Page created by Louise Todd

                         BE AMBITIOUS
                                                      2019 STUDENT GUIDE

© TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E   STUDENT GUIDE 2019

    Enrolments are open and study can commence throughout the year.


      4 February 2019                     Monday                            Semester One, Term One begins


      14 April 2019                       Sunday                            Semester One, Term One ends

      15 April - 28 April 2019            Monday to Sunday                  Autumn vacation

      30 April 2018                       Monday                            Semester One, Term Two begins


      23 June 2019                        Sunday                            Semester One, Term Two ends

      24 June to 21 July 2019             Monday to Sunday                  Winter vacation


      22 July 2019                        Monday                            Semester Two, Term Three begins


      29 September 2019                   Sunday                            Semester Two, Term Three ends

      30 September to 13 October 2019     Monday to Sunday                  Spring vacation


      14 October 2019                     Monday                            Semester Two, Term Four Begins


      8 December 2019                     Sunday                            Semester Two, Term Four ends

    Higher Education Students, please use the Academic Calendar Online.

         STUDENT GUIDE 2019             © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

Whatever your study goals are, we want to make your
time at TAFE NSW as enjoyable, safe and rewarding as

Whether you are just deciding what to study or you have
your career plan sketched out, we have a full range of
support services and flexible study options for you.

At your first class, or during online orientation, your
teacher will give you other essential information about
TAFE NSW and your course, and will be able to answer

This Student Guide provides the links and information
you will need as you study with TAFE NSW.


We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land
on which we learn and work together, and commit to
building relationships, respect and opportunities with
Aboriginal people.

  © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E   STUDENT GUIDE 2019

    SUPPORTING YOUR EDUCATION                                             5
    LIBRARIES                                                             5
    COUNSELLING AND CAREERS                                               5
    DISABILITY SERVICES                                                   5
    HELP WITH LEARNING                                                    6
    AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS                                               6
    WORLDSKILLS                                                           6

    ON CAMPUS                                                             7
    STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS                                                  7
    STUDENT PORTAL                                                        7
    YOUR DEVICES AND IT                                                   7
    PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND CONCESSIONS                                      8
    TAFECARD                                                              8
    AUTHORITY TO PUBLISH                                                  8
    CHILDREN’S CENTRES                                                    8
    YOUR FACILITIES TO ENJOY AND LEARN IN                                 8
    PARKING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY                                         9
    ANIMAL CARE POLICY                                                    9

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR STUDY                               10
    PARTICIPATION                                                        10
    WHAT TO DO IF YOUR DETAILS CHANGE                                    10
    UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTIFIER (USI)                                      10
    MEDICAL CONDITIONS                                                    11
    WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY (WHS)                                          11
    ASSESSMENTS AND EXAMS                                                12
    PLAGIARISM AND FRAUD                                                 14
    PATHWAYS TO FURTHER STUDY                                            15
    DURING YOUR STUDY                                                    16
    FEES AND PAYMENT                                                     17
    CONSUMER PROTECTION                                                  19
    MAKING A COMPLAINT                                                   19

    RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                          20
    WHEN YOU ENROL WITH TAFE NSW                                         20
    STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                  20
    TAFE NSW RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES                                 22
    HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION                                        23
    STUDENT CONDUCT                                                      24
    COMPLAINTS                                                           25

At TAFE NSW we want to see you succeed.                                    DISABILITY SERVICES
That’s why we offer support at every step
of the way.                                                                If you have a disability or medical condition –
                                                                           whether it is physical or psychiatric, temporary or
Our values, our people, our facilities and our                             permanent – we may be able to offer you a range
personalised support set us apart and ensure                               of disability support services to assist you with
you receive the highest quality education and                              your enrolment as well as your education and
training.                                                                  training.

                                                                           Contact your local campus or teaching section
                                                                           and ask to be connected to the Disabilities
LIBRARIES                                                                  Services.
Our state-wide library network provides access to
                                                                           Let us know what your needs are as soon as
the latest digital and print resources, and is run by
                                                                           possible so we can discuss support that’s right
professional library staff who can help you with
                                                                           for you.
research and support with your studies. Facilities
                                                                           Reasonable adjustment for students with
ƒƒ Individual, group study and social spaces                               a disability
ƒƒ Access to computers                                                     If you have a disability you may be eligible for
ƒƒ Photocopying and printing                                               ‘Reasonable Adjustment’ during your study.

                                                                           The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) through
                                                                           the Disability Standards for education requires
                                                                           providers to take reasonable steps to enable the
                                                                           student with disability to participate in education
TAFE NSW offers free career counselling services
                                                                           on the same basis as student without disability,
to assist prospective students with making career
                                                                           and specifically to ensure that:
and study plans. After you enrol, you can discuss
educational, career, personal and wellbeing                                ƒƒ Teaching materials are appropriate to the
concerns with TAFE NSW Counsellors to help you                                needs of the student
achieve your study goals.
                                                                           ƒƒ Course learning activities are sufficiently
                                                                              flexible for the student to be able to participate

ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT                                               ƒƒ Study materials are available in an appropriate
                                                                              format for the student
                                                                           ƒƒ Teaching strategies are adjusted to meet the
TAFE NSW recognises the importance of identity                                learning needs of the student
and connection to Country. Our training and                                ƒƒ Assessment procedures are adapted to enable
education is designed to help you reach your                                  the student to demonstrate the knowledge,
goals.                                                                        skills or competencies being assessed

We welcome and encourage Aboriginal and                                    Students with disability should contact, and
Torres Strait Islander people to enrol in TAFE NSW                         register with, a Disabilities Services Teacher/
courses, and we support all students to get the                            Consultant who will provide support and/or
most out of education and training. From music                             organise assistance during your study.
and film, to Aboriginal languages and cultures -
our courses are taught in small, friendly groups
with personalised support.

TAFE NSW offers you a wide range of learning
opportunities that will help you achieve your

              © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E        STUDENT GUIDE 2019

    HELP WITH LEARNING                                              AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS
    Sometimes you may need help with a particular subject           There is a number of scholarships available to
    or skill. Perhaps maths isn’t your strong point? Or             TAFE NSW students, across a range of study areas.
    maybe you find it hard to express ideas in writing for          Scholarships include:
    essays or exam answers?
                                                                     ƒƒ Aboriginal Post Enrolment Scholarships
    We can offer you tutorials and other forms of learner            ƒƒ Bega Valley Shire Council Tertiary Scholarships
                                                                     ƒƒ Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled Nursing) Scholarships
    Learner support may help you with:                               ƒƒ Foodstorm Scholarship for Catering and
                                                                        Technological Innovation
    ƒƒ Literacy
                                                                     ƒƒ Jobs of Tomorrow Scholarships
    ƒƒ Numeracy
                                                                     ƒƒ Sisters of Charity Foundation Scholarship 2018
    ƒƒ English as a second language
                                                                     ƒƒ The Trevor Drayton Scholarship
    ƒƒ Maths
                                                                     ƒƒ Vision Australian Further Education Bursary
    ƒƒ Science
    ƒƒ Computing skills                                             Ask teachers for details on scholarships or sponsored
                                                                    prizes and awards which may be available in your area
    ƒƒ Communication skills                                         of study.
    Depending on your needs, we offer learner support:
    ƒƒ At drop-in centres                                           WORLDSKILLS
    ƒƒ In small groups
                                                                    WorldSkills Australia is a skills competition with more
    ƒƒ With a team teacher                                          than 60 trade and skill areas including landscaping,
    ƒƒ As one-to-one tuition                                        hair and beauty, cookery, business services, heavy
                                                                    mechanical, electrical, and restaurant services.
    ƒƒ Via the internet
                                                                    Many TAFE NSW students have achieved medals at
    We can also provide specialised support if you have a           the National WorldSkills competitions. Competitions are
    disability or if English is not your first language.            a great way to improve your skills, compare yourself
                                                                    against others in the field, and get noticed at work or
    A number of TAFE NSW locations also have RUReady,               school. They highlight your skills level, willingness to
    which is a computer-based tool that helps us to check           learn, dedication to your job/studies and your courage
    areas of your English and Maths skills, and to identify if      to have a go.
    some personalised learning support would benefit you
    during your studies. TAFE NSW wants you to succeed              To participate or for more information about
    and we want to join you in helping your skills grow, and        competitions, speak to your teacher or visit WorldSkills
    making your goals a reality.

          STUDENT GUIDE 2019                    © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

 ON CAMPUS                                                           When you have access to your student email account
                                                                     you will be able to:
                                                                      ƒƒ Access class computers for computer-based
Whether you study part-time, online or full-time, our                    activities
campuses and facilities are designed to help you                      ƒƒ Access TAFE NSW Library computers to manage
get the most out of your time at TAFE NSW.                               your course work and research
                                                                      ƒƒ Access important course emails from TAFE NSW

STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS                                                  ƒƒ Access online learning course material (where
At many TAFE NSW campuses, student associations
                                                                      ƒƒ View your current and past enrolment details, study
provide facilities, services and activities for members.
                                                                         details and subject results
These not-for-profit and non-political organisations
are dedicated to making campus life better for you.                   ƒƒ View notifications of your next schedule fee
Membership is voluntary.                                                 payments as well as a history of your fee payments

                                                                     YOUR DEVICES AND IT
                                                                     TAFE NSW learning environments have internet
                                                                     connections and wi-fi. TAFE NSW reserves the right to
                                                                     monitor and record all usage of its computer networks,
  As a student of TAFE NSW, you will be issued with                  and to take disciplinary action when breaches of
  a username and password to access your online                      expected behaviour occur. Use of services
  Student Portal. You can access your student
  account on TAFE campus computers (classroom
  or library), or on any external computer with                      Logins
  internet access.                                                   For access to filtered internet browsing, online
                                                                     services and email on campus computers and
  The Student Portal provides access to your                         your own personal devices, please use the username
  student email account. This ensures that every                     and password you received during enrolment e.g.
  student has an active email account to receive                     ‘John.Smith1’. TAFE NSW email accounts are filtered
  important information.                                             for inappropriate content.

  How to activate your student email account:
                                                                     Free access to
  1.   Upon enrolment you will receive a username           is an online library featuring course
       and temporary password                                        and instructional videos. The videos are taught by
                                                                     recognised industry experts and cover the latest in
  2.   Go to to access the                         technology, creative, and business skills.
       Student Portal                                                Access is available via the Student Portal
                                                                     Information on accessing and using is
  3.   Log on using your username and temporary                      available via the LibGuide
                                                                     If you need any help, please talk to your teacher or
                                                                     local librarian.
  4.   Reset your password and set up your secret
       questions and answers to maximise security
       and assist you if you forget your password                    Free access to Office 365 Education
                                                                     You can use the following software on up to five devices:
  5.   Allow up to 24 hours for the password to reset
                                                                      ƒƒ Microsoft Word
                                                                      ƒƒ Microsoft Excel
                                                                      ƒƒ Microsoft PowerPoint
                                                                      ƒƒ Microsoft Outlook
                                                                      ƒƒ Microsoft OneNote
                                                                      ƒƒ Microsoft Publisher

                                                                     Office 365 Education is available via the Student Portal

              © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E         STUDENT GUIDE 2019

    Social media                                                   AUTHORITY TO PUBLISH
    Stay in the loop with the TAFE NSW social media pages
    to find out about events, industry news, student               You may be asked to sign an Authority to Publish form
    achievements and important announcements.                      by teaching or related TAFE NSW staff during your time
                                                                   studying with us. It is an agreement between you and
    LIKE, FOLLOW and JOIN in the conversation on the               TAFE NSW, and it means TAFE NSW would like to be able
    pages below:                                                   to quote you or use your photo in some of its printed
                                                                   and electronic promotional and marketing material,
    ƒƒ                                        which will be available for viewing by the public.
                                                                   If you sign this form it means that you agree to the
    ƒƒ                                following:
    ƒƒ                                        ƒƒ TAFE NSW is able to use your photo(s) and/or quote
    ƒƒ SnapChat                                                        as many times and in as many ways as it wants to
                                                                       – for example, on the TAFE NSW websites or in local

    PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND CONCESSIONS                                ƒƒ Your photo may be reproduced in colour or black
                                                                       and white, and may be altered for design purposes
    The NSW Government provides subsidised or                       ƒƒ You will not be consulted about the specific context
    concession travel to a range of people, including                  in which your photo and quote appears
    tertiary students. As a TAFE NSW student you may
                                                                    ƒƒ Material held will be kept for an indefinite time. It will
    be entitled to student travel concessions on public                be stored and disposed of securely
    or private transport (conditions apply). For further
    information, talk to a customer service officer at your        TAFE NSW will not use your quote or photo for any
    local campus.                                                  purpose other than the general promotion and
                                                                   marketing of education and training by TAFE NSW.
    Click here for information on public transport to and
    from your campus.                                              Your agreement to permit the use of your photo and
                                                                   quote is greatly appreciated. To be able to sign the
                                                                   release form, you must be over 18 years of age. If you
    TAFECARD                                                       are not over 18 years of age, we will need the written
                                                                   and signed agreement of your parent or guardian
    A TAFEcard is the TAFE NSW student identification card.        before we can use any material.
    You must get a TAFEcard – it contains your photograph,
    name and student number, and:
    ƒƒ Records membership of the library and student               CHILDREN’S CENTRES
                                                                   There are children’s centres at some TAFE NSW
    ƒƒ Gives you access to parking, photocopying facilities
                                                                   locations. Limited places may be available to children
       and secure areas such as computer labs
                                                                   under the age of six whose parents are enrolled in a
    ƒƒ Is required for you to be able to sit an examination        TAFE NSW course.

    How to get your TAFEcard
    The TAFEcard is a compulsory form of identification at
                                                                   YOUR FACILITIES TO ENJOY AND LEARN IN
    TAFE NSW. Please visit your TAFE NSW campus to have
                                                                   TAFE NSW campuses have a great range of cafés, art
    your photo taken for your TAFEcard. If you are studying
                                                                   and bookshops, gallery and exhibition spaces, gyms
    online, you can go to a TAFE campus close to you, or
                                                                   and training restaurants.
    contact us on 131 241 to get your TAFEcard.
                                                                   You can even get discounts in student hair and beauty
    You will be issued with one TAFEcard regardless of how
                                                                   salons and massage clinics. Come in and check out
    many courses you enrol in; the card is valid whilst you
                                                                   student bands, lunchtime art exhibitions, discount
    are enrolled and can be used for future courses. Please
                                                                   barbecues, competitions, theatre performances and
    don’t discard the card once your course finishes as
                                                                   much more.
    a replacement fee of $20 applies to lost/stolen or
    damaged cards.

          STUDENT GUIDE 2019                   © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

PARKING AND PERSONAL PROPERTY                                      ANIMAL CARE POLICY
If you bring property and/or park a vehicle on                     Where animals or animal tissues are used to support
a TAFE NSW facility, you do so at your own risk.                   your learning, you must understand that it is a privilege
Some campuses have parking available for students,                 that comes with responsibilities. You must:
however no responsibility will be accepted for loss
                                                                    ƒƒ Treat animals and their tissue with care and respect
or damage to private property or vehicles brought
to a TAFE NSW campus.                                               ƒƒ Treat live animals humanely and avoid any cruel
                                                                    ƒƒ Think about why and how you are using animals for
                                                                       their tissues
                                                                    ƒƒ Make sure that you make good use of the learning

                                                                   There are penalties for animal cruelty and unauthorised
                                                                   use of animals. TAFE NSW has a quality assurance
                                                                   process that monitors the care of all animals used for
                                                                   teaching, to ensure that it meets industry and animal
                                                                   welfare standards. If you think that animals used in
                                                                   teaching have been mistreated or used inappropriately,
                                                                   you should discuss this with your teacher, or the
                                                                   head teacher.

            © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E       STUDENT GUIDE 2019

                                                                         What to do if your
     ABOUT YOUR STUDY                                                    details change
     From short courses to degrees, TAFE NSW courses
     can help you reach your career goals. Our courses                   Always contact us if your circumstances
     are recognised and valued everywhere.                               or contact details change, including phone,
                                                                         email, address, name and/or Centrelink
                                                                         circumstances. Any change could have
                                                                         an impact on fees, how you receive your
     PARTICIPATION                                                       qualification, and the support you get while
                                                                         you study.
     Courses run only if there are enough resources and
     demand. Classes may be discontinued if attendance                   You may need to present evidence, and you
     numbers fall below a set minimum. Advice will be given              may need to also make the same changes to
     in advance of any changes.                                          your USI profile.

     During the first week of each unit in your course, you
     will be provided with:
                                                                    If you are not participating and engaging in your
     ƒƒ An outline of the subject                                   assessments and studies on a regular basis, you will
     ƒƒ Specific health and safety requirements                     be contacted to determine if you are continuing or
                                                                    withdrawing from your studies. You will be assisted to
     ƒƒ The student assessment guide for the units
                                                                    re-commence your studies, if this is what you request.
        of competency you are studying
     ƒƒ Standard of conduct and behaviour requirements              If you decide not to continue with your studies, you
                                                                    must notify your teacher or the campus in writing.
     To make the most of your studies you are expected              You can use the Withdrawal Form available on the
     to participate and engage in your assessments                  TAFE NSW website, and send this through to your
     and training, including attending all classes and              teacher or campus. This form will also be used to see if
     workshops and submitting work in accordance with               you are eligible for a partial refund of your course fees.
     the assessment requirements of each unit. If there is
     a valid reason you cannot attend class, please notify          If you do not respond to the attempts to contact you,
     your teacher.                                                  action will be taken to ‘withdraw and discontinue’ your
     If you are sick, unable to attend class, complete an
     assessment or have missed an assessment due to
     uncontrollable circumstances, please advise your               UNIQUE STUDENT IDENTIFIER (USI)
     teacher as soon as possible.
                                                                    The USI gives you access to a national register
     You are deemed to have participated if you:                    that allows you to see all your nationally accredited
     ƒƒ Attended a class, engaged online at the unit level          training records and results, from all training providers,
        if an online student, engaged in practical sessions,        completed after 1 January 2015.
        exam, test or learner support
                                                                    Please note that Higher Education students do not
     ƒƒ Submitted an application for recognition of prior           currently need a USI.
        learning (RPL)
                                                                    When you enrol into nationally accredited training and
     ƒƒ Accessed activities or pages in the learning                study with TAFE NSW, you will need to have a Unique
        management system or Moodle website                         Student Identifier, which we will verify to the USI
     ƒƒ Submitted assessments                                       Registry.

     ƒƒ Contacted your teaching section for support                 If you don’t have one, we can assist you to register and
        and assistance                                              get a USI.

     If you wish to transfer to another college, you must           See the TAFE NSW website “Obtain your Unique Student
     discuss this with your teacher.                                Identifier (USI)”

                                                                    The personal details you provide to TAFE NSW at
                                                                    enrolment and held on your TAFE record must match

           STUDENT GUIDE 2019                   © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

your USI personal details, so any changes must be                    need to provide, e.g. protective clothing and equipment
made to both your TAFE NSW and the USI records at                    (PPE). Closed-in footwear should be worn on campus.
the same time.
                                                                     During an orientation session at your first attendance,
TAFE NSW is required to record and verify your USI                   you will be given information on what to do in case
before we can issue you student documentation,                       of an emergency or if you are injured and require first
including your qualification testamur or statements                  aid. All campuses have emergency management
of attainment.                                                       plans in place and are well equipped with trained First
                                                                     Aid Officers, first aid rooms and appropriate first aid
                                                                     equipment. It is important to let your Head Teacher
MEDICAL CONDITIONS                                                   and/or the Disabilities Unit know if you will require
                                                                     assistance in the event of an evacuation due to a
If you have an ongoing medical condition such as                     temporary or permanent disability, so that appropriate
epilepsy or diabetes, it is important to make your                   support can be provided.
teachers aware of this in case you require sudden
assistance. A safety management plan can be                          All incidents or injuries must be reported to your
developed with a campus Disabilities Consultant and,                 teacher immediately after the event. In the event of
with your permission, shared with the relevant staff                 needing transportation by ambulance, the cost will be
who can then provide support when necessary.                         the responsibility of the person being transported. You
                                                                     will be provided with instruction and training on work
We also recommend that you provide us with an                        health and safety relevant to your course.
emergency contact – either a family member or friend
– and also provide them with a copy of your timetable                To help us provide a safe environment, work health
and attendance details. This will help in case of                    and safety legislation also reinforces your duty to take
emergency. This information will be kept in confidence.              reasonable care of yourself and the health and safety
                                                                     of others. You must not enter classrooms or workshops
                                                                     without permission and supervision or interfere with
Anaphylaxis                                                          or misuse anything provided for you in the interest of
If you are at risk of anaphylaxis, you must carry your               health and safety. You should report any safety issues
own adrenaline auto injector (‘Epi-Pen’) while on                    or concerns to your teacher or campus staff as soon
campus or attending any TAFE NSW activities, such as                 as possible.
events, excursions or work placement.
TAFE NSW campuses provide ‘back up’ Epi-Pens in                      For further information about work, health and safety
case of emergency.                                                   visit a TAFE NSW library, ask your teacher, or visit the
                                                                     Safework website at
For access to your nearest first aid officer, contact your
teacher or Administration at your campus.

                                                                     COURSE REQUIREMENTS - SAFE HANDLING
Prescription drugs
                                                                     OF VOLATILE SUBSTANCES AND PPE
Prescription or some over-the-counter medications
may impair your judgement. While you are affected                    Some courses may require you to use dangerous,
by medication, you may not be able to safely use                     hazardous and volatile substances. You will be given
equipment or handle chemicals. It is your responsibility             instructions on their safe handling. In the interests of
to discuss this with your teacher or head teacher. They              health and safety you must not interfere with or misuse
have a duty of care to you and your fellow students,                 any of these materials and must abide by the wearing
and may need to know of your medical condition so                    of protective clothing and equipment if required to
that they can ensure safety arrangements. However,                   do so.
you have a right to privacy and while your teacher may
need to inform the head teacher, it is against the law               Certain courses require the wearing of a uniform and/
for them to tell anyone else without your permission.                or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and clothing
Students are welcome to discuss any problems with                    during classes, which you will need to supply. Entry to
our Counselling and Careers Development Unit. This is                the class will be refused unless specified protective
a free and confidential service.                                     clothing/uniform is worn. Some courses may also
                                                                     specify mandatory equipment requirements (MER), and
                                                                     students must obtain these to enable participation in
WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY (WHS)                                         classes and/or completion of the course. Information
                                                                     as to the requirements in this area will be given during
TAFE NSW has a duty to ensure the health, safety and                 enrolment or class.
welfare of all employees, students, other workers and
visitors attending our campuses. At enrolment you will
be informed of any course requirement that you will

              © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E       STUDENT GUIDE 2019

     ASSESSMENTS AND EXAMS                                          MISSING OR LATE ASSESSMENT
     General information about assessments and details of           If you miss a formal assessment activity, an exam, or
     the assessment relating to the different units/subjects        are late with an assessment, it is probable that ‘no
     of competency in your course are contained in the              result’ will be awarded for the assessment which will
     Student Assessment Guide, or your Higher Education             affect your final mark. You should contact your teacher
     Student Handbook.                                              as soon as possible, giving reasons for your lateness
                                                                    or absence.
     Soon after commencement of your study (during first
     attendance/participation) you will be advised by your          For assessments you have seven (7) days to do this,
     teacher of the assessment method used for each unit/           or until the day of the next scheduled attendance,
     subject, including whether any have a Final/Formal             whichever comes first.
                                                                    For final/formal examinations, you have ten (10) days to
     If you have a permanent or temporary disability which          notify your teacher. Your teacher will inform you about
     may affect your ability to undertake assessments,              the revised examination date, which may not be until
     sit an examination, or finish it in the required time,         the following year.
     contact the Campus Teacher/Consultant for students
     with disabilities, who will determine if you qualify for       Where possible, you should provide evidence to support
     special concessions (e.g. a modified examination). If the      what you say – for example, a medical certificate.
     nature and/or degree of the disability changes after the       In some cases, your teacher may accept a late
     granting of a concession, the Campus manager must be           assignment or allow you to sit for a test at a later date.
     informed BEFORE the examination or assessment event.           With final exams, you may be able to attempt the exam
                                                                    at the next scheduled examination period – usually
     Examination aids permitted to be used for each                 several months later.
     examination are shown in the Student Assessment
     Guide. These aids, as well as pencils, pens, erasers,          Please remember, any changes to your assessment
     rulers and highlighters, must be supplied by the student.      schedule needs to be discussed with, and approved
     Notes and blank writing paper brought in by students           by, your teacher.
     must not be used in the examination room. The campus/
     college will provide writing paper in the examination

     Electronic dictionaries/devices, including mobile
     phones, are NOT permitted for use.

     You will receive a copy of the Student Assessment
     Guide/Higher Education Student Handbook at your first
     attendance/participation and it is your responsibility
     to read the Student Assessment Guide/s provided by
     your teachers and you must sign a statement and/or
     acknowledge receipt to confirm that you have received
     and understood the assessment procedure relating to
     your qualification/ units of competency.

     There will be a range of assessments that you will
     undertake during your study.

     On commencement of each unit/subject, all relevant
     assessment information will be provided to you in the
     ‘Student Assessment Guide – Unit of competency’ or
     your Higher Education Student Handbook.

     Your teacher will give you prior notice of the
     assessment, depending on the duration of the unit.
     If you are unsure, always ask your teacher.

     You must submit assessment work and attend
     scheduled assessment events on the required dates.
     You can view further information related to assessment
     in Every Student’s Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW
     available on the TAFE NSW website.

           STUDENT GUIDE 2019                   © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

FINAL/FORMAL EXAMINATIONS                                           Print the information required on the front of each
                                                                    examination answer booklet and place similar
There are final/formal examinations held for a number               information on each sheet of drawing or graph
of qualifications and these examinations are conducted              paper used.
outside normal class time and each examinable unit is
scheduled at the same time and date throughout New                  During the examination
South Wales.
                                                                    When sitting a final examination, a student is required to
                                                                    place their TAFEcard on the top left corner of their desk
Students should be familiar with the following rights
                                                                    to enable a student identity verification.
and responsibilities in relation to these examinations.
                                                                    At all times follow directions given by the supervisor.
Examination timetable                                               Failure to comply with such directions will be considered
You are responsible for checking the examination                    a serious breach of discipline and could result in a ‘fail’
timetable dates and times, either at your campus or                 result for the examination.
online notifications. You must sit each examination at
the campus of enrolment for that subject.                           All final/formal examination papers include ten minutes
                                                                    reading time. During reading time, you can make
If circumstances arise which prevent you from                       notes on the question paper but must NOT commence
attending the correct campus you MUST seek approval                 working through the questions until the supervisor
IN WRITING from both your campus of enrolment and                   gives permission. If the answers are to be written on
the campus where you wish to sit the examination.                   the question paper all notes should be written on note
This notification should be done shortly after enrolment            paper supplied by the campus. If you have a query,
or at least 4 weeks before the examination date.                    or require another answer booklet, raise your hand
                                                                    for assistance.
Approval will only be given where circumstances
prevent you attending the campus of the unit/subject                In a formal examination, you must not leave the room
enrolment. If you are a TAFE Digital or Block Release               within 30 minutes of the examination start unless
student you should notify your enrolment campus of                  accompanied by a supervisor.
the location where you wish to sit your examination.
                                                                    If you do not attempt any questions you must write your
                                                                    name, course, examination subject, and “No questions
Clash of exams                                                      attempted” on your answer booklet, paper or online test.
If you have two examinations scheduled for the same                 The “no questions submitted” statement must be signed
time and date, give WRITTEN notification to your                    on paper-based examinations.
Campus manager who will arrange for you to sit one of
the examinations earlier, or later, in the day. (Please give        When the supervisor closes the examination, all
reasonable notice to ensure there is sufficient time for            work is to cease immediately. Before you submit your
these arrangements to be made.) You will be supervised              examination responses, check that your details have
during breaks between the two examinations.                         been completed in all the required fields at the front and
                                                                    throughout the examination pages. When attempting
On the day of the examination                                       paper-based examinations, make sure that your details
                                                                    appear on the front of every booklet and on any sheets
You should be seated for the final examination at least             of paper which contain answers. If more than one
15 minutes before the scheduled starting time. If you               booklet has been used, place all other booklets and
arrive more than 30 minutes after the starting time you             loose pages inside the first booklet. Indicate on the first
will NOT be permitted to attempt the examination.                   booklet the total number of answer booklets used.
Before the examination starts you must place all notes,             If the question paper is not restricted (restricted papers
cases, bags and other items which are not authorised                have a yellow cover), or does not require the answers to
for the purpose of the examination at the front or rear of          be written on it, you may take it with you when leaving
the room.                                                           the room.
Mobile telephones and iPods and other communication
devices must be switched off. Under NO circumstances                Behaviour during assessments and examinations
can they be used in the examination room.                           You are entitled to sit for your assessments and/or
                                                                    examination in conditions which are free of disruption
Complete the “name slip” issued by the supervisor, who              from the supervisors and other students, except where
will collect it during the examination.                             the supervisor is conveying information relevant to the
                                                                    conduct of the examination.

              © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E       STUDENT GUIDE 2019

     If you engage in disorderly, offensive or aggressive           You are able to request a review of your results if
     conduct towards the supervisor or other students,              you have a valid reason, or you can ask for special
     you can be told to leave the assessment location               consideration. You may also lodge a formal complaint
     or examination room and may be ‘failed’ in the                 about the assessment process or decision.
                                                                    If you wish to request a review of your results, contact
                                                                    your teacher or head teacher.
     Malpractice is where any action taken by a person              If they are unavailable, contact a Customer Service
     gives that person, or another person, an unfair                Centre officer, at the college where the result was
     advantage, or disadvantages another person in any              recorded, and within 14 days of receiving your results if
     assessment situation, including an examination. If             you want to lodge an appeal.
     you engage in malpractice, such as copying, using
     unauthorised notes or aids, or exposing your worked            Your teacher will either address the appeal
     papers so that another student may copy them, you              in accordance with TAFE NSW procedures on
     will be liable to disciplinary action.                         reassessment and review of results or refer the matter
                                                                    to an educational manager, where appropriate. The
     The penalties for malpractice in an examination range          relevant educational manager’s contact details and
     from ‘failure’ in the subject being examined to exclusion      availability will be listed in the assessment information
     from the campus for a specific period of time. Charges         provided to you when you commenced your study.
     may be laid by the police.
                                                                    The process for appeals on assessment matters
     Missed examinations                                            must address and record any complaints or concerns
                                                                    expressed by students. Such complaints or concerns
     If you miss an examination, or if you know beforehand
                                                                    might relate to misinformation provided by a member of
     that you cannot attend an assessment or final
                                                                    TAFE NSW staff – for example, inadequate or inaccurate
     examination, you must contact your Teacher or
                                                                    provision of information in relation to assessment
     Head Teacher. You may be given permission to sit a
                                                                    requirements, the provision of inappropriate learning
     concessional final examination at the next scheduled
                                                                    materials or refusal to respond appropriately to a
     examination date.
                                                                    student’s concerns. The appeal process is simple and
                                                                    direct and ensures that students are readily able to
     Exam/Assessment results                                        register honest concerns. Should you wish to appeal
     Following your examinations and/or assessments, your           the decision, you will be supplied with the relevant
     results will be determined and checked before being            Assessment Policy – TAFE NSW, which is also available
     made available via the Student Portal. You will also be        on the TAFE NSW website.
     issued a Transcript of Academic record, (your units and
     their results), at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2        If you have any questions concerning your Transcript,
     each year, without charge.                                     including asking a question on whether you have
                                                                    completed all your study for your course/qualification,
     The transcript is posted to the address identified             please contact your campus and/or your Head Teacher.
     when you enrolled, unless you amend the address by
     advising your college or you change these details via
     the Student Portal.                                            PLAGIARISM AND FRAUD
     Your results will not be released to any other person or       Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and
     organisation unless you provide your written consent,          presenting them as if they were your own work without
     the records are subpoenaed or it is a legislative              acknowledging the original author. Plagiarism is a form
     requirement.                                                   of fraud and entails violating the property of someone
                                                                    else. It is a breach of student conduct and will be
     You will not receive your results or a transcript or           managed under the Student Discipline Policy.
     testamur if you have any fees outstanding or you do
     not have a verified USI.                                       Further information on Plagiarism is available via the
                                                                    TAFE NSW Libraries Copyright-Plagiarism LibGuide
     Information relating to assessment appeals can be              Copyright infringement
     found in the Higher Education Student Guide for your           A copyright owner is entitled to take legal action
     qualification and the Student Assessment Guides for            against a person who infringes copyright. Copyright
     the units of competency you will study. You will receive       infringement occurs when an individual inappropriately
     this information at your first class.                          reproduces a work that is protected by copyright.
                                                                    Many works can only be used with the prior written
     Your results will be checked before you receive your           permission of the author. Unless otherwise permitted
     Transcript of Academic Record.                                 by the Copyright Act 1968, making a copy of another

           STUDENT GUIDE 2019                   © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

person’s published work is an infringement of                         to your head teacher showing cause as to why you
copyright. However, within the Act, you are permitted                 should be re-enrolled.
to make a copy of published work for the purpose of
research or study. This is called fair dealing.                       If you are approved to re-enrol, and the qualification/
A reasonable guide to fair dealing would be:                          course remains current, your teacher will advise you
                                                                      on the study required to complete your qualification/
ƒƒ One article in a periodical                                        course.
ƒƒ Two or more articles (if they relate to the same
   subject matter)                                                    Where this original unit of competency [or qualification/
                                                                      course] is no longer current, your head teacher will
ƒƒ Up to 10% or one chapter of a book                                 discuss the available options including the study
                                                                      requirements in the current version of the unit of
Note: Institutions or individuals are liable for                      competency [or qualification/course].
prosecution under the Copyright Act for infringements
of copyright. For more information, see the TAFE NSW                  Your student fee (or fee exemption) only covers your
Libraries Copyright Guide or visit:                                   first attempt at a unit of competency, and further
ƒƒ                                                charges will apply.
ƒƒ Your college librarian can also provide information                PATHWAYS TO FURTHER STUDY
   on copyright

                                                                      The TAFE NSW delivered vocational education and
   How do I ensure                                                    training program (TVET) allows Year 11 and Year 12
                                                                      school students to get a head start on their vocational
   I do not infringe                                                  education by studying a Vocational Education and
   copyright?                                                         Training (VET) course as part of their Higher School
                                                                      Certificate (HSC).

                                                                      Depending on the course, you may study at TAFE NSW,
   You must:
                                                                      at your school or at a trade school.
   ƒƒ Never plagiarise information
                                                                      Some TVET courses will also help you gain a place
   ƒƒ Respect the intellectual property and
      copyright of owners and authors of work,                        at university by contributing to your ATAR, while also
      including works, ideas and graphics etc.                        allowing you to get an industry qualification at the
      on TAFE NSW and other websites                                  same time. For more information please contact a
                                                                      TAFE NSW TVET Consultant or your schools career
   ƒƒ Always acknowledge the creator or author                        advisor.
      of any material published
   ƒƒ Not make available or use illegal (pirated)
      copies of copyrighted software on TAFE NSW
                                                                      Degree Programs
      equipment                                                       TAFE NSW has over 25 hands on, employment focused,
                                                                      higher education and degree programs. Many of the
                                                                      VET programs have clear pathways to TAFE NSW
                                                                      degrees and to many university programs. Ask us how
                                                                      to link your current course to an appropriate higher
                                                                      education pathway.
If you are unable to complete a Unit of Competency, or
you don’t pass an exam or assessment which you need
                                                                      CREDIT TRANSFER AGREEMENTS
to achieve your qualification, you have the option to
                                                                      Credit transfer is a form of recognition for previous
repeat that part of your studies by re-enrolling in that
                                                                      study, based on formal arrangements which have
particular unit. A separate fee will be charged for any
                                                                      been negotiated between TAFE NSW and other higher
second or further attempt to successfully complete the
                                                                      education providers. Credit transfer can significantly
Unit of Competency. Discuss the options available to
                                                                      reduce the time it takes to complete a degree and can
you with your teacher or head teacher.
                                                                      take various forms including specified, unspecified and
                                                                      block credits. Currently we have agreements with more
Failure in a Unit of Competency (on two occasions)                    than 20 Australian universities and higher education
If you wish to re-enrol in a unit of competency after                 providers. To apply for credit transfer to a TAFE NSW
receiving two fail results in that unit within a three-year           degree program or other degree program, speak to
period, you are required to submit a request in writing               your teacher.

               © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E       STUDENT GUIDE 2019

     The Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation (TPC) is suitable     Withdrawals
     for people who may not have had the opportunity to               If you are not participating and engaging in your
     qualify for university entry through traditional study           assessments and studies on a regular basis, you will
     pathways such as the Higher School Certificate (HSC).            be contacted to determine if you are continuing or
     The TPC will help develop a broad range of skills                withdrawing from your studies. You will be assisted to
     necessary to gain entry to and succeed in tertiary               re-commence your studies, if this is what you request.
     education and employment. The TPC is considered
     equivalent to the HSC.                                           If you do not respond to our attempts to contact you,
                                                                      action will be taken to ‘withdraw and discontinue’
                                                                      your study.
                                                                      If you are considering or deciding to withdraw from
     TAFE NSW offers a number of degree courses and                   your course of study, discuss with your teacher or
     higher education options. These courses have strong              head teacher to see if they can assist you in continuing
     links to employers, providing the practical skills and           with your studies.
     theoretical knowledge to land a job faster.
                                                                      If you decide you can no longer continue your studies,
     For more information on your degree options visit TAFE           you may be eligible to defer your studies for up to 12
     NSW Degrees                                                      months, or to withdraw and discontinue your studies.

     For more information on Recognition of Prior Learning            You may still be liable for payment of your course fees.
     (RPL) and Credit Transfer                                        It is important to let your teacher know, in writing, as
                                                                      soon as possible. The Withdrawal Form is available to
     More Pathways information is at Study Options on the             give this written advice and can be emailed to your
     TAFE NSW website.                                                teacher or your campus/enrolment location.

                                                                      Deferring your study
                                                                      If you are studying a course subsidised by the NSW
                                                                      Government, you may want to withdraw and defer your
                                                                      studies for up to a maximum of 12 months. This can be
                                                                      a combination of deferral periods.

                                                                      If you do wish to defer your studies you need to:
                                                                      ƒƒ Discuss and notify your teacher or head teacher
                                                                      ƒƒ Read thoroughly, then complete and submit a
                                                                         TAFE NSW application to withdraw, identifying that
                                                                         you are deferring your studies, the period you wish
                                                                         to defer and when you will return to study

                                                                      When your application has been processed you will
                                                                      receive a Transcript of Results achieved (if any). Any
                                                                      unit/s attempted /not completed within your enrolled
                                                                      qualification will record a withdrawn (WN) result, and
                                                                      the student fee or fee exemption covers this first
                                                                      attempt at these unit/s.

                                                                      When you return to study after your deferment, you will
                                                                      need to pay an additional fee for the second attempt at
                                                                      these unit/s.

                                                                      If studies are not resumed in the maximum 12-month
                                                                      period, you will be withdrawn and your study will be
                                                                      discontinued in this course.

                                                                      Students who defer studies are responsible for
                                                                      contacting their head teacher to negotiate resumption
                                                                      of studies to meet the 12-month deadline.

           STUDENT GUIDE 2019                     © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

Discontinuing your study                                            FEES AND PAYMENT
If you are studying a course and wish to discontinue
your studies you need to:                                           A fee applies for most TAFE NSW courses and must
                                                                    be paid at enrolment, and before you can access/
ƒƒ Notify your teacher or head teacher                              participate/attend class and/or learning materials. When
ƒƒ Submit a TAFE NSW application to withdraw.                       you enrol into TAFE NSW training which is online delivery
   Please read this form thoroughly before submitting.              (e.g. a TAFE Digital course), your commencement of
                                                                    study is your enrolment date.
When your application has been processed and any
outstanding fees have been finalised, you will receive              The amount you pay depends on the type of course
a Transcript of Results achieved. Any attempted or non              you study and on your personal circumstances.
completed units within your enrolled qualification will
result in a withdrawn (WN).                                         Please ensure you have paid your fees, or your fee
                                                                    instalment, by the due date, or you won’t be allowed to
If you wish to return to complete this qualification, your          start or continue your course, or have access to training
fees will be determined on the access and eligibility               materials and services, and you will not be issued a
criteria current at that time.                                      transcript or testamur. The minimum first fee instalment is
                                                                    $80.00, and this amount is non-refundable.
For students who have a VET Student Loan, you are
required to withdraw in writing using the VET Student               You will need to pay your fees (or the first fee
Loan withdrawal form.                                               instalment) before accessing/participating/attending
                                                                    classes/learning materials and they must be paid
It is important that you withdraw from a unit of study              in full in order for you to receive your qualification
prior to its census date if you cannot complete that                and testamur.
period of study. Please see the VET Student Loan
‘withdrawal and refunds’ information on the TAFE NSW                Payments are made by cheque, EFTPOS, money order,
website.                                                            BPAY (using your TAFE NSW Fee Statement) or credit
                                                                    card (MasterCard or Visa) through the Student Portal
For students enrolled in degrees, there are different               or by phoning the Customer Service Centre. We do not
forms and conditions. See the information at TAFE NSW               accept cash.
Degrees and at For Students and Graduates.
                                                                    If paying by cheque or money order, please make it
TAFE NSW reserves the right to:                                     payable to ‘TAFE NSW’ then write your name, address
                                                                    and course number on the reverse side.
ƒƒ Withdraw and/or cancel the delivery of a course
ƒƒ Offer and run a course at a location or delivery                 Where another person or entity, such as your employer,
   pattern other than that advertised                               makes arrangement to pay the student fee on your
ƒƒ Alter the fees, times or dates for the whole or any              behalf, they will be sent an invoice to make the
   part of a course                                                 necessary payment. However, you remain liable for the
                                                                    student fee so if this other party does not pay, then you
ƒƒ Not guarantee that you will be able to complete                  are liable to pay.
   your course at the location where you first enrolled,
   at the times or on the days or in the manner you
   were first offered                                               Registered NSW New Entrant Trainees accessing the
                                                                    Smart and Skilled subsidised training are eligible for
ƒƒ Offer you a new/alternative course if the                        the capped qualification fee.
   course has been updated in line with national
   industry standards                                               Registered NSW apprentices accessing Smart and
                                                                    Skilled subsidised training, who commence their
If any of these course changes become necessary,                    training on or after 1 July 2018, are eligible for a Fee
you will be advised of the changes and the alternative              Free Apprenticeship. Apprentices who commence their
arrangements which may be available for you to                      training before 1 July 2018 are eligible for the capped
complete your course.                                               qualification fee. Visit Fee Free Apprenticeships for more
TAFE NSW is not liable for any loss, expense or
inconvenience such changes may cause.                               The existing worker trainee is a person who has been
                                                                    working full-time in a business for longer than three
                                                                    months before being offered a traineeship, and is not
                                                                    eligible to access the Smart and Skilled subsidised
                                                                    training or capped qualification fee.

                                                                    For VET Student Loan eligible courses, you must have
                                                                    applied for a VET Student Loan (VSL) or paid the fee for

              © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E       STUDENT GUIDE 2019

     that unit of study by the census date, as well as any           have your student fee amended and future instalment
     ‘gap’ amount not covered by the VET Student Loan.               payments recalculated.

                                                                     If you are a NSW registered apprentice and commenced
     Help with fees
                                                                     your training on or after 1 July 2018, you may also be
     TAFE NSW is registered for VET Student Loan (VSL)               eligible for a Fee Free Apprenticeship.
     program and FEE-HELP, and supports students who
     meet the eligibility requirements to gain access to these       Smart and Skilled eligibility status for a Concession
     Commonwealth Government student loans schemes.                  Fee or Fee Exemption
                                                                     If you started government subsidised training on or
     VET Student Loan. The VSL program allows eligible
                                                                     after 1 January 2017 and you are enrolled under Smart
     students to repay their tuition loan fees for approved
                                                                     and Skilled conditions you may be eligible for a fee
     diplomas or advanced diplomas. Learn about VSL and
                                                                     exemption or a fee concession where you did not
     check your eligibility.
                                                                     declare your disability status or concession status
                                                                     or identity as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
     FEE-HELP. FEE-HELP is a student loan that lets you
                                                                     (ATSI) at time of enrolment and you meet the eligibility
     study now and pay later.
                                                                     conditions for the status amendment. A status change
                                                                     and amendment to your student fee will be considered
     Additional charges
                                                                     during the time of the course enrolment. You should
     In addition to the NSW Smart and Skilled student fee,           contact your teacher/head teacher or customer
     concession fee or fee-for-service amount, there may             service officer of your enrolment location. You will need
     be some additional charges to cover the costs of                to demonstrate that you met the eligibility conditions
     undertaking your training.                                      for a fee exemption or fee concession at the time of
                                                                     your enrolment and continually since then during the
     Course specific costs:                                          time of the course enrolment.
     ƒƒ Essential equipment and other items that become
        your property for example, protective clothing, chef         Where you are eligible for a concession fee, you will
        knives, licence fees                                         have your student fee amended or be eligible for a
                                                                     refund if you have paid more than the concession fee.
     ƒƒ An optional charge for an item that is not
        essential for you to complete your training, for             Where you are eligible for a fee exemption, you will be
        example the campus may provide florist students              refunded any student fee you have paid.
        with standard flowers however if you would like to
        use exotic flowers you would need to purchase the
        exotic flowers                                               Refunds
                                                                     A refund of the student fee you have paid may be given
     ƒƒ An optional charge of an alternative form of access          in the following circumstances:
        to an item or service that is an essential component
        of the training. For example, a textbook required             ƒƒ Where you enrolled in a course that has been
        for the qualification is made available online. If you           cancelled by TAFE NSW
        prefer the textbook as a hardcopy you will need to
        purchase the textbook                                         ƒƒ Where you have overpaid your fee

     ƒƒ Field trips, food, transport and accommodation                ƒƒ Where you have paid the Smart and Skilled fee and,
        costs associated with the provision of field trips               after commencement of study, you are granted
        that form part of the training                                   a fee exemption dated to the time of your course
     ƒƒ Any textbook you require to undertake the
        qualification that becomes your property                      ƒƒ Where you formally advise the campus in writing
                                                                         prior to the start of your course, where the training
                                                                         is for more than one (1) week duration, that you wish
     All TAFE NSW fees and charges are reviewed
                                                                         to withdraw
     on a yearly basis and are subject to change.
                                                                      ƒƒ Where, for training less than one (1) week duration,
     NSW Smart and Skilled fees are reviewed annually                    you formally advise the campus in writing at least
     by Training Services NSW.                                           five (5) business days prior to the start of your
                                                                         course that you wish to withdraw

     Fees for apprentices and trainees                               Other circumstances where you may be eligible for a
     If you enrol in an approved apprenticeship or                   partial refund or amendment to your fee (and future
     traineeship course without evidence of being an                 fee instalments) include:
     apprentice or a trainee, you will be asked to pay the            ƒƒ Where you withdraw from your study after the
     Smart and Skilled fee for the qualification.                        start of your course, your partial refund will depend
                                                                         on the amounts you have pre-paid against future
     If you subsequently provide evidence that you were an               scheduled fee instalments. (Note: there is a $80
     apprentice or a trainee at the time you enrolled, you will          non-refundable first fee instalment and if there are

           STUDENT GUIDE 2019                    © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E

   no pre-paid amounts you will not be eligible for a               MAKING A COMPLAINT
   fee refund.)
ƒƒ Where you have paid the full Smart and Skilled                   We are constantly improving the way we work so if you
   student fee but then receive Youth Allowance or                  have a problem with, or complaint about, TAFE NSW,
   Austudy within two weeks of the course start date                you can report it to any TAFE NSW employee. They
   and become eligible for a concession fee, your                   will record your concerns so they can be dealt with
   student fee (and future fee instalments) will                    confidentially and promptly.
   be amended
ƒƒ Where you have paid the full Smart and Skilled                   We recommend you talk to someone as soon as the
   student fee and you have been granted credit                     situation arises. In the first instance, we recommend
   transfer or recognition of prior learning after                  you discuss the situation with your teacher, however,
   commencing your study, your fee (and future                      you may prefer to contact the head teacher in your
   fee instalments) will be amended                                 area of study, a TAFE NSW counsellor or the campus
Find out more about TAFE NSW Student Fees and
Refund Policy.                                                      Complaints can be made via the online feedback form.
                                                                    You may also submit your complaint on a suggestion
                                                                    or complaints form, available from teaching and
CONSUMER PROTECTION                                                 administration staff, or online via the TAFE NSW
TAFE NSW has a reputation as a safe, progressive
and dynamic place to study. TAFE NSW aims to                        If you are enrolled in a Smart and Skilled qualification
provide an environment to support quality training                  and if your issue cannot be resolved at the at the
to benefit individuals, industry, business and the                  TAFE NSW level, you can also contact the Smart and
wider community.                                                    Skilled Customer Support Centre to seek assistance,
                                                                    ask for advice, make a complaint or provide feedback.
As a TAFE NSW student you have a right to:                          You can do this by phone on 1300 772 104, or in person
ƒƒ Expect that your education and training will                     at a State Training Services Centre.
   be consistent with the Australian Skills Quality
   Authority (ASQA) regulations and Smart and                       For more information see the TAFE NSW Complaint
   Skilled Contract requirement                                     Management Policy.
ƒƒ Be informed about personal information that is
   collected about you and the right to review and
   correct that information
ƒƒ Access to TAFE NSW feedback and complaints
   handling process

With rights come responsibilities and as a student in
TAFE NSW your responsibilities include:
ƒƒ Providing true, accurate and complete information
   to TAFE NSW
ƒƒ Behaving in a responsible and ethical manner

There are designated Consumer Protection Officers
within TAFE NSW to assist you. See the TAFE NSW
Consumer Protection Policy.

             © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E       STUDENT GUIDE 2019

     RIGHTS AND                                                      You can appeal against certain penalties. Your penalty
                                                                     might then be reduced, removed, or increased – refer to
     RESPONSIBILITIES                                                Student Discipline.

                                                                     As a student, you have the right to:

     Know your rights and responsibilities and what                   ƒƒ Be treated fairly and with respect by teachers,
     you can expect from TAFE NSW.                                       other staff and students
                                                                      ƒƒ Learn in an environment free of discrimination
                                                                         and harassment

     WHEN YOU ENROL WITH TAFE NSW                                     ƒƒ Participate in and pursue your educational
                                                                         goals in a supportive and stimulating learning
                                                                         environment (once student fees are paid or fee
     When you enrol with TAFE NSW, the collection, storage,
                                                                         exemption granted)
     use and disclosure of any personal information you
     provide is protected under the Privacy and Personal              ƒƒ Have access to counselling
     Information Protection Act 1998 and Privacy and
                                                                      ƒƒ Have your TAFE NSW records and personal
     Personal Information Protection Regulation 2005. Any                information stored and maintained in a confidential,
     health information you provide is protected under the               secure and professional manner
     Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002.
                                                                      ƒƒ Receive information about your course, the
                                                                         assessment requirements and procedures, health
     Any information we ask you to provide will only be that
                                                                         and safety requirements, and information about
     which is necessary for the purposes of your course                  support services
     enrolment, learning and study records. Information
     provided will be held securely and disposed of securely          ƒƒ Receive information on your progress in the course
     when no longer needed.                                              in a timely and professional manner
                                                                      ƒƒ Modify your learning plan if your circumstances
     During your enrolment with TAFE NSW, you will                       change, in consultation with educational staff
     be advised of and asked to acknowledge your
                                                                      ƒƒ Present recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit
     acceptance/understanding of the Student Privacy
                                                                         transfer (CT) at the commencement and within the
     Statement, Smart & Skilled Consent and your consent                 duration of your studies
     to access information held by the Department of
     Human Services (Centrelink).                                     ƒƒ A review of your results
                                                                      ƒƒ A review of other decisions affecting your
     These are detailed at “Know your Rights and                         progress, including an appeal, if charged with
     Responsibilities” on the TAFE NSW website.                          a breach of discipline
                                                                      ƒƒ Discontinue your studies, advising by the
                                                                         appropriate notification process
                                                                      ƒƒ Lodge a complaint or suggestion for improvement
     TAFE NSW aims to provide you with the opportunity                   without fear of victimisation or retribution
     to study, learn and develop skills in a safe and
     supportive environment.

     When you sign your enrolment form or enrol online
     (and pay your fees/fee instalment, or be granted a fee
     exemption), you agree to follow TAFE NSW policies and
     procedures and that you will abide by these conditions.
     It is also a declaration that all the information you have
     provided is true and correct.

     TAFE NSW policies and procedures are available on
     the TAFE NSW website, in TAFE NSW libraries and at
     the campus at which you enrol. When you commence
     your studies, you will be provided with information
     and procedures relating to examinations and course
     assessments and results.

     You may be penalised if you disrupt your class, harass
     students or teachers, damage property, cheat in
     examinations or otherwise act in a way contrary to the
     good conduct of TAFE NSW.

           STUDENT GUIDE 2019                    © TAFE NSW 2019 RTO 90003 | HEP PRV12049 | CRICOS Provider Code 00591E
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