Biomimetics - Nature's roadmap to insights and solutions for burden of lifestyle diseases

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Biomimetics - Nature's roadmap to insights and solutions for burden of lifestyle diseases
Review Symposium
                                                                                                                        doi: 10.1111/joim.12982

Biomimetics – Nature’s roadmap to insights and solutions
for burden of lifestyle diseases
  P. Stenvinkel1            , J. Painer2, R. J. Johnson3 & B. Natterson-Horowitz4,5
From the 1Division of Renal Medicine, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden;
  Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology, Department of Integrative Biology and Evolution, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria;
  Division of Renal Diseases, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO; 4Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
Division of Cardiology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; and 5Evolutionary Medicine Program at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Content List – This is an article from the symposium: “Bioinspirational medicine”.

Abstract. Stenvinkel P, Painer J, Johnson RJ,                                          environments and with different resources have
Natterson-Horowitz B (Karolinska Institutet,                                           been recognized to provide not only insights into
Stockholm, Sweden; University of Veterinary                                            disease but also novel means for developing treat-
Medicine, Vienna, Austria; University of Colorado                                      ments. Here, we provide an overview of two related
Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO; Harvard                                           and overlapping approaches (biomimetics and
University, Cambridge, MA; Evolutionary Medicine                                       zoobiquity), which are turning to the natural world
Program at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA).                                                for insights to better understand, treat and prevent
Biomimetics – Nature’s roadmap to insights and                                         human ‘burden of lifestyle’ pathologies from heart
solutions for burden of lifestyle diseases (Review-                                    disease and cancer to degeneration and premature
Symposium). J Intern Med 2020; 287: 238–251.                                           ageing. We suggest that expanding biomedical
                                                                                       investigation beyond its decades old conventional
There are over 8 million species in this world that                                    practices to new approaches based on a broad
live in widely varying environments, from hot                                          awareness of the diversity of animal life and
thermal fissures to cold arctic settings. These                                        comparative physiology can accelerate innovations
species have evolved over millions of years and                                        in health care under the motto ‘Nature knows best’.
vary markedly in how they have adapted to their
environments. In the last decades, studies of how                                      Keywords: biomimetics, evolution, environment, ox-
species have succeeded in surviving in different                                       idative stress, hypoxia, Nrf2.

      Look deep into nature, and then you will                                         nature’) and biomimetics (‘inspiration by nature’)
      understand everything better – Albert                                            in many disciplines, such as robotics, tissue engi-
      Einstein                                                                         neering, architecture and material design, its
                                                                                       development in the biomedical sciences has been
Biomimetics is the study of nature and natural                                         limited [1]. Recent developments within the biomi-
phenomenon geared towards creating similar                                             metic field in industry [2] include innovations,
structures, devices, materials or processes for the                                    such as Velcro inspired by the tendency of the burr
benefit of humans. It is based on several principles;                                  of the fruit to stick to dogs hair, novel architectural
at first, all biology represents evolved adaptations,                                  designs with improved thermoregulation inspired
secondly, within the multitudes of these adapta-                                       by termite mounds [3], stable building structures
tions in animals and plants may be ‘solutions’ to                                      inspired by the backbone of turban shells, bionic
challenges facing human beings, and thirdly, by                                        cars inspired by boxfish, fluid-drag reduction
studying the natural world, humans can leverage                                        swimsuits inspired by the structure of shark’s
these evolved solutions to innovate and solve                                          skin, design of airplanes inspired by birds, design
problems. Biomimetics has the potential to accel-                                      of the Shinkansen train inspired by kingfisher
erate innovation in many fields including engineer-                                    birds, explosive chemical jet inspired by Bom-
ing, architecture, synthetic chemistry and                                             bardier beetle [4] and robotics inspired by motor
medicine. Although the past 10 years has wit-                                          mechanisms of insects [5]. Unlike engineering,
nessed a surge of interest in biomimicry (‘copy                                        material sciences and product design, the field of

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Biomimetics - Nature's roadmap to insights and solutions for burden of lifestyle diseases
Biomimetics - natures roadmap to better health / P. Stenvinkel et al.

medicine is only beginning to leverage the power of         health. Our bodies possess limited physiologic
biomimetics to accelerate biomedical innovation             responses to short periods of hypoxia, dehydration,
and find novel approaches to fight human dis-               starvation, infections and trauma [6]. However,
eases. To enable the coexistence of humans, ani-            amongst the millions of other species on Earth
mals and plants on a planet that face many                  facing the same challenges, we find countless other
problems such as global warming, pollution and              strategies (adaptations). Some of these may be far
shortage of water [6, 7], we believe biomimetics will       more effective than those that have evolved in Homo
be a field increasingly in demand since it has the          Sapiens. Thus, the magnitude of opportunity is
potential to provide many answers.                          staggering.

                                                            Animals have evolved unique mechanisms for
Evolution and selection of survival benefits
                                                            organ regeneration and tissue repair, for pathogen
The enormous diversity of species and the diverse           resistance, for protection from UV rays, for protec-
biology contained within each of these is one of the        tion of hypoxia and from senescence. Furthermore,
most striking aspects of life on our planet. With           each species has evolved unique adaptive mecha-
about 8.7 million species (6.5 million species on land      nisms to these challenges. This means that, con-
and 2.2 million in oceans) in the world [8], medical        tained within the natural world, are not just a
scientists have yet only scratched the surface of           handful of solutions, but likely countless strategies
inspirations that can be provided from nature. In           we might adapt to solve our physiologic needs or
fact, it has been suggested that 91% of species in the      treat pathophysiologic diseases. To state it simply,
ocean and around 86% of existing species on Earth           the concept that ‘Nature knows best’ is based on
still await description [8]. Animal life emerged at 650     the fact that over evolutionary time natural selec-
million years ago [9]. Every individual since that          tion has acted on countless species resulting in the
time has survived, or not, based largely on whether         emergence of life forms possessing a wide range of
their adaptations have been beneficial or not. At           adaptations to the challenges of life. These provide
least five major mass extinction events have                alternative, and potentially superior strategies to
occurred over the last 450 million years, such as           those human bodies naturally possess, and inspire
global cooling, volcanic activity (i.e. massive Siber-      therapeutic approaches with greater efficacy than
ian volcanic traps 250 million years ago), asteroids        those used today.
and changes in atmospheric gases [10]. In the
aftermaths of mass extinctions, ecosystems were             The massive release of oxygen from photosynthetic
restructured and long-term evolutionary trajecto-           cyanobacteria in oceans to the atmosphere about
ries were set that often accelerated the evolutionary       2.3 billion years ago altered the course of evolution
process, often resulting in ‘ingenious’ adaptations         completely and was the fundamental driver for the
facilitating survival in animals. During evolution,         development of complex multicellular life and aer-
the genes responsible for adaptations that were             obic respiration. The genes required for photosyn-
successful are passed onto subsequent generations.          thesis were acquired rather late in the evolution of
Those that do not work are not successful. Failure to       cyanobacteria [12]. Exposure to oxygen drove
evolve adaptations which aid survival may lead to           divergence of the transcription factor, nuclear
extinction of species. Humans are responsible for           factor-erythroid-related factor 2 (Nrf2) [13], which
the ongoing 6th mass extinction, driven by climate          promote the transcription of a battery of hundreds
change, overexploitation and habitat loss [11]. To          of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative genes. The
survive well in a rapidly changing world, adaptation        evolution of cysteine-rich kelch-like ECH-associ-
would be very slow; hence, it requires us to make use       ated protein 1 (KEAP1) provided mammals with a
of biomimetic tools to maintain our health. The             more sophisticated way to adjust Nrf2 activity in
multiple essential physiologic challenges of life on        higher organisms [14]. The activity of Nrf2-KEAP1
the planet – oxidation, respiration, temperature            may have major implications for a cluster of
control, obtaining sufficient food and water, meta-         burden of lifestyle diseases that we today encoun-
bolism, reproduction, infection, predation, trauma –        ter [15].
are common to all species. In nature, multitudes of
adaptive strategies to these common challenges
                                                            Biomimetics – a novel strategy to conduct medical research
have evolved. Contained within these countless
adaptations, evolved over hundreds of millions of           The need for a novel strategy for identifying models
years may be strategies with salience for human             relevant to human health is staggering. The

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                                                                                             Journal of Internal Medicine, 2020, 287; 238–251
Biomimetics - Nature's roadmap to insights and solutions for burden of lifestyle diseases
Biomimetics - natures roadmap to better health / P. Stenvinkel et al.

classical approach to solving medical problems is                                                 occurring in settings where environments are
to use a combination of basic and clinical research                                               extreme, such as living in hot thermal vents or in
into a translational approach. However, the basic                                                 Arctic regions, can provide important lessons.
science is often delegated to cell culture and                                                    Today, much basic medical research relies on
murine and rat models, using an approach that                                                     studies of a small number of primitive model
may bridge molecular biology and physiology.                                                      organisms including invertebrates that lack stem
There is a need to broaden our approaches to                                                      cells, such as the worm Caenorhabditis Elegans
solving medical diseases, and Benner et al. [16]                                                  and fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and estab-
suggested that we should implement a ‘planetary                                                   lished vertebrate animal models, such as mice
biology’ approach that includes evolution and                                                     (mus musculus) and rats (rattus rattus). This tradi-
history. Biomimetics have emerged as a powerful                                                   tional approach neglects the enormous diversity of
tool for innovation as scientists recognize how                                                   adaptations that have evolved in nature (Fig. 1).
powerful evolution’s massive ‘trial and error’ has                                                Moreover, since the health of laboratory animals is
been in optimizing structures, substances and                                                     poor and standard control mice and rats are
physiologies. As nature never cheats, the quality                                                 metabolically morbid, these animal models may
of solutions identified in nature is sustainable,                                                 be inadequate for preclinical studies relevant to
offering enduring long-term outcomes exceeding                                                    humans [17]. This may in part explain why trans-
those developed through any artificial means.                                                     lation of findings from laboratory animals to
Animals have evolved their genome over millions                                                   humans often fails. With the advent of novel
of years. Moreover, rapid epigenetic changes                                                      techniques that target genes, such as classical

                                                Tr               al approach                               Bio-inspired approach

                                                                                                         Ocean quahog

                                                                                                                            Blue fin tuna

                                Add drug, malady or a knockout to a laboratory animal
                                (such as mice, rat, rabbit)
                                                                                                              Seals         Colibri

                                   Novel                                                                      Bear
                                 treatment                     Understand pathology
                                 strategies                                                                                               Elephant

                                                                                                         Naked mole rat    Greenland shark

                                                          Turquoise killifish   Tasmanian devil        (a) Identify animals that during
                                                                                                        evolution have developed traits to
                                                         (b) Identify animals that are suscep           avoid senescence and age-associated
                                                          tible to ageing and/or disease                burden of lifestyle diseases

Fig. 1 The classical approach to solving medical problems is to use a combination of basic and clinical research into a
translational approach. However, the basic science is often delegated to cell culture and/or murine and rat models using an
intervention, such as knockout, to better understand pathogenetic mechanisms. A problem with this approach is that
translation of findings from laboratory animals to humans often fails. By using the biomimetic approach, we instead identify
species that during million years of evolution have adapted mechanisms to protect themselves during extreme
environments. Such species include extreme ageing, such as ocean quahog, naked mole rat and Greenland shark or
species that are protected against burden of lifestyle diseases, such as hibernating bears, colibris, elephants and elephant
seals. Other species, such as blue finned tuna, have evolved mechanisms to adapt to extreme metabolic demands. An
alternative or complementary approach is to identify species that are more susceptible to disease, such as the Turquoise
killifish and Tasmanian devil. As nature never cheats, the quality of solutions identified in nature is likely to be sustainable,
offering enduring long-term outcomes exceeding those developed through than any artificial means.

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CRISPR gene editing, DNA repair and regenerative           opportunities does not yet exist. Nevertheless,
medicine, it will be easier to explore a larger            there has been some progress in the medically
diversity of species and not only rely on a few            focused biomimetics. Bio-inspired products
established animal models.                                 intended for medical application are being devel-
                                                           oped including tenacious biological glues with anti-
We trust that a biomimetic approach has a vast             proliferative, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial
potential value for biomedical investigation but           activity based on sticky proteins (natures glue)
remains tremendously underleveraged in medicine            secreted by the bivalve mussel species [18] micro-
[1]. We propose/challenge the field of medicine to         probes for brain surgery based on mosquito skin
turn to the natural world specifically focusing on         penetration [19], the red sweat of the hippopota-
the evolved physiologic adaptations of nonhuman            mus that have antibiotic and sunscreen activity
animals living in the natural world. This may              [20], and development of anti-microbial surfaces
improve our understanding of and approach to               modelled after the diamond-like architecture of
high impact burden of lifestyle diseases. Using            shark skin [21].
examples from a wide range of burden of lifestyle
diseases that accumulate with age and link with            However, biomimetic efforts focused on complex
persistent low-grade inflammation, such as                 human pathophysiology have been limited. In
dementia, coronary heart disease, cancer, conges-          some cases, the identification of natural animal
tive heart disease, chronic kidney disease, obesity,       models has been more serendipitous than strate-
type-2 diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver dis-          gic. A shift to a more strategic and proactive
ease, we offer a roadmap for leveraging the natural        approach to identifying these models and creating
world’s multitudes of solutions to benefit human           environments in which experts from the worlds of
health [15]. To fully understand the underlying            human and veterinary medicine, zoology and wild-
causes of the cluster of burden of lifestyle diseases,     life biology can collaborate is clearly needed. To
medical researchers should take advantage the              counter the lack of communication and collabora-
possibility to learn from nature and the dramatic          tion between the fields of human and veterinary
changes that occurred during evolution. As an              medicine and to accelerate biomedical innovation,
example, two mutations (the blockade of vitamin C          the Zoobiquity conferences were launched in 2011.
synthesis and silencing of the uricase gene) that          Zoobiquity – from the Greek word ‘zoe’ (animal) to
occurred during periods of mass extinction may             the Latin word ubiquitare (everywhere) – describes
have had major effects on the current panorama of          the continuity of animal and human life including
burden of lifestyle diseases since these mutations         our shared physiology, vulnerability to pathology
enhanced the activity of fructose to generate fat          and common challenges [22]. These research-fo-
and, thus, predispose modern sedentary man to fat          cused collaborations between veterinarians and
mass accumulation and metabolic diseases [6].              physicians have been an early step in bringing
                                                           physician–investigator communities into contact
                                                           with experts in animal physiology and the natural
The Zoobiquity concept – medical doctors can learn from
                                                           world – the source of insights for bio-inspired
veterinarian medicine and zoology
                                                           medicine. Since that time yearly conferences in
Embedded within biological diversity of life on            the United States and internationally are helping to
Earth are many insights with salience for human            expand awareness of the opportunities presented
health. However, these insights remain largely             by bio-inspired medicine and the necessity for
undiscovered and their impact unrealized. Several          transdisciplinary engagement and collaboration.
factors contribute to this [1]. First, physicians have     In response to global warming’s threats to human
insufficient knowledge of the nonhuman animal life         health, Zoobiquity conferences, along with One
and the diversity of physiologies found in nature.         Health [23, 24], a global movement connecting the
Training in human medicine focuses on Homo                 health of the environment to the health of humans
sapiens and a few model species used for investi-          and animals, have increasingly focused on learning
gation. Secondly, opportunities to interact with           from animals that have already developed means
experts in veterinary medicine and wildlife biology        for surviving in hostile, heated environments where
have been limited, decreasing opportunities for            water resources are limited. Other approaches
collaboration and innovation. Finally, a systematic        include emerging collaborations between physi-
methodology for identifying evolved adaptations,           cians, basic scientists, biologists, ecologists, zool-
studying     them    and      finding    translational     ogists and veterinarians that identify and together

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                                                                                                        Burmese python (Python molurus)
                                   Congestive heart failure
                                                                                                                      Giraffe (Giraffa)

                                   Hypertension                                                                                       Brown bear (Ursus arctos)

                                                                                                                                                    Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)
                                   Type 2 diabetes
                                                                                                                                                                  Jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula)

                                   Obesity                                                                                                                                        Rockfish (Sebastes)
 Burden of life style diseases

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Turqoise killifish
                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Notobranchius furzeri)
                                   Neurodegenerative diseases


                                   Chronic kidney disease                                                                                                                                               Ocean quahog
                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Arctica Icelandica)
                                   Ageing                                                                                                                                         Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)

                                   Cancer                                                                                                                         Elephant (Proboscidea)

                                                                                                                                                    Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
                                   Nonalcoholic fatty liver
                                                                                                                                      Hummingbird (Trochilidae)

                                   Ischaemic diseases
                                                                                                                       Elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)

                                   Alcoholism                                                            Pen-tailed treeshrews (P ocercus lowii)

Fig. 2 Examples of species that already have been identified as being of interest for finding novel targets for ‘burden of
lifestyle’ diseases that accumulate as we get older. Amongst a number diseases that often tend to cluster (diseasome),
studies of some species in nature have already provided some clues for better treatment of congestive heart failure,
hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, osteoporosis, chronic kidney disease, ageing, cancer,
nonalcoholic fatty liver, ischaemic diseases (such as acute kidney injury) and alcoholism.

study species whose physiology may contain                                                                                   gap between lifespan and health span will expand
insights for human health [25]. Below we discuss                                                                             and place a tremendous pressure on healthcare
some specific areas in which bio-inspired medicine                                                                           costs, which in USA are expected to reach a total of 47
with lessons from the animal kingdom may benefit                                                                             trillion USD over 2010–2030 [27]. Our life expec-
medical research and help us to better understand                                                                            tancy at birth has increased markedly since the
how we can combat ‘burden of lifestyle’ diseases                                                                             emergence of Homo sapiens five hundred thousand
(Fig. 2).                                                                                                                    years ago. Since industrialization started at about
                                                                                                                             1800, lifespans have doubled, largely due to
                                                                                                                             improvements in nutrition, public health (such as
Longevity in the animal kingdom – novel insights benefit
                                                                                                                             vaccinations and improved hygiene) and directed
gerontology research
                                                                                                                             medical treatments (such as antibiotics) that have
Ageing is by far the biggest risk factor for human                                                                           minimized mortality at young ages. For the first time
disease and as we become older ‘burden of lifestyle’                                                                         in human history, four generations are likely to
diseases increase, possibly as a consequence of                                                                              coexist.
common features that cluster in a ‘diseasome’,
including persistent inflammation, oxidative stress,                                                                         Unfortunately, the extension in health span (i.e.
mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic imbalances,                                                                             years of healthy living) has not kept pace of the
tissue hypoxia and senescence [15, 26]. As the                                                                               increase in lifespan (Fig. 3). Lifestyle factors have a
prevalence of ‘burden of lifestyle’ diseases increases                                                                       major influence on our health span. During indus-
with age, and the proportion of the world population                                                                         trialization, humans have been exposed to a num-
>60 years old will rise from 20% to 40% by 2050, the                                                                         ber of new environmental and lifestyle risk factors,

242                              ª 2019 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine
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                                                          Burden of life style diseases

                         100                                                                Premature ageing
                               Clinically overt disease                                     Biological age > chronological age
                                                                                            Large gap between health span and lifespan
                                    Quality of life
Biological age (years)

                         80       Cost of health care
                                                                                                                    Average life course
                                                                                                                    Biological age = chronological age
                                                                                                                    Moderate gap between health span and lifespan

                                organ damage
                                                                                                Burden of life
                                                                                                style diseases

                         40     Healthy
                                                                                                                            Ideal life course
                                                                                                                            Biological age < chronological age
                         20                                                                                                 No gap between health span and lifespan

                                            20             40                  60                          80                     100
                                                          Chronological age (years)

Fig. 3 The extension in health span (i.e. years of healthy living) has not kept pace of the increase in lifespan. Lifestyle
factors, such as smoking, environmental toxins, air pollution, chemicals, water shortage, sugar rich-Western diets, excessive
calories and salt, processed food products and sedentary lifestyle have a major influence on our health span and promote a
gap between chronological and biological age. Three trajectories are depicted: (1) ideal life course when there is no long
gap between life and health span and patients die at an old age without significant debilitating chronic diseases, (2) the
average life course with a period of chronic disease before death and (3) premature ageing with an exceedingly long
period of one or several chronic ‘burden of lifestyle’ diseases(s) decrease the quality of life for the patient and associated
with high healthcare costs. Studies of nature provide us with novel approaches to target the whole cluster of burden of
lifestyle diseases that often is associated with persistent inflammation.

such as smoking, environmental toxins, air pollu-                                         this may decrease their risk of nonparasitic dis-
tion, chemicals, water shortage, sugar rich-Wes-                                          eases. A survey of 109 plants of the Vernonia family
tern diets, excessive calories and salt, processed                                        (Asteraceae) revealed that Vernonia amygdalina
food products and sedentary lifestyle; factors to                                         holds promise for development into a nutraceutical
which our genome never had the chance to adapt to                                         against diabetes and malaria and Vernonia cinerea
during evolution. Since we lack robust solutions to                                       has potential against inflammatory conditions and
prevent the whole diseasome of burden of lifestyle                                        cancer [31]. Self-medication against parasite infec-
diseases [15], studies of nature give us an oppor-                                        tions is also observed in animals without learning
tunity to identify mammals with limited senes-                                            abilities, such as ants, fruit flies and moths; thus,
cence [28].                                                                               this behaviour seems innate and adapted to the
                                                                                          environment [30]. Since chimpanzees in captivity
Humans have the longest lifespan amongst pri-                                             have a lower incidence of ischaemic heart disease,
mates; for example, great apes rarely age beyond                                          cancer and neurodegeneration than humans [29],
50 years. Like our foraging–farming forefathers                                           the gap between lifespan and health span is lower
with no access to modern medicine, infections are                                         compared to humans who commonly suffer from
the major killer in chimpanzees in the wild [29].                                         burden of lifestyle diseases for prolonged periods
Chimpanzees have learned to identify herbs with                                           before death.
anti-parasitic activity that they use for self-medi-
cation when they suffer from parasitic infections                                         An extraordinary diversity in the lifespan is seen
[30]. Since chimpanzees often tend to select the                                          across different taxa [32], ranging from 1 to 2 days
bitter leaves of the Vernonia family for chewing,                                         (mayfly) to >500 years (ocean quahog). Thus,

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comparative studies provide a golden opportunity                                       Although multiple metabolic alterations contribute
to increase our understanding of causal mecha-                                         to animal longevity, it is evident that outstanding
nisms that drive senescence [28]. A problem in                                         stress resistance linked to robust mitochondrial
animal ageing research is that most of the existing                                    functions and maintenance of protein homoeosta-
longevity data for animals consist of single obser-                                    sis are major pro-longevity factors. Accumulating
vations of maximum lifespan. However, life expec-                                      data support the mitochondrial theory of ageing;
tancy estimates for 330 animal species exist, based                                    that is, biochemical damage in mitochondria plays
on data from North American Zoos and aquariums                                         an important role in ageing and that treatments
[33]. Although the size of the animal has been                                         that target the transcription factor Nrf2, the ability
considered, a main factor that determine longevity                                     to withstand protein modification and upregulation
a number of other factors, such as telomere short-                                     of matrix antioxidants may decrease the gap
ening rate [34], resting heart rate [35], DNA repair                                   between life and health span. Since down-regu-
capacity [36], protein methionine tissue content                                       lated Nrf2 expression is a feature of Hutchinson
[37] and serum phosphate levels [25] correlates to                                     Gilford Progeria syndrome [48] – a rare progeroid
species lifespan. Studies of animal species that                                       syndrome – and a cluster of inflammation-related
exhibit a high longevity quotient (actual longevity/                                   ‘burden of lifestyle’ diseases [15], human data
expected longevity), negligible senescence and                                         support a role of depressed Nrf2 in premature
superior resistance to age-related diseases, such                                      ageing. As both Nrf2 deficiency [49] and hypoxia
as naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) [38],                                       [50] exacerbate senescence the interrelationships
little brown bats (Myotis brandtii) [39], ocean                                        between hypoxia, repressed Nrf2 activity and
quahog      (Arctica   Icelandica)   [40],    rockfish                                 senescence deserve attention in burden of lifestyle
(Sebastes) [41], bowheads whale (Balaena mystice-                                      diseases. Better understanding of the biology of
tus) [42] and Greenland shark (Somniosus micro-                                        exceptionally long-lived animals with negligible
cephalus) [43] are of special interest for biomimetic                                  senescence may contribute to better understand-
studies since they have adapted beneficial changes                                     ing of ageing processes and lead to novel interven-
during evolution that make them exceptionally                                          tions that extend human health span.
long-lived [28]. Detailed molecular studies of a
jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula) – the only docu-
                                                                                       Biomimetic secrets found in deep oceans
mented immortal organism in the animal kingdom
– may shed further light on ageing biology, and this                                   The marine environment is a rich source of both
knowledge could applied to biomedical sciences                                         biological diversity and chemical diversity, and
especially foraging-related disorders [44].                                            plankton and microalgae are affluent in bioactivity.
                                                                                       Since complex marine field samples can be used to
So far, experimental gerontology research in verte-                                    investigate bioactivities from otherwise inaccessi-
brate models has been limited by the relatively                                        ble sources [51], this open up for a novel source of
short lifespan of mice (3–4 years) and zebrafish                                       drugs with the conceivable use in human medicine,
(5 years). Thus, studies of the turquoise killifish                                    such as for treatment of obesity [52]. For example,
(Notobranchius furzeri) with an exceptionally rapid                                    marine-derived phoma (phytopathogens widely
timescale of ageing (30–40 days) have provided a                                       distributed in aquatic systems) possess anti-can-
novel and complete genotype-to-phenotype plat-                                         cer, anti-microbial, radical scavenging and cyto-
form that can be used for rapid exploration of                                         toxic properties, and has been regarded as a source
ageing mechanisms [45]. Studies in killifish show                                      of supply for novel bioactive compounds [53]. Fish,
that key ageing genes are under positive selection                                     the most diverse class of vertebrates with >20 000
and that these genes are clustered on sex chromo-                                      existing species, provide a vast spectrum of species
somes, suggesting that differences in lifespan are                                     for bio-inspired research. Fish exhibit an enor-
genetically linked to sex [46]. Indeed, it has been                                    mous range of senescence [54] ranging from rapid
suggested that communication between the gonad                                         (such as eels, killifish and pacific salmon) to
and brain is an accomplished pathway to explore                                        gradual (such as guppy and platyfish) and negligi-
mechanisms that promote longevity [47].                                                ble (such as sturgeons and rockfish). Fish with
                                                                                       minor signs of senescence could be an avenue to
Specific characteristics in phenotype and molecu-                                      perform comprehensive studies of characteristics
lar adaptations that have been documented in                                           of slow ageing; that is, muscle extracts from fish
selected long- or short-lived species (Table 1)                                        with negligible senescence have protective effects
provide clues for human ageing mechanisms.                                             on senescence induced by oxidative stress [55].

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Table 1. Characteristics in phenotype and molecular mechanisms in selected long- or short-lived species

Naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber)

•   Subterranean life in eastern Africa                                                      •   Protein resistance to unfolding
•   Lifespan >30 years                                                                       •   High hyaluronan levels
•   Low metabolic rate                                                                       •   HIF-1 activation
•   Thermoconformer                                                                          •   High proteasome activity
•   Survive 18 min of anoxia                                                                 •   High expression of Nrf2
•   No age-related changes in body composition                                               •   Enhanced immune surveillance
    and bone mineral density                                                                 •   High autophagy level
•   Protected against age-related diseases, such as cancer,                                  •   Sustained levels of oxidation
     cardiac disease, muscle atrophy, neurodegeneration
                                                                                             •   Superior capacity for mitochondria
                                                                                                 to consume H2O2

Ocean quahog (Arctica Icelandica)

•   North Atlantic ocean                                                •   Low mitochondrial membrane peroxibility index
•   Lifespan >500 years                                                 •   Maintenance of protein homoeostasis
•   Low body temperature                                                •   Highly efficient mitochondria
•   Resistant to multi-stress genotoxicity                              •   High Nrf2 expression

Rockfish (Sebastes)

•   Eastern north Pacific                           •   Longevity negatively correlated with mitochondrial DNA mutations
•   Lifespan up to 200 years                        •   Limited reproductive senescence
•   Low body temperature                            •   Gamete production increases with age

Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)

•   North Atlantic and Arctic ocean                                                    •   Limited reproductive senescence
•   Lifespan >400 years                                                                •   Oxidative damage in red blood cells do
•   Low body temperature                                                                   not correlate with lifespan

Turquoise killifish (Notobranchius furzeri)

•   Ephemeral water ponds in Zimbabwe and Mozambique                •   Accelerated expression of ageing biomarkers
•   Transient habitat                                               •   Telomere length similar to humans
•   Lifespan 30–40 days                                             •   Fish deficient for the protein subunit of telomerase
•   Develop typical age-dependent phenotypes, such as                   exhibit the fastest onset of telomere-related
                                                                        pathologies among vertebrates
    sarcopenia and cancer
•   Resveratrol prolongs their life span                            •   Key aging genes are under positive selection
•   Recolonizing the gut with bacteria from younger fish            •   Mitochondrial complex modifies their life span
    resulted in an extension of their lifespan

Since recent studies suggest that drugs targeting                In the animal kingdom, the levels of mitochondrial
senescent cells may arrest human ageing pro-                     enzymes vary more than 100-fold, from low in fish
cesses [56], comparative studies of fish with rapid              white muscle to high in the flight muscles of birds
or negligible senescence would be of interest [54].              [57]. The Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)

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is a migratory fish with high metabolic demands                                        Another group of animals that survive periods of
due to a remarkable swimming endurance. This                                           hypoxia are the deep diving mammals, such as the
stands out from other fish because they possess                                        elephant seal (Phociade). They have developed an
red muscle (due to an exceptionally high content of                                    astonishing capacity to tolerate repeated cycles of
mitochondria). It was recently reported that the                                       ischaemia and reperfusion to protect their organs
upstream open reading frame (uORF), which slows                                        during deep dives. In theory, reoxygenation of
down production of the transcriptional coactivator                                     hypoxic tissues results after the dive may also
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma                                       generate ROS that overwhelm the antioxidant
coactivator 1 (PGC1a), was completely absent in                                        capacity and result in cell damage. In order to
the Atlantic blue fish tuna [58]. This observation                                     secure acceptable perfusion of the heart and brain
indicates that disruption of uORF may be an                                            during apnoea-induced hypoxaemia in diving,
important evolutionary adaption in the animal                                          there is an cardiovascular adjustment with height-
kingdom that allows high metabolic demand.                                             ened constriction of peripheral arterial beds in
Despite the major influence of Nrf2-KEAP1 in                                           several organs, including the liver and kidneys
regulating vertebrate antioxidant system, this tran-                                   [63]. This uninterrupted vasoconstriction leads to
scription factor has been poorly investigated in                                       almost total cessation of renal function and
marine species. However, since it was recently                                         glomerular filtration rate decreases >90% [64].
reported that UBV-absorbing metabolites typically                                      Thus, the seal kidney is considered extraordinary
found in seaweeds produced by cyanobacteria                                            tolerant to repeated periods of ischaemia [65] and
activate Nrf2-KEAP1 [59] and another study                                             due to their excellent antioxidant defence mecha-
showed that it play a major role in protection of                                      nisms generation of the superoxide radical does
the early life stages of the Antarctic silverfish                                      not translate into tissue damage [66]. The situation
(Pleuragramma antarctica) towards the environ-                                         seems similar to the protective effect of experimen-
mental changes of pro-oxidant pressure during                                          tal preconditioning before graft transplantation
ice melting [60], this cytoprotective system play a                                    [67]. Elephant seals undergo prolonged periods of
role also in the oceans.                                                               food and water deprivation. As prolonged natural
                                                                                       periods of fasting in elephants seals activate Nrf2-
                                                                                       KEAP1 [68], it can be hypothesized that upregula-
Surviving hypoxia – clues provided in the animal kingdom
                                                                                       tion of this cytoprotective transcription contribute
One important survival tool is the ability to live                                     to seals’ amazing capacity to protect their kidneys
with limited oxygen supplies. This is a major issue                                    and liver during deep-sea dives. As we lack potent
for populations living at high altitudes. Systemic                                     treatments to block effects of ischaemia and
hypoxaemia is common in the hospital setting;                                          hypoxia in medicine, mammalian models that help
emerging evidence suggests that local tissue                                           us to better understand tolerance against hypoxia-
hypoxaemia is an important feature of many ‘bur-                                       anoxia are meaningful. Brain ischaemic precondi-
den of lifestyle’ diseases linked to repressed Nrf2-                                   tioning protects against ischaemic injury via oxida-
KEAP1 expression and diminished mitochondrial                                          tive signalling and Nrf2-KEAP1 activation [69].
biogenesis [15]. One of the best studied animals                                       Thus, nutrients and drugs that stimulate Nrf2-
that lives in hypoxic environment is the naked mole                                    KEAP1 should be tested in conditions with tissue
rat, which can survive in burrows with markedly                                        hypoxia [15]. Indeed, many nutrients with rather
limited oxygen availability. They survive by down-                                     potent Nrf2-stimulating effects, such as curcumin,
regulating their mitochondrial function and living                                     carnosol and sulphoraphane, have consistently
in a glycolytic state, which allows them to reduce                                     been reported to have beneficial effects in burden
their oxygen demands. One of the ways this hap-                                        of lifestyle diseases, such as type 2 diabetes [70].
pens is by the production of fructose as its
metabolism helps shift the animal to a glycolytic
                                                                                       Physiological magicians in the animal kingdom – implications for
state [6, 61]. Since hypoxia causes a oxidative
                                                                                       burden of lifestyle diseases
stress, this rat handles this aspect by markedly
increasing its antioxidant systems, based on                                           A good example of a magical metabolic feat is the
upregulation of Nrf2-KEAP1 [38]. Heat stress trig-                                     capacity of the hummingbird (Sephanoides) to
gers accumulation of reactive oxygen species                                           avoid diabetic complications. The hummingbird
(ROS), reduced proliferation and apoptosis; that                                       have a heart rate of 1200 beats min 1 and wings
is, effective activity of Nrf2-KEAP1 may be more                                       that flap 50 times min 1, feeds on a sugar-based
important in the future due to global warming [62].                                    nectar (rich in energy) every day and regularly

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obtains blood glucose levels that would be consis-       muscle mass just 48 h after feeding was accompa-
tent with severe diabetes, coupled with the devel-       nied by increased gene expression of muscle-con-
opment of fatty liver (50% fat) [71]. Rapidly after      tractile proteins, such as myosin [77]. Riquelme
feeding, extreme glucose levels was reported             et al. [78] reported that despite high postprandial
(40 mmol L 1), which was accompanied by HbA1c            levels of triglycerides (9 50) and fatty acids (9 3)
levels of 4.5%, that is higher than measured in          there is no accumulation of triglycerides or fatty
most birds but lower than in nondiabetic humans          acids in the python heart. In contrast, they
[72]. Every night, hummingbirds will burn off the        observed a robust activation of fatty acid transport
fat in the liver and its glucose levels return to the    pathways and oxidation combined with increased
normal range and during 20 h of flying across the        expression and activity of the cardioprotective
Mexican Gulf they metabolize around 75% of the           enzyme superoxide dismutase. Since injection of
fat reserves [71]. To support the high metabolic fuel    this combination of three fatty acids promoted
requirements of hummingbirds, it has been pro-           physiological heart growth in both mice and
posed that they possess the most biosynthetically        python, it would be of interest to examine the
active livers in nature [73]. Moreover, they achieve     effects of this specific fatty acid combination on the
the highest known mass-specific metabolic rates          human heart. Increased expression of Nrf2-KEAP1
amongst vertebrates and their flight muscle is the       was shown to be important in for the extreme
most O2 demanding skeletal muscle per unit tissue        regenerative growth that occurs after the massive
mass known amongst vertebrates [74]. Although            meals [79]. Since fasting increases the expression
they have remarkably high daily blood glucose            of Nrf2-KEAP1 and antioxidant responses in
levels, and a pearly white liver, the bird does not      mouse and humans [80] as well as in elephant
become diabetic in the sense of developing polyuria      seals [68], periods of intermittent fasting may be a
(glucosuria), polydipsia and polyphagia. Neither do      prerequisite for survival in extreme conditions in
they develop diabetic complications or progressive       nature. Interestingly, diurnal intermittent fasting
liver disease. How hummingbirds tolerate blood           during Ramadan increases the expression of Nrf2
glucose levels that cause serious microvascular          in patients with overweight and obesity [81].
pathologies in diabetic patients remain unknown.
Understanding their protective mechanisms could          From an evolutionary point of view, the absence of
give key insights into the management of diabetes.       cardiac and renal damage in the giraffe (Giraffa)
                                                         could have major implications for cardiovascular
Increased and prolonged alcohol consumption can          medicine. Their mean arterial pressure ranges
have devastating consequences in humans. Pen-            from 210 to 325 mmHg to overcome the huge
tailed treeshrews (Ptilocercus lowii) living in the      hydrostatic pressure needed to supply oxygen to
West Malaysian rainforest regularly consume fer-         the brain 2.5–3.0 m above the heart. Although
mented alcoholic nectar from flower buds of the          there are signs of arterial smooth hypertrophy and
Bertam palm (max alcohol concentration 3.8%)             the weight of heart of giraffes is 2–4 times greater
[75]. As analysis of ethyl glucuronide (an alcohol       than in other ruminants, there are no signs of
metabolite) in their hair showed concentrations          functional, structural, renal nor cardiac damages
that in humans would indicate alcohol intoxica-          that normally accompany cardiac hypertrophy
tion, biomimetic studies could resolve how they          [82]. Their heart valves have evolved to adapt to
can obtain such a high metabolic tolerance for           an extreme-pressure system with compact collagen
alcohol and mitigate the risk of continuous high         construction [83]. A strong renal capsule support-
blood alcohol concentrations without any seem-           ing high renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure
ingly adverse effects. Mimicking such a phenotype        reduces the net filtration pressure and may protect
could eventually help combat human pathologies           giraffe kidneys against high blood pressure [84].
related to alcohol abuse.                                The protective mechanisms in giraffes provide a
                                                         conjectural framework for experimental explo-
The enormous intermittent meals, such as a pig or        rations into mechanisms as well as treatment and
a goat, consumed by Burmese pythons (Python              prevention of hypertension, cardiovascular and
molurus) increase oxygen consumption markedly            renal disease in humans.
and place an extreme load not only on the cardio-
vascular system but also on the other organs, such       Hibernation is an ingenious survival strategy that
as intestines, kidneys and liver [76]. The extraor-      evolved during evolution in certain species, such as
dinarily rapid 40% increase in heart ventricular         bears, to conserve energy during long periods of

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nutrient–water shortage, coldness and hypoxia.                                         expected for larger body size and longer lifespan in
Since hibernating bears are forced to maintain a                                       the animal kingdom. When number of necropsies
careful balance between metabolic supply and                                           with tumours were plotted as a function of body
demand, they are used as a model to develop novel                                      mass x lifespan, it was evident that whereas risk of
approaches to counteract burden of lifestyle dis-                                      cancer was higher in species, such as Tasmanian
eases, such as chronic kidney disease [85], obesity-                                   devil, cheetah and prairie dog, the risk of cancer
and sedentary-related diseases [86], organ preser-                                     (5%) was lower than expected in elephants (Pro-
vation [87], ischaemic brain damage [88] osteo-                                        boscidea) [99]. When the elephant genome was
porosis and muscle wasting [89]. It is notable that                                    investigated, their cells demonstrated better apop-
many similarities exist between hibernation phe-                                       totic responses following DNA damage (compared
notypes and various long-lived animal models [90];                                     to humans) and multiple copies of the tumour
that is, hibernation seems to retard biological                                        suppressor gene p53 (TP53). Whereas humans
ageing in proportion to time spent in the hibernat-                                    have one copy (two alleles) of the gene, elephants
ing state [91]. As Nrf2 (and FOXO) plays major roles                                   had multiple copies of TP53 [99]. Although the
in the regulation of antioxidant defences in hiber-                                    exact role of p53 remains to be determined, these
nating bat brains [92], upregulation of the Nrf2-                                      findings represent an approach based on evolution
KEAP1 system may be a prerequisite to avoid organ                                      to better understand mechanisms related to cancer
damage during hibernation [15]. Models of hiber-                                       suppression.
nation have revealed considerable remodelling of
synaptic connections [93]; thus, studies of hiber-                                     The inquisitive case of the naked mole rat repre-
nating animals, such as bears and dormouse (Glis                                       sents another amazing example of cancer resis-
glis), may provide important information on how to                                     tance in the animal kingdom. Out of 1000´s of
cure neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzhei-                                       necropsies, only two cases of cancer have been
mer, in which a reduction in synapse number is a                                       reported in this long-lived rat [100]. Although many
consistent early feature.                                                              of the mechanisms that promote longevity, such as
                                                                                       protein resistance to unfolding, high levels of
                                                                                       autophagy and high Nrf2-KEAP1 expression may
Cancer resistance – lessons learned from nature
                                                                                       also contribute to their cancer resistance, not all
Cancer, an unavoidable risk of ageing, is a major                                      mechanisms involved in longevity contribute to
cause of morbidity and mortality also in the animal                                    cancer resistance [101]. A low mutation rate, better
kingdom. In pet dogs, cancer closely recapitulates                                     protein homoeostasis, improvement in telomere
their human counterparts with respect to clinical                                      maintenance and resistance against oxidative
presentation [94]. As our understanding regarding                                      stress could contribute to their cancer resistance.
the molecular drivers of canine cancers has                                            Surprisingly, high expression of hyaluronan in
become much better, unique opportunities have                                          skin fibroblasts [102] may be another protective
emerged to better guide cancer drug development                                        factor against cancer since naked mole rats lose
so that we earlier eliminate therapies likely to fail                                  their cancer resistance when hyaluronan synthase
and therapies with true potential are optimized                                        2 is knock-downed. Thus, the thickness of this
prior to human studies. In contrast to common                                          polymer not only provides skin elasticity needed for
belief, sharks do get cancer [95]; thus, there is no                                   their life in burrows but may also control the cells
justification for using shark cartilage as a means to                                  mechanical strength and regulate their growth.
prevent cancer [96]. Amongst animals with high
risk of cancer, the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus
harrisii) is of much interest since they have become
endangered due to a transmissible facial cancer                                        Using a comparative physiological approach based
expansion by direct transport of living cancer cells                                   on species that have made successful adaptations
due to a distinct mutational process through biting                                    in nature should definitely broaden the approach
[97]. Lessons can also be learned from species in                                      and likely lead to creative solutions to the medical
which risk of cancer is lower than expected, such                                      problems of today, as well as for the future.
as elephants and naked mole rats. As a greater                                         Emerging evidence suggests that answers on how
number of cells and cell divisions increase the                                        to better manage a cluster of ‘modern burden of
likelihood of mutations that transform into malig-                                     lifestyle’ diseases may be found in nature. It is
nancies, Peto et al. [98] hypothesized that the                                        evident that across taxa upregulation of the cyto-
incidence of cancer does not increase as would be                                      protective transcription factor Nrf2-KEAP1 and

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250   ª 2019 The Association for the Publication of the Journal of Internal Medicine
      Journal of Internal Medicine, 2020, 287; 238–251
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