Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...

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Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...

                                Buyer’s Guide
                               WOOD COMPONENT MANUFACTURERS
                                   ASSOCIATION 2018-2019

Published by
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
WCMA Why buying components makes ‘cents’
                                 A primer on buying dimension wood products and how they can save you money.

      ypically used for furniture, cabinets, building       Fully machined dimension parts need no ad-           wood utilization and minimize their costs. To arrive
      materials and other decorative wood products,     ditional machining to be done prior to assembly          at the most efficient cost, dimension buyers are en-
      dimensioned wood products include: cut-to-        except for a final polish sanding operation before       couraged to specify only those faces and tolerances
size blanks, edge-glued panels, solid or laminated      finishing or painting.                                   necessary to produce a satisfactory wood compo-
squares, mouldings, turnings, bendings, upholstered                                                              nent product suited to the end use. All too often, a
frame stock, interior trim, millwork, staircase parts   What to ask before buying                                higher grade of material is specified than is actually
and component parts for cabinets, such as cabinet       The secret to buying dimension products is commu-        needed. When this happens, it means the dimension
doors, face frames, and drawer sides and fronts.        nication. Tell your dimension suppliers exactly how      purchaser is paying more than is necessary.
   Specified by thickness, width and length, dimen-     the part is going to be used in your finished product.
sion products are classified into three types: rough    Discuss tolerances, specifications and quantities with   More reasons to outsource
dimension, semi-machined dimension or fully mech-       your dimension suppliers. Ask them for suggestions       Outsourcing wood components can oftentimes save
anized dimension. Rough dimension stock consists        to improve lumber yields, production efficiencies,       money. It enables you to take advantage of other’s
of blanks cut and ripped to specific sizes, normally    product quality and ways to reduce costs – especially    design and production expertise, thereby saving on
rough surfaced two sides or more to a nominal size.     material costs. Since material costs account for over    the personnel and capital expenditures that would
   Semi-machined dimension components are               half of the total cost of producing dimension, the use   otherwise be required if you were to produce the
rough dimension parts that have been carried            of lower grade materials and optional species can re-    parts in-house. Other benefits include: increased
further in the manufacturing process, including:        sult in dramatic savings. Be sure to discuss alterna-    productivity, quality, consistency and efficiency;
edge or face gluing, surfacing, moulding, tenoning,     tive solutions to meet your needs.                       and it allows you to expand your product offerings.
turning, sanding, equalizing, trimming, mitering,           Dimension buyers also should specify the mini-          For a list of WCMA members that can produce the
boring, embossing, shaping, routing, carving, etc.      mum requirements possible in order to maximize the       parts you need, see pages 18-23 or visit

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 2                     2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                                
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
 We understand that your production goals and challenges are as unique as you are. Whether you wish
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See us at IWF Booth #5035, 5035B, 5053
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
WCMA Study reveals component market trends
                                       A look at the top markets for dimension and wood components and what
                                       products are popular.

                         56%                                                                          Much lower
                                                                                                                                What are your projections for
                                             What markets are you selling to?                                                   2018 sales compared to 2017?
    51%                                                                                               1%

                                                                                                                   Somewhat      Much higher

                                                                                                                   7%            8%
             39%                      40%

                                                                                                 About the

                                                                                                                                        Somewhat higher


Furniture - Furniture - Cabinetry - Cabinetry - Building   Decorative/ Industrial   Other
Residential Commercial Residential Commercial Products     Specialty

Totals more than 100% due to multiple responses                                                 Based on 116 responses. Numbers don’t total 100% due to rounding

         verall, the wood products industry is looking           modeling of older homes. With survey participants      tion. With respondents able to choose multiple
         good, with demand in cabinetry, furniture,              able to select multiple industries, an estimated       categories, an estimated 41% indicated they
         retail fixtures and architectural millwork              56% indicated they provide products for residential    produce cabinet parts, while 35% specified
all projected to rise over the next few years. This              cabinetry, compared to 40% for commercial              solid wood cabinet doors and another 30% said
also bodes well for the components and dimen-                    cabinetry, while 51% targeted residential furniture    cabinet doors made from composite panels. In
sion manufacturers who supply products to these                  and 39% contract furniture. Other top areas for        alphabetical order, other products by category
industries.                                                      wood components and dimension stock include:           include: architectural millwork (40%), chair seats
    A recent survey of these manufacturers found                 building products (34%), decorative/specialty items    and parts (22%), closet components (25%) cut-
more than half of the respondents supply products                including musical instruments, caskets, toys, gifts    to-size blanks (18%), dowels/round (7%), drawer
to the residential market, particularly in the cabinetry         and novelty items (38%), and industrial products,      boxes (28%), edge-glued panels (19%), entry
and furniture segments, with sales to commercial                 such as tool handles (8%).                             doors/windows (14%), flooring (10%), moulding
markets also strong, albeit to a lesser degree.                      Drilling deeper, when asked what percentage        and trim (37%), RV parts (4%), specialty/novelty
    The Wood Components Benchmark Study was                      of overall sales were directly attributed to the       items (20%), squares/laminated (7%), squares/
conducted online in the spring by the Wood Com-                  individual segments, the average for those that        solid (7%), staircase parts (10%), store fixture
ponent Manufacturers Association, Wood Products                  selected residential cabinetry as well as resi-        components (15%), table parts (17%), tool handles
Manufacturers Association and Woodworking                        dential furniture was 57% for both. Next highest       and parts (2%), turnings (15%), upholstered frame
Network. The survey provides insight into market                 was building products, with an average of 40%,         stock (4%) and wall paneling (13%).
sales, product categories, and business perfor-                  followed by contract furniture (28%), commercial          For more information about the Wood Compo-
mance projections and other relevant information.                cabinetry (27%), decorative/specialty products         nents Benchmark Study or the sponsoring associa-
    The residential market continues to be bolstered             (26%) and industrial products (24%).                   tions, contact Wood Component Manufacturers
by new household formations and an aging popu-                       In looking at the type of components provided,     Association at, and Wood Products
lation, demographics and replacement and/or re-                  cabinetry, in general, is the number one selec-        Manufacturers Association at

4                          2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                                   
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
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                        See us at IWF Booth #6735
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
WCMA Membership: Now more important than ever!
                          By Amy Snell, CAE
                          Executive Director
                                                  The Wood Component Manufacturers Association provides advocacy,
                          Wood Component          industry promotion and networking opportunities to help North
                          Association             American components and dimension producers grow their business.

   f you are a manufacturer of wood components         manufacturing facilities, members see the latest     WCMA members and the wood component indus-
   or dimension, membership in the Wood Com-           technology at work, witness working solutions to     try as a whole. Exhibiting at trade shows through-
   ponent Manufacturers Association is now more        common problems, and exchange information with       out the world, participating in many specialized
important than ever. The WCMA was founded in           seasoned counterparts. Held in the fall each year,   woodworking industry events and seminars,
1929 with the goal of establishing and maintain-       this event enables members to conduct their own      publishing the Wood Components Buyer’s Guide,
ing specifications and commercial standards for        field research as well as gather a host of money-    advertising in major woodworking magazines, and
the hardwood dimension manufacturing industry,         making, money-saving ideas. See page 10 for          maintaining a comprehensive website are some
and to aid in the development of the industry. As      more information on the 2018 event. For a listing    of the ways the WCMA is promoting its members
membership grew, the association committed to          of Tech Partners see page 12.                        and the wood component industry. The WCMA
becoming a progressive, nationally-recognized as-          Spring Annual Meeting: The WCMA has              also receives a number of sales leads through our
sociation whose focus was on meeting the needs         reintroduced the WCMA Spring Annual Meeting for      website and trade shows, and these leads are then
of its members. A list of current WCMA members         members and Technology Partners. To learn more       passed on to members.
begins on page 18 of this guide.                       about the 2018 and 2019 events, see page 10.            Industry support: Financial support is given to
    WCMA membership involves many things, but              Get new business: Sales inquiries from           the Hardwood Federation which serves as the hard-
first and foremost, it provides access to a wide       component buyers are received by the WCMA office     wood industry’s advocacy voice on Capitol Hill, as well
range of industry experts. Your colleagues are of-     on a regular basis. The WCMA’s Member Match™         as the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC)
ten your best source for in-depth insight and ideas.   Program is a system that provides prospective        which promotes American Hardwoods globally.
WCMA gives you the opportunity to connect with         buyers with a list of all WCMA members who can          Members’ website: is an online
industry professionals across the United States and    produce the specific component products they need.   resource where members can update their profile,
Canada, and members share openly, freely, and          The service is free of charge to component buyers    register for meetings, keep current on industry
with great enthusiasm. In addition, the association    and WCMA members, and can be accessed on our         issues and initiatives, “chat” with other members
offers the following to its members:                   website,, in the Source Guide area.         and more! It is a comprehensive and easy to navi-
    Fall Conference & Plant Tour Event: Each               National and international promotion: The        gate site that serves as a one-stop site for all the
year, the WCMA hosts a Fall Conference and Plant       WCMA recognizes the need for increased promo-        information you need on the industry including the
Tour Event. By touring dimension and component         tion and has increased its marketing efforts for     WCMA Labor Relations Bulletin, Legislative News,

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6                      2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                            
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
Virginia Tech Housing Reports, Hardwood Review              As a company in the wood components industry,     many member benefits, please visit
Express, Hardwood Market Reports, and other              one of the wisest investments you can make is mem-   today and fill out the membership application. You
important Industry News and Events.                      bership in the WCMA. To take advantage of these      can also contact the WCMA office with any questions.
   Industry standards: The WCMA establishes
and maintains the “Rules and Specifications for
Dimension and Woodwork.” A necessary addition
to any plant, the Rulebook covers dimension and
component grading rules, tolerances, and claim              See us at IWF Booth #4734
procedures for domestic and export trade. It also
serves as a guideline for buyers of dimension
and component products when specifying their
component products. The pocket-sized Rulebook
is available for $10.00 per copy to non-members
and is available free to members in the member
section of the website,

                Wood Component
           Manufacturers Association
                   P.O. Box 662
              Lindstrom, MN 55045
                Tel: 651-332-6332
               Fax: 651-400-3502
            Email: WCMA@WCMA.COM
              Website: WCMA.COM

    WCMA mission statement & objectives:
The Wood Component Manufacturers Association
advances and promotes the interests of the North
American wood products industry through interac-
tive and innovative manufacturing solutions.
    The objectives of the WCMA are as follows:
    • Promote a friendly exchange of ideas among
those engaged in the dimension and component
manufacturing business.
    • Develop and promote a general demand for
the industry’s products and services.
    • Collect and distribute useful economic and
technical information concerning industry trends
and developments.
    • Serve as a business referral clearinghouse
by responding to inquiries from dimension and
component buyers and passing this information on
to its members.
    • Conduct seminars and meetings that will
satisfy the educational needs of our members.
    • Establish and maintain standard rules and speci-
fications for the dimension and components industry.
    • Cooperate with other wood product trade as-
sociations and appropriate government agencies to
promote and protect the interests of the industry.                                                                                                      2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                       7
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
WCMA Making WCMA better than ever

                           By Steve Mashl
                                                         On tap for WCMA: More networking & educational opportunities,
                           WCMA President

                           Valley Custom Door
                                                         creation of an information clearinghouse, and a greater social
                                                         media presence.

           elcome to 2018, a year that will continue     opportunity to take only one day out of the office,    ogy and manufacturing sectors. We cannot thank
           to feature significant changes in how we      and see new installations of equipment, as well as     Homag and Pollmeier enough for their hospitality
           do business throughout this fast-paced,       network with other members                             and time spent with us on the tours.
ever-changing environment. From the increased                • Develop a strong social media presence.             WCMA will be on display at IWF in Atlanta
workloads, to the often hard-to-find employees           Currently, the association has little presence and     again this year. The show is projected to be larger
that make our business great, we find ourselves          we feel this is necessary for the next generation.     in size than in previous years, which bodes well
continuing to automate our plants to increase pro-           • Recruit new members and increase mem-            for the wood industry’s strong comeback since the
duction and better serve our customers. Keeping          ber retention.                                         economic collapse. IWF will showcase some of the
up with technology is imperative to success and              Featured Goal: Membership is still on the          newest and greatest machines and products from
adapting to technological developments is a must         forefront of the WCMA as it takes members, new         across the world. If you have never attended IWF, I
for continued growth in the industry.                    and current, to continue to make this a successful     would highly suggest you consider making the trip
    The WCMA Board of Directors closed out a busy        association. We need all members to participate        to Atlanta; it will be well worth your time.
2017 year with a Strategic Planning Session held         in the recruitment process and help build our             WCMA will hold its 2018 Fall Conference &
on Nov. 6 and 7. The purpose of this meeting was         membership levels, including the next generation       Plant Tour Event in Wausau, Wisconsin, from Oct.
to discuss and identify the priorities of our associa-   of skilled woodworkers.                                8 through 10. We have already secured visits to
tion over the next few years. Four focused goals             We recently returned from our second WCMA          Kolbe & Kolbe Millwork, Menzner Lumber & Sup-
to benefit our members were identified and will          European Tour in March which was held in               ply Co., Weather Shield Window, Counter-Form,
be the basis for upcoming meetings to enhance            Germany. The excursion started in Frankfurt and        Wausau Homes, Kretz Lumber and North Central
the membership experience. These goals are as            led to several other astonishing cities, includ-       Technical School. The keynote speaker will be
follows:                                                 ing Heidelberg, Grunmettstetter, Wiesenbronn,          Guy Bucey, speaking on “How to Motivate Today’s
    • Create a clearinghouse of information, a           Creuzburg and Aschaffenburg. We viewed many            Workforce by Aligning and Resetting Your Com-
go-to site for educational items, events, and useful     highly automated factories engaging in panel and       pany and Its Culture.” On Tuesday, Brad Cairns
information pertaining to the wood processing            wood processing, along with tours of the Homag         from the Center for Lean Learning will address the
business.                                                factory and Pollmeier sawmills. The combination        group with a talk on “Kick-ass Lean.”
    • Hold regional one-day events. It was               of the plant tours, networking with other members,        On behalf of myself, Amy, and all members of
agreed that the association will add one-day             and taking the time to see how other businesses        the Board of Directors and executive members,
programs featuring new, innovative processes             operate was incredible. This will certainly help our   Thank You for your membership and support. We
and products in a regional setting. This will give       attending members make those tough decisions           promise to keep evolving to serve you better.
members and non-members in a specific area the           with their company’s future growth in the technol-        For information on WCMA, visit

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8                       2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                              
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 PANELS                         Us:
Buyer's Guide - YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPONENTS WWW.WCMA.COM - Wood Component Manufacturers ...
WCMA Networking: Conferences & plant tours
                                Join WCMA at upcoming events, including plant tours, its fall conference and
                                technology expo.

                                                                                 retiring from the military, he took up woodworking as a therapeutic hobby
                                                                                 and even entertained the idea of starting his own custom cabinetry business.
                                                                                 In the summer of 2011, he joined Inova, whose factory is located outside of
                                                                                 Albany, New York. The company designs and manufactures multifunctional,
                                                                                 space-saving furniture, specializing in modern day Murphy-Beds. He saw the
                                                                                 opportunity as a chance to learn the business side of carpentry and expand on
                                                                                 his woodworking prowess. However, he quickly filled a void the company had
                                                                                 in management. He was hired as an assembler, was promoted to team leader
                                                                                 in subassembly, then supervisor and now leads operations for the entire facil-
                                                                                 ity as the Director of Operations.
                                                                                     Guy’s presentation, titled “How to Motivate Today’s Workforce by Aligning and
                                                                                 Resetting Your Company and Its Culture” will focus on developing workforce-right
                                                                                 people in the right places to achieve a successful business. He will discuss elimi-
                                                                                 nating the external excuses and focusing on how you, as the manager/owner, can
                                                                                 change and adapt to today’s hiring and employment needs.
                                                                                     Our next speaker, Brad Cairns with the Center for Lean Learning, will
                                                                                 address the group on Tuesday, Oct. 9. Brad’s talk, titled “Kick-Ass Lean”
                                                                                 embodies the essence of Lean: what it’s all about, how to get started and the
                                                                                 culture. He will share highlights from his manufacturing company, the chal-
                                                                                 lenges they faced, and how they overcame them. Brad presented at AWFS in
                                                                                 2017 and was voted best speaker at WMS.

                                                                                 Networking with Tech Partners
                                                                                 This year there will be two receptions and one sit down dinner, which will con-
                                                                                 nect leading providers of woodworking machinery, equipment, supplies, soft-
                                                                                 ware and other business solutions with WCMA members. WCMA members and
The successful spring tour to Europe was sponsored by Stiles Ma-                 Technology Partners also will have opportunities to network and share solutions
chinery and Pollmeier Inc.                                                       to manufacturing challenges.
                                                                                    A listing of WCMA Technology Partners is on pages 12-17 of this Buyer’s
                                                                                 Guide. These companies are a great source for all your woodworking machin-

       ach year, the WCMA conducts its flagship event, the Fall Conference &     ery, tooling, software, and business solutions.
       Plant Tour Event. The Fall Conference presents an excellent opportunity      The WCMA Educations and Programs Committee has been working hard
       for WCMA members and non-members to network and have open dis-            to ensure that there is something for everyone, so be sure to make plans
cussion on common concerns. Attendees also tour the production facilities of     now to have Plant Managers and other key personnel in attendance. Program
several dimension, component, cabinet, furniture, millwork, and related wood-    details and registration for the WCMA Fall Conference & Plant Tour event will
working companies. These plant tours provide attendees a unique opportunity      be available in July. For more information about participating in this event,
to observe innovative woodworking manufacturing operations and discover          contact the WCMA office at, or visit today.
new manufacturing techniques, exchange ideas, and learn about alternative
manufacturing methods. Everyone comes away with at least one good idea that      2018 Spring European Plant Tour
can be implemented in their own plants.                                          The WCMA held its second European Plant Tour event in March 2018, and it
   The 2018 WCMA Fall Conference & Plant Tour Event will be held Oct. 8-10       was a great success. Members and Tech Partners that participated in the tours
at the Hilton Garden Inn, in Wausau, Wisconsin. Tours of several outstand-       all had positive takeaways. The event was sponsored for three days by Stiles
ing woodworking operations are planned, including: Kolbe & Kolbe Millwork,       Machinery, and two days by Pollmeier Inc.
Menzner Lumber & Supply Co., Counter-Form, Weather Shield Window                     WCMA President Steve Mashl, Valley Custom Door, stated “This was my
Manufacturers, Wausau Homes, and Kretz Lumber Co. We will also be touring        second trip with the WCMA group to Europe and it lived up to our expecta-
the North Central Technical School.                                              tions. We saw many highly automated factories engaging in panel and wood
   In addition to the plant tours, we will have two dynamic speakers. Our        processing, along with tours of the Homag factory and Pollmeier sawmills.
keynote speaker, Guy Bucey, will present on Monday evening, Oct. 8. Guy is       The combination of the plant tours, networking with other members, and just
a 33-year old decorated Marine who served two deployments in Iraq. After         taking the time to see how other businesses operate was amazing. This will

10                    2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                              
certainly help me in the future to make better decisions in our company’s
growth in technology and manufacturing.”
    Steve Gerber, Gerber Wood Products, added “I found the quality of the plant
tours to be excellent. They offered a diverse view into the European philosophy
of manufacturing by utilizing more automation and technology, replacing aging
equipment quickly, and utilizing a wide range of wood composite materi-
als. I saw levels of automation in action that I had often dreamt of but never
believed were being applied in real woodshop applications. I left my week in
Germany inspired and ready to apply aspects of what I learned in my own
    Overall, quite a bit of ground was covered during the week, and the group
saw a variety of manufacturers – from high-end global suppliers, to local
custom shops. The consistent method for their success was utilizing automa-
tion to meet customers’ needs, production times, to work around an unreliable
workforce, and efficiently produce the quality products customers expected.
    Because of its success, the WCMA is planning a European Plant Tour event
in 2020. If you were unable to participate in 2018, you will surely want to par-
ticipate in 2020! Plans are still being finalized; be sure to check our website, for more information.                                                     Attendees toured seven plants at the 2017 WCMA Fall Plant Tour Event
                                                                                   in Michigan. Pictured: A visit to Davidson Plyforms.

                                                                                                                        IWF ATLANTA 2018

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WCMA Technology Directory
                                       WCMA Technology Partners provide the equipment, supplies and services
                                       needed to improve productivity.

     The Technology Partnership program con-       seminars. Our product line includes            end-matchers, specialized sanders, drilling     and Advantage, Franklin’s products provide
     nects suppliers of woodworking machinery,     3,4 and 5 Axis CNC machines, wide              equipment and panel rip saws.                   superior performance in wood assembly,
     supplies, software and business solutions     belt sanders, panel saws, drilling and         819-367-2633                                    solid edge and face gluing, engineered
     to WCMA member companies who utilize          inserting machines, automation and                                 product lamination and finger jointing.
     these products and services. Technology       cutting-edge software. We deliver an                                    614-443-0241
     Partners have the opportunity to showcase     innovative solution that guarantees high       See our ad page 11                    
     and educate WCMA members on their             quality and great reliability.                                                       
     newest technologies, products and services.   704-357-3131                                         AUTOMATIC LOADING
     The centerpiece of the program is the                      CLAMP CARRIER                           FRIULMAC INC.
     Wood Technology Expo, held annually in                                                                                     Friulmac offers moulder feeders, single
     conjunction with the WCMA Fall Conference                                                                                                    and double end tenoners, random length
     & Plant Tour Event. To find out more about    BUSCH VACUUM PUMPS AND                                                                         end matchers, and end working solu-
     becoming a WCMA Technology Partner            SYSTEMS                                                                                        tions with endless work station combi-
     contact WCMA at 651-332-6332 or email         Mink claw vacuum pumps, R5 oil-                                                                nations. They also offer on-site technical Information on                 lubricated rotary vane vacuum pumps,                                                           support and spare parts packages.
     all Technology Partners can be found at       COBRA screw vacuum pumps,Seco                                                                  828-327-6265, click on Technology Partners.       dry-running rotary vane vacuum pumps,           Doucet’s ALYX automatic loading      
                                                   Dolphin liquid ring vacuum pumps,               clamp carrier offers benefits for    
     ARMINIUS TOOLING INC.                         Samos side channel blowers.                     high-volume edge gluing applica-
     Arminius Tooling customers achieve            757-452-7800                                    tions on stairs, cabinet doors, and            HASKO, INC.
     excellent surface qualities on natural                                                        more. The complete cycle time                  Hasko, Inc. is an American manufacturer
                                                                   for one loading and glue applica-
     woods, veneer and MDF panels. They                                      tion sequence is estimated at 80               specializing in “Heavy-Built” medium-to-
     are innovators in profile sanding.                                                            seconds or less. Savings on glue               high production rough mill and flooring
     320-294-5900                                  C.S. INDUSTRIES LLC                             consumption can be 20 to 30%,                  plant machinery. Products include:                      C.S. Industries is the exclusive agent          Doucet adds.                                   optimizing gang rip saws & systems; S4S                           for EBI and Innovative Wood Technol-            (819) 367-2633,                                & S2S sidematching and planing centers;
     See our ad page 6                             ogy Moldrup. EBI offers the only North                                                         end matchers for solid & laminated mate-
                                                   American Build Scanner for hardwood                                                            rial; lineal feed tables; sorting, grading
                                                   applications and we offer a full series                                                        and nesting systems; Hasko and EBI
             HIGH VOLUME                           of Scanners for Flooring & Hardwood            EAGLE MACHINERY & SUPPLY, INC.                  Scanning Systems for rip and chop de-
       PROFILE SANDING SYSTEM                      production in general. Moldrup is a world      Eagle Machinery & Supply, Inc. is a world       fecting and grade optimization; Crayon-
                                                   leader in wood protection application          class custom machinery and automation           mark & optimizing cutoff saws; custom
                                                   equipment and specializes in complete          supplier specializing in dimension mill         machine design; custom repair work; and
                                                   turnkey plants for Hydro-Thermo Wood           systems, optimization solutions for scan-       field service and troubleshooting.
                                                   treatment for Hardwoods; Pressure-             ning, ripping and crosscutting, machining       423-648-5200 x117
                                                   treated Lumber, landscape timbers, etc.        centers, material handling systems, and
                                                   The CSI group also is a partner with           hydraulic systems. Eagle will integrate
                                                   Brookhuis America Inc., offering moisture      and control both new and existing ma-
                                                   meters and strength graders from hand-         chinery and has an extensive inventory                   SCANNING &
     Arminius Tooling says its high-
     volume, high-speed profile sanding            held meters to automatic in-line meters -      of blower fans, electrical, hydraulic, and            CROSSCUTTING SAW
     system offers an RTF quality finish.          one stop shopping for moisture control.        mechanical components. Eagle is the
     The newly designed profile sanding            877-785-0274                                   exclusive distributor for all parts, service,
     tool attains a surface finish at 12-14                        sales, and support for WoodEye scanners
     mpm. With multiple graduated                                                                 throughout North America.
     abrasive grain sizes, a grain-neutral
     sanding pattern is achieved in both                                                          330-852-1300
     the longitudinal and end grain.               CRESSWOOD SHREDDING                  
     (320) 294-5900                                MACHINERY                                                       Wood grinders; wood, plastic, and paper        See our ad page 9
                                                                                                                                                   Eagle Machinery’s EagleEye Talon
                                                   shredders; material handling equipment;                                                         Vision Saw combines 2-sided
                                                   trailer-loading systems.                       FRANKLIN ADHESIVES & POLYMERS                    vision-based defect scanning with
                                                   815-758-7171                                   Franklin Adhesives & Polymers manu-              high speed crosscutting. Benefits
     BIESSE AMERICA                                             factures adhesives for the domestic and          include fewer production stops,
     Biesse, a leading manufacturer of                                                            global wood furniture, millwork and              improved yield and reduced mainte-
                                                                                                                            nance. Applications include: flooring,
     machinery and systems for processing                                                         engineered-lamination markets. They
                                                                                                                                                   upholstery frames, moulding, finger-
     solid wood, offers an extensive product       DOUCET MACHINERIES INC.                        have led the way in the innovation of wood       jointing and cabinet components.
     range, exceptional after sales support,       Return conveyors, stackers, lateral feeders,   adhesives for many applications in the           (330) 852-1300
     and value added services that include         clamp carriers, gluing equipment, door and     wood product manufacturing plant. Under
     financing, training and educational           drawer clamps, custom material handling,       the brand names of Titebond, Multibond

12                          2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                                                 
See us at IWF          FITZPATRICK & WELLER
Booth #561

                                                      & Lumber
                                                                         RED & WHITE OAK
                                                                        HARD & SOFT MAPLE
                                                                          WALNUT · ASH

                                12 Mill Street · PO Box 490 · Ellicottville, NY 14731

                See us at IWF
                Booth #752
WCMA Technology
                                         Teaesedi sunt,
                                                        sapid quisto  eos eiur a volor as

JAMES L. TAYLOR                              NAP GLADU                                   NEWMAN MACHINE CO. INC.
MANUFACTURING CO.                            NAP GLADU is one of the largest, most       Newman manufactures high quality
James L. Taylor Mfg. Co. has 3 divisions:    complete sources of quality cutting tools   woodworking machinery for the wood                 ROUGHING PLANER
Taylor produces edge-gluing and laminat-     and services for the wood, metal, and       component, furniture, planer mill, saw-
ing machinery; Cameron Automation            plastic industries in North America.        mill, and pallet industries. They provide
features compact and intuitive optimiza-     800-597-3921                                the best in parts and service.
tion systems for the rip and chop areas              336-273-8261
of the rough mill, Cameron also has
developed the Flooring Nester to automati-
cally make nested bundles of flooring for                                      
the rough mill; and JLT Clamps supplies                SINGLE-SPINDLE                    See our ad page 14
edge-gluing, door, and drawer clamping                 CNC DOVETAILER                                                                 Newman Machines’ EPR Electric
machinery for smaller shops.                                                             PENNSYLVANIA LUMBERMENS                      Series Double Roughing Planers
845-452-3780                                                                                                                          feature electric feed drive, improved
                                                                                         MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.                         locking mechanism for the cut-                                                                 PLM supplies property and casualty insur-    terhead leveling system, and a                                                                         ance services to the lumber, woodworking,    redesigned bottom cutterhead dust
                                                                                         and building material industries.            collection. The EPR Series also has
MEREEN-JOHNSON, LLC                                                                      267-825-9352                                 precision feed roll synchronization
Mereen-Johnson has been setting the                                                                      and a digital thickness indicator.
standard for the woodworking industry                                                                                                 (336) 273-8261
                                               Mereen-Johnson’s Model 1101                              
since 1905 and manufactures a complete         single-spindle CNC dovetailer has
line of fixed arbor and movable blade rip      a large touch screen interface that
saws, single and double end tenoners                                                     QUICKWOOD LLC
                                               allows the operator to create custom
(1-8 stations), panel sizing equipment,                                                  QuickWood manufactures finishing and        500 machines in North America and new
                                               dovetail joints which can be saved
dovetailers, engineered materials process-     and recalled for later use. It features   sealer sanding machines as well as          machines are put into service every week
ing equipment, and complete rough mill         four work areas with separate             brush/abrasives. The inter-changeable       to customers who manufacture kitchen
material handling systems.                     clamping to allow fronts, backs, and      versatility of the QuickWood system         cabinets, moulding, flooring, window
612-529-7791                                   sides to be clamped simultaneously.       works together where any brush and          components and metal.                        (612) 529-7791                            abrasive can go on any of the machines      770-842-2539
                                                                                                            from hand tools to rotary style sanding
See our ad page 17                                                                       machines. QuickWood services around

      B U I L T TO U G H ! B U I L T TO L A ST!
 SP E C I A L I ST I N P R I M A R Y & SE C O N DA R Y                                              859 Courtland Ave. E., Kitchener, ON Canada N2C 1K4
    W O O D & C O M P O SI TE S P R O C E SSI N G                                                • 519-579-5080

                                                                                                     Technology & Craftsmanship

                                                                                                                                     A oft GGS,  we use a combination
                                                                                                                                           the latest CNC technology
                                                                                                                                          and craftsmen who are
                                                                                                                                          dedicated to making the finest
                                                                                                                                          wooden components and
                                                                                                                                          sub-assemblies in the industry.
                                                                                                                                          We can assist you in
                                                                                                                                          controlling your costs,
                                                                                                                                          increasing your throughput
                                                         2018                                                                             and improving your
                                                                                                                                          bottom line.
                                    COME VISIT NEWMAN
                                     AT IWF BOOTH 6929                                                                                    Put us to the test.

                                                                                                   • Very Competitive Pricing • No Minimum Orders
     QUALITY WOODWORKING MACHINERY SINCE 1907                                                              • Free Estimates • On-time Delivery
              29 49 L ees C hapel Road
      Browns Summit, N orth C arolina 27 21 4 U SA
                                                                   SERVING THE WOOD INDUSTRY OVER 100 YEARS

14                       2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                                      
RIVERSIDE TOOL CORP.                                                                                         class parts, service and support. Their       rip saws, SALVADOR chop saws and
                                                               PROFILE                                         products include 3, 4 and 5 axis CNC          System TM optimizing systems are part
  Riverside Tool is a leading manufacturer of
  tooling for the woodworking and plastics                   SANDING TOOL                                      routers, panel saws, clamps, bore and         of a comprehensive range of solutions for
  industry. Riverside produces custom insert                                                                   dowel machines, presses, automation,          processing solid wood components.
  tooling, custom diamond tooling, and                                                                         moulders, tenoners, gang rip saws, wide       616-698-7500
  replacement inserts for all major brands                                                                     belt sanders, plus classical machines
  of tooling. They also service all brands of                                                                  for wood processing. The Industrial 
  diamond tooling in its Elkhart, IN based                                                                     Division specializes in high technology       See our ad page 3
  facility. In 2010, Ron Migedt, president of                                                                  machinery and systems for integrated
  Riverside, launched Intooligence, LLC, to                                                                    manufacturing solutions. The Premium                      OPTIMIZING
  bring innovative software technology to the      Riverside Tool says its SuperSand                           Division specializes in closed composi-                 CROSSCUT SAW
  marketplace to manage the complete tool          profile sanding tools produce very                          tion machines.
                                                   consistent and high-quality finish-
  life-cycle for end-users of tooling.                                                                         770-813-8818
                                                   es. Designed and manufactured in
  574-522-6798                                     Elkhart, Indiana, the tool design has                                         advanced to accommodate high-                                                     output production requirements and
  See our ad page 7                                CNC-type production environments,                           STILES MACHINERY
                                                   the company adds.                                           Stiles Machinery has been helping manu-
                                                   (574) 522-6798
  SCARLETT MACHINERY                                                                facturers increase their efficiency and        Stiles Machinery says its new
  Machinery solutions for the woodworking                                                                      productivity for over 50 years. With world-    Salvador SuperPush 200 optimizing
  industry. By combining years of knowl-                                                                       class machinery backed by the nation’s         crosscut saw is the result of over 30
                                                  budget, give Scarlett Machinery a try.                       largest team of field service technicians,     years of woodworking innovation.
  edge, experience, and the best machine
                                                                                                                                                              The SuperPush 200 features a 10-hp
  tools in the industry, we provide manu-         616-822-1379                                                 an extensive inventory of ready-to-ship        motor, 30-degree inclined plane,
  facturing solutions designed to improve                                      parts, 24-hour technical support and a         automatic push feed arm with lifting
  workflow and provide cutting solutions                                              nationally accredited in-house university,     capabilities, Windows operating soft-
  in most woodworking and non-ferrous                                                                          Stiles offers solutions that equip their       ware, and advanced safety features.
  applications. If you are looking for help       SCM GROUP                                                    customers for success in every area of         (616) 698-7500
                                                                                                               their business. Solid wood technologies
  choosing the best industrial machine for        SCM Group is a leading manufacturer of
  your needs, in a price range that fits your     machinery and systems providing first                        including KENTWOOD moulders, CML

See us at IWF Booth #2504

                                                States Industries offers unique capabilities in panel manufacturing, NOVA flat line
                                                finishing and component manufacturing, providing customers with hardwood
                                                panel products tailored to their specific application.
  Panel Products Made
 with Formaldehyde-Free
                                                What are you creating today?
      Soy Adhesives

                                                                                 ULTRAVIOLET CURED FLATLINE FINISH                                                                                                                                      2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                15
WCMA Technology Directory continued
  WCMA members rely on Technology                  products for various industries such as   is deeply involved in CNC technology             VORTEX TOOL CO. INC.
 Partners for equipment, supplies and              woodworking, automotive, aerospace/       and development, incorporating a high            Vortex Tool Co., Inc. manufactures a com-
  services. More information on the                aviation and defense industries.          level of smart control technology in its         plete line of solid carbide router bits for
Technology Partners, or to find out how            Thermwood also manufactures a line        products. Thermwood is a US company              industrial woodworkers. Vortex also manu-
   to join, is available at              of Large Scale Additive Manufacturing     with distributors worldwide. They provide        factures a wide variety of custom tooling in
                                                   (LSAM) systems that incorporates both     extensive and complete support, instal-          both insert design, brazed carbide tipped
       SUPER THIN SAWS, INC.                       the additive and subtractive process      lation, training, and ongoing service.           and PCD. Vortex will service all makes and
       IntegralFLANGE sawblades pack more          on the same machine. Thermwood            812-937-4476                                     types of cutting tools and has unmatched
       stiffness into a thinner package. Use it                                    
       to reduce kerf and/or to increase stiff-               CUT CENTER                                                        NEW SANDING
       ness. What helps YOU most? We also                    & CNC ROUTER                    See our ad page 5                                        MACHINE DESIGNS
       make very affordable standard ripsaw
       blades, with the extra quality you’ve                                                 TIMESAVERS, LLC
       come to expect from STS.                                                              For over 70 years, Timesavers has been
       800-541-7297                                                                          providing wide belt abrasive finishing ma-                                                            chines for sanding wood, metal, plastics                                                                     and a wide range of other materials. As
                                                                                             a pioneer in sanding technology for the
       THERMWOOD CORP.                              Thermwood’s Cut Ready Cut Center         woodworking and machine tool industries,          Timesavers has introduced an
       Thermwood Corporation, located in            can be used for cabinets, closets,       Timesavers leads the way in wide belt             updated machine design for its
       Southern Indiana and established in          furniture, doors, drawers, mouldings,    sanders. With unmatched service and               sanding equipment that features a
       1969, offers both three & five axis CNC      and more. Sizes can be changed           support, over 50,000 machines in the field        blend of subtle and bold changes.
                                                    with no programming and the com-                                                           The new look was introduced at
       machining centers ideally suited for         pany says it can help users develop      today and factory-trained independent dis-        AWFS 2017 for all 2300 Series
       the production, fabrication & trimming       custom libraries and install them        tributors, you can be sure that Timesavers        machines, and the company will
       of wood, plastics, non-ferrous met-          into the machine. The machine can        will deliver the “finest finish in the world.”    be extending it to the larger 3300
       als, composites and other advanced           also be operated as a CNC router.        763-488-6600                                      Series widebelt sanding machines.
       materials. These applications range from     (812) 937-4476                                             (763) 488-6600
       machining patterns and molds/plugs                                          
       to trimming & machining production                                                    See our ad page 23

        See us at IWF Booth #2612

                                                                                                                          Our French Mitered Doors and Drawer
                                                                                                                          Fronts provide increased structural
                                                                                                                          integrity. The molding detail is part of the
           FM128FP(3)          FM40FP(2-¼)        FM383RP(2-¼)     FM50RP(3)          FM388FP(3)
                                                                                                                          stiles and rails, making it ideal for humid
                                                                                                                          or dry conditions. The tenon is not visible
       NEW!                                                                                                               on the end grain, giving them a more
                                                                                                                          refined appearance. Lastly, there is variety
       FRENCH MITERED                                                                                                     in the widths of the stiles and rails, giving
                                                                                                                          you more flexibility and options.


       Contact Valley Custom Door to learn more about our French Mitered Doors and Drawer Fronts.

  16                          2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                                              
technical customer support to assist with   scanners, CNC machining centers, edge
any application you may have.               banders, beam saws, vertical saws,
715-355-7707                                material handling equipment, along with

                                                                                            Components                        fully integrated software solutions that                              manage and optimize production. Think
                                            Industry Excellence --Think Weinig.
WEIMA AMERICA                               704-799-0100
Wood waste? No problem. WEIMA     
America offers a wide range of both
hopper-fed and horizontal grinders as
                                                                                            Ÿ   Tenon, iter or Slab Cabinet Doors
well as briquette press systems to the       WCMA’s Technology Partnership pro-             Ÿ   Drawer Boxes, Pullouts & Inserts
woodworking industry. With over 30            gram connects manufacturers and
years of experience and continuous           importers of woodworking machin-               Ÿ   AOS Elite Custom Cabinet Boxes
                                             ery, tooling, supplies, software, busi-
innovation, we are able to provide a
customized solution to fit your needs.        ness solutions, and more, to WCMA             Ÿ   Thousands of olding Profiles
803-802-7170                                 member companies who are buyers                Ÿ   Superior inishing                    of these products & services.                               Technology Partners also have the            Ÿ     uch ore
                                             opportunity to showcase their offer-
WEINIG HOLZ-HER USA                          ings and network with WCMA mem-
Weinig Holz-Her USA is the indus-             bers at events, including the annual
try leader in solid wood and panel               Wood Technology Expo, held in
processing technology and equipment.         conjunction with the Fall Conference
Specializing in innovative manufacturing      & Plant Tour Event. For information
solutions that enable mass-customiza-          on this event, or other networking
tion and improve efficiency, Weinig Holz-     opportunities available through the
Her USA offers an array of equipment                WCMA, visit
including moulders, cross-cut saws, rip
saws, finger jointers, gluing presses,

 Rip Saws & Optimizing Systems
 The industry leader for shifting blade
 and fixed arbor multiple rip saws
 featuring glue j oint accuracy,
 unsurpassed reliability, and lowest
 total cost of ownership.

 W ith CNC set- up and motion control for
  the ultimate in j oint accuracy and
  manufacturing flexibilty.
 R obust construction integrated with
  industry leading CNC control technology.
 And...a complete line of engineered
 wood, door manufacturing, and other
 building materials processing.
                                                                                            Quality Committed, Timely Delivered,
Leading Technology - Lasting Performance                                                          Environmentally Driven
       1-888-4MJ-SAWS (465-7297)                                 Booth 5567                            1-800-665-0623
                                                                                                            2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                              17        ome see s a        oo
WCMA Components Source Directory
                                        This source and supply directory provides information on the offerings and
                                        capabilities of dozens of wood component and dimension manufacturers.
     WOOD COMPONENT                                jointing, finishing.                         ASSOCIATED HARDWOOD                           neered parts, rounds, solid & laminated
     MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION                     574-295-4158                                 PRODUCTS, INC.                                squares, hand rails, newel posts, table
     Amy Snell, Executive Director                        Granite Falls, NC                             parts, table tops & bases, toy parts,
     P.O. Box 662                                                 Products: Blanks, S2S, S4S,custom             turnings, kitchen island columns, bunn
     Lindstrom, MN 55045                                                                        pre-ripped dimension; full dimension,         feet. HQ: Lincolnwood, IL; Plant: New
     651-332-6332                                  ANDERSON WOOD PRODUCTS CO.                   edge-glued panels; CNC machined               Philadelphia, OH; Offices: Yarmouth, ME;                                      Louisville, KY                               components; panel products; drawer            Hutchinson, MN                                 Products: Bed parts, stair rails, mould-     sides; mouldings; kiln dried lumber,          Machining: Assembly, boring, CNC
     See our ad Back Cover                         ings, fingerjointed parts, edge-glued        export lumber.                                boring, carving, CNC machining,
                                                   panels, laminated squares, cut-to-size       Machining: Floating arbor rip system,         embossing, fingerjointing, finishing,
     5-ACRE MILL                                   blanks.                                      automated cross cut, high speed gluing,       mortising, routing, CNC routing, face &
     Hicksville, OH                                Machining: Edge-gluing, lamination,          finish sanding, Fletcher sanding, CNC         edge sanding, shaping, steam bending,
     Products: Short lead times, lean manu-        fingerjointing, sanding, moulding, tenon-    machining, CNC trim and bore, cold            tenoning, CNC turnings, lathe turnings,
     facturing, tight tolerances, challenging,     ing, boring, CNC routing, shaping, profile   press, precision end trimming.                back knife turnings, variety/spool lathe
     made-to-order, FSC certified wood             sanding, sub & full assemblies, finishing.   828-396-3321                                  turnings.
     components, table tops & bases, cabinet       502-778-5591                                        800-328-5858
     doors & parts, stiles & rails, furniture                           
     parts, casket parts, chair parts, blanks,                                                                 
     squares, edge-glued panels, butcher                                                        BERNIE MCGLYNN LUMBER LTD.                    See our ad page 13
     block, millwork, moldings, upholstered        ALLEGHENY DIMENSION                          Mildmay, ON
     frame stock, table nosing, carved signs.      Petersburg, WV                               Products: Dimension blanks, mould-                       CUSTOM
     Machining: Assembly, boring, CNC              Products: Edge-glued panels, institu-        ing, casement, prefinished hardwood                  WOOD COMPONENTS
     boring, CNC machining, routing, CNC           tional furniture parts, cut-to-size and      flooring & trim, kiln dried select & better
     routing, face & edge sanding, shaping,        finger joint blanks, cabinet parts and       rough cut hard maple, wormy soft
     double-end cutting, panel processing          components, millwork, stair treads and       maple, cherry, hardwood lumber.
     and rip/cut/mold.                             risers, laminated squares, and flooring.     Machining: Ripping, chopping to length,
     419-542-9363                                  FSC Certified, JIT inventory, and VMI        moulding, end matching.                          programs available.                          519-367-3215                                Machining: Rip, optimizing chop, color
     See our ad page 8                             match, RF and cold press glue opera-
                                                   tions, wide belt sanders, double end                                                         Made-to-Spec by Brown Wood
                                                                                                                                                will take the burden of custom wood
              APPALACHIAN                          tenoning, moulders, CNC machining,           BERTCH CABINET MFG., INC.                       components off your hands and
           HARDWOOD PRODUCTS                       horizontal/vertical bore, doweling and       Waterloo, IA                                    guide you from idea to delivery. This
                                                   assembly.                                    Products: Cabinets, cabinet doors,              one-of-a-kind Liberty Torch was
                                                   304-257-9513                                 cabinet parts.                                  made on a rotary lathe with hand-
                                                                                                       carved details. The customer had an
                                                                                                                                                idea and a sketch, which resulted in
                                                                                   a quote, production and delivery.
                                                                                                                            (888) 213-8323
                                                   ART FOR EVERYDAY INC.                                                              
                                                   Toronto, ON                                  BHK OF AMERICA
       5-Acre Mill says it helps bring the         Products: Art For Everyday are the lead-     South Boston, VA
       beauty out of wood. The company             ers in original architectural woodcarving    Products: Drawers, wood components
       sustainably manufactures large and          design and production. Here you’ll           in vinyl, plywood, solid wood, FSC Certi-     CCF INDUSTRIES
       small component parts, combining            find inspiration and ideas for your own      fied wood products.                           Apollo, PA
       technology with craftsmanship. It           signature designs composed using the                                                       Products: Custom English (half blind)
       offers a range of capabilities, includ-                                                  434-572-5500
                                                   beauty of natural wood. Choose from our                         dovetailed drawers, dowel and bore,
       ing CNC machining, and can accom-
       modate orders of thousands of parts         unique selection of over 1200 decorative                              FSC certified, specialty cutlery, spice/
       per hour to a few parts at a time.          corbels, capitals, mouldings, corner                                                       knife, double deck drawers, wine
       (419) 542-9363                              posts, island posts, mantels, appliqués,     BROWN WOOD, INC.                              drawer, Humi-drawer, fixed, removable                              rosettes, custom woodcarvings, and other     Lincolnwood, IL                               and/or adjustable dividers. Customized
                                                   decorative architectural components.         Products: Bendings, cabinet parts,            closet, kitchen/bath, office options. Ma-
                                                   Machining: We at Art For Everyday Inc.,      drawer fronts & sides, drawer boxes,          chining: CNC English dovetailing, dowel
     AMERICAN MILLWORK, LLC                        have mastered the integration of master      stiles & rails, casket parts, chair parts &   & bore, assembly, finishing, personalized
     Elkhart, IN                                   hand carvers with CNC machining, to          seats, blanks, dowels, edge-glued pan-        laser engraving, CNC machining.
     Products: Blanks, edge-glued panels,          create spectacular pieces.                   els, butcher block, millwork, mouldings,      724-727-2045
     mouldings, custom millwork, hand rails,       416-645-5120                                 MDF mouldings, musical instrument   
     prefinished mouldings & boards, S4S boards.                     parts, pins/plugs/knobs, plywood parts,
     Machining: Moulding, gluing, finger-                           bent plywood, particleboard parts, ve-        See our ad page 13

18                          2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                                                                                             
  COMPONENT SOLUTIONS, LLC                     DANZER LUMBER NORTH AMERICA                                                                     ELLIOTT WOODWORKING
                                                                                                           CABINET BOXES
  Menominee, MI                                Bradford, PA                                                                                    Pontiac, MI
  Products: Custom hardwood dimension,         Products: Lineal mouldings, cut-to-size                                                         Products: Dovetailed drawer boxes.
  window & door components, cut-to-size        stiles & rails, door parts, face frame parts,                                                   248-343-7759
  blanks, edge & face glued panels,            edge-glued panels, drawer fronts, lami-                                               
  butcher block tops, edge banded ply-         nated squares, musical instrument parts.                                              
  wood parts and custom lumber sorting.        Machining: Double end tenoning,
  Species: Maple, Cherry, Walnut, Birch,       moulding, shaping, profile sanding.                                                             FITTS INDUSTRIES, INC.
  Ash, Red Oak, Hickory, Alder, Elm.           814-368-3701                                                                                    Tuscaloosa, AL
  Machining: Planing, ripping,chopping,                             Elias Woodwork’s AOS Elite cabinet            Products: Stair components, balus-
                                                                                                 boxes are custom sized to 1/16 in.
  gluing, sanding,trimming, boring, edge-                                        and available in 3/4-in. plywood or           trade, handrails, stair rail fittings, stair
  banding, panel sawing.                                                                         furniture board with full tops and            treads, turnings, mouldings, squares,
  906-863-2682                                 DECORE-ATIVE SPECIALTIES                          backs. The cabinet boxes utilize the          edge glued panels, finger joint blanks,               Monrovia, CA                                      Lockdowel system for easy assem-              wrought iron stair balustrade, stair                        Products: Custom cabinet compo-                   bly. Elias offers all cabinetry compo-        installation, & accessories.
                                                                                                 nents, shipped flat packed within 4
                                               nents; Cabinet Doors (prefinished &                                                             Machining: CNC turning lathes, rotary
                                                                                                 weeks depending on door style.
  CONESTOGA WOOD SPECIALTIES                   unfinished), wood, plywood, veneer, RTF,          (800) 665-0623                                knife lathes, backnife lathes, wide belt
  East Earl, PA                                melamine, laminate, aluminum; Drawer                                 sanders, CNC routers, full rough mill.
  Products: Cabinet doors and drawer           Boxes - wood, plywood, melamine,                                                                205-345-5188
  fronts of mortise, tenon and miter           dovetail, dowelled; Cabinets - RTF               ELIAS WOODWORK & MFG LTD.            
  construction in custom and contract          frameless, RTA refacing; Cabinet                 Winkler, MB                          
  quantities, dovetailed drawer boxes,         Components - veneer sheets; Face                 Products: Cabinet parts, butcher block,
  beaded, inset & standard face frames,        Frames - wood; Moldings - wood, RTF,             cut-to-size blanks, doors, drawer parts,       FITZPATRICK & WELLER, INC.
  moldings, framed cabinet component           FSC materials; Prefinished-Doors, draw-          E4E, edge glued panels, edgebanding,           Ellicottville, NY
  kits, complementary decorative and           ers, face frames, water based finishes;          lineal mouldings, millwork, mouldings,         Products: Cabinet parts, chair parts,
  architectural accessories, comprehen-        Accessories - corbels, onlays, legs, bun         MDF mouldings, plywood parts, S2S,             cut-to-size blanks, edge-glued panels,
  sive finishing capability including paint,   feet; Hardware - hinges, clips, guides.          S4S, solid blanks, squares laminated,          butcher block panels, millwork, mould-
  spray stains, wiping stains and glazes,      Machining: CNC Machining, sanding,               squares solid, turnings, veneered parts,       ings, squares, staircase parts, drawer
  dimensioned blanks of edge-glued or          finishing.                                       laminated parts, acrylic parts, curved         parts, musical instrument parts, turn-
  one-piece construction.                      626-254-9191                                     wood components, valances, corbels.            ings, kiln dried hardwood lumber.
  Machining: Comprehensive machining                                  Machining: Assembly full, assembly light,      Machining: Assembly, moulding,
  capability to support a wide variety of                                       boring, carving, CNC machining, cut to         tenoning, CNC routing, boring, shaping,
  rough mill, dimension operations, and                                                         length, finishing, gluing, mortising, mould-   sanding, turning, gluing, carving.
  finished sub-assemblies.                     DENOON LUMBER CO.                                ing, routing, sanding, shaping, tenoning.      716-699-2393
  717-445-6701                                 Bergholz, OH                                     800-665-0623                         ,                  Products: Blanks, S2S, S4S, flooring,                                            mouldings, wainscoting, wall paneling,                     
                                               mouldings, squares, lumber to 16/4               See our ad page 17                             See our ad page 13
               TWO-LEVEL                       740-768-2597
                DRAWERS                                                     HARDWOOD PLYWOOD                                HARDWOOD LUMBER
                                                                                  PANEL PRODUCTS                              & DIMENSION COMPONENTS

                                               DRAWER BOX SPECIALTIES/
                                               STATES IND
                                               Orange, CA
                                               Products: Custom & specialty drawer box-
                                               es for any application, drawer organization
   CCF offers dovetailed drawers for           inserts, kitchen trash, pantry pullouts, cabi-
   the kitchen, office, bath and closets.      net parts, stiles & rails, blanks, engineered     With its eye-catching edge, ApplePly             Fitzpatrick & Weller offers pre-
   CCF’s Double Deck Drawer can                wood parts, rounds, edgebanding.                  is ideal for use as a primary design             mium Appalachian hardwood
   double space, with plenty of storage        Machining: English & French dovetail-             element in furniture, fixtures and               lumber along with solid and glued
   from its two-level design. The draw-                                                          architectural interiors, says States             up components for the furniture,
   ers have a top cap which conceals           ing, boring, doweling, mitering, drawer
                                                                                                 Industries. Constructed from                     flooring, staircase, cabinet, musical
   the slide for a cleaner look, and are       parts, nailing, assembly, CNC boring,             uniform laminations of solid grade               instrument, casket and store fixture
   available in a variety of materials         CNC Machining, face sanding, shaping.             1/16-in. birch, the all-hardwood core            industries. Species include red and
   and size and finish options.                800-422-9881                                      panel is strong and lightweight, with            white oak, hard and soft maple,
   (800) 581-3683                                             a minimum number of voids.                       cherry, walnut and ash.                    ,                     (800) 626-1981                                   (716) 699-2393
                                               See our ad page 15                                                                                                                         2018-2019 WCMA Buyers Guide                                  19
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