BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools

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BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
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                                               1       December 2020
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
By Cara Hadden
Features Editor
With the holidays just around
the corner, it is easy to get car-
ried away with the shopping
and coordinating gift lists and
lose sight of the giving nature
of the season. Nevertheless,
as the old adage never fails to
remind us, “It is better to give
than to receive.” One group of
women in particular have tak-
en this to heart and make sure
to carry the love of serving oth-
ers with them year-round.
  The Piecemakers is a quilting
ministry associated with Ref-
ormation Lutheran Church in
Culpeper, Virginia. The group
has been together for eight
years, and they make cotton
quilts and fleece tie blankets to
distribute to various charities
during the Christmas season.
  The Piecemakers was found-
ed by Dianne Vanderhoof, a
quilting veteran with a gener-
ous spirit and a member of
Reformation Lutheran. “Ten
years ago, I became partially        The Piecemakers is a quilting group affiliated with Reformation Lutheran Church in Culpeper, Vir-
                                         ginia. They meet every Saturday from 9:30 to 12:00 to sew cotton quilts and fleece tie quilts.
disabled from a defective hip
replacement. There were a lot        on quilts also helps me forget         demic began, the women have       hats, gloves, and scarves to be
of things I could no longer do,”     about the pain I’m in…[By do-          been working on the blankets      distributed between the five
said Vanderhoof. “I wanted           ing this project,] I have served       at home for the majority of       elementary schools in Culpep-
a project or something to do         God by serving others.”                the year. “So far we have made    er children in the
to help other people and to              Before the pandemic, the           1940 blankets and quilts [over    schools who are on the poverty
demonstrate my faith. We [the        group met every Saturday from          the years],” said Vanderhoof of   level. These items will hope-
Piecemakers] believe [that] by       9:30am to 12:00pm at Refor-            her group. “This year, we will    fully help keep them warm...
serving others we are show-          mation Lutheran to work on             be donating about 250 items.      We also have four women who
ing the love of Jesus. Working       their quilts. Since the pan-           We have also made about 800       [have] knit and crocheted...

The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish The Lightning Bolt, the                                      MRS. GATTIE
only official newspaper on campus. The purpose of the newspaper is to factually in-
form and entertain its readers. As an established open forum for the student body,                                       ADVISOR
truth will be the staff’s major goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer to adhere to
the journalism code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Journalists, Sigma                                 CARA SEELY
Delta Chi. The code states that a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or privileges that
could compromise their integrity. All material published will be the result of brain-                                 NEWS EDITOR
storm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulating to the majority of the student body
will be used. The editorial board, which is comprised of all newspaper staff members                                  CARA HADDEN
will determine the priority of the stories and the overall design of publication. The
advisor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and ethics of                               FEATURES EDITOR
a free press. The advisor does not serve as a censure. Student editors will decide the
material to be published. In accordance with community standards, profanity will not                                 KAITLYN GARVEY
appear in the publication. Students are free to express an opinion on matters of public
interests under the, “fair comment rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right                                 SPORTS EDITOR
to intelligently criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opinion of
The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of the writer and do not rep-                                EMMA PURCELL &
resent the opinion of the faculty and administrWation of Chancellor High School.
Controversial issues will be covered from both points of view. School news, as well                               STEPHANIE MARTINEZ
as local, national and international events will also be covered. Letters to the editor
are welcomed. All letters must be signed and e-emailed to chhslightningbolt@yahoo.                                    OP-ED EDITORS
com. The Lightning Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic
standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. Our ultimate goal is to print the                                 MIKAH NELSON
truth and with your help we can reach this goal.
                                                                                                                   CHARGING CORNER
   December 2020                                                        2
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
over 600 sets of hats and          citizens we serve,” said Vander-
scarves.”                          hoof of her quilting ladies. “No
    In addition to the schools,    matter how they are feeling,
the Piecemakers donate their       they still show up each week to
quilts and blankets to the Cul-    serve God and our clients.”
peper Rehabilitation Center,          “It helps keep my mind bal-
the Orange County Foster Care      anced and makes me happy,”
Service, the Culpeper County       said Cassandra Clay, who has
Foster Care Service, the Or-       been a Piecemaker since the
ange County Shrine Pregnancy       group was founded.
Center, the Culpeper County             Kathy Valentine, a Piece-
Shrine Pregnancy Center, the       maker of seven years, finds the
Orange County Aging Coun-          group’s work to be cathartic
cil, the Culpeper County Safe      and fulfilling. “This [program]
House [for abused families],       is one more way I can serve and
the Julia Grace Foundation [for    use my creative talents God
children with terminal diseas-     has given me, even during my
es], and the Help and Hope for     retirement years. Charity and
Appalachia Drive [for impover-     generosity are just a long term
ished public schools]. Vander-     way of life for me. It has been
hoof is very confident in her      especially therapeutic since my
group’s mission to serve others    diagnosis five years ago with
                                                                           Chancellor senior Cara Hadden counts quilts as the Piecemakers
through giving these hand-         breast cancer...we [the Piece-
                                                                                    set up the blankets at Reformation Lutheran.
made items. “We will continue      makers] love each other and
                                                                           “Children [and adults] need        of the church congregation.
to make quilts and blankets.       work together in service of
                                                                           to know they are loved and         “They were overjoyed to have
We feel we can serve those in      Christ, so what could be bet-
                                                                           someone cares for them, espe-      the blankets,” said Vanderhoof.
our community that might           ter?”
                                                                           cially at Christmas. When they        As these remarkable women
need to know that someone is           Alex Menhart, a sixth year
                                                                           are wrapped in a warm blan-        continue to brighten the lives
                                                                           ket, they can feel loved. Being    of those in need through their
                                                                           wrapped in a blanket is like       shared faith, friendship, and
                                                                           having a warm hug.”                love of quilting, it is important
                                                                              After all the blankets, hats,   to keep in mind the meaning
                                                                           and gloves were blessed by         of the season, as Mrs. Vander-
                                                                           the pastor of Reformation Lu-      hoof’s plain-spoken husband
                                                                           theran, they were distributed      John has said about the group,
                                                                           to the different charities by      “It is better to give than re-
                                                                           the Piecemakers and members        ceive.”

(From left to right:) Chancellor student Cara Hadden poses with
 Piecemakers John Vanderhoof, Dianne Vanderhoof, Cassandra
Clay, and Evelyn Clay after displaying the hats, gloves, quilts, and
 blankets to be blessed by the pastor of Reformation Lutheran
          before being distributed to various charities.
thinking of them at Christmas.     member of the group, believes
We will also continue with         that the quilts are a personal
making hats and give gloves to     gift perfect for the holiday
the kids in need.”                 season. “We are giving part of
    However, the people who        ourselves in each’s a
receive the quilts are not the     group of dedicated volunteers
only ones who benefit from         who give of themselves. It is
the group. “Most of the wom-       the spirit of the season.”
en that work on the quilts and         In fact, Mrs. Vanderhoof
blankets are disabled in some      emphasized the importance                  This quilt was made by the Piecemakers based on a picture
way. I find they are a blessing    of the blankets to their recipi-           with no pattern and hangs in the sanctuary of Reformation
to all the children and senior     ents, especially for Christmas.                                Lutheran Church.
                                                                       3                                                   December 2020
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
By Cara Hadden                       following Mrs. Lause's resig-           desk. I would then take the         would come into the library. I
Features Editor                      nation last month. "I was the           sign-in sheets and update the       love reading and I love foster-
   Of all the important Shake-       back-up Attendance Secretary            attendance. This year, since        ing the love of reading in chil-
speare quotes penned four            for Mrs. Lause," said Phillips.         most students are virtual, I        dren and young adults. I love
hundred years ago, arguably          "She was an excellent mentor            have to verify all students' at-    discussing books."
the most famous is from his          and made sure I was properly            tendance each block to make            Fortunately, this is just the
"Seven Ages of Man" mono-            trained before she left."               sure each student is accounted      beginning of a new chapter in
logue in As You Like It. "All the         As the Attendance Secre-           for. I scroll each name and each    Mrs. Phillips's story within the
world's a stage, and all the men     tary, Phillips is responsible for       block to make sure attendance       Charger Family. "I look forward
and women merely players:            "tracking daily student atten-          for the day is accurate. That's a   to working with our amazing
they have their exits and their      dance, verifying legitimacy of          lot of names!"                      office staff. I look forward to
entrances..." One person in          student excuses, and prepar-              While this promotion brings       new challenges and learning!"
particular is exiting the Chan-      ing and communicating neces-            great joy, Phillips admits she      Shakespeare said it best: "Part-
cellor Library staff to make         sary attendance reports." There         will miss some aspects of being     ing is such sweet sorrow." But
her grand entrance as the new        were many exciting opportuni-           the Library Secretary. "I will      greater horizons await as long
Attendance Secretary: Mrs.           ties for Phillips stemming from         miss working with our amaz-         as one is willing to find them.
Myckel Phillips.                     her promotion. "It is a step up         ing librarians! I will above
   Phillips began her Chancel-       from the Library Secretary po-          all miss all the students that
lor career in August of 2008 as      sition. The Library Secretary
the ISS Paraeducator, and later      position is a 10 month position
came to work as the Library          whereas the Attendance Sec-
Secretary for five years. Ac-        retary position is 11 months. I
cording to Phillips, "the job en-    love new challenges, and I am
tailed processing new books,         always looking for ways to help
helping teachers and students        out the school in areas that are
check out books and equip-           needed."
ment, monitoring students               Of course, the challenges of
while in the library for study       virtual and hybrid learning
hall or for regular checkouts,       have affected the standard at-
assisting in yearly inventory        tendance procedures. "[Tak-
of books and equipment, and          ing attendance] is more dif-
[fulfilling] any other duties the    ficult, especially with virtual
librarians assign."                  students," said Phillips. "If we
   However, this being her 13th      were in a 'normal' school year,
year at Chancellor, Phillips was     students that are tardy to class,
given the opportunity to be          excused or unexcused, would
                                     have to sign in at the front              Phillips starting as the new Attendance Secretary.
the new Attendance Secretary

                         FROM CHARGER TO BLUE DEVIL
By Marim Farag                       Johnson. “Knowing that I will           gles. I didn't truly realize that   I'm hoping that the more times
Staff Reporter                       be able to help students holis-         was a role of mine until my         we meet, they will begin to see
Changing what one does at            tically is truly part of my pur-        parents separated. I was 11, and    how wonderful they truly are! “
their work, not to mention           pose! I love helping others all         ever since then, I realized that    Johnson has developed quite
where they work, isn’t an every-     the way around and not just in          I was the one to keep everyone      a rapport with her students at
day thing one does. Ms. Ken-         one area/aspect of their life! “        around me afloat; from family       Chancellor, and now, in the
dra Johnson, a SPED teacher          This is Johnson’s first attempt         to friends. As the oldest child     middle of the year, she will have
at Chancellor High School, is        at being a school counselor,            of three, and oldest grandchild,    a whole new set of students.
soon to be a counselor at Cul-       a goal she has been work-               I was there to help everyone        “My plan is to get a map of the
peper High School. Her last          ing towards the last couple of          from emotions to school work        school as soon as I get there and
day at Chancellor was Novem-         years. “Honestly, I don't think         to any concern they had. Now        to also have the daily schedule.
ber 23.                              it will be hard for me because          as an adult, I have a ministry      I will then use these materials
Being a counselor isn’t easy.        I have been counseling others           called, Her Faith, where I am       to check and see when lunch is,
There are a lot of responsibili-     my whole life,” she explains.           able to help women holistical-      class changes, and different ac-
ties to take care of that are dif-   “When I was young, people               ly! A challenge that I may have     tivities and events. Then I will
ferent from a classroom teach-       would always lean on me and             is helping others to see the po-    go and socialize during those
er. “I feel amazing!” states         come to me with their strug-            tential within themselves, but      times, so that people can get to
    December 2020                                                        4
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
By Marim Farag                      gest tip I will give them is to        teacher or school counselor          that I need growth. “
Staff Reporter                      have a healthy release. Journal,       until college, I will be able to     Leaving one job and starting
know me. I was even thinking        pray, go for walks, exercise,          relate to them in many ways.         another is an emotional experi-
about going to each teacher's       paint, draw, practice a sport,         Knowing that what a student          ence for anyone. “My emotions
room or office to say hi and in-    communicate twice a week               is doing like sports or other        were all over the place really.
troduce myself. I know they are     with someone you know loves            behaviors, may not be all that       I grew up in Orange, so that's
sending out a newsletter with       you, and more. It is important         it seems to be and truly look-       close to Culpeper, and I know
my information on it, but I also    that we have outlets. I would          ing deep within them will help       the area. My mother is a judge
would like to stop in and say hi    also tell them to be safe and          me to bring out their true self      in Culpeper, so I was thinking
personally as well.“                take care of themselves. We            and truly see who they want to       that maybe we can take lunch
Will Johnson be nervous about       have to understand that times          be and what is holding them          together, but also I didn't want
starting her new job? “No, I'm      are different so it's important        back.“                               to be far from home. Working
not nervous. I don't really get     to adapt some of their old ways        Starting a new job of any type       in Culpeper will be a commute
nervous easily about things. I      to new ones so that they won't         has pros and cons to it. “A pro is   for me. So, I'm excited about
just have faith that everything     feel stuck when they can re-           that I am able to help many stu-     the job, but not about the com-
will work out. I'm excited to be    lease their emotions.“                 dents in ways that they need to      mute for my son and me. “
a high school counselor!“           Changing a job must be tough,          be helped,” Johnson explains.        Johnson states she will miss
Students have problems of all       especially in the middle of a          “A con is that I am not able to      Chancellor after she is gone.
types and often confide in their    school year. What does it take         see my students every other          “The relationships I have
counselors when they need           to make this change at such an         day like I did as a teacher.“        formed over the years are very
someone to talk to. Johnson         odd time? “Counseling wasn't           Being a counselor, one tries         close to my heart. I met some
explains how she is going to        on my radar until God spoke            to think of new strategies to        people who love me complete-
help these students who need        it to me. I honestly started off       help improve their skills as a       ly as I love them. It's going to
her support. “I am a huge hug-      wanting to be a principal and          counselor. “Some ways that I         be hard not being able to run
ger! So hugs are always my go       then when I got into educa-            am planning on being a bet-          down to their room to chat,
to and not a quick hug but a 30     tion, I pushed that dream fur-         ter counselor is to continue         cry and hug. The students that
seconds to a 1 min hug. When I      ther into wanting to become a          studying on techniques that I        I have formed relationships
have students who aren't used       superintendent. Then one day,          can use to help my students,         with, I will truly miss them. It's
to hugs or want hugs, eventu-       I had just got off the phone           and continue building rela-          hard to leave good people but I
ally they get on board by the       with a friend and was washing          tionships with the students          hope that we will be able to get
end of the year. I will comfort     dishes when I heard, "spiri-           and staff. I will also collaborate   together some time and stay
my students by supporting           tual counselor." I immediately         with other counselors, so that       connected!“
them. Being there for them          went into prayer and asked for         they can mentor me in ways
even when they make a mis-          confirmations and I got them.
take and allowing them the          After that day, random people
space to grow and know that I       were just coming to me and
am here in the good times and       pouring their problems out to
the not so good times. I will al-   me. Then even asked me for my
low them the space to journal       phone number and if I could
in my office and tear it up af-     be their counselor. It was truly
terwards. The biggest thing is      amazing. Then, that started
that they are able to get their     this whole journey of counsel-
thoughts and emotions out.          ing!“
I don't need to see and know        Currently Culpeper is doing a
everything. Sometimes we just       blended, similar to Chancel-
need a quiet release. So I want     lor’s hybrid schedule. John-
them to know that I am here         son is hoping that she will see
to listen and I am here to give     most of her students in person.
them their space to process but     “When I see them, I will em-
the key is that I AM ALWAYS         brace them. I will help them to
HERE! “                             know that they can get through
As we are still in a pandemic       anything! They are strong,
that doesn’t seem to be ending      amazing, resilient, and oh so
anytime soon, what are some         smart! They only have a little
suggestions Johnson will give       bit more to go to reach their
students to keep healthy dur-       graduation goal. As a student                Kendra Johnson worked collaboratively with
ing this pandemic? “The big-        who never connected with a                                  Lisa Gattie.
                                                                       5                                                     December 2020
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
VIRTUAL DISTRIC CHO-                                                         PROTESTS TURNED TO
 RUS RESULTS ARE IN                                                         BURNING OVER PROTESTS
This year District Chorus au-      Congratulations to this year’s
ditions were done completely       District Chorus students:             By Stephanie Martinez                 The peaceful protests turned
                                                                         Co-Op-Ed Editor                    violent when a group of pro-
virtually. Students audition-      Ava Young
ing sent in their recordings for   Jackelyn Lopez Rivas                  After two horrific hurricanes      testers broke the windows of
judges to score them. Despite      Hannah Al-Hamdy                       Alejandro Giammattei, Gua-         a congress building and lit the
the circumstances, every Chan-     Jackelyn Lopez Rivas                  temala’s president, signed a       building on fire. National Gua-
cellor student who auditioned      Hannah Al-Hamdy                       budget that cuts spending on       temalan police showed up and
made it in to districts (typi-     Brittany Montgomery                   health, as well as education, in   tear gassed the protesters as the
cally there is about a 50% suc-    Abigail Arvan                         favor of increasing lawmaker’s     fire department took out the
cess rate). This year, Chancel-    Madeline Price                        meal stipends. This move has       fire. Giammattei responds to
lor choir students also placed     Stephanie Piermarini                  angered many.                      the actions via Twitter stating,
higher than usual. Typically, 2    Sara Holloway                              The bill, which also pro-     “We cannot permit the public
or 3 students will place within    Kenzie Pena Martinez                  posed cutting funding to com-      and private property to be van-
the top 4 in their section- this   Emma Leighton                         bat malnutrition and slashed       dalized, those who committed
year we had 3 1st place students   Katie Gueci                                                              criminal acts will be punished
                                                                         funding for the judiciary, set
and 5 additional students who      Cherish Hall                          off immediate outrage and led      with the full force of the law.”
placed in their top 4. Within      Lexi Carter                           to demonstrations across the       Giammattei also added that he
our county this year, Chancel-     Katie Stafford                        country. Thousands of people       was reviewing the bill for pos-
lor has the most district cho-     Cara Hadden                           took to the streets of the capi-   sible modifications. Vice Presi-
rus students. Behind Brooke        Sarah Whitehouse                      tal on November 21 protest-        dent Guillermo Castillo said
Point, Chancellor is tied with     Makayla Waller                        ing peacefully, expressing how     he had little to no contact with
Colonial Forge for having the      Eve Whittacre                         they disliked the budget being     Giammattei before the budget
second most district chorus        Daniel Kilmartin                      passed. The country is still re-   was signed, and he would step
students in the district over-     Tade Wangberg                         covering from back to back         down from office only if Giam-
all. Chancellor is proud of this   William Whitehurst                    storms, hundreds of citizens       mattei did so as well. Several
year’s district chorus students    Jason Ransom                          are still displaced, and many      people were injured, but none
for working through the tough      Blake Hobbs                           homes destroyed.                   were left dead.
circumstances of this year’s au-   Zach Cloven
ditions!                           Caleb Ockerman                           ENGLISH TEACHER
     INTERIM PERUVIAN                                                      NOW NEW LIBRARIAN
    PRESIDENT STEPS UP,                                                  By Marim Farag
                                                                         Staff Reporter
                                                                                                            them!” With someone with
                                                                                                            such passion and talent for
        STEPS DOWN                                                       Former 9th grade English
                                                                         teacher, Ms. Elizabeth Turner
                                                                                                            English and who wants to do
                                                                                                            more than just teaching being
By Stephanie Martinez
Co-Op-Ed Editor                                                          is now a new Librarian atChan-     a librarian is the best choice for
                                                                         cellor High School. Why did        her.
On November 10th, Mass riots       an economic tailspin and a            this successful English teacher    “I made the switch to the li-
occurred in Peru since Con-        devastating pandemic into a           make the switch?                   brary after teaching high
gress decided to impeach Peru’s    constitutional crisis. Merino         “I enjoy being a librarian be-     school English for eight years,”
president, Martin Vizcarra over    faced opposition from Peruvi-         cause I get the opportunity        states Turner, reflecting on
bribery, which Vizcarra claims     ans who took to the streets in        to work with all students, not     how this career change has af-
is not true. Congress speaker      protest and from prominent            just those on my class roster,”    fected her. “This change has
Manuel Merino stepped in as        political and social leaders,         states Turner in an email in-      given me perspective on what
interim president, and many        many of whom said they did            terview. “I have a passion for     it means to educate the whole
young people protested in or-      not recognize him as the coun-        reading and learning and be-       child and about various ways to
der for Marino to leave, leaving   try’s leader. After most of his       ing in the library gives me the    offer support.” Being an English
two dead and many injured.         cabinet resigned and his last         chance to share these passions     teacher is different from being
Police stepped in using tear       political allies abandoned him,       with others. I also really en-     a librarian; they both have dif-
gas, rubber bullets, and force.    the Congress that had put him         joy being a librarian because      ferent tasks that they focus on
Merino stepped down from           in power called on him to step        I get the chance to work with      and do everyday. From Turn-
this position on November 15       down. As of now Francisco Sa-         other teachers. Chancellor has     er’s point of view on whether
his fifth day on the job, plung-   gasti, a centrist is now Peru’s       some amazing teachers, and I       she’s doing more work now as
ing a country already facing       new president.                        am excited to collaborate with     a librarian she explained, “The
    December 2020                                                    6
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
  work I do as a librarian is dif-      science program during my
  ferent from the work I did as         6th year of teaching; it was the
  a classroom teacher. Before,          year I had four honors English
  my focus was on helping the           10 classes and one AP English
  individuals right in front of         11 class. The amount of work
  me - students who I had the           was somewhat overwhelming,
  pleasure of getting to know           and I was starting to feel burnt
  because I was able to see them        out. The high school where
  regularly - with reading, writ-       I was teaching had a new li-
  ing, and critical thinking. As        brarian that year who was in-
  a librarian (especially one who       novative and really made the
  has had minimal contact with          job look fun. She opened my
  students), my focus has shifted       eyes to what a library could be
  to supporting all Chancellor          and motivated me to make the
  students by creating programs         switch.“
  and making book purchases             Some might think managing
  that address their needs.”
  Turner was thrilled when she
                                        or working at a library is easy,
                                        but there's a lot that one needs
  heard the news that she was
  hired for this position. “Mrs.
                                        to know and extra responsibili-
                                        ties that go along with the job.
                                                                                 Turner taking charge as the new Chancellor librarian.
                                                                                 to her new position, as well as     with her in the library. “Mrs.
  Jett-Brown and Mrs. Phillips          Every job has its pros and cons.         keep track of the new schedule.     Jett-Brown and Mrs. Phillips
  made me feel so welcomed.             “Pros: Books, books, books! I            “Creating a daily and weekly        are always available to answer
  I knew that I would have the          love being surrounded by so              schedule is super important.        questions and assist even when
  support to do great things for        many wonderful stories that I            I list out the items that I need    they are not physically in the
  our students.“                        can recommend to others. The             to accomplish each day and          library. Since Mrs. Phillips'
  For someone who taught Eng-           library really is the heart of the       then work to check them all         move to attendance, I've been
  lish for so many years and now        school, and I am proud to be a           off. I also set aside time each     fortunate to have the help of
  she doesn’t teach English any-        part of making the library an            week to research what other         Ms. Pastell, Ms. Adams, and
  more, that career switch must         inclusive space for all Chargers.        librarians are doing to connect     the counseling department. I
  feel like a huge change. “Yes         Cons: No cons, only pros!“ she           with students. When I find an       can't thank them enough for
  and no,” she states. “Yes, be-        states.                                  idea I like, I write it down and    their help during this time!
  cause I miss working closely          “The great thing about being a           try to incorporate it into my       While times are definitely dif-
  with students. Plus, the CHHS         librarian is I'm still a teacher.        daily/weekly routine. Having        ferent, it amazes me at how
  English team is pretty amaz-          My classroom just happens to             regular tasks (Instagram posts,     unified we've become as a staff,
  ing! I'm sad to not be a part         be a much larger space that can          newsletter, First Chapter Fri-      supporting each other when
  of their department, but I am         accomodate a larger number of            day, etc.) help keep me focused     needed.”
  looking forward to supporting         students.” Turner applied for            as well.”                           Chancellor Chargers look for-
  them from the library. The one        this position early in 2020 and          With COVID restrictions and         ward to seeing and hearing
  thing that doesn't make me sad        interviewed in late February.            not a lot of people in school go-   more of her new ideas that
  is saying goodbye to all of the       She found out that she got the           ing to the library (unless they     Turner will have in the library.
  grading!“ Even students recog-        job in March, before we left for         have a class when their teach-
  nize teacher’s struggles when         spring break.                            er is not available) anymore
  they see a lot of assignments         What are all her new responsi-           to check out books, are there
  and projects that the teacher         bilities as a librarian? “Creating       still ways to help students read
  gets turned in when it's due.         and promoting programs is a              more books? Turner replies,
  When one starts something             main responsibility. Coming              “ Of course! Students and
  they always desired to do, they       up with ideas that students              teachers can check out books
  put a lot of effort into it, and it   are interested in can be a chal-         by following the directions on
  may take a long time for one to       lenge. Mrs. Jett-Brown and I             the Book Checkout Informa-
  achieve their goals or dreams.        are always looking for ways to           tion document or by emailing
  “Perhaps the desire to be a li-       connect with students,” Turner           Mrs. Jett-Brown or me. We've
  brarian was always there,” she        explains.                                shared this document on Can-
  states. “I've always loved read-      In order to keep track of all the        vas, our library website, and in
  ing and enjoyed visiting my           changes that have occurred               our weekly newsletter. “
  local library when I was a kid.       due to the hybrid model, Turn-           Turner has had to adjust also to
  I decided to enroll in a library      er has to help herself get used          changes with who is physically
                                                                             7                                                   December 2020
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
Although Ramadan isn’t until April, Christmas and Ramadan are both faith-centered-
          celebrations that share similarities as well as many differences.
By Marim Farag
Staff Reporter
                                  less fortunate, and they read
                                  and finish the Quran.
    Some people really don’t        For young Muslim children
know the true meaning of          they’re not expected to fast
Ramadan. Others know that         until they reach puberty,
one may be fasting from           because it’s hard for them
dawn to dusk. Ramadan is          to fast all day. For pregnant
a lot more than just fasting.     women they can eat and
Ramadan is the Holy Month         drink to be healthy for their
for Muslims where they fast       unborn baby, but they will
and celebrate. The month of       have to make it up later on.
Ramadan is when the Quran         They get all year to make it
came out - the holy book          up whenever they can, but
for Muslims. This month is        it has to be before the next
a month of mercy and for-         Ramadan. For ill people,
giveness. Everyone who is         they are not expected to
Muslim fasts on this month        fast since they’re weak, and
for 30 days.                      they have to take medicine.
    Muslims fast from dawn        That’s exceptional because
until sunset and abstain          they might faint if they fast.        selling and displaying Ra-        homeless people. They go
from eating any food, drink-         In the month of Ramadan            madan’s decorations.              around the street and search
ing any liquids, and smok-        is also where families and              The decorations look even       for homeless people and
ing, and that also includes       friends gather around and             more amazing at night be-         give them food and drinks or
taking any medicine, even if      celebrate together.                   cause it’s dark, and that’s       give it out to the association.
it’s a dry pill and you swal-          What I really love about         when the colorful lights          They also give them out to
low it without drinking any       Ramadan is that it makes              brighten up the streets and       the orphanages. In addition
water; that’s not allowed.        you feel really alive. I get so       puts a smile on peoples’ fac-     to food, they give clothes,
Taking medicine would             emotional just by thinking            es as they walk around while      money, and anything else
mean that one basically           about it, and I anticipate            Ramadan’s songs are playing       they can do to help them.
broke their fast and they         the first day of it. It makes         around from peoples houses           Dessert is their speciality.
would have to make that day       my heart pound a lot as if            to peoples stores and on the      There are a variety of des-
up after Ramadan. Basically,      I’m going to jump out of              streets. It’s just absolutely     serts that are served dur-
one can’t put anything in         the plane. It makes me real-          stunning!                         ing the month of Ramadan
their mouth. Muslims can          ize how much I’m thankful               As for the food, there really   that are eaten after we finish
start eating and drinking at      and grateful for the life that        isn’t a specific food eaten on    their Iftar (after the fast is
Maghrib time which is when        God provided for us and the           the first day or throughout       broken). There is food such
the sunset comes.                 family that we have and the           the month, unless, there’s a      as: Qatayef, Lokmet El Kady
   To express worship, Mus-       people who are around us.             family who likes to eat spe-      , Mahalabia, Harissa, and
lims give out charity to the          In Southeast Asian coun-          cific food that they like dur-    Kunafah.
poor. This is something           tries and much of the Mid-            ing the first couple of days          What are these types of
called Zakat, getting closer      dle East, people decorate             of Ramadan.                       food? Well, Qatayef is an
to God, we pray, we focus         their streets, their stores,             The amount of food that        Arab dessert; a sort of sweet
on self-improvement, self-        their homes, sometimes                people make may be big            dumpling filled with cream
discipline,       self-control,   their cars and even the               portions since that’s when        or nuts. It can be described
making good deeds, making         mosques. They go over and             everyone is usually gathered      as a folded pancake.
for sins, and being a better      beyond to make it special             around and eating with their          Lokmet El Kady is also
person than the year be-          and really pretty and make            entire family. Also, Muslims      known as an Arab dessert.
fore. Muslims feel empathy,       one really feel the sense of          make more food not just           It is traditionally soaked in
especially in the month of        Ramadan everywhere. Peo-              for their family, but for the     simple syrup. People prefer
Ramadan, to those who are         ple everywhere can be seen
   December 2020                                                    8
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools
to eat it with sugar powder or     the Middle East. It’s a tradi-
in cinnamon sugar or even          tional Middle Eastern des-
Nutella. There’s no specific       sert, and people who own
way to eat it; it just depends     dessert shops always sell it.
on the person who’s eat-           But especially in Ramadan
ing it, and how they enjoy         nearly every single person
eating it. Also, it’s not just     eats it because they are sold
served on Ramadan, no, it’s        everywhere, literally. Peo-
served any month. In Egypt         ple line up at the store, and
, they are a widely popular        they sometimes watch the
street food and are solid at       guy make it. People make
any dessert store.                 them on the first couple of
  Mahalabia, in short is pud-      days in Ramadan because
ding. People like to eat it        they eat it after Iftar. They
with mixed nuts, and some          want some dessert which
people eat it plain by itself..    Kunafah is one of the best
They can also add cinnamon         choices you can make to eat.
powder too.                        Kunafah is a shredded filo
  Harissa, which is also called    pastry, or alternatively fine         plain.                          for Eid al Fitr. Eid al Fitr is
Basbousa, is a sweet cake          semolina dough, soaked in                On the 29th day of Rama-     the Muslim festival mark-
that originated in Egypt, al-      sweet, sugar-based syrup,             dan Muslims stay up so they     ing the end of the fast of
though it is also popular in       and typically layered with            can look at the moon so         Ramadan. Eid al Fitr, is also
other countries. It is a semo-     cheese or with other ingre-           they know whether or not to     called the “Festival of Break-
lina cake. It is really soft and   dients such as clotted cream          fast on the 30th. They know     ing the Fast.” This is where
easy to eat. A fun fact is that    or nuts, depending on the             that by looking at the moon,    they: pray at the mosque,
in Arabic some people call         region. There are numerous            and if the moon shows up        wear nice clothes, children
their loved ones “basbousty”       ways people make it.                  as a Halal which in English     receive gifts, family gather
which mean “my sweetie”.              To wrap up the month of            is called Waxing Crescent       and eat meals together and
  Kunafah is like eating heav-     Ramadan, we make cook-                Moon, then the 29th is our      the elders give out money to
en. It’s so good! Take one         ies. These cookies are called         official last day of Ramadan.   the youngest. This is called
bite of it and fall in love. It    Kahak. There is no mean-                 When Muslims know it’s       Aadaya where they give out
will make one want to eat it       ing behind it; it’s just a tra-       their last day, some fami-      money to the youngest. They
more and not stop. Kunafah         ditional thing Muslims do.            lies gather around and stay     give out a lot of balloons for
is a really popular dessert in     The cookies are filled with           up all night and get ready      little kids to be happy as well
Egypt and also throughout          dates or sometimes left                                               as toys.

                                                                                            Did you know?
                                                                         As of 2020, more than 24% of the world’s popula-
                                                                          tion is Muslim. This makes up about 1.9 billion
                                                                           people. Christianity is the largest religion in
                                                                         the world, More than 2.3 billion people practice
                                                                           Christianity, which is about 1/3 of the world’s
                                                                                         total population.

                                                                     9                                               December 2020
BOLT Salud - Spotsylvania County Public Schools

                                      Recipe provided by Stephanie Martinez                                               Recipe provided by Hailey Patten

                                         Recipe provided by Caleigh Prosser                                              Recipe provided by Caleigh Prosser

                              HOLIDAYS AT MY HOUSE
By Stephanie Martinez
Co-Op-Ed Editor

   Noche Buena is on De-      We open our presents at                         tos, Pozole, Pavo, and          that all cousins go to the gas
cember 24th is typically      midnight instead of Christ-                     Ponche Navideno. Many           station,do stupid bets,and
Christmas for most Latinos.   mas morning, we hang out                        countries celebrate Noche       have mini photoshoots.
Noche Buena is celebrated     with family, and eat tradi-                     Buena differently with dif-
at one person’s house and     tional food. The food we eat                    ferent customs or traditions.
the whole family shows up.    is either Tamales, Romeri-                      A tradition we do usually is
   December 2020                                                          10
                                    WHY WE NEED TREES
By Hailey Patten                 that our tree canopy is de-      UV radiation. Trees im-          erty. Yet those people seem
Staff Reporter                   clining dramatically, includ-    prove aesthetics. The trees      to complain about other
   2020 has been very event-     ing hurricanes, tornadoes,       and leaf covering improves       things in the long run. Hav-
ful and difficult for many       fires, air pollution, insects,   the value of properties.         ing trees on your property
people. But what about the       and disease. Trees help          They also improve human          provides a cheaper way to
environment? How do you          with heat reduction. They        health. Exposure to nature       get a cooler yard and lower
think the environment has        provide shade for homes,         can help with mental and         energy bills.
been affected?                   buildings, roads, and parks      physical health problems.            Constantly mowing your
  Climate changes have been      providing a cooler surface       Being exposed to nature          grass, prevents the growth
increasing over the years,       temperature. They help           can decrease blood pressure      of new trees. The fallen
and not enough people re-        with air pollution, by ab-       and lower stress hormones.       seeds of trees will never
alize it or care. Our climate    sorbing carbon and remov-        And studies even show that       have a chance to grow if they
                                                                  living near a green area has     are constantly mowed over.
is declining dramatically          “According to                  shown to lessen death rates.     If you don’t like where a tree
every day. One would think
that with the severity of the       CNN, in the                   Trees also provide wildlife      is growing, dig up the plant
climate problems happen-                                          habitats for a wide variety of   and plant it somewhere that
ing around the world, more
                                  US cities alone,                animals. Many animals rely       you’d prefer it.
people might try and make         there is a loss of              on trees for shelter, food,
                                                                  and nesting.
                                                                                                       Another way to help the
                                                                                                   growth and development
some extreme changes to
our environment. Accord-          36 million trees                    There are many things        of new trees is by donating
                                                                  we can do to decrease this       money to organizations that
ing to CNN, in the US cities
alone, there is a loss of 36
                                     annually.”                   devastating tree loss. For       plant trees or even plant
million trees annually. The      ing pollutants from our          starters, begin by just tak-     some trees yourself. Before
loss value is up to $96 mil-     atmosphere. They reduce          ing care of one’s own trees;     planting your own trees, be
lion a year.                     energy costs by up to $4 bil-    like the ones on your prop-      sure to educate yourself on
    Not many people realize      lion. “The shade from the        erty. You can also take care     the best or proper way of
the advantages of having a       trees on buildings reduces       of your trees and plants, by     doing so.
healthy and green environ-       heat, therefore reducing the     pruning the dead branches          Volunteer or donate to tree
ment. Trees help us and our      costs of air conditioning.       of your trees. If you start to   planting and research orga-
world in several ways, such      But, if the trees aren’t there   notice your trees looking        nizations like the Arbor Day
as providing us oxygen, sta-     to provide that shade, the       like they’re in bad shape or     Foundation, the National
bilizing soil, and providing     buildings heat up, and the       dying, call your local agri-     Forest Foundation, Trees
habitats for wildlife. So, if    air conditioning prices in-      cultural extension office for    Atlanta, ReLeaf Michigan,
one is looking for a reason to   crease, because they burn a      some advice.                     Urban ReLeaf, and the Sus-
start caring about the trees     lot more fuel from the pow-          Trees can live for many      tainable Urban Forests Co-
and the environment alone;       er plants, therefore the pol-    years. So, if a tree is old,     alition.
here are some reasons that       lution and emissions go up,”     try not to cut them down
will hopefully open some         said Norwalk.                    if it isn’t necessary. When
eyes.                               In addition, the quality of   cutting down a big or old
     Trees can decrease the      our water improves. Trees        tree, and planning to plant
temperatures of summer           are kind of like water fil-      new trees in its place isn’t
days, by as much as 10 de-       ters in a way. They absorb       the best option. When you
grees Fahrenheit.                dirty surface water, and they    plant a smaller tree in place
  If we continue “not caring”    absorb nitrogen and phos-        of a tree taken down, there’s
about our climate, “ cities      phorus into the soil. They       no guarantee that the small-
will become warmer, more         also help flood reduction,       er tree will make it; and it
polluted, and generally          by absorbing the water and       will take a very long time to
more unhealthy for inhabit-      they reduce the runoff into      grow. First, try making your
ants,“ said David Nowak, a       streams. They also provide       trees healthier by removing
senior US Forest Service Sci-    noise reduction and protec-      the dead branches.
entist, in a CNN interview.      tion against UV radiation;           Many people don’t like
   There are several reasons     Trees absorb up to 96% of        trees to grow on their prop-
                                                              11                                               December 2020
  DECEMBER HOROSCOPES                                              SOME FLORA FOR YOUR FANCY
By Stephanie Martinez                                             By Kaitlyn Garvey
and Kaitlyn Garvey                                                Sports Editor
Op-Ed Editor and Sports Editor

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)         moment and situation.
You’re a great leader; you
always lead with the right       Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) You are
mindset. Give yourself a         one of the most loyal signs,
break and let someone else       which means you are stable
take the lead. Sit back and      and consistent. Try switch-
relax. You deserve it.           ing things up a bit. Be spon-
                                 taneous, and try something
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) The       you haven’t yet.
stress of this crazy year has
shown in your attitude to-       Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22).
wards the way you view           Working hard is what you’re
things. With a new year          used to, and that’s good,
coming up, take a deep           but try to take it easy from
breath, and take your time.      time to time. Give yourself a
                                 break, and take care of your-
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) It’s all   self.                      2. Bloom in late Winter, early Spring, yellow or white
too easy to get riled up by                                 5. Named after Greek Goddess of the rainbow, spring
differences of opinion, but it   Libra (Sep 23- Oct 22) You and summer
may be best to conserve en-      are always trying to be con-
ergy rather than snap back.      siderate of others which is a
As the day advances, the de-     good thing, but don’t forget
sire to focus strengthens.       that it’s not your job to make   1. Winter flowers, annual
                                 everyone happy. It’s nice to     3. Starry-shaped, White, Blue, Or Purple
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) De-       be considerate, but don’t let    4. Commonly used in aromatherapy, promotes calm-
cember is a strong month         yourself get so caught up in     ness and wellness
for reflection and strategy.
It’s a good time for smooth-
                                 everyone else to the point
                                 that you forget to be kind to       FIND YOUR WAY OUT-
                                                                           OR NOT...
ing over problem areas,          yourself.
counseling and harmoniz-
ing. You may be doing more       Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)          By Kaitlyn Garvey
                                                                  Sports Editor
observing than participat-       There is no reason for you
ing.                             to suppress your curiosity. It
                                 is good to learn through ex-
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20) The       perience, but curiosity and
past has a way of catching       caution go well together.
up with us, especially in the
past several months. Release     Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
it properly and keep an open     Honesty is a virtue, but so
heart for people who were        is tact; so, try to be kind.
involved in some of your im-     No need to sugar-coat any-
portant processes.               thing; just understand that
                                 what you say has an impact.
Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22) We are
often rough on our hearts        Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
when we need support and         You are realistic by nature,
love for ourselves. Take your    but it’s okay to dream! Don’t
time, breathe, and see that      let reality hold you down.
you are worthy of your own       Only gravity has that power.
care and love in any given
   December 2020                                              12
           HOLIDAY WORD                      A LIFE LOOKING
By Kaitlyn Garvey
                                             THROUGH GLASS
Sports Editor                          Chancellor Junior Cheyenne Frazier recently had
                                       her original poem published in an online literary

                                                          Pots clanging,
                                                         Children chasing,
                                                        Drunken laughter,
                                                      a time of togetherness
                                                      and friendly familiarity
                                                        broken by the glass
                                                        box I put myself in.

                                                             Eyes turn,
                                                           Heads swivel,
                                                         Words are spoken,
                                                        shattering the glass
                                                       I so carefully melded
                                               and blew into the box that was made.
                                                            At the time,
                                                     not knowing how fragile
                                                      that barrier would be.

                                                        I make my rounds
                                                            hug some
                                                          smile at others.
                                                          Don’t show fear
                                                        Don’t be awkward
                                                          Just be normal

                                                       I seek out comfort.
                                                   I look for someone I know.
                                               Upon finding them, I feel some relief.
                                                      They leave to socialize.
                                                        Leaving me silent
                                                   Leaving me uncomfortable
                                                        Leaving me alone.
CANDY               ORNAMENTS
CANES               REDANDGREEN                            I’m rebuilding
CHRISTMAS           REINDEER                                my defenses.
EVERGREEN           SANTA                             Constructing a new box
                                                   to conceal my true responses,
                                                      defend my actual ideas,
                                                  to put a barrier between myself
LIGHTS              SNOW                           and those only waiting for me
MISTLETOE           WINTER                                to self-destruct.


                                  13                                             December 2020
             Books 1-5 of Fazbear Brights Books have much to offer a reader looking for action.
By Katherine Stafford                who typically has a pink cup-         left to die outside the pizzeria     pizzeria is closed, and the Fun-
Staff Reporter                       cake on a platter. There’s also       years later, where the Puppet        time Animatronics are taken
                                     a Golden Freddy and a Golden          is there to comfort her before       underground, where Sister
Readers Note: Spoiler Warn-          Bonnie suit that’s a springlock       her soul attaches itself to the      Location would take place for
ing: If the reader does want         suit. Springlock suits have two       Puppet. Susie losing her puppy       the player to explore and have
to read these books, or watch        modes: one is able to be worn         is notable, since William lures      their protagonist, Micheal, get
MatPat’s videos about Fazbear        like a suit for a mascot, while       her away by explaining her dog       scooped.
Frights, then stop reading this      the other has an endoskeleton         was alive. However, Afton kills         At the end of Sister Loca-
article right now. Also, these       to stuff the suit in, so the suit     the dog, and forces its soul to      tion, Michael hunts down for
books have a lot of gore in them     can walk freely without a hu-         attach itself to the Mangled         his father. Then, it’s the sixth
as well, so anyone with a weak       man being inside. MatPat, in          animatronic, and he then kills       game: Freddy Fazbear’s Piz-
stomach better stop right now.       his first video on this series, was   Susie.                               zeria Simulator. In that game,
                                     able to find out these games are          What about Crying Child,         Henry lures all the animatron-
  I have never played any of the     set in the 80’s, since at the end     then? Anyone who knows               ics possessing the children’s
Five Nights at Freddy’s (FNaF)       of the very first game, the play-     these games will completely          souls (including his daugh-
games, but I do understand the       er gets a paycheck of $120.00.        understand that it’s because         ter), and William Afton. The
lore from a YouTuber, MatPat         In today’s time that is lower         of the Bite of ‘83. The Bite of      player can tell it’s William, as
(host of Game, Film, and Food
Theory, and GT Live), and have
                                     than minimum wage; however,
                                     in the 80’s that was the mini-
                                                                           ‘83 is when Crying Child (real
                                                                           name being Micheal Afton, the
                                                                                                                Henry says this: “As for one of
                                                                                                                you. The darkest pit of hell has      SE
watched many videos of people        mum wage.                             son of William Afton) is bit-        opened to swallow you whole.
playing the games, like DanT-             One day, William Afton,          ten by Golden Freddy, and he         Don’t keep the devil waiting,
DM. I have read the books, by        who’ll be given justice in a          later dies of his wounds while       old friend.” That “old friend” is
what’s called the original tril-     certain way, wears the Golden         in a coma, having nightmare          William, since one of the end-
ogy of books - The Silver Eyes,      Bonnie suit and lures six kids        hallucinations of his bedroom        ings has a part where the player
The Twisted Ones, and The            out of the pizzeria and then          as he’s haunted by even more         can see “HRY” - standing for
Fourth Closest - before I began      kills them, stuffing their bod-       scarier versions of the anima-       Henry - during the Insanity
to read the Fazbear Frights se-      ies in the animatronics. Be-          tronics. However, thanks to          Ending.
ries of books.                       cause decaying bodies tend to         The Fourth Closest, it’s possi-         In Ultimate Custom Night,
  Before detailing the books, it’s   smell, and all of those robots        ble William made an artificial       William is tortured in a not-
best to look at the lore of these    are leaking blood, police are         intelligence robot for his son,      so-kind afterlife with the very
games. According to what             perplexed. This one incident          as Henry did the same to his         animatronics he either stuffed
MatPat knows about the lore,         is called The Missing Chil-           daughter when she died. But it       kids into or built - figuratively
and even Scott Cawthon did           dren’s Incident. The pizzeria is      isn’t that simple: Since before      and literally - himself. Two of
say years ago, when Five Nights      closed, and the old animatron-        Mike is killed, he’s afraid of the   the many animatronics - Man-
at Freddy’s 4 was the newest         ics are shipped off to another        pizzeria. William makes a disc       gle and Chica - mention “the
game, that MatPat was correct        location to be forgotten, with        to create the illusion of these      one you shouldn’t have killed.”
that the game’s protagonist          all of those parents wondering        animatronics being terrifying,       Mangle raspingly says, “He’s
was Crying Child. Who’s Cry-         where their children are.             but Micheal still finds himself      here, and always watching; the
ing Child? Well, that’s where           The children’s souls possess       bitten by some bullies forcing       one you shouldn’t have killed.”
the lore comes in . . .              the animatronics. Because one         him close to Golden Freddy,          Meanwhile, Chica tells Afton
  The co-owners of Freddy Faz-       of Chica’s lines in Ultimate          when the discs evolved that          and the player, “I have seen
bear Pizzeria were doing great;      Custom Night has her say, “I          fear after he witnessed Golden       him; the one you shouldn’t
Henry Emily was in charge            was the first. I have seen ev-        Bonnie (not knowing it’s his fa-     have killed.”
of creating the animatronics,        erything,” that means a young         ther) having killed again.                 Speaking about Fazbear
while William Afton was very         girl who lost her dog, Susie,           Like Henry, William loses his      Frights, let’s stop delaying.
busy keeping the pizzeria from       possesses the Chica anima-            own daughter, Elizabeth. With        There is plenty more about the
going bankrupt. It’s important       tronic. The other children            Circus Baby’s Pizzeria opened        lore to cover for these 15 stories.
to remember the main ani-            killed and stuffed are: Gabriel       for one day, William’s daughter
matronics: Freddy Fazbear, a         with Freddy, Fritz controlling        finds herself alone with Circus      Fazbear Frights #1: Into the Pit
brown bear with a black bowtie       Foxy, and Jeremy hogging the          Baby (better known as Baby),            In Into the Pit, a teenager
and tophat; Bonnie the Bunny,        possession of Bonnie. A girl          and Baby scoops her, changing        named Oswald is meant to
a blue bunny with a red guitar;      with long black hair, Cassidy,        her eyes from blue to green,         have a boring summer at the
Foxy the Pirate, a red fox with      is killed then stuffed in Gold-       once green-eyed Elizabeth is         public library while his father
an eye patch and one hook for        en Freddy. Meanwhile, Henry           slain by Baby. Because of what       is making ends meet working
a hand; and Chica the Chicken,       Emily’s daughter, Charie, is          happens to his daughter, the         at a local fast food joint. His
   December 2020                                                       14
  enjoy his summer at Freddy’s              Throughout these changes          project. The only reason she’s        of the kids, Greg, finding an
  more and more.                       with her body, Sarah stops             not going hungry is because           animatronic dog named Fetch.
     One day, he enters and sees       being friends with her life-           her widowed grandfather, who          Fetch can even be synced to
  chaos around him. While his          long friend, Abby, and instead         she’s staying with while her          Greg’s phone, when Fetch is
  friends are nowhere to be seen,      gravitates towards the popular,        parents are in Suadi Arabia,          said to be older than his father.
  mothers are screaming as they        pretty girls who don’t see her         gives her family money to make        The kids are spooked out of
  grab their children and fathers      as a friend, and more of see-          sure the family eats, even if to-     Freddy’s by some normal but
  shepherd their children out          ing if she’s able to pass a test to    wards the end of the month the        scary-sounding storm sounds,
  of the pizzeria. In his glorious     be “friends” with her. One day,        choice in dinner has dwindled         as rain pelts outside the pizze-
  Golden Bonnie suit is William        these snobby girls talk behind         to mac ‘n’ cheese.                    ria and thunder growls.
  Afton, having killed six chil-       Abby’s back. Sarah doesn’t               One day, after countless times           Back home, and not long
  dren, exposed for everyone to        like it, and tries to defend her       being bullied while seeing her        later, he gets a text by Fetch.
  see the madman that he is, but       friend, but ends up slipping           life is the worst life to live, she   At first these texts are confus-
  not knowing who the person in        and falling on the floor. And in       meets a cute boy, Dylan. Dylan        ing, then he enjoys them, be-
  the suit is.                         the fall, the necklace falls off.      likes most of the things she          fore he’s really frightened by
     When Oswald returns to his          Now horrified her once-beau-         does, but gives her more darker       one. One of the first texts that
  time, he - and only him - can        tiful body is nothing but scraps       reading material, resulting in        scare him is when he texts his
  see the Golden Bonnie watch-         of metal and other odds and            her befriend Death more.              friend explaining he has a rub-
  ing him, while everyone else         ends, she then rushes home                 Because she believed Dylan        ber spider buried in his yard.
  can see the Golden Bonnie as
  his father. He battles the Gold-
                                       to realize Eleanor has been
                                       removing her body parts for
                                                                              liked her in a way making her
                                                                              think they were on unoffi-
                                                                                                                    The reason it’s buried is be-
                                                                                                                    cause he was watching a little

  en Bonnie near the ball pit, and     trash. Eleanor becomes an ex-          cially called dates, she tells her    kid who didn’t like spiders,
  once the fight is over, he can see   act copy of Sarah and says on          grandfather she’s not celebrat-       and wouldn’t do anything until
  his father again. The story ends     page 136, “Well, you certainly         ing Christmas that year, as she       Greg buried it outside. He goes
  with Jeff, owner of Jeff’s Pizza,    made my wishes come true,”             didn’t want to pretend to be          out to find the spider there, its
  telling him he left the soda he      then leaves Sarah, not even            happy when she’s unhappy. She         plastic bag muddy and lacer-
  ordered before the fight began.      looking anything close to hu-          hides from her cousins, who           ated by the bite marks of a dog,
    To Be Beautiful is the second      man thanks to her collapsing           both came with her aunt and           but a very strong small dog. He
  story. Like many teenagers, es-      trash body, to die where she           uncle that holiday in Funtime         knows it’s Fetch behind it. And
  pecially females at her age, Sar-    is, surrounded by the bloody           Freddy.                               that is only the first thing, and
  ah doesn’t like her looks at all,    garbage bags housing her body             In the present, the Funtime        it’s the tamest act of violence
  and this makes her relatable         parts.                                 Animatronic asks her how she          Fetch has.
  to many people, even though              The last book is Count the         likes to die. Thinking she could         When Greg was little he got
  what happens isn’t. One day,         Ways, in which a goth girl             make herself small enough on          bit by a neighbor’s dog and re-
  since she has to walk by the         named Millie is imprisoned             the floor of her prison to es-        quired stitches for the wound to
  dump on the way home, she            in the Funtime Freddy Ani-             cape, she tells Freddy to stick       properly heal. After that day, he
  meets Baby, who calls herself        matronic and given options             a blade through her head for          dreads seeing the dog outside.
  Eleanor. Because Sarah got her       on how she wants to die. Her           decapitation, so she can escape       One day the dog lunged for his
  out of the dump, Eleanor wants       death can go quickly like de-          after the blade misses her.           throat, but he was able to get
  to make her wish to come true.       capitation, or slowly like be-            With her plan having failed        inside, shaken but unharmed.
  Sarah wishes to be beautiful,        ing boiled alive. Now, the story       by a headless corpse resting          He texts a fellow friend what
  but she doesn’t have much            flip-flops between the past and        with the head near the body, or       happened before entering the
  hope for it.                         present. In the past, it’s show-       the blade unable to take off her      house. Fetch decides to kill the
    The next day after school, El-     ing how and when she climbs            head and with her throat im-          dog to keep Greg safe from it.
  eanor gives her a necklace that      into Funtime Freddy, and in            paled, in the Funtime Freddy          It’s so gorey of a death that I
  she can never take off. Then,        the present is where she’s given       Animatronic, her grandfather          don’t recommend readers with
  it begins: Night after night,        more and more choices on how           explains the family will open         a weak stomach to read it.
  Sarah wakes up with the body         she wants to die. Even though          presents without her. He be-               Greg knows it’s Fetch; he
  she always dreamed of having.        Millie talks about Death like          lieves her to be in her room or       can tell the dog was placed by
  Small things happen that need        it’s her friend, she doesn’t want      somewhere outside, safe but           his bike, and he can tell the
  her to get a wardrobe change;        to really die.                         cold. He leaves her gifts un-         blood is too little for the dog
  since her breasts are bigger she        Anyway, it turns out Millie’s       der the tree; gifts she tragically    to be slain beside his bike. Af-
  needs new bras, and choosing         home life isn’t the best. Both         never opened.                         ter putting the dead dog in the
  clothes for a body that’s better-    her parents are constantly             Fazbear Frights #2: Fetch             bushes between his house and
  looking than she originally had      wasting money and time on                 Fetch is about some kids go-       the neighbor’s he decides one
  becomes a little harder, but she     projects they never finish be-         ing to a long-forgotten Freddy        day to attack Fetch. The attack
  manages.                             fore jumping on a whole new            Fazbear’s Pizzeria, and one           somewhat works. The next
                                                                         15                                                      December 2020
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