BEING RESPONSIBLE SSE's Sustainability Impacts in Ireland 2019 - SSE Ireland

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BEING RESPONSIBLE SSE's Sustainability Impacts in Ireland 2019 - SSE Ireland
SSE’s Sustainability Impacts in Ireland
BEING RESPONSIBLE SSE's Sustainability Impacts in Ireland 2019 - SSE Ireland
Being Responsible                                                                                                                                                                        SSE’s Sustainability Impacts in Ireland

ABOUT SSE IN IRELAND                                                                                                  OUR RESPONSIBLE APPROACH
SSE’s core purpose is to responsibly    largest onshore wind farm, the           has also presented over €8.5m in     When it comes to sustainable business practices, we know it’s no longer
provide the energy and related          174MW Galway Wind Park, jointly          voluntary funding to community
services needed now and in the          developed with state forestry            groups close to its wind farms,      enough for companies to simply abide by the rules or engage in isolated acts
future. The company is involved         company Coillte and jointly owned        contributing to the social,          of philanthropy. The stakes are just too high, and customers and communities
in the generation and supply of         with Greencoat Capital. It has also      environmental and economic
energy, the delivery of essential       commissioned one of Ireland’s            well-being of local communities
                                                                                                                      are rightly demanding more. Companies have to continually demonstrate
services, and the development of        cleanest and most efficient              for decades to come.                 what they’re doing to be ethical, responsible and balanced in their operations.
low-carbon energy infrastructure.       power plants – the 464MW CCGT
SSE employs around 1,000 people         power station at Great Island,           Now, with the scale and urgency      This is especially true for an energy company. In delivering an essential service, SSE has a responsibility
on the island of Ireland.               Co. Wexford – which generates            of the climate challenge greater     to society to operate in a reliable and sustainable way.
                                        enough energy to power over half         than ever, SSE is calling on this
Since 2008, SSE has invested over       a million homes.                         generation to kick-start a new       The most obvious aspect of our sustainability strategy is how we’re meeting our environmental
€2.5 billion in the development of                                               renewables revolution, led by        obligations. As Ireland’s leading renewable energy provider, we’re taking action on climate change and
sustainable energy infrastructure       SSE’s retail arm in Ireland, SSE         offshore wind, creating tens of
                                                                                                                      steering Ireland’s transition to a low-carbon society. In turn, the drive towards greener energy creates
in Ireland. The company owns            Airtricity, is proud to provide 100%     thousands of jobs and billions of
and operates over 2,000MW of            green electricity, natural gas and       euro of investment, and reclaiming
                                                                                                                      opportunities for SSE’s future commercial success.
generation capacity on the island       essential services to homes and          Ireland’s place as a leader in the
of Ireland, with 735MW coming           businesses across the island.            transition to a low-carbon future.   We know our impacts go beyond energy though. Our activities have wider social and economic
from 29 onshore wind farms. This                                                                                      impacts, and through a range of sustainability activities and commitments, from community funding
makes SSE the largest generator of      Through its operations and                                                    to guaranteeing a living wage, we’re striving to make a lasting difference for our customers, colleagues
renewable energy in the all-island      supply chain spending, SSE has                                                and communities.
Single Electricity Market.              contributed over €6 billion to Irish
                                        GDP over the last decade, while                                               As highlighted in this report, we’re proud to be working closely with Business in the Community Ireland
The company’s renewables                supporting 6,000 years of full-time                                           (BITCI) to maximise our positive impacts, through initiatives like the Business Working Responsible
portfolio includes Ireland’s            employment. In that time, SSE
                                                                                                                      Mark and the Leaders Group on Sustainability. In 2018, SSE became a signatory to the United Nations
                                                                                                                      Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. By incorporating the Ten
                                                                                                                      Principles of the UN Global Compact into our strategies, policies and procedures, we want to set the
                                                                                                                      stage for long-term, sustainable success.

ABOUT THIS REPORT                                                                                                     Of course, as lovingly crafted as a sustainability strategy might be, it’s only effective if our people
                                                                                                                      are behind it, and through initiatives like our Be the Difference
                                                                                                                      volunteering programme, SSE is ensuring our employees are at the
This report outlines SSE’s key sustainability initiatives in Ireland, and a number of ambitions, targets and          heart of our responsible approach.
commitments for the years ahead.
                                                                                                                      For us, sustainability represents one of the oldest concepts in
SSE believes the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – 17 global goals aimed at ending poverty, extreme           business – the win-win. By understanding and improving our
inequality, and climate change by 2030 – provide the most appropriate framework to consider how its business          environmental, social and economic impacts, we create value
impacts society. SSE considers the following four SDGs as being highly material to its business. The impacts and
                                                                                                                      for both our business and society as a whole.
initiatives described in this report all relate to at least one of these four SDGs.

                                                                                                                      Mark Ennis
                                                                                                                      Chairman, SSE Ireland

SSE actively encourages feedback from stakeholders on the content of this report. Please get in touch by

BEING RESPONSIBLE SSE's Sustainability Impacts in Ireland 2019 - SSE Ireland
SUPPORTING IRELAND’S                                             SUPPORTING
TRANSITION TO A                                                  SUSTAINABILITY
LOW-CARBON ECONOMY                                               AT DUBLIN ZOO
SSE’s vision is to be a leading energy provider in a             At Sustainability Partner to Dublin Zoo, SSE has
low-carbon world. It has a well-defined strategy to              teamed up with Ireland’s leading family attraction to
support the low-carbon transition, which includes                help families learn more about the importance of
investing significantly in renewable generation,                 sustainability in a fun and interactive way. Through this
providing greener energy, and carrying out energy                partnership, SSE has created the Eco Explorer Trail, and
efficiency upgrades for homes and businesses.                    accompanying app, designed to bring the concept
                                                                 of sustainability to life for visitors to the Zoo. Users of

TAKING THE                                                       the Eco Explorer app are encouraged to take simple
                                                                 steps to become more environmentally conscious,
LOW-CARBON PLEDGE                                                such as refilling their water bottles, reducing waste and
                                                                 making compost to fertilise soil. Younger Eco Explorers
                                                                 are able to navigate the nine-station Trail and collect
SSE was one of the first companies to sign Business              virtual badges at each sustainability station. SSE has also
in the Community Ireland’s Low-Carbon Pledge,                    hosted Sustainability Weekends at the Zoo, with visitors
aiming to reduce the carbon intensity of its electricity         taking part in a range of activities, including learning
production by 50% by 2030, based on 2017 levels.                 about the dangers of discarded plastic to animals
This target is consistent with the Paris Agreement               and marine life, digging-in for a mini excavation, and
on Climate Change. SSE has committed to a similar                building their very own ‘Bug Hotel’.
ambition in the UK, meaning that the carbon
emissions for SSE’s electricity generation across the
Group are now forecast to be around 150 gCO₂e/
                                                                                                                               BACKING THE ALL-IRELAND
kWh by 2030, representing a 75% cut since 2006.                                                                                POLLINATOR PLAN
MAKING THE CASE FOR OFFSHORE WIND                                                                                              In 2018, SSE became a Business Supporter of
                                                                                                                               the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, produced by the
                                                                                                                               National Biodiversity Data Centre. In addition
SSE has consistently been leading the charge for offshore                                                                      to taking action on climate change, which
wind in Ireland, arguing that it’s the most efficient and                                                                      poses a major threat to pollinators, many of
realistic way to take the big strides the country needs to hit                                                                 SSE’s existing activities directly support and
its renewable energy targets, and avoid EU fines for failing                                                                   help protect Ireland’s native bee species. By
to do so. Meeting Ireland’s future electricity demand will                                                                     providing a sustainable use for land in marginal
require an additional 400-700MW of renewable generation                                                                        areas, SSE is helping to protect valuable heather
                                                                                                                               and wildflower habitats where bees can thrive.
a year up to 2030. With an estimated 4-5,000MW ready
                                                                                                                               SSE is directly supporting beekeepers through
and waiting to be developed in the short to medium term,                                                                       its annual Community Fund contributions. The
off the east coast of Ireland, offshore wind can deliver the                                                                   company’s Dunneill Wind Farm in Co. Sligo
volume of clean energy Ireland requires. SSE has called                                                                        hosts six honeybee hives, managed by local
on the Irish Government to enact the necessary policy                                                                          beekeepers. SSE also maintains earth
measures to enable the development of an offshore wind                                                                         banks at its wind farms, which provide
industry, which could see thousands of jobs created and                                                                        ideal nesting sites for solitary-bee
billions of euro invested. SSE is actively progressing plans                                                                   species. Through the Pollinator Plan,
to develop Arklow Bank Wind Park, which has a minimum                                                                          SSE is trialling pollinator-friendly weed
                                                                                                                               control methods on its wind farm sites
consented capacity of 520MW, enough to power at least
                                                                                                                               to reduce pesticides which harm bees.
420,000 homes and offset 640,000 tonnes of harmful
carbon emissions annually.

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BEING RESPONSIBLE SSE's Sustainability Impacts in Ireland 2019 - SSE Ireland
CREATING MORE COMFORTABLE HOMES                                                                                              CREATING VALUE IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY
Through partnerships with local authorities, the SEAI and others, SSE Airtricity Energy Services is delivering large-scale   SSE’s sustainability impacts and ambitions go beyond its contribution to the low-carbon transition; its activities have wider
energy-efficiency retrofit projects for homes across Ireland. The works include external insulation, attic insulation,       social and economic impacts as well. Through considering its sustainability impacts in its widest sense, SSE seeks to create
replacement of windows and doors, as well as the installation of condensing boilers and high-efficiency hot water            and share as much value as possible with society as a whole.
cylinders. One example is the project to upgrade the Watergate apartment complex in Limerick City, which was
completed in 2018. Through a variety of energy-efficiency measures, SSE Airtricity Energy Services transformed the
comfort of 100 residential units, resulting in annual energy savings of around 700,000kWh and a CO₂ saving of 305,900.
                                                                                                                             THE MARK OF A                                                       demonstrating our transparency and commitment to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 fair play when it comes to paying tax across the Group.
                                                                                                                             GREAT COMPANY                                                       SSE remains the only FTSE100 company to hold the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fair Tax Mark, which certifies that a company is paying
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the right amount of tax in the right place at the right
                                                                                                                             SSE is one of only 33 companies certified with
                                                                                                                                                                                                 time ensuring we are contributing to a fairer economy
                                                                                                                             the Business Working Responsibly Mark, the only
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for business and also benefiting the wider society.
                                                                                                                             independently audited standard for Corporate Social
                                                                                                                             Responsibility and Sustainability in Ireland. The Mark, which
                                                                                                                             is administered by Business in the Community Ireland                SUPPORTING
                                                                                                                             (BITCI) assesses evidence of best-practice in leadership,
                                                                                                                             policies, practices, performance, and impact, across areas          GLOBAL GOALS
                                                                                                                             including governance, workplace issues, innovation and
                                                                                                                             business operations, environmental practices, supply chain          SSE has become a signatory to the United Nations
                                                                                                                             management and engagement with local communities.                   Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest
                                                                                                                             It is based on ISO 26000, the international standard for            corporate sustainability initiative, with over 9,800
                                                                                                                             social responsibility, and is independently audited by the          business and non-business participants across
                                                                                                                             National Standards Authority of Ireland.                            more than 160 countries. The UNGC supports
                                                                                                                                                                                                 companies to take a sustainable approach to

                                                                                                                             PAYING A                                                            business and align strategies and operations with
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ten universal principles around human rights, labour,
HELPING BUSINESSES                                               UPGRADING IRELAND’S                                         FAIR WAGE                                                           environment and anti-corruption. As a signatory to
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the Compact, SSE reinforces its sustainability values
GO GREEN                                                         PUBLIC LIGHTING STOCK                                       In 2016, SSE was the first large corporate business
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and demonstrates its commitment to a responsible
                                                                                                                                                                                                 business approach to stakeholders.
                                                                                                                             in the Republic of Ireland to become a Living Wage
                                                                                                                             employer. The living wage is a wage which makes
As well as providing 100% green energy to Irish
businesses, SSE Airtricity is partnering with companies
                                                                 SSE Airtricity Utility Solutions, Ireland’s largest
                                                                 public lighting contractor, is working with local           possible a minimum acceptable standard of living and is             AN INCLUSIVE
to improve their energy efficiency and sustainability            authorities across the country to upgrade public            evidence based. Although not mandatory as part of our
                                                                                                                             commitment to be a responsible business, and doing the
measures, helping them to reduce their carbon footprint          lighting stock with the latest energy-efficient LED
and their energy bills at the same time. SSE Airtricity is       technology. For example, in late 2018, SSE Airtricity       right thing for our people, it was felt that implementing
                                                                                                                             the Living Wage was the right thing to do. In July 2018,            SSE Ireland has signed the Diversity Charter
working with key partners in Activ8 Solar Energies and           Utility Solutions worked with Cork City Council to                                                                              Ireland. The Charter, which launched in 2012, is a
                                                                                                                             SSE implemented the increased rate set by the Living
Verde LED to deliver bespoke solutions for different             upgrade 84 public lighting columns and electrical                                                                               business-led partnership of employers supported
                                                                                                                             Wage Technical Group, guaranteeing all employees at
businesses, including solar panels, energy-efficient             equipment across Cork’s Patrick’s Street and Grand                                                                              by the European Commission. The Charter has
                                                                                                                             least €11.90 an hour. In Northern Ireland, SSE has been
lighting, and battery storage. For example, through a            Parade. The traditional 150W lamps on Patrick’s                                                                                 been signed by 54 companies so far, covering
                                                                                                                             accredited by the Living Wage Foundation since 2013.
variety of energy-efficiency measures, including lighting        Street were replaced with 36W LED lamps that have                                                                               around 130,000 employees in Ireland. Signatories
upgrades and heat recovery, SSE Airtricity has helped            a 50,000-hour life expectancy and deliver energy-
Dawn Meats reduce primary energy usage at all of its             use reductions of 76%, as well as an improved public        FAIR PLAY ON PAYING TAX                                             to the Diversity Charter Ireland commit to effective
                                                                                                                                                                                                 diversity management, preventing discrimination
sites by 14 billion kilowatt hours (kWh), achieving a CO₂        lighting experience.                                                                                                            and promoting equality with respect to all their
saving of 3,849,679. These initiatives have delivered over                                                                   SSE was reaccredited with the prestigious Fair Tax                  stakeholders and the environment in which they
€500,000 in energy savings for the company.                                                                                  Mark for the fifth year in a row in November 2018,                  operate.

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BEING RESPONSIBLE SSE's Sustainability Impacts in Ireland 2019 - SSE Ireland
    In a historically male-dominated industry, the lower number of women in STEM (Science, Technology,
    Engineering, Maths) roles is a key challenge to an diverse workforce. As part of a wider drive to encourage
    diversity within its ranks, SSE was the only energy company to take part in the 2019 I Wish (Inspiring
    Woman in STEM) Conference in Dublin, a two-day event designed to encourage and promote STEM
    subjects to 14 to 16-year-old girls. The conference was attended by approximately 6,000 female students.
    SSE Ireland was represented by several female employees in STEM-focused roles, including its Head
    of IT, Head of Analytics, a Wind Farm Site Operator, an Environmental Engineer, and a Pricing Manager,
    showcasing the wide range of career options open to women in the energy industry.

    Further initiaitives within SSE which have been implemented to create an inclusive workplace include;
     -- Working Differently- including staggered return to work, payment for five days, work Four,
     -- Diversity issues in recruitment- unconscious bias training for managers
     -- Profiling of females working in STEM related careers- Media coverage of high profile woman in STEM
        positions within SSE,
     -- Mentoring female professionals- Ensuring structures are in place to support the development of women

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SSE Works                                                                                                                                  MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS
Working with BITCI, SSE introduced a pilot employability programme, called SSE Works. This social inclusion                                As part of its ongoing commitment to health and wellbeing, SSE is working
initiative, provided a six-month, fully-salaried work placement to people not in education, employment or                                  towards creating an open culture around mental health in the workplace. SSE has
training, who have experienced various long-term barriers to accessing the workplace.                                                      commenced a partnership with See Change, an Irish organisation dedicated to
                                                                                                                                           reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with mental health. SSE has
A number of participants on our pilot programme have gone on to accept permanent, full-time contracts                                      committed to completing a six-step programme, including training for all managers
with the company. SSE Works has established a valuable precedent, offering a new recruitment stream for the                                and employees, with a view to signing the See Change Workplace Pledge. SSE also
company and a career path for the candidates, while demonstrating a clear commitment to the local community.                               supports employees through its Employee Assistance Programme which offers a
SSE Ireland and BITCI used the learnings from the pilot programme to commence a further phase.                                             free and confidential service that is also available to immediate family, providing
                                                                                                                                           access to accredited counsellors and information specialists.

Through its Community Fund programme, SSE makes annual
contributions to community groups located close to its 29 wind                                                                             Generation Green
farms across the island of Ireland. The company has so far awarded
over €8.5 million to more than 2,500 local projects, focused primarily                                                                     In 2018 SSE Airtricity, Ireland’s largest provider of 100% green energy, launched its ‘This is Generation Green’ brand
on sustainability, energy-efficiency and safety. Community groups                                                                          campaign. In a period where climate change has been called out as the single biggest challenge facing our world, we
within a 20km radius of the wind farms are eligible to apply for the                                                                       know that, at an individual level, tackling such a challenge may seem like a daunting task. That’s why our new ‘Generation
funds, however, priority is given to community groups located within                                                                       Green’ campaign encourages the public to help create a cleaner, greener society, by making small, sustainable choices
a 5km vicinity. The fund is paid out annually, starting one year after the                                                                 that can make a big difference for our environment. The purpose of the campaign is not to overwhelm but to encourage
wind farm starts producing electricity. By providing this funding, SSE                                                                     everyone to recognise that change is within all our grasp, and is easy to embrace and respond to. SSE Airtricity’s ‘This is
Airtricity seeks to enable local regeneration through community-led                                                                        Generation Green’ campaign is running across TV, radio, outdoor and digital media platforms. In response to ‘Generation
economic, social and environmental development. In 2018, SSE and                    The Galway Wind Way forms part of Galway Wind Park
                                                                                                                                           Green’, the canteen in SSE’s Dublin HQ is taking a pass on plastic, using only compostable products and showing
                                                                                    and incorporates six routes along 48 km providing
Coillte launched the Galway Wind Park Community Fund, which at                      walks for the local community and visitors alike       commitment to making small, but powerful changes for a more sustainable world.
around €400,000 annually is the largest fund of its kind in Ireland.

Through its employee-led Be the Difference
programme, SSE encourages its team members to
take at least one day a year away from their usual
roles to volunteer for a charity or community group
of their choice. Additionally, colleagues can apply for
up to €200 in matched funding from the company
to support any fundraising activities. The programme
has proved very popular with up to 85% of employees
taking part in a given year. As well as supporting
charities and community groups, the programme
has a number of benefits for both the volunteers and
the business. Taking time away from the day job to
contribute to a worthy cause can help employees
recharge while boosting job satisfaction and pride
in the organisation. The volunteering days can also
                                                                   SSE Ireland colleagues complete a 400km charity cycle for Make-A-Wish
serve as a great opportunity for team building and                 Ireland raising €30,000
developing inter-departmental relationships.

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For further information about
     SSE IRELAND, please contact:
     Red Oak South
     South County Business Park
     Dublin 18
     D18 W688
     SSE Renewables Holdings Ltd.
     Registered in Ireland No.314061

BEING RESPONSIBLE SSE's Sustainability Impacts in Ireland 2019 - SSE Ireland
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