What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019

Page created by Ryan Owens
What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
What’s on
at the National Library of Ireland
September–December 2019
What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
the exhibition came together.
Tours and Workshops                                                                               Tuesday 3 September, 1pm
                                                                                                                                       Open: 5pm - 9pm.
                                                                                                                                       Bank of Ireland Cultural
                                                                                                                                       Heritage Centre,
                                                                                                  Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition        Westmoreland Street:
                                                                                                                                       ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now
                                                                                                  Saturday 7 September, 1pm            Again’: Learn about Seamus
                                                                                                  Guided Tour: The National            Heaney’s wonderful life and
                                                                                                  Library's History & Heritage         work. Open: 5pm - 9pm with last
                                                                                                                                       admission at 8.30pm.
                                                                                                  Thursday 12 September, 1pm
                                                                                                  Guided Tour: World War               Monday 23 September, 10am-
                                                       Research workshop: Using the               Ireland                              12.30pm
                                                       National Library                                                                Talk: ‘Digital Photography:
 Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition                                                                    Thursday 19 September, 1pm           Create, Curate, Save’
                                                       This 90-minute workshop gives advice       Guided Tour: ‘A Modern Eye:
 Free public tour of the award-winning exhibition:     on researching the rich and varied                                              Join keynote speaker Matthew
 ‘Yeats: The Life and Works of William Butler Yeats’                                              Helen Hooker O’Malley’s              Burgess, Digital Collections          He stoops to conquer.
                                                       collections of the National Library.       Ireland’ at the National
 takes place on the first Thursday of every month.     To reserve a place contact:                                                     Analyst at the State Library of       Daniel O'Connell, is depicted
                                                                                                  Photographic Archive, Meeting        New South Wales, and Irish            kneeling in front of a young
                                                       learning@nli.ie or 01 6030 346             House Square, Temple Bar             photographers, curators and           Queen Victoria, PD 3168 TX (1)
 Guided Tour: World                                                                               Friday 20 September                  preservers for a discussion on the
                                                                                                  Culture Night at NLI: Welcome        need for preservation of 21st
 War Ireland exhibition                                                                                                                century photography and how we         sculpture, photography, theatre
 Free public tour of the                                                                          to our four locations!                                                      design, costume design, interior
                                                                                                  7 Kildare Street: View the           need to work together to achieve
 exhibition ‘World War                                                                                                                                                        decorating as well as her
                                                                                                  magnificent reading room,            this. Booking on Eventbrite.
 Ireland: Exploring the Irish                                                                                                                                                 collecting of art.
 Experience’ takes place on                                                                       immerse yourself in the works of     Tuesday 24 September, 3pm
 the second Thursday of                                                                           William Butler Yeats in the award    Research workshop: Using the           Monday 30 September, 6.30pm
 every month. The                                                                                 winning exhibition and find out      National Library                       Panel Discussion: ‘Helen
 exhibition explores the                                                                          more from the Library's friendly                                            Hooker O'Malley's Ireland’
 Irish experience of WWI.                              Guided Tour: The National                  staff. Learn about the family        Thursday 26 September, 1pm –           Join writer and historian Orla
                                                       Library's History & Heritage               history resources available, enjoy   2.30pm                                 Fitzpatrick and a panel including
                                                       Explore the Library's rich architectural   musical performances,                Reading: ‘Leaving the Ladies’          Cormac O'Malley; Luke Gibbons;
                                                       history and heritage on this free tour     participate in a conversation        Written by Sinéad Mc Coole and         NLI exhibition curator, Nikki
                                                       which takes place on the second Saturday   salon and take a break with a        directed by Mary Moynihan,             Ralston; and Gallery of
                                                       each month. The tour includes a visit to   relaxing tea or coffee in the Joly   Smashing Times presents a              Photography curator, Trish
                                                       the Library's iconic reading room.         café. All welcome! Open: 5pm –       dramatized version of real events      Lambe for this discussion on the
                                                                                                  11pm.                                as told against the backdrop of        life and work of photographer
                                                                                                                                       the final stage of agitation in the    Helen Hooker O’Malley. This
                                                                  Guided Tour:                    2/3 Kildare Street: ‘World War       ‘Votes for Women’ campaign,            event will take place in the
                                                                  ‘Seamus Heaney:                 Ireland: Exploring the Irish         based on research in the NLI’s         National Photographic Archive,
                                                                  Listen Now Again’               Experience’: learn about the         Manuscripts department.                Temple Bar.
                                                                  exhibition at the               unique aspects of the Irish WWI
                                                                  Bank of Ireland                 experience in this exhibition        Thursday 26 September, 2pm
 Guided Tour: ‘A Modern Eye: Helen Hooker
 O’Malley’s Ireland’ at the National                              Cultural and                    which draws on the NLI’s             Turas treoraithe: Taispeántas          October
                                                                  Heritage Centre,                collections of letters, diaries,     Yeats
 Photographic Archive, Meeting House                                                              recruiting posters, newspaper
 Square, Temple Bar                                    Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2                                                   Thursday 26 September, 7pm             Wednesday 2 October, 1pm
                                                       Guided tour of ‘Listen Now Again’          reports, cartoons, handbills and     Lecture: 'Helen Hooker
 Free public tour of the exhibition takes place on                                                leaflets dating from 1914-1918.                                             Curator’s tour for the Festival
 the third Thursday of every month.                    every Tuesday at 1pm and every                                                  O'Malley's Irish Artistic              of History: ‘A Modern Eye:
                                                                                                  Open: 5pm – 11pm.                    Journey, 1935-1985'
 New exhibition 'From Turmoil to Truce:                Saturday at 2pm.                                                                                                       Helen Hooker O'Malley's
 Photographs of the War of Independence' opening       Booking Essential:                         National Photographic                Helen's son Cormac will give an        Ireland’.
 in November.                                          heaneynli.eventbrite.com / 01 670 6153     Archive: ‘A Modern Eye: Helen        overview of his American               A special tour for the Festival of
                                                                                                  Hooker O'Malley's Ireland’:          mother's Irish artistic endeavours     History at the National
To book guided tours and workshops,                                                               Meet the curators and learn how      in the fields of painting,
contact learning@nli.ie
What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
Photographic Archive, Temple                                                                                      Tuesday 5 November, 7pm              Thursday 14 November, 1pm             Lorcan Collins for this fascinating
Bar.                                                                                                              In Conversation: ‘All on Show:       Guided Tour: World War                discussion.
                                                                                                                  The Circus in Irish Literature       Ireland                               In partnership with the Dublin
Thursday 3 October, 1pm                                                                                           and Culture’                                                               Book Festival. Booking:
Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition                                                                                                                          Thursday 14 November, 1pm             www.dublinbookfestival.com
                                                                                                                  Dr Eleanor Lybeck, Lecturer in
                                                                                                                                                       Talk: Seumas O'Kelly and              from mid-September.
Tuesday 8 October, 7pm                                                                                            English Literature, Corpus Christi   Harry Clarke's Geneva
Lecture: ‘Iconic & Irish, 1829-                                                                                   College, Oxford, will discuss the    Window                                Sunday 17 November, 2pm
2019: Daniel O'Connell in                                                                                         circus as a theme in Irish writing   Harry Clarke’s Geneva Window          In Conversation: Gabriel
visual history’                                                                                                   with author and broadcaster,         (1930) is a unique visual             Fitzmaurice with Fintan
Dr Sylvie Kleinman Visiting                                                                                       Niall MacMonagle. The discussion     corollary to the Irish Literary       O’Toole
Research Fellow at the                                                                                            will explore how and why writers     Revival, illustrating extracts        The conversation will celebrate
Department of History, Trinity                                                                                    might turn to the world of the       from works by fifteen significant     Gabriel Fitzmaurice’s writing
College Dublin, will showcase the                                                                                 circus for inspiration as they       writers of the period, including      career and will include a
myriad of satirical cartoons of                                                                                   confront issues of politics,         The Weaver’s Grave by Seumas          discussion on his final poetry
Ireland’s Liberator held by the       Cork City in ruins, December 1920 HOGW 153                                  national identity, gender and        O’Kelly. Fiana Griffin, formerly of   book, A Fond Farewell to Poetry.
National Library of Ireland.                                                                                      sexuality. Readings will be          All Hallows college and lecturer      In partnership with the Dublin
                                      Saturday 12 October, 2pm –            poetry readings in English and                                             in Irish Studies, will discuss        Book Festival.
Wednesday 9 October, 1pm                                                                                          included as part of the event.
                                      4.30pm                                French. Booking open from mid-                                             Clarke's selection of O’Kelly, and    Booking:
The Research Data Alliance            Open House Dublin at the NLI          September:                            Thursday 7 November, 1pm             will elaborate on Clarke’s            http://www.dublinbookfestival.co
(RDA) Meet the Expert lecture:        Our iconic Reading Room will          www.alliance-francaise.ie             Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition        involvement in the Irish Literary     m/ from mid-September
‘The role of Open Science, Open       welcome visitors from 2pm.                                                                                       Revival.
Innovation and Citizen Science                                              Wednesday 30 October, 6pm                                                                                        Monday 18 November, 7pm
                                      Open House Junior at the NLI                                                Saturday 9 November, 1pm                                                   Folklore Society of Ireland
in creating more inclusive and                                              WITS Mary Mulvihill Lecture:                                               Friday 15 November, 10.30am
                                      Drop in & Draw 2.30—4pm               ‘Collecting and Keeping the           Guided Tour: The National                                                  lecture: 'Ernie O'Malley and his
sustainable societies’                Be inspired by the library building                                         Library's History & Heritage         Dublin Book Festival School
Professor Willie Donnelly,                                                  National Memory’                                                           event: ‘Meet the Author: Ice          Clew Bay Folklore Collection,
                                      and imagine what your ideal           Dr Sandra Collins, Director of the                                                                               1940: Questions for
President of Waterford Institute of   library would be.                                                           Tuesday 12 November, 1pm             Man with Michael Smith’
Technology explores the concept                                             National Library, will deliver this                                        Suitable for 5th/6th class            Transcription and Publication'
                                      Ages: Children aged 7+.               year’s lecture which honours the      Science Week 2019 talk:                                                    Ernie O’Malley’s son, Cormac will
of citizen science which has the                                                                                  ‘Science in the library;             students. Booking:
potential of completely redefining    Tuesday 15 October, 1.10pm            science journalist and WITS                                                www.dublinbookfestival.com            present for the first time the
                                                                            (Women in Technology and              Conserving heraldic                                                        folklore work of Ernie O'Malley,
the relationship between the          Talk: ‘The Astronomical Times                                                                                    from mid-September.
                                                                            Science Ireland) founder, Mary        manuscripts’                                                               collected from nineteen story
scientific community, the citizen     of Dunsink Observatory’
                                      Professor Peter Gallagher,            Mulvihill. Dr Collins will discuss    Conservator Louise O’Connor will     Friday 15 November, 1pm               tellers in the Clew Bay area in
and society. Booking required via
                                      Dunsink Observatory, Dublin           the importance of physical and        show how science plays a central     Panel Discussion: ‘Writing            1940-1942.
the RDA website:
                                      Institute for Advanced Studies        digital collecting and the            role in modern conservation of       Ireland’s History’
bit.ly/2TCdvHD.                                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday 26 November, 7pm
                                      gives an overview of the people       challenge of digital preservation,    cultural heritage at the NLI.        Dublin Book Festival in
                                                                            motivated by the memory                                                                                          History Ireland Hedge School
Wednesday 9 October, 7pm              and science of the observatory                                                                                   partnership with the National
                                                                            keeping we all do on a personal       Tuesday 12 November, 7pm                                                   Join History Ireland editor,
Folklore Society of Ireland           from its foundation to recent                                                                                    Library of Ireland presents
                                                                            and family level. Booking             Lecture: 'The Letters of John                                              Tommy Graham and panellists for
lecture: ‘The Clothes we wore:        times. In association with the                                                                                   authors Patricia O’Reilly, Eibhear
                                                                            required: www.witsireland.com                                                                                    a discussion on the Irish War of
colour and tradition in               Dublin Festival of History 2019.                                            McGahern'                            Walsh and Niamh Boyce in              Independence in the exhibition
everyday dress in Ireland’                                                                                        Professor Frank Shovlin, Institute   conversation with Nessa               gallery of the National
Dr Anne O’Dowd, former curator        Thursday 17 October, 1pm              November                              of Irish Studies, University of      O’Mahony. Booking:                    Photographic Archive, Temple
in the Museum of Country Life,        Guided Tour: ‘A Modern Eye:                                                 Liverpool, considers a range of      www.dublinbookfestival.com            Bar, Dublin 2 to coincide with the
(National Museum of Ireland)          Helen Hooker O'Malley's                                                     previously unpublished letters       from mid-September.                   current exhibition.
discusses the history of everyday     Ireland’ at the National              Friday 1 November, 1pm
                                                                                                                  from John McGahern to a variety
clothing in Ireland.                  Photographic Archive,                 Turas treorithe: "Súil Nua                                                 Saturday 16 November, 2pm             Wednesday 27 November, 1pm
                                                                            Aoiseach: Éire de chuid Helen         of correspondents, both personal     In Conversation: Lorcan
                                      Meeting House Square, Temple                                                and within the publishing world.                                           Turas treoraithe: Taispeántas
Thursday 10 October, 1pm              Bar                                   Hooker O'Malley"                                                           Collins and Margaret Ward             World War Ireland
                                                                            Bí i gcuideachta Niamh Ní Riain le    These letters help to                discuss Ireland’s War of
Guided Tour: World War
                                      Saturday 19 October, 2pm              haghaidh turas am lóin don            contextualize a number of            Independence with David               Wednesday 27 November, 7pm
                                      Reading: 80 Minutes with              taispeántas seo, i gCartlann          McGahern's well known novels         McCullagh                             Lecture: ‘Loyal Cosmopolitan
Saturday 12 October, 1pm              Seamus Heaney’s poems                 Náisiúnta Grianghrafadóireachta,      and short stories over the years     Historian, broadcaster and            Irishmen? Leslie Daiken &
Guided Tour: The National             Alliance Française Dublin & the       Cearnóg Theach an Tionóil, Barra      and allows insight into what was     author, David McCullagh is joined     Michael Sayers: Irish Jewish
Library's History & Heritage          Cercle français de Belfast present    an Teampaill                          a markedly private writing life.     by historians Margaret Ward and       Writers in the Thirties’
What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
Journalist and researcher, Katrina
 Goldstone considers the work of
                                       December                              Wednesday 4 December, 1pm
                                                                             Turas treoraithe: Taispeántas     Listen Now                         Events at our “Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again”
 Leslie Daiken and Michael Sayers,                                           Yeats
                                                                                                               Again                              exhibition, Bank of Ireland Cultural and Heritage Centre
                                                                                                                                                  at College Green – entrance via Westmoreland Street.
 including research from the NLI’s     Tuesday 3 December, 7pm               Thursday 5 December, 1pm
 collections as part her writing on    Talk: ‘Leinster: Military Service     Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition     exhibition                         Booking essential: heaneynli.eventbrite.com or 01 670 6153
 minorities, cultural diversity and    Pensions Collection (1916-
                                                                             Thursday 12 December, 1pm
 Jewish communities.                   1923)’                                                                  September-December 2019             Wednesday 18 September, 1pm          Wednesday 25 September, 1pm
                                                                             Guided tour: From Turmoil to
                                       Robert McEvoy’s talk will focus on    Truce: Photographs of the War     Programme of Events                 Workshop: Close Reading              Tour: Irish Sign Language
 Thursday 28 November, 1pm             the revolutionary period within       of Independence at the            Booking Essential:                  Poetry                               Join us for an Irish Sign Language
 Guided Tour: From Turmoil to          Leinster with special emphasis on     National Photographic             heaneynli.eventbrite.com /          From sonnets to sestets,             tour of ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen
 Truce: Photographs of the War                                               Archive, Meeting House            01 670 6153                         alliteration to assonance, take a    Now Again’. Come along for an
                                       the 1919-1923 period of the War of                                                                                                               insight into Seamus Heaney’s
 of Independence at the                                                      Square, Temple Bar.                                                   closer look at some of Heaney's
                                       Independence and the Civil War,                                         Guided Tours                        poems in this workshop for all       life, view early drafts of his work
 National Photographic                 utilising the material contained in                                     Every Tuesday, 1pm and every        ages and abilities, whether you’re   and explore the importance of
                                                                             Saturday 14 December, 1pm
 Archive, Meeting House                the Military Service Pensions         Guided Tour: The National         Saturday, 2pm.                      a lover of Heaney’s poetry or just   his poetry today.
 Square, Temple Bar                    Collection.                           Library's History & Heritage      Join us for an insight into         getting started.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Thursday 26 September, 1pm
                                                                                                               Seamus Heaney's life, view          Thursday 19 September, 1pm           Concert: ‘Listen Now
                                                                                                               early drafts of his work and        Concert: 'Listen Now Again           Again Live’
                                      GAA), the Limerick Soviet and          Vikings in the Celtic                                                 Live'
ADULT                                 the 1918 General Election to           World
                                                                                                               understand the importance of
                                                                                                               his poetry today.                   Take in a Thursday summer
                                                                                                                                                                                        Take in a Thursday summer
                                                                                                                                                                                        lunchtime concert with
                                      give a sense of how Irish people
LEARNING                              themselves experienced and
                                                                             Tutor: Dr Linda Doran.
                                                                             Seeing beyond the startled        September
                                                                                                                                                   lunchtime concert with
                                                                                                                                                   performances from Paul Roe,
                                                                                                                                                                                        performances from Kate Ellis
                                                                                                                                                                                        and readings by Marian
                                      shaped the revolution.                                                                                       Mick O'Brien and Paula Meehan.
COURSES                               Running for six Thursdays: 3, 10,
                                                                             monks in their besieged
                                                                             monasteries the course will       Booking essential:                  Friday 20 September: Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                        Friday 27 September, 1pm
                                      17 and 31 October; 14, 28
                                                                             consider what caused the          heaneynli.eventbrite.com or 01      Night                                Book Club: District and
Adult Learning Courses in             November. No class: 24
                                      October; 7 and 21 November.            ‘Viking age’, reaction to the     670 6153                            Friday 20 September: Cul-            Circle
conjunction with UCD                                                         arrival of the Viking fleets in
Our cultural partnership with         Time: 2pm – 4.30pm. Fee: €160.                                           Thursday 5 September, 1pm           ture Night                           Join us to discuss this month's
UCD Access and Lifelong                                                      Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the     Concert: ‘Listen Now Again          Drop in for a self-guided visit of   poetry collection, District and
                                      Dissent in America                     Isle of Man and Brittany and      Live'                               ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now           Circle, by Seamus Heaney.
Learning continues with new
courses for Autumn 2019.              Tutor: Dr Sarah Feehan.                how successful attempts to        Take in a Thursday summer           Again’. Doors are open from
Students can access the rich          America is a vibrant nation            settle were.                      lunchtime concert with              5pm - 9pm with last admission        October
resources and exhibitions of          drawing together peoples from          Running for eight Tuesdays: 1,    performances from Neil Martin       at 8.30pm. No booking
the NLI as part of their              diverse cultural, ethnic,                                                                                    required.                            Booking essential:
                                                                             8, 15 and 29 October; 5, 12, 19   and readings by Stephen Rea.
learning.                             religious, and socio-economic                                                                                                                     heaneynli.eventbrite.com or 01
                                                                             and 26 November. No class: 22                                         Saturday 21 September, 1pm
Course booking: 01 7167123 or         backgrounds. Together they are                                           Thursday 12 September, 1pm                                               670 6153
                                                                             October. Time: 10.30am – 1pm.                                         Lecture: ‘Heaney and
www.ucd.ie/lifelonglearning.          the United States of America,                                            Concert: 'Listen Now Again
                                                                             Fee: €195.                                                            Hardy’s Place of Writing’            Wednesday 2 October, 1pm
Booking is now open                   but how has America been                                                 Live'
                                      shaped by its people? This                                               Take in a Thursday summer           Joe Hassett's lecture will open by   Creativity Workshop: Pos-
                                      course will consider some of           NLI Adult Learning                lunchtime concert with              recalling Heaney reading ‘The        itive Ageing Week
Football, Ballots and So-             the voices that have been to           Course                            performances from Ellen             Darkling Thrush’ in the Stinsford    As part of Positive Ageing Week,
viets: a People's Revolu-             the fore in shaping America. In        Introduction to Geneal-           Cranitch and readings by Vincent    graveyard to commemorate the         this workshop invites you to
tion?                                 particular we will also consider       ogy/Family History                Woods.                              poem’s 100th anniversary as          respond to Seamus Heaney’s
Tutor: Donal Fallon.                  the dissenting voice and how it        Tutor: Sean Murphy                                                    Barney Devlin was about to           work creatively – through
The 1916-1923 period is largely       has played an important role in                                          Friday 13 September, 1pm            strike the midnight anvil in         words, art or any form of
                                                                             National Library of Ireland,      Workshop: Beginner
viewed through the prism of           shaping the nation.                                                                                          Bellaghy to ring in the new          creative expression! We will
military history, but what of the     Running for eight Mondays: 30
                                                                             Wednesdays 2-4.30pm               Origami for Adults                  millennium. The talk then turns      focus on one of Heaney’s
complex role of ordinary              September; 7 and 14 October;           8 Wednesdays from 11              Join us for a fun, 45-minute        to the significance for the green-   poems, then respond to a line of
people in events? This class          4, 11, 18 and 25 November; 2           September - 6 November. No        origami lesson as we create         passport-bearing Heaney of the       the work. This workshop is for
examines events such as Gaelic        December. No class: 21 and 28          class: 9 October Fee: €100.       colourful shapes inspired by        example of Hardy and two other       all ages and abilities, for artists,
Sunday (a nationwide protest          October. Time: 11am - 1pm. Fee:        Places can be booked at:          Maser’s origami masterpiece         visitors to his place of writing,    poets, writers and dreamers
against restrictions on the           €160.                                  booking@nli.ie                    featured in the exhibition.         Robert Graves and W. B. Yeats.       alike!
What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
Saturday 5 October, 1pm
                                                                                                              Friday 29 November, 1pm          Card Making                      children aged 6 - 12 years. This
Dublin Festival of History:
                                                                                                              Book Club: The Cure at           For over thirty years, Seamus    is a 45-minute workshop.
‘Beyond the Iron Curtain:
                                                                                                              Troy                             Heaney produced his own
Eastern European Poets &                                                                                      Join us to discuss The Cure at                                    Wednesday 11 December,
their Influence on Heaney’                                                                                                                     Christmas Cards, featuring       1pm
                                                                                                              Troy, which is Seamus Heaney’s   poems he had written, special
As part of the Dublin Festival of                                                                             verse adaptation of Sophocles'                                    Workshop: Close Read-
History, join Sophie Doyle as she                                                                                                              illustrations and a              ing Poetry
                                                                                                              play, ‘Philoctetes’.
explores the literary influence of                                                                                                             handwritten message to each      From sonnets to sestets,
Eastern European poets on
Heaney’s work during the dark
                                                                                                              December                         recipient. This Christmas, we
                                                                                                                                               are taking inspiration from
                                                                                                                                                                                alliteration to assonance, we’ll
                                                                                                                                                                                take a close look at some of
days of the Troubles. She will                                                                                Booking essential:               Heaney and giving children       Heaney's poems. This
look at how their work detailing      O’Donnell to mark World Mental       Friday 1 November, 1pm             heaneynli.eventbrite.com or 01   the chance to create their own   workshop is for all ages and
life behind the Iron Curtain          Health Day 2019.                     Workshop: Origami for              670 6153                         Christmas cards while also       abilities! Whether you’re a
provided support and guidance                                              Kids                                                                gaining a helpful insight into   lover of Heaney’s poetry or
for an Irish poet struggling to       Wednesday 16 October, 1pm            Join us for a fun, 45-minute       Saturday 7 December, 1pm         the life of one of Ireland's     just getting started, we would
decipher his own political            Workshop: Close Reading              origami lesson as we create        Workshop: Christmas              best-loved poets. Suitable for   love to welcome you.
surroundings.                         Poetry                               colourful shapes inspired by
                                      From sonnets to sestets,             Maser’s origami masterpiece
Monday 7 October, 1pm                 alliteration to assonance, we’ll
Dublin Festival of History:
‘“A Labour of Love”: For-
                                      take a close look at some of
                                      Heaney's poems. This workshop
                                                                           featured in the exhibition.
                                                                           Suitable for children aged
                                                                           between 6 and 12 years.
                                                                                                                         Calendar of Events
gotten Heroes of the Great
As part of the Dublin Festival of
                                      is for all ages and abilities!
                                      Whether you’re a lover of            Saturday 2 November, 1pm                  September – December 2019
                                      Heaney’s poetry or just getting      Talk: ‘Portraits of the Poet’
History, this lecture by Professor    started, we would love to            Seamus Heaney has been
Christine Kinealy will examine        welcome you.                         depicted by many artists –         September
the role played by those who                                               including Louis le Brocquy,        Tuesday 3 September        1pm       Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition
came to the assistance of the         Friday 18 October, 1pm               Carolyn Mulholland, Tai Schan      Tuesday 3 September        1pm       Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
Irish poor during the Great           Art Tour of ‘Seamus                  Shierenberg and Jackie             Thursday 5 September       1pm       Summer Lunchtime Concert at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now
Famine. The man who master-           Heaney: Listen Now Again’            Nickerson and Edward McGuire.                                           Again’ exhibition
minded bringing relief from           Join us for an art focused tour of   Join Jennifer Duffy as she         Saturday 7 September   1pm           Guided Tour: The National Library's History & Heritage
North America to Ireland after        the ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now       explores various artistic          Saturday 7 September   2pm           Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
1846 was Dutch, had no Irish          Again’ exhibition. We will           depictions of Seamus Heaney        Tuesday 10 September   1pm           Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
connections, and is largely           examine illustrated editions of      from the ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen    Thursday 12 September  1pm           Guided Tour: World War Ireland exhibition
forgotten today. When asked by a      Heaney’s work, the photography       Now Again’ exhibition, the         Thursday 12 September  1pm           Summer Lunchtime Concert at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now
Quaker in Dublin why he was           and design of the exhibition, and    National Gallery of Ireland, the                                        Again’ exhibition
helping people whom he did not        portraits of Seamus Heaney by        Ulster Museum and the National     Friday 13 September    1pm           Origami for Adults at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’
know, he responded that it was        artists such as Louis le Brocquy     Portrait Gallery in London.                                             exhibition
“a labour of love”. His and stories   and Carolyn Mulholland.                                                 Saturday 14 September  2pm           Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
of other forgotten heroes will be                                          Wednesday 13 November, 1pm         Tuesday 17 September   1pm           Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
explored in this lecture.             Friday 25 October, 1pm               Workshop: Close Reading            Wednesday 18 September 1pm           Close Reading Poetry Workshop at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now
                                      Book Club: Human Chain               Poetry                                                                  Again’ exhibition
Thursday 10 October, 12.30pm          Join us to discuss this month's      From sonnets to sestets,           Thursday 19 September  1pm           Guided Tour: ‘A Modern Eye: Helen Hooker O’Malley’s Ireland’ at
Mindfulness Tour & Work-              poetry collection, Human Chain,      alliteration to assonance, we’ll                                        the NPA
shop                                  by Seamus Heaney.                    take a close look at some of       Friday 20 September    5pm - 11pm    Culture Night at the NLI
Join us for a relaxing tour                                                Heaney's poems. This workshop                                           (‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again and ‘A Modern Eye: Helen
                                                                                                                                                   Hooker O’Malley’s Ireland’ open until 9pm)
exploring mindfulness in the          November                             is for all ages and abilities!
                                                                                                              Saturday 21 September  1pm           Lecture: ‘Heaney and Hardy’s Place of Writing’
poems of Seamus Heaney                                                     Whether you’re a lover of
                                                                                                              Saturday 21 September  2pm           Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
followed by a mindfulness             Booking essential:                   Heaney’s poetry or just getting
                                      heaneynli.eventbrite.com or 01                                          Monday 23 September    10am -12.30pm Talk: ‘Digital Photography: Create, Curate, Save‘
workshop with lecturer in                                                  started, we would love to
Mindfulness at UCD, Fiona             670 6153                             welcome you.                       Tuesday 24 September   1pm           Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                                                                                              Tuesday 24 September   3pm           Research workshop: Using the National Library
What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
Wednesday 25 September 1pm             Irish Sign Language Tour: ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now
Calendar of Events September – December 2019                                          Again’ exhibition                                            November
                                               Thursday 26 September   1pm            Reading: ‘Leaving the Ladies’                                Friday 1 November         1pm Turas treoraithe: ‘A Modern Eye: Helen Hooker O'Malley's Ireland’ at the NPA
                                               Thursday 26 September   1pm            Summer Lunchtime Concert at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen           Friday 1 November         1pm Origami for Kids at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’ exhibition
                                                                                      Now Again’ exhibition                                        Saturday 2 November       1pm Talk: Portraits of the Poet at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’ exhibition
                                               Thursday 26 September   2pm            Turas treoraithe: Taispeántas Yeats                          Saturday 2 November       2pm Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Thursday 26 September   7pm            Lecture: 'Helen Hooker O'Malley's Irish Artistic Journey,    Tuesday 5 November        1pm Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                                                                      1935-1985'                                                   Thursday 7 November       7pm In Conversation: ‘The Circus in Irish Literature and Culture’
                                               Friday 27 September     1pm            Book club at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’ exhibition    Thursday 7 November       1pm Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition
                                               Saturday 28 September   2pm            Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                               Saturday 9 November       1pm Guided Tour: The National Library's History & Heritage
                                               Monday 30 September     6.30pm         Panel Discussion: 'Helen Hooker O'Malley's Ireland’ at the   Saturday 9 November       2pm Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                                                                      NPA.                                                         Tuesday 12 November       1pm Science Week 2019 talk: ‘Science in the library: Conserving heraldic
                                               October                                                                                             Tuesday 12 November   1pm     Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Tuesday 1 October       1pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                                 Tuesday 12 November   7pm     Lecture: 'The Letters of John McGahern'
                                                                                                                                                   Wednesday 13 November 1pm     Close Reading Poetry Workshop at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’
                                               Wednesday 2 October     1pm          Curator’s tour for the Festival of History: ‘A Modern Eye:                                   exhibition
                                                                                    Helen Hooker O'Malley's Ireland’ at the NPA
                                                                                                                                                   Thursday 14 November  1pm     Guided Tour: World War Ireland exhibition
                                               Wednesday 2 October     1pm          Creativity Workshop at the ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now
                                                                                    Again’ exhibition                                              Thursday 14 November  1pm     Lunchtime talk: Seumas O'Kelly and Harry Clarke's Geneva Window
                                               Thursday 3 October      1pm          Guided Tour: Yeats exhibition                                  Friday 15 November    10.30am Dublin Book Festival School event
                                               Saturday 5 October      1pm          Talk: ‘Beyond the Iron Curtain: Eastern European Poets &       Friday 15 November    1pm     Panel Discussion: ‘Writing Ireland’s History’
                                                                                    their Influence on Heaney’ at the Heaney Exhibition            Saturday 16 November  2pm     Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Monday 7 October        1pm          Lecture: ‘A Labour of Love: Forgotten Heroes of the Great      Saturday 16 November  2pm     In Conversation: Lorcan Collins and Margaret Ward with David McCullagh
                                                                                    Famine’ at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’ exhibition        Sunday 17 November    2pm     In Conversation: Gabriel Fitzmaurice with Fintan O’Toole
                                               Tuesday 8 October       1pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                                 Monday 18 November    7pm     Folklore Society of Ireland lecture: 'Ernie O'Malley and his Clew Bay Folklore
                                               Thursday 8 October      7pm          Lecture: ‘Iconic & Irish, 1829-2019: Daniel O'Connell in                                     Collection’
                                                                                    visual history’                                                Tuesday 19 November   1pm     Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Wednesday 9 October     1pm          RDA Meet the Expert lecture: ‘The role of Open Science,        Saturday 23 November  2pm     Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                                                                    Open Innovation and Citizen Science in creating more           Tuesday 26 November   1pm     Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                                                                    inclusive and sustainable societies’                           Tuesday 26 November   7pm     History Ireland Hedge School at the NPA
                                               Wednesday 9 October     7pm          Folklore Society of Ireland lecture: ‘The Clothes we wore:     Wednesday 27 November 1pm     Turas treoraithe: Taispeántas World War Ireland
                                                                                    colour and tradition in everyday dress in Ireland’             Wednesday 27 November 1pm     Lecture: ‘Loyal Cosmopolitan Irishmen? Leslie Daiken & Michael Sayers Irish
                                               Thursday 10 October     12.30pm      Mindfulness Tour & Workshop at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen                                        Jewish Writers in the Thirties’
                                                                                    Now Again’ exhibition                                          Thursday 28 November  1pm     Guided Tour: From Turmoil to Truce: Photographs of the War of
                                               Thursday 10 October     1pm          Guided Tour: World War Ireland exhibition                                                    Independence exhibition at the NPA
                                               Saturday 12 October     1pm          Guided Tour: The National Library's History & Heritage         Friday 29 November    1pm     Book club at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’ exhibition
                                               Saturday 12 October     2pm – 4.30pm Open House and Open House Junior at the NLI                    Saturday 30 November  2pm     Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Saturday 12 October     2pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Tuesday 15 October      1.10pm       Talk: ‘The Astronomical Times of Dunsink Observatory’          December
                                               Tuesday 15 October      1pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                                 Tuesday 3 December        1pm      Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Wednesday 16 October    1pm          Close Reading Poetry Workshop at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen        Tuesday 3 December        7pm      Talk: ‘Leinster: Military Service Pensions Collection (1916-1923)’
                                                                                    Now Again’ exhibition                                          Wednesday 4 December      1pm      Turas treoraithe: Taispeántas Yeats
                                               Thursday 17 October     1pm          Guided Tour: A Modern Eye: Helen Hooker O'Malley's             Thursday 5 December       1pm      Guided Tour: Yeats Exhibition
                                                                                    Ireland at the NPA                                             Saturday 7 December       1pm      Children’s Christmas Card Making Workshop at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now
                                               Friday 18 October       1pm          Art tour of ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’ exhibition                                          Again’ exhibition
                                               Saturday 19 October     2pm          Reading: 80 Minutes with Seamus Heaney’s poems                 Saturday 7 December       2pm      Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Saturday 19 October     2pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                                 Tuesday 10 December       1pm      Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
                                               Tuesday 22 October      1pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                                 Wednesday 11 December     1pm      Close Reading Poetry Workshop at 'Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’
                                               Friday 25 October       1pm          Book club at ‘Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again’ exhibition
                                                                                                                                                   Thursday 12 December      1pm      Guided Tour: From Turmoil to Truce: Photographs of the War of
                                               Saturday 26 October     2pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                                                                    Independence exhibition at the National Photographic Archive, Meeting
                                               Tuesday 29 October      1pm          Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition                                                                    House Square, Temple Bar.
                                               Wednesday 30 October    6pm          WITS Mary Mulvihill Lecture: ‘Collecting and Keeping the       Saturday 14 December      1pm      Guided Tour: The National Library's History & Heritage
                                                                                    National Memory’                                               Saturday 14 December      2pm      Guided Tour: Heaney exhibition
What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
National Library of Ireland
Kildare Street, Dublin 2 DO2 P638
T +353 1 603 0200

Opening hours:
Monday – Wednesday            9.30am to 7.45pm
Thursday – Saturday           9.30am to 4.45pm

                                                                                      Cover image: Lough Derg "Ireland this year" Poster for the London Midland & Scottish Railway designed by the artist Paul Henry NLI EPH G3
Sunday                        1.00pm to 4.45pm (exhibitions)
Public holidays               12.00pm to 4.45pm (exhibitions)

National Photographic Archive Exhibition Gallery
Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 DO2 WF85

Opening hours:
Monday – Saturday       10.00am to 4.45pm
Sundays/Public Holidays 12.00pm to 4.45pm

The Reading Room in the National Photographic Archive is accessible by appointment.
T +353 1 603 0373   npaoffice@nli.ie

Seamus Heaney: Listen Now Again exhibition
Bank of Ireland Cultural and Heritage Centre at College Green
– entrance via Westmoreland Street
Opening hours:
Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 4.00pm (Last admission: 3.30pm)
Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed

                                  Seamus Heaney: Listen
                                  Now Again at BOI Cultural
                                  and Heritage Centre

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What'son at the National Library of Ireland September-December 2019
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