Audi future lab: mobility

Page created by Pedro Olson
Audi future lab: mobility

                                   Audi future lab: mobility

                                                               Audi future lab: mobility
Audi future lab: mobility
Audi future lab: mobility
Audi future lab: mobility
Dear reader,                                                                              We are opening new horizons with this holistic think­
                                                                                                                                           ing. But that alone is not enough for us. We constantly have our
                                                                 Our company is pursuing a great aspiration – CO₂-neutral mobility.        sights fixed firmly on the major questions of our time: How are the
                                                                 We are working at speed to develop the necessary technologies             world’s major urban areas changing? How will we move in our
                                                                 in all areas of expertise. These include primarily the topics of future   ­cities in future? And what solutions can we offer through new mo­
                                                                 engines, future energies and urban future – i.e. drives, fuels and         bility concepts?
                                                                 mobility solutions for the major cities of this world.                                    Our designers are offering one answer to these ques­
                                                                              TDI and TFSI engines are fundamental pillars of our           tions – with youthful, smart designs like the Audi urban concept
                                                                 brand and they still offer us significant potential for efficiency.        Spyder or the Audi e-bike, both of which deliver new interpreta­
                                                                 A further important aspect of future mobility is drive electrifica­        tions of Audi ultra and Audi connect. Furthermore, with the Audi
                                                                 tion. Three of our hybrid models are already on the road. And with         Urban Future Initiative, we have also created a global network
                                                                 our electrified vehicles, too – from the A1 e-tron with range ex­          of experts with whom we are discussing ideas for the mobility of
                                                                 tender through concepts with Dual-Mode Hybrid drive to the purely          megacities and developing important food for thought. The
                                                                 electric car – we are currently undertaking test programs in house         ­mo­­bility of the future, as we see it, will be emotional, sustainable
                                                                 and in the field. We will soon be welcoming the arrival of a low-­          and multi-faceted.
                                                                 volume, electric-powered, high-performance sports car; the Audi
                                                                 R8 e-tron shows how dynamic the future of electromobility is              Join us on this journey.
                                                                 looking. We are pursuing this task with enormous determination.
                                                                 By the year 2020, we want to be the leading premium manufac­
                                                                 turer of electric vehicles. By then, our hybrid and electric cars will
                                                                 be enriching the Audi product lineup as regular models with a
                                                                 forecast overall annual volume measuring in six figures.
                                                                              In order to realize the vision of CO₂-neutral mobility,
Audi future lab: mobility                                        we are taking into consideration the entire product lifecycle of                       We are working at speed
Rupert Stadler, Chariman of the Board of Management of Audi AG   our cars. Among many possible approaches, we see the develop­
                                                                 ment of new energy sources as a major opportunity for the auto­
                                                                                                                                                        on all topics – future

The mobility of the future                                       motive future. For this reason, we are establishing the Audi e-gas
                                                                 project and developing new synthetic fuels in the form of Audi
                                                                                                                                                        engines, future energies and
                                                                                                                                                        urban future.
will be multi-faceted                                            e-ethanol and Audi e-diesel, the production of which can be com­
                                                                 pletely CO₂-neutral.                                                                  Rupert Stadler,
                                                                                                                                                       Chariman of the Board of Management of Audi AG

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3
Audi future lab: mobility
Rightsizing   Hybrid technology
                                                                                                    → Page 8      → Page 16
                         Statement from Axel Eiser
                         → Page 6

                                                                                                                                                         e-tron technology
                                                                                                                                                         → Page 22

Audi future engines
Audi’s TDI and TFSI engines still offer substantial                                                                           Audi A1 e-tron fleet testing
                                                                                                                              → Page 26
efficiency potential for the mobility of
the future. Driveline electrification is a further

                                                     Predictive efficiency assistant
                                                     → Page 12
                                                                                                                                                                                         Dual-Mode Hybrid
                                                                                                                                                                                         → Page 28

                                                                                       Electronic biturbo                               Audi R18 e-tron quattro
                                                                                       → Page 14                                        → Page 30
                                                                                                                                                                             Audi R8 e-tron world record
                                                                                                                                                                             → Page 34

4                                                                                                                                                                                                           5
Audi future lab: mobility
We at Audi will have a major impact on the current shift to new,       tomer – everyday usability without sacrifice, powerful electric per­
                                           alternative drive concepts. That means that we are meeting the         formance, sensible electric range and an exemplary overall eco­
                                           many different global requirements in respect of consumption           balance. Our e-tron models guarantee enormous electric driving
                                           and emissions with the optimum solution for each situation. And        pleasure at low operating costs.
                                           we are doing this by developing sustainable technologies that                       A few months ago we showed what is possible with
                                           ­reduce dependence on conventional energy sources                      electrification – with the world record set by the R8 e-tron on the
                                                            TDI and TFSI engines are the powerful foundations     Nürburgring Nordschleife and with the overall victory of the
                                            of our brand, on which we will continue to build our position         R18 e-tron quattro at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Audi’s drives of
                                            of leadership. Our 1.8 TFSI and the new 2.0 TFSI have been thor­      the future – all of them – will be sustainable and highly efficient,
                                            oughly engineered for dynamics, driving fun and low fuel con­         as well as emotional and dynamic.
                                            sumption in customer usage. A further cornerstone for the mo­
                                            bility of the future is electrification, whereby the initial focus
                                            is on our new hybrid models. In the medium term, plug-in-hybrids
                                            (PHEVs) will be the electrified all-rounders in the Audi portfolio.
                                                            We are working intensively on the complete chain of
                                            drive technology – on solutions such as new kinds of storage tech­
                                            ­nologies, highly intelligent operating strategies and e-tron
                                             ­quattro electrified all-wheel drive. The focus of our development
                                              activities is always on those aspects most important to the cus­

Audi future engines                                                                                                           We at Audi will
Axel Eiser, Head of Development, Engines
                                                                                                                              have a major impact on

Sustainability and                                                                                                            the shift to new,
                                                                                                                              alternative drive concepts.
emotion in one                                                                                                               Axel Eiser,
                                                                                                                             Head of Development, Engines

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Audi future lab: mobility
Audi future engines

Made-to-measure engines

Audi is driving forward progress in its gasoline engines. The term Rightsizing
incorporates a host of innovative technologies. The key is to design
engines with the optimum combination of displacement, power and torque
delivery, fuel consumption and operating characteristics. Cylinder
deactivation in the 4.0 TFSI is one example.

                                                                                 Eight cylinders –                                           Four cylinders –          Zero cylinders –
                                                                                 rapid acceleration                                          constant driving          stop

                                                                                 All eight cylinders                                         The S8 is running         When the vehicle
                                                                                 of 4.0 TFSI are                                             on low load. Cylinders    comes to a halt, the
                                                                                 active. Together they                                       2, 3, 5, and 8 are        start/stop system
                                                                                 produce up to                                               de­activated. Fuel con­   switches off the engine.
                                                                                 382 kW (520 hp)   sumption drops.           This function re‑
                                                                                 and 650 Nm in the                                                                     duces CO₂ emissions
                                                                                 Audi S8.                                                                              sig­nificantly.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                 9
Audi future lab: mobility
1 Flexible –
                          5.7 l/100 km –           Audi has been a pioneer of progress in spark-ignition engines           respectively when operating under partial load. This solution is
1   the inlet manifold                             for many years. At the end of the 1970s, it launched its first turbo­   a variant of the new rightsizing strategy, aimed at create the right
    with the dual in‑     powerful efficiency      charged gasoline engine, a sporty five-cylinder. The next mile­         balance between displacement and forced induction.
    jection system and
    the valve gear                                 stone followed in 1995 with the 1.8-liter four-cylinder turbo and,                   A central focus in rightsizing is the ongoing develop­
                          In the Audi A4 and
    of the 1.8 TFSI.      A5 Coupe, the 1.8 TFSI   in 2004, the brand placed itself at the very forefront of the com­      ment of forced induction. Audi engineers want to further optimize
                          emits just 134 grams     petitive field with TFSI technology, the combination of forced in­      torque and its dynamic build up, especially in the lower rev range.
                          of CO₂ per km,           duction and gasoline direct injection.                                  Some highly promising starts have already been made here, with
                          yet generates a sporty
                                                                The strategy of downsizing – the replacement of dis­       two-stage forced induction concepts delivering considerable in­
                          125 kW (170 hp).
                                                   placement with forced induction – delivered substantial increases       creases in performance. The materials used in the turbochargers
                                                   in torque. It enabled the development engineers to “downspeed”          include extremely heat-resistant steel alloys and turbines made
                                                   i.e. to use gearboxes with long ratios for improved fuel consump­       from titanium aluminide.
                                                   tion. Audi continues to pursue this successful approach, with                        In the further development of forced induction tech­
    2	Intelligent –
2   the innovative                                 key competitors just beginning to follow suit.                          nology, especially when it comes to increased charge pressure,
    rotary disc valve                                           The EA 888 four-cylinder engine family that made its       there is also an opportunity to apply new combustion processes. Of
    manages                                        debut in 2006 marks a further advancement in TFSI technology.           particular interest here are low-pressure exhaust gas recircu­la­
    coolant flow.
                                                   Now in its third iteration, the 1.8 and 2.0-liter units are packed      tion (LP EGR) and the so-called Miller and Atkinson cycles, which
                                                   with hi-tech solutions. Among them are the Audi valve­­lift system      enable an extended expansion phase. Both technologies increase
                                                   (AVS), the exhaust manifold integrated into the cyl­inder head,         efficiency significantly under medium and high load. At the other
                                                   the turbocharger with an electric wastegate actuator, the innova­       end of the spectrum, under partial load, homogenous charge
                                                   tive thermal management with electric coolant control and the           compression ignition (HCCI), lean combustion and variable valve
                                                   combination of direct injection with inlet manifold injection.          control offer new opportunities to raise efficiency even further.
                                                                Overall, these solutions deliver impressive results. In                 In the development of spark-ignition engines, a major
                                                   the A4 with manual transmission, the 1.8 TFSI with 125 kW               role is also played by fuels of the future, such as Audi e-gas or
    3 New –                                        (170 hp) consumes an average of just 5.7 liters of fuel per 100 km      Audi e-ethanol. The classic fields of internal friction, engine ma­
3   the exhaust                                    – equating to CO₂ emissions of 134 grams per kilometer. The A4          terials and thermal management complete the range of tasks
    manifold is
    integrated into the
                                                   from 2000 with the 1.8 T and an output of 110 kW (150 hp) emit­         being worked on by engineers. The extensive application of new
    cylinder head.                                 ted 197 grams of CO₂ per km. Improvements across many areas             technologies will deliver a further significant reduction in the
                                                   contribute to this progress. However, the most significant come         consumption of TFSI engines – in the range of around 15 percent
                                                   from the engine.                                                        by 2020. The brand aims to offer a mid-size sedan with a TFSI
                                                                The latest Audi innovation also has a noticeable impact    engine that has CO₂ emissions of less than 100 grams per kilome­
                                                   on efficiency – the cylinder-on-demand (COD) system. In the new         ter by the end of the decade.
                                                   4.0 TFSI and 1.4 TFSI engines, it shuts off four and two cylinders

Audi future lab: mobility
Audi future engines                                                                                                          The open road can be full of surprises – signs indicating speed            off the gas – even at higher speeds – the TFSI is decoupled and
Predictive efficiency assistant                                                                                              limits or residential areas can appear suddenly over the crest of a        deactivated; only the electric motor pro­vides slight braking in
                                                                                                                             hill, forcing the driver to brake. In conventional vehicles, how­          order to charge the lithium-ion battery.
Farsightedness for driveline                                                   
                                                                                                                             ever, braking means that kinetic energy is converted into heat. It
                                                                                                                             would be far more efficient if the driver could start to deceler-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In future, a comparable function could also be possible
                                                                                                                                                                                                        in conventional drives. Audi is working on a technology bearing

management                                                                                                                   ate earlier and coast down to the speed limit in a more controlled
                                                                                                                             manner – which would mean knowing what lies ahead.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the acronym iHEV. On lifting off the gas, the engine is deactivated
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and later reactivated smoothly and comfortably by a belt-driven
                                                                                                                                            Precisely this capability is the focus of the predictive    starter-generator. Components like power steering, air conditio­
                                                                                                                             ­efficiency assistant (PEA), one of Audi’s advanced development            ning and the brake servo unit are electrified, drawing their ener‑
                                                                                                                              pro­jects. Its objective is to use the route information from the         gy from a powerful 48-volt vehicle electrical system.
Audi is working on new, intelligent technologies to reduce fuel consumption
                                                                                                                              navigation system for drive management. The new major expan­                           In cooperation with the predictive efficiency assistant,
even further. The predictive efficiency assistant uses data from the navigation system
                                                                                                                              sion level of the MMI Navigation plus incorporates not only speed         iHEV vehicles can take full advantage of their entire fuel con­
to enable the car to slow down in an anticipatory manner.
                                                                                                                              limits but also gradient data. This enables the drive manage­             sump­tion potential, as comparative drives with a technology mule
                                                                                                                              ment system to determine how the stretch should be driven. It is          have indicated. The A7 Sportback 3.0 TFSI iHEV completed sev­
                                                                                                                              supported by the adaptive cruise control, which monitors the              eral drives along a 61 km stretch of winding, out-of-town road in
                                                                                                                              traffic ahead. The PEA also takes into account the current vehicle        normal everyday driving conditions. On the tests without data
                                                                                                                              mass and possible add-on extras like roof boxes or similar items.         support, the driver covered 28 percent of the route with the engine
                                                                                                                                            The predictive efficiency assistant advises the             deactivated. With data support active, this proportion rose to 43
                                                                                                                              driver when he can commence a comfortable coasting sequence               percent, while fuel consumption dropped by around 10 percent.
                                                                                                                              that will not hinder other road users behind him. The indication          Driving time was lengthened by just two minutes.
                                                  2                                                                           can appear in the driver information system display or via a haptic                    In future, the networking functions of Audi connect
                                                                                                                              ­signal like a pulse sent through the gas pedal. Alternatively, the       can ensure that the predictive efficiency assistant uses up-to-­­
                                                       3                                                                       driver can also simply use the coasting capabilities of the adaptive     the-minute data. If an Audi identifies a speed limit with its video
Audi A7 Sportback                                                                                                              cruise control.                                                          camera, at a newly established construction site for example, it
                                              1              4                                                                              Depending on vehicle and equipment, coasting can            sends it via the cell phone network to a server in the Audi comput­
3.0 TFSI iHEV                                                                                                         5
                                                                                                                               occur with the driveline coupled, i.e. conventional trailing throttle,   er center. There, the information is validated and sent out to
                                                                                                                               or decoupled, i.e. freewheeling. Some A3 and Q3 variants come            all suitably equipped vehicles driving the same route – a concrete
1    12-volt battery
2    12-volt vehicle electric system                                                                                           equipped with a freewheeling function; depending on the engine           usage example for forthcoming car-to-x technology.
3    DC/DC transformer 48/12 volt                                                                                              and gearbox configuration, it saves more fuel than trailing throt­
4    Lithium-Ion battery 48 volt                                                                                               tle. The hybrid models in the A6, A8 and Q5 ranges often coast en­
5    Belt-driven starter/generator
                                                                                                                               tirely without engine drag torque. If the driver takes his foot

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Audi future lab: mobility
Audi future engines                                                                    Almost a quarter of a century ago, Audi delivered a major boost                       Instead of a turbine driven by the flow of exhaust
Electric biturbo                                                                       to diesel engine development worldwide. 1989 saw the debut in          gases, the new component incorporates a small electric motor
                                                                                       the Audi 100 of the first direct injection compression ignition        that runs the compressor rotor up to a very high speed in an
Power at the lowest revs                                                               engine with turbocharging and electronic control, since when the
                                                                                       TDI has enjoyed an impressive and ongoing success story.
                                                                                                                                                              ­extremely short space of time. The electrically driven compressor,
                                                                                                                                                               which looks very similar to a conventional turbocharger from the
                                                                                                     The full potential of forced induction is particularly    outside, is positioned downstream of the turbocharger and
                                                                                       evident in combination with the diesel engine. It increases perfor­     charge-air cooler and is bypassed under most operating conditions.
With the electric biturbo, Audi is taking another major step                           mance and reduces consumption and emissions considerably;               However, when the energy on the turbine side is low, the bypass
forward in its TDI engines. In this forward-looking                                    compared with earlier naturally aspirated engines, this is down­        valve closes and the charge air is directed into the electrical com­
technology an additional compressor assists the turbocharger                           sizing at its very best. As a factor of displacement, TDI engines       pressor, where it is compressed for a second time.
in the lower rev range.                                                                have increased their output by more than 100 percent and torque                       The effect of the new concept is impressive. When
                                                                                       by 70 percent since 1989; within the same period, emissions             pulling away and accelerating at very low revs, torque build-up
                                                                                       have fallen by 95 percent.                                              takes place significantly earlier, meaning that a high level of
                                                                                                     The latest development iteration from Audi is the 3.0     ­pulling power is quickly on call in every situation. Under full accel­
                                                                                       TDI biturbo – it delivers 230 kW (313 hp) and a maximum torque           eration from a standstill, the electric biturbo delivers an ad­
                                                                                       of 650 Nm between 1,450 and 2,800 rpm. It has a specific power           vantage of around two vehicle lengths in the first three seconds
                                                                                       output of 77.5 kW (105.5 hp) per liter. Yet, in the A6 it con­           compared with a conventional engine.
                                                                               3       sumes an average of just 6.4 liters of fuel per 100 km and emits                      The energy required to drive the electric compressor
                                                                                       169 grams of CO₂ per km.                                                 is derived largely from recuperation under trialing throttle condi­
                                                                                                     All turbocharged internal combustion engines share         tions, making it consumption neutral. A further key feature of
                                                                                       one characteristic – that turbochargers are driven by energy from        the concept is the flexible and compact charge line; its heat capa­
                                                                                       the exhaust gas. For this reason, the charge pressure, and thus          city is reduced as a result, ensuring that the catalytic convertor
                                                                       4               torque, does not begin to rise sharply at the lowest end of the rev      quickly reaches operating temperature following cold start.
3.0 TDI with                                                                           range until exhaust gas energy increases.
                                                                                                     The electric biturbo, however, offers a significant
electric biturbo                                                                       ­improvement. Specialists from Audi’s Advanced Diesel Engine De­
                                                                                        velopment department in Neckarsulm have built and calibrated
1    Turbocharger
2    Diesel particulate filter                                                          a 3.0 TDI with this configuration. The conventional turbocharger
3    Throttle valve                                                                     operates together with a supplementary, electrically driven
4    Electrically driven compressor                                                     ­compressor. This facilitates a rapid build-up of charge pressure
5    Bypass valve                                                                  5
                                                                                         and high torque from the very lowest revs, independent of the
6    Charge-air cooler
                                                                                         available exhaust gas energy.

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Audi future lab: mobility
Audi future engines                                                                       The parallel driveline that Audi uses in its current hybrid models
Hybrid technology                                                                         is a highly efficient concept with a modular construction. The only
                                                                                          difference across the three models – Audi Q5 hybrid quattro,
Four-cylinder consumption                                                                 A6 hybrid and A8 hybrid – is that the SUV features all-wheel drive,
                                                                                          while the power is transmitted to the front wheels only in the

with six-cylinder power                                                                   ­sedans. Total system output is 180 kW (245 hp), while overall
                                                                                           torque stands at 480 Nm.
                                                                                                          Drive is handled by a 2.0 TFSI with 155 kW (211 hp)
                                                                                           and an electric motor with up to 40 kW and 210 Nm of torque. The
Audi offers full hybrids with lithium-ion batteries in three                               power from both units is transmitted by an extensively modi­
vehicle classes. The A6 hybrid, the A8 hybrid and the A5 hybrid quattro       2
                                                                                           fied, eight-speed tiptronic without a torque converter. In its place
use a parallel driveline – a highly efficient concept.                                     is the disc-shaped electric motor combined with a multi-plate
                                                                          1                clutch, which forms the connection between the motor and the
                                                                                           TFSI. It operates precisely, smoothly and quickly in all situations.
                                                                                  3   4                   The energy storage medium is a lithium-ion battery
                                                                                           system that weighs just 36.7 kilograms; it has an energy rating of
                                                                                           1.3 kWh and an output of 39 kW. Depending on requirements,
                                                                                           it can be air-cooled in one of two ways – via air extracted the from
                                                                                           the vehicle interior or via a cooling system coupled to the air
                                                                                           ­conditioning. This technology maintains the battery temperature
                                                                                            within the required limits across a wide range of scenarios and
                                                                                            ­facilitates a electric range of up to three kilometers at a c­onstant
                                                                                             speed of 60 km/h. The top battery-powered speed of 100 km/h
The electric motor                                                                           also sets a new benchmark.
                                                                                                          The compact and lightweight power electronics,
in the hybrid driveline                                                                      which are water-cooled like the electric motor, convert the direct
                                                                                             current from the battery into alternating current. The power
1    Cooling jacket
2    Rotor                                                                                   electronics have an integrated DC converter that connects the
3    Stator                                                                                  electric components on the 12-volt vehicle network to the
4    Decoupler                                                                               high-voltage network.

16                                                                                                                                                             17
1 The multi-tasker –
                               The hybrid                                                                   The brake servo unit is also supplied by an electric
 1   the Audi Q5 hybrid                                                                         vacu­um pump; a complex control strategy adapts the braking pro­
     quattro is the sporty     driveline                                                        cess to electric driving and energy recuperation. The air condi­
     SUV for all kinds
     of road and track.                                                                         tioning compressor has an electric drive, while an electric auxilia­
                               1   Eight-speed hybrid transmission
                               2   Electric motor with decoupler                                ry heater rounds of the heating system. In the final reckoning,
                               3   Connectors for high-voltage wiring                           the hybrid-specific components add less than 130 kilograms of
                               4   2.0 TFSI                                                     extra weight.
                               5   Turbocharger
                                                                                                            The three hybrid models are as refined as they are
                               6   Charge-air cooler
                                                                                                efficient. The sprint from zero to 100 km/h takes between 7.1
     2 The flagship –                                                                           and 7.7 seconds, while top speed stands at between 225 and 240
 2   the Audi A8 hybrid sets                                                                    km/h. Average fuel consumption is just 6.2 to 6.9 liters per 100
     benchmarks in
     the luxury class with
                                                                                                kilometers – equating to CO₂ emissions ranging from 145 to 159
     its efficiency.                                                                            grams per kilometer.
                                                                                                            The three Audi hybrid models can run on the engine
                                                                                                alone, on electric drive only and in hybrid mode; they can also
                                                                                                recuperate energy while braking and provide boost under high load
                                                                                2   4           – which means both units running together. The driver can select
                                                                                                from three programs – the EV mode gives priority to electric drive,
     3 The business                                                                             program D provides efficient control for both power units and
 3   sedan –                                                                                    S mode is set up for sporty driving.
     the Audi A6 hybrid
     boasts a compelling,
     state-of-the-art                                                   1                   6
     technology concept.

18                                                                                                             audi-hybrid-technology                            19
The power meter                                                  City traffic –                         The most important display instrument is the power
                                                                 the Audi hybrid           meter. Its needle presents the total system output on a scale
in the cockpit                                                   models can
                                                                                           of zero to 100 percent. A further instrument visualizes the battery
                                                                 drive on electricity
                                                                 alone up                  charge status. In parallel, the color display of the driver infor­
1    Ignition switched off
2    Heavy braking                                               to 60 km/h.               mation system and the monitor of the MMI Navigation plus pres­
3    Recuperation zone                                                                     ent the power flow and operating conditions in the form of ele­
4    Charge status display for the                                                         gant graphics.
     traction battery                    7
                                                         8                                              Audi can look back on more than 20 years of experi­
5    Vehicle ready for use
6    Electric driving zone                                       Open road –               ence in hybrid technology. The first generation of the Audi duo – a
7    Limit for cut-in of TFSI in                                 2.0 TFSI runs under       technology study based on the Audi 100 Avant – made its debut
     EV mode                                                     optimum load.
                                                                                           as far back as 1989. A five-cylinder gasoline engine drove the
8    TFSI under full load
                                                             9                             front wheels, while a nine-kilowatt electric motor provided power
9    TFSI and electric motor
     working together                6                                                     to the rear wheels as required. The energy storage medium was
                                                                                           nickel-cadmium batteries. A second duo variant based on an Audi
                                                                                           100 Avant quattro followed two years later.
                                                                                                        In 1997, Audi became the first European automaker
                                                                 Acceleration –            to put a hybrid vehicle into low-volume production – the Audi duo
                                                 5               under boost con‑          based on the A4 Avant. It was driven by a 1.9-liter TDI with 66 kW
                                                                 ditions, the en‑
                                                                 gine and electric motor
                                                                                           (90 hp) and an electric motor with 21 kW fed by a lead gel battery
                                                                 work together.            in the rear. Both units sent their power to the front wheels.
                                                                                                        Like both of the previous studies, the low-volume duo
                                                                                           was based on the plug-in concept. Its battery could be charged
                                                                                           from an electricity outlet and the motor was able to recover energy
                                                                                           during deceleration. Running on battery power, the Audi duo
                                             3                   Recuperation –            reached a top speed of 80 km/h and 170 km/h with the TDI unit.
                                                                 under deceleration,
                                                                 the electric
                                                                 motor acts as a
                                                 2               generator and
                                                                 recuperates energy.


20                                                                                                                                                         21
Audi future engines
                                                                                1 Powerful drive –     The Audi R8 e-tron, the first low-volume electric vehicle to be pro­
                                                                            1   the combined
 e-tron technology                                                                                     duced by Audi, is an uncompromising, high-performance sports
                                                                                output of the Audi
                                                                                e-tron quattro
                                                                                                       car. Its two electric motors deliver an output of 280 kW (381 hp)
The future will be dynamic                                                      is 236 kW (320 hp).    and 820 Nm of torque. All of the energy comes from the large
                                                                                                       lithium-ion battery that stores 48.6 kWh. The Audi R8 e-tron com­
                                                                                                       pletes the sprint from zero to 100 km/h in 4.6 seconds, achieves
                                                                                                       an electronically limited top speed of 200 km/h and covers a range
The term e-tron covers all Audi cars that can drive for longer                                         of around 215 km.
distances on electricity alone. The brand is working on all aspects                                                 The Audi A2 concept technology study is also a pure‑
of the issue and with different approaches – from pure                          2 Excellent            ly electric car. The spacious four-seater brings together the
                                                                            2   handling –
electric drive through plug-in hybrids to the electric quattro driveline.                              e-tron philosophy and ultra-lightweight design with the network­
                                                                                the location of the
                                                                                9.4 kWh battery
                                                                                                       ing ideas of Audi connect; steering and braking are operated
                                                                                in the center tunnel   purely electrically (by-wire). The show car is prepared for the con­
                                                                                benefits the           venient inductive charging technology known as Audi wireless
                                                                                agility of the Audi    charging (AWC).
                                                                                e-tron quattro.
                                                                                                                    The Audi A3 e-tron concept, on the other hand, is con­
                                                                                                       ceived as an efficient parallel plug-in hybrid. Its 1.4 TFSI de‑
                                                                                                       livers 155 kW (211 hp), while the electric motor produces 20 kW,
                                                                                                       with both drives connected to the front wheels. With its capacity
                                                                                                       of 12 kWh, the lithium-ion battery offers a range of around 50 km
                                                                                                       in electric drive mode. The Audi A3 e-tron will enter series pro­
                                                                                                       duction as a plug-in hybrid in 2014, followed a little later by the Q7
                                                                                                       and A4. Early 2012 also saw Audi present the Audi A6 L e-tron
The Audi                                                                                               concept as a study.

e-tron quattro

The technology show­                                                                                   Intelligent concept –
case based on                                                                                          TFSI engine and
the Audi A5 boasts a                                                                                   motor up front, second
compelling mix of                                                                                      motor at the rear
dynamism and tech­                                                                                     axle with the battery
nology.                                                                                                in between.

22                                                                                                                                                                        23
1 Pioneering –                          An interesting alternative to the parallel hybrid con­
                                  1   the Audi A3 e-tron         cept is to divide the power of the engine and electric drive between
                                      concept is a notchback
                                      sedan with a
                                                                 the axles. The e-tron quattro study based on the Audi A5 adheres
                                      plug-in hybrid drive.      to this principle. Two powerful electric motors complement the
                                                                 2.0 TFSI at the front of the vehicle – one is attached to the front
                                                                 axle and the other to the rear. As a plug-in hybrid concept, the
                                                                 Audi e-tron quattro can be charged at a household power outlet.
                                                                              The dynamic Audi e-tron Spyder is also a plug-in hy­
                                                                 brid, albeit with a different approach. Its powerful heart is a
                                      2 Smart detail –
                                  2   the charge connector       three-liter, bi-turbocharged TDI with a power output of 221 kW
                                      incorporates a             (300 hp). Mounted behind the passenger cabin, it drives the rear
                                      status display. The bat­   wheels. Two electric motors with a combined output of 64 kW
                                      tery stores 12 kWh.
                                                                 (87 hp) and 352 Nm of torque send their drive to the front wheels.
                                                                              The LMP1 prototype R18 e-tron quattro, which
                                                                 was the confident victor of the 24 Hours of Le Mans, has a largely
                                                                 simi­lar construction. A mid-mounted V6 TDI with a displace­
                                                                 ment of 3.7 liters sends 375 kW (510 hp) to the rear wheels. The
                                      3 Elegant –                front wheels can be periodically and for a short time driven elec­
                                  3   the interior is finished   trically with 75 kW (102 hp) each. The energy for this drive, which
                                      in white, with dis‑
                                      plays created speci­
                                                                 is recuperated from braking, comes from a flywheel energy stor­
                                      fically for the hybrid     age device.
                                      drive.                                  The compact A1 e-tron, on the other hand, is an urban
                                                                 specialist with an additional range extender. Its electric motor
                                                                 sends a peak output of 75 kW (102 hp) to the front wheels and its
                                                                 range in electric mode is around 50 km. A Wankel rotary engine
                                                                 in the rear with a displacement of 254 cm³ and 15 kW (20 hp)
     The Audi                                                    facilitates cross-country trips by charging the 12 kWh battery via
     e-tron Spyder                                               a generator.

     Large V6 TDI at the
     rear, at the front are two
     electric motors
     with a combined output
     of 64 kW (87 hp).
24                                                                                                                                25
Audi future engines                                                               The extended fleet testing in Munich that Audi ran with the first                Findings indicate that most of the A1 e-tron users
Audi A1 e-tron fleet testing                                                      units of the A1 e-tron has covered more than 50,000 km. The         had to develop a degree of trust in the new technology at the start
                                                                                  test program ended in September 2012, with important findings       of the test program, especially when learning to take full ad­
Trendsetter for                                                                   on customer usage habits, the charging infrastructure and vehi­
                                                                                  cle performance already established.
                                                                                                                                                      vantage of the range in electric drive mode. However, this did not
                                                                                                                                                      take long and several drivers also went on motorway trips

sustainable mobility                                                                          The fleet test consisted of two phases. Phase one was
                                                                                  based on a group of drivers who charged their cars at public sta­
                                                                                                                                                      that took them well outside the Munich metropolitan area – they
                                                                                                                                                      used the A1 e-tron in much the same way as they had the A1 1.4
                                                                                  tions or their workplace; phase two concentrated on users who       TFSI before it.
                                                                                  charged the A1 e-tron in their own garages at home. Both phases                  After a short time, the participants felt very much at
                                                                                  were preceded by a pilot phase in which each participant drove      ease with the electrically powered compact car and its driving
                                                                                  an A1 1.4 TFSI as a reference vehicle in order to be able to draw   feel. They saw themselves as trendsetters for a new, clean mobi­
                                                                                  direct comparisons between gasoline and electric drive.             lity. With its peak output of 75 kW (102 hp), the electric motor
                                                                                                                                                      at the front of the car delivered powerful acceleration and, on lon­
                                                                                  The Audi A1                                                         ger trips, the 254 cm³ Wankel engine in the rear recharged the
                                                                                                                                                      12 kWh battery via a generator.
                                                                                  e-tron                                                                           Over the course of the test program, the proportion
                                                                                                                                                      of driving done in electric mode increased from 76 to 91 percent,
                                                                                  The compact car goes
                                                                                  its own way – with an                                               with energy costs sinking continuously for the participants. The
                                                                                  electric motor up front                                             sustainably produced electricity that charged the Audi A1 e-trons
                                                                                  and a small Wankel                                                  within the Munich area and the low quantity of fuel required for
                                                                                  engine in the rear as a
                                                                                                                                                      running the range extender resulted in energy costs spanning
                                                                                  range extender.
                                                                                                                                                      four to seven Euro per 100 kilometers depending on the individu­
                                                                                                                                                      al driving profile.
                                                                                                                                                                   Audi will continue its testing with the A1 e-tron – the
                                                                                                                                                      company is participating in the “Schaufenster Elektromobilität”
                                                                                                                                                      (Electromobility Showcase) program that starts at the beginning
                                                                                                                                                      of 2013 and is being promoted by the Federal Ministry of Edu­
                                                                                                                                                      cation and Re­search. Audi’s involvement will be in the model
                                                                                                                                                      regions of Bavaria/­Saxony, Berlin-Brandenburg and Baden-Würt­
The Audi A1 e-tron with its range extender is a city specialist. The brand with                                                                       temberg, addressing different focal topics in each.
the four rings has undertaken an extended fleet test with it in Munich.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                     27
Audi future engines                                                        Dual-Mode Hybrid         A highly promising approach that Audi is pursuing in electromo­                        Electric drive is possible up to a speed of 130 km/h.
Dual-Mode Hybrid                                                                                    bility is the Dual-Mode Hybrid. The project is currently in its ear­ly   As of around 55 km/h, the drive system allows the TFSI and the
                                                                           concept                  development stages, with testing having commenced on initial             generator (EM 1) to link directly with the driveline. In this hybrid
Next-generation                                                            The new Audi hybrid
                                                                           system operates
                                                                                                    prototypes based on the A1. The drive layout is unusually lean –
                                                                                                    com­prised primarily of an internal combustion engine, two elec­
                                                                                                                                                                             mode, the control unit decides whether the individual drives
                                                                                                                                                                             work together for optimum efficiency or optimum performance,

hybrid drives                                                              in accordance with the
                                                                           driving situation in
                                                                                                    tric motors and a single-speed transmission.
                                                                                                                  The engine is a three-cylinder TFSI with a displacement
                                                                                                                                                                             as required. Upward of the 130 km/h mark, drive is handled
                                                                                                                                                                             large­ly by the engine. If necessary, the EM 1 electric motor can pro­
                                                                           a number of different
                                                                                                    of 1.5 liters developed specifically for the task. Derived from the      vide support to boost system output, for instance, or reduce
                                                                                                    two-liter four-cylinder, it generates an output of 95 kW (130 hp)        fuel consumption.
                                                                                                    and 200 Nm of torque. The three-cylinder is connected to a disc-                       Within this strategy, the driver can select a more
The hybrid drive that Audi is developing under the heading
                                                                                                    shaped electric motor (EM 1) that functions principally as a             economical or sportier setting. At city speeds, he can also use an
Dual-Mode Hybrid offers a great deal of potential. It is lean, powerful,
                                                                                                    starter and generator. It produces a peak output of around 50 kW         EV button to activate electric drive. Regardless of operating
comfortable and efficient.
                                                                                                    (68 hp) and up to 210 Nm of torque.                                      mode, the driving feel is similar to that of a battery-electric car –
                                                                                                                  Electric traction is handled by the second electric        the driver experiences neither gearshifts nor noticeable switches
                                                                                                    motor (EM 2), which produces a peak output of 85 kW (116 hp)             between engine and motors.
                                                                                                    and a maximum torque of 250 Nm. The single-speed gearbox                               In the Dual-Mode Hybrid concept vehicles built by
                                                                                                    makes it possible to manage the mechanical connection between            Audi based on the A1, system output totals 130 kW (177 hp) and
                                                                                                    the engine/generator assembly and the rest of the driveline via          acceleration from zero to 100 km/h is dealt within less than
                                                                                                    a dog clutch.                                                            nine seconds. The 17.4 kWh battery is mounted largely beneath
                                                                                                                  The Dual-Mode Hybrid concept offers a variety of dif­      the rear bench and delivers an electric range of around 90 km.
                                                                                                    ferent operating modes. From pulling away up to a speed of               Average fuel consumption is approximately 1.0 liters per 100 km
                                                                                                    55 km/h, i.e. in city traffic, drive is generally handled by the EM 2.   and CO₂ emissions are 23 grams per kilometer.
                                                                                                    In the event that the battery has insufficient energy for the task,
                                                                                                    the system switches temporarily to series operation, whereby the
                                                                                                    engine and generator (EM 1) produce electrical energy.

                                                                                                                                                                                            dual-mode-hybrid                                    29
Audi future engines
                                                                                            1	Downforce –             With the R18 e-tron quattro, Audi has realized a drive techno­
                                                                     1                      the large spoiler
Audi R 18 e-tron quattro                                                                                              logy that is utterly without compare in motorsport. Powerful and
                                                                                            makes the rear end
                                                                                            extremely stable,
                                                                                                                      efficient propulsion is delivered to the rear axle by a 3.7-liter
The Le Mans winner                                                                          even when braking
                                                                                            from a top speed
                                                                                                                      V6 TDI engine with more than 375 kW (510 hp) and over 850 Nm
                                                                                                                      of torque. Its power is transmitted by a six-speed gearbox made
                                                                                            of more than 300          from ultra-lightweight carbon-fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP).
                                                                                                                                   Located at the front axle is the innovative motor
With the R18 e-tron quattro, Audi introduced a radical new hybrid                                                     generator unit (MGU), developed by Audi in cooperation with
technology into motorsport – and won first time out.                                                                  its system partners. A generator and a transformer convert
                                                                                                                      energy recovered during braking into direct current. It, in turn,
                                                                                                                      drives a rotating mass storage device located in the cockpit
                                                                                                                      next to the driver. The power accelerates a flywheel made from
                                                                                            2 Guide element –
                                                                     2                      the long fin is sti­‑     ultra-­lightweight CFRP and running in a vacuum to speeds of
                                                                                            pu­lated in the regula­   up to 45,000 rpm.
                                                                                            tions for the 24                       On exiting the bend, the driver can then draw the
                                                                                            Hours of Le Mans.
                                                                                                                      energy back out of the storage device. It feeds into the MGU’s two
                                                                                                                      electric motors that drive the front wheels with up to 150 kW
                                                                                                                      (204 hp) – for a short time, the Audi R18 TDI becomes a quattro
                                                                                                                      with four driven wheels. In order to limit the scope of this ad­
                                                                                                                      vantage, the organizers of the 24 Hours of Le Mans restricted use
                                                                                                                      of the MGU to speeds of more than 120 km/h, a maximum en­
                                                                                                                      ergy of 500 kilojoules and seven stretches of the track.


                                                                    ← The R18 e-tron
                                                                    quattro with starting
                                                                    number 1 won the
                                                                    24 Hours of Le Mans.

The Audi R 18                                                                       In qualifying, André Lotterer put the 900 kilogram                    “By combining e-tron quattro with ultra-lightweight
                                                                       R18 e-tron quattro with the starting number 1 on pole position.        design we were able to bring a completely new technology to the
e-tron quattro                                                         “It drives like it’s on rails,” enthused the man from Duisburg         starting grid and win first time out,” said Rupert Stadler, Chair­
                                                                       after completing a fast lap in 3:23.787 minutes. On Sunday, in the     man of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, after the race. “This
1    Engine/generator unit on the front axle
2    Rotating mass storage device                                      race itself, the Audi with chassis number R18-208 crossed the          proves the outstanding technical expertise of our engineers.”
3    V6 TDI with 3.7-liter displacement                                line as the victor at 3.00 p.m. after 378 laps and 5151.762 km.        Winning with innovation is something of a tradition at Audi. In
4    Transmission casing from CFRP with titanium inserts               Second place went to the R18 e-tron quattro driven by Dindo Ca­        2001, the brand with the four rings won in Sarthe with its then
                                                                       pello, Tom Kristensen and Allan McNish with one lap less. The          brand-new TFSI engine; in 2006 it stunned onlookers with the first
                                                                       two Audi R18 ultras with TDI-only drive rounded off the brand’s tri­   Le Mans triumph for a TDI engine.
                                                                       umph in places three and five – the eleventh overall Le Mans vic­                  “We have been intensely involved in the regulations
                                                                       tory from 14 starts since 1999.                                        and they have taken a major step in the right direction,” comments
                                                                                    The fuel consumption figures of Lotterer/Fässler/         Head of Audi Motorsport Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich. “They promote
                                                                       Tréluyer underscore the potential of Audi’s hybrid technology. The     the development of new technologies that are also relevant
                                                                       winners were considerably faster than the year before – with an        for series production, which is precisely why we are so committed
                                                                       average speed of 214.468 km/h compared with 201.266 km/h.              to Le Mans.”
                                                                       Nevertheless, their R18 e-tron quattro consumed around ten                         As of 2014, the cards will be shuffled once more for
                                                                       percent less fuel than the R18 TDI from 2011.                          the endurance classic. The new regulations will see the organizers
                                                           3                                                                                  specify an amount of energy from which every participant must
                                                                                                                                              derive the absolute maximum; and there will be greater freedom
                                                                                                                                              in respect of engines and hybrid systems. The objective is to
                                                4                                                                                             reduce fuel consumption by a further 30 percent. Audi is already
                                                                                                                                              looking forward to the next challenge.

32                                                                                   r18-e-tron-quattro                                                                                                      33
Audi future engines
Audi R8 e-tron world record

 Audi under full power
In June 2012, the Audi R8 e-tron set the fastest time for a series-production
vehicle with electric drive on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. Professional racing driver
Markus Winkelhock drove it round the track in 8:09.099 minutes.

34                                                                                        35
1 Before the start –   The R8 e-tron, with which Audi set a new world record on the
                          1   Markus Winkelhock      Nürburgring Nordschleife in June 2012, is identical in every way
                              on the task at hand.
                                                     to the series-production model that is scheduled for market
                                                     launch at the end of the year. Its ultra-lightweight bodyshell is
                                                     made largely from an aluminum ASF (Audi Space Frame) and
                                                     CFRP components. It is thanks in large part to this construction
                                                     that the high-performance sports car has a dry weight of just
                                                     1,780 kilograms, despite its substantial battery.
                                                                 Both electric motors in the R8 e-tron send a total
                                                     of 280 kW (381 hp) of power and 820 Nm of torque to the rear
                                                     wheels. They can be controlled individually to enable targeted
                                                     torque vectoring – the transfer of forces in accordance with driving
                              2	Data procedure –
                          2   final check in the     dynamics. The R8 e-tron completes the sprint from zero to 100
                              pit lane on the        km/h in 4.6 seconds, while its top speed is limited to 200 km/h.
                              Nordschleife right     This limit was increased to 250 km/h for the record-breaking lap,
                              before the start.
                                                     which the high-performance sports car completed on cup tires.
                                                                 The T-shaped lithium-ion battery is mounted in the
                                                     center tunnel and transversely in front of the rear axle. The 48.6
                                                     kWh of energy stored within are sufficient for around 215 kilome­
                                                     ters in everyday use. However, on the extremely demanding
                                                     20.832 km of the Nürburgring Nordschleife, on which a conven­
                                                     tional high-performance car consumes up to 65 liters of gasoline
                                                     per 100 km, the charge was sufficient for two fast laps. Recupe­
16:56.966 min –                                      ration was enormously helpful here, with the electric motors func­
                                                     tioning as potent generators under deceleration, taking the
fast double lap                                      load off the electromechanical wheel brakes on the rear axle al­
                                                     most entirely.
Markus Winkelhock
with the Audi R8 e-tron
at Brünnchen, a
difficult combination
of bends.

36                                                                                                                    37
1 Crossing the line –                   Alongside the fast single lap on the Nordschleife,
 1   the times for the R8       com­pleted in 8:09.099 minutes, the R8 e-tron achieved yet an­
     e-tron are new
     records for electrically
                                oth­er top result with professional racing driver Markus Winkel­
     powered series-            hock at the wheel. Limited to 200 km/h and with series-production
     pro­duction vehicles.      tires, the high-performance sports car completed two consecu­
                                tive laps in 16:56.966 minutes. “The record drives were a unique
                                experience for me,” reported Winkelhock afterward. The 32
                                year-old from Schwabia has an extremely tough comparative
                                bench­mark – the Audi R8 LMS ultra, in which he won the 24-hour
                                race on the Nürburgring in May 2012 together with Marc Bas­
                                seng, Christopher Haase and Frank Stippler.
                                             “Obviously, the R8 e-tron is a series-production car
     2 Celebration –
 2   Project leader Ralf        without aerodynamic assistance,” commented Winkelhock.
     Schelchshorn               “But it possesses tremendous sporting qualities with its low center
     and racing professional    of gravity and rearward weight distribution. And the torque the
     Winkelhock share
                                electric motors lay down coming out of the tight bends is un­
     their joy.
                                belie­v­able – even if they hardly make any noise, which was a com­
                                pletely new experience for me at the start.”

                                                                                                      8:09.099 min –
                                                                                                      fast single lap

                                                                                                      The Nordschleife has 73
                                                                                                      bends and gradients
                                                                                                      of up to 17 percent over a
38                                            r8-e-tron-world-record                                  distance of 20.832 km.       39
Statement from Reiner Mangold
                                                   → Page 42

Audi future energies                                                                                                                               Interview with Heinz Hollerweger
                                                                                                                                                   → Page 54
Clean drive energy will play a major role in the
sustainable mobility of the future, which is why Audi
is pushing forward with the development                                                            Audi e-ethanol and Audi e-diesel
                                                                                                   → Page 50
and production of climate-friendly synthetic fuels.

                                                                                                                                      → Page 56
                        The Audi e-gas project
                        → Page 44

                                                                          Audi A3 Sportback TCNG
                                                                          → Page 48                                                                                      Sustainable energies
                                                                                                                                                                         → Page 58

40                                                                                                                                                                                              41
Within the automotive industry, Audi is striving to achieve the      which we can use to power CNG cars like the new A3 Sportback
                                                          leading role in the sustainable management of all resources – a      TCNG. With the e-gas project, it is about more than a new kind
                                                          major objective is overall CO₂-neutral premium mobility. We          of fuel – its principle of electricity/gas coupling is facilitating the
                                                          also want in future to offer sporty and emotional cars that cause    energy shift in the fuel tank.
                                                          no further damage to the environment.                                              We are also pursuing further highly promising con­
                                                                      In order to achieve this objective, we look far beyond   cepts to replace gasoline and diesel with completely new biofuels
                                                          tailpipe emissions; we cast a very wide net when drawing up          that are independent of energy plants and that trap greenhouse
                                                          our ecobalances. Alongside the purely operational phase, we also     gas CO₂ during the production process. Together with specialist
                                                          take into consideration the manufacturing and recycling of the       partners, we have been working for some time on the production
                                                          vehicle, as well as the complete fuel chain, which is becoming in­   of synthetic ethanol, Audi e-ethanol, and synthetic diesel, Audi
                                                          creasingly important. The operation of electrically driven cars,     e-diesel. With these initiatives, we continue to pursue our aim of
                                                          like our e-tron models for example, is only truly advanced when      harmonizing ecology with the economy.
                                                          the electricity that they use is derived from renewable energy.
                                                                      With the Audi e-gas project, we are building a com­
                                                          plete chain of sustainable energy sources. It starts with energy
                                                          from wind power and carbon dioxide from a biogas facility that is
                                                          absorbed during energy conversion. The end products are re­
                                                          newably generated electricity, hydrogen and synthetic Audi e-gas,
Audi future energies
Reiner Mangold, Head of Sustainable Product Development

Ecology and economy
in harmony                                                                                                                                  Within the automotive industry,
                                                                                                                                            we are striving to be the
                                                                                                                                            leader in sustainable resource

                                                                                                                                           Reiner Mangold,
                                                                                                                                           Head of Sustainable Product Development

42                                                                                                                                                                                                 43
1 Wind energy –           3 Electrolysis –                   5 Gas network –
Audi future energies
                                                                                                                  the starting point for    the electrolysis plant,            the e-gas is stored in
The Audi e-gas project
                                                                                                                  the Audi e-gas pro‑       which is operated by               the public gas net‑
                                                                                                                  ject is renewably gene­   wind power, splits                 work and can therefore
A chain of sustainable                                                                                            rated electricity.        water into oxygen and
                                                                                                                                                                               also supply house‑
                                                                                                                                                                               holds and industry with
                                                                                                                  2 Power grid –                                               energy from renew‑
energy sources                                                                                                    the wind energy
                                                                                                                  is fed into the public
                                                                                                                                            4 Methanation –
                                                                                                                                            the hydrogen reacts
                                                                                                                                                                               able sources.

                                                                                                                  power grid.               with carbon dioxide in a           6 CNG filling station –
                                                                                                                                            methanation plant.                 the increasing propor­
                                                                                                                                            The result: e-gas (syn­            tion of e-gas promotes
By 2013, the Audi a-gas project will make the brand with the four rings the first automaker                                                 thetic natural gas).               climate-friendly
worldwide to have built a whole chain of sustainable energy sources.                                                                                                           long-distance mobility.






                         Renewable energy –
                         the starting point
                         for sustainable electric
                         mobility is renewably                                              
44                       generated electricity.                                                       e-gas-project                                                                                45
Electrolysis                            The Audi e-gas facility in Werlte, northern Germany, which                          The CO₂ comes from a biogas plant that is fed not with                 Audi’s involvement in initiatives addressing the pro­
                                        Audi is currently building in cooperation with its partner firm        energy plants but with organic waste, thus avoiding the conflict       duction of clean electrical energy comes under the heading of
                                        SolarFuel, will be the world’s first industrial-scale installation     with food production. The CO₂ used is a waste product that would       Audi e-power. In April 2010, Audi joined the international consor­
1    Renewable energy
2    Oxygen (O₂)                        to generate synthetic natural gas from CO₂ and renewable electric­     otherwise enter the atmosphere. The Audi e-gas facility bonds          tium Desertec Industrie Initiative (Dii GmbH). Its long-term
3    Water (H₂O)                        ity. It runs on renewable electricity from sources such as wind        the CO₂ into the fuel, making Audi e-gas a climate-neutral fuel.       goal is to generate climate-friendly solar energy in the deserts of
4    Hydrogen (H₂)                      and solar power or biomass. The facility, with its rated input of      When it is subsequently burned in the engine, the amount of CO₂        North Africa and the Middle East. Audi is the only automaker
                                        around 6,000 kW, will use primarily wind power when there is           released is exactly the same as the amount previously bonded           worldwide to be part of the consortium as an associated part­
                                        a temporary excess, thus helping to solve one of the core issues       into the fuel in the e-gas facility.                                   ner, with the brand’s initial involvement being in the establishment
                                        impacting the shift to alternative energy.                                          Audi e-gas is an energy-rich fuel that is chemically      of the necessary framework conditions and the associated
                                                      At the facility in Werlte, the first process step uses   iden­tical to fossil methane, the primary constituent of natural       in­frastructure.
                                        electrolysis to convert renewable electricity into hydrogen (Audi      gas, and is ideally suited to powering internal combustion engines.                 The sun shines in the deserts of the Middle East and
                                    4   e-hydrogen), the fuel for future fuel-cell cars like the Audi Q5       Starting in 2013, the facility in Werlte will produce a planned        North Africa alone with 630,000 TWh of energy every year – which
                                        HFC. Two high-pressure cylinders store the hydrogen in this tech­      1,000 tonnes of methane per year, thus binding 2,800 tonnes of         equates to 30 times the amount of electricity generated world­
1                               3       nology prototype at a pressure of 700 bar; a polymer-electro‑          CO₂. This renewably generated Audi e-gas is sufficient to run          wide in 2010. In the sunniest regions of the earth, solar power
                                        lyte membrane fuel cell (PEM) with a power output of 98 kW sup­        1,500 Audi A3 Sportback TCNGs CO₂-neutrally for 15,000 kilome­         stations on an area of 83,000 square kilometers – around the size
                                        plies the energy for the electric drive. Together, the two electric    ters per year. In 2015, Audi intends to launch a second TCNG           of Austria – would theoretically be sufficient to satisfy all cur­
                                        motors deliver 90 kW and 420 Nm of torque.                             mod­el based on the A4.                                                rent global electricity needs.
                                                      However, as the necessary hydrogen supply infra­                      In the medium term, the German energy economy                          The industrial initiative has set itself the target of,
                                        struc­ture is not yet in place, Audi is addressing this problem        could also benefit from the concept of the Audi e-gas project          by 2050, meeting most of the power needs of North Africa
Methanization                           through a further innovative process step. When the hydrogen is        because it answers the question of how electricity produced in an      and the Middle East, and a smaller proportion of European needs
                                        combined with CO₂ in the methanization facility downstream             environmentally friendly manner can be stored efficiently and          with elec­tricity generated from solar and wind power. Audi
                                        of the electrolysis the result is synthetic, renewable natural gas –   independent of location. If there is plenty of wind blowing, excess    sees enormous potential within the project for a sustainable en­
1    Hydrogen (H₂)          2
2    Carbon dioxide (CO₂)               Audi e-gas. This can then be fed directly into the natural gas         electricity can be converted into Audi e-gas and stored in the         ergy supply.
3    Water (H₂O)                        network and stored there.                                              public gas network – with its 217 terrawatt hours of capacity, it is                The brand with the four rings wants to use some of
4    e-gas (CH₄)                                                                                               by far the largest energy storage facility in Germany. The energy      the electricity from the Desertec project to produce and drive its
                                                                                                               can then be fed as and when required from the gas network back         e-tron vehicles. In parallel to this, excess solar electricity can,
                                                                                                               into the electricity grid.                                             when necessary, be stored in the gas network. Another approach
                                                                                                                            The potential of electricity/gas coupling to store        being pursued by Audi e-power is its involvement with a com‑
                                                                                                               wind or solar power in large quantities can provide powerful im­       pany that manufactures components for solar power stations – a
1                               3   4                                                                          petus to the renewable energy movement. The Audi e-gas                 technology that enables flexible electricity production.
                                                                                                               project can easily be carried over to all countries with natural gas

46                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     47
Audi future energies                                                             The Audi A3 Sportback TCNG presents in every way the state-of-                        The engine is the all-new 1.4 TFSI, which, together
 Audi A3 Sportback TCNG                                                           the-art in gas drive technology, beginning with the storage of            with the injection system and catalytic converter, is specifically
                                                                                  the fuel. Its two pressure tanks beneath the floor of the luggage         adapted to run on gas. With 81 kW (110 hp) and 200 Nm of
Clean and versatile                                                               compartment each have a capacity of eight kilograms of com­
                                                                                  pressed natural gas (CNG); they mainly occupy the former location
                                                                                                                                                            torque, it accelerates the A3 Sportback TCNG to a top speed of
                                                                                                                                                            more than 190 km/h. The five-door premium compact is packed
                                                                                  of the spare wheel.                                                       with the full scope of Audi’s technological expertise. Ultra-light­
                                                                                              The tanks store the gas at a pressure of more than            weight design technology helps to achieve its low weight, while the
The Audi A3 Sportback TCNG, due for launch in 2013, can run                       200 bar and, in keeping with Audi’s ultra-lightweight design prin­        infotainment and driver assistance systems set benchmarks in
on sustainably generated Audi e-gas in a groundbreaking combination               ciple, weigh around 70 percent less than conventional steel               the segment.
of ecology, economy and hi-tech.                                                  tanks, with each of them saving around 27 kilograms. They feature                     The highly efficient Audi A3 Sportback TCNG con­
                                                                                  a new kind of matrix construction – a layer of gas-impermeable            sumes just 3.6 kilograms of CNG or e-gas per 100 km – the latter
                                                                                  polymer forms the inner wall, a second layer of carbon-fiber rein­        refers to the fuel generated in the Audi e-gas project using elec­
                                                                                  forced polymer (CFRP) ensures extremely high stiffness and a              tricity from wind power. Fuel costs for the customer are extremely
                                                                                  third layer of glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) provides se­         low, while CO₂ emissions remain below 100 grams per km. In
                                                                                  curity against external damage. High-strength epoxy resin serves          the well-to-wheel balance, which considers the overall ecologi­
                                                                                  as the bonding agent for the composite materials.                         cal impact, CO₂ emissions running on Audi e-gas are less than
                                                                                              A second highlight of the Audi A3 Sportback TCNG is           30 grams per km.
                                                                                  the electronic gas pressure regulator. The compact and light­                         The plan is to enable customers of the Audi A3 Sport­
                                                                              3   weight component reduces the pressure at which the gas flows              back TCNG to book the amount they fill up at public CNG stations
                                                                                  from the tanks in two stages to around five to nine bar. This en­         in Germany through a balance system similar to the one in ex­
                                                                                  sures that the pressure in the gas rail and in the gas injection valves   istence for eco-electricity. When paying for the e-gas, the quantity
                                                                                  is always at the correct pressure – low for efficient driving in the      bought is booked via a special fuel card to a central register and
                                                                                  low rev range, higher when the driver demands power and torque.           offset against the total amount fed into the natural gas network
Audi A3                                                                                       If the pressure in the tank drops below 10 bar, the           from the e-gas production facility.
                                                                                  engine management switches automatically to gasoline opera­
Sportback TCNG                                                                    tion. Power and torque are unaffected. The Audi A3 Sportback
                                                                                  TCNG is bivalent and can cover more than 400 km on gas and a
1 Electronic gas pressure regulator
2 Gas lines                                                                       further 780 km on gasoline, achieving the same overall range as
3 Filler caps for natural gas                                                     a TDI. Two displays in the instrument panel keep the driver in­
  and gasoline                                                                    formed of the amount of fuel in the two tanks. The fuel fill points
4 Gas pressure vessels made from
                                                                                  are both located beneath the same flap.
  CFRP composite material

48                                                                                                                                                                                                                           49
Audi future energies                                                                         The problem has been familiar for a long time, but it has yet to                   The process is relatively simple: Liquid fuels are pro­
Audi e-ethanol and Audi e-diesel                                                             be solved: The combustion of conventional petroleum fuels pol­        duced from CO₂ and process water with the help of solar energy.
                                                                                             lutes the atmosphere by releasing carbon dioxide into it. Ethanol     At the heart of this process are photosynthetic microorganisms,
Fuels for sustainable mobility                                                               and diesel made from renewable raw materials such as maize
                                                                                             and rapeseed generally achieve a better environmental balance,
                                                                                                                                                                   each one with a diameter of about three thousandths of a millime­
                                                                                                                                                                   ter. Instead of using photosynthesis to produce new cells, how­
                                                                                             because the plants have already previously absorbed the CO₂ that      ever, these microorganisms continually produce fuel. In the pro­
                                                                                             is released when they are combusted. But such fuels are costly        cess, they utilize the sunlight and CO₂ from industrial waste from
Audi is promoting the development of new CO₂-neutral fuels. The underlying                   and compete with food agriculture – so they do not represent a        sources such as factories and saltwater or wastewater. There is
technology is completely new: Microorganisms utilize solar energy to produce synthetic       long-term solution in a world whose population continues to grow      no need to use agricultural land or clean drinking water.
ethanol and synthetic diesel from carbon dioxide and water.                                  increasingly rapidly.                                                              From this technology, Audi e-diesel and Audi e-ethanol
                                                                                                         A radically new approach is needed to produce fuels       are produced. The e-ethanol project delivers a product that has
                                                                                             for future CO₂-neutral mobility. Audi is working on such a solution   the same chemical properties as conventional bioethanol; its de­
                                                                                             in the framework of a partnership with Joule, a USA-based com­        cisive advantage is that it is produced without biomass. For ve­
                                                                                             pany. Joule produces fuels in a patented process that utilizes spe­   hicles that can use E85 fuel, it may be used as an admixture to fos­
                                                                                             cial microorganisms in a highly scalable modular system (Solar­       sil-fuel gasoline at percentages of up to 85 percent.


1                                               2

                                                                                             Production of
                                                                                             e-diesel and e-ethanol

                                                                                             1 Water input
                                                                   3                         2 Processing plant
                                                                                             3 SolarConverter®
                                                                                               for fuel production
                                                                                             4 CO₂ input

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