai (Takumi Kohgei), Yasushi Yoshida (TIME & STYLE), Hiroshi Nohara (Mobel Toko)

Asahikawa Furniture Industry Cooperative
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