Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS

Page created by Vincent Clark
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
Community Plan
Bankstown’s future – in your hands

Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
The Community Vision

Bankstown’s community is proud of its history and confident in its
future as a thriving centre of Greater Sydney. Our diverse population
will continue to live and work together in harmony.
Bankstown residents will enjoy the services and facilities of a
prosperous, growing city with lively neighbourhoods and activities
for people of all ages.
Bankstown will be a modern, active community with quality transport
infrastructure, clean waterways, pristine bushland and great community
spaces and parks.

February 2011

Bankstown Community Plan

Consultation and research documents were compiled by
Bankstown City Council. Thank you to all who contributed to the Plan.

For further information contact:

City Strategy Unit, Bankstown City Council,
PO Box 8, Bankstown NSW 1885

Phone:    9707 9484 Fax: 9707 9070
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
Message from the Mayor

                       I am pleased to present to you the Bankstown
                       Community Plan 2021.
                       The purpose of the Bankstown Community Plan
                       is to capture the community’s 10 year vision for
                       the future and to guide Council in its planning
                       and management of the local government area.
                      Based entirely on feedback from the community
                      and our stakeholders this plan concentrates on
                      seven City Directions for Bankstown in the next
ten years. The City Directions outline the community’s aspirations for
Bankstown by 2021.

                                                                              Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                   Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
In 2011, Bankstown’s population is nearing 200,000 and is predicted to
grow even more. There are both challenges and opportunities to create
a city for our future generations.
This plan can only be realised in partnership with all tiers of
government, residents and businesses and Council looks forward to
working with you to achieve these priorities.
The bar has been set high, now we must all unite to realise the city’s
potential as a great place to live, work, invest and visit. I hope you will
join me to deliver the Bankstown we all seek for the future.

Clr Tania Mihailuk
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

    Bankstown’s future – in your hands
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS

                      Message from the Mayor              1

 Bankstown at a glance                                    5
 Planning for the community                               5
 About the Bankstown Community Plan                       5
 City Directions                                          6
 The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework          8


 Where are we now?
 Our city 		                                              12
 Population and demographics                              13                                        3
 Health and wellbeing                                     13

                                                               Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                    Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
 Industry and employment                                  13
 The NSW planning context                                 14
 Bringing the community’s wishes to life                  14

 Bankstown Community Plan principles                      16

                      What did the community say?
                      Community engagement timeline       20
                      Principles of engagement            21
                      Community engagement objectives     21
                      How was the community engaged?      22
                      What they told us                   23
                      Exhibition of the Plan              23

 Where will we be in 10 years?
 City Directions
            • Liveable                                    26
		          • Connected                                   28
		          • Green                                       30
		          • Provide                                     32
		          • Enjoy                                       34
		          • Invest                                      36
		          • Lead                                        38
 Beacon ideas                                             40

                      How will we get there?
                      Working with the community          45
                      Service levels                      45
                      Engaging Council staff              45
                      Key stakeholders                    45

                      How will we know we have arrived?
                      The State of our City Report        49
                      Annual Report                       49
                      Developing performance measures     49
                      Review of the Plan                  49
                      Translations                        50
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

    Bankstown’s future – in your hands
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS

Bankstown at a glance                 Planning for the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            About the Bankstown
Bankstown City Council                community                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Community Plan
acknowledges the original             The Bankstown Community Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Plan is a strategic document
custodians of its land, both past     acknowledges the area’s history                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             that outlines the 10 year vision
and present. Bankstown is now         and identity and aims to realise the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for Bankstown and guides
known for its diversity and strong    community’s vision for the future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Council’s activities to achieve
sense of identity. Shaped by its                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  this vision. Council’s planning
attractiveness to new migrants        While Council has a key role in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for asset, financial and workforce
and its strong community              shaping the future of our city,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  management will also be
                                      there are other key stakeholders
spirit, Bankstown has grown
from working class roots to a         who pay a vital role – our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  integrated into the Plan.                                                  5
commercially diverse area with        residents, local business and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Bankstown Community

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
a focus on specialised industries     industry, community organisations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Plan is built around seven City
and jobs for locals.                  and state and federal agencies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Directions which have a set of
                                      The success of the Plan will lie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            goals and long term actions:
Bankstown is one of the few           in its ability to develop strong
places in the state you can get to    partnerships with our community                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             City Direction
by road, train, car, boat or plane.   and key organisations and take a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Identify where we want to
The city is well serviced by two      coordinated approach to meeting                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             be in 2021
rail lines and major roads which      the community’s needs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Goals
offer quick access to Sydney, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What we’re aiming to
international airport and other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  achieve under each direction
major centres.
The area is home to Bankstown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Long Term Actions


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  How we plan to achieve
                                                                  V IL


Airport, the busiest general

                                                                                                                             CHESTER HILL

                                                                                                        R O AD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  each goal
                                                                                                                                                        S TR E E T

                                                                                                     MIL L E R

aviation airport in Australia, and                                                                                                                                                                                                               POTTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                   N R OA

                                                                                                                                                    HE C T O


                                                                                                                                                                                                 AUB U R


                                                                                                BASS HILL

industrial and technology centres                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 To make the Plan come to life,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TS R O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    R OB E R


such as the Condell Park and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Council has prepared a four

                                                                              GEORGES HALL


Milperra Industrial Precincts                                                                                    MAR ION
                                                                                                                            S TR E E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        W AT T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         S TR E E T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  year Delivery Program and an

and Chullora Industrial/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          annual Operational Plan to

                                                                              BANKSTOWN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AD



                                                                              AERODROME                                                                                                                                                                              PUNCHBOWL

                                                                                                                                                                                   PARK                                                                                                 PU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HB O

Technology Park.                                                                                                     MIL P
                                                                                                                                             R OA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              R OAD                                                                                               detail and report on our actions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and achievements. The Delivery

Bankstown enjoys excellent health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TO                        R W AY
                                                                                                                                                                                                              M5 MO
                                                                                         M5 M O
                                                                                                TO   R W AY

and education facilities, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Program is reviewed in line

                                           s Riv


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Salt Pan Creek

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  with Council’s electoral cycle to
                                                                                                                                                                                       R O AD


Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital,
                                                                                                                                                                                      R IV E R

                                                                                                                                                                                      T HE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ensure it is meeting the outcomes
                                                                                   EAST HILLS


the University of Western Sydney

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sought within the Bankstown
                                                                                                                                                    PICNIC                                                                                                       HEIGHTS



Bankstown Campus and three
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Salt Pan

TAFE campuses – Bankstown,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Community Plan.
Chullora and Padstow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The Plan’s progress will be tracked
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  against major trends and identified
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  targets and will be assessed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  on statistical data and further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  community consultation.
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
City Directions
                                                                        Council developed a Community Engagement Strategy to assist in the
                                                                        development of the Bankstown Community Plan. The Community
                                                                        Engagement Strategy identified the key stakeholders and developed
                                                                        many ways to seek their input.
                                                                        As part of the community engagement process, Council has gathered
                                                                        the community’s ideas on the future and developed seven City
                                                                        Directions for 2021. There are strong linkages across the City
                                                                        Directions and related goals. Council will work to encourage and
                                     6                                  support opportunities for collaboration between key Council units
                                                                        and stakeholders to work together to deliver these City Directions.
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        For a full description of each of the City Directions, go to Section 3,
                                                                        ‘Where will we be in 10 years?’.

                                                                        Structure of the Plan

                                                                                City Direction
                                                                        A signpost of what Bankstown wants to achieve in the next 10 years

                                                                        A measurable and specific aim or outcome of a City Direction

                                                                                Long Term Action
                                                                        An action / program for Council to make a goal happen
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
Liveable                             Provide
- A city that is well planned,       - A city with high quality services
  attractive and sustainable           catering for day-to-day needs
- A city that provides affordable,   - A city that meets community
  attractive and sustainable           health and wellbeing needs
  housing                            - A city that is clean and safe
- A city with high quality
  community assets                   Enjoy
- A city that protects and           - A city that is harmonious,
  promotes its history and             inclusive and welcoming
  identity                           - A cosmopolitan, vibrant and                                              7
                                       dynamic city

                                                                           Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
Connected                            - A city with a broad range
- A city with a safe and               of recreation and leisure
  integrated street network for        opportunities
  all users                          - A creative city that provides
- A city with public transport         artistic and cultural
  systems that meet the needs of       opportunities
  residents, workers and visitors
- A city with convenient,            Invest
  equitable and accessible parking   - A city that promotes long term
                                       economic and employment
Green                                  growth
- A city that protects the           - A city of lifelong learners
  biodiversity value of its living   - A city that meets the demand
  spaces and corridors                 for professional and specialised
- A city that improves its             employment opportunities
  waterways                          - A city that provides for
- A city with accessible parks and     a greater range of youth
  open space catering to all ages      employment opportunities
  and cultures
- A city that is a leader in         Lead
  sustainability of its energy and   - A city with an engaged
  water resources                      community
- A city that reduces pollution,     - A city with an innovative,
  resource consumption and             responsive and well managed
  advances recycling and waste         Council
Bankstown Community Plan - Bankstown's future - in your hands - Amazon AWS
The Integrated                                    Resourcing Strategy
                                                                        Planning and Reporting                            The Resourcing Strategy provides
                                                                        Framework                                         information on how Council will
                                                                                                                          implement responsibilities from
                                                                        The aim of the NSW Integrated
                                                                                                                          the Community Plan, taking into
                                                                        Planning and Reporting
                                                                                                                          account our workforce, finances
                                                                        Framework is to improve the way
                                                                                                                          and assets. The Resourcing
                                                                        that Council’s long term planning
                                                                                                                          Strategy will enable Council to
                                                                        meets the community’s needs.
                                                                                                                          deliver services to the community
                                                                        The diagram below outlines                        in the most sustainable way.
                                     8                                  Bankstown Council’s Integrated
                                                                                                                          Council’s Resourcing Strategy
                                                                        Planning Framework and shows
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                                                                          contains the following strategies:
                                                                        the relationship between the
                                                                        Bankstown Community Plan, the                     1. Long Term Financial Strategy
                                                                        Resourcing Strategy, Delivery                     2. Workforce Strategy
                                                                        Program and Operational Plan.                     3. Asset Management Strategy

                                                                                                                          Long Term Financial Strategy
                                                                                     Bankstown                            Financial sustainability is one
                                                                                   Community Plan
                                                                                      10 years+                           of the key issues facing local
                                                                                                    Resourcing Strategy   government due to factors such as
                                                                                  Delivery Program
                                                                                                                          cost shifting from other levels of
                                                                                       4 years                            government, ageing infrastructure
                                                                                   Operational Plan
                                                                                        1 year
                                                                                                                          and constraints on revenue

                                                                                    Annual Report                         Council’s 10 year Long Term
                                                                                                                          Financial Strategy contains the
                                                                                                                          following components:
                                                                                                                          • Projected income and
                                                                                                                          • Balance sheet and cash flow
                                                                                                                          • Sensitivity analysis –
                                                                                                                            highlighting factors that may
                                                                                                                            affect financial performance
                                                                                                                          • Financial modelling for
                                                                                                                            different scenarios
                                                                                                                          • Methods of monitoring
                                                                                                                            financial performance
Workforce Strategy                   2. Asset Management Strategy          Delivery Program
Council’s four year Workforce        The 10 year Asset Management          The Delivery Program details
Strategy identifies current          Strategy guides the planning,         the activities that need to be
workforce challenges, gaps;          construction, operation,              undertaken to implement the
and resources needed to meet         maintenance and disposal of assets    strategies established by the
Community Plan commitments.          needed to meet requirements           Bankstown Community Plan
The Workforce Strategy includes:     of the Bankstown Community            within the resources available.
                                     Plan. Specifically the Asset          It is intended to be a single
• Workforce skills identification    Management Strategy provides          reference for all principal
  and mapping                        details of the following:             activities undertaken by the
• Staff selection, recruitment and
                                     • The current status of Council’s     elected Council during its four
  retention                                                                year term of office. All plans,

                                                                                                                Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
                                       assets and management
• Learning and development             practices                           projects, activities and funding
• Leadership and succession                                                allocations are directly linked
                                     • How Council will improve or
  planning                                                                 to the Delivery Program.
                                       enhance their assets
• Equity and diversity               • A risk assessment matrix            Operational Plan
• Knowledge management               • The actions and resources
                                                                           Bankstown City Council’s
                                       to provide a defined level
Asset Management Planning                                                  Operational Plan supports the
                                       of service in the most cost-
                                                                           Delivery Program and provides
Council has infrastructure and         effective way                       details of the individual projects
other assets that would cost about   3. Asset Management Plans             and activities that will be under-
$1.143 billion to build today.
                                     Bankstown Council has developed       taken each year to achieve the
These assets need to be managed
                                     four Asset Management Plans           commitments made in the
in the most appropriate manner
                                     to detail the management of           Delivery Program.
on behalf of and to service the
community.                           Council assets in the following
                                     infrastructure areas:
1. Asset Management Policy
                                     • Buildings and other structures
Council’s Asset Management
                                     • Parks and recreation
Policy aims to provide clear
direction for asset management       • Roads and transport
and sets the framework for the       • Stormwater
preparation of Council’s Asset       Each Asset Management Plan
Management Strategy and Plans.       provides a long term assessment
                                     of the asset activities and actions
                                     required to deliver services. The
                                     plans include costs associated with
                                     maintenance, rehabilitation and
                                     replacement of assets. Council’s
                                     Asset Management Plans have
                                     been presented as separate
Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

     Bankstown’s future – in your hands
Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                       Bankstown’s future – in your hands
Section One

              Where are we now?
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        Our city
                                                                        Looking at Bankstown from a cultural, demographic and regional context
                                                                        allows us to plan for the future. Bankstown is located in Sydney’s south
                                                                        western suburbs, 20km from the Sydney CBD. Bankstown is a residential,
                                                                        commercial and industrial area which covers 78 sq km and includes 25
                                                                        Bankstown is surrounded by the local government areas of Canterbury,
                                                                        Liverpool, Auburn, Fairfield, Parramatta, Strathfield, Hurstville and
                                                                        Sutherland. Major arterial roads such as the Hume Highway, Canterbury
                                                                        Road, the M5, Stacey Street and Rookwood Road traverse our local
                                                                        government area.
Our city includes:                    Only 32.1 per cent of the             Industry and
                                      Bankstown population hold             employment
• Bankstown Airport – the             post-high school education
  busiest general aviation airport    qualifications.                       Bankstown is in a period of
  in Australia                                                              transition, with much of the
                                      In Bankstown, the most common
• Around 7300 businesses                                                    area undergoing industrial
                                      overseas birth places are Lebanon
  employing 61,200 people                                                   restructuring, particularly
                                      (8 per cent), Vietnam (7 per
• Dunc Gray Velodrome – site                                                manufacturing industries. Most
                                      cent) and China (3 per cent).
  of Olympic and World Cup                                                  Bankstown businesses (91.5
                                      Our overseas-born population
  cycling events                                                            per cent) are small to medium
                                      totals 35.8 per cent, with 32.3 per
• Georges River National Park         cent from a non-English speaking
                                                                            enterprises with workforces of                               13
                                                                            less than 20. These businesses are
  and Lake Gillawarna                 background.

                                                                                                                  Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                                       Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
                                                                            predominantly active in retailing,
• Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital
                                      Health and wellbeing                  wholesaling, property and
• University of Western Sydney –                                            business services, construction
  Bankstown campus                    The life expectancy of Bankstown      and manufacturing.
• Three TAFE campuses                 residents is 78.8 years for male
                                      and 84.8 for females. This is         The city is home to industry
• More than 90 schools                                                      leaders in aeronautics, automotive
                                      comparable to the rest of NSW.
• Bankstown Memorial Oval –                                                 components and service, metal
  a premier cricket facility          The Australian Bureau of Statistics   fabrication, machine tooling and
• 300 public parks with 177           publicises an index to rank           engineering, paint manufacturing,
  sporting fields                     geographic areas across Australia     technology-based metal and
                                      according to their socio-economic     plastics engineering, furniture
                                      characteristics. According to 2006    production, printing and logistics.
Population and                        figures, Bankstown is the 4th most
demographics                          disadvantaged local government
                                      area in the Sydney Statistical
Bankstown’s population is
183,157 with an additional
12,000 people expected to move        NSW Health also publishes data
into the area in the next 10 years.   pertaining to adult health (aged
Most suburbs are expected to          16 and over).  Key statistics
increase in population, with the      include:
key drivers being redevelopment       • 8.0% of Bankstown residents
opportunities in the Bankstown          have diabetes or high blood
CBD and infill development in           glucose, as compared with
older suburbs such as Padstow
                                        7.4% of NSW
and Yagoona.
                                      • 20% of Bankstown residents
In the next 10 years, Bankstown         are obese, as compared with
expects a significant increase in       17.4% of NSW
young adults and young families
                                      • 11.9% of Bankstown residents
who will be attracted to our
                                        suffer from high and very
medium density housing.
                                        high psychological distress, as
                                        compared with 11.5% of NSW
The NSW planning                       Council strategies
                                                                        context                                The Bankstown Community
                                                                        The Bankstown Community                Plan describes the community’s
                                                                        Plan provides a framework to           hopes and needs in light of the
                                                                        guide Council in its planning and      regional context and informs the
                                                                        management of Bankstown while          development of Council’s future
                                                                        taking into consideration the          strategies. These Council strategies
                                                                        objectives set out in regional plans   explain how the organisation
                                                                        such as the in the NSW State Plan      will go about understanding,
                                                                                                               improving, maintaining, funding
                         14                                             and Metropolitan Strategy’s West
                                                                                                               and delivering its various services
                                                                        Central Subregional Strategy.
                                                                                                               and assets.
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        The NSW State Plan
                                                                                                               Local area and land
                                                                        The NSW State Plan 2010                use planning
                                                                        outlines a vision for the future
                                                                        of NSW. The State Plan identifies      In 2006, the NSW Government
                                                                        seven key priorities and targets       asked Bankstown to accommodate
                                                                        for NSW:                               an additional 22,000 dwellings
                                                                                                               and 6000 new jobs over the
                                                                        1. Better transport and                next 25 years. This equates to
                                                                           liveable cities                     a target of 880 new dwellings a
                                                                        2. Supporting business and jobs        year to 2031. In the same period,
                                                                        3. Education and training              the population of Bankstown is
                                                                                                               projected to grow at an average
                                                                        4. Health System
                                                                                                               annual rate of 0.7 per cent, with
                                                                        5. Clean energy and                    a projected decline in the average
                                                                           environmental protection            household size.
                                                                        6. Stronger communities                Local Area Plans translate
                                                                        7. Community safety                    the community’s goals into
                                                                                                               a set of local improvements
                                                                        The Sydney                             and developments. The Local
                                                                        Metropolitan Strategy                  Environmental Plan is an
                                                                        The Metropolitan Strategy is the       important tool for mapping
                                                                        long term strategic plan for the       out the different types of
                                                                        growth of Sydney to 2031. The          development. The Bankstown
                                                                        draft Subregional Strategies act as    Development Control Plan 2005
                                                                        a broad framework for the long         sets out how these developments
                                                                        term development of the area,          should function and look; as well
                                                                        guiding government investment          as managing their impacts on the
                                                                        and linking local and state            local environment and amenity.
                                                                        planning issues.
Bringing the                           Henry Lawson Drive
community’s wishes                     Bike Path
to life                                The latest upgrade to the Henry
                                       Lawson Drive Bike Path consists
The following are examples of
                                       of a new path and bridge over
how Council is working with
                                       Milperra Creek through Gordon
other levels of government to
                                       Parker Reserve. This new bike
turn your ideas into projects.
                                       path provides better access to
The relevant City Direction,           recreation areas, adds to Council’s
Goal and Long Term Action are
described for each project.
                                       bike network and connects to the
                                       regional Bay to Mountains route.

                                                                                 Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                      Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
                                       Bankstown Community Plan:
Local area planning
                                       City Direction – Connected
Council is working with key
                                       Goal – A city with a safe and
stakeholders, the community
                                       integrated street network for all users
and businesses to revitalise
neighbourhoods with the aim            Long Term Action > Provide a well
of providing employment                planned and integrated network of on
opportunities and improving            and off road bicycle routes
residential amenity, the natural
environment and infrastructure.        Bankstown Arts Centre
Bankstown Community Plan:              The Bankstown Arts Centre is
City Direction – Lead                  a $5 million project which will
                                       provide flexible multipurpose
Goal – A city that is well planned,
                                       spaces accommodating local arts
attractive and sustainable
                                       groups and a venue for hire by
Long Term Action > Plan to             community groups.
accommodate growth and change to
                                       Bankstown Community Plan:
reposition Bankstown for residential
                                       City Direction – Enjoy
investment and renewal > Improve
design quality and sustainability      Goal – A creative city that provides
standards across all development       artistic and cultural opportunities
                                       Long Term Action > Develop and
                                       promote the heritage and culture of
                                       Bankstown’s diverse communities
                                       through a range of programs
Bankstown Community                    NSW Social Justice Principles
                                                                        Plan principles                        Social justice for local government
                                                                                                               means a commitment to ensuring:
                                                                        Quadruple Bottom Line
                                                                                                               • Equity – there is fairness in the
                                                                        The Quadruple Bottom Line                distribution of resources
                                                                        (QBL) framework was chosen             • Rights – rights are recognised
                                                                        to ensure that the Bankstown             and promoted
                                                                        Community Plan would be
                                                                                                               • Access – people have fairer
                                                                        balanced and have a holistic
                         16                                             approach. The QBL framework              access to the economic
                                                                                                                 resources and services essential
                                                                        for sustainability allows Council
                                                                                                                 to meet their basic needs and
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        to incorporate consideration of
                                                                        social and cultural development,         to improve their quality of life
                                                                        environmental quality,                 • Participation – people have
                                                                        economic prosperity and civic            better opportunities for
                                                                        leadership to address the issues         genuine participation and
                                                                        that face Bankstown as a city.           consultation about decisions
                                                                        This framework has been                  affecting their lives
                                                                        integrated into every part of the
                                                                        development of the Bankstown
                                                                        Community Plan. The framework
                                                                        will continue to be reflected in all
                                                                        documents and plans related to
                                                                        the Bankstown Community Plan.
                                                                        In implementing the Bankstown
                                                                        Community Plan, Council will
                                                                        take into account the following
                                                                        social justice and sustainability
                                                                        principles. These principles state
                                                                        what we are trying to achieve and
                                                                        define some favourable planning
The United Nations – Local           • Precautionary behaviour
Agenda 21 and the National             – where there are threats
Strategy for Ecologically              of serious or irreversible
Sustainable Development                environmental damage, lack
                                       of full scientific certainty
The principles contained in            should not be used as a reason
Agenda 21 and Australia’s
                                       for postponing measures
National Strategy for Ecologically
                                       to prevent environmental
Sustainable Development are
compatible concepts. They
                                     • Equity within and between
encourage councils to promote
local environmental, economic          generations – fairness and                                17
and social sustainability. These       equal access to opportunities

                                                                          Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                               Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
principles are:                        both in our lifetimes, as well
                                       as for future generations
• Integration – the effective
  integration of environmental,      • Continual improvement –
  social and economic                  the declining environmental
  considerations in decision           situation means there is an
  making                               imperative to take immediate
                                       action to become more
• Community involvement –
                                       sustainable and to make
  recognition that sustainability
                                       continual improvement
  cannot be achieved, nor
  significant progress made          • Ecological integrity – to
  toward it, without the support       protect biological diversity and
  and involvement of the whole         maintain essential ecological
  community                            processes and life-support
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     Bankstown’s future – in your hands
Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                    Bankstown’s future – in your hands
Section Two

              community say?
              What did the
The community engagement process has shown that the Bankstown
                                                                        community is diverse, passionate and positive about the future.
                                                                        Residents value and appreciate the area’s multiculturalism, convenient
                                                                        location, local amenities, open space and proximity to the Georges
                                                                        River. Our residents feel very connected to their neighbourhoods and
                                                                        feel a sense of pride in the Bankstown area.

                                                                        Community engagement timeline
                                                                        The Community Engagement Strategy was implemented
                         20                                             through the following phases.
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                               Phase 1         Community research
                                                                               • Residents’ panel survey
                                                                               • Web forum (ongoing)

                                                                               Phase 2         Develop the vision
                                                                               • Information sessions
                                                                               • Community events

                                                                               Phase 3         Develop community goals
                                                                               • Neighbourhood forums
                                                                               • Advisory committee meetings

                                                                               Phase 4         Develop long term actions
                                                                               • Future Forum – Economic, Social, Environment, Leadership
                                                                               • Youth Summit

                                                                               Phase 5         Exhibit the plan
                                                                               • Feedback sessions
                                                                               • Written submissions
Principles of engagement Community engagement
Bankstown City Council is objectives
guided by the core principles        The objectives of the Community
of public participation and          Engagement Strategy are to:
community engagement. These
principles were formally adopted     • Develop a vision for our
in Council’s Community                 community
Engagement Policy and are listed     • Identify priority issues for
below:                                 local suburbs
• We will be fair, transparent and   • Develop City Directions                                21
  inclusive                            and Goals for the City

                                                                       Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                            Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
• We will act with honesty,          • Determine Long Term
  integrity and respect                Actions for Council and
                                       other stakeholders
• Our processes will be informed
  and effective                      • Develop performance
How was the community engaged?
                                                                        The Bankstown community were engaged through a number of

                                                                          Engagement method                   Responses

                                                                        Council engaged with key              Over 1200 face-to-face
                                                                        stakeholders by attending issue-      discussions
                         22                                             based forums, meeting with
                                                                        advisory committees and
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        briefing interagency groups

                                                                        Community awareness was               405 community members
                                                                        raised at six neighbourhood           attended
                                                                        information sessions, festivals and
                                                                        neighbourhood centres

                                                                        Six neighbourhood forums were         559 community members
                                                                        held to focus on local issues         attended
                                                                        Four future forums were held to
                                                                        focus on environmental, social,
                                                                        economic and civic leadership

                                                                        A Youth Summit                        110 young people between the
                                                                                                              ages of 14 and 22 attended

                                                                        An interactive website with online    Over 2500 website visits
                                                                        forums was established

                                                                        The members of the Bankstown          480 written responses received
                                                                        Residents Panel were surveyed         (eg surveys, comments)

                                                                        Reply-paid survey postcards were
                                                                        handed out at key locations
What they told us                  Exhibition of the plan
The community engagement           In order to complete the
findings have been incorporated    Bankstown Community Plan,
into each stage of the Bankstown   Council conducted three final
Community Plan’s development.      sets of engagement. These
The community has told us:         sessions were carried out to
                                   confirm the community’s
• Their vision for the future
                                   feedback, discuss partnership
  of Bankstown
                                   opportunities with other agencies
• What they value about their
  neighbourhoods and the city
                                   and develop Council’s own plans
                                   and actions. The information
• What is working well in          derived from these sessions has

                                                                       Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                            Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
  the city                         been incorporated into the final
• The social, environmental and    Bankstown Community Plan.
  economic issues that most        Council will continue to
  concern them                     engage and discuss partnership
• Their big ideas for Bankstown    opportunities with the
                                   community and stakeholders
• Some “quick wins” to resolve
                                   during the implementation
                                   and review of the Bankstown
• Ideas to make the biggest        Community Plan.
  difference to the city
• Ways for them to be involved
  in delivering the Plan
• Their priorities for the city
Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

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Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                       Bankstown’s future – in your hands
Section Three

                be in 10 years?
                Where will we
Liveable                             A city that is well planned,
                                                                                                             attractive and sustainable
                                                                        Our community wants to retain
                                                                        the character, built heritage,       • Plan to accommodate growth
                                                                        sense of community and village         and change to reposition
                                                                        atmosphere of Bankstown’s              Bankstown for residential
                                                                        suburbs. The community                 investment and renewal
                                                                        wants to look to the future by       • Improve design quality and
                                                                        incorporating environmentally          sustainability standards across
                                                                        sensitive and attractive design        all development
                         26                                             features into local centres and
                                                                                                             • Incorporate water quality
                                                                        community assets.
                                                                                                               and quantity, biodiversity
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        Council has a role in ensuring         and energy into Bankstown’s
                                                                        that future development                Local Environmental Plan and
                                                                        retains Bankstown’s identity           Development Control Plan
                                                                        and character while responding       • Expand and enhance public
                                                                        to future growth. The built
                                                                                                               spaces in the CBD and town
                                                                        heritage of Bankstown provides
                                                                        our community with a sense of
                                                                        identity, pride and history and      • Improve the infrastructure and
                                                                        makes an important contribution        local environment of industrial
                                                                        to the character of the city.          areas

                                                                        Local area planning can create       A city that provides
                                                                        vibrant local town centres by        affordable, attractive and
                                                                        retaining essential goods and        sustainable housing
                                                                        services, keeping residential
                                                                        options affordable and providing     • Enhance the functional
                                                                        facilities to cater to Bankstown’s     appearance and amenity of
                                                                        growing population.                    developments in Bankstown
                                                                                                             • Ensure new development
                                                                        What can I do?                         considers the existing
                                                                                                               streetscape character of the
                                                                        • Support local community              locality
                                                                          facilities and shops
                                                                                                             • Ensure new residential
                                                                        • Tell Council about how               development is within walking
                                                                          community facilities can             distance of facilities and
                                                                          better meet your needs               infrastructure
                                                                        • Read about and visit one
                                                                          of the heritage sites in
A city with high quality              Measure
community assets
                                    Design                         • City aesthetics
• Plan and provide infrastructure
  to meet future community
  needs                             Accessible facilities,         • Proximity to key services and
• Develop and rollout asset plans   services and businesses          town centres
  for key infrastructure
• Plan community centres to         Condition of facilities        • Condition reports
  incorporate outdoor spaces
                                                                   •  Community satisfaction                                    27
A city that protects and

                                                                                                         Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                              Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
promotes its history and             Potential partners
                                    Local government associations, education providers and
• Capture the history of            community members.
  Bankstown for future
• Work with developers and          Regional organisations.
  community groups to preserve
  heritage areas, historic homes
                                    Government agencies responsible for transport, heritage, research,
  and restore main attractions
                                    planning, population, infrastructure and local government.
• Integrate heritage into plans
  and community education
• Establish Sydney’s best
  local civic precinct in the
  Bankstown CBD
Connected                             What can I do?                       • Work with neighbouring
                                                                                                                                                     councils, transport bodies and
                                                                        The community wants a well            • Use public transport more            other levels of government to
                                                                        connected transport network,            frequently                           develop an integrated transport
                                                                        with services and infrastructure      • Organise a carpool for               framework for Bankstown
                                                                        that serve their needs while            regular trips                      • Develop a good understanding
                                                                        being sustainable, efficient and                                             of how people expect to move
                                                                        affordable. Walking and cycling       • Form an action group to get
                                                                                                                better public transport in           around and then plan local
                                                                        paths are increasingly valued by
                                                                                                                your area                            centres to suit needs
                                                                        the community. Our high car
                         28                                             ownership rates, coupled with an                                           • Lobby state and federal
                                                                                                                                                     governments for a firm funding
                                                                        increasing number of our residents
                                                                                                              A city with a safe and                 commitment and timetable for
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        favouring cars over other forms of
                                                                        transport, means that a number of     integrated street network              the M5 expansion
                                                                        our local road networks have high     for all users                        • Design and maintain safer,
                                                                        levels of congestion. This makes                                             more attractive and cleaner
                                                                                                              • Improve road safety in
                                                                        the management of traffic through                                            city arrival points and gateways
                                                                        our city a key priority. The            Bankstown by implementing
                                                                                                                                                     to the city
                                                                        community has also expressed            strategies for safe roads, safe
                                                                        concern over parking, requesting        speeds, safe vehicles and safe     A city with public transport
                                                                        more convenient parking close           people                             systems that meet the needs
                                                                        to businesses but with better         • Provide cycling and pedestrian     of residents, workers and
                                                                        enforcement of timing and               facilities eg bike lockers and     visitors
                                                                        restrictions.                           racks
                                                                                                                                                   • Conduct a study of movements
                                                                        Planning for local areas should       • Upgrade and install more street      around and through the city to
                                                                        aim to reduce the reliance              signage to improve visibility        obtain a better understanding
                                                                        on private vehicles and fossil          and movement around                  of public transport needs and
                                                                        fuels in an integrated multi-           Bankstown                            opportunities
                                                                        modal network. Installing more        • Have safe, efficient and           • Improve the accessibility
                                                                        designated bike and pedestrian          consistent speed limits on local
                                                                        paths connecting key locations                                               of transport infrastructure,
                                                                                                                streets and improve road safety      services and information
                                                                        around the city can provide
                                                                                                              • Improve access and mobility        • Lobby other levels of
                                                                        practical and sustainable transport
                                                                                                                for pedestrians, cyclists,           government to provide reliable
                                                                        options to driving. Council will
                                                                        investigate the provision of better     mobility-impaired groups and         public transport for all users
                                                                        public transport and congestion         public transport users
                                                                                                                                                   • Investigate the feasibility of
                                                                        management initiatives and            • Provide a well planned and           providing a hop on, hop off
                                                                        continue to advocate to the state       integrated network of on-road        bus to transport people to
                                                                        government on behalf of our             and off-road bicycle routes          key services and attractions
• Improve the integration of
  bus and rail transport
• Provide local groups and          Connectivity                  •  Travel times
  residents with the support                                      •  Footpaths in residential areas
  needed for them to be able to                                   •  Bus coverage of the LGA
  effectively advocate for their
                                    Cycling, walking and using    •  Public transport usage
  transport needs
                                    public transport              •  Bicycle usage
• Revitalise the railway precinct
  in Bankstown                      Parking                       •  Accessible parking
• Provide affordable and                                          •  Carpark utilisation
  environmentally friendly
                                     Potential partners

                                                                                                      Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                           Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
  transport options for the
                                    Transport advocates and associations, taxi companies, community
A city with convenient,             transport providers, bus companies and commuters.
equitable and accessible
parking                             Government agencies responsible for justice, community safety,
                                    law enforcement, transport and infrastructure.
• Provide parking close to
  businesses and public transport
• Investigate the feasibility of
  developing perimeter parking
  outside of congested areas
  and shuttling commuters into
  the CBD
• Ensure compliance with
  parking restrictions
• Set appropriate time limits
  and nominal fees for parking
Green                                What can I do?                       A city that improves its
                                                                        The community wants clean            • Reduce waste, re-use and
                                                                        waterways, healthy green               recycle                            • Implement recommendations
                                                                        corridors and to produce a                                                  from Georges River estuary
                                                                                                             • Take public transport or ride
                                                                        smaller environmental footprint.                                            management studies
                                                                                                               a bike to work
                                                                        The community also wants                                                  • Develop catchment action
                                                                        Bankstown to be leader in            • Reduce consumption of
                                                                                                                                                    plans to improve the health
                                                                        environmental protection and           energy, fossil fuels and water
                                                                                                                                                    of waterways
                                                                        management. Council will be          • Visit local parks and the          • Implement recommendations
                         30                                             pursuing a number of initiatives       Georges River                        from flood risk management
                                                                        in the coming years in the areas
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
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                                                                        of energy, water, biodiversity,
                                                                        transport, waste and sustainable                                          A city with accessible parks
                                                                                                             A city that protects the
                                                                        corporate processes.                                                      and open space catering to
                                                                                                             biodiversity value of its living
                                                                        Many of these actions, while led     spaces and corridors                 all ages and cultures
                                                                        by Council, will be carried out in
                                                                                                                                                  • Review the provision of toilets
                                                                        partnership with the community,      • Protect and manage
                                                                                                                                                    and shade structures in parks
                                                                        regulatory authorities and other       biodiversity values on public
                                                                        stakeholders. Council will also        and private land                   • Review provision of open space
                                                                        participate in catchment-wide                                               across the local government area
                                                                                                             • Create more green corridors
                                                                        and regional initiatives to ensure     throughout suburbs and local       A city that is a leader in
                                                                        that environmental programs            centres                            sustainability of its energy
                                                                        are coordinated across local
                                                                                                             • Create green residential streets   and water resources
                                                                        government boundaries.
                                                                                                               across the city using local
                                                                                                               species                            • Install solar lighting in selected
                                                                                                                                                    public locations
                                                                                                             • Develop an organic
                                                                                                               community garden, education        • Set an example to the
                                                                                                               and networking centre that           community by improving
                                                                                                               operates on permaculture             Council’s energy rating
                                                                                                               principles                         • Provide information and
                                                                                                                                                    education on energy efficiency
                                                                                                                                                  • Work with the community to
                                                                                                                                                    increase carbon offsets
                                                                                                                                                  • Develop and implement
                                                                                                                                                    stormwater pollution
                                                                                                                                                    prevention programs
                                                                                                                                                  • Increase grey water reuse in
                                                                                                                                                    new development
                                                                                                                                                  • Develop and implement
                                                                                                                                                    rainwater harvesting and water
                                                                                                                                                    conservation programs
A city that reduces pollution,        Measure
resource consumption and
advances recycling and waste        Habitat health                 •  Water quality
services                                                           •  Bushland conservation
                                    				                              and biodiversity protection
• Develop long term local waste
  and recycling options and         Parks and open space           •  Share of parks and open space
  continue to reduce waste going                                   •  Distribution of parks and open space
  to landfill
                                    Energy and water consumption •  Energy use by sector and per capita
• Investigate alternative ways of
  collecting waste and review
                                                                 •  Water use by sector and per capita
  frequency of waste pickup         Waste diverted from landfill   •  Proportion of recycled waste

                                                                                                             Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                                  Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
• Reduce consumption and
  increase reuse and recycling of    Potential partners
• Work with businesses to ensure    Local environment groups, catchment and river management
  they are planning for how their   authorities and waste management services.
  products will be disposed of or
  recycled                          Government agencies responsible for climate change, energy efficiency,
• Enable recycling at public        sustainability and environment.
• Work with Bankstown Airport
  to address noise abatement and
  road congestion
• Investigate and advocate
  for programs to reduce
  noise pollution from cars,
  motorbikes, trucks and freight
• Implement air pollution
  reduction measures
Provide                              What can I do?                       • Provide information to the
                                                                                                                                                    community about services
                                                                        The community has asked for          • Tell someone outside the             offered by Council, community
                                                                        a broad range of services and          area why you love living in          organisations and government
                                                                        programs based around well             Bankstown                            agencies
                                                                        serviced centres and facilities.     • Find out about the                 • Review existing Meals on
                                                                        The community has put an               community activities and             Wheels service and facilities
                                                                        emphasis on promoting the              programs provided by
                                                                        sense of pride in Bankstown                                               • Improve the health of the
                                                                                                               Council                              community by encouraging
                                                                        by improving cleanliness and
                         32                                             perceptions of safety. These         • Report safety and
                                                                                                               maintenance issues
                                                                                                                                                    and providing opportunities
                                                                                                                                                    for physical activity for all
                                                                        considerations impact on the
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        services and community activities    • Look after your
                                                                        that Council provides, especially      neighbourhood by keeping it        • Create a village atmosphere
                                                                        with a larger proportion of            tidy and report graffiti and         in suburbs by decentralising
                                                                        young people, families and older                                            services that meet everyday
                                                                                                               illegal dumping
                                                                        residents compared to the rest                                              needs
                                                                        of Sydney.
                                                                                                                                                  A city that meets community
                                                                        Council plays a key role in          A city with high quality             health and wellbeing needs
                                                                        planning and advocating for          services catering for day-to-
                                                                        community services, supporting       day needs                            • Support and promote
                                                                        local groups and organisations and                                          programs for people of all ages
                                                                        managing community and cultural      • Optimise the services within       • Provide activities for children
                                                                        facilities. Recognising that many      Bankstown Town Hall                  with disabilities
                                                                        services are beyond the domain       • Develop hubs where
                                                                        of local government, Council                                              • Support and promote grant
                                                                                                               community members can                opportunities available to
                                                                        maintains strong community             access information, advice
                                                                        networks and partnerships locally                                           community organisations
                                                                                                               and services
                                                                        and in the wider south-western                                            • Ensure local integration with
                                                                        Sydney region.                       • Improve the delivery of              emerging federal and state
                                                                                                               Council services                     health structures
                                                                                                             • Review service delivery for        • Facilitate opportunities for co-
                                                                                                               target groups (eg youth, aged)       location of community services
                                                                                                               in response to demographic
                                                                                                                                                  • Lobby state and federal
                                                                                                                                                    governments to ensure high
                                                                                                             • Support youth centres to             quality services are provided
                                                                                                               provide a broad range of             within Bankstown
                                                                                                               constructive and safe activities
                                                                                                                                                  • Promote access to fresh,
                                                                                                                                                    nutritious and affordable foods
A city that is clean and safe      Measure
• Strengthen litter prevention   Satisfaction with services      •  Community satisfaction
• Provide more responsive        Community health & wellbeing •  Social disadvantage
  compliance enforcement                                      •  Risk of diabetes
                                                              •  Mental health
• Work with the community and
  key stakeholder to improve
                                 Cleanliness                     •  Dumped rubbish
  safety and reduce crime                                        •  Abandoned vehicles
• Implement graffiti and
  vandalism initiatives
                                                                 •  Graffiti
                                 Community safety                •  Reported crime statistics

                                                                                                       Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                            Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
• Encourage residents and
  business owners to keep                                        •  Perceptions of safety
                                                                 •  Road safety
  premises and surroundings
  clean and attractive
                                  Potential partners
• Continue to improve lighting
  in streets and public places   Local agencies providing programs and services in areas including
                                 multicultural networks, youth development, children’s services,
                                 community development, aged care, disability servicers, women’s
                                 support; and service clubs.

                                 Government agencies responsible for health, ageing, immigration,
                                 human services, housing, communities, disability, child protection,
                                 justice and community safety.
Enjoy                                 What can I do?

                                                                        The community wants the city          • Meet or visit someone from
                                                                        to have a strong sense of identity,     a different background,
                                                                        an excellent reputation and a           religion or culture in
                                                                        significant role in the region.         Bankstown
                                                                        The community wants a dynamic         • Get involved in local artistic
                                                                        CBD and town centres where              and cultural activities and
                                                                        people can get together during          events
                                                                        the day and night. Council will
                         34                                             undertake long term planning to       • Attend a local festival
                                                                        ensure the amenity, safety and        • Join a sport or leisure group
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        economic vitality of the CBD
                                                                        and its town centres.
                                                                        More than one-third of                A city that is harmonious,
                                                                        Bankstown’s population                inclusive and welcoming
                                                                        was born overseas and our
                                                                        community values cultural             • Support and promote
                                                                        diversity, indigenous heritage          community events which
                                                                        and wants more opportunities            create community interaction
                                                                        to get involved in cultural and         and cohesion
                                                                        social activities. The wider          • Implement a multicultural
                                                                        community also wants activities         strategy to ensure an
                                                                        that bring people together. To          appreciation of our cultural
                                                                        deliver on these needs, Council is      diversity, encourage
                                                                        working on a range of community         participation and provide
                                                                        development programs, and a             opportunities for all members
                                                                        range of festivals, performances
                                                                                                                of our community
                                                                        and exhibitions.
                                                                                                              • Develop a “Get to know your
                                                                                                                neighbour” campaign

                                                                                                              A cosmopolitan, vibrant and
                                                                                                              dynamic city
                                                                                                              • Encourage and support the
                                                                                                                development of outdoor
                                                                                                                eating and after hours
                                                                                                                entertainment areas
                                                                                                              • Develop and promote
                                                                                                                attractions to encourage
                                                                                                                people to visit Bankstown
A city with a broad range          Measure
of recreation and leisure
opportunities                    Community connectedness         •  Sense of community pride
                                                                 •  Social capital
• Promote Bankstown’s calendar
  of events to the community     Cultural and recreational       •  Attendance at events
• Promote the Georges River:     opportunities                   •  Usage of sports and recreation facilities
  art, tours, recreation
• Promote active participation    Potential partners
  in sport and recreation
                                 Sports centres, sporting associations, arts and cultural groups and                                   35
A creative city that provides    licensed clubs.

                                                                                                                Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
artistic and cultural
opportunities                    Government agencies responsible for community development,
• Promote a vibrant and          infrastructure, arts, sport, tourism, community harmony and social
  flourishing cultural life      inclusion.
  focusing on Bankstown’s
  unique social and cultural
  fabric and its natural
• Develop and promote
  programs within the
  Bankstown Arts Centre
• Develop and promote
  the heritage and culture
  of Bankstown’s diverse
  communities through a
  range of programs
Invest                                   What can I do?

                                                                        The community wants more jobs            • Shop locally to support the
                                                                        and education opportunities and            Bankstown economy
                                                                        access to shops and services in          • Create opportunities for
                                                                        their local neighbourhoods. The            trainees, work experience
                                                                        community wants opportunities              and apprenticeships
                                                                        to improve their skills and to be
                                                                        provided with more information
                                                                        on how to access education
                                                                                                                 A city that promotes
                         36                                             opportunities. Bankstown has
                                                                                                                 long term economic and
                                                                        a higher proportion of workers
                                                                                                                 employment growth
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                        in unskilled or semi-skilled
                                                                        occupations than the rest of             • Work with small and new
                                                                        Sydney and a lower proportion              businesses to enhance
                                                                        of managers and professionals.             employment creation
                                                                        In our community, only a small
                                                                        proportion of people have formal         • Create vibrant employment
                                                                        qualifications.                            centres which generate
                                                                                                                   business demand
                                                                        Bankstown is in a period
                                                                                                                 • Promote investment in
                                                                        of transition with industrial
                                                                        restructuring resulting in job losses,
                                                                        particularly in older manufacturing      • Strengthen the current cluster
                                                                        industries, which are yet to be            of industries in Bankstown
                                                                        replaced by new “higher order”           • Work with tourism operators
                                                                        jobs. Manufacturing is Bankstown’s         in Bankstown and the broader
                                                                        largest industry sector with around        Sydney metro region to promote
                                                                        18,000 jobs, followed by retail            the advantages of coming to and
                                                                        trade, health and the community            staying in Bankstown
                                                                        services sector. Council will plan
                                                                        for and work with local industry to      A city of lifelong learners
                                                                        ensure continued development in
                                                                                                                 • Review the capacity of libraries
                                                                        these sectors.
                                                                                                                   to meet current and future
                                                                        In order to maintain economic              learning opportunities
                                                                        growth, Council will work to
                                                                                                                 • Build partnerships with
                                                                        reposition Bankstown as a key
                                                                                                                   educational institutions
                                                                        employment and development
                                                                                                                   to develop the skills and
                                                                        destination. This will require
                                                                                                                   knowledge of local residents
                                                                        a more varied approach to
                                                                        employment lands planning with           • Implement a range of
                                                                        intensification in some precincts          education programs and
                                                                        and possible conversion to                 initiatives to help small and
                                                                        mixed use or residential in other          new businesses in Bankstown
• Provide internet connectivity
  in public hot-spots and key
  facilities                       Employment                       •  Labour force participation rate
                                                                    •  Youth employment
A city that meets the
demand for professional            Education and skills             •  Population with tertiary qualifications
and specialised employment         development                      •  Population without post school
opportunities                      				                                or trade qualification

• Maximise and develop key         Business start-ups and diversity •  Business start-ups (less closures)
  strategic assets including
  Bankstown Airport, University
                                                                    •  Businesses by industry and size
  of Western Sydney, Bankstown-

                                                                                                                 Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                                      Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
                                    Potential partners
  Lidcombe Hospital and key
                                   Local employers, education institutions including TAFE NSW - South
• Identify and pursue              Western Sydney Institute and UWS, training providers and established
  opportunities to attract a       business networks.
  diversified range of employers
  to Bankstown and link these      Regional training and group training organisations.
  to training and education in
  the area
                                   Government agencies responsible for employment, industry,
• Modernise and reposition         investment, trade, education and training, development and aviation.
  industry to build on
  Bankstown’s geographical

A city that provides for
a greater range of youth
employment opportunities
• Facilitate work experience,
  training and mentoring
  programs for young people
• Work with small and
  new business to enhance
  employment creation for
  young people
Lead                                  What can I do?

                                                                        The community wants more              • Join or volunteer at one of
                                                                        opportunities to participate            the many local organisations
                                                                        in local activities and to foster       involved in community
                                                                        more caring and connected               projects
                                                                        neighbourhoods. The community         • Make sure your community
                                                                        identified greater public awareness     organisation is listed on
                                                                        and communication with residents        Council’s Community
                                                                        as an area which could be               Directory
                         38                                             improved, including opportunities
                                                                                                              • Talk to one of your Councillors
                                                                        to provide feedback.
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                                                                about ideas and suggestions
                                                                        Council has a key role in
                                                                                                                for improving Bankstown
                                                                        ensuring that all members of the
                                                                        community have an opportunity         • Attend Council meetings
                                                                        to take part in Council’s
                                                                                                              • Visit Council’s website and
                                                                        decision making processes and
                                                                                                                read local newspapers to
                                                                        are supported in accessing
                                                                                                                keep up-to-date
                                                                        information, resources and
                                                                        services. This is vital in ensuring
                                                                        that the needs and priorities of
                                                                        our community are understood          A city with an engaged
                                                                        and incorporated in Council’s         community
                                                                        operations and strategic planning.
                                                                                                              • Increase opportunities for
                                                                                                                community participation in
                                                                                                                Council’s decision making
                                                                                                              • Work with the community,
                                                                                                                especially young people to
                                                                                                                encourage a sense of ownership
                                                                                                                and pride in Bankstown
                                                                                                              • Provide guidance and support
                                                                                                                to local groups on advocacy
                                                                                                                and activities
                                                                                                              • Develop Council’s website to
                                                                                                                expand access to information
                                                                                                                and use
• Develop strong and effective
  partnerships between Council,
  community organisations,         Community participation         •  Volunteering rates
  business and government                                          •  Formal voting rates
                                   Community awareness             •  Understanding of Council’s role
• Improve residents’
  understanding of Council’s       Council training and            •  Training and development expenditure
  role through improved            development
  communication processes and
  clear terminology
• Assist community groups and
                                    Potential partners                                                                              39
  organisations who want to hold

                                                                                                             Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                                                                                                                                  Bankstown Community Plan 2021   
                                   Community members, neighbourhood centres, community
  local events                     organisations, charities, places of worship and youth centres.
• Set up noticeboards in
  neighbourhoods to provide        Regional organisations and local government associations.
  information to all members of
  the community
                                   Government agencies responsible for community engagement, social
• Learn from and cultivate         inclusion and local government.
  Aboriginal and Torres Strait
  Islander values and knowledge

A city with an innovative,
responsive and well managed
• Develop a culture of best
  practice service delivery and
• Ensure Council officers are
  provided with adequate skills
  and resources to be responsive
  to community needs
• Maintain a sound governance
  framework to ensure
  accountability in all Council
• Ensure Council remains
  financially sound
Beacon ideas                          Redevelop the Bankstown
                                                                                                              civic precinct
                                                                        Council will investigate a range
                                                                        of suggested initiatives that could   Renew the Bankstown civic
                                                                        go beyond the “business as usual”     precinct to provide a strong
                                                                        approach to achieving the seven       CBD identity, good transport
                                                                        City Directions. The following list   connections and lively cultural
                                                                        has been developed with input         spaces including public art.
                                                                        from the community as well as a
                                                                        broad engagement process with         Bike and pedestrian paths
                                                                                                              connecting town centres
                         40                                             Council staff.
                                                                                                              Create a network of pedestrian
Bankstown’s future – in your hands
                                     Bankstown Community Plan 2021   

                                                                                                              and bike paths to connect all town
                                                                        multipurpose facilities
                                                                                                              centres and the CBD and provide
                                                                        Provide high quality multipurpose     excellent facilities to encourage
                                                                        facilities located in key             their use.
                                                                        neighbourhoods across Bankstown
                                                                        to provide equitable access to        Expand volunteering
                                                                        physical, cultural and social         programs
                                                                        resources for all residents.
                                                                                                              Develop a volunteering program
                                                                                                              to encourage civic participation
                                                                        Evening dining and
                                                                                                              and engagement in the
                                                                        entertainment venues
                                                                                                              community. The program would
                                                                        Transform Bankstown into              involve matching volunteers’
                                                                        the premier city to visit for         skills and experiences with
                                                                        multicultural food by developing      the volunteering opportunities
                                                                        food festivals, markets and after     available.
                                                                        hours dining across the city.
                                                                                                              Landmark building in CBD
                                                                                                              Develop a landmark building in
                                                                                                              the CBD to highlight Bankstown’s
                                                                                                              growing significance in the
                                                                                                              Greater Sydney region. The
                                                                                                              building should demonstrate a
                                                                                                              high level of design excellence
                                                                                                              and environmental performance.
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